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The Mad King Returns [CVerse]

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COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Captain Canada) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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Saturday Week 3, January 2020

Community Cultural Center, Montreal, Quebec - 400 Fans (SOLD OUT!)

Show Rating: 51


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Sky King vs. Mimic


The DeColt era of All Canada Pro Wrestling kicked off with a crazy action-packed match between an ACPW legend in Sky King and the man many consider the future of Canadian wrestling in Mimic! The crowd was firmly behind Sky King, as Mimic's moody antics often turned into heel antics. He had a blank expression for most of the match, and even got into referee Parker Terry's face more than once. The match came to a close after 14:05 when Mimic hit Sky King with a Screwdiver, which is a reverse piledriver. Mimic is the new #1 contender!


Winner: Mimic

Rating: 52

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Before the next match, Face Nelson came to the ring and said that two ACPW veterans wanted to come to the ring.




Out came Gram Gorman and Grimm Quibble, two former ACPW Junior Heavyweight (now COTT Canadian) champions, with Grimm Quibble having five separate reigns himself! The crowd loves "Grimm & Gram" and the two of them soaked up the cheers in the Community Cultural Center in Montreal.


Face Nelson asked the duo their thoughts on the takeover of ACPW, to which Grimm Quibble responded the only takeover coming to ACPW is when the two of them take all the belts!


Gram Gorman took to the microphone and said that's exactly why they are out here right now. Shortly before the show, Gram said that COTT President Sam Keith reached out to them and informed them that next month at ACPW Blast Zone, Grimm Quibble will be taking on Jayson Van Pelt in a #1 Contendership Match for the COTT World Heavyweight Championship!


Upon hearing this, the crowd erupted at the thought of seeing one of their own fight for the most prestigious title in independent wrestling, currently held by Pablo Rodriguez. Face Nelson confirmed this news, stating that the match has been made official, and the winner at Blast Zone will go on to face the COTT World Heavyweight Champion at ACPW Velocity in March!


Rating: 40


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Can-Am Alliance (Captain Canada & Americana Jr.) vs. Marcel LeFleur & Hugh de Aske


In one of the COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Tournament Semifinals, the two masked men from each side of the border were able to secure the huge upset! Hugh de Aske is a former COTT Canadian Champion, and held his own throughout the match, but Marcel LeFleur couldn't handle the constant pressure from the high-flyers on the other team! Americana Jr. pinned LeFleur in just over twelve minutes with a Border Crossing!


Winner: Can-Am Alliance

Rating: 44


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Ant & Gopher (Ant Man and Topher Smith) vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devin Reynaud)


In another huge upset, OMG was able to take down the four-time tag team champions! Ant & Gopher held the momentum for almost the entirety of the match, but one slip up on the top rope by Topher Smith led to Kamikaze being able to hit a 450 Splash for the pin!

Winner: OMG

Rating: 53


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After the match, Ant Man was seen arguing with Topher Smith. He was throwing his hands around, pointing to the turnbuckle with obvious disdain towards Topher for choosing to go to the top when they probably had the match won if he stayed on the ground! Topher apologized profusely, and could seen mouthing "It won't happen."


Ant Man let up on his scolding and shook his partner's hand as they walked to the back.


Rating: 43


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Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


Hudson Drake, in his first defense of the strap, secured the win in a very, very even matchup that wowed the crowd more than once. Blackley attempted to keep the champ grounded in order to work him over on the mat, but Drake was too quick, as he constantly avoided getting trapped in a hold. One Hudson Hawk later and the champion retained after twelve minutes.


Winner: Hudson Drake (1st defense)

Rating: 40


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Katya Kornishkova vs. Erin Grey vs. Maria Guest vs. Simony Sentinel


The first ever ACPW Women's Champion is crowned! The four women, currently the only ones employed, faced off in a four way contest that showcased the skills of each competitor. Katya looked to have the match won after nailing Simony Sentinel with a Powerbomb, but Maria Guest dropkicked her out of the ring and then went to the top for a moonsault onto the fallen Simony, but Erin Grey followed her to the top and hit a top rope German Suplex! Grey then wrapped Simony in a Guillotine Choke and forced her to tap to become the first champion!


Winner: Erin Grey (NEW CHAMPION!)

Rating: 46


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Immediately after the bell sounded, Katya reemerged in the ring, attacking Erin Grey! She is clearly pissed off that she had the match won, only to be tossed aside as someone else took her prey! Erin Grey fought back but the larger Russian verpowered her and nailed her with a Powerbomb that left the new champ out cold! Katya grabbed the belt that Erin Grey had yet to touch, and draped it across her body.


Rating: 15


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Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


The main event of the first DeColt-era ACPW show! It was a superb match, and went for over twenty minutes. Silva and Atherton had the crowd in the palms of their hands all match, and caused a huge pop when Atherton had a nearfall. It was very technically-based, playing to the champion's strengths. The match came to an end at 21:16 when the grappling on the mat resulted in Silva being able to lock Atherton in a Kimura, leading to a quick submission! The champ retains in a hell of a contest.


Winner: Mario da Silva (3rd defense)

Rating: 54


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New ACPW owner Alex DeColt made an appearance after the main event to a humongous pop from the Montreal crowd. This was NOTBPW territory, but a DeColt is a DeColt. He thanked the crowd for coming out, and he thanked them for their support in the transition, but that's not why he's out there. His time is in the past, and ACPW is about the amazing men and women who still lace up their boots to come to this ring and put on a show.


He was handed the COTT Canadian Championship from a ringside worker and told Mario da Silva that he could not have asked for a better champion to represent this company. He handed the champion his title and raised his hand to applause from the crowd.


But then a theme hits the PA system in the arena...


