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USPW: A Brand New Year

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[second TEW2020 Diary]


Good evening to all of my readers. I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this first post. As those of you who are reading know, I am angeldelayette and this is my diary focusing on my game with the promotion USPW in the default data. I have made some very slight changes to the default data to make things a little bit different. I always try to make each of my diaries different from the other such that even though I have done many USPW diaries, none of them are the exact same.


I am a writer that some have called 'Mr. USPW' It is my favorite promotion to run with in the default data and I feel like I have a lot of different stories to tell. To make sure I am prepared, I have already run through several shows in the game. This makes sure that this is something I plan to stick with.


It is no surprise that this is being posted on the first of the year. Welcome to a brand new year.


PBNJ - I would like to thank him for the creation of the brand new logo for USPW. He is a good friend and someone that I will be leaning on a little for help with both graphics and creative direction if I get burned out.


Eisen-verse- Like me, I know that you have tried other diaries but come back to your promotion, SWF, because it is almost like your child. Your work has always inspired me to move my work forward. Your writing is definitely one of, if not the, tops on this board. Thank you for, also, listening in through pm. You're a great guy.


KnowYourEnemy- KYE, as I call you, you have always been right there whenever I made the decision to start a new diary. You are there with predictions and comments. Those comments are very important as diaries move forward. You've always stood up for me and, while I may not always acknowledge it, I am very grateful for the support.


Beejus- You are another that's always been right there with predictions and comments. Your support is very important to me in the past and as we move forward. You never seem to judge me on this board and, again, that is something that is important to me. I am very grateful for that and for you.


jhd1- My diary partner in crime. We have done multiple joint games with each other and that means that I trust you when it comes to trading the saves back and forth. I appreciate your support both in public and in private as we trade PMs. You have definitely become more than just a name on here. You've become my friend.


King Bison - I can honestly say that you are an amazing render artist. A lot of the renders that I will be using will have been created by King Bison. He definitely gives me a lot of support here on the board and in PM. I am grateful for his continued support.


Render Artists- There are many of you that I could mention by name. Artists like shipshirt, willr0ck and many more. You help the game come alive and help new ideas get developed through your artistry. I am grateful for your hard work and I will definitely be showing that off here in this diary for all to see.


All Of My Readers- I could spend all day giving praise to all of the people behind the scenes who read, predict and talk with me. I am sorry if I haven't mentioned you specifically but you should all know that your reading and predicting and commenting help move my diaries forward. You are all amazing. Thank you for coming on my journey.


Speaking of that...may the journey commence...

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Good to see you back. Best of luck with this project.


I am 100% always here for another Angeldelayette USPW diary! Thanks for the shout out! Look forward to seeing where this goes after glad to have you back


Welcome back, my friend. I'll always be here to follow along with your tales of USPW!


Hey everyone. I want to say a special thank you here. I'm glad to see all three of you still following along as the year turns. I know it's going to be a special year. Not only do we have talented writers like Historian and The Lloyd still making their diaries but both myself and E-V are back.








It is time to begin the year 2020 with a very special edition of USPW American Wrestling from the Utah Park Reservation! Last week, the world saw a very special Christmas edition of American Wrestling where
Rick Law
won our Christmas Present battle royal. In winning that match, he gained the right to take on USPW World Champion
Rich Money
this week for Money's title. It is one title here in USPW that Rick Law has never held. Will law and order prevail in this match or will Rich Money show that The Business always comes away with a victory? Make sure you tune in and find out.


We will also be having a very special edition of the Queen's Court hosted by
Emily McQueen
. Her special guests will be the former six time USPW World Champion
Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
and the man who is slated to battle for the USPW World title at Stars, Stripes And Slams
Running Wolf
. These two men are sometimes tag team partners so it will be interesting to hear what they have to say. More to the point, it will be interesting to see what Emily McQueen has up her sleeve on this one.


To begin the second hour, we will have a special announcement from reporter
Lionel Greenwood
. He will be handing out the 2019 Female Wrestler of the Year award to none other than the USPW Women's Champion
Jaime Quine
! We here at USPW are proud to have the women's wrestler of the year right here in our company. The socialite will be making an appearance and will have a few words to say as we head into 2020.


Another big match we have this week is the girl-next-door
Sara Marie
taking on 'The Angel of the Dark'
Raven Robinson
. Robinson, the 25 year veteran, will have
Trent Shaffer
standing in her corner for this match. He is always looking to help his girlfriend. But we also know that Sara Marie has to keep her eyes out for
The Triumverate
. Those three women have been attacking Sara Marie at all points since November.


With all of this, we still have more as our opening bout will feature the team of
Hawkeye & Wolf
taking on two members of The Business,
Ducont & Thatcher
! This will be ahead of their interview on The Queen's Court, of course. But what kind of shape will they be in following this contest? The only way to find out is to tune in either live or on demand.


We will also see matches such as
taking on
Killer Kass
and 'The Complete Package'
Joss Thompson
facing 'The Storm'
D.C. Rayne
. Plus there will be more! Remember, the live aspect of USPW American Wrestling means that anything can happen. Make sure you BE THERE and, as always, Keep Pounding!


Predictions List:


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law



Comments on the diary in general:

@USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #KeepPounding – #MoneyvLaw


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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law



Comments on the diary in general: First show is always hard to predict in which way a diary is gonna go. Let's go with a lot of heel victories and give the faces something to fight for! Again, glad to see you back.

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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson



10 Minute Time Limit Match




USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money


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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

Comments: I don't know USPW well, but I've never really rated Ducont or Thatcher. Wolf seems like a future star. Not sure who Hawkeye is :D


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie

Comments: Really tight call here.


10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne

Comments: Joss is my guy!


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law

Comments: I don't predict a World Title change on your first show. That said, would be a heck of a way to kick the diary off!


Comments on the diary in general: Just a big welcome back to you really man. Always enjoy your work, and looking forward to seeing where you take this.

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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law



Comments on the diary in general: Glad to see you back, Angel.

