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TCW - The Evolution of Western Wrestling

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BriCo HQ. Wednesday, Wk4, December.

Kyle Rhodes and Brent Hill sat nervously outside BriCo CEO Robert Nolan's office.


They couldn't remember the last time they were in such a situation - they were used to being the guys in the office; not the ones outside it.


They weren't quite sure what they were there for, but they had an idea.

These sorts of meetings don't happen unless something serious is going down.


Nolan's assistant told the pair that they could enter the office, and they filed in.


The BriCo CEO greeted them in a manner that attempted to be cordial, but was undermined by the obvious tension in the room.


Rhodes and Hill took their seats upon Nolan's request.


"Listen, gentlemen. I'm not one to beat about the bush."


The pair braced themselves for Nolan's next words.


"You've done a great job. Truly. 5 years ago, many believed TCW wouldn't live to see the turn of the decade - yet here we are."


Nolan took a sip of water from an elegant crystal glass.


He motioned towards a jug which also contained water and that was accompanied by a few equally-elegant glasses.


The pair both politely declined the offer.


"The truth is - we need to try something different."


Nolan paused.


"Yes, as you've probably surmised, I'm looking to bring in someone new to take over the running and booking of TCW."

The pair nodded their heads. Despite being all but certain that this would be the reason for the meeting, the words still stung.


"I still want you two fine gentlemen to hold senior positions in the company - as the right-hand men of this new appointment in the management and booking of the company. I know it may be tough to handle, so I am willing to offer you gentlemen free license on what happens next."


"If you'd be willing to be right-hand-men, that would be fantastic. If you'd prefer to focus squarely on your jobs as colour commentator and road agent, I understand. And..."


Nolan paused.


"If you don't feel comfortable staying at the company, as much as we'd love you to remain, we will allow you the option to resign with fair compensation."


Nolan's posture relaxed slightly. It was evident that he had prepared what he would say before the pair had arrived, and had completed his semi-prepared speech.


"One thing I do want to make clear," he added, "is that we are by no means trying to push you out the door. From our perspective, first prize would be that you gentlemen stay on. But we don't want to pressure you if you would feel uncomfortable."


Nolan reclined slightly into the backrest of his chair. "Do you have any initial thoughts?"


There was a brief, awkward pause; neither Rhodes nor Hill knew which of them should speak. Hill quickly took the gap.


"I understand, Mr Nolan. And I appreciate how you've handled the situation."


Hill paused, trying to work out which words to use next.


"The truth is - from my side at least - what happens next depends on one thing."


"Who will be replacing us?"


Rhodes nodded.


"I agree with Brent," said Rhodes.


"Whether or not I stay on would depend on who the new boss would be. If you'll allow me to blunt, I'm not particularly interested in working with someone who I don't believe in. If its some creative from outside the industry - I'm out. And if its someone in the industry, it will depend on who they are."


"Exactly," Hill interjected. "I'm not working with some amateur."


Slightly taken aback by his own bluntness, Hill didn't say anything further.


The look on Nolan's face was hard to decipher - he had a slight smirk on his face, which could just as likely been amusement at Hill's outburst, or...


"That's the ace up my sleeve, as one of our favourite wrestlers would say," said Nolan.


"If that's what you're basing your decisions on, I dare say I look forward to your continued employment."


Confused, Rhodes and Hill looked at each other, before returning their gaze to Nolan.


"So, who is it?" asked Hill.


"The new head honcho at TCW..." Nolan paused for dramatic effect. "... is Sam Keith."




TCW Backstage. Thursday, Wk4, December.


Rhodes and Hill had called a meeting with the entire roster to give them the news.


The announcement that Rhodes and Hill would no longer be CEO and Head Booker was treated with disappointment, but the pair quickly convinced the roster that they would be happy with their replacement.


"In fact, he is here right now, and will be saying a few words. So please welcome the new CEO and Head Booker of TCW - Sam Keith!"


A few gasps rang out from the roster - they clearly were not expecting the legend to be their new boss. This shock was soon replaced by applause.


Keith smiled slightly before addressing Rhodes and Hill.


"In typical wrestling fashion, you two sure know how to put a guy over!"


The entire room laughed.


"Alright. Listen up gentlemen.... and ladies."


The female workers acknowledged the recognition.


"I'm not here because Misters Rhodes and Hill were doing a bad job. In fact, this company has been putting out the best damned wrestling television in the country!"


The roster nodded in approval.


"I'm here because BriCo wants to change things up. I'm talking the entire complexion of this company."


