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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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Brad Rheingans won a squash match Larry Hagman via pinfall with a bridging cradle suplex


So now, the question isn't "Who shot J.R.?", it's "Who pinned J.R.?" :D


Magnificent Mimi won a squash match over Belinda Carlisle via pinfall with her missle dropkick finisher


And Belinda "

" when Mimi took her down.


Sam Houston won a squash match over Charlie Harper via pinfall with his bulldog finisher to remain undefeated



Houston was tonight. Love those pop culture references transplanted into this alternate history.
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So now, the question isn't "Who shot J.R.?", it's "Who pinned J.R.?" :D


And Belinda "

" when Mimi took her down.



Houston was tonight. Love those pop culture references transplanted into this alternate history.


Thanks for the props. Just got tired of re-using the same jobbers from the time period so I thought I'd make it a little more entertaining.


Maybe the ? shouldn't be who pinned JR, but rather who asked JR to job to Sam Houston?! :D


Remember the Go-Gos???


I love the Charlie Sheen-era 'Two-and-a-Half-Men'. After that it jumped the shark IMO.

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The American Wrestling Association Presents:







(Tickets available through TicketMaster and the Mecca Box Office.)


RINGSIDE (First 5 Rows): $35.00


RINGSIDE/FLOOR (Row 6 on): $28.00


100 & 200 LEVEL PREMIUM SEATS: (Secs. 107-109, 123-125, 207-209 & 223-225): $25.00


100 & 200 LEVEL SIDE SEATS (Secs. 105-106, 110-111,121-122,126-127, 204-206, 210-212, 220-222, 226-228): $22.00

100 & 200 LEVEL END SEATS (Secs. 114-117,101-102, 130-131, 214-218, 200-202, 230-231) : $19.00


300 LEVEL SIDE SEATS (Secs. 304-312 & 320-328): $16.00


300 LEVEL END SEATS (Secs. 300-303, 329-331 & 313-319): $14.00


400 LEVEL SEATS (All): $12.00


Card subject to change.


(Unfortunately, can't post the Mecca seating chart here that I did on another site.)

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From Mid-Atlantic 1983, Greg Valentine destroys Piper's left ear with the US Title.


Wonder if we'll ever see anything like this on RAW?:



I remember hearing about this match a lot and reading about it in the Apter mags, but I never saw it until just now when I checked the link. That was one brutal match, especially with the way Valentine repeatedly targeted the left side of Piper's head after the initial belt strike in order to damage his ear and his equilibrium. I could imagine his dad Johnny Valentine (being the hard hitter that he was) resorting to a similar tactic if the opportunity presented itself at the time.

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I remember hearing about this match a lot and reading about it in the Apter mags, but I never saw it until just now when I checked the link. That was one brutal match, especially with the way Valentine repeatedly targeted the left side of Piper's head after the initial belt strike in order to damage his ear and his equilibrium. I could imagine his dad Johnny Valentine (being the hard hitter that he was) resorting to a similar tactic if the opportunity presented itself at the time.


Very simple angle but very effective. It worked. And like you said, loved the way Valentine kept going back to the ear during the match.

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(2nd Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall* (Out with injury)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne & Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers & Larry Zbyszko


A message from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine


A Super Clash 4 Update (Verne Gagne has a major announcement!)


A look back at what happened at the end of the AWA Tag Team Titles vs. $25,000 match


Lelani Kai wrestles


A look back at Tommy Rich's vicious assault on Lee Marshall last week


Jake Milliman sees action


Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey speaks


Nelson also told the fans that announcer Lee Marshall was injured last week during an assault by Tommy Rich and a newcomer would be taking his place on this week's edition of the AWA on ESPN


And more!


Nelson sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas


Show opened with a shot of Lord James Blears and the fill-in announcer:


Announcer: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff filling in for Lee Marshall who was brutally attacked last week by Tommy Rich.


Even though I wish it was under different circumstances, it's an honor to be sitting at ringside with wrestling legend Lord James Blears calling the action for you on this episode of AWA Championship Wrestling.


Blears: Welcome to the broadcast position, Eric. Best of luck to you and it should be a great night of AWA action.


Bischoff: Thank you, Lord James Blears.


Sam Houston won a squash match over Harry (The Guy with the Snake on his Face!) via pinfall with his bulldog finisher




Nelson: Sam Houston! You remain undefeated here in the AWA with a win over Harry: The Guy with the Snake on his Face! He seemed like kind of a creepy character.


Houston: He is creepy, Larry. Heard through the grapevine that he also runs an adult bookstore somewhere in Ontario, Canada.


Nelson: That's news we didn't need.


Houston shrugged.


Houston: Just tellin' y'all what I heard.


Nelson: Sam, everyone wants to meet your coach. You've credited him with being responsible for your undefeated run here in the AWA...


Houston: Before you go any further, Larry, I'll say it again. I will introduce my coach to you and the fans when he and I come to an agreement that the time is right.

Nelson: He's doing a great job coaching you, Sam. I'm sure the success will continue.


Houston: Thank you, Larry.


Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about looking forward to the day Sam Houston reveals the man who has had so much to do with his success in the AWA.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




The Sheik was standing in front of a white wall with mic in hand in his Arab garb.


Kaissey: As you can see, I am alone today!


That's because Kokina Maximus is busy preparing for his first match here in the AWA!


For you infidels who have short memories, let me remind you that Kokina debuts next week here on AWA Wrestling on ESPN!


He is out in the woods somewhere dead-lifting tree trunks! He's pushing boulders up hills! He's fighting wild beasts with his bare hands! And it's all in preparation for his match next week!


Even I feel a slight tinge of sadness for the poor wrestler who has signed to meet Kokina next week!


He will cry out for mercy. But there will be no mercy from Kokina! He is going to send a message to every wrestler on the AWA roster! And that message is the message of fear! All the wrestlers will fear this behemoth! Stepping into the ring could be a suicide mission for some of them!


As a matter of fact, I am going to demand that a stipulation be put in every contract for Kokina's matches that a stretcher be at ringside to carry off Kokina's broken opponents!


Kokina's body count may eventually rise as high as the Showboat Hotel itself!


The countdown is on! Kokina Maximus is coming! And the AWA is about to be changed forever!




Video aired of Tommy Rich slamming Lee Marshall's head into the ring post with the caption: NEXT... ANNOUNCER ASSAULTED!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's attack by Tommy Rich on announcer Lee Marshall.




(From All-Star Wrestling)


Richard Head was in the ring and introduced by ring announcer Larry Nelson


Tommy Rich made his way down the heel entrance aisle to pretty strong boos and a beer thrown in his direction.


Rich veered away from the ring and walked over to the announcers' table where Lee Marshall was sitting. Marshall took his headset off and stood up.


The two briefly exchanged words off-mic and then Marshall turned to sit back down and resume broadcasting when Rich sucker punched Marshall in the jaw. Marshall stunned.


Blears: Hey! What the hell are you doing!


Rich grabbed Marshall by the back of the hair and ran Marshall's head into the ring post. Marshall crashed to the floor.


Blears: This is completely uncalled for!


Nelson: Can we get security out here immediately!


Rich smugly looked out at the booing crowd. Another beverage was chucked in Rich's direction and hit him. Rich wiped some of the drink off his face and chest and laughed.


Medical personnel came out and checked on Marshall, who was bleeding.


Crowd popped as some of the face wrestlers came charging out and Rich took off and quickly made his way up the heel aisle and disappeared to the back.


Marshall was helped to his feet and blood was now on his white tux shirt.


Blears: We'll be right back. Tommy Rich is a repulsive human being.



In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd post-match comments from Tommy Rich.


Rich was standing in his locker room still in his ring attire with mic in hand.


Rich: I already know what's comin' my way.


I'm gonna be fined, suspended or possibly banned from wrestling in the AWA ever again. And I don't care.


You see, Lee Marshall, I'm just tired of you! I'm tired of seein' you and tired of hearin' you, boy!


You cost me my match with Jerry Blackwell a few weeks back! You've meddled in other affairs of mine, including my losing a World Title match against Sgt. Slaughter a while back!


You mock my reign as one of the greatest NWA World Champions in history!


You're my back luck charm, Lee Marshall!


I've had it with you! I don't know if anything has given me greater satisfaction in life than slamming your fat head into the ring post! And then to see that blood pouring from your head...man...I was real damn proud of myself!


I hope you've seen the light, Lee! You need to realize, as you attend to your head wound that was so graciously applied by me, that maybe it's time to look for another line of work, boy!




Pic aired of Lelani Kai with the caption: NEXT... #1 CONTENDER?!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Lelani Kai won a squash match over Shirley Feeney via pinfall with a big boot to the face




Nelson: Lelani Kai, you really devastated Shirley Feeney with that boot to the face...


Kai: She'll never work in a brewery again!


Nelson looked puzzled.


Nelson: You're still angling for that match with Magnificent Mimi where the winner faces AWA Women's Champion Wendi Richter for the title.


Kai: Can the chatter, Nelson!


I'll make this short and sweet! Magnificent Mimi, let's put our names on the dotted line and have the match to see who the true #1 contender is! The time for talking is over! Let's get it on!


Kai left the ring.


Nelson: That was Lelani Kai.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME!




In-Studio: Nelson announced the AWA had just signed Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine and here were pre-recorded comments from the newest addition to the AWA.




Greg Valentine was standing facing the AWA logo on the back wall. He had on a blue blazer, white collar dress shirt, sunglasses and was holding a mic.


Greg: I have made my decision.


Greg spun around facing the camera.


Greg: I'll be perfectly honest with you people. The last couple of years have not been very good in this sport for Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.


I needed a change of scenery.


Promotions from all over the world wanted me to come and wrestle for them. Promoters called me from Japan, Mexico, Europe, Australia and right here in the United States!


I considered them all!


But at the end of the day I realized there's only one place for me! And that's right here in the AWA!


Look at the talent you've got here: Sgt. Slaughter; Jerry Lawler; Larry Zbyszko; Col. DeBeers; Wahoo; the list goes on and on!


If Greg Valentine is gonna get back to the ways that made him one of the best...then I can only do it against some of the best this sport has to offer!


And one more thing! I refuse to make my debut in the AWA on one of their regular shows! Oh no! My debut needs to be on the biggest stage of all!


I am demanding that I make my AWA wrestling debut at Super Clash 4! Nothing else will even be considered!




In-Studio: Nelson said Valentine's signing was huge and should make things very interesting in the AWA in the months ahead (provided they can afford to keep him that long).


Nelson then intro'd the next match from Vegas:


Jake 'Milkman' Milliman won a squash match over Dan Fielding via pinfall with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher


Before the match, Milliman came to the ring, ripped off his 'Milkmania' t-shirt, threw it into the crowd and briefly played to the fans


After the match, Milliman struck a few victory poses for the fans and guzzled some milk from a glass bottle


Pic aired of the SC4 logo with the caption: NEXT... HUGE SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!



AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are just over one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


We have some major news for you fans this week.


Let's send it to Larry Nelson who is standing by with some special guests.


Pic flipped to Larry Nelson and guests.


Larry Nelson was standing by the pool at the Showboat Hotel in Las Vegas with mic in hand.


Nelson was dressed in a suit (and sweating his ass off).


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson reporting for Super Clash 4!


As you can see, I have some very special guests with me at this time.


They are AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.


Slaughter was in street clothes with the belt slung over his shoulder.


Nelson: Also with us are AWA promoter Verne Gagne and AWA President Stanley Blackburn.


Both men were dressed in suits.


Nelson: Verne, we hear you have some major news for us regarding Super Clash 4.


Verne: I do, Larry.


For months now, Jerry Lawler has caused chaos and confusion here in AWA by claiming to be the World Champion.


Fans are now clamoring to see who the true, undisputed AWA World Champion is once and for all.


Well, at Super Clash 4, they'll finally get their wish. In the main event, it will be Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to decide who the undisputed AWA World Champion is. And there must be a winner.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, what have you got to say about what we just heard?


Sarge: Larry, this has been months in the making. Jerry Lawler vanishes with the AWA World Title soon after Super Clash 3. The AWA makes the decision too go ahead and crown a new World Champion in a Battle Royal. Larry Zbyszko won the title in that match. A couple of months later, I beat Zbyszko and became the new World Champion.


All of a sudden, Jerry Lawler shows up with the belt he won from Curt Hennig last year and claims that he's the true AWA Champion because he never lost the belt.


He's insulted me. He's called me a fake World Champion and my belt a replica. He's insulted my military background.


Well, enough's enough!


And now, on October 18th in Milwaukee at Super Clash 4, we'll finally...finally...settle this matter once and for all! There will be no question.,.none...who the World Champion is after this match!


I truly have something to prove here! Lawler's denigrated my run as champion up to now! I beat him and I show the world that I am deserving of being the World Champion! If I fail in my quest and Lawler wins, he'll have his victory over me!


But I'm gonna prepare harder than I ever have in my life for a match! This is about more than just being the World Champion! It's also about respect! And once I step through those ropes in Milwaukee, I'm gonna fight like I've never fought before to get the respect back that Lawler has stolen from me!


Pic back to Bischoff in the SC 4 studio.


Bischoff: There you have it! The main event is set for Super Clash 4! It will be to determine who the undisputed AWA World Champion is: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler!


Fans, stay with us! In the next few weeks there will be more matches announced for what promises to be the wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next time!


Pic aired of a distraught Dallas Page with the caption: NEXT... $25,000 POORER!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from the surprise ending of last week's AWA World Tag Team Titles vs. DDP's $25,000 Match.





Diamond struggled to free himself from the hold and maneuvered himself around and went to drive Enos back-first into the buckles but Diamond drove Enos into the ref and sent the ref slamming into the buckles. The impact sent the ref crashing to the mat. Ref down and out. While Bloom watched the proceedings, Tanaka dropped off the apron to the floor, snuck over, grabbed Bloom by the ankles and yanked Bloom off the apron. Bloom crashed face-first into the apron and went down on the floor. Tanaka got in the ring and joined Diamond in a double team on Enos. The pair worked over Enos, whipped Enos into the ropes and blasted Enos coming off with a brutal double superkick. Enos folded like a cheap lawn chair and crumpled to the mat. Tanaka went over and gestured up the heel entrance aisle. Crowd booed as DDP came charging back down the heel aisle to ringside. DDP picked up his heavy cane off the ring apron and climbed into the ring. He ordered Diamond to hold up Enos. Ref still down but slowly recovering. Bloom on the floor but regaining his senses. Page stood back and held his cane high in the air and waved it around. Suddenly, two security guards came charging down the face aisle to the ring. They had on security hats and sunglasses. The pair hit the ring and the white one came up behind Page and grabbed the cane out of Page's hands and struck DDP over the head with it. DDP crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor as the fans roared. The black security guard jumped on Paul Diamond. The sunglasses and hats were off. Ref coming to his senses.