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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law


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ANGLE: An interview with ZWB...66

Rogue defeated Charger Siaki...73

ANGLE: An interview with Rogue...69

ANGLE: A backstage segment with John Greed...61

Angry Gilmore & The Dallas Cowboys defeated Mainstream Hernandez & The Pain Alliance...75

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Krissy Angelle...66

ANGLE: An interview with The Crippler & Brandon James...71

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Mikey Lau...65

Atom Smasher defeated Robbie Retro...77

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Jefferson Stardust...73

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Huey Cannonball...67

Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Primus Allen, Joey Morgan and Lenny Brown...80

ANGLE: An interview with Rocky Golden...82

Fame & Money defeated Hawaiian Crush to retain the SWF World Tag Team titles...74

Valiant & Mikey Lau defeated The Crippler & Brandon James...81

Scythe defeated ZWB...90





ANGLE: A confrontation between Troy Tornado, Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor and Danny Fonzarelli, Sammy Bach & Aaron Andrews...63

Human Arsenal defeated Yuri Yoshihara...45

ANGLE: An interview with Mighty Mo...67

ANGLE: An interview with Freddy Huggins...64

ANGLE: An interview with Benny Benson...58

Killer Shark defeated Dean Daniels...57

ANGLE: An interview with Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond...69

One Man Army defeated Chance Fortune...61

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Vita...59

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Dazzling Dave Diamond...61

ANGLE: An interview with Tana The Mighty...65

Greg Gauge defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW Television title...65

Freddy Huggins defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond by count out...79

The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond) defeated Mighty Meaty...85

Danny Fonzarelli, Sammy Bach & Aaron Andrews defeated Troy Tornado, Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor...80

@TCW – @SWF – #TotalWrestling – #SupremeTV


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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law

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10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law


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Wednesday, Week 1, January 2020


Live from The Utah Park Reservation...

Broadcast via Reverie at On Demand...

USPW presents...






[it is time for the very first USPW American Wrestling of 2020 and it kicks off with pyro at the top of the ramp. Then the fans are on their feet with the arrival of Rick Law and 'The Head Cheerleader' Dawn Gemmell. Law and Gemmell high five the fans on their way down to the ring before stepping inside. Law is given a microphone by Gemmell and he begins, not by talking about what's ahead, but by talking about last week where he outlasted nine other men in a battle royal to earn a USPW World title shot tonight. Law says that, last week, law and order prevailed and that means that, this week, Rich Money is set up to serve some hard time courtesy of the man who enforces law and order around here, Rick Law. Law talks about the fact that he has been in wrestling for 19 years and he has never been the USPW World Champion. He has held the USPW National title twice and the USPW World Tag Team titles twice. But the USPW World title has always alluded him. So that means that tonight the USPW World Champion is going to be...]




[Rick Law's sentence is interrupted by Rich Money walking out from the back carrying a large grey briefcase. The crowd boos the current USPW World Champion as he walks right to the ring and steps up the stairs and enters the ring. Money, clad in a business suit, asks for and is given a microphone. Money tells Law that being the World Champion is not easy. You always have a target on your back. That's why he has a crew of men to watch his back. He says that he is going to give Rick Law the opportunity of a lifetime. He says that inside this briefcase is $50,000 in cash. He tells Law that he can have the money if he just lays down tonight and lets Money pin him. Money opens the briefcase to show the stacks of cash before closing it again. Law seems to be thinking about that. He looks to the crowd who are telling him not to take it. Money says not to listen to them because any one of them would take the money and run. He says that he is saving Law the beating of a lifetime tonight. Law turns back to him and nods, reaching out and taking the briefcase. Money smiles and offers a handshake to seal the deal. Law takes Money's hand but doesn't let go! Money's eyes go wide and he begins dropping to his knees, pain visible on his face! The rest of The Business come running out and slide in the ring just as Rick Law slides out of the ring. Law begins throwing the money into the crowd as he backs up the ramp with a smile. Money yells at Law from the ring while Law yells back that he'll see him tonight.]




[We are taken to the announce booth where Brock Cornish welcomes everyone to USPW American Wrestling. He says that we will see those two wrestlers in our main event tonight for the USPW World title. Emily McQueen speaks up and says that Rich Money is going to be angry following that display by Rick Law and the fact that Law just gave away $50,000 of Rich Money's money. She expects a beating by the USPW World Champion. Belle Bryden reminds everyone that's not the only match tonight. She talks about two veterans of the ring going one on one tonight when Raven Robinson faces Sara Marie. McQueen says the deviousness of Robinson will lead her to victory. Speaking of matches, Cornish sends us to our opening bout which will feature two members of The Business, Dusty Ducont and Charlie Thatcher, taking on Nicky Champion and Running Wolf!]


Match #1


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf


[in a decent match, Hawkeye(89) & Wolf(71) defeated Ducont(54) & Thatcher(46) in 9:44 when Nicky Champion pinned Dusty Ducont with a Hawkeye Hammer(Double Underhook Facebuster).


In terms of in-ring work, Nicky Champion was head and shoulders above everyone else.]


Winners: Hawkeye & Wolf (Via Pinfall @ 9:44)

Match Rating: 74





[We are taken backstage where Trent Shaffer and Raven Robinson are...walking! They approach the infamous USPW soda machine and Shaffer puts in his money. He lets Robinson choose the drink, turning just in time to get blindsided by Bulldozer Brandon Smith! The Bulldozer catches Shaffer with a sharp forearm smash to the side of the head! Smith tries to bang Shaffer off the soda machine but Robinson steps in between! Smith stops before the two hit and catches a back elbow from Shaffer. Shaffer kicks Smith in the gut and slips behind him, going for the Heart Burn, better known as a Lung Blower but it's blocked by the powerful Smith. Shaffer jumps on Smith's back and goes for a sleeper but Smith turns and runs backward, ramming Shaffer against the wall, breaking the hold. Smith sets up a table there and grabs Shaffer from behind. Robinson comes running but she's too late! Smith sends Shaffer through a table in the backstage area with the Backdrop Driver! Both men crash on the ground as officials come running in. Raven Robinson checks on her man but it looks like he won't be in her corner later on.]


Match #2


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata


[in an abysmal match, Sterling Whitlock(55) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(23) in 4:18 by pinfall with a Whitlock's End(Leaping Piledriver).]


