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Fans don't accept a wrestler?

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I'm booking a deathmatch promotion, and I'm having an issue where a few members of my roster (Most noticeably Noah Nadir and G Force) get a negative modifier from the crowd hating them. Is there a way to get around this or have the crowd change their opinions, or is it something that I'll just be stuck with?
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EDIT: I just read the TEW 2020 Manual, and apparently I am totally wrong. Wrestlers in hardcore feds get that note due to low Brawling & Hardcore skills, it has nothing to do with Psychology or Basics. Personally, I don't think that makes much more sense; after all, Little Guido was a technician/comedy guy and he was over in ECW, wasn't he? But your workers will also get general penalties in any fed if they have low fundamental skills, so keep that in mind.


Guido was over, but he wasn't OVER. He wasn't the biggest deal that the fans rabidly took to Most people who were embraced as main event guys were the ones who did the deathmatches. Corino's an example. Even guys like Jerry Lynn had to get wilder at the top.


TEW words it poorly, I feel. It makes you think you're playing wrong by booking those guys, when really those penalites just tell you who not to book on top. In the important spots.

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This is several patches back but this WAS correct at the time.


The message "The fan base will be very opinionated and will turn on workers they don't feel belong" refers to wrestlers needing the following, according to each product:


(All are tested with PSW; I don't THINK the cut-off varies according to fed size but it might. Skills themselves shouldn't change though.) I THINK from a comment Adam made when updating a patch, and from testing done by awesomenessofme1, that penalties don't kick in until wrestlers are at a certain level of experience since fans are more tolerant of ultra-green rookies, btw.


Important reminder: You generally don't need to worry overly about penalties anyway, this is just for people who are interested. You do NOT need to fire people your fans don't like; some of them may be perfectly capable of getting good grades despite this. Remember, skills improve, and when they're wrestling, they're hopefully improving, so even if a crowd doesn't currently like someone they may do eventually.


Anti-Establishment Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Deathmatch - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Deathmatch Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Episodic Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Extreme Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Gory Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Grindhouse Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Aerial, Hardcore must be 50+

Guerilla Warfare - 1 of Psychology, Technical, Puroresu or Aerial must be 50+

Hardcore Evolved - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Psychology must be 50+

Hardcore Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

High Flying Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Aerial must be 50+

Junior-Deathmatch Combined - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Puerto Rican Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Slobberknocker-Deathmatch Combined - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Wrestling Nerd Nirvana - 1 of Charisma, Psychology, Brawl, Technical, Puro or Aerial must be 60+ (Thanks Astil, awesomenessofme1, and gazwefc83 who seem to have nailed this one between them - Adam added in tech support a couple of other possibilities.)


(From my original post at

http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2424275&postcount=18 )

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EDIT: I just read the TEW 2020 Manual, and apparently I am totally wrong. Wrestlers in hardcore feds get that note due to low Brawling & Hardcore skills, it has nothing to do with Psychology or Basics. Personally, I don't think that makes much more sense; after all, Little Guido was a technician/comedy guy and he was over in ECW, wasn't he? But your workers will also get general penalties in any fed if they have low fundamental skills, so keep that in mind.


I think the "crowd hates this wrestler" note often winds up being rather silly in execution when applied to hardcore feds. If you're running a product inspired by 2002 ROH, which is basically Wrestling Nerd Nirvana, the feature makes sense, but if people are coming to your shows knowing you're famous for your deathmatches, they shouldn't expect competitors with great psychology. My feeling is in perf>pop feds, the negative fan reaction should be based on psychology and basics, like it currently is, but in pop>perf or pop=perf feds, charisma and gimmick ratings should be the determining factors. I can imagine in ECW, people were willing to overlook Sandman's lack of wrestling polish because of his awesome presentation. Meanwhile, Retribution is composed of good individual performers, but people can't stand them. That's my two cents, anyway.


I think that's why psychology is a separate skill. I mean i'm very new to the game, but there's different kinds of psychology. Bret Hart is one of the best but he might put together a horrible hardcore match. Hulk hogan can't put on a technical exhibition but his psychology of when and how to work the crowd was the best. so first it checks their skill then checks how good they can build a match around those skills.


Look at AEW today, bunch of lunatic 150lb guys with 98 skill in acrobatics and flashiness and 0 in psychology on WHEN to do the right moves.

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