He paused, allowing his words to sink in.


"Until now, we've been the middle company - good stories, good characters, good in-ring product. The jack of all trades, if you will."

"But the problem with being the master of none - particularly in the landscape of US wrestling - is that we simply can't challenge the big boys."


"We need to be more proactive in giving fans something different - and something better - than what they're getting from... the other two."


"So what I'm here to do is just that - take TCW in a direction that makes us stand out. We can't follow the examples of others; we need to forge our own future."


The roster muttered approving sentiments.


"So here's what we're going to do. We're going to put on truly spectacular matches. We're going to be the place to watch true in-ring artistry at work."


"But that's not all. We're not shying away from storytelling. No; we're going to tell intricate, nuanced stories that appeal to a modern audience."


Everyone could sense Keith's passion.


"You see, wrestling fans 30 years ago were a different crowd to those who we are targeting today. Back then, the goal was simple - get the fans to root for the good guy over the bad guy."


"That's all well and good, and sometimes it is the means of great storytelling, but the modern fan wants more. They watch complex TV series and movies, where the good guy and bad guy are not so clearly defined - because people are complex."

"Faces and heels? They'll still exist. But they won't be quite as clear-cut as has historically been the case in American wrestling. We're going to make people support who they like, not who we tell them to like. And while the fans will often side heavily with certain sides over others, and sometimes the face/heel divide WILL be pretty concrete, We're going to have way more grey areas than before."


Keith paused to breath.


"Because we're shaking things up, now is as good an opportunity as any for those of you who feel like you've stagnated to reinvent yourselves. Prove to me that you deserve a push, and you'll get it. This is a new dawn - make it your own."

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Current Champions:


TCW World Heavyweight Championship: Aaron "Ace" Andrews (July 2019 - ?)



TCW Television Championship: Greg Gauge (August 2019 - ?)



TCW World Tag Team Championships: The Behemoths (July 2019 - ?)



TCW King of Kings: Wolf Hawkins (2019)









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Total Wresting - Week 1, January 2020 - Predictions:


Dean Daniels vs Jeremie Courtney

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs The Elite

Killer Shark vs T-Bone Bright

Darryl Devine vs Greg Gauge

Main Event: Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach



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Dean Daniels vs Jeremie Courtney

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs The Elite

Killer Shark vs T-Bone Bright

Darryl Devine vs Greg Gauge

Main Event: Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach


Sorry mate, I botched - Main Event is Wolf vs Bach, not Jay vs Bach.

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Dean Daniels vs Jeremie Courtney

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs The Elite

Killer Shark vs T-Bone Bright

Darryl Devine vs Greg Gauge

Main Event: Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach


Good luck!


Thanks - I hope its not stepping on anyone's toes (including yours) that I'm doing another TCW dynasty given the great ones already active on the board!

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Thanks - I hope its not stepping on anyone's toes (including yours) that I'm doing another TCW dynasty given the great ones already active on the board!


Not at all - did find it funny though looking back that we both booked Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas Vs The Elite on our first show :D

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Total Wresting - Week 1, January 2020 - Predictions:

Dean Daniels vs Jeremie Courtney

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs The Elite

Killer Shark vs T-Bone Bright

Darryl Devine vs Greg Gauge

Main Event: Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach


Best of luck, you're certainly not stepping on anyone's toes by tackling TCW-- the beauty of it is that we all have different takes that draw the interests of different readers. Can't wait to see what you offer up!

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Aaron Andrews starts the show off by celebrating his latest World Championship defence.


"Another Pay Per View. Another title defense. Another challenger beaten," says Andrews.


"These guys don't seem to get the memo."


"I am the Ace - that means I am the number 1 guy in this company," says the fan favourite. "I think its about time these wannabe challengers understood that - don't you?"


The crowd roars in approval.


Andrews then acknowledges Wolf's post-match appearance, and says that while Wolf is on a hot streak, Ace can deal with whatever Hawkins and his Syndicate pals have planned.


Dean Daniels vs Jeremie Courtney


A battle between two of TCW's opening acts, and they do a perfectly solid job.


Courtney is nothing spectacular in the ring, but Daniels is able to drag him along for a decent match - the pair actually seemed to work together quite well.


The pair share the offense fairly equally, until perhaps surprisingly, Daniels takes the win with a cradle piledriver – leaving Courtney devastated that he missed a golden opportunity to actually win a match against one of the weaker members of the TCW roster.


