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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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How did you fare in your predictions?!

5 Predictors (Thank you all!)

(KEY: Red = Winner/Black = Loser)

Old School Fan: Sgt. Slaughter, Greg Gagne, Greg Valentine,Tom Zenk, Manny Fernandez (3-2)

DHK89: Jerry Lawler, Greg Gagne, Greg Valentine, Tom Zenk, Sam Houston (3-2)

HerrBear: Sgt. Slaughter, Larry Zbyszko, Greg Valentine, Col. DeBeers, Sam Houston (4-1)

Theheel: Sgt. Slaughter, Larry Zbyszko, Greg Valentine, Col. DeBeers, Sam Houston (4-1)

Siah463: Sgt. Slaughter, Greg Gagne, Greg Valentine, Tom Zenk, Sam Houston (4-1)

Well, we had a 3-way tie for the top spot: Theheel, siah463 and HerrBear, all with 4-1 records

Congrats to the winners of this prediction contest!

Thanks to all who played!

NEXT PREDICTION CONTEST: Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Feb. '90! (Unless I can think up something better before that! 🙃)


Roddy Piper vs. Beer Bottle: https://youtu.be/rscZY_XAz-c

Prize GIFs | Tenor



Edited by piperrulz
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18 hours ago, Theheel said:

I like Watts and Crockett but I like the interesting idea of Deborah Harry owning a wrestling company so I’ll go with B.  Vince should not get it and Verne should definitely sell.

I also echo the above sentiment on being glad Vince is done irl

Wouldn't it be funny if it was E???!!! 🙃

Vince made the product so sanitized and boring the last several years to stay in the good graces of advertisers, networks and shareholders that I stopped watching for the most part. From my limited view of the HHH era, it does seem like he's trying to move in a more interesting, harder-edged direction.

Did you get your prize that I listed in my previous post?

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6 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Wouldn't it be funny if it was E???!!! 🙃

Vince made the product so sanitized and boring the last several years to stay in the good graces of advertisers, networks and shareholders that I stopped watching for the most part. From my limited view of the HHH era, it does seem like he's trying to move in a more interesting, harder-edged direction.

Did you get your prize that I listed in my previous post?

indeed, Classic Roddy

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(Forgot to post this here. This is the last All-Star Wrestling before Super Clash 4.)

(NOTE: Except for the matches, this show is the same as my most recent AWA on ESPN posting to get over SC 4.)


In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

2nd Taping Recap

Show Intro

In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

It's the final countdown to Super Clash 4!!!

THE FINAL DEBATE: Jerry Lawler vs. Sgt. Slaughter before their match at Super Clash 4 to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion

The final Super Clash 4 Update (Major surprise announcement!)

A steel cage exhibition featuring Larry Zbyszko

Magnificent Mimi wrestles

An interview with Baron Von Raschke

Final comments from Greg Valentine before his AWA debut match with the Baron at SC 4

The Top Guns see action

Don Muraco wrestles a singles match


Nelson then sent it to the Quandt Fieldhouse.

Jake 'Milkman' Milliman won a squash match over Joe Mannix via pinfall with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher

Before the match, Milliman came into the ring wearing his 'Milkmania' t-shirt, tore it off and threw it into the crowd. After the match, he did some posing to the delight of a few.

In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the Zbyszko steel cage exhibition coming up later in the program.

Intro'd an interview with Greg Gagne after a Gagne squash victory.


(From AWA Wrestling on ESPN)


Nelson: Greg Gagne, a good tune-up win heading into your steel cage match-up with Larry Zbyszko at Super Clash 4 on October 18th in Milwaukee. What are you thinking going into this big match?

Gagne: I'm thinking that Gagne family pride and respect are on the line and the man who will be looking to protect the Gagne family name is me.

It's not my father, Larry. It's me. I'll stand or fall in this match on my own.

Nelson: Nick Bockwinkel has returned to the AWA and has been named the special referee for this match. Your thoughts on that.

Greg: Larry, Nick's an honorable man and his word is good with me. He said he would be an impartial referee and I take him at face value. The winner of this match between Zbyszko and myself will be deserving of the victory.

Nelson: This match, since it's inside a steel cage, could get really ugly.

Greg: It certainly could. The steel cage is an unforgiving structure. It tears the flesh. It doesn't feel good when you hit the cage.

This is a match that might be bloody and very violent.

But I'm ready for Larry Zbyszko! Enough talking! It's time to fight!

Decent pop from the crowd.

Nelson: Greg Gagne, everybody!


Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... THE BARON SPEAKS!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a special interview with Baron Von Raschke.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of an interview Eric Bischoff did with Baron Von Raschke at the AWA studios in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.


Video opened with a shot of Eric Bischoff and Baron Von Raschke sitting at a small round table. Bischoff was in a suit and Baron was in street clothes and a cap. Each man had a mic. They sitting in front of the AWA logo.

Eric: Hello, everyone. This is Eric Bischoff. I'm pleased to have a very special guest with me at this time...the legend Baron Von Raschke.

Baron, thanks for stopping by.

Baron: It's my pleasure, Eric. Let me just say you do a real good job of holding a microphone.

Bischoff laughed.

Eric: Thank you, Baron. I do my best.

Now, Baron, last week you defeated Jonnie Stewart in a match Stewart challenged you to.

Were you worried about the risk you were taking by agreeing to that match?

Baron: Eric, my young Howard Cossell, every time you step in the ring you assume a risk. It does not matter who you are facing. This sport, like other sports, holds no guarantees.

Jonnie Stewart, he's a cocky one, challenged me to a
match so I accepted. I'm a man and a man doesn't back down from a fight.

Eric: Jonnie Stewart's a pretty cagey guy in that ring. He gets away with a lot. It's also rumored he loads his knee pad just before he hits an opponent with the flying knee.

Does wrestling a guy like Stewart mean taking on a different kind of risk in pro wrestling?

Baron: Eric, these fans watching know my past. They know I used to be a sneaky devil who would sometimes take shortcuts to gain an advantage or win a match. So, I knew what Stewart brought to the table. I knew he liked to play dirty at times. But that's wrestling. You play the hand your dealt.

Eric: You're facing Greg Valentine at Super Clash 4. It's Valenitne's debut match in the AWA and he obviously wants to start strong. How do you, Baron, prepare for a match like this?

Baron: I like to spar. I like to workout with other wrestlers and that helps keep me in ring shape.

I also study videos of my opponents so I've been watching a lot of Greg Valentine matches recently. He's an impressive wrestler.

It's gonna be a tough match but I would not have it any other way.

Oh! And it's gonna be the Iron Claw vs. the Figure 4!

Baron made the claw gesture with his right hand.

Eric: One final question, Baron. It's the question you always get asked...

Baron: Retirement, right?

Eric: Correct.

Baron: I've said it a million times. There will be no press conference. There will be no celebration for me. After a match, I will simply remove my wrestling boots and leave them in the middle of the ring and head off into the night.

And that's all the people need to know.

Baron again did the claw gesture.

Eric: Thank you for your time, Baron.

I'm Eric Bischoff. Thank you for watching.


Video aired of Zbyszko steel cage exhibition with the caption: NEXT... STEEL CAGE RAGE!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the Zbyszko cage exhibition. Also warned that viewer discretion was advised because of the very graphic nature of the exhibition.


Shot of the empty steel cage in a non-descript gym.

Eric Bischoff was standing by the cage with mic in hand.

Bischoff: Hello, everybody. This is Eric Bischoff at a gym here in Las Vegas.

As you can see, a steel cage has been set up around the ring.

On hand are a couple of AWA officials and two EMT's should there be a serious injury during this demonstration.

Larry Zbyszko, if I can have a word with you.

Zbyszko walked into the picture in his ring attire.

Zbyszko: Let's hurry this up, boy! I've got a clinic to put on!

In the background, a wrestler in tights and boots is seen walking into the cage.

Bischoff: Larry, you've said you're putting on a steel cage demonstration for us.

Zbyszko: That's right. I am going to show the people out there just how unforgiving the steel cage can be when used as a weapon.

Bischoff: Do you...

Zbyszko stared at Bischoff.

Zbyszko: Does Maaco paint your hair?

Bischoff chuckled nervously.

Bischoff: Back to the topic at hand...

Zbyszko: I'm already tired of talking to you, Bischoff!

Time to unleash the fury on this guy in the ring.

Zbyszko made his way up the steps and stepped into the cage.

Zbyszko turned and gestured for Bischoff's mic and Bischoff handed it up to him.

Zbyszko: Hey, buddy!

Zbyszko gestured for the other wrestler to come over.

Wrestler walked into the picture.

Zbyszko: What's your name?

Wrestler: George South.

Zbyszko: George what?

Wrestler: South.

Zbyszko: George South.

Okay. Now, for the people at home and my attorney, you signed a waiver absolving me, Larry Zbyszko, of any harm I may do to you in this steel cage exhibition, correct?

South: That is correct.

Zbyszko: That's all we needed to know.

Zbyszko then insulted South by patting South on the side of the face.

Zbyszko handed the mic back to Bischoff and Bischoff closed the cage door.

South went over to the corner to loosen up by pulling on the top rope. Zbyszko, being the class act he is, charged over and jumped South from behind. Zbyszko pounded away on South as Bischoff called the action from the floor.

Zbyszko threw South head-first into the cage. South staggered back and spun around and Zbyszko grabbed South again and threw him head-first into the other side of the cage. South stunned. South moved in on Zbyszko and Zbyszko nailed South with a jumping sole kick to the chest. South crashed to the mat. Zbyszko dropped down on top of South and blistered South in the head with punches. Zbyszko then took South and violently scraped South's head along the steel mesh. South went down.

Bischoff (yelling): Is this over?!

Zbyszko picked up on the mic.

Zbyszko (yelling): Hell no!

Zbyszko snapped up South. South now

Zbyszko: One more time!

Zbyszko again violently scraped South's head across the steel mesh.

Zbyszko popped South with some well-placed punches on the cut and South went back down.

Bischoff: I think you've proven your point, Larry!

Zbyszko (mocking Bischoff): I think you've proven your point!

Shut up, Mr. Carved Hair!

South started getting up and was now not only bleeding, but had joined the full-blown crimson mask club.

Zbyszko grabbed South and threw South across the ring and South got airborne and hit the other side of the cage horizontally. South slid down the side of the cage onto the apron.

Bischoff (stunned voice): This is now uncalled for!

Zbyszko picked up on the mic.

Zbyszko: You wanna be next, Bischoff?!

As South got to his knees, Zbyszko reached down and pulled the bloody South up by both sides of his head.

Zbyszko then slammed the back of South's head into the steel post that held up the center of one side of the cage. South doubled over grabbed the back of his head.

Zbyszko then maimed South a little more with another head-first drag across the mesh. South went down and Larry booted the guy.

Zbyszko quickly left the cage and dropped to the floor and walked up to Bischoff.

Zbyszko: Just wanted to let everybody know I'm almost done! Not quite, but almost!

South had gotten to his feet and was leaned through the top and middle rope preparing to leave the cage when Zbyszko went over and slammed the cage door on South's head. South crashed back to the mat.

Zbyszko: Penalty for early withdrawal, George!

Zbyszko climbed back into the ring, snapped South up by the back of the hair and shoved the extremely bloody South's face into the camera.

Zbyszko: Look at that! All courtesy of the steel cage!

Bischoff: This demonstration should be over! Zbyszko has proven his point about weaponizing the cage!

Zbyszko then popped South in the bloody head with more punches and then hoisted South up and dropped him on the top buckle. Zbyszko climbed up to the middle buckle and popped South with a few more head shots and then grabbed South's head and slammed the back of it multiple times into the corner steel where posts meets post.

Bischoff: Oh my god! Will somebody please stop this!

Zbyszko dropped to the mat. A dazed and confused South rocked forward and crashed helplessly to the mat. Zbyszko then grabbed South, hoisted South up and nailed South with a piledriver. Zbyszko then snapped South back up and hit him with a second piledriver. South laid out like a ragdoll.

The AWA officials and both EMT's climbed into the cage. Zbyszko had brief words with the officials and then left the cage and dropped to the floor.

Bischoff: What the hell were the piledrivers for?!

Zbyszko: The piledrivers?

Zbyszko shrugged.

Zbyszko: Because I felt like it!

And this message goes out to one man! Greg Gagne, I know you'll see this! Did you see the horror I just inflicted on that guy?!

It's gonna be even worse for you, Greg, at Super Clash 4! I'm gonna use that cage to rip the flesh from your body! I'm gonna make you bleed like a stuck pig! And there's nothing...NOTHING...your daddy will be able to do about it!

Bischoff: Look at what you've done to George South!

Zbyszko looked back. Shot of the EMT's working on South in the ring.

Zbyszko: Did he sign up for it, Bischoff?! Huh?! Did he?!

Bischoff: He did, but...

Zbyszko: Shut up, man! He signed up for this exhibition, knew their could be injuries inflicted on his person and he suffered and suffered bad at my hands!

Zbyszko stormed out as the EMT's continued checking on South in the cage as AWA officials looked on with deep concern on their faces.

Bischoff: Wow! This has been just surreal! We hope George South is okay. He's an absoluite bloody mess.