Marshall: It's the Top Guns! Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes are back!


Rice jumped by Tanaka but Rice quickly fought back, gained the upper hand and threw Tanaka over the top rope down to the floor and followed Tanaka out of the ring. Dukes pummeled Diamond and pushed him into the waiting arms of a now recovered Mike Enos.


Nelson: 10 minutes gone! 20 minutes remain!


Enos whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a powerslam. Tanaka caught Rice with a gut kick and climbed back up on the apron but 'Officer' Rice quickly recovered, hopped up on the apron and night sticked Tanaka in the gut and across the back sending Tanaka crashing back to the floor. Crowd into the mayhem. Bloom recovered and back into the ring. Bloom gave the thumbs up signal and Enos hoisted Diamond up on his shoulders. Bloom came off and hit Diamond with the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) finisher. Enos covered Diamond as the recovering ref was dragged over by Rice to make the count. 1.....2.....3! Ref called for the bell.


Most in the crowd cheered.


Nelson up on the ring apron mic in hand.


Ref Warren recovered enough and went over and gestured for the belts and said something off-mic to Nelson.


Warren went over and raised Enos' hand in victory and handed him and Bloom their belts back.


Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 42 seconds, your winners...$25,000 dollars richer and still AWA World Tag Team Champions...The Destruction Crew!


30-70 cheer/boo crowd reaction.




In-Studio: Nelson said that next week on the program, Badd Company & DDP; Tag Champs The Destruction Crew; and the returning Top Guns would all be talking about what transpired in the Titles vs. $$$ match.


Nelson also announced that they'd have another video message from Greg Valentine next week.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT...THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne & Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers


Faces came out to a pretty strong ovation. Heels got overwhelming boos.


The two teams had a brief verbal exchange with one another that almost came to pre-match blows but the ref stepped in an retained order and ordered the teams to their respective corners. Both teams had brief discussions.


Ref called for the bell.


Zbyszko and Gagne started the match. The two men circled one another and then locked up. After a brief struggle, Zbyszko gained the upper hand and maneuvered behind Greg and caught Greg in a hammerlock. After a brief struggle, Greg was able to escape Zbyszko's grasp and maneuver behind Zbyszko and now Greg had Zbyszko in a hammerlock. Zbyszko reached down and with his free hand, grabbed Greg's leg and managed to pull Greg's leg out from under him. Greg crashed to the mat. Zbyszko quickly went to lock Greg into the figure 4 but Greg kicked Zbyszko off and Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Both men up and Greg moved in and struck Zbyszko with some punches, whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and caught Zbyszko coming off with a high backdrop. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Zbyszko up and Greg nailed Zbyszko with a flying dropkick. Zbyszko crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor as the fans cheered. Zbyszko staggered around on the floor as DeBeers went over to check on his teammate. Ref started the 10-count. Greg started to leave the ring but DeBeers yelled up at the ref to keep him in the ring. Ref kept Greg in the ring and re-started the 10-count. Brief discussion between DeBeers and Zbyszko. Zbyszko cautiously made his way back up on the ring apron. DeBeers still on the floor. Greg moved in on Zbyszko and Zbyszko went to hit Greg but Greg blocked the punch try and blasted Zbyszko with another head shot. Greg hoisted Zbyszko up for a suplex. As the ref looked upward, DeBeers reached into the ring and pulled Greg's leg out from under him. Greg crashed to the mat with Zbyszko on top of him for the pin try. 1... DeBeers dropped down by the apron and grabbed Greg's ankle. ...2... Crowd popped as Tom Zenk dropped off the apron and charged over towards DeBeers. DeBeers let go of the ankle and quickly backed off. ...thr... Greg kicked out. DeBeers and Zenk had a stand-off on the floor and DeBeers yelled for the ref to get Zenk back to his corner. The ref ordered Zenk to his corner and Zenk walked on the floor back to his corner with the ref following him in the ring. With the ref's back turned, Zbyszko and Greg both up, Zbyszko booted Greg in the gut. DeBeers climbed up on the apron and made a gesture to Zbyszko. Zbyszko grabbed Greg from behind and held Greg as DeBeers caught Greg with a shot to the jaw. Greg stunned. DeBeers quickly dropped back to the floor.


Zenk back in his team's corner. Ref turned back to the action. Zbyszko popped Greg with a jumping spin kick to the chest. Greg crashed to the mat. Zbyszko for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Zbyszko snapped Greg up and threw Greg into Zbyszko's team's corner. Zbyszko popped Greg with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut and tagged in DeBeers. DeBeers in and nailed Greg with some head and body shots and then started choking Greg out with his boot. Ref started the 5 count. DeBeers stopped the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Zenk climbed in the ring to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted him and ordered Zenk back to his corner. As the ref and Zenk briefly had words, Zbyszko started to strangle Greg with the tag rope. Zbyszko quickly stopped just as the ref turned around. DeBeers caught Greg with a head shot. DeBeers pulled Greg out of the corner, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a gut punch followed by a two-fisted backsmash that sent Greg crashing to the mat. DeBeers went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Greg up, turned and DeBeers came off with an axehandle to the head. Greg crashed helplessly to the mat. Zenk started clapping and urging on Greg and the fans followed suit. DeBeers stomped on Greg and then scraped his boot along the side of Greg's face. DeBeers snapped Greg up by the hair and walked Greg tantilizingly close to Zenk but quickly pulled Greg back when Zenk went to tag him. DeBeers whipped Greg into the ropes and looked to backdrop Greg coming off but Greg caught DeBeers with a kick to the chest followed by a flying dropkick that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat. Both men down, ref started the 10 count. Both men to their feet at the count of 8. DeBeers swung wildly at Greg and missed and spun himself around and Greg caught DeBeers in the Gagne Sleeper . DeBeers maneuvered around and drove Greg hard into the corner and Greg lost his grip on the sleeper. DeBeers turned and caught Greg with a punch and pulled Greg out of the corner and raked Greg's eyes across the top rope. Ref counting. DeBeers broke at the count at 4. Zenk hit the ring and went to go after DeBeers but the ref intercepted Zenk and ordered him back to his corner. As the ref and Zenk argued, DeBeers kicked Greg in the slats. Greg crashed to the mat holding his family goods. Zenk back to his corner and the ref turned back to the action.


DeBeers stomped Greg, snapped Greg up and went to finish Greg off with his face-first piledriver finisher but Greg twice blocked the move and backdropped DeBeers to the mat. Greg down to a knee. Both men up and DeBeers lunged at Greg and Greg rolled under DeBeers' grasp, lunged over and tagged in Zenk. Crowd popped. Zenk hit the ring and DeBeers went to hit Zenk but Zenk blocked the punch try and fired away with a series of head shots on DeBeers. Zenk whipped DeBeers into the corner and charged in and blasted DeBeers with a big running clothesline. The impact sent DeBeers legs flying upward. Zenk with more punches on DeBeers. Zenk whipped DeBeers into the opposite corner and DeBeers slammed into the buckles and crashed to the mat. Zenk let out a gutteral yell as the inebriated fans showed their approval. Zenk reached down and started to pull up DeBeers but DeBeers caught Zenk with an open hand throat thrust. Zenk staggered off holding his throat. Ref reprimanded DeBeers. DeBeers caught Zenk thrice with the dreaded back rake. DeBeers then repeatedly slammed Zenk's head into the top buckle. Zenk spun around in the corner and was punched in the jaw by DeBeers and DeBeers then started choking Zenk out with his boot. DeBeers broke the illegal move at the count of 4. DeBeers repeated the illegal move and again stopped at 4. Zenk limp in the corner. DeBeers slapped Zenk hard across the face, pulled Zenk out of the corner and whipped Zenk into the ropes and caught Zenk coming off with a kick to the gut that doubled Zenk over. DeBeers quickly dropped to a knee and nailed Zenk with an uppercut. Zenk snapped back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers up and placed his foot on Zenk's throat. Zenk flailing to breath. Ref counting. DeBeers broke the illegal move at 4. Zenk rolled over on his side. DeBeers kicked Zenk in the back three times. Crowd and Greg urging on Zenk. DeBeers snapped Zenk up and went to whip Zenk into the corner but Zenk reversed and sent DeBeers crashing into the buckles. Zenk quickly regained his bearings and charged in and nailed DeBeers with a running shoulder block to the gut. Crowd let out a collective 'OOOMPH!' DeBeers hurting. Zenk then repaid DeBeers by choking the Col. out with his boot. Zenk broke the illegal move at the count of 4. DeBeers staggered out of the corner holding his throat. Zenk charged up behind the Col. and nailed him with a clothesline to the back of the neck. DeBeers crashed to the mat and rolled over on his back. An enraged Zenk started pounding the back of DeBeers' head on the mat. Ref counting and Zenk not stopping. Ref's count hit 5 and the ref called for the bell.


Bischoff: Looks like Zenk and Gagne have been disqualified!


Zenk then started choking DeBeers. Zbyszko hit the ring and caught Zenk with a kick that killed Zenk's mo. Greg hit the ring and blasted Zbyszko with a couple of punches and the pair started fighting in the ring with each other. Ref trying to regain some order. DeBeers rolled out of the ring, dropped to the floor and started walking away. Zenk recovered and chased down DeBeers and the two started brawling back up the heel aisle as Greg and Zbyszko continued their slugfest in the ring.


Bischoff: Fans! We are out of time! See you next week!


WINNER: DeBeers & Zbyszko - DQ - 12:08



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In-Studio Host/Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall (Injured)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


2nd Taping Recap


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Manny Fernandez vs. Tommy Jammer


Comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine


Baron Von Raschke sees action


Super Clash 4 Update (AWA boss Verne Gagne has a huge announcement)


'The Trooper' Del Wilkes wrestles


A message from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey


AWA World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew see action


A look at the end of last week's Ken Patera-Jonnie Stewart match and what transpired afterward plus post-match comments from the two teams


And more!


Nelson said that because of the injury to announcer Lee Marshall last week at the hands of Tommy Rich, a new announcer would be filling in for Marshall on the program.


Nelson then sent it to the Duluth Arena:


Show opened with a shot of Lord James Blears and the fill-in announcer:


Announcer: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff filling in for Lee Marshall who was brutally attacked last week by Tommy Rich.


Even though I wish it was under different circumstances, it's an honor to be sitting at ringside with wrestling legend Lord James Blears calling the action for you on this episode of AWA All-Star Wrestling.


Blears: Welcome to the broadcast position, Eric. Best of luck to you and it should be a great night of AWA action.


Bischoff: Thank you, Lord James Blears.


Jerry Blackwell won a squash match over Monty Capulletti via pinfall with his diving splash finisher




Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, the time is now upon us! Kokina Maximus has arrived and is preparing to wrestle his first match in the AWA!


Your thoughts?


Blackwell: It's good we're finally gonna get to see if all the hype from Commander Loudmouth Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey proves to be true!


Kokina Maximus! Listen up, boy! I am ready to face you anytime, anywhere! I don't care if we wrestle in a back alley on Fremont Street in Las Vegas in front of a crowd of nothing but street bums!


Verne Gagne! Stanley Blackburn! I know you're out there listening! MAKE...THE...MATCH!


That's all I got to say!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said that Blackwell and Kokina were certainly on a collision course and there's no doubt the match would be made and soon.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




Kaissey was standing in his Arab garb in front of a hotel room window with the blinds open. He had a mic in hand.


Kaissey: You see that beautiful, sunny blue sky behind me?!


Well, prepare for the sky to be darkened next week when Kokina Maximus, the greatest find of my managerial career, makes his wrestling debut on AWA Wrestling on ESPN!


This will be the moment that the AWA changes forever!


I have spoken of Kokina as an unstoppable force and you will see that I am right next week!


The censors at ESPN may have to edit parts of the match because it could get so brutal and ugly!


But ugly is beauty here!


Kokina is big and ugly! He will wrestle ugly! And he will destroy ugly! And he will win ugly!


Prepare for something the likes you've never seen before next week on ESPN!




Pic of the 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes aired with the caption: NEXT... THE LAW IS HERE!




'The Trooper' Del Wilkes won a squash match over Stiv Bators via submission with his double nerve hold to the traps. Bator passed out in the hold


On the way to the ring, Wilkes handed out souvenir speeding tickets to fans


After having his hand raised, Wilkes woke up his opponent with a slap to the back of the neck




Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, another impressive win here in the AWA.


Wilkes: Thanks, Larry. And let me just say how great the support of these fans has been since I arrived.


Fans half-assed cheered.


Nelson: They already seem to have taken to you.


What's next for 'The Trooper'?


Wilkes: It's just upward and onward. Looking to move up the ladder here in the AWA and one day challenge for that World Championship.


Some fans cheered. Most sat on their asses and didn't respond.


Nelson: 'The Trooper', everybody!


In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video from the end of last week's Ken Patera-Jonnie Stewart match followed by post-match comments from both sides.




Patera got on all fours and Stewart went over and stomped on Patera, snapped Patera up, whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with his flying knee to the chest finisher.

Stewart for the cover. 1...2...thr... Patera kicked out. Fans popped. Stewart stunned. Stewart grabbed Patera and went to hoist the big man up for the piledriver but Patera twice blocked the move and backdropped Stewart to the mat. Patera backed up against the ropes as Stewart made it to his feet. Stewart up and Patera charged over and nearly decapitated Stewart with a running clothesline. Patera snapped up Stewart, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a powerslam. Patera for the cover. 1...2...thr... Stewart barely got a shoulder up. Patera up and reached down to pick up Stewart but Stewart caught Pater with a quick poke to the eye. As Patera walked around in the ring holding his eye, Stewart made it to his feet. Stewart charged over and went to jump on Patera but Patera caught Stewart and turned it into a bearhug. Stewart wasn't in the hold for long before submitting. Ref called for the bell as fans cheered.


