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ROH 2010: With Glory Comes Honor

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on HDNet


Attendance: 371


This week on Ring of Honor wrestling we are starting things off with a special announcement from executive producer Jim Cornette.




Cornette thanks all the fans both here in attendance and those watching from home who continue to support Ring of Honor week after week. He reminds them that last month when his hand was forced on the decision to cancel the 'pick 6' system, he made a promise to everyone that he would make up for it. Tonight he is here to tell us exactly how he plans to do so.


Next week at Ring of Honor's 8th Anniversary Show he has handpicked four of the top competitors Ring of Honor has to offer, and they will be squaring off in the middle of this very ring to crown the first ever Ring of Honor Television Champion! Cornette says he will not be announcing the participants at this time, but he is confident that we will find them out in due time. Before he leaves, he heads to the timekeepers table and grabs a red burlap bag. Out of the bag he pulls the aforementioned championship belt, and shows the crowd exactly what it is those four men will be competing for.






As we head to our first match of the night, the lights suddenly go out and the arena is momentarily filled with darkness. As the power is restored, we see Jimmy Jacobs in the center of the ring alongside the three men who abducted him last week. Strangely enough, Jacobs seems to be on their side.




Jimmy Jacobs vs. Necro Butcher


There was a high level of familiarity in this one as Necro Butcher was once a member of the Jacobs led Age of the Fall.


At the start of the match, Necro Butcher offers a handshake to his former ally, but Jacobs gives him nothing more than a blank stare. He continues this for minutes, until eventually Necro Butcher gives him a shove, which sends Jacobs into a fury. Jacobs absolutely batters his opponent. First inside of the ring, then outside of the ring, then back inside the ring once more for good measure. Necro Butcher is thrown into guard rails, slammed on the mat, and at one point even busted open after going head first into the ring post.


Thankfully shortly after the crimson mask becomes noticeable, Jacobs finishes the job by locking in the End Time which quickly renders Necro unconscious.


Winner by submission: Jimmy Jacobs


As the match ends, the robed men enter the ring alongside Jimmy Jacobs and two of them lift Necro Butcher up with his arms around their shoulders.


Jimmy Jacobs grabs a microphone. He tells us that last week, when he returned to Ring of Honor, he was a lost soul, looking for his place in the world. When he was attacked and brought to meet 'the leader' behind the assault, he was shown what his purpose here is. He says that The Temple are here to cleanse Ring of Honor and offer those who can be reformed a chance at redemption. He explains that 'the leader' has trusted him enough to place him in charge until he can join us. He proceeds to demand a match for him and the rest of his group next week. He says if their demands aren't meant, the cleansing will continue. Immediately after dropping the mic Jacobs pulls his signature spike from his tights and drives it into Necro Butcher's forehead. The broadcast quickly cuts to commercial before too much can be seen.




As we return from commercial, Jay Lethal is joining Becky Bayless for an interview.





During the interview Lethal confirms that he will be one of the four men competing for the television championship at the PPV. He says the opportunity means a lot to him, and he can't think of a better way to elevate his return to the company than capturing some gold.




Kenny Omega comes into the shot, and tells Lethal not to get too far ahead of himself. Omega confirms he will also be competing in the title match, and while Jay Lethal was out doing his best 'Macho Man' impression, Kenny was busting his ass here trying to become a champion.


As the two size one another up, Becky Bayless reminds them that there are still two more participants vying for that title who we aren't even aware of yet!




PAC vs. Erick Stevens


Surprisingly Erick Stevens makes his way to the ring without Prince Nana accompanying him, which makes Prazak question his spot in The Embassy. He may have started regretting that decision early in the match, as PAC takes control early and without the help of Nana at ringside Stevens struggles to shake him off. Late in the match he does gather his wits long enough to catch PAC mid-air as he went for a running crossbody, and looks to hoist him into the Doctor Bomb. However, PAC flips through and lands on his feet. He follows that up with a big frankensteiner before hitting the top rope for the Black Arrow and the win


Winner by pinfall: PAC




As the match ends, we see a hype video for ROH's 8th Anniversary Show next week. It's Aries vs. Black for the world title, The Briscoes defending their tag gold against The Kings of Wrestling, the television championship four-way, and a special appearance by Jushin Thunder Liger! It's a packed card! So buy your tickets or pre-order the DVD online now!




As we return from commercial, Colt Cabana is once again outside of the locker room, pleading with Kevin Steen to give him answers. This time when Steen exits, he acknowledges Cabana's presence. He pushes Colt up against the wall and tells him if he knows what's good for him he'll keep out of this, he says he doesn't have an issue with Colt, and he would prefer to keep it that way. He warns Cabana that if he keeps poking, he'll be next on his list once Generico is seen to. As he finishes his threat, Steen lets go of Colt, and brushes his shoulders off with a sly smile, before cheerfully telling him he'd see him around.


Cabana watches him walk off, looking just as confused as ever.





Tyler Black & The Briscoes vs. Austin Aries & The All Night Express


This weeks main event comes off the back of the beatdown that took place to end last weeks show. Of course it was the Briscoes who came to the aid of Tyler Black, and potentially saved him a broken ankle ahead of his championship clash with Austin Aries. This week, Black would get his chance at revenge, while Aries & co. get an opportunity to finish the job.


To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Aries' involvement in this match was minimal at best. In fact, he tagged in exactly twice. Early on in a mocking manner, making Black think he was actually interested in stepping into the ring was him, and then again during the late stages of the match to showboat and rub his boot in the face of Tyler Black, who was separated from his partners and unable to tag out. Unfortunately for Aries, his confidence became his team's undoing, as shortly after while Rhett Titus and Tyler Black were in the ring, the Briscoes decided to teach Aries a lesson and knocked him and King both off of the ring apron, before Mark Briscoe flew over the top rope crashing into them. The commotion caused Rhett Titus to turn around and see what was happening to his partners, which opened things up enough for Tyler Black to get to his feet and put Titus away with God's Last Gift.


Winner by pinfall: Tyler Black & The Briscoes


The final show before Ring of Honor's 8th Anniversary Show ends with Tyler Black & The Briscoes standing tall in the middle of the ring, Black never taking his eyes off of the retreating Austin Aries.




Prediction Scores


DGenerationMC: 13pts

Mootinie: 10pts

GooverDan: 3pts

Kijar: 2pts



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Ring of Honor Wrestling Presents

8th Anniversary Show


Match Card


ROH Television Championship Fatal 4 Way Match

Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega vs. ? vs. ?

Bonus points for naming the unannounced competitors

(hint! they’ve both already appeared in this diary...)


Kevin Steen vs. KENTA


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling


The Temple’s Open Challenge (will it be accepted?)


Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Jerry Lynn


ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match

If the match ends in a draw, Aries forfeits the title

Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black

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ROH Television Championship Fatal 4 Way Match

Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega vs. PAC vs. Eddie Kingston

Bonus points for naming the unannounced competitors

(hint! they’ve both already appeared in this diary...)


Kevin Steen vs. KENTA


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling


The Temple’s Open Challenge (will it be accepted?) Yes


Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Jerry Lynn


ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match

If the match ends in a draw, Aries forfeits the title

Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black

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Ring of Honor Wrestling Presents

8th Anniversary Show


Match Card


ROH Television Championship Fatal 4 Way Match

Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega vs. PAC vs. Roderick Strong

Bonus points for naming the unannounced competitors

(hint! they’ve both already appeared in this diary...)