One last shot of South with blood on his face, in his hair and on his body.

Bischoff: This is Eric Bischoff reporting to you from Las Vegas.


In-Studio: Nelson hyped the Gagne-Zbyszko steel cage match for SC 4.

Nelson then sent it back to Quandt Fieldhouse.

Don Muraco won a sqaush match over Paul Von Hindenburg via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher

Wahoo in Muraco's corner during the match.

Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME 5!!!

In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the final comments form Greg Valentine before Valentine's debut match against BVR at SC 4.


Video opened with a shot of Greg Valentine in street clothes with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.

Greg: Well, this is the last time I'll talk to you people before my match with Baron Von Raschke at Super Clash 4.

Here's a history lesson for you.

Baron Von Raschke is a 3-time World Heavyweight Champion.

Bet a lot of you didn't know that.

He won his three World Championships in the World Wrestling Association.

So, when I make my debut at Super Clash 4, I will not only be facing a man who is a sure-fire pro wrestling hall of famer. I'll be wrestling a man who was a multi-time World Champion in this, the greatest sport on the planet.

Do you know how hard it is to be a multi-time World Champion? It's extremely hard. But the Baron has done it three times. You could say he's won the Triple Crown.

But I'm gonna take down the legend! I'm gonna take the three-time WWA World Heavyweight Champion, and I'm gonna give him a serious working over!

And at the end of the match, when I have the Baron down, I intend to finish him off with my figure 4 leglock! And my figure 4 is the best this sport has to offer! The Baron will feel the pain from the tips of his toes to the top of his head!

It's gonna be one of the sweetest victories of my career!

On October 18th in Milwaukee at the Mecca Arena, I'm gonna to be the Legend Destroyer!

See you there, Baron!


Pic aired of The Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... FLYING HIGH!


The Top Guns (Ricky Rice/Derrick Dukes) won a squash match over Junior Samples & Buck Owens when Rice pinned Samples after a double dropkick


Nelson: Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes! You guys are back and really looking sharp in the ring.

Rice: Thanks, Larry. Great to be wrestling again in the AWA.

Nelson: Dallas Page and Badd Company are still on your guy's radar. Page is a very, shall we say, crafty manager. What do you look for when facing Badd Company because of the presence of Page at ringside.

Dukes: Page is the wildcard in all this. He can be a game-changer on his own. You could be whipping his team from pillar-to-post and yet he'll figure out a way to get his team over for the win.

Nelson: That's certainly true. Say what you will, Page has a good wrestling mind.

Rice: Especially when it comes to cheating. He has a great mind for that. I watched him playing poker in the casino the other night. He was at a table with five other players. I saw him win nine hands in a row.

Nelson: Think he was cheating?

Rice: I couldn't prove it. But he was making some odd hand movements.

Dukes: The guy can be the difference between winning and losing for Badd Company!

Nelson: The Top Guns, every...

Top Guns looked over and Nelson looked back and saw DDP making his way down the heel aisle to the ring. DDP was without his team. Crowd booing. DDP climbed up on the apron and gestured for Nelson to come over and Nelson obliged.

DDP: So, I'm a cheater, huh?

I'm not a cheater!

Crowd boos. Top Guns laughed and Rice pointed at DDP.

DDP (to the fans): Shut up!

Boos got louder.

DDP: I understand the nuances of this sport like no one else! That's why Badd Company wins! I know the tricks of the trade! That's why I'm an A-1 winner! I don't need to cheat because I can out-think spcial ed-caliber guys like...you!

Nelson went back over to Rice.

Rice: Dallas, you're right. You do know the tricks of the trade...and all the shortcuts to victory.

I've got an idea! Why don't you step in the ring with us?

Crowd cheers

DDP wildly gestured for Nelson to come back and Nelson did.

DDP: No! Because you guys are just a couple of thugs who want to pummel me and send me out of here in an ambulance!

Don't forget...you guys cost me $25 grand! Badd Company should be the World Tag Team Champions right now! I should have $25,000 more in my bank account than I do now! You guys took all that away from us and you guys are gonna pay dearly...and I mean dearly...for it!

DDP dropped off the apron and disappeared back up the entrance aisle to boos.

Nelson: That was the Top Guns with an unexpected guest appearance by Dallas Page!

Pic aired of the SC4 logo with the caption: NEXT... THE FINAL UPDATE!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the final SC 4 update.



Eric Bischoff was seated at the Super Clash 4 Events Center desk in a suit and tie.

Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.

Super Clash 4 is now upon us, fans!

It takes place next Wednesday, October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee with a bell time of 6pm Central time.

Tickets are still available for the wrestling event of 1989. You can purchase them at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Mecca box office.

Can't be at the show in Milwaukee? No problem. We've got you covered.

You can also catch Super Clash 4 live on ESPN: The Total Sports Network!

Now, let's send it to Larry Nelson and Verne Gagne.

Pic flipped and Larry Nelson and Verne Gagne were standing ringside in an empty Showboat Sports Pavilion. Nelson had a mic. Nelson was in a tux and Gagne was dressed in street clothes.

Nelson: This is Larry Nelson with AWA promoter Verne Gagne. Verne, the card is set for Super Clash 4 and it indeed looks like it will be the wrestling event of 1989.

But, we hear you have one more announcement for us.

Verne: I do, Larry. We're gonna have some musical guests at Super Clash 4.

Nelson: Really? I'm sure everyone is dying to know who it is.

Verne: Are you ready?

Nelson: Yes, please don't keep us in suspense!

Verne: I'm proud to announce that The Fabulous Thunderbirds will be performing at Super Clash 4.

Nelson: The Fabulous Thunderbirds! Wow! Songs like 'Tuff Enuff' and 'Wrap it Up'! This should be good!

Verne: I agree, Larry. Now, let's take a look at this special message from the lead singer of the Fabulous Thunderbirds Mr. Kim Wilson.

Pic flipped and Kim Wilson of the FT's was standing in front of a brick wall with mic in hand. He was in street clothes.

Kim: This is Kim Wilson, lead singer of the Fabulous Thunderbirds.

We're excited to be performing for you great AWA wrestling fans at Super Clash 4.

Can't wait for the main event of Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.

Rock and wrestling were made for each other.

And on October 18th in Milwaukee the wrestling and the music are gonna rock the Mecca.

See you there.

Pic flipped back to Nelson and Verne.

Nelson: We have five great matches lined up for Super Clash 4 and now a concert by the Fabulous Thunderbirds.

Verne: I'm excited, Larry!

Nelson: Me, too!

Now, one of the matches on the card promises to be a real war: and that's Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk.

Col. DeBeers, come on in here.

DeBeers walked into the picture in his ring attire and beret.

Nelson: Colonel, we are now just days away from your battle with Tom Zenk at Super Clash 4.

DeBeers: This a battle in what has turned out to be a full-blown, all-out war! This is a battle for truth, justice and the South African way against the decadent, filthy, trashy American way!

Tom Zenk is gonna learn the hard way that Americans must be punished for their bad behavior at the...

Nelson: WHOA!

Tom Zenk charged up behind DeBeers and blasted DeBeers with a forearm smash to the upper back. DeBeers stumbled forward and went down. Zenk grabbed DeBeers and threw DeBeers into the first row of cheap seats on a riser at the Showboat Sports Pavilion. DeBeers down. Zenk droppd down on top of DeBeers and popped DeBeers with head shots. Zenk snapped the Col. up and DeBeers stuck a thumb in Zenk's eye, killing Zenk's offense. DeBeers nailed caught Zenk with a couple of punches and sent Zenk crashing into the last row of ringside seats. Zenk down. DeBeers grabbed one of the chairs (the chairs at the 'Boat were high back, non-folding chairs with with red leather and a gold metal frame) as Zenk made it to his feet. DeBeers moved in and went to strike Zenk with the chair but Zenk got his arms up and blocked the chair shot and knocked the chair out of DeBeers' hands. The two then engaged in a punch exchange on the floor and Zenk got the upper hand and nailed DeBeers with a couple more punches that drove DeBeers into the heel entrance aisle. Zenk tackled DeBeers to the floor and the two engaged in a roll around punch exchange on the floor. AWA officials and security came charging out of the back and, after a brief struggle, managed to separate the two and both men were kept at bay by a wall of security. Zenk and DeBeers had words.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers! Tom Zenk! Save it for Milwaukee!

The pair were kept separate and DeBeers was nudged along to the back by security.

DeBeers picked up on a mic.

DeBeers: All's fair in war, Zenk! You just remember that, American scum!

DeBeers was hustled off as an angry Zenk looked on.

Nelson: Fans! This is Larry Nelson with Verne Gagne on location in Las Vegas!

Pic flipped back to Bischoff in studio.

Eric: I think the DeBeers-Zenk heat level just topped 150 degrees. It's off-the-charts hot. It promises to be boiling hot when those two collide at Super Clash 4.

Here is the rundown of the complete card for Super Clash 4:


STEEL CAGE MATCH (Special Ref: Nick Bockwinkel): Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne

AWA DEBUT MATCH! Greg Valentine vs. Baron Von Raschke

THIS IS WAR! Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk

CAN HE STAY UNDEFEATED? Sam Houston (Perfect in the AWA) vs. Manny Fernandez

PLUS! The Fabulous Thunderbirds perform!

This is the final announcement on AWA television programming:

Super Clash 4 - Wednesday - October 18th - Mecca Arena - Milwaukee, WI - Bell time: 6pm Central time.

Seats are still available through all TicketMaster outlets and the Mecca boxoffice.

Can't be there in person? No problem! Super Clash 4 will be airing live on ESPN: The Total Sports Network starting at 6pm Central time.

Super Clash 4 is indeed shaping up to be the wrestling event of 1989!

I'm Eric Bischoff. See you in Milwaukee.

In-Studio: Nelson did his last hype for SC 4 and told fans who could get to the arena to buy their tickets now if they haven't done so and that they'd be a part of history in the making if they were there live.

Nelson then sent it back to Quandt Fieldhouse.

Magnificent Mimi won a squash match over Winona Ryder via pinfall with her


Nelson: Magnificent Mimi! You were in top form there...

Mimi ripped the mic from Nelson's hand.

Mimi: I just have a couple of things to say.

Crowd booing.

Mimi: Are you booing me because you hate me or are jealous of me.

I mean, you ladies in this audience will never be as hot as me! You are ugly, fat tubs of goo! I don't know how any of you ever landed a man! Sat on him, probably!

More boos.

Mimi: And the men here! Yeccch! Gag! You uber-nerds couldn't even begin to dream of an evening with someone like me because I'm so far out of your league you need a high-powered telescop lie the one at the L.A. Observatory just to see the soles of my stillettos!

The other thing is this! The contract has been signed! It's gonna me vs. Kai and winner faces AWA World Champion Wendi Richter!

The only downer about all this is that I have to beat Kai...and then Richter...in front of gross people like you!

Mimi shoved the mic back into Nelson's chest, left and headed back up the aisle to boos.

Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, everyone.

Pic aired of the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WORDS!



Two podiums with mics were set up in the ring and Larry Nelson, mic in hand, was standing between the podiums.

Nelson: It is now time for the final words from Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter!

Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: Introducing first! From Memphis, Tennessee! He claims to be the real AWA World Champion, Jerry 'The KIng' Lawler!

30/70 cheer/boo split as Lawler came down the heel aisle to the ring in street clothes with the AWA belt cradled in his left arm.

Lawler climbed in the ring and looked out at the crowd and then walked to his podium and placed his title belt on the podium.

Nelson: And now!

Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: He hails from Parris Island, South Carolina, he also is laying claim to being the real AWA World Champion...Sgt. Slaughter!

Marine Corps hymn played and out came Sarge to a solid ovation. Sarge was in street clothes and had the belt slung over his shoulder. Sarge made his way down the face aisle and climbed into the ring and saluted the crowd. Sarge then walked over to his podium and placed his belt on the podium.

Nelson: Wednesday, October 18th, will be the day when we finally have an undisputed AWA World Champion agan. Will it be Sgt. Slaughter or Jerry Lawler?

I also want to point out that the security you see at ringside is here to make sure nothing happens between Lawler and Slaughter like it did a few weeks ago at the contract signing for the match at the Las Vegas landmark the Green Shack restaurant.

First, we will let each wrestler make a statement.

Jerry Lawler, you won the coin toss backstage. You have chosen to speak first.

More boos than cheers for Lawler.

Lawler: The thing I want to bring up is that the AWA keeps saying that I'm some sort of 'disputed' AWA World Champion or that I'm 'laying claim' to being the World Champion like I just made all this up out of thin air. What garbage. I beat Curt Hennig for this belt and I have never lost it. So that makes me the real AWA World Champion. If there's a 'disputed ' champion in this ring right now it's not me; it's Sgt. Slaughter. He never beat me for this belt and that's all there is to it.

I can't wait for Wednesday in Milwaukee. At Super Clash 4, I will show the world that I am indeed the real AWA World Champion and I have been the champ since May '88. And I will expose Sgt. Slaughter for being the fraud World Champion that we all know he really is.

Nelson: Thank you, Jerry Lawler. Sgt. Slaughter.

Sarge: Thank you, Larry Nelson.

Sarge held up his title.