Patera let go of Stewart and Stewart dropped helplessly to the mat.


Ref raised Patera's hand in victory.


Nelson: Look out!


World Tag Champs The Destruction Crew hit the ring minus the belts and jumped Patera. The pair were putting the boots to Patera when the crowd popped as Brad Rheingans charged out of the back and hit the ring and started fighting with Enos and Bloom. Patera quickly recovered and joined in the fray and it quickly became a brawl.


Pic flipped to Patera and Rheingans, both still in their ring duds, standing in their locker room after the match. Rheingans had a mic.


Rheingans: What you people just saw was words becoming action! We told the Destruction Crew that if they continued to mess with one of us that they'd have to deal with both of us!


How'd it feel, Bloom and Enos?! You thought you were gonna take advantage of Ken Patera and this time it didn't work out for you! We fought fire with fire and brought the fight to you!


And this is just the start!


Patera took the mic.


Patera: Destruction Crew! Brad's right! This is just the start between us! We've got a long way to go!


The only way to defeat a bully is to sometimes become a bully yourself! That's what me and Brad have decided to do! We're gonna bully the bullies! Show them no mercy!


And we still want a match with the Destruction Crew whether it's for the belts or not! We don't care! We just wanna fight! Forget holds! Forget scientific wrestling! Violence for the sake of violence!


Bloom and Enos! You thought you were picking a one-way fight! Wrong! The battle has been joined!


Pic flipped and the Destruction Crew, minus their belts, were standing in their locker room in their ring attire. Bloom had a mic.


Bloom: Patera and Rheingans! You think you won some great moral victory out in that ring tonight.




You've just pissed me and Big Mike even more.


The fans can cheer for you! They can scream for you to kick our asses! But it will make no difference!


You see, we've been the tag team champions the last several months for a reason! That's because we're the best team in the world!


And when you're the best, that means you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want!


We decided to mess with you guys because we can!


And in the end nothing changes! We'll still be the AWA World Tag Team Champions and you'll be just a couple of busted up Olympian losers!


Bloom handed the mic to Enos.


Enos: I would love to take whatever Olympic medals Patera and Rheingans have and shove them down their throats!


Is there a Gold Medal for Olympic Medal Shoving?! If there is, we'll win it!


Bloom laughed.


Enos: Ya see! There's a reason they call us the Destruction Crew! It's because we destroy!


And that's what's gonna happen to you, Patera and Rheingans! You're gonna be brought down like a couple of large buildings! And it's gonna be a joy to see you demolished!




Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... STILL GOING!!!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Baron Von Raschke won a squash match over Arthur Carney via submission with his Iron Claw finisher




Nelson: Baron, you're still going and going and going!


Baron: You are so right, Larry. I'm like the Energizer Bunny of wrestling. Haha!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: You've had more time to think it about since you beat Manny Fernandez a few weeks ago; is there even a hint in your mind you're close to retirement?


Baron: I will say this. I'm closer to retirement now than I was in 1969.


Crowd laughed.


Baron: Like I've said. When I retire everyone will know it at the same time. I will remove these wrestling boots from my feet and leave them in the middle of the ring and quietly go off into retirement in Barstow, California.


Nelson: Barstow?!


Baron: Sure. Who would dream of looking for a Baron in Barstow?


Baron made the claw gesture with his right hand.


Nelson: Maybe you could become the Baron of Barstow?!


Baron: You think so? Has a nice ring to it.


Nelson: Baron Von Raschke, everybody!


Baron did the claw gesture and goose stepped around the ring to the delight of the crowd.


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine.




Greg Valentine was standing facing the AWA logo on the back wall. He had on a blue blazer, white collar dress shirt, sunglasses and was holding a mic.


Greg: I have made my decision.


Greg spun around facing the camera.


Greg: I'll be perfectly honest with you people. The last couple of years have not been very good in this sport for Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.


I needed a change of scenery.


Promotions from all over the world wanted me to come and wrestle for them. Promoters called me from Japan, Mexico, Europe, Australia and right here in the United States!


I considered them all!


But at the end of the day I realized there's only one place for me! And that's right here in the AWA!


Look at the talent you've got here: Sgt. Slaughter; Jerry Lawler; Larry Zbyszko; Col. DeBeers; Wahoo; the list goes on and on!


If Greg Valentine is gonna get back to the ways that made him one of the best...then I can only do it against some of the best this sport has to offer!


And one more thing! I refuse to make my debut in the AWA on one of their regular shows! Oh no! My debut needs to be on the biggest stage of all!


I am demanding that I make my AWA wrestling debut at Super Clash 4! Nothing else will even be considered!




In-Studio: Nelson talked about Valentine coming to the AWA and how it promises to shake things up.


Nelson then sent it back to the arena in Duluth for a match.


Non-Title: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash match over Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Honeycutt via pinfall when Enos pinned Pierce after a powerslam


During the match, announcers discussed the champs being $25 grand richer after beating Badd Co. in a title match and in the process winning Page's money. Said that Page was said to be furious at the loss of the money and the return of the Top Guns and that we'd hear from DDP next week.


Pic aired of the Super Clash 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... MAJOR SUPER CLASH 4 NEWS!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities




AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are just over one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


We have some major news for you fans this week.


Let's send it to Larry Nelson who is standing by with some special guests.


Pic flipped to Larry Nelson and some guests.


Larry Nelson was standing by the pool at the Showboat Hotel in Las Vegas with mic in hand.


Nelson was dressed in a suit (and sweating his ass off).


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson reporting for Super Clash 4!


As you can see, I have some very special guests with me at this time.


They are AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.


Slaughter was in street clothes with the belt slung over his shoulder.


Nelson: Also with us are AWA promoter Verne Gagne and AWA President Stanley Blackburn.


Both men were dressed in suits.


Nelson: Verne, we hear you have some major news for us regarding Super Clash 4.


Verne: I do, Larry.


For months now, Jerry Lawler has caused chaos and confusion here in AWA by claiming to be the World Champion.


Fans are now clamoring to see who the true, undisputed AWA World Champion is once and for all.


Well, at Super Clash 4, they'll finally get their wish. In the main event, it will be Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to decide who the undisputed AWA World Champion is. And there must be a winner.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, what have you got to say about what we just heard?


Sarge: Larry, this has been months in the making. Jerry Lawler vanishes with the AWA World Title soon after Super Clash 3. The AWA makes the decision too go ahead and crown a new World Champion in a Battle Royal. Larry Zbyszko won the title in that match. A couple of months later, I beat Zbyszko and became the new World Champion.


All of a sudden, Jerry Lawler shows up with the belt he won from Curt Hennig last year and claims that he's the true AWA Champion because he never lost the belt.


He's insulted me. He's called me a fake World Champion and my belt a replica. He's insulted my military background.


Well, enough's enough!


And now, on October 18th in Milwaukee at Super Clash 4, we'll finally...finally...settle this matter once and for all! There will be no question.,.none...who the World Champion is after this match!


I truly have something to prove here! Lawler's denigrated my run as champion up to now! I beat him and I show the world that I am deserving of being the World Champion! If I fail in my quest and Lawler wins, he'll have his victory over me!


But I'm gonna prepare harder than I ever have in my life for a match! This is about more than just being the World Champion! It's also about respect! And once I step through those ropes in Milwaukee, I'm gonna fight like I've never fought before to get the respect back that Lawler has stolen from me!


Pic flipped back to Bischoff in the SC 4 studio.


Bischoff: There you have it! The main event is set for Super Clash 4! It will be to determine who the undisputed AWA World Champion is: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler!


Fans, stay with us! In the next few weeks there will be more matches announced for what promises to be the wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next time!


Pic aired of the AWA logo with caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Tommy Jammer vs. Manny Fernandez


Young Jammer made a good showing in the match and had Fernandez on the ropes and close to defeat on a couple of occasions. But in the end, Fernandez took control and finished off Jammer with his Flying Burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher to score the 1...2...3!


WINNER: Fernandez - Pinfall - 7:16


As the announcers were discussing the main event, fans booed as Larry Zbyszko made his way to the ring in street clothes.


Zbyszko climbed into the ring and demanded the ring mic from Larry Nelson and got it.


Zbyszko: I have something that needs to be said!


More boos.


Zbyszko: Don't you people have homes and jobs or are you all living off the labor of the taxpayers like me?! I work for a living, you bums!


Also, judging by the smell in this place, do any of you bathe?! Jesus Christ!


Zbyszko made like he was gagging to more boos.


Zbyszko: Maybe the next time we swing through this dump of a town they can set up a large community bath in the arena parking lot!


We'll fill it with soap, water and something that kills all bacteria crawling around on your filth-laden bodies!


Then we'll have a hazardous waste team come in and safely remove the multi-colored water you people contaminated with your crud!


More boos.


Zbyszko: Before I was so rudely interrupted by the stench of you idiots, I came out here to say something to one person!


Greg Gagne! Nothing's been settled between us in our last two matches!


I need to get a win over you!


Let's have a third match, Greg!


But, your daddy can't be anywhere near ringside!


I'm not fighting the Gagne family! You're the one I'm taking down, son of Verne!


We need to be in a match where daddy can't come to your aid; can't stick his nose where it does not belong!


So, Greg, there are several types of matches where pops Gagne can be kept at bay!


The AWA bosses, including Methusala Gagne, can name the stipulation!


As long as Verne can't get involved then I'm all in!


Greg Gagne! I hate your whole family! They don't reek like the fans in this arena! But the Gagne's stink in so many other ways! But we don't have time to get into that!


Let me make a To-Do list for this: Make the match. Beat Greg Gagne. Watch Verne cry.


Sounds good to me!


Bischoff: Fans! We are out of time! See you next week!



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Fall was coming.


Even though officially still summer in mid-September, a light chill could be felt in the air in the overnight/early morning hours in the Minneapolis-St. Paul.


Things were taking shape for Super Clash 4.


AWA boss Verne Gagne was in his office reading the gates for the most recent house shows.


They were as follows:


Fri. - Sept. 8 - Chicago, IL - UIC Pavilion: 2,853 (MAIN EVENT: 6-Man Tag: Sgt. Slaughter (WC), Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco vs. Jerry Lawler (WC) & The Destruction Crew (WTTC))


Attendance +/- differential from the July 28 show featuring Lawler vs. Sarge for the undisputed AWA Championship: -664


Sat. - Sept. 9 - Cedar Rapids, IA - Five Seasons Center: 3,992 (MAIN EVENT: Lawler vs. Sarge for the Undisputed AWA World Championship)


Sun. - Sept. 10 - Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN - St. Paul Civic Center: 2,616 - (MAIN EVENT: Same as Chicago)


Attendance +/- differential from the July 30 show featuring Lawler vs. Sarge for the undisputed AWA Championship: -1,758


Verne wasn't surprised by the drop-off in ticket sales in Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul.


He found the small drop-off in Chicago a pleasant surprise. Thought it might be larger.


While he thought Minneapolis-St. Paul would drop off somewhat, Verne was not expecting a drop of almost 1,800 tickets sold for the event. That concerned him a bit even though the crowd was still larger than they'd been drawing on average at the Civic Center before Lawler-Sarge.


Just then a knock came on Verne's door.


Verne: Come in.


The door opened and in walked Greg Gagne.


Greg: Hey, dad.


Verne: Hey. You got those first day ticket numbers for me for Super Clash 4.


Greg: I do.


Verne: Well, let me hear it.


Greg: We sold just over 1,200 tickets on the first day.


Verne had been leaned forward in his chair, arms on his desk. He sat back in his chair and a look of concern now crossed his face.


Greg: What are you thinking?


Verne: Gotta look at this one of two ways. Either the number was low because no matches had been announced yet or we are in serious trouble.


What are you thinking?


Greg: I'll check with TicketMaster and the Mecca box office to see how things have been going since the match between Sarge and Lawler was announced a few days ago on TV.


Let's keep in mind ticket sales went up considerably in certain key cities when Lawler-Sarge was announced for the houses.


Verne: That's a good way to look at things. Hoping that sales go up for every match we announce. This is shaping up to be a pretty good card.


Greg: I agree it's a good line-up. Better than we had for Super Clash 3.


Verne: We've got a lot riding on this. If it bombs I might not be able to wait to sell to an interested buyer and just close up shop.


Greg: Don't forget we've also got our West coast swing coming up.


Verne: Speaking of the West coast, change of plans regarding the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.


Greg: What is it?

Verne: I've decided to move the tournament.


Greg threw up his hands.


Greg: Again?!


Verne: Well, it's just down the road.


I understand that ticket sales for Anaheim haven't been too bad. So, I'm going to look to move the tournament there next February.


Greg: Actually would be a better locale. Lots more to do in Anaheim than Inglewood.


Verne: Both sessions will be held on the same day and the tickets will be for both sessions unless people walk up the day of the show and then they can purchase one session.

Greg: Are you going to mention day of walk-up buys on TV promos for the tourney?


Verne: No. Not until the week before the event and only on local TV in the Los Angeles-Orange County area.


The ticking of the clock was growing louder.


It was getting close to make-or-break time for Verne and the AWA.


But something was going on in New York and Baltimore.


Something really, really big.



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Verne Gagne picked up the phone and dialed a VIP...


After two rings, a woman picked up the phone.


Woman: Hello.


Verne: Is Stan there?


Woman: May I ask who is calling?


Verne: Verne Gagne.


Woman: Oh. OK. Hold on.


Verne waited a few seconds.


Stan: Verne, how are ya?


Verne: Mr. Hansen, I'm doing just fine. How are you?


Stan: Doing good. Just got off a tour of Japan. Great to be back in the States.


Is this call about what I'll be doing at Super Clash 4?


Verne: There's been a slight change in plans.


Stan: What is it?


Verne: I've decided not to have a post-match confrontation between you and the winner of the Lawler-Sarge undisputed championship match.


Stan: Okay. So am I appearing on the show at all?


Verne: Yes. You'll be appearing on camera right at the very end.


Stan: Will I be doing a promo?


Verne: No. Just a camera shot of you will suffice. You'll be in the crowd.


What we're going to do is have you cut a couple of promos to insert into our AWA telecasts in the two weeks after Super Clash.


