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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall (Injured)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears



4th Taping Recap


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


THE OFFICIAL CONTRACT SIGNING: Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter have their contract signing for the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion


A HUGE Super Clash 4 Update


More comments from Greg Valentine


The debut match of Kokina Maximus from AWA Wrestling on ESPN


Brad Rheingans wrestles


Tom Zenk sees action


Larry Zbyszko laces 'em up


Comments from Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk after last week's incident


And more!


Nelson sent it to the arena in Duluth.


The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) returned and won a squash match over Carl Karcher & Ray Kroc via pinfall when Rice pinned Karcher after a double dropkick




Nelson: Derrick Dukes and Ricky Rice, welcome back to action in the AWA!


Dukes: It's great to be back, Larry, in front of the best wrestling fans in the world!


Fans cheered.


Nelson: You're obviously back to go after Badd Comapny.


Rice: We are. My brother from another mother and myself are looking to put Badd Company in their place. And we really want to put that big mouth manager of theirs in his place!


More cheers.


Nelson: Dallas Page is a guy who has a lot of tricks up his sleeve; he's pretty slippery.


Dukes: We know that! Page is a crafty dude!


We've had brawls with his men in the past!


Well, I don't think I'm pushing it when I say that brawling is gonna be back in style when we collide with Badd Company again!


Rice: Badd Company! The Top Guns are gunning for you!


Fair amount of cheers.


Nelson: Badd Company, everybody!


In-Studio: Nelson said he thinks DDP is plotting something really big in retaliation to the Top Guns playing a role in DDP losing $25K and Badd Co. failing to win the tag belts.


Said he thinks DDP will try something that may not be fit for TV.


Nelson then intro'd footage from last week's attack on Tom Zenk by Col. DeBeers.




Zenk: Verne, I thank you for finally making this match.


I can't tell you how good it felt to slam DeBeers' head repeatedly into the mat in that tag team match last week. Even though it got Greg Gagne and myself disqualified, it was worth it to take the loss in this case. And I would gladly do it again.


This is...


Nelson: Look ou...


DeBeers, in street clothes and beret, charged into the picture and slammed Zenk hard across the back with a Showboat Sports Pavilion chair (red padded chair with gold frame that did not fold). Zenk crashed to the floor. DeBeers then beat Zenk with the chair while Zenk was down, bending the back part of the chair in the process.


As DeBeers raised the chair over his head to blast Zenk with another blow, Verne stepped in between Zenk and DeBeers.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.




Video opened with DeBeers standing outside in his camo attire and beret in front of an expensive automobile. He had a mic.


DeBeers: See this car? It's mine.


Being a mercenary for the righteous regime in South Africa pays very well.


Tom Zenk, I bet that chair felt good when that metal frame bent on your back. I threw everything I had into that chair shot, boy. Wanted to make it as painful as possible.


It is a good thing that Verne Gagne made our match for Super Clash 4.


You know why?


Because it's the biggest AWA wrestling card of the year!


And I want as many people as possible watching when I destroy you in that ring!


I want people to know that I'm superior to some bloated musclehead!


You're a disgrace to our race, Zenk! You're decadent American trash!


And I'm gonna take out the trash on October 18th in Milwaukee!


Pic flipped and Tom Zenk, in street clothes, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Zenk: Col. DeBeers. Another day, another cheap shot from you.


I'm not surprised.


The fact is you have no conscience. You don't care what you do to anyone as long as it benefits you.


Being hit with that chair a few times did not feel good. Hurt like hell, actually.


But I'm just biding my time and building up all my anger and rage towards you.


And that anger and rage is gonna come pouring out at Super Clash 4.


Clash is the correct word for what we're gonna do that night at the Mecca in Milwaukee!


This match will not be for the squeamish!


It promises to be violent...very violent!


The hatred we have for each other will be on display for all to see!


Colonel, it's time for direct action!


And I'm taking you down at Super Clash 4!




Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... DEVASTATING DEBUT!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a replay of last week's in-ring debut of Kokina Maximus.




Kaissey and the masked man left the ring and dropped to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Kokina quickly charged over and avalanched Riggins, driving Riggins hard into the buckles. Kokina backed off and Riggins took a couple of steps out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Kokina dropped a big elbow across the chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Kokina pulled Riggins up by the hair and Kokina shook his head 'no'. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet, whipped Riggins into the ropes and caught Riggins coming off in the press slam position and dropped Riggins behind him. Riggins slammed face-first into the mat. Kokina then stepped on the side of Riggins' face. Riggins squirming. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina picked up Riggins and bodyslammed Riggins and then nailed Riggins with a standing leg drop. Kokina for the cover. 1...2... Kokina once again pulled Riggins up by the hair. Ref again reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet and blasted Riggins with a brutal headbutt. Riggins crashed helplessly back to the mat. Kokina stomped on Riggins, snapped Riggins up, hoisted Riggins across his shoulders and popped Riggins with a Samoan Drop. Kokina went for the pin. 1...2... Kokina again snapped up Riggins before the three count.


Ref picked up on a mic.


Ref: Do that again and you're disqualified!


Kokina glared at the ref and the ref backed up.


Bischoff: This man is not only physically imposing. He's also psychologically intimidating.


Blears: Right you are, Eric.


He's just treating young Riggins like a ragdoll.


Kokina again snapped Riggins up and whipped Riggins into the buckles.


Kokina backed into the opposite corner, charged out and pulverized Riggins with another avalanche.


Riggins crumpled to the mat.


Ref immediately called for the bell.


Nelson jumped up on the apron with mic in hand.


Ref went to check on Riggins, but the masked man in the suit climbed in the ring and stepped in front of the ref. Man knelt next to Riggins and pulled out a pen light and briefly shined the light in Riggins' eyes.


Masked man said something to the ref.


Ref went over to Nelson.


Ref: We need medical personnel out here immediately!


Ref then said something to Nelson off-mic.


Nelson: Your winner of the match by a referee stoppage...Kokina Maximus!


Ref quickly raised Kokina's hand as Kaissey climbed into the ring.


EMT's came to the ring with a stretcher in tow.


Fans not sure what to make of the situation. Kokina, Sheik and masked man all left the ring and were now standing on the floor watching like spectators.


EMT's briefly checked on Riggins and then moved him out of the ring and placed the injured Riggins on a board and then onto the stretcher.


The EMT's started strapping Riggins to the stretcher.


Crowd booed loudly as Sheik raised Kokina's hand in victory.


Bischoff: Looks like this guy is the real deal, Lord James.


Blears: May God have mercy on the AWA!


WINNER: Kokina - Ref Stoppage


In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd post-match comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




In the locker room, Kaissey was standing with mic in hand in his Arab garb.


Kokina stood in the background with arms folded, menacing glare on his face. To the left of El-Kaissey was the mystery man in the mask and fancy suit.


Kaissey: I hope all you infidels took notes of what happened in that ring!


It was complete and utter destruction by Kokina!


We have heard they're taking poor Reno Riggins to the hospital to be checked for serious internal injuries because of the way he was manhandled by Kokina!


What you saw was just a little taste of what's to come for the AWA!


And I'll say it right now! Jerry Blackwell! There is no avoiding Kokina!


We made it clear you were out first big target! Let's have the match sooner rather than later!


I want the people to see Kokina destroy a main event star!


I want Jerry Blackwell to fear this man! I want the people to be afraid of him!


How about it, Blackwell?!


Sign the contract! Step into the ring with Kokina! And prepare to be smashed to pieces!




Pic aired of Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... OLYMPIAN IN ACTION!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Brad Rheingans (w/ Ken Patera in his corner) won a squash match over Ralph Kramden with his bridging cradle suplex finisher




Nelson: Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera, you two continue to look good as a tag team and as singles.


Patera: We need to be sharp right now, Larry.


Nelson: For the tag champs the Destruction Crew?


Patera: That's right. We're going after them with guns blazing!


Wayne Bloom. Mike Enos. Me and Brad have said it before! We'll wrestle you guys even without the titles on the line!


You want to attack us like school bullies?! Well, guess what?! We fight back, boys!


Let's have a match with some sort of special rules! We don't care what they are!


We just want them in the ring together so we can rip the Destruction Crew a new one!

Crowd cheered.


Nelson: Brad.


Brad: Larry, I think Ken pretty much said it all!


These guys have Pearl Harbored us! They've left us bleeding! Now, we want revenge! We want to dole out some rough justice!


Destruction Crew! You can pick the kind of match we have!


We just want you in that ring so we can dish out some payback!


More cheers.


Nelson: Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans, everybody!


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 3!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine.




Shot of Valentine, in street clothes, standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Valentine: Who is the master of the figure four?


It's a question that has been asked for years and years.


Who is the master of the most devastating submission hold in the sport?


Is it Buddy Rogers?


Is it Ric Flair?


The answer to those two questions are no and no.


You see, you're looking at the true master, the man who has perfected, the figure four leglock!


No one has or ever will do it better than me!


I know every single nuance of the hold! Right down to the most minute detail!


I know exactly where to apply the pressure on a man's legs! I know how to shift my weight while I have my opponent locked in the hold with expert precision to add even more pressure! The man usually gives up here because he's afraid his leg will break!


I can cut off blood flow in a man's legs with the figure four! Blood clots, anyone?!


The wrestlers in the AWA better pray to God that I don't lock them in the best figure four pro wrestling has to offer!


And let me just say this to the AWA bosses!


I got a call informing me that it looks like my demand is about to be met to face Baron Von Raschke in my debut match at Super Clash 4!


I can't wait to lock the Baron in the figure four! I can't wait to see him writhe in pain and cry out in agony!


But most of all...I can't wait to hear him submit to me!


Beating the Baron would be quite a debut for the 'Hammer' in the AWA!


And by beating a wrestler the caliber of the Baron, it would send a message...Greg Valentine is back and he's going straight to the top in the AWA!




In-Studio: Nelson said there was big news concerning Greg Valentine's debut in the SC 4 Update.


Nelson then sent it back to Duluth for the next match.


Tom Zenk won a squash match over Bernie Kosar with a superkick


During the match, announcers heavily played up Zenk's match with DeBeers at SC 4.


Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities




AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are less than one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


The main event is set!


Finally, after months of wondering who the true, undisputed AWA World Heavyweight Champion is, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler will clash to settle the matter once and for all.


The match must have a winner.


Plus! Col. DeBeers will battle Tom Zenk in a match that promises to be explosive!


Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson for more huge news on Super Clash 4!


Pic flipped and Larry Nelson, mic in hand, was standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion with AWA boss Verne Gagne.


Nelson: Hi, everybody. Back again with promoter Verne Gagne. Verne, we hear you have two more matches to announce for Super Clash 4 today.


Verne: I do, Larry.


First, it is now official.


The contract has been signed and Greg Valentine gets his wish and will face Baron Von Raschke in his debut match here in the AWA.


Nelson: And we have the Baron with us right now.


Baron Von Raschke, in street clothes. walked into the picture.


Nelson: Baron, you have accepted Greg Valentine's challenge.


Baron: I wouldn't be the Baron if I ran away from a challenge, Larry Nelson.


Greg Valentine is an outstanding wrestler; a man who has won several championships in his career.


I know this match will be a good test for the Baron.


Nelson: Valentine has that dangerous figure 4.


Baron: He does. He does. It can be the end for you if he applies it. The move is merciless. The great pain and possible devastation to one's legs is why so many men quickly give up when locked in the hold.


But, let's remember one thing, Larry Nelson.


Baron bent his right hand into the claw position.


Baron: I have a pretty devastating submission hold, too!


If I lock Valentine in the Claw, he will have trouble escaping my vice-like grip.


Nelson: And you have a mighty strong grip.


Baron: That's what the girls say.


You lock the claw on the right pressure points on a man's head then it is light's out for him.


Greg Valentine, I'll see you in Milwaukee on October 18th.


Nelson: One last thing, Baron.


Baron: What's that?


Nelson: Have you thought more about retirement?


Baron: As I've mentioned before, everyone will know when I retire when I remove my boots in the ring, leave them there and walk off into the sunset with my head held high.

Camera panned in on Nelson and Verne.


Nelson: Alright. You heard from the Baron as he still is giving no indication on if or when he'll retire.


So, Verne, what's the other match that's gonna take place at Super Clash 4?


Verne: Larry, we know that the last two times my son Greg and Larry Zbyszko have met the matches ended without a winner.


We've also heard from both men that they want a third match to settle this matter.


The Gagne-Zbyszko feud is so strong it will probably continue into the next life.


And Larry Zbyszko seems to think that I fight Greg's battles for him. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.


I raised my son to stand on his own two feet and fight his own battles. And that's what Greg will be doing in the match at Super Clash 4.

Zbyszko doesn't have to worry about me being involved.


Nelson: Why is that?


Verne: Because the match is going to take place in the confines of a steel cage!


Nelson: Wow! Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko inside the steel! That match promises to be a dogfight!


Verne: There's certainly no love lost between them. And remember, that cage can be used as a weapon. This should be an extremely...


Nelson: Wait a minute!


Larry Zbyszko, in street clothes, came into the interview area at ringside.


Zbyszko: Did I hear correctly? Verne, I get to tear your boy up inside a steel cage?!


Verne: It's gonna be in a cage, yes.


Zbyszko: And you also said the cage can be used as a weapon?!


Verne: Yes. That's the nature of...


Zbyszko: You can bet the house that I'm gonna weaponize that cage and tear your son apart on the unforgiving steel!


Your boy Greg is in for a crash course in Suffering 101!


Zbyszko stormed out of the interview area.


Nelson: Verne?


Verne: The issue is between Zbyszko and my son.


No matter what happens, my son stands or falls on his own in the match at Super Clash 4.


And I have one more announcement about the cage match and that will occur next week.


Nelson: There you have it, fans!


Two more big matches added for Super Clash 4 on October 18th!


Greg Valentine will make his AWA debut against the always tough 'Clawmaster' Baron Von Raschke.


And, the feud goes on as Larry Zbyszko will battle Greg Gagne in the confines of a steel cage!


Looking like a great card!


This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.


Pic flipped back to Bischoff in studio.


Bischoff: Wow! Huge news from AWA promoter Verne Gagne with two new and exciting matches being added to the wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


Here is the card as it stands right now:


To determine the undisputed AWA World Champion - There must be a winner: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler


Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk


AWA Debut Match: Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke


Steel Cage Match: Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko


Get your tickets now for Super Clash 4 at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Mecca Box office


If you can't be there in person, be sure to watch the show on ESPN...LIVE...bell time is 6pm Central Time!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week!


Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... 'LIVING LEGEND'???




Robert Hope was in the ring and announced.


Zbyszko came to the ring and called Larry Nelson up on the apron.


Nelson did as told and had a mic.


Zbyszko: I just wnat to say to this guy...what's his name again?



Nelson: Robert Hope.



Zbyszko: Robert Hope, tonight you have a new name. I'm christening you Greg Gagne.


And, Robert Hope, you have no hope in this match!


Ref called for the bell and Zbyszko toyed with Hope, calling him Greg during the match, before finally finishing Hope off with a piledriver.


After the match, Zbyszko left the ring, grabbed a chair from next to the announcers' table and threw it into the ring. Zbyszko climbed back in and sat the chair upright and then snatched up the hurting and defeated Hope.


Bischoff: Is Zbyszko gonna try and drop Hope across the top of that chair like he did Greg Gagne a few weeks ago?!


Blears: Looks like it, Eric.


Zbysko maneuvered Hope into position to do what he had done to Greg Gagne a few weeks earlier.


Crowd cheered mildly as Greg Gagne, in street clothes, charged down the aisle and hit the ring. Zbyszko released the hapless Hope and bailed to the safety of the floor. Hope crumpled back to the mat.


Zbyszko stalked around on the floor looking up at Greg in the ring. Greg kept his eyes locked on Zbyszko.


Split-screen pic aired with the caption: NEXT... THE SIGNING!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the contract signing for the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion at SC 4.




Video opened with an outside shot of the famous Green Shack restaurant on Fremont Street in Las Vegas.


A covered, long table was sitting inside the restaurant and in the middle of the of the table was a speaker's podium with mic.


Behind the table stood a temporary wall with an enlarged Super Clash 4 logo on it.


Members of the wrestling press were on hand for the historic contract signing.


Out walked AWA announcer-interviewer Larry Nelson.


Nelson: Greetings, everyone.


Flash bulbs went off.


Nelson: Welcome to a true Las Vegas landmark, the Green Shack restaurant on Fremont Street.


The Green Shack is said to be home to the best fried chicken in Sin City. I disagree. It's the best fried chicken in the country!


Some chuckles.


Nelson: It's fitting that this historic contract signing is taking place in this historic restaurant.


As you know, Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter have mainly been engaging in a war of words for months now over who the real AWA World Champion is.


Those words will turn to direct action on Wednesday night, October 18th, at Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when Lawler and Slaughter meet to determine who the undisputed AWA World Champion is.


I should point out that there must be a winner in this match. Because of that stipulation, the match will have no time-limit.


This matter will be put to rest once and for all at Super Clash 4.


Let me first introduce the man who will oversee the contract signing. He is attorney Gustav B. Schirach III.


Schirach walked out in an expensive suit and tie. He shook Nelson's hand and stood off to the side.


Nelson: Gustav handles all my DUI-related legal needs.


And now let me introduce the AWA officials who will witness this signing: president Stanley Blackburn and AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


The two men came out, both in suits, and stood by attorney Schirach III as more flash bulbs went off.


Nelson: And now, let me introduce the participants in the main event at Super Clash 4.


First, he hails from Memphis, Tennessee and claims to be the real AWA Champion...Jerry 'The King' Lawler.