Sarge: This belt looks exactly like the AWA World Title you absconded with, Lawler. I beat Larry Zbyszko to win this belt and that's that. Therefore, because you seemed to disappear without a trace for a while, we needed a new World Champion and we got one: first in Zbyszko and then me. My World Title reign is just as valid as yours if not moreso. But everything will finally be settled at Super Clash 4. I am determined more than I ever have been to show these fans that I am the real deal; that I'm a World Champion people can respect.

I know it won't be easy at Super Clash 4. But something you work hard for makes it all worthwhile. I'm coming for you, Lawler. And I have every intention of showing you and everyone else that I am indeed the worthy holder of this belt.

Many in the crowd cheered.

Nelson: Jerry Lawler.

Lawler: You used the word' absconded', Sarge. Look at this crowd. Do you think any of them know what the hell the word even means? Just look at them. I can feel the IQ draining out of my body just being in their presence.

Strong boos.

Lawler: You seem like you're determined to prove something to yourself, Sarge. What is bothering you? What is eating at you so much that feel you have to show us that you're deserving of being called the AWA World Champion? You know the answer, Sarge. Your'e a fraud! You're a fake! You're a phony World Champion!

When you're exposed by me at Super Clash 4, not only will you be exposed as a fraud...but when the ref calls for the bell, raises my hand and hands me the two AWA World Title belts, it will destroy your career because people, even those who are perpetually unemployed like these people out here, will see through you. Like the cockroach, you will scatter when I shine a big light on you at Super Clash 4 exposing you as a fraud and a grifter.

Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter.

Sarge: So now I'm also a grifter, huh?

Lawler: Well, you're pretending to be the World Champion for big paydays...

Sarge: Hey, Lawler! This is my time to speak!

Lawler: Go ahead...fraud! Speak your piece!

Sarge: Shut up, then!

Lawler: I see the money you've made as the fake World Champion has really upped your economic status. You're living proof that crime does pay!

Nelson: Please, Jerry! This is Sgt. Slau...

Sarge: That's it! You're now calling me an outright criminal!

Sarge held up his belt with one hand.

Sarge: My World Title is just as valid as yours, Lawler!

I'm climbing the walls waiting for Super Clash 4 to arrive! I feel like I have to clear my name because you've dragged it through the mud these last several months!

But I'm gonna wash the muck and grime away, Lawler, with a fact! And that fact is I'm beating you at Super Clash 4 and settling this issue once and for all!

Most in the crowd cheered.

Lawler: Sarge, you've lived in a dream world the last several months pretending to be something your not: and that's the AWA World Champion!

Well, that dream world you're living in is gonna crash against the rocks of reality when you go down in flames at Super Clash 4!

And one more thing: I'm gonna make sure you wind up broke for the crime of fraud you've committed! You've pranced around making people believe you're something you're not!

But, the good news is, in my great benevolence, I will help you finance a new home at a mobile home park I know of in Memphis. I'm a man of great compassion.

So, life will have a happy ending for you, Sarge. You and your wife, Mrs. Hungry Hungry Hippo, will have a place to squat.


Sarge: Dammit, Lawler!

Sarge went to move on Lawler and Lawler backed up as security quickly stepped into the ring and kept the two apart.

The two glared at each other over a wall of security as the program ended.


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  • 2 weeks later...
(NOTE: Eps. 3 and 4 of this round of tapings, while taped before SC 4, would have aired after Super Clash 4.)
(3rd Taping Re-cap)

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
Kokina Maximus wrestles his second match in the AWA. Will it be more carnage like his debut match when he destroyed Reno Riggins?

AWA Women's World Title Match: Wendi Richter (WC) vs. Linda Dallas

Tommy Jammer vs. Akio Sato
Wahoo McDaniel (w/ Don Muraco) vs. Paul Diamond (W/ Dallas Page & Pat Tanaka)
Announcer Lee Marshall has an announcement
And more!
Nelson then sent it to Vegas:
The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) won a squash match over Hans Dunshee & Slade Gorton via pinfall when Dukes pinned Dunshee after a double dropkick
Larry Nelson: Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes, you guys are running like a finely tuned engine.
Rice: Larry, our motors are revved up to the max! We are ready for...Badd Company!
Cheers from the crowd.
Rice: When we lock up, it's not gonna be a wrestling match! Oh no! It's gonna be a brawl!
Nelson: Derrick Dukes. Your thoughts?
Dukes: I agree with my brother from another mother here! You can throw traditionall wrestling right out the window when we clash with Badd Company!
Nelson: Well, it sure is looking a... Wait a minute!
Crowd booed as DDP came down the heel entrance aisle. DDP walked over to Nelson and the Top Guns.
Nelson: Dallas Page! What are you doing out...
DDP abruptly cut off Nelson.
DDP: I'm out here to tell the Top Guns one thing!
Paul Diamond is wrestling in a match later on against Wahoo McDaniel.
You two...
DDP pointed at Rice and Dukes with his cane.
DDP: You two need to keep your distance. You got me, boys? This match doesn't concern you.
Badd Comapny will lay waste to you guys soon enough. Stay out of our way until then.
DDP then walked off.
Nelson: What did you think of that warning from Dallas Page?
Rice: He's clearly made a threat against us, Larry.
I just have one thing to say to Page: you better tread carefully, brother, or you might just step on a land mine!
You got me...boy?!
Fans cheered. Top Guns walked off.
Nelson: The Top Guns, everybody!
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE AWA ACTION!!!
Tommy Jammer defeated Akio Sato via pinfall with the Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the buckles, opponent bounces out and is caught in a powerslam) TIME: 4:13
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT...'THE CHIEF'!
IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!
'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel (w/ Don Muraco) vs. Paul Diamond (w/ Mgr. DDP & Pat Tanaka)
Ref called for the bell and Wahoo and Paul came out of their corners and circled one another. Paul took a swipe at Wahoo but Wahoo dodged it. The two kept circling one another and Paul took another swipe at Wahoo and Wahoo again dodged it. Diamond then caught Wahoo with a chop to the chest and Wahoo returned the favor. Diamond hit Wahoo with another chest chop and Wahoo fired back on Diamond with a chop that stunned Diamond. Wahoo then blistered Diamond with a series of chest chops that drove Diamond into the corner. Wahoo then nailed Diamond with a series of overhead chops that drove Diamond to his arse in the corner. Wahoo snatched the stunned Diamond up and hoisted him up for a suplex as the ref looked on. DDP reached into the ring and pulled Wahoo's leg out from under him. Wahoo crashed to the mat with Diamond on top of him. Diamond for the pin. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out and immediately rolled ouit of the ring and dropped to the floor. Diamond down in the ring still feeling the effects of the chop fest. Wahoo glared and pointed at DDP. DDP started to back up and suddenly pointed his cane in the direction behind Wahoo. Wahoo turned and saw Tanaka sneaking up on him. Tanaka stopped dead in his tracks and started to back up. Don Muraco had made his way over and Tanaka backed right into Muraco. Tanaka jumped, turned around and saw Muraco. Muraco and Tanaka eyeing each other. Wahoo turned back to DDP and didn't notice Diamond had recovered enough to climb out on the apron, jump off and nail Wahoo with a double sledge to the back. Muraco had headed back to his man's corner. Wahoo stumbled forward. DDP cheering his man on as Diamond laid into the stunned Wahoo with some punches and then threw Wahoo back into the ring. Diamond quickly back into the ring and booted Wahoo. Diamond grabbed Wahoo and repeatedly whipped Wahoo into the same corner. Wahoo stumbled out of the corner and went down. Diamond moved in with some more stomps, snapped Wahoo up, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a scoop powerslam. Diamond for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Diamond grabbed Wahoo and went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and sent Diamond crashing into them. Wahoo moved in and blasted Diamond with a deliberate series of open hand chest chops.
Wahoo whipped Diamond into the opposite buckles and followed Diamond in with a running clothesline. Wahoo leaned against Diamond for a few seconds. Wahoo backed up and a shaky Diamond wobbled out of the corner. Wahoo nailed Diamond with a chop to the head. Diamond on stagger street. Wahoo picked Diamond up and bodyslammed Diamond. Wahoo then dropped a big elbow across Diamond's chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Diamond kicked out. As Wahoo reached down to snap Diamond up, Diamond caught Wahoo with a couple of shots to the gut. Diamond to his feet and caught Wahoo with head shots. Diamond then whipped Wahoo into the corner and charged in on Wahoo but Wahoo got his foot up and Diamond slammed face first into it. Diamond staggered and spun around facing away from Wahoo. Wahoo moved out of the corner, came up behind Diamond and caught him in the sleeper. Fans cheered. Tanaka quickly climbed into the ring and went to try and break up the sleeper on Diamond, but Muraco was quick on the draw, hit the ring and tackled Tanaka to the mat as the fans popped. Muraco and Tanaka fighting in the ring and the ref distracted trying to get them out. Wahoo saw what was happening and released Diamond from the sleeper. Diamond on wobbly legs. While Muraco looked over at Muraco-Tanaka, Page handed his cane up to Diamond behind Wahoo's back. Crowd popped as the Top Guns charged down the face aisle to the ring. DDP, showing what a manly man he is, took off like a scared rabbitt with Dukes giving chase. Rice climbed up on the apron just as Diamond raised the cane over his head to strike Wahoo but Rice snatched the cane from Diamond's hands. Diamond looked over at Rice and went to take a swipe at Rice but Rice evaded the swipe and dropped to the floor. Muraco-Tanaka spilled out to the floor. DDP gone. After Diamond yelled something at Rice, he turned around and was geeted by a blistering series of chest chops by Wahoo. Wahoo whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with his big chest chop finisher. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell.
Muraco had fought off Tanaka and Muraco climbed back into the ring. Tanaka hurting on the floor. Wahoo up and the ref raised his hand in victory to the delight of the crowd. Rice and Dukes shown standing on the floor making sure there was no further trouble with Badd Company.
WINNER: Wahoo - PInfall - 7:02
In-Studio: Nelson discussed Wahoo's win over Paul Diamond.
Nelson also hyped for next week:
  • A look back at Super Clash 4
  • Post-match interviews from some of the SC 4 participants
Pic aired of the AWA Women's World Title with the caption: NEXT... WORLD TITLE MATCH!!!
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wendi Richter (WC) vs. Linda Dallas
Dallas was announhced when coming down the heel aisle to the ring to little reaction (until the fans saw how big her knockers were and then they reacted).
Champ Richter was announced coming down the face aisle to a decent reaction. She had the belt on around her waist.
In the ring, Nelson interviewed Richter before the match.
Nelson: Wendi Richter, you've got Lelani Kai and Magnificent Mimi  hot on your tail.
Why sign to defend the belt now against Linda Dallas?
Wendi: Larry, it's like this! I am a fighting champion and I'll take on all worthy challengers! Linda Dallas is a stellar wrestler and worthy of a shot at this belt!
After the usual pre-match ritual, the ref called for the bell.
Dallas charged out of her corner and lunged at Richter but Richter dodged the would-be assault and came back and struck Dallas with forearms to the chest, whipped Dallas into the ropes and caught Dallas coming off with a high backdrop. Dallas crashed to the mat. Wendi snatched Dallas up by the hair and slammed Dallas's head into the top turnbuckle. Wendi caught Dallas with a kick to the gut and pulled Dallas out of the corner and went to suplex Dallas but Dallas twice blocked the move and nailed Wendi with a suplex. Wendi and Dallas up and Dallas caught Wendi with a dropkick. Wendi crashed to the mat. Dallas for the quick cover. 1...2... Wendi kicked out. Wendi sat up and Dallas caught the champ in a rear chinlock. Dallas added to Wendi's misery by driving a trio of intentional knees into Wendi's back.  Dallas snapped Wendi up and caught Wendi with a sidebreaker across the knee. Dallas mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving splash but Wendi rolled out of the way and Dallas crashed to the mat. Both women up and Wendi caught Dallas with more forearm strikes to the chest. Wendi whipped Dallas into the ropes and caught Dallas coming off with an elbow to the chest. Dallas (and those huge breasts of hers) crashed to the mat. Wendi grabbed Dallas' legs and catapaulted Dallas. Dallas crashed face first to the mat in the corner. Dallas slowly getting up. Wendi clubbed Dallas with a forearm smash to the back and then whipped Dallas into the ropes and looked to catch Dallas coming off with a backdrop but Dallas instead stunned Wendi with a kick to the chest. Wendi stumbled back and Dallas clotheslined Wendi to the mat. Dallas for the quick cover. 1... Dallas grabbed a handful of Wendi's tights. ...2...thr... Wendi kicked out. Dallas up and she kicked Wendi as Wendi was getting up. Dallas went to whip Wendi into the ropes but Wendi reversed and caught Dallas coming off in the fireman's carry position. Wendi held Dallas there for a few seconds and then nailed Dallas with a fireman's carry slam. Wendi for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.
Wendi to her feet. Ref took the belt from Larry Nelson and handed it to Wendi and raised Wendi's hand in victory.
WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - 5:17
Pic aired of Lee Marshall with the caption: NEXT... CALLIN' TOMMY RICH?!
Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would please welcome my guest at this time. He is the voice of the AWA...Lee Marshall!
Decent response as Lee removed his headset, got up from the announcers' table and walked over and climbed into the ring and walked up to Larry Nelson.
Nelson: Lee, word is you have a major announcement for us.
Lee: That's right, Larry.
As you know, I've had some serious problems with a loudmouth wrestler named Tommy Rich.
Despite his historic 120-hour run as NWA World Champion back when John Quincy Adams was still president...the man is a disgrace to that title, any title, and a disgrace to this great sport of pro wrestling!
Crowd cheered.
Marshall: As you know, Tommy Rich recently took the opportunity to put me on the shelf for a few weeks when he busted me open by slamming my head into the ring post.
And  you know, Larry, one thing you don't do in sports is put your hands on an announcer. We're here to call the action; we're not here to be a part of the action.
Nelson nodded in agreement.
Marshall: I'm still having occasional headaches from my head hitting that unforgiving post.
So, to get to the point. Tommy Rich! I'm callin' you out!
Fans cheered (at least the sober ones did).
Nelson: Can you tell us the reason for doing this?
Marshall: I want him here in this ring, Larry! And I want him here next week! I just have one question to ask Tommy! And you'll all know the question and Rich's answer hoepfully next week here on AWA Championship Wrestling!
Nelson: You heard it fans! Announcer Lee Marshall is calling out Tommy Rich to ask Rich one question! We should find out soon if this will happen!
Lee Marshall, everybody!
Nice pop from the crowd.
PIc aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIM EVENT!
TV MAIN EVENT: Kokina Maximus (w/ Mgr. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey &The Masked Doctor) vs. Jerry Allen
Allen was already in the ring and announced to little response.
Shot of a stretcher standing by at ringside just in case.
'Godzilla' by Blue Oyster Cult played over the cheap sound system at the Showboat Sports Pavilion. (And it was cheap as Hell!)
Out came Kokina Maximus in his ring gear. Kaissey was in his Arab garb and the Masked Doctor was in a suit and carrying a doctor bag. The trio made their way down the heel aisle.
Crowd booing as big Kokina stepped into the ring with his manager as the doctor stayed out on the apron.
Kaissey talked with his man briefly before leaving the ring for the floor.
Ref called for the bell.
Allen came out of his corner and fired away with head and body punches that had zero effect on Kokina. Kokina responded with a hard slap to Allen's face. Allen on stagger street. Kokina grabbed  Allen, whipped Allen into the ropes and caught Allen coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Allen crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped on Allen's head. Kokina pulled Allen up by the hair and popped Allen with a monster headbutt. Allen crashed down to the mat holding his head. Kokina stood over the fallen Allen and looked out at the crowd as the crowd booed the behemoth. Kokina gestured and yelled for Allen to get to his feet. Allen, with the aid of the ropes, got up. Kokina popped him with another deliberate headbutt. Allen started to go down again but Kokina grabbed him and held him up.
Blears: Lee, Kokina loves to torture his opponents.
Marshall: It's positively firghtening what this man is able to do!
Kokina whipped Allen into the ropes and caught Allen coming off with a savate kick. Allen crashed to the mat. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...thr... Kokina pulled Allen up by the hair. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina shot a nasty glare at the ref. Allen all but officially defeated. Kokina let go of Allen's hair and Allen rolled over on his front. Kokina took advantage and stepped on Allen's back. Allen writhing and screaming in pain. Kokina on for three seconds before stepping off. Ref talking to Kokina and threatening the big brute with disqualification if done again. Kokina snapped up Allen, hoisted Allen across his shoulders and blasted Allen with a Samoan drop.
Marshall: A Samoan drop, with all that weight behind it, has to be devastating to the body. It might push the body to the point of breaking.
Kokina up and placed a foot on Allen's chest. Ref counted. 1...2...thr... Kokina took his foot off.
Marshall: This is just unwarranted brutality now.
Blears: Might need to call in the National Guard to put a stop to this.
Ref got up and reprimanded Kokina again and Kokina started to walk menacingly towards the ref. Ref backed up into the corner and clearly nervous. Kokina backed off and turned his attention back to Allen. Allen had unsteadily made it to his feet and Kokina moved in and caught Allen with a throat thrust. Kokina picked up the ragdoll-like Allen and popped him with a side slam. Allen flatlined. Kokina then hit Allen with a leg drop across the chest. Kokina got up and repeated the brutal move. Ref called for the bell.
Nelson jumped up on the ring apron. Ref went over and had a few words with Nelson.
Nelson: The referee has ruled that Jerry Allen cannot continue! Therefore, your winner of the match by stoppage...Kokina Maximus!
Kaissey and the masked doc climbed into the ring. Kokina up and staring down at the man he just destroyed.
Ref went back over to Nelson and said something real quick off-mic.
Nelson: Can we please get some medical...
Masked Doctor went over to Nelson, shook his head 'no', and said something off-mic to Nelson.
Nelson: But...we need...
Masked Doc: I've got this. Everything is under control. I'm a doctor.
Doc went over and told the ref to step back and the ref did so. Masked Doctor knelt down next to Allen and placed his doctor bag on the mat. Doc pulled a pen light out of his jacket pocket and shined it into Allen's eyes. He used his fingers to check for a pulse. The doctor then pulled a stethescope out of his bag and checked Alle's heartbeat. Doctor looked at Kaissey, shook his head 'yes', and said to Kaissey: He'll be okay in a week or two. Doctor then gestured for the stretcher to be wheeled over next to the ring. Two attendants did the honors. Kaissey and the Masked Doctor grabbed Allen and dragged him over by the ropes. Kaissey and the MD then dropped to the floor, pulled Allen out of the ring and placed him on the stretcher. Kokina dropped to the floor and grabbed the stretcher and pushed it back up the heel aisle as Kaissey and the MD followed behind him.
Blears: Lee... I don't really know what to say about what we just witnessed after that match.
Marshall: I think the word you might be looking for, Lord James, is surreal.
WINNER: Kokina - Ref stoppage - 5:39
Edited by piperrulz
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9 hours ago, Saffir said:

