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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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This is starting to get more compelling as this diary gets closer to its end. Also can't wait to see how things go with the potential mystery buyer.


Also, welcome back from your Christmas break. :D


May not end when a final decision is made. Might continue past that but haven't made up my mind. Got some ideas brewing.


Good to be back.


Hope you had a good Christmas.


Gotta get back into reading your thread.



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AWA high priest Verne Gagne was seated on the couch in his office.


The heated confrontation with producer Al DeRusha was now in the past and the two long-time friends were back on good terms.


Verne was sipping on a can of Tab and contemplating calling Barry Shenkarow once more in a possible effort to sell the promotion.


Verne thought the uptick in ticket sales for house shows featuring the Lawler-Sarge match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion looked promising.


But he also wondered how long the rise in ticket sales and overall interest in the AWA would last.


He had Stan Hansen and Greg Valentine coming in within the next couple of months.


Valentine was going to be flown in during early September to cut promos leading up to his official debut in the AWA.


Hansen was going to be unleashed as a 'surprise' at the Super Clash 4 show in Milwaukee on October 18.


But was that enough to keep the momentum going and hold down the fort until reinforcements arrived in 1990?


Verne knew that as long as he owned the company that he needed to try and pick off a couple or more names to maintain interest.


Also, the Capital Centre in Landover, MD now had a competitor for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.


Verne had recently inquired about holding the event in Los Angeles (Inglewood) at the Fabulous Forum.


Verne needed to make a decision quickly on where he wanted to hold the event as November, the month the event was supposed to take place, was now less than three months away.


As Verne thought about all this, a knock came on his office door.


Verne: Come in.


In walked Greg Gagne.


Verne: You seem rather upbeat this morning.


Greg sat down next to his dad on the couch.


Greg: Dad, I have some good news.


Verne: Let's hear it.


Greg: I had a message left on my voice mail. It was from Dick Murdoch.

Verne: Really? What's he want?


Greg: He's interested in coming back to work for you, limited dates, if some sort of deal could be made.


Verne: Well, he still has some name value.


He would be a good addition as a heel.


Greg: He left his number. Here it is.


Greg handed Verne a piece of paper with Dick's number on it.


Verne: Anything else?


Greg: Okay. Here's the big news!


I just got off the phone with the Showboat Sports Pavilion ticket office.


Verne: And.


Greg: With the announcement of the Lawler vs. Sarge dark match at the upcoming TVs there, ticket sales have surpassed 3,800!


Verne: That's great! How many does that place seat?


Greg: Around 5,500.*


Verne: Think we could see a sellout?


Greg: Don't know about that as the next Vegas TVs are almost upon us.


But, 4,000 to 4,500 looks guaranteed. And this is without comps.


Verne was ecstatic.


Verne: This is great news!


But we've got to figure out how to maintain momentum for the long run.


Greg: This is a good foundation for us to build on.


Verne: I hope you're right, son.


We need to strike while the iron is hot.


Greg: Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.


Verne was on a roller coaster ride of thoughts and emotions.


The Vegas news was fantastic. Murdoch wanting to come back was also good news.


But Verne knew he needed a couple of current big name stars to really boost his company's fortunes in the long run.


Every bit of good news was being tempered by a cold, hard reality.


And Verne's thoughts went back to Barry Shenkarow.


Verne knew the whole thing could fall apart at any moment.


And while pro wrestling is a cyclical business, Verne also knew he didn't have the finances to weather the storm this time.


It was all or nothing.


And a couple of people in New York were looking a little more closely at the AWA.




(* I'm gonna continue to run with the 5,500 number because it's the only one I've found for seating capacity. But it seemed like it was more around 3,000.)

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At the woman's pricey penthouse...


Hilly Kristal had one of his employees drive over and drop off the last dozen or so AWA on ESPN episodes on VHS tapes at the front desk of the woman's apartment complex.


The man, who had talked with the woman about possibly looking into buying the staggering promotion, flew up in the early afternoon from Baltimore to meet and stay the night with the woman at her place.


They devoured carry out Chinese food, German chocolate cake and drank wine while destroying their minds with hours of AWA rasslin'.


Woman: There's not much to work with here.


Man: Oh, hon, I bet you say that to some of the men in your life!


Woman: What?


Man: Not much to work with.


Woman: Not much to... Oh! Hahahaha!


The two laughed.


Man: You know, watching this, I am beginning to wonder if it really would be worth the investment.


There's not much name talent here.


Woman: I know. But with our money behind it things might be different.


Man: Might, ***. Might is the key word here.


Woman: We'd need to find out the status of some of the guys in the NWA and WWF.


Man: It would take some major offers to get some of them to jump ship to us.


Also, who wants to live in the upper midwest in the winter?


Woman: Well, Baltimore and New York get their share of bad weather, too.


Man: I know. But not like Minnesota.


Those winters... I get chills just thinking about them.


Woman: If we can purchase the promotion, then maybe we could look into moving the AWA base of operations to a warmer climate.


Man: That would probably need to be priority #1 on our to do list.


We'd need to make things more attractive for guys to want to come here for the long haul. Looking into moving the base of operations to a state like Florida would not be a bad idea.


Woman: It's all just talk unless we get serious about making an offer.


Man: This thing could be a real money pit, ***.


We could lose a lot of money here.


Woman: Think of the upside. We could also make lots of scratch as well.


Man: If we can get it turned around.


The two turned their attention back to the shows.


Woman: This Tommy Jammer. He looks like he might have an upside.


Man: Yeah, but would the fans buy into him as a top guy?


The woman shrugged.


They continued to watch the videos.


While watching, the pair sucked down a few cancer sticks and drank more wine.


Man: That Dallas Page, he has star written all over him.


Woman: You think so?


Man: I do.


He looks good. Knows how to dress the part. And he's a good talker.


Woman: Sure you're not lusting after him?


Man: Maybe it's just the wine talking. F*** it! Never mind what I said! I just wanna know him in the Biblical sense.


The pair laughed.


Back to video watching...


Woman: Wasn't Tom Zenk recently in the WWF?


Man: I think he might have been.


Who's this guy he's feuding with?


Woman: His name's Col. DeBeers.


Was told by a friend of mine that he's supposed to be some sort of racist South African mercenary.


Friend also told me he did a cult guru gimmick up in the Pacific Northwest a few years ago.


Man: Really?


Woman: Was a follower of that Bagwhan guy.


Man: We should try and get some video of that. I really don't know about using a hardcore racist gimmick like Colonel...


Women: DeBeers. Col. DeBeers.


More video watching...


Man: This Destruction Crew looks like a really good team. I see a serious upside here.


Woman: I was thinking the same thing. Plus, they play arrogant and cocky really well.


The man shook his head in agreement.


More watching and wine drinking...


Man: They have some pretty good lady wrestlers. I remember Richter in the WWF.


Woman: Do you think we could package women wrestlers as seriously as the men?


Man: That might be next to impossible.


Woman: Why?


Man: Because I don't think it's ever been taken all that seriously.


Woman: We can work to change it.


Man: The men have to remain front and center.


Woman: Agreed. But, we can try to elevates the gals.


More video watching and boozing...


Woman: I've made a list of who I think the top stars are here and who has potential.


Man: Shoot.


The man took a big drag off his Pall Mall.


Woman: Okay. For stars I have: Sgt. Slaughter.


Man: Umm-hmm...


Woman: Jerry Lawler.


Man: Yup.


Woman: The Destruction Crew. Larry Zbysko. Ken Patera. Don Muraco.


Man: Continue.


Woman: Dallas Page.


Man: What about Badd Company?


Woman: Eh! I can take 'em or leave 'em. But Page is a keeper.


I would also list Richter as a star.


Man: Agreed.


Another drag on his smoke.


Woman: What do you think of Tom Zenk?


Man: Would look good in a towel.


Woman: Haha!


Do you see him as a major star?


Man: I don't. He's a mid-card guy if you ask me. He's just lacking something. Not a great talker and not high on the charisma scale.


Patera's another one I just don't see as long-term main event material. That ship has sailed.


Woman: Past his prime?


Man: Yeah.


Woman: Hey, would you have been a sailor on the SS Ken Patera back in the day?


The man had just taken a drink of wine and immediately spit it back in the glass because he started laughing.


Man: ***, I love ya. But you breeders are a funny lot. But I have to admit that was a good one.


Woman: It's the wine talking, ####.


The pair started laughing that type of buzzed/drunk laugh where you have trouble stopping.


Woman: Is Patera your type?


Man: Well, he's a man and he's breathing so...YES!


More of that zany buzzed/drunk uncontrollable laughter.


The woman largely composed herself.


Woman: Let's get back to watching this, shall we?


Man: We shall.


More video watching and vino drinking...


The woman suddenly stopped the tape.


Woman: I forgot the rest of my list!


Man: By all means.


By the way, I hated your second album.


I took that 8-track and burned it and urinated on it to put out the fire.


Woman: Thanks for your honesty, ####.


Maybe if you would have bought it on cassette you'd have enjoyed it more.


Man: I was thinking more along the line of reel-to-reel.


The pair laughed some more in an 'I can't stop because I'm getting drunk' fashion.


The two finally started to calm down with intermittent bursts of laughter thrown in.


Woman: Here's my list of wrestlers who I think have potential.


Tommy Jammer.


Man: Okay.


Woman: The others are: Sam Houston. Magnificent Mimi. Jonnie Stewart.


Guys I don't see being around for long if we buy the AWA are: Ken Patera. Jerry Blackwell. The Guerrero Brothers. Baron Von Raschke. Manny Fernandez. Col. DeBeers, unless we can re-package him in another gimmick.


By the way, have you been able to talk to anybody about the status of the promotion?


Man: Have only heard it might be for sale.


Woman: We need to let somebody who knows somebody in the promotion know that we might be looking to buy.


Man: Totally.


We both need to check around and see if we can find a liason.


The woman nodded in agreement.


Then it was back to watching AWA videos.


And drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.




(Names redacted to protect the innocent.)

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AWA boss Verne Gagne decided to do it.


He picked up the phone in his office and dialed.


After a few rings, a women picked up the phone.


Verne: Hi. May I speak to Barry Shenkarow please.


The woman asked who was calling.


Verne: Verne Gagne. I wanted to discuss selling the AWA.


The woman put Verne on hold.


Verne didn't have to wait long for Shenkarow to pick up the phone.


Barry: Hello, Verne.


Verne: Hey, Barry.


Barry: Well, I hear this call is about negotiating to sell the AWA.


Verne: That's right.


Barry: The last offer I made to you was $1.5 million.


And that offer still stands.


Verne: Would you be willing to negotiate?


Barry: Sure. I'm open to some haggling.


Verne: Well, how does $1.8 million grab you?


Barry: It does not grab me very well.


If you could come down a little bit.


Verne gritted his teeth and mouthed a four letter word.


Verne: $1.7 million. How's $1.7 million?


Barry: Well, it's more in the ballpark.


I was thinking more along the lines of maybe...$1.6 million.


Verne: How about $1.65 million?


Barry: Hmmm...


You know, Verne, that sounds like a deal I can possibly sink my teeth into.


Verne: Why don't you take some time and think about it, Barry. $1.65 million.


Barry: Give me some time.


I know you're looking to move the promotion.


Verne: I never thought retirement would be my style.


But lately it's started to sound pretty good to me.


Leave the worries of the job behind.


Barry: Maybe we could even throw in a consulting job like Lurie offered you.


But, it wouldn't be at $175 grand per year.


Verne: What were you thinking along the lines of?


Barry: Right off hand...in the $70-$80,000 range.


Verne just shook his head.


Verne: Okay. Can I ask how many years it would be for?


Barry: Probably one to two years and we would re-visit the matter after that.


Verne: Barry just it some thought. I'm open to a deal.


Barry: I'll think about it, Verne, and get back to you soon.


Verne: Thanks, Barry. Take care.


Barry: You, too.


Verne hung up the phone and spun around in his chair and looked out the picture window in his office.


Quickly doing the math in his head, the total deal would come out to less than $2 million.


But Verne was running out of options and he knew it.


Selling to Shenkarow made sense from a business perspective.


But Verne knew Shenkarow would rape the AWA of its 'present pro wrestling as a legit sport' idea and replace it with a garish creation he would not recognize.


Verne also knew that the current moderate upswing in interest in the AWA may not hold.


Once the Lawler-Sarge program was finished who knew what would happen.


Verne thought about trying to hang on longer and see if he could salvage his pride and joy.


But reality was telling a different story.


And two people watching AWA tapes in New York might just be the angels Verne has really been waiting for.



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It was taping day at the Showboat Sports Pavilion for the next batch of shows to air on ESPN.


AWA boss Verne Gagne was sitting his room at the off-the-Strip hotel. He was drinking a soda and reading the Review-Journal newspaper when a knock came on his door.


Verne got up and answered the door. It was AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.


Verne: Hey, Bob*. Have a seat. Picked up a couple of brews for you down in the casino.

Sarge: Thanks, boss.


Sarge sat down in a chair and cracked open a cold one and started drinking the alcohol-fueled nectar.


Sarge: We doin' the usual wait before you call Lawler?


Verne: We are.


Verne was hardcore about kayfabe.


The two men chatted for around 20 minutes and then Verne made the call to Lawler's room.


Lawler picked up.


Verne: Jerry, come on up. I'm in room 508.


Verne hung up the phone and he and Sarge went back to talking.


Five minutes later, a knock came on Verne's door.


Verne got up and opened the door.


Verne: Come on in, King.


Lawler came in.


Verne: Those Cokes are for you.


Lawler: Thank you.


Lawler sat down in a chair and popped open one of the bevs and took a swig.


Lawler: Ahhhhhhhhhh.


Man, it's hot as hell out there today.


Sarge: At least in the desert it's a dry heat.


Verne: Amen to that. Rather be in this than Minnesota heat right now.


Lawler: I agree. You know what it's like in the Southeast this time of year.


Sarge: What, you don't love a good soaking sweat even when doing nothing?


The three chuckled.


Lawler: Like I say, there's nothing better than sweating profusely in Tennessee and having to peel your underwear off your nuts. And that hurts!


Laughter from the trio.


Sarge: What's on the agenda, Verne?


Verne: OK. You two are in the main event tonight. It's a dark match.


But we're going to record it because I want to put together a video chronicle of your feud and package it and sell it.


So, tonight's match will not air on TV but it will be on the tape.


You guys have been working around 20 minutes before going to the finish at the houses, right?


Lawler: Yes.


Sarge: Uh-huh.


Verne: I need you guys to go around 30 minutes tonight.


Lawler: Different finish?


Verne: No, the same double count out finish.


Sarge: OK. You want juice?


