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I'm writing this post more for the folks who, like me, have been with this franchise for the long haul (since 07 for me), and who are also huge fans of the CornellVerse.


Looking at the 2020 data, and looking back at, say, 2010, are there things that absolutely blow your mind? Like, how Findlay is the best big man in the business? I remember when his bio included a hilarious bit about Rip Chord and the internet.


Or the guys from The Quest. If you told me, a guy who only does perf>pop, that I would hire Super Sonic one day, I wouldn't have just laughed. I would have laughed AND pointed while I did it. But it happened just now in my Japanese campaign.


Madness in every direction. Anything else anyone just totally blown away by?

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I'm surprised it took this long for AAA to go out of business. Considering the fact that in 2005 when I started TEW, social media as we know it did not exist yet. Some might cite MySpace but it was nowhere near as vital to the day to day operation of a business as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc are. It was just like MMOs: a big deal to a very small subset of the world's population. From 1996 to 2017 (ingame canon), it existed as a time capsule, with a stale and outdated product that never changed, even as the world changed around it.


I also would've never thought NOTBPW and CGC would merge.

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I've only been playing since TEW 2013 but looking back, the biggest thing that surprises me in that time is how little has actually happened, at least in the US, where I mostly play. Apart from retirements and a handful of worker moves (Frehley, Money, Golden) the rosters of the big three (USPW, SWF & TCW) are largely unchanged over those seven years and have gotten incredibly stale. The narrative of the game is that USPW are poaching talent and ruling over the wrestling world, but the rosters don't reflect this. USPW in 2020 has easily the weakest roster of the big three. When the game actually starts, then they predator hire a lot of big names, but why haven't they made a single big name signing in canon in the four years since 2016?
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