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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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I'm in the process of putting together my first show in over a year.


Having to re-read some old show posts to try and keep things as straight as possible regarding feuds, title pictures, etc.


Hope to have the new show posted by early next week.


Thanks for your patience.




From 1986, it's Nick Bockwinkel vs. Nord The Barbarian:




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(1st Taping Re-Cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


Winner Receives an AWA World Title Shot: Tommy Rich vs. Tom Zenk


Brad Rheingans sees action


Akio Sato wrestles


A look back at the end of the tag team war two weeks ago between Badd Company and the Top Guns on AWA Championship Wrestling


A look back at what happened in the confrontation between Manny Fernandez and Baron Von Raschke on All-Star Wrestling last week


And more!


Nelson sent it to the Showboat Sports pavilion in Las Vegas where a newcomer to the AWA was about to make his debut!


AWA DEBUT MATCH: Sam Houston won a squash over Brian Costello via pinfall with his bulldog finisher


Larry Nelson interviewed Houston in-ring after the match and welcomed him to the AWA.


Post-Match Interview Highlight:


Houston: Larry, I'm excited to be in the AWA! There's a lot of great talent here so I know I've got to work real hard to climb to the top of the ladder here and be a major player! I look forward to the challenge!


Nelson wrapped up the interview with Houston to a nice reaction from the crowd.


Announcer Lee Marshall said they'd be right back.


Pic aired of Manny Fernandez with the caption: IRON CLAW CRITIC...NEXT!




Back from commercials...


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the confrontation between Baron Von Raschke and Manny Fernandez on a recent All-Star Wrestling.




Von Raschke had just won a squash.


Post-Match Interview at ringside w/ Lee Marshall:


Marshall asked Von Raschke how to properly apply the claw with devastating effectiveness.


Von Raschke started to explain that large, strong hands and applying a firm grip on the right pressure points on the head were the key.


As Von Raschke was explaining this, Manny Fernandez, in his ring attire, made his way down to ringside and confronted Von Raschke.


Fernandez: Listen up, anciano!


Your day in this sport has come and gone!


Raschke: What do you mean?


Fernandez: Time for you to step aside, pops! You gotta go! Time to head for the glue factory!


Raschke: You telling me that I'm too old to continue to wrestle?!


Fernandez: That's exactly what I'm saying! You're taking up space, Mr. AARP!


Raschke: You...


Fernandez: And that claw hold of yours! It may have worked on that jabroni you just wrestled! But I guarantee you that, in your advanced state of decomposition...


Raschke (becoming irate): State of decomposition?!


Fernandez: I bet you couldn't put the Ragin' Bull out with that hold!


Raschke: You don't think I can put you down with the claw?!


Von Raschke held his right hand up in the claw position and started opening and closing his hand.


Fernandez: Maybe during your heyday when the Civil War was going on you could have! But not now!


Matter of fact, you'd hurt yourself more than me trying to put my lights out with it!


I can see it now!


Fernandez started walking around like an old man holding his lower back and grimacing in pain.


Fernandez pointed and laughed at Von Raschke.


Raschke (coolly): Name the time and the place?


Fernandez: What?


Raschke: You pick when and where it will happen.


Fernandez seemed puzzled.


Fernandez: What are you babbling about, you antique?


Raschke: Let's see if I can make you pass out in my claw. You name the time and place for it to happen.


Fernandez: You want... Haha! You're serious?!


Raschke: Very.


Fernandez: Tell you what, Baron, let's do it next week right here on All-Star Wrestling!


Raschke: You're on! Call me an old man and tell me that I should go to the glue factory! Get ready to learn respect for your elders next week!


Raschke held up his right hand in the claw position again.


Fernandez: I'll be here you gringo geezer! And I'm gonna make an example out of you! The people watching in the old folk's home will be disappointed when their bald, raisin-headed hero is made a fool out of on TV all across America and the point is driven home that you should have retired long ago!


Von Raschke and Fernandez engaged in a brief staredown as the segment ended.




Nelson said they'd show the Iron Claw Showdown on next week's AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.


Pic aired of Brad Rheingans with the caption: THE OLYMPIAN SEES ACTION...NEXT!




Back from commercials...


Brad Rheingans won a squash over Tommy Lane via pinfall with a bridging cradle suplex. Lane gave Rheingans a battle for a period of time in the short match before Rheingans took control and won.


Post-Match Interview Highlight w/ Larry Nelson:


Nelson asked Rheingans about the coming return of Ken Patera.


Rheingans: Larry, Ken Patera is coming back soon! Real soon! And there's one man who we all know wishes he wasn't returning at all...and that man is Larry Zbysko!


Crowd cheered.


Rheingans: That loud-mouth low-life better start preparing right now because when Patera returns there's gonna be hell to pay for the so-called 'Living Legend' of wrestling!


Nelson wrapped up the interview with Rheingans.


AWA Champions list aired:


Men's World Champion: Sgt. Slaughter


Women's World Champion: Wendi Richter


World Tag Team Champions: Destruction Crew




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Back from Commercials...


Larry Nelson was standing in-ring with Tommy Rich.


Nelson: With me right now is Tommy 'Wildfire' Rich.


Rich was booed by the fans. He was in his ring attire.


Nelson: Tommy, tonight you're facing Tom Zenk and the winner gets a crack at Sgt. Slaughter for the AWA World Championship.


What are your thoughts going into this huge match?


Rich: My thoughts?


Well, as you know, Larry, I was at one time the reigning NWA World Champion and it was quite a historic run.

Announcer Lee Marshall: His reign was all of five days! Five damn days!


Rich: I certainly deserve to be in this match tonight based on that alone.


And after I defeat Zenk tonight, I'm setting my sights on Sgt. Slaughter. Then I'll take ol' latern jaw down and become the first holder in history of both the AWA and NWA World Championships. And it will be another fantastic run for me as World Champion.

Marshall: What?! If he wins the belt from Sgt. Slaughter, will he give us a run that lasts a whole week?! Jeez!


Nelson: You seem awfully confident, Tommy.


Rich: Why shouldn't I be. I know what it takes to work my way to the top and win the gold. And I know what it takes to be a worthy champion.


Tom Zenk's a tough wrestler. He's big. He's strong. He's the complete package.


But...he's not a former NWA World Champion like Tommy Rich.


And since we're here in Vegas, for all the bettors out there, you can't lose betting everything you own on me tonight and against Sgt. Slaughter for the World Championship.


Nelson: Bet on Rich at your own risk.


Marshall: Don't bet on him at all would be better advice, believe me.


Rich: High risk, high reward! Remember that!


Nelson: That was Tommy Rich, everyone.


On-Camera: Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears discussed the night's main event. Then sent it back to the ring.


Akio Sato won a squash over George South via pinfall with a flying kneedrop to the chest off the top rope


Announcers briefly discussed Sato's win.


Split-screen pic aired of Rich and Zenk with the caption: STILL TO COME! A SHOT AT GLORY!




Back from commercials:


Larry Nelson was standing in-ring with Tom Zenk.


Nelson: Please welcome my guest at this time, Tom Zenk.


Most in the crowd cheered and Zenk acknowledged the fans.


Nelson: Tom, coming up in just a few minutes, you're gonna be facing Tommy Rich with a shot at the AWA World Title going to the winner.


What say you?


Zenk: Well, Larry, I've got to keep focused on the task at hand. I know that's cliche', but it is true.


I can't get distracted by anything else right now. A chance at a World Title shot doesn't come along everyday and you've got to strike while the iron is hot.


Nelson: Tommy Rich was out here earlier and he made it sound like this match was in the bag for him because he's been a World Champion before.


Zenk (chuckled): Tommy Rich sounds like a World Champion all right. A World Champion ass, that is.


Crowd cheered. Nelson laughed.


Zenk: I mean, he thinks because he was the NWA Champion a few years ago that that automatically means he has some sort of special knowledge on what it takes to win matches like the one we're having tonight.


If that were the case, then Tommy Rich would still be the NWA World Champion today and not have held that belt for just a few days!


More cheers.


Zenk: Wins and losses are part of the game, Larry. Rich knows this as well as anyone. Maybe he thinks talking about being a former World Champion will psyche out his opponents and set them up for failure.


But I'm not worried about or afraid of Rich's 'I used to be a World Champion' talk.


He wants that shot at the Sarge for the AWA belt, then he has to go through me! If he can beat me then it's all his! Otherwise, it might be best if Mr. Rich just shuts his hole and lets his wrestling do the talking later tonight!


More crowd cheers.


Nelson: One more thing, the situation with Col. DeBeers...


Zenk: DeBeers keeps making his threats against me. Nothing's been settled between us, that's for sure! But as I showed recently, if he tries to maim another opponent of his...he's gotta deal with me! I've got my eye on you, Colonel! And unless you change your ways, which I highly doubt you could ever do, I'm going to keep my eye on you to make sure you stay in line!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: Tom Zenk, everybody!


On-Camera: Announcers Marshall and Blears briefly discussed the upcoming match between Zenk and Rich for an AWA World Title shot.


Marshall then intro'd video from the end of the Badd Company vs. Top Guns tag match that aired on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN two weeks earlier.




Match was a heated affair with both teams making a strong showing. Once again, the match got out of control and the two teams started brawling with each other. The action spilled out of the ring onto the floor. Ref again called for a double DQ between the two squads. The fighting continued around ringside and Rice and Tanaka took their fight into the face aisle as Dukes and Diamond were slugging it out at ringside. Page took the opportunity to strike Dukes from behind with his cane. Ref called for the bell a second time. DDP grabbed Dukes from behind as Diamond grabbed a seat from ringside. (NOTE: Showboat Sports Pavilion chairs were cushioned high-back chairs with a gold frame that did not fold.)


Diamond rammed the head of the chair into Dukes' gut. DDP let go of Dukes and Dukes doubled over holding his gut. Diamond brought the back of the chair crashing down across Dukes' back and Dukes went down on the concrete floor. Rice gained the advantage over Tanaka in their personal skirmish. Dukes was now on his back on the floor and Diamond drove the head of the chair into Dukes' throat. Dukes struggling to breath. Rice saw what was happening, quickly grabbed a chair that a security guard had been sitting in and charged over. Diamond stopped choking Dukes out and he and Page fled the scene and joined up with Tanaka over by the heel aisle. Rice checked on the downed Dukes. Dukes sat up. Two EMT's came to ringside to check on Dukes.


Rice gestured for Larry Nelson. Nelson came over and Rice angrily grabbed the mic from Nelson's hand as Badd Co. looked on from the opening to the heel entrance aisle.


Rice: Badd Company! This isn't over! We're gonna meet again! And when we do...it's gonna be your funeral! All three of you!




Announcers Marshall and Blears briefly discussed the situation and said Badd Company would be making an appearance next week on the program.


AWA logo appeared the screen with the caption: THE MAIN EVENT IS NEXT!




Back from commercials...



Tommy Rich vs. Tom Zenk


Before the ring introductions, ring announcer Larry Nelson said that the winner would be facing Sgt. Slaughter for the AWA World Championship.


Announcers Marshall and Blears told viewers the AWA Title match would take place on next week's edition of AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.


After Rich and Zenk were introduced, Rich went over and took the ring mic from Nelson.


Marshall: Please! No! No!


Rich: Tom Zenk, let me tell ya somethin', brother.


I am a former NWA World Champion.


Marshall: Can somebody get me a stiff drink...now! Make it super stiff!


Rich: Since I know what it takes to be the World Champion, I already have a huge advantage in this match.


I had a legendary run as NWA Champ.


Marshall: Five days! It was five stinkin' days! 120 hours as the champ!


Rich: And now, I'm gonna take you down and then defeat Sgt. Slaughter and become the new AWA World Champion!


Marshall: Does anyone really wanna see Rich win it all?!