Kevin Steen vs. KENTA


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling


The Temple’s Open Challenge (will it be accepted?) Yes


Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Jerry Lynn


ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match

If the match ends in a draw, Aries forfeits the title

Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black

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8th Anniversary Show

Attendance: 1,244


Prazak and Hogewood welcome us to the PPV and inform us we are getting straight into things tonight. No wasting time, we are going right into the television title match!







Before the final competitor makes his way to the ring, Shane Hagadorn emerges from behind the curtain. He starts hyping up the final competitor, alluding to it being a star who will become the new face of the company. The crowd is buzzing at the potential reveal, and out from the curtain emerges...




... Davey Richards? The crowd boos Hagadorn for his misleading promo, while the head of the Hagadorn Corporation snickers like a child. In fairness to Shane, Davey looks laser focused, even more so than usual, and the crowd still seem excited to see him compete. The former two time tag champ has a major opportunity to secure his first singles title in Ring of Honor up next!



Ring of Honor Television Championship Match


*I know this title isn't accurate to the time period but I much prefer the look over the original

Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega vs. Kenny King vs. Davey Richards




What a group of talent to kick us off here tonight! As you would expect from these four, it doesn't take long for the pace to pick up in the opening contest. A stiff clothesline from Richards sends Lethal out of the ring, and a drop kick onto Richards from King does the same. Omega connects with a V-Trigger which dispatches of King to the outside, before Omega hits the ropes and soars over the top with a somersault senton. The chants of holy **** start shortly after and we are off to a great start! The four men dig in for a long battle, with things staying competitive until the final moments. Kenny Omega plants King with another massive V-Trigger right before Lethal lands the Lethal Injection on Omega. Richards rolls into the ring and jumps at the opportunity with 2 men down and out. Richards hits Lethal with the DR Driver and rolls him out of the ring before locking in the kimura on King and forcing him to tap.







Hagadorn joins Davey Richards in the ring, as does Eddie Edwards from the back. They both congratulate Davey on his big win, as he sits on his knees clutching the brand new belt. Kenny Omega and Jay Lethal return to the ring and offer him a handshake. They make it clear they both want to be in line for title shots in the near future.


Eventually everyone but Richards leaves the ring and he is given the opportunity to bask in the victory of his first singles title.




We return to the ring for our next match, where as we have become accustomed to, Kevin Steen is already waiting for his opponent. Hogewood notes how disgusted he is that some of the people here in attendance continue to support Steen after everything that has happened so far this year.




Kevin Steen vs. KENTA


There's not a lot of men on the roster who can match the level of intensity Steen has brought to the ring as of late, but KENTA is one who can certainly come close. This is a straight up brawl, and while Steen isn't able to deal with KENTA as handedly as he did John Silver or Jimmy Jacobs, he still inflicts the same amount of damage. The big difference is, for every impactful move Steen lands, KENTA returns the favor twofold. That is until KENTA goes to put Steen away with the Go 2 Sleep but struggles to lift him over his shoulders. A few sharp elbows from Steen breaks the grip, and a kick to the midsection is followed by the package piledriver for the win.


Winner by pinfall: Kevin Steen


Once again Steen doesn't celebrate post match, and starts making his way to the back. This time, however, he's met by two men who are looking for a fight.




It's Colt Cabana and El Generico!


Cabana charges into the ring and starts brawling with Steen, Generico follows closely behind, but once he gets into the ring, he can't bring himself to join in. Steen and Cabana continue to brawl, but eventually it's Steen who gets the upper hand. He sets up to nail his attacker with the package piledriver, but Generico comes to the rescue just in time, pulling Cabana out of Steen's grasp.


As Generico and Cabana retreat, Steen can be heard yelling at Generico to come back and fight him. The masked luchador simply hangs his head and continues making his way to the back.




Ahead of the tag team title match we see a pre-taped promo from The Briscoes.




Ring of Honor's favorite rednecks tell The Kings of Wrestling in no uncertain terms that they're ready to do battle. Mark looks like a mad man marching back and forth with a huge grin on his face while Jay speaks emphatically. He tells Hero & Castagnoli that he isn't stupid, him and Mark know they're going to be out matched here tonight when it comes to wrestling. But the thing is, when you step into the ring with the Briscoes, you aren't coming to wrestle. You're coming to fight. And in a fight? Well, Jay says you'd be crazy to bet on anybody else.



Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match


The Briscoes © vs. The Kings of Wrestling


Jay Briscoe did a great job of previewing this match up in his promo, at least it seems that way based on how the match starts. Mark and Jay are looking to brawl, they want to throw a couple punches, take a couple punches, and then lay a beatdown on their opponents. This is evident because before The Kings of Wrestling can even decide who is going to start the match in the ring, Mark and Jay are swarming them looking to trade blows. This becomes the theme of the match, as Hero and Castagnoli look to slow the pace down and take things to the ground, while Mark and Jay always look to raise the tempo and keep the challengers out of their comfort zone. That is, until a massive rolling elbow from Hero catches Jay Briscoe and leaves him down and out. Hero takes a second to catch his bearings before going for the pin, and what could've initially been a 3 count becomes a near fall with the older Briscoe brother just barely getting his shoulder up in time. Hero attempts to follow up with a second rolling elbow but this time Jay slips underneath and makes it to his brother for the tag. It's not long after that the Briscoes are able to regain control of things, and after Castagnoli is knocked off the apron, the Briscoes connect with the Doomsday Device on Hero to retain.


Winners by pinfall and STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoes


As the Briscoes leave the ring, the lights in the stadium go out. When they return, The Temple are in the ring. Jimmy Jacobs once again flanked by 3 men in robes.






Jacobs repeats his demands from last week, stating that if they aren't given their match, they're going to continue the cleansing. There is no immediate reaction, and a visibly frustrated Jacobs points to the announce desk. The 3 robed men roll out and grab Dave Prazak. They walk him to the ring where Jacobs is brandishing the spike. They push him to his knees, and Prazak pleads for help. Luckily it isn't long before The Young Bucks emerge from the curtain, with Jack Evans and Human Tornado joining them. The four men charge to the ring and an all out brawl begins. Bryce Remsburgh eventually is able to regain control long enough to separate the teams, and once it's only Jacobs and Evans left in the ring, the match can begin.


As the bell rings, the three men on the apron remove their robes and masks, revealing their identities.




The Temple vs. The Young Bucks, Jack Evans, and Human Tornado



This match serves as a showcase for the absolute carnage that Ring of Honor's newest alliance is capable of dishing out. Jacobs and O'Reilly enter the ring early and take a methodical approach, slowly picking apart their opponents limbs and looking to inflict as much damage as possible. Jon Moxley is a man unhinged when he enters, almost getting his team disqualified after refusing to break from delivering staggering blows to Nick Jackson who scrambled into the corner. In fact, if Moxley hadn't ran out of breath it's possible he'd STILL be peppering Nick with body blows. The final man to enter the ring is Brodie Lee, and if his teammates were impressive, then he's awe inspiring. Lee invites all four men into the ring and throws them around like rag dolls. A set of stereo superkicks from the Bucks staggers him, but as they charge towards him he sends them to the ground with a nasty double clothesline. The Temple enters the ring together and O'Reilly and Jacobs hold Human Tornado until Mox hits him with a double underhook DDT and Brodie Lee follows it up by nearly taking his opponent's head off with a discus lariat.


Winner by pinfall: The Temple


As The Temple leave the ring Hogewood and Prazak discuss what they have just witnessed. Prazak remarks that there could be some trouble brewing here in Ring of Honor.




Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Jerry Lynn


Liger and Lynn may both be in their mid 40s and on the back end of their respective careers, but based on their showing here, they aren't aware of that. Two incredibly talented wrestlers who may not be as fast and agile as they once were, what they lack in youth they make up for in experience and knowledge. Liger and Lynn fight a well paced technical battle here, with both men getting their chance to land their signature offense, and the crowd absolutely eats it up. A Liger Suplex nearly gives Thunder Liger the win, but Lynn just barely gets his shoulder up in time. Shortly after Liger goes for a Liger Bomb and Jerry Lynn gets everyone in attendance on their feet by holding onto Liger's shoulder and reversing it into a sunset flip powerbomb! It isn't over yet though, as Liger has just enough left in the tank to barely kick out before the ref's hand hits the mat for a 3. Chants of you've still got it! ring out through the arena before Lynn hoists Liger up for the cradle piledriver as he puts his opponent away. After his hand is raised, Lynn helps Liger to his feet and the pair share a handshake in the middle of the ring.


Winner by pinfall: Jerry Lynn


As the match ends and Liger heads to the back, Jerry Lynn stays in the ring with a microphone in hand.




Once the crowd finally simmers down, he begins to speak. He reminds everyone that it has been over 250 days now since he lost the Ring of Honor world championship to Austin Aries. He says there isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't feel thankful for the title reign he was able to get, and yet, he still feels he isn't finished here. As happy as he was to add to his legacy, it didn't feel like the end. But now, the injuries that used to take a week to shake off, are taking months. He jokes that he used to be ready to run a marathon after a 20 minute match, but if Liger had kicked out one more time he probably would've had to lay down and take the pin. He says he's not ready to retire, he doesn't know if he ever will, but his days of coming here week in and week out are nearing their end. He adds that before he's ready to do that, he wants one more chance to hoist the gold. He continues by saying whether it's Austin Aries or Tyler Black, hell, if Jim Cornette wants to fight him himself, it doesn't matter to Jerry Lynn. He grips the mic tightly, and you can see his hands shaking while he tries to hold back his emotions, he closes it out by saying he wants to end things with a bang. And he can't think of a better way to do it.




Before we head to the main event of the evening, a video airs recapping the battles Aries and Black have had, capping off with the 60 minute draw from last year.



Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Match


Austin Aries © vs. Tyler Black


We head to our main event and the level of intensity is evident just by the expressions on the face of both competitors as they make their way to the ring. Aries proteges Kenny King and Rhett Titus accompany him to the ring, but surprisingly retreat to the back once it's time for the bell. Even more surprisingly, is Aries approach to the match. There's no running and hiding here, he meets Black in the middle and a ties up with him, showing a level of determination we haven't seen from Aries in quite some time. The feeling out process doesn't last too long, as these two men know each other well at this point. Aries wants to take the fight to the ground, working Black's neck at every opportunity to set up for the Last Chancery. Black regains control and tries to put Aries away with God's Last Gift early. Aries just barely slips out, and heads to the outside of the ring to retreat. He doesn't get much time to catch his breath though, because Black comes right after him, leaping head first over the top rope! Black takes Aries all around ringside, tossing him into the barricade before nailing a nasty suplex that sees Aries spine smash into the top of the steel stairs. Black is careful, ensuring between each big move he rolls back into the ring to reset the count.


As the chaotic nature of the match continues, we see Roderick Strong make his way to the ring from the back! He has a steel chair in his hand. Todd Sinclair demands Strong turn around, but Roderick makes no effort to get involved in the action. He simply sets the chair up at ringside for a closer viewing. He even brought a real note pad this time!


As Black notices Strong's presence, he decides to bring the action back inside. He drops Aries with some big moves for a pair of near falls before deciding to look for God's Last Gift again. Just like last time though, Aries slips out, but this time he looks to roll Black up afterwards! THIS COULD BE IT!




NO! BLACK KICKS OUT AT 2.9! But as Black kicks out, Aries goes flying into Todd Sinclair! The ref is down. Fans jump to their feet immediately, expecting Aries to go for a chair, or one of Aries entourage to interfere. It doesn't happen though, as Roderick Strong stands up, grabs his chair, and blocks off the aisle, preventing anyone from interfering even if they wanted to.


Aries & Black continue doing battle, while Sinclair stays down. Aries goes for a brainbuster,, but Black flips through to his feet! Black lifts him up, God's Last Gift!, he's going to hit it this time! Black delivers his signature maneuver and Aries is out. The ref is still down though, and as Black goes to get him up, Strong enters the ring! Steel chair against the spine of Tyler Black! Sick Kick! Both competitors are down! Strong throws the chair out of the ring and gets Sinclair to his feet to start the count. Strong knows what he is doing, if there is no winner here, the title gets forfeited! Both men are out cold. This could be it! Aries begins stirring first, and makes it to his feet at 8, but Black is still down. 9! Black has to move, this could be over. With the last bit of strength in his body, the challenger rolls out of the ring, breaking the 10 count and starting a new one!


Aries looks bewildered. Not because Black broke the 10 count, but because he has no idea what has happened here. He isn't going to waste any time though, he knows this is his chance. The champion goes to the outside too, and pulls up a section of the mats at ringside. Sinclair is furious and tries desperately to keep Aries from doing what he's trying to do. It's of no use though, as Aries hoists Black up lands a nasty brainbuster straight onto the concrete floor below. Aries brings Black back to the ring and covers him, surely retaining his title... NO! Black kicks out! How did he manage to do that? Aries is frustrated, and heads right for the top rope. 450 splash! Aries connects and swiftly covers. That's the ending, it has to be... AGAIN! TYLER BLACK KICKS OUT. HE WILL NOT STAY DOWN.


Aries is furious, he smashes the mat with his hands. He's almost out of moves to use! Aries gets to his feet, knowing a pinfall isn't going to happen, and looks for the Last Chancery. Black offers minimal resistance, and Aries postures up quickly. Black is in agony and still barely conscious enough to know where is. He reaches out, but the rope seems to be miles ahead of him. He pulls with all his strength, but it's of no use. Aries will not relax his grasp. Black fights until he has nothing left, but ultimately it's useless, and the challenger has no choice but to tap out in the middle of the ring.




Winner and STILL Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion: Austin Aries




As Austin Aries celebrates a successful title defense in the ring, Roderick Strong makes his way up the ramp. He turns back and looks at the ring, Black still down in a heap. A smirk comes across his face before retreating to the back.




Prediction Scores


DGenerationMC: 14pts

Mootinie: 10pts

Kijar: 7pts

GooverDan: 3pts




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BREAKING NEWS - Ring of Honor Found Their Home on HDNet... But Will They Soon Be Homeless?


Reports are surfacing that following an executive meeting earlier this morning, Ring of Honor wrestling on HDNet will be pushed back to a 12am airtime. The exact reason for the new time slot is currently unknown, but one can only assume it has to do with the disappointing viewership numbers the one hour long wrestling show has been pulling. Cary Silkin was contacted, but refused to comment on the news. Meanwhile on screen talent and backstage producer Jim Cornette has told PWInsider that this move could be beneficial for the company as a whole, while alluding to the amount of stress they have been put under by the network to maintain high audience retention over the past few months.





The Connecticut Destroyer? - Petey Willaims Signs Deal With World Wrestling Entertainment


Former TNA star and X-Division champion Petey Williams has just put pen-to-paper on a 3 year deal with the WWE, which was announced in a press conference this afternoon. The Canadian Destroyer has spent the last year bouncing around the indies with sporadic appearances for ROH and AJPW amongst other bookings, but will certainly be hoping to find long term success with his new deal. Exactly where and when we will see Petey remains to be seen, but it will be interesting to see how he fits into the future and whether or not he has enough about him to stand out on the biggest stage.