Lawler came out as flash bulbs went off once again. He was in casual attire and had his version of the AWA World Title cradled in his left arm.

Lawler took his seat next to the podium and placed his belt on the table. There was a pitcher of water and glass in front of Lawler and Lawler poured himself a glass of H2O.


Nelson: And now, he hails from Parris Island, South Carolina, he is considered by many to be the reigning AWA World Champion...'America's Hero' Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge came out dressed in an expensive suit and D.I. hat with his version of the gold draped over his left shoulder.


Sarge sat down in his chair on the opposite side of the podium and placed his belt on the table. Sarge also had a pitcher of water and glass in front of him but did not pour himself a glass.


Nelson: I have the contract on the podium here in front of me.


Attorney Gustav B. Schirach III I need to ask this.


GBS moved forward.


Nelson: Have you looked over the contract?


GBS stood next to the podium.


GBS: I have looked at the contract and it is a 100% official, legal and binding document.

Nelson: Thank you.


GBS nodded and stepped back.


Nelson: The first man who needs to sign this document is the man who is making this match a reality, AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

The contract was sitting on the podium.


Nelson flipped to the last page.


Nelson: Verne, if you'll do the honors.


Verne: Certainly.


Verne took the pen from Nelson and signed the contract.


Verne: I just want to say that it's good we'll finally settle this matter at Super Clash 4.


This issue has been brewing for several months now and we need closure. The fans need an undisputed champion. The AWA needs an undisputed World Champion.


Nelson: Thank you, Verne.


Verne nodded and stepped back.


Nelson: Now, Jerry Lawler.


Lawler got up and stepped up to the podium.


Nelson went to hand Lawler the pen but Lawler brushed Nelson off. Lawler held up a fancy box, opened it and pulled out a very expensive pen.


Lawler: It's Mont Blanc. A pen fit for wrestling royalty.


Lawler then signed the contract as more pics were taken.


Lawler: I'm sure Sarge also brought his own pen for this special occasion. He probably found it on the floor of the men's room at the Showboat Hotel Bowling Alley.


Lawler then placed the pen back in the box and sat back down at his seat.


Brief, tense moment.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, please step to the podium.


Sarge got up and was handed the pen by Larry Nelson.


Sarge signed the contract and sat back down.


Nelson: We need attorney Schirach III to look at the contract.


GBS stepped forward and briefly looked over the signatures to make sure all the i's were dotted and t's crossed correctly.


GBS: It's good.


GBS stood back and Nelson held up the contract.


Nelson: It is now set in stone: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed World Champion of the AWA!


And now, some words from the wrestlers.


Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge got up and stepped to the podium as Nelson stood back.


Sarge: It's finally...finally...gonna happen.


For months now, Jerry Lawler, you have denigrated my reign as the AWA World Champion.


You've even stooped so low as to attack my military service.


You said I was a fake World Champion.


You said my belt is nothing but a cheap replica, a knock-off.


But, just like you, I had to win a very real match against a very real champion to claim this title. And I worked damn hard for it. I'm proud of what I've accomplished.


And you come along out of leftfield to tear down the biggest moment of my career.


Well, all this gets settled on October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee!


I feel I've been put in a position where I have to prove yet again that I am a real and worthy holder of this belt!


And I aim to drive that point home loud and clear when we collide at Super Clash 4!


Sarge sat down and Nelson stepped back to the podium.


Nelson: Now, I give you Jerry Lawler.


Lawler stood up and laid his version of the World Title on the podium.


Lawler: This is a match truly fit for a king.


And as you all know, I am the 'King of Wrestling'.


I beat Curt Hennig for the AWA Championship 18 months ago in Memphis. Never lost it.


How can you claim to be the World Champion if you didn't defeat the reigning champion?


That question will be answered at Super Clash 4.


You now have your chance, Sarge, to finally convince the wrestling world that you are indeed the true AWA World Champion.


But, since we're in Vegas right now, I would not bet on that happening.


You didn't beat me to win this title and you aren't doing it in Milwaukee, either.


By the way, where's the limo driver you beat up and took that suit off of?


Sarge shook his head in disbelief and let out a chuckle but was clearly starting to boil.


Lawler: It's gonna be over for you, Sgt. Slaughter, in just a few weeks. I am prepared to expose you for the championship fraud you are.


Lawler held up his belt.


Lawler: This is the real deal belt. I beat a real deal champion in Curt Hennig to win it.


So, Sarge, I have one more question for you.


Your title belt...is it made by Mattel?


That was it...


Sarge shot to his feet and he and Lawler started physically struggling with each other.


The two were locked up with each other and wound up crashing into the temporary wall that had been set up for the contract signing, knocking over the temporary wall.


Security, which had been brought in in case something like this happened, intervened and, after a brief struggle, separated the two.


The four members of security stepped in between the two and kept them at bay. Both men wanted at each other but security did its job. Lawler reached down, picked up his pitcher of water and threw it's contents on Sarge.


Lawler: You're all wet, Sarge!


Security still kept the warring factions apart as a drenched Sarge tried to get at Lawler and the two holding Lawler back removed Lawler from the scene as the program abruptly ended.







DECISION: Double Countout - 14:39


Ken Patera (w/ Brad Rheingans in his corner) vs. Wayne Bloom (w/ Mike Enos in his corner)

WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Bloom's interference backfired - 9:17


Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne vs. Badd Company w/ Mgr. DDP)

WINNER: Milliman & Gagne - Pinfall - Milliman pinned Tanaka with the Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) - 16:51


AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wendi Richter (Chick Champ) vs. Takako Inoue

WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - Reversed a small package - 12:03

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(GOTTA BE BLUNT: Outside of the squash matches on this show, everything else also occured on the most recent AWA on ESPN show as well. Just the way wrestling TV was back then.)




In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall (Injured)


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


4th Taping Recap


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


THE OFFICIAL CONTRACT SIGNING: Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter have their contract signing for the main event at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion


A HUGE Super Clash 4 Update


More comments from Greg Valentine


The debut match of Kokina Maximus from AWA Wrestling on ESPN


Brad Rheingans wrestles


Tom Zenk sees action


Larry Zbyszko laces 'em up


Comments from Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk after last week's incident


And more!


Nelson sent it to the arena in Duluth.


The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) returned and won a squash match over Carl Karcher & Ray Kroc via pinfall when Rice pinned Karcher after a double dropkick




Nelson: Derrick Dukes and Ricky Rice, welcome back to action in the AWA!


Dukes: It's great to be back, Larry, in front of the best wrestling fans in the world!


Fans cheered.


Nelson: You're obviously back to go after Badd Comapny.


Rice: We are. My brother from another mother and myself are looking to put Badd Company in their place. And we really want to put that big mouth manager of theirs in his place!


More cheers.


Nelson: Dallas Page is a guy who has a lot of tricks up his sleeve; he's pretty slippery.


Dukes: We know that! Page is a crafty dude!


We've had brawls with his men in the past!


Well, I don't think I'm pushing it when I say that brawling is gonna be back in style when we collide with Badd Company again!


Rice: Badd Company! The Top Guns are gunning for you!


Fair amount of cheers.


Nelson: Badd Company, everybody!


In-Studio: Nelson said he thinks DDP is plotting something really big in retaliation to the Top Guns playing a role in DDP losing $25K and Badd Co. failing to win the tag belts.


Said he thinks DDP will try something that may not be fit for TV.


Nelson then intro'd footage from last week's attack on Tom Zenk by Col. DeBeers.




Zenk: Verne, I thank you for finally making this match.


I can't tell you how good it felt to slam DeBeers' head repeatedly into the mat in that tag team match last week. Even though it got Greg Gagne and myself disqualified, it was worth it to take the loss in this case. And I would gladly do it again.


This is...


Nelson: Look ou...


DeBeers, in street clothes and beret, charged into the picture and slammed Zenk hard across the back with a Showboat Sports Pavilion chair (red padded chair with gold frame that did not fold). Zenk crashed to the floor. DeBeers then beat Zenk with the chair while Zenk was down, bending the back part of the chair in the process.


As DeBeers raised the chair over his head to blast Zenk with another blow, Verne stepped in between Zenk and DeBeers.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.




Video opened with DeBeers standing outside in his camo attire and beret in front of an expensive automobile. He had a mic.


DeBeers: See this car? It's mine.


Being a mercenary for the righteous regime in South Africa pays very well.


Tom Zenk, I bet that chair felt good when that metal frame bent on your back. I threw everything I had into that chair shot, boy. Wanted to make it as painful as possible.


It is a good thing that Verne Gagne made our match for Super Clash 4.


You know why?


Because it's the biggest AWA wrestling card of the year!


And I want as many people as possible watching when I destroy you in that ring!


I want people to know that I'm superior to some bloated musclehead!


You're a disgrace to our race, Zenk! You're decadent American trash!


And I'm gonna take out the trash on October 18th in Milwaukee!


Pic flipped and Tom Zenk, in street clothes, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Zenk: Col. DeBeers. Another day, another cheap shot from you.


I'm not surprised.


The fact is you have no conscience. You don't care what you do to anyone as long as it benefits you.


Being hit with that chair a few times did not feel good. Hurt like hell, actually.


But I'm just biding my time and building up all my anger and rage towards you.


And that anger and rage is gonna come pouring out at Super Clash 4.


Clash is the correct word for what we're gonna do that night at the Mecca in Milwaukee!


This match will not be for the squeamish!


It promises to be violent...very violent!


The hatred we have for each other will be on display for all to see!


Colonel, it's time for direct action!


And I'm taking you down at Super Clash 4!




Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... DEVASTATING DEBUT!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a replay of last week's in-ring debut of Kokina Maximus.




Kaissey and the masked man left the ring and dropped to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Kokina quickly charged over and avalanched Riggins, driving Riggins hard into the buckles. Kokina backed off and Riggins took a couple of steps out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Kokina dropped a big elbow across the chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Kokina pulled Riggins up by the hair and Kokina shook his head 'no'. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet, whipped Riggins into the ropes and caught Riggins coming off in the press slam position and dropped Riggins behind him. Riggins slammed face-first into the mat. Kokina then stepped on the side of Riggins' face. Riggins squirming. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Kokina picked up Riggins and bodyslammed Riggins and then nailed Riggins with a standing leg drop. Kokina for the cover. 1...2... Kokina once again pulled Riggins up by the hair. Ref again reprimanded Kokina. Kokina pulled Riggins to his feet and blasted Riggins with a brutal headbutt. Riggins crashed helplessly back to the mat. Kokina stomped on Riggins, snapped Riggins up, hoisted Riggins across his shoulders and popped Riggins with a Samoan Drop. Kokina went for the pin. 1...2... Kokina again snapped up Riggins before the three count.


Ref picked up on a mic.


Ref: Do that again and you're disqualified!


Kokina glared at the ref and the ref backed up.


Bischoff: This man is not only physically imposing. He's also psychologically intimidating.


Blears: Right you are, Eric.


He's just treating young Riggins like a ragdoll.


Kokina again snapped Riggins up and whipped Riggins into the buckles.


Kokina backed into the opposite corner, charged out and pulverized Riggins with another avalanche.


Riggins crumpled to the mat.


Ref immediately called for the bell.


Nelson jumped up on the apron with mic in hand.


Ref went to check on Riggins, but the masked man in the suit climbed in the ring and stepped in front of the ref. Man knelt next to Riggins and pulled out a pen light and briefly shined the light in Riggins' eyes.


Masked man said something to the ref.


Ref went over to Nelson.


Ref: We need medical personnel out here immediately!


Ref then said something to Nelson off-mic.


Nelson: Your winner of the match by a referee stoppage...Kokina Maximus!


Ref quickly raised Kokina's hand as Kaissey climbed into the ring.


EMT's came to the ring with a stretcher in tow.


Fans not sure what to make of the situation. Kokina, Sheik and masked man all left the ring and were now standing on the floor watching like spectators.


EMT's briefly checked on Riggins and then moved him out of the ring and placed the injured Riggins on a board and then onto the stretcher.


The EMT's started strapping Riggins to the stretcher.


Crowd booed loudly as Sheik raised Kokina's hand in victory.


Bischoff: Looks like this guy is the real deal, Lord James.


Blears: May God have mercy on the AWA!


WINNER: Kokina - Ref Stoppage


In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd post-match comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




In the locker room, Kaissey was standing with mic in hand in his Arab garb.


Kokina stood in the background with arms folded, menacing glare on his face. To the left of El-Kaissey was the mystery man in the mask and fancy suit.


Kaissey: I hope all you infidels took notes of what happened in that ring!


It was complete and utter destruction by Kokina!


We have heard they're taking poor Reno Riggins to the hospital to be checked for serious internal injuries because of the way he was manhandled by Kokina!


What you saw was just a little taste of what's to come for the AWA!


And I'll say it right now! Jerry Blackwell! There is no avoiding Kokina!


We made it clear you were out first big target! Let's have the match sooner rather than later!


I want the people to see Kokina destroy a main event star!


I want Jerry Blackwell to fear this man! I want the people to be afraid of him!


How about it, Blackwell?!


Sign the contract! Step into the ring with Kokina! And prepare to be smashed to pieces!




Pic aired of Brad Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... OLYMPIAN IN ACTION!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Brad Rheingans (w/ Ken Patera in his corner) won a squash match over Ralph Kramden with his bridging cradle suplex finisher




Nelson: Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera, you two continue to look good as a tag team and as singles.


Patera: We need to be sharp right now, Larry.


Nelson: For the tag champs the Destruction Crew?


Patera: That's right. We're going after them with guns blazing!


Wayne Bloom. Mike Enos. Me and Brad have said it before! We'll wrestle you guys even without the titles on the line!


You want to attack us like school bullies?! Well, guess what?! We fight back, boys!


Let's have a match with some sort of special rules! We don't care what they are!


We just want them in the ring together so we can rip the Destruction Crew a new one!

Crowd cheered.


Nelson: Brad.


Brad: Larry, I think Ken pretty much said it all!


These guys have Pearl Harbored us! They've left us bleeding! Now, we want revenge! We want to dole out some rough justice!


Destruction Crew! You can pick the kind of match we have!


We just want you in that ring so we can dish out some payback!


More cheers.


Nelson: Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans, everybody!


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 3!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine.




Shot of Valentine, in street clothes, standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Valentine: Who is the master of the figure four?


It's a question that has been asked for years and years.


Who is the master of the most devastating submission hold in the sport?


Is it Buddy Rogers?


Is it Ric Flair?


The answer to those two questions are no and no.


You see, you're looking at the true master, the man who has perfected, the figure four leglock!


No one has or ever will do it better than me!


I know every single nuance of the hold! Right down to the most minute detail!


I know exactly where to apply the pressure on a man's legs! I know how to shift my weight while I have my opponent locked in the hold with expert precision to add even more pressure! The man usually gives up here because he's afraid his leg will break!


I can cut off blood flow in a man's legs with the figure four! Blood clots, anyone?!


The wrestlers in the AWA better pray to God that I don't lock them in the best figure four pro wrestling has to offer!


And let me just say this to the AWA bosses!


I got a call informing me that it looks like my demand is about to be met to face Baron Von Raschke in my debut match at Super Clash 4!


I can't wait to lock the Baron in the figure four! I can't wait to see him writhe in pain and cry out in agony!


But most of all...I can't wait to hear him submit to me!


Beating the Baron would be quite a debut for the 'Hammer' in the AWA!


And by beating a wrestler the caliber of the Baron, it would send a message...Greg Valentine is back and he's going straight to the top in the AWA!




In-Studio: Nelson said there was big news concerning Greg Valentine's debut in the SC 4 Update.


Nelson then sent it back to Duluth for the next match.


Tom Zenk won a squash match over Bernie Kosar with a superkick


During the match, announcers heavily played up Zenk's match with DeBeers at SC 4.


Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities




AWA announcer Eric Bischoff was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Bischoff was in a suit and tie.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff!


Fans! We are less than one month away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


The event takes place on Wednesday, October 18, at the Mecca in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are on sale now at all TicketMaster locations and the Mecca box office.


Can't make it to the live event in Milwaukee? The entire Super Clash 4 card will air live on ESPN!


The main event is set!


Finally, after months of wondering who the true, undisputed AWA World Heavyweight Champion is, Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler will clash to settle the matter once and for all.


The match must have a winner.


Plus! Col. DeBeers will battle Tom Zenk in a match that promises to be explosive!


Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson for more huge news on Super Clash 4!


Pic flipped and Larry Nelson, mic in hand, was standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion with AWA boss Verne Gagne.


Nelson: Hi, everybody. Back again with promoter Verne Gagne. Verne, we hear you have two more matches to announce for Super Clash 4 today.


Verne: I do, Larry.


First, it is now official.


The contract has been signed and Greg Valentine gets his wish and will face Baron Von Raschke in his debut match here in the AWA.


Nelson: And we have the Baron with us right now.


Baron Von Raschke, in street clothes. walked into the picture.


Nelson: Baron, you have accepted Greg Valentine's challenge.


Baron: I wouldn't be the Baron if I ran away from a challenge, Larry Nelson.


Greg Valentine is an outstanding wrestler; a man who has won several championships in his career.


I know this match will be a good test for the Baron.


Nelson: Valentine has that dangerous figure 4.


Baron: He does. He does. It can be the end for you if he applies it. The move is merciless. The great pain and possible devastation to one's legs is why so many men quickly give up when locked in the hold.


But, let's remember one thing, Larry Nelson.


Baron bent his right hand into the claw position.


Baron: I have a pretty devastating submission hold, too!


If I lock Valentine in the Claw, he will have trouble escaping my vice-like grip.