Then, we're going to have you show up in Vegas at the November tapings and confront the reigning World Champion.

Stan: Any idea who you're putting the strap on, yet?


Verne: Nope. Still thinking about it.


The program with you will be a short program; only a couple of months. Looking at the blow-off match being Christmas night in Minneapolis.


Just to let you know, you will not be coming in as a former champion who never lost the AWA World Championship. It would be too much like the program with Sarge and Lawler.


But, you will be coming in as a former AWA World Champion and challenging for the belt immediately upon arrival.


Stan: Gotcha.


Verne: Just called to touch base with you and let you know where things stand at the moment.


Stan: Do all the monetary and travel issues stay the same?


Verne: They do.


Stan: That sounds good to me. Anything else?


Verne: I'll be in touch. Want to fly you into Milwaukee the day of the show and keep you hidden away in your hotel room until it's time for your appearance.


Stan: Got it. Guess I'll be talkin' with you later.


Take care, Verne.


Verne: You do the same.


Verne hung up the phone. Most people believed he already had the winner of the main event at SC4 decided but was keeping things close to the vest.


But wondering whether the fans would be interested in plunking down money to see Hansen vs. the undisputed AWA World Champion was another big roll of the dice Verne was about to take.


Let's just hope the roll doesn't come up snake eyes.








The phone rang in Deborah Harry's posh penthouse apartment.


After four rings she answered.


Deb: Hello.


John: Took you long enough to get to the phone. Waiting those four rings was torture.


Deb: Glad I could punish you.


John: That was worse than a bad BDSM session.


Deb: Haha!


What do you need, hon?


John: I've been thinking about this AWA thing.


Deb: Yes.


John: The price Verne wants is $3 million.


Deb: Yeah. But we'll negotiate him down from there and look to meet somewhere in the middle.


John: Alright. For the sake of argument, let's say we can buy the company for $2.5 million bucks.

Deb: I'm listening.


John: That means we'd still be shelling out $1.25 million each.


We really need to think about overall expenditures, Deb.


Things like wrestler contracts, TV production, merchandising.


There's a chance that this could become a real money pit for us.


Deb: Understood. But you've got to take the risk to try and achieve the reward.

John: This promotion isn't even largely on the radar anymore, Deb.


Who knows how long a turnaround could take, if one happened at all, before we started just breaking even?


Deb: This is a cyclical business, John, with peaks and valleys. We're not going to turn it around with the current roster.


We've have to shell out some serious cash to poach guys from the WWF and NWA. Gotta have some of those hot names.


John: Well, just take some time to ponder this: we need to think about bringing in a third and maybe fourth partner. We need some financial relief if we're going to do this thing.


And splitting, say, a $2.4 million dollar buy into three slices is $800 grand apiece. Split four ways it drops to $600 grand each.


Deb: Let me think about, John. It does sound enticing. But I do think you and I would need majority ownership. We're the ones taking the biggest risk right now.

John: Agreed. You think on it.


Also, our due dilligence guys are headed up to Minny to go over the books. We already know that's gonna be bad.


Deb: Well, let me drink on it.


John: Drink on it? Don't you mean 'sleep on it'?


Deb: Not in this case. Booze seems a much better option than sleep.


John chuckled.


John: Okay, dear. You get soused on the idea and we'll talk again in a few days.


Deb: Hey! Do you think we could do a re-make of Pink Flamingos with the wrestlers if we buy the company?


John: Maybe. Put Jerry Blackwell in Devine's role...


Deb: Hahahaha! Now that would be a sight to see!


I've gotta start drinking now.


John: You go right ahead, Deb. Have one or 10 on me.


Deb: I will.


John: Bye, love.


Deb: Bye.


Where exactly is this all headed? And if John and Deb cannot find a third partner will they walk away from trying to buy the AWA?




(For the deal Stan made with Verne, please read post #21.)

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It was Friday morning, September 15. All the wrestlers scheduled to be on the West Coast house show swing were standing out front of the AWA offices waiting for a shuttle to pick them up and whisk them to the airport to catch their flight to Seattle for that night's show at the Seattle Center Arena.


Faces and heels riding on the same bus. Verne had given them strict orders to maintain kayfabe and sit along heel/face lines.


Greg Gagne was working the swing out West against arch-rival Larry Zbyszko but was in the office making a couple of phone calls before catching the shuttle with the boys (and gals).


Greg got off the phone and ran down the hall to his dad's office.


Greg didn't knock and just walked right in.


Verne was at his desk doing paperwork.


Verne: I appreciate it when you knock, son.


Greg: In a hurry, dad.


Verne: The shuttle still hasn't arrived?!


Greg: Not yet.


Verne: The flight for Seattle is supposed to leave in under two damn hours!


I'll give 'em five more minutes and then call the service if they are not here. Jeez!


You must have something to tell me.


Greg: I do. Since we just announced the main event for Super Clash 4 on TV, ticket sales have gone up.


We've now sold over 2,900 tickets for the event.


Verne: That's great news!


We should get a crowd that will look decent on TV. Should be our biggest ticket mover over the last couple of years.


Greg: I agree.


Verne: I think sales will jump quite a bit with the other matches we announce as well.


Greg: Got my fingers crossed.


Just then, a shuttle bus rolled past the big picture window in Verne's office.


Greg: Gotta go, dad.


Verne: So long, son. You all have a safe trip.


Greg: We will. By the way, are we using some of Owen's* talent on the show?


Verne: Underneath, yes. Some of his boys will be working against each other.


Get outta here.


Greg: See ya.


Greg power walked out of the office.


Verne sat back and breathed a sigh of relief. Ticket sales had more than doubled since the main for SC4 was announced. Verne felt confident that a crowd of over 5,000 was going to show up in Milwaukee.


Verne Gagne and the AWA were on the right track.


But could this feel good train be derailed?


(* Portland/Pacific Northwest wrestling promoter Don Owen.)








Deborah Harry excitedly called John Waters.


After three rings.


John: Hello.


Deb: Hey, John. This is Deb.


John: Sort of figured that by the voice.


Get laid last night?


Deb: Only in my dreams. The man was dressed like Gilligan but looked like...you!

John: Now you're really getting filthy, hon! I wouldn't be caught dead in that ensemble he wore!


Deb: Hahaha!


John: Ever wonder why they had all that luggage for a three hour tour?


Deb: Yes! Maybe we should try and get an audience with the Pope and maybe he can explain it to us.


John: Him or Sherwood Schwartz*.


Deb: Hahahahaha!


Hey, the reason I'm calling is because I think we might be able to get two minority partners on board.


John: Who?


Deb: David Byrne and Stiv Bastors.


John: David and...isn't Stiv the Lords of the New Church guy?


Deb: Yeah. But I know him from the CBGB days when he was with the Dead Boys.


John: Have you talked to them?


Deb: Not yet.


John: Do you think Dave would really be interested in something like this? Doesn't strike me as a guy who turns on TBS at 6:05 on Saturday evenings.


Deb: I don't know if either like wrestling. But this is a business deal. Making money takes precedence over whether or not you like Randy Savage.


John: I do.


Deb: You do what?


John: I like Randy Savage.


Deb: Big shock there. What part of him do you like best?




Deb: John?


John: I plead the 5th.


Deb: Haha!


John: Gotta keep in mind we likely lose money, at least at first, in trying to turn this thing around. The AWA is a deep ditch.


Deb: Deep dish?


John: Ditch, hon. D-I-T-C-H!


Deb: Oh! You got me thinking about Chicago-style pizza.


John: You know what else is Chicago-style?

Deb: What?


John: Doing it in a car outside of Comiskey Park# with the sounds of sirens and gunfire in the background.


Deb: Hahahahahahahaha!


John: You okay, Deb?


Deb was trying to regain her composure.


Deb: I'm okay. I'm okay.


John: Well, give 'em a call. The worst they can say is no. But we've got to go into this with our eyes wide open. This isn't the 1985 AWA we're buying which was still a money maker. This is the 1989 AWA on life support we'd be buying.


Deb: Bringing on a couple of minority partners would cut into our profits but also alleviate some of the money burden for us.


John: Keep me posted.


Deb: Will do, love. Bye.


John: Later.


Deb hung up the phone.


Could she get the leaders of the bands Talking Heads and Lords of the New Church on board with her proposal?




(* Gilligan's Island creator.


# Previous home of the Chicago White Sox.)

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(3rd Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Eric Bischoff (Fill-in for injured Lee Marshall)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:




Jerry Lawler has something to say about last week's announcement of the main event at Super Clash 4


Comments from DDP and Badd Company; the Top Guns; and the Destruction Crew (WTTC) regarding the fallout from the end of the tag team titles vs. DDP's $25,000 match between the Destruction Crew (WTTC) and Badd Co. and the return of the Top Guns


AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter sees action


A Super Clash 4 Update


Comments from injured AWA announcer Lee Marshall


Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera wrestle


Another message from Greg Valentine


And more!


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas where he said Wahoo & Muraco were about to wrestle in an open contract match!


Nelson also mentioned Eric Bischoff was filling in for Lee Marshall again.



Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco vs. ???


In-ring: Larry Nelson.


Wahoo and Muraco were intro'd and came out to a nice ovation from the crowd. The pair slapped hands with fans (do you really want to slap hands with wrestling fans?) coming down the aisle and made their way into the ring and saluted the crowd.


Nelson: This is an open contract match! Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco have put out an open contract inviting any team in wrestling to challenge them in the ring.


And their opponents!

The pair made their way down the heel aisle to not much reaction and climbed in the ring.


They hail from Charleston, West Virginia, they are Brad and Bart...the Batten Twins!


Boos grew a little as the twins briefly played to the crowd in heel-like fashion.


The Battens were the toughest foes for Muraco and Wahoo so far, coming close on a couple of occasions to scoring the upset victory before Wahoo and Muraco took control at the end and Muraco pinned Brad after an inverted piledriver.


WINNER: Wahoo & Muraco - Pinfall - 5:24




Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, Don Muraco! The Battens have been your toughest competition so far here in the AWA.


How long will you continue the open contract challenge?


Wahoo: We'll keep it open for as long as we want, Larry.


The offer stands for any team in the world to sign the open contract to face me and Don.


Muraco: The Batten Twins gave us a fight. I tip my cap to them for signing the opening contract and taking us on.


Now, it's time for another team to step up to the plate and sign the contract to wrestle us.


Nelson: Don Muraco and Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!


Pic aired of Dallas Page with the caption: NEXT... THE FALLOUT!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from The Destruction Crew (WTTC); The Top Guns and DDP & Badd Company.




The Destruction Crew were in their ring attire, hardhats, reflective orange vests and sunglasses. They had the titles around their waists. Between them on a table was the open briefcase containing $25 grand in small bills. Both men had mics and were standing in front of the AWA logo.


Bloom: Take a good look at it!


This used to be the property of 'Diamond' Dallas Page but now it belongs to us!


$25 g's, Big Mike! $25 g's!


Enos picked up one set of banded bills and smelled the money.


Enos: It smells great! And knowing it's Page's money makes it that much sweeter!


Bloom: We are going to party like a couple of wildmen in Vegas, baby!


Ladies, get ready! The Destruction Crew is comin' and it's gonna be one helluva party! All paid for by our donor, Dallas Page!


Enos: We need to hit the Crazy Horse Saloon and throw some of this cash at the ladies!


Bloom: Wait! Is that Crazy Horse 1 or Crazy Horse 2!


Enos thought about it for a moment and rubbed his chin.


Enos: Let's hit 'em both!


The pair broke out in laughter.


Bloom: Because of you, Dallas Page, this money is going to support single moms at the Crazy Horse Saloons in Vegas!


More laughter from the pair.


Pic flipped and it was the Top Guns.


The pair were in street clothes and each had a mic. They were standing in front of the AWA logo.


Rice: I have an announcement to make, Derrick.


Dukes: What is it, Ricky? Preach, daddy!


Rice: The Top Guns are back!


Dukes: Sing it from the rooftops, my brother from another mother!


Rice: Badd Company and their extremely annoying manager, Dallas Page, thought they had run us off!


No way was that going to happen!


Rice: But we wanted to screw with Badd Company before we came back! We wanted to get in their heads!


Dukes: How'd you boys like them mind games?!


Rice: When we heard Dallas was putting up $25,000 dollars of his own money for a tag team title shot, we knew when we were returning!


Dukes: And it was the Top Guns' pleasure to play a role in costing Dallas Page all that money!


Rice: You got that right, Derrick!


It all boils down to this! Badd Company! Dallas Page! The Top Guns are back and stronger than ever!


Dukes: Badd Company! We're gunning for you!


Pic flipped and it was manager Dallas Page with Badd Company. All three were in street clothes and sunglasses and DDP had a mic. Badd Co. had their arms folded and were standing still in front of the AWA logo.


DDP paced back and forth and ran his fingers through his hair.


DDP: What you people witnessed recently was theft on two levels!


First, the Top Guns come out of hiding and cost Badd Company the match and the tag team titles!


Then, the Destruction Crew steals...STEALS...my $25 thousand dollars! Talk about ill-gotten gain!


Destruction Crew! I just want you guys to know that we're comin' to get that money back!


But there's other business that needs to be attended to first!


Top Guns! You may think you really accomplished something interfering in our match and costing us the chance to win the tag team titles!


But what you've really done is awakened the wrath of Badd Company!


We're coming for you snot pukes! And we're gonna pour a scalding hot cauldron of rage on you!


Ricky Rice! Derrick Dukes! You two better watch your backs!


Because now it's Badd Company's turn to turn the tables! You won't know where or when we'll strike! But it's comin'! And when we strike you will suffer in ways you never imagined!


I'm mad as hell! They're mad as hell!


Badd Co. nodded in agreement.


DDP: And we're gonna put the Top Guns through hell for what they've cost me...I mean...us!




In-Studio: Nelson said expect the Badd Co. and the Top Guns feud to explode during the fall.


Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... THE LADY IS A CHAMP!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


NON-TITLE: AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter won a squash match over Kelly Bundy via pinfall with a powerbomb




Nelson: Wendi, great to see you back. You're looking in top form.


And being in top form is gonna be important because you have two women chasing you for that title right now in Lelani Kai and Magnificent Mimi.


Richter: Larry, I hear those two gals keep talking about a match to determine the #1 contender for the belt!