Winner: Sterling Whitlock (Via Pinfall @ 4:18)

Match Rating: 34





[Following a reply of Sterling Whitlock's victory, we move backstage where the USPW World Tag Team Champions Jacob Jett and Julius Moor are standing by with their manager Persephone. Persephone begins by talking about the fact that this goddess has aligned herself with the USPW World Tag Team Champions and two future USPW World Champions. She says that there is no one in this company that can beat them. She warns anyone that if they try she will drag them down to the underworld. Her words are interrupted by the arrival of Elizabeth Cartier. Cartier looks Persephone up and down and gives her a look that says she is better than Persephone. Cartier turns her attention to Jett and Moor and challenges them to put their belts on the line against two members of The Business at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Jett immediately agrees, stating that they will defend their titles against anyone at any time. Cartier smiles and says that those belts will soon belong to her. She pats Moor on the chest and he growls before she turns and walks away as the screen fades out.]





[We fade in to a staging area where several chairs are set up and we see James Justice standing by. Justice welcomes us to A Moment Of Justice. A single spotlight shines on Justice and the chairs nearby. Justice reminds us that this single spotlight is the light of justice that shines on everyone and that includes his guest at this time. That guest is former USPW World Champion Steve Frehley! The Dark Destroyer comes out to boos from the crowd here in Utah. Frehley takes a seat and looks over at Justice. Justice sits down and welcomes Frehley to A Moment Of Justice. Justice says that back in July of last year Frehley cost Nicky Champion the World title during his match with Rich Money. He says that there was no justice in that...well, he doesn't get to finish because Frehley tells him that it doesn't matter what he thinks. Frehley says that he did what he did to get the attention of Nicky Champion and it worked. Justice reminds him that it worked so good that the two of them will be stepping into a steel cage at Stars, Stripes And Slams, the first major event of the year. Frehley says that this will be the battle that teaches Nicky Champion to know his role and shut his mouth. Justice responds that it might be Frehley that learns to shut his mouth and that a moment of justice will be served. Frehley takes offense and strikes Justice with a punch! He kicks Justice in the family jewels and sets him up in a hanging vertical suplex position. He turns and throws Justice...]




[but James Justice is caught by the arriving Nicky Champion! With James Justice used as a distraction, Steve Frehley catches Champion with a punch. The cheap shot connects and Justice falls to the ground but Champion fires back on Frehley! The two men exchange punches on the set of A Moment Of Justice! Like he did with Justice, Frehley catches Champion with a low blow kick! Champion drops to a knee and Frehley catches him with a running kneelift, knocking him to the ground. Frehley looks around, drawing boos from this crowd. Frehley picks up Champion and lifts him in a hanging vertical suplex position. He turns slightly and turns Champion, throwing him across the set. Champion crashes through a chair to the ground. Officials come running onto the set. Some of them pull Frehley away and others check on Hawkeye, who already had a match tonight. The focus turns to the ring where our first hour main event takes place.]


Match #3


15 Minute Time Limit Match

Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie


[This 15 minute time limit match features two female veterans of the ring in Raven Robinson, who does not have Trent Shaffer in her corner this evening, and Sara Marie, who also comes out alone. This is also the first hour main event of the evening. The beginning of the match sees both women using some quick wrestling and counters back and forth with neither woman coming out with the advantage. There are a few quick near falls with several roll-ups but Robinson turns things to her advantage with a rake of the eyes and a snap mare on Sara Marie. She drives her knee into Marie's back and locks in a chinlock. Marie battles in the chinlock and works her way up to her feet. She walks back to the ropes and then shoots off Robinson, catching her with a dropkick on the comeback. The popular 16 year veteran sends Robinson to the ropes and catches her with a 360 powerslam on the way back. She makes a cover but only gets a two count. The match continues with the two women trading blows on their feet. Fast forwarding to near the end, Robinson goes for the Night Faller, a Reverse DDT, but Marie manages to block it and twist out of it. She tosses Robinson with a release German Suplex! Robinson struggles to get up and Marie focuses in on her. Robinson sits on a knee and Marie rushes her, Energy Burst! The trademark Glittering Magician's Knee connects and Marie makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Sara Marie (Via Pinfall @ 10:27)

Match Rating: 66





[Sara Marie picks up the win and she has to be raising up the ranks quickly here in the USPW Women's division. She gets her arm raised by the referee and then slides out of the ring, high fiving the fans on her way toward the back. She pauses a moment halfway up the ramp when she gets struck by...a fan?!?! That's no fan! It's Alicia Strong! The leader of The Triumverate jumps the guardrail and begins attacking Sara Marie! Here comes The Muscle Monsters! Glorious Gloria and Juliette King join in the attack on Marie, dragging her to the ring. The three members of The Triumverate stomp on Sara Marie in the ring. Gloria and King lift Marie by the arms and Strong slaps her! The crowd cheers as here comes Marie's friend Melody! Melody slides in the ring and clotheslines down Strong! The Muscle Monsters go after Melody but Melody is fighting them both off until they grab her by the legs! Alicia Strong gets to her feet and rushes in, catching Melody with the Strong Arm Tactic! The lariat taught to her by her father sends Melody to the mat. Strong quickly picks her up and lands the Angel Driver, a falcon arrow suplex. Glorious Gloria turns her attention back to Sara Marie and picks her up, locking in the Glorious Full Nelson! Her version of the full nelson has Marie tapping a moment and then seemingly knocked out. Sara Marie is dropped to the mat beside Melody. The Triumverate raise their pinkie, ring finger and middle finger to signify their group as they stand together to end hour number one.]






[To begin the second hour, we go backstage where Lionel Greenwood is standing by with the USPW Women's Champion Jaime Quine. Greenwood thanks the fans and hopes that everyone is enjoying this week's episode of USPW American Wrestling. He says he is here with the USPW Women's Champion Jaime Quine to announce that she was voted the 2019 Female Wrestler of the Year by TEWWrestling.com! Quine says that, of course, she was because she is the best wrestler on the planet. Not to mention the best looking wrestler on Instagram, Twitter and everywhere else that you can see professional wrestlers. She quickly reminds everyone to sign up for her Instagram to see backstage pictures of this moment. She says that all the fans can live vicariously through her because none of them will ever be her. None of them will ever be good enough. Her words are interrupted by the arrival of Missy Masterson! Masterson says that SHE is good enough. She says she is good enough to hold the USPW Women's title. Quine laughs and says that Masterson wouldn't sell one extra ticket as Women's Champion. That she's just here to make women like Quine look good. Masterson challenges her to prove that statement at Stars, Stripes And Slams and put the belt on the line. Quine says 'Whatever' and gives her the hand before walking away with the title and the plaque. Masterson stares after her as we go to the ring.]