Nelson: And you have a mighty strong grip.


Baron: That's what the girls say.


You lock the claw on the right pressure points on a man's head then it is light's out for him.


Greg Valentine, I'll see you in Milwaukee on October 18th.


Nelson: One last thing, Baron.


Baron: What's that?


Nelson: Have you thought more about retirement?


Baron: As I've mentioned before, everyone will know when I retire when I remove my boots in the ring, leave them there and walk off into the sunset with my head held high.

Camera panned in on Nelson and Verne.


Nelson: Alright. You heard from the Baron as he still is giving no indication on if or when he'll retire.


So, Verne, what's the other match that's gonna take place at Super Clash 4?


Verne: Larry, we know that the last two times my son Greg and Larry Zbyszko have met the matches ended without a winner.


We've also heard from both men that they want a third match to settle this matter.


The Gagne-Zbyszko feud is so strong it will probably continue into the next life.


And Larry Zbyszko seems to think that I fight Greg's battles for him. Well, nothing could be further from the truth.


I raised my son to stand on his own two feet and fight his own battles. And that's what Greg will be doing in the match at Super Clash 4.

Zbyszko doesn't have to worry about me being involved.


Nelson: Why is that?


Verne: Because the match is going to take place in the confines of a steel cage!


Nelson: Wow! Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko inside the steel! That match promises to be a dogfight!


Verne: There's certainly no love lost between them. And remember, that cage can be used as a weapon. This should be an extremely...


Nelson: Wait a minute!


Larry Zbyszko, in street clothes, came into the interview area at ringside.


Zbyszko: Did I hear correctly? Verne, I get to tear your boy up inside a steel cage?!


Verne: It's gonna be in a cage, yes.


Zbyszko: And you also said the cage can be used as a weapon?!


Verne: Yes. That's the nature of...


Zbyszko: You can bet the house that I'm gonna weaponize that cage and tear your son apart on the unforgiving steel!


Your boy Greg is in for a crash course in Suffering 101!


Zbyszko stormed out of the interview area.


Nelson: Verne?


Verne: The issue is between Zbyszko and my son.


No matter what happens, my son stands or falls on his own in the match at Super Clash 4.


And I have one more announcement about the cage match and that will occur next week.


Nelson: There you have it, fans!


Two more big matches added for Super Clash 4 on October 18th!


Greg Valentine will make his AWA debut against the always tough 'Clawmaster' Baron Von Raschke.


And, the feud goes on as Larry Zbyszko will battle Greg Gagne in the confines of a steel cage!


Looking like a great card!


This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.


Pic flipped back to Bischoff in studio.


Bischoff: Wow! Huge news from AWA promoter Verne Gagne with two new and exciting matches being added to the wrestling event of 1989...Super Clash 4!


Here is the card as it stands right now:


To determine the undisputed AWA World Champion - There must be a winner: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler


Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk


AWA Debut Match: Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke


Steel Cage Match: Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko


Get your tickets now for Super Clash 4 at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Mecca Box office


If you can't be there in person, be sure to watch the show on ESPN...LIVE...bell time is 6pm Central Time!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week!


Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... 'LIVING LEGEND'???




Robert Hope was in the ring and announced.


Zbyszko came to the ring and called Larry Nelson up on the apron.


Nelson did as told and had a mic.


Zbyszko: I just want to say to this guy...what's his name again?


Nelson: Robert Hope.


Zbyszko: Robert Hope, tonight you have a new name. I'm christening you Greg Gagne.


And, Robert Hope, you have no hope in this match!


Ref called for the bell and Zbyszko toyed with Hope, calling him Greg during the match, before finally finishing Hope off with a piledriver.


After the match, Zbyszko left the ring, grabbed a chair from next to the announcers' table and threw it into the ring. Zbyszko climbed back in and sat the chair upright and then snatched up the hurting and defeated Hope.


Bischoff: Is Zbyszko gonna try and drop Hope across the top of that chair like he did Greg Gagne a few weeks ago?!


Blears: Looks like it, Eric.


Zbysko maneuvered Hope into position to do what he had done to Greg Gagne a few weeks earlier.


Crowd cheered mildly as Greg Gagne, in street clothes, charged down the aisle and hit the ring. Zbyszko released the hapless Hope and bailed to the safety of the floor. Hope crumpled back to the mat.


Zbyszko stalked around on the floor looking up at Greg in the ring. Greg kept his eyes locked on Zbyszko.


Split-screen pic aired with the caption: NEXT... THE SIGNING!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the contract signing for the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion at SC 4.




Video opened with an outside shot of the famous Green Shack restaurant on Fremont Street in Las Vegas.


A covered, long table was sitting inside the restaurant and in the middle of the of the table was a speaker's podium with mic.


Behind the table stood a temporary wall with an enlarged Super Clash 4 logo on it.


Members of the wrestling press were on hand for the historic contract signing.


Out walked AWA announcer-interviewer Larry Nelson.


Nelson: Greetings, everyone.


Flash bulbs went off.


Nelson: Welcome to a true Las Vegas landmark, the Green Shack restaurant on Fremont Street.


The Green Shack is said to be home to the best fried chicken in Sin City. I disagree. It's the best fried chicken in the country!


Some chuckles.


Nelson: It's fitting that this historic contract signing is taking place in this historic restaurant.


As you know, Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter have mainly been engaging in a war of words for months now over who the real AWA World Champion is.


Those words will turn to direct action on Wednesday night, October 18th, at Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when Lawler and Slaughter meet to determine who the undisputed AWA World Champion is.


I should point out that there must be a winner in this match. Because of that stipulation, the match will have no time-limit.


This matter will be put to rest once and for all at Super Clash 4.


Let me first introduce the man who will oversee the contract signing. He is attorney Gustav B. Schirach III.


Schirach walked out in an expensive suit and tie. He shook Nelson's hand and stood off to the side.


Nelson: Gustav handles all my DUI-related legal needs.


And now let me introduce the AWA officials who will witness this signing: president Stanley Blackburn and AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


The two men came out, both in suits, and stood by attorney Schirach III as more flash bulbs went off.


Nelson: And now, let me introduce the participants in the main event at Super Clash 4.


First, he hails from Memphis, Tennessee and claims to be the real AWA Champion...Jerry 'The King' Lawler.


Lawler came out as flash bulbs went off once again. He was in casual attire and had his version of the AWA World Title cradled in his left arm.

Lawler took his seat next to the podium and placed his belt on the table. There was a pitcher of water and glass in front of Lawler and Lawler poured himself a glass of H2O.


Nelson: And now, he hails from Parris Island, South Carolina, he is considered by many to be the reigning AWA World Champion...'America's Hero' Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge came out dressed in an expensive suit and D.I. hat with his version of the gold draped over his left shoulder.


Sarge sat down in his chair on the opposite side of the podium and placed his belt on the table. Sarge also had a pitcher of water and glass in front of him but did not pour himself a glass.


Nelson: I have the contract on the podium here in front of me.


Attorney Gustav B. Schirach III I need to ask this.


GBS moved forward.


Nelson: Have you looked over the contract?


GBS stood next to the podium.


GBS: I have looked at the contract and it is a 100% official, legal and binding document.

Nelson: Thank you.


GBS nodded and stepped back.


Nelson: The first man who needs to sign this document is the man who is making this match a reality, AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

The contract was sitting on the podium.


Nelson flipped to the last page.


Nelson: Verne, if you'll do the honors.


Verne: Certainly.


Verne took the pen from Nelson and signed the contract.


Verne: I just want to say that it's good we'll finally settle this matter at Super Clash 4.


This issue has been brewing for several months now and we need closure. The fans need an undisputed champion. The AWA needs an undisputed World Champion.


Nelson: Thank you, Verne.


Verne nodded and stepped back.


Nelson: Now, Jerry Lawler.


Lawler got up and stepped up to the podium.


Nelson went to hand Lawler the pen but Lawler brushed Nelson off. Lawler held up a fancy box, opened it and pulled out a very expensive pen.


Lawler: It's Mont Blanc. A pen fit for wrestling royalty.


Lawler then signed the contract as more pics were taken.


Lawler: I'm sure Sarge also brought his own pen for this special occasion. He probably found it on the floor of the men's room at the Showboat Hotel Bowling Alley.


Lawler then placed the pen back in the box and sat back down at his seat.


Brief, tense moment.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, please step to the podium.


Sarge got up and was handed the pen by Larry Nelson.


Sarge signed the contract and sat back down.


Nelson: We need attorney Schirach III to look at the contract.


GBS stepped forward and briefly looked over the signatures to make sure all the i's were dotted and t's crossed correctly.


GBS: It's good.


GBS stood back and Nelson held up the contract.


Nelson: It is now set in stone: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed World Champion of the AWA!


And now, some words from the wrestlers.


Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge got up and stepped to the podium as Nelson stood back.


Sarge: It's finally...finally...gonna happen.


For months now, Jerry Lawler, you have denigrated my reign as the AWA World Champion.


You've even stooped so low as to attack my military service.


You said I was a fake World Champion.


You said my belt is nothing but a cheap replica, a knock-off.


But, just like you, I had to win a very real match against a very real champion to claim this title. And I worked damn hard for it. I'm proud of what I've accomplished.


And you come along out of leftfield to tear down the biggest moment of my career.


Well, all this gets settled on October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee!


I feel I've been put in a position where I have to prove yet again that I am a real and worthy holder of this belt!


And I aim to drive that point home loud and clear when we collide at Super Clash 4!


Sarge sat down and Nelson stepped back to the podium.


Nelson: Now, I give you Jerry Lawler.


Lawler stood up and laid his version of the World Title on the podium.


Lawler: This is a match truly fit for a king.


And as you all know, I am the 'King of Wrestling'.


I beat Curt Hennig for the AWA Championship 18 months ago in Memphis. Never lost it.


How can you claim to be the World Champion if you didn't defeat the reigning champion?


That question will be answered at Super Clash 4.


You now have your chance, Sarge, to finally convince the wrestling world that you are indeed the true AWA World Champion.


But, since we're in Vegas right now, I would not bet on that happening.


You didn't beat me to win this title and you aren't doing it in Milwaukee, either.


By the way, where's the limo driver you beat up and took that suit off of?


Sarge shook his head in disbelief and let out a chuckle but was clearly starting to boil.


Lawler: It's gonna be over for you, Sgt. Slaughter, in just a few weeks. I am prepared to expose you for the championship fraud you are.


Lawler held up his belt.


Lawler: This is the real deal belt. I beat a real deal champion in Curt Hennig to win it.


So, Sarge, I have one more question for you.


Your title belt...is it made by Mattel?


That was it...


Sarge shot to his feet and he and Lawler started physically struggling with each other.


The two were locked up with each other and wound up crashing into the temporary wall that had been set up for the contract signing, knocking over the temporary wall.


Security, which had been brought in in case something like this happened, intervened and, after a brief struggle, separated the two.


The four members of security stepped in between the two and kept them at bay. Both men wanted at each other but security did its job. Lawler reached down, picked up his pitcher of water and threw it's contents on Sarge.


Lawler: You're all wet, Sarge!


Security still kept the warring factions apart as a drenched Sarge tried to get at Lawler and the two holding Lawler back removed Lawler from the scene as the program abruptly ended.







DECISION: Double Countout - 14:39


Ken Patera (w/ Brad Rheingans in his corner) vs. Wayne Bloom (w/ Mike Enos in his corner)

WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Bloom's interference backfired - 9:17


Jake Milliman & Greg Gagne vs. Badd Company w/ Mgr. DDP)

WINNER: Milliman & Gagne - Pinfall - Milliman pinned Tanaka with the Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) - 16:51


AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wendi Richter (Chick Champ) vs. Takako Inoue

WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - Reversed a small package - 12:03


ATTENDANCE: 3,392 (Best ASW TV taping attendance in eons. Lawler-Sarge is moving the needle in a positive direction in most towns.)

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The next few posts will be dealing with behind the scenes issues.


When I post the next round of ESPN and syndicated tapings, Super Clash 4 will take place after the 2nd episode of each show (All-Star and AWA on ESPN).


We are getting to the finish here. I know I've said that before but we are awful close to breaking the tape to use a marathon analogy.




From Georgia Championship Wrestling ('82?), Roddy Piper and Bob Armstrong have a problem with each other:





1987 Ric Flair NWA promo video:


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It's early fall and the signs were beginning to show in Minnesota.


September had been a mixed bag for AWA boss Verne Gagne and October and Super Clash 4 were just around the corner.


The West coast house show swing garnered two whiffs and a solid triple.


All three shows were headlined by Lawler-Sarge battling for the AWA World Title.


Seattle, a mixed bag of a wrestling town, saw only 1,236 people at the show in the 5,500 seat Seattle Arena.


Reno, it was hoped, would be a draw because of the AWA's history in nearby San Francisco-Oakland and down south in Las Vegas.


The show in Reno drew 2,109 spectators at the Lawlor Events Center on the University of Nevada-Reno campus.


Not a good start for this three show tour.


But Anaheim was a different story...


The show at the Anaheim Convention Center drew 4,491 fans.


That's the good news and it led Verne to booking the 8,900 seat Anaheim Convention Center for his one day, two-session Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in February '90.


The September ESPN tapings at the Showboat in Vegas were a mixed bag for Verne.


He was happy the tapings drew 3,108 fans. But he was also disappointed by the fact that ticket sales dropped by roughly 1,200 for the Lawler-Sarge re-match (a 1-hour Broadway). Less than 3,000 tickets were sold for the September tapings and attendance only crossed the 3,000 mark because of comps for hotel guests and casino visitors.


But there was a silver lining...


Ticket sales had just topped the 4,000 mark for Super Clash 4.


John Waters and Debbie Harry had sent their accountants to Minnesota go over the AWA's books.


They found the same thing Bob Lurie's people did. The company was in financial freefall.


The Lawler-Sarge program had upped ticket sales in most cities by a sizable margin. But even with more revenue generated by Lawler-Sarge, it still didn't come close to pulling the AWA out of red ink.


In other news...


Verne wondered what Harry and Waters were thinking when they looked at the financial report from their accountants.


As Verne was thinking about all this, his secretary buzzed him and let him know he had a call on line 2.


Verne did not ask who it was. He just picked up the phone and pushed 2.


Verne: This is Verne Gagne.


Man: Yes, Mr. Gagne. My name is Gilbert Low. I'm an attorney.


I'm calling on behalf of Deborah Harry and John Waters.


Verne shot up and leaned forward in his desk chair.


Verne: I'm listening.


Low: They would like to set up a conference call with you in the next few days.


Verne: That would be great.


Low: They are also thinking of coming to Milwaukee to see the Super Clash show and you three could have an in-person discussion about selling the promotion.


Verne: They'd be more than welcome. I am 100% on board with this plan.


Low: I must tell you, John and Deborah were pretty shocked when they saw the financials of your promotion.


Verne: Let's talk about it. That's all we can do.


Low: I'll get back to them and let you know when they can do the conference call, sir.


Verne: Sounds great.


Low: I'll be getting back to you in the next couple of days.

Verne: OK, Gilbert. Talk to you then.


Low: Goodbye.


With that, Verne hung up the phone and sat back in his chair.


A conference call with two serious potential buyers and an in-person meeting in Milwaukee before Super Clash 4 on October 18th.


Verne was confident and nervous at the same time.


He felt Harry and Waters were the right buyers.


But the big question is: Are they willing to take the huge financial risk to try and save the sinking AWA promotion?


Verne was getting close to finding out.



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Deborah Harry had just returned to her penthouse after walking her dogs on a beautiful fall afternoon in the Big Apple when the phone rang.


After a couple of rings Deb picked up.


Deb: Hello.


John: Deb.


Deb: Oh! Hi, John.


John: Hey.


Did you get a chance to look at the financial situation the AWA is in?


Deb: I did and it's not good. Report was worse than I thought it would be.

John: Well?


Deb: Well what?


John: Are you still seriously interested in pursuing this?


Deb: I am. But I sure won't do it alone.


John: Well, after looking at the financial report, I'll only stay on with you on one condition.


Deb: What's that?


John: Did you talk to David (Byrne) and Stiv (Bators) about possibly investing in the company with us?


Deb (sighs): Yeah. Neither was interested.


John: Well, if we can't get a serious third party buyer involved I'm gonna have to walk away from the table.


Deb: Leaving me alone.


John: Deb, look. This company needs an overhaul. We're not just talking about buying the promotion here. We've then got to dig deep and try and re-build the image of the promotion. Sure as hell doesn't stop at whatever we pay Verne for the whole shootin' match.


Deb: I know that. But I believe we can turn this thing around.


John: Yeah, but how long will it take for the turnaround to happen?


Deb: You've got to spend money to make money. If we want to play with the big boys in New York and Atlanta, then we've got to hijack some of their wrestlers with better deals.


John: What if it doesn't work? Over-extending ourselves here would be quite easy to do, ya know.


Deb: Then we'll share a room at the shelter and beg for money and scraps on the same street corners. Pals to the end.


John couldn't help but chuckle.


John: I need the peace of mind to know that we have a third buyer. He could be a minority partner. Something like 10-20% ownership.


Deb: Well, you do have a good point. Would be nice to bring on a third party. Give us a little bit of a cushion as we try and build this thing back up.


The good news is their business is up in many cities because of the feud between Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter.


John: But once those matches run their course, does the AWA snap back to not drawing again? Do they go back to their even more meager ratings? Does ESPN drop them?


Deb: Fair questions.

But any business venture is a risk. And I think if we take control of this baby we can turn it around and make the AWA a major player again in pro wrestling.


