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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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(4th Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Baron Von Raschke vs. Manny Fernandez (Is this the Baron's farewell match?)


Comments from AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter


An announcement from AWA Prez Stanley Blackburn regarding the tag team champs the Destruction Crew and Badd Company


Larry Zbyszko wrestles


A Super Clash 4 Update


A look back at last week's brutal attack by the Destruction Crew on Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans plus comments from Patera and Rheingans


Undefeated Sam Houston sees action


A look back at last week's debut of Kokina Maximus


Tommy Rich has a message for Lee Marshall


From All-Star Wrestling: Who sucker punched Tom Zenk?




Nelson then sent it to the ring in Vegas:


NON-TITLE: AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter


Wendi Richter won a squash match over Marsha, Marsha, Marsha Brady via pinfall with her DDT finisher




Nelson: Wendi, you looked really strong in that match against Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. Guess we'll start calling her Triple M.


You look good. Tell us a little about your training regimen?


Wendi: Larry, I train very hard. My training program consists of weight training, running and lots of cardio exercises. Cardio is so important in this sport, especially in long matches. Dieting is also important.


Nelson: Now you have two ladies who are openly gunning for you. They are Magnificent Mimi and Lelani Kai.


Do you have a preference regarding which one you'd rather face in the ring?


Wendi: I have no preference. I'll put this belt on the line against either one of them.

Nelson: Both Mimi and Kai have had harsh words for you. Does that bother you at all?


Wendi: You better develop a tough skin if you want to be in this sport. If you're thin-skinned then don't even bother because you'll get eaten alive.


Actions speak louder than words. They can say all the negative, nasty things they want. But they'd better be able to back it up in the squared circle.


Nelson: Well, Mimi and Kai are tough customers.


Wendi: They're two of the best women wrestlers out there today.


Whichever lady the AWA wants me to put the title on the line against, then give me the contract and I'll sign on the dotted line.

Nelson: Wendi Richter, everybody!


Crowd cheered (well some did).


Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... KOKINA HAS ARRIVED!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week's program where Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey introduced his newest wrestler Kokina Maximus.




Larry Nelson was standing center ring with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey in the Showboat Sports Pavilion.

Nelson: Fans! It is now time for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey to reveal his newest find!

Crowd booed.


Kaissey: Shut up, you infidels!


More boos.


Kaissey: After talking about this man for weeks and weeks, he has finally arrived here in the AWA!


I present to you a behemoth of a man! He is the wrestler who will change the AWA forever!


He is...Kokina Maximus!


Loud boos.


After a brief pause.


Nelson: Where is he... Whoa! He's coming and he is huge!

A huge Asian-Pacific Islander came down the aisle dressed in his knee-length tights. He was barefoot.


The man made his way to the ring and walked up the ring steps and climbed in the ring and walked over behind Larry Nelson and the Sheik.


Crowd booing as the man stood arms crossed with a menacing stare on his face.


Nelson: I'm intimidated just standing here right now, Sheik!


Sheik: Think of how intimidated all the wrestlers will be when they have to step into the ring with this man!


He is the biggest Samoan wrestler ever!


Nelson: He looks like he'll overwhelm some wrestlers!


Kaissey: He will do that, infidel Nelson!


This man is a force of nature! He is a one man wrecking crew! When I saw him on a trip to the islands, I knew I had to bring this man to the U.S. and the AWA!


He may be raw! But he makes up for that with size and brute power!


He will leave his opponents devastated! Some of the men he faces may want to think about a career change after wrestling Kokina!


Nelson: You've said before Jerry Blackwell will be his first target.


Kokina never moved.


Kaissey: Blackwell is the first man Kokina will annihilate here in the AWA! The 'Mountain from Stone Mountain' will be reduced to a small rock pile when Kokina is done with him!


And I have one more thing to say!


Nelson: Go ahead. This guy is making me very nervous. I want to end this interview ASAP.


Kokina didn't budge or even look in Nelson's direction. He just stared straight ahead.


Kaissey: It is inevitable that Kokina Maximus will be challenging for the AWA World Title very soon!


The AWA higher ups will not be able to deny him the opportunity!


And this message is for Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter! Whichever of you emerges as the undisputed AWA World Champion know this! You will have to face this man and your title reign will come to an abrupt, very painful end!


This is the greatest wrestler I will ever manage!


All hail Kokina Maximus!


Crowd booed.


In-Studio: Nelson said Maximus gives off an intense, intimidating vibe. Said Jerry Blackwell, Kokina's first target, better really prepare to fight this guy.


Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... MR. UNDEFEATED!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Sam Houston won a squash match over Jim Bakker via pinfall with his bulldog finisher




Nelson: Sam Houston! You remain undefeated here in the AWA! How long do you think you can keep the streak going?


Houston: Larry, I'd like to keep the streak going as long as possible. But no match is a given in pro wrestling; especially against the better wrestlers.

Nelson: Last time we talked you said you had a wrestling coach that's been a star in this sport. You wouldn't tell us his name. Are you still going to remain mum on the subject?


Houston: Yeah. I'm still not gonna divulge who my wrestling coach is. But I will let you and everyone else know one day. It's a secret that can't stay hidden forever. Both of us just prefer to keep it a secret right now because of the distractions it might cause.


Nelson: We just had the debut of Kokina Maximus. What did you think when you saw him?


Houston: That boy is huge! Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey may have really hit on a super talent there. He's gonna be tough to get off his feet. And if you can't take someone off their feet in wrestling then you ain't gonna win.


Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody!


Crowd cheered.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week's attack on Tom Zenk by a fan after Zenk's match.




(From All-Star Wrestling)


Zenk had his hand raised in victory and then Zenk dropped to the floor and started slapping hands with fans around ringside. As a crowd of fans pushed forward to slap Zenk's hand, a fist came through the crowd and popped Zenk in the mouth. Zenk stumbled back with his hand covering his mouth.


Zenk looked down at his hand.


Marshall: Zenk is bleeding from the mouth from that cheap shot!


Zenk momentarily looked down at the blood on his hand.


Zenk shot a glare over at the section where the punch came from. Zenk scanned the area briefly.


Zenk put his hand to his mouth again and then looked at more blood on his hand.


Zenk: DeBeers!


Zenk climbed over the ringside barricade and started walking through the ringside area looking for the perp as the program ended.




In-Studio: Nelson said they caught a couple of glimpses of the perp.


Pics showed a man standing behind a couple of fans who threw the punch at Zenk.


The man was wearing a baseball cap pulled down, sunglasses and street clothes. But there was one thing that stood out.


Another pic showed the man sneaking out of the crowd of fans he was in and leaving the scene of the crime. He had his head down in the pic but it was obviously him.


Nelson: I've only seen one mustache like that here in the AWA. And it belongs to one Col. DeBeers! This situation just keeps escalating and escalating. Zenk has promised to carry this fight away from the arena and out to the streets if he has to. The hatred between these two is red hot. The traditional wrestling routes to solve disputes may not be able to facilitate the end of this...well...war...between Zenk and DeBeers.

Pic aired of the SC 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!








AWA announcer Lee Marshall was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Marshall was in a tux.


Marshall: Hello grappling fans!


This is AWA announcer Lee Marshall coming to you from the brand new Super Clash 4 Update Center.


We are now one week closer to the wrestling event of 1989.


Super Clash 4 will be taking place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


Tickets go on sale for the event on Saturday, September 9th, at 10am Central time through Ticket Master and the Mecca box office.


Don't forget to mark that sales date down on your calendar because you're gonna want to get your seats early for this historic event.


In the weeks ahead, we'll be announcing the matches for Super Clash 4. And let me tell you, with the way things are going here in the AWA right now there will be some fantastic match-ups on the card.


Plus! There might even be a surprise or two on the show!


The only way to find out is to be there live or watch Super Clash 4 live on ESPN!


Keep watching AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN and AWA All-Star Wrestling in syndication in your local area to keep up-to-date on everything Super Clash 4.


I'm Lee Marshall. See you next week with another Super Clash 4 Update.


In-Studio: Nelson hyped SC 4 and intro'd video of last week's attack on Rheingans and Patera by the World Tag Team Champs the Destruction Crew with post-match comments by Rheingans and Patera.




Patera moved in and locked Stewart in the full nelson. Fans cheering for Patera to finish off the blond jackass. Stewart struggling to get out of the hold.


Marshall: Here comes trouble!


World Tag Team Champs The Destruction Crew charged down the heel entrance aisle with titles in hand. They dropped the belts when they climbed in the the ring and jumped Patera from behind. Ref immediately called for the bell. Patera lost his grip on Stewart and Stewart crumpled to the mat, rolled out of the ring and disappeared. Bloom and Enos beat Patera down to the mat and then put the boots to him. Enos went over and grabbed the tag belts while Bloom continued the stomping party. Enos handed Bloom his belt and the pair started beating Patera with their belts. Ref again called for the bell to no avail. The beating with the belts was in full swing when the crowd actually cheered Brad Rheingans coming to the ring to make the save. Enos went to hit Rheingans with his belt but Brad ducked and came back and fired away on Enos with punches. With Patera beaten and down, Bloom came up behind Rheingans and hit Rheingans in the back of the head with his belt. Rheingans stumbled forward. Enos had dropped his belt and worked Brad over with his fists. Bloom held his belt up like a baseball bat and gestured for Enos to send Rheingans his way. Enos whipped the stunned Rheingans toward Bloom and Bloom hit the wrestling equivalent of a homerun when he blasted Rheingans in the face with the belt. Rheingans crashed to the mat and rolled over on his front side. Enos picked up his belt and and went over and beat Patera with it some more. Ref tried to restore some order and Bloom responded by hitting the ref over the head with his belt. Ref crumpled to the mat.


Crowd cheered as several faces came out to make the save and the champs bailed to the safety of the floor. Rheingans rolled over on his back and was now bleeding. The champs started making their way back up the heel aisle and were pointing and laughing at the downed Patera and Rheingans. Bloom held up two fingers and was picked up on a mic.


Bloom: That's twice now, you idiots! Hahahaha!


Shot of the faces checking on Patera, Rheingans and the ref.


Pic flipped and Patera and Rheingans were in their locker room in their ring attire. Rheingans had a bandage on his head but blood was still caked on parts of his face. Patera had a mic.


Patera: Destruction Crew! I saw you laughing at us as you left the ring after attacking us! Well, very soon I have a feeling you're not gonna have anything to laugh about when me and Brad get our hands on you!


This is twice now you've done this! Once to Brad and now to both of us! Well, this is the way it's gonna be!


We know you're about to defend the titles against Badd Company! And we don't care who wins or loses that match!


Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos! We want you in a match whether it's for the tag team titles or not! We don't care!


And we want you in a match where you two can't escape or bring weapons into the ring! We want you in a cage match!


You hear me, Destruction Crew?! Am I clear?! Cage match! Let's make this happen because payback is gonna be hell for you guys!


Patera handed the mic to Brad.


Brad: You know, Ken, I've had all I can take with the Destruction Crew!


And I agree with you! Title match or non-title match we don't give a damn!


Look at my face! Look at the blood that's still on it even though I'm bandaged up from where Wayne Bloom bashed me in the face with that belt!


He took a baseball swing with that belt and crushed the metal into my face! That does not feel good!


So, you guys like baseball, huh?!


Well, let's do the cage match and Ken and I will get a hold of you two jackals and knock your asses right out of the park!


Patera made a fist with his right hand and gritted his teeth and Brad had an angry scowl on his face.




Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... THE LIVING LOUDMOUTH!




Larry Zbyszko won a squash match making quick work of Dave Reichert via pinfall with a piledriver




Nelson: Larry Zbyszko, I have to ask you about your continuing feud with Greg Gagne...


Zbyszko: I don't wanna talk about Greg Gagne or any Gagne for that matter right now!


You know I still have some unfinished business with Ken Patera!


Nelson: I think Ken Patera has other concerns at the moment with the tag champions the Destruction Crew.


Zbyszko: That's not my problem! We're gonna finish our business whether the power lifting lug wants to or not!


So, Ken Patera, when will we clash?! When is our clash going to be?!


Just name the time and place and I'll be there, muscle head!


And Larry, you know what they say about muscle heads?!

Nelson: What?


Zbyszko: The reason they lift all those weights and develop those big muscles is because they're severely lacking in one key area!

Nelson: Lacking in what?


Zbyszko raised his pinky and wiggled it and started laughing.


Zbyszko: Got it now?


Nelson: I certainly do.


Larry Zbyszko, everybody!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the end of the Jerry Blackwell-Tommy Rich match from two weeks ago and post-match comments from Tommy Rich.




(From All-Star Wrestling)


Rich down on the mat. Blackwell waiting for Rich to get to his feet. A shaky Rich up and Blackwell nailed Rich with a standing dropkick.


Blears: It's amazing that a man that big can deliver a well-executed dropkick like that.


Rich crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron and was laying down facing the crowd. Blackwell went to go after Rich but the ref ordered Blackwell to stand back and Blackwell did. Ref started the 10-count. Blackwell went to go after Rich again but the ref intercepted the big man and the two had words. While that was going on, Rich reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object that was caught on camera. (Amazing how that always happens!) Rich crawled over the bottom rope back into the ring and got to his knees. He was concealing the object in his right hand. Blackwell went over and reached down to pull Rich up. As Blackwell was pulling Rich to his feet, Rich stunned Blackwell with a foreign object shot to the jaw. Blackwell crumpled to the mat. Rich for the cover and concealed the object by his right leg. 1...2...3! Ref got up and called for the bell. Rich up and quickly dropped the foreign object in the back of his tights. Ref turned and raised Rich's hand in victory. Fans screaming for the ref to cop a feel on the back of Rich's tights. Rich strutted around the ring in victory because the booker said he had to.