They just need to shut up and wrestle!


Fans cheered.


Nelson: Do you have a personal preference for an opponent between those two?


Richter: I don't! Whoever wins the contender match...then I'll see you in this ring with this belt on the line!


Richter held up the title with one hand.


Nelson: Wendi Richter, everybody!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA announcer Lee Marshall, who was attacked and bloodied by Tommy Rich a couple of weeks ago on All-Star Wrestling.




Marshall was seated on a couch at his home. He was in street clothes and holding a mic.


Marshall: Hello, everyone. This is announcer Lee Marshall.


As you can see, the cut on my head has healed except for a small scar.


Marshall paused.


Marshall: Never, in all my years as a broadcaster, did I ever expect to be assaulted by an athlete. And I especially never thought I'd be busted open.


But Tommy Rich put an end to those fanciful dreams for me.


I always thought I'd call the action, never be a part of it.


I can't begin to explain to you fans what it's like to have your head slammed into a steel ring post. The steel sure isn't forgiving. And the pain when your head meets that steel...indescribable.


As I laid there on the floor of the arena, blood dripping into my eyes, I could only think of one thing and it's still front and center on my mind right now.


I want vengeance. Yes, you heard that right. I want to take revenge against Tommy Rich!


As a professional broadcaster, you're supposed to take an unbiased approach to reporting news and sporting events. I prided myself on being able to do that for all these years.


But that's out the window now!


Tommy Rich! I'm coming back! And when I return I have something I'm going to ask you face-to-face!


That's if you've got the guts to face me like a man!


I am gonna have to ask AWA officials to lift any suspension on you so I can confront you with one simple question. I'm sure they'll oblige me, Tommy.


Just one little question for you.


That's all I need to ask.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson said that AWA officials were in discussions about totally lifting or shortening Rich's suspension after hearing about Marshall's request.


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 2!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the latest pre-recorded comments from Greg Valentine.




Video opened with a shot of Valentine, in street clothes and mic in hand, with his back to the camera.


He was looking at the AWA logo.


Valentine: You know, when I look at the AWA logo, I see history and tradition.


The AWA is proud to be what their name says: a pro wrestling association.


This is the place to be if you truly want to wrestle. It's all about the wrestling here.


I, Greg Valentine, trained to be a pro wrestler. I didn't train to be a circus clown pasted on the side of some kid's lunch box. I didn't train to be on an ice cream bar. I didn't train to do poorly scripted comedy routines.




Valentine slowly turned around to face the camera.


Valentine: I trained to be a pro wreslter! My father, Johnny Valentine, trained to be a pro wrestler!


Love me or hate me, I will tell you this! I've always had a respect for the sport of professional wrestling!


On the sign at the arena it says: 'WRESTLING!'


It doesn't say: 'LIVE ACTION CARTOON!'


And the people who watch the AWA watch it because it's 100% about the wrestling!


I was contacted recently by an AWA official who said that my demand to make my AWA wrestling debut at Super Clash 4 was being considered.


Well, let me tell you something, Mr. AWA Suit! I make my debut at Super Clash 4 or I don't make it at all!


And there's one more stipulation I want added to my debut match.


At Super Clash 4, I don't want to face some jabroni. I don't want to face someone who I'm going to toy with for a few minutes and then finish off with my figure four leglock.


Oh no!


There's only one man I want to face in my first match in AWA.


And that man's name is...


Baron Von Raschke!




In-Studio: Nelson briefly discussed Valentine's challenge to BVR.


Nelson then sent it back to the Showboat in Vegas.


Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Ace Frehley and Peter Crisscola via pinfall when Rheingans pinned Crisscola with his cradle suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher


During the match, announcers discussed the problems Patera and Rheingans were having with the tag champs the Destruction Crew


Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!






AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are just over one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


The main event is set!


Finally, after months of wondering who the true, undisputed AWA World Heavyweight Champion is, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler will clash to settle the matter once and for all.


The match must have a winner.


Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson, who is standing by with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


We hear Verne has more news concerning the main event and a new match for Super Clash 4.


Pic flipped...


Larry Nelson and Verne Gagne, both in suits, were standing next to the ring in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion. Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, we hear you have some big news regarding the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Verne: I do, Larry.


Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler is shaping up to be the biggest match on the wrestling calendar for 1989. We are finally gonna have an undisputed World Champion in the AWA again after months of controversy.


I am pleased to announce, because of the magnitude of this bout, we will have the official contract signing for the match next week on both AWA TV programs.

Nelson: Should be an interesting contract signing between those two.


Verne: We're gonna have some extra security on hand to make sure nothing physical happens at the signing.


Lawler and Sarge need to save that for Super Clash 4.


I expect the tension in the room to be very high.


Nelson: No doubt it will be tense.


Verne: Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter clearly do not like one another. Safe to say they're not on each other's Christmas card list.


Lawler has done nothing but claim that Slaughter is an undeserving and fake champion.


For Sarge, this match is not only about winning and becoming the undisputed World Champion of the AWA; for him it's also about regaining the honor and integrity that he feels Lawler has ripped away from him these last several months with Lawler's reckless allegations.


Lawler is correct when he says he never lost the AWA World Title. He believes that creating a new belt, since he took off with the other one, was somehow a slap in the face to him staking his claim to the championship.


We'll finally get our answer as to who the AWA World Champion is on October 18th in Milwaukee at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: You also have new match to announce for Super Clash 4.

Verne: Yes. As we all know, the feud between Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk just seems to be escalating.


Well, at Super Clash 4, we hope to have something settled as it will be Tom Zenk battling Col. DeBeers. This promises to be one wild match. These two hate each other with a passion.


Nelson: Well, let's bring in Tom Zenk right now.


Zenk, minus shirt but in blue jeans, walked into the picture.


Nelson: Tom, what do you think of the announcement we just heard from Verne Gagne?


Zenk: Verne, I thank you for making this match.


I can't tell you how good it felt to slam DeBeers' head repeatedly into the mat in that tag team match last week. Even though it got Greg Gagne and myself disqualified, it was worth it to take the loss in this case. And I would gladly do it again.


This is...


Nelson: Look ou...


DeBeers, in street clothes and beret, charged into the picture and slammed Zenk hard across the back with a Showboat Sports Pavilion chair (red padded chair with gold frame that did not fold). Zenk crashed to the floor. DeBeers then beat Zenk with the chair while Zenk was down, bending the back part of the chair in the process.


As DeBeers raised the chair over his head to blast Zenk with another blow, Verne stepped in between Zenk and DeBeers.


Verne picked up on a mic.


Verne: That's enough! Back off, Colonel!


DeBeers tossed the chair and looked over at Verne Gagne.


DeBeers picked up on the mic.


DeBeers: At Super Clash, Zenk's gonna get a lot worse than that, Verne!

DeBeers left the area. Zenk down and hurting and Verne knelt down beside him to check on Zenk.


Nelson: As you can see, Tom Zenk has been laid out by Col. DeBeers. We'll keep you updated on Zenk's status. This is Larry Nelson on location from Las Vegas.


Pic flipped...


Bischoff: There you have it, fans!


Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk has been added to Super Clash 4.


And as we've seen between these two, this thing just keeps escalating and escalating and who knows where it's all gonna finally end up.


Plus, don't forget to tune into AWA programming next week for the official contract signing between Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter for the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week!


Pic aired of disputed World Champ Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... UNHAPPY ROYALTY?!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Jerry Lawler.




Jerry Lawler was in street clothes with his AWA World Title slung over his shoulder and a mic in the other hand.


Lawler: I'm coming to you from the studio at WMC-TV where we tape Memphis Wrestling.


Studio was empty.


Lawler: I am not a happy man right now.


You see, the AWA further disrespected me last week when they made the announcement that I would face Sgt. Slackjaw in the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Sgt. Slaughter was at the announcement and got to speak his piece.


But the AWA brass couldn't be bothered to have me at that announcement.


Oh no!


They decided to make it all about Sgt. Slaughter!


The AWA has disrespected me for the final time!


How in the hell can you have an announcement like that and not invite one of the parties involved?!


It shows who the AWA is throwing their support behind!


They prefer their pretend champion with his replica belt over the man who won the belt over a year ago and never actually lost it to anyone!


You fans need to wake up!


If you consider Sgt. Slaughter your champion, well, you must have taken the short yellow bus to school!


I am angry!


And let me tell you this!


When, not if, when I defeat Sgt. Slaughter and become the undisputed AWA World Champion, I am going to make life absolutely miserable for Verne Gagne; President Stanley Blackburn; Wally Karbo; you fans; and finally...the man who is going to hate life the most when I become the undisputed champ...Sgt. Slaughter!


I will let Sarge know every single day that I'm the true World Champion and that he lost to me because he was a fake World Champion, as phony as a $3 dollar bill! And real defeats fake every time!


The disrespect for Jerry Lawler ends on October 18th at Super Clash 4 when I become the King of the AWA!




In-Studio: Nelson hyped next week's contract signing between Lawler and Sarge for the main event at Super Clash 4.


Said the debut of Kokina Maximus was next.


Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... KOKINA'S DEBUT!!!





Kokina Maximus vs. Reno Riggins


Reno Riggins was in the ring and announced by Larry Nelson.


Nelson: And his opponent!


A loud, rumbling noise came through the low-budget Showboat Sports Pavilion sound system.


Out came three men who made their way down the heel aisle. The third man was in a suit and wearing a white mask with black trim.


Nelson: Being led to the ring by his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and an unknown third party...from the Island of Samoa...weighing in at 472 pounds...he is Kokina Maxmius!


Some boos from the crowd as the three men climbed into the ring but mainly people just looking on, some in awe, at Kokina.


Kaissey and the masked man had words for Kokina and Kokina nodded in agreement.


Kaissey and the masked man left the ring and dropped to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Kokina quickly charged over and avalanched Riggins, driving Riggins hard into the buckles. Kokina backed off and Riggins took a couple of steps out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Kokina dropped a big elbow across the chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Kokina pulled Riggins up by the hair and Kokina shook his head 'no'. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet, whipped Riggins into the ropes and caught Riggins coming off in the press slam position and dropped Riggins behind him. Riggins slammed face-first into the mat. Kokina then stepped on the side of Riggins' face. Riggins squirming. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina picked up Riggins and bodyslammed Riggins and then nailed Riggins with a standing leg drop. Kokina for the cover. 1...2... Kokina once again pulled Riggins up by the hair. Ref again reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet and blasted Riggins with a brutal headbutt. Riggins crashed helplessly back to the mat. Kokina stomped on Riggins, snapped Riggins up, hoisted Riggins across his shoulders and popped Riggins with a Samoan Drop. Kokina went for the pin. 1...2... Kokina again snapped up Riggins before the three count.


Ref picked up on a mic.


Ref: Do that again and you're disqualified!


Kokina glared at the ref and the ref backed up.


Bischoff: This man is not only physically imposing. He's also psychologically intimidating.

Blears: Right you are, Eric.


He's just treating young Riggins like a ragdoll.


Kokina again snapped Riggins up and whipped Riggins into the buckles.


Kokina backed into the opposite corner, charged out and pulverized Riggins with another avalanche.


Riggins crumpled to the mat.


Ref immediately called for the bell.


Nelson jumped up on the apron with mic in hand.


Ref went to check on Riggins, but the masked man in the suit climbed in the ring and stepped in front of the ref. Man knelt next to Riggins and pulled out a pen light and briefly shined the light in Riggins' eyes.


Masked man said something to the ref.


Ref went over to Nelson.


Ref: We need medical personnel out here immediately!


Ref then said something to Nelson off-mic.


Nelson: Your winner of the match by a referee stoppage...Kokina Maximus!


Ref quickly raised Kokina's hand as Kaissey climbed into the ring.


EMT's came to the ring with a stretcher in tow.


Fans not sure what to make of the situation. Kokina, Sheik and masked man all left the ring and were now standing on the floor watching like spectators.


EMT's briefly checked on Riggins and then moved him out of the ring and placed the injured Riggins on a board and then onto the stretcher.


The EMT's started strapping Riggins to the stretcher.


Crowd booed loudly as Sheik raised Kokina's hand in victory.


Bischoff: Looks like this guy is the real deal, Lord James.


Blears: May God have mercy on the AWA!


WINNER: Kokina - Ref Stoppage



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From 1977, it's a true classic as Dusty Rhodes battles Billy graham in a violent and bloody Texas Death Match:





Stop me if you've heard this one before!


A man walks onto a military base and steals a tank...



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I'm just gonna ask, are John and Deb ever going to have dialogue that isn't about drinking or having sex? Or are they just cartoon characters that need to exist because trying to get into the mindspace of Vern Gagne is like eating chalk?


I'm trying to get across they're good friends who can say things to each other they wouldn't say to anyone but a close friend or friends. You know how it goes. You can talk about certain things with one group of people but not with others. Just trying to give them some depth and present them as real people.


The Verne line is a classic! Kudos! :D

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(NOTE: I know these shows get very repetitive. Back then, some fans only got the cable show on ESPN or, if you didn't have cable, the syndicated show on a local station. That necessitated showing key moments from both shows on both shows. When Super Clash 4 is over, things will settle down and the two shows will be largely different from one another.)




In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall (Injured)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


3rd Taping Recap


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Hector Guerrero vs. Pat Tanaka (w/ Mgr. DDP)


A Super Clash 4 Update


Comments from Jerry Lawler regarding the announcement of the SC 4 main event


More comments from Greg Valentine


Greg Gagne sees action


Comments from AWA announcer Lee Marshall


Brad Rheingans & Ken Patera wrestle


Comments from DDP and Badd Company; the Top Guns; and the Destruction Crew (WTTC) regarding the fallout from the end of the tag team titles vs. DDP's $25,000 match between the Destruction Crew (WTTC) and Badd Co. and the return of the Top Guns


Akio Sato laces 'em up


And more!


Nelson said Eric Bischoff was again filling in for Lee Marshall


Nelson then sent it to the arena.


Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Michael Vick via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher


After DeBeers had his hand raised in victory, DeBeers turned and stomped on the downed Vick and then snatched Vick up and nailed Vick with a second face-first piledriver. Vick in a bad way.