John: I'll only do it if we can find a third buyer.


Also, have you seen their syndicated show? It looks like it was made for public access TV.

Deb: Haha! We'll need to upgrade the look of the product at some point.


I'll keep trying to find someone out there, John. There's got to be a money angel somewhere who likes wrestling and wants to own a piece of a major wrestling promotion.


John: That may be true. But the question is: can we find this angel?


Deb: Anything else you need to tell me.


John: Oh! I almost forgot! Conference call with Verne Gagne in three days.


Deb: Don't think we'll get far on the call.


We need to fly to Milwaukee and speak with Verne in-person at the Super Clash show. It will give us a really good chance to see the wrestling up close and personal.


John: Well, let's talk to Verne over the phone first. We need to be up front that we're looking for a third partner. Sounds like this guy's been burned enough in trying to sell. We'll see if we can accommodate him.


Deb: I'll talk with you in three days if not sooner, John.


John: OK!


Oh! One more thing, hon.


Deb: What's that?


John: You really need to trim your bush.


Deb: The little one on my coffee table?


John: Yeah! That one, too!


Deb: Hahahaha!


Talk to you soon, love.


John: Take care, hon.


With that the call ended.


This matter was clearly coming to a conclusion. Would Harry, Waters and, if they can find one, a third party buyer, purchase the company? Or would another potential deal to sell slip through Verne's fingers?




First five series game results now posted in my non-wrestling BTB titled '77 Giants:


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The calendar had just flipped over to October.


Verne Gagne was sitting at his desk reading the Minneapolis Star-Tribune Sports section and drinking a cup of coffee. He was having trouble concentrating on a story about the Vikings early season successes and failures when his secretary buzzed him and let him know that John Waters (from Baltimore) and Deborah Harry (from New York) were on the phone.


Verne's phone had been set up for a conference call.


Verne picked up.


Verne: Deborah? John?


John: Yeah. Hello, Mr. Gagne.


Deb: Hi, Mr. Gagne.


Verne: Hello. Nice to finally talk with you two.


And please, call me Verne.


John: Okay.


Verne: Well now, seeing as I'm an old timer, Deborah, you're the lead singer of the band Blondie.

Deb: Correct.


Verne: And John, you're a Hollywood director.


John: That's right.


Verne: I'll admit that I really don't much about the work of either of you so I was hoping to ask a couple of questions.


Deb: Shoot.


Verne: Deborah, from what I gather your band is world famous and has turned out a lot of hit records.


Deb: We have. To quote a former announcer of yours, Rod Trongard, we've toured from coast-to-coast, continent-to-continent and border-to-border.


Verne: Hahaha.


John, can you tell me some of the movies you've made?

John: I recently did the movie Hairspray in which Deborah was one of the stars. Another film I made that's become a cult classic is called Pink Flamingos.


Verne: I'll have to check them out some day.


John: I hope you will.


Verne: Well, as for myself, I...


Deb: Verne, you need no introduction.


We know you're one of the best scientific wrestlers of all-time as well as one of the most successful promoters in wrestling.


John: We watched some of your matches.

Verne: Really? Against who?


Deb: We saw you wrestle Billy Robinson at Comiskey Park in...1974 I believe it was. We watched you defend the belt against Baron Von Raschke.


John: We also watched two of your matches with Nick Bockwinkel, including your retirement match.


It was good stuff. I think I speak for both Deb and myself when I say we liked the way wrestling was presented then.


Deb: Agreed.


Verne: What did you like about it?


John: Well, it was presented as a sport and not some cartoon spectacle.


And that's one of the things that will separate us from the WWF if we buy the promotion. We seek to be the true alternative to the WWF. And that means a more sports-based presentation.


Verne: I like the sound of that.


Now, let's discuss the matter at hand.


Any questions?


Deb: Yes. How much are you looking to sell for?

Verne: My asking price is $3 million, but I am flexible.


John: Verne, there is one thing we need to bring up.


Verne: I'm assuming it's about what you saw in the financials.

John: Yes, it is.


The AWA is in pretty deep financial distress.


Verne: It's unfortunate but true.


Things have been better lately, however, because the feud between Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler over who the undisputed AWA World Champion is has upped ticket sales considerably.

Deb: We read about that.

Verne: Can I ask where you read it?


Deb: Oh, god. Um... A friend of mine gave me a copy of a newsletter called the Wrestling Observer.

Verne: I see.


John: We assume you know what it is.

Verne: It's hard not to inside the business.


The thing I don't like about Dave Meltzer is he's basically a parasite. He makes his living off the blood, sweat and tears of others.


I don't give a damn if what he says in that publication of his is 100% true or not. It's just something that should not be out there in my opinion.


Look, I'm going to tell you something. You probably already know it. This business is a work. It's a sport in which stories are told in the ring to drive the emotions of the fans and leave them wanting more in the hopes they'll buy tickets to future shows in their town.


Winners and losers are pre-determined, usually by the booker. They bleed by using cut down razor blades they hide on their bodies.


Angles, angles are an incident or series of incidents that are created that makes people want to pay their hard-earned money to see two guys or tag teams fight each other.


The booker is possibly the most important person in a promotion because he's usually the one who creates all these things.


John: Can I ask you something?

Verne: Shoot.


John: The interviews...are they scripted or improvised?


Verne: Here's how it works. The booker will feed a wrestle bullet points. Bullet points are points the wrestler needs to hit on during an interview. But the words are the wrestlers. Someone else may offer suggestions on how to say certain things or maybe even some phrases to use, but the bottom line is the words are the wrestlers. We don't script in the AWA and I hope it stays that way if you buy the company.

John: As we said before: we want to be the true alternative to the WWF.


Verne: I hope that was helpful.


Deb: It was. And I'm sure we'll learn a lot more about how wrestling works if we buy.


But Verne, back to the financials.


Verne: Yes.


Deb: John and I are searching for a third partner to help in the purchase of the company. This is a high risk venture we'd be getting into.


Verne: If you don't find a third buyer?


Deb: I'm sorry. We'll have to walk away.




John: Another thing we wanted to bring up is that we'd love to come to Super Clash 4 and see the show.


And while there, we could discuss further business in person.


Verne: That sounds good. I'll comp you for the show.


Maybe we could meet earlier in the day at a restaurant or something and discuss business.


Deb: Thank you, Verne. Sounds good.


John: It does.


Verne: Hoping you find a third partner.


Deb: We are, too.


I love wrestling and I think it would be an interesting challenge for us to own a promotion. We think there's a chance to turn this thing around.


John: I grew up in Baltimore, so I remember the likes of Bruno Sammartino, Buddy Rogers, Antonino Rocca.


Verne: I had better hair than all those guys when I had hair.


John and Deb laughed.


Deb: Well, let's set up a meeting in Milwaukee on the morning or afternoon of October 18th before the show.


Verne: Sounds like a good plan.


John: We'll update you on our hunt for a third investor and let you know where we stand that day.


Verne: Appreciate it. If we don't talk until then I'll see you in Milwaukee on the 18th.


Deb: Nice talking to you, Verne.


John: Yes, it was.


Verne: Good talking to both of you. Take care.


John: Bye.


Deb: Goodbye.


Verne hung up the phone. He felt that he was close to a deal. Waters and Harry just had to find a third investor and, after some haggling over $, Verne could finally sell the promotion that had been his life for 30 years and ride off into the sunset.




First six series game results now posted in my non-wrestling BTB titled '77 Giants:


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Was that genuinely Verne's opinion on Meltzer? LMAO. I have to ask if Verne thought journalists who covered sports, or politics, or wars, or film, were also "parasites", or if he even understood what the concept of a "journalist" is.


A lot of the old school guys hated that publication being out there. Bret Hart hated him at first and thought he was damaging the business. Vince McMahon called sheet writers 'dirt bags'. Mick Foley once said that wrestlers in the locker room hated the publication but devoured every word of it if someone had a copy of the Observer.


I don't know what VG really thought about it. Probably didn't like it but eventually accepted it.


It's just something I threw in as something to say. Not a knock on Meltzer, whose work is second to none in covering the business. Just coming at it from the perspective of an old school promoter.


Depends on what you mean by 'journalist'.

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Oh, I was just putting the word in quotes, I was referring to journalism in general. I know old-school guys generally don't like Meltzer (and people who hate AEW) and I wasn't accusing you, I just didn't know if that had been Verne's genuine opinion in those words, like you'd picked them up from a quote somewhere.
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Oh, I was just putting the word in quotes, I was referring to journalism in general. I know old-school guys generally don't like Meltzer (and people who hate AEW) and I wasn't accusing you, I just didn't know if that had been Verne's genuine opinion in those words, like you'd picked them up from a quote somewhere.


I was just going on the belief that Verne held the same view of the publication as his cronies did.


For the record, I think Meltzer's a great journo. Used to subscribe to the WO before losing interest in the biz 15 or so years ago.


I know you weren't accusing me of anything.

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(NOTE: The first 2 tapings of AWA on ESPN and All-Star Wrestling in syndication in this set will air before SC 4. Tapings 3 and 4 off each show will air after SC 4. Also, I'll be laying out each match from start-to-finish for SC 4.)


(1st Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro: https://youtu.be/XV5YFK7k7t


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


SPECIAL CHALLENGE MATCH: Jonnie Stewart vs. Baron Von Raschke


NON-TITLE: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Rip Rogers


A look back at last week's contract signing for the match at SC 4 between Sarge and Lawler


A Super Clash 4 Update (The final match for the show will be announced)


More comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine


A steel cage exhibition from Larry Zbyszko


Manny Fernandez sees action


Magnificent Mimi grapples


And more!


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.


Lee Marshall was back in the main broadcast position and thanked fans for their concern over his well-being after the attack by Tommy Rich a month ago that left Marshall a bloody mess.


Marshall also thanked Eric Bischoff for filling in and Lord Blears told Marshall Bischoff did a good job on short notice.


Marshall: Do you think Bischoff has a future in this sport, Lord James?


Blears: I do, Lee. He's a bright young man who I think might go places in this business. Good head on his shoulders. An astute observer of the sport and its finer points.

Marshall: Sounds like we may see more of Mr. Bischoff on AWA programming in the future.


Blears: I hope so.


Marshall: Lord James, I do need to add one more thing.


Tommy Rich, we are getting close. Very soon, I'm gonna step in that ring and call you out.


I've talked with AWA officials and they are willing to lift your current suspension.


There's just one thing I need to ask you, Tommy. Just one thing.


And you'll find out what it is when you step in that ring with me very soon.


Tom Zenk won a squash match over Theodore Ruxpin via pinfall after a superkick




Nelson: Tom Zenk, we are now just a couple of weeks away from Super Clash 4 and your big showdown with Col. DeBeers.


Zenk: Larry, the time for talkin' is just about over!


What you fans are gonna witness at Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee will not be a match between myself and the Colonel! It will be a war!


Crowd cheered.


Zenk: DeBeers! I've had all I can take from you! Your words and actions show that you are indeed a man of low character! I still have headaches from time-to-time from when you hit me in the face while wearing that coal miner's glove! So you have done damage, Colonel!


Super Clash 4 is gonna be where I repay you for that damage! I like a good, clean wrestling match just like everyone else! But this is gonna be anything but that!


A man came to the ring and climbed up on the apron. He had a padded manilla envelope.


Nelson: Just a sec, Tom.


Nelson went over and had words off-mic with the man. The man handed Nelson the envelope then left the scene.


Nelson looked at the envelope.


Nelson: Tom Zenk, this is for you.


Zenk: What is it?


Nelson shrugged.


Nelson: I don't know.


Zenk cautiously opened the envelope. He looked inside and let out a chuckle of disbelief.


Nelson: What is it?


Zenk reached in and pulled out the item for all to see.


Nelson: Is that what I think it is?!


Zenk: If you were thinking a coal miner's glove then you guessed right.


I don't know what the message being sent here is.


But, I do know one thing.


Colonel, if you sent this glove as some sort of intimidation tactic...IT FAILED!


I'll see you in Milwaukee on October 18th, DeBeers!


Nelson: Tom Zenk, everybody!


Pic aired of Sarge and Lawler with caption: NEXT... SIGNING RE-VISITED!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from the end of the contract signing between Sarge and Lawler to decide the undisputed AWA World Champion at SC 4.




Nelson: It is now set in stone: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed World Champion of the AWA!


And now, some words from the wrestlers.


Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge got up and stepped to the podium as Nelson stood back.


Sarge: It's finally...finally...gonna happen.


For months now, Jerry Lawler, you have denigrated my reign as the AWA World Champion.


You've even stooped so low as to attack my military service.


You said I was a fake World Champion.


You said my belt is nothing but a cheap replica, a knock-off.


But, just like you, I had to win a very real match against a very real champion to claim this title. And I worked damn hard for it. I'm proud of what I've accomplished.


And you come along out of leftfield to tear down the biggest moment of my career.


Well, all this gets settled on October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee!


I feel I've been put in a position where I have to prove yet again that I am a real and worthy holder of this belt!


And I aim to drive that point home loud and clear when we collide at Super Clash 4!


Sarge sat down and Nelson stepped back to the podium.


Nelson: Now, I give you Jerry Lawler.

Lawler stood up and laid his version of the World Title on the podium.


Lawler: This is a match truly fit for a king.


And as you all know, I am the 'King of Wrestling'.


I beat Curt Hennig for the AWA Championship 18 months ago in Memphis. Never lost it.


How can you claim to be the World Champion if you didn't defeat the reigning champion?


That question will be answered at Super Clash 4.


You now have your chance, Sarge, to finally convince the wrestling world that you are indeed the true AWA World Champion.


But, since we're in Vegas right now, I would not bet on that happening.


You didn't beat me to win this title and you aren't doing it in Milwaukee, either.


By the way, where's the limo driver you beat up and took that suit off of?


Sarge shook his head in disbelief and let out a chuckle but was clearly starting to boil.


Lawler: It's gonna be over for you, Sgt. Slaughter, in just a few weeks. I am prepared to expose you for the championship fraud you are.

Lawler held up his belt.


Lawler: This is the real deal belt. I beat a real deal champion in Curt Hennig to win it.


So, Sarge, I have one more question for you.


Your title belt...is it made by Mattel?


That was it...

Sarge shot to his feet and he and Lawler started physically struggling with each other.


The two were locked up with each other and wound up crashing into the temporary wall that had been set up for the contract signing, knocking over the temporary wall.


Security, which had been brought in in case something like this happened, intervened and, after a brief struggle, separated the two.


The four members of security stepped in between the two and kept them at bay. Both men wanted at each other but security did its job. Lawler reached down, picked up his pitcher of water and threw it's contents on Sarge.


Lawler: You're all wet, Sarge!

Security still kept the warring factions apart as a drenched Sarge tried to get at Lawler and the two holding Lawler back removed Lawler from the scene as the program abruptly ended.




In-Studio: Nelson said that these guys despise one another and everything comes to a head at SC 4 in two weeks. Hyped Sarge's non-title bout for later in the show.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.


Magnificent Mimi won a squash match over Tonya Harding via pinfall with the missle dropkick


Mimi took the mic from Larry Nelson after the match.


Mimi: M-A-G-N-I-F-I-C-E-N-T...Magnificent! That's me!


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 4!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine.




Video opened with footage of Valentine working out in a gym. He was in a tank top, gym shorts, tennis shoes and socks. Greg was shown doing the bench press, squats, lifting dumbells, leg presses and running on the treadmill.


Pic then showed a sweaty Valentine, towel around his neck and using it to wipe the sweat off his face, with mic in hand.


Greg caught his breath.


Greg: What you people just witnessed was a little taste of the intense Greg Valentine workout. I'm getting ready for my first match in a few months and I want to be at my physical peak for my match with Baron Von Raschke at Super Clash 4. I also want to look good for my return and when the ref raises my hand in victory that night. It's gonna be one helluva debut here in the AWA for 'The Hammer'.


Also, I want to be in top shape so the ladies can look at me in awe and drool over this god-like physique. Take a look at it ladies.


Valentine tosed the towel and tank top and put down the mic and struck a few bodybuilder poses.


Valentine picked up the mic.


Greg: I know there are women out there, some of them ugly heifers unfortunately, who started kissing their TV sets when I just did that posing demonstration. Memo to most women: you can't have all this. I'm very selective when it comes to the ladies. I make my choices very carefully. And you Miss Piggy's need not apply for a night of passion with Greg Valentine.


But let me get back to the point at hand.


Baron Von Raschke... Brother, look at me! I am one awesome son of a gun!


And I am looking forward to taking down a true legend of the sport on October 18th in Milwaukee!


At Super Clash 4...'Hammer Time' officially arives in the AWA!




In-Studio: Nelson hyped the SC 4 debut of Greg Valentine against Baron Von Raschke.


Nelson then hyped tonight's TV main, a Special Challenge Match pitting Jonnie Stewart against Baron Von Raschke.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Jonnie Stewart.




Stewart was in street clothes holding a mic. He was also wearing sunglasses.


Stewart: I went to the AWA bosses, ha, what group of pips those guys are!


I demanded that they give me a match with Baron Von Raschke! And the Baron agreed to it!


You see, the Baron keeps debating on whether or not to retire from wrestling!


I'm gonna help him make his decision tonight!


I intend to batter the beloved Claw Master into submission! He'll have to sue to stop the beating he's gonna get from the 'Wrestler of the '90s' in the main event!


Baron! You've had your time in the sun in this business! It's time to step aside and let the younger blood have their time to step up and be the standard bearers of professional wrestling!


Baron Von Raschke's in the way of progress in our sport! He's a bald-headed obstacle!