Blears: Frightening! Positively frightening thought, Lee! He would be insufferable as the World Champion!


Zenk walked over and ripped the ring mic out of Rich's hand to the delight of the crowd.


Zenk: I just have one thing to say. Ring...the ...bell!


Ref called for the bell and Zenk took charge early and dominated Rich for the first few minutes of the match as the fans cheered lustily. Rich eventually took advantage of a Zenk mistake and gained control of the match.


The match then turned into a see-saw affair with both men coming close to pulling out the win.


At the end of the match, Zenk was on the offensive and Rich appeared to be on wobbly legs. Zenk went to whip Rich into the corner but Rich reversed and sent Zenk crashing into the ref and the impact sent the ref slamming into the turnbuckles full force. Ref crumpled to the mat and Zenk was leaned front-first against the buckles.


Rich regained his enough of his senses and pounced on Zenk. Rich worked Zenk over with punches. Zenk staggered next to the ropes and Rich hit Zenk with a forearm smash to the upper back follwed by a suplex on Zenk. Rich delivered a quick stomp and then ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Zenk rolled out of the way and Rich slammed to the mat.


Crowd buzzing. Ref still down. Both Zenk and Rich slowly made their way to their feet and Rich and Zenk engaged in a punch exchange and Zenk gained the advantage and nailed the former NWA Champion with a series of uncontested head shots. Zenk whipped the stunned Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a clothesline. Rich crashed to the mat. Zenk picked up Rich and bodyslammed Rich. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Rich got to his feet. Rich up and Zenk came off with a missle dropkick that devastated Rich. Rich down. Crowd into it. Zenk covered Rich but no ref. Crowd and Zenk frustrated. Zenk did a symbolic three count in frustration and then got up and went over to check on the ref because faces are idiots.


As Zenk checked on the ref, Col. DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle and hit the ring as the crowd buzzed and urged Zenk to turn around. Zenk still checking on the ref as DeBeers stealthily climbed in the ring behind him. DeBeers reached into a side pocket on his camo pants and and pulled out a heavy looking glove.


Marshall: Wait a minute?! Is that the DeBeers' coal miner's glove that he used against Jimmy Snuka?!


Blears: Sure looks like it, Lee!


DeBeers slipped the glove down over his right hand. Rich stirring in the ring. Zenk gave the ref one more good shake to try and get the ref to come around. Ref stirring. Zenk turned back around and...WHAM!...DeBeers popped Zenk with a head shot with the dreaded coal miner's glove. Zenk helplessly crashed to the mat.


A groggy Rich was recovered enough to see DeBeers pointing at Zenk. Rich crawled over and covered Zenk as DeBeers went over and gave the still stunned ref a hard slap to the face and then pulled the ref over to where Rich was covering Zenk.


DeBeers bailed from the ring to the floor and looked on.


Ref slowly made the count.




Unsteady ref called for the bell.


Rich rolled off of Zenk and laid on his back for a moment.


Crowd booed as DeBeers slowly started backing up to the heel entrance aisle. Some trash was thrown in the Colonel's direction. Couple of fans wanted to get their hands on DeBeers but security stopped them.


DeBeers turned and headed back up the aisle with glove in hand held firmly against his gut.


Rich to a knee and the ref had recovered enough to raise Rich's hand in victory to more boos. Rich up and raised his arms victoriously in the air and strutted around the ring. Zenk still laid out in the ring as some face wrestlers and other refs came out to check on him.


Marshall hyped for next week...AWA World Title Match: Sgt. Slaughter © vs. Tommy Rich.


WINNER: Rich - Pinfall - 11:38



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(2nd Taping Re-Cap)

Match Commentator:
Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Show Intro:

In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

AWA World Title Match: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Tommy Rich

A look back at the Iron Claw Showdown between Baron Von Raschke and Manny Fernandez from All-Star Wrestling

Badd Company sees action

A look back at Col. DeBeers costing Tom Zenk a World Championship shot last week when DeBeers laid out Zenk with the dreaded coal miner's glove. Plus an update on Tom Zenk and a response from Col. DeBeers

Larry Zbysko sees action


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.

Greg Gagne won a squash over Dusty Wolfe via submission with the Gagne Sleeper

Larry Nelson interviewed Greg after the match.

Post-Match Interview Highlight:

Larry, I can't tell you how excited I am right now! Ken Patera is on his way back to the AWA!
Crowd cheered.

Gagne: Fans across the country and the world want to see Patera wring Zbysko's neck!

It's gonna happen! And it's gonna happen soon!

More cheers.

Nelson wrapped up the interview segment with Gagne.

Pic aired of Von Raschke and Fernandez with the caption: IRON CLAW SHOWDOWN...NEXT!


In-studio: Larry intro'd the Iron Claw Showdown between Baron Von Raschke and Manny Fernandez from last week's All-Star Wrestling.


Baron Von Raschke vs. Manny Fernandez

Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears related the backstory of what led to this challenge.

(Read the backstory at Taping 3 of the current All-Star Wrestling tapings.)

Both men were already in the ring.

Ring announcer intro'd Manny Fernandez.

Fernandez was mainly booed but had a few supporters in the crowd.

Fernandez was in a t-shirt, tights and ring boots, stepped forward, raised his fist in the air and shouted: Viva La Raza!

Ring announcer then intro'd Baron Von Raschke to cheers from most of the crowd.

Von Raschke was in his red and black ring robe, red and black leg-length tights and black ring boots.

Von Raschke did the goose step and raised his right hand in the air in the claw position.

Fernandez got on the mic.

Fernandez: Hey, man! Is that your claw hold or are you just having a bout of arthritis in that hand because you're a relic! Hahaha!
Fernandez started walking around in the ring slowly and slightly bent over and holding his back like he was an old man.

Fernandez pointed and laughed at the Baron.

Fernandez: One more thing, grandpa...I mean Baron! I got something for you!

Fernandez reached into the neck of his t-shirt and pulled out a pair of granny glasses.

Fernandez: You might need these to see where to properly apply the claw on me! Hahahaha!

Baron put his hand out. Fernandez handed him the glasses. Baron briefly looked over the glasses and then threw them on the mat and stomped them to the delight of the crowd.

Fernandez: What are you doing?! Those things cost me a buck twenty-five!

Baron kept glaring at Fernandez and and opening and closing his right hand into the claw position. The two men glared at one another and referee Marty Miller stepped in between them and ordered both men to stand back.

Announcer Lee Marshall said that ref Miller was needed in order to check if Fernandez does pass out in the hold according to wrestling rules (lift the arm three times to see if he's out).

Baron removed his robe.

Miller gestured for the Iron Claw Showdown to begin!!!

The two men moved towards one another and just as Baron started to apply the claw, Manny pulled back and out of Baron's grasp. Miller told Fernandez to let Baron apply the hold.

The two men moved towards one another once more and Baron started to apply the claw again when Fernandez slipped out of the hold once more and Fernandez, borrowing from the Larry Zbysko playbook, bailed from the ring to the floor to strong boos from the intimate crowd. Fernandez walked around on the floor as Baron came over by the ropes and angrily yelled and gestured for Fernandez to get back in the ring. Marty Miller also told Fernandez to get back in the ring. Miller ordered Baron to stand back and Baron did as ordered. Fernandez grabbed the top rope and climbed up on a knee on the apron when Baron came over and tried to grab him but Fernandez got away once more. Boos grew louder as Fernandez paced the floor. Baron getting frustrated in the ring as Miller kept the German at bay.

Fernandez finally climbed back up on the apron and quickly made his way back into the ring and walked right up to the Baron.

Fernandez picked up on a mic.

Fernandez: Go ahead! Put that claw of yours on me, you goose stepping geezer! You ain't puttin' me out!

Fernandez gestured to his forehead area and then gestured with his hands for Baron to bring it.

And the Baron brought it...

The Baron locked Fernandez in the claw and almost immediately Fernandez tried to pull Baron's vice-like right hand off his head but failed to do so.

Crowd into it...

Fernandez kept trying to escape the hold and was even able to maneuver over by the ropes and got a leg out on the apron in an effort to break the hold and get away from the Baron but Baron kept the hold firmly locked on and pulled Fernandez back into the ring using just the claw.

Fernandez yelled out in pain and again tried to pull Baron's hand off his head to no avail.

Fernandez kept fighting furiously a little longer but the life started to drain out of the Ragin' Bull.

Fernandez's arms went limp by his side and he dropped to his knees in the hold.

Crowd wanted to see the Baron finish this asshole off once and for all.

Fernandez was on his knees and appeared to be in a weakening state and on the verge of going out when he suddenly found the strength to hit the Baron with a low blow.

Baron quickly lost his grip on the hold and crashed to the mat holding his privates.

As Fernandez shook out the effects of the hold and slowly made it to his feet, a shaky Baron slowly got to a knee. Fernandez moved in and booted Baron in the side of the face. Baron back down on the mat. Ref Miller tried to step in and break things up but he was flattened by a punch to the face from Fernandez. Fernandez put the boots to the downed Baron and then dropped down and struck him with a few head shots. Baron battered.

Fernandez went over and quickly untied the tag rope in the corner. Fernandez moved around behind Baron as a dazed and confused Baron unsteadily made it to his feet. Baron up and Fernandez moved in and started strangling Baron with the tag rope. Baron gasping for breath and trying to escape the makeshift noose.

Crowd popped as Wahoo McDaniel, in his ring attire, hit the ring. Wahoo came up behind Fernandez, grabbed Fernandez and pulled him off the Baron. Baron fell over against the ropes with the tag rope still around his neck. Wahoo laid into Fernandez with a blistering series of stiff chest chops that sent Fernandez crashing to the mat and then scurrying out of the ring to the safety of the floor.

Wahoo glared out at Fernandez as Fernandez was holding his red chest.

Fernandez picked up on a mic.

Fernandez: This was none of your business, Wahoo!

Wahoo briefly continued to glare at Fernandez as other refs came to the ring to help the Baron and ref Miller. Wahoo turned his attention to the hurting pair in the ring as well and mainly focused his attention on his friend the Baron.

Shot of an enraged Fernandez looking on from the floor as the segment ended.


Nelson said that Fernandez, Von Raschke and Wahoo would all have comments about the situation next week on AWA Championship Wrestling.

Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the AWA World Title slung over his shoulder with the caption: LATER... WILL HE STILL BE THE CHAMPION AFTER TONIGHT???


IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!

Badd Company w/ manager Dallas Page in their corner defeated George Wells and Rocky King in a squash via pinfall when Tanaka pinned King after the slingshot DDT (Slingshot catapult(Diamond) transitioned into aJumping DDT(Tanaka)

Larry Nelson interviewed the despotic trio after the match.

Post-Match Interview Highlight:

Nelson said that Badd Company had better be careful because the Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) were hot on their tail and were ready to exact revenge for what happened a few weeks ago.

DDP: Nelson, have you seen the fools we've made out of the the Pop Guns recently?

Nelson: I've seen you use underhanded tactics to...

DDP: Right! We've made them look like total idiots!

Diamond: Total 100% idiots!

Where are they right now, Nelson?! Huh?! Where are your heroes?!

Nelson: Not here at the moment.

DDP: That's right, daddy-o! These guys are beginning to see the light and are starting to figure out that it's best not to mess with Badd Company! I think that right now, Rice and Paul are doing some serious soul searching. Do they really want to keep messing with us? I don't think so! Hahahaha!

Nelson: Well, just because they're not out here doesn't mean that... Whoa! What's this?!

An extremely attractive brunette made her way down the face entrance aisle to ringside as Badd Company, DDP and Nelson looked at the beauty as she climbed the ring steps and stepped into the ring.

She had a piece of paper in her hand.

The woman walked right up to DDP.

Woman: Badd Company, I have a message for you.

But first...

The woman stunned everyone by giving DDP a big, fat kiss on the lips.