Marshall: He is not getting away with this!


Marshall tossed the head set and climbed into the ring. Marshall started talking to the ref and gestured that Rich used a foreign object on Blackwell. Rich started arguing to the contrary. Blackwell recovering in the ring. Rich turned and started having heated words with Marshall. Big mistake. Ref standing behind Rich and saw the foreign object in the back of Rich's tights and the ref reached in (that sounds sooooooooooooooooooo wrong) and pulled it out (gets even funnier!). Ref showed Rich the object and called Larry Nelson up on the apron. Marshall left the ring for the floor and headed back to the announcers' table. Rich started arguing with the ref.


Nelson: I have been informed by the referee that he has ordered the match to be re-started!


Crowd cheered.


Blackwell to his feet. Ref called for the bell to re-start the match. Rich kept arguing with the ref for a few more seconds and turned and was greeted by a running clothesline from Blackwell. Rich crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Blackwell ran and hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher on Rich. The cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.


Pic then flipped to Tommy Rich, sweaty and still in his ring attire right after the match, standing in the back corridor in front of a white wall. Rich had a mic.


Rich ran his fingers through his hair.


Rich: You know what, Lee Marshall? I'm gettin' tired of you, boy!


You cost me the match with Jerry Blackwell! I pinned him right there in the middle of the ring after I knocked him out with my fist! My fist!


Marshall! You came in the ring and stuck that foreign object in the back of my tights to make it look like I cheated to win!


I'm sick of you, man! You need to stay in your damn seat at ringside and call the matches! That's what you're paid to do! You're not a wrestler, son! You're an announcer! So announce!


This is a warning to you, Marshall! Don't push this any further between us! Let it go!


You realize that you're messing with a former NWA World Champion, right?! I had one of the greatest runs as NWA Champion of all-time! Ric Flair personally told me he could never match what I did as champion back in 1980!


So, you just sit on your ass in your seat and tell the people at home watching on TV what wrestlers, real wrestlers, are doing in the ring!


Stay out of the ring and out of my business, boy!


You've been warned!




Pic aired of AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... THE SARGE SPEAKS!






AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter was standing in front of the AWA logo in his ring attire and DI hat. He had the belt slung over his left shoulder and a mic in his right hand.


Sarge: I heard what Jerry Lawler said about facts!


Well, I have a few facts I want to lay down on the 'Court Jester'...excuse me...the 'King of Wrestling' Jerry Lawler!


Fact #1: Lawler won the title from Curt Henning in May 1988!


Fact #2: Lawler defeated Kerry Von Erich to retain the AWA World Title at Super Clash 3!


Fact #3: Here's where it gets interesting!


Not long after defeating Von Erich at Super Clash Lawler up and vanished! To use military speak: he was MIA...Missing In Action!


Fact #4: Because Lawler seemed to fall off the face of the earth a Battle Royal was held in January of this year to determine a new AWA World Champion!


Larry Zbyszko won the Battle Royal and became the new World Champion!


Fact #5: In April of this year, I won a #1 Contender's Battle Royal and then defeated Larry Zbyszko to become the new AWA World Champion!


Where was Lawler all this time?! He was nowhere to be found!


Fact #6: Lawler shows up unannounced at the June TV taping in Las Vegas!


He makes his claim that he's the true AWA World Champion because he never lost the belt!


Fact #7: He never lost the belt because he never showed up to defend the belt in the first place!


Lawler went AWOL!


I won the World Title fair and square when I beat Zbyszko that night in April!


I don't think...I know I'm the true AWA Champion!


But Lawler has come in and caused so much confusion and chaos that it's become apparent that only a match between us to decide who the undisputed champion is will settle this matter once and for all!


Lawler! Let's have the match!


That is all! Dismissed!


Sarge saluted.




Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... PRESIDENT'S DECREE!






Larry Nelson was standing with AWA Prez Stanley Blackburn and five other men .


Nelson: With me right now is AWA President Stanley Blackburn. Also in the ring are the challengers for the AWA World Tag Team Titles Badd Company and manager Dallas Page.And finally, the AWA World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew.

Crowd was reacting with strong boos to both teams.


All three members of Badd Co. were wearing sunglasses and DDP was carrying a briefcase. Badd Co. was in their ring attire. The champs were in their ring attire and had the belts around their waists.


Nelson: President Blackburn.


Blackburn: Thank you, Larry.


I have called you men out here because I had a few important things I needed to say.


First, the Destruction Crew.


Your actions toward Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans and the referee were totally reprehensible.


Therefore, Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos, I am fining you $5,000 dollars each for your unprovoked attack on those men.

The champs were beside themselves.


Bloom: Hey, Blackburn!


You think we're working in New York or something?!


$5 grand! That's like half our annual pay here!


Good thing Dallas Page is gonna be owing us $25 grand when we retain our belts against them!

Enos: Mr. President! I find it morally reprehensible for you to fine us all that money when we were obviously provoked by Patera and Rheingans!


Blackburn: Since we don't have that much time I'm not gonna respond to Mr. Enos' obviously ridiculous comment.


I called you out here to let you that on the next edition of AWA Championship Wrestling here on ESPN, the Destruction Crew will be defending the tag team titles against Badd Company and Dallas Page's $25,000 dollars will be on the line.


Many in the crowd cheered.


Both teams seemed pleased with the news.


Bloom: Is the money in the briefcase, Dallas?


DDP: It is. Wanna see it?


Bloom: Yup.


Enos: Show us the money that will be ours after we beat you guys!


DDP opened the case and showed the money to the champs.


Camera close-up shot of the money.


DDP closed the case.


Bloom: It's not counterfeit, is it?


DDP: Nothing about Dallas Page is fake!


Blackburn: The contracts are already signed and now we have a set date for the match.


DDP: I have something to say!


Crowd booed.


DDP: Your boos are music to my ears, baby!


Destruction Crew, that's as close as you're getting to this money!


Badd Company is gonna walk out of the ring as the new tag team champions and you'll be hurting in the wallet because of that $5 grand fine on each of you!


You'll also be a little lighter because those belts will be going around the waists of Tanaka and Diamond!


We're wearing the sunglasses because of how shiny those belts are! We're blinded by their beauty and we can't wait to be the proud possessors of them!

Enos: Easier said than done, pal!


Bloom: One more thing Page needs to remember.


Someone, could be a man or woman, could be lurking in the building and waiting for a chance to strike against you and your boys, Dallas!


DDP: You son of a bitch! You guys have been up to these mind games all along!


A brief pushing and shoving match and war of words broke out between the two.


Nelson: Hey! Hey!


Blackburn: No more fighting between you two until the match! I better not get word that you even laid a finger nail on each other or there will be more fines...this time for both sides!


The scuffle came to a halt.


DDP: Just be there with the belts, boys! Ands don't get 'em dirty! After we win the wrestling press is gonna want photos of us and we want those belts nice and shiny!


Bloom: You just remember to bring all that money, Page! And the closest you're getting to these titles is when the ref holds them up in the ring before the start of the match!


Oh! And we have no idea who is stalking you! It could be anybody!


DDP: You never said it wasn't you!


Bloom: You guys just need to watch your backs...especially during the match!


We're done here.


The champs gave a mock wave to DDP and Badd Co. and then left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to a mixed crowd reaction.


DDP: I want to let the champs know that they're not gonna distract us from the mission at hand! And the mission is to win those tag team titles and we're doing just that on the next AWA on ESPN!


We'll find out who's mind gaming us and we will make them pay!


Nelson: It is set! AWA World Tag Team Championship Match! Dallas Page is putting $25,000 dollars of his money on the line! If the Destruction Crew retains the belts they get the money! If Badd Company wins they are the new AWA World Tag Team Champions!

DDP: We are not worried! Not worried at all! We are laser focused! Not worried about mind games! I won't allow it!


Nelson: Me thinks thou dost protest too much.


DDP: Shut up, Nelson! Let's get outta here!


DDP and Badd Co. left the ring and headed back up the heel entrance aisle to mainly boos but some cheers.


Split-screen pic aired of Baron Von Raschke and Manny Fernandez with the caption: NEXT... BARON'S FAREWELL?




TV MAIN EVENT: Baron Von Raschke vs. Manny Fernandez (Von Raschke's last match?)


Marshall: Will this be it for the Baron tonight?


Blears: I hope not, Lee. I believe the Baron still has some gas left in the tank.


Manny came out in his ring duds to pretty strong boos, climbed in the ring and went to a corner. He was all business.


Baron came out to a strong ovation from the large Showboat crowd.


Baron made his way to the ring in his ring attire and red and black robe. Baron climbed in the ring, did the goose step and gave the claw gesture. Many fans clawed right back at him.


Ref called for the bell.


The two men moved in on one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Fernandez gained the upper hand and drove Baron against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. Manny raised his hands in the air showing a clean break. The two men moved out of the corner and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. The two battled for control and, after a brief struggle, Von Raschke gained the upper hand and drove Manny into the corner and the ref ordered a break. Von Raschke showed he was making a clean break and backed off with hands raised. The two men came out of the corner and engaged in a third collar-and-elbow tie-up and, after a brief struggle, Manny gained the upper hand and once again drove Baron against the ropes and the ref ordered another break. Manny started to slowly back away with and started to slowly raise his hands and then Manny suddenly slapped Baron across the face. After being stunned briefly, Baron responded by shoving Manny down to the mat. Crowd cheered. Manny up and went to punch Baron but Baron blocked the punch try and fired away on Manny with a series of head shots that stunned Manny. Baron whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a high backdrop. Manny crashed to the mat. Baron snapped Manny up and rammed Manny's head into the top buckle 10 times in a row as the crowd counted along. Manny now with his head down on the top turnbuckle. Baron peeled Manny away from his nap and whipped Manny into the opposite corner. Baron moved in on Manny and Manny stunned Baron with a kick to the gut. Baron doubled over holding his gut. Manny delivered a kick to Baron's chest and Baron snapped back and crashed to the mat. Manny stomped on Baron and yelled for Baron to get up.


Manny: Get up, gramps!


Manny stomped Baron again.


Manny: Get up!


Baron started making it to his feet as the crowd started chanting 'Baron' and clapping for the old vet.


Baron up and Manny moved in and caught Baron with some well-placed head shots. Baron staggered off and Manny came up behind Baron and caught Baron with a forearm smash to the back. Baron fell against the ropes. Manny pulled Baron from the ropes and body slammed the German hero and nailed Baron with a jumping fist drop to the head. Manny for the cover. 1...2... Baron kicked out. Manny quickly covered Baron again. 1...2... Baron again kicked out as the crowd cheered. Manny snapped Baron up and went to ram Baron's head into the top buckle but Baron got his hands on the top rope and foot on the middle buckle and stiffened up. Manny tried two more times to slam Baron's head into the buckle but Baron resisted and then nailed Manny in the ribs three times. Manny lost his grip on Baron, Baron hit Manny with some punches and then leaned Manny back against the ropes and hit Manny with a deliberate series of forearm smashes to the chest. Baron then went to suplex Manny but Manny twice blocked the move and suplexed Baron. Manny up and booted Baron in the head. Manny snapped Baron up and went to whip Baron into the buckles but Baron reversed and Manny slammed into the buckles instead. Baron moved in and nailed Manny with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Manny slightly doubled over grabbing his gut. As Baron went to grab Manny, Manny reached down and pulled Baron's legs out from under him. Baron crashed to the mat. Manny for the pin. 1... Manny placed a foot on the middle rope for leverage. ...2... Fans screaming for the ref to look up. ...thr... Baron got a shoulder up and Manny quickly took his foot off the middle rope. Manny went for the pin again. Ref counted. 1... Manny again put his foot on the middle rope for leverage. ...2... Fans again screaming for the ref to look up. Ref looked over and saw Manny's foot on the rope and ordered a break. Manny to his feet and had argued with the ref and Manny slapped his hands together three times signaling it was a three count. Baron up and Manny turned and Baron stunned Manny with a punch and Baron caught Manny on a small package for the pin. 1...2... Manny kicked out.


Crowd again chanting 'Baron'!


The two up and Manny swung wildly at Baron and Baron ducked the move and came back with a flurry of kicks and punches that stunned Manny. Baron then nailed Manny with an atomic drop. Manny down holding the goods. Baron raised his right hand in the claw gesture and started goose stepping in the ring signaling it was time for the claw. Manny to his feet still holding his junk. Baron held his right hand claw-like in the air. Manny turned and...


Marshall: Baron has the Iron Claw on the 'Ragin' Bull'!


Crowd going wild for this match.


Manny struggling to free himself from the hold. Baron had the claw firmly locked on. Manny started to weaken in the hold. Manny couldn't break Baron's strong grip. Manny dropped to a knee. Manny appeared to be going out when Manny found the strength to nail Baron in the groin with a cheap shot. Baron lost his grip on the hold. Ref reprimanded Manny. Baron doubled over holding his groin. Manny up and briefly shook out the effects of the claw. Manny moved in on Baron and nailed Baron with a backfist to the face. Baron crashed to the mat holding his face. Baron down by the ropes. Manny went over, grabbed the top rope and drove a series of rapid-fire knees into Baron's back as the ref ordered Manny to let go of the top rope and then the ref started counting the 5-count. Ref's count reached 4 and Manny broke the illegal move. Manny snapped Baron up and started choking Baron on the top rope. Ref counted and Manny broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Manny repeated the illegal move and again broke at the count of 4. Baron leaned over the top rope facing the crowd. Manny turned and had words with the ref. Baron extracted himself from the top rope and turned and Manny greeted Baron with a knee to the gut. Manny whipped Baron into the ropes and Manny bent down down looking to catch Baron with a backdrop but Baron came off the ropes, dropped to a knee and stunned Manny with an upper cut. Manny stunned and still doubled over. Baron hoisted Manny up and nailed Manny with a piledriver. Loudest roar of the night from the fans so far (and that's saying something considering how long marathon TV tapings were in those days). Manny down. Baron again made the claw gesture and goose stepped as he waited for Manny to get to his feet.