And the only way to get rid of an obstacle is to remove it! Baron Von Raschke will be an obstacle no more after I get through with him!


Pic aired of an empty steel cage with caption: NEXT... STEEL CAGE DEMO!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the Greg Gagne-Larry Zbyszko cage match for SC 4. Then intro'd this steel cage demonstration by Larry Zbyszko.


VIDEO: Shot of the empty steel cage in a non-descript gym.


Eric Bischoff was standing by the cage with mic in hand.


Bischoff: Hello, everybody. This is Eric Bischoff at a gym here in Las Vegas.


As you can see, a steel cage has been set up around the ring.


On hand are a couple of AWA officials and two EMT's should there be a serious injury during this demonstration.


Larry Zbyszko, if I can have a word with you.

Zbyszko walked into the picture in his ring attire.


Zbyszko: Let's hurry this up, boy! I've got a clinic to put on!


In the background, a wrestler in tights and boots is seen walking into the cage.


Bischoff: Larry, you've said you're putting on a steel cage demonstration for us.


Zbyszko: That's right. I am going to show the people out there just how unforgiving the steel cage can be when used as a weapon.


Bischoff: Do you...


Zbyszko stared at Bischoff.


Zbyszko: Does Maaco paint your hair?


Bischoff chuckled nervously.


Bischoff: Back to the topic at hand...


Zbyszko: I'm already tired of talking to you, Bischoff!


Time to unleash the fury on this guy in the ring.


Zbyszko made his way up the steps and stepped into the cage.


Zbyszko turned and gestured for Bischoff's mic and Bischoff handed it up to him.


Zbyszko: Hey, buddy!


Zbyszko gestured for the other wrestler to come over.


Wrestler walked into the picture.


Zbyszko: What's your name?


Wrestler: George South.


Zbyszko: George what?


Wrestler: South.


Zbyszko: George South.


Okay. Now, for the people at home and my attorney, you signed a waiver absolving me, Larry Zbyszko, of any harm I may do to you in this steel cage exhibition, correct?


South: That is correct.

Zbyszko: That's all we needed to know.


Zbyszko then insulted South by patting South on the side of the face.


Zbyszko handed the mic back to Bischoff and Bischoff closed the cage door.


South went over to the corner to loosen up by pulling on the top rope. Zbyszko, being the class act he is, charged over and jumped South from behind. Zbyszko pounded away on South as Bischoff called the action from the floor.


Zbyszko threw South head-first into the cage. South staggered back and spun around and Zbyszko grabbed South again and threw him head-first into the other side of the cage. South stunned. South moved in on Zbyszko and Zbyszko nailed South with a jumping sole kick to the chest. South crashed to the mat. Zbyszko dropped down on top of South and blistered South in the head with punches. Zbyszko then took South and violently scraped South's head along the steel mesh. South went down.


Bischoff (yelling): Is this over?!


Zbyszko picked up on the mic.


Zbyszko (yelling): Hell no!


Zbyszko snapped up South. South now bleeding.


Zbyszko: One more time!


Zbyszko again violently scraped South's head across the steel mesh.


Zbyszko popped South with some well-placed punches on the cut and South went back down.


Bischoff: I think you've proven your point, Larry!

Zbyszko (mocking Bischoff): I think you've proven your point!


Shut up, Mr. Carved Hair!

South started getting up and was now not only bleeding, but had joined the full-blown crimson mask club.


Zbyszko grabbed South and threw South across the ring and South got airborne and hit the other side of the cage horizontally. South slid down the side of the cage onto the apron.


Bischoff (stunned voice): This is now uncalled for!

Zbyszko picked up on the mic.


Zbyszko: You wanna be next, Bischoff?!


As South got to his knees, Zbyszko reached down and pulled the bloody South up by both sides of his head.


Zbyszko then slammed the back of South's head into the steel post that held up the center of one side of the cage. South doubled over grabbed the back of his head.


Zbyszko then maimed South a little more with another head-first drag across the mesh. South went down and Larry booted the guy.


Zbyszko quickly left the cage and dropped to the floor and walked up to Bischoff.


Zbyszko: Just wanted to let everybody know I'm almost done! Not quite, but almost!


South had gotten to his feet and was leaned through the top and middle rope preparing to leave the cage when Zbyszko went over and slammed the cage door on South's head. South crashed back to the mat.


Zbyszko: Penalty for early withdrawal, George!


Zbyszko climbed back into the ring, snapped South up by the back of the hair and shoved the extremely bloody South's face into the camera.


Zbyszko: Look at that! All courtesy of the steel cage!


Bischoff: This demonstration should be over! Zbyszko has proven his point about weaponizing the cage!


Zbyszko then popped South in the bloody head with more punches and then hoisted South up and dropped him on the top buckle. Zbyszko climbed up to the middle buckle and popped South with a few more head shots and then grabbed South's head and slammed the back of it multiple times into the corner steel where posts meets post.


Bischoff: Oh my god! Will somebody please stop this!

Zbyszko dropped to the mat. A dazed and confused South rocked forward and crashed helplessly to the mat. Zbyszko then grabbed South, hoisted South up and nailed South with a piledriver. Zbyszko then snapped South back up and hit him with a second piledriver. South laid out like a ragdoll.


The AWA officials and both EMT's climbed into the cage. Zbyszko had brief words with the officials and then left the cage and dropped to the floor.


Bischoff: What the hell were the piledrivers for?!


Zbyszko: The piledrivers?


Zbyszko shrugged.


Zbyszko: Because I felt like it!


And this message goes out to one man! Greg Gagne, I know you'll see this! Did you see the horror I just inflicted on that guy?!


It's gonna be even worse for you, Greg, at Super Clash 4! I'm gonna use that cage to rip the flesh from your body! I'm gonna make you bleed like a stuck pig! And there's nothing...NOTHING...your daddy will be able to do about it!


Bischoff: Look at what you've done to George South!


Zbyszko looked back. Shot of the EMT's working on South in the ring.


Zbyszko: Did he sign up for it, Bischoff?! Huh?! Did he?!


Bischoff: He did, but...


Zbyszko: Shut up, man! He signed up for this exhibition, knew their could be injuries inflicted on his person and he suffered and suffered bad at my hands!

Zbyszko stormed out as the EMT's continued checking on South in the cage as AWA officials looked on with deep concern on their faces.


Bischoff: Wow! This has been just surreal! We hope George South is okay. He's an absoluite bloody mess.

One last shot of South with blood on his face, in his hair and on his body.


Bischoff: This is Eric Bischoff reporting to you from Las Vegas.




In-Studio: Nelson hyped the cage match between Zbyszko and Gagne and said it looks like it could get ugly.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.


Manny Fernandez won a squash match over Andrew Clay via pinfall with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher


Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT.. PRE-SC 4 ACTION!




NON-TITLE: Sgt. Slaughter (WC) vs. Rip Rogers


Before the match, Jerry Lawler, with title in tow, came out uninvited to a 70/30 split boos to cheers and went over and sat at the timekeeper's table.


Marshall: Jerry Law... you weren't scheduled to be out here for this match.


Lawler: Thought I'd sit in and watch the action up close.


Marshall shook his head.


Marshall: Can we get another headset out here, please.


Rogers entered the ring and was announced by Larry Nelson.


Marine Corps Hymn played and out came World Champion Sgt. Slaughter to solid support from the crowd.


Sarge handed out little American flags to fans on the way to the ring.


Lawler now had a headset on.


Lawler: Look at Sgt. Slaughter bribing these fans by giving them free stuff. He must be preparing to run for office after he loses to me at Super Clash.


Marshall: You have to wonder if Sgt. Slaughter isn't taking a serious risk here wrestling a match just before Super Clash 4.


Lawler: Well, no one ever accused him of being the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Marshall: Please, Jerry.


Lawler: That's World Champion Jerry to you and Lord Littlebrook over there.

Sarge made his way into the ring and saluted the fans. Sarge took off his belt and handed it to the ref.


Nelson intro'd Sarge. Sarge looked over at Lawler sitting at the announce table.


Rogers took the opportunity to jump Sarge from behind.


Ref called for the bell.


Rogers pounded away on Sarge, whipped Sarge into the buckles and moved in and blasted Sarge with a series of European uppercuts.


Lawler: Sarge sure looks impressive, doesn't he?

Rogers whipped Sarge into the opposite buckles. Rogers charged in on Sarge but Sarge got a boot up and caught Rogers flush in the jaw. Rogers staggered away holding his jaw.


Sarge out fo the corner, grabbed Rogers and repeatedly slammed Roger's head into the top buckle as the crowd counted along.


Lawler: AMAZING!!!

Marshall: What?

Lawler: These fans can count to 10!


Marshall: Seriously, 'King'?!


Sarge whipped Rogers into the buckles and charged in and blasted Rogers with a running clothesline. Rogers stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Lawler stood up at the announce position and Sarge looked over.


Lawler picked his title belt up off the table and waved it in the air.


Lawler: Look, Sarge! The real World Title belt!

Sarge was briefly distracted by Lawler's antics and then shifted his focus back to Rogers. As Sarge bent over to pull Rogers to his feet, Rogers stunned Sarge with a quick thumb to the eye and then rolled Sarge up in a small package. 1... Sarge kicked out.


Lawler: That was a slow count by the ref!

Marshall: Do you mind?!


Rogers and Sarge up and Rogers went to punch Sarge but Sarge blocked the punch try and fired back on Rogers with a series of punches and then grabbed the stunned Rogers by the hair, wound up his right arm and blasted Rogers with a roundhouse right to the jaw. Rogers crashed to the mat. Sarge snapped Rogers up, whipped Rogers into the ropes and caught Rogers coming off with an elbow to the chest. The move spun Rogers around and Sarge moved in and caught Rogers in his cobra clutch finisher. Rogers briefly put up a struggle but quickly faded. Rogers dropped to his knees locked in the hold. Ref raised Roger's arm twice and it fell back at Rogers' side. Ref raised Rogers' arm a third time, held it in the air briefly, let it go and it fell helplessly against Rogers' side. Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd cheered.


Ref was handed Sarge's title belt and went over and handed the belt to Sarge and raised his hand in victory to the delight of the majority of the crowd.


Jerry Lawler picked up his belt and left the broadcast position and climbed up on the apron.


Lawler pointed at Sarge and then defiantly thrust his belt in the air. Around 30% of the crowd cheered Lawler.


Sarge then defiantly hoisted his belt in the air to around 70% cheers.


Lawler called Larry Nelson up to the apron. Nelson obliged with mic in hand.


Lawler: Sgt. Slaughter! That's gonna be the last time you hoist that fake title of yours in the air victoriously!


Come October 18th, I'm gonna stake my claim to being the undisputed AWA World Champion!


And these fans of yours, well, their silence will be deafening after our match at Super Clash 4!


And then, you can put that belt of yours right where it belongs...in the trash because it's a garbage belt!


Nelson quickly climbed in the ring and went up to Sarge.


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter, your response!


Sarge: Listen, Lawler!


I've had it with you calling this belt a fake championship! At the contract signing between us, you had the gall to ask if this title belt was made by Mattel!


Well, at Super Clash 4 in Milwaukee, I'm gonna show you that this is a real deal World Championship strap when I beat you, shut you up and send you packing back to Memphis, where you can dream about the halcyon days of when you were so brave you fought men like Andy Kaufman!


Crowd popped.


Nelson quickly moved back to Lawler on the apron.


Lawler: Sarge! At least when Andy was the Intergender Champion he was a legitimate champion!

Some in the crowd popped for Lawler's remark.


Lawler: You're World Championship reign has been as phony as a $3 dollar bill!


I'm gonna be your own personal Geraldo Rivera when I expose you for the fraud you are at Super Clash 4!


Nelson went back over to Sarge mid-ring.


Sarge: 'King'! You have hurt my title reign with your accusations of me being a fake World Champion because I didn't beat you for this belt!


Well, that's all gonna be settled at Super Clash 4!


One of us is gonna walk out of that ring the undisputed champion!


And I have every intention of that being me! And I will finally put to bed your false, baseless accusations and these fans and the wrestling world will know that I am indeed a true and worthy World Champion!


Sarge once again hoisted his belt in the air to majority cheers and Lawler responded on the apron by raising his title belt in the air as the segment abruptly ended.


WINNER: Sarge - Submission - 3:01


Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!






Eric Bischoff was seated behind a desk in the SC 4 Control Center.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff and this is your Super Clash 4 update!


Fans! We are now just two weeks away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989!


Super Clash 4 takes place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are still available for this historic wrestling event through all TicketMaster outlets and at the Mecca box office.


Can't join us in person? No problem. Super Clash 4 will be airing live on ESPN!


We've got four great matches lined up so far and we hear there's another match to announce for Super Clash.


Let's send it to Larry Nelson who is standing by with Verne Gagne.


Pic flipped and Nelson and Gagne, Nelson in a tux and Verne in a suit, were standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.


Once again, I'm with promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, I hear you have another match to add to an already fantastic Super Clash 4 card.


Verne: I do, Larry.


This the fifth and final match that will be taking place at Super Clash 4.


As you know, Manny Fernandez has challenged undefeated Sam Houston to a match.


I'm excited to announce that Fernandez vs. Houston will be taking place at Super Clash 4.

Nelson: Yet another great match added to the wrestling event of 1989.


Let's bring in Sam Houston.


Houston walked into the interview area in street clothes.


Nelson: Sam, you'll be putting your undefeated streak on the line against a tough customer in Manny Fernandez at Super Clash 4.

Houston: I am excited about the challenge, Larry. I know Manny's a tough wrestler. But you've got to beat guys on the level of Fernandez if you want to succeed in this sport.


Beating him would be huge as I continue to climb my way up the ladder here in the AWA.


And I wanted to say one more thing.


Nelson: What's that?


Houston: At Super Clash 4, I'm finally gonna put an end to the secrecy. I'm going to reveal who my coach is who has helped me start my AWA career undefeated.

Nelson: We're finally gonna meet him.

Houston: You got that right, Larry.


Nelson: Now, let's bring in Manny Fernandez.


Fernandez walked into the interview area in his street clothes.


Nelson: Manny...


Manny: Can the chatter, Nelson!


Gringo Houston, let me tell you something!


You think you're hot stuff because you're undefeated here in the AWA!


Well, at Super Clash 4, you're undefeated streak is going to come to a crashing end! I'm gonna teach you a lesson in humility, Houston! And I'm gonna do it right in front of this beloved coach of yours!

You've got to learn to accept losing! And that acceptance starts when your square dancing hick ass loses to me!




Houston: Personally, I prefer line dancing. See you in Milwaukee, brother.


Manny: I ain't your brother, man! You're nothing but a colonizer in my eyes! See you in two weeks!


Manny stormed out of the interview area.


Nelson: Sam, anything to say in repsonse to that?


Sam: I'll let my wrestling do the talking for me at Super Clash 4.


Sam left the interview area.


Nelson: Verne, Fernandez-Houston promises to be quite the battle.


Verne: It does. And it's gonna be great to see who's been coaching Sam to all this success here in the AWA when he's revealed at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: I'm sure there will be a lot of speculation as to who it is leading up to Super Clash.


Now, last week you said you had another announcement concerning the cage match between Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne.


Verne: I do. And that's why I wanted both Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne here today.


Nelson: Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne, come on in.


Greg and Zbyszko walked in from opposite into the interview area.


Zbyszko: What's the big news, Verne? You gonna tell us you put Greg back on your health insurance?


Greg: Quit disrespecting my dad, Zbyszko.


Verne: Gentlemen, let's keep it peaceful until your cage match at Super Clash.


The announcement I'm making is this: there will be a special referee for your match at Super Clash 4.


Zbyszko: I knew it! You just can't keep your damn schnozz out of your son's business! You know what's going to happen to him inside that cage and now Big Daddy Gagne has to step in and save his son from the thrashing he so richly deserves!


Verne: Shut up, Larry!


Zbyszko: Why are you telling Larry Nelson to shut up?!

Verne: I'm talking to you! Let me finish the announcement!


The special referee is here right now.


Zbyszko: Let me guess. You're gonna pull out a referee shirt and put it on and say: Surprise! I'm the ref! Gotta protect my boy!


Greg: Forget Super Clash! Let's go out in the parking lot right now, Zbyszko!


Verne: Both of you, please, let's save it for October 18th!


The guest referee is not me. But it's someone both of you know very well.


Zbyszko: Who is it? Wally Karbo. Ha! That would be a laugh watching that clown try and control a match!

Verne: He's coming and he's right over there.


Verne pointed in the direction of the face entrance aisle and Zbyszko, Greg and Nelson looked over.


Nelson: Oh my! He's back!


Zbyszko (beside himself): Hey! No way! You can't do this, Verne! He is not refereeing our cage match!


The man calmly walked into the interview area stylishly dressed in casual attire.


Nelson: Nick Bockwinkel! Welcome back to the AWA!

Bockwinkel (calm): Thank you, Larry. It's great to be back. The AWA is my wrestling home.


Nelson: You're the special referee for the cage match between these two.


Zbyszko: I'm gonna say it right now! I am wrestling the cage match under protest!


Verne: You signed the contract, Larry. Protest if you wish. But it won't do you any good.


Bockwinkel (calm): Let me assure Mr. Greg Gagne and Mr. Zbyszko that I am going to be an impartial referee who will call the match right down the middle. The cage match will be determined by you two and not the referee.


Zbyszko: I bet! Might be time to break out the nunchucks again to make sure you know your place in the match!

Bockwinkel (calm): Mr. Zbyszko, might I remind you that striking an official with your hand or a weapon could result in a long suspension or heavy fine from the AWA.