The squash at the end was interesting! Might be something in the cards for Jerry Allen? I always felt that dude was in the Paul Roma/Jim Powers tier - great look, but missing something important that doomed him to midcard at best.

I never heard Allen talk. He was always a job guy. He didn't seem to have much charisma physically. Some guys can ooze charisma saying very little or nothing at all like The Undertaker. Allen just didn't seem to have the 'it' factor needed to succeed in this business,

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21 hours ago, piperrulz said:

I never heard Allen talk. He was always a job guy. He didn't seem to have much charisma physically. Some guys can ooze charisma saying very little or nothing at all like The Undertaker. Allen just didn't seem to have the 'it' factor needed to succeed in this business,

I can’t even remember Jerry Allen.  Can’t picture him or anything.  I’ll look him up.


after looking him up that didn’t really do it for me.  He looks a little familiar but is certainly no Snake Brown!

Edited by Theheel
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2 hours ago, Theheel said:

I can’t even remember Jerry Allen.  Can’t picture him or anything.  I’ll look him up.


after looking him up that didn’t really do it for me.  He looks a little familiar but is certainly no Snake Brown!

Yeah. Allen was nothing to write home about. Notice how I usuallyuse celeb nams for jobbers. I'm using real jobbers to try and get across the seriousness of Kokina as a devastating monster heel.

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23 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Yeah. Allen was nothing to write home about. Notice how I usuallyuse celeb nams for jobbers. I'm using real jobbers to try and get across the seriousness of Kokina as a devastating monster heel.

Seeing who you use as local talent, and how obscure they could be, is low key one of my favorite parts of the dynasty. Hans Dunshee and Slade Gorton are some pretty deep cuts.

Edited by Saffir
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Throwback Thursday: AWA All Star Wrestling (Jan. 25, 1987), As Seen on WWE  Network | WWE Network News



In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(3rd Taping Re-cap)

Show Intro

In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


The Guerrero Brothers wrestle

A message from AWA announcer Lee Marshall

An announcement about next week's TV Main Event

Jonnie Stewart wrestles

Manny Fernandez grapples

And more!

Nelson then sent it to the Quandt Fieldhouse in Stevens Point, WI.

Jerry Blackwell won a squash match over Vitamin Flinthart via pinfall with his diving splash finisher


Larry Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, an impressive victory over Mr. Flinthart. But we know your sights are set on someone else right now.

Blackwell: That's right, Larry. We all know who it is. It's Kokina Maximus.

Nelson: He looks positively devastating in the ring. A collison would you two would be...well...huge in every way.

Blackwell chuckled.

Blackwell: It certainly would be huge. They may have to re-enforce the ring when we collide. And it's gonna be one hell of a collision.

Nelson: Are you ready to go when the time comes to face Kokina?

Blackwell: I'm more than ready to step in the ring with that one-man wrecking crew.

Kokina! Sheik Adnan! You boys know where to find me! Let's make this happen!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!

In-Studio: Nelson talked about the looming match between Kokina and Blackwell. Said it will be a huge event when it happens.

Pic aired of Manny Fernandez with the caption: NEXT... RAGING BULL!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about what a great event Super Clash 4 was. Said that next week on the program there would be highlights of the historic event plus post-match interviews with some of the participants at SC 4.

Nelson then sent it back to the arena.

Manny Fernandez won a squash match over Monty Hall via pinfall with his Flying Burrito (Double flying forearm smash) finisher

During the match, a newsflash scrolled across the bottom of the screen informing the viewer that the match was taped before SC 4.


Nelson: Manny Fernandez! You beat Monty Hall like he was a game show host or something. I can...

Manny: Haha! Look at that gringo hobbling back to the dressing room! He's got his hands against his chest like he's clutching his purse or something!

Shot of Hall walking back up the face aisle holding his chest.

Manny (sarcastically): Bye, bye, sweetheart! Keep that purse close to your chest so a Mestizo doesn't steal it! Haha!

Nelson: That comment was uncalled for.

Manny: Nobody cares what you think, gringo Nelson!

Just stand there and hold the mic and let a real man do the talking!

Brief silence...

Manny: What's your next question?

Nelson: I don't have a next question. You told me to just stand here and hold the mic.

Manny: Well, then...VIVA LA RAZA, you gilipollas!

Nelson: What does 'gilipollas' mean?

Manny: It means...um...friend.

Larry Nelson, you're 'gilipollas'.

Larry: I think I'm gonna have to look the word up to get the true meaning.

Manny: What? You don't trust me? Have it your way, cabron.

Larry: Have to look up the word cabron, too.

Manny Fernandez, everybody!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MARSHALL!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of Lee Marshall's announcement that took place in Las Vegas.

(From AWA Wrestling on ESPN)

Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Would please welcome my guest at this time. He is the voice of the AWA...Lee Marshall!

Decent response as Lee removed his headset, got up from the announcers' table and walked over and climbed into the ring and walked up to Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Lee, word is you have a major announcement for us.

Lee: That's right, Larry.

As you know, I've had some serious problems with a loudmouth wrestler named Tommy Rich.

Despite his historic 120-hour run as NWA World Champion back when John Quincy Adams was still president...the man is a disgrace to that title, any title, and a disgrace to this great sport of pro wrestling!

Crowd cheered.

Marshall: As you know, Tommy Rich recently took the opportunity to put me on the shelf for a few weeks when he busted me open by slamming my head into the ring post.

And you know, Larry, one thing you don't do in sports is put your hands on an announcer. We're here to call the action; we're not here to be a part of the action.

Nelson nodded in agreement.

Marshall: I'm still having occasional headaches from my head hitting that unforgiving post.

So, to get to the point. Tommy Rich! I'm callin' you out!

Fans cheered (at least the sober ones did).

Nelson: Can you tell us the reason for doing this?

Marshall: I want him here in this ring, Larry! And I want him here next week! I just have one question to ask Tommy! And you'll all know the question and Rich's answer hoepfully next week here on AWA Championship Wrestling!

Nelson: You heard it fans! Announcer Lee Marshall is calling out Tommy Rich to ask Rich one question! We should find out soon if this will happen!

Lee Marshall, everybody!

Nice pop from the crowd.

In-Studio: Nelson said to tune in next week to see if Tommy Rich will respond to Lee Marshall.

Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLER OF THE '90s?!


Jonnie Stewart win a squash match over Jeff Foxworthy via pinfall with his flying knee to the gut finisher


Nelson: Jonnie Stewart! Another win with the flying knee. You know, there are people out there who think you load that knee pad.

Stewart: To those people who think I load my knee pad, I just have one thing to say: you're all idiots with a capital 'I'!

That's all I'm going to say on the issue.

Some in the crowd booed.

Nelson: In the past, you've called yourself the 'Wrestler of the '90s'. Do you think that title still belongs to you?

Stewart: What kind of stupid question is that?! Of course, I'm gonna be the wrestler who leads this sport into the new decade! A decade that starts in just three months!

I am going to become the biggest star in wrestling! The people will finally...finally ben exposed to my greatness on an epic scale!

Hulk Hogan! Ric Flair! And yes, Sgt. Slaughter! Prepare to take a backseat to the soon-to-be biggest wrestler of them all...Jonnie Stewart!

The '90s will be mine! All mine! Hahahahaha!

Crowd booed.

Nelson:  That was Jonnie Stewart, everybody!

