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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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With regards to the AWA championship, Gagne should have put the belt on Hogan at Super Sunday; the fact that the crowd almost literally rioted over Hogan getting screwed out of the title is a sign Verne should have picked up on and was the beginning of the end of the AWA...


BTW, Gagne had no right to the money Hogan was making at New Japan; I don't blame Hogan for going to the WWF at all after this...

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With regards to the AWA championship, Gagne should have put the belt on Hogan at Super Sunday; the fact that the crowd almost literally rioted over Hogan getting screwed out of the title is a sign Verne should have picked up on and was the beginning of the end of the AWA...


BTW, Gagne had no right to the money Hogan was making at New Japan; I don't blame Hogan for going to the WWF at all after this...


I agree, LB.


Verne had such an old school mindset it's like he really didn't believe that Hogan could carry the ball for the promotion. Hence, why he always seemed to fall back on Nick Bockwinkel.


So, instead of ushering in a new era for the AWA, he ushered it in for Vince.


I don't see how a guy like Verne could not see all the money Hulk would have made for him as the champ. Demanding $ from Hogan from his Japan tour was one of the biggest death blows to the promotion. Hogan would have made this guy millions and he could not see it. The game was changing. Vince was playing high stakes poker and Verne was playing $1 blackjack.

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Since I'm not sure how they handled the taping schedules back then, I'm just going to pretend the syndicated tapings run a week behind the Showboat tapings. Example: The second week Showboat taping would air the same week the first syndicated taping would air, etc.

In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

3rd Taping Re-cap

- Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Paul Diamond of Badd Company vs. Tommy Jammer

Greg Gagne & Brad Rheingans vs. Akio Sato & Reno Riggins

The situation with Jerry Lawler and AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter is heating up. A look at what happened recently between the two in Las Vegas.

Tommy Rich sees action

An interview with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey

Col. DeBeers wrestles

Verne Gagne has a major announcement

And more!!!

Nelson then sent it to the Sioux Falls Arena.

Wahoo McDaniel won a squash over Bobby Grich via pinfall when he pinned Grich after his big chop finisher


Larry Nelson asked Wahoo about the situation with Manny Fernandez.

Wahoo: Larry, I don't know if our feud will ever come to an end! We hate each other that much!

There are times I've not just wanted to hurt Manny...I've wanted to kill him!

Gasps/cheers from the crowd.

Nelson: Whoa! That sounds a little extreme, Chief!

Wahoo: Our feud's been extreme, Larry! The hatred is so strong! It's like the wrestling version of the Hatfields and the McCoys!

We have all different types of matches that would normally settle a feud! But our feud just keeps escalating and escalating with no finish in sight!

Don Muraco, in street clothes, walked down the face aisle and climbed into the ring.

Nelson: It's Don Muraco! What are you doing out here?!

Muraco: Wahoo, we've known each other for a long time, right?

Wahoo: We have.

Muraco: I was thinking about something. I'd really like to go after the tag team titles. But I need a partner.

Wahoo: OK.

Muraco: Wahoo, I'm asking you to be my partner.

Crowd buzzing.

Wahoo: Don, I think we could work well as a team and I think we could take down the Destruction Crew and win those belts!

Crowd cheered.

Muraco: So, you're in?

Wahoo: I'm in 100%, brother!

The two shook hands.

More crowd cheers.

Nelson: You heard it here first! Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco are gonna be teaming up to go after the World Tag Team Titles!

Muraco: And we're gonna win 'em!

Wahoo: You got that right, Don!

Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... WILDFIRE RAGES!


Tommy Rich won a squash over Glen Buxton via pinfall with his Thesz Press finisher

Rich did not do his signature yap about being a former NWA World Champion (for all of five days).

Lee Marshall said he'd been told by AWA brass to keep his harsh opinions of Rich to a minimum when calling a Rich match. Marshall did as told.

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Tommy Jammer about his match with Paul Diamond of Badd Co.


Jammer was standing in his ring attire in front of the AWA logo. He was holding a mic.

Jammer: Paul Diamond! We're dancing with each other in the main event!

I know you're a tough customer!

And I also know you've got that sneaky thing you call a manager, Dallas Page, in your corner! I'll need eyes in the back of my head to make sure he keeps his nose clean during this match and does not interfere!

So, I've taken it upon myself to ask somebody if they would come to the ring with me to watch you!

And they agreed because they dislike you so much!

Paul Diamond! If you're gonna win this match, then you're winning it cleanly! You aren't getting help from DDP! That route has been closed to you!

You're gonna win this match like a man or you're not winning it at all!


Pic aired of Lawler and Sarge with the caption: NEXT... SARGE & LAWLER ACT 2!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a couple of interviews from AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN with self-proclaimed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler and official AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.

Would Sarge accept Lawler's challenge to decide who the real AWA World Champion is???


In-ring Interview: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time.

He shocked the wrestling world by coming out here and confronting AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!

Lawler once again came through the main entrance to the Showboat Sports Pavilion. He was in street clothes and carrying his version of the AWA World Title.

Nelson: He claims to be the real AWA World Champion...Jerry 'The King' Lawler!

Mixed crowd reaction as Lawler climbed over the plastic chain barricade and made his way up the ring steps and into the ring. Lawler briefly looked around at the crowd.

Nelson: King, you came out here and challenged Sgt. Slaughter to a World Title unification match to determine who the real AWA World Champion is.

Sarge did not give you an answer as to whether or not he would agree to the match.

Lawler: Indeed. Sgt. Slaughter did not respond when I challenged him to a unification match to settle this dispute once and for all.

Nelson: AWA officials were stunned by your appearance on the last episode of AWA Championship Wrestling and your claim to be the champion since you had never lost the title.

Lawler: It sounds like the AWA brass, starting with Verne Gagne, need to hop on the unification bandwagon as quickly as possible.

This needs to happen. The fans are clamoring to see it. The wrestling press will be all over it.

Sgt. Slaughter needs to come out here and clearly state his position once and for all.

If he rejects my offer of a unification match, then the AWA is stuck with a disgraced illegitimate World Champion.

Many in the crowd booed.

Nelson: Sarge will be out here later on. Do you have anything to say to him?

Lawler: Sgt. Slaughter, deep down it has to bother you. You know that you didn't defeat me to win the AWA World Title. Your title reign is flawed. You're a fake Heavyweight Champion.

You were a U.S. Marine. The Marines I know are prideful men. If you have any pride, Sarge, you will accept my challenge for a World Title unification match.

Nelson: I don't know if I would question the man's pride.

Lawler: Then he needs to stand up like the action hero he supposedly is, say 'yes' to my challenge, and let's get the contracts signed and let's face off inside the squared circle to know who the REAL AWA World Champion is!

Many in the crowd booed.

Nelson: Jerry Lawler, everybody!

Pic flipped to interview with Sarge.

Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: We are back on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.

Please welcome my guest at this time...AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!

Marine Corps Hymn played and the Sarge came down the face entrance aisle.

Announcer Blears: I notice Sgt. Slaughter isn't carrying little American flags to give out to the fans like he normally does.

Sarge made his way to the ring without handing out flags or slapping any of the fans' hands.

Sarge climbed into the ring and did not acknowledge the crowd with a military salute.

Sarge had the title cradled in his left arm.

Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter. The fans are dying to know what your response is to Jerry Lawler challenging you to a match to determine who the real AWA World Champion is.

Sarge rubbed his free hand over his mouth and was in a contemplative mood.

Sarge: It's like this. I defeated Larry Zbysko to win the AWA World Title. I know it. You know it, Larry. These fans know it. I am the true reigning AWA World Champion!

Most in the crowd cheered. Others were very soused by this time of the tapings.

Sarge: Jerry Lawler didn't show up to wrestle on some of the shows where he was scheduled to defend the title. Because of his no-shows, the decision was made by the AWA to go in another direction.

And me winning the gold was the result of that new direction.

Now Lawler shows up out of the blue and says that he's still the real AWA Champion because he never lost the belt and he wants a match with me to unify the titles so there's one undisputed AWA World Champion when all is said and done.

Nelson: Are you going to wrestle Lawler in a World Title unification match?

Sarge was silent for a moment...

Sarge: I defeated Zbysko and won this belt! That's all I have to say!

Nelson: That doesn't answer the question.

Sarge (exasperated): You know what, Larry...

Sarge bowed his head.

Nelson: Do you have an answer for Lawler...

Sarge put his hand up to silence Nelson. He looked around at the fans in the 'Boat Sports Pavilion.

Sarge then shook his head slightly like he was gesturing 'no'.

Nelson: Was that a...

Sarge then walked off, left the ring, dropped to the floor and headed back up the face aisle.

Announcer Blears: Sgt. Slaughter gave us no clear answer.

Fans were buzzing.

Nelson was confused.

Nelson: I'm not sure what's going on. We'll try and get to the bottom of it.


Nelson said that Sarge's reaction was baffling and a clear resolution to the matter is needed soon. The people need an answer.

Pic aired of Greg Gagne and Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows

Greg Gagne and Brad Rheingans won a squash over Akio Sato and Reno Riggins via submission when Greg put Riggins out with the Gagne Sleeper

Riggins and Sato got in some offense and a couple of pin tries during the bout, but Greg and Brad took over the latter portion of the match.

In-Studio: Nelson said that a major announcement was coming up later in the program.

Nelson then intro'd comments from Paul Diamond of Badd Co.


Diamond was in his ring attire with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

Diamond: This letter is dedicated to Tommy Jammer!

Dear Tommy!

In the main event I, Paul Diamond, am going to reorganize those pretty boy looks of yours!

Sincerely: Paul Diamond!

Jammer, you're gonna need all the luck you can get tonight!

I don't need luck! You know why that is, Jammer?!

It's because I'm a better wrestler than you and I have the greatest mind in my corner in our sport today in one 'Diamond' Dallas Page!

You combine my talent with his match strategy and you have an unbeatable combination! I've never been around such brilliance in my life! He's like the Buddah of wrestling!

Tommy Jammer! Prepare to add a number to your loss column tonight!


Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... THE COLONEL!


Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Willis Drummond via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher


Larry Nelson asked the Col. about the situation with Tom Zenk.

DeBeers: I see that this disgrace to his people is coming back. And he'll be wearing some sort of mask to cover what he says is an injury sustained when I hit him with my coal miner's glove.

But I think the real reason he's wearing the mask is because he's ashamed.

Nelson: Ashamed? Why do you think that?

DeBeers: He's ashamed because he's such an embarrassment to his white folk! He would sell out his own mother if the price was right for a little fame and fortune! The mask hides his shame! Or at least he thinks it does!

Tom Zenk is the typical white American today. He's shallow, money hungry, status conscious, a lover of constant attention! It's always: look at me! with these white American fools! Are they so blind they can't see what's happening to them! Shame! You all need to hang your heads in shame!

And Tom Zenk needs to hang his head lower than any other white American because of his decadent behavior!

Nelson: How much were you fined for that glove shot on Zenk.

DeBeers: It's no one's business, Nelson, but I will tell you.

Verne Gagne and Stanley Blackburn fined me $5 grand for the hit on Zenk!

Nelson: Wow! That's some serious money coming out of your pay!

DeBeers: It is! But the fine was taken care of very quickly.

Nelson: How so?

DeBeers: You must remember, Larry Nelson, my last name is DeBeers!

Nelson: Oh! I see. DeBeers. Diamonds. Money. Lots and lots of money.

DeBeers nodded in agreement.

DeBeers: End of story!

Tom Zenk, I'll be waiting for you, you American dog!

Nelson: Col. DeBeers, everybody!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows


In-Studio: Larry Nelson was standing with AWA boss Verne Gagne. Between them was a small table with an object on it that was covered in blue velvet cloth.

Nelson: I'm with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

Verne, we hear you have a major announcement.

Verne: I do, Larry. And it involves what's under this covering.

Nelson: I know I'm curious to see what it is.

Verne: Our sport has a great history.

Nelson: It certainly does.

Verne: We wanted to create something that truly represented the sport.

So, the wait is over. Here it is.

Nelson (jokingly): Drum roll, please!

Verne chuckled and then pulled the covering off the object.

It was a new title belt.

Nelson: Wow! Would you look at that! Impressive!

Verne: It's the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt.

In the weeks ahead, we'll be informing our great fans of a tournament to decide the inaugural Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

Nelson: This is a belt that a lot of wrestlers will certainly want to challenge for.

The belt is incredible in its design.

Will it be a one night tournament or will it take place over several nights?

Verne: That hasn't been decided, Larry. But promoters from all around the country who have heard about this new AWA title and that a tournament will take place for it, they have been calling our offices wanting us to bring the tournament to one of their cities.*

Nelson: You can just see that this belt is gonna be huge in this sport.

After what you just said about other promoters being interested in it, will you allow wrestlers from outside the AWA to compete for the Pro Wrestling Heritage title?

Verne: We're looking into that. Everything is wide open right now and open to possible negotiation.

Nelson: This title could really mark the beginning of a new era for the AWA.

Verne: I think it will. This is a belt that a lot of great wrestlers should be vying for.

Nelson: You just heard it from Verne Gagne! The AWA is introducing the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and it may be an open competition with promotions from around the U.S. and maybe the world interested in sending their best wrestlers to challenge for this magnificent title!


(* Translated: It's promoter speak for bullshit.)

Larry Nelson was standing next to the AWA logo in the studio.

Nelson gushed over the new championship and said it will be exciting to see how it all plays out and, when the dust settles, who the first Pro Wrestling Heritage champion will be and even if he will be a current AWA wrestler or someone from outside the promotion.

Nelson then intro'd an interview he did with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.


Nelson and the Sheik, dressed in his Arab garb, were in the parking lot of the Showboat Hotel in Vegas.

Nelson: I'm here with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.

Sheik, you told us about a wrestler coming in who could really shake things up in the AWA.

Kaissey: That is right, infidel Nelson!

This man will be here soon! He is training in his homeland right now! His training is brutal! It's grueling! But it will only make him physically and mentally tougher!

The wrestlers in the AWA will not want to step into the ring with him because he is going to dominate the AWA!

Nelson: Dominate! How do you know?!

Kaissey: Because I'm a great evaluator of talent! This man is the complete package!

And when he comes in the first man he is going to target is Jerry Blackwell! He will shatter the Mountain from Stone Mountain!

Nelson: That's a tall order. Blackwell's a big, tough man. You seem to be aiming high right out of the gate. You don't think this man should start out wrestling guys who are lower on the totem pole?

Kaissey: No! He's staring out with Blackwell because to destroy a man like Blackwell immediately pushes you up the ladder here in the AWA!

He will be main eventing before you know it! That's how devastating he's gonna be!

And the goal for him, like it is for every wrestler, is to win the AWA World Title!

AWA officials will have no choice but to give this man a shot at the title because of the trail of devastation he will leave behind him!

Nelson: If true, this man sounds extremely dangerous.

Kaissey: It is true, infidel! I'm a man of honor! I never lie!

Nelson: That was Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.

He says he's bringing in a wrestler who will turn the AWA upside down and dominate as soon as he arrives.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!


TV MAIN EVENT: Paul Diamond (w/ Mgr. DDP) vs. Tommy Jammer

Before the match, Jammer introduced the man in his corner. The man came out to a strong cheer from the crowd. He was in street clothes.

Marshall: It's Jake Milliman! The 'Milkman' has arrived!

Milliman made the gesture of pointing at his own eyes and then at DDP to let DDP know he was watching him.

DDP had his cane with him.

An even, back-and-forth battle throughout, Jammer and Diamond both brought their A-games.

Late in the match, DDP looked like he was going to try and interfere but Milliman came over and cut DDP off at the pass. DDP backed off. Milliman, being an idiot face, turned his back to walk away and DDP struck Milliman in the back with his cane. Milliman went down. Moral to this story: Jammer needs to pick a better cornerman than a lifelong jobber.

End of the match saw Diamond on the offensive.

Diamond worked over Jammer with a series of head and body shots. Diamond whipped Jammer into the ropes and caught Jammer coming off with an elbow to the chest. Jammer went down. Diamond snapped Jammer up and nailed Jammer with a suplex. Diamond then repeated the move. Jammer hurting. Diamond then hit Jammer with a sidewalk slam. Diamond for the cover. 1...2...thr... Jammer got a shoulder up. The crowd of less than 2,000 cheered.

At ringside, DDP was looking on. He was frustrated by Jammer's escape. DDP pounded the mat in frustration. Suddenly, a stunning redhead beauty came down to ringside and approached DDP. Diamond still on the offensive against Jammer in the ring. The woman handed DDP and manilla envelope and briefly and gave a quick nibble to Page's left ear and walked off. DDP reached into the envelope and partially pulled out its contents. DDP reacted with shock at what he saw. He quickly shoved the contents back into the envelope. In a moment of grave irrationality, DDP jumped up on the ring apron and looked out over the (sparse) crowd. DDP was paying no attention to the match.

DDP picked up on a mic.

DDP: Show yourself right now, dammit!

In the ring, Jammer briefly went on the offensive and went to whip Diamond into the ropes but Diamond reversed and sent Jammer crashing into DDP. DDP went flying and so did his cane and the envelope. DDP crashed to the concrete floor. Jammer stunned. Diamond went to take advantage and rolled Jammer up from behind for the pin. 1... Diamond grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... Jammer kicked out. Fan going crazy. Diamond moved in and grabbed Jammer as Jammer was getting up and went to whip Jammer into the buckles but Jammer reversed and sent Diamond crashing into them. Diamond bounded out of the corner and Jammer caught him with the Jammer Slam. Jammer for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans cheered.

DDP made it to his feet with the help of the ring apron. He was still shaken up. Jammer had his hand raised by the ref and Jammer celebrated briefly in the ring and then left the ring and slapped hands and celebrated with fans at ringside.

A defeated Diamond slowly and painfully made his way to his feet. He looked over and saw his boss. Diamond left the ring and went over to check on DDP. As DDP shook out the effects of the collision, Diamond noticed the manilla envelope on the floor. Diamond picked it up, looked at DDP and then opened the envelope; but before he could see what was inside, DDP snatched the envelope out of his hands.

DDP picked up on a mic.

DDP: This is for me, Paul! Me! Stay out of it!

Diamond threw his hands up in a mea culpa.

Announcers wondered just what, exactly, was in the envelope as the program ended.

WINNER: Jammer - Pinfall - 9:33



Wendi Richter (WC) def. Candi Devine via pinfall with a flying crossbody - TIME: 7:25

Manny Fernandez def. Baron Von Raschke via pinfall with his Flying Burrito (flying double forearm smash to the chest) finisher - TIME: 8:31

AWA WORLD TITLE: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) def. Jonnie Stewart via submission with his Cobra Clutch finisher - TIME: 16:10

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="piperrulz" data-cite="piperrulz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52672" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I agree, LB.<p> </p><p> Verne had such an old school mindset it's like he really didn't believe that Hogan could carry the ball for the promotion. Hence, why he always seemed to fall back on Nick Bockwinkel.</p><p> </p><p> So, instead of ushering in a new era for the AWA, he ushered it in for Vince.</p><p> </p><p> I don't see how a guy like Verne could not see all the money Hulk would have made for him as the champ. Demanding $ from Hogan from his Japan tour was one of the biggest death blows to the promotion. Hogan would have made this guy millions and he could not see it. The game was changing. Vince was playing high stakes poker and Verne was playing $1 blackjack.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree he should have put the belt on Hogan at that Super Sunday show. But Verne didn’t think Hogan was a good enough wrestler. And maybe back in the 50’s and 60’s (and he’ll even the early 70’s) he was likely right. The game was starting to change but Verne wasn’t. He also didn’t appear to trust Hogan, maybe it was there arguments about money, Japan, Merch etc but Verne (and many old school promoters) would put their titles on people they don’t trust. </p><p> </p><p> It would have been interesting what might have happened if Hogan beat Bockwinkel for the title at that show. Thinking about how it might have changed the landscape of wrestling in the national expansion era of the 80’s. I still think TV made a huge difference and with McMahon on USA and Crockett on WTBS it would have been tough. ESPN wasn’t what it became in the early 80’s although I was watching it personally. The AWA didn’t start there until 86 I think and you never knew when it was going to be on, it seemed to float all over.</p>
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I agree he should have put the belt on Hogan at that Super Sunday show. But Verne didn’t think Hogan was a good enough wrestler. And maybe back in the 50’s and 60’s (and he’ll even the early 70’s) he was likely right. The game was starting to change but Verne wasn’t. He also didn’t appear to trust Hogan, maybe it was there arguments about money, Japan, Merch etc but Verne (and many old school promoters) would put their titles on people they don’t trust.


It would have been interesting what might have happened if Hogan beat Bockwinkel for the title at that show. Thinking about how it might have changed the landscape of wrestling in the national expansion era of the 80’s. I still think TV made a huge difference and with McMahon on USA and Crockett on WTBS it would have been tough. ESPN wasn’t what it became in the early 80’s although I was watching it personally. The AWA didn’t start there until 86 I think and you never knew when it was going to be on, it seemed to float all over.


The show started in summer '85 on ESPN I believe and was in primetime and then they switched it to 1pm PST and it did get bounced around. You never knew when a new episode would air. I think the change happened because of college football and basketball coming along in the fall and ESPN had those obligations. But Verne still should have demanded a set timeslot for the program.


Vince saw where TV was headed and Verne couldn't really grasp it.


It would hyave been cool if they had a set primetime slot because they would have made new fans.


As of mid-'86, they still had a pretty strong roster. They had that WrestleRock show that drew over 20,000 in April of that year and it was a loaded show. Things started going downhill quickly not long after that.


Yeah, Verne relied too heavily on his old pals and, with the exception of Bockwinkel, no one really wanted to see any of the other oldies in a main event position anymore. Hogan would have been the game changer and Verne was too wrapped up in his old school mindset to see it.

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Potential AWA buyer Bob Lurie had a couple of his personal accountants visit the AWA headquarters to go over the books.


It wasn't good...


What the accountants found was a company that was a money pit.


TV syndication was vanishing at an alarming rate. The promotion was treated like an outcast on ESPN. They bounced around on the network like a basketball.


The house show business? Ha!


Several house shows had been canceled in the previous months due to extremely poor ticket sales. And the house shows that took place were usually viewed by hundreds, not thousands, of fans. The shows that broke the thousand mark in ticket sales almost always did so by the skin of their teeth.


Vegas seemed to be the only city where the AWA could draw over 2,000 fans anymore. And those numbers were sinking, too!


The sales of the AWA's laughable merchandise had gone from mediocre during the good times to almost nothing now.


It looked as though not even the Baron Von Raschke action figure, with its comical well-muscled body, could re-ignite merch sales.


Tape sales, well, the AWA was never good at putting together video productions the fans really wanted to see. They were light years behind Vince's slickly produced VHS and Beta offerings.


And whereas Vince's tapes were usually pretty loaded, Verne's tapes usually lasted less than an hour and were put together in very clunky fashion.


The AWA was in need of a desperate overhaul.


The two accountants, Ivan Boesky and Rufus T. Firefly, told Verne in a private sit down meeting that they would report their findings to Mr. Lurie.


The two day affair ended cordially. But Verne knew things looked bad...again...to find another buyer.


The upside for Verne was his TV was better than it had been since Reagan was President.


Sarge vs. Lawler to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion. Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers had potential. The Destruction Crew, the company's best team heel or face, were the tag champs. Ken Patera had returned and would be squaring off against the man who tried to put him out of wrestling, Larry Zbysko. Baron Von Raschke was feuding with Manny Fernandez. Jonnie Stewart was a rising heel act. The mystery angle about someone stalking Badd Company had intrigue. Greg Valentine and Stan Hansen were coming in in the fall. Sam Houston was getting a push right out of the gate. By God! Jake Milliman was still around to boot!


It's not the WWF or the NWA. But it's the best thing Verne's had going in quite a while.


But it was going to take time to see if a true turnaround could be started and maintained for any length of time.


Questions still hung over Verne's head like a constant dark cloud.


The AWA boss hoped for a miracle...


...and he might be on the verge of getting one.




A couple of days after the disastrous due dilligence visit by a couple of Bob Lurie's personal accountants, Verne was sitting at home in the evening having a cold one and watching some tube when the phone rang.


Verne picked it up.


Verne: Hello.


Man: Verne?


Verne: Yes, it is.


Man: This is Bob Lurie.


Verne sat upright in his recliner.


Verne: How are you, Bob? This is a pleasant surprise.


Lurie: I'm not calling too late, am I?


Verne: No, not at all. Just watching some TV. Here, let me turn it down.


Verne turned the set down.


Lurie: My accountants reported back to me. I have to admit that it was not good news.


Verne gritted his teeth.


Lurie: But I just wanted you to know that I'm still interested in buying the company from you.


Verne: Okay. What's your offer?


Lurie: Well, I can't see this company being worth $3 million after reading the financials. I knew it was bad. But not this bad.


Verne: I understand.


Lurie: So, I've come up with what I feel is a fair offer.


Verne: Let's hear it.


Lurie: It's $2 million for the company...


Verne: I'll have to think about that.


Lurie: I wasn't finished.


Verne: Oh! Sorry, Bob.


Lurie: That's okay.


Anyway, $2 million for the company. Plus, I'd like to keep you on as a consultant on the wrestling side of things. It would be a 3-year deal at $175,000 per year.


Verne whistled.


Lurie: Sounds pretty good, huh?


Verne: I like it. And I appreciate that you think highly enough of me to keep me on to work with the wrestlers.


Lurie: Of course, I think very highly of you, Verne!


You're an all-time great in pro wrestling. Plus, you've been a great promoter as well over these last three decades.


Verne: Can I talk with some of my people?


Lurie: That's fine. Take your time.


Verne: Thank you, Bob.


I hope to have an answer for you within the next couple of days.


Lurie: That sounds good.


I sure hope we can get a deal done, Verne.


Verne: I do to, Bob.


It's nice dealing with an honorable man.


Lurie: Talk with you soon.


Verne: Bye, Bob.


Verne hung up the phone, took a slug of his beer and sat back in his seat.


Verne: Finally...I think we have a deal.


Verne shook his clenched fist victoriously.


Verne: Yes!


Verne then called Wally Karbo, TV producer Al DeRusha, son Greg and TV director Mike Shields and told them all to meet him at the office tomorrow at 9am sharp. He would not tell them why. He just told them a major shake-up may be on the way.


Verne Gagne now stood on the edge of resolving his situation once and for all.


Was the AWA about to come under new ownership?



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It was 9am the day after Verne Gagne's conversation with SF Giants' owner Bob Lurie.


Gagne had assembled his team of Wally Karbo, Al DeRusha, son Greg and Mike Shields in his office.


Verne: Good morning, gentlmen.


The foursome said 'good morning' back.


Verne: The reason I called this meeting is because I talked with Bob Lurie yesterday.


Karbo: How'd it go?


Verne: It went great!


I'm calling him back later today because I've made my decision.


Al: And?


Verne: I'm selling the promotion.


Greg: That's good, dad. He must've made a hell of an offer even after his accountants looked at the books and saw how bad things are right now.


Karbo: How much did he offer?


Verne: $2 million...


Karbo: That's it?! You were looking for three!


Verne: Let me finish, Wally.


He offered $2 million for the AWA, plus he wants me to stay on as a consultant for three years at $175,000 per year.


Al: Not a bad deal. I say sell.


Mike Shields: Can I ask if you know what's going to happen to us?


Verne: I'll discuss that with Bob at a later time. First, let's get a deal done.


I think this guy has a good head on his shoulders. He'll let the wrestling take center stage and not do anything crazy with the wrestlers' gimmicks like that Shenkarow* guy in Winnipeg wanted to do.


(To read Shenkarow's insane ideas for the promotion, go to: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=544125&highlight=1989+financial+savior&page=10. Post #138.)


Karbo: I can't deny it seems like a good deal.


Verne: He'll get everything, including the tape library, all the merchandise, recording equipment, everything.


Karbo: Hopefully, he can bring in someone who knows how to market and move merchandise. That's been a real issue for us.


Verne: With his money and his strong business mind, I'm sure he'll be able to do things we never could.


Al: How long do you think it will take for the deal to go through?


Verne: Don't think it will take too long. Sign off on some papers and set a date for the transition.


Greg let out a nervous breath.


Greg: I'm with you if this is really what you want to do, dad.


I think right now, we've got some of the best angles and match-ups going than we've had in a real long time. Need to give them a little time to breathe and develop.


Verne: I understand what you're saying, Greg. But I can't keep playing around with this. I'm 63 years old.


I'm battling to keep my house from being seized by imminent domain laws. That cash infusion would mean a lot to keep fighting to save the house.


I am ready to move on to another chapter in my life.


Greg: Just be careful, dad. Don't make a decision in haste.


Verne: I'm not, son. I've thought this through.


Al: Guess there's nothing left to really talk about right now.


Karbo: We'll know more later today, I guess.


Verne: I'll let you guys know what goes down.


Also, I'll have to tell the boys.


But please, not a word until the sale goes through.


Right now...prepare for a sale.


It looked like, in just a few short hours, the AWA was going to be sold.


And the entire landscape of the company could be changing with it.




It was 4pm CST when Verne Gagne picked up his office phone and made the call.


After three rings, a secretary picked up the phone.


Secretary: Lurie and Associates, how may I help you.


Verne: Yes, uh, I need to speak with Bob Lurie.


Secretary: May I ask who is calling?


Verne: It's Verne Gagne.


Secretary: Oh! Mr. Lurie told me to fast track your call. Let me contact him.


A few seconds later...


Lurie: Verne?


Verne: Yes, Bob. How are you?


Lurie: Doing well. Have you already made a decision?


Verne: I have. I'm going to sell.


Lurie: Fantastic, Verne!


I don't think you'll be disappointed with the way things are run. I intend to make the AWA a true alternative to the WWF.


Verne: Glad to hear that.


Lurie: So, it's $2 million for the company and you get a 3-year consulting deal for $175,000 per year.


Verne: That is the deal.


Lurie: Then this is a verbal agreement. You agree to sell the AWA to me for a total sum of $2,525,000 dollars.


Verne: That's right. And you get everything. The tape library. All the merchandise. All the recording equipment. The rings. Everything.


Lurie: When the deal is finalized after we sign the contract, there will be a transition period of...I'm thinking a month.


Verne: Okay. Will I still be running the wrestling side of things during that period?


Lurie: I'd like to see you stay on as the top guy on the wrestling side until we can hire somebody new. I hope you'll help me in the search for a new boss.


Verne: Glad to. Love to help find a guy who might be able to carry on the AWA tradition.


Lurie: Verne, I can't tell you how elated I am right now. I've loved wrestling for years. And now to be on the verge of owning a major promotion, well, it's a dream come true.


And I'm determined to make the AWA one of the major promotions in the country again.


Verne: Love to hear it, Bob.


Lurie: I'll have one of my attorneys, probably Cal Worthington, draw up the contract and when it's ready, I'll have it overnighted to you to sign.


Verne: That sounds great!


Lurie: Talk with you soon, Verne. Take care.


Verne: Bye, Bob. You take care as well.


Verne hung up the phone.


He let out a sigh of relief. The large income would mean he could still fight to save his home and retire quite comfortably.


All Verne had to do now was sit back and wait for the contract to arrive, sign it and make it official.


It looked like the AWA was about to be under new management.



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The day after Verne Gagne reached a verbal agreement to sell the AWA to SF Giants' owner Bob Lurie, he called another morning meeting.

In the meeting in Verne's office were the usual suspects: son Greg, Wally Karbo, Al DeRusha and Mike Shields. Also included in the meeting was ad salesman Eric Bischoff.

Verne: I just called this meeting to let you guys know that I've reached an agreement with Bob Lurie to sell him the AWA.

Karbo: You sure it's a done deal?

Verne: 100%. Just waiting for his lawyer to finish drawing up the contract and sending it to me to sign.

Greg: You will have our attorney look over it first?

Verne: Of course. But it should just be a formality.

Al: Always thoroughly read the small print.

Karbo: Thoroughly read the large print!

Verne (agitated): I know what I'm doing, okay?!

Greg: Did he give a timeline for a transition?

Verne: He wants me to continue to head up the wrestling side of things until he can find a replacement. Thinks a transition period will take about a month.

Karbo: Better make sure that $175 grand a year deal is guaranteed.

Verne: Bob seems like an honest guy. He'll honor the contract.

Karbo: Just be cautious. He might try and pull the rug out from under you.

Verne: Nah. I don't think he will.

Eric: Excuse me.

Verne: Yes, Eric.

Eric: Minus the wrestlers, did he say anything about jobs for the rest of us?

Verne: Mike (Shields) asked that yesterday. I'll bring that up next time I talk to him.

Eric: Oh. Okay.

Al: Will he pay the $2 million all upfront or will it be in installments?

Verne: We'll discuss that the next time we talk.

Karbo sighed.

Karbo: What do you think will happen to us?

Verne: You all will receive nice severance packages if he decides not to retain any of you.

Are there any questions?

No one offered up one.

Al: Seems pretty blunt and to the point.

Verne: Just wanted to keep you guys updated. Please, say nothing to the boys about the pending sale until it's official.

Let's get back to work.

The meeting broke up.

People who had worked for Verne for years if not decades suddenly wondered what their future held.

But Verne Gagne was confident closure on this saga was coming and coming soon.

A new AWA was about to be born.


Edited by Captain Kremmen
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="piperrulz" data-cite="piperrulz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52672" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You guys are so negative.<p> </p><p> Can't you be happy for Verne??? <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My guess is Al screws it up or maybe Greg. Verne should have taken care of his son with a deal.</p><p> </p><p> I was going to do an AWA story, but since your going so well I might tackle the UWF (as the lead instead) instead of a deal to Crockett.</p>
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My guess is Al screws it up or maybe Greg. Verne should have taken care of his son with a deal.


I was going to do an AWA story, but since your going so well I might tackle the UWF (as the lead instead) instead of a deal to Crockett.


Do what you like.


Personally, I'd welcome a fresh new look at the AWA from someone who understands the history.

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Do what you like.


Personally, I'd welcome a fresh new look at the AWA from someone who understands the history.


Maybe if I get time I will go and try to update DOTT or take the 85 mod backwards to 1983. In the early 80's AWA was still doing good business but the stars were aging out and Verne didn't make the change. Bockwinkel is champ and Hogan is chasing. I have had ideas on that before so I might try and go back to that time.


I am really enjoying your story and you have woven good stories around the talent they had in 89.

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Maybe if I get time I will go and try to update DOTT or take the 85 mod backwards to 1983. In the early 80's AWA was still doing good business but the stars were aging out and Verne didn't make the change. Bockwinkel is champ and Hogan is chasing. I have had ideas on that before so I might try and go back to that time.


I am really enjoying your story and you have woven good stories around the talent they had in 89.


First, thank you for the kind words. Nice to hear from readers both pro and con.


I think you should do it. '83 was really the make or break period for the company. I read they had their two best years at the gate were in '84 and '85. Even in the first half of '86 they were still doing pretty well. Drew over 20,000 for WrestleRock that year. And then the wheels came off and they never recovered.


Be interesting to see what you do, especially with Hogan. That might be what everything hinges on in your diary/game.


If you post it...I'll be reading.


We need more AWA threads on here IMO.

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(1st Taping Re-Cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:




A look at how it all went down last week!


TV MAIN EVENT: Baron Von Raschke & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jonnie Stewart & Manny Fernandez


SHOCKER! A look back at Ken Patera's surprising return last week


Tom Zenk sees action wearing his new facemask after being knocked out of action for a couple of weeks after Col. DeBeers hit him in the face with the dreaded coal miner's glove


AWA President Stanley Blackburn lets us know if he'll let the Destruction Crew accept Badd Company's $25,000 offer for a tag team title match


The Guerrero Bros. wrestle


And more!


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion with the following statement:


Nelson: He's back after being off the air the last three episodes of AWA Championship Wrestling after being arrested for shoving Tommy Rich...announcer Lee Marshall!


Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears welcomed viewers.


Blears: Lee, glad to have you back here on the program.


Marshall: Glad to be back. Thanks to all the great fans out there for their cards and letters of support.


I was never arrested. Tommy Rich never pressed charges against me. Guess he was too despondent after failing to capture the World Championship from Sgt. Slaughter.


And I know we're not supposed to say this, Lord James, but thank you Sgt. Slaughter for putting that loudmouth in his place and hopefully...hopefully shutting Tommy Rich up for good!


Oh no!


Marshall looked at his monitor and Tommy Rich was making his way down the aisle to pretty strong boos.


Blears: Not the guy you wanna see in your first match back on ESPN in the announcer's chair, Lee, I'm sure of that.


Marshall: That would be an understatement. But, I've told AWA management that I would try and keep my negative comments about idiot boy to a bare minimum!


Once in the ring, Rich walked over and took the mic from Larry Nelson.


Marshall (sarcastically): This should be a real treat.


Rich stood and soaked in the boos for a moment.


Rich: A few weeks ago I had a chance to make history. I could have become the first man ever in wrestling to hold both the AWA and NWA World Championships.


But, I didn't get the job done.


And the reason I failed in my quest is because of that man sitting right there!


Rich pointed right at Marshall.


Blears: Keep calm, Lee.


Rich: Lee Marshall cost me the match!


He had no business coming into this ring before the match and assaulting me!


I am a former NWA World Champion and demand, not ask...demand...to be treated with the utmost respect!


You threw me off my game! I had Sarge's number until you decided to come in the ring just before the match and act like you were insane!


You're lucky I didn't press charges, Tony The Tiger! Or you'd be doing your best to not drop the soap in the shower right now!


Now, I've got to start my rise all over again! And the beating this guy's about to receive is all your fault, Lee Marshall!


Tommy Rich destroyed Jerry Hubbard in a squash via pinfall with his Thesz Press finisher.


Rich then kicked the downed Hubbard after the match.


Marshall stood up but Blears calmed him down.


Larry Nelson was up on the ring apron with mic in hand.


Rich went over to Nelson.


Rich pointed at Jerry Hubbard.


Rich: Look what you made me do to that poor sap! That's on you, Tony The Tiger!


Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... HE'S BACK!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of the end of last week's match between Larry Zbysko and Sam Houston and Zbysko getting the shock of a lifetime.




Zbysko moved in and raked Houston's eyes. Ref reprimanded Zbysko. Zbysko told the ref to shut his pie hole. Houston turned away and was rubbing his eyes when Zbysko came up behind him and dropped Houston with a chop block to the back of the knee. Houston down and hurting. Zbysko stomped on Houston's left knee and grabbed Houston's left leg and locked Houston in the figure four. Crowd urging Houston to fight on. Houston fought through the pain and would not surrender. Houston was able to scoot close enough to the ropes while in the hold and drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break.


Suddenly, the crowd popped.


Nelson: What's this?!


A familiar face with his left arm in a sling and wearing street clothes came down the face aisle and stood at ringside.


Nelson: It's Ken Patera! He's back!


Blears: I don't believe it, Larry!


Crowd cheering loudly. Zbysko looked over and saw Patera and couldn't believe his eyes. Patera stood on the floor. Houston recovering in the ring. Zbysko came over by the ropes where Patera was standing. AFter a brief staredown, Patera removed the sling form his left arm and then flexed his left bicep showing his left arm was okay. Zbysko in disbelief. Patera just kept looking at Zbysko. Houston to his feet behind Zbysko and wanting Zbysko to turn around.


After Zbysko said a few more words to Patera, Zbysko turned and walked right into a dropkick from Houston. Zbysko crashed to the mat. Fans eating it up. Zbysko up and Houston moved in and battered Zbysko with a series of head and body shots. Zbysko stunned. Houston grabbed Zbysko in a side headlock, backed into the corner and charged out and blasted Zbysko with his bulldog finisher. Houston covered Zbysko and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!


Ref called for the bell as the small but boisterous crowd roared their approval. Shot of Patera stoically looking on from the floor. Houston was celebrating in the ring. Ref came over and raised his hand in victory. Houston left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside before leaving the scene. A hurting, defeated Zbysko got to his feet and looked over at Patera. Patera calmly raised his left arm, spun it around and then pointed at Zbysko. Zbysko was shocked by the sudden turn of events. Patera then coolly turned and headed back up the face aisle to more cheers. One final shot of Zbysko in the ring.




Nelson announced that next week on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN Ken Patera would see action and also do his first interview since the injury.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments comments from the team of Manny Fernandez and Jonnie Stewart as they prepared for their main event match with Wahoo and The Baron.




Manny and Jonnie were in street clothes in front of the AWA logo. Each man had a mic.


Manny was dressed casually and Stewart was wearing an expensive white suit, sunglasses and jewelry.


Manny: Wahoo and Baron, listen up!


You two may think you got what you wanted by facing me and Jonnie Stewart in the main event tonight!


But nothing could be further from the truth!


When you guys signed that contract to face us, you might as well have signed your names in your own blood!


Stewart laughed and nodded his head in agreement.


Manny: You are in for the beating of a lifetime! We're gonna be absolutely merciless! We are gonna make you suffer before we put you two down like the old dogs that you are!


This man standing next to me is the wrestler of the '90s! It will be the name Jonnie Stewart that the fans think of a decade from now when they think of who the greatest was!


I've still got a lot of gas left in the tank!


But, you guys, your tanks are almost on empty!


You've had your day in the sun! Wahoo and The Baron have been around so long that they're now like a couple of dried up old raisins!


You guys made a huge mistake signing that contract! And you're gonna seriously think about joining the AARP when we're done with you!


Stewart laughed again.


Stewart: Well said, Manny!


These old geezers wanted a fight they have no chance of winning!


I cannot believe that they wanted a match with us! They must be getting senile, Manny!


Manny, intense look on his face, nodded in agreement.


Stewart: I scored the biggest win of my young career when I beat Wahoo McDaniel a few weeks ago! And now I'm about to have another huge win under my belt because the Ragin' Bull and the Wrestler of the '90s are gonna pummel you so bad that we're gonna send you straight from the Showboat Sports Pavilion all the way to the old folks' home where you can watch reruns of Gunsmoke, soil yourself to your heart's content and gum down your food!


I love the thought, Bull, that we might be finishing these guys off tonight!


Manny: And then we'll never have to see their freakin' prune faces again!




Pic aired of the Guerrero Bros. with the caption: NEXT... HIGH FLYING ACTION!



The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over Ted Roosevelt & Thom Jefferson via pinfall when Hector pinned Thom with a double underhook suplex


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said the Guerreros were still hot on the trail of the Destruction Crew and were determined to win those tag team titles.


Nelson then intro'd video from last week of DDP offering the Destruction Crew $25K for a tag team title shot to be followed by comments from AWA President Stanley Blackburn and whether or not Blackburn will allow the match to happen.




DDP: You say you guys don't have anyone who can beat you in the AWA, huh?


Bloom: That's right.

DDP: Well, Badd Company can beat you!


Enos: Whoa! Wait a minute! You're challenging us to a match?!


DDP: Bingo!


Enos: We're not giving you a shot, man!


DDP: Why not?!


Enos: Because you guys don't deserve it!


DDP: Are you serious?! Of course we deserve it!


Bloom: You're not getting a title shot because their are other teams in line in front of you.


DDP: Who? The Top Guns? They're G-O-N-E...gone...courtesy of Badd Company! The Guerrero Brothers?! You've already put those guys down for the count! How many re-matches will they get?!

Bloom: Those teams are the top contenders right now along with Greg Gagne and Brad Rheingans.


DDP: Just remember this, boys. It's because of me that you're the champions today! Understand?!


Bloom and Enos looked at one another for a moment.


Bloom: We earned these belts because of our hard work! We appreciated your moral support that evening...


DDP: Moral support?! Ha?! You guys got a lot more than moral support from me!


Bloom: Badd Company will just have to get in line! You got me?!


DDP: What would it take to move to the front of the line?


Bloom and Enos seemed stunned by DDP's remark.


DDP: Listen, we're in Vegas, man.


I know you two like to gamble, so I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.


Bloom: What is it?


DDP: I'll put $25,000 dollars up for a title match for Badd Company against the reigning champs the Destruction Crew.


You beat us then the money is all yours.


Bloom: $25 grand. What else do we have to do?


DDP: You don't have to put up a dime, gents. Just give us one title shot.


Bloom: That's all, huh? There are no other stipulations to this deal?


DDP: None. Give us the match. Beat us and you can throw one great party here in Sin City!


Bloom: Excuse us.


Bloom and Enos talked briefly amongst themselves.


Bloom: Get the contract drawn up. Let's do this.


DDP: That's what DDP likes to hear. Money talks!


Bloom: It sure does!


Nelson: Looks we have a developing situation on our hands, everybody! Stay tuned!


Pic flipped and President Stanley Blackburn was standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in his hand. Blackburn was in a suit.


Blackburn: This is an unprecedented situation.


After much consideration, I have decided that since Badd Company is one of the top tag teams in the AWA, I am going to allow their offer to the World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew of $25,000 dollars for a title match to stand.


I'm allowing this only because of Badd Company's top tier tag team status in the promotion.


We'll get the contracts drawn up for the match and also settle on the location.


Thank you.




Nelson said they hoped to have the information on when the match will take place very soon.


Pic aired of Tom Zenk wearing the mask with the caption: NEXT... ZENK'S RETURN!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Tom Zenk got a nice ovation from the crowd as he came to the ring.


Zenk was wearing his specially made facemask so he could wrestle


Tom Zenk won a squash over Tommy Smothers via painfall with his superkick finisher.




Nelson: Tom Zenk! Let me first say welcome back to the AWA!


Fans cheered.


Zenk: Thank you. It's great to be back, Larry. It's especially great to see these awesome AWA fans again!


More crowd cheers.


Nelson: What was it like wrestling in the mask?


Zenk: It takes a little getting used to. But towards the end of the match it was OK.


Nelson: How long do you have to wear it to wrestle?


Zenk: The current estimate is just for a few weeks and then I should be all healed up.


Nelson: DeBeers really drilled you with that coal miner's glove.


Zenk: It hurt like hell when he hit me with that glove. That glove is heavy...and dangerous.


Fortunately, nothing was broken. I'm wearing for protection under doctor's orders right now because I was told that one good shot to my face right now could result in serious damage.


Nelson: Col. DeBeers has got to be front and center in your mind right now.


Zenk: He is, Larry! The only thing I've thought about these last few weeks is getting my hands on him and whipping his ass!


More crowd cheers.


Nelson: You concerned about DeBeers pulling out the glove again?


Zenk: I know he'll try and use it again in a match between us at some point. But I cannot let that hinder me in any way from doing my civic duty and leaving that racist scum sucker a broken, bloody mess!


I'm coming, Colonel! The war between us is now off the charts hot! When we meet again...there will be blood! I promise you that! You have got to pay!


Nelson: Tom Zenk, everybody!


Pic aired of AWA World Champion with the caption: NEXT... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week of Sarge giving his answer to Lawler's challenge for a match to decide the undisputed AWA World Champion.




Nelson: I'm here with AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge, you gave no clear answer last week as to whether or not you'd wrestle Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Do you have an answer for us now?


Sarge: Larry, as far as I'm concerned, I am the real AWA World Champion.


I don't know what else I have to do to prove it.


I won a Battle Royal to earn the title shot and then I beat Zbysko to win the belt.


That makes me the World Champion.


And, no, I am not an illegitimate World Champion as Jerry Lawler likes to say. My reign is very legit because I won this title right here in this ring in Las Vegas!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: What do you say to those who think you need to wrestle Lawler to solidify your status as the World Champion?


Sarge: I think the critics are wrong. I don't need a match with Jerry Lawler on my resume' to validate being the champion!


Nelson: Well, the people would like to see the match between you and Lawler.


Crowd cheered.


Sarge: I'm sure they would. But I've got other contenders to deal with and that's who my focus is on right now.


Jerry Lawler snuck down the face aisle to ringside with belt in hand and climbed into the ring behind Sarge and Nelson.


Sarge: This is where we stand at the...




Lawler clocked Sarge in the back of the head with his version of the title. Sarge crashed to the mat and rolled over on his side holding the back of his head.


Nelson: Jerry Lawler! What the hell...


Lawler snatched the mic from Nelson and leaned over the downed Sarge.


Lawler: Semper Fi, Sarge!


It's time to be a man and accept my challenge!


Lawler tossed the mic down next to Sarge and stood over the down Sarge for a moment as most of the crowd booed but Lawler had his supporters.


Lawler then turned and left the ring for the floor. As Lawler prepared to leave the ringside area, a hurting Sarge grabbed the mic next to him, sat up and was holding the back of his head with his right hand.


Sarge (painfully): Lawler!


Sarge winced. Lawler turned around and looked at Sarge.


Sarge: Lawler! Challenge accepted!


Crowd cheered as Sarge tossed the mic and looked out at Lawler as Lawler continued to look on from the floor as the program ended.




Nelson said Lawler and Sarge are in talks with AWA officials about setting up the match to decide the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Said both would be appearing on AWA Championship Wrestling next week.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Wahoo McDaniel and Baron Von Raschke.




Wahoo and the Baron were both in their ring attire and standing in front of the AWA logo. Each man had a mic.


Wahoo: Baron, tonight we have a chance to really unload on two guys who deserve a good thrashing.


Manny Fernandez and Jonnie Stewart were made for each other!


They're both arrogant, classless and cheap shot artists!


They may be good wrestlers; but even some guys who can bring it inside the squared circle need their noses forcibly knocked out of joint once in a while!


When that bell rings in the main event...you guys are in for one helluva fight!


Baron (thick German accent): You are so right, Wahoo!


And let's not forget one thing!


Jonnie Stewart...we have not forgotten!


Wahoo: Yeah! We're checkin' that kneepad, Stewart!


Baron: And it had better be clean! Or else...


Ragin' Bull! I had you on the verge of passing out in my claw hold until you low-blowed me!


Tonight might just be the night I return the favor and finish the job!


Baron held up his right hand and made the claw gesture.


Wahoo: You guys may look down on us for being older. But just remember this! Older is better! And we're gonna prove that tonight!


Nelson said Lawler and Sarge are in talks with AWA officials about setting up the match to decided the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Wahoo McDaniel & Baron Von Raschke vs. Manny Fernandez & Jonnie Stewart


All four men were on the ring.


Ref patted down all four men and gestured he found nothing illegal on Stewart.


Before the match, Stewart took the ring mic from Larry Nelson.


Stewart: Wahoo and Baron! You guys were great back in the day! I watched you on TV when I was a kid!


You were both serious butt kickers back then! You were men to be respected and admired for your toughness!


Today, you're just a couple of old, washed up fossils! Your day has come...and it has gone!


The Wrestler of the '90s and the Ragin' Bull are gonna put you through the wringer!


And after we beat you, and by beat you I mean beat the living daylights out of you then put you down like a couple of old, sick dogs who once were full of life but at the end...


Wahoo could stand it no longer and went over and ripped the mic out of Stewart's hand.


Stewart: Hey!


Wahoo: Listen up! Me and the Baron, we've still got a lot of life left in us and that means we've still got a lot of fight in us as well!


Crowd cheered.


Wahoo: So, you young punk, just shut up and fight like a man!


More crowd cheers.


Ref called for the bell.


Wahoo and Baron dominated early and tried but failed to pull Stewart's kneepad down to see if he had a foreign object in there. Stewart and Manny got the upper hand when Stewart reversed an attempted Irish whip into the buckles but Stewart reversed and sent the Baron crashing into the buckles in the Stewart team's corner.


Stewart then went over and stunned Wahoo with a smack to the face. Wahoo stepped into the ring. As the ref, Wahoo and Stewart were distracted with each other, Manny took the opportunity to strangle Baron with the tag rope. Manny stopped and then repeated the rope choke as the ref was restoring order with Wahoo and Stewart. Ref got Wahoo and Stewart back to their corners and Manny stopped the choke party.


Baron hurting in the corner. Stewart took immediate advantage of the situation and worked over the Baron. Stewart tagged in Manny at one point and Manny continued the assault on the Baron. Manny cut off the ring so the Baron could not make the tag. Baron came close on a couple of occasions but Manny prevented it and Wahoo fell just short of making the tag. Manny whipped Baron into the ropes and Baron came off and he and Manny dropped one another with mutual clotheslines.


Ref started the 10 count and the two men stirred. Baron made it to his feet first with Manny right behind him. Baron lunged to tag in Wahoo and Manny grabbed Baron in an attempt to halt the tag but Baron's momentum carried him far enough to tag in Wahoo to the delight of the small gathering in the seats.


Wahoo battered Manny and tried to put Manny away but couldn't. Manny got some shots in but Wahoo fought back and battered Manny with some serious chops. Crowd did not 'WOO!' because they weren't doing that at the time. Wahoo whipped Manny into the ropes and blasted Manny coming off with his big chop finisher. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Stewart hit the ring and booted Wahoo in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Wahoo down holding his head and Manny also down. Baron hit the ring to go after Stewart and the ref ordered Baron back to his corner. While the ref was distracted with the Baron, Stewart got another lick in on Wahoo, this time a stomp to the side of the ribs. Ref finally got the Baron out of the ring and Stewart went back to his corner.


Manny made it to his feet and lunged over and tagged in Stewart. Wahoo getting to his feet and the ref checking on the Indian star. Before stepping in the ring, Stewart turned toward the crowd and quickly adjusted his left kneepad. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Ref turned as Stewart climbed in the ring. Stewart moved in and popped Wahoo with a head shot followed by a dropkick. Wahoo down. Wahoo started getting up and Stewart moved in, grabbed Wahoo and whipped Wahoo into the buckles. Stewart charged in, jumped in the air, spun around and nailed Wahoo with a flying back elbow to the chest. Wahoo staggered out of the corner and went down. Stewart picked up Wahoo and body slammed The Chief. Stewart went out on the apron and mounted the top rope.


Marshall: If that knee pad is loaded and he drops a knee on Wahoo's head or chest coming down from that height, Wahoo could be in serious trouble!


Blears: It's a good thing we have medical personnel in the building.


Stewart came off with a knee drop attempt to the head with the questionable kneepad but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed knee-first into the mat.


Crowd popped.


Stewart in great pain grabbing his left knee. Ref started the 10 count. Both men slowly made it to their feet. Stewart hobbled over and tried to hit Wahoo with a head shot but Wahoo blocked the punch try and then peppered Stewart with a series of chest chops. Stewart grabbed his hurting chest. Manny hit the ring and Wahoo spun around and blasted Manny with a monster chest chop that sent Manny crashing to the mat, rolling out of the ring and dropping to the floor. Baron to the floor and went over to where Manny was and brought the fight to Manny. In the ring, Stewart clubbed Wahoo from behind with a forearm smash. Stewart went to whip Wahoo into the ropes but Wahoo reversed and caught Stewart coming off wiht his big chop finisher. Stewart crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Manny tried to climb back into the ring but Baron grabbed his leg. ...3.


Ref called for the bell as what there was of a crowd popped like zits. Baron climbed back into the ring and the ref raised winner's hands in victory as the program ended.


WINNER: Wahoo & Baron - Pinfall - TIME: 14:31


CLOSING CREDITS: https://youtu.be/cWdeNkqudL0?t=2812

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">AWA VIDEO OF THE WEEK!</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

It's here, the new look AWA! (aka, What could have been)</p><p> </p><p>

Just think! Verne could have ushered in the 'Attitude Era' almost a decade before Col. Asshat, aka, Vince!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fun Fact:</strong> Ralph Strangis, the guy co-hosting the show with Greg Gagne, went on to become the play-by-play (or is it pass-by-pass?) voice of the Dallas Stars of the NHL!</p><p> </p><p>

The video lists this as originally having an airdate, but other sources say it never aired.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>From 1989:</strong></p><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/q7sBjqz19cU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="AWA Team Challenge Series 10/23/89"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>ENJOY!</strong></span> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


1st Taping Re-cap


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wendi Richter (WC) vs. Candi Devine


A look at the video from AWA on ESPN where AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter finally gives Jerry Lawler an answer as to whether or not he'll face Lawler in a match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion


SHOCKER! A look back at Ken Patera's surprising return last week


Don Muraco vs. Tommy Rich


Sam Houston vs. Akio Sato


Jerry Blackwell sees action


More with AWA boss Verne Gagne about the newly created AWA Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship




Nelson then sent it to Springfield, IL at the Prairie Capital Convention Center.


Sam Houston defeated Akio Sato via pinfall with his bulldog finisher - 4:20




Nelson: Sam, things are going extremely well for you right now in the AWA. How do you expect to keep the momentum going?


Houston: Larry, I've been on a great run since I arrived here not too long ago. I just have to keep doing what I've been doing and making changes where necessary to keep winning and rising up the ranks here in the AWA.


Nelson: You've heard about the new title that's been created in the AWA.


Houston: I have.


Nelson: It's called the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. Do you think you'd like to go after that belt?


Houston: I would love a shot at that title. I heard they're gonna have a tournament to decide the Heritage Champion. If I keep working hard and winning, then I think I can get a spot in that tournament.


Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody!


Pic aired of Jake Milliman with the caption: NEXT... THE MILKMAN COMETH!




Jake Milliman def. Tim Flannery via pinfall with a flying legdrop




Nelson: Jake, a nice victory for you.


Jake: Any victory is nice for me, Larry!


Nelson: Looks like you are now doing a new move.


Jake: I am. It's called the flying legdrop. But I have a new name for it.


Nelson: What is it?


Jake: I call it...the Pasteurizer!


Nelson laughed.


Nelson: That's quite a name for it, Jake! Think it will take you far in the AWA?!


Jake: Nothing's taken me far here yet! Maybe this will move will change my fortunes!


Nelson: That was Jake...


Jake: One more thing.


Nelson: Hurry!


Jake: I'd love a shot at that new AWA title, the Wrestling Heritage Championship!


I'm putting the AWA on notice! Jake's comin' and he's comin' hard! Ol' Jake wants to jump in lake of 2% milk as the Heritage Wrestling Champion!


Nelson: Gotta string together a few wins first.


Jake: That's the one thing that stands in the way of me and that belt!


Nelson: Jake Milliman, everybody!


Crowd cheered Jake and Jake went and stood on the middle buckle and raised his fists victoriously in the air.


Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... ZBYSKO'S NIGHTMARE RETURNS!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of Ken Patera's surprising return to the AWA.




Houston had his fists raised. He was rarin' for a fight. Houston moved in and caught Zbysko with a trio of head shots that drove Zbysko into the corner. Houston then nailed Zbysko with a series of shoulderblocks to the gut of his own. Houston then grabbed ZBysko in a side headlock and gestured it was time for his bulldog finisher. Houston went for the move but Zbysko shoved Houston off and Houston crashed to the mat. Both men slowly got to their feet. Zbysko moved in and raked Houston's eyes. Ref reprimanded Zbysko. Zbysko told the ref to shut his pie hole. Houston turned away and was rubbing his eyes when Zbysko came up behind him and dropped Houston with a chop block to the back of the knee. Houston down and hurting. Zbysko stomped on Houston's left knee and grabbed Houston's left leg and locked Houston in the figure four. Crowd urging Houston fight on. Houston fought through the pain and would not surrender. Houston was able to scoot close enough to the ropes to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break.


Suddenly, the crowd popped.


Nelson: What's this?!


A familiar face with his left arm in a sling and wearing street clothes came down the face aisle and stood at ringside.


Nelson: It's Ken Patera! He's back!


Blears: I don't believe it, Larry!


Crowd cheering loudly. Zbysko looked over and saw Patera and couldn't believe his eyes. Patera stood on the floor. Houston recovering in the ring. Zbysko came over by the ropes where Patera was standing. After a brief staredown, Patera removed the sling form his left arm and then flexed his left bicep showing his left arm was okay. Zbysko in disbelief. Patera just kept looking at Zbysko. Houston to his feet behind Zbysko and wanting Zbysko to turn around.


After Zbysko said a few more words to Patera, Zbysko turned and walked right into a dropkick from Houston. Zbysko crashed to the mat. Fans eating it up. Zbysko up and Houston moved in and battered Zbysko with a series of head shots. Houston stunned Zbysko, grabbed Zbysko in a side headlock, backed into the corner and charged out and blasted Zbysko with his bulldog finisher. Houston covered Zbysko and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!


Ref called for the bell as the small but boisterous crowd roared their approval. Shot of Patera stoically looking on from the floor. Houston was celebrating in the ring. Ref came over and raised his hand in victory. Houston left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside before leaving the scene. A hurting, defeated Zbysko got to his feet and looked over at Patera. Patera calmly raised his left arm and pointed at Zbysko. Zbysko was shocked by the sudden turn of events. Patera then coolly turned and headed back up the face aisle to more cheers. One final shot of Zbysko in the ring.




Nelson said Zbysko would be wrestling next week on All-Star Wrestling and commenting on Patera's return.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA Women's Champ Wendi Richter.




Richter was in her ring attire and had the Women's Title around her waist. She was standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in hand.


Richter: Candi Devine! I know you're one tough opponent and a real threat to take this title from me!


But I've got one thing you don't have, Candi! I've got the fans behind me! You got that, sister?!


The fans drive me! When I'm down, they lift me up!


When I'm struggling and on the verge of defeat in a match, the fans are the ones who give me the strength to continue fighting!


And as you can see, the fans have helped me retain this title! There's a lot of competition in the Women's Division in the AWA! Every woman is a potential World Champion!


But with you great fans behind me...I'll continue onto hold this belt!


Candi Devine! You have your work cut out for you in the main event tonight!


You may be fighting me in the ring! But you're also fighting Wendi's Army! Those thousands of fans whose energy propels me to the next level!




Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... MOUNTAIN OF TROUBLE!




Jerry Blackwell def. Howard Sprague in a squash via pinfall with his big splash finisher


During the brief match, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey came down to the ring to boos and watched Blackwell.


After the match, El-Kaissey jumped up on the ring apron just as Larry Nelson climbed into the ring and announced Blackwell as the winner.


Nelson then went over to El-Kaissey who was standing on the apron.


Nelson: Sheik Adnan, what are you doing out here?!


Kaissey: I came out here to let Jerry Blackwell know that his destroyer will be here very soon!


You will be first, Blackwell...but you won't be the last!


You will be the example! This man will shake the AWA to its very foundations!


Blackwell walked over to where Sheik and Nelson were.


Blackwell: Next week, Larry, have someone draw up a contract for me to sign to wrestle this great terror that Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey is going to unleash on us! I'll sign it without even seeing this guy!


Kaissey: You go ahead and sign the contract, Blackwell, and I will sign it for my wrestler!


You've made a big mistake! You will be signing up for career suicide!


Blackwell: The only big mistake I've ever made was working for you!


Crowd cheered.


Blackwell turned his head in Nelson's direction and started to say something when Kaissey sucker punched Blackwell in the jaw.


Blackwell briefly felt his jaw and no-sold it and punched Kaissey in the head. Kaissey staggered and holding onto the top rope.


Blackwell catapaulted Kaissey into the ring. Kaissey got to his feet and tried to beg off as Blackwell slowly moved in on him. Blackwell caught Kaissey with another punch and whipped Kaissey into the buckles.


Blackwell backed into the opposite buckles, raised his right fist in the air and charged over and pulverized Kaissey with a monster splash. Kaissey took a couple of steps out of the corner and crashed to the mat in great pain. An angry Blackwell briefly stood over Kaissey before leaving the ring and heading back up the face entrance aisle.


Nelson: We'll be right back! Can we get some medical help or at least a big spatula to scrape Sheik Adnan off the mat!


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MURACO VS. RICH!




Tommy Rich vs. Don Muraco


Muraco came out first down the face aisle and slapped hands with fans along the way.


Rich came down to pretty strong boos,


Blears: Stay calm, Lee.


Marshall: I'm trying, Lord James. I am trying.


But look at that punchable face Rich has!




Blears: Maybe one day.


Rich took the ring mic from Larry Nelson.


Rich: I did not win the AWA World Championship because of announcer Lee Marshall!


His criminal behavior threw me off my game! I was mentally prepared to face Sgt. Slaughter; not psycho announcers!


But Marshall will never be able to take away my glorious run as NWA World Champion...ever!


Marshall was getting antsy in his seat.


Blears: Just take a deep breath and count to 10.


Marshall: Let me punch him just once!


Rich: Lee Marshall. You need to let go of your bizarre fixation on me and be a professional and call my victory over Don Muraco tonight in a fair...and reasonable...manner!


Lee Marshall stood at the announcer's table and picked up the back-up ring announcer's mic that was on the table.


Marshall: Can you all hear me?!


Many in the crowd yelled: Yes!


Marshall: Don Muraco! Would you please kick the ever-loving crap out of Tommy Rich!


Crowd cheered and Rich was not happy.


Rich: Lee Marshall just called for violence against me! That's a criminal offense!

Rich tossed the mic and came over by the ropes and pointed at Marshall and yelled.


Rich: You need to be in jail, Marshall! You're a clear and present danger!


Match started out as a standard match with both men exchanging holds.


Rich then caught Muraco with an eye rake to gain the advantage. Rich worked over Muraco briefly and hit Muraco with a running elbow smash. Rich for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out.


Rich turned and yelled at Marshall: I'm not dedicating this win to you, Lee!


Unsteady Muraco to his feet and Rich whipped Muraco into the ropes and looked to catch Muraco coming off with a clothesline but Muraco ducked the move and came back and blasted Rich with a clothesline of his own. Rich crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered.


Muraco snapped up Rich, hoisted Rich across his shoulders and popped Rich with a Samoan Drop. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...thr... Rich got a shoulder up.


Marshall: Dammit! Come on, Don!


Muraco popped the downed Rich with a couple of head shots and hoisted Rich on his shoulder for a shoulder breaker. Rich wriggled free of Muraco's grasp, dropped to his feet behind Muraco and shoved Muraco. Muraco crashed front-first into the buckles. Rich blasted Muraco from behind with a series of forearm smashes to the back. Muraco spun around in the corner and Rich whipped Muraco into the opposite buckles and charged in and popped Muraco with a running clothesline. Muraco hurting in the corner. Rich pulled Muraco out of the corner and body slammed Muraco. Rich mounted the middle buckle and came off with a fist drop to the head that connected. Rich for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Muraco kicked out. Crowd cheered. Rich snapped Muraco up and went to whip Muraco into the buckles but Muraco reversed and caught Rich coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped. Muraco snapped up Rich, hoisted Rich up upside down and nailed Rich with his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3!


Muraco to his feet. Marshall quickly pulled off his headphones and laid them on the announcer's table and quickly made his way into the ring. Marshall briefly said something to the ref and the ref nodded in the affirmative. Marshall raised Muraco's hand in victory to the delight of the crowd and then left the ring, headed back to his seat at the announcer's table, sat down and put his headphones back on.


]Blears: You clearly showed no bias there. Job well done, Lee.


Marshall: Thank you, Lord James!


A defeated Tommy Rich got up holding the back of his neck.


Marshall: I hope his head and neck ache for a really long time.


WINNER: Muraco - Pinfall - 8:44


Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... THE SARGE RESPONDS!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week of Sgt. Slaughter finally giving Jerry Lawler the response Lawler's wanted regarding the AWA World Title on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.




Nelson: I'm here with AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge, you gave no clear answer last week as to whether or not you'd wrestle Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Do you have an answer for us now?


Sarge: Larry, as far as I'm concerned, I am the real AWA World Champion.


I don't know what else I have to do to prove it.


I won a Battle Royal to earn the title shot and then I beat Zbysko to win the belt.


That makes me the World Champion.


And, no, I am not an illegitimate World Champion as Jery Lawler likes to say. My reign is very legit beause I won this title right here in this ring in Las Vegas!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: What do you say to those who think you need to wrestle Lawler to solidify your status as the World Champion?


Sarge: I think the critics are wrong. I don't need a match with Jerry Lawler on my resume' to validate being the champion!


Nelson: Well, the people would like to see the match between you and Lawler.


Crowd cheered.


Sarge: I'm sure they would. But I've got other contenders to deal with and that's who my focus is on right now.


Jerry Lawler snuck down the face aisle to ringside with belt in hand and climbed into the ring behind Sarge and Nelson.


Sarge: This is where we stand at the...




Lawler clocked Sarge in the back of the head with his version of the title. Sarge crashed to the mat and rolled over on his side holding the back of his head.


Nelson: Jerry Lawler! What the hell...


Lawler snatched the mic from Nelson and leaned over the downed Sarge.


Lawler: Semper Fi, Sarge!


It's time to be a man and accept my challenge!


Lawler tossed the mic down next to Sarge and stood over the downed Sarge for a moment as most of the crowd booed but Lawler had his supporters.


Lawler then turned and left the ring for the floor. As Lawler prepared to leave the ringside area, a hurting Sarge grabbed the mic next to him, sat up and was holding the back of his head with his right hand.


Sarge (painfully): Lawler!


Sarge winced. Lawler turned around and looked at Sarge,


Sarge: Lawler! Challenge...accepted!


Crowd cheered as Sarge tossed the mic and looked out at Lawler as Lawler continued to look on from the floor.




Nelson said fans need to keep tuning in to find out when these two men will clash to decide the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Nelson then intro'd video of a follow-up interview he did recently with AWA boss Verne Gagne about the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.




Gagne and Nelson were standing in front of the AWA logo. Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: I'm here with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, what's the news right now regarding the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship?


Verne: Well, Larry, I've been getting calls from promoters all over the U.S. and Canada saying they would love to host the tournament to decide the inaugural champion of this prestigious belt.


This belt represents the great history of this, the greatest sport in the world. All titles hold their own prestige. But the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship will, I believe, stand alone.


Nelson: How so?


Gagne: This is a true wrestler's belt. It's looking like we're gonna have competitors from all over the globe vying for this title.


We've had promotions from around the world contact us who want to try and enter one of their competitors in the tournament. That's how big this is looking like it will be.


Nelson: Do you know when this event will be taking place?


Verne: Right now, the only thing I can tell you is that we're looking at the fall. We're looking at different cities to host the event. The tournament will last two days.


Nelson: Wow! Gonna be huge!


Verne: It will be, Larry.


Nelson: Do you know how many wrestlers will be in the tournament?


Verne: It's looking like we'll have 16 men competing for the Heritage Championship.


Nelson: Gotta admit that I'm really looking forward to this tournament. Should be quite exciting.


Verne: This is gonna be history in the making.


Nelson: That was AWA promoter Verne Gagne. We should know more about the tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship very soon, so stay tuned.




Pic aired of Wendi Richter wearing the AWA Women's World Title with the caption: NEXT... LADIES' NIGHT!




Before the main event, announcer Lee Marshall hyped the All-Star Wrestling debut of Jerry Lawler on next week's program.




Good back-and-forth battle between these two.


Devine fought with all she had in an effort to win the gold.


End of the match saw Devine on the offensve. Devine worked over the champ and then nailed the champ with a sidebreaker. Richter down. Devine mounted the middle buckle and came off with a splash but Richter got her knees up and Devine crashed into them. Devine down and hurting. Richter to her feet as Devine got up and walked right into a sidebreaker from Richter. Richter went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Devine got to her feet. Devine turned and Richter came off with a flying bodypress on Devine. Richter for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as many in the crowd cheered and some did not give a shit about women's wrestling at the time so they just sat on their asses.


Richter to her feet and the ref raised her hand in victory and handed her the women's strap.


WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - 7:17



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It had been a few days since AWA boss Verne Gagne had spoken to Bob Lurie about selling the AWA to the SF Giants' owner.


Verne had yet to receive the contract from Lurie's attorneys to sign off on thus making the sale official.


Verne was getting antsy.


Verne picked up his office phone and dialed Lurie's offices in the Bay Area.


After three rings...


A woman answered. It was Lurie's secretary.


Secretary: Lurie and Associates. How may I help you?


Verne: Hi. This is Verne Gagne.


Secretary (surprised): Oh!


Verne: May I speak to Bob Lurie, please.


Secretary: Ummmm... Mr. Lurie is busy at the moment. If you leave your number I'll make sure he gets it.


Verne: He knows my number. Please, have him call me back when he gets the chance.


Secretary: I'll pass the word along to him.


Verne: Thank you.


Secretary: Have a nice day.


Verne: You as well.


Verne hung up the phone.


He was wondering where the contract was.


Verne started to get nervous. He could feel his stomach muscles tightening up and his heart rate accelerating.


He wondered why the secretary's tone seemed to change when she realized who she was talking to.


Verne went from being happy that the situation was about to be resolved to wondering...wondering if everything was still a go.


Two days later...


Verne was sitting in his office and still had yet to hear from Bob Lurie.


The paperwork still had not arrived.


Verne decided to call Bob Lurie once again.


Verne picked up his office phone and dialed.


After two rings...


Secretary: Lurie and Associates, how may I help you?


Verne: Hi. This is Verne Gagne calling again. May I speak to Bob Lurie...


Secretary: Mr. Lurie still hasn't called you back?


Verne: No. That's why I'm calling.


Secretary (sighs): Okay. I'll pass another message along to him and let him know.


Verne: Thank you.


And can you please tell him that I still haven't received the contract.


Secretary: Will do.


Verne: Thank you.


Secretary: Have a nice day.


Verne hung up the phone and sat back in his chair.


Verne wondered why Lurie seemed to suddenly be avoiding him.


Would Lurie return this call?


Was there just a miscommunication of some sort?


Had the contract not yet been completed? Had it been lost in the mail or accidentally sent to Stamford, CT?


Verne anxiously awaited a response from Lurie.


But was one coming?



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