Zbyszko (angry): You just do your damn job at Super Clash 4, Bockwinkel...or else!


Zbyszko angrily stormed out of the interview area.


Greg: Good to see you back, Nick.


Bockwinkel: Thank you, Greg. But I want you to know I'm not playing favorites in this match.

Greg: I would not have it any other way.

Nelson: Nick Bockwinkel is the special referee for the cage match between Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne at Super Clash 4.


This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.

Pic flipped back to Bischoff.


Bischoff: There you have it. Super Clash 4 is set with a super card.


Here's the match rundown:






THIS IS WAR! Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk


AWA DEBUT MATCH: Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke


CAN HE STAY UNDEFEATED?: Sam Houton (Undefeated) vs. Manny Fernandez


What a show you fans will witness either live at the Mecca Arena, seats are still available, or from the comfort of your home on ESPN on October 18th with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


Super Clash 4 is indeed looking like the wrestling event of 1989!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week with the final Super Clash 4 update!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped Super Clash 4.


Nelson then intro'd comments from Baron Von Raschke about his match with Jonnie Stewart.




Baron was in his ring attire and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Baron: So, Jonnie Stewart has challenged me to a match, huh?


I just have one thing to say.


Baron made the claw gesture with his right hand.


Baron: That is all the people need to know.




Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT - CHALLENGE MATCH: Jonnie Stewart vs. Baron Von Raschke


Stewart came to the ring first and was roundly booed.


Crowd buzzing in anticipation of his opponent.


Crowd popped when Baron Von Raschke made his way down the face entrance aisle to the ring.


Baron climbed in the ring and made the claw gesture and did the goose-step to the delight of the fans.


Jonnie Stewart took the mic from Larry Nelson.


Jonnie: Baron! After I get through with you tonight...you're gonna be easy pickins' for Greg Valentine at Super Clash 4!


Crowd booed.


Stewart handed the mic off and the ref called for the bell.


The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jonnie quickly got inside on the Baron and nailed him with a couple of knees to the gut. Jonnie whipped Baron into the ropes and looked to catch Baron coming off with a backdrop, but Baron leapfrogged Jonnie, spun around, grabbed Jonnie and ran Jonnie into the ropes and rolled Jonnie up for the pin. 1..2... Jonnie kicked Baron off. Both men up and Jonnie caught Baron with a boot to the gut that doubled the aging German (who knew Nebraska was in Germany?) star over. Jonnie pounded the Baron's neck area with a series of delierate elbows and then caught Baron in a front facelock and started to work over the Baron's neck. Baron struggled to free himself from the hold. Baron maneuvered around while locked in the hold and was able to drive Jonnie back-first into the turnbuckles. Jonnie lost his grip on the hold and Baron peppered Jonnie with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Baron whipped Jonnie into the opposite buckles and Baron charged in but Jonnie moved and Baron slammed front-first into the buckles. Baron leaned against the buckles. Jonnie bashed Baron across the back with a trio of delberate forearms. Jonnie pulled Baron out of the corner, put his boot on the top buckle and slammed Baron's head into it. Baron fell back against the ropes. Jonnie moved in and blasted Baron with some forearm strikes to the side of the head. Baron on Stagger Street USA. Crowd started chanting: 'Baron! Baron!' and clapping for the bald guy. Jonnie picked up the stunned German and bodyslammed him. Jonnie ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash that connected. Jonnie for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Baron kicked out. Crowd cheered. Jonnie snapped up the Baron and went to suplex Baron but Baron twice blocked the move and suplexed Jonnie to the delight of the crowd. Both men slowly to their feet and Baron moved in and caught Jonnie with a gut shot and locked Jonnie in a side headlock. After a brief struggle, Jonnie shoved Baron off into the ropes and caught Baron coming off with a shoulder tackle. Baron crashed to the mat and was hurting. Jonnie stomped on Baron, called him a saur kraut and picked up Baron. Jonnie held Baron by his bald head and caught Baron with a pair of head shots. Baron staggered. Jonnie let go of Baron's head and went for a KO punch but Baron evaded it and caught Jonnie in the Iron Claw. Crowd popping like zits on Dr. Pimple Popper. (I never knew what a lipoma was until that show!)


Stewart fighting to escape the hold. Stewart suddenly freed himself with a rake of Baron's eye. Jonnie briefly shook out the effects of the Claw and clubbed Baron and Baron suddenly started to stiffen up. Crowd buzzing. Jonnie hit Baron again and Baron started goose-stepping aorund the ring. Jonnie quickly grabbed Baron and went to whip Baron into the ropes but Baron reversed and caught Jonnie coming off with a high back drop. Jonnie crashed to the mat. Jonnie up by the ropes and Baron moved in and stunned Jonnie with some head shots and then leaned Jonnie back over the top rope and blasted him with series of forearm smashes to the chest. Jonnie staggered away holding his chest and Baron grabbed Jonnie by the hair and slammed Jonnie's head into the top buckle. Jonnie Spun around in the corner and the Baron moved in and hit Jonnie with another set of shoulder blocks to the gut. Baron went to whip Jonnie into the opposite buckles but Jonnie reversed and sent Baron crashing into the buckles. Jonnie picked up a head of steam and charged in and blasted Baron with a running shoulder block to the gut of his own. Baron stumbled out of the corner and went down to his knees doubled over. Jonnie booted Baron in the head. Jonnie picked Baron up and bodyslammed Baron. Jonnie went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a flying elbow smash but Baron rolled out of the way and Jonnie crashed to the mat to the cheers of the crowd. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men made it to their feet. Jonnie lunged at Baron and missed and Baron came back and caught Jonnie in the Iron Claw. Crowd now going bananas. Baron had the hold firmly locked in as Jonnie tried to escape. It wasn't long before Jonnie dropped to his knees in the hold and then fell to his back still in the claw. Ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Ref raised Baron's hand in victory as the program went off the air.


WINNER: Baron - Pinfall - 7:39



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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


1st Taping Recap


Show Intro

In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell & The Guerreros vs Badd Co. & Manny Fernandez


A look back at last week's contract signing between Sarge and Lawler for their match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion at Super Clash 4


Comments from disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler and AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter


A Super Clash 4 Update (Final match announced for the show)


More from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine


Larry Zbyszko vs. Tommy Jammer


Greg Gagne vs. Akio Sato


And more!


Nelson sent it to the ring in Stevens Point, WI.


Lee Marshall was back at the announcer's table and thanked the fans for their concern about his health after the unprovoked attack on Marshall by Tommy Rich one month ago that left Marshall a bloody mess on the floor.


Marshall said it was great to be back and he thought young pup Eric Bischoff did a great job in his absence. Said he thought we'd see more of Bischoff on AWA TV from now on.


Said he intends to call out Tommy Rich very soon because he has one question he needs to ask Rich.


Lelani Kai won a squash match over Marilyn Briggs via pinfall with her flying crossbody finisher.




Nelson: Lelani Kai, a strong win over a very flexible woman in Marilyn Briggs.


Kai: She bends like a rubber doll! But who cares about her! Just put her behind a green door and forget her!


Now, here's the scoop you bearded monstrosity!


Magnificent Mimi and myself are working out the details on a contract for a #1 Contender's Match to decide who gets to face the champion Wendi Richter!


Just gotta make sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed and the match will be signed, sealed and delivered!


And I will be one giant step closer to becoming the AWA Women's World Champion!


Nelson: Lelani Kai, everybody!


Some in the crowd booed while the rest were non-reactive.


Pic aired of Sarge and Lawler with the caption: NEXT... SIGNING RE-VISITED!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's contract signing between Lawler and Sarge for their match at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.




Nelson: It is now set in stone: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed World Champion of the AWA!


And now, some words from the wrestlers.


Sgt. Slaughter.

Sarge got up and stepped to the podium as Nelson stood back.


Sarge: It's finally...finally...gonna happen.

For months now, Jerry Lawler, you have denigrated my reign as the AWA World Champion.


You've even stooped so low as to attack my military service.


You said I was a fake World Champion.


You said my belt is nothing but a cheap replica, a knock-off.


But, just like you, I had to win a very real match against a very real champion to claim this title. And I worked damn hard for it. I'm proud of what I've accomplished.


And you come along out of leftfield to tear down the biggest moment of my career.


Well, all this gets settled on October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee!


I feel I've been put in a position where I have to prove yet again that I am a real and worthy holder of this belt!


And I aim to drive that point home loud and clear when we collide at Super Clash 4!


Sarge sat down and Nelson stepped back to the podium.


Nelson: Now, I give you Jerry Lawler.


Lawler stood up and laid his version of the World Title on the podium.


Lawler: This is a match truly fit for a king.


And as you all know, I am the 'King of Wrestling'.


I beat Curt Hennig for the AWA Championship 18 months ago in Memphis. Never lost it.


How can you claim to be the World Champion if you didn't defeat the reigning champion?


That question will be answered at Super Clash 4.


You now have your chance, Sarge, to finally convince the wrestling world that you are indeed the true AWA World Champion.


But, since we're in Vegas right now, I would not bet on that happening.


You didn't beat me to win this title and you aren't doing it in Milwaukee, either.


By the way, where's the limo driver you beat up and took that suit off of?


Sarge shook his head in disbelief and let out a chuckle but was clearly starting to boil.


Lawler: It's gonna be over for you, Sgt. Slaughter, in just a few weeks. I am prepared to expose you for the championship fraud you are.

Lawler held up his belt.


Lawler: This is the real deal belt. I beat a real deal champion in Curt Hennig to win it.


So, Sarge, I have one more question for you.


Your title belt...is it made by Mattel?


That was it...


Sarge shot to his feet and he and Lawler started physically struggling with each other.


The two were locked up with each other and wound up crashing into the temporary wall that had been set up for the contract signing, knocking over the temporary wall.


Security, which had been brought in in case something like this happened, intervened and, after a brief struggle, separated the two.


The four members of security stepped in between the two and kept them at bay. Both men wanted at each other but security did its job. Lawler reached down, picked up his pitcher of water and threw it's contents on Sarge.


Lawler: You're all wet, Sarge!

Security still kept the warring factions apart as a drenched Sarge tried to get at Lawler and the two holding Lawler back removed Lawler from the scene as the program abruptly ended.




In-Studio: Nelson said that these guys despise one another and everything comes to a head at SC 4 in two weeks.


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 4!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine.




Video opened with footage of Valentine working out in a gym. He was in a tank top, gym shorts, tennis shoes and socks. Greg was shown doing the bench press, squats, lifting dumbells, leg presses and running on the treadmill.


Pic then showed a sweaty Valentine, towel around his neck and using it to wipe the sweat off his face, with mic in hand.


Greg caught his breath.


Greg: What you people just witnessed was a little taste of the intense Greg Valentine workout. I'm getting ready for my first match in a few months and I want to be at my physical peak for my match with Baron Von Raschke at Super Clash 4. I also want to look good for my return and when the ref raises my hand in victory that night. It's gonna be one helluva debut here in the AWA for 'The Hammer'.


Also, I want to be in top shape so the ladies can look at me in awe and drool over this god-like physique. Take a look at it ladies.


Valentine tosed the towel and tank top and put down the mic and struck a few bodybuilder poses.


Valentine picked up the mic.


Greg: I know there are women out there, some of them ugly heifers unfortunately, who started kissing their TV sets when I just did that posing demonstration. Memo to most women: you can't have all this. I'm very selective when it comes to the ladies. I make my choices very carefully. And you Miss Piggy's need not apply for a night of passion with Greg Valentine.


But let me get back to the point at hand.


Baron Von Raschke... Brother, look at me! I am one awesome son of a gun!


And I am looking forward to taking down a true legend of the sport on October 18th in Milwaukee!


At Super Clash 4...'Hammer Time' officially arives in the AWA!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson discussed the Valentine promo. Hyped Valentine vs. Baron in Greg's AWA debut match at SC 4.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring.


Greg Gagne defeated Akio Sato via pinfall with a sunset flip in a short but good match


Pic aired with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!






Eric Bischoff was seated behind a desk in the SC 4 Control Center.


Bischoff: Hi, everybody! I'm Eric Bischoff and this is your Super Clash 4 update!


Fans! We are now just two weeks away from the biggest wrestling event of 1989!


Super Clash 4 takes place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee with a bell time of 6pm Central Time.


Tickets are still available for this historic wrestling event through all TicketMaster outlets and at the Mecc box office.


Can't join us in person? No problem. Super Clash 4 will be airing live on ESPN!


We've got four great matches lined up so far and we hear there's another match to announce for Super Clash.


Let's send it to Larry Nelson who is standing by with Verne Gagne.


Pic flipped and Nelson and Gagne, Nelson in a tux and Verne in a suit, were standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.


Once again, I'm with promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, I hear you have another match to add to an already fantastic Super Clash 4 card.


Verne: I do, Larry.


This the fifth and final match that will be taking place at Super Clash 4.


As you know, Manny Fernandez has challenged undefeated Sam Houston to a match.


I'm excited to announce that Fernandez vs. Houston will be taking place at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: Yet another great match added to the wrestling event of 1989.


Let's bring in Sam Houston.

Houston walked into the interview area in street clothes.


Nelson: Sam, you'll be putting your undefeated streak on the line against a tough customer in Manny Fernandez at Super Clash 4.


Houston: I am excited about the challenge, Larry. I know Manny's a tough wrestler. But you've got to beat guys on the level of Fernandez if you want to succeed in this sport.


Beating him would be huge as I continue to climb my way up the ladder here in the AWA.


And I wanted to say one more thing.


Nelson: What's that?


Houston: At Super Clash 4, I'm finally gonna put an end to the secrecy. I'm going to reveal who my coach is who has helped me start my AWA career undefeated.


Nelson: We're finally gonna meet him.


Houston: You got that right, Larry.


Nelson: Now, let's bring in Manny Fernandez.


Fernandez walked into the interview area in his street clothes.


Nelson: Manny...


Manny: Can the chatter, Nelson!


Gringo Houston, let me tell you something!


You think you're hot stuff because you're undefeated here in the AWA!


Well, at Super Clash 4, you're undefeated streak is going to come to a crashing end! I'm gonna teach you a lesson in humility, Houston! And I'm gonna do it right in front of this beloved coach of yours!


You've got to learn to accept losing! And that acceptance starts when your square dancing hick ass loses to me!




Houston: See you in Milwaukee, brother.


Manny: I ain't your brother, man! You're nothing but a colonizer in my eyes! See you in two weeks!


Manny stormed out of the interview area.


Nelson: Sam, anything to say in response to that?


Sam: I'll let my wrestling do the talking for me at Super Clash 4.


Sam left the interview area.


Nelson: Verne, Fernandez-Houston promises to be quite the battle.


Verne: It does. And it's gonna be great to see who's been coaching Sam to all this success here in the AWA when he's revealed at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: I'm sure there will be a lot of speculation as to who it is leading up to Super Clash.

Now, last week you said you had another announcement concerning the cage match between Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne.

Verne: I do. And that's why I wanted both Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne here today.


Nelson: Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne, come on in.


Greg and Zbyszko walked in from opposite into the interview area.


Zbyszko: What's the big news, Verne? You gonna tell us you put Greg back on your health insurance?


Greg: Quit disrespecting my dad, Zbyszko.

Verne: Gentlemen, let's keep it peaceful until your cage match at Super Clash.


The announcement I'm making is this: there will be a special referee for your match at Super Clash 4.


Zbyszko: I knew it! You just can't keep your damn schnozz out of your son's business! You know what's going to happen to him inside that cage and now Big Daddy Gagne has to step in and save his son from the thrashing he so richly deserves!

Verne: Shut up, Larry!

Zbyszko: Why are you telling Larry Nelson to shut up?!

Verne: I'm talking to you! Let me finish the announcement!


The special referee is here right now.

Zbyszko: Let me guess. You're gonna pull out a referee shirt and put it on and say: Suprise! I'm the ref! Gotta protect my boy!

Greg: Forget Super Clash! Let's go out in the parking lot right now, Zbyszko!


Verne: Both of you, please, let's save it for October 18th!


The guest referee is not me. But it's someone both of you know very well.


Zbyszko: Who is it? Wally Karbo? Ha! That would be a laugh watching that clown try and control a match!

Verne: He's coming and he's right over there.


Verne pointed in the direction of the face entrance aisle and Zbyszko, Greg and Nelson looked over.


Nelson: Oh my! He's back!


Zbyszko (beside himself): Hey! No way! You can't do this, Verne! He is not refereeing our cage match!


The man calmly walked into the interview area stylishly dressed in casual attire.


Nelson: Nick Bockwinkel! Welcome back to the AWA!

Bockwinkel (calm): Thank you, Larry. It's great to be back. The AWA is my wrestling home.

Nelson: You're the special referee for the cage match between these two.


Zbyszko: I'm gonna say it right now! I am wrestling the cage match under protest!


Verne: You signed the contract, Larry. Protest if you wish. But it won't do you any good.

Bockwinkel (calm): Let me assure Mr. Greg Gagne and Mr. Zbyszko that I am going to be an impartial referee who will call the match right down the middle. The cage match will be determined by you two and not the referee.


Zbyszko: I bet! Might be time to break out the nunchucks again to make sure you know your place in the match!


Bockwinkel (calm): Mr. Zbyszko, might I remind you that striking an official with your hand or a weapon could result in a long suspension or heavy fine from the AWA.

Zbyszko (angry): You just do your damn job at Super Clash 4, Bockwinkel...or else!

Zbyszko angrily stormed out of the interview area.


Greg: Good to see you back, Nick.


Bockwinkel: Thank you, Greg. But I want you to know I'm not playing favorites in this match.


