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Any Ideas on Handling Pop And $$$ Inflation?

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I have seen several folks say that there long-term gameplay falls out of balance, with too many workers reaching top-tier popularity and too many companies raking in $$$.


Has anyone come up with a credible way to offset those trends? I wondered about artificially limiting the size of venues and broadcast outlets to cap exposure and available revenue. Has anyone tried those methods?


Any feedback is appreciated.


I just upgraded to 2020, so this is a whole new ballgame for me.

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<p>A suggestion here. Has been mentioned on the feedback forum</p><p> </p><p>

Originally Posted by d12345 View Post</p><p>

There is some game balancing that you can do in your database to "solve" for this right now. In my default c-verse database I created an "era" that more closely mirrors today by making TV and PPV ratings "Massively Lower."</p><p> </p><p>

In the C-Verse this makes it super tough to survive a down industry/economy with certain medium sized companies (CWA, PGHW, and BHOTWG have all gone into the red in my save).</p><p> </p><p>

I also lowered the reach of all PPV providers. Most are tiny - Small, with only a select few hitting medium. This makes PPV buy-rates more realistic. No modern company should be breaking 1 million buys unless they are Titanic sized IMO.</p><p> </p><p>

I get why this isn't the default but I think it makes the game a bit more sim.</p>

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A suggestion here. Has been mentioned on the feedback forum


Originally Posted by d12345 View Post

There is some game balancing that you can do in your database to "solve" for this right now. In my default c-verse database I created an "era" that more closely mirrors today by making TV and PPV ratings "Massively Lower."


In the C-Verse this makes it super tough to survive a down industry/economy with certain medium sized companies (CWA, PGHW, and BHOTWG have all gone into the red in my save).


I also lowered the reach of all PPV providers. Most are tiny - Small, with only a select few hitting medium. This makes PPV buy-rates more realistic. No modern company should be breaking 1 million buys unless they are Titanic sized IMO.


I get why this isn't the default but I think it makes the game a bit more sim.


I love this. Thanks for the great idea

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A suggestion here. Has been mentioned on the feedback forum


Originally Posted by d12345 View Post

There is some game balancing that you can do in your database to "solve" for this right now. In my default c-verse database I created an "era" that more closely mirrors today by making TV and PPV ratings "Massively Lower."




I get why this isn't the default but I think it makes the game a bit more sim.


I'm not sure I understand, how do you do the above?


ETA: Nevermind, I see now

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a question tough, as I haven't really tinkered with this before starting a new save


If you lower the TV and PPV numbers in the database to massively lower, obviously this affects income, but how does it affect Pop? Or is Pop more directly linked to broadcaster coverage rather than viewers?

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a question tough, as I haven't really tinkered with this before starting a new save


If you lower the TV and PPV numbers in the database to massively lower, obviously this affects income, but how does it affect Pop? Or is Pop more directly linked to broadcaster coverage rather than viewers?


If a worker's win is only seen by 50k fans as oppose to 500k fans they won't gain as much pop from the win.


Pop is related to how many people are seeing that worker's performance. So lower viewership = lowers pop gains.

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A suggestion here. Has been mentioned on the feedback forum


Originally Posted by d12345 View Post

There is some game balancing that you can do in your database to "solve" for this right now. In my default c-verse database I created an "era" that more closely mirrors today by making TV and PPV ratings "Massively Lower."


In the C-Verse this makes it super tough to survive a down industry/economy with certain medium sized companies (CWA, PGHW, and BHOTWG have all gone into the red in my save).


I also lowered the reach of all PPV providers. Most are tiny - Small, with only a select few hitting medium. This makes PPV buy-rates more realistic. No modern company should be breaking 1 million buys unless they are Titanic sized IMO.


I get why this isn't the default but I think it makes the game a bit more sim.


Are you willing to upload your database in which you did this? I'm lazy to edit each broadcaster manually, haha.


The Massively Lower thing definitely reduced the pop growth and money but none of the major companies in my tests are actually LOSING money - just accruing it slower - so I'd like to try the broadcaster thing to see if that improves the simulation further.


Also, I'd like to not have MASSIVELY lower set as it makes pop changes ridiculously difficult. Des Davids spent a full year where he only lost once and won every other match, performing each week (so roughly 49/50 matches he won), and only went from 71pop to 75 pop for SWF.

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