A big rumor coming out of the WWE camp surrounds the cancelation of Florida Championship Wrestling's broadcasting deal. While nothing has been confirmed just yet, it seems change is in the company's future. Many are speculating this could point towards a facelift for ECW, the company's third brand which has flopped since it's debut. While others have suggested this could be the end of WWE developmental as a whole, as their focus continues to shift more towards signing high profile independent talent rather than developing their own. More information on this story will follow when it becomes available.







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I've decided moving forward I'm going to keep predictions to events only. It makes more sense anyway as I'm looking to keep the ROH aesthetic of keeping the priority on frequent events. I'll revisit it down the line when (hopefully) we are able to secure a more lucrative and longer tv show. The current prediction contest will end with our back-to-back PPVs From The Ashes & Phoenix Rising.



Anniversary show was great, Aries vs. Black sounded like an RoH workrate classic. :D


Shame about the ratings on HDNet, but you'll probably have a lot more fun without the show ratings pressure anyway.


Thank you! My favorite part of the journal so far has been reliving some of the awesome championship matches of this time period and booking them myself. I've gone back a few times now and re-watched some of the more memorable ones and they still hold up as some of my favorite wrestling matches ever. It's hard to do it justice when these guys were busting their ass in the ring for 30 minutes every other week!

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on HDNet


Attendance: 300


Tonight's show kicks off with a pre-taped interview between Becky Bayless and Roderick Strong.




Before the interview begins, a recap of the conclusion between Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black is shown. Becky immediately asks Roderick Strong why he felt the need to interfere? Strong pauses and carefully considers his reply. He says it wasn't what he wanted to do, but it's what he felt he had to do. He said most people act like in Ring of Honor there are only good guys and bad guys, but he says he is neither. He states that while he respects Tyler Black, and he once considered him to be a good friend, he came to Ring of Honor to make a name for himself, not to help others. And when Tyler disrespected him after only being part of the company for a short period of time, a company which Strong helped bring to this level. It really got to him. Bayless asked him about his feelings towards Aries, and Strong was quick to discern the difference between attacking Black and helping the champ. He said he was hoping neither man would walk out with the title, but unfortunately Aries is a smart competitor, if you give him an inch he takes a mile, that's how he's gotten to where he is today. Strong finishes by saying he understands there will be consequences for his actions, but it will all be worth it when he finally wins what is rightfully his.




Brodie Lee vs. Human Tornado


Brodie Lee is joined at ringside by Jimmy Jacobs, Kyle O'Reilly, and Jon Moxley. Prazak highlights that Human Tornado had asked Nick Jackson and Jack Evans to accompany him, but after learning of the news that The Temple put Matt Jackson out of action for the next few months from the damage sustained in their match last night, they had no interest in continuing their involvement. It becomes clear early that perhaps Human Tornado should have reconsidered his participation as well, because he is absolutely man handled by Brodie Lee. Jacobs barks commands to Lee from the apron, as the big man throws his opponent all over the ring. After a few more minutes of what looks more like aggravated assault than wrestling, a big discus lariat nets the win.


Winner by pinfall: Brodie Lee




As the match ends, we're shown a pre-taped locker room conversation between Generico and Cabana.




Cabana tells Generico he understands it's difficult for him to fight with Steen, considering their past. He reminds Generico that despite this past, Steen still tried to end his career. Cabana continues on, asking Generico to have his back during his match with Jerry Lynn later tonight. Generico nods understandingly, and puts his arm around Cabana.




The All Night Express w/Austin Aries vs. Dark City Fight Club


This is a showdown between two teams who have a lot to prove and could use this match to catapult them higher up the tag team rankings moving forward. It's Rhett Titus and Jon Davis starting things off, and Titus quickly gets the momentum on his side after Aries distracts Davis by grabbing his boot from ringside. After taking him to the ground, Titus and King make their game plan clear. They continue looking to isolate whichever one of their opponents is legal, and as soon as momentum switches even just momentarily, Aries finds himself getting involved as a distraction. It isn't long before the world champ is sent to the back, but his proteges are already comfortable in the ring by this time. Of course that comfort leads to complacency, and opens the window for Kory Chavis to hit a charging Kenny King with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The raw power of the Fight Club is enough to buy them some time, but they're too worn down. Kenny King is able to pick up the win shortly after with the Coronation.


As the match ends, Aries returns to the ring while King and Titus celebrate their win. Aries grabs a microphone, and after waiting out the boos from the crowd, starts speaking.




Aries says now that he's dealt with the pest who has been plaguing him for a while now in Tyler Black, it's time to start focusing on securing some gold for Kenny King and Rhett Titus. King grabs the mic, and warns the Briscoes that they'll be seeing them soon. He tells the tag champs they've had more than their fair share of easy defenses, before adding that Hero and Castagnoli should head back to CZW if they want to be champions, because they'll never be at the top of ROH. Aries grabs the mic back and finishes by stating that The All Night Express has always had the talent, and with Aries in their corner, they have the leadership too. So get used to seeing a lot more of these two.




Eddie Edwards vs. PAC


Eddie Edwards is most assuredly going into this match looking to build some singles momentum to keep up with his tag partner and newly crowned ROH Television champion Davey Richards. For PAC, this is a chance to continue building momentum coming off a nice win over Erick Stevens last week. Both men come out firing, and this match is heavily focused around hard, stiff strikes. Of course that means the battle is right in Edwards wheelhouse, and PAC learns quickly going head to head with blows isn't the way to win this one. He fights back valiantly, landing a big german suplex onto Edwards neck and bridging into the pin for a 2 count. The focus then turns to the mat, as PAC works on the neck of Edwards looking for a submission finish. Again though, he makes the mistake of taking the match into an environment Edwards is much more well versed in, and Edwards is able to transition into a dragon sleeper on the ground for the submission win.


Winner by submission: Eddie Edwards




Jerry Lynn vs. Colt Cabana


The main event of tonight's show pits Jerry Lynn against another man who stands in his way as he works towards one final title shot in his Ring of Honor career. Cabana, as alluded to earlier in the night, is accompanied to the ring by El Generico, who is simply there to stand guard against a potential Kevin Steen interference. Lynn and Cabana adhere to the code of honor and share a handshake before things get underway. The match starts off as a great technical battle, with both men looking to wear down their opponent, before an early Billy Goat's Curse looks like it might be enough to put Lynn away via submission. He fights to the ropes, and the match resets, this time with a bit of a faster pace. It's a back and forth affair and stays that way until just as Cabana predicted, Kevin Steen makes his way to ringside. As Steen makes his way down the aisle, Cabana turns his back on Lynn, and when he refocuses his attention, he's met with a stiff kick to the mid section, and a cradle piledriver which puts him down for the count.


Winner by pinfall: Jerry Lynn




Generico runs to Cabana's side and helps him to his feet. Steen continues towards the ring apron, pausing as he arrives while mocking Cabana, telling him he never should've gotten involved. Cabana walks towards the ropes, and demands Steen face him in the ring. Just as Steen starts to turn and walk away, someone slides in the ring behind Cabana and Generico and smashes them in the back of the head!




It's... Sonjay Dutt?


No time for questions, as Steen rolls in the ring and all hell breaks loose! Dutt and Generico throw down in one corner, while it's Cabana and Steen across from them. It isn't long before Dutt is thrown over the top rope, and Cabana rolls to the ground, leaving just the two former tag champs alone for the first time since this began.


Steen immediately starts barking at Generico, leaning forward and asking to be punched in the face, knowing well his former partner can't bring himself to do so. They share a glance momentarily, before Generico retreats out of the ring and lifts Cabana to his feet as they head towards the back.