Greg: I would not have it any other way.


Nelson: Nick Bockwinkel is the special referee for the cage match between Larry Zbyszko and Greg Gagne at Super Clash 4.


This is Larry Nelson on location in Las Vegas.

Pic flipped back to Bischoff.


Bischoff: There you have it. Super Clash 4 is set with a super card.


Here's the match rundown:






THIS IS WAR! Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk


AWA DEBUT MATCH: Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke


CAN HE STAY UNDEFEATED?: Sam Houton (Undefeated) vs. Manny Fernandez


What a show you fans will witness either live at the Mecca Arena, seats are still available, or from the comfort of your home on ESPN on October 18th with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


Super Clash 4 is indeed looking like the wrestling event of 1989!


I'm Eric Bischoff! See you next week with the final Super Clash 4 update!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped Super Clash 4.


Pic aired of Lawler and Sarge with the caption: NEXT... THE CHAMPS SPEAK!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from Jerry Lawler followed by comments from Sarge as they head into their match at Super Clash.




Shot of Lawler, in street clothes, standing in a locker room with mic in hand.


Lawler: Sgt. Slaughter, last week you were exposed for the fraud you are.


When I stood at that podium in the iconic Green Shack restaurant in Las Vegas and asked if your World Title belt was made by Mattel what did you do?


You erupted in furious anger.


Some people think you got mad because I insulted you with that remark. Nothing could be further from the truth.


You see, Sarge, that remark made you furious because deep down you know it to be 100% true.


You know that you're not a worthy World Champion. You're nothing but a grifter playing as World Champion.


And at Super Clash 4, when all is said and done and the smoke clears, Sarge, I will have completely, unapologetically and mercilessly exposed you for the fake World Champion you are!


Pic flipped and Sgt. Slaughter, in his ring attire, DI hat and cradling his version of the AWA World Title in his left arm, was standing in front of the AWA logo.


Sarge: What does the 'W' stand for in AWA? Hmmm? The 'W' stands for wrestling!


I have been a wrestler for almost two decades now! I've earned everything...everything...that I've gotten in this sport!


And this World Title you see me holding right now is something I earned! All the years of paying my dues! All the driving and flying all over this great country of ours and the world! All those times barely making any money and scraping by eating bologna sandwiches and drinking cheap drinks on the road! There were times I felt like quitting! I just wanted to walk away and never come back to pro wrestling!


But, I stuck around because I believed I could make something of myself in this great sport!


And the culmination of all my hard work and dedication was defeating Larry Zbyszko to become the AWA World Champion six months ago! I finally won the grandest prize in wrestling...the World Heavyweight Championship! I didn't think things could get any better than that!


But, Lawler, you come along and lay claim to being the real AWA World Champion because you never actually lost the title!


You've dragged my title reign through the mud with your accusations that I am somehow a fake World Champion because I didn't beat you for the belt! Those accusations, baseless as they are, have hurt my run as World Champion! Fans come up to me out in public and ask me if I think I'm a derserving World Champion because of the garbage you spew, Lawler!


A World Title reign should be used in this sport to cement one's legacy! It's something to always be remembered and cherished!


But you've made my run as AWA Champion something to forget and not be cherished!


On October 18th at Super Clash 4 I'm on a mission! And that mission is to prove to everyoune out there that I am a derserving and worthy AWA World Champion!


Winning this match is the only way I can put the doubts to rest! Winning is the only way I can regain my legacy in this sport!


Jerry Lawler! I will see you in Milwaukee!




Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... ZBYSZKO GRAPPLES!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Larry Zbyszko defeated Tommy Jammer via pinfall with his piledriver finisher. Jammer gave Zbyszko a battle, but in the end it was just too much self-proclaimed 'Living Legend' and Zbyszko put Jammer on ice.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd comments from Col. DeBeers.




DeBeers was standing in his ring attire and beret in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


DeBeers: Tom Zenk. Did you like the little present I sent you?


That coal miner's glove was sent to you as a warning.


I can still feel the damage I did to your face with that glove a few months ago.


I laughed every time I saw you wearing that goofy mask to wrestle.


I know it was all because of me that you had to wear that mask. I'm proud of my handiwork.


But, at Super Clash 4, things are gonna be different. I won't be using a coal miner's glove to re-model your face. Oh no!


Tom Zenk! I'm gonna crush your face with my face-first piledriver! And it will be an honor and a privilege to do it to a vile, decadent American over-muscled pretty boy like you!




Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: The Guerreros & Jerry Blackwell vs. Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) & Manny Fernandez


Surprisingly good match that was better than it had the right to be with some exciting near falls and well-paced action.


End of the match saw Fernandez and Hector Guerrero the legal men in the ring. Manny was working over Hector and whipped Hector into the ropes and looked to catch Hector coming off with a back elbow to the chest but Hector ducked the move and came back and leap-frogged Manny. Manny spun around and Hector hit Manny with a dropkick. Manny crashed to the mat. Manny quickly up and Hector caught Manny with a kick to the gut followed by a double underhook (butterfly) suplex. Hector for the cover. 1..2.. Diamond hit the ring and stomped Hector in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Mando hit the ring and tackled Diamond throught the top and middle rope and they crashed down to the floor. Tanaka left the apron for the floor to help Diamond. Blackwell dropped down to the floor and went over to help Mando. The four were fighting on the floor. In the ring, Manny and Hector got to their feet and Hector moved in and caught Manny with a series of punches. Hector whipped Manny into the ropes and looked to catch Manny coming off with a flying dropckick but Manny grabbed the top rope and Hector crashed to the mat.


Ref distracted by the fighting on the floor while also trying to pay attention to the in-ring action. Hector up and Manny peppered Hector with punches, whipped Hector into the ropes and caught Hector coming off with his flying burrito (flying double forearm smash) finisher. Manny for the cover. 1... Mando saw what was happening and tried to climb back into the ring to break the count but Tanaka grabbed his ankle and Mando wound up falling into the ring. ...2...3.


Ref called for the bell as the most of the fans booed. Ref raised Manny's hand in victory and Manny went over and joined Badd Co. and DDP on the floor as the group briefly celebrated while Blackwell and Mando got back in the ring to check on Hector as the program ended.


WINNER: Badd Co. & Manny - Pinfall - 11:04



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Sgt. Slaughter (AWA World Champion) vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler (AWA World Champion)


STEEL CAGE MATCH (Special Referee: Nick Bockwinkel)

Self-Proclaimed 'Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne



Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine vs. 'Claw Master' Baron Von Raschke



Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers



Sam Houston (Perfect in the AWA) vs. 'Ragin' Bull' Manny Fernandez







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Sgt. Slaughter (AWA World Champion) vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler (AWA World Champion)


Self-Proclaimed 'Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne


Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine vs. 'Claw Master' Baron Von Raschke

Tom Zenk vs. Col. DeBeers


Sam Houston (Perfect in the AWA) vs. 'Ragin' Bull' Manny Fernandez

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I just stumbled across this the other day.


It's from 1979 and what these wrestlers were planning to do at the time was pretty scandalous. Don't think this tape ever saw the light of day.


I guess some people think it would have killed the business back then.


Don't believe that would have happened or anything close to it. But, it may have hurt business in the territories for a while.


Anyway, if memory serves me correctly, SF promoter Roy Shire, mad about something, spilled the beans to a Bay area reporter in 1980 and wrestling was still standing afterwards.


Here it is:


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(NOTE: The first 2 tapings of AWA on ESPN and All-Star Wrestling in syndication in this set will air before SC 4. Tapings 3 and 4 of each show will air after SC 4. Also, I'll be laying out each match from start-to-finish for SC 4.)


(Before the second taping took place, a dark (non-televised) interview was done with Nick Bockwinkel for the fans in the arena and Bockwinkel was announced as the special ref for the cage match at SC 4.)


(2nd Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Show Intro:


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


THE FINAL DEBATE: Jerry Lawler vs. Sgt. Slaughter before their match at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion


The final Super Clash 4 Update


TV MAIN EVENT! OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco vs. ???


World Tag Team Champs The Destruction Crew see action


An interview with Baron Von Raschke


Final comments from Greg Valentine before his AWA debut match with the Baron at SC 4


'The Trooper' Del Wilkes sees action


A special announcement about next week's show


A look back at last week's steel cage exhibition by Larry Zbyszko


And more!


Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.


Greg Gagne won a squash match over Don Lemon via pinfall with a flying bodypress from the top rope




Nelson: Greg Gagne, a good tune-up win heading into your steel cage match-up with Larry Zbyszko at Super Clash 4 on October 18th in Milwaukee. What are you thinking going into this big match?


Gagne: I'm thinking that Gagne family pride and respect are on the line and the man who will be looking to protect the Gagne family name is me.


It's not my father, Larry. It's me. I'll stand or fall in this match on my own.


Nelson: Nick Bockwinkel has returned to the AWA and has been named the special referee for this match. Your thoughts on that.


Greg: Larry, Nick's an honorable man and his word is good with me. He said he would be an impartial referee and I take him at face value. The winner of this match between Zbyszko and myself will be deserving of the victory.


Nelson: This match, since it's inside a steel cage, could get really ugly.


Greg: It certainly could. The steel cage is an unforgiving structure. It tears the flesh. It doesn't feel good when you hit the cage.


This is a match that might be bloody and very violent.


But I'm ready for Larry Zbyszko! Enough talking! It's time to fight!


Decent pop from the crowd.


Nelson: Greg Gagne, everybody!

Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WORDS!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the final video from AWA newcomer Greg Valentine before his debut match with Baron Von Raschke at SC 4.




Video opened with a shot of Greg Valentine in street clothes with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.


Greg: Well, this is the last time I'll talk to you people before my match with Baron Von Raschke at Super Clash 4.


Here's a history lesson for you.


Baron Von Raschke is a 3-time World Heavyweight Champion.


Bet a lot of you didn't know that.


He won his three World Championships in the World Wrestling Association.


So, when I make my debut at Super Clash 4, I will not only be facing a man who is a sure-fire pro wrestling hall of famer. I'll be wrestling a man who was a multi-time World Champion in this, the greatest sport on the planet.


Do you know how hard it is to be a multi-time World Champion? It's extremely hard. But the Baron has done it three times. You could say he's won the Triple Crown.


But I'm gonna take down the legend! I'm gonna take the three-time WWA World Heavyweight Champion, and I'm gonna give him a serious working over!


And at the end of the match, when I have the Baron down, I intend to finish him off with my figure 4 leglock! And my figure 4 is the best this sport has to offer! The Baron will feel the pain from the tips of his toes to the top of his head!


It's gonna be one of the sweetest victories of my career!


On October 18th in Milwaukee at the Mecca Arena, I'm gonna to be the Legend Destroyer!


See you there, Baron!




In-Studio: Nelson hyped the Valentine debut match for SC 4.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.


'The Trooper' Del Wilkes won a squash match over Boris Becker via submission with his double nerve hold to the traps


Wilkes came down the face aisle handing speeding tickets to the fans


After the match, Wilkes placed a speeding ticket on the laid out Becker's chest




Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, another solid win here in the AWA. Becker gave you a bit of a battle there.


Wilkes: First rule of wrestling, Larry: Never underestimate your opponent.


It does not matter if you're facing the World Champion or a guy who's new to the business. Every wrestler has the chance to pull out a win at anytime.


Nelson: Good advice.


That double nerve submission hold of yours. What's the secret?


Wilkes: Bottom line: a strong grip is the secret.


It's an extremely hard hold to escape if locked in firmly.


Nelson: Well, the climb continues for you.


'The Trooper' Del Wilkes, everybody!


Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... CHAMPS IN ACTION!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash match over Bob Newheart & Tom Poston when Bloom pinned Poston after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device)




Nelson: Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos, the burning question on the mind of the fans right now is: can the Destruction Crew hold off the team of Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans?


Bloom: Look, we've been the tag team champions for several months now. This title reign has a long way to go. Rheingans and Patera aren't gonna stop us, that's for sure.

Enos: Larry Nelson! Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans have said they want to face us in a match and they don't care what the rules my be!


You boys can pick your poison! We'll face you, we'll defeat you and send you packing!


It will be back to the bottom of the tag team ladder for Rheingans and Patera!


Bloom: Rheingans and Patera! Sounds like a law firm made up of a couple of morons!


Enos: Hahaha!


Bloom: Let's have this match sooner rather than later!


Nelson: It's the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew.


In-Studio: Nelson discussed the situation between the champs and Patera and Rheingans.




Nelson then said that next week on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN, Kokina Maximus would be wrestling. Nelson pointed out that Maximus destroyed Reno Riggins in his debut match a few weeks ago. Wondered if we would see more of the same carnage.


Nelson then intro'd comments from Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.




Kaissey was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand and wearing a very expensive suit.


Kaissey: You infidels all saw the damage Kokina could do in the ring recently! Well, prepare to see him make another poor infidel suffer at his hands!


The last wrestler Kokina faced had to be taken out on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital!


Next week, we will have a stretcher standing by so the next man to be crushed by Kokina doesn't have to wait for the stretcher to arrive!


And all this is in preparation for one man! Jerry Blackwell! You are the main target in our sights! We're coming for you! And the 'Mountain from Stone Mountain' will be shattered by my Kokina!




Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... STEEL CAGE REDUX!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's steel cage demonstration put on by Larry Zbyszko. Nelson warned viewers that this was a strong piece of tape and viewer discretion was advised.




Zbyszko made his way up the steps and stepped into the cage.


Zbyszko turned and gestured for Bischoff's mic and Bischoff handed it up to him.


Zbyszko: Hey, buddy!


Zbyszko gestured for the other wrestler to come over.Wrestler walked into the picture.


Zbyszko: What's your name?


Wrestler: George South.


Zbyszko: George what?


Wrestler: South.


Zbyszko: George South.


Okay. Now, for the people at home and my attorney, you signed a waiver absolving me, Larry Zbyszko, of any harm I may do to you in this steel cage exhibition, correct?


South: That is correct.


Zbyszko: That's all we needed to know.


Zbyszko then insulted South by patting South on the side of the face.Zbyszko handed the mic back to Bischoff and Bischoff closed the cage door.South went over to the corner to loosen up by pulling on the top rope. Zbyszko, being the class act he is, charged over and jumped South from behind. Zbyszko pounded away on South as Bischoff called the action from the floor.


Zbyszko threw South head-first into the cage. South staggered back and spun around and Zbyszko grabbed South again and threw him head-first into the other side of the cage. South stunned. South moved in on Zbyszko and Zbyszko nailed South with a spinning sole kick to the chest. South crashed to the mat. Zbyszko dropped down on top of South and blistered South in the head with punches.


Zbyszko then took South and violently scraped South's head along the steel mesh. South went down.


Bischoff (yelling): Is this over?!


Zbyszko picked up on the mic.


Zbyszko (yelling): Hell no!


Zbyszko snapped up South. South now bleeding


Zbyszko: One more time!

Zbyszko again violently scraped South's head across the steel mesh.Zbyszko popped South with some well-placed punches on the cut and South went back down.


Bischoff: I think you've proven your point, Larry!


Zbyszko (mocking Bischoff): I think you've proven your point!


Shut up, Mr. Carved Hair!


South started getting up and was now not only bleeding, but had joined the full-blown crimson mask club.Zbyszko grabbed South and threw South across the ring and South got airborne and hit the other side of the cage horizontally. South slid down the side of the cage onto the apron.


Bischoff (stunned voice): This is now uncalled for!


Zbyszko quickly left the cage and dropped to the floor and walked up to



Zbyszko: Just wanted to let everybody know I'm almost done! Not quite, but almost!


South had gotten to his feet and was leaned through the top and middle rope preparing to leave the cage when Zbyszko went over and slammed the cage door on South's head. South crashed back to the mat.


Zbyszko: Penalty for early withdrawal, George!


Zbyszko climbed back into the ring, snapped South up by the back of the hair and shoved the extremely bloody South's face into the camera.


Zbyszko: Look at that! All courtesy of the steel cage!


Bischoff: This demonstration should be over!

Zbyszko has proven his point about weaponizing the cage!


Zbyszko then popped South in the bloody head with more punches and then hoisted South up and dropped him on the top buckle. Zbyszko climbed up to the middle buckle and popped South with a few more head shots and then grabbed South's head and slammed the back of it multiple times into the corner steel where post meets post.


Bischoff: Oh my god! Will somebody please stop this!


Zbyszko dropped to the mat. A dazed and confused South rocked forward and crashed helplessly to the mat. Zbyszko then grabbed South, hoisted South up and nailed South with a piledriver. Zbyszko then snapped South back up and hit him with a second piledriver. South laid out like a ragdoll.The AWA officials and both EMT's climbed into the cage. Zbyszko had brief words with the officials and then left the cage and dropped to the floor.


Zbyszko: And this message goes out to one man! Greg Gagne, I know you'll see this! Did you see the horror I just inflicted on that guy?!

It's gonna be even worse for you, Greg, at Super Clash 4! I'm gonna use that cage to rip the flesh from your body! I'm gonna make you bleed like a stuck pig!


And there's nothing...NOTHING...your daddy will be able to do about it!


Bischoff: Look at what you've done to George South!

Zbyszko looked back at the ring and shrugged.


Zbyszko: He signed up for it!

Shot of the EMT's working on South in the ring.




In-Studio: Nelson again hyped the cage match for SC 4.

Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... THE BARON SPEAKS!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of an interview Eric Bischoff did with Baron Von Raschke at the AWA studios in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.




Video opened with a shot of Eric Bischoff and Baron Von Raschke sitting at a small round table. Bischoff was in a suit and Baron was in street clothes and a cap. Each man had a mic. They sitting in front of the AWA logo.