DeBeers then snatched Vick up again and went to nail Vick with a third face-first piledriver. Crowd popped as Tom Zenk, in his ring attire, hit the ring. DeBeers let go of Vick and Vick crumpled to the mat. DeBeers quickly bailed from the ring to the floor. Zenk yelled for DeBeers to get back in the ring and fight. DeBeers climbed back up on the apron. Zenk went over to grab DeBeers but DeBeers was able to drop back to the floor before Zenk could get his hands on him. Zenk again demanded DeBeers get in the ring and fight. DeBeers stood on the floor twirling his mustache. After a few tense seconds, DeBeers turned and headed back up the heel entrance aisle to boos.


Zenk called Larry Nelson up onto the apron. Nelson had a mic.


Zenk: Hey, Colonel! Hey!


DeBeers turned around in the aisle and looked back at Zenk.


Zenk: The punishment you inflicted on this kid...that's what I'm going to do to you...and more! A whole helluva lot more!


Crowd cheered.


DeBeers continued to look on from the heel aisle.


In-Studio: Nelson talked about the DeBeers-Zenk feud heating up.


Nelson intro'd video from last week's All-Star Wrestling of Larry Zbyszko making an unannounced appearance.




As the announcers were wrapping up the program, fans booed as Larry Zbyszko made his way to the ring in street clothes.


Zbyszko climbed into the ring and demanded the ring mic from Larry Nelson.


Zbyszko: I have something that needs to be said!


More boos.


Zbyszko: Don't you people have homes and jobs or are you all living off the taxpayer?!


Also, judging by the smell in this place, do any of you bathe?! Jesus Christ!


Zbyszko made like he was gagging to more boos.


Zbyszko: Maybe the next time we swing through this dump of a town they can set up a large community bath in the arena parking lot!


We'll fill it with soap, water and something that kills all bacteria crawling around on your filth-laden bodies!


Then we'll have a hazardous waste team come in and safely remove the multi-colored water you people contaminated with your crud!


More boos.


Zbyszko: Before I was so rudely interrupted by the stench of you idiots, I came out here to say something to one person!


Greg Gagne! Nothing's been settled between us in our last two matches!


I need to get a win over you!


Let's have a third match, Greg!


But, your daddy can't be anywhere near ringside!


I'm not fighting the Gagne family! You're the one I'm taking down, son of Verne!


We need to be in a match where daddy can't come to your aid; can't stick his nose where it does not belong!


So, Greg, there are several types of matches where pops Gagne can be kept at bay!


The AWA bosses, including Methuselah Gagne, can name the stipulation!


As long as Verne can't get involved then I'm all in!


Greg Gagne! I hate your whole family! They don't reek like the fans in this arena! But the Gagne's stink in so many other ways! But we don't have time to get into that!


Let me make a To-Do list for this: Make the match. Beat Greg Gagne. Watch Verne cry.


Sounds good to me!




Pic aired of DDP with the caption: NEXT... SORE LOSER!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew; the Top Guns; and Dallas Page and Badd Company regarding the AWA World Tag team Titles vs. DDP's $25,000.




The Destruction Crew were in their ring attire, hardhats, reflective orange vests and sunglasses. They had the titles around their waists. Between them on a table was the open briefcase containing $25 grand in small bills. Both men had mics and were standing in front of the AWA logo.


Bloom: Take a good look at it!


This used to be the property of 'Diamond' Dallas Page but now it belongs to us!


$25 g's, Big Mike! $25 g's!


Enos picked up one set of banded bills and smelled the money.


Enos: It smells great! And knowing it's Page's money makes it that much sweeter!


Bloom: We are going to party like a couple of wildmen in Vegas, baby!


Ladies, get ready! The Destruction Crew is comin' and it's gonna be one helluva party! All paid for by our donor, Dallas Page!


Enos: We need to hit the Crazy Horse Saloon and throw some of this cash at the ladies!


Bloom: Wait! Is that Crazy Horse 1 or Crazy Horse 2?!


Enos thought about it for a moment and rubbed his chin.


Enos: Let's hit 'em both!


The pair broke out in laughter.


Bloom: Because of you, Dallas Page, this money is going to support single moms at the Crazy Horse Saloons in Vegas!

More laughter from the pair.


Pic flipped and it was the Top Guns.


The pair were in street clothes and each had a mic. They were standing in front of the AWA logo.


Rice: I have an announcement to make, Derrick.


Dukes: What is it, Ricky? Preach, daddy!


Rice: The Top Guns are back!


Dukes: Sing it from the rooftops, my brother from another mother!


Rice: Badd Company and their extremely annoying manager, Dallas Page, thought they had run us off!

No way was that going to happen!


Rice: But we wanted to screw with Badd Company before we came back! We wanted to get in their heads!


Dukes: How'd you boys like them mind games?!


Rice: When we heard Dallas was putting up $25,000 dollars of his own money for a tag team title shot, we knew when we were returning!


Dukes: And it was the Top Guns' pleasure to play a role in costing Dallas Page all that money!


Rice: You got that right, Derrick!


It all boils down to this! Badd Company! Dallas Page! The Top Guns are back and stronger than ever!


Dukes: Badd Company! We're gunning for you!


Pic flipped and it was manager Dallas Page with Badd Company. All three were in street clothes and sunglasses and DDP had a mic. Badd Co. had their arms folded and were standing still behind Page in front of the AWA logo.


DDP paced back and forth and ran his fingers through his hair.


DDP: What you people witnessed recently was theft on two levels!


First, the Top Guns come out of hiding and cost Badd Company the match and the tag team titles!


Then, the Destruction Crew steals...STEALS...my $25 thousand dollars! Talk about ill-gotten gain!


Destruction Crew! I just want you guys to know that we're comin' to get that money back!


But there's other business that needs to be attended to first!


Top Guns! You may think you really accomplished something interfering in our match and costing us the chance to win the tag team titles!


But what you've really done is awakened the wrath of Badd Company!


We're coming for you snot pukes! And we're gonna pour a scalding hot cauldron of rage on you!


Ricky Rice! Derrick Dukes! You two better watch your backs!


Because now it's Badd Company's turn to turn the tables! You won't know where or when we'll strike! But it's comin'! And when we strike you will suffer in ways you never imagined!


I'm mad as hell! They're mad as hell!


Badd Co. nodded in agreement.


DDP: And we're gonna put the Top Guns through hell for what they've cost me...I mean...us!




Pic aired of Greg Gagne with the caption: NEXT... ZBYSZKO'S NEMESIS!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Greg Gagne won a squash match over Jim Nabors via submission with the Gagne sleeper




Nelson: Larry Zbyszko came out here and had some very nasty things to say about you and your father Verne Gagne.


The last two times you and Zbyszko have collided nothing was decided.


What are your thoughts on this matter right now?

Greg: Larry, I want the re-match with Zbyszko just as badly as he wants it with me. There's no love lost between us.


But he needs to cool it with insulting my dad. Totally out of bounds and uncalled for.


The match needs to have some sort of stipulation attached to it.


Nelson: Like what?


Greg: Well, something where there must be a winner in the match. Put us in a cage. A strap match. A No Disqualification match. Any kind of match where there will be a winner and we can get this current round of feuding between Zbyszko and I settled.

Nelson: Greg Gagne, everybody!


In-Studio: Nelson wondered what kind of match could take place between Greg and Zbyszko.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA announcer Lee Marshall.




Marshall was seated on a couch at his home. He was in street clothes and holding a mic.


Marshall: Hello, everyone. This is announcer Lee Marshall.


As you can see, the cut on my head has healed except for a small scar.

Marshall paused.


Marshall: Never, in all my years as a broadcaster, did I ever expect to be assaulted by an athlete. And I especially never thought I'd be busted open.


But Tommy Rich put an end to those fanciful dreams for me.


I always thought I'd call the action, never be a part of it.


I can't begin to explain to you fans what it's like to have your head slammed into a steel ring post. The steel sure isn't forgiving. And the pain when your head meets that steel...indescribable.


As I laid there on the floor of the arena, blood dripping into my eyes, I could only think of one thing and it's still front and center on my mind right now.


I want vengeance. Yes, you heard that right. I want to take revenge against Tommy Rich!


As a professional broadcaster, you're supposed to take an unbiased approach to reporting news and sporting events. I prided myself on being able to do that for all these years.


But that's out the window now!


Tommy Rich! I'm coming back! And when I return I have something I'm going to ask you face-to-face!


That's if you've got the guts to face me like a man!


I am gonna have to ask AWA officials to lift any suspension on you so I can confront you with one simple question. I'm sure they'll oblige me, Tommy.


Just one little question for you.


That's all I need to ask.




Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 2!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the latest pre-recorded comments from Greg Valentine.




Video opened with a shot of Valentine, in street clothes and mic in hand, with his back to the camera.


He was looking at the AWA logo.


Valentine: You know, when I look at the AWA logo, I see history and tradition.


The AWA is proud to be what their name says: a pro wrestling association.


This is the place to be if you truly want to wrestle. It's all about the wrestling here.


I, Greg Valentine, trained to be a pro wrestler. I didn't train to be a circus clown pasted on the side of some kid's lunch box. I didn't train to be on an ice cream bar. I didn't train to do poorly scripted comedy routines.




Valentine slowly turned around to face the camera.


Valentine: I trained to be a pro wreslter! My father, Johnny Valentine, trained to be a pro wrestler!


Love me or hate me, I will tell you this! I've always had a respect for the sport of professional wrestling!


On the sign at the arena it says: 'WRESTLING!'


It doesn't say: 'LIVE ACTION CARTOON!'


And the people who watch the AWA watch it because it's 100% about the wrestling!


I was contacted recently by an AWA official who said that my demand to make my AWA wrestling debut at Super Clash 4 was being considered.


Well, let me tell you something, Mr. AWA Suit! I make my debut at Super Clash 4 or I don't make it at all!


And there's one more stipulation I want added to my debut match.


At Super Clash 4, I don't want to face some jabroni. I don't want to face someone who I'm going to toy with for a few minutes and then finish off with my figure four leglock.


Oh no!


There's only one man I want to face in my first match in the AWA.


And that man's name is...


Baron Von Raschke!




In-Studio: Nelson discussed Valentine's comments. Said he's sure Baron has gotten word of the challenge and being the fighter he is Baron will consider it.


Nelson then sent it back to the arena for the next match.


Akio Sato won a squash match over Bobby Flay via pinfall with a knee drop to the chest from the top rope


Pic aired of disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... UNHAPPHY ROYALTY???


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Jerry Lawler.




Jerry Lawler was in street clothes with his AWA World Title slung over his shoulder and a mic in the other hand.


Lawler: I'm coming to you from the studio at WMC-TV where we tape Memphis Wrestling.


Studio was empty.


Lawler: I am not a happy man right now.


You see, the AWA further disrespected me last week when they made the announcement that I would face Sgt. Slackjaw in the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Sgt. Slaughter was at the announcement and got to speak his piece.


But the AWA brass couldn't be bothered to have me at that announcement.


Oh no!


They decided to make it all about Sgt. Slaughter!


The AWA has disrespected me for the final time!


How in the hell can you have an announcement like that and not invite one of the parties involved?!


It shows who the AWA is throwing their support behind!


They prefer their pretend champion with his replica belt over the man who won the belt over a year ago and never actually lost it to anyone!


You fans need to wake up!


If you consider Sgt. Slaughter your champion, well, you must have taken the short yellow bus to school!


I am angry!


And let me tell you this!


When, not if, when I defeat Sgt. Slaughter and become the undisputed AWA World Champion, I am going to make life absolutely miserable for Verne Gagne; President Stanley Blackburn; Wally Karbo; you fans; and finally...the man who is going to hate life the most when I become the undisputed champ...Sgt. Slaughter!


I will let Sarge know every single day that I'm the true World Champion and that he lost to me because he was a fake World Champion, as phony as a $3 dollar bill! And real defeats fake every time!


The disrespect for Jerry Lawler ends on October 18th at Super Clash 4 when I become the King of the AWA!



Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!




AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are just over one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


The main event is set!


Finally, after months of wondering who the true, undisputed AWA World Heavyweight Champion is, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler will clash to settle the matter once and for all.


The match must have a winner.


Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson, who is standing by with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


We hear Verne has more news concerning the main event and a new match for Super Clash 4.


Pic flipped...


Larry Nelson and Verne Gagne, both in suits, were standing next to the ring in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion. Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, we hear you have some big news regarding the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.

Verne: I do, Larry.


Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler is shaping up to be the biggest match on the wrestling calendar for 1989. We are finally gonna have an undisputed World Champion in the AWA again after months of controversy.


I am pleased to announce, because of the magnitude of this bout, we will have the official contract signing for the match next week on both AWA TV programs.


Nelson: Should be an interesting contract signing between those two.


Verne: We're gonna have some extra security on hand to make sure nothing physical happens at the signing.


Lawler and Sarge need to save that for Super Clash 4.


I expect the tension in the room to be very high.


Nelson: No doubt it will be tense.


Verne: Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter clearly do not like one another. Safe to say they're not on each other's Christmas card list.


Lawler has done nothing but claim that Slaughter is an undeserving and fake champion.


For Sarge, this match is not only about winning and becoming the undisputed World Champion of the AWA; for him it's also about regaining the honor and integrity that he feels Lawler has ripped away from him these last several months with Lawler's reckless allegations.


Lawler is correct when he says he never lost the AWA World Title. He believes that creating a new belt, since he took off with the other one, was somehow a slap in the face to him staking his claim to the championship.


We'll finally get our answer as to who the AWA World Champion is on October 18th in Milwaukee at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: You also have new match to announce for Super Clash 4.


Verne: Yes. As we all know, the feud between Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk just seems to be escalating.


Well, at Super Clash 4, we hope to have something settled as it will be Tom Zenk battling Col. DeBeers. This promises to be one wild match. These two hate each other with a passion.


Nelson: Well, let's bring in Tom Zenk right now.


Zenk, minus shirt but in blue jeans, walked into the picture.


Nelson: Tom, what do you think of the announcement we just heard from Verne Gagne?


Zenk: Verne, I thank you for making this match.


I can't tell you how good it felt to slam DeBeers' head repeatedly into the mat in that tag team match last week. Even though it got Greg Gagne and myself disqualified, it was worth it to take the loss in this case. And I would gladly do it again.


This is...


Nelson: Look ou...