Verne: No juice tonight.


What I want to do is bring you back at the next tapings here in early September and have another dark match that will be recorded and that match will be a 60-minute broadway*.


We're not going to announce the match between you two for Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee until the second or third week of September so as not to hurt ticket sales for the house shows.


Lawler: Anything else?


Lawler took another sip of Coke and Sarge took a drink of beer.


Verne: You guys will be appearing on TV, of course. I'll tell you what you're doing for TV's when I lay out the shows down at the Pavilion.


Sarge: That it right now?


Verne: It is, gents.


And I just want to thank both of you.


Lawler: For what?


Verne: For driving a revival of interest in the AWA.


You two are the ones responsible for the houses we're drawing and we're due to have over 4,000 in the Pavilion tonight and that's tickets sold. No comps in that number.


Sarge: Sounds good.


Lawler: Sarge, let's go out and tear the house down.


Sarge: Let's do it.


The three sat around and talked casually for a few more minutes before Sarge left and headed back to his room.


After about 10 minutes, Lawler did the same.


Verne Gagne sat in his nice, cool air conditioned room.


He felt good.


It was gonna be the biggest AWA house in Vegas in what seemed like eons.


But Verne also knew that the reality was he was most likely gonna have to sell.


Winnipeg businessman or a New York-Baltimore connection?


The clock was ticking.


And Verne knew that time was of the essence.




* Bob Remus, aka, Sgt. Slaughter.


* Broadway = Draw

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">CLASSIC WRESTLING VIDEO OF THE WEEK!</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

From 1988, it's the Bench Press Challenge between the Road Warriors and the Powers of Pain.</p><p> </p><p>

You don't think anything happens, do ya?:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhP5Ak69aeM" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhP5Ak69aeM</a></p>

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I remember reading about that bench press challenge in one of the Apter mags shortly after it happened (don't remember which one) and Animal sure went out of his way to sell that "eye injury" after that (especially with the hockey goalie mask he wore for the initial revenge matches between the LOD and the Powers of Pain).


The Road Warriors were great. But of all those guys it sure would have been interesting to see what the Barbarian could have done with a great manager and the push. He was a great athlete but didn’t really (assuming since he never really was allowed to talk) have any mic skills. I felt Big Bubba was great with Cornette and was allowed to grown in the monster he eventually became. What if Barbarian actually got an opportunity like that, instead of being stuck with Paul Jones.

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(1st Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


Show opened cold with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey stalking around the ring in his Arab garb.


Crowd loudly booing El-Kaissey as Larry Nelson, mic in hand, stepped into the ring.


Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, what are you doing out here?!


Kaissey: Infidel Nelson! I am out here to tell all these other infidels that he is coming!


Crowd booed.


Nelson: Who, exactly?


Kaissey: The man I have found who will change wrestling forever!


Starting with Jerry Blackwell, he is going to bring the AWA to its knees!


He is an unstoppable force who will be the World Champion very soon!


Nelson: How soon can we expect to see this man?


Kaissey: It's sooner than you think, Nelson!


When he arrives the infidels will be shocked at what they see!


They've never seen anything like him!


He is a mountain of a man! No one will be able to take him off his feet!


But he will literally crush his foes!


And everyone will shake in their boots at the mere mention of his name!


The time for great change has come to the AWA!


And there is no one who can stop it!


More crowd boos as Sheik strutted around in the ring.


Nelson: Let's send it to Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears.


Marshall and Blears were in the announcers' position at ringside.


Marshall: An interesting start to the show.


Welcome to AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.


I'm Lee Marshall along with pro wrestling legend Lord James Blears.


Lord James, what do you think of what Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey just said?


Blears: Lee, I think the Sheik is about to unleash some sort of terrible plague on the wrestling world.


I would not underestimate this man under any circumstances.


Whoever this wrestler is he is bringing in, he must be an absolute monster.


God help us if the man is the unstoppable force of nature Kaissey says he is.


Marshall: I agree, Lord James.


This man must be a one man army judging by the words of El-Kaissey.


I don't doubt for a minute that this man will terrorize the AWA when he is unleashed here.


Blears: No doubt about it, Lee. We're gonna be in for quite a ride when this wrestler arrives.


Marshall: Every day brings us one step closer to this man coming into the AWA and turning it upside down.


We'll have our first match when we come back.


Picture of the AWA logo aired with the caption: NEXT... GREAT AWA ACTION!




Tom Zenk (still wearing his facemask) won a squash match over Ted Baxter via pinfall with his superkick finisher




Nelson: Tom Zenk. An impressive victory over Ted Baxter.


Before we go any further, we hear you have some news for us.


Zenk: I do, Larry.


This mask I'm wearing right now will be coming off in the next couple of weeks.

Nelson: So, you'll no longer be wearing the mask when you wrestle?


Zenk: That's right. I'll be able to wrestle without this thing once again.


Nelson: Has it been a hinderance to you when you're wrestling.


Zenk: Not looking straight ahead. But when I've head to look out of the corner of my eye it affects my vision. My ability to see then is limited by the mask.


Nelson: Will be good to see you back 100%.


Zenk: Thank you.


Nelson: Now, you and Col. DeBeers have both taken turns costing each other big matches. He cost you a shot at the World Title when he interfered in your #1 Contender's Match with Tommy Rich and belted you with that coal miner's glove that put you in the mask a few weeks ago and then you played a roll in DeBeers' upset loss to Tommy Jammer.


Zenk: It's called payback. That's what I did to DeBeers in that match.


Nelson: This thing is really escalating between you two. Do you see an end in sight?


Zenk: I don't. Who knows how this is gonna all play out over time.


DeBeers! I'm ready to fight you anywhere, anytime!


I'll battle you all over this great country! I'll fight you all over the world if I have to!


This is a blood feud now! This is about defending one's honor!


DeBeers is a racist! He's a mercenary! He'll do whatever he thinks is necessary to advance his evil cause of South African apartheid!


He's accused me of being a drug abuser! That makes him a liar as well!


DeBeers has no conscience, Larry!


He's all about stepping on people to get to the top!


But that's not gonna happen with me!


Bring it on, Colonel!


The time for war between us is...now! And only one man can emerge the victor on this battle field!


Crowd popped.


Nelson: That was Tom Zenk, everybody!


Announcers discussed the DeBeers-Zenk situation.


Announcers said the TV main event would be: Brad Rheingans vs. Mike Enos






IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Tommy Rich vs. Lee Majors


Majors was already in the ring and announced.


Rich came down the heel entrance aisle in his ring garb and carrying a drink in a plastic cup.


Rich walked around ringside as the crowd booed and when Rich got to the announcers' table, Rich promptly threw the drink in announcer Lee Marshall's face. Marshall quickly threw off his headset and went to go after Rich. Nelson was standing close by and Rich grabbed Nelson and pulled Nelson in front of him as the crowd booed even more.


A couple of AWA officials came down to ringside to keep the peace. They finally calmed things down enough to where Marshall went and sat back down in his chair, wiped off his face and jacket with a couple of napkins and put his headset back on to call the match.


Marshall: Lord James, one day there's gonna be a day of reckoning between me and Tommy Rich! I've had it with that jerk!


Rich got a surprise when Majors came out quickly and stunned Rich and almost scored the pinfall upset with a small package.


Marshall: That was a six million dollar move by Majors!


Rich then took control of the match and finished off Majors with a sitout suplex slam for the 1...2...3.


Rich left the ring and dropped to the floor as Larry Nelson caught him for a quick word.


Nelson: Tommy Rich! What was that all about with Lee Marshall?!


Rich: The only thing I can say is Lee Marshall's all wet!


Marshall stood up but Blears was able to keep Marshall from going after the Southern loudmouth.


Rich left and headed back up the heel entrance aisle to boos.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: WAHOO & MURACO UP NEXT!




Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco won a squash match over Jack Roy & Johnny Dark when Muraco pinned Dark with his inverted piledriver finisher.




Nelson: Another solid victory for the team of Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco.


You guys are really looking good.


Muraco: We're meshing well, Larry. Our styles compliment each other.


I feel like I've wrestled with Wahoo my whole life and we're really on to something here.


Nelson: Wahoo, is the feeling mutual?


Wahoo: It is. We've only been a team for a short time but, like Muraco said, we work well together.


Nelson: The climb up the AWA tag team ladder continues for you guys.


And you're beating the teams you should beat. Now you're a bout to climb up a few more rungs on that ladder and face better competition.


Any concerns because you've only been a team for a short time?


Wahoo: Not at all. We're ready for better competition in the weeks and months ahead. We're ready to be tested.


Muraco: If you want to become the AWA World Tag Team Champions, then you've got to beat better and better opponents to earn that title shot.


Nelson: That was Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco, everybody!


Crowd that wasn't inebriated cheered Muraco and Wahoo.


Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... IS THE BARON DONE???!!!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Baron Von Raschke.




Von Raschke, in street clothes with mic in hand, was standing in the middle of the ring in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion.


Baron: I stand in this ring and look at all these seats. Soon they will be filled with screaming fans.


And the fans are what makes this sport so great. You're why we do this for a living.


Manny Fernandez, you have stated you won't wrestle me one more time.


But I'm here to ask you again. Will you wrestle me, Fernandez?


We had a great match last time and you emerged the victor.


I want another shot at you. I think I deserve it. I pushed you to the limit last time and you can't deny it, Fernandez.


The people want to see us lock up one more time. They deserve this match.


What about it? Will you do it, Fernandez?


The Claw Master vs. The Ragin' Bull one more time.


I await your answer, Manny.


Baron did the claw gesture with his right hand.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a video announcement from AWA boss Verne Gagne.




Verne Gagne was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Verne: Greetings, wrestling fans.


This is AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


I am excited to tell you that we'll have a big announcement about the AWA next week.


This is the biggest thing we've done in quite some time.


I think you fans are gonna like the news.


The AWA is moving forward and this announcement will show that the AWA will once again be a force to be reckoned with in wrestling.


So, tune in next week for this major announcement.




In-Studio: Nelson talked about the big announcement. Said he's heard rumors about what it is and it promises to be big.


Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... MIMI IS MAGNIFICENT!




Magnificent Mimi won a squash match over Barbara Eden via pinfall with her missle dropkick finisher




Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, you looked really good in your win over Barbara Eden.


Mimi: Of course I did, Nelson! That's why I earned the name 'Magnificent'.


Nelson: You're still chasing Wendi Richter for the AWA Women's World Championship. But Richter is a very tough customer.


Mimi: I'm chasing her like a cat chases a mouse. And a mouse can only escape for so long before it's caught and torn apart by the cat!


Richter's my mouse! And when I catch her, I will devour her and become the new AWA Women's Champion!


Richter needs to be ready because defeat is on the horizon for her and it will come at the hands of the Magnificent One.


Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, everybody!


Smattering of boos and shouts of 'Show us your tits!' from the heavily boozing crowd.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Brad Rheingans vs. Mike Enos (w/ Wayne Bloom).


Bloom held both belts, one slung over each shoulder, as Enos wrestled.


Back-and-forth affair between the two as the former Olympian pushed one-half of the tag team champions to the limit.


At the end of the match, Rhengans was on the offensive. Rheingans had worked Enos over and went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and caught Rheingans coming off with a huge clothesline that flattened Rheingans. Enos put the boots to the downed Rheingans as a smiling Bloom looked on from ringside. Enos snapped Rheingans up, whipped Rheingans into the ropes and looked to catch Rheingans coming off with a backdrop but Rheingans leapfrogged Enos. Enos spun around and Rheingans nailed Enos with a Diamond Cutter (3/4 Bulldog Cutter). Crowd popped. Rhengans a little slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Kickout by Enos. Most in the crowd groaned. Rheingans slapped his hand on the mat in frustration. Both men up and Rheingans stunned Enos with a kick to the gut. Rheingans grabbed Enos and went for a belly-to-back suplex but Enos flipped out of Rheingans' grasp. Enos went to clothesline Rheingans but Rheingans ducked the move and came back and staggered Enos with a monster slap to the jaw. Slap was so hard that it spun Enos around facing away from Rheingans. Rheingans ran Enos into the ropes and rolled up Enos from behind for the pin. 1...2... Enos kicked Rheingans off. Crowd groaned (again). Bloom pacing like a caged animal at ringside. Both men to their feet and Rheingans caught Enos with a strike to the side of the head. Rheingans went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and caught Rheingans coming off with a scoop powerslam. Enos made it to his feet. Bloom yelling for Enos to finish him off. Enos snatched up Rheingans and nailed Rheingans with a spinning crucifix toss. Rheingans slammed to the mat and flatlined. Enos for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3. Ref called for the bell as many in the crowd booed but a minority cheered the victor (or just Rheingans losing).


Enos up and the ref raised his hand in victory as Bloom stepped into the ring and handed Enos his tag title belt. Quick pat on the back from Bloom. Bloom and Enos talked briefly with each other in the ring. Rheingans down and slowly recovering in the ring. Bloom and Enos then further delayed the Rheingans' recovery when they attacked Rheingans with their titles. Crowd heat grew as Bloom and Enos hammered away on the former Olympian with their belts. Marshall and Blears begged for someone to save Rheingans.


Crowd popped as Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Enos and Bloom stopped the Brad beating and bailed to the safety of the floor as Patera stood in front of the injured Rheingans.


Brief, tense standoff between the two parties before Patera checked on Rheingans.


WINNER: Enos - Pinfall - 11:11


Shot of announcers Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears at the announce table. The pair briefly discussed what just transpired and then hyped Verne Gagne's big announcement for next week on the program.



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In-Studio Host:
Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

1st Taping Re-cap

Show Intro

In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Wendi Richter (WC) vs. Queen Kong

The AWA debut of The Trooper Del Wilkes

A look back at highlights from the match last week between long-time rivals Greg Gagne and Larry Zbysko

Col. DeBeers wrestles

AWA boss Verne Gagne has some major news for the fans

Jake Milliman sees action


Nelson then sent it to the arena in Hammond, IN.

Jonnie Stewart won a squash over Tom Chambers via pinfall with his flying knee to the gut finisher

During the match, announcers discussed whether or not Stewart's knee pad was loaded with a foreign object

Stewart adjusted the knee pad just before going to the finish


Larry Nelson: Jonnie Stewart. The first thing I want to ask you is...

Stewart: Before I answer any of your questions, Nelson, I have something I need to say.

Nelson: Okay.

Stewart: We're here in Hammond, Indiana, the so-called Heartland of America.

Some fans cheered.

Stewart: Well, it's the biggest hick town I've ever been in!

Crowd now booing.

Stewart: When I drove into the parking lot in my car, I couldn't believe the number of tractors, wheel barrows and stage coaches parked out there!