Pic aired of the Guerrero Brothers with the caption: NEXT... MEXICO'S BEST!!!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

The Guerrero Brothers won a squash match over Simon Oakland & Darren McGavin via submission when Mando pinned Oakland with a moonsault

In-Studio: Nelson said they had a big announcement about next week's show:


  • Kokina Maximus sees action. Will he bring more carnage and destruction down on his opponent like the last time?
  • Super Clash 4 Highlights
  • Super Clash 4 Post-Match interviews with some of the participants

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... BATTLE ROYAL TIME!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: $25,000 Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royal

Shot of the briefcase holding the $25 grand on the timekeeper's table at ringside.


Heels: Col. DeBeers, Destruction Crew, Larry Zbyszko, Badd Company, Manny Fernandez, Akio Sato

Faces: Greg Gagne, Tom Zenk, Ken Patera, Brad Rhengans, Top Guns, Wahoo McDaniel, Jake Milliman

(During the match, a message periodically scrolled across the bottom of the screen saying the match was recorded before Super Clash 4.)


1:  Akio Sato - By: Brad Rheingans - Thrown over the top rope to the floor

2: Jake Milliman - By: Wayne Bloom - Dumped over the top rope to the floor

3: Derrick Dukes - By: Pat Tanaka - Tanaka came up behind Dukes and dumped Dukes over the top rope to the floor

4: Pat Tanaka - By: Ricky Rice - Thrown over the top rope to the floor

5: Greg Gagne - By; Larry Zbyszko - Dropkicked in the back over the top rope to the floor

6: Manny Fernandez - By: Ken Patera - Thrown over the top rope to the floor

7 & 8: Col. DeBeers & Tom Zenk - Double Elimination - Zenk clotheslined DeBeers and the impact carried both men over the top rope to the floor

The two men got to their feet on the floor and had a heated exchange but the floor ref stepped in and kept things from getting physical

9: Ricky Rice - By: Larry Zbyszko - Rice caught Zbyszko with a flying crossbody and Zbyszko stumbled back against the ropes and dumped Rice over his head and over the top rope to the floor

10: Paul Diamond - By: Wahoo McDaniel - Thrown over the top rope to the floor

11: Brad Rheingans - By: Destruction Crew - Dumped over the top rope to the floor

12: Larry Zbyszko - By: Ken Patera - Clotheslined over the top rope to the floor

13: Wahoo McDaniel - By: Wayne Bloom - Thrown over the top rope down to the floor

This left The Destruction Crew and Ken Patera.

14: Mike Enos - By: Ken Patera - Clotheslined over the top rope to the floor

Immediately after Patera eliminated Enos, Bloom charged at Patera just as Patera turned around.

15: Wayne Bloom - By: Patera - Backdropped over the top rope to the floor

WINNER: Patera - 9:36

Ref raised Patera's hand in victory and handed Patera the briefcase containing the $25,000 as the program ended.


Ken Patera (Wrestling) - TV Tropes


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I'm posting the final episodes of the current of tapings (1 AWA on ESPN; 1 AWA syndicated show) and then...


Will Verne...

...sell to Vince?

...sell to Deborah Harry, John Waters (and possibly Jim Crockett and Bill Watts)?

...sell to Crockett and Watts?

...hold onto the company and try to continue running the AWA himself because of the recent uptick in business?


...could a new potential buyer from the upper midwest enter the picture? They own major newspapers, a major cable network and one of the most storied franchises in all of sports.


(Please read all my posts with the light/white background.)



Edited by piperrulz
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  • 2 weeks later...




(NOTE: Eps. 3 and 4 of this round of tapings, while taped before SC 4, would have aired after Super Clash 4.)

(4th Taping Re-cap)

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Show Intro: https://youtu.be/nk_Jf0E2iqg

In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Jake Milliman vs. Larry Zbyszko

A look back at Super Clash 4 and post-match comments from some of the participants in the historic event

Lee Marshall calls out Tommy Rich

An announcement about the #1 Contender match for a shot at the Women's World Championship

Comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey

Jonnie Stewart sees action

Greg Gagne wrestles

New Segment: AWA News & Notes

And more!!!

Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.

Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Ernest T. Bass and Denver Pyle via submission when Patera made Bass submit to his swinging full nelson finisher


Larry Nelson: Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera, you two are really hot right now. And we know you're aiming for those tag team titles...

Patera: Larry, pardon the interruption. We do want to regain those belts.

But priority number one is getting our hands on the Destruction Crew! We don't care what type of match it is, we just want to battle them in this ring titles on the line or not!

Nelson: Brad, your thoughts right now.

Rheingans: I echo Ken's sentiments, Larry! We've said it a million times! We'll fight the Destruction Crew in any type of match! They can pick the type of match it is; we don't care! We just want Bloom and Enos in the ring! Just let us lock up with 'em!

We see a tag team title shot in our future! But right now...giving the champs a good shellacking is what we're aiming for!

Patera: The Destruction Crew just needs to tell us what kind of match they want with us! We'll be there and we'll be ready for a fight!

Fans cheered.

Nelson: Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans, everybody!

Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SC 4 HIGHLIGHTS!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a video package of highlights from all the matches at SC 4.

Video started with highlights from the cage match and ended with Baron Von Raschke removing his boots and placing them in the middle of the ring and then walking back up the aisle.

Musical score for the video was Going The Distance from Rocky 1.

Music: https://youtu.be/GvQkl7qa6RQ

In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd footage of the end of the match between Tom Zenk and Col. DeBeers plus comments from Tom Zenk.


DeBeers moved in and went to punch Zenk but Zenk blocked the punch try and Zenk fired back on DeBeers with a series of punches that drove DeBeers into the corner. Zenk reared back and hit DeBeers with a big right hand that dropped the Colonel. DeBeers rolled out on the apron. Ref ordered Zenk to stand back. Zenk tried to grab DeBeers but the ref stood in between him and DeBeers. Zenk arguing with the ref. DeBeers made it to his feet facing the crowd.

DeBeers reached into the side pocket of his camo pants and quickly pulled out his hand.

Marshall: Wait a minute! What's that blue stuff on DeBeers' thumb?!

Blears: I have no idea.

DeBeers still facing the crowd when Zenk came up behind DeBeers and spun DeBeers around with the ref in between the pair. Zenk trying to pull DeBeers back into the ring. Ref caught in the middle. DeBeers quickly jabbed his blue thumb in Zenk's eye. Zenk stumbled back and crashed to the mat holding his eye. DeBeers calmly climbed back into the ring. Zenk in great pain and down on the mat. DeBeers reached down, grabbed Zenk, hoisted Zenk up and blasted Zenk with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers rolled Zenk over on his back for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Pro-Apartheid crowd cheered their hero as the rest of the crowd booed. Zenk still down holding his eye. DeBeers made sure the ref raised his left hand for obvious reasons.

Marshall: What in the world did DeBeers just do to Zenk's eye?!

Blears: We don't know what that stuff is, Lee. But it's clear that it helped in giving DeBeers the victory.

DeBeers left the ring and dropped to the floor and was quickly approached by Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers! What did you stick in Tom Zenk's...

DeBeers: Shut up! What the people just witnessed in that ring was a victory for decency and morality over vile, shallow American decadence!

The people in this crowd worship at the altar of chemically enhanced muscleheads like Zenk and negro athletes like those on the Green Bay Packers! It's disgusting! Shame on them!

Pic flipped and Tom Zenk was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in hand. Zenk was wearing sunglasses.

Zenk: The reason I'm wearing these sunglasses right now is because of doctor's orders. I have to wear them for the next few days whenever I'm in a lighted area. The only time I can take them off is when I'm in total darkness.

Thankfully, the doc told me that I'm OK. There is no permanent damage from whatever it was that DeBeers rubbed into my eye. It's just that my eye is going to be quite sensitive for a few days. It stings like hell.

But your little plan worked to perfection in our match, DeBeers. The substance you rubbed into my eye stunned me  just long enough  for you to be able to pin me.

You may think you've won the war, Colonel. But you really only won a battle.

This war has a long way to go before one of us has to finally wave the white flag of defeat.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: MORE TO COME!


IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from after the match at SC 4 between Lawler and Sarge where Sarge won the match to become the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Sarge looked at Lawler. Larry Nelson moved in as Lawler walked up to Sarge. Larry stuck the mic in between the two as the men looked at each other for several tense seconds.

Lawler (wincing in pain from the piledriver): Sgt. Slaughter.


Lawler: You are indeed the deserving and undisputed AWA World Champion.

Lawler presented the belts to Sarge and Sarge took them.

The two looked at each other a little more and then Lawler extended his hand.

Marshall: Sgt. Slaughter better be careful here.

Blears: Indeed, Lawler can be a snake in the grass at times.

After a few more seconds, Sarge extended his hand and the two men...shook hands. Crowd cheering the gesture.

Marshall: Lawler really showed class at the end there, Lord James.

Blears: He did, Lee. Think what you will of Lawler.

Lawler then left the ring to let Sarge have his moment in the sun. Ref came over and raised Sarge's hand in victory. Sarge then held up both belts, one in each hand, to more crowd cheering.

The ref then took one of the AWA belts and strapped it around Sarge's waist.

Sarge then left the ring, the other belt slung over his left shoulder, walking slowly and still feeling the effects of the great battle he'd just been through.

While walking back up the face aisle, Sarge stopped and locked eyes with a fan in a cowboy hat. The two looked at each other for two or three seconds before Sarge continued his journey back up the aisle.

Marshall: Who was that that caught the eye of Sgt. Slaughter?

Blears: We'll have to look at the tape.


In-Studio: Nelson said it was former AWA World Champion Stan Hansen who locked eyes with Sarge.

Nelson said Eric Bischoff caught up with Hansen just as Hansen was about to walk out through the back of the arena.


Bischoff running.

Bischoff: Stan Hansen! May I get a word with you?!

Hansen in his street clothes and trademark cowboy hat.

Hansen: Make it quick, boy! I got things to do!

Bischoff: We saw you and Sgt. Slaughter lock eyes for a brief moment as Sarge was headed back up the aisle. What was that all about?

Hansen: As things stand right now, son, that's the only thing you and all these people out here in TV land need to know!

Bischoff: So, this isn't over? You'll have more to say?

Hansen: You'll know when I have something else to say because I'll just barge right in on one of your TV shows and say it!

This interview is over! I gotta tend to my cattle on my ranch in Texas!

Hansen stormed out the door as a perplexed Eric Bischoff looked on.


In-Studio: Nelson discussed the situation concerning Stan Hansen. Told fans to keep tuning into AWA programming to see how things unfold with the man from Borger, Texas.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.

Jonnie Stewart won a sqush match over Steven Furtick via pinfall with his flying knee to the gut finisher


Stewart left the ring and walked over to Larry Nelson. Nelson was holding the mic.

Stewart: Hold that mic up!

Nelson did as told.

Stewart: I'll get right to the point! We're now just a couple of months from a new decade! And you're lookin' at the man who is gonna be the Wrestler of the '90s!

Crowd booed.

Stewart: You fans are gonna hate me even more when my prophecy comes true! Boo your hearts out, you pencil necks!

Stewart briefly played to the booing fans as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Lee Marshall with the caption: NEXT... SHOWDOWN?!


Nelson was standing mid-ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time...AWA announcer Lee Marshall.

Fair amount of cheers as Marshall got up from the announcers' table and made his way into the ring.

Marshall acknowledged the fans.

Nelson: Lee, we have heard that Tommy Rich is in the Showboat but we're not sure where. Per your request, his suspension has been lifted.

What do you want to say?

Marshall: Larry, I've made it clear that I was gonna call Tommy Rich out tonight. And that's what I'm gonna do!

Tommy Rich! If you can hear me. Come on down to the ring!

Brief time went by.

Nelson: I wonder if he's anywhere near the Sports Pavilion.

Marshall: Come on out, Tommy.

After another brief period of time went by...

Nelson: It looks like he's not around the Sports Pavilion. I guess we'll just have to...wait a minute!

Rich had come through the front entrance of the Sports Pavilion and made his way past the ringside seats, over the barricade and climbed into the ring as the crowd booed his appearance. Rich was in street clothes.

Rich briefly played to the crowd to more boos. Rich then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a wad of cash and waved it in the air.

Rich: I'd have been here earlier, but I had a great run of luck at the Blackjack table as you can see.

I'm here, Marshall, let's get this over and done with. I gotta Blackjack table to get back to.

Marshall: Tommy...it's hard for me to control my anger right now...

Rich: Just stay calm, man. I ain't got time for fightin' tonight. Only thing I got time for is winnin'.

Marshall: When you slammed my head into that ring post that was the last straw for me.

Rich: Well, you deserved it. Glad I could be of help.

Marshall paced around for a few seconds.

Marshall: I'll get to the point. Tommy, I called you out here to...

Rich: Choose your words carefully. You're talkin' to a former NWA World Champion.

Marshall: Right. Right. How could any wrestling fan forget that 5-day World Title reign of Tommy Rich! It was the greatest 120 hours in the history of the sport!

Rich: Watch your mouth, Marshall! A World Champion should be treated with the respect he deserves!

Marshall: Respect?! You, Tommy?! Respect?! Respect is earned, not handed out like candy on Halloween.