DDP was speechless and Diamond and Tanaka were stunned.

Nelson:Oh my! What was that about?!

Woman (calmly):That was the kiss of death.

DDP suddenly had a puzzled look on his face.

DDP: The what?

Woman: The kiss of death.

DDP: What are you talkin' about, lady! Kiss of death?!

Who are you?

Tanaka: Yeah! Spill it right now!

Woman: This is for you, Dallas.

The mystery woman put the note in DDP's grimy paw.

The woman turned to walk away and then caught herself and spun back around.

Woman: You three need to be careful.

DDP opened the note as the woman turned and started to leave.

DDP read the note with a confused look on his face.

Nelson: Can I ask what the note says?

DDP: It says: Watch your backs!

Hey, baby! You get back here and explain this!

The woman was now on the floor and blew a kiss towards the trio and turned and headed back up the face aisle.

Nelson: What do you think it means?

DDP: I have no idea, Nelson.

Diamond then quickly whispered something in DDP's ear.

DDP nodded in agreement.

Nelson: Well?

DDP: Did the Pop Guns put that broad up to this?! Is that what this is?!

Are they trying to play some sort of mind game with Badd Company?!

It won't work! It...will...not...work, man!

We've already put Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes in their place! They'll never put anything over on us, I can guarantee you that!


This looks like a bad attempt at some sort of psychological warfare against us!

If the Pop Guns want more of Badd Company, all they have to do is come back and we'll give them more than they could ever bargain for!

Nelson wrapped up the interview.

Pic aired from last week of Col. DeBeers KO'ing Tom Zenk with the coal miner's glove during Zenk's match with Tommy Rich with the caption: WORKIN' IN A COAL MINE...NEXT!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video footage of Col. DeBeers' interference in last week's Tom Zenk-Tommy Rich match where the winner would receive an AWA World Title shot against Sgt. Slaughter.


At the end of the match, Zenk was on the offensive and Rich appeared to be on wobbly legs. Zenk went to whip Rich into the corner but Rich reversed and sent Zenk crashing into the ref and the impact sent the ref slamming into the turnbuckles full force. Ref crumpled to the mat and Zenk was leaned front-first against the buckles.

Rich regained enough of his senses and pounced on Zenk. Rich worked Zenk over with punches. Zenk staggered next to the ropes and Rich hit Zenk with a forearm smash to the upper back followed by a suplex on Zenk. Rich delivered a quick stomp and then ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Zenk rolled out of the way and Rich slammed to the mat.

Crowd buzzing. Ref still down.

Both Zenk and Rich slowly made their way to their feet and Rich and Zenk engaged in a punch exchange and Zenk gained the advantage and nailed the former NWA Champion with a series of uncontested head shots. Zenk whipped the stunned Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a clothesline. Rich crashed to the mat. Zenk picked up Rich and bodyslammed Rich. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Rich got to his feet. Rich up and Zenk came off with a missle dropkick that devastated Rich. Rich down. Crowd into it. Zenk covered Rich but no ref. Crowd and Zenk frustrated. Zenk did a symbolic three count in frustration and then got up and went over to check on the ref because faces are idiots.

As Zenk checked on the ref, Col. DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle and hit the ring as the crowd buzzed and urged Zenk to turn around. Zenk still checking on the ref as DeBeers stealthily climbed in the ring behind him. DeBeers reached into a side pocket on his camo pants and and pulled out a heavy looking glove.

Marshall: Wait a minute?! Is that the DeBeers' coal miner's glove that he used against Jimmy Snuka?!

Blears: Sure looks like it, Lee!

DeBeers slipped the glove down over his right hand. Rich stirring in the ring. Zenk gave the ref one more good shake to try and get the ref to come around. Ref stirring. Zenk turned back around and...WHAM!...DeBeers popped Zenk with a head shot with the dreaded coal miner's glove. Zenk helplessly crashed to the mat.

A groggy Rich was recovered enough to see DeBeers pointing at Zenk. Rich crawled over and covered Zenk as DeBeers went over and gave the still stunned ref a hard slap to the face and then pulled the ref over to where Rich was covering Zenk.

DeBeers bailed from the ring to the floor and looked on.

Ref slowly made the count.


Unsteady ref called for the bell.

Rich rolled off of Zenk and laid on his back for a moment.

Crowd booed as DeBeers slowly started backing up to the heel entrance aisle. Some trash was thrown in the Colonel's direction. Couple of fans wanted to get their hands on DeBeers but security stopped them.

DeBeers turned and headed back up the aisle with glove in hand held firmly against his gut.


In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd comments from Col. DeBeers.


DeBeers was standing with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo on a black background in his ring garb and beret:

DeBeers: Tom Zenk. I warned you something bad was going to happen to you.

You should have never gotten involved in my business. And now look at the price you've paid for it.

By the way, Tom, how's your face doing? Is it still hurting real bad?

DeBeers chuckled.

DeBeers: Thought so.

DeBeers then held up the dreaded coal miner's glove.

DeBeers: This glove is very heavy.

Of course, you know that, Tom. Your face felt how heavy it was.

Use this to work in the mines in South Africa. Gotta have gloves like these because if you don't your hands will get shredded to pieces.

I enjoyed watching you being helped to the back by emergency technicians. It made me laugh when they covered your pretty face with a towel.

What's the matter, Tom? Don't want the girls to see your good looks all messed up?

You have escalated this situation to a whole new level. And it's a level that you will regret raising it to.

This is war, Zenk! And you don't know war! But I do! You'll have to sue me for peace before all is said and done, because I have every intention of finishing your career!

The hardened pro-apartheid mercenary South African vs. the soft American pretty little party boy!

When all is over between us and the dust settles, Zenk, you'll be an American disgrace!


Nelson said Zenk was recovering and should be returning very soon.

Pic aired of Larry Zbysko with the caption...ZBYSKO SEES ACTION...NEXT!


Larry Zbysko defeated Brady Boone in a squash match via pinfall with the piledriver

Larry Nelson interviewed Zbysko after the match.

Post-Match Interview Highlight:

Nelson asked Zbysko about Patera's pending return to the AWA.

Zbysko: Ya know, Nelson, how long are we supposed to wait for Patera to come back?!

Greg Gagne has blabbed about his return a few times now but nothing has happened!

Where is Patera?! Is he really coming back?! Even if he's still injured, he could come out here and make an appearance before these spudheads!

Crowd booed.

Zbysko: I don't think he's coming back! It's wishful thinking on the part of guys like Greg Gagne and Brad Rheingans! Their boy is finished! And I'm the man who finished him!

Crowd booed.

Greg Gagne, still in his ring attire, made his way down the face entrance aisle to the ring and climbed in.

Gagne walked up to Zbysko.

Zbysko: You come out here to admit you're lying to these idiot fans and that Ken Patera is not really coming back?!

Gagne: He's coming, Larry! And it's gonna be a lot sooner than you think!

Zbysko: You keep saying that, Greg, but there's no sign of the man!

Gagne: He'll be here, Zbysko! You're gonna have to deal with him and you're not gonna like that at all!

Zbysko: Yap! Yap! Yap! Oh! Ken Patera! Where art thou!

Show yourself, Kenny!

Gagne: Just keep it up! That's all I got to say!

Greg turned and left the ring and headed back up the face aisle to a decent amount of cheers.

Zbysko: Just more nonsense from Verne's boy!

If you morons in these seats want to see Ken Patera in the future...you might want to find the wrestling promotion where the wrestlers cannot lift their left arm!

More boos.

Larry Nelson wrapped up the segment.

Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: BATTLE FOR THE BELT...NEXT!



Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich

Larry Nelson stood center-ring and announced it was time for the main evet for the Heavyweight Championship of the World.

Tommy Rich, in his ring attire, made his way down the heel entrance aisle and climbed in the ring and yanked the mic away from Larry Nelson.

Boos cascading down upon Rich.

Rich: You folks keep on booin'!

The fans obliged.

Rich: You are about to witness history tonight!

Announcer Marshall: Here it comes, Lord James! Please restrain me if I get the urge to go into the ring and attack Tommy Rich!

Announcer Blears: Will do, Lee.

Rich: I am going to take out the real GI Joe and become the new AWA World Champion and become the first NWA and AWA World Champion ever!

This will be a glorious moment in the history of this sport!

I had a legendary run as the NWA World Champion!

Announcer Blears: Calm down, Lee.

Rich: And now the legend of Tommy Rich will grow even larger when I begin my reign as AWA World Champion!

Historians like Burt Randolph Sugar and George Napalitano will write multi-volume works about my legacy as the NWA and AWA World Champion!

Announcer Marshall: That's it!

Blears tried to restrain Marshall but Marshall tore off his headset and threw it on the announcers' table, got up and quickly climbed into the ring and walked right up to Rich.

Rich seemed taken aback by Marshall getting in his face.

Marshall ripped the mic from Rich's hand.

Marshall: Tommy Rich! I've had enough with you talking about your so-called historic reign as NWA World Champion!

For those who don't know...

Marshall pointed an accusatory finger at Rich.

Marshall: ...this man held the NWA World Title for all of five days! Five damn days!

He won the title from Harley Race in Augusta, Georgia, on a Monday and lost it back to him in Atlanta at the Omni on Friday!

Five days! That's it! Yet you're out here making it sound like you had a run as NWA Champion like LouThesz or Ric Flair! Jeez!

You need to quit talking about it, Tommy! Just shut up and wrestle!

Fans cheered.

Rich grabbed the mic back from Marshall.

Rich: Lee Marshall! How dare you insult my spectacular run as NWA World Champion!

Let me make something very clear...you're just an announcer! Go back to you seat, put your little headset on and call my victory over Sgt. Slau...

Marshall lost it and shoved Rich and Rich stumbled back and dropped the mic as the fans cheered.

Marshall was ready to fight.

Rich picked up the mic.

Rich: I demand that the police take this man away! I will file an assault complaint later!

Marshall was seething.

Three members of Vegas' finest climbed into the ring and surrounded Marshall.

Marshall still super hot.

The cops talked with Marshall.

Rich:Get him out of here! I've got a date with destiny and I don't want this man calling the match!

After talking with Marshall a little more, the police had Marshall leave the ring and drop to the floor with them. They had Marshall turn around and handcuffed him to crowd boos.

Blears:This is absolutely surreal.

Police took Marshall off and the fans cheered Marshall and many chanted his name. Marshall glared at Rich one final time as he was walked past the ring.

Rich (waving):Goodbye, Lee! Goodbye jailbird! Don't drop the soap! Hahaha!

Crowd buzzing.

Marine Corps hymn played and the fans cheered as World Champion Sgt. Slaughter came out and made his way down the face entrance aisle to huge cheers. Sarge handed out little American flags to fans on the way to the ring.

Sarge climbed into the ring and saluted Old Glory hanging in the Sports Pavilion.

Nelson announced the two combatants. Rich was roundly booed and Sarge was overwhelmingly cheered.

Ref took the belt from Sarge and walked around the ring holding up the title for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson.

Nelson left the ring and joined Blears at the broadcast position as an emergency replacement for Lee Marshall.

Ref called champ and challenger out to the middle of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down as Rich and Sarge locked eyes.

Ref sent the men back to their corners.

As Sarge turned to head back to his corner, Rich ambushed Sarge from behind.

Ref called for the bell.

It was on...

Rich pounded away on Sarge and went to whip Sarge into the ropes but Sarge reversed and caught Rich coming off with a high backdrop that sent Rich crashing to the mat. Rich to his feet and stumbled back next to the ropes and Sarge drove Rich over the top rope down to the floor with a big running clothesline to the delight of the crowd. Sarge had control early until an eye poke by Rich stopped Sarge's momentum and Rich gained the advantage.