Winner: Dean Daniels in 7:36




The Elite vs Brett Biggins and Elliot Thomas


The Elite face the makeshift team of Biggins and Thomas, and they take longer than expected to get the job done.


There are one or two periods where the blonde pair get a decent amount of offense in, but ultimately they fall short as a result of the chemistry and experience of The Elite.


Winner: The Elite in 16:09



Following The Elite’s victory, the rest of The Syndicate join the team in the ring.


Wolf makes it clear that no matter what Ace says, HE is the most talented, entertaining, and - of course - handsome wrestler in the company.


Sammy Bach interrupts Wolf’s speech and says the Syndicate leader is delusional - both Bach and Ace have the same spirit - that of a true STAR - a spirit that Wolf could only dream of possessing.


Wolf says he will show Bach who the real star of TCW is in tonight’s main event – a challenge which Bach immediately accepts.




T-Bone Bright is walking backstage when he is interrupted by Mighty Meaty.


Mo says he likes what he has seen in T-Bone over the past few days, and believes that the pair may one day clash for the top belt.


This conversation is interrupted by Eddie Peak and his nefarious Sinner Society thugs.


Peak says that Mo is very, very wrong - "The Big Dog is all bark and no bite" - and claims that T-Bone doesn’t have the talent to mix it in the ring with the Society.


T-Bone challenges Peak to choose any member of the society for a match – RIGHT NOW - and Peak agrees, warning him that Killer Shark smells blood in the water.



T-Bone Bright vs Killer Shark


Unsurprisingly, the match is short and technically... limited.


T-Bone holds himself incredibly well, and has arguably been the superior of the two big men until Peak grabs T-Bone's leg and yanks it from ringside, forcing The Big Dog to the ground.


Enraged, T-Bone turns around to confront Peak, and when he turns back, Killer Shark hits him with a Shark Bite for the win.


Winner: Killer Shark in 5:10.



Following the match, The Sinner Society rush the ring and beat-up T-Bone until Mighty Meaty run out to make the save.


The segment ends with Mighty Meaty standing in the ring, helping T-Bone to his feet, as Eddie Peak and his crew laugh their way up the ramp.



Greg Gauge vs Darryl Devine


Gauge is not expected to drop the belt to Devine – a tag team wrestler.


However, there are several moments in this solid match where fans begin to suspend their disbelief and entertain the idea that Devine may just cause an upset.


Ultimately, however, after a long and grueling encounter, Gauge locks in the Proton Lock and Devine taps - signaling yet another Television title defense.


Winner: Greg Gauge in 21:08



The main event is about to begin, but the cameras first cut to Jay Chord.


The arrogant superstar tells the camera that Bach is desperately trying to maintain a semblance of relevance by injecting himself into main event matches with guys like Wolf.


“Honestly – it’s pathetic,” says a disgusted Chord. “It’s like watching an old grandpa at a strip club.”



MAIN EVENT: Wolf Hawkins vs Sammy Bach


Wolf is projecting an intense aura in this match; he is clearly trying to send a message to Ace against one of the top guys in the company.


However, Wolf's obsession with proving a point to the champion leaves the door open for Bach, and the Rock Star’s flurries of offense delight the fans.


Unfortunately, as the fight goes on, Wolf’s grip on the match tightens, and his mistakes gradually decrease.


Eventually he finishes Sammy with Full Moon Rising, topping off a surprisingly convincing victory given the stature of both men.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins in 22:02



Having already been on the losing end of a tough battle, and sensing Wolf's intensity, Bach rolls out of the ring before the leader of The Syndicate can do anything nefarious.


He makes his way up the ramp, refusing to take his eyes off Hawkins for long enough to be jumped by the Alpha Wolf.


Unfortunately for Sammy, the man looking to attack him is coming from the opposite direction.


Jay Chord launches himself at Bach, and after some brutal strikes, Bach is left writhing in pain on the ground.


Chord keeps yelling at Bach to step aside and let the future through as the show ends.




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Prediction Results:


Christmas Ape: 5/5

Hitman74: 3/5

eayragt: 3/5

falling_star: 4/5




January 2021, Week 2 Predictions:


Kip Keenan vs Maverick

Joshua Taylor vs Roderick Remus

Mighty Meaty and T-Bone Bright vs Sinner Society (Nick Booth and The Behemoths)

Greg Gauge vs Human Arsenal - Television Championship Match

Edd Stone vs Jay Chord

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Not at all - did find it funny though looking back that we both booked Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas Vs The Elite on our first show :D


Ha! I think they're guys who are difficult to book, so it makes a bit of sense to throw them together for some tag matches.