I'm surprised they did not have oat and water stations and hitching posts for the horses!

Nelson: Jonnie, please! Why are you insul...

Stewart: One of the parking lot attendants was wearing a coon skin cap! Another one was chewing on a piece of straw! Hello! The 1800's are over! Time to move forward! Time to evolve, you Hammond hicks!

Is Teddy Roosevelt the President of Hammond?! For the rest of us, Bush in President! But we're not stuck in a time warp like these clowns!

More boos.

Stewart: When's the next barn dance?! Boy, I bet the Sasparilla will flow at that one!

Driving into Hammond I saw a guy making a call on a phone!

Nelson: What's the big deal about that?

Stewart: The phone was at the top of a telephone pole!

Hammond, Indiana, the real life Green Acres!

More crowd boos.

Stewart: One more thing before you ask me any questions.

Nelson shook his head.

Nelson: What?

Stewart: 1990 is now just a few short months away. And I am the man who will lead wrestling through the 1990's! Jonnie Stewart will be the flagship for this sport!

And one thing I can promise all these people out here is that pro wrestling will stop coming to Hammond, Indiana!

Loud boos from the crowd.

Stewart: This town needs to be quarantined for the good of the country!

President Bush, if you're listening, please close Hammond, Indiana! Please shut down this black mark on America!

Hammond, you had a good run until the invention of electricity and indoor plumbing! But it's been downhill ever since! Time to vanish down the memory hole!

Nelson: I need to ask a question about the knee....

Stewart: Sorry, Larry, I've got to get out of here before I'm forced to bale some hay and marry some farmer's sweathog of a daughter named Ethel!

Nelson threw his hands up in frustration as Stewart exited the ring to crowd boos.

Stewart had words with and taunted some fans at ringside before heading back up the heel aisle.

Pic aired of Jake Milliman with the caption: 'MILKMANIA' IS RUNNIN' WILD!


Jake Milliman won a squash match over Theodore Kaczynski via pinfall with his Pasteurizer (Flying Leg Drop) finisher

Before the match, Jake came out and shreddded his 'Milkmania' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd and briefly played to the fans.

After his win, Jake struck some bodybuilder poses.


Nelson: Jake Milliman! It looks like these fans out here are really taking to 'Milkmania'!

Milliman: That's because milk does a body good!

Nelson: The posing celebration after the match...

Milliman: I pose because I like to show what milk has done for me!

Jake wowed the crowd with a few more poses.

Nelson: You've been on a roll since you started 'Milkmania'. You've got to be looking forward to bigger and better things here in the AWA.

Milliman: I certainly am! I've been talking to the Dairy Gods up on Mount Darigold and my aim right now is to get one of those 16 slots in that Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament and win that belt for milk drinkers everywhere!

Nelson: Sounds like a grandiose plan!

Milliman: I'm gonna milk it for all it's worth, Nelson!

Nelson rolled his eyes.

Nelson: One last question, 'Milkman'.

Are you and Greg Gagne gonna continue to wrestle as a team?

Milliman: I sure hope so!

We had a good discussion about our future over pie and milk not too long ago!

Would be a shame to break up the band now!

Love a shot at those tag titles!

And if we won we'd celebrate with cigars and...milk, daddy!

Another Nelson eye roll.

Nelson: Jake Milliman, everybody!

Pic aired of a highway patrol hat with the caption: NEXT... THE TROOPER ARRIVES!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the debut of 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes and had a little background on Wilkes. Then sent it back to the ring in Hammond, IN.

DEBUT MATCH: 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes

Wilkes got a nice ovation coming to the ring

Wilkes won a squash match over Dennis Stamp via submission when he made Stamp pass out in a double nerve hold on Stamp's traps

Crowd cheered Wilkes after the impressive victory.

Wilkes dropped to the floor for an interview.


Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, welcome to the AWA!

Wilkes: Thank you, Larry! It's great to be here in front of these great AWA fans!

Some in the crowd cheered.

Nelson: Del, that was an impressive first win here. It looks like you're gonna present a real challenge for your opponents.

Wilkes: That's what I'm hoping for. You've got some real good talent here in the AWA. And the only way to make a name for yourself is to work your way up the ladder and ultimately beat the best.

Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, everybody!

In-Studio: Larry Nelson discussed 'Trooper' Del Wilkes and said the guy has a a lot of potential.

Nelson then discussed the main event AWA Women's World Title match and intro'd pre-recorded video comments from challenger Queen Kong.


Kong was standing in front of the AWA logo in her ring attire and sunglasses with mic in hand.

Kong: Wendi Richter! Do you know why I'm wearing these sunglasses, hon?! Do ya?!

It's because my star is gonna shine brighter than it's ever shined after our title match tonight! My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!

When I'm through with Richter, they're gonna have to peel her off the mat with a spatula because I'm gonna squash her!

And you know what I'm gonna do when I win the title?! I'm gonna take that teeny, tiny belt that Richter held and I'm gonna take it out back of the arena and throw it in the dumpster!

I need a belt befitting a big, beautiful woman! I need a belt fit for a Queen! Not some belt I would have worn when I was five!

It's over for you, Richter! You're done! There's no way you can withstand my size and raw, brute power!

And Richter thinks she's soooooooooooooooooooooo pretty! Well, I'm gonna beat the pretty right out of her when that bell rings!

Take her title and ugly her up!

Queen Kong has arrived and women's wrestling will never be the same because of it!


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a video announcement from AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne Gagne was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Verne: Greetings, wrestling fans.

This is AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

I am excited to tell you that we'll have a big announcement about the AWA next week.

This is the biggest thing we've done in quite some time.

And I think you fans are gonna like the news.

The AWA is moving forward and this announcement will show that the AWA will once again be a force to be reckoned with in wrestling.

So, tune in next week for the major announcement.


Nelson briefly talked about the announcement and said if it's what he heard it is then it could indeed be a game-changer for the AWA.

Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter.


Richter was standing in front of the AWA logo in her ring attire, belt around her waist with mic in hand.

Richter: Getting steamrolled by Queen Kong was a painful experience! I can't begin to describe it! The word 'pain' doesn't do it justice!

Kong! You won the Battle Royal! You earned your shot at the belt!

But in the main event, there will be no cheap-shotting me! You won't catch me off-guard like you did after you won the Battle Royal!

I know you're big! You're a human wall!

And I have to get you off your feet to beat you!

You're a real challenge for any normal-sized female wrestler! I have my work cut out for me on a an epic scale!

But David has slain Goliath before and Wendi will take down Kong tonight with everything on the line!


Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... THE COLONEL!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Col. DeBeers won a quick squash match over Edward James Olmos via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher

After the match, DeBeers left the ring and dropped to the floor and walked over to Larry Nelson who was prepared to interview the Colonel.

DeBeers ripped the mic out of Nelson's hand and shoved Nelson out of the picture.

Nelson: Hey!!!

DeBeers spoke directly into the camera.

DeBeers: Tom Zenk! Listen up, son!

You go ahead and keep playing your tit-for-tat games with me! Keep it up!

Because Zenk, in the end you will be the ultimate loser in this war between us!

It's been cast in stone!

Your weak American mind is no match for that of the South African mercenary!

I was made for war! You were made for soft American decadence, Zenk!

And wars are always won by those who are better prepared both mentally and physically!

Prepare to go down in humiliating defeat, boy! You'll never be able to show your face in wrestling again!

DeBeers tossed the mic at Nelson and stormed off.

In-Studio: Nelson briefly discussed the continuing hostilities between Zenk and DeBeers.

Nelson then intro'd highlights from last week's match between long-time rivals Larry Zbysko and Greg Gagne.


Zbysko up and stomped Greg, snapped Greg up and choked Greg on the top rope. Ref counting. Zbysko broke the illegal move at the count of 4 and then repeated it, breaking again at the count at 4. Greg staggered away from the ropes and dropped to his knees holding his throat in the ring. Zbysko kicked Greg in the back. Greg now down on the mat and in a bad way. Zbysko backed off and yelled for Greg to get to his feet. Zbysko mocking Greg saying: Get up, Verne's boy! Greg slowly made it to his feet. Zbysko moved in and and caught Greg with a gut punch that doubled Greg over. Zbysko then went to hoist Greg up for the piledriver.

Marshall: If Zbysko hits this piledriver, with what Zbysko has already done to Greg's neck in the match, it could end up really bad for Greg.

Zbysko tried to hoist Greg up but Greg twice blocked the move and backdropped Zbysko to the mat. Greg down to his knees and holding the back of his neck. Both men to their feet and Zbysko punched Greg and caught Greg with forearm blows to the upper back and neck area. Zbysko went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Zbysko coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Zbysko crashed to the mat and grabbed the jewels as most of the crowd cheered. Greg painfully moved in and grabbed Zbysko by the legs. Greg catapulted Zbysko into the corner. Zbysko's head slammed into the top steel bolt that connects the ring post to the turnbuckle. Zbysko bounced back and crashed to the mat. Greg quickly shook out the effects of the match. Greg moved in as Zbysko got to his knees. Zbysko had joined the crimson mask club. Greg pulled Zbysko up by the hair, held Zbysko by the hair and popped Zbysko with a series of deliberate head shots. Zbysko stunned. Crowd into the match. Greg bodyslammed Zbysko and then Greg went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a diving knee to the chest that connected. Greg for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zbysko kicked out. Crowd groaned. Greg and Zbysko both feeling the effects of the match. Greg snapped up Zbysko and went to suplex Zbysko but Zbysko twice blocked the move, caught Greg with a couple of punches to the side of the ribs and went to suplex Greg. As Zbysko got Greg up in the air, Greg wriggled free of Zbysko's grasp, dropped down behind Zbysko and locked Zbsyko in the Gagne sleeper (TM). Crowd now really into it. Zbysko struggling to free himself from Greg's grasp. After being in the hold for several seconds, Zbysko was able to lunge towards the ropes and fell through the top and middle rope still locked in the sleeper. The two men crashed to the concrete floor and Greg lost his grip on the hold. Ref started the 10-count. Both men down. Both men stirred on the floor and made it to their feet as the count grew. Zbysko caught Greg with a shot to the ribs and slammed Greg's head into the ring apron. Zbysko then grabbed Greg in a side headlock and went to ram the top of Greg's head into the ring post but Greg shoved Zbysko off and Zbysko's head slammed into the post and Zbysko staggered away. Count hit 10 and the ref called for the bell. Greg came up from behind and nailed Zbysko with a forearm to the back. Zbysko stumbled forward and started to make his way back up the heel entrance aisle. Greg followed and jumped on Zbysko and started striking Zbysko. Zbysko fought back and the two men were brawling in the aisle. Fans cheering louder than at most things AWA in recent years. AWA officials and refs came out to break up the warring factions.

Marshall: I think the Larry Zbysko-Greg Gagne feud has just been reignited with a vengeance!

Blears: Think you're right, Lee!


Nelson said he agreed with Marshall and Blears that the Zbysko-Gagne feud had truly been reignited. Said the intensity of the match was very hot and that the Zbysko-Gagne conflict will probably never truly see a resolution, only momentary ceasings of the hostilities.

Nelson then pointed out that Zbysko was also still dealing with Ken Patera.

Pic aired of the AWA Women's World Title with the caption: NEXT... RICHTER VS. KONG!



Wendi Richter (WC) vs. Queen Kong

Kong came out to a modest negative reaction. Richter got a nice ovation coming to the ring.

Kong dominated the bout from the opening bell and tossed the Women's Champ around like a rag doll in the ring. After Kong battered Richter for a few minutes, Kong whipped Richter into the ropes and caught Richter coming off in a bearhug. Richter writhing in pain but would not submit. Richter was able to catch Kong with some head shots and then clapped her arms against the sides of Kong's head. Richter escaped Kong's grasp. Richter then moved in with a series of punches on Kong that staggered the big lovely. Richter then hit Kong with a series of leg kicks but Kong would not go down. Richter then hit Kong with a couple of dropkicks but Kong stayed on her feet. Richter then ran and hit the ropes and came off with a flying dropkick. Kong crashed back into the turnbuckles. Richter backed up and charged in and jumped on Kong but Kong caught Richter in another bearhug. Kong walked out of the corner with Richter in her grasp, spun around and charged backed into the corner, crushing Richter into the buckles. Kong let go of Richter and Richter crumpled to the mat. Kong pulled Richter away from the buckles and covered Richter. 1...2...thr... Richter managed to get a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Kong snapped Richter up and threw Richter into the corner. Kong moved in and struck Richter with some punches and leaned into the champ. Kong backed into the other corner, raised her fist in the air, let out a gutteral yell and charged at Richter but Richter moved and Kong slammed front-first into the buckles. Richter staggered out by the ropes. Kong staggered backwards out of the corner and Richter dropped down on all fours behind Kong and Kong fell over Richter. Richter for the pin. 1...2... Kong kicked out. Crowd groaned.

Richter moved in with some kicks on Kong and then Richter went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Kong made it to her feet. Kong up and turned and Richter came off with a missle dropkick that connected. Kong crashed back to the mat. Crowd into the match. The bestial Kong slowly got to her feet as Richter circled around her. Kong up and walked into Richter's arms. Richter went to lift Kong up for a bodyslam.

Marshall: What the hell is Richter doing???!!!

Richter started to hoist Kong up but Kong's weight proved too much and Richter crumpled to the mat with Kong on top of her. Kong for the pin. 1...2...thr... Richter got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Kong up and peeled Richter up off the mat and bodyslammed the champ. Kong went over and climbed up on the middle buckle.

Marshall: If she hits Richter with a splash coming off that middle rope then we're gonna have a new Women's World Champion!

Blears: The force of such a blow would be too devastating for Richter to come back from.

Kong came off the middle buckle with a diving splash but Richter rolled out of the way and Kong crashed front-first to the mat. Crowd popped.

Both women down.

Ref started the 10-count.

Both women stirred and slowly made it to their feet. Richter stunned Kong with a dropkick that sent Kong spinning around facing away from Richter. Richter dropped down and chop blocked Kong in the back of the left knee area and Kong and Kong toppled to the mat and Richter rolled up on Kong for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.

Show ended with the ref raising Richter's hand in victory and handing the title back to her.

WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - 10:29

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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(2nd Taping Re-cap)

Match Commentator:
Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Show Intro:

In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

A huge announcement about the AWA from boss Verne Gagne coming up later in the program

TV MAIN EVENT: Col. DeBeers vs. Tommy Jammer

AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter makes an appearance

A message from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey

Manny Fernandez wrestles

A look back at the attack last week on Brad Rheingans by World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew and Ken Patera coming to Brad's aid

Larry Zbysko sees action

Sam Houston, undefeated in AWA competition, wrestles


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas

The Guerrero Brothers (Hector & Mando) won a squash over Carroll O' Connor & Robert Reiner via pinfall when Mando pinned Reiner with a moonsault

In-Studio: Larry Nelson discussed the Guerreros victory and said they are still chasing the Destruction Crew for the AWA World Tag Team Titles.