In the ring, Sonjay Dutt is back to his feet and standing next to Steen. Dutt extends his hand to signify what we can only assume is a newly formed alliance, but Steen swiftly slaps the offering away, before ending the short lived partnership by laying Dutt out with a package piledriver.




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on HDNet


Attendance: 327


This week we're kicking the show off with Tyler Black in the ring, and it goes without saying, he doesn't look too happy!




Black opens by apologizing. He says he is sorry to all of the Ring of Honor fans who he let down by letting his ego get the best of him. He acknowledges he treated the match as a foregone conclusion, and underestimated just how good Austin Aries can be when his back is against the wall. In saying that, everyone in attendance knows that without Roderick Strong having a temper tantrum over not being good enough to participate, the match would've went entirely different. Tyler Black pauses, before clarifying that he didn't come out here tonight to complain. He came out here because he knows what the fans want to see, and what Jim Cornette has to do. Tyler Black, Austin Aries, the Ring of Honor World Championship... next month at From The Ashes. Black adds that Roderick Strong shouldn't get too carried away yet either, because after he wins the title he is going to find the time to kick his ass too.




As Black finishes the last sentence, Jerry Lynn makes his way down the aisle. Microphone in hand. Lynn tells Black he respects him a lot, and one day believes he can be a huge star in Ring of Honor. He mentions that how lucky we have all been to get to see Black vs. Aries twice already. He says in all of his years in the business, he's not sure he's seen a more back and forth match than their showdown last week. But, he adds, twice is enough. Lynn says he isn't the type of guy to try and walk up and cut the line, and that's why tonight he proposes he faces off against Black with the winner going on to…




Before Lynn can finish his thought, out comes Roderick Strong. Strong is shaking his head, but before he can explain exactly why he has taken exception to Lynn's proposal, Jim Cornette joins in too.




Cornette points out that this is Ring of Honor wrestling and that he will not be making a habit out of starting shows with all this vocalizing. He looks at Black, and tells him as much as would like to see Austin Aries finally dealt with, there's no way a company with as much talent as ROH will be putting out the same title match 3 PPVs in a row. He then turns to Lynn, and says while he appreciates all that Lynn has done, he doesn't have executive producer in his title. Luckily for him, Jim Cornette does. And that's why at From the Ashes we will have a triple threat #1 contender match, between Roderick Strong, Tyler Black, and Jerry Lynn. Which ever man emerges victorious, will earn the right to face Austin Aries the very next night at Phoenix Rising.






Erick Stevens vs. Rocky Romero


Erick Stevens once again makes his way to the ring without Prince Nana, and this time clarifies his position within The Embassy by grabbing a microphone and explaining he's had enough of the lies and deceit. There have been a lot of empty promises and unpaid dues during his time working for Prince Nana, and he's done with it. From here on out he will only be looking out for himself.


Erick Stevens desperately needs a win this week after taking a loss in his first post-Embassy match his last time out. He certainly gives Rocky a run for his money here as the two go back and forth for quite awhile here. In the end, it is Stevens who picks up the much needed win with the doctor bomb.


Winner by pinfall: Erick Stevens






As we return from commercial break, a pre-taped interview between Kevin Steen and Becky Bayless airs. Steen says after Cabana's actions last week, he feels he has no choice but to put Generico on the back burner for right now, so that he can deal with Cabana first. He says one of his biggest flaws as a person is that he's just too nice, and unfortunately there are always people like Colt Cabana who try to take advantage of kindness. He says he can't believe after everything that went on, Cabana wants people to think Kevin Steen is the bad guy. He finishes by stating once Cabana is dealt with, there will be nobody left to stop him from finishing what he has started and ending El Generico's career. Becky, like everyone else over the past month, tries to ask Steen why he is so upset with Generico in the first place, but he simply laughs it off before standing up and leaving.




Sonjay Dutt vs. Kevin Steen


Sonjay Dutt is coming into this one looking for revenge after what happened last week, when Steen betrayed him just a few minutes into their short lived alliance. We see some serious rage from Dutt, who is incredibly aggressive early on in this one and brings Steen to the ground immediately. Unfortunately he was never going to out brawl or out power Steen, and while he starts strong, Steen takes over shortly after. Steen dominates Dutt, landing a nasty pop up powerbomb for a near fall before tossing him into the corner and following up with a big cannonball for another close count. Dutt jumps back out in front though following a dirty low blow behind the back of ref Bryce Remsburg. As Steen drops to the ground, Dutt seizes the opportunity and locks in the camel clutch immediately. It looks like Steen may be fading, but with his last burst of energy, he stands up with his opponent still on his back and falls backwards into the canvas. This breaks the hold, and before Dutt can get to his feet Steen locks in the sharpshooter for a submission victory.


Winner by submission: Kevin Steen


As Steen heads up the aisle, he notices a fan wearing an El Generico mask. He rips the mask from their head and spits on it before disappearing through the curtains.






Before the main event begins, Kenny Omega grabs a microphone and asks Davey Richards to pay close attention to the main event. He tells Richards that after he finishes with Castagnoli tonight, the newly crowned television champion will have two choices. Be a fighting champ and give Omega a title shot, or hide in the back while Kenny goes through every single one of those 'bums' Shane Hagadorn represents in order to get what he wants.


Of course that last line draws the ire of both Hagadorn and Castagnoli, who are out quickly to kick off the match.




Kenny Omega vs. Claudio Castagnoli


Omega may quickly regret his pre match comments here, as Castagnoli comes out with a whole lot to prove. Huge european uppercuts right from the cuff leave Omega woozy, and if that wasn't enough the spin quickly follows to keep him off his feet even longer. Castagnoli stays in control, using his strength advantage to overpower Kenny Omega at every opportunity. A big V-Trigger knee to the face creates some separation late in the match for Omega, and as Castagnoli comes charging at him in the corner for a european uppercut, he's able to send his opponent careening into the ring post. The Aoi Shoudou follows and Kenny Omega picks up the win despite being dominated for most of the match.


Winner by pinfall: Kenny Omega


As Omega is in the ring celebrating his victory, Jay Lethal makes his way to the ring, giving a round of applause for the big win. Lethal extends his hand to Omega, which Kenny initially declines. However after the crowd urges him to reconsider, the pair share a handshake to end the show.