Match #4


10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne


[in a good match, Joss Thompson(80) defeated D.C. Rayne(65) in 7:58 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter(Spinning Back Suplex Bomb).]


Winner: Joss Thompson (Via Pinfall @ 7:58)

Match Rating: 78




['The Complete Package' Joss Thompson, scores the victory but he's not done. He grabs D.C. Rayne and tosses him out of the ring before asking for a microphone. Thompson begins by telling all the fans here in Utah to shut up and go back to their one stoplight towns. He says that none of them are worthy of being in the presence of The Complete Package. But while he's here, he has to say that 2020 is going to be the year of The Complete Package, of Joss Thompson. He says that this will be the year he does something that no one else has ever done. He will unite all of the singles titles in USPW under one man. That begins next week because he has been told that he has a National title match against Roger Cage. He reminds everyone that he is already a former USPW World Champion. This time, he becomes the USPW National Champion for the first time and there is nothing that Roger Cage can do about it. Now, it's time for Joss Thompson to leave this building. The pleasure was all yours. Thompson drops the microphone and exits the ring to boos from the crowd.]





[From the ring, we move backstage where 'The Cool Hand' Casey Valentine is shown looking into the camera. Valentine reminds everyone just who he is. He is The Cool Hand and he is a member of professional wrestling's greatest family. He says that, for all of his Uncle's faults, he was a great Uncle. He was always there for Christmas. He was always there for his family and that is something that he was taught. You are always there for your wrestling family. He says that he is going to clean up the Valentine name by being the best wrestler in the world. He begins to say something else but he gets interrupted by Funky Fedora! Fedora says that he may have only been around this company for a year but he smells something funky back here. Oh, wait, it's him, because he is the funk. But something else smells too and that's Casey Valentine because of the lies he's telling the fans. He says that nobody is going to remember Casey's Uncle. He says that nobody even cared about him when he wrestled except for Sam Strong. He says, however, that Fedora is a name that everyone is going to remember. Valentine says he'll give Fedora a chance to start that next week. He challenges Fedora to a match. Fedora agrees and when Valentine turns to leave Fedora strikes him in the back. He gives a strut over Valentine and walks off. With that, we go back to the ring.]


Match #5


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Killer Kass vs. Pariah


[in an extremely short match, Pariah(63) defeated Killer Kass(53) in 3:32 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT.]


Winner: Pariah (Via Pinfall @ 3:32)

Match Rating: 57





[Pariah picked up a big win tonight over her larger opponent but she is immediately attacked from behind! Jillian Jarvis strikes her with a double sledge and then a release German Suplex that sends Pariah flying across the ring! Jarvis quickly lifts Pariah to her feet and hooks a front facelock. She drops her in the DDT position but instead of letting go she locks her legs around Pariah's waist and turns the facelock into a choke sleeper! This is known as the Lockdown Choke Sleeper by Jarvis! Pariah struggles in the hold but she slowly begins to succumb to the pressure. Jarvis and Pariah have been fighting it out since September of last year. Officials come rushing out to the ring to break things up but Jarvis still refuses to let go. It takes quite a few officials to finally break the hold. Jarvis moves up to her feet and gets in a few stomps before officials manage to push her away. Officials check on Pariah as Jarvis raises her arms in victory and we move to a video promo.]




[A video promo begins to play that seems to take place on Mount Olympus. Sitting on a throne is Zeus with the two members of Bad Intentions on either side of him. Zeus looks in the camera and says that, at Stars, Stripes And Slams, he is going to take his rightful place holding gold in this company. He says it doesn't matter whether it's Roger Cage or Joss Thompson stepping in front of him, he will destroy either of them like the god that he is. He reminds them of what Bad Intentions already knows and that he is that he is simply inevitable. He is the living embodiment of Mount Olympus. He says that when he meets his opponent at Stars, Stripes And Slams, he will show them exactly what a god can do. Zeus motions to Bad Intentions and the two men step forward, blocking the camera as we cut back to the ring.]





[From one throne we go to another as we return to the ring where things are set up for the Queen's Court with Emily McQueen. McQueen is seated on a purple throne with a crown on her head. She talks about tonight and how her next two guests have had two opposite nights. They did win a tag team match earlier on but one of them got into a dragdown fight with Steve Frehley. Introducing the team of Hawkeye And Wolf, Nicky Champion and Running Wolf. The two men come out from the back together. Champion looks a little worse for wear after what happened earlier tonight with Frehley. The two enter the ring and take seats on either side of McQueen. McQueen begins by welcoming them to the Queen's Court. Then she speaks about Running Wolf challenging for the USPW World title at Stars, Stripes And Slams. She asks him who he would rather face in current champion Rich Money and tonight's challenger Rick Law. Wolf says that either would give him a challenge but that losing tonight would give Money his just desserts. McQueen turns to Champion and asks him what he thinks about Running Wolf ducking facing Rich Money, the man who beat Champion for the title last July. Champion replies that he doesn't think that's what Running Wolf is saying. He says he believes that a match with either man would be a good test for Running Wolf. McQueen asks if that means he thinks Wolf is too young for a World title shot. Both Hawkeye and Wolf get to their feet. Wolf says that he thinks McQueen is trying to drive a wedge between him and his friend. McQueen says she is just stating questions. Champion and Wolf shake their heads and say they're gone, leaving the ring and McQueen standing there. She shrugs and says she guesses that is the end of this week's Queen's Court.]