Blears: It's not often, Lee, that the piledriver is used as a transitory move but we just saw it there with the Baron.


Manny slowly up.


Marshall: He puts the claw on Manny now, with how Manny's head and neck have to feel after that piledriver, Manny may have to sue for peace!


Baron, right hand raised at the ready.


Manny turned and walked right into the claw hold.


Crowd going nuts.


Manny tried to fight through it and free himself from the devastating hold. Baron relentless. Manny was able to move close to the ropes and tried to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break but as soon Manny got his foot on the rope, Baron pulled Manny away from the rope still locked in the hold. Manny dropped to his knees. Ref asked Manny if he quit. At first Manny said 'no'. But the 'no' quickly turned to a loud 'yes'. Ref called for the bell as the fans nearly blew the roof off the 'Boat.


WINNER: Baron Von Raschke - Submission - 10:01


Baron held the hold on for a few seconds after the bell but then quickly released it. Ref raised the Baron's hand in victory to an even louder crowd response. Manny down and rolled out on the apron. Baron stood in the ring for a moment as the fans chanted his name one more time. Baron looked out at the crowd and then walked to each side of the ring and gave the claw gesture and many fans clawed back.


Marshall: You have to wonder if the Baron is indeed retiring tonight!


Blears: If he is, it's a helluva way to go out.


Baron stood center-ring and looked out at the cheering crowd and threw up one more iron claw gesture with his right hand to more cheers.


And then...






MATCH TO DETERMINE THE UNDISPUTED AWA WORLD CHAMPION: Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter battled to a double count out - 26:47


Ken Patera beat Larry Zbysko via submission with the swingning full nelson - 14:41


Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco def. Jonnie Stewart & Tommy Rich when Muraco pinned Rich after Stewart appeared to load his left knee pad and accidentally struck Rich in the gut with his left knee - 13:04




Paid: 4,127


Comps Given Out: 231


Comps Used: 79


TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 4,206 (Largest in a long time)

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


(4th Taping Re-cap)


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT (THE RE-MATCH): Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne


The war of words between Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter escalates


NON-TITLE MATCH: Tag Champs The Destruction Crew sees action


A new Super Clash 4 Update


A look back at what happened after Tom Zenk's match last week and who sucker punched him


Don Muraco & Wahoo McDaniel see action


A look at last week's unveiling of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey's newest wrestler


'The Trooper' Del Wilkes laces 'em up




Nelson then sent it to the arena in Hammond, IN:


Tommy Jammer won a squash match over Artie Lange via pinfall with a Jammer Slam (whip opponent into corner, opponent bounces out into a power slam)


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week where Tom Zenk was sucker punched after his win over Akio Sato.






After Zenk had his hand raised in victory, Zenk dropped to the floor and started slapping hands with fans around ringside. As a crowd of fans pushed forward to slap Zenk's hand, a fist came through the crowd and popped Zenk in the mouth. Zenk stumbled back with his hand covering his mouth.


Zenk looked down at his hand.


Marshall: Zenk is bleeding from the mouth from that cheap shot!


Zenk momentarily looked down at the blood on his hand.


Zenk shot a glare over at the section where the punch came from. Zenk scanned the area briefly.


Zenk put his hand to his mouth again and then looked at more blood on his hand.


Zenk: DeBeers!


Zenk climbed over the ringside barricade and started walking through the ringside area looking for the perp.




In-Studio: Nelson said they caught a couple of glimpses of the perp.


Pics showed a man standing behind a couple of fans who threw the punch at Zenk.


The man was wearing a baseball cap pulled down, sunglasses and street clothes. But there was one thing that stood out.


Another pic showed the man sneaking out of the crowd of fans he was in and leaving the scene of the crime. He had his head down in the pic but it was obviously him.


Nelson: I've only seen one mustache like that here in the AWA. And it belongs to one Col. DeBeers! This situation just keeps escalating and escalating. Zenk has promised to carry this fight away from the arena and out to the streets if he has to. The hatred between these two is red hot. The traditional wrestling routes to solve disputes may not be able to facilitate the end of this...well...war...between Zenk and DeBeers.


Pic aired of Del Wilkes with the caption: NEXT... 'THE TROOPER' IN ACTION!




'The Trooper' Del Wilkes wrestled


He came to the ring in his state trooper attire and slapped hands with and handed out tickets to fans on the way to the ring.


Wilkes won a squash over Anderson Cooper via submission with a double nerve hold to the traps. Anderson passed out in the excrutiating hold.




Nelson: 'Trooper' Del Wilkes, another impressive win here in the AWA.


That nerve hold could soon be one of the most devastating finishers in the sport.


Wilkes: I hope so, Larry. If you're locked in the hold, well, it's hard to escape from.


Shot of the ref reviving Cooper in the ring.


Nelson: What were you handing to the fans on the way to the ring?


Wilkes (chuckling): I was handing out tickets.


Nelson: Tickets?


Wilkes: You know, like speeding tickets. They say: You've been busted by 'The Trooper'.


Nelson: Sounds like a great way to interact with the fans.


Wilkes: It is. Kind of helps form a bond with the great fans of the AWA!


Fans cheered.


Nelson: 'The Trooper' Del Wilkes, everybody!


Pic aired of Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... HE HAS ARRIVED!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of last week's debut of the Sheik's newest wrestler.




(From AWA Wrestling On ESPN)


Larry Nelson was standing center ring with Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey in the Showboat Sports Pavilion.


Nelson: Fans! It is now time for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey to reveal his newest find!


Crowd booed.


Kaissey: Shut up, you infidels!


More boos.


Kaissey: After talking about this man for weeks and weeks, he has finally arrived here in the AWA!


I present to you a behemoth of a man! He is the wrestler who will change the AWA forever!


He is...Kokina Maximus!


Loud boos.


After a brief pause.


Nelson: Where is he... Whoa! He's coming and he is huge!


A huge Asian-Pacific Islander came down the aisle dressed in his knee-length tights. He was barefoot.


The man made his way to the ring and walked up the ring steps and climbed in the ring and walked over behind Larry Nelson and the Sheik.


Crowd booing as the man stood arms crossed with a menacing stare on his face.


Nelson: I'm intimidated just standing here right now, Sheik!


Sheik: Think of how intimidated all the wrestlers will be when they have to step into the ring with this man!


He is the biggest Samoan wrestler ever!


Nelson: He looks like he'll overwhelm some wrestlers!


Kaissey: He will do that, infidel Nelson!


This man is a force of nature! He is a one man wrecking crew! When I saw him on a trip to the islands, I knew I had to bring this man to the U.S. and the AWA!


He may be raw! But he makes up for that with size and brute power!


He will leave his opponents devastated! Some of the men he faces may want to think about a career change after wrestling Kokina!

Nelson: You've said before Jerry Blackwell will be his first target.


Kokina never moved.


Kaissey: Blackwell is the first man Kokina will annihilate here in the AWA! The 'Mountain from Stone Mountain' will be reduced to a small rock pile when Kokina is done with him!


And I have one more thing to say!


Nelson: Go ahead. This guy is making me very nervous. I want to end this interview ASAP.

Kokina didn't budge or even look in Nelson's direction. He just stared straight ahead.


Kaissey: It is inevitable that Kokina Maximus will be challenging for the AWA World Title very soon!


The AWA higher ups will not be able to deny him the opportunity!


And this message is for Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter! Whichever of you emerges as the undisputed AWA World Champion know this! You will have to face this man and your title reign will come to an abrupt, very painful end!


This is the greatest wrestler I will ever manage!


All hail Kokina Maximus!


Loud boos from the crowd.


Kokina continued to stand eerily still with arms folded and that menacing stare on his face.


Nelson: There you have it! Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey's newest find looks to be a destroyer! His name is Kokina Maximus!


More boos.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson said he'd never been that uneasy in the ring before. Said you could feel the menace emanating from Maximus.


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco with the caption: NEXT... THE CHIEF & THE DON!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco won a squash match over Dan Rowan and Dick Martin via pinfall when Muraco pinned Martin with his inverted piledriver finisher.




Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco, you guys are really working well as a team.


So far, you're undefeated here in the AWA so you've got to think you're moving on to next level competition very soon.


Wahoo: Well, whatever the AWA throws at us, me and Don are ready for the challenge.


Muraco: I agree with the Chief. Whoever faces us will be in for one helluva challenge.


Nelson: The Destruction Crew continue to retain the tag team titles. Do you think you could be the team that takes them down and wins those belts.


Wahoo: Put us in the ring with 'em and we'll find out.


Muraco: Only way to know is to lace 'em up and wrestle them.


The Destruction Crew is an outstanding team and they want to hang onto those belts no matter what.


Wahoo: But let us have a go at 'em and let the chips fall where they may.


Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco, everybody!


Pic aired of the Super Clash 4 logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!








AWA announcer Lee Marshall was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Marshall was in a tux.


Marshall: Hello, grappling fans!


This is AWA announcer Lee Marshall coming to you from the brand new Super Clash 4 Update Center.


We are now one week closer to the wrestling event of 1989.


Super Clash 4 will be taking place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Mecca Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a bell time of 6pm Central time.


Tickets go on sale for the event on Saturday, September 9th, at 10am Central time through Ticket Master and the Mecca box office.


Don't forget to mark that sales date down on your calendar because you're gonna want to get your seats early for this historic event.


In the weeks ahead, we'll be announcing the matches for Super Clash 4. And let me tell you, with the way things are going here in the AWA right now there will be some fantastic match-ups on the card.


Plus! There might even be a surprise or two on the show!


The only way to find out is to be there in-person or watch Super Clash 4 live on ESPN!


Keep watching AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN and AWA All-Star Wrestling in syndication in your local area to keep up-to-date on everything Super Clash 4.


I'm Lee Marshall. See you next week with another Super Clash 4 Update.


In-Studio: Nelson hyped SC 4 and told fans to remember Saturday, Sept. 9 at 10am CST because that's when tickets for the biggest wrestling event of 1989 Super Clash 4 go on sale.


Split-screen pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... FACT CHECK!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter and disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler. The two sides present their 'facts' on the situation with each other.




Lawler was standing in front of the AWA logo. He was in street clothes and cradling the belt in his left arm and holding a mic in his right hand.


Lawler: Welcome to Lawler's Class of the Obvious 101.


The word I want people to focus on today is: fact.


Fact is the word we need to zero in on here.


You see, facts cannot be overcome no matter what . And I'm sorry to tell a lot of you wrestling fans out there that fantasy and blubbery eyed emotionalism cannot overcome straight to the point facts.


Here's a fact for you: I never lost the AWA World Heavyweight Title.


I won this belt in May of last year from Curt Hennig. I've never lost it.


Here's Fact #2: Sgt. Slaughter did not beat me to win this title so how can he lay claim to being a legitimate World Champion?


Bottom line: Sgt. Slaughter did not beat me for the AWA World Title so he's a fake champion!


You see, it's simple logic. You have to beat the champion to become the champion. Sarge didn't beat me so he's not a real champion!


It's like some wrestling fan whose mom makes him a title belt out of tin foil and construction paper and tapes it around her son's waist and then records him doing interviews claiming he's the World Champion. That's the Sgt. Slaughter AWA World Title reign in a nutshell. He's a tin foil and construction paper belt champion.


Finally, Fact #3: The AWA brass wants Sgt. Slaughter to be their World Champion!


Never has something been so obvious! The AWA wants Sarge to be their standard bearer for reasons unknown! They seem to want me to fail!


Well, here's the deal!


The day is coming when Sgt. Slaughter and The King will face off in a match to decide who the undisputed AWA World Champion is.


And the people at the top of the AWA: Verne Gagne, Stanley Blackburn and Wally Karbo are gonna be in for a major letdown when I emerge as the undisputed, unquestioned, unchallenged AWA World Champion! They won't be able to deny me what is rightfully mine!


Set a date! Make the match! And let's prepare for a coronation of the AWA's REAL World Champion!


Pic then switched to Sarge.


AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter was standing in front of the AWA logo in his ring attire and DI hat. He had the belt slung over his left shoulder and a mic in his right hand.


Sarge: I heard what Jerry Lawler said about facts!


Well, I have a few facts I want to lay down on the 'Court Jester'...excuse me...the 'King of Wrestling' Jerry Lawler!


Fact #1: Lawler won the title from Curt Henning in May 1988!


Fact #2: Lawler defeated Kerry Von Erich to retain the AWA World Title at Super Clash 3!


Fact #3: Here's where it gets interesting!


Not long after defeating Von Erich at Super Clash Lawler up and vanished! To use military speak: he was MIA...Missing In Action!


Fact #4: Because Lawler seemed to fall off the face of the earth a Battle Royal was held in January of this year to determine a new AWA World Champion!


Larry Zbyszko won the Battle Royal and became the new World Champion!


Fact #5: In April of this year, I won a #1 Contender's Battle Royal and then defeated Larry Zbyszko to become the new AWA World Champion!


Where was Lawler all this time?! He was nowhere to be found!


Fact #6: Lawler shows up unannounced at the June TV taping in Las Vegas!


He makes his claim that he's the true AWA World Champion because he never lost the belt!


Fact #7: He never lost the belt because he never showed up to defend the belt in the first place!


Lawler went AWOL!


I won the World Title fair and square when I beat Zbyszko that night in April!


I don't think...I know I'm the true AWA Champion!