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 10px;border: 8px solid#8B0000;margin:10%;</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="eRjCSXf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eRjCSXf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> <img alt="4Xr8TbM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4Xr8TbM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><em>on HDNet </em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> #48</em></span></p><p> Attendance: 273</p><p> </p><p> <em>We are heading right into the action this week, as the show kicks off with a match between one half of the tag team champs in Jay Briscoe and one half of the title hopefuls in Kenny King.</em></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="JSRgFql.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JSRgFql.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="zdboFS9.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zdboFS9.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ywK1u2c.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ywK1u2c.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jay Briscoe</strong> vs. <strong>Kenny King</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53104" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div>While not officially #1 contenders for the tag team championships, <em>The All Night Express</em> has made their title aspirations crystal clear and a win here over one half of the champs would all but guarantee them a title shot in the future. Meanwhile for Jay Briscoe, well, let's just say he's never been a man who has needed a reason to fight. He would be the first to admit he is just coming into this one looking to beat someone up. Jay makes his entrance without brother Mark at his side, meanwhile King has his partner Rhett Titus and their mentor Austin Aries in his corner. This becomes a factor early in the match as Rhett grabs at the boot of Jay Briscoe long enough for King to plant a kick to the head and gain control of things. Mark Briscoe takes exception to this, of course, and it isn't long before he comes charging down to the ring, scaring off King's guests in the process. Unfortunately for the brothers, it's already too late. King translates his control in the ring into a win by landing the <em>Coronation</em> on Jay.</div></div><div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner by pinfall:</strong> Kenny King</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="eRjCSXf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eRjCSXf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <em>As we return from the first commercial break of the evening we get a pre-taped interview between Jay Lethal and Becky Bayless. Lethal is asked to explain the meaning behind his handshake with Kenny Omega last week.</em></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="S1sXiQG.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/S1sXiQG.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="UphicZk.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/UphicZk.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Lethal explains that last week he watched Omega vs. Castagnoli from backstage and was really impressed with what he saw. He mentions that he's fought Castagnoli before in his career, and he knows how hard it is to overcome the strength disadvantage. He adds that while he wanted to make it clear to Kenny that he respects him, he also knows they both have a common goal right now, as he sets his eyes on Davey Richards and his television championship. Lethal finishes by reminding Omega that he'll have to go through him first if he wants to get that title shot.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="gh5kuXr.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gh5kuXr.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="zdboFS9.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zdboFS9.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Z4Yx1E7.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Z4Yx1E7.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Erick Stevens</strong> vs. <strong>Ernesto Osiris</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53104" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>This is a bit of a grudge match following Erick Stevens decision to leave behind <strong>Prince Nana</strong> and <strong>The Embassy</strong>. Before things even get started, Nana is up in Stevens face, accusing him of betrayal and saying he will live to regret his decision. Rather than throw it back into his former manager's face, any anger Stevens feels he takes out on Osiris instead. He starts it off with a clubbing lariat that just about probably would've been enough for the 3 count. Unfortunately for Osiris, his opponent decides to take his time instead. Stevens slowly picks apart his former ally, before eventually ending the match by dropping his opponent on his back with the doctor bomb.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner by pinfall: Erick Stevens</strong></p><p> </p><p> As Stevens has his hand raised in the ring, Prince Nana re-enters and continues to berate him. Stevens is not pleased, and with some encouragement from the crowd, it looks like he's about to give Nana a similar treatment to that which Osiris just received. However before he can close the gap between them, someone from the crowd slides into the ring and charges him from behind...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="HzvHvvZ.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HzvHvvZ.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> That's <strong>Jimmy Rave</strong>! The former crown jewel of <strong>The Embassy</strong> is back working for Prince Nana!</p><p> </p><p> Rave immediately starts beating on Stevens, leaving him in a heap on the mat while Nana antagonizes him. Before they finish the assault, Rave hoists Stevens to his feet and delivers a doctor bomb, adding insult AND injury.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="eRjCSXf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eRjCSXf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="S1sXiQG.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/S1sXiQG.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="zdboFS9.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zdboFS9.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="f1n0h3O.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/f1n0h3O.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jay Lethal</strong> vs. <strong>Chris Hero</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53104" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Tonight's main event is an important match up between two men who have built solid careers here in Ring of Honor, but who have both failed to really make the upper echelon and establish themselves as main event talent. Jay Lethal has made his intentions clear already with his interview earlier in the night, and before things kick off in the match Kenny Omega makes his way out to ringside to watch how this one plays out.<p> </p><p> It's a great back and forth affair, and follows a similar pattern to last weeks main event as Lethal plays the same role as Omega did, attempting to use his speed and agility to overcome the raw strength and striking advantage that Chris Hero has. Lethal tries to put this one away early with a <em>Lethal Injection</em> but a rolling elbow to the back of the head leaves him dazed long enough for Hero to land a crushing piledriver. Lethal somehow manages to get it together in time to kick out though, and the fight continues. Hero continues to focus the neck of Lethal, potentially hoping to wear his opponent down enough to where he can finish him off with the <em>Hangman's Clutch</em>. Before that becomes a possibility though, an attempt for a big boot in the corner is ducked by Lethal, and he quickly rolls Hero down to the mat. He has his shoulders pinned... 3 count! Some crafty work from Jay Lethal as he steals a win right out from under Chris Hero. </p><p> </p></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner by pinfall:</strong> Jay Lethal</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="f1n0h3O.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/f1n0h3O.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="S1sXiQG.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/S1sXiQG.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Hero isn't impressed by Lethal's victory, and immediately gets up in his face. Shane Hagadorn enters the ring to try and pull Hero back, but he has no chance at succeeding. As Hero backs Lethal into the corner, Omega jumps into the ring and steps up. With two men ready to fight, and Castagnoli not present, Hero stands down and heads for the back.</p><p> </p><p> For the second week in a row the show ends with Lethal and Omega in the ring, this time with Lethal thanking Omega for having his back. </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="eRjCSXf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eRjCSXf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p></div><p></p>
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on HDNet


Attendance: 383


We are welcomed to Ring of Honor wrestling with a pre-taped promo video this week featuring The Briscoes, who for some reason, are in the middle of the woods. Why exactly? No reason other than because they're the Briscoes.




Mark paces back and forth in the background, while Jay congratulates Kenny King on his big win last week. He admits Kenny caught him off guard, but warns The All Night Express of the can of worms they've just opened. He says if there's one thing everyone knows about him and Mark, it's that they'll never shy away from a fight. Which is why they are going to give them the title match they're asking for. At this point, Mark pipes up and Jay steps to the back. Mark says if they're going to do this, it will be done by the champs rules. So at From the Ashes the Briscoe boys will put their tag team championships on the line, but it will be in a STEEL CAGE MATCH! So Aries, don't even bother coming to the ring, cause you ain't helping out! The video finishes as a big grin comes across the face of Mark Briscoe, clearly excited by the potential for violence added by this new stipulation.




Jimmy Rave vs. Player Uno


Far more recognized as a tag team wrestler alongside Player Dos, Uno has a big challenge tonight dealing with the crown jewel of The Embassy. Of course Prince Nana accompanies Jimmy Rave to the ring, but luckily for Uno he has his partner Dos in his corner to even the odds. The Embassy's presence is felt early, when Uno rolls Rave up for an early pinfall attempt, but ref Paul Turner is preoccupied with Nana and misses it entirely. This prompts Dos to jump on the apron and charge at Rave's manager, sending both Nana and himself to the ground with a flying clothesline. Back in the ring however, the break was all Jimmy Rave needed, as he hits Uno with a low blow from behind and then follows it with a doctor bomb, clearly looking to send a message to Erick Stevens once again.


Winner by pinfall: Jimmy Rave






Following the match is a pre-taped Colt Cabana interview. He is fired up after Steen's attack last week, but also clearly not at 100%, with a large bandage visible on his shoulder. Cabana, more serious than we have seen him in a long time, tells Steen he has made a big mistake. He adds that he wasn't looking to be anything other than a mediator at first, because while this initially wasn't a feud that involved him, it involved two of his best friends in the locker room. He says it has become apparent that this isn't just about Generico, Kevin Steen has no respect for anyone in this company, and his need for a reality check is long overdue. That's why at From the Ashes Cabana promises to teach his former friend a lesson he won't ever forget!




Kenny Omega & Jay Lethal vs. The Kings of Wrestling


It's hard to think Jay Lethal had any idea when he came down to the ring two weeks ago to shake Kenny Omega's hand at the end of a match, that it would lead to them teaming up to take on one of the best tag teams Ring of Honor has to offer. And yet, here they are. Following the confrontation last week, and Omega & Lethal each narrowly picking up wins over Hero & Castagnoli in singles competition, The Kings of Wrestling will have their chance for revenge. If you've caught either of the singles matches from the past two weeks, you'll have a good idea of how this match starts off. It's speed versus power and being the savvy technical masterminds that they are, Hero & Castagnoli quickly turn their focus to working the legs of their opponents, looking to limit their ability to benefit from their natural athleticism. It doesn't stop the crafty Omega from fighting back though, and after what must've felt like the longest five minutes of his life, he lands a running V-Trigger on Hero to draw enough separation to head towards his partner for the hot tag. Lethal enters the ring and for the first time in the match, the faces have some momentum on their side. They're able to keep it this way until the final moments, when Lethal looks to land a superkick but Castagnoli's side stepping results in Omega taking a boot to the face. As Lethal peers over the ropes to his downed partner, Castagnoli sets up and delivers the Ricola Bomb for the win.