Match #6


USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law


[it is time for our main event. This week, Rich Money defends the USPW World title with TV Time Remaining against Rick Law. Escorting Rick Law to the ring is the popular Dawn Gemmell. The challenger comes to the ring first and stands in his corner, discussing strategy with Gemmell. The USPW World Champion slowly makes his way to the ring and holds up the title to boos from the crowd. He hands the belt to Robbie Sanchez, the referee assigned to this bout. Sanchez raises the belt and then hands it off out of the ring before calling for the bell. The two men meet in the center of the ring and Money starts things off with a slap to Law, pointing for him to lay down on the mat. Law refuses and slaps Money back, knocking him back to the ropes. He charges in and clotheslines Money over the top rope to the floor! The crowd cheers as Law backs up. He goes for an early Disturbing The Peace, which is a baseball slide to the outside but Money sidesteps and then runs Law into the ring post. Money brings the action back inside the ring and sets up Law in a corner. He charges in with a corner clothesline and then a running bulldog. He makes a cover but only gets a one count. Money keeps up control for the next few minutes, keeping the larger Law on the mat where everyone is the same size. A hammerlock here and an arm wringer there keep Law down for as long as Money can hold him there. Money brings the action back to a vertical base and wraps his arms around the waist of Law. He goes for the Bank Roll, a side belly-to-belly suplex but Law blocks it! Law frees himself of the grab and catches Money with a headbutt, staggering Money backward. Law catches Money with the Justice Jam, the uppercut dazes the champion! He grabs Money and sends him to the ropes -- Squad Car Slam! The sidewalk slam plants Money on the mat! Law makes a cover:]












...Foot on the bottom rope!]


[Rich Money barely saved himself by managing to place a foot on the bottom rope. As Rick Law checks with the official, The Business make their way down to the ring. Elizabeth Cartier leads Dusty Ducont, Charlie Thatcher, Sterling Whitlock and Rajah all down to the ring and they surround the ring on three sides. The only side left is the side that Dawn Gemmell is standing on. Rick Law sees the group and begins yelling at them to leave ringside. With Law distracted, Money manages to pull himself up and grabs Law, rolling him up in a schoolboy: One, Two, Kickout! Law kicks out! The crowd cheers and begin a 'Law' chant, trying to will him to his first USPW World title victory. The match continues and is actually fairly even for the next few minutes with both men getting in some offense. The momentum shifts completely into Law's favor when he reverses a rear chinlock into a belly to back suplex. Both men stagger to their feet and exchange punches in the center of the ring. Law blocks a punch and gets the advantage, catching Money with another Justice Jam! He goes for the lariat called The Long Arm Of The Law but Money ducks and referee Robbie Sanchez is knocked down. Law's eyes go wide as he sees what he has done. He turns back to Money and catches Money's foot as Money goes to kick him! He drops the leg and brings Money in for another Squad Car Slam! Law checks on the referee now, trying to wake him up. Sterling Whitlock slides in the ring and catches Law with a USPW World title belt shot to the back of the head, flooring Law. He drags Law into position and all members of The Business help Rich Money to his feet. They place him over Law as Cartier wakes up the referee. Robbie Sanchez crawls over and makes the count:]












....Shoulder Up!]


[The crowd explodes in cheers! How in the world did Rick Law manage to get his shoulder up?!?! Everyone is on their feet as Rich Money slowly pulls himself up. Money manages to yank up Rick Law, who is almost completely dead weight. Suddenly, Law gets a burst of energy and manages to strike Money with three straight punches! He goes for The Long Arm Of The Law again but again Money ducks. Law turns around right into a Bank Roll! The side belly-to-belly leaves him lying on the mat. Money moves to the top turnbuckle as Dawn Gemmell looks on from ringside. Money looks down at Law and then leaps, connecting with the Dollars From Heaven! The frog splash connects on the prone body of Law! Money rolls off for a moment, holding his own ribs. Then he rolls back, covering Law and hooking the leg:]














Winner: Rich Money (Via Pinfall @ 12:19)

Match Rating: 84





[Rich Money has the scored the victory and defended the USPW World title! In come the rest of the members of The Business! Elizabeth Cartier has the USPW World title belt and she hands it over to the victorious Rich Money. Dawn Gemmell tries to slide Rick Law out of the ring but Money makes a motion. Dusty Ducont and Charlie Thatcher grab Law and hold him up for Money. Money yells at Law, telling him that this is the closest that he will ever get to the USPW World title. Money puts the belt in Law's face and then the crowd cheers as here comes Running Wolf! The challenger at Stars, Stripes And Slams has a chair in hand! Sterling Whitlock points him out right before he enters the ring and starts swinging the chair! The members of The Business scatter away from the chair. Wolf manages to strike Ducont with the chair and send him over the top rope with a clothesline! Wolf turns around and charges toward Rich Money but Money ducks and slides out of the ring. Running Wolf, Rick Law and Dawn Gemmell are left inside the ring alone together. We'll see you next week right here on the Reverie network and USPW American Wrestling! Good night everyone!]

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Last week's first USPW American Wrestling of 2020 opened with a bang and a successful USPW World title defense by Rich Money. This week, the show is headed back to the south east region and The Dust Bowl for more wrestling action. On this show, we will see a spectacular tag team contest where
Rich Money
teams up with
Steve Frehley
against the
Hawkeye And The Wolf
tag team of Nicky Champion and Running Wolf. Two separate feuds will collide in this match. Which side will gain the momentum heading on the road toward Stars, Stripes And Slams?


Last week, we saw
Missy Masterson
ask for and receive a USPW Women's title match against the current Champion Jaime Quine. With that match coming at Stars, Stripes And Slams, Masterson steps in the ring with another very talented former USPW Women's Champion
Tiffany Jade
. If Jade can beat Masterson, then she would definitely be throwing her hat in the ring for a Women's title match. We all know that Jaime Quine will be watching this match closely as she scouts her challenger. Will she be at ringside for this match?


As was announced last week, the opening match this evening will be the USPW National title match. The champion
Roger 'Smooth' Cage
steps in the ring to take on The Total Package
Joss Thompson
. Last week, Thompson defeated tag team specialist D.C. Rayne and then made the match announcement after that match was over. Thompson definitely seems confident as Cage might be looking past him toward Stars, Stripes And Slams. We know that the winner of this match will face Zeus for the title at the large event. Both men should be focusing on the other on this night because either man could walk out with the title.


Plus there will be more! Remember, the live aspect of USPW American Wrestling means that anything can happen. Make sure you BE THERE and, as always, Keep Pounding!


Predictions List:


USPW National Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit Match

Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors vs. Enygma and The Texas Express



TV Time Remaining

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



Comments on the diary in general:

@USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #KeepPounding – #MoneyFrehleyvHawkeyeWolf


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USPW National Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit Match

Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors vs. Enygma and The Texas Express



TV Time Remaining

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf


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USPW National Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit Match

Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors vs. Enygma and The Texas Express



TV Time Remaining

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



Solid first show. Nice foundation to build upon.