Rich: Now I'm gettin' mad. You might be affecting my mojo for when I return to the Blackjack table! Make your point!

Marshall: Here's the point, then!

Tommy, I want you in a wrestling match!

Crowd popped.

Rich looked away and briefly chuckled and then looked back at Lee.

Rich: You really want a match with me...a former NWA World Champion? Haha! He's joking, Larry.

Marshall: It's no joke. I want a match with you on one condition.

Rich: Let me guess, I have to have my hands tied behind my back.

Marshall: No. The only thing I'm...

Rich: I have to be blindfolded, right? I can't see you.

Marshall: No. Since I'm not a wrestler, I'll need some time to train. And I want it to be a tag match. You pick your partner and I'll pick mine.

Rich: You want a tag match with me, huh?

Well, I'll give you your match, Lee Marshall. Each of us picks their tag partner.

But I want one stipulation added to the match.

Marshall: What is it?

Rich: If my team wins...then I get five minutes alone with you in the ring. Just you and me. No one can interfere and no AWA officials can stop the five-minute period for any...and I mean any...reason.

No matter how ugly or bloody it may get, the five minutes are the full five minutes.

Marshall: If the AWA bosses will agree to all this then I accept.

Crowd buzzing.

Rich: You're on, Lee Marshall. It won't take me long to find a partner. And I'm really going to enjoy cleaning your clock in the five-minute period after you and your tag partner, whoever that will be, lose to me and selected partner.

Now, I gotta go. A Blackjack table is calling my name.

Rich left the ring and headed back out through the ringside seating area and exited through the main entrance of the Sports Pavilion as Lee Marshall looked on.

Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... CELEBRATION!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the post-match locker room celebration for Sgt. Slaughter winning the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Video opened with Sarge, still in his ring attire and one AWA World Title still around his waist (the other had been set down).

Eric: We're here  with the undisputed AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!

Some of the faces came into the picture and sprayed Sarge with bottles of champagne.

Eric: Whoa! Looks like the party has already begun for the Sarge!

Sarge laughing and shaking hands and receiving hugs from some of his fellow face wrestlers.

Off-camera voice: Here's some for you, Bischoff!

Bischoff doused with champagne.

Bischoff: Oh, man! It's getting crazy in here!

Off-camera voice: It's gonna get a lot crazier later tonight!

Another off-camera voice: It sure is! We're gonna celebrate the new and undisputed AWA World Champion...Sgt. Slaughter!

Whoops and hollers heard in the background.

Bischoff: Sarge, how does it feel right now?

Sarge: The feeling is indescribable, Eric! It really is!

I knew it was gonna be a tough match going in and it was that and more!

And I wanna say one thing here: Jerry Lawler proved himself to be a class act with his gesture to me after the match!

After what's gone down between us the last several months, I certainly did not see Lawler going out of his way to congratulate me on winning and becoming the undisputed AWA World Champion!

If Lawler sees this I say to him: a tip of the hat to you, Jerry! You're a great wrestler and a man of honor!

More champagne poured on Sarge.

Eric: Sarge continues to get a champagne bath here in the locker room.

What's next for the undisputed AWA World Champion?!

Sarge: Undisputed. I like the sound of that!

Right now, Eric, I'm just gonna enjoy tonight and go out and celebrate this win!

But then it's back to work! Pro wrestling doesn't have seasons! And the World Champion never rests! There will always be new challengers on the horizon!

And I promise the great fans of the AWA one thing: I will be a fighting champion that you can be proud of!

Eric: When you left the ring after your match with Lawler, we saw you lock eyes with a fan. That fan turned out to be Stan Hansen. Do you know why he's here?

Sarge: No idea why he's here! I was just stunned to see him in the crowd!

Eric: Well, Stan Hansen is not an issue tonight, fans! This is Eric Bischoff in the victorious locker room that's celebrating Sgt. Slaughter defeating Jerry Lawler to become the undisputed AWA World Champion!

Congratulations on your victory tonight at Super Clash 4, Sgt. Slaughter!

Sarge: Thank you!

More champagne-spraying and laughter and celebration as the video wrapped up.


Pic aired of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with the caption: NEXT... SHEIK SPEAK!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's Kokina Maximus match and post-match comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey.


(From last week's AWA Wrestling on ESPN)

Allen had unsteadily made it to his feet and Kokina moved in and caught Allen with a throat thrust.  Kokina picked up the ragdoll-like Allen and popped him with a side slam. Allen flatlined. Kokina then hit Allen with a leg drop across the chest. Kokina got up and repeated the brutal move. Ref called for the bell.

Nelson jumped up on the ring apron. Ref went over and had a few words with Nelson.

Nelson: The referee has ruled that Jerry Allen cannot continue! Therefore, your winner of the match by stoppage...Kokina Maximus!

Kaissey and the masked doc climbed into the ring. Kokina up and staring down at the man he just destroyed.

Ref went back over to Nelson and said something real quick off-mic.

Nelson: Can we please get some medical...

Masked Doctor went over to Nelson, shook his head 'no', and said something off-mic to Nelson.

Nelson: But...we need...

Masked Doc: I've got this. Everything is under control. I'm a doctor.

Doc went over and told the ref to step back and the ref did so. Masked Doctor knelt down next to Allen and placed his doctor bag on the mat. Doc pulled a pen light out of his jacket pocket and shined it into Allen's eyes. He used his fingers to check for a pulse. The doctor then pulled a stethescope out of his bag and checked Allen's heartbeat. Doctor looked at Kaissey, shook his head 'yes', and said to Kaissey: He'll be okay in a week or two. Doctor then gestured for the stretcher to be wheeled over next to the ring. Two attendants did the honors. Kaissey and the Masked Doctor grabbed Allen and dragged him over by the ropes. Kaissey and the MD then dropped to the floor, pulled Allen out of the ring and placed him on the stretcher. Kokina dropped to the floor and grabbed the stretcher and pushed it back up the heel aisle as Kaissey and the MD followed behind him.

Pic flipped and Kaissey was standing in the locker room with Kokina and the mysterious masked doctor standing behind him. Kaissey had a mic.

Kaissey: The barbarian has come to the AWA and his name is Kokina Maximus!

Praise be to Allah for sending him to me!

I want to tell any wrestler who signs to wrestle Kokina that we now provide a post-match stretcher service to give you a free ride to the hospital emergency room!

And this is just the start, you infidels!

This is just a warning shot! There will be more broken bodies! More suffering and more pain inflicted upon the entire AWA!

And Jerry Blackwell! We haven't forgotten about you! Oh no! You're still dead red in our sights!

The day is coming when the epic clash will happen! Kokina Maximus vs. Jerry Blackwell! And it will not just be the worst day of Blackwell's career! It will be the worst day of his life!

We have big plans! And our ultimate goal...Kokina Maximus will one day reign as the supreme overlord of the AWA when he becoms the AWA World Champion!

There will be no way the AWA can avoid giving this man a championship match! Not a chance!

And when it happens...the AWA will be changed forever!


In-Studio: Nelson discussed the post-match comments from El-Kaissey. Said Kokina looks to be the biggest threat to the wrestlers the AWA has ever seen in terms of the damage he can do.

Then sent it back to Vegas.

Greg Gagne won a squash match over Baarney Miller via submission with the Gagne Sleeper (TM).

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWA NEWS & NOTES!



Segment opened with a newsy theme and Bill Apter sitting in the shadows at an office desk with a Smith-Carona eledctric typewriter sitting to his left on the desk.

Intro Theme: https://youtu.be/0W7VhbQbdqs?t=3

The lights came up and showed Apter sitting at his desk in suit jacket and tie. A cigarette was burning and sitting on the edge of an ashtray and a half drunk bottle of whiskey sat behind the typewriter.

Apter: This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with AWA News & Notes.

We are finally gonna see who earns the right to face Wendi Richter for the AWA Women's World Championship.

Lelani Kai and Magnificent Mimi will square of in the #1 Contender's Match next week on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.

These are two very talented lady wrestlers and it should be a barn-burner of a match. Wendi Richter will have her hands full with whomever she defends the title against.

Now that Sgt. Slaughter has dispatched of Jerry Lawler to become the undisputed AWA World Champion, the burning question is now: who will be the next wrestler to step up and challenge Sgt. Slaughter for the belt?

There are several AWA wrestlers who look like worthy contenders. My sources tell me that former champion Larry Zbyszko, Col. DeBeers and  even the undefeated fan favorite Sam Houston look like they might challenge the Sarge for the AWA World Title soon.

Kokina Maximus has looked postively devastating in his first two matches in the AWA. This man appears to be a one-man threat to the entire AWA. Can he destroy the structure of the promotion and have it re-built in a way that benefits himself and manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey?

Also, who is this doctor that comes to ringside with Kokina and Kaissey. And why is he wearing a mask? Is he even a doctor?

On a programming note: Not only will you get the Women's #1 Contender match on AWA Wrestling on ESPN next week; you'll also be seeing the match pitting Greg Valentine in his AWA debut match against Baron Von Raschke. If you missed it the first time it's worth checking out. And if you saw it live on Super Clash 4 watch it again. At the end, Baron Von Rachke bids an emotional farewell to the sport he loves so much.

You haven't heard much about the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament lately because of the build-up to Super Clash 4. The good news is it's not been forgotten.

A tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion will be held this February in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Convention Center. It will be a one-day, two-session event. Call the Anaheim Convention Center box office at 1-(714)-555-1812 for more information.

That's it for now. I'm Bill Apter. See you next time.

Outro Music: https://youtu.be/9b4YdfNOmgc?t=177

In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about the debut edition of AWA News and Notes. Hyped the Women's match and the replay of the Valentine-Baron match from SC 4 for next week's AWA Wrestling on ESPN.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!

TV MAIN EVENT: Jake Milliman vs. Larry Zbyszko

Zbyszko came out to pretty strong boos but also had his core of fans.

Milliman came out to the song Milkcow Blues Boogie by Elvis.

Milliman was holding a bottle of milk and was wearing  his 'Milkmania' t-shirt.

Milliman got a pretty good ovation coming to the ring.

Milliman stepped into the ring and briefly played to the crowd including cupping his hand to his ear and turning to all four sides of the ring to hear the cheers.

Milliman  took a swig from the bottle of milk, handed the bottle off to the ref and then Jake ripped off his t-shirt Hogan-style and threw it into the crowd.

Jake took the match to Zbyszko early and then Zbyszko gained the upper hand for a period of time before the match turned into a see-saw affair.

End of the match saw Zbyszko with the upper hand. Zbyszko working over Milliman in the corner when Milliman suddenly stiffened up and was not feeling the effects of Zbyszko's punches. Zbyszko wondered what was going on. MIlliman then let out a loud Moo! Some in the crowd moo'ed back (or booed, not sure which).

Zbyszko went to hit Jake with another punch but Milliman blocked it and fired away on Zbyszko with a series of head shots. Milliman whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and caught ZByszko coming off with a clothesline that decked Zbyszko. Crowd cheering. Zbyszko up and Milliman drove Zbyszko into the corner with head shots followed by a series of rapid-fire kicks to the gut. Zbyszko staggered out of the corner doubled over. Milliman went to whip Zbyszko into the ropes but Zbyszko reversed and blasted Milliman coming off with a jumping spin kick to the chest. Milliman crashed to the mat. Zbyszko quickly regained his bearings and snatched Milliman up and nailed Milliman with a piledriver. Zbyszko for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed lustily. Zbyszko up and the ref raised his hand in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Zbyszko - Pinfall - 6:13



6-Man Elimination Tag Match: Jerry Lawler (AWA WC) & The Destruction Crew (AWA WTTC) vs. Sgt. Slaughter (AWA WC), Don Muraco & Wahoo McDaniel

Order of Elimination:

1)  Muraco - PInned by Mike Enos with a roll-up and Enos grabbing the tights - 5:17

2) Enos - Pinned by Sarge with an inverted suplex slam (gourdbuster) - 8:14

3 & 4)  Slaughter & Lawler - Battled to a double count out on the floor - 14:29

5) Bloom - Pinned by Wahoo after with Wahoo's ig chop to the chest finisher after Enos came back out and tried to interfere on behalf of Bloom after a ref bump but the interference backfired

WINNER: Wahoo, Muraco & Sarge (AWA WC) - 18:07 (Wahoo bled)

Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk

RESULT: Double DQ - 7:44

'The Trooper' Del Wilkes vs. Manny Fernandez

WINNER: Wilkes - Pinall - Small Package - 11:21






The Prince of Pandemonium,' Comic Rip Taylor dies at 84 | kvue.com


Comic icon and Las Vegas Strip mainstay Rip Taylor.

Edited by piperrulz
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  • 2 weeks later...



(NOTE: Most of the stuff on this show was already posted in my previous AWA on ESPN post. But, you still have some squash matches, interviews, an angle and open contract main event on here that's fresh.)


In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(4th Taping Re-cap)

Show Intro

- Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

Kokina Maximus wrestles his second match in the AWA

OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Don Muraco & Wahoo McDaniel vs. ???

Super Clash 4 highlights plus post-match comments from some of the participants


Badd Company sees action

And more!

Nelson then sent it to the ring in Stevens Point, WI.