Winner by pinfall: The Kings of Wrestling




As their opponents make their way to the back, Omega and Lethal are left alone in the ring. Omega, still holding his jaw after being rocked by Lethal just minutes prior, is fired up and screaming at his partner. Lethal tries his hardest to calm his partner down, and for awhile it appears that cooler heads will prevail. Both men start heading for opposite sides of the ring, making their way to the back. As Lethal is about to step through the ropes though, a charging Kenny Omega nearly takes his head off with a V-Trigger from behind. Omega then quickly lifts Lethal over his head, and drives him into the canvas with an elevated electric chair driver. Lethal's neck may have shattered on impact! Omega gets to his feet and shakes his head while leaving the ring, still holding onto his cheek.






Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tyler Black


If you have followed Ring of Honor at all over the last 3 years, then the history between these two men needs no introduction. From friends to enemies, to friends again, they've been all over the map together during their time with the company. Tonight, however, Black stands across the ring from a man he can hardly recognize. For the first time since The Temple's arrival in Ring of Honor, we see Jacobs and co. actually make an entrance to the ring, not that it takes much of the mystery away. All 4 men enter in what feels like pitch black darkness, save for the candles Moxley and O'Reilly carry in their hands. Meanwhile Brodie Lee follows behind, his eyes bulging out of his head as if he's in the worst pain he's ever felt. It's a sight to see, to say the least.


Black extends his hand in accordance with the code of honor, but there's no response from his former friend. Black doesn't waste much time waiting for Jacobs the change his mind, and shortly after the two go to battle. After 15 or so minutes of back and forth action, Roderick Strong makes his way down the aisle. He plops down at the commentary desk next to Prazak and Hogewood, and makes it clear he's here to help, not hurt Tyler Black. He says his issues with Black are strictly title related, but he doesn't trust Jacobs and his new friends, and wants to make sure Tyler can make it to the PPV for their match. As his arrival is noted, Brodie Lee heads over to the announce table as well. Lee, standing only a few feet from Roderick Strong, is frozen. He stares Strong in the eyes, never taking so much of a break as to blink. Strong jokingly tells the big man to relax, but hardly gets a reaction in return. Meanwhile, in the ring, Jacobs attention is also diverted towards Strong. He begins yelling at his unwanted guest, telling him he has no business here and that he too will be dealt with in due time. This lack of focus is exactly the opening Tyler Black needs, as he runs up to Jacobs and connects with God's Last Gift for the win.


Winner by pinfall: Tyler Black




As soon as Todd Sinclair's hand hits the mat for the 3, all members of The Temple hit the ring. As Black slowly walks away from Moxley, and O'Reilly, he bumps right into the oncoming Brodie Lee. Black looks petrified, as he comes to terms with the situation he finds himself in. He lifts his fists, ready to fight what will unquestionably be an unwinnable battle. As he prepares, the crowd erupts into a chorus of cheers. Roderick Strong stands up from the announce desk and rolls into the ring, steel chair in hand. The sound of steel on flesh fills the gymnasium, as Strong drives his weapon into the back of Brodie Lee, who doesn't even appear to budge. Strong looks at Black, who returns the glance. While they weren't able to take anyone down, Strong did create a distraction and he and Black both take the opportunity to head straight for the exit. As they leave the ring, they hop the guard rail, and hightail it through the crowd.


The Temple stand in the ring alone to end the show.




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on HDNet


Attendance: 300


Before we head to the ring this week, a pre-taped interview with Kenny Omega opens the show, as he discusses his actions towards Jay Lethal.




Omega is asked if he has any regrets after seeing the footage from last week showing the superkick from his partner was directed towards Castagnoli. Omega is quick to shrug off the question, and says regardless of his actions the alliance was going to be short lived. He says he isn't in Ring of Honor to play second fiddle to anyone, and there's no championship title for being Jay Lethal's best friend. He then turns and stares directly into the camera and tells Lethal if he has a problem, they can settle it at From the Ashes. Omega smugly finishes by telling Lethal he has the honor of being the first man to fall victim to the One Winged Angel and this weekend he's more than welcome to experience it all over again.




El Generico & Colt Cabana vs. The House of Truth


Generico & Cabana are teaming up tonight as a bit of a warm up for Colt, who will face Kevin Steen this coming weekend at From the Ashes. Unfortunately for The House of Truth, the chemistry between Cabana and Generico is palpable, as they land a series of tandem offensive maneuvers. Eventually their opponents are put away following the Yakuza Kick into a Colt .45.


Winner by pinfall: El Generico & Colt Cabana




As the match comes to an end, Jerry Lynn makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand.




Lynn gets a cheap pop by thanking the fans for their support over the years, before turning the focus to his upcoming #1 contender's match. Lynn alludes to his experience in three way matches, mentioning some of the most iconic moments from his 20+ year career. He says none of those memorable showdowns mean to him what the one that awaits him this weekend does. He reflects on the last time he competed in a match of this magnitude in Ring of Honor, and how it eventually resulted in him losing the title to Austin Aries. This time, he promises, the outcome will be different.






ROH Television Championship Match


Davey Richards © vs. KENTA


Davey Richards makes his way to the ring looking even more focused than we have become accustomed to, as he looks to successfully defend his television title for the very first time. Flanking him, of course, is Shane Hagadorn. The match plays out more like an shoot fight than a wrestling match initially, with challenger and champion trading kicks, chops, and open palm strikes that echo so loud and fill the gymnasium with such ferocity that you can barely hear the competitors screaming in pain. Eventually, the now red-chested opponents turn to the ground game, which is where Richards gains the advantage. After working the body of KENTA, the champion locks in the kimura, aiming for the submission win. The challenger powers through to his feet, and is able to lift Richards onto his shoulders as he looks for the GTS. Richards, swift as ever, lifts his hands up to block the impact towards his skull, and neatly takes KENTA to the ground, wrenching his arm in the kimura once again and this time securing the victory by submission.


Winner by submission: Davey Richards




Richards has Hagadorn drape the championship belt over his shoulder, before requesting a microphone to speak to the audience. He accuses Jim Cornette, Cary Silkin, and all of Ring of Honor of black balling him ever since he has won the title. He says despite being the inaugural champion, he's been put on the back burner and tonight was forced to defend his title on HDNet instead of getting a match at the upcoming PPV. He demands that someone comes down to the ring immediately and explains how they can justify this treatment towards the best in-ring performer not only in ROH, but in the entire WORLD.




Cornette responds quickly to Richards allegations. Shaking his head, Cornette accuses the champion of being a diva, and tells him if he could put his ego aside, there's no question that his wrestling ability would sky rocket him right to the top. He pauses, before continuing, adding that in fairness maybe Richards does have a point regarding the PPV. Unfortunately for him, the card for From the Ashes has been filled.


The crowd starts booing, until Cornette speaks again. BUT! he adds, we do have a spot the very next night at Phoenix Rising. The crowd cheers, and a grin comes across the champions face. That is, until Cornette reveals his opponent for the match. He will be defending his television title against his tag team partner, Eddie Edwards!