Eric: Hello, everyone. This is Eric Bischoff. I'm pleased to have a very special guest with me at this time...the legend Baron Von Raschke.


Baron, thanks for stopping by.


Baron: It's my pleasure, Eric. Let me just say you do a real good job of holding a microphone.


Bischoff laughed.

Eric: Thank you, Baron. I do my best.


Now, Baron, last week you defeated Jonnie Stewart in a match Stewart challenged you to.


Were you worried about the risk you were taking by agreeing to that match?


Baron: Eric, my young Howard Cossell, every time you step in the ring you assume a risk. It does not matter who you are facing. This sport, like other sports, holds no guarantees.


Jonnie Stewart, he's a cocky one, challenged me to a match so I accepted. I'm a man and a man doesn't back down from a fight.


Eric: Jonnie Stewart's a pretty cagey guy in that ring. He gets away with a lot. It's also rumored he loads his knee pad just before he hits an opponent with the flying knee.


Does wrestling a guy like Stewart mean taking on a different kind of risk in pro wrestling?


Baron: Eric, these fans watching know my past. They know I used to be a sneaky devil who would sometimes take shortcuts to gain an advantage or win a match. So, I knew what Stewart brought to the table. I knew he liked to play dirty at times. But that's wrestling. You play the hand your dealt.


Eric: You're facing Greg Valentine at Super Clash 4. It's Valenitne's debut match in the AWA and he obviously wants to start strong. How do you, Baron, prepare for a match like this?


Baron: I like to spar. I like to workout with other wrestlers and that helps keep me in ring shape.


I also study videos of my opponents so I've been watching a lot of Greg Valentine matches recently. He's an impressive wrestler.


It's gonna be a tough match but I would not have it any other way.


Oh! And it's gonna be the Iron Claw vs. the Figure 4!

Baron made the claw gesture with his right hand.


Eric: One final question, Baron. It's the question you always get asked...


Baron: Retirement, right?


Eric: Correct.


Baron: I've said it a million times. There will be no press conference. There will be no celebration for me. After a match, I will simply remove my wrestling boots and leave them in the middle of the ring and head off into the night.


And that's all the people need to know.


Baron again did the claw gesture.


Eric: Thank you for your time, Baron.


I'm Eric Bischoff. Thank you for watching.




Pic aired of the Super Clash 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... THE FINAL UPDATE!






Eric Bischoff was seated at the Super Clash 4 Events Center desk in a suit and tie.


Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.


Super Clash 4 is now upon us, fans!


It takes place next Wednesday, October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


Tickets are still available for the wrestling event of 1989. You can purchase them at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Mecca box office.


Can't be at the show in Milwaukee? No problem. We've got you covered.


You can also catch Super Clash 4 live on ESPN: The Total Sports Network!


Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson and Verne Gagne.


Pic flipped and Larry Nelson and Verne Gagne were standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion. Nelson had a mic. Nelson was in a tux and Gagne was dressed in street clothes.


Nelson: This is Larry Nelson with AWA promoter Verne Gagne. Verne, the card is set for Super Clash 4 and it indeed looks like it will be the wrestling event of 1989.


But, we hear you have one more announcement for us.


Verne: I do, Larry. We're gonna have some musical guests at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: Really? I'm sure everyone is dying to know who it is.


Verne: Are you ready?


Nelson: Yes, please don't keep us in suspense!


Verne: I'm proud to announce that The Fabulous Thunderbirds will be performing at Super Clash 4.


Nelson: The Fabulous Thunderbirds! Wow! Songs like 'Tuff Enuff' and 'Wrap it Up'! This should be good!


Verne: I agree, Larry. Now, let's take a look at this special message from the lead singer of the Fabulous Thunderbirds Mr. Kim Wilson.


Pic flipped and Kim Wilson of the FT's was standing in front of a brick wall with mic in hand. He was in street clothes.


Kim: This is Kim Wilson, lead singer of the Fabulous Thunderbirds.


We're excited to be performing for you great AWA wrestling fans at Super Clash 4.


Can't wait for the main event of Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Rock and wrestling were made for each other.


And on October 18th in Milwaukee the wrestling and the music are gonna rock the Mecca.


See you there.


Pic flipped back to Nelson and Verne.


Nelson: We have five great matches lined up for Super Clash 4 and now a concert by the Fabulous Thunderbirds.


Verne: I'm excited, Larry!


Nelson: Me, too!

Now, one of the matches on the card promises to be a real war: and that's Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk.


Col. DeBeers, come on in here.

DeBeers walked into the picture in his ring attire and beret.


Nelson: Colonel, we are now just days away from your battle with Tom Zenk at Super Clash 4.


DeBeers: This a battle in what has turned out to be a full-blown, all-out war! This is a battle for truth, justice and the South African way against the decadent, filthy, trashy American way!


Tom Zenk is gonna learn the hard way that Americans must be punished for their bad behavior at the...


Nelson: WHOA!


Tom Zenk charged up behind DeBeers and blasted DeBeers with a forearm smash to the upper back. DeBeers stumbled forward and went down. Zenk grabbed DeBeers and threw DeBeers into the first row of cheap seats on a riser at the Showboat Sports Pavilion. DeBeers down. Zenk droppd down on top of DeBeers and popped DeBeers with head shots. Zenk snapped the Col. up and DeBeers stuck a thumb in Zenk's eye, killing Zenk's offense. DeBeers nailed caught Zenk with a couple of punches and sent Zenk crashing into the last row of ringside seats. Zenk down. DeBeers grabbed one of the chairs (the chairs at the 'Boat were high back, non-folding chairs with with red leather and a gold metal frame) as Zenk made it to his feet. DeBeers moved in and went to strike Zenk with the chair but Zenk got his arms up and blocked the chair shot and knocked the chair out of DeBeers' hands. The two then engaged in a punch exchange on the floor and Zenk got the upper hand and nailed DeBeers with a couple more punches that drove DeBeers into the heel entrance aisle. Zenk tackled DeBeers to the floor and the two engaged in a roll around punch exchange on the floor. AWA officials and security came charging out of the back and, after a brief struggle, managed to separate the two and both men were kept at bay by a wall of security. Zenk and DeBeers had words.


Nelson: Col. DeBeers! Tom Zenk! Save it for Milwaukee!


The pair were kept separate and DeBeers was nudged along to the back by security.


DeBeers picked up on a mic.


DeBeers: All's fair in war, Zenk! You just remember that, American scum!

DeBeers was hustled off as an angry Zenk looked on.


Nelson: Fans! This is Larry Nelson with Verne Gagne on location in Las Vegas!


Pic flipped back to Bischoff in studio.


Eric: I think the DeBeers-Zenk heat level just topped 150 degrees. It's off-the-charts hot. It promises to be boiling hot when those two collide at Super Clash 4.


Here is the rundown of the complete card for Super Clash 4:


MATCH TO DETERMINE THE UNDISPUTED AWA WORLD CHAMPION!: Jerry Lawler (AWA World Champion) vs. Sgt. Slaughter (AWA World Champion)


STEEL CAGE MATCH (Special Ref: Nick Bockwinkel): Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne


AWA DEBUT MATCH! Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke


THIS IS WAR! Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk


CAN HE STAY UNDEFEATED? Sam Houston (Perfect in the AWA) vs. Manny Fernandez


PLUS! The Fabulous Thunderbirds perform!


This is the final announcement on AWA television programming:


Super Clash 4 - Wednesday - October 18th - Mecca Arena - Milwaukee, WI - Bell time: 6pm Central time.


Seats are still available through all TicketMaster outlets and the Mecca boxoffice.


Can't be there in person? No problem! Super Clash 4 will be airing live on ESPN: The Total Sports Network starting at 6pm Central time.


Super Clash 4 is indeed shaping up to be the wrestling event of 1989!


I'm Eric Bischoff. See you in Milwaukee.


Pic aired of Wahoo and Muraco with the caption: NEXT... OPEN CONTRACT MATCH!




OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco vs. ???


Wahoo and Muraco made their way down the face aisle to the ring to a good ovation. The pair climbed into the ring, saluted the crowd and were announced by Larry Nelson.


Nelson: And their opponents...


Announcers pointed out that Nelson had the name of the wrestlers on his match card he was reading from but was under strict orders not to tell Wahoo and Muraco who the opponents were.


Out came a masked man and a Mexican guy to some boos. Most in the crowd didn't seem to know who they were.


Nelson: Coming down the aisle. They hail from Pacific Northwest Wrestling! They are The Grappler and Al Madril!


The heel duo climbed into the ring and briefly played to the crowd to growing boos.


Announcers pointed out that Grappler's right boot had a thicker sole because of a supposed leg injury suffered years ago. Said there's been speculation that the sole of Grappler's boot is loaded.


Toughest match to date for Wahoo and Muraco. Madril and Grappler came close on a few occasions to pulling out the win.


End of the match saw Muraco and Grappler the legal men in the ring.


Grappler went to whip Muraco into the corner but Muraco reversed and sent Grappler crashing into the buckles. Muraco followed Grappler in and popped Grappler with a running clothesline. Grappler crumpled in the corner and rolled out on the apron. Muraco went to go after Grappler but the ref stepped in and ordered Muraco back. Muraco kept trying to get at Grappler but the ref kept him at bay. Grappler dropped to the floor facing away from the ring. Grappler reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object and stuck it in his mask as the ref still kept Muraco from leaving the ring and the two had a heated exchange. Madril ran down the apron and taunted Wahoo and Wahoo had words with Madril. Grappler climbed up to a knee on the apron. Crowd screaming that Grappler placed a foreign object in his mask.


Blears: One thing about foreign objects, Lee, is that the entire world can see a wrestler use them. But if the ref doesn't see it then it doesn't matter. Sometimes in this great sport of ours it's what you can get away with.


Grappler up to his feet Muraco had had enough of being held back and moved in on the Grappler. Grappler stunned Muraco with a headbutt and Muraco crashed to the mat.


Grappler stepped back into the ring and covered Muraco. 1...2... Wahoo hit the ring and stomped Grappler in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Madril hit the ring and went after Wahoo and the two started fighting in the ring. Grappler pulled Muraco up and hit Muraco with another loaded headbutt and Muraco fell back into the corner. Ref trying to get Wahoo and Madril out of the ring. Wahoo went on the offensive against Madril as Grappler continued working over Muraco in the corner. Wahoo tore into Madril with a series of stiff, rapid-fire chest chops that stunned Madril. Madril then suddenly shoved Wahoo and Wahoo collided with the ref and the ref crashed into the buckles and went down. Wahoo hurting after the collision and Madril moved in and fired away on Wahoo with a punch/kick offense and then threw Wahoo out of the ring over the top rope.


Marshall: That should have been a disqualification but the referee is down.


Blears: Like I said a minute ago, Lee, sometimes it's what you can get away with in this sport.


Grappler pulled the stunned, wobbly legged Muraco out of the corner and yelled for Madril to hold Muraco. Madril grabbed Muraco from behind. Grappler tapped the toe of his boot into the mat.


Marshall: I really think he's loading that boot!


Blears: I'm with you on that.


Grappler went to kick Muraco in the gut with his loaded? boot but Muraco broke free from Madril's grasp and Grappler nailed his partner instead. Crowd popped as Madril crashed to the mat holding his gut. Grappler stunned. Muraco moved in and hammered away on Grappler with punches. Muraco whipped Grappler into the ropes and caught Grappler coming off with a scoop powerslam. Muraco popped to his as the fans went wild. Madril started to get up by the ropes and Wahoo, now up on the floor, grabbed Madril by the ankles and pulled Madril's feet out from under him. Madril crashed face-first to the mat and Wahoo pulled Madril out of the ring. Most of the fans did not know the Grappler and Madril but they were eating up this match!


Muraco snapped up the Grappler, hoisted Grappler upside down and blasted Grappler with his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco covered Grappler. Ref had revered enough and was getting up, saw what was happening and dived over to make the count. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd roared. Muraco and the ref up and the ref raised Muraco's hand in victory as Wahoo had dispatched of Madril on the floor. Wahoo climbed into the ring and raised Muraco's hand in victory also and the pair briefly hugged to loud cheers from the crowd.


WINNER: Wahoo & Muraco - 9:37


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE GREAT DEBATE!






Two podiums with mics were set up in the ring and Larry Nelson, mic in hand, was standing between the podiums.


Nelson: It is now time for the final words from Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter!


Crowd buzzing.


Nelson: Introducing first! From Memphis, Tennessee! He claims to be the real AWA World Champion, Jerry 'The KIng' Lawler!


30/70 cheer/boo split as Lawler came down the heel aisle to the ring in street clothes with the AWA belt cradled in his left arm.


Lawler climbed in the ring and looked out at the crowd and then walked to his podium and placed his title belt on the podium.


Nelson: And now!


Crowd buzzing.


Nelson: He hails from Parris Island, South Carolina, he also is laying claim to being the real AWA World Champion...Sgt. Slaughter!


Marine Corps hymn played and out came Sarge to a solid ovation. Sarge was in street clothes and had the belt slung over his shoulder. Sarge made his way down the face aisle and climbed into the ring and saluted the crowd. Sarge then walked over to his podium and placed his belt on the podium.


Nelson: Wednesday, October 18th, will be the day when we finally have an undisputed AWA World Champion agan. Will it be Sgt. Slaughter or Jerry Lawler?


I also want to point out that the security you see at ringside is here to make sure nothing happens between Lawler and Slaughter like it did a few weeks ago at the contract signing for the match at the Las Vegas landmark the Green Shack restaurant.


First, we will let each wrestler make a statement.


Jerry Lawler, you won the coin toss backstage. You have chosen to speak first.


More boos than cheers for Lawler.


Lawler: The thing I want to bring up is that the AWA keeps saying that I'm some sort of 'disputed' AWA World Champion or that I'm 'laying claim' to being the World Champion like I just made all this up out of thin air. What garbage. I beat Curt Hennig for this belt and I have never lost it. So that makes me the real AWA World Champion. If there's a 'disputed ' champion in this ring right now it's not me; it's Sgt. Slaughter. He never beat me for this belt and that's all there is to it.


I can't wait for Wednesday in Milwaukee. At Super Clash 4, I will show the world that I am indeed the real AWA World Champion and I have been the champ since May '88. And I will expose Sgt. Slaughter for being the fraud World Champion that we all know he really is.


Nelson: Thank you, Jerry Lawler. Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge: Thank you, Larry Nelson.


Sarge held up his title.


Sarge: This belt looks exactly like the AWA World Title you absconded with, Lawler. I beat Larry Zbyszko to win this belt and that's that. Therefore, because you seemed to disappear without a trace for a while, we needed a new World Champion and we got one: first in Zbyszko and then me. My World Title reign is just as valid as yours if not moreso. But everything will finally be settled at Super Clash 4. I am determined more than I ever have been to show these fans that I am the real deal; that I'm a World Champion people can respect.

I know it won't be easy at Super Clash 4. But something you work hard for makes it all worthwhile. I'm coming for you, Lawler. And I have every intention of showing you and everyone else that I am indeed the worthy holder of this belt.


Many in the crowd cheered.


Nelson: Jerry Lawler.


Lawler: You used the word' absconded', Sarge. Look at this crowd. Do you think any of them know what the hell the word even means? Just look at them. I can feel the IQ draining out of my body just being in their presence.


Strong boos.


Lawler: You seem like you're determined to prove something to yourself, Sarge. What is bothering you? What is eating at you so much that feel you have to show us that you're deserving of being called the AWA World Champion? You know the answer, Sarge. Your'e a fraud! You're a fake! You're a phony World Champion!


When you're exposed by me at Super Clash 4, not only will you be exposed as a fraud...but when the ref calls for the bell, raises my hand and hands me the two AWA World Title belts, it will destroy your career because people, even those who are perpetually unemployed like these people out here, will see through you. Like the cockroach, you will scatter when I shine a big light on you at Super Clash 4 exposing you as a fraud and a grifter.

Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge: So now I'm also a grifter, huh?


Lawler: Well, you're pretending to be the World Champion for big paydays...

Sarge: Hey, Lawler! This is my time to speak!


Lawler: Go ahead...fraud! Speak your piece!


Sarge: Shut up, then!


Lawler: I see the money you've made as the fake World Champion has really upped your economic status. You're living proof that crime does pay!


Nelson: Please, Jerry! This is Sgt. Slau...


Sarge: That's it! You're now calling me an outright criminal!


Sarge held up his belt with one hand.


Sarge: My World Title is just as valid as yours, Lawler!


I'm climbing the walls waiting for Super Clash 4 to arrive! I feel like I have to clear my name because you've dragged it through the mud these last several months!


But I'm gonna wash the muck and grime away, Lawler, with a fact! And that fact is I'm beating you at Super Clash 4 and settling this issue once and for all!


Most in the crowd cheered.


Lawler: Sarge, you've lived in a dream world the last several months pretending to be something your not: and that's the AWA World Champion!


Well, that dream world you're living in is gonna crash against the rocks iof reality when you go down in flames at Super Clash 4!


And one more thing: I'm gonna make sure you wind up broke for the crime of fraud you've committed! You've pranced around making people believe you're something you're not!


But, the good news is in my great benevolence, I will help you finance a new home at a mobile home park I know of in Memphis. I'm a man of great compassion.


So, life will have a happy ending for you, Sarge. You and your wife, Mrs. Hungry Hungry Hippo, will have a place to squat.




Sarge: Dammit, Lawler!

Sarge went to move on Lawler and Lawler backed up as security quickly stepped into the ring and kept the two apart.


The two glared at each other over a wall of security as the program ended.



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