'The Trooper' Del Wilkes won a squash match over Hawkeye Pierce via submission with a double trap submission hold

Before the match, Wilkes came down the face aisle handing out souvenir speeding tickets to the fans.

After the match Wilkes woke Pierece, who had passed out from the hold, with a slap to the back of the neck.


'Trooper' Del Wilkes, you just continue racking up the wins here in the AWA with that devastating submission hold of yours.
What's next for 'The Trooper'?

Wilkes: Larry, I've just gotta keep going here in the AWA. Gotta keep winning and working my way up the ladder; because just like every wrestler that enters this sport, my goal is to one day be the AWA World Champion.

Fans cheered.

Nelson: You keep on winning and I think it's a safe bet to say that you'll be...

Crowd booed as Larry Zbyszko walked into the picture.

Zbyszko: I bet you think you're a real big man with that badge of yours, buddy!

Wilkes just looked at Zbyszko.

Zbyszko: You come out here and this idiot asks you what you're gonna do next and you talk about challenging for the World Championship?! Did I hear that correctly?!

Wilkes: Wait a minute! I didn't say it that way! I siad I've got to continue winning and...

Zbyszko: You stood right here and said you were deserving of a World Title match! Is that true or not?!

Wilkes: If I keep winning my matches I think I will deserve a crack at the championship!

Zbyszko: The gall of this man!

Zbyszko pointed an accusatory finger at Wilkes.

Zbyszko: You seem to think somebody should just hand you whateverr it is you want! Is it because you wear that badge, buddy?!

Wilkes: You're twisting my words! Why don't you just calm...

Zbyszko slapped Wilkes. Wilkes briefly touched his jaw and then popped Zbyszko with a slap of his own. Slap was so hard that Zbyszko stumbled and crashed to the floor as the crowd popped.

An angry Wilkes glared down at Zbyszko. Zbyszko unsteadily made it to his feet holding the side of his face.

Zbyszko stumbled off and out of the picture.

Wilkes: Larry Nelson! I don't know what Zbyszko's problem is! But if he wants a piece of...

Zbyszko charged back into the picture and nailed Wilkes from behind with a forearm smash to the back. Wilkes stumbled forward. Zbyszko pounced on Wilkes and hammered away on Wilkes. Zbyszko threw Wilkes into the ring. Zbyszko followed Wilkes in stomped Wilkes, snapped Wilkes up, whipped Wilkes into the ropes and caught Wilkes coming off with a spin kick to the chest. Wilkes crashed to the mat.

Zbyszko picked up on a mic.

Zbyszko: This clown needs to be taught a lesson!

Zbyszko left the ring, grabbed an empty folding metal chair that was sitting next to the timekeeper's table, folded it up and climbed back into the ring with it as Wilkes was getting to his feet. Wilkes up and facing away from Zbyszko and Zbyszko slammed the chair into Wilkes' back. Wilkes staggered. Zbyszko repeated the chair shot and Wilkes went down. Wilkes got to all fours and Zbyszko slammed the chair across Wilkes back twice. Wilkes back down on the mat. Zbyszko then methodically started beating Wilkes with the chair. Shots were so violent they bent the top of the chair. Crowd popped as some of the faces anbd refs charged down to the ring. Zbyszko tossed the chair and bailed to the safety of the floor as the wrestlers and refs hit the ring. Zbyszko didn't wait around and just headed back up the heel aisle as Wilkes was checked on in the ring.

Pic aired of the Super Clash 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 HIGHLIGHTS!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a video package of highlights from all the matches at SC 4.

Video started with highlights from the cage match and ended with Baron Von Raschke removing his boots and placing them in the middle of the ring and then walking back up the aisle.

Musical score for the video was Going The Distance from Rocky 1.


In-Studio: Nelson then intro'd footage of the end of the match between Tom Zenk and Col. DeBeers plus comments from Tom Zenk.


DeBeers moved in and went to punch Zenk but Zenk blocked the punch try and Zenk fired back on DeBeers with a series of punches that drove DeBeers into the corner. Zenk reared back and hit DeBeers with a big right hand that dropped the Colonel. DeBeers rolled out on the apron. Ref ordered Zenk to stand back. Zenk tried to grab DeBeers but the ref stood in between him and DeBeers. Zenk arguing with the ref. DeBeers made it to his feet facing the crowd.

DeBeers reached into the side pocket of his camo pants and quickly pulled out his hand.

Marshall: Wait a minute! What's that blue stuff on DeBeers' thumb?!

Blears: I have no idea.

DeBeers still facing the crowd when Zenk came up behind DeBeers and spun DeBeers around with the ref in between the pair. Zenk trying to pull DeBeers back into the ring. Ref caught in the middle. DeBeers quickly jabbed his blue thumb in Zenk's eye. Zenk stumbled back and crashed to the mat holding his eye. DeBeers calmly climbed back into the ring. Zenk in great pain and down on the mat. DeBeers reached down, grabbed Zenk, hoisted Zenk up and blasted Zenk with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers rolled Zenk over on his back for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Pro-Apartheid crowd cheered their hero as the rest of the crowd booed. Zenk still down holding his eye. DeBeers made sure the ref raised his left hand for obvious reasons.

Marshall: What in the world did DeBeers just do to Zenk's eye?!

Blears: We don't know what that stuff is, Lee. But it's clear that it helped in giving DeBeers the victory.

DeBeers left the ring and dropped to the floor and was quickly approached by Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers! What did you stick in Tom Zenk's...

DeBeers: Shut up! What the people just witnessed in that ring was a victory for decency and morality over vile, shallow American decadence!

The people in this crowd worship at the altar of chemically enhanced muscleheads like Zenk and negro athletes like those on the Green Bay Packers! It's disgusting! Shame on them!

Pic flipped and Tom Zenk was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in hand. Zenk was wearing sunglasses.

Zenk: The reason I'm wearing these sunglasses right now is because of doctor's orders. I have to wear them for the next few days whenever I'm in a lighted area. The only time I can take them off is when I'm in total darkness.

Thankfully, the doc told me that I'm OK. There is no permanent damage from whatever it was that DeBeers rubbed into my eye. It's just that my eye is going to be quite sensitive for a few days. It stings like hell.

But your little plan worked to perfection in our match, DeBeers. The substance you rubbed into my eye stunned me just long enough for you to be able to pin me.

You may think you've won the war, Colonel. But you really only won a battle.

This war has a long way to go before one of us has to finally wave the white flag of defeat.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE FROM SUPER CLASH 4!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Nelson said it was former AWA World Champion Stan Hansen who locked eyes with Sarge.

Nelson said Eric Bischoff caught up with Hansen just as Hansen was about to walk out through the back of the arena.


Bischoff running.

Bischoff: Stan Hansen! May I get a word with you?!

Hansen in his street clothes and trademark cowboy hat.

Hansen: Make it quick, boy! I got things to do!

Bischoff: We saw you and Sgt. Slaughter lock eyes for a brief moment as Sarge was headed back up the aisle. What was that all about?

Hansen: As things stand right now, son, that's the only thing you and all these people out here in TV land need to know!

Bischoff: So, this isn't over? You'll have more to say?

Hansen: You'll know when I have something else to say because I'll just barge right in on one of your TV shows and say it!

This interview is over! I gotta tend to my cattle on my ranch in Texas!

Hansen stormed out the door as a perplexed Eric Bischoff looked on.


Nelson discussed Stan Hansen making an unexpected appearance at SC 4 and wondering what Hansen is up to.

Nelson then sent it back to Quandt Fieldhouse.

Badd Co. won a squash match over Clutch Cargo and Johnny Quest via pinfall with the Slingshot DDT (Slingshot catapult (Diamond) transitioned into a Jumping DDT (Tanaka))


Dallas Page, your men really looked impressive and that finisher is just devastating!

DDP: I'm gonna make this short and sweet, Nelson!

Pop Guns! We're coming for your hides! When we're through with you there will be nothing left but your carcasses for the vultures to feed on!

The Guns cost us the tag team titles and cost me $25 grand!

In the Old West, there would have been a showdown at high noon on the dusty main street of some town!

The showdown now becomes one that will happen in this ring...and elsewhere!

Nelson: What does 'elsewhere' mean?

DDP: This interview is o-v-e-r...OVER!

DDP and Badd Co. left the ring as a flustered Nelson was left wanting answers to what appeared to be a thinly veiled threat against the Guns.

Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with caption: NEXT... KOKINA!!!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of Kokina's second match in the AWA.


(From AWA Wrestling on ESPN)

Kokina Maximus (w/ Mgr. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey &The Masked Doctor) vs. Jerry Allen

Allen was already in the ring and announced to little response.

Shot of a stretcher standing by at ringside just in case.

'Godzilla' by Blue Oyster Cult played over the cheap sound system at the Showboat Sports Pavilion. (And it was cheap as Hell!)

Out came Kokina Maximus in his ring gear. Kaissey was in his Arab garb and the Masked Doctor was in a suit and carrying a doctor bag. The trio made their way down the heel aisle.

Crowd booing as big Kokina stepped into the ring with his manager as the doctor stayed out on the apron.

Kaissey talked with his man briefly before leaving the ring for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Allen came out of his corner and fired away with head and body punches that had zero effect on Kokina. Kokina responded with a hard slap to Allen's face. Allen on stagger street. Kokina grabbed Allen, whipped Allen into the ropes and caught Allen coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Allen crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped on Allen's head. Kokina pulled Allen up by the hair and popped Allen with a monster headbutt. Allen crashed down to the mat holding his head. Kokina stood over the fallen Allen and looked out at the crowd as the crowd booed the behemoth. Kokina gestured and yelled for Allen to get to his feet. Allen, with the aid of the ropes, got up. Kokina popped him with another deliberate headbutt. Allen started to go down again but Kokina grabbed him and held him up.

Blears: Lee, Kokina loves to torture his opponents.

Marshall: It's positively frightening what this man is able to do!

Kokina whipped Allen into the ropes and caught Allen coming off with a savate kick. Allen crashed to the mat. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...thr... Kokina pulled Allen up by the hair. Ref reprimanded Kokina. Kokina shot a nasty glare at the ref. Allen all but officially defeated. Kokina let go of Allen's hair and Allen rolled over on his front. Kokina took advantage and stepped on Allen's back. Allen writhing and screaming in pain. Kokina on for three seconds before stepping off. Ref talking to Kokina and threatening the big brute with disqualification if done again. Kokina snapped up Allen, hoisted Allen across his shoulders and blasted Allen with a Samoan drop.

Marshall: A Samoan drop, with all that weight behind it, has to be devastating to the body. It might push the body to the point of breaking.

Kokina up and placed a foot on Allen's chest. Ref counted. 1...2...thr... Kokina took his foot off.

Marshall: This is just unwarranted brutality now.

Blears: Might need to call in the National Guard to put a stop to this.

Ref got up and reprimanded Kokina again and Kokina started to walk menacingly towards the ref. Ref backed up into the corner and clearly nervous. Kokina backed off and turned his attention back to Allen. Allen had unsteadily made it to his feet and Kokina moved in and caught Allen with a throat thrust. Kokina picked up the ragdoll-like Allen and popped him with a side slam. Allen flatlined. Kokina then hit Allen with a leg drop across the chest. Kokina got up and repeated the brutal move. Ref called for the bell.

Nelson jumped up on the ring apron. Ref went over and had a few words with Nelson.

Nelson: The referee has ruled that Jerry Allen cannot continue! Therefore, your winner of the match by stoppage...Kokina Maximus!

Kaissey and the masked doc climbed into the ring. Kokina up and staring down at the man he just destroyed.

Ref went back over to Nelson and said something real quick off-mic.

Nelson: Can we please get some medical...

Masked Doctor went over to Nelson, shook his head 'no', and said something off-mic to Nelson.

Nelson: But...we need...

Masked Doc: I've got this. Everything is under control. I'm a doctor.

Doc went over and told the ref to step back and the ref did so. Masked Doctor knelt down next to Allen and placed his doctor bag on the mat. Doc pulled a pen light out of his jacket pocket and shined it into Allen's eyes. He used his fingers to check for a pulse. The doctor then pulled a stethescope out of his bag and checked Alle's heartbeat. Doctor looked at Kaissey, shook his head 'yes', and said to Kaissey: He'll be okay in a week or two. Doctor then gestured for the stretcher to be wheeled over next to the ring. Two attendants did the honors. Kaissey and the Masked Doctor grabbed Allen and dragged him over by the ropes. Kaissey and the MD then dropped to the floor, pulled Allen out of the ring and placed him on the stretcher. Kokina dropped to the floor and grabbed the stretcher and pushed it back up the heel aisle as Kaissey and the MD followed behind him.

Blears: Lee... I don't really know what to say about what we just witnessed after that match.

Marshall: I think the word you might be looking for, Lord James, is surreal.

WINNER: Kokina - Ref stoppage - 5:39


Video aired of Sgt. Slaughter being sprayed with champagne with the caption: NEXT... CELEBRATION!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage of the post-match locker room celebration for Sgt. Slaughter winning the match to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


Video opened with Sarge, still in his ring attire and one AWA World Title still around his waist (the other had been set down).

Eric: We're here with the undisputed AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter!