But Lawler has come in and caused so much confusion and chaos that it's become apparent that only a match between us to decide who the undisputed champion is will settle this matter once and for all!


Lawler! Let's have the match!


That is all! Dismissed!


Sarge saluted.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson said both men seemed to present a strong case for their opinions. But actions speak louder than words and the only fact that will matter in the end is who walks out of the ring the undisputed AWA World Champion when the two clash.


Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... THE CHAMPS!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


NON-TITLE: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash match over Tom Leykis and Shadoe Stevens via pinfall when Bloom pinned Stevens after the Wrecking Ball (aka, Doomsday Device)




Nelson: Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos, you guys are on a roll as the tag team champions. Is there anyone who can stop you right now?


Enos: It's like this, Larry Nel...


Bloom patted Enos on the shoulder.


Enos: What?


Bloom: Do you really want to stand out here and talk to this clown and the rest of these losers?

Enos: Do you?


Nelson: Wait. What's going on? We're supposed to be doing an...


Bloom: Interview's over, man. We don't feel like talkin'.


Enos: Bye!


The champs walked off and left the ring for the floor as the crowd booed.


Nelson: The Destruction Crew doesn't want to do an interview!


The champs headed back up the heel aisle, belts slung over their left shoulders, with some garbage and boos thrown in their direction.


Nelson: Well, that's that!


Video aired from the previous match between Zbyszko and Gagne with the caption: NEXT... THE RE-MATCH!




TV MAIN EVENT - THE RE-MATCH: Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne


Gagne got a decent amount of cheers coming out. Zbyszko was strongly booed.


Bell rang and the two men came out of their corners and engaged in a wild punch exchange. Fans into it early. Greg got the upper hand. Zbyszko staggered. Greg whipped Zbyszko into the corner and charged in and monkey flipped Zbyszko out of the corner. Zbyszko sat up and Greg nailed Zbyszko with a snap mare. Zbyszko to his feet holding the back of his neck when Greg caught Zbyszko with a dropkick that sent Zbyszko crashing to the mat. Zbyszko quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor and started walking around. Greg went to go after Zbyszko but the ref ordered Greg to stand back. Ref began the 10-count. Zbyszko had words with some hecklers at ringside. Count grew and Zbyszko quickly rolled in and out of the ring and dropped back to the floor. Crowd booing. Zbyszko stalking around. Greg tried to leave the ring but the ref intercepted him and ordered him to stand back once more. Ref re-started the 10-count. Zbyszko stalking around ringside. Zbyszko again turned to have words with ringside hecklers and Greg had enough and bolted the ring for the floor. Ref had to re-start the 10-count. Greg came up behind Zbyszko, spun him around and fired away on Zbyszko with more punches. Greg went to whip Zbyszko into the post but Zbyszko reversed and sent Greg crashing shoulder-first into the post. Greg waked off holding his shoulder. Zbyszko climbed into the ring and broke the count. Greg came over and started to climb back into the ring but Zbyszko short-circuited that with a boot to the top of head through the top and middle rope. Greg stunned. Zbyszko then reached over the top rope, grabbed Greg by the air and deliberately slammed Greg's head into the ring apron. Ref ordered Zbyszko back and Zbysko grabbed Greg by the hair and repeated the move. Ref ordered Zbyszko to step back and Zbysko stepped back for 2 seconds before going back over and slamming Greg's head into the apron once again. Greg to a knee on the floor. Zbyszko yelled at the ref to count. Count grew and Greg, at the count of 8, rolled back into the ring. Zbyszko moved in and stomped away on the downed Greg. Zbyszko snapped Greg up and locked Greg into position for a swinging neckbreaker but Greg was able to drive Zbyszko back-first into the corner. Zbysko lost his grip on Greg.


Greg was able to hit Zbyszko with a series of knees to the gut. Greg pulled Zbyszko out of the corner, whipped Zbysko into the ropes and caught Zbyszko coming off with a dropkick. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Zbyszko up and Greg moveed in and took Zbyszko over with a flying head scissors . Zbyszko locked in the head scissors. Zbyszko tried to escape but Greg had it firmly locked in. Zbyszko was finally able to get to his feet and maneuver his head around between Greg's legs (the comedy just writes itself). Zbyszko was able to escape, grab Greg's legs and flip over on top of Greg for the pin. 1...2... Greg managed to bridge out, maneuver around and catch Zbyszko in a backslide. Zbyszko fought going over at first but Greg eventually succeeded and caught Zbyszko in the backslide for the pin. 1...2... Zbyszko kicked out. Fans groaned. Both men up and Greg caught Zbyszko with a kick to the side of the ribs. Greg bodyslammed Zbyszko and went over and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a flying knee drop but Zbyszko rolled out of the way and Greg crashed knee-first into the mat. Greg down holding his knee. Zbyszko moved in and stomped the left knee area. Zbyszko grabbed Greg's left leg, yanked on it, channeled Ric Flair and went to school. Zbyszko locked Greg in the figure four. Greg in dire pain trying not to submit to his #1 rival. As the ref checked on Greg, Zbyszko took the opportunity to grab the middle rope to add pressure to an already painful hold. Greg in serious pain but not giving up. Ref looked over and Zbyszko quickly released the rope. Ref checked on Greg again and asked Greg if he submitted. While the ref looked at Greg, Zbyszko once again grabbed the middle rope for leverage. Greg writhing in absolute pain. Fans yelling for the ref to look at LZ. Ref looked over and caught Zbyszko and ordered a break in the hold. Zbyszko up and wasted no time snapping up Greg and going for the piledriver. Greg twice blocked the move and backdropped Zbyszko to the mat. Zbyszko up to his feet and Greg up to a knee. Zbyszko moved in on Greg and Greg stunned Zbyszko with a head shot. Greg, left leg hobbled, made it to his feet and moved in on Zbyszko. Zbyszko went to punch Greg but Greg blocked the punch try and Greg, almost hopping around for balance, fired away on Zbyszko with punches to the delight of the crowd. Greg grabbed the stunned Zbyszko and slammed Zbyszko's head into the top turnbuckle three times. Zbyszko staggered away and turned and walked right into a high dropkick from Greg. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Greg pulled Zbyszko over into position for a turnbuckle move.


Blears: If Greg is setting up for his flying bodypress, normally he would bodyslam the man first. But it's obvious that his left leg is bothering him a great deal from being locked in that figure four and a slam attempt would be too risky.


Greg stomped Zbyszko and then climbed out on the apron. Greg slowly, and I mean slowly, climbed to the top turnbuckle. Greg got to the top and his left leg gave out and Greg crotched himself on the top buckle and fell back into the ring. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Zbyszko crawled over and covered Greg and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Greg got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. The old rivalry had truly been renewed. Zbyszko up and grabbed Greg by the legs and dragged Greg to the middle of the ring. Zbyszko went to lock Greg into the figure four when Greg reached up and caught Zbyszko in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Zbyszko kicked out. Both men laid there for a few seconds and then both slowly made it to their feet. Zbyszko moved in and caught Greg with a kick to the gut and went for the piledriver again. Greg blocked the move, reached down and grabbed Zbyszko's legs and pulled them out from under him. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Now it was Greg's turn to teach school, go to school, whatever. Greg held onto Zbyszko's left leg and wrapped Zbyszko up in the figure four. Crowd popped big time. Zbyszko writhing in pain in the hold and trying not to give up. Zbyszko started scooting closr to the ropes while locked in the hold. Crowd urging Greg on. Zbyszko moved a little closer but was stopped because of the pain. Zbyszko not submitting. Zbyszko then tried to reverse the hold and started to turn Greg over but Greg managed to shift his weight and regain control of the hold. More crowd cheering. Zbyszko was close to the ropes and scooted close enough to grab the middle rope and force a break in the hold. Zbyszko, with the aid of the ropes, got to his feet. Now both men gimpy. Greg grabbed Zbyszko and went to whip Zbyszko into the ropes but Zbyszko reversed and caught Greg coming off with a spinning sole kick to the chest. Greg crashed to the mat and was hurting. As the ref checked on Greg, Zbyszko turned towards the crowd, reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object that he concealed in his right hand. Greg painfully made it to his feet. Zbyszko moved in and caught Greg flush in the jaw with a foreign object shot. Greg crashed to the mat. Ref checked on Greg gain and Zbyszko quickly turned and dropped the object back in his tights out of the view of the ref. Zbyszko pushed the ref out of the way, dropped down and and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd popped. Zbyszko pissed. Zbyszko snapped up Greg and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Zbyszko coming off with another dropkick. Zbyszko crashed to the mat and rolled over. Greg down as well. Both men made it slowly to their feet and barely beat the 10-count. Zbyszko up by the ropes and Greg charged/hobbled over and caught Zbyszko with a running clothesline line. Both men went toppling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men started getting up. Both men up and Zbyszko caught Greg in the side of the left knee area with a stiff kick. Greg went back down. Ref's count hit 10 and he called for the bell.


DECISION: Double Count Out - 14:24


Zbyszko went over and grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table. Greg still down holding his left knee. Zbyszko sat the chair at ringside. Ref checking on Greg. Zbyszko grabbed the ref and threw him to the side. Zbyszko stomped on Greg and then snapped Greg up and walked Greg the few steps to the chair and hoisted Greg up and hit Greg with a modified front suplex that halved Greg on the back of the chair. Greg down to the floor and in worse shape. Greg now grabbing his mid-section. Fans popped as face wrestlers came out of the back...and so did Verne Gagne. Verne immediately went over and checked on Greg as Zbyszko fled the scene. Verne concerned about his son as the program ended.






MATCH TO DETERMINE THE UNDISPUTED AWA WORLD CHAMPION: Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler wrestled to a double count out - 16:18


SOMBRERO ON A POLE AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) def. The Guerrero Bros. when Mike Enos captured the sombrero - 12:31


AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Wendi Richter def. Lelani Kai via pinfall when Richter reversed a small package - 7:05


ATTENDANCE: 2,502 (Best for an ASW taping a while.)

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The summer was winding down...


Verne Gagne had gotten the attendance figures for the late August house shows headlined by Sgt. Slaughter and Jerry Lawler in a battle to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion.


The tickets sales for the three towns were:


Aug. 25 - Omaha, NE - Civic Auditorium - 2,733


Aug. 26 - Fargo, ND - Bison Sports Arena - 3,400


Aug. 27 - Sioux Falls, SD - Sioux Falls Arena - 5,913


Overall, Verne was pleased with the numbers; especially the unexpectedly huge turnout in Sioux Falls. Huge day of the show walk-up crowd.


Fans were interested in the Lawler-Sarge program.


They were gonna run a few more houses in September with Lawler-Sarge on top.


But cities they were returning to that had the Lawler-Sarge match in July or August would be getting a six-man tag team main event pitting disputed AWA World Champion Lawler and the World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew against AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter, Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera.


Would there still be enough fan interest to buy tickets for the tag match main at the houses?


Ticket sales for the re-match in September between Sarge and Lawler in Vegas were better than previous TV tapings at the Showboat, but still down a pretty sizable margin from the sales for the August tapings where the two first squared off.


Things were much better now than they were at this time a few months ago.


But money was still an issue. And the AWA was still in a deep hole.


After shooting down Winnipeg Jets' owner Barry Shenkarow's offer to buy the promotion, Verne had no new potential buyers left on the horizion.


As he sat at his desk in deep thought, a loud knock on the door stunned him.


Verne: Come in.


The door opened and it was Greg Gagne. Greg walked in and closed the door behind him.


Verne: Hi, son.


Greg sat in one of the chairs in front of pop's desk and leaned forward.


Greg just looked at his dad.


Verne: What is it?


Greg: Dad, you won't believe it.


Verne: What?


Greg: I just got a call from a friend. He's found a potential buyer. He thinks the buyer...or in this case buyers...could be the real deal like Bob Lurie would have been if he hadn't died unexpectedly.


Verne: Really? Who are these two new possible buyers?


Greg: Are you ready?


Verne: Well. Tell me.


Greg: It's Deborah Harry and John Waters.


Verne: Deborah Harry and John... I think I've heard the woman's name before. She some kind of pop singer?


Greg: She's the lead singer of the band Blondie.


Verne: And the man? He also in entertainment?


Greg: He's a Hollywood film director who made that movie Hairspray last year. Deborah Harry was one of the stars in it.


Verne: Sounds interesting. That's serious money.


Greg: You bet it is.


My friend told me that they are serious about this. He said Deborah Harry loves wrestling.


Just think, if she's one of the buyers then you have a built-in rock 'n' wrestling connection!


Father and son shared a laugh.


Greg: If you want to, my friend can pass along the message you're interested.


Verne: Okay. Have him give them both my home and office number and tell them to call me any time before midnight any day of the week.


Greg: Will do.


Greg got up and walked towards the door. He was pumped.


Greg opened the door and turned back to his dad.


Greg: I really think this could be it, dad.


You and mom would be set and you'd also have the money for your lawsuit.


Verne: Sounds promising. But, I'm approaching it cautiously. Remember how we got our hopes up with the Lurie deal.


Greg: I know. But I don't think lightning will strike twice like that.


If you're bought out by people like that who have the money they do...well...Vince could have some serious competition on his hands if they play their cards right.


Verne: Just have to wait and see, I guess.


Make sure your friend gets my numbers to pass along ASAP.


Greg: Will do.


Greg closed the door behind him.


Verne turned in his chair and looked out the big picture window in his office.


Summer was coming to a close and if this was indeed a serious offer from John Waters and Deborah Harry, then Verne Gagne's legendary run in the wrestling business may be coming to a close as well.



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So as luck has it, none other than Debbie Harry is one of the mysterious potential buyers of the AWA?


Well, we know what this calls for... :D



(I should add, in her late-'70s/'80s prime with Blondie, Debbie Harry was quite the looker.)