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Ha! I think they're guys who are difficult to book, so it makes a bit of sense to throw them together for some tag matches.


Sadly for Bart he's never really shrugged of being Thomas' part time partner (thanks to chemistry) in my game. It hasn't helped his career...


Kip Keenan vs Maverick

Joshua Taylor vs Roderick Remus

Mighty Meaty and T-Bone Bright vs Sinner Society (Nick Booth and The Behemoths)

Greg Gauge vs Human Arsenal - Television Championship Match

Edd Stone vs Jay Chord

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<p>Kip Keenan vs<strong> Maverick</strong></p><p>

<strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> vs Roderick Remus</p><p>

Mighty Meaty and T-Bone Bright vs<strong> Sinner Society </strong>(Nick Booth and The Behemoths)</p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs Human Arsenal - Television Championship Match</p><p>

Edd Stone vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p>

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<p>Kip Keenan vs <strong>Maverick</strong></p><p>

<strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> vs Roderick Remus</p><p>

<strong>Mighty Meaty and T-Bone Bright</strong> vs Sinner Society (Nick Booth and The Behemoths)</p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs Human Arsenal - Television Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Edd Stone</strong> vs Jay Chord</p>

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Sammy Bach opens the show following the brutal assault he suffered at the hands of Jay Chord last week.


Sporting bandages around his waist, he vows to teach Jay some respect.


“This kid thinks that just because I’m old, I don’t still have it? Well let me tell ya – he’s going to learn a lesson from this wise old man at Malice in Wonderland.”


Jay Chord interrupts him, an infuriating smirk planted on his face.


"Looking a bit frail there, old man," he says. The fans boo.


“For a self-described rock star, you sure didn’t seem all that comfortable with a… smash hit.”


The fans erupt in disgust.


Once the fans have calmed down, Bach responds that he could beat Chord even in his current state – bruised ribs and all.


Chord tells him to prove it tonight in the main event, but before Bach can respond, Edd Stone's music hits.


"Sammy, I respect your hustle bro. I really do,” says Stone.


“But you shouldn't fight Jay tonight. Sure, you’re better than him when healthy – that’s why he’s trying to trick you into fighting him while injured.

“You know what I think? You should heal up and kick this weasel’s ass at Malice in Wonderland. Let me deal with his over-inflated ego tonight."


Chord says he's going to make an example of Edd – He and his over-inflated ego will obliterate Stone in the main event.


Kip Keenan vs Maverick


The opening match of the evening pits the debuting Keenan against the intimidating Maverick.


The clean-cut Keenan starts the match off strongly, getting in a good amount of offense and showing why TCW picked him up.


Ultimately, however, Kip falls short of victory - Maverick's primal instincts prove too much and the face-painted maniac earns the win.


Winner: Maverick


Joshua Taylor enters the ring.


He says that, as much as it pains him to admit it, Ace was indeed the better wrestler back at Psycho Circus.


"I took last week off to get my head straight, and I realised I had lost my way," says Taylor.


"I got caught up in the glitz, glamour and showmanship of Ace Andrews - but that's just not who I am. I’m the Straight Edge Superstar – the guy who doesn’t resort to the gimmicky arrogance that plagues this company."


Roderick Remus interrupts Taylor and mocks him.


"You think that was showmanship in your tiff with Ace? Get real. You were a dull prick then, and you’re a deluded fool now. And I’m going to embarrass your ass – right now – to show you that you’re not some superstar – you’re a bland nobody."


Taylor says he hopes Remus can back up his fighting words in the ring – otherwise he will be exposed as a hypocrite.



Joshua Taylor vs Roderick Remus


This is a relatively quick match, with Taylor defeating Remus in clinical fashion.


Remus' attempts to pull off flashy moves are countered easily by Taylor before the Straight Edge Superstar efficiently disposes of Remus with a barrage of strikes followed by a Figure 4 Leglock, forcing Remus to tap.


Taylor looks disappointedly at the pain-stricken Remus for a few seconds before leaving the ring.


Winner: Joshua Taylor




Mighty Meaty and T-Bone Bright vs Sinner Society (Nick Booth and The Behemoths)


This match raises the tempo of the show as six of TCW’s most powerful competitors - all with a grudge to bear - slug it out.


There is little in the way of nuance, but who can resist a six-hoss brawl? Not this crowd – that’s for sure.