DeBeers, in street clothes and beret, charged into the picture and slammed Zenk hard across the back with a Showboat Sports Pavilion chair (red padded chair with gold frame that did not fold). Zenk crashed to the floor. DeBeers then beat Zenk with the chair while Zenk was down, bending the back part of the chair in the process.


As DeBeers raised the chair over his head to blast Zenk with another blow, Verne stepped in between Zenk and DeBeers.


Verne picked up on a mic.


Verne: That's enough! Back off, Colonel!


DeBeers tossed the chair and looked over at Verne Gagne.


DeBeers picked up on the mic.


DeBeers: At Super Clash, Zenk's gonna get a lot worse than that, Verne!


DeBeers left the area. Zenk down and hurting and Verne knelt down beside him to check on Zenk.


Nelson: As you can see, Tom Zenk has been laid out by Col. DeBeers. We'll keep you updated on Zenk's status. This is Larry Nelson on location from Las Vegas.


Pic flipped...


Bischoff: There you have it, fans!


Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk has been added to Super Clash 4.


And as we've seen between these two, this thing just keeps escalating and escalating and who knows where it's all gonna finally end up.


Plus, don't forget to tune into AWA programming next week for the official contract signing between Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter for the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week!


In-Studio: Nelson talked about the DeBeers-Zenk match and what a brawl that promises to be.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


TV MAIN EVENT: Mando Guerrero vs. Pat Tanaka (w/ Manager DDP)


Guerrero came out to a modest amount of cheers. Tanaka and DDP were strongly booed.


Ref called for the bell to start the match.


The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Mando gained the advantage and caught Tanaka in a side headlock and immediately took Tanaka down in the side headlock. Guerrero worked over the side headlock as Tanaka looked for an escape from the hold. Guerrero made it to his feet with Tanaka still in the headlock. Tanaka tried to escape as Guerrero cinched up on the hold. Tanaka was eventually able to shove Guerrero off and into the ropes. Guerrero came off and Tanaka hit Guerrero with a shoulder tackle and Guerrero crashed to the mat. Guerrero quickly to his feet. Tanaka charged at Guerrero and Guerrero caught Tanaka with a hip toss. Tanaka up and charged at Guerrero and Guerrero caught Tanaka with another hip toss. Tanaka up again and this time Guerrero hit Tanaka with a high dropkick. Tanaka crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Tanaka slapped the ring apron in anger. DDP over to talk with his man. Ref ordered Guerrero to stand back in the ring and Guerrero obliged. Ref started the 10-count. DDP talked more with Tanaka and then walked away form his man. Tanaka facing away from the ring. Guerrero charged across the ring and hit Tanaka with a plancha. Crowd popped big time. Tanaka down on the floor. DDP came over and yelled at Guerrero and Guerrero turned his back to DDP and Guerrero slapped his own ass as a rude gesture towards DDP. A crowd that didn't seem all that interested in this TV main was now suddenly very interested. Guerrero snapped up Tanaka and threw Tanaka back into the ring. Tanaka up and Guerrero caught Tanaka with some punches and then whipped Tanaka into the ropes and looked to catch Tanaka coming off with a dropkick but Tanaka grabbed the top rope and held on and Guerrero crashed to the mat. Tanaka briefly shook out the effects of the match and looked over at DDP and Tanaka pointed to his own head signaling how smart he was. Guerrero to a knee and Tanaka reached down and pulled Guerrero up by the hair and nailed Guerrero with a headbutt. Guerrero crashed to the mat holding his head. Tanaka snapped up Guerrero and nailed Guerrero with a trio of German suplexes. Tanaka for the cover. 1...2... Guerrero kicked out. Fans cheered.


Tanaka picked up Guerrero and bodyslammed Guerrero and Tanaka went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Guerrero got to his feet. Guerrero up and Tanaka came off with top rope with a flying crossbody but Guerrero rolled through and went for the pin. 1...2... Tanaka kicked out. Fans groaned. DDP pounded the ring apron and was arrested on the spot for public indecency. Both men up and they engaged in a deliberate punch exchange until Tanaka gained the advantage. Tanaka grabbed the stunned Guerrero and went to hit him with another German suplex but Guerrero found the strength to power out of the grasp of Tanaka and go behind Tanaka and nail Tanaka with a trio of German suplexes of his own to the delight of the crowd. Guerrero quickly for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Tanaka kicked out. Crowd groaned. Guerrero started to snap Tanaka up but Tanaka headbutted Guerrero in the twig and berries. Ref reprimanded Tanaka. Guerrero stumbled back holding the jewels. Tanaka to his feet and grabbed Guerrero and went to whip Guerrero into the ropes but Guerrero reversed and caught Tanaka coming off with a high backdrop. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Guerrero briefly shook out the effects of the low-blow as Tanaka got to his feet. Tanaka up and Guerrero dropped Tanaka with a high dropkick. Tanaka fell back against the ropes. Guerrero grabbed Tanaka by the hair and slammed Tanaka's head into the top turnbuckle in all four corners three times each. Tanaka crashed to the mat. DDP yelling at Guerrero from the floor. Guerrero mounted the top buckle facing the crowd as Tanaka made it to his feet and turned and Guerrero nailed Tanaka with a moonsault. Crowd popped. Guerrero up and went to the opposite corner and mounted the top buckle. Tanaka to his feet turned and was hit with another moonsault. Guerrero for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Tanaka kicked out. Crowd groaned. DDP placed his face down on his arm which was on the apron and pounded the apron with his free hand (he carried a cane to other). Guerrero frustrated. Both men to their feet and Tanaka walked right into a bodyslam from Guerrero. Guerrero climbed the buckles again. A shaky Tanaka to his feet. Guerrero came off with a third moonsault but Tanaka fell out of the way and Guerrero slammed front-first into the mat. DDP yelled for Tanaka to finish Guerrero off.


Tanaka re-gathered himself and went over and stomped away on Guerrero, snapped Guerrero up and whipped Guerrero into the ropes and looked to catch Guerrero coming off with a high backdrop but Guerrero instead caught Tanaka in a sunset flip. Tanaka immediately went over. Guerrero for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tanaka once again kicked out and the crowd once again groaned. Both men up and Guerrero stunned Tanaka with a trio of punches to the solar plexus. Guerrero went to whip Tanaka into the ropes but Tanaka reversed and blasted Guerrero coming off with a brutal backhand chop to the face that stunned Guerrero. Tanaka followed that up with a roundhouse kick to the back of the back of the head that dropped Guerrero. Tanaka stood back and waited for Guerrero to get to his feet. Guerrero used the ropes to help himself up.


DDP picked up on mic.


DDP: Finish him off, Pat!

Guerrero up and turned and walked right into a savate kick. Guerrero crashed back to the mat and flatlined. Tanaka for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.


Tanaka up and the ref raised his hand in victory as DDP climbed in the ring and congratulated his man as the boos grew.


WINNER: Tanaka - Pinfall - 10:32


Bischoff: Fans! We are out of time! See you next week!



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(NOTE: I know these shows get very repetitive. Back then, some fans only got the cable show on ESPN or, if you didn't have cable, the syndicated show on a local station. That necessitated showing key moments from both shows on both shows. When Super Clash 4 is over, things will settle down and the two shows will be largely different from one another.)




(4th Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Eric Bischoff (Fill-in for injured Lee Marshall)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Show Intro:


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


THE OFFICIAL CONTRACT SIGNING: Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter have their contract signing for the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion


A HUGE Super Clash 4 Update


More comments from Greg Valentine


Jonnie Stewart sees action


A replay of Kokina Maximus' debut match from last week


Jerry Blackwell sees action


Comments from Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk about their upcoming match at SC 4


And more!


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat in Vegas.


Sam Houston won a squash match over Mike Vernon via pinfall with his bulldog finisher




Nelson: Sam Houston, you remain undefeated here in the AWA with another impressive victory.


Houston: Thank you, Larry. It's great to be in this position.


It's fitting we're in Vegas right now because I'm riding a hot streak.


Nelson: The coaching you've been receiving since you arrived here has really made you a force to be reckoned with.


Houston: It has. Just like good coaching can turn around a team's fortunes for the better, good coaching can help elevate wrestlers as well. I've been able to take my game to the next level because of the coaching.

Nelson: Well, it is indeed showing in your ring work...


Wait a minute!


Manny Fernandez, in his ring attire, made his way to the ring to a fair amount of boos. Fernandez climbed into the ring and walked right up to Sam Houston.


Manny: So, Houston, this coaching you're getting has made you a better wrestler, huh?!


Houston: It has. The record since I came to the AWA speaks to that.


Manny: Think you're special because you're undefeated!


Houston: Sorry. Not special. Just fortunate.


Manny: Well, how about this, gringo?!


You put that undefeated streak on the line against...me!


Crowd buzzing.


Houston looked around at the fans and then turned back to Manny.


Manny: We ain't got all day, boy! Give me an answer!


Houston: Manny Fernandez, I accept your challenge.


Crowd cheered.


Houston extended his hand to shake Manny's.


Manny: I ain't shakin' your hand! This is just what I wanted! When I get through with you, you're gonna have to put a one in the loss column on your record!


Manny turned and left the ring to mainly boos but also some cheers.


Nelson: You heard it! Manny Fernandez has challenged undefeated Sam Houston to a match!


We'll see what happens!


More cheers from the less than sober crowd.


Pic aired of Zenk and DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... WORDS OF WAR!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of last week's attack by Col. DeBeers on Tom Zenk.




Zenk: Verne, I thank you for finally making this match.


I can't tell you how good it felt to slam DeBeers' head repeatedly into the mat in that tag team match last week. Even though it got Greg Gagne and myself disqualified, it was worth it to take the loss in this case. And I would gladly do it again.


This is...


Nelson: Look ou...


DeBeers, in street clothes and beret, charged into the picture and slammed Zenk hard across the back with a Showboat Sports Pavilion chair (red padded chair with gold frame that did not fold). Zenk crashed to the floor. DeBeers then beat Zenk with the chair while Zenk was down, bending the back part of the chair in the process.


As DeBeers raised the chair over his head to blast Zenk with another blow, Verne stepped in between Zenk and DeBeers.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.




Video opened with DeBeers standing outside in his camo attire and beret in front of an expensive automobile. He had a mic.


DeBeers: See this car? It's mine.


Being a mercenary for the righteous regime in South Africa pays very well.


Tom Zenk, I bet that chair felt good when that metal frame bent on your back. I threw everything I had into that chair shot, boy. Wanted to make it as painful as possible.


It is a good thing that Verne Gagne made our match for Super Clash 4.


You know why?


Because it's the biggest AWA wrestling card of the year!


And I want as many people as possible watching when I destroy you in that ring!


I want people to know that I'm superior to some bloated musclehead!


You're a disgrace to our race, Zenk! You're decadent American trash!


And I'm gonna take out the trash on October 18th in Milwaukee!


Pic flipped and Tom Zenk, in street clothes, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Zenk: Col. DeBeers. Another day, another cheap shot from you.


I'm not surprised.


The fact is you have no conscience. You don't care what you do to anyone as long as it benefits you.


Being hit with that chair a few times did not feel good. Hurt like hell, actually.


But I'm just biding my time and building up all my anger and rage towards you.


And that anger and rage is gonna come pouring out at Super Clash 4.


Clash is the correct word for what we're gonna do that night at the Mecca in Milwaukee!


This match will not be for the squeamish!


It promises to be violent...very violent!


The hatred we have for each other will be on display for all to see!


Colonel, it's time for direct action!


And I'm taking you down at Super Clash 4!




Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... DEVASTATING DEBUT!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a replay of last week's in-ring debut of Kokina Maximus.


Kaissey and the masked man left the ring and dropped to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Kokina quickly charged over and avalanched Riggins, driving Riggins hard into the buckles. Kokina backed off and Riggins took a couple of steps out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Kokina dropped a big elbow across the chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Kokina pulled Riggins up by the hair and Kokina shook his head 'no'. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet, whipped Riggins into the ropes and caught Riggins coming off in the press slam position and dropped Riggins behind him. Riggins slammed face-first into the mat. Kokina then stepped on the side of Riggins' face. Riggins squirming. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina picked up Riggins and bodyslammed Riggins and then nailed Riggins with a standing leg drop. Kokina for the cover. 1...2... Kokina once again pulled Riggins up by the hair. Ref again reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet and blasted Riggins with a brutal headbutt. Riggins crashed helplessly back to the mat. Kokina stomped on Riggins, snapped Riggins up, hoisted Riggins across his shoulders and popped Riggins with a Samoan Drop. Kokina went for the pin. 1...2... Kokina again snapped up Riggins before the three count.


Ref picked up on a mic.


Ref: Do that again and you're disqualified!


Kokina glared at the ref and the ref backed up.


Bischoff: This man is not only physically imposing. He's also psychologically intimidating.

Blears: Right you are, Eric.


He's just treating young Riggins like a ragdoll.


Kokina again snapped Riggins up and whipped Riggins into the buckles.


Kokina backed into the opposite corner, charged out and pulverized Riggins with another avalanche.


Riggins crumpled to the mat.


Ref immediately called for the bell.


Nelson jumped up on the apron with mic in hand.


Ref went to check on Riggins, but the masked man in the suit climbed in the ring and stepped in front of the ref. Man knelt next to Riggins and pulled out a pen light and briefly shined the light in Riggins' eyes.


Masked man said something to the ref.


Ref went over to Nelson.


Ref: We need medical personnel out here immediately!


Ref then said something to Nelson off-mic.


Nelson: Your winner of the match by a referee stoppage...Kokina Maximus!

Ref quickly raised Kokina's hand as Kaissey climbed into the ring.


EMT's came to the ring with a stretcher in tow.


Fans not sure what to make of the situation. Kokina, Sheik and masked man all left the ring and were now standing on the floor watching like spectators.


EMT's briefly checked on Riggins and then moved him out of the ring and placed the injured Riggins on a board and then onto the stretcher.


The EMT's started strapping Riggins to the stretcher.


Crowd booed loudly as Sheik raised Kokina's hand in victory.


Bischoff: Looks like this guy is the real deal, Lord James.


Blears: May God have mercy on the AWA!


WINNER: Kokina - Ref Stoppage


In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd post-match comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




In the locker room, Kaissey was standing with mic in hand in his Arab garb.