Nelson then intro'd video from the end of last week's match between Brad Rheingans and Mike Enos of the tag champions the Destruction Crew and post-match comments from both sides.


At the end of the match, Rheingans was on the offensive. Rheingans had worked Enos over and went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and caught Rheingans coming off with a huge clothesline that flattened Rheingans. Enos put the boots to the downed Rheingans as a smiling Bloom looked on from ringside. Enos snapped Rheingans up, whipped Rheingans into the ropes and looked to catch Rheingans coming off with a backdrop but Rheingans leapfrogged Enos. Enos spun around and Rheingans nailed Enos with a Diamond Cutter (3/4 Bulldog Cutter). Crowd popped. Rheingans a little slow in making the cover. 1...2...thr... Kick out by Enos. Most in the crowd groaned. Rheingans slapped his hand on the mat in frustration. Both men up and Rheingans stunned Enos with a kick to the gut. Rheingans grabbed Enos and went for a belly-to-back suplex but Enos flipped out of Rheingans' grasp. Enos went to clothesline Rheingans but Rheingans ducked the move and came back and staggered Enos with a monster slap to the jaw. Slap was so hard that it spun Enos around facing away from Rheingans. Rheingans ran Enos into the ropes and rolled up Enos from behind for the pin. 1...2... Enos kicked Rheingans off. Crowd groaned (again). Bloom pacing like a caged animal at ringside. Both men to their feet and Rheingans caught Enos with a strike to the side of the head. Rheingans went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and caught Rheingans coming off with a scoop powerslam. Enos made it to his feet. Bloom yelling for Enos to finish him off. Enos snatched up Rheingans and nailed Rheingans with a spinning crucifix toss. Rheingans slammed to the mat and flatlined. Enos for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as many in the crowd booed but a minority cheered the victor (or just Rheingans losing).

Enos up and the ref raised his hand in victory as Bloom stepped into the ring and handed Enos his tag title belt. Quick pat on the back from Bloom. Bloom and Enos talked briefly with each other in the ring. Rheingans down and slowly recovering in the ring. Bloom and Enos then further delayed the Rheingans' recovery when they attacked Rheingans with their titles. Crowd heat grew as Bloom and Enos hammered away on the former Olympian with their belts. Marshall and Blears begged for someone to save Rheingans.

Crowd popped as Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Enos and Bloom stopped the Brad beating and bailed to the safety of the floor as Patera stood in front of the injured Rheingans.


The AWA Tag Champions the Destruction Crew were standing in their locker room in their ring duds.

Wayne Bloom had his title belt slung over his shoulder and a mic in hand. Enos stood next to him with his belt slung over his left shoulder.

Bloom: So, Ken Patera, you want to get involved in something that's not your business, eh?!

You know why we beat Brad Rheingans with the belts?! Because we felt like it! We enjoyed doing it! Violence for the sake of violence against the Olympic Golden Boy!

And you had to come in and ruin the beatdown party, Patera! That was not the wisest move!

Bloom handed the mic off to Enos.

Enos: It's like this! We do whatever we want and take whatever we want and we don't care who gets hurt!

Bloom laughed.

Enos: How did it feel to be struck with these belts, Rheingans?! Did it feel good?! These belts have many uses!

I know it felt good to me as I was slamming the belt into your body!

And then Ken Patera...Patera, brother, you just need to stay out of things that don't involve you!

Now you've crossed a line, Kenny! It's a line that should not be crossed!

And the next time we see you and Rheingans in the ring, we'll double our pleasure and beat the hell out of both of you with the straps!

More Bloom laughter.

Pic flipped to the locker room Patera and Rheingans were in. Rheingans was seated and in great pain. He had the straps of his singlet pulled down.

Patera was in his ring attire and had a mic in hand.

Patera: Destruction Crew, I want you to take a close look at what you've done!

Rheingans was wincing in pain as he held his body where it hurt the most.

Patera: Brad's really banged up! What you two did after the match was uncalled for! But it was not shocking since it was you two that launched the attack on a man who was down and defenseless!

And let me give you guys a brief history lesson! You guys defeated Brad Rheingans and Greg Gagne for the tag team titles! Greg had to substitute for me because I had been injured by Larry Zbysko!

But now that I'm back and ready to go once again here in the AWA, I'm putting you on notice! This will pass! Brad will overcome the injuries sustained in the assault!

And we're gunning for you, Destruction Crew!

You opened a door that should not have been opened! You've got our attention! And there's gonna be hell...to...pay in blood and treasure! The treasure being those World Tag Team Titles around your waists!

So, you boys better get prepared to feel the wrath of Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans!


Pic aired of Manny Fernandez with the caption: NEXT... THE RAGIN' BULL!


Manny Fernandez won a squash match over James Belushi via pinfall with his Flying Burrito (flying double forearm smash) finisher


Manny Fernandez, Baron Von Raschke keeps asking for one more match with you. You've said you won't give it to him even though you two had a great match the last time you faced each other.

So, the burning question is...will you change your mind and wrestle him one more time?

Manny: Larry Nelson, it's time for Baron Von Raschke to hang 'em up! He needs to go! He's had his day in the sun!

Nelson: Is that a no?

Manny walked around in the ring for a moment.

Manny: You know what? Because I need to move on to other challenges, just to get that old goose-stepping German off my back, I'll give him the match!

Crowd cheered Manny even though he's a heel.

Nelson: Listen to this crowd!

Manny: The cheers of these fans mean zero to me! They can all go take a flying leap for all I care!

I just want to be done with Von Raschke!

Baron! You've got your wish! One last match with the 'Ragin' Bull'! Just one!

And when it's over, I never want to see his ugly face again!

I wash my hands of him when the match is done!

Nelson: You heard it, fans! Manny Fernandez will wrestle Baron Von Raschke one last time!

Fans cheered.

In-Studio: Larry Nelson discussed Manny accepting the Baron's challenge for one more match.

Nelson then intro'd video from the end of the last Tommy Jammer-Col. DeBeers match followed by comments from DeBeers.


(From AWA All-Star Wrestling): At the end of the match, DeBeers worked over Jammer and appeared to have Jammer on the brink of defeat.

DeBeers whipped Jammer into the ropes and caught him coming off with the kitchen sink. Jammer down and in a bad way.

Crowd popped as Tom Zenk, still wearing his facemask, made his way down to ringside. DeBeers didn't see him.

DeBeers hoisted Jammer up for a suplex and the ref looked up. Zenk reached into the ring and pulled DeBeers foot out from under him. DeBeers lost his footing and fell to the mat with Jammer on top of him for the cover.

1...2...thr... DeBeers got his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin try. Crowd groaned.

DeBeers got up and looked down at Zenk and the two started exchanging words. While that was going on, Jammer was recovering in the ring. After the verbal exchange between Zenk and DeBeers, Jammer had gotten to his feet behind the Colonel.

DeBeers turned and Jammer stunned DeBeers by rolling him up in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3!

Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell.

A seething DeBeers to his feet in the ring. Jammer to his feet and the ref raised Jammer's hand in victory to the delight of the crowd.

DeBeers glared down at Zenk and Zenk moved towards the face entrance aisle looking back at DeBeers.

Pic flipped to Col. DeBeers. DeBeers was standing in his ring attire with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.

DeBeers: Tommy Jammer, I heard you went out and partied hard to celebrate your victory over me a few weeks ago.

Ha! What a joke!

You only beat me because Tom Zenk interfered on your behalf!

In other words, Jammer, you had to cheat to beat me! Where's the sportsmanship in that?!

Tonight will be different! I will show everyone out there that you can't beat me in a straight up mano y mano match!

I hope you enjoyed that party, Jammer, because there will be no partying for you after this match!

You'll just be sitting in a tub of ice to help numb the pain after I put your body through the ringer!

And Tom Zenk! Son, don't even think of getting involved this time because it will end badly for you if you do! History will not repeat itself!


Pic aired of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with the caption: NEXT... THE SHEIK SPEAKS!


IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded video comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.

Kaissey was standing in the Showboat casino in his Arab garb with mic in hand.

Kaissey: Look at these infidels in this casino! They have come here to foolishly gamble, drink to excess and play dirty games with each other!

They lead pointless, meaningless lives! I would like to force everyone of them to read the Koran! Then their lives would have meaning!

I am here to tell you that my life has great meaning! I have been a manager for years! I build men up and make them champions!

And now I have a man I am about to unleash on the AWA! He's all man and a yard wide! And I will manage him to the AWA World Championship!

I've talked about him for months now!

The wait is finally over!

I will be introducing my newest wrestler on AWA Wrestling right here on ESPN next week!

He has arrived! And the AWA will never be the same because of it!


Nelson talked about Kaissey's man finally arriving next week and urged fans to tune in to see what all of Kaissey's talk is about.

Nelson then sent it back to the Showboat for the next match.

Larry Zbysko won a squash match over Tim Conway via pinfall with a piledriver


Larry Zbysko...

Zbysko: Shut up, Nelson! Just stand there and hold the mic and try not to make a fool of yourself!

I wanted to say to all these idiots out here, and that includes you, Nelson, Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears, that Ken Patera is coming out here trying to be the savior of his buddy Brad Rheingans!

Well, Patera better pay attention to priority #1...and that's me!

Crowd booed.

Zbysko: You'd better be focused on me! Because once you lose focus then it's all over for you!

I'm a master at ring psychology! When it comes to mind games, no one does it better than the 'Living Legend'!

More boos.

Zbysko: If Patera's distracted in any way, then the advantage, a huge advantage, falls to me!

No one can beat me when they're not totally focused on the task at hand!

So, Patera, you be the Skipper to Rheingans' Gilligan! You stay focused on that! And I will systematically and with great precision take you apart when we wrestle and have my hand raised in victory!

More boos.

Nelson: Larry Zbysko, everybody!

Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... CAN HE REMAIN PERFECT?!


Sam Houston won a squash match over Leon Redbone via pinfall with his bulldog finisher


Sam Houston! These fans have really taken to you since you arrived in the AWA!

Houston: They have, Larry. And it's great to know they're behind me.

Nelson: You're still undefeated since arriving in the AWA. What's the secret?

Houston: No secret, really. Just good preparation and training.

Nelson: Who do you train with?

Houston: He's a pro wrestler.

Nelson: Can I ask who?

Houston: Not gonna say right now. But he's had a great career himself. I believe it's important to learn from the best and this guy is a top caliber wrestler.

Nelson: Any chance of meeting him?

Houston: At some point in the future I'm sure I'll introduce him to the AWA.

Nelson: I'm intrigued. Sam Houston, everybody!

Crowd cheered as Sam acknowledged them with a wave of his cowboy hat.

Pic aired of AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... THE CHAMP IS HERE!



Would you please welcome my guest at this time...he is the reigning AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!

Marine Corps hymn played and out came Sarge to a solid ovation. Sarge made his way down the face aisle.

He was in his ring attire and had the belt around his waist. Sarger handed out little American flags on the way to the ring.

Sarge climbed in the ring and saluted the fans.

Nelson: They love you, Sarge!

Sarge: I salute them, Larry!

Sarge gave another salute to the fans.

Nelson: The situation with Jerry Lawler is getting hotter by the day.

A conclusion to all this controversy over who the undisputed AWA World Champion is has to be on the horizon.

Sarge: There will indeed be a conclusion to all this one day! The question is when will it happen?

When will this matter between Lawler and myself be settled once and for all?

Nelson: What is your mindset at this time?

Sarge: I've got to stay focused, Larry! No outside distractions! I've got to be 100% dedicated to getting the job done and becoming the undisputed AWA World Champion! You see, it's like thi...

Nelson: Wait a minute! Here comes Jerry Lawler!

Most in the crowd booed but Lawler also had his supporters.

Lawler came down the heel aisle in his ring attire with his version of the AWA belt around his waist and carrying his crown.

Lawler stepped into the ring and walked up to Sarge and Nelson.

Nelson: Jerry Lawler! This is not your interview time!

Lawler: I really don't care if it's not my interview time!

See this crown, Sarge?

Sarge: Yes.

Lawler: It's a symbol. It shows I'm a king. I'm royalty. Wrestling royalty, to be exact.

Sarge: What are you getting at?

Lawler: This belt also is a symbol. It'a a symbol that I'm the World Champion.

Sarge: So am I.

Lawler: Whatever.

These two things: the crown and the belt, show I'm deserving to be World Champion.

Sarge: What are you saying, Lawler?

Lawler: The World Title you're wearing is not valid because you didn't beat me for it and I never lost the title.

Sarge: This argument again?!

Lawler: I just came out to say that I should be the only recognized AWA World Champion because I am wrestling royalty...and you're just a Gomer Pyle!

Sarge: What did you call me?!

Lawler: You heard me, Sarge.

Maybe it's time for you to hand that belt over to me and get back to work shining Sgt. Carter's boots and washing the skid marks out of his underwear.

Sarge got heated.

Sarge: Let me tell you something, Lawler!

I served my country and I served it proudly! I'm proud to be a Marine! Once a marine always a marine!

Crowd cheered.

Sarge: You need to watch what you say about my service to this great nation of ours!

Lawler: Okay, Sarge. I'll back off that subject since it's a sore one for you.

But you're still a Gomer!

Sarge lunged at Lawler and Lawler quickly backed off and Nelson got in between the two.

Lawler bailed to the safety of the floor and immediately made his way back up the heel aisle to a mixed crowd reaction.

Sarge: Lawler! Let's settle this right now!

Crowd popped big time. Lawler turned in the heel aisle and looked back.

Sarge: Come on! Right now!

Lawler looked on for a few more seconds before turning and disappearing to the back.

Sarge: Lawler! Next time we meet I'm gonna take that crown and shove it right down your throat!

Another big crowd pop.

Marshall and Blears discussed the Lawler-Sarge situation.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said it was time for the big announcement concerning the AWA that Verne Gagne promised last week.

Nelson intro'd the video.


AWA boss Verne Gagne was in an office standing with a gentleman.

Verne: Hello. This is Verne Gagne of the AWA.

With me is the mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John Norquist.

I am pleased to announce that Milwaukee has been chosen as the city to host Super Clash 4.

The event will be taking place on Wednesday, October 18 at the Mecca Arena.

John, I want to thank you and the city of Milwaukee for all the great hospitality you have shown us during this time.