<iframe width="225" height="200" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/giaZnIr-faM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(play for full effect)






In the mezzanine, leaning over the railing, were a brooding Mimic and Dagger. The haunting theme echoed through the arena as the chaotic lights spiralled over the #1 contender and his tag team partner Dagger. The Montreal crowd is going crazy as the champion and contender stare from a distance. The odd and distorted theme continued to play as Mario da Silva climbed to the top rope to look up at the two, known together as Viper's Nest, and held his COTT Canadian Championship high in the air.


From the mezzanine, Mimic, with his deadpan expression, cracked a very small smirk. His hair covered most of his face, but his right eye was visible through the streaks. Not one blink. The lights continued to circle the challenger as the haunting theme nearly blew the speakers in the CCC in Montreal.


Alex DeColt was in the middle of the ring, mouth slightly open as his eyes flickered back and forth between Mario da Silva and Mimic. Does he understand what he has gotten himself into?


"Lay your head down child, I won't let the boogeyman come."


Rating: 43



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jameschaos: 5/6

falling_star: 5/6

smw88: 5/6

Sco xY2Jx: 4/6

Historian: 4/6

CGN91: 4/6

scmurph01: 3/6

KnowYourEnemy: 3/6



Also, full credit to falling_star for the theme idea. I was struggling to find something dark like that, but he came in clutch with a phenomenal song that has been stuck in my head for three days now!

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two things and I have a feeling they're related, 1. Womens' championship? last I checked women could fight for the world title in ACPW. 2. a second set of tag belts? Edit. read the post on the last page, always disappointing to me when people regress integrated products, ah well.

Notes: Interested to see what the new product changes mean. I always worry that moving from integrated signals that the women get less focus, but I understand from a storyline and in-game perspective why you'd do it -- most of the COTT still isn't integrated. I think, given the right booking, Women's wrestling "as a division" and "as a genre" (for example, Stardom or AJWP) can be more effective at promoting female talent -- primarily, because you're building on a rich history of Women's wrestling with a unique "product".


Hope that we see more build for future Women's title matches -- and I trust you'll do just that.


The reason for the changes was to fit the narrative of the diary: this is a DeColt taking over a company.


For the women's wrestling aspect: I have many, many plans for them including bringing in some new hires (since there's only four now anyway). KYE is right in that when treated rightfully, there is a huge market for it. I am not a fan of intergender anyway, but that's not really relevant because Alex DeColt would most likely veto it as well.


Thank you guys for the feedback!

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That was a solid first show! I don't have any clue about most of the wrestler so I've to grown on them a bit more. Looking forward to the next show and the whole Mimic vs. da Silva thing.


I'm also not a big fan of intergender wrestling and I can see a change with a De Colt at the wheel. I'm definetly into the own women division here in Canada.


And stillnotover , Up The Villa! :cool::cool:

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For hours, I tossed and turned. My king-size bed somehow was too small for me. I felt myself almost falling off of each side over and over. I always slept in the pitch black. My bedroom is in the basement for that purpose. When I left, er, was fired from CGC, the time of day did not matter. I could sleep when I wanted and wake up when I wanted, because the darkness was all the same.


Every time I closed my eyes, I was brought back to that moment.



I was sitting at my desk, going over a spreadsheet with some booking plans I had. Christian Price was the CGC World Champion and was embroiled in a long-term story with Aaron Knight. I wanted Christian to come out on top, but others wanted Aaron to have a reign. It was the same story for every storyline we had.


Then Jack and Ricky walked in.


"Hey fellas," I said, knowing my brothers were coming in to either complain about something, or tell me about someone else complaing about something.


"Hey Alex, you got a sec?" said Jack. Jack was the biggest star out of us three. He was no Steve, but he was close. And was coming off a year-long reign as champion. He never needed to complain about his booking. Sure, sometimes he felt like his spot on top was threatened, but those comments never left this office .


I responded, "Sure, what's up?"


There was a moment of silence before Ricky chimed in.


"I'm not going to beat around the bush. The fact of the matter is Alex, business is down. It's been down. It's been going down for five years."


I was taken back a bit. This wasn't the normal meeting my brothers and I have.


"What do you mean? Are you insinuating something?"


Jack took over for our younger brother, "Yes. You know what we mean. And it's in the numbers. Attendance is down. Ratings are down. The downturn is going at a much faster pace than North of the Border. The product is stagnant now."


"Is there something you want me to do to change that?" I asked, almost immediately regretting it.


There was another silence, before Ricky opened his mouth again.


"Yes. Yes there is something we want you to do."


At this point I was all but certain what they were about to say. Pack my bag and get the hell out. I took my glasses off and rubbed my eyes in my palms. I dropped the gel pen I was holding to write down a rough sketch of the next four weeks of booking.


I sighed and asking the follow-up they knew was coming, "Who would take over?"


"Me," said Jack. "I will."


They had the plan in place. They staged a coup against their own brother. A contingency plan was in the works. I was gone.


"Steve's gone. Dad is sick. And you want to kick me out?"


Ricky was growing tired of the conversation.


"We love you Alex, but you can't be here anymore."


Truth be told I don't remember the rest of the conversation. I was just fired from the family business by my brothers. It was a slap in the face. A kick to the gut. A punch to my soul.



I remember some shouts, but the words are long gone. I imagine it went like this: me begging them to let me stay, and them refuting it all. I punched the door, I know that. I had some cuts on my right knuckles for awhile. I went home that night and cried, a lot. Not from being fired, that I didn't care about. I had money. I cried because my family didn't believe in me anymore. I failed them.


Why did they do it? Business was down everywhere. NOTBPW was falling just as fast. Wrestling in Canada was on its deathbed. No one cared about DeColts or Stones anymore. USPW was taking over the world and taking away our marketshare as well.


Was it about more than wrestling?


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