Kokina stood in the background with arms folded, menacing glare on his face. To the left of El-Kaissey was the mystery man in the mask and fancy suit.


Kaissey: I hope all you infidels took notes of what happened in that ring!


It was complete and utter destruction by Kokina!


We have heard they're taking poor Reno Riggins to the hospital to be checked for serious internal injuries because of the way he was manhandled by Kokina!


What you saw was just a little taste of what's to come for the AWA!


And I'll say it right now! Jerry Blackwell! There is no avoiding Kokina!


We made it clear you were out first big target! Let's have the match sooner rather than later!


I want the people to see Kokina destroy a main event star!


I want Jerry Blackwell to fear this man! I want the people to be afraid of him!


How about it, Blackwell?!


Sign the contract! Step into the ring with Kokina! And prepare to be smashed to pieces!




Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 3!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine.




Shot of Valentine, in street clothes, standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Valentine: Who is the master of the figure four?


It's a question that has been asked for years and years.


Who is the master of the most devastating submission hold in the sport?


Is it Buddy Rogers?


Is it Ric Flair?


The answer to those two questions are no and no.


You see, you're looking at the true master, the man who has perfected, the figure four leglock!


No one has or ever will do it better than me!


I know every single nuance of the hold! Right down to the most minute detail!


I know exactly where to apply the pressure on a man's legs! I know how to shift my weight while I have my opponent locked in the hold with expert precision to add even more pressure! The man usually gives up here because he's afraid his leg will break!


I can cut off blood flow in a man's legs with the figure four! Blood clots, anyone?!


The wrestlers in the AWA better pray to God that I don't lock them in the best figure four pro wrestling has to offer!


And let me just say this to the AWA bosses!


I got a call informing me that it looks like my demand is about to be met to face Baron Von Raschke in my debut match at Super Clash 4!


I can't wait to lock the Baron in the figure four! I can't wait to see him writhe in pain and cry out in agony!


But most of all...I can't wait to hear him submit to me!


Beating the Baron would be quite a debut for the 'Hammer' in the AWA!


And by beating a wrestler the caliber of the Baron, it would send a message...Greg Valentine is back and he's going straight to the top in the AWA!




In-Studio: Nelson said they would have a huge announcement regarding Valentine's AWA debut in the SC 4 update.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.


Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Chester Proudfoot via pinfall with his flying knee to the gut finisher.


During the match, announcers again discussed whether or not Stewart loaded the knee pad.


Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!






AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are less than one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


The main event is set!


Finally, after months of wondering who the true, undisputed AWA World Heavyweight Champion is, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler will clash to settle the matter once and for all.


The match must have a winner.


Plus! Col. DeBeers will battle Tom Zenk in a match that promises to be explosive!


Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson for more huge news on Super Clash 4!


Pic flipped and Larry Nelson, mic in hand, was standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion with AWA boss Verne Gagne.


Nelson: Hi, everybody. Back again with promoter Verne Gagne. Verne, we hear you have two more matches to announce for Super Clash 4 today.


Verne: I do, Larry.


First, it is now official.


The contract has been signed and Greg Valentine gets his wish and will face Baron Von Raschke in his debut match here in the AWA.


Nelson: And we have the Baron with us right now.


Baron Von Raschke, in street clothes. walked into the picture.


Nelson: Baron, you have accepted Greg Valentine's challenge.


Baron: I wouldn't be the Baron if I ran away from a challenge, Larry Nelson.


Greg Valentine is an outstanding wrestler; a man who has won several championships in his career.


I know this match will be a good test for the Baron.


Nelson: Valentine has that dangerous figure 4.


Baron: He does. He does. It can be the end for you if he applies it. The move is merciless. The great pain and possible devastation to one's legs is why so many men quickly give up when locked in the hold.


But, let's remember one thing, Larry Nelson.


Baron bent his right hand into the claw position.


Baron: I have a pretty devastating submission hold, too!


If I lock Valentine in the Claw, he will have trouble escaping my vice-like grip.

Nelson: And you have a mighty strong grip.


Baron: That's what the girls say.


You lock the claw on the right pressure points on a man's head then it is light's out for him.


Greg Valentine, I'll see you in Milwaukee on October 18th.


Nelson: One last thing, Baron.


Baron: What's that?


Nelson: Have you thought more about retirement?


Baron: As I've mentioned before, everyone will know when I retire when I remove my boots in the ring, leave them there and walk off into the sunset with my head held high.


Camera panned in on Nelson and Verne.


Nelson: Alright. You heard from the Baron as he still is giving no indication on if or when he'll retire.


So, Verne, what's the other match that's gonna take place at Super Clash 4?


Verne: Larry, we know that the last two times my son Greg and Larry Zbyszko have met the matches ended without a winner.


We've also heard from both men that they want a third match to settle this matter.


The Gagne-Zbyszko feud is so strong it will probably continue into the next life.


And Larry Zbyszko seems to think that I fight Greg's battles for him. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.


I raised my son to stand on his own two feet and fight his own battles. And that's what Greg will be doing in the match at Super Clash 4.


Zbyszko doesn't have to worry about me being involved.


Nelson: Why is that?


Verne: Because the match is going to take place in the confines of a steel cage!

Nelson: Wow! Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko inside the steel! That match promises to be a dogfight!


Verne: There's certainly no love lost between them. And remember, that cage can be used as a weapon. This should be an extremely...


Nelson: Wait a minute!


Larry Zbyszko, in street clothes, came into the interview area at ringside.


Zbyszko: Did I hear correctly? Verne, I get to tear your boy up inside a steel cage?!


Verne: It's gonna be in a cage, yes.


Zbyszko: And you also said the cage can be used as a weapon?!


Verne: Yes. That's the nature of...


Zbyszko: You can bet the house that I'm gonna weaponize that cage and tear your son apart on the unforgiving steel!


Your boy Greg is in for a crash course in Suffering 101!


Zbyszko stormed out of the interview area.


Nelson: Verne?


Verne: The issue is between Zbyszko and my son.


No matter what happens, my son stands or falls on his own in the match at Super Clash 4.


And I have one more announcement about the cage match and that will occur next week.


Nelson: There you have it, fans!


Two more big matches added for Super Clash 4 on October 18th!


Greg Valentine will make his AWA debut against the always tough 'Clawmaster' Baron Von Raschke.


And, the feud goes on as Larry Zbyszko will battle Greg Gagne in the confines of a steel cage!


Looking like a great card!


This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.


Pic flipped back to Bischoff in studio.


Bischoff: Wow! Huge news from AWA promoter Verne Gagne with two new and exciting matches being added to the wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


Here is the card as it stands right now:


To determine the undisputed AWA World Champion - There must be a winner: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler


Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk


AWA Debut Match: Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke


Steel Cage Match: Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko


Get your tickets now for Super Clash 4 at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Mecca Box office


If you can't be there in person, be sure to watch the show on ESPN...LIVE...bell time is 6pm Central Time!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week!


Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... CRUSHING TIME!




Jerry Blackwell won a squash match over Gary Busey via pinfall with his diving splash finisher




Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, I gotta ask, what did you think of Kokina's debut?


Blackwell: Kokina Maximus destroyed poor Reno Riggins.


He looked impressive. He looked powerful. He looked brutal.


It's clear this man is for real, Larry.


But I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Let's sign the contract and have the match!


I'm ready! Kokina's ready! Let's get ready to rumble!


Crowd cheered.


Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!


Split-screen pic aired of Sarge and Lawler with the caption: NEXT... THE SIGNING!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the contract signing for the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion at SC 4.




Video opened with an outside shot of the famous Green Shack restaurant on Fremont Street in Las Vegas.




A covered, long table was sitting inside the restaurant and in the middle of the of the table was a speaker's podium with mic.


Behind the table stood a temporary wall with an enlarged Super Clash 4 logo on it.


Members of the wrestling press were on hand for the historic contract signing.


Out walked AWA announcer-interviewer Larry Nelson.


Nelson: Greetings, everyone.


Flash bulbs went off.


Nelson: Welcome to a true Las Vegas landmark, the Green Shack restaurant on Fremont Street.


The Green Shack is said to be home to the best fried chicken in Sin City. I disagree. It's the best fried chicken in the country!


Some chuckles.


Nelson: It's fitting that this historic contract signing is taking place in this historic restaurant.


As you know, Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter have mainly been engaging in a war of words for months now over who the real AWA World Champion is.


Those words will turn to direct action on Wednesday night, October 18th, at Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when Lawler and Slaughter meet to determine who the undisputed AWA World Champion is.


I should point out that there must be a winner in this match. Because of that stipulation, the match will have no time-limit.


This matter will be put to rest once and for all at Super Clash 4.


Let me first introduce the man who will oversee the contract signing. He is attorney Gustav B. Schirach III.


Schirach walked out in an expensive suit and tie. He shook Nelson's hand and stood off to the side.


Nelson: Gustav handles all my DUI-related legal needs.


And now let me introduce the AWA officials who will witness this signing: president Stanley Blackburn and AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


The two men came out, both in suits, and stood by attorney Schirach III as more flash bulbs went off.


Nelson: And now, let me introduce the participants in the main event at Super Clash 4.


First, he hails from Memphis, Tennessee and claims to be the real AWA Champion...Jerry 'The King' Lawler.


Lawler came out as flash bulbs went off once again. He was in casual attire and had his version of the AWA World Title cradled in his left arm.


Lawler took his seat next to the podium and placed his belt on the table. There was a pitcher of water and glass in front of Lawler and Lawler poured himself a glass of H2O.


Nelson: And now, he hails from Parris Island, South Carolina, he is considered by many to be the reigning AWA World Champion...'America's Hero' Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge came out dressed in an expensive suit and D.I. hat with his version of the gold draped over his left shoulder.


Sarge sat down in his chair on the opposite side of the podium and placed his belt on the table. Sarge also had a pitcher of water and glass in front of him but did not pour himself a glass.


Nelson: I have the contract on the podium here in front of me.


Attorney Gustav B. Schirach III I need to ask this.


GBS moved forward.


Nelson: Have you looked over the contract?


GBS stood next to the podium.


GBS: I have looked at the contract and it is a 100% official, legal and binding document.


Nelson: Thank you.


GBS nodded and stepped back.


Nelson: The first man who needs to sign this document is the man who is making this match a reality, AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


The contract was sitting on the podium.


Nelson flipped to the last page.


Nelson: Verne, if you'll do the honors.


Verne: Certainly.


Verne took the pen from Nelson and signed the contract.


Verne: I just want to say that it's good we'll finally settle this matter at Super Clash 4.


This issue has been brewing for several months now and we need closure. The fans need an undisputed champion. The AWA needs an undisputed World Champion.


Nelson: Thank you, Verne.


Verne nodded and stepped back.


Nelson: Now, Jerry Lawler.


Lawler got up and stepped up to the podium.


Nelson went to hand Lawler the pen but Lawler brushed Nelson off. Lawler held up a fancy box, opened it and pulled out a very expensive pen.


Lawler: It's Mont Blanc. A pen fit for wrestling royalty.


Lawler then signed the contract as more pics were taken.


Lawler: I'm sure Sarge also brought his own pen for this special occasion. He probably found it on the floor of the men's room at the Showboat Hotel Bowling Alley.


Lawler then placed the pen back in the box and sat back down at his seat.


Brief, tense moment.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, please step to the podium.


Sarge got up and was handed the pen by Larry Nelson.


Sarge signed the contract and sat back down.


Nelson: We need attorney Schirach III to look at the contract.

GBS stepped forward and briefly looked over the signatures to make sure all the i's were dotted and t's crossed correctly.


GBS: It's good.


GBS stood back and Nelson held up the contract.


Nelson: It is now set in stone: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed World Champion of the AWA!


And now, some words from the wrestlers.


Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge got up and stepped to the podium as Nelson stood back.


Sarge: It's finally...finally...gonna happen.


For months now, Jerry Lawler, you have denigrated my reign as the AWA World Champion.


You've even stooped so low as to attack my military service.


You said I was a fake World Champion.


You said my belt is nothing but a cheap replica, a knock-off.


But, just like you, I had to win a very real match against a very real champion to claim this title. And I worked damn hard for it. I'm proud of what I've accomplished.


And you come along out of leftfield to tear down the biggest moment of my career.


Well, all this gets settled on October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee!


I feel I've been put in a position where I have to prove yet again that I am a real and worthy holder of this belt!


And I aim to drive that point home loud and clear when we collide at Super Clash 4!


Sarge sat down and Nelson stepped back to the podium.


Nelson: Now, I give you Jerry Lawler.


Lawler stood up and laid his version of the World Title on the podium.


Lawler: This is a match truly fit for a king.


And as you all know, I am the 'King of Wrestling'.


I beat Curt Hennig for the AWA Championship 18 months ago in Memphis. Never lost it.


How can you claim to be the World Champion if you didn't defeat the reigning champion?


That question will be answered at Super Clash 4.


You now have your chance, Sarge, to finally convince the wrestling world that you are indeed the true AWA World Champion.


But, since we're in Vegas right now, I would not bet on that happening.


You didn't beat me to win this title and you aren't doing it in Milwaukee, either.


By the way, where's the limo driver you beat up and took that suit off of?


Sarge shook his head in disbelief and let out a chuckle but was clearly starting to boil.


Lawler: It's gonna be over for you, Sgt. Slaughter, in just a few weeks. I am prepared to expose you for the championship fraud you are.


Lawler held up his belt.


Lawler: This is the real deal belt. I beat a real deal champion in Curt Hennig to win it.


So, Sarge, I have one more question for you.


Your title belt...is it made by Mattel?


That was it...


Sarge shot to his feet and he and Lawler started physically struggling with each other.


The two were locked up with each other and wound up crashing into the temporary wall that had been set up for the contract signing, knocking over the temporary wall.


Security, which had been brought in case something like this happened., intervened and, after a brief struggle, separated the two.


The four members of security stepped in between the two and kept them at bay. Both men wanted at each other but security did its job. Lawler reached down, picked up his pitcher of water and threw it's contents on Sarge.


Lawler: You're all wet, Sarge!


Security still kept the warring factions apart as a drenched Sarge tried to get at Lawler and the two holding Lawler back removed Lawler from the scene as the program abruptly ended.



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