Norquist: It's our pleasure, Verne.

The city of Milwaukee is a growing and dynamic city.

And we are excited to be hosting a big event like Super Clash 4.

Verne: We're excited to be having this historic event in Milwaukee.

The AWA has a long, rich history here.

Norquist: It's the home of The Crusher.

Verne smiled.

Verne: It certainly is.

And when we were looking at cities to host this big event, Milwaukee just seemed like the right choice.

Norquist: You won't be disappointed.

Milwaukee is a wrestling town.

Verne: Super Clash 4 is coming and it's going to be a great night of professional wrestling.

Thank you, Mayor Norquist.

The pair shook hands.

Norquist: Thank you, Verne.


Larry Nelson said it promises to be a huge event and that more information about how fans can attend SC 4 will be coming starting next week.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!


TV MAIN EVENT: Col. DeBeers vs. Tommy Jammer

Jammer started out fast but DeBeers quickly took over the match and dominated the rest of the way. At one point, DeBeers had Jammer pinned but pulled Jammer up by the hair at the count of 2.

After several minutes of a brutal beatdown by DeBeers, the Col. finished Jammer off with his face-first piledriver finisher to score the pinfall victory.


As the ref checked on the downed Jammer, DeBeers stalked around in the ring.

Marshall: Why isn't DeBeers leaving?

Blears: Good question, Lee.

As Jammer started to recover, DeBeers reached into the side pocket of his camo pants and pulled it out.

Marshall: DeBeers has just pulled out the coal miner's glove!

DeBeers put the glove on and waited like a cat ready to maul its prey. Fans screaming for Jammer to turn around.

A shaky Jammer to his feet. Just as DeBeers was about to blast Jammer with the loaded glove the crowd popped as Tom Zenk, minus facemask, charged down the face entrance aisle and hit the ring. DeBeers went to hit Zenk with his coal miner's glove hand but missed and Zenk hit DeBeers with a shot to the jaw that dropped the Colonel. DeBeers quickly rolled out of the ring to the safety of the floor. DeBeers went over and grabbed a chair from inside the ringside barricade and threw it in the ring. Zenk snapped up the chair and sat in it and gestured for the Col. to get back in the ring and fight. DeBeers arrogantly waved off Zenk and immediately headed back up the heel entrance aisle as Zenk got off the chair and looked on from the ring.

Zenk gestured for the ring mic from Larry Nelson and got it.

Zenk stalking around in the ring.

Zenk: DeBeers! I promise you this! If you use that glove on any other wrestler...I am going to end your career either in this ring or on the street!

Crowd cheered as the program ended.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 6:27

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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From 1986, Buddy Rose & Doug Somers defend the AWA tag straps against the Midnight Rockers in their most famous match, aka, the bloodbath match.


I don't think you'll see Madcap Moss or Big E in a match like this.



Thank you, Lord, for finally letting the LOS ANGELES Rams win the Super Bowl!

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


2nd Taping Re-cap


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


AWA boss Verne Gagne has a major announcement


TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell vs. Tommy Rich


Disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler wrestles


Badd Co. sees action


Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey has an announcement


A look back at last week's attack on Brad Rheingans by the Destruction Crew and Ken Patera coming to Rheingans' aid plus comments from both sides


Baron Von Raschke sees action


A look back at the AWA debut of 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes




Nelson then sent it to the arena in Hammond, IN:


Magnificent Mimi won a squash over Princess Stephanie Mac via pinfall with a missle dropkick




Nelson: Magnificent Mimi scores another victory here in the AWA.


Mimi, you saw it. Wendi Richter retained the AWA Women's World Title in a grueling match against the much larger Queen Kong.


Do you think you're next in line for a title shot?


Mimi: If the match-makers in the AWA have an ounce of decency I should be the Richter's next opponent!


She may have toppled the beast known as Queen Kong, but she is not gonna beat me!


Crowd booed.


Nelson: You sound very confident.


Mimi: Why shouldn't I be?!


I mean, look at me! I'm drop dead gorgeous! I have a body that's smokin' hot! And I'm one of the best female athletes on the planet!


The next time Richter and the Magnificent One collide she will walk out of the ring as the former...FORMER...AWA Women's World Champion!


Nelson: The Magnificent Mimi, everybody!


Announcers briefly discussed the Mimi-Richter situation. Marshall said Mimi has a rep for backing up her talk.


In-Studio: Nelson discussed Mimi and how she poses a real threat to Richter's title reign.


Nelson then intro'd video from the debut match of 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes.




DEBUT MATCH: 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes


Wilkes got a nice ovation coming to the ring


Wilkes won a squash match over Dennis Stamp via submission when he made Stamp pass out in a double nerve hold on Stamp's traps


In-Studio: Nelson talked about Wilkes' devastating submission hold and how hard it will be for wrestler's to escape if caught in it.


Said Wilkes looks like he's gonna be a major star in the AWA in a short period of time.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE GREAT AWA ACTION!




Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. Dallas Page) won a squash over Lawrence McCutcheon and Cullen Bryant when Tanaka pinned Bryant after a slingshot DDT




Nelson: 'Diamond' Dallas Page, you're team looked like a well-oiled machine in that match.


DDP: They always run like a well-oiled machine.


Tanaka and Diamond are two great wrestlers in their own right.


But they just needed a little guidance to put things together. Now, they're one of the top tag teams in the world. And my guidance is what put them there.


Nelson: Have you figured out who's playing the mind games with you and Badd Company?


DDP: No. We haven't had time to think about it lately because the contracts are signed to face the tag champs the Destruction Crew with the belts on the line.

Nelson: And $25 grand of your money.


DDP: Ha! Nelson, that money's not going anywhere! But those tag team belts are coming our way!


Nelson: That remains to be seen... What's this?!


DDP and Badd Co. looked over and saw a buxom blonde woman in a red dress making her way to ringside. The woman climbed up on the apron.


DDP: Not more of this, man! Whoever's behind this needs to give it up!


The woman climbed into the ring and walked up to DDP.


Woman: I was told to deliver this message to you.


DDP (annoyed): What is it? Let me have it.


The woman delivered and let DDP have it with a kick to the balls.




DDP dropped to his knees as the fans popped big time.


Badd Co. glared angrily at the woman but did not go after her. They turned their attention to their manager as the woman left the ring for the floor and disappeared down the safety of the face entrance aisle.


Nelson: Well, that was a surprise!


DDP: Shut up, Nelson! We're getting tired of this!


Whoever is behind all this stuff needs to reveal themselves...NOW!


Ow! My family jewels!


Badd Co. helped DDP to his feet and DDP clutched his goods.


In-Studio: Nelson talked about the escalation of the head games being played against DDP and Badd Co. Nelson wondered who was behind it all.


Pic aired of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with the caption: NEXT... THE SHEIK SPEAKS!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




Kaissey was standing in the Showboat casino in his Arab garb and holding a mic.


Kaissey: Look at these infidels in this casino! They have come here to foolishly gamble, drink to excess and play dirty games with each other!


They lead pointless, meaningless lives! I would like to force everyone of them to read the Koran! Then their lives would have meaning!


I am here to tell you that my life has great meaning! I have been a manager for years! I build men up and make them champions!


And now I have a man I am about to unleash on the AWA! He's all man and a yard wide! And I will manage him to the AWA World Championship!


I've talked about him for months now!


The wait is finally over!


I will be introducing my newest wrestler on AWA Wrestling right here on ESPN next week!


He has arrived! And the AWA will never be the same because of it!




In-Studio: Nelson said we'll finally find out who this mystery man is that Kaissey has been promising for months and told fans to make sure to tune in AWA Wrestling on ESPN next week.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Hammond, IN:


Baron Von Raschke won a squash over Jim Youngblood via submission with his Iron Claw finisher




Nelson: Baron, we don't have much time.


What do you have to say about the situation with Manny Fernandez?


Baron: Manny Fernandez! It's all up to you! You control our destiny!


Let's make one final match happen between us, Fernandez!


As they say: the ball is in your court!


Sign on the dotted line and we'll make it official!


Baron did the claw gesture with his right hand.


Fans cheered.


Nelson: Baron Von Raschke, everybody!


(* This show would have aired the same week as the previous AWA on ESPN show so that's the reason Von Raschke is still talking about wanting to fight Fernandez in one last match and Fernandez accepting on the other show. The order they would air in just depends on when the syndicated show aired in a given market. That's the reason for the inconsistency.)


Pic aired of Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... IT'S LAWLER TIME!




Jerry Lawler won a squash over Dennis Harrah via pinfall with his piledriver finisher




Nelson: Jerry Lawler! Dennis Harrah is a large man and you made short work of him! Impressive!


Lawler: I know it was impressive, Larry. You don't have to tell me!


Nelson: Now, about the matter with Sgt. Slaughter...


Lawler: Look, the only thing these people need to know is that I never lost this title. Sarge is a fake World Champion.


But, the only way I can make my reign official is to beat Sarge in a match to decide who the undisputed AWA World Champion is.


The bigwigs in this promotion seem to be all in for Slaughter. They didn't like it when I beat Curt Hennig last year to win the AWA Title and they didn't like it when I retained this belt against their 'Chosen One' Kerry Von Erich.


I had a falling out with people at the top and they decided to go ahead and just create another AWA World Title and put it on whomever they wanted. First, Larry Zbysko won it in a Battle Royal created out of thin air and then Slaughter beat Zbysko for it. That hardly sounds like a deserving World Champion.


The day is coming, Nelson, when this will be decided. And I'm gonna become the undisputed AWA World Champion and it will be the fans' pleasure to have me as their standard bearer here in the AWA.


Video aired showing the tag champs the Destruction Crew beating Brad Rheingans with the belts with the caption: NEXT... CHAMPIONSHIP BEATDOWN!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video footage of last week's attack on Brad Rheingans after Rheingans' match with Mike Enos of the the Destruction Crew plus post-attack comments from the two sides.




(From AWA Wrestling on ESPN): Enos went to clothesline Rheingans but Rheingans ducked the move and came back and staggered Enos with a monster slap to the jaw. Slap was so hard that it spun Enos around facing away from Rheingans. Rheingans ran Enos into the ropes and rolled up Enos from behind for the pin. 1...2... Enos kicked Rheingans off. Crowd groaned (again). Bloom pacing like a caged animal at ringside. Both men to their feet and Rheingans caught Enos with a strike to the side of the head. Rheingans went to whip Enos into the ropes but Enos reversed and caught Rheingans coming off with a scoop powerslam. Enos made it to his feet. Bloom yelling for Enos to finish him off. Enos snatched up Rheingans and nailed Rheingans with a spinning crucifix toss. Rheingans slammed to the mat and flatlined. Enos for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3. Ref called for the bell as many in the crowd booed but a minority cheered the victor (or just Rheingans losing).


Enos up and the ref raised his hand in victory as Bloom stepped into the ring and handed Enos his tag title belt. Quick pat on the back from Bloom. Bloom and Enos talked briefly with each other in the ring. Rheingans down and slowly recovering in the ring. Bloom and Enos then further delayed the Rheingans' recovery when they attacked Rheingans with their titles. Crowd heat grew as Bloom and Enos hammered away on the former Olympian with their belts. Marshall and Blears begged for someone to save Rheingans.


Crowd popped as Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Enos and Bloom stopped the Brad beating and bailed to the safety of the floor as Patera stood in front of the injured Rheingans.


Brief, tense standoff between the two parties before Patera checked on Rheingans.




The AWA Tag Champions the Destruction Crew were standing in their locker room in their ring duds.


Wayne Bloom had his title belt slung over his shoulder and a mic in hand. Enos stood next to him with his belt slung over his left shoulder.


Bloom: So, Ken Patera, you want to get involved in something that's not your business, eh?!


You know why we beat Brad Rheingans with the belts?! Because we felt like it! We enjoyed doing it! Violence for the sake of violence against the Olympic Golden Boy!


And you had to come in and ruin the beatdown party, Patera! That was not the wisest move!

Bloom handed the mic off to Enos.


Enos: It's like this! We do whatever we want and take whatever we want and we don't care who gets hurt!


Bloom laughed.


Enos: How did it feel to be struck with these belts, Rheingans?! Did it feel good?! These belts have many uses!


I know it felt good to me as I was slamming the belt into your body!


And then Ken Patera...Patera, brother, you just need to stay out of things that don't involve you!


Now you've crossed a line, Kenny! It's a line that should not be crossed!


And the next time we see you and Rheingans in the ring, we'll double our pleasure and beat the hell out of both of you with the straps!

More Bloom laughter.


Pic flipped to the locker room Patera and Rheingans were in. Rheingans was seated and in great pain. He had the straps of his singlet pulled down.


Patera was in his ring attire and had a mic in hand.


Patera: Destruction Crew, I want you to take a close look at what you've done!


Rheingans was wincing in pain as he held his body where it hurt the most.


Patera: Brad's really banged up! What you two did after the match was uncalled for! But it was not shocking since it was you two that launched the attack on a man who was down and defenseless!


And let me give you guys a brief history lesson! You guys defeated Brad Rheingans and Greg Gagne for the tag team titles! Greg had to substitute for me because I had been injured by Larry Zbysko!


But now that I'm back and ready to go once again here in the AWA, I'm putting you on notice! This will pass! Brad will overcome the injuries sustained in the assault!


And we're gunning for you, Destruction Crew!


You opened a door that should not have been opened! You've got our attention! And there's gonna be hell...to...pay in blood and treasure! The treasure being those World Tag Team Titles around your waists!


So, you boys better get prepared to feel the wrath of Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans!



Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a huge annoucement from AWA boss Verne Gagne:




AWA boss Verne Gagne was in an office standing with a gentleman.


Verne: Hello. This is Verne Gagne of the AWA.


With me is the mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John Norquist.


I am pleased to announce that Milwaukee has been chosen as the city to host Super Clash 4.


The event will be taking place on Wednesday, October 18 at the Mecca Arena.


John, I want to thank you and the city of Milwaukee for all the great hospitality you have shown us during this time.


Norquist: It's our pleasure, Verne.


The city of Milwaukee is a growing and dynamic city.


And we are excited to be hosting a big event like Super Clash 4.


Verne: We're excited to be having this historic event in Milwaukee.


The AWA has a long, rich history here.


Norquist: It's the home of The Crusher.


Verne smiled.


Verne: It certainly is.


And when we were looking at cities to host this big event, Milwaukee just seemed like the right choice.

Norquist: You won't be disappointed.


Milwaukee is a wrestling town.


Verne: Super Clash 4 is coming and it's going to be a great night of professional wrestling.


Thank you, Mayor Norquist.

The pair shook hands.