Rich held serve for a couple of minutes before Sarge came back and regained the advantage. Sarge took control and almost put Rich away but Rich barely escaped defeat. Sarge worked over Rich and whipped Rich into the corner and looked to blast Rich with a running clothesline but Rich moved and Sarge slammed front-first into the buckles.

Rich worked over Sarge with a series of kicks and punches. Sarge hurting. Rich relentless in his assault on the champ. Rich tried to pull out the victory after hitting Sarge with a running elbow smash but Sarge kicked out at 2.

Rich snapped Sarge up and went to piledrive Sarge. Sarge twice blocked the move and then backdropped Rich to the canvas. Both men up and Rich moved in and swung wildly at Sarge and missed and Sarge came back and fired away on Rich with a series of big rights to the head that staggered Rich. Sarge whipped Rich into the ropes and looked to catch Rich coming off with a clothesline but Rich ducked the move and came back and caught Sarge with his Thesz Press finisher. Rich for the cover. 1...2...thr... Crowd popped as Sarge kicked out. Rich in disbelief. Both men to their feet and Rich caught Sarge with a kick to the gut and went to whip Sarge into the buckles but Sarge reversed and sent Rich crashing into them. The impact sent Rich caroming out of the corner and right into Sarge's arms where Sarge blasted Rich with an inverted atomic drop that sent Rich crashing to the mat. Sarge backed up as Rich slowly and painfully made his way to his feet.

Rich up and Sarge charged in and pulverized Rich with his Slaughter Cannon finisher. Crowd erupted as Rich crashed to the mat. Sarge for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans continued cheering.

Larry Nelson and climbed into the ring with the belt and a mic.

Nelson handed the ref the belt and the ref raised Sarge's hand in victory and handed Sarge the belt.

Nelson announced Sarge was the winner and still AWA World Champion.

WINNER: Sarge - Pinfall - 9:28

Post-Match Interview:

Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, may I have a few words with you.

Sarge (breathing heavy): Sure, Larry.

Sarge slung the title over his shoulder.

Nelson: Another successful title defense.

Tommy Rich came out here tonight expecting to become the AWA World Champion. He made that quite clear. Did that statement bother you at all? Did it get into your head?

Sarge: No. It didn't affect me in any way. I let my wrestling do the talking.

The sign outside the arena says wrestling! It does not say talking trash!

Crowd cheered.

Sarge: Tommy Rich is a tough opponent! But you have to pin the champion's shoulders to the mat for the 3-count or make him submit to win this coveted belt!
Rich was unable to back up his words tonight!

More cheering.

Nelson: With this battle won, what's next for the AWA World Champion?

Sarge: Well, Larry, there's a long list of contenders out there. And as champion you've got to be ready every night to come into the squared circle and defend the title. You see so many different styles and one night you could be facing a Tommy Rich and then turn around the next night and defend the title against a Larry Zbysko. You have to be at the top of your game all the time as the champion.

Nelson: Well, that certainly is a tall order.

Sarge: Indeed it is. But that's the burden you take on being the World Champion...

Nelson: Wait a minute! What's going on?!

Shot of a man in street clothes carry a black bag walking into the Showboat Sports Pavilion through the main entrance*.

Nelson: Is that who I think it is?!

Crowd buzzing.

The man walked down and to ringside, climbed over the plastic chain barricade and walked over to the ring steps.

Nelson: It's Jerry Lawler!

Lawler walked up the steps to the ring apron. Sarge and Lawler locked eyes for moment and then Lawler climbed into the ring.

Nelson and Sarge speechless.

Lawler walked up to them in the middle of the ring.

Lawler:You are probably wondering why I'm here.

Sarge, puzzled, kept looking at Lawler.

Nelson:You could certainly say that.

Lawler: I came here on my own dime from Memphis to say something to you, Sgt. Slaughter.

Sarge: What is it?

Lawler: There's something in this bag I want to show you.

Lawler pulled the object out of the bag.

Lawler: This is the AWA World Title I won from Curt Hennig in May of last year. I successfully defended this belt at Super Clash 3 last December against Kerry Von Erich. I never lost the AWA World Title.

Sgt. Slaughter, you are an illegitimate World Champion.

Crowd buzzing.

Sarge: Wait a minute, Jerry. You were stripped of the title because you disappeared. Larry Zbysko won the belt in a special Battle Royal and I beat Zbysko and took the title from him. I AM the recognized AWA World Champion!

Crowd cheered.

Lawler: You may be 'recognized' as you say. But the fact remains that you never beat me for the belt. How can you be the champion if you never beat the reigning champion for the title. As I said, I never lost this.

awler pointed at the belt cradled in his left arm.

Lawler: And I came here for one reason. Sgt. Slaughter, I challenge you to a World Title unification match.

Crowd buzzing more (probably been drinking a lot by this time at the 'Boat).

Lawler: You can name the time and the place. I don't care if you want to wrestle in a landfill. But this matter needs to be settled once and for all.

Sarge: I won this, King! I did defeat the champion!

Lawler: You defeated a man who was not legit because he never beat me to win it.

What I'm out here calling for is for the good of the sport. This situation needs to be cleared up between you and me. There must be closure.

Sarge: As far as I'm concerned you're not the AWA Champion anymore. I am. I won this belt in an officially sanctioned match. You're the one who...

Lawler: These fans out here may support you. But they know, they know, that you need to have a title unification match with me to settle this dispute. Otherwise, you're nothing more than a fake champion. People will question the validity of your claim to being the World Champion.

Mixed crowd reaction.

Lawler: So, what will it be? The ball is now in your court, Sarge. Do you have an answer for me?

Sarge thought about it and rubbed his chin.

Sarge: I won this! Won it fair and square! You weren't around! You were nowhere to be found!

And you call me a fake World Champion!

Sarge got in Lawler's face.

Sarge: Let me tell you something! There's nothing fake about me at all, King! I am the real deal and these people know it!

And that's all I have to say right now!


The pair stared each other down for a few more seconds before Sarge turned and left the ring and headed back up the aisle.

Fans were confused.

Nelson: Jerry Lawler! I don't think Sgt. Slaughter gave you the answer you were looking for!

Lawler (calm): He didn't, Larry. I'll give him some time to think about it. But I won't wait long for his answer. It's up to him whether or not he wants to be remembered as an underserving, illegitimate World Champion.


Edited by Captain Kremmen
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Since I'm not sure how they handled the taping schedules back then, I'm just going to pretend the syndicated tapings run a week behind the Showboat tapings. Example: The second week Showboat taping would air the same week the first syndicated taping would air, etc.

In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

1st Taping Re-cap

- Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Don Muraco vs. Col. DeBeers

A major announcement concerning next week's main event on All-Star Wrestling

Jonnie Stewart vs. Greg Gagne

Magnificent Mimi vs. Misty Blue

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Akio Sato

A look back at last week's Iron Claw Showdown between Manny Fernandez and Baron Von Raschke


Nelson then sent it to the ring in Sioux Falls.

Tommy Jammer won a squash over Mark Starr via pinfall with a Jammer Slam (whip into the buckles, opponent comes out of the corner right into a powerslam)

In-studio: Larry Nelson talked about the TV main event between Col. DeBeers and Don Muraco.

Nelson intro'd promos from both men.


Don Muraco was standing with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo on a black screen

Muraco: Col. DeBeers.


You don't like people who aren't white. And not only do you not like them, you treat them like garbage.

Well, Colonel, I have a little news for you.

You're not treating me that way in our match. No sir.

If I have to, I will beat respect into you. And you really don't want that, DeBeers. Believe me. You don't want that! It would be a really painful life lesson!

So, while I expect you to give me a fight in that ring and respect your ability...I really don't like haters. Especially haters who hate someone just because of the color of their skin.

Let's give the fans the fight they paid to see.

But if it gets racial...well...things will get ugly...real ugly...between us!

And your white power will be no match for my Pacific Islander pride!

Pic then switched to DeBeers with mic in hand in his ring attire and standing in front of the AWA logo.

DeBeers: Tonight, I will prove my God-given superiority over another jungle man when I take down Don Muraco.

Jimmy Snuka, another jungle boy, is not here anymore. Why?

Well, it's because I ran him out of the AWA!

If Snuka could not handle me, what makes you think that you can, Muraco?!

The reality is you won't be able to.

With my superior intellect and ring skill, I will take you down just like I mowed down Snuka.

Muraco, the problem with a man like you is simple. You're wide between the shoulders and narrow between the ears.

If you can't understand that, you'll find out first-hand what it means when we step between the ropes!


Pic aired of a split-screen shot of Misty Blue and Magnificent Mimi with the caption: MISTY VS. MIMI...NEXT!


In a short, competitive bout Magnificent Mimi defeated Misty Blue via pinfall with the missle dropkick - TIME: 3:22

In-studio: Larry Nelson talked about Mimi still chasing Wendi Richter for Richter's AWA Women's World Title.

Nelson then intro'd video from last week's Iron Claw Showdown between Manny Fernandez and Baron Von Raschke.


The Baron locked Fernandez in the claw and almost immediately Fernandez tried to pull Baron's vice-like right hand off his head but failed to do so.

Crowd into it...

Fernandez kept trying to escape the hold and was even able to maneuver over by the ropes and got a leg out on the apron in an effort to break the hold and get away from the Baron but Baron kept the hold firmly locked on and pulled Fernandez back into the ring using just the claw.

Fernandez yelled out in pain and again tried to pull Baron's hand off his head to no avail.

Fernandez kept fighting furiously a little longer but the life started to drain out of the Ragin' Bull.

Fernandez's arms went limp by his side and he dropped to his knees in the hold.

Crowd wanted to see the Baron finish this asshole off once and for all.

Fernandez was on his knees and appeared to be in a weakening state and on the verge of going out when he suddenly found the strength to hit the Baron with a low blow.

Baron quickly lost his grip on the hold and crashed to the mat holding his privates.

As Fernandez shook out the effects of the hold and slowly made it to his feet, a shaky Baron slowly got to a knee. Fernandez moved in and booted Baron in the side of the face. Baron back down on the mat. Ref Miller tried to step in and break things up but he was flattened by a punch to the face from Fernandez. Fernandez put the boots to the downed Baron and then dropped down and struck him with a few head shots. Baron battered.

Fernandez went over and quickly untied the tag rope in the corner. Fernandez moved around behind Baron as a dazed and confused Baron unsteadily made it to his feet. Baron up and Fernandez moved in and started strangling Baron with the tag rope. Baron gasping for breath and trying to escape the makeshift noose.

Crowd popped as Wahoo McDaniel, in his ring attire, hit the ring. Wahoo came up behind Fernandez, grabbed Fernandez and pulled him off the Baron. Baron fell over against the ropes with the tag rope still around his neck. Wahoo laid into Fernandez with a blistering series of stiff chest chops that sent Fernandez crashing to the mat and then scurrying out of the ring to the safety of the floor.

Wahoo glared out at Fernandez as Fernandez was holding his red chest.

Fernandez picked up on a mic.

Fernandez: This was none of your business, Wahoo!

Wahoo briefly continued to glare at Fernandez as other refs came to the ring to help the Baron and ref Miller. Wahoo turned his attention to the hurting pair in the ring as well and mainly focused his attention on his friend the Baron.


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption...THE CHIEF SEES ACTION...NEXT!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows

Wahoo McDaniel def. Akio Sato via pinfall with his big chop finisher - TIME: 1:36

After Wahoo won the match and was having his hand raised in victory, Manny Fernandez hit the ring and jumped Wahoo from behind. Fernandez beat Wahoo down to the mat and was stomping away on Wahoo when the crowd popped as Baron Von Raschke, in his ring attire, hit the ring and came up behind Fernandez, spun Fernandez around and blasted Fernandez with a series of punches. The last punch sent Fernandez staggering around. Fernandez turned and Baron went to lock Fernandez in the Iron Claw but Fernandez quickly escaped Baron's grasp, dropped to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor as an angry Baron yelled for Fernandez to get back in the ring.