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USPW National Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit Match

Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors vs. Enygma and The Texas Express



TV Time Remaining

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf



Comments on the diary in general: Really enjoyed the first show! Looking forward to what you have in store for USPW.

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Predictions List:


USPW National Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit Match

Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine



15 Minute Time Limit Match

Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson



10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors vs. Enygma and The Texas Express



TV Time Remaining

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf


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<p>USPW National Title Match</p><p>

20 Minute Time Limit Match</p><p>

Roger Cage defends vs. <strong>Joss Thompson</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

10 Minute Time Limit Match</p><p>

Funky Fedora vs. <strong>Casey Valentine</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

15 Minute Time Limit Match</p><p>

<strong>Tiffany Jade</strong> vs. Missy Masterson</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

10 Minute TIme Limit Match</p><p>

<strong>Alicia Strong</strong> vs. Charity Sweet</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

10 Minute Time Limit Match</p><p>

<strong>Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors</strong> vs. Enygma and The Texas Express</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TV Time Remaining</p><p>

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf</p><p>

Comments: Some sort of non-finish. Draw/double dq, etc.</p><p> </p><p>

Comments on the diary in general:</p>

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Mikey Lau defeated Chill...78

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Primus Allen...63

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Mikey Lau...65

Joey Morgan & Angry Gilmore defeated The Pain Alliance...76

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Brandon James...73

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Spencer Spade...58

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Jungle Lord...64

The Rat Pack (Monty Trescarde, Paul Huntingdon & Hollywood Bret Starr) defeated Marshal Dillon & Hawaiian Crush...80

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Lenny Brown...62

ANGLE: An interview with Rocky Golden...81

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Hannah...73

Randy Unleashed defeated Masked Patriot...77

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Ranger...58

Valiant defeated Primus Allen...79

Rogue & Brandon James defeated The Awesomeness...82

Des Davids defeated ZWB to retain the SWF North American title...85





ANGLE: A confrontation between Bart Biggins and Wolf Hawkins...67

Sammy Bach defeated Nick Booth...68

Benny Benson defeated Roderick Remus...77

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Eddie Chandler...52

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Nate Johnson...52

Jay Chord defeated Dean Daniels...80

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Matt Hocking...56

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Floyd Goldworthy...62

ANGLE: A backstage segment with Human Arsenal...53

Titan defeated Danny Fonzarelli...64

Killer Shark defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx...67

Dazzling Dave Diamond & Mighty Meaty defeated Troy Tornado, Joshua Taylor & Freddy Huggins by DQ...79

Wolf Hawkins defeated Bart Biggins...87

@TCW – @SWF – #TotalWrestling – #SupremeTV


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Solid first show. Nice foundation to build upon.


Comments on the diary in general: Really enjoyed the first show! Looking forward to what you have in store for USPW.


Thanks to both of you for the comments on the first show. I am really glad you both enjoyed it. I hope that things continue that way as we move forward as I have plenty of plans for what is going to happen in the future.

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Hey everyone,

Sorry for not posting this on Wednesday as per usual. I had some real life stuff to deal with. Also, is everyone alright with my posting the match results in this way? I don't figure that too many people really read every word in the matches. The pay-per-views will be a little more drawn out, especially for the main event matches. Either way, I am happy to be back and hoping to get more shows posted soon. Thank you for waiting and for reading and remember to #KeepPounding and let's drop the hammer on cancer!


Wednesday, Week 2, January 2020


Live from The Dust Bowl...

Broadcast via Reverie at On Demand...

USPW presents...






[uSPW American Wrestling begins in the ring where both the USPW World Champion Rich Money and The Dark Destroyer Steve Frehley are standing and waiting to begin the show with a promo. Money begins by saying that, tonight, he has the best partner that money can buy. He says that Frehley isn't the USPW World Champion but only one man is and that's him. He says that's not going to change at Stars, Stripes And Slams when he faces Running Wolf, the poor man's Nicky Champion. Money reminds everyone that he himself is a rich man. He is nobody's poor man anything. He congratulates Frehley for being his partner before Frehley swipes the microphone from him. The Dark Destroyer looks in the eyes of his partner tonight and tells Money to know his role and shut his mouth. He says that nobody wants to hear him talk, talk, talk about absolutely nothing when someone like Steve Frehley is in the ring. Frehley says that tonight he is going to start what is going to happen to Nicky Champion at Stars, Stripes And Slams inside the cage. Now, Rich Money, what are you going to do? He hands over the microphone to Money but before Money can speak he grabs it back and gives off the 'It doesn't matter what you're going to do' line. Frehley says that tonight Nicky Champion and Running Wolf ain't nothin! He tosses the microphone out of the ring and the music plays. Frehley exits the ring and walks toward the back while Money shrugs and holds up the USPW World title belt.]




[From the ring, we move to the commentary booth where Brock Cornish, Emily McQueen and Belle Bryden are standing by. Cornish talks about what just happened there and says it seems like Steve Frehley and Rich Money are not on the same page tonight. McQueen says they are just having some fun out there and says that by the time our main event rolls around they will have everything figured out. After all, Frehley does say that Nicky Champion and Running Wolf ain't nothin. Bryden pipes in and says that from a wrestler's standpoint it's never good to not be on the same page as your partner. Then, Cornish sends us up to the ring for our opening bout, the match for the USPW National title.]


Match #1


USPW National Title Match

20 Minute Time Limit Match

Roger Cage defends vs. Joss Thompson


[in a decent match, Roger Cage(60) defeated Joss Thompson(81) in 8:08 by pinfall with a Cage Rage(Diving Reverse DDT). Roger Cage makes defence number three of the USPW National title.]


Winner: Roger Cage (Via Pinfall @ 8:08)

Match Rating: 80





[Roger Cage slowly gets up and gets his arm raised in victory by referee Robbie Sanchez. Cage has beaten a former USPW World Champion tonight in what was a solid opening bout. Sanchez is about to hand over the USPW National title belt when Cage is attacked from behind by Zeus and Bad Intentions. Bash Street and Siale Valhalla double team Cage and he is no match for the two powerhouse wrestlers. They move over to the corner and Valhalla catches Cage with a backbreaker. Street climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps, catching Cage with the Decapitator! Cage falls to the mat, grabbing his neck. Zeus smiles, seeing what has happened to his future opponent. Zeus picks up Cage and drops him with a Thunder Bolt, his version of a sit-out power bomb! Zeus grabs the USPW National title belt from the referee and raises it up to boos from the crowd. Zeus drops the belt on Cage. The three members of The Olympus Order stand over Cage, raising their arms in victory. If this same thing happens at Stars, Stripes And Slams, we will see a brand new USPW National Champion.]