Norquist: Thank you, Verne.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson said it promises to be a huge event and that more information about how fans can attend SC 4 will be coming starting next week.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell vs. Tommy Rich


Marshall and Blears discussed Rich throwing a cup of soda on him on AWA Wrestling on ESPN and Marshall confronting Rich and the two almost coming to blows. Marshall pointed out that the only thing protecting Rich was Rich pulling Nelson in front of him as a shield.


Marshall: Pardon my language, Lord James! Tommy Rich is a cowardly bastard!


Blears: No offense taken and you are absolutely correct about Rich, Lee.


Blackwell came out to a good ovation.


Match saw Blackwell have the upper hand early, but an eye poke by Rich gave the blond loudmouth the advantage.


Match turned into a see-saw affair until the end. Rich had the upper hand and went to whip Blackwell into the ropes but Blackwell reversed and steamrolled Rich coming off which got a big pop from the crowd. Rich down on the mat. Blackwell waiting for Rich to get to his feet. A shaky Rich up and Blackwell nailed Rich with a standing dropkick.


Blears: It's amazing that a man that big can deliver a well-executed dropkick like that.


Rich crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron and was laying down facing the crowd. Blackwell went to go after Rich but the ref ordered Blackwell to stand back and Blackwell did. Ref started the 10-count. Blackwell went to go after Rich again but the ref intercepted the big man and the two had words. While that was going on, Rich reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object that was caught on camera. (Amazing how that always happens!) Rich crawled over the bottom rope back into the ring and got to his knees. He was concealing the object in his right hand. Blackwell went over and reached down to pull Rich up. As Blackwell was pulling Rich to his feet, Rich stunned Blackwell with a foreign object shot to the jaw. Blackwell crumpled to the mat. Rich for the cover and concealed the object by his right leg. 1...2...3! Ref got up and called for the bell. Rich up and quickly dropped the foreign object in the back of his tights. Ref turned and raised Rich's hand in victory. Fans screaming for the ref to cop a feel on the back of Rich's tights. Rich strutted around the ring in victory because the booker said he had to.


Marshall: He is not getting away with this!


Marshall tossed the head set and climbed into the ring. Marshall started talking to the ref and gestured that Rich used a foreign object on Blackwell. Rich started arguing to the contrary. Blackwell recovering in the ring. Rich turned and started having heated words with Marshall. Big mistake. Ref standing behind Rich and saw the foreign object in the back of Rich's tights and the ref reached in (that sounds sooooooooooooooooooo wrong) and pulled out the protrusion (gets even funnier!). Ref showed Rich the object and called Larry Nelson up on the apron. Marshall left the ring for the floor and headed back to the announcers' table. Rich started arguing with the ref.


Nelson: I have been informed by the referee that he has ordered the match to be re-started!

Crowd cheered.


Blackwell to his feet. Ref called for the bell to re-start the match. Rich kept arguing with the ref for a few more seconds and turned and was greeted by a running clothesline from Blackwell. Rich crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Blackwell ran and hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher on Rich. The cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered as the program went off the air.


WINNER: Blackwell - Pinfall - 9:12



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The monthly TV tapings were in the books.


Verne Gagne was sitting at his desk and looking at the numbers for the three most recent house shows where Jerry Lawler vs. Sgt. Slaughter in a match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion was the main event.


Unlike the good news of the previous three house shows in Chicago (3,517), Green Bay (2,966) and Minneapolis- St. Paul (4,374), the news was not as good out West.


Verne kept looking at the numbers on the sheet as if he believed somehow staring at them long enough would change them for the better in Phoenix and 'Frisco.


The attendance for the houses were:


8/11 - San Francisco, CA - Cow Palace: 1,481


8/12 - Salt Lake City, UT - Salt Palace: 3,064


8/13 - Phoenix, AZ - Veteran's Memorial Coliseum: 2,001


Verne finally put the paper down and stared off into the distance. Lawler-Sarge wasn't going to be the guarantee of vastly improved ticket sales everywhere.


Verne took solace in the fact that he booked Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee, an AWA stronghold in the upper Midwest. The success of the Lawler-Sarge program in Chicago, Green Bay and Minneapolis-St. Paul gave him some peace of mind.


He believed Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee would be the AWA's biggest success since 1986.


In reality, it's more likely he prayed it would be...




Verne was sitting in his office on an extremely warm summer morning in the Twin-Cities.


Also in his office were son Greg Gagne, TV producer Al DeRusha and Wally Karbo.


Verne (sighed): Well, two of the three houses weren't good out West. Salt Lake City did a solid number but that's where the good news ends.


Greg, what was the crowd like in San Francisco?


Greg: In every other city we've taken the Lawler-Slaughter match, the crowds have been super hot. That includes Salt Lake and Phoenix.


But San Francisco was another story. The crowd was pretty dead for the entire show. They came alive in spots during some of the matches but that's about it. Maybe we should re-think booking San Francisco for the immediate future.


Wally: I second that.


Verne nodded his head in agreement.


Verne: But the other two houses were hot crowds.


Greg: Very. They were even hot for the curtain jerker between Akio Sato and myself and they stayed hot for the entire show.

Al: I think you need to look at this as a glass half full scenario, Verne.


Verne: How so?


Al: Well...business is up. We just hit a couple of speed bumps along the way.


I think Milwaukee will be a strong house for Super Clash.


Wally: We have a few more dates here in August, right?


Verne: Yes.


Greg: Fargo and Sioux Falls are doing well in ticket sales but Omaha is lagging.

Verne: Well, let's keep our fingers crossed. Those shows are still a couple of weeks away.


Wally: And let's not forget that Vegas did a great house for the TV's.


Verne: We did excellent business in Vegas. Will be interesting to see what the ticket sales are for the September re-match between Lawler and Sarge there. Gotta try and hold the momentum heading into Super Clash.

Al: Business was up even in 'Frisco and Phoenix, Verne. Even though the uptick in business was small, the match did move the needle some in those places.


Verne: You're right.


Greg: Anything else you need to tell us right now.


Verne: Yes. I wanted to let you guys know that I am postponing the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament until next February. I think having that tourney in November would be too close to Super Clash 4. It's too much too fast.


Wally: Have you made a decision on where you're gonna hold the event?


Verne: Yes, I've got Eric Bischoff working on the deal right now.


Al: And...what city is it?


Verne: I feel we need to have the event in a warm weather climate. I'm hoping some fans will travel from cold weather cities like ours and go.


Greg: So the Capital Centre in Landover, Maryland is off the table?


Verne: It is.


The city I've chosen is one we've never worked before.


It's Los Angeles; Inglewood to be exact.


Al: What's the arena down there?


Verne: The Fabulous Forum. It's the home of the Lakers and Kings.


Wally: That's a big arena.


Verne: I know. But I'm banking on 5,000 tickets being sold for the tournament. We'll film the event and market it as a two-hour highlights tape like the Crockett Cup.


Greg: Still gonna do it as a one day event with two sessions?


Verne: I might gamble and try and make it a two night event.


Al: That first night could be awful risky for ticket sales.


Verne: I'm thinking of one ticket for both sessions. We'd have to jack up the price. But it might be worth the risk.


Greg: Are you looking at any outside names to bring in to possibly help move tickets?


Verne: Yes.


Greg: Who?


Verne: I'm gonna contact the folks in Atlanta. I'm gonna see if we can cut a deal to bring in Ric Flair...


Al: To face our World Champion?


Verne: Either that or also try and bring in Flair's current nemesis Terry Funk.


Or maybe have Flair wrestle one of our younger underneath guys to give them a much needed rub.

Wally: That would cost a lot of money. Not sure we have it. Gotta remember you're not dealing with Crockett anymore; you're dealing with a corporation.


Verne: It doesn't hurt to check.


Greg: We could take a big financial hit with a move like that. Is it worth even considering, dad?


The room fell silent.


Verne's plan could further push the AWA toward the cliff of financial ruin.


It was looking more and more like only a miracle resurgence could save the AWA now.





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It was the third week of August...


AWA chief Verne Gagne sat at his desk in his office and was deep in thought.


Verne contemplated something for a while and then picked up the phone and dialed.


Female Voice: Barry Shenkarow's office. This is the secretary. How may I help you?


Verne: Is it possible to speak to Barry?


Secretary: May I ask who is calling?


Verne: This is Verne Gagne.


Secretary: He's in. Let me see if he's available to take your call right now.

Verne waited for what seemed like an eternity.


And then...


Barry: Verne! How are you?!


Verne: I'm okay. Yourself?


Barry: Doing good.


I'm assuming you're calling because you've come to some sort of decision about selling the AWA to me.


Verne: I have.


Barry, I need to be up front with you.


Barry: Alright.


Verne: I'm willing to sell the AWA to you, but not at the price you're offering.

Barry: That would be...what...think it was $1.6 million.


Verne: I believe the company is worth more than that.


Barry: How much more?


Verne: $2.3 million.




Barry: Hmmm... $2.3. million.


Verne: That is correct.




Barry: Tell you what, Verne. I'll give you $1.8 million for the entire company lock, stock and barrel.


Verne: I just don't think I can go that low, Barry.


Barry: Do you have a counter-offer?


Verne thought for a moment.


Verne: How about $2.15 million?


Barry: We're not too far apart.


But Verne, you have to remember something. The AWA is in bad shape right now.


What was your original asking price again?


Verne: $3 million.


Barry: That's definitely not gonna happen. I don't think it's even close to worth that much right now or even $2 million, quite frankly.


Verne: So you're not willing to hit the $2 million mark?


Barry: I just can't do it. I'm sticking with $1.8 million for the whole shootin' match.




Verne: I can't go under two, Barry. I'm sorry.


Barry (sighs): Well, Verne, them I'm afraid I'm gonna have to walk away from any deal.


It's $1.8 million or nothing for me. I've raised the earlier offer of $1.6 million by $200,000 dollars. Not upping it anymore. This is a wrestling promotion, not an NFL franchise.


Verne: Barry, I'm gonna have to respectfully decline your offer.


Barry: Then that's it. I'm walking away from the table for good, Verne.


Verne: I understand, Barry.


Barry: You sure you won't do $1.8 mil?


Verne: I just feel it's worth more than that. I've poured my life into this business.


Barry: I know you have. But I just can't pull the trigger on a deal.


Verne: I want to thank you for your time, Barry. Sorry we could not reach an agreement.


Barry: It was great to meet a wrestling legend like you. Disappointed we could not do business.


Verne: Take care, Barry. And good luck to the Jets*.


Barry: I agree: Go Jets.


I wish you the best.


Verne: Bye.


Barry: Bye.


With that, Verne hung up the phone. He looked downward and then placed his hands in folded prayer-like fashion in front of him.


Verne Gagne walked away from a sure thing.


But the wrestling legend's pride has led him to calculate his own self-worth. And it's worth more than $1.8 million in Verne's eyes.


The AWA was his creation, his baby. He built it from the ground up to be, at one time, the #1 promotion in the USA. But now it was sad shell of itself.


Verne was willing to do business with a man who admittedly wanted to turn the AWA into a garish, cartoonish joke. Verne loathed Shenkarow's vision. But Verne was willing to do business with Mini Vince because Verne was ready to step back and let others run the show. Verne would like to be in the background as a consultant and not have to worry about the day-to-day grind of running a wrestling promotion anymore.


Verne looked at the picture of his family on his desk. He picked it up and looked at it more intensely.


After a minute or so, Verne put the picture back on his desk.


Verne cracked open a Tab that was sitting on his desk and took a couple of sips from the can.


He had no idea where all this would lead.


He knew of no other interested parties who would like to buy the promotion or give the AWA a much needed cash infusion.


But maybe all this was meant to happen...


The woman in New York and the man in Baltimore had finally been able to talk to someone about their interest in exploring the possibility of buying a wrestling promotion that was close to being on life support. The man they talked with said he would get a message back to the AWA.


Was Verne's future about to be determined in a very short period of time...




(* Barry Shenkarow owned the Winnipeg Jets of the NHL at the time.)

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From 1987, it's one of my favorite matches of the '80s!


Jerry Lawler vs. Austin Idol - Steel Cage Match


If Lawler loses, he loses his hair! If Idol loses, he has to refund all the fans their ticket money!


Crowd heat is incredible!


Heels are legit nervous and afraid to leave the cage after the match!


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(3rd Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program (He called it vapid, stupid and a waste of an hour of your life every week! Get it? He 'ran down' the program! :D )


More info regarding the big Super Clash 4 show on October 18 at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee


TV MAIN EVENT: Ken Patera vs. Jonnie Stewart


Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey finally reveals his newest wrestler


Comments from disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler


A look back at the end of the DeBeers-Jammer match and what happened after the match was over


Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco wrestle


An interview with Baron Von Raschke


'The Trooper' Del Wilkes makes his AWA on ESPN debut




Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas:


Greg Gagne won a squash match over Cal Worthington via submission with the Gagne sleeper




Nelson: Greg, the burning question everyone wants an answer to is: when are you and Jake Milliman gonna team up again?


Greg: Well, Larry, the 'Milkman' and myself are talking about wrestling more matches together. Every time I wrestle with him I can feel the calcium emanating from his bones.


Nelson: Wow! Milk really does do a body good!


Greg: It certainly does. So, the fans should know that we will be teaming together again very shortly.


And I'm a staunch advocate of his pie and milk diet.

Smattering of cheers from the sloshed crowd.


Nelson: Another question I have for you is this. A few weeks ago on All-Star Wrestling, you and Larry Zbysko battled to a bloody double count out. Has the Zbysko-Gagne feud been re-ignited?


Greg: Larry, our feud has never died. There are times when the hostilities between us are cool. But then things can heat up between Zbysko and I at any moment.


We had a brutal, bloody battle when we last met.


And I will tell you that we've signed a contract to wrestle each other again.


Nelson: This feud is unique. And it brings something out of both of you from deep within that you often don't see in other feuds.


Greg: It's a feud that I believe will never end and may even carry over into the next life.


Nelson: Now that's a feud! Greg Gagne, everybody!


Pic aired of 'The Trooper' with the caption: NEXT... 'THE TROOPER' IS HERE!




'The Trooper' Del Wilkes made his way to the ring to a decent ovation. Wilkes slapped hands with fans around ringside.


Wilkes won a squash match over Jeff Bagwell via submission with his double nerve hold on Bagwell's traps




Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, an impressive victory over young Jeff Bagwell in your debut match here on AWA Wrestling on ESPN.


Wilkes: Thank you, Larry. It's great to be here in front of all these great fans in Las Vegas!


Decent crowd reaction from a group of people that had been drinking heavily and was thinking about sex and gambling after the show.


Nelson: That nerve hold of yours, and we see the referee reviving Bagwell, really has a devastating impact.