After a brief staredown, Baron checked on his quickly recovering friend Wahoo in the ring.

In-studio: Larry Nelson talked about the situation heating up between Manny and the Baron.

Nelson then intro'd video from the end of the non-title clash between the Destruction Crew (WTTC) and the Guerrero Bros. on All-Star Wrestling two weeks ago.


End of the match saw Hector Guerrero and Wayne Bloom the legal men in the ring.

After some brief back-and-forth action, Hector briefly got the upper hand and went to whip Bloom into the ropes but Bloom reversed and blasted Hector coming off with a big clothesline. Hector crashed to the mat. Bloom for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hector kicked out. Crowd cheered.

Bloom snapped Hector up, whipped Hector into the ropes and looked to catch Hector coming off with a backdrop but Hector instead caught Bloom in a sunset flip try. After a brief struggle, Hector flipped Bloom over for the pin. 1...2... Enos hit the ring and kicked Hector in the back to break up the pin try.

Mando hit the ring and blasted Enos with a dropkick. Enos crashed to the mat in the ring. Mando caught Enos with some stomps. Ref got Mando off of Enos and ref tried to get Enos out of the ring.

Bloom picked up Hector and was holding Hector in the horizontal position. As the ref was distracted with Enos, Mando turned and dropkicked his brother in the back. Bloom crashed to the mat with Hector on top of him for the pin try. Ref got Enos out of the ring. Mando back to his corner. Ref turned and saw Hector covering the stunned Bloom. Ref quickly dropped to the mat as Hector hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered wildly for the Guerrero brothers.

Hector up and started jumping around and Mando came in and joined the celebration and the two brothers hugged. Ref came over and raised both men's hand in victory as the stunned tag champs looked on from the floor.

Nelson announced that next week on All-Star Wrestling, the Destruction Crew would be defending the AWA Tag Titles against the Guerrero Bros. in the main event!

Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLER OF THE '90S?!


Jonnie Stewart defeated Greg Gagne via pinfall in a good, short match after Gagne went for a missle dropkick and Stewart fell out of the way, snapped up Verne's boy, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his flying knee to the gut finisher to score the victory. TIME: 3:45

Announcers briefly discussed Stewart's win while a replay of the finish was shown and then a slo-mo shot of Stewart's left knee was shown. The pic froze and announcers pointed out that it looked like Stewart had a foreign object in his knee pad.

Split-screen pic aired of Muraco and DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... PRIDE ON THE LINE!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows

TV MAIN EVENT: Don Muraco vs. Col. DeBeers

Crowd (what there was of one) was hot for the main event.

Before the match DeBeers got on the ring mic.

DeBeers: Muraco! I want you to know that there is no shame in losing to one of your betters! You may be a noble savage! But I'm the superior man!

Most in the crowd booed.

Ref called for the bell.

DeBeers and Muraco came out of their corners and DeBeers went to punch Muraco but Muraco blocked the punch try and fired away on DeBeers with a series of head shots. Muraco whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a high backdrop. DeBeers up next to the ropes and Muraco charged over and blasted DeBeers with a running clothesline that sent DeBeers hurtling head over heels over the top rope and crashing to the concrete floor to the delight of the crowd. Muraco went to leave the ring to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted Muraco. DeBeers briefly walked around on the floor while the ref kept Muraco at bay. DeBeers jumped back up on the ring apron. DeBeers was holding the top rope with both hands and turned to say something to the fans. While distracted, Muraco came over, grabbed the top rope and catapaulted DeBeers back into the ring. DeBeers to his knees and was begging off as Muraco moved in on DeBeers. Muraco started to reach down and grab DeBeers when DeBeers stunned Muraco with a shot to the gut. DeBeers to his feet and caught Muraco with a head shot. DeBeers went to whip Muraco into the buckles but Muraco reversed and DeBeers slammed into the buckles, bounded out of the corner into Muraco's grasp and Muraco nailed DeBeers with a gorilla press slam. DeBeers scooted into the corner as Muraco moved in. Muraco grabbed Debeers by the ankles and tried to drag DeBeers out of the corner but DeBeers reached up and grabbed the top rope and wouldn't let go. Muraco then yanked DeBeers ankles and DeBeers was now horizontal and holding the top rope and Muraco was holding his ankles. Muraco looked to the crowd for approval, got it and yanked the Col.'s hands free from the top rope and DeBeers crashed to the mat. Muraco then snapped up DeBeers and nailed DeBeers with a suplex, dropped an elbow on DeBeers and went for the cover. 1... DeBeers kicked out. Both men up and Muraco caught DeBeers with a gut kick and then locked DeBeers in a side headlock. Muraco briefly worked over the hold before DeBeers was able to counter with a belly-to-back suplex. Both men to their feet and DeBeers caught Muraco with a punch, whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Muraco crashed to the mat. DeBeers stomped Muraco in the head, snapped Muraco up and threw Muraco between the top and middle rope out of the ring to the floor.

Ref started the 10-count to no avail as DeBeers left the ring and dropped to the floor. Muraco to his knees and DeBeers moved in with some punches, pulled Muraco up and drove Muraco back-first into the ring apron. Muraco dropped to a knee. DeBeers popped Muraco in the side of the face. Ref counting. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. DeBeers kicked Muraco in the side of the ribs and snapped Muraco up. DeBeers went to slam Muraco's head into the ring post but Muraco got his foot on the post and blocked the post try DeBeers tried again, same result. Muraco caught DeBeers with a couple of elbows to the side of the ribs, freeing himself from DeBeers' grasp. Muraco grabbed the briefly winded DeBeers and slammed his head into the post. DeBeers down as the fans cheered. Muraco rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Muraco snapped DeBeers up by the hair and DeBeers was now wearing a crimson mask. Muraco slammed DeBeers' head into the top ring step. Ref counting. Muraco threw DeBeers back into the ring. Muraco followed DeBeers in. DeBeers touched his hand to his head and looked at the blood on it. Muraco was glaring at DeBeers in an 'I'm gonna beat your white ass' kind of way. Muraco, fists clinched, yelled for DeBeers to get to his feet. DeBeers up and tried to bail from the ring but Muraco caught DeBeers and nailed him with an atomic drop. DeBeers dropped to his knees holding his goods. Muraco snapped DeBeers up, hoisted DeBeers across his shoulders in the fireman's carry position and blasted DeBeers with a Samoan Drop. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned. Muraco caught the downed DeBeers with a couple of head shots, snapped DeBeers up, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a stiff powerslam. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers barely got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned.

Muraco snapped up DeBeers, placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed DeBeers head into it. DeBeers staggered off. DeBeers turned and was blasted by a running clothesline by Muraco. DeBeers crashed down by the ropes. Muraco again for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers got his foot under the bottom rope. Ref patted Muraco on the back. Muraco got up thinking he'd won the match and raised his arms victoriously in the air. Ref yanked Muraco's arm down and and waved off the win Muraco thought was his. Muraco turned his attention back to DeBeers. DeBeers was getting up by the ropes when Muraco moved in and DeBeers stunned Muraco with a knee to the gut. Muraco turned away and DeBeers hit Muraco with a double sledge across the back. DeBeers repeated the move. DeBeers whipped Muraco into the buckles and laid into Muraco with a series of punches and then choked Muraco out with his boot. DeBeers broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4 and then repeated it and broke it again at the count of 4. Muraco staggered out of the corner holding his throat. DeBeers came over and rolled Muraco up for the pinfall. 1... DeBeers grabbed a handful of tights. ...2... Muraco kicked out. Both men up and DeBeers caught Muraco with a pair of bionic elbows to the top of the head that sent Muraco crashing to the mat. As Muraco got on all fours, DeBeers moved in and raked his boot laces across one of Muraco's eyes. Muraco down holding his face where the lace burn occured. DeBeers stomped Muraco. Muraco to his feet and DeBeers caught Muraco with a shot to the jaw. Muraco crashed to the mat. DeBeers for the cover. 1... DeBeers placed his feet on the middle rope. ...2... Ref looked and saw DeBeers' feet on the rope and ordered a break. DeBeers got up and started having words with the ref. While this was going on, Muraco recovered enough to sneak up behind DeBeers and roll DeBeers up for the pin. 1... Muraco grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... DeBeers barely kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and DeBeers punched Muraco who no-sold it and fired away on DeBeers with punches that drove DeBeers into the corner. Muraco repaid the stunned DeBeers by choking DeBeers out with his boot. Muraco broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4 and then choked DeBeers, breaking again at the count of 4.

Muraco then whipped DeBeers into the opposite buckles and looked to nail DeBeers with a running shoulder bock to the gut but DeBeers moved and Muraco slammed shoulder-first into the post. Muraco was practically welded to the post as DeBeers shook out the effects of the Muraco chokes. DeBeers reached over, grabbed Muraco by the tights and pulled Muraco back into the ring. DeBeers then placed Muraco's head between his legs, hoisted Muraco up and blasted Muraco with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers rolled Muraco over and covered Muraco. 1...2...3!

Ref called for the bell as most fans booed. DeBeers up and looked down at the defeated Muraco as the ref came over and raised DeBeers' hand in victory as the program went off the air.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 12:02

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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(DARK MATCH BEFORE THE THIRD TAPING: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) def. the Guerrero Bros. to retain the World Tag Team Titles via pinfall when Enos (w/ an assist from Bloom) pinned Mando after a spike piledriver - TIME: 13:22



(3rd Taping Re-Cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter and the man who claims to be the real AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler are both back after last week's shocking turn of events after Sarge's successful title defense


TV MAIN EVENT: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jonnie Stewart


AWA Women's Champ Wendi Richter sees action


Tom Zenk, two weeks removed from the vicious attack by Col. DeBeers, has a message for DeBeers


Tommy Jammer wrestles


Jerry Blackwell wrestles


A look back at the shocking arrest of announcer Lee Marshall on last week's program




Nelson sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion with the following statement...


Nelson: I wonder who that handsome devil is doing interviews and calling the matches?


(Hint: It's Larry Nelson!)


Nelson and Lord James Blears opened the program. The pair were seated at the announcer's table.


Nelson said he was filling in this week because of the arrest of Lee Marshall.


Sam Houston won a squash match over Barry Hardy via pinfall with his bulldog finisher


Post-Match Interview Highlight:


Nelson asked Houston about opponents he'd like to face in the AWA.


Houston: Larry, there's so much great talent here that I'm open to facing anybody. I like being tested in the ring because it makes you a better wrestler.


No match is easy to win. And the only way to work your way up the ladder in this sport is to keep winning.


Crowd booed as Larry Zbysko, in his ring attire, made his way to the ring and climbed in.


Nelson: Larry Zbysko! What are you doing...


Zbysko: Put a sock in it, Nelson!


Houston: Nice to meet you, Mr. Zbysko.


Houston stuck out his hand to shake Zbysko's paw but Zbysko didn't return the favor.


Zbysko: I'm not shaking your hand, punk! You want to shake the hand of the 'Living Legend' then you have to beat him in a match first!


Fan yelled out that Bruno Sammartino was the real 'Living Legend'.


Zbysko turned and pointed at the fan.


Zbysko: Why don't you shut up, Captain Lardgut!


Crowd booed.


Zbysko: Don't get confused, Houston! I'm the real 'Living Legend' in wrestling! I stripped that title away from him by force!


More boos.


Zbysko: So you'll wrestle anybody, huh?


Houston: Yes, sir! I will wrestle anybody in the AWA!


Zbysko: Well, here's a golden opportunity to make a name for yourself!


I'll wrestle you! How about that?!


Houston: Wow! That would be a real honor, Mr. Zbysko! To step in the ring with someone like...


Zbysko: Blah, blah, blah! It may be an honor to wrestle me, kid!