[A video begins to play showcasing three members of The Business standing in front of a wall with $ on it. Those three are Elizabeth Cartier, Dusty Ducont and Charlie Thatcher. Cartier begins by reminding everyone that, last week, dumb and dumber accepted the challenge of The Business for a match for the USPW World Tag Team Championships. She says that Persephone has a group of fools that somehow won the belts. She reminds everyone that these two men are former USPW World Tag Team Champions. As a matter of fact, they beat Rick Law and James Justice to get those titles. She says that in the year 2020 all of The Business will hold gold in this company. Rich Money is already the World Champion and soon Dusty Ducont and Charlie Thatcher will be the World Tag Team Champions. She reminds everyone that they are The Business and business is good. She smiles and we head to the ring.]


Match #2


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Funky Fedora vs. Casey Valentine


[in a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Casey Valentine(65) defeated Funky Fedora(42) in 5:40 when Funky Fedora intentionally got counted out.]


Winner: Casey Valentine (Via Count Out @ 5:40)

Match Rating: 64




[As the crowd boos that intentional count out, the backstage interview set is lit up and we see the USPW Women's Champion Jaime Quine standing by. She is not looking up at the camera though. Instead, she is looking at her phone, muttering about needing more Instagram followers. She slowly looks up at the camera and yells at the cameraman that he should have said something if they were ready. She says that, last week, she agreed to lower herself to fight a woman that doesn't even HAVE an Instagram account. She was challenged by Missy Masterson and she accepted. But there's the thought that Masterson might not even make it to Stars, Stripes And Slams. Quine says she has an idea and you can hear the cameraman ask her to finish the interview. Instead, she gives him the hand and says 'Whatever,' which is echoed by the crowd. Quine turns and walks off, looking down at her cell phone.]


Match #3


15 Minute Time Limit Match

Tiffany Jade vs. Missy Masterson


[in a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Missy Masterson(61) defeated Tiffany Jade(68) in 9:41 by pinfall with an Identity Crisis(Handspring Moonsault).]


Winner: Missy Masterson (Via Pinfall @ 9:41)

Match Rating: 71





[Missy Masterson has picked up a huge victory over Tiffany Jade. She gets her arm raised by referee Baby Jamie and then goes to the second turnbuckle, pumping her fists to the crowd. As she does that, Jaime Quine slips into the ring and hits her from behind with a double sledge to the back. As Masterson starts to fall off the top turnbuckle, Quine grabs her and drops her in a crucifix power bomb! Masterson falls to the mat, already hurting from a nearly ten minute match. Quine pulls out a cell phone and types in a few numbers before grabbing Masterson by the hair. She holds her up and takes a picture for Instagram before dropping her back to the mat. Quine yells out to the crowd to follow her on Instagram before exiting the ring and walking to the back as we cut to a video.]




[And the video is a highlight reel of the wrestler known as Jim Force. The Force has not been seen in USPW for several months. But he has some great highlights, including being the second USPW World Champion when he defeated Giant Redwood back in 2002. He has also defeated Rich Money for the title. He has defeated Giant Redwood three times for the USPW World title with his latest and fourth reign coming between August 2005 and March 2006 when he lost the title to Mick Muscles. The video also shows him winning the USPW World Tag Team titles twice with Captain USA as his partner. Once, they defeated Savage Fury and the second time they defeated The Towers Of Power. The video ends with an announcement that Jim Force will return in February of this year. Make sure you stay tuned! The first hour ends with this video.]






[The second hour begins in the ring for a very special edition of A Moment Of Justice with James Justice. Justice welcomes everyone to his show and announces that this will be a very special edition of A Moment Of Justice. He says that he will be overseeing a contract signing between Rich Money and Running Wolf. Those two men will be fighting at Stars, Stripes And Slams for the USPW World title. First, he invites the challenger out to the ring and here comes Running Wolf. The Native American is 6'6" and 290 pounds. He walks out to the ring and does a Native American War Dance around the ring before shaking hands with Justice. Next, we see the arrival of the USPW World Champion Rich Money. Money not only has the USPW World title but he also has a similar briefcase to what he had last week. Money enters the ring and begins things by saying he has an offer to make to Running Wolf. He says that, last week, he offered Rick Law the opportunity to lay down but he wasn't smart enough to do it. This week, he is going to offer Running Wolf $25,000 for his Native American headdress. Wolf looks insulted at the offer and says there is no way he is going to accept that offer. He says that this headdress is irreplaceable and there is no price. Money responds that everybody has a price. Wolf says that Money is going to learn that's not true at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Then he signs the contract. Money looks down at the contract and signs it as well. He moves around the table to go face-to-face with Wolf before striking his challenger with the briefcase. He sets up Wolf on the table before slugging James Justice with the briefcase. Then, Money heads to the top turnbuckle -- Dollars From Heaven! The frog splash goes right through Running Wolf and the table! Money stands up and raises the USPW World title belt as we cut away to the backstage area.]




[We go backstage to a locker room where The Triumverate members Alicia Strong and The Muscle Monsters are discussing what happened last week. Strong says she is very proud of Glorious Gloria and Juliette King and what they did to Sara Marie and Melody. She says that the Princess of Power must be rubbing off on them. But they aren't done. She says that they need to continue to prove themselves and that means a match at Stars, Stripes And Slams. She says that they will challenge Melody and Sara Marie to find a third partner for a match at the big event. Strong says that she is going to lead the Strongamania charge continuing tonight when she defeats Charity Sweet. She says that her partners don't need to come down to ringside for this match because if she doesn't win this one she deserves to lose. They raise the three fingers and Strong turns, heading out of the locker room and to the ring.]