She was drop. dead. gorgeous.


And that was one of her best songs.


She's still not bad looking for a seasoned citizen.

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By Charlie Harper


AWA boss Verne Gagne's decision to run house shows in September in three cities he's never run before is probably not a good sign for the flailing company.


It's good to see that business has been sharply up in many cities where Sgt. Slaughter vs. Jerry Lawler to determine the undisputed AWA World Champion is the main event. But, the AWA is still deeply in the red and the Sarge-Lawler program is going to end at Super Clash 4. Sorry, but bringing in the likes of Greg Valentine and Dick Murdoch and bringing back former AWA World Champion Stan Hansen for a brief run against the winner of the match at SC 4 is only a Band-Aid solution at best.


When Bob Lurie bought the company, ESPN wanted to give the AWA a set weekly primetime slot. Things were going to start opening back up in Canada. A merchandise team was coming in to create and market new merchandise for the company. When Lurie died suddenly all that went away.


The AWA is still where it was before the Lurie deal. No set slot on ESPN. Canada deal collapses. The merchandise team that Lurie was bringing to the company bailed as well.


What happens when the Sarge-Lawler program ends? An educated guess is that business once again falls off a cliff. Crowds in the thousands, including a great turnout of almost 6,000 fans for a Lawler-Sarge main in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, will most likely fall back into the hundreds to just over 1,000 range. Hansen was a good AWA World Champion. He's one hell of a heel. But his name value is limited in this country. Of course, AWA fans and hardcore fans will remember him. But will he move tickets?


The same can be said about Greg Valentine. Valentine coming to the AWA in '86 or '87 probably would have meant something for business. But Valentine is looked at now by most fans as mid-card talent. Valentine can still go in the ring. But will the fans care enough to shell out their money to see him in one of the company's top programs?


Murdoch is a non-starter. What are they bringing him in for? To put young talent over to elevate them? Murdoch's appeal has always been limited to certain parts of the country. And teaming with Dusty as part of the heel Outlaws in the AWA seems like a lifetime ago.


Which brings us back to my opening sentence.


Verne decided to book a three city tour of Seattle, Reno and Anaheim. He clearly booked this tour in haste as he did it only when he got back to Vegas from the August round of TV tapings. The build-up in the three cities has been poor. Outside of promos on the syndicated shows geared toward each specific market and the dates mentioned in the AWA On Tour promo on the cable show, Verne has taken out three or four small page ads in the local papers as well as had a few radio spots, voiced by a company salesman named Eric Bischoff, and a few late night TV ads air in each market. They've basically had two weeks to sell tickets with a little over two weeks left until the shows.


Lawler-Sarge for the undisputed title will be the main at each show.


Ticket sales so far:


Seattle (Sept. 15): Less than 800


Reno (Sept. 16): Less than 1,000


Anaheim (Sep. 17): Just under 2,000


Verne has to fly the boys to each city and then back to Minneapolis and that's not going to be cheap.


Anaheim is the most important date here as the promotion intends to roll the dice and hold their 16-man tournament to decide the company's first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion at the Fourm in Inglewood, CA in February 1990.


Info we've received is that they're going to put tickets on sale for the two session tournament during the Anaheim show and will announce it to the crowd during intermission and the only way you will be able to buy tickets that night is to show your ticket for that evening's show. Also, tickets are going to be sold for both sessions only. You can't buy a ticket for just one session.


Anaheim is Verne's test run for Los Angeles. It might be better if he held the tournament in Anaheim as well as there's much more to do in Anaheim than in Inglewood. If the tournament is taking place in Inglewood as currently planned, they already nixed booking the Capital Centre in Landover, MD for the event, it would be better to hold the two sessions in one day with an afternoon and evening session. Inglewood is not the best neighborhood to be killing time in. Anaheim would be better if the tournament is taking place over two evenings. Great place to visit. A true tourist town with lots to do.


The next few weeks, including how well Super Clash 4 does at the box office, could settle Verne's fate once and for all.


He needs a miracle to make it work.

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AWA head cheese Verne Gagne was sitting in his den on a late summer evening, relaxing and watching TV when the phone rang.


Verne put down his drink and grabbed the horn.


Verne: Hello.


Man: Is this Verne Gagne?


Verne: It is.


Man: Hello, sir. My name is Floyd Lawson.


I'm calling on behalf of Deborah Harry and John Waters.


Verne: That was quick. I didn't even know Greg had passed along my contact information.


Lawson: Well, news travels fast these days.


Imagine what's gonna happen when they streamline computers for personal use?


Verne (channeling Orwell): I shudder to think about it.


Lawson: Well, the reason for this call is to see what price you're looking to sell the AWA for and get back to them with a number. Plus, we'll need to send accountants up there to look over the books.


Verne: Yeah, the whole due dilligence thing. Went through it with Bob Lurie.


Lawson: So you know the drill. Haha.


Verne: I do.


Lawson: Well, can I get a number you're looking to move the company for?


Verne: $3. $3 million.


Lawson: So, $3 milllion. I will get this number back to them. It sounds like a good number to start negotiating from.


Verne: I hope so.


Lawson: And you don't mind if they call you at home or the office?


Verne: Not at all. Looking forward to talking with Ms. Harry and Mr. Waters and see if we can do business.


Lawson: I know they're looking forward to it as well. And they are very interested in buying the AWA if a mutually satisfying arrangement can be made.


Verne: Oh! Tell them the entire AWA tape library, other merchandise, syndicated TV contracts, the ESPN contract, wrestler contracts and more are included in the asking price. There will be no upsell.


Lawson: I will let them know, Mr. Gagne, and I will get back to you in a couple of days after seeing if this deal will move forward.


And let me give you my number.


Verne wrote down the number.


Verne: Okay. Bye, Mr. Lawson.


Lawson: Please, call me Floyd. And my nickname is 'pink' because of my cheeks. But don't call me 'pink'.

Verne laughed.


Verne: Alright. Goodbye, Floyd.


Lawson: Goodbye, Verne.


Verne hung up the phone.


The ball was now in the court of John Waters and Deborah Harry. Would they return serve or let the opportunity pass right by?


Verne anxiously awaited an answer.



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From 1983, it's Bobby Jaggers vs. Abdullah The Butcher from Southwest Championship Wrestling!


If pro wrestling was still presented like this they'd probably have millions more fans here in America:



From 1983, Bobby Jaggers: Pig Pies. Also from Southwest:





From the 1981-82 Stanley Cup Playoffs, a look back at Game 3 of the Smythe Division Playoff series between the Edmonton Oilers and L.A. Kings.


The game became known as the 'Miracle On Manchester'.


Watch this 6 minute vid and you'll know why:


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Deborah Harry, lead singer of Blondie, was seated on her couch reading through some business-related papers when the phone rang.


After the third ring...


Harry: Hello.


Man: Hey, Deb. This is John.


It was Hollywood film director John Waters.


Harry: Hi, John. Whatcha got for me?


Waters: Well, I just got off the phone with our friend Floyd Lawson.


Harry: Is he still cutting hair?


Waters: I don't think so.


Anyway, he talked with Verne Gagne and Verne's asking price for the AWA is $3 million.


Harry: $3 million? That seems awful steep for what we would be buying.


Waters: Well, that includes everything: tape library, merchandise, TV contracts, wrestler contracts etc.


Harry: That still seems high.


Waters: Floyd said Verne agreed to use it as an opening in negotiations.


Harry: Okay. Well, let's set up a time we can send accountants there to look over the books.


Waters: I will tell you this; Bob Lurie's accountants went up there and scoured the books and did not like what they saw.


Harry: Do you know how much debt Verne is in?


Waters: I'll check on that. Are you thinking any outstanding debt should stay with Verne even if we buy?


Harry: It's something to consider.


Also, just because we buy the promotion doesn't necessarily guarantee a turnaround. I mean, we'd be competing with Vince McMahon and a wrestling promotion owned by a large corporation in Atlanta.


Waters: Well, we can always walk away if we don't like the deal.


Harry: Agreed.


Harry then channeled her inner fan.


Harry (excitedly): But wouldn't it be exciting to own a wrestling promotion that's seen all over the country?


The money we could put into this, maybe even bring in a couple of business partners, could make the AWA truly major league once more.

Waters: It would definitely be interesting.


But let's keep both feet on the ground and our heads out of the clouds.


Harry: You sound like my mom when I was a kid.


Waters: Was that before or after she got home from the backroom casino?


Harry (laughed): Usually after, but only if she won at craps.


Waters: Well, let's get an accountant team together to fly to Minnesota and check things out and then we can move from there.


Harry: Agreed.


See if Floyd can set up a conference call with Verne.


Waters: Will do.


Harry: Okay, hon. I gotta finish reading these papers.


Waters: Gonna roll 'em when you're done reading them?


Harry: Yep. And beat you over the head with them like a misbehaving dog.


Waters: Arf! Arf!


Waters then did dog panting noises.


Harry laughed.


Harry: Hey! When is Pink Flamingos 2 coming out?

Waters: Soon! I was thinking of casting Charlie Callas in Devine's old role.


Harry howled.


Waters: I'll get back to you soon, love.


Harry: Take care, John. Bye.



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It was early September...


Greg Valentine had been flown up by AWA boss Verne Gagne to cut his promos for his AWA arrival at Super Clash 4.


Now, it was time to hit the road for the monthly TV tapings in Vegas for the ESPN show and another city for the syndicated show.


Things were rapidly taking shape for the flailing promotion.


This was gonna be a real make-or-break period for the AWA.


Unless a rock star and Hollywood film director would swoop in and save the day.


Verne had already talked with the accountants who would do their due dilligence and look over the books. They were coming to Minneapolis in late September.


And Verne had one more the thing to prepare for...


The phone call that could determine the fate of his promotion...


A conference call with Deborah Harry and John Waters.


Verne had a lot on his mind.


But it could all be decided one way or another in just a few short weeks.

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From 1983, Tully Blanchard has gone 30 days without defending the Southwest Title. He must put the title up in a match on the program that day or forfeit the belt. He puts it on the line against hand-picked opponent Eric Embry.


Tully takes advantage of the young Embry and the post-match interview with Bob Sweetan must be seen to be believed.


Good stuff!


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  • 2 weeks later...



Ken Patera and Mr. Saito, while in the AWA, got into a real brawl with cops in their hotel in Wisconsin after a show. It all started because a McDonald's was closed and they wanted something to eat and caused a rucus outside the restaurant. Believe one of them hurled a rock through one of the windows if memory serves me correctly.


The two men went to prison.


After getting out, Patera went back to the WWF and worked a program with former manager Bobby Heenan and the Heenan family. Patera accused Heenan of letting him rot in prison because of no outside support from his manager. Heenan looked at Patera as a low-life criminal.


From 1987, it's the debate between Bobby Heenan and Ken Patera. What they did at the end was extremely dangerous if screwed up.



It's baseball season...


From the 1977 World Series, Dodger manager Tommy LaSorda makes a pitching change (audio only).


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Ken Patera and Mr. Saito, while in the AWA, got into a real brawl with cops in their hotel in Wisconsin after a show. It all started because a McDonald's was closed and they wanted something to eat and caused a rucus outside the restaurant. Believe one of them hurled a rock through one of the windows if memory serves me correctly.


The two men went to prison.


After getting out, Patera went back to the WWF and worked a program with former manager Bobby Heenan and the Heenan family. Patera accused Heenan of letting him rot in prison because of no outside support from his manager. Heenan looked at Patera as a low-life criminal.


From 1987, it's the debate between Bobby Heenan and Ken Patera. What they did at the end was extremely dangerous if screwed up.



Patera and Saito attacked the responding officers after throwing the rock through the window of the McDonald's, one of whom was a woman--that's why they went to prison; I'm surprised one of them didn't get himself shot, as the cops would have been justified, IMO...

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Patera and Saito attacked the responding officers after throwing the rock through the window of the McDonald's, one of whom was a woman--that's why they went to prison; I'm surprised one of them didn't get himself shot, as the cops would have been justified, IMO...


I thought they ran back to the hotel and the fight took place there. Can't remember, were they drunk as well.


They beat the hell out of some of those cops. Lucky Patera and Saito didn't kill someone that night.

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(1st Taping Re-cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:



World Team Tag Titles vs. $25,000!

Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP)


Disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler has something to get off his chest


Jerry Blackwell sees action


Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey has an announcement concerning Kokina Maximus


Col. DeBeers wrestles


Another Super Clash 4 Update


A look back at Baron Von Raschke's win over Manny Fernandez and whether or not the Baron officially retired




Nelson sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.


Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco won a squash match over The Thunderfoots when Muraco pinned TF #1 with his inverted piledriver finisher




Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco, a win against probably the toughest team you've wrestled since you decided to team up.


Wahoo: The Thunderfoots are a pretty good team, Larry. We knew they wouldn't be pushovers but we also knew we were the better team and showed it by winning the match.


Muraco: I might also add that, while the Thunderfoots did get in some good offense on us, we still dominated most of the match.


Nelson: You certainly did that. But it's obvious you're now moving on to tougher competition here in the AWA.


Wahoo: Larry, me and Don talked about it and decided that we'd like to put out an open contract to wrestle any tag team from anywhere around the world.


Nelson: Whoa! An open contract...


You guys sure you're ready for to go against possibly any team in the world?


Muraco: Even though we've only been tagging for a few months, we're both veterans and we work well together. There are no gimmes in this sport. But, if we're gonna work our way up to getting a shot at those tag titles, we've got to take on and defeat teams of many different styles to get there.


Nelson: You just heard it from the Chief and Muraco, they'll take on all comers.


In-Studio: Nelson said he was shocked that Wahoo and Muraco had put out an open contract so soon since they've only been teaming for a few months.