But there's no honor in losing! And that's what is going to happen to you! You're gonna lose to me when we step in this ring!


Houston: I'm just excited for the opportunity! I'll take my chances!


Zbysko: Good! Prepare to be schooled by the 'Legend'!


Because when that bell rings...


Zbysko pointed at the ring bell.


Zbysko: ...I'm gonna ring your bell! Got it?!


Zbysko poked Houston in the chest.


Houston got pissed and returned the chest poke and the crowd cheered.


Houston: Got it!


Zbysko: How dare you! Punks like you don't do that to legends! You've just doubled your pain factor when we fight!


Zbysko turned and stormed out of the ring and headed back up the heel aisle.


Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody!


Fans cheered as Houston briefly played to the fans.


Pic aired of announcer Lee Marshall being led away in handcuffs with the caption: NEXT... CONVICT MARSHALL?




In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video footage from last week of the arrest of announcer Lee Marshall before the start of the main event.




Rich: You are about to witness history tonight!


Announcer Marshall: Here it comes, Lord James! Please restrain me if I get the urge to go into the ring and attack Tommy Rich!


Announcer Blears: Will do, Lee.


Rich: I am going to take out the real GI Joe and become the new AWA World Champion and become the first NWA and AWA World Champion ever!


This will be a glorious moment in the history of this sport!


I had a legendary run as the NWA World Champion!


Announcer Blears: Calm down, Lee.


Rich: And now the legend of Tommy Rich will grow even larger when I begin my reign as AWA World Champion!


Historians like Burt Randolph Sugar and George Napalitano will write multi-volume works about my legacy as the NWA and AWA World Champion!


Announcer Marshall: That's it!


Blears tried to restrain Marshall but Marshall tore off his headset and threw it on the announcers' table, got up and quickly climbed into the ring and walked right up to Rich.


Rich seemed taken aback by Marshall getting in his face.


Marshall ripped the mic from Rich's hand.


Marshall: Tommy Rich! I've had enough with you talking about your so-called historic reign as NWA World Champion!


For those who don't know...


Marshall pointed an accusatory finger at Rich.


Marshall: ...this man held the NWA World Title for all of five days! Five damn days!


He won the title from Harley Race in Augusta, Georgia, on a Monday and lost it back to him in Atlanta at the Omni on Friday!


Five days! That's it! Yet you're out here making it sound like you had a run as NWA Champion like LouThesz or Ric Flair! Jeez!


You need to quit talking about it, Tommy! Just shut up and wrestle!


Fans cheered.


Rich grabbed the mic back from Marshall.


Rich: Lee Marshall! How dare you insult my spectacular run as NWA World Champion!


Let me make something very clear...you're just an announcer! Go back to your seat, put your little headset on and call my victory over Sgt. Slau...


Marshall lost it and shoved Rich and Rich stumbled back and dropped the mic as the fans cheered.


Marshall was ready to fight.


Rich picked up the mic.


Rich: I demand that the police take this man away! I will file an assault complaint later!

Marshall was seething.


Three members of Vegas' finest climbed into the ring and surrounded Marshall.


Marshall still super hot.


The cops talked with Marshall.


Rich: Get him out of here! I've got a date with destiny and I don't want this man calling the match!


After talking with Marshall a little more, the police had Marshall leave the ring and drop to the floor with them. They had Marshall turn around and handcuffed him to crowd boos.


Blears: This is absolutely surreal.


Police took Marshall off and the fans cheered Marshall and many chanted his name. Marshall glared at Rich one final time as he was walked past the ring.


Rich (waving): Goodbye, Lee! Goodbye jailbird! Don't drop the soap! Hahaha!




Nelson pointed out that Rich failed in his attempt to become the AWA World Champion.


Said that announcer Lee Marshall will be back as the lead announcer for AWA Championship Wrestling in two weeks.


Video aired of Tommy Jammer in action with the caption: NEXT... HE'S JAMMIN'!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Tommy Jammer won a squash defeating Jose Luis-Rivera via pinfall with the Jammer Slam (whip into the buckles, opponent comes out of the corner right into a powerslam)


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week's shocking return of Jerry Lawler and his confrontation with Sgt. Slaughter over who the real AWA World Champion is.




Lawler walked up the steps to the ring apron. Sarge and Lawler locked eyes for moment and then Lawler climbed into the ring.


Nelson and Sarge speechless.


Lawler walked up to them in the middle of the ring.


Lawler: You are probably wondering why I'm here.


Sarge, puzzled, kept looking at Lawler.


Nelson: You could certainly say that.


Lawler: I came here on my own dime from Memphis to say something to you, Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge: What is it?


Lawler: There's something in this bag I want to show you.


Lawler pulled the object out of the bag.


Lawler: This is the AWA World Title I won from Curt Hennig in May of last year. I successfully defended this belt at Super Clash 3 last December against Kerry Von Erich. I never lost the AWA World Title.


Sgt. Slaughter, you are an illegitimate World Champion.


Crowd buzzing.


Sarge: Wait a minute, Jerry. You were stripped of the title because you disappeared. Larry Zbysko won the belt in a special Battle Royal and I beat Zbysko and took the title from him. I AM the recognized AWA World Champion!


Crowd cheered.


Lawler: You may be 'recognized' as you say. But the fact remains that you never beat me for the belt. How can you be the champion if you never beat the reigning champion for the title. As I said, I never lost this.


Lawler pointed at the belt cradled in his left arm.


Lawler: And I came here for one reason. Sgt. Slaughter. I challenge you to a World Title unification match.


Crowd buzzing more (probably been drinking a lot by this time at the 'Boat).


Lawler: You can name the time and the place. I don't care if you want to wrestle in a landfill. But this matter needs to be settled once and for all.


Sarge: I won this, King! I did defeat the champion!


Lawler: You defeated a man who was not legit because he never beat me to win it.


What I'm out here calling for is for the good of the sport. This situation needs to be cleared up between you and me. There must be closure.


Sarge: As far as I'm concerned you're not the AWA Champion anymore. I am. I won this belt in an officially sanctioned match. You're the one who...


Lawler: These fans out here may support you. But they know, they know, that you need to have a title unification match with me to settle this dispute. Otherwise, you're nothing more than a fake champion. People will question the validity of your claim to being the World Champion.


Mixed crowd reaction.


Lawler: So, what will it be? The ball is now in your court, Sarge. Do you have an answer for me?


Sarge thought about it and rubbed his chin.


Sarge: I won this! Won it fair and square! You weren't around! You were nowhere to be found!


And you call me a fake World Champion!


Sarge got in Lawler's face.


Sarge: Let me tell you something! There's nothing fake about me at all, King! I am the real deal and these people know it!


And that's all I have to say right now!




The pair stared each other down for a few more seconds before Sarge turned and left the ring and headed back up the aisle.


Fans were confused.


Nelson: Jerry Lawler! I don't think Sgt. Slaughter gave you the answer you were looking for!


Lawler (calm): He didn't, Larry. I'll give him some time to think about it. But I won't wait long for his answer. It's up to him whether or not he wants to be remembered as an underserving, illegitimate World Champion.




Pic aired of Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... THE KING SPEAKS!




In-ring Interview: Larry Nelson.


Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time.


He shocked the wrestling world by coming out here and confronting AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!


Lawler once again came through the main entrance to the Showboat Sports Pavilion. He was in street clothes and carrying his version of the AWA World Title.


Nelson: He claims to be the real AWA World Champion...Jerry 'The King' Lawler!


Mixed crowd reaction as Lawler climbed over the plastic chain barricade and made his way up the ring steps and into the ring. Lawler briefly looked around at the crowd.


Nelson: King, you came out here and challenged Sgt. Slaughter to a World Title unification match to determine who the real AWA World Champion is.


Sarge did not give you an answer as to whether or not he would agree to the match.


Lawler: Indeed. Sgt. Slaughter did not respond when I challenged him to a unification match to settle this dispute once and for all.


Nelson: AWA officials were stunned by your appearance on the last episode of AWA Championship Wrestling and your claim to be the champion since you had never lost the title.


Lawler: It sounds like the AWA brass, starting with Verne Gagne, need to hop on the unification bandwagon as quickly as possible.


This needs to happen. The fans are clamoring to see it. The wrestling press will be all over it.


Sgt. Slaughter needs to come out here and clearly state his position once and for all.


If he rejects my offer of a unification match, then the AWA is stuck with a disgraced illegitimate World Champion.


Many in the crowd booed.


Nelson: Sarge will be out here later on. Do you have anything to say to him?


Lawler: Sgt. Slaughter, deep down it has to bother you. You know that you didn't defeat me to win the AWA World Title. Your title reign is flawed. You're a fake Heavyweight Champion.


You were a U.S. Marine. The Marines I know are prideful men. If you have any pride, Sarge, you will accept my challenge for a World Title unification match.


Nelson: I don't know if I would question the man's pride.


Lawler: Then he needs to stand up like the action hero he supposedly is, say 'yes' to my challenge, and let's get the contracts signed and let's face off inside the squared circle to know who the REAL AWA World Champion is!


Many in the crowd booed.


Nelson: Jerry Lawler, everybody!


Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... STONE MOUNTAIN STEAMROLLER!




Jerry Blackwell won a squash over Bull Pain via pinfall with his big splash finisher. Pain gave Blackwell a bit of a battle before succumbing to Blackwell's size and power.


In-studio: Larry Nelson discussed the situation between Tom Zenk and Col. DeBeers and intro'd a pre-recorded promo from Tom Zenk.




Video opened with a close-up shot of Zenk's shirtless back. Zenk was facing the AWA logo and had a mic.


Zenk: I had a shot at glory right in my grasp. I could sense my shot at Sgt. Slaughter for the AWA Title. It was right there in front of me.


And then it was stolen...


It was stolen by a man who is the lowest of the low. A man who despises certain people just because of the color of their skin. A man who simply likes to hurt people.


I was on the cusp of having my chance to become the Heavyweight Champion of the world! Tommy Rich was finished!


And then you happened, Col. DeBeers!


I can still feel the unforgiving heaviness of that coal miner's glove hitting me square in the face! And the next thing I knew I was being helped out of the ring!


I want you to know, Colonel, that I'm coming back! As a matter of fact I'm coming back in just a couple of weeks!


But damage has been done to my face...


The injuries will heal and they will heal soon.


But until they heal...I have to wear protection when I wrestle.


I want payback! And I intend to get it against you, DeBeers! You have pushed this situation between us into extremely dangerous new territory! I want you to feel the pain I felt when you hit me with that glove!


Camera panned back and Zenk slowly turned around. Shot of Zenk standing stoically with specially made face mask on.




Pic aired of Wendi Richter wearing the title with the caption: NEXT... THE WOMEN'S CHAMPION!




NON-TITLE: AWA Women's Champion Wendi Richter won a squash match over mystery masked wrestler Lady X via pinfall with a sitout DDT


Post-Match Interview Highlight:


Larry Nelson asked Wendi about being pursued by Magnificent Mimi.


Richter: Larry, Mimi is one tough cookie! But I'm the Women's Champion and that means I'm obligated to defend this belt against any worthy challengers out there! Mimi is more than worthy!


But to be the Women's Champion you've got to beat the Women's Champion!


Mimi, you want this?!


Richter held the belt up with one hand.


Richter: Then you come and take it from me!


Fans in the audience who cared about women's wrestling cheered her remarks.


Split-screen pic of Wahoo and Jonnie Stewart aired with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Wahoo McDaniel vs. 'The Wrestler of the '90s' Jonnie Stewart


Stewart took the mic before the match.


Stewart: Wahoo McDaniel! Tonight, you become the biggest notch on my belt in my young career!


Taking you down, Wahoo, will only further cement my reputation as the man to lead wrestling into the '90s!


Good back-and-forth battle between the old school vet and the rising young star.