Some of the faces came into the picture and sprayed Sarge with bottles of champagne.

Eric: Whoa! Looks like the party has already begun for the Sarge!

Sarge laughing and shaking hands and receiving hugs from some of his fellow face wrestlers.

Off-camera voice: Here's some for you, Bischoff!

Bischoff doused with champagne.

Bischoff: Oh, man! It's getting crazy in here!

Off-camera voice: It's gonna get a lot crazier later tonight!

Another off-camera voice: It sure is! We're gonna celebrate the new and undisputed AWA World Champion...Sgt. Slaughter!

Whoops and hollers heard in the background.

Bischoff: Sarge, how does it feel right now?

Sarge: The feeling is indescribable, Eric! It really is!

I knew it was gonna be a tough match going in and it was that and more!

And I wanna say one thing here: Jerry Lawler proved himself to be a class act with his gesture to me after the match!

After what's gone down between us the last several months, I certainly did not see Lawler going out of his way to congratulate me on winning and becoming the undisputed AWA World Champion!

If Lawler sees this I say to him: a tip of the hat to you, Jerry! You're a great wrestler and a man of honor!

More champagne poured on Sarge.

Eric: Sarge continues to get a champagne bath here in the locker room.

What's next for the undisputed AWA World Champion?!

Sarge: Undisputed. I like the sound of that!

Right now, Eric, I'm just gonna enjoy tonight and go out and celebrate this win!

But then it's back to work! Pro wrestling doesn't have seasons! And the World Champion never rests!
There will always be new challengers on the horizon!

And I promise the great fans of the AWA one thing: I will be a fighting champion that you can be proud of!

Eric: When you left the ring after your match with Lawler, we saw you lock eyes with a fan. That fan turned out to be Stan Hansen. Do you know why he's here?

Sarge: No idea why he's here! I was just stunned to see him in the crowd!

Eric: Well, Stan Hansen is not an issue tonight, fans! This is Eric Bischoff in the victorious locker room that's celebrating Sgt. Slaughter defeating Jerry Lawler to become the undisputed AWA World Champion!

Congratulations on your victory tonight at Super Clash 4, Sgt. Slaughter!

Sarge: Thank you!

More champagne-spraying and laughter and celebration as the video wrapped up.


Nelson wondered if Hansen had come back to the AWA to challenge Sarge for the belt. Nelson pointed out that Hansen was the AWA WC in '85-'86.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the cpation: NEXT... NEWS & NOTES!



Segment opened with a newsy theme and Bill Apter sitting in the shadows at an office desk with a Smith-Carona eledctric typewriter sitting to his left on the desk.

Intro Theme:

The lights came up and showed Apter sitting at his desk in suit jacket and tie. A cigarette was burning and sitting on the edge of an ashtray and a half drunk bottle of whiskey sat behind the typewriter.

Apter: This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with AWA News & Notes.

We are finally gonna see who earns the right to face Wendi Richter for the AWA Women's World Championship.

Lelani Kai and Magnificent Mimi will square of in the #1 Contender's Match next week on AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN.

These are two very talented lady wrestlers and it should be a barn-burner of a match. Wendi Richter will have her hands full with whomever she defends the title against.

Now that Sgt. Slaughter has dispatched of Jerry Lawler to become the undisputed AWA World Champion, the burning question is now: who will be the next wrestler to step up and challenge Sgt. Slaughter for the belt?

There are several AWA wrestlers who look like worthy contenders. My sources tell me that former champion Larry Zbyszko, Col. DeBeers and even the undefeated fan favorite Sam Houston look like they might challenge the Sarge for the AWA World Title soon.

Kokina Maximus has looked postively devastating in his first two matches in the AWA. This man appears to be a one-man threat to the entire AWA. Can he destroy the structure of the promotion and have it re-built in a way that benefits himself and manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey?

Also, who is this doctor that comes to ringside with Kokina and Kaissey. And why is he wearing a mask? Is he even a doctor?

On a programming note: Not only will you get the Women's #1 Contender match on AWA Wrestling on ESPN next week; you'll also be seeing the match pitting Greg Valentine in his AWA debut match against Baron Von Raschke. If you missed it the first time it's worth checking out. And if you saw it live on Super Clash 4 watch it again. At the end, Baron Von Rachke bids an emotional farewell to the sport he loves so much.

You haven't heard much about the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament lately because of the build-up to Super Clash 4. The good news is it's not been forgotten.

A tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion will be held this February in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Convention Center. It will be a one-day, two-session event. Call the Anaheim Convention Center box office at 1-(714)-555-1812 for more information.

That's it for now. I'm Bill Apter. See you next time.

Outro Music:

In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about the debut edition of AWA News and Notes.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!
Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

TV MAIN EVENT - OPEN CONTRACT MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco vs. ???

McDaniel and Muraco made their way down the face aisle to a solid ovation and climbed into the ring and were introduced by Larry Nelson.

Announcer Lee Marshall pointed out that Larry Nelson is the only one who knows who Wahoo and Muraco's opponents are and they're listed on a ring card given to him just before the match.

Nelson: And their opponents!

They hail from Anderson, South Carolina! They are Spike and Basher...The Mod Squad!

Boos from the fans as many recognized them from a rival promotion on cable.

Mod Squad came to the ring in their motorcycle police gear. They were wearing their black leather jackets, gloves and their white motorcycle helmets.

The pair climbed into the ring and removed their gloves, jackets and helmets.

Ref called for the bell.

Wahoo started for his team and Spike for his team. The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Wahoo gained the advantage and caught Spike in a side headlock. Wahoo worked over the headlock as Spike tried to free himself from the hold. Spike was finally able to shove Wahoo off into the ropes and Wahoo came off and nailed Spike with a shoulder block that dropped Spike. Spike up and charged at Wahoo and Wahoo caught Spike with an arm drag and Wahoo turned it into an armbar. Spike down on a knee. Spike to his feet as Wahoo cinched up on the hold. Spike wincing in pain but not giving up. Spike maneuvered around and got close to tagging his brother, Basher, but Wahoo yanked Spike away still locked in the armbar before he could make the tag. Spike made a fist like he was about to punch Wahoo but Wahoo further tightened his grip on the hold and Spike dropped back to a knee. Spike back up to his feet still locked in the hold. Spike maneuvered around in the ring and was finally able to drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Spike shook out the effects of the hold in his left arm. Wahoo and Spike engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Spike drove Wahoo towards the Mod Squad's corner and Basher got a knee up and Wahoo slammed back-first into the knee. Ref reprimanded Basher. Spike caught Wahoo with a punch and tagged in Basher. The pair grabbed Wahoo, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a double back elbow to the chest. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Basher snatched up Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with a suplex followed by a fist drop to the head. Basher for the cover. 1... Wahoo kicked out. Basher snapped Wahoo up and slammed Wahoo's head into the top buckle three times. Wahoo spun around in the corner and was hit by a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Basher whipped Wahoo into the opposite buckles. Basher charged in on Wahoo but Wahoo moved and Basher slammed front-first into the buckles, bounced back and crashed to the mat. Both men briefly shaking out the effects of the match. Basher up and moved in on Wahoo. Wahoo still feeling the effects of the shoulder blocks to the gut. Basher went to hit Wahoo with a double sledge to the back but Wahoo suddenly uncoiled and fired away on Basher with a series of rapid-fire chest shops to the delight of the crowd.

Wahoo then nailed the stunned Basher with an overhand chop to the top of the head. Basher went down. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Basher kicked out. Wahoo snapped up Basher and slammed Basher's head into the top buckle and Wahoo then tagged in Muraco. Muraco in and caught Basher with a series of head and body shots. Basher staggered out of the corner. Muraco grabbed Basher, whipped Basher into the ropes and caught Basher coming off with a scoop powerslam. Muraco for the cover. 1...2... Spike hit the ring and stomped Muraco in the back to break up the pin try. Wahoo hit the ring to go after Spike but the ref intercepted him and ordered Wahoo back to his corner. As the ref and Wahoo had words with one another, Muraco snapped Basher up, hoisted Basher across his shoulders and Spike charged up behind Muraco and hit him with a sideways double sledge across the lower back. Muraco lost his grip on Basher and both men were down. Ref stopped talking with Wahoo and turned his attention back to the match. Both Muraco and Basher were down in the ring. Crowd urging on Muraco. Ref started the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count grew and finally made it to their feet. Basher caught Muraco with a kick to the gut followed by an elbow to the back of the neck. Basher then caught Muraco in a side headlock and popped Muraco with a shot to the head. Basher held Muraco in the side headlock and tagged in Spike. Basher held up Muraco's left arm and Spike kicked Muraco in the side of the ribs. Spike picked up Muraco and bodyslammed Muraco and nailed Muraco with a standing leg drop. Spike for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Crowd cheered. Spike snapped up Muraco, hoisted Muraco up and dropped Muraco throat-first across the top rope. Muraco down in the ring. Wahoo stepped in the ring to go after Spike for the illegal move but the ref intercepted Wahoo and ordered Wahoo back to his corner. As Wahoo and the ref exchanged words, Basher hit the ring and stomped Muraco in the nuts. Muraco holding the goods and now walking down Hurt Street. Basher quickly back to his corner. Ref got Wahoo out of the ring and turned his attention back to the match. Basher snapped up Muraco and went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught Basher in the fireman's carry position and nailed Basher with a Samoan Drop. Crowd popped biggly. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Muraco, still in pain from the ball shot, rolled over and covered Basher. 1...2...thr... Basher got a shoulder up. Crowd booed. Both men stirred and started moving in the direction of their tag team partners. Basher lunged over and tagged in Spike just as Muraco tagged in Wahoo. Crowd popped. Wahoo unleashed a blistering series of chest chops on Spike. Spike stunned. Wahoo then hit Spike with a double underhook suplex and went for the pin. 1...2... Basher hit the ring and went to stomp Wahoo in the back but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Basher accidentally stomped his brother instead. Crowd popped. Wahoo up and fired away on Basher with open-hand chest chops that stunned Basher. Spike up and Wahoo started peppering both Spike and Basher with alternating chest chops and then grabbed the pair and butted their heads together. Basher crashed to the mat and rolled over by the ropes. Muraco had now recovered enough that he dropped to the floor, went over and pulled Basher out of the ring. Spike stayed on his feet but was unsteady to say the least. Wahoo whipped Spike into the ropes and caught Spike coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans roared.

Muraco had laid out Basher on the floor. Muraco climbed back into the ring and the ref raised Wahoo's and Muraco's hands in victory as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Muraco & Wahoo - Pinfall - 10:51


2,408 (Near sellout)


Jerry Lawler (AWA WC), Col. DeBeers & Larry Zbyszko vs. Sgt. Slaughter (AWA WC), Tom Zenk and Greg Gagne

WINNER: Sarge, Zenk, Gagne - Pinfall - Zenk pinned Zbyszko after DeBeers' interference attempt backfired - 14:33

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (AWA WTTC) vs. The Guerrero Bros.

WINNER: Destruction Crew - Pinfall - Bloom pinned Mando after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) - 12:07

Sam Houston vs. Jonnie Stewart

WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - Bulldog - 9:24

Jake Milliman vs. Barry Horowitz

WINNER: Milliman - Pinfall - Pasteurizer (Flying Leg Drop) - 5:29


The match that sealed the AWA's fate...


Edited by piperrulz
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The tapings for the month were done.

Now...time for the most serious business.

In just a few short days on October 31, AWA boss Verne Gagne had to let WWF boss Vince McMahon know if he would sell the AWA to wrestling's current #1 king of the mountain for $3.5 million dollars.

Also waiting to see what Verne would do: Deborah Harry, John Waters, Bill Watts and Jim Crockett.

Everything was hinging on Vince's offer.

Then there was a frantic knock on Verne's office door.

Verne: Come in.

In walked Verne's son, Greg.

Greg: Dad, you're not going to believe this!

Verne: What?

Greg: We've got another offer for the promotion!

Verne: Really? From who?

Greg: The Tribune Media Company!

Verne leaned forward in his chair.

Verne: The guys that own the Chicago Tribune and several other papers across the country; the owners of cable station WGN and baseball's Cubs?!

Greg: That's it! Now those are some really deep pockets!

Verne whistled.

Verne: We need to see what they're offering.

With the kind of money they could pour into the AWA  they could make it the top dog promotion once again!

When do they want to talk?

Greg handed his dad a slip of paper.

Greg: I wrote down the name and number of the person you'd need to call.

Verne looked at the paper.

Verne: Ron Desantis - Director of Public Relations - Tribune Media, Inc.

Seems odd to call the pr guy.

Greg: That's the name and number I was given.

Verne: I'll call Desantis first thing in the morning.

Greg: What about the other possible buyers?

Verne: I need to talk to Tribune first to see what they're looking to do; see what they're putting on the table.

Greg: What if they offer more than Vince?

Verne: Then we sell to them. I trust they would handle it more like a wrestling business than a schlocky entertainment company.

But I do have to make a decision on Vince's offer in the next few days.

Greg: Decide carefully, dad. Very carefully.

Verne nodded in agreement and then sat back in his office chair deep in thought.

The hour of decision was fast approaching.


Edited by piperrulz
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