Nelson then intro'd a pre-recorded video announcement from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey:




Kaissey was in his Arab garb with mic in hand. Kokina Maximus, in his ring garb, was standing and looking menacingly over Kaissey's right shoulder.


Kaissey: Listen up, you indfidels!


In just two weeks...right here on ESPN...Kokina Maximus will make his wrestling debut here on AWA Championship Wrestling!


You will finally see just how devastating and dominant this man will be!


Maximus stood still with an eerie poker face.


Kaissey: The AWA will never be the same once this behemoth steps into the ring!


And, Jerry Blackwell! We have not forgotten about you! Kokina is coming; and he is going to reduce the 'Mountain from Stone Mountain' to a pile of pebbles!


Wrestlers will regret they ever put their names on the dotted line to wrestle this man!


He is a destroyer! He is a relentless! And he has no remorse! He has no sympathy for any one! He simply crushes the weak! Devours them! There is no mercy in his heart!


Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter! It doesn't matter which of you one day becomes the undisputed AWA World Champion! Because whomever it is will have to put the title on the line against this man! There will be no avoiding him! And whichever of you faces him you will see your reign as the World Champion go up in smoke!


The clock starts ticking on the rest of the AWA in two weeks!




Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... IS HE RETIRED?!




In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's Baron-Fernandez match followed by comments from the Baron the next day.



Marshall: Baron has the Iron Claw on the 'Ragin' Bull'!


Crowd going wild for this match.


Manny struggling to free himself from the hold. Baron had the claw firmly locked on. Manny started to weaken in the hold. Manny couldn't break Baron's strong grip. Manny dropped to a knee. Manny appeared to be going out when Manny found the strength to nail Baron in the groin with a cheap shot. Baron lost his grip on the hold. Ref reprimanded Manny. Baron doubled over holding his groin. Manny up and briefly shook out the effects of the claw. Manny moved in on Baron and nailed Baron with a backfist to the face. Baron crashed to the mat holding his face. Baron down by the ropes. Manny went over, grabbed the top rope and drove a series of rapid-fire knees into Baron's back as the ref ordered Manny to let go of the top rope and then the ref started counting the 5-count. Ref's count reached 4 and Manny broke the illegal move. Manny snapped Baron up and started choking Baron on the top rope. Ref counted and Manny broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Manny repeated the illegal move and again broke at the count of 4. Baron leaned over the top rope facing the crowd. Manny turned and had words with the ref. Baron extracted himself from the top rope and turned and Manny greeted Baron with a knee to the gut. Manny whipped Baron into the ropes and Manny bent down down looking to catch Baron with a backdrop but Baron came off the ropes, dropped to a knee and stunned Manny with an upper cut. Manny stunned and still doubled over. Baron hoisted Manny up and nailed Manny with a piledriver. Loudest roar of the night from the fans so far (and that's saying something considering how long marathon TV tapings were in those days). Manny down. Baron again made the claw gesture and goose stepped as he waited for Manny to get to his feet.


Blears: It's not often, Lee, that the piledriver is used as a transitory move but we just saw it there with the Baron.


Manny slowly up.


Marshall: He puts the claw on Manny now, with how Manny's head and neck have to feel after that piledriver, Manny may have to sue for peace!


Baron, right hand raised at the ready.


Manny turned and walked right into the claw hold.


Crowd going nuts.


Manny tried to fight through it and free himself from the devastating hold. Baron relentless. Manny was able to move close to the ropes and tried to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break but as soon Manny got his foot on the rope, Baron pulled Manny away from the rope still locked in the hold. Manny dropped to his knees. Ref asked Manny if he quit. At first Manny said 'no'. But the 'no' quickly turned to a loud 'yes'. Ref called for the bell as the fans nearly blew the roof off the 'Boat.

Pic flipped and Larry Nelson and the Baron were standing in the main concourse of McCarran International Airport. Both men were in street clothes and Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: I'm with Baron Von Raschke at McCarran Airport here in Las Vegas the day after the Baron defeated Manny Fernandez in their much-awaited re-match.


Baron, the thing we are all wondering is: did you retire last night?


We did not seem to get a clear message from you.


Baron: You are correct, Nelson. I did not send a clear message that I had retired.


Nelson: Well, did you retire?


Baron: To be as clear as the Vegas skyline in the summer, I did not retire last night.


As I said before, everyone will know because I will remove my boots after a match and leave them in the middle of the ring.


Nelson: That's the time-honored tradition in this great sport of ours.


Baron: It is. I will not be announcing when or where my final match will be. You will only know I am retired when I remove my boots in the ring.


Nelson: You don't want a big farewell?


Baron: No. I want to go quietly into the sunset when I'm done with little fanfare.


Nelson: So, there's more to come form the Baron inside the squared circle?


Baron: Yes. I've still got some matches left in this body.


Nelson: You heard it. The Baron is gonna continue to wrestle until he believes the time is right to bring the curtain down on his legendary career.


This is Larry Nelson on location with Baron Von Raschke in Las Vegas.



Pic aired of Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... 'STONE MOUNTAIN' BOY!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


Jerry Blackwell won a squash match over Alan Harper via pinfall with his diving splash finisher




Nelson: Jerry Blackwell! Kokina Maximus has arrived and will make his wrestling debut soon.


We know he's gunning for you.


Are you concerned about how to deal with the man-slash-beast?


Blackwell: Larry, I'll answer that by saying this. Give me the contract and I'll sign it!


Crowd cheered.


Blackwell: This Kokina Maximus looks big, mean and intimidating!


But I can be big, mean and intimidating, too!


And he's managed by Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey! I've been managed by the Sheik before! I know right now he's filling Kokina's head with all sorts of toxic stuff to make Kokina even angrier than he already is! Kaissey is a master of ring psychology! But I know all of his tricks, Larry!


Kokina! Boy, you may be a behemoth yerself! But even you may not even be able to topple the 'Mountain from Stone Mountain'!


See you in this ring, Kokina!


More crowd cheers.


Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!


Pic aired of disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... WORDS OF WISDOM???




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Memphis from disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler.




Lawler was in street clothes holding the AWA World Title. He was standing in an empty WMC TV studio in Memphis where the weekly Memphis Wrestling program was produced. Lawler had a mic in hand.


Lawler: Take a close look at this belt.


I won it from Curt Hennig right here in Memphis in May of last year.


This is the authentic AWA World Championship belt.


It is 100% legit and I'm a 100% legit AWA World Heavyweight Champion.


The belt Sarge prances around with is nothing more than a replica of mine.


I won this belt when it was still official; it was still a real title.


Sarge just won a...replica.


So, I'm the real AWA Champion. Sgt. Slaughter is running around with a fake look-alike belt.


Yet, those at the top of the AWA still consider Slaughter a real World Champion.




Just saying it over and over doesn't make it so.


Until Slaughter can beat me for the title I have in my hands right now as I speak...you've got a guy defending nothing more than a copy of the World Title.


You fans enjoying paying to see a replica World Champion while the real World Champion...me...is largely ignored by the bosses?


Are paying for your tickets to the shows with play money where Sarge is defending the fake World Title? Because that's about what you're getting money-wise. You work hard for your money to see a pretend World Champion running around with a knock-off replica of the real AWA World Title.


Sgt. Slaughter! We need top have the match to determine who the undisputed AWA Champion is! And it needs to be soon and I want one stipulation put in the contract! And that is there must be a winner! Everyone, not just you and me, needs closure! And when the dust settles...we can finally...finally...mothball that replica belt of yours!




Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... SOUTH AFRICAN MENACE!




Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Pete Vescey via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher




As DeBeers had his hand raised in victory, members of the AWA ring crew climbed into the ring, put up an easel and placed a large covered picture on the easel.




Nelson: Col. DeBeers, you have a...

DeBeers: What the hell is that?!


Nelson: Well, before we get to that...


DeBeers: No, no! What's under that cover?!


Nelson: You want to see it?


DeBeers: I demand to see it...now!


Nelson: Okay.


Nelson pulled the cover off the picture.


Nelson: Recognize that?!


DeBeers was briefly taken aback.


It was a picture of DeBeers in disguise when he went into the crowd and sucker punched Tom Zenk after Zenk had a match on All-Star Wrestling.


DeBeers: Who is that?!


Nelson: Haha! Come on, now. It's you. That's a picture of you in disguise when you sucker punched Tom Zenk in the mouth after a match recently.


DeBeers: Why...that's not me!


Nelson: Looks exactly like you.


DeBeers: It does not!


Nelson: It does!


The resemblance is uncanny.


DeBeers looked at the picture a little more.


DeBeers: That's my doppelganger!


Nelson: You're what?!


DeBeers: That's someone who looks like me but isn't me!


Nelson: Huh?


DeBeers: Someone who looks like me must have punched Tom Zenk! Haha!

Nelson: Puh-leeze!


DeBeers: Whoever this is, I'd like to meet them and shake their hand for a job well done!


Nelson: That's you, Colonel, and everyone knows it.


DeBeers: Prove it!


Nelson: The picture proves it!


DeBeers: It proves absolutely nothing! Let me show you!


DeBeers walked over and grabbed the picture off the easel and went over and slammed it over the top of the ring post, tearing a big hole in the face of the picture.


DeBeers: There! Now we don't know who it was!


But, Tom Zenk, let me tell you this! You're gonna be getting a lot worse than punch in the mouth from me very soon!

DeBeers left the ring to boos.


Nelson: That was Col. DeBeers, everybody! And his supposed doppelganger.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 NEWS!






AWA announcer Lee Marshall was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Marshall was in a tux.


Marshall: Hello, wrestling fans! This is AWA announcer Lee Marshall coming to you from the Super Clash 4 Update Center!


The big news!!!


Tickets for the historic Super Clash 4 show will be going on sale this Saturday morning, September 9, at 10 am Central Standard Time at all TicketMaster outlets and the Mecca Box Office in Milwaukee!


The date for Super Clash 4 is Wednesday - October 18 - The Mecca - Milwaukee, WI with a bell time of 6 pm Central time!


If you can't make it to the event in-person then be sure to catch the entire card LIVE on ESPN!


We are just over five weeks away from history!


Super Clash 4 promises to be a show for the ages! It will be remembered for years to come by fans and wrestlers alike!


Make your plans to be with us if you can for the wrestling event of 1989!


And in other big Super Clash news! There may be a live music act appearing on the show! AWA officials are in talks with an act right now! Keep tuning in for these updates to see who it might be!


Super Clash 4 is gonna be huge and you won't want to miss it!


I'm Lee Marshall! See you next week with another Super Clash 4 Update!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said SC4 really promises to be a big event and reminded fans tickets go on-sale this Saturday, Sep. 9, at 10am CST through all TicketMaster outlets and the Mecca box office.


Pic aired of the AWA Tag Titles and a pile of money with the caption: NEXT... TITLES VS. THE LOOT!






The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP)


Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.


The song Bad Company played and out came the challengers with their manager to almost all boos. DDP was carrying a briefcase and his trademark thick cane.


The trio climbed into the ring and briefly played to the booing and rapidly-getting-sloshed throng.


After a brief pause...


The sound of a building being imploded came pouring out of the loud speakers and the World Tag Champs The Destruction Crew came to the ring to strong boos. They had the belts on around their waists and were wearing reflective orange work vests and orange hard hats.


The duo made their way into the ring.


Announcers informed viewers both teams came down the heel entrance aisle and had to be kept separate in the back and had to dress in separate locker rooms.


Nelson: This is our TV main event and is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time limit.


Here are the stipulations for this match:


If Badd Company wins, they become the new AWA World Tag Team Champions and their manager Dallas Page keeps his $25,000 dollars.


Page strutted around in the ring and waved the briefcase containing the dough in the air.


If the Destruction Crew wins, they retain the AWA World Tag Team Titles and also win Dallas Page's $25,000 dollars.


DDP walked up to Nelson and got on the mic.


DDP: Destruction Crew! You guys want to come over here and sniff the money that's in this case! Because it's all you're gonna get of it...a sniff!


Those belts are comin' our way and this money's stayin' with me!


Boos from the crowd.


Bloom walked up to Page.


Bloom: Me and Mike, we've got a big party pplanned for later tonight! That money's gonna be ours and all the ladies over 21 in the arena tonight, the good lookin' ones and not you sweathogs or pruned up broads who keep hitting on us down in the casino, are invited to party with the champs...the Destruction Crew!


Boos, but not as many as for Badd Co.


Blears: Lee, it's obvious this crowd isn't too keen on either of these teams.


Marshall: No doubt about that.


Page and Bloom went back to their corners.


Nelson: Introducing first, the challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 439 pounds, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Paul Diamond and from Tampa, Florida, Pat Tanaka, they are accompanied by their manager 'Diamond' Dallas Page...Badd Company!


More crowd boos.


Nelson: And their opponents. Weighing in at a combined 518 pounds, they hail from Minneapolis, Minnesota, they are the reigning AWA World Tag Team Champions...Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom...the Destruction Crew!


Mostly boos but also a smattering of cheers.


Marshall: I think the fans despise Badd Company more because of their manager Dallas Page.

Blears: Would not be surprised, Lee.


Nelson: Your referee is Robert Warren.


Warren took the belts from the champs and held them up for all to see before handing them off to a ringside attendant.


Warren then went over to take the briefcase from Page but Page was hesitant to hand it over.


Page and Warren had words with each other and Page held the briefcase behind his back and would not give it up.


Warren called Larry Nelson up onto the apron. Warren spoke briefly to Nelson off-mic.


Nelson: I have been informed by the referee that if Dallas Page does not immediately give the briefcase over to him to place at ringside, Warren will award the match...and the money...to the Destruction Crew!


Good pop for that news.