Both men got their licks in and both came close to scoring the victory.


At the end of the match, Stewart was on the offensive. Stewart went to suplex Wahoo but Wahoo shifted his weight in mid-air and Stewart crashed to the mat with Wahoo on top of him. Wahoo for the pin. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Both men up and Wahoo moved in with a blistering series of chest chops. Stewart on stagger street.


Wahoo grabbed Stewart and whipped Stewart into the corner. Wahoo moved in and Stewart charged out and blasted Wahoo with an axe (forearm smash to the face). Wahoo crashed to the mat. Stewart snapped up Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with a suplex. Stewart backed into the ropes and came off with a diving headbutt to the chest. Stewart for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Stewart picked up Wahoo and went to bodyslam the Indian legend but Wahoo stunned Stewart by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up. Stewart caught Wahoo with a quick kick to the gut followed by a knee lift to the chest. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Stewart quickly adjusted his left knee pad. Announcers pointed out that there were rumors of Stewart loading the knee pad. Stewart snapped Wahoo up, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with his flying knee to the gut finisher. Stewart for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed.


WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 8:47




Stewart had his hand raised in victory as Wahoo was still down. Suddenly, Manny Fernandez, in his ring attire, charged down the heel entrance aisle and hit the ring and started stomping away on the prone Wahoo. Stewart joined in the boot party on The Chief. Fernandez then ordered Stewart to pick Wahoo up and hold Wahoo from behind. Stewart obliged. As Stewart held Wahoo, Fernandez moved in and pounded Wahoo with head and body shots and, to add insult to injury, a few hard chest chops.


Crowd cheered as Baron Von Raschke, in his ring gear, charged down the face entrance aisle and hit the ring with a folded steel chair. Stewart let go of Wahoo and Wahoo went back down and Stewart and Fernandez bailed to the safety of the floor before feeling the sting of the chair.


Fernandez and Stewart looked on as Von Raschke gestured for Larry Nelson to come to the ring. Nelson left the broadcast position and climbed up on the apron. Wahoo painfully to his feet holding his gut.


Von Raschke: Manny Fernandez! It seems you have made a new friend! And you both have one thing in common!


You're both scum!


Crowd cheered.


Fernandez yelling from the floor.


Wahoo: Larry! I don't know what Stewart has in that knee pad of his...but it's more than just a knee! It felt like I was hit with a lead pipe in the gut!


Stewart virulently shaking his head 'no' from the floor.


Nelson: What do you think is in that knee pad, Chief?


Wahoo: I think it's steel! Pull down the pad, Jonnie!


Stewart reluctant to pull down the pad.


Crowd started chanting: Pull it down! Pull it down!


Jonnie shook his head 'no', yelled at the fans and consorted with new pal Fernandez.


Von Raschke: Tell you what! Let's have a match!


Crowd chered.


Von Raschke: Me and the Chief vs. you two SOB's!


More cheering.


The two sides were staring each other down and exchanging words.


Nelson: Here comes AWA promoter Verne Gagne!


AWA boss Verne Gagne made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.


Verne reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a document.


Nelson: What is that you have in your hand?


Verne: Larry, I am holding a standard AWA match contract.


Verne reached into the breast pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pen.


Verne: Let's make this match happen.


Crowd cheered.


Verne: Wahoo and Baron, I need your signatures here.


Baron and Wahoo each signed the contract.


Verne: Now for Manny and Jonnie's signatures.


The heel duo remained on the floor.


Fernandez picked up on a mic.


Fernandez: Bring the contract to us down here!


Verne: You won't come in the ring?


Fernandez: Bring it here, Verne!


Verne chuckled and shook his head and left the ring and dropped to the floor. Von Raschke and Wahoo looked on from the ring.


Fernandez snapped the contract and pen out of Verne's hands and looked up at the pair still in the ring.


Fernandez then signed the contract and handed it off to Jonnie Stewart.


Stewart signed the contract and handed it back to Verne Gagne.


Nelson left the ring and went over to Verne.


Verne: It is official. It will be Wahoo and the Baron vs. Fernandez and Stewart in a tag match!


Crowd cheered.


Verne: And one more thing.


Let's see Mr. Stewart's knee pad.


Verne started to approach Stewart. Stewart was jittery and Fernandez got between Stewart and Verne. Verne went to go around Fernandez but Fernandez blocked Verne's path and Stewart started backing up into the heel entrance aisle. Baron and Wahoo dropped to the floor and started walking in Stewart's direction. Stewart turned and hauled ass to the back as Wahoo and Baron looked on from the heel aisle.


Nelson: Looks like Mr. Stewart got away.


Verne: We'll find out one day whether or not Stewart loads that knee pad for an advantage.


Baron and Wahoo walked over to Verne and Nelson.


Baron: Verne, we will be your knee pad inspectors in the tag match!


Wahoo: If a weapon's in there, the Wahoo/Baron Inspection Company will find it!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: Verne, Wahoo and the Baron, everybody!


Pic aired of the Sarge holding the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... THE SARGE!




Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.


Nelson: We are back on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.


Please welcome my guest at this time...AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!


Marine Corps Hymn played and the Sarge came down the face entrance aisle.


Announcer Blears: I notice Sgt. Slaughter isn't carrying little American flags to give out to the fans like he normally does.


Sarge made his way to the ring without handing out flags or slapping any of the fans' hands.


Sarge climbed into the ring and did not acknowledge the crowd with a military salute.


Sarge had the title cradled in his left arm.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter. The fans are dying to know what your response is to Jerry Lawler challenging you to a match to determine who the real AWA World Champion is.

Sarge rubbed his free hand over his mouth and was in a contemplative mood.


Sarge: It's like this. I defeated Larry Zbysko to win the AWA World Title. I know it. You know it, Larry. These fans know it. I am the true reigning AWA World Champion!

Most in the crowd cheered. Others were very soused by this time of the tapings.


Sarge: Jerry Lawler didn't show up to wrestle on some of the shows where he was scheduled to defend the title. Because of his no-shows, the decision was made by the AWA to go in another direction.


And me winning the gold was the result of that new direction.


Now Lawler shows up out of the blue and says that he's still the real AWA Champion because he never lost the belt and he wants a match with me to unify the titles so there's one undisputed AWA World Champion when all is said and done.


Nelson: Are you going to wrestle Lawler in a World Title unification match?


Sarge was silent for a moment...


Sarge: I defeated Zbysko and won this belt! That's all I have to say!


Nelson: That doesn't answer the question.


Sarge (exasperated): You know what, Larry...


Sarge bowed his head.


Nelson: Do you have an answer for Lawler...


Sarge put his hand up to silence Nelson. He looked around at the fans in the 'Boat Sports Pavilion.


Sarge then shook his head slightly like he was gesturing 'no'.


Nelson: Was that a...


Sarge then walked off, left the ring, dropped to the floor and headed back up the face aisle.


Announcer Blears: Sgt. Slaughter gave us no clear answer.


Fans were buzzing.


Nelson was confused.


Nelson: I'm not sure what's going on. We'll try and get to the bottom of it.


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If you watch his AWA stuff, Jonnie Stewart was actually a pretty good worker and heel. Wonder why neither WCW nor WWF took a chance on him.


Glad you're enjoying the return.


He certainly would have fit into the WCW Lt Heavyweight division at that time with Pillman, Armstrong and several others in early 91

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(2nd Taping Re-cap)

In-Studio Host/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears
2nd Taping Re-capIn-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT! AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. The Guerrero Brothers

A look back at the surprise return of Jerry Lawler in Las Vegas and his confrontation with Sgt. Slaughter over the AWA World Title

Tom Zenk has some words for Col. DeBeers

Brad Rheingans wrestles

Greg Gagne makes an appearance

Badd Company sees action

And more!

Nelson then sent it to the Sioux Falls Arena.

Jerry Blackwell defeated Dennis Stamp in a squash via pinfall with his big splash finisher

Post-Match Interview Highlight: Larry Nelson asked Blackwell about challenging for the AWA World Title one day.

Blackwell: Larry, I'd love to wrestle for the World Championship. Every wrestler, when they start in this business, dreams of winning the biggest title in our great sport.

It would be great to..

Wait a minute! Here comes trouble!

Sheik Adnan El Kaissey made his way to the ring to boos from the crowd.

Kaissey stepped into the ring and walked up to Blackwell.

Nelson: Sheik Adnan El...

Kaissey: Shut up, infidel!

More boos.

Kaissey: Jerry Blackwell! Very soon, I am going to unleash a beast on the entire AWA!

He is a behemoth! He is a monster of a man!

And his first target is going to be...you!

Right now, 'Crusher', you have a target on that huge back of yours!This man is going to crush the 'Crusher'!

And all of the AWA will tremble with great fear at this man's very presence!

Blackwell: Sheik, I once was employed by you!

And one thing I always hated about you, and there's a lot about you to hate, was that you talked a lot! You gotta big mouth, camel breath!

Crowd cheered.

Blackwell: You talked big and often didn't deliver! And you...

Kaissey: The Sheik's Army sometimes failed to deliver because we had a weak link like you in our ranks!

This man...mark my words...is no weak link!

Blackwell: Then unveil this monster! Let's see if he measures up!

Kaissey: Oh! He will more than measure up to an infidel like you! Like I said, he will be arriving shortly!Sheik punched his right fist into his left palm and ground his fist against his palm.

Blackwell! He will grind you to powder!

The pair stared each other down as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... WORDS FOR THE COLONEL!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded video comments from Tom Zenk.VIDEO:

Video opened with a close-up shot of Zenk's shirtless back. Zenk was facing the AWA logo and had a mic.

I had a shot at glory right in my grasp. I could sense my shot at Sgt. Slaughter for the AWA Title. It was right there in front of me.

And then it was stolen...

It was stolen by a man who is the lowest of the low. A man who despises certain people just because of the color of their skin. A man who simply likes to hurt people.

I was on the cusp of having my chance to become the Heavyweight Champion of the world! Tommy Rich was finished!

And then you happened, Col. DeBeers!

I can still feel the unforgiving heaviness of that coal miner's glove hitting me square in the face! And the next thing I knew I was being helped out of the ring!

I want you to know, Colonel, that I'm coming back! As a matter of fact I'm coming back in just a couple of weeks!

But damage has been done to my face...

The injuries will heal and they will heal soon.

But until they heal...I have to wear protection when I wrestle.

I want payback! And I intend to get it against you, DeBeers! You have pushed this situation between us into extremely dangerous new territory! I want you to feel the pain I felt when you hit me with that glove!

Camera panned back and Zenk slowly turned around. Shot of Zenk standing stoically with the specially made face mask on.

END VIDEONelson talked about the situation heating up even more between Zenk and DeBeers and that things could explode between the pair over the long, hot summer.

Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from the Guerrero Bros. as they prepare to challenge for the World Tag Team Titles in the main event.

Hector and Mando Guerrero were in their ring attire and sombreros and standing in front of the AWA logo. Each man had a mic.Hector: Tonight, Mando...

Mando: Si!

Hector:Tonight we have a shot at the American dream! It's moments like these that our ancestors risked life and limb to come to this great country!

Work hard and you get rewarded!

Mando: As Don King would say: Only in America!

Hector laughed.

Hector:Indeed, my brother, indeed!

Destruction Crew! We proved we could beat you a few weeks ago! And we did it with hard work! We outworked the tag team champions of the world!

Mando: And this match won't be non-title like the last one was! No, sir!

The belts are up for grabs!

We beat you once and we know we can do it again! As my brother said, hard work pushed us to victory in our last meeting!

And hard work will once again determine things between us!

Hector: And if...

Mando: When, Hector! Not if!

Hector patted his brother on the shoulder.

Hector:When we win those belts tonight, there will be a big fiesta and all the fans will be invited! The tequila will flow like water! And we will dance the night away with an army of beautiful senoritas! It will be a night to remember!