Unsurprisingly, Eddie Peak tries to get involved, but the referee catches him in the act and sends him packing.


After a ton of big hits across the board, Mighty Mo ultimately picks up the victory when he pins Nick Booth clean.


Winner: Mighty Meaty and T-Bone Bright



The cameras move backstage, where Devine Fortune have been watching the match.


Chance says they officially challenge The Behemoths for the title at Malice in Wonderland, at which point The Elite interrupt.


"Listen, Chancer,” says Eddie Chandler. “Last time I checked, your buddy here LOST his match last week. We WON our match last week. Do you see where I'm going with this?"


Darryl says if The Elite think they're worthy of challenging for the titles, how about they clash with Devine Fortune for the #1 contender slot next week?


The Elite laughs and accepts, with Johnson saying they will be preparing over the course of this week – that is, their ring gear design at Malice in Wonderland, as the match is a foregone conclusion.



Gauge vs Human Arsenal (Television Championship)


Gauge is putting his title on the line again this week - this time against Human Arsenal.


Arsenal is a wily veteran who has dealt with many talented technicians in his time, and Gauge soon learns that beating Human Arsenal is no easy feat.


Unlike last week, where Gauge had the momentum for most of the match, it switches back and forth tonight.


Many fans are starting to wonder if tonight will be the night that Greg drops the belt, but Gauge disappoints them when he pins Human Arsenal by using the ropes as leverage - an unsatisfactory end to a solid match.


Winner: Greg Gauge


The crowd boo Gauge, who laps up their grievances.


He grabs a microphone and says he has beaten all who dare challenge for his title.


“I think I’m gonna call my gear designers and ask them to sew it onto my entrance gear – it’ll be much more convenient.”


To the crowd's delight, he is interrupted by Benny Benson, who was well on the way to beating Gauge for the title last month until he pulled the same stunt - using the ropes as leverage.


Benson calls Gauge a coward, and tells him to give Benson a real shot at the title - one where he doesn’t cheat to win.


Gauge denies Benson’s request, saying that the latter got his shot and blew it.


The crowd boos as Gauge leaves the ring.




Ace Andrews is being interviewed backstage.


He says that Wolf put in a strong performance last week, and that he is waiting for Hawkins to officially challenge him for the title.


“I’m the best, and I’m always willing to prove it by fighting the best of the rest,” Ace says.


He is immediately attacked by Wolf and Chris Flynn, and while Ace tries to fight back, he fails as he is outnumbered.


Once the beating is complete, Wolf stands over Ace's body, stares into the camera, and says "There's my challenge."




Chord vs Stone


The Main Event is upon us, and it starts off slowly, allowing the fans to catch their thoughts after the brutal beatdown on Ace.


Stone manages to gain the upper hand early, and for a few minutes he actually looks like he could pull off a shock victory.


Stone's enthusiastic style proves to be his downfall, however, as he gets carried away. He leaves an opening for Chord to take control of the match after Jay dodges Stone’s Shooting Star Press.


Someone of Chord’s calibre doesn’t let these sorts of opportunities go to waste, and as he regains his composure, he also takes control of the match.


Despite a couple of attempts to turn things around, Stone simply can’t match Jay, and is almost knocked out cold with a Ripcord Lariat.


Chord effortlessly pins Edd for the three-count.


Winner: Jay Chord



Chord isn't done, however.


After all, he said he was going to make an example of Edd.


He fishes under the ring for two chairs, and hits Edd with a few brutal chair shots.


He then places the chairs on either side of Stone's head.


His ultimate goal in all of this is to send a message to Sammy Bach, and this is evidently received as the injured fan favourite charges out to Stone's defense.


Chord rolls out of the ring before Bach can reach him, and sadistically smirks at Bach, who splits his attention between concern for Stone and fury for Chord as the show ends.



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Ernest Youngman and Jeremie Courtney vs Dazzling Dave Diamond and Daniel Fonzarelli

Joshua Taylor vs Matt Hocking

The Elite vs Devine Fortune - #1 Contenders Match

Greg Gauge vs T-Bone Bright

Main Event: Ace Andrews and One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins and Chris Flynn

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Ernest Youngman and Jeremie Courtney vs Dazzling Dave Diamond and Daniel Fonzarelli

-I would love to see the heels win, but you'll have to really upset the faces to allow that

Joshua Taylor vs Matt Hocking

The Elite vs Devine Fortune - #1 Contenders Match

Greg Gauge vs T-Bone Bright

Main Event: Ace Andrews and One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins and Chris Flynn

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