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Late Addition note gets penalised

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Running a ‘cash-in’ gimmick storyline forces you to set up a triple threat with one of the competitors cashing in already named. The ‘late addition’ note can only be used to select a pre-existing worker in the match and there is a penalty for limited involvement.


Can this be addressed as nobody thought Seth Rollins was in the Reigns/Lesnar main event at mania, and definitely wasn’t penalised for his limited involvement.

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So, this isn't a "fix" of this issue, per se, but I've noticed you can set titles to change within angles, so any time I want to run a MiTB cash-in I literally just make it a Freestyle Angle and use the Road Agent Notes to make the title change hands. That way you can run it immediately after a match without having to overtax your workers, or fudge the numbers in terms of participants as you described. Just my two cents, hope it helps!
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So, this isn't a "fix" of this issue, per se, but I've noticed you can set titles to change within angles, so any time I want to run a MiTB cash-in I literally just make it a Freestyle Angle and use the Road Agent Notes to make the title change hands.

I have used the same method for MITB, and the 24/7 and Hardcore title changes.

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