Brothers (in unison): Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiba!


Pic aired of Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... A WRESTLING CHAMPION!

Brad Rheingans won a squash over Duane Gill via pinfall with his bridging cradle suplex

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from the World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew as they prepare to defend their titles in tonight's TV main.


The Destruction Crew (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom) were standing in front of the AWA logo in their ring attire with mics in hand. They had the belts on around their waists.Bloom: Congratulations, Mando and Hector Guerrero. You beat us the last time we met.

The Destruction Crew makes no excuses. We flat out lost to you guys that night.

But the titles weren't on the line. You get your shot at glory in the main event. The titles are on the line this time.

But it's gonna end in abject failure for you.

You see, Mando and Hector, title matches are where the big money is. And me and Mike, we intend to remain the champs for a long time. We love money and we love championships.

So you two may be flying high coming into this match. But your dreams of being the tag team champions are gonna crash and burn against Mount Destruction Crew!

Tell 'em, Mike!

Enos: Wayne, I'll make it short and sweet!

The Guerrero Brothers upset us once! But they're not gonna upset us again!

We're the champs for a reason! That's because we're the best in this sport today!

So, Mando and Hector, we're a pair of decent fellows!

Me and Wayne might...MIGHT...let you shine the belts up after we beat you tonight! Because that's as close to holding the titles as you're gonna get!


Pic aired of Lawler and Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CONFUSION?!

CommercialsIn-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from AWA Championship Wrestling of Jerry Lawler's surprise re-appearance in the AWA and confrontation with current champ Sgt. Slaughter over who the real AWA World Champion is.

To read this Sarge-Lawler confrontation if you haven't already, please go to Post #121 and scroll down to the post-match interview after the Sarge-Tommy Rich main event.

Larry Nelson said the situation between Sarge and Lawler over who the real World Champion is right now is the talk of the sport. Said AWA officials were caught off-guard by Lawler's appearance and claim and keeping a close eye on the situation as it develops.

Pic aired of Badd Company and mgr. DDP with the caption: NEXT... BADD NEWS!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows

Larry Nelson was standing at ringside with a special guest.Nelson: My guest at this time is Greg Gagne!

Mild crowd reaction.

Nelson: Greg, I see you have something in your hand.

Greg: Yes I do, Larry.

As you can see it's an hourglass. And the sands in it are rapidly running out. What this represents is the short amount of time left before Ken Patera returns to wrestle in the AWA!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: These fans were excited to hear that news!

Greg: He will be back very soon! Sooner than people expect!

Crowd booed as Larry Zbysko, in his ring attire, came power-walking down the aisle and confronted Greg Gagne.

Zbysko: This is getting to be a bad joke!

Greg: Larry, you'd better get ready! Because Patera will be here before you know it!

Zbysko: You've said this for weeks now and no Patera! I just think you're trying to play some sort of silly Gagne mind game! Did your daddy put you up to this?!

Greg: No one put me up to this! He will be here and it will be soon! And when I say soon, I mean soon! Get that through your head, Zbysko!

Zbysko: I'm not worried, oh son of Verne!

You're just trying to throw me off my game! He's had plenty of time to come back and still he's not here! And even if he comes back he'll have a crippled up left arm so he won't be the champion-caliber wrestler he once was thanks to the 'Living Legend'!

Greg: Just keep thinking that way, Larry! You will be the one who pays a heavy price because of it!

Zbysko and Greg started arguing.

Nelson: Let's send it back to Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears.Marshall and Blears briefly discussed the matter of Patera returning to the AWA.

Blears: Lee, I hate to say it, but I think Zbysko may be right. Patera's had weeks to return and it has not happened.

Marshall: We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

Blears: Greg Gagne is one of the most honest men in this sport. But I think he's wrong here. Not holding my breath on this one.

In the ring: Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP) won a squash over Harry Horwitz and Joe Besser via pinfall when Diamond pinned Horwitz after a sitout gourdbuster

Post-Match In-ring Interview Highlight:

Dallas Page, everyone is still trying to figure out what happened at the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. You were approached in the ring by a strange woman who kissed you on the lips...

DDP: The ladies can't resist me! Haha!

Nelson rolled his eyes.

Nelson: The mystery woman gave you a note saying: Watch Your Backs!

Have you found out who sent the woman and the note?

DDP: No, we haven't found out who was behind it.

We think it's probably the Pop Guns, who are off in some corner somewhere crying in their beers over how they were no match for Badd Company,

But no matter who it is, Nelson, they will not intimidate us with their pathetic mind games!

Nelson: Well, you have to... Whoa! Here comes another one!

A stunning busty blonde in a cocktail dress and heels came to the ring carrying an envelope.

The woman stepped into the ring.

DDP: Got a gift for me, doll?

Woman: I sure do.

Woman stroked DDP under the chin with her right forefinger.

Woman: They're a lot closer than you think.

Woman handed DDP the envelope and started to leave the ring. Before stepping through the ropes, she turned and blew a kiss to DDP and then she left.

Nelson: What's in the envelope?

DDP looked at the envelope for a moment and then opened it and silently read the message inside.

Nelson: What does it say?

DDP paused.

DDP: It says: We're watching you!

Nelson: What do you think it means?

DDP: I don't know.

Nelson: The woman said they were closer than you think. Hey! You think they could be in the building?!

DDP: Awww! Come on now!

This is all a head game and it isn't gonna wo...

What are you two doing?!

Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond were looking around and scanning the crowd.

Tanaka: Looking to see if someone might be out there.

DDP: Who are you looking for?

Tanaka: Don't know, really.

DDP shook his head.

DDP:You two...

Let's go! This is a farce! No one is stalking us!

Diamond: You never know, boss.

DDP: Of course, I know! You two do the wrestling and let me do the thinking! All of it! Let's go!

The trio left the ring.

Nelson: Badd Company, everybody!

Crowd buzzing as the trio left the ring and headed back up the aisle.

Marshall and Blears briefly discussed the situation with Badd Company and whoever was playing mind games with them.

Blears: Mind games can sometimes have a very ugly real world conclusion.

Pic aired of the AWA World Tag Team Titles with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM TITLE TILT!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house showsTV MAIN EVENT: AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCHDestruction Crew (WTTC) vs. The Guerrero Bros.

Once again, the Guerrero Brothers brought the fight to the champs and had them on the ropes a few times during the match but couldn't put the Destruction Crew away. The Guerreros appeared to be outworking the champs.

At the end of the match, Hector Guerrero and Mike Enos were the legal men in the ring. Hector was on the offensive and went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and caught Hector coming off with a huge clothesline. Hector crashed to the mat. Enos for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hector got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Enos snapped Hector up and drove Hector into his team's corner. Enos tagged in Bloom. Enos popped Hector with a quick trio of shoulder blocks to the gut before leaving the ring. Bloom in and popped Hector with a quick punch. Bloom pulled Hector out of the corner and hit Hector with a suplex followed by a standing legdrop. Bloom for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hector kicked out just barely for a second time. Crowd cheered Hector's fight.

Marshall: You've got to admire Hector's toughness, Lord.

Blears: No doubt about it, Lee. Hector probably should have been finished off already.

Bloom snapped up Hector, whipped Hector into the ropes and looked to catch Hector coming off with a backdrop but Hector leapfrogged Bloom and lunged over and tagged in Mando. Crowd popped. Bloom moved towards the Guerreros corner and Mando leaped over the top rope and caught Bloom with a dropkick. Bloom crashed to the mat. Bloom to his feet and Mando caught Bloom with a second dropkick that dropped Bloom. Mando ran and hit the ropes as Bloom got to his feet and Mando caught Bloom with a flying crossbody. Bloom crashed to the mat with Mando on top of him. 1...2... Bloom kicked out. Sparse crowd groaned. Mando snapped Bloom up, whipped Bloom into the ropes and looked to catch Bloom coming off with a dropkick but Bloom grabbed the top rope and Mando crashed to the mat. Bloom briefly shook out the effects of the match and went over and stomped on the downed Mando multiple times. Bloom snapped Mando up, whipped Mando into the buckles and followed Mando in with a devastating running clothesline. Mando staggered out of the corner holding the top rope. Bloom popped Mando in the back with a big forearm shot, whipped Mando into the ropes and caught Mando coming off with a powerslam. Mando laid out. Bloom for the cover. 1...2...thr... Bloom pulled Mando up by the hair and shook his head 'no'.

Marshall: What in the world is Bloom doing?!

Blears: Getting cocky can cost you a match, Lee. Bloom may have made a huge mistake here.

Bloom snapped Mando up and went for a bodyslam but Mando stunned Bloom by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Bloom kicked out. Both men up and Bloom went to punch Mando but Mando blocked the punch try followed by a series of head shots to Bloom followed by an enzuigiri. Bloom crashed to the mat. Mando snapped Bloom up and locked Bloom in his family's famous submission hold.

Marshall: It's the Gory Special! Bloom is locked in the Guerrero's signature hold!

Mike Enos hit the ring and kicked Mando in the gut. Mando lost hist grip on Bloom and dropped to his knees holding his gut as Hector hit the ring and went after Enos. The two fought briefly. Bloom to his feet as Enos gained the upper hand on Hector and threw Hector over the top rope and down to the floor.

Marshall:A wrestler cannot be disqualified for throwing a man over the top rope if neither man is the legal man in the ring during a tag match.

Bloom and Mando up as the ref got Enos back to his corner. Hector down on the floor. Bloom charged in and drove Mando full-force, back-first into the buckles. Mando staggered out and crashed to the mat. Bloom with a quick head stomp and then snapped up Mando. Bloom tagged in Enos. Enos climbed in the ring and mounted the middle buckle as Bloom snapped up Mando and hoisted Mando up in the piledriver position. ref started the five count. Enos came off the middle rope and the champs pulverized Mando with the spike piledriver. Enos for the cover. 1... Hector up on the floor and tried to hit the ring. ...2... Hector stuck his head and shoulders through the top and middle rope and Bloom struck Hector with a boot to the side of the noggin. Hector fell helplessly into the ring. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.

The victors got a few cheap shots in on the challengers.

Ref gave the champs their belts back and raised their hands in victory as Nelson stood on the apron and announced the decision.
Bloom went over and pulled the mic in his direction while Larry Nelson still held it. Mike Enos stood behind Bloom holding his belt up.

Bloom: Titles on the line! The Destruction Crew gets the job done!

It's time for the Guerrero Brothers to go back to a job that suits them! Working at Taco Bell!

Enos burst out laughing. Nelson just shook his head.

WINNER: Destruction Crew - Pinfall - 14:06

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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Some of the dates have been leaked for the American Wrestling Association shows where Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter will clash to determine who the real AWA World Champion is.


The dates are:




28 - Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion


29 - Green Bay, WI - Brown County Memorial Arena


30 - St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Civic Center




11 - San Francisco, CA - The Cow Palace


12 - Salt Lake City, UT - Salt Palace


13 - Phoenix, AZ - Veterans Memorial Coliseum


25 - Omaha, NE - Civic Auditorium


26 - Fargo, ND - Bison Sports Arena


27 - Sioux Falls, SD - Sioux Falls Arena


Call Ticketmaster or the arena where the event will be taking place to see when tickets go on sale.


Slaughter vs. Lawler with everything on the line should make for some exciting matches.


PWI will be sending hard-boiled wrestling journalist Matt Brock on the road to these cards and he will give us the lowdown and match results throughout the shows each night (if Matt stays sober).


And you can get the scoop by calling the PWI Hotline at: 1-900-PWI-1912.


Just $2.50 a minute!


More as things develop...


Keep up with the latest news with what's going on between Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler by calling the PWI Hotline!


PLUS! We'll have exclusive comments from both Lawler and Sarge and any breaking news on this hot situation on the PWI Hotline and nowhere else!

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