Warren went over and had a few more words with DDP before DDP relented and handed the case off to Warren. Warren handed the case off to an attendant who put the case on the announcers' table.


Page had words with his men.


As that was going on, a woman in a red dress and high heels and wearing a red eye mask like she was going to an orgy or something, made her way down the face aisle and into the ring. She had a red envelope,.


Nelson was still standing on the apron.


Nelson: What is this?!


The woman walked right up to DDP and handed him the envelope. She then waved goodbye to DDP.


DDP and Badd Company were puzzled as the woman left the ring and disappeared into the night.


DDP opened the note and read it and seemed shaken. DDP started looking around the arena.


Nelson went over to DDP.


Nelson: Dallas Page. What does the note say?


DDP handed the note to Nelson without saying a word. DDP and Badd Company looking around the arena.


Nelson looked at the note.


Nelson (on-mic): It says: WE'RE HERE!


Big pop from the crowd.


DDP got on the mic.


DDP: Games over! You guys...or gals...need to show yourselves right now! Come on out!


Get ready to be punished by Badd Company!


Ref Warren walked over and got on the mic.


Warren: We need to get the match started.


DDP: Shut up, Warren!


Warren: Dallas Page! Get out of the ring right now or be prepared to forfeit the $25 grand!


More cheers.


DDP: Whoever is playing these mind games with us...when we find out who you are, you are going to suffer like you've never suffered before!


Boos from the crowd.


DDP went over and had a quick word with his men and then went to the floor.


Both teams decided who would start the match for their side.


It was Tanaka and Enos.


Ref called for the bell.


The two men came out of their corners and Tanaka stunned Enos with a kick to the side of the ribs. Tanaka repeated the move. Tanaka whipped Enos into the ropes and looked to backdrop Enos coming off but Enos leapfrogged Tanaka. Tanaka spun around and Enos blasted Tanaka with a big clothesline that decked Tanaka. Enos snapped up Tanaka and bodyslammed Tanaka and then hit a big elbow to the chest. Enos for the cover. 1... Tanaka kicked out. Enos snapped Tanaka up and Bloom stuck his foot out and Enos slammed Tanaka's head into Bloom's foot. Enos then tagged in Bloom. Bloom came in and hammered away on the stunned Tanaka. Bloom nailed Tanaka with a suplex. Bloom then went for a standing legdrop but Tanaka rolled out of the way and Bloom crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men to their feet by the count of 6. Tanaka lunged over and Bloom tried to grab Tanaka but Tanaka was able to make the tag to Diamond. Diamond hit the ring. Bloom went for a punch but Diamond blocked it and Diamond fired away with punches of his own that stunned Bloom. Diamond caught Bloom with a kick to the gut followed by a double underhook suplex. Diamond for the cover. 1... Bloom kicked out. Diamond snapped up Bloom by the hair and walked Bloom over to his team's corner. Diamond tagged in Tanaka and Tanaka grabbed Bloom from Diamond and nailed Bloom with the jumping headbutt. Bloom crashed back to the mat. Tanaka for the cover. 1... Tanaka placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2... Bloom got a shoulder up and Tanaka took his feet off the middle buckle before the ref saw it. Tanaka went for the cover again across Bloom's chest. 1... DDP reached in the ring and grabbed Bloom's foot. ...2... In a moment of grand hypocrisy, Enos cried foul. Ref looked over and saw DDP holding the foot and immediately ordered a break. Ref then gestured that DDP was being thrown out. Crowd popped. DDP climbed up on the apron and started arguing with the ref. Ref gestured for DDP to leave the ringside area and hit the bricks to the back. DDP furious. Tanaka started having words with the ref. Bloom snuck up behind Tanaka and rolled him up from behind. Ref saw it and dropped down. Bloom grabbed a handful of tights. 1...2... Diamond hit the ring and caught Bloom with a kick to the side of the face. Bloom crashed to the mat. Warren got Diamond back to his corner.


Nelson: Could we get security out here, please, to escort Dallas Page to the back?! 5 minutes gone! 25 minutes remain!


Three members of security came to the ring. DDP went over to grab his briefcase off the table but security blocked his path and ordered DDP to the back. DDP tried to bust through security and snag the case but they caught Page and two of them hoisted DDP up on their shoulders and carried him back up the heel aisle to the delight of the crowd.


The match continued in the ring. Camera shot of DDP's cane.


Marshall: Dallas left his cane on the ring apron.


Blears: Referee Robert Warren better get that out of there or someone could use it as a weapon to gain an advantage.

Tanaka tagged in Diamond. Diamond snapped up Bloom and hoisted Bloom up for a suplex but Bloom escaped Diamond's grasp and dropped down behind Diamond, spun Diamond around and pulverized Diamond with a series of head shots. Bloom whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a big clothesline that flattened Diamond. Bloom tagged in Enos and Enos got some cheers from the hard-drinking crowd. Diamond up and swung at Enos and missed and spun himself around and Enos popped Diamond with an atomic drop. Diamond dropped to his knees. Enos snapped Diamond up and locked Diamond in a front facelock. Enos pounded on Diamond's back with some deliberate forearms. Diamond struggled to free himself from the hold and maneuvered himself around and went to drive Enos back-first into the buckles but Diamond drove Enos into the ref and sent the ref slamming into the buckles. The impact sent the ref crashing to the mat. Ref down and out. While Bloom watched the proceedings, Tanaka dropped off the apron to the floor, snuck over, grabbed Bloom by the ankles and yanked Bloom off the apron. Bloom crashed face-first into the apron and went down on the floor. Tanaka got in the ring and joined Diamond in a double team on Enos. The pair worked over Enos, whipped Enos into the ropes and blasted Enos coming off with a brutal double superkick. Enos folded like a cheap lawn chair and crumpled to the mat. Tanaka went over and gestured up the heel entrance aisle. Crowd booed as DDP came charging back down the heel aisle to ringside. DDP picked up his heavy cane off the ring apron and climbed into the ring. He ordered Diamond to hold up Enos. Ref still down but slowly recovering. Bloom on the floor but regaining his senses. Page stood back and held his cane high in the air and waved it around. Suddenly, two security guards came charging down the face aisle to the ring. They had on security hats and sunglasses. The pair hit the ring and the white one came up behind Page and grabbed the cane out of Page's hands and struck DDP over the head with it. DDP crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor as the fans roared. The black security guard jumped on Paul Diamond. The sunglasses and hats were off. Ref coming to his senses.


Marshall: It's the Top Guns! Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes are back!


Rice jumped by Tanaka but Rice quickly fought back, gained the upper hand and threw Tanaka over the top rope down to the floor and followed Tanaka out of the ring. Dukes pummeled Diamond and pushed him into the waiting arms of a now recovered Mike Enos.


Nelson: 10 minutes gone! 20 minutes remain!


Enos whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a powerslam. Tanaka caught Rice with a gut kick and climbed back up on the apron but 'Officer' Rice quickly recovered, hopped up on the apron and night sticked Tanaka in the gut and across the back sending Tanaka crashing back to the floor. Crowd into the mayhem. Bloom recovered and back into the ring. Bloom gave the thumbs up signal and Enos hoisted Diamond up on his shoulders. Bloom came off and hit Diamond with the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) finisher. Enos covered Diamond as the recovering ref was dragged over by Rice to make the count. 1.....2.....3! Ref called for the bell.


Most in the crowd cheered.


Nelson up on the ring apron mic in hand.


Ref Warren recovered enough and went over and gestured for the belts and said something off-mic to Nelson.


Warren went over and raised Enos' hand in victory and handed him and Bloom their belts back.


Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 42 seconds, your winners...$25,000 dollars richer and still AWA World Tag Team Champions...The Destruction Crew!


30-70 cheer/boo crowd reaction.


DDP went over in all the chaos and snatched the briefcase off the announcers' table and started to head back towards the heel entrance aisle but he was cut off by the Top Guns. DDP ran back into the ring to get away from the Guns, but the champs were waiting for him. Tanaka and Diamond still down. DDP swung the case at Bloom but Bloom ducked and caught DDP with a kick to the gut. DDP dropped the case. Bloom pointed to the corner. Enos up on the middle buckle. Bloom hoisted DDP up and the pair blasted DDP with a spike piledriver. DDP laid out and slightly convulsing.


Marshall: That looked stiff, my Lord!


Blears: I think Page just lost two inches in height.


The champs grabbed their belts and the briefcase with the $$$ in it and walked off. Top Guns had disappeared.


Shot of the ring and ringside and all three members of Badd Co. down and defeated.


WINNER: Destruction Crew - Pinfall - 10:42



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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


(1st Taping Recap)


Show Intro


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


TV MAIN EVENT: Jonnie Stewart vs. Ken Patera


Disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler has something to say


A look back at last week's Baron vs. Fernandez match. Did the Baron retire? We'll find out later in the show.


Magnificent Mimi sees action


A look back at last week's Gagne-Zbysko match plus post-match comments from both men


Tommy Rich wrestles


A Super Clash 4 Update


Sam Houston looks to stay undefeated in AWA action




Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth, MN:


Brad Rheingans won a squash match Larry Hagman via pinfall with a bridging cradle suplex




Nelson: Brad, you and Ken Patera have been the victims of a couple of surprise assaults at the hands of the tag team champions the Destruction Crew recently.


Do you think more attacks are coming?


Brad: Larry, let me put it this way. Ken and I have agreed to watch each others backs from now on. Also, we're re-uniting as a team and we want the Destruction Crew and we don't care if the match is for the titles or not! We just want to get our hands on them!


Crowd cheered.


Brad: I want the Destruction Crew to know that we will be keeping a close eye on them!


This is a warning for Bloom and Enos! Don't mess with Patera and Rheingans! The rules of the game have changed and we're pushing back! You attack one of us...the other one will be there!


So, attack at your own risk, boys! Fire will be fought with fire!

Nelson: Brad Rheingans, everybody!


Pic aired from the Baron-Fernandez match with the caption: NEXT... DID THE BARON RETIRE???




Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... IS HE RETIRED?!




In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's Baron-Fernandez match followed by comments from the Baron the next day.




(From AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN)

Marshall:Baron has the Iron Claw on the 'Ragin' Bull'!


Crowd going wild for this match.


Manny struggling to free himself from the hold. Baron had the claw firmly locked on. Manny started to weaken in the hold. Manny couldn't break Baron's strong grip. Manny dropped to a knee. Manny appeared to be going out when Manny found the strength to nail Baron in the groin with a cheap shot. Baron lost his grip on the hold. Ref reprimanded Manny. Baron doubled over holding his groin. Manny up and briefly shook out the effects of the claw. Manny moved in on Baron and nailed Baron with a backfist to the face. Baron crashed to the mat holding his face. Baron down by the ropes. Manny went over, grabbed the top rope and drove a series of rapid-fire knees into Baron's back as the ref ordered Manny to let go of the top rope and then the ref started counting the 5-count. Ref's count reached 4 and Manny broke the illegal move. Manny snapped Baron up and started choking Baron on the top rope. Ref counted and Manny broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Manny repeated the illegal move and again broke at the count of 4. Baron leaned over the top rope facing the crowd. Manny turned and had words with the ref. Baron extracted himself from the top rope and turned and Manny greeted Baron with a knee to the gut. Manny whipped Baron into the ropes and Manny bent down down looking to catch Baron with a backdrop but Baron came off the ropes, dropped to a knee and stunned Manny with an upper cut. Manny stunned and still doubled over. Baron hoisted Manny up and nailed Manny with a piledriver. Loudest roar of the night from the fans so far (and that's saying something considering how long marathon TV tapings were in those days). Manny down. Baron again made the claw gesture and goose stepped as he waited for Manny to get to his feet.


Blears: It's not often, Lee, that the piledriver is used as a transitory move but we just saw it there with the Baron.


Manny slowly up.


Marshall: He puts the claw on Manny now, with how Manny's head and neck have to feel after that piledriver, Manny may have to sue for peace!


Baron, right hand raised at the ready.


Manny turned and walked right into the claw hold.


Crowd going nuts.


Manny tried to fight through it and free himself from the devastating hold. Baron relentless. Manny was able to move close to the ropes and tried to get his foot on the bottom rope to force a break but as soon Manny got his foot on the rope, Baron pulled Manny away from the rope still locked in the hold. Manny dropped to his knees. Ref asked Manny if he quit. At first Manny said 'no'. But the 'no' quickly turned to a loud 'yes'. Ref called for the bell as the fans nearly blew the roof off the 'Boat.


PIc flipped and Larry Nelson and the Baron were standing in the main concourse of McCarran International Airport. Both men were in street clothes and Nelson had a mic.


Nelson: I'm with Baron Von Raschke at McCarran Airport here in Las Vegas the day after the Baron defeated Manny Fernandez in their much-awaited re-match.


Baron, the thing we are all wondering is: did you retire last night?


We did not seem to get a clear message from you.


Baron: You are correct, Nelson. I did not send a clear message that I had retired.


Nelson: Well, did you retire?


Baron: To be as clear as the Vegas skyline in the summer, I did not retire last night.


As I said before, everyone will know because I will remove my boots after a match and leave them in the middle of the ring.


Nelson: That's the time-honored tradition in this great sport of ours.


Baron: It is. I will not be announcing when or where my final match will be. You will only know I am retired when I remove my boots in the ring.


Nelson: You don't want a big farewell?


Baron: No. I want to go quietly into the sunset when I'm done with little fanfare.


Nelson: So, there's more to come form the Baron inside the squared circle?


Baron: Yes. I've still got some matches left in this body.


Nelson: You heard it. The Baron is gonna continue to wrestle until he believes the time is right to bring the curtain down on his legendary career.


This is Larry Nelson on location with Baron Von Raschke in Las Vegas.




Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... TRULY MAGNIFICENT???!!!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Magnificent Mimi won a squash match over Belinda Carlisle via pinfall with her missle dropkick finisher




Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, you looked fantastic in that match with Belinda Carlisle. You...


Mimi ripped the mic out of Nelson's hand.


Mimi: Nelson, you and everybody else needs to listen up!


I heard Lelani Kai wants a match with me to determine who's the #1 contender for the AWA Women's Championship!


I just have one thing to say to Ms. Kai...you're on, honey! Let's do this and do it soon!


I want to beat you, shut you up and get you out of my way so I can square off with Wendi Richter and take the crown from her!


And when I become champion...it will be a reign of Magnificence!


Mimi shoved the mic into Nelson's chest and stormed off as the crowd booed.


Nelson: That was the Magnificent Mimi.


Video aired of Greg Gagne wrestling Larry Zbysko with the caption: NEXT... THE FEUD GOES ON!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week's match here on ASW pitting Greg Gagne against Larry Zbysko plus post-match comments from the two.


Greg grabbed Zbyszko and went to whip Zbyszko into the ropes but Zbyszko reversed and caught Greg coming off with a spinning sole kick to the chest. Greg crashed to the mat and was hurting. As the ref checked on Greg, Zbyszko turned towards the crowd, reached into his tights and pulled out a foreign object that he concealed in his right hand. Greg painfully made it to his feet. Zbyszko moved in and caught Greg flush in the jaw with a foreign object shot. Greg crashed to the mat. Ref checked on Greg gain and Zbyszko quickly turned and dropped the object back in his tights out of the view of the ref. Zbyszko pushed the ref out of the way, dropped down and and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd popped. Zbyszko pissed. Zbyszko snapped up Greg and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Zbyszko coming off with another dropkick. Zbyszko crashed to the mat and rolled over. Greg down as well. Both men made it slowly to their feet and barely beat the 10-count. Zbyszko up by the ropes and Greg charged/hobbled over and caught Zbyszko with a running clothesline line. Both men went toppling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men started getting up. Both men up and Zbyszko caught Greg in the side of the left knee area with a stiff kick. Greg went back down. Ref's count hit 10 and he called for the bell.


Zbyszko went over and grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table. Greg still down holding his left knee. Zbyszko sat the chair at ringside. Ref checking on Greg. Zbyszko grabbed the ref and threw him to the side. Zbyszko stomped on Greg and then snapped Greg up and walked Greg the few steps to the chair and hoisted Greg up and hit Greg with a modified front suplex that halved Greg on the back of the chair. Greg down to the floor and in worse shape. Greg now grabbing his mid-section. Fans popped as face wrestlers came out of the back...and so did Verne Gagne. Verne immediately went over and checked on Greg as Zbyszko fled the scene. Verne concerned about his son as the program ended.


Pic flipped and Greg Gagne was in street clothes standing in front o the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Greg: Larry Zbysko, I want you to know I'm still hurting from when you dropped me across that chair after our match last week.


But I'm a Gagne, and that means I'm a fighter. My dad wanted to get his hands on you and deal with you in his own way but was talked out of it. He also had to be talked out of suspending you, Larry.


I know I don't want you suspended. I want you in that ring one more time. Nothing was settled between us in the last two matches. There needs to be a clear winner between us.


How about it, Larry? You and me in a third match where there must be a winner! Are you man enough to step up to the plate one more time?


Pic flipped and Larry Zbyzsko was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in hand.


Larry: Did you people notice something last week?


Greg Gagne's daddy Verne came to his rescue last week! Ha!


So, now Greg wants his dad to do his fighting for him! That's rich!


Greg's apparently been making noise for another match between us!


Sure, I'll fight you again, Greg! But only if your daddy agrees to stay out of the match!


Verne needs to mind his own business and Greg Gagne needs to man up and fight his own battles!


The great Gagne family, where Verne solves everything because the rest can't think for themselves!




Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... 'WILDFIRE' RAGES!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Richard Head was in the ring and introduced by ring announcer Larry Nelson


Tommy Rich made his way down the heel entrance aisle to pretty strong boos and a beer thrown in his direction.


Rich veered away from the ring and walked over to the announcers' table where Lee Marshall was sitting. Marshall took his headset off and stood up.


The two briefly exchanged words off-mic and then Marshall turned to sit back down and resume broadcasting when Rich sucker punched Marshall in the jaw. Marshall stunned.


Blears: Hey! What the hell are you doing!


Rich grabbed Marshall by the back of the hair and ran Marshall's head into the ring post. Marshall crumpled to the floor.


Blears: This is completely uncalled for!


Nelson: Can we get help out here immediately!


Rich smugly looked out at the booing crowd. Another beverage was chucked in Rich's direction and hit him. Rich wiped some of the drink off his face and chest and laughed.


Medical personnel came out and checked on Marshall, who was bleeding.


Crowd popped as some of the face wrestlers came charging out and Rich took off and quickly made his way up the heel aisle and disappeared to the back.


Marshall was helped to his feet and blood was now on his white tux shirt.


Blears: We'll be right back. Tommy Rich is a repulsive human being.




Nelson was standing in-ring with ref Gary DeRusha and Rich's opponent Richard Head.


Nelson: Referee Gary DeRusha has something to say.


DeRusha: Larry, because of Tommy Rich's violent actions towards an announcer, Rich has been disqualified and your winner of the match is Richard Head!


Crowd cheered the decision as DeRusha raised Head's hand in victory.


Nelson: Richard Head is your winner!


In-Studio: Nelson talked about he Rich-Marshall situation. Said he'd never seen an announcer attacked like that before and you could expect the AWA to levy a stern punishment against Rich.


Nelson then sent it back to the Showboat.


Nelson: Lord James, it looks like I'm gonna have to fill in for the rest of the show.


Blears: Larry, just wish you didn't have to fill in under these dire circumstances. Rich has to pay for what he did to Lee.


Sam Houston won a squash match over Charlie Harper via pinfall with his bulldog finisher to remain undefeated


Nelson left the broadcast position for the ring.




Nelson: Sam Houston, you remain undefeated since arriving in the AWA. What do you attribute your success to?


Houston: The main thing I attribute my success to, Larry, is good coaching. My coach has really helped me succeed since coming to the AWA. If he'd been coaching be sooner, I'd have had a lot more success in the WWF and NWA. I mean, I was successful in those places. But, as you can since since coming to the AWA, I've had a much higher rate of success because of my coach.


Nelson: We're still hoping to meet your coach one day.


Houston: It will happen; just not right now.


Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody!


Pic aired of disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler with the caption: NEXT... WORDS OF WISDOM???




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from disputed AWA World Champion Jerry Lawler.




Lawler was in street clothes holding the AWA World Title. He was standing in an empty WMC TV studio in Memphis where the weekly Memphis Wrestling program was produced. Lawler had a mic in hand.


Lawler: Take a close look at this belt.


I won it from Curt Hennig right here in Memphis in May of last year.


This is the authentic AWA World Championship belt.


It is 100% legit and I'm a 100% legit AWA World Heavyweight Champion.


The belt Sarge prances around with is nothing more than a replica of mine.


I won this belt when it was still official; it was still a real title.


Sarge just won a...replica.


So, I'm the real AWA Champion. Sgt. Slaughter is running around with a fake look-alike belt.


Yet, those at the top of the AWA still consider Slaughter a real World Champion.




Just saying it over and over doesn't make it so.


Until Slaughter can beat me for the title I have in my hands right now as I speak...you've got a guy defending nothing more than a copy of the World Title.


You fans enjoying paying to see a replica World Champion while the real World Champion...me...is largely ignored by the bosses?


Are paying for your tickets to the shows with play money where Sarge is defending the fake World Title? Because that's about what you're getting money-wise. You work hard for your money to see a pretend World Champion running around with a knock-off replica of the real AWA World Title.


Sgt. Slaughter! We need top have the match to determine who the undisputed AWA Champion is! And it needs to be soon and I want one stipulation put in the contract! And that is there must be a winner! Everyone, not just you and me, needs closure! And when the dust settles...we can finally...finally...mothball that replica belt of yours!




Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... SUPER CLASH 4 UPDATE!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities




(Message rolled across the bottom of the screen: Recorded before Tommy Rich's attack on Lee Marshall.)


AWA announcer Lee Marshall was in the SC 4 Update Center. He was seated behind a news desk with the SC 4 logo on a TV screen to his left on the desk.


Marshall was in a tux.


Marshall: Hello, wrestling fans! This is AWA announcer Lee Marshall coming to you from the Super Clash 4 Update Center!


The big news!!!


Tickets for the historic Super Clash 4 show will be going on sale Saturday morning, September 9, at 10 am Central Standard Time at all TicketMaster outlets and the Mecca Box Office in Milwaukee!


The date for Super Clash 4 is Wednesday - October 18 - The Mecca - Milwaukee, WI with a bell time of 6 pm Central time!


If you can't make it to the event in-person then be sure to catch the entire card LIVE on ESPN!


We are just over five weeks away from history!


Super Clash 4 promises to be a show for the ages! It will be remembered for years to come by fans and wrestlers alike!


Make your plans to be with us if you can for the wrestling event of 1989!


And in other big Super Clash news! There may be a live music act appearing on the show! AWA officials are in talks with an act right now! Keep tuning in for these updates to see who it might be!


Super Clash 4 is gonna be huge and you won't want to miss it!


I'm Lee Marshall! See you next week with another Super Clash 4 Update!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said SC4 really promises to be a big event and reminded fans tickets go on-sale Saturday, Sep. 9, at 10am CST through all TicketMaster outlets and the Mecca box office.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of the previous encounter between Jonnie Stewart and Ken Patera.




(From AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN)


Stewart turned back to Patera, snapped Patera up and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and caught Stewart coming off with a press slam. Crowd popped. Patera snagged Stewart and whipped Stewart into the corner and followed Stewart in with a big running clothesline. Stewart staggered out of the corner and went down to a knee and Patera maneuvered around behind Stewart. Stewart up facing away from Patera. Patera moved in and locked Stewart in the full nelson. Fans cheering for Patera to finish off the blond jackass. Stewart struggling to get out of the hold.


Marshall: Here comes trouble!


World Tag Team Champs The Destruction Crew charged down the heel entrance aisle with titles in hand. They dropped the belts when they climbed in the the ring and jumped Patera from behind. Ref immediately called for the bell. Patera lost his grip on Stewart and Stewart crumpled to the mat, rolled out of the ring and disappeared. Bloom and Enos beat Patera down to the mat and then put the boots to him. Enos went over and grabbed the tag belts while Bloom continued the stomping party. Enos handed Bloom his belt and the pair started beating Patera with their belts. Ref again called for the bell to no avail. The beating with the belts was in full swing when the crowd actually cheered Brad Rheingans coming to the ring to make the save. Enos went to hit Rheingans with his belt but Brad ducked and came back and fired away on Enos with punches. With Patera beaten and down, Bloom came up behind Rheingans and hit Rheingans in the back of the head with his belt. Rheingans stumbled forward. Enos had dropped his belt and worked Brad over with his fists. Bloom held his belt up like a baseball bat and gestured for Enos to send Rheingans his way. Enos whipped the stunned Rheingans toward Bloom and Bloom hit the wrestling equivalent of a homerun when he blasted Rheingans in the face with the belt. Rheingans crashed to the mat and rolled over on his front side. Enos picked up his belt and and went over and beat Patera with it some more. Ref tried to restore some order and Bloom responded by hitting the ref over the head with his belt. Ref crumpled to the mat.


Crowd cheered as several faces came out to make the save and the champs bailed to the safety of the floor. Rheingans rolled over on his back and was now bleeding. The champs started making their way back up the heel aisle and were pointing and laughing at the downed Patera and Rheingans.


In-Studio: Nelson intro'd the TV main event.


TV MAIN EVENT: Ken Patera vs. Jonnie Stewart


Back-and-forth battle between the two.


End of the match saw Stewart gain the advantage and work over Patera. Stewart grabbed Patera and whipped Patera front-first into the buckles. Patera crashed to the mat and was down holding his chest. As the ref checked on Patera, Stewart adjusted his left knee pad.


Nelson: I believe there's something in that knee pad.


Blears: I'm right there with you, Larry.


Patera got on all fours and Stewart went over and stomped on Patera, snapped Patera up, whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with his flying knee to the chest finisher.

Stewart for the cover. 1...2...thr... Patera kicked out. Fans popped. Stewart stunned. Stewart grabbed Patera and went to hoist the big man up for the piledriver but Patera twice blocked the move and backdropped Stewart to the mat. Patera backed up against the ropes as Stewart made it to his feet. Stewart up and Patera charged over and nearly decapitated Stewart with a running clothesline. Patera snapped up Stewart, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a powerslam. Patera for the cover. 1...2...thr... Stewart barely got a shoulder up. Patera up and reached down to pick up Stewart but Stewart caught Pater with a quick poke to the eye. As Patera walked around in the ring holding his eye, Stewart made it to his feet. Stewart charged over and went to jump on Patera but Patera caught Stewart and turned it into a bearhug. Stewart wasn't in the hold for long before submitting. Ref called for the bell as fans cheered.


Patera let go of Stewart and Stewart dropped helplessly to the mat.


Ref raised Patera's hand in victory.


Nelson: Look out!


World Tag Champs The Destruction Crew hit the ring minus the belts and jumped Patera. The pair were putting the boots to Patera when the crowd popped as Brad Rheingans charged out of the back and hit the ring and started fighting with Enos and Bloom. Patera quickly recovered and joined in the fray and it quickly became a brawl.


Nelson: Fans! We are out of time! See you next weeK!


WINNER: Patera - Submission - 9:36



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