The hold looks almost impossible to escape.


Wilkes: When applied correctly the hold is virtually inescapable. The key is having strong hands and a vice-like grip.


Nelson: Well, you certainly have the grip as we've seen.


What's 'Trooper' Del Wilkes looking forward to here in the AWA?


Wilkes: There's a lot of outstanding competition here in the AWA. And I looked to get tested here as I face better and better competition in the weeks and months ahead.


Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, everybody!


Fans cheered and some worried 'The Trooper' would pull them over for drunk driving after the show.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week's encounter between Tommy Jammer and Col. DeBeers.




The Col. finished Jammer off with his face-first piledriver finisher to score the pinfall victory.




As the ref checked on the downed Jammer, DeBeers stalked around in the ring.


Marshall: Why isn't DeBeers leaving?


Blears: Good question, Lee.


As Jammer started to recover, DeBeers reached into the side pocket of his camo pants and pulled it out.


Marshall: DeBeers has just pulled out the coal miner's glove!


DeBeers put the glove on and waited like a cat ready to maul its prey. Fans screaming for Jammer to turn around.


A shaky Jammer to his feet. Just as DeBeers was about to blast Jammer with the loaded glove the crowd popped as Tom Zenk, minus facemask, charged down the face entrance aisle and hit the ring. DeBeers went to hit Zenk with his coal miner's glove hand but missed and Zenk hit DeBeers with a shot to the jaw that dropped the Colonel. DeBeers quickly rolled out of the ring to the safety of the floor. DeBeers went over and grabbed a chair from inside the ringside barricade and threw it in the ring. Zenk snapped up the chair and sat in it and gestured for the Col. to get back in the ring and fight. DeBeers arrogantly waved off Zenk and immediately headed back up the heel entrance aisle as Zenk got off the chair and looked on from the ring.


Zenk gestured for the ring mic from Larry Nelson and got it.


Zenk stalking around in the ring.


Zenk: DeBeers! I promise you this! If you use that glove on any other wrestler...I am going to end your career either in this ring or on the street!


Crowd popped.


In-Studio: Nelson said that what Tom Zenk said means this feud transcends pro wrestling itself. 'Keep it in the ring' does not apply here.


Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... A VERY SPECIAL INTERVIEW!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd an interview he did recently with Baron Von Raschke.




Video opened with a shot of Nelson and Von Raschke, both dressed in casual street clothes, sitting at a small, round table in a bar somewhere in Las Vegas. The two each had a drink in front of them. For Nelson it was scotch. For Von Raschke a good German beer, of course!


Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas. My guest is Baron Von Raschke.


Baron, Manny Fernandez finally accepted your challenge for one final match between the two of you. What are you thinking right now?


Baron (playfully): Right now I'm thinking about that waitress over there.


The two laughed.


Nelson: I can see why you're thinking about her.


More laughter.


Baron: Seriously, Larry, I'm glad Fernandez finally accepted my challenge for a re-match.


We had a great match the last time we met. He won. But I gave as well as I got from Manny. He's a tough competitor.


You might not like him. But you have to admire his wrestling ability. I don't like him. But I do respect his wrestling talent.


Nelson: Well, we need to let the fans know that next week, right here on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, you will be facing Manny Fernandez in a re-match in the main event.


Baron: That is correct. And I can't wait, Larry Nelson. One last dance between the Baron and the 'Ragin' Bull'! It promises to be another great fight between us!


Nelson: Baron, will this be the last match of your career?


Nelson took a sip of his scotch.


Baron: Wrestling is a funny business. Some people retire and then turn around a short time later and un-retire.


I will say this. When I retire it will mean something.


Nelson: Will you hold a press conference to announce you're retiring or will you do something else?

Baron: I will not have a big send-off, Larry. I will not have a press conference.


After my last match, whenever that is, I will do the time-honored tradition in this great sport and simply take off my boots and leave them in the middle of the ring and quietly walk away.


Nelson: Well, speaking for myself, I hope that's not anytime soon. Baron, you've had a great career and I can tell you that I'm a big fan and have enjoyed watching you all these years.

Baron: Thank you, Larry Nelson. But no matter someone does for a living, the ride has to end sometime. And sometime for me is a lot sooner than it is for you.


Nelson: No matter what, thanks for the memories, Baron.


Baron: Thank you.


Nelson raised his glass of scotch.


Nelson: A toast to a true wrestling legend.


Baron: Wrestling legend?! Where?


Baron looked around in the bar.


Nelson laughed.


Nelson: I'm talking about you.


Baron: Thank you for the compliment.


Nelson: I mean it.


Nelson and Baron clinked their glass and beer bottle together and each took a drink.


Baron put down his beer and playfully made his claw gesture with his right hand as the picture faded to black.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson said he wasn't sure when Baron would retire but said he felt it would be soon and that the interview was very emotional for him as he'd been a Von Raschke fan for a long time.


Pic aired of disputed AWA champ Jerry Lawler holding the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... LAWLER'S MUSINGS!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler.




Lawler was standing in front of the AWA logo. He was in street clothes and cradling the belt in his left arm and holding a mic in his right hand.


Lawler: Welcome to Lawler's Class of the Obvious 101.


The word I want people to focus on today is: fact.


Fact is the word we need to zero in on here.


You see, facts cannot be overcome no matter what . And I'm sorry to tell a lot of you wrestling fans out there that fantasy and blubbery eyed emotionalism cannot overcome straight to the point facts.


Here's a fact for you: I never lost the AWA World Heavyweight Title.


I won this belt in May of last year from Curt Hennig. I've never lost it.


Here's Fact #2: Sgt. Slaughter did not beat me to win this title so how can he lay claim to being a legitimate World Champion?


Bottom line: Sgt. Slaughter did not beat me for the AWA World Title so he's a fake champion!


You see, it's simple logic. You have to beat the champion to become the champion. Sarge didn't beat me so he's not a real champion!


It's like some wrestling fan whose mom makes him a title belt out of tin foil and construction paper and tapes it around her son's waist and then records him doing interviews claiming he's the World Champion. That's the Sgt. Slaughter AWA World Title reign in a nutshell. He's a tin foil and construction paper belt champion.


Finally, Fact #3: The AWA brass wants Sgt. Slaughter to be their World Champion!


Never has something been so obvious! The AWA wants Sarge to be their standard bearer for reasons unknown! They seem to want me to fail!


Well, here's the deal!


The day is coming when Sgt. Slaughter and The King will face off in a match to decide who the undisputed AWA World Champion is.


And the people at the top of the AWA: Verne Gagne, Stanley Blackburn and Wally Karbo are gonna be in for a major letdown when I emerge as the undisputed, unquestioned, unchallenged AWA World Champion! They won't be able to deny me what is rightfully mine!


Set a date! Make the match! And let's prepare for a coronation of the AWA's REAL World Champion!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson briefly talked about the Lawler promo. Said a day is coming when he and Sarge will finally settle their title dispute once and for all.


Pic aired of the new Super Clash 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 NEWS!






AWA announcer Lee Marshall was standing in front of the new Super Clash 4 logo in a tux and holding a mic.


Marshall: Hello, everybody. This is AWA announcer Lee Marshall.


Welcome to the first Super Clash 4 update!


Super Clash 4 promises to be a huge, historic wrestling event that wrestling fans from all over will want to be a part of.


This looks to be the biggest Super Clash yet!


The top AWA stars will be there and there might be a surprise or two as well.


As always with professional wrestling...expect the unexpected!


Matches for this landmark event will be announced in the coming weeks so you'll want to continue to tune into AWA programming on ESPN and All-Star Wrestling which airs in syndication in your area. Check your local listings for when All-Star Wrestling airs in your area.


Super Clash 4 will be taking place Wednesday, October 18th, at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, WI with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


And tickets will go on sale Saturday, September 9​th at 10am Central time via Ticketmaster and at the Mecca Box Office.


Milwaukee has always been a great AWA town. And we expect to see all you great Milwaukee wrestling fans at Super Clash 4!


And, the event will also be airing live on ESPN!


Super Clash 4 promises to be the wrestling event of 1989!


Don't be left out! Start preparing to attend Super Clash 4 today!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about SC 4. Said he was excited for the event and told viewers who plan to attend to get their seats as early as possible.


Nelson then sent it to the ring in Vegas:


Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco won a squash over Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine via pinfall when Wahoo pinned Glavine with his big chop to the chest finisher


During the match, Marshall and Blears talked about how strong Muraco and McDaniel were looking as a team. Said they could see Muraco and McDaniel winning the tag titles in the future.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... SHEIK'S BIG REVEAL!




Larry Nelson was standing center ring with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey in the Showboat Sports Pavilion.


Nelson: Fans! It is now time for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey to reveal his newest find!


Crowd booed.


Kaissey: Shut up, you infidels!


More boos.


Kaissey: After talking about this man for weeks and weeks, he has finally arrived here in the AWA!


I present to you a behemoth of a man! He is the wrestler who will change the AWA forever!


He is...Kokina Maximus!


Loud boos.


After a brief pause...


Nelson: Where is he... Whoa! He's coming and he is huge!


A huge Asian-Pacific Islander came down the aisle dressed in his knee-length tights. He was barefoot.


The man made his way to the ring and walked up the ring steps and climbed in the ring and walked over behind Larry Nelson and the Sheik.


Crowd booing as the man stood arms crossed with a menacing stare on his face.


Nelson: I'm intimidated just standing here right now, Sheik!


Sheik: Think of how intimidated all the wrestlers will be when they have to step into the ring with this man!


He is the biggest Samoan wrestler ever!

Nelson: He looks like he'll overwhelm some wrestlers!


Kaissey: He will do that, infidel Nelson!


This man is a force of nature! He is a one man wrecking crew! When I saw him on a trip to the islands, I knew I had to bring this man to the U.S. and the AWA!


He may be raw! But he makes up for that with size and brute power!


He will leave his opponents devastated! Some of the men he faces may want to think about a career change after wrestling Kokina!

Nelson: You've said before Jerry Blackwell will be his first target.


Kokina never moved.


Kaissey: Blackwell is the first man Kokina will annihilate here in the AWA! The 'Mountain from Stone Mountain' will be reduced to a small rock pile when Kokina is done with him!


And I have one more thing to say!


Nelson: Go ahead. This guy is making me very nervous. I want to end this interview ASAP.


Kokina didn't budge or even look in Nelson's direction. He just stared straight ahead.


Kaissey: It is inevitable that Kokina Maximus will be challenging for the AWA World Title very soon!


The AWA higher ups will not be able to deny him the opportunity!


And this message is for Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter! Whichever of you emerges as the undisputed AWA World Champion know this! You will have to face this man and your title reign will come to an abrupt, very painful end!


This is the greatest wrestler I will ever manage!


All hail Kokina Maximus!


Loud boos from the crowd.


Kokina continued to stand eerily still with arms folded and that menacing stare on his face.


Nelson: There you have it! Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey's newest find looks to be a destroyer! His name is Kokina Maximus!


More boos.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said he'd never been that uneasy in the ring before. Said you could feel the menace emanating from Maximus.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!


TV MAIN EVENT: Ken Patera vs. Jonnie Stewart


Stewart jumped Patera before the match but Patera quickly fought back and the match turned into a brawl.


A few exciting near falls during the match but both men escaped defeat.


At the end of the match, Stewart was on the offensive. Stewart worked Patera over and body slammed Patera. Stewart ran and hit the ropes and came off and nailed Patera with a running elbow smash. Stewart for the cover. 1...2... Patera kicked out. Crowd cheered. Stewart up and stomped Patera in the head. As the ref checked on Patera, Stewart went over to the corner and adjusted his left knee pad.


Marshall: Stewart clearly has something in that knee pad!


Stewart turned back to Patera, snapped Patera up and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a press slam. Crowd popped. Patera snagged Stewart and whipped Stewart into the corner and followed Stewart in with a big running clothesline. Stewart staggered out of the corner and went down to a knee and Patera maneuvered around behind Stewart. Stewart up facing away from Patera. Patera moved in and locked Stewart in the full nelson. Fans cheering for Patera to finish off the blond jackass. Stewart struggling to get out of the hold.


Marshall: Here comes trouble!


World Tag Team Champs The Destruction Crew charged down the heel entrance aisle with titles in hand. They dropped the belts when they climbed in the the ring and jumped Patera from behind. Ref immediately called for the bell. Patera lost his grip on Stewart and Stewart crumpled to the mat, rolled out of the ring and disappeared. Bloom and Enos beat Patera down to the mat and then put the boots to him. Enos went over and grabbed the tag belts while Bloom continued the stomping party. Enos handed Bloom his belt and the pair started beating Patera with their belts. Ref again called for the bell to no avail. The beating with the belts was in full swing when the crowd actually cheered Brad Rheingans coming to the ring to make the save. Enos went to hit Rheingans with his belt but Brad ducked and came back and fired away on Enos with punches. With Patera beaten and down, Bloom came up behind Rheingans and hit Rheingans in the back of the head with his belt. Rheingans stumbled forward. Enos had dropped his belt and worked Brad over with his fists. Bloom held his belt up like a baseball bat and gestured for Enos to send Rheingans his way. Enos whipped the stunned Rheingans toward Bloom and Bloom hit the wrestling equivalent of a homerun when he blasted Rheingans in the face with the belt. Rheingans crashed to the mat and rolled over on his front side. Enos picked up his belt and and went over and beat Patera with it some more. Ref tried to restore some order and Bloom responded by hitting the ref over the head with his belt. Ref crumpled to the mat.


Crowd cheered as several faces came out to make the save and the champs bailed to the safety of the floor. Rheingans rolled over on his back and was now bleeding. The champs started making their way back up the heel aisle and were pointing and laughing at the downed Patera and Rheingans. Bloom held up two fingers and was picked up on a mic.


Bloom: That's twice now, you idiots! Hahahaha!


Shot of the faces checking on Patera, Rheingans and the ref as the program ended.


DECISION: No Contest - 8:17



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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


3rd Taping Re-cap


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Tom Zenk vs. Akio Sato


AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter sees action


A Super Clash 4 Update


Big news about Manny Fernandez and Baron Von Raschke


The Guerrero Brothers wrestle


A look back at the end of last week's Blackwell-Rich match and post-match comments from Tommy Rich


Ken Patera sees action


An announcement about the main event of next week's program




Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond, IN:


Lelani Kai won a squash match over Kate Jackson via pinfall with her flying crossbody off the top rope finisher




Nelson: A solid win for you, Lelani Kai! You dominated Kate Jackson and she's no angel!


Kai: Ol' Kate was no match for me! They say you should be modest in your successes! Why?! Kate's not in my league!