Richards is furious in the ring, while Hagadorn stares blankly, unsure of how to react to two of his clients going head to head.






Tyler Black, Roderick Strong, and Jerry Lynn vs. The Temple (Jimmy Jacobs, Brodie Lee, and Kyle O'Reilly w/Jon Moxley)


After narrowly escaping a beatdown at the hands of The Temple last week, friends turned enemies turned friends again Tyler Black and Roderick Strong are now teaming up alongside their other opponent for this weekend's #1 contender match Jerry Lynn. Across from them, stands ROH's newest mystery, the cult-like Temple, who have made a huge impact since their arrival, and have another chance to shake things up with a big win here tonight. It becomes clear once the bell rings though, that winning isn't the goal here for one of the teams. The Temple want to inflict as much punishment as possible onto their opponents. Black, Lynn, and Strong do a great job of fighting back, but once Brodie Lee is tagged into the match, it's a different story. The big man moves like men half of his size, but hits like a freight train. He delivers a beautiful dropkick to Jerry Lynn, and follows it up with a spear on the ring apron that sends both men down to ringside. As soon as they land, all hell breaks loose and both teams start tearing into one another. Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs brawl in the ring, despite neither man being legal. Kyle O'Reilly teams up with Jon Moxley to send Roderick Strong flying over the guard rail into a group of fans sitting at ringside, and Brodie Lee delivers a nasty powerbomb to Jerry Lynn at ringside. Todd Sinclair calls for the ball almost immediately, as his chances of regaining control over the competitors is non-existent.





With Strong & Lynn down and out, it leaves Tyler Black alone to fight off the four men swarming him. A thrust kick drops Moxley to his knees, and a huge forearm staggers O'Reilly, but unfortunately for Black this isn't Hollywood and the hero doesn't always win. Jacobs grabs him and pushes him towards Brodie Lee, who clobbers him with a nasty discus lariat. With Black collapsed and potentially even unconscious on the ring canvas, Jacobs yells emphatically at Brodie Lee to hoist him up. The big man obliges, lifting him high over his head, and sending him crashing to the mat again with a ring shaking powerbomb.


The Temple stand tall over their fallen foes to cap off the final show on HDNet before the PPV weekend.




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Ring of Honor Wrestling Presents

From the Ashes


Confirmed Match Card


Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega


PAC & Jack Evans vs. The House of Truth


Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen


Steel Cage Match for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

The Briscoes vs. The All Night Express


Ring of Honor World Championship #1 Contender's Match

Roderick Strong vs. Jerry Lynn


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Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega


PAC & Jack Evans vs. The House of Truth


Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen


Steel Cage Match for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

The Briscoes vs. The All Night Express


Ring of Honor World Championship #1 Contender's Match

Roderick Strong vs. Jerry Lynn

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Good build to this one my dude, enjoying it. :)


Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega

I get the impression he's being lined up for Davey.


PAC & Jack Evans vs. The House of Truth


Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen


Steel Cage Match for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship

The Briscoes vs. The All Night Express

This one could go either way.


Ring of Honor World Championship #1 Contender's Match

Roderick Strong vs. Jerry Lynn

No Tyler Black? I'm assuming he got written off by The Temple, so I'll roll with Strong in this one.

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BREAKING NEWS - ROH Star Tyler Black Sidelined 4-6 Weeks!


It seems the bad news is mounting for the Cary Silkin owned wrestling promotion Ring of Honor, who recently lost their prime time broadcast slot on billionaire Mark Cuban's HDNet channel. Many had speculated booking plans within the company were for Black to capture the company's most prestigious title from Aries at night two of their upcoming two day PPV event From the Ashes & Phoenix Rising and lead the company going forward. However, with Silkin confirming the shoulder injury and Black's absence from Saturday's main event at a recent press conference, it appears the company will need to call an audible on their plans. The recovery timeline all but guarentees Black will also miss April's event The Big Bang but if all goes well with his recovery it does seem like he could be back by early May in time for Supercard of Honor. As far as how ROH approaches this from a storyline perspective remains to be seen. Of course the youngster was the victim of a vicious beatdown at the hands of The Temple in the final HDNet show before the PPV, but it hardly seemed to be enough to write him off from TV. Black was unable to be reached for comment at this time.


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From the Ashes

Attendance: 1362


We are welcomed to From the Ashes by Hogewood and Prazak, and explained that this is day one of a two day event that will see back to back nights of the top in-ring talent from Ring of Honor competing. They run through tonight's card, and touch on some of the confirmed matches for tomorrow, before Jim Cornette makes his way to the ring to open the show.


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Cornette stands in the middle of the ring, looking far from impressed. He tells the fans in attendance and those watching online that he has a very disappointing announcement regarding tonight's main event. As some may have already heard, due to the brutal attack on Tyler Black from The Temple just a few nights ago, Black is not medically cleared to compete in the main event tonight. Cornette pauses while the boos reign down from the crowd, before continuing by confirming that Ring of Honor still needs to find a number one contender for Austin Aries' world title. So for the main event, it will now be Roderick Strong vs. Jerry Lynn, one on one. And as for Jacobs and his goons, well they're going to face the music tomorrow night, because Cornette has something special lined up for them.


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Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega


It has been an adventurous few weeks for Omega and Lethal, who find themselves facing off here tonight just one week after teaming up to face the Kings of Wrestling. There is a lot to fight for here because of that, not just in terms of their personal relationship, but also when it comes to earning a shot at the television championship. It takes quite awhile for either man to get an advantage, with each man seemingly having every counter in the book ready at their disposal. Omega eventually is able to hoist Lethal up, looking for the One-Winger Angel but Lethal does a brilliant job of sliding over his opponents shoulders, and rolling him up for the win.


Winner by pinfall: Jay Lethal




Lethal is humble in victory, but Omega is furious in defeat. He can't believe what just happened. For the second time in the last month, Lethal extends his hand to Omega as a sign of respect. After hesitating once again, Omega eventually shakes his opponent's hand. This time, however, he uses the handshake to pull Lethal towards him, where he drills him with a stiff forearm before following it up with the V-Trigger. Omega screams at Lethal, telling him he was warned, before hoisting him onto his shoulder once more, and delivering the One-Winged Angel.


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PAC & Jack Evans vs. The House of Truth


This is the first time we are seeing the tag team partnership of PAC & Jack Evans here in ROH, but against Truth Martini's disciples they come out looking like they've fought together for years. The tandem offense if far too much for Raymond and Abel to keep up with, and PAC & Evans pick up a quick and easy win after a 630 senton into a Black Arrow.


Winner by pinfall: PAC & Jack Evans


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Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen


Before Cabana can even get to ringside, Steen comes charging down the aisle behind him, ready to start the fight. The pair brawl everywhere the can, except for inside the ring, until eventually, after Cabana gains control, Steen heads there for some separation. The match is short lived, at least compared to the near 10 minute brawl these two had before the bell. Steen locks in the sharpshooter, and Cabana refuses to tap before reaching the rope. Steen delivers a package piledriver, and Cabana somehow kicks out. Frustrated, and unwilling to entertain any further, Steen rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair, he proceeds to smash it across the skull of his opponent, leading the ref to call for the bell.


Winner by disqualification: Colt Cabana




Despite taking the loss, Steen isn't done with his assault just yet. He rolls to the outside once more, this time returning with a table. After setting the table up at ring side, he grabs Cabana and heads to the top rope. It looks like Steen is going to attempt to package piledrive his opponent through the table down below! As Steen starts setting up to deliver what could be a career ending maneuver, El Generico comes flying down