Match #4


10 Minute TIme Limit Match

Alicia Strong vs. Charity Sweet


[in a decent match, Alicia Strong(77) defeated Charity Sweet(54) in 5:50 by pinfall with an Angel Driver(Arrow Suplex).]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 5:50)

Match Rating: 74




[Following a replay of Alicia Strong's victory, we move backstage where we find Enygma talking with The Texas Express. Cooper Christie thanks Enygma for teaming with them tonight. He talks about all they can learn by teaming with a veteran of his status. Enygma nods and tells them to follow his lead and tonight they can defeat Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors. Turk Trenneman offers a fist bump and they all take it before both members of The Texas Express call out 'Don't mess with Texas.' The three men turn and walk off toward the door and it's almost time for their six man tag team match.]




[before we get to the six man tag team match, we move to a video where we see Greg Black lifting weights with Grandmaster Phunk as his spotter. Phunk looks up in the camera and smiles for a moment, setting the weight up on the holders. He says that it's about time that this tag team division here in USPW got some color and that's exactly what they're going to do with this Dream Team right here. Greg Black says that Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream. He says that if Dr. King was here in USPW, his dream would be for Greg Black and Grandmaster Phunk to hold the USPW World Tag Team titles. So they are going to fulfill that dream for Dr. King. Phunk says that it's time for the tag team division to get phunky and Black says they are going to fade to black because black lives matter. The two men hold their wrists together, both of them having wristbands that have 'Black Lives Matter' on them. The video ends with Black and Phunk switching places. We head to the ring for that six man tag team match.]


Match #5




10 Minute Time Limit Match

Mick Muscles and The Cold Warriors vs. Enygma and The Texas Express


[in a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Enygma(68) and The Texas Express(Trenneman-42, Christie-41) defeated Mick Muscles(54) and The Cold Warriors(Novak-61, Karloff-49) in 5:30 when Cooper Christie pinned Mick Muscles with a fast roll up.]


Winners: Enygma and The Texas Express (Via Pinfall @ 5:30)

Match Rating: 50




[From the ring, we move backstage to where we see 'The Talent' Trent Shaffer and his manager and girlfriend Raven Robinson. Shaffer looks into the camera and begins by saying that The Talent has arrived. He says that last week his time with this beautiful woman was interrupted by that guy you call The Bulldozer. He says that Brandon just doesn't seem to understand that he's not the bad guy here. He's just the guy with more talent than anyone in this business. That means that people, like Brandon, are going to be jealous of him. Not only does he have all the talent but he has the most beautiful woman in the company as well. So, they need to talk about this jealousy and work on it so that neither one of them gets hurt. He says that the perfect place to do that will be A Moment Of Justice next week. He challenges Bulldozer Brandon Smith to meet him there. Top Talent Out. Shaffer nods to Raven Robinson and then gives her a long kiss as we go to the announce booth so they can tell us about a match next week.]





Match #6


TV Time Remaining

Rich Money and Steve Frehley vs. Hawkeye & Wolf


[in a superb match, Hawkeye(92) & Wolf(74) defeated Rich Money(76) and Steve Frehley(82) in 12:19 when Running Wolf pinned Rich Money with a Wolf Tamer(Fireman's Carry Slam).


In terms of in-ring work, Nicky Champion was head and shoulders above everyone else.]


Winners: Hawkeye & Wolf (Via Pinfall @ 12:19)

Match Rating: 81






[The crowd is absolutely shocked that Running Wolf just pinned the USPW World Champion Rich Money. The bell has sounded but Nicky Champion and Steve Frehley are still battling outside the ring. Inside the ring, Wolf catches Rich Money with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope to the floor. Money looks between Champion and Frehley and Running Wolf and decides that discretion is the better part of valor. He grabs the USPW World title belt and hightails it away. Outside the ring, Steve Frehley sends Nicky Champion right into the ring post, bouncing his head off the post and sending him down to the mats outside the ring. Frehley climbs in the ring where Running Wolf charges him. Frehley does a leap frog over a Running Wolf spear attempt and then bounces off the ropes himself -- Dark Destroyer Spear! He just cut the number one contender in half! Frehley yanks up Wolf quickly and hits him the Frehley's Comet! Steve Frehley is the last man standing inside the ring. The Dark Destroyer raises his arms in victory and plays to the booing crowd as the show comes to an end. We'll see you next week right here on USPW American Wrestling.]

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USPW American Wrestling continues this week as we come to you live and on demand from the Illinois State Park. What a main event we have this week. It is a rematch from last year's Independence Day Slam main event. The only change is who is the champion this time around. This time it will be
Rich Money
defending the USPW World title against the former six time champion
Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion
. If Champion wins the title, this could change things around for Stars, Stripes And Slams as he would be forced to defend the title against his friend, Running Wolf. This might also mean a match between Rich Money and The Dark Destroyer Steve Frehley. Make sure you're tuned in for this match between two of the top stars of this company and the world.


Two weeks ago, The Business members
Dusty Ducont
Charlie Thatcher
secured a USPW World Tag Team title match against Jacob Jett and Julius Moor. This week, they will be stepping in the ring with former six time USPW World Tag Team Champions
Natural Storm
. If Natural Storm can win this match, it would definitely put them in line for a shot at the titles. But The Business is looking for some momentum heading toward Stars, Stripes And Slams. They'll be looking to run over D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard.


Our lone female match of the evening will be the main event of hour one when
Jaime Quine
steps into the ring against
Wendy Anderson
. This will be a non-title encounter but a win for Anderson would certainly push her into title contention. Anderson has been with the company for a year and has yet to win a Women's title here. On the other hand, Jaime Quine is looking for momentum toward Stars, Stripes And Slams and her match with Missy Masterson. The Mistress of Instagram certainly would not be able to handle a loss here but make sure you watch to find out what happens.


Plus there will be more! Remember, the live aspect of USPW American Wrestling means that anything can happen. Make sure you BE THERE and, as always, Keep Pounding!


Predictions List:


10 Minute Time Limit Match

Shockwave vs. American Gold



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Rajah vs. Rick Law



Non-Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit Match

Jaime Quine vs. Wendy Anderson



10 Minute Time Limit Match

Ducont & Thatcher vs. Natural Storm



USPW World Title Match

TV Time Remaining

Rich Money defends vs. Nicky Champion



Comments on the diary in general:

@USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #KeepPounding – #MoneyvChampion


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