Shot of Kate painfully walking on the floor and heading toward the face entrance aisle


Kai: Look at her! Get out of here, you piece of crap!


Nelson: Hey! No need to talk like that!


Kai: Oh really?!


Nelson (nervous): Well...


Kai: I got something I need to get off my chest!


Nelson: Your bra?


Kai glared at Nelson.


Kai: You're a real comedian, aren't ya, Nelson?!


Those are two things you'll never see!


Kai pointed at her chest.


Nelson did a Rodney Dangerfield-like tie straightening.


Kai: Where was I? Oh yes!


So, Magnificent Mimi thinks she's the #1 contender for the AWA Women's World Title, eh?! Well, I've got some news for that broad! I'm laying claim to the #1 spot!


Nelson: Whoa Nellie!


Kai: Did the spirit of Keith Jackson just enter you?!


Mimi, you want the #1 spot, darling?! Over my dead body!


I'm the #1 contender!


Nelson: I think the AWA needs to declare you the #1 contender to make it official.


Kai: I'm one of the top female wrestlers in the world!


So, here's a message for the AWA!


Make a match between me and Mimi! Whoever wins that will be the #1 contender!


Nelson: Holy Toledo!


Kai: What?! Now you think you're Raiders' announcer Bill King?!


Nelson: President Stanley Blackburn needs to make the match!


Lelani Kai, everyone!


In-Studio: Nelson talked about a possible match between Mimi and Kai with the #1 contender's spot on the line for an AWA Women's World Title shot.


Said a major announcement is coming up later in the program concerning the main event on next week's show.


Pic aired of the Guerrero Bros. with the caption: NEXT... HIGH FLYING ACTION!




The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over the team of Rowan Atkinson and Michael Palin via submission when Mando made Palin submit to the Gori Special


In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from last week's main event on ASW between Tommy Rich and Jerry Blackwell plus post-match comments from Tommy Rich.




Rich down on the mat. Blackwell waiting for Rich to get to his feet. A shaky Rich up and Blackwell nailed Rich with a standing dropkick.


Blears: It's amazing that a man that big can deliver a well-executed dropkick like that.


Rich crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron and was laying down facing the crowd. Blackwell went to go after Rich but the ref ordered Blackwell to stand back and Blackwell did. Ref started the 10-count. Blackwell went to go after Rich again but the ref intercepted the big man and the two had words. While that was going on, Rich reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object that was caught on camera. (Amazing how that always happens!) Rich crawled over the bottom rope back into the ring and got to his knees. He was concealing the object in his right hand. Blackwell went over and reached down to pull Rich up. As Blackwell was pulling Rich to his feet, Rich stunned Blackwell with a foreign object shot to the jaw. Blackwell crumpled to the mat. Rich for the cover and concealed the object by his right leg. 1...2...3! Ref got up and called for the bell. Rich up and quickly dropped the foreign object in the back of his tights. Ref turned and raised Rich's hand in victory. Fans screaming for the ref to cop a feel on the back of Rich's tights. Rich strutted around the ring in victory because the booker said he had to.


Marshall: He is not getting away with this!


Marshall tossed the head set and climbed into the ring. Marshall started talking to the ref and gestured that Rich used a foreign object on Blackwell. Rich started arguing to the contrary. Blackwell recovering in the ring. Rich turned and started having heated words with Marshall. Big mistake. Ref standing behind Rich and saw the foreign object in the back of Rich's tights and the ref reached in (that sounds sooooooooooooooooooo wrong) and pulled it out (gets even funnier!). Ref showed Rich the object and called Larry Nelson up on the apron. Marshall left the ring for the floor and headed back to the announcers' table. Rich started arguing with the ref.


Nelson: I have been informed by the referee that he has ordered the match to be re-started!


Crowd cheered.


Blackwell to his feet. Ref called for the bell to re-start the match. Rich kept arguing with the ref for a few more seconds and turned and was greeted by a running clothesline from Blackwell. Rich crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Blackwell ran and hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher on Rich. The cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


Pic then flipped to Tommy Rich, sweaty and still in his ring attire right after the match, standing in the back corridor in front of a white wall. Rich had a mic.


Rich ran his fingers through his hair.


Rich: You know what, Lee Marshall? I'm gettin' tired of you, boy!


You cost me the match with Jerry Blackwell! I pinned him right there in the middle of the ring after I knocked him out with my fist! My fist!


Marshall! You came in the ring and stuck that foreign object in the back of my tights to make it look like I cheated to win!


I'm sick of you, man! You need to stay in your damn seat at ringside and call the matches! That's what you're paid to do! You're not a wrestler, son! You're an announcer! So announce!


This is a warning to you, Marshall! Don't push this any further between us! Let it go!


You realize that you're messing with a former NWA World Champion, right?! I had one of the greatest runs as NWA Champion of all-time! Ric Flair personally told me he could never match what I did as champion back in 1980!


So, you just sit on your ass in your seat and tell the people at home watching on TV what wrestlers, real wrestlers, are doing in the ring!


Stay out of the ring and out of my business, boy!


You've been warned!




Split-screen pic aired of Baron Von Raschke and Manny Fernandez with the caption: NEXT... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!




Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio - Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week of Manny Fernandez finally accepting Baron Von Raschke's challenge for a match.




(From AWA Wrestling on ESPN):


Nelson: Manny Fernandez, Baron Von Raschke keeps asking for one more match with you. You've said you won't give it to him even though you two had a great match the last time you faced each other.


So, the burning question is...will you change your mind and wrestle him one more time?


Manny: Larry Nelson, it's time for Baron Von Raschke to hang 'em up! He needs to go! He's had his day in the sun!


Nelson: Is that a no?


Manny walked around in the ring for a moment.


Manny: You know what? Because I need to move on to other challenges, just to get that old goose-stepping German off my back, I'll give him the match!




In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from Manny Fernandez.




Manny was in street clothes standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Manny: Well, Baron, you got your wish.


There's gonna be one last match between us.


And when the match is over! No matter what happens! This is it! We're done with each other! Finished! Kaput!


I don't wanna see your face again, pops!


For the 'Ragin' Bull', it's time to move on to other things!


But know this! I'm gonna bring everything I have to bear against you! I'm not gonna take it easy on you just because you've already got an AARP card!


You're gonna know you've been in the ring with me when all is said and done, Baron! You're gonna feel the sting of my wrath long after the match is over!


One last time: 'Ragin' Bull' vs. 'The Claw Master'!


And it's never gonna happen again!




In-Studio - Nelson then intro'd a special interview with Baron Von Raschke.




Video opened with a shot of Nelson and Von Raschke, both dressed in casual street clothes, sitting at a small, round table in a bar somewhere in Las Vegas. The two each had a drink in front of them. For Nelson it was scotch. For Von Raschke a good German beer, of course!


Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas. My guest is Baron Von Raschke.


Baron, Manny Fernandez finally accepted your challenge for one final match between the two of you. What are you thinking right now?


Baron (playfully): Right now I'm thinking about that waitress over there.


The two laughed.


Nelson: I can see why you're thinking about her.


More laughter.


Baron: Seriously, Larry, I'm glad Fernandez finally accepted my challenge for a re-match.


We had a great match the last time we met. He won. But I gave as well as I got from Manny. He's a tough competitor.


You might not like him. But you have to admire his wrestling ability. I don't like him. But I do respect his wrestling talent.


Nelson: Well, we need to let the fans know that next week, right here on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, you will be facing Manny Fernandez in a re-match in the main event.


Baron: That is correct. And I can't wait, Larry Nelson. One last dance between the Baron and the 'Ragin' Bull'! It promises to be another great fight between us!


Nelson: Baron, will this be the last match of your career?


Nelson took a sip of his scotch.


Baron: Wrestling is a funny business. Some people retire and then turn around a short time later and un-retire.


I will say this. When I retire it will mean something.


Nelson: Will you hold a press conference to announce you're retiring or will you do something else?


Baron: I will not have a big send-off, Larry. I will not have a press conference.


After my last match, whenever that is, I will do the time-honored tradition in this great sport and simply take off my boots and leave them in the middle of the ring and quietly walk away.

Nelson: Well, speaking for myself, I hope that's not anytime soon. Baron, you've had a great career and I can tell you that I'm a big fan and have enjoyed watching you all these years.


Baron: Thank you, Larry Nelson. But no matter someone does for a living, the ride has to end sometime. And sometime for me is a lot sooner than it is for you.


Nelson: No matter what, thanks for the memories, Baron.


Baron: Thank you.


Nelson raised his glass of scotch.


Nelson: A toast to a true wrestling legend.


Baron: Wrestling legend?! Where?


Baron looked around in the bar.


Nelson laughed.


Nelson: I'm talking about you.


Baron: Thank you for the compliment.


Nelson: I mean it.


Nelson and Baron clinked their glass and beer bottle together and each took a drink.


Baron put down his beer and playfully made his claw gesture with his right hand as the picture faded to black.




In-Studio: Nelson announced that next week on AWA Wrestling on ESPN the main event would be Von Raschke vs. Fernandez: Von Raschke's last match?


Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... THE STRONG MAN!




Ken Patera won a squash match over James ('Dyn-O-Mite') Walker via submission with his full nelson finisher


In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about the heat between Patera/Rheingans and tag champs the Destruction Crew (Read previous ASW post for more info)


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Nelson then said that the main event has been signed for next week's edition of ASW.


It will be a re-match between Greg Gagne and Larry Zbysko.


Nelson intro'd comments from both men about next week's main.




Larry Zbysko was wearing street clothes and sunglasses and holding a mic and standing front of the AWA logo.


Zbysko: So we meet again.


Larry Zbysko vs. Greg Gagne one more time.


The last match we had was heated and bloody. We hate each other. Hell! I hate the whole Gagne family!


This feud between us will never see a conclusion!


Their will only be new chapters added when the book chronicling the Larry Zbysko-Greg Gagne feud is written.


And next week there's gonna be a winner between us!


And his last name is not spelled Gagne!


Pic flipped and Greg Gagne was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes and holding a mic.


Greg: Larry Zbysko has been a thorn in my side for years. He's also been a big headache for my dad for a long time.


Well, we're gonna clash again next week right here on All-Star Wrestling.


Our battles have always been hard-fought. Next week will be no different.


As the cut on my head was bandaged after our last encounter in which there was no winner, I knew I wanted another crack at Zbysko and I'm getting it.


Whether I like it or not or my dad Verne Gagne likes it or not, Zbysko and Gagne are joined at the hip in this sport.


The bad blood runs deep between us. And next week will be no different.


Two ring warriors will clash one more time in our epic feud.




Pic aired of the new SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!






AWA announcer Lee Marshall was standing in front of the new Super Clash 4 logo in a tux and holding a mic.


Marshall: Hello, everybody. This is AWA announcer Lee Marshall.


Welcome to the first Super Clash 4 update!


Super Clash 4 promises to be a huge, historic wrestling event that wrestling fans from all over will want to be a part of.


This looks to be the biggest Super Clash yet!


The top AWA stars will be there and there might be a surprise or two as well.


As always with professional wrestling...expect the unexpected!


Matches for this landmark event will be announced in the coming weeks so you'll want to continue to tune into AWA programming on ESPN and All-Star Wrestling which airs in syndication in your area. Check your local listings for when All-Star Wrestling airs in your area.


Super Clash 4 will be taking place Wednesday, October 18th, at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, WI with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


And tickets will go on sale Saturday, September 9​th at 10am Central time via Ticketmaster and at the Mecca Box Office.


Milwaukee has always been a great AWA town. And we expect to see all you great Milwaukee wrestling fans at Super Clash 4!


And, the event will also be airing live on ESPN!


Super Clash 4 promises to be the wrestling event of 1989!


Don't be left out! Start preparing to attend Super Clash 4 today!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about SC 4. Said he was excited for the event and told viewers who plan to attend to get their seats as early as possible.


Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter in his ring attire with his version of the AWA World Title slung over his shoulder with the caption: NEXT... SARGE IN ACTION!




Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


NON-TITLE: AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter


Sarge came out to a strong ovation and handed out little American flags to fans on the way to the ring


Once in the ring, Sarge saluted the fans


Sarge won a squash match over Roy Fitzgerald via submission with the Cobra Clutch




Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, great to see you!


Fans cheered.


Nelson: These fans always love seeing you in action!


Sarge: Larry, these fans motivate me every time I come out here to fight hard and win for them!


And I intend to win for them again when I beat Jerry Lawler and become the undisputed AWA World Champion!


More cheers.


Nelson: That match is coming soon. And no doubt it will be one fans will remember for years to come.


Sarge: It's gonna be history, Larry! I don't know if there's ever been a situation like this before in professional wrestling!


But the people don't want two World Champions! That just muddies the waters!


They want one World Champion! They want an undisputed World Champion!


And when Lawler and I clash that's what they're going to get!

More cheers.


Nelson: Lawler recently insulted your military service by calling you Gomer Pyle. Your thoughts on that?

Sarge: Larry, I served my country proudly as a Marine! Semper Fi!


Sarge pointed at some fans and saluted them.


Sarge: Semper Fi, men!


You get put through a lot when you serve! The men and women who wear the uniform today, no matter what branch of the military they're in, they do it because they love this country and would die defending our values, land and, most importantly, our God-given freedom!


More crowd cheers.


Sarge: As far as I'm concerned, Jerry Lawler insulted all military personnel when he called me Gomer Pyle!


The man has no respect for anyone but himself!


But, I'll tell you this! Jerry Lawler's gonna learn to respect me and this World Title when I get through with him!


More cheers.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, everyone!


More cheers.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Tom Zenk (w/o mask) vs. Akio Sato


In a match that sent many fans scurrying to the loo and the concession stands, Tom Zenk basically won a squash over Akio Sato. Sato got some offense in but Zenk took like 80% of the match and finished Sato off with his superkick finisher to score the pinfall after Sato missed a knee drop to the chest off the top rope.


WINNER: Zenk - Pinfall - 5:19




After Zenk had his hand raised in victory, Zenk dropped to the floor and started slapping hands with fans around ringside. As a crowd of fans pushed forward to slap Zenk's hand, a fist came through the crowd and popped Zenk in the mouth. Zenk stumbled back with his hand covering his mouth.


Zenk looked down at his hand.


Marshall: Zenk is bleeding from the mouth from that cheap shot!


Zenk momentarily looked down at the blood on his hand.


Zenk shot a glare over at the section where the punch came from. Zenk scanned the area briefly.


Zenk put his hand to his mouth again and then looked at more blood on his hand.


Zenk: DeBeers!


Zenk climbed over the ringside barricade and started walking through the ringside area looking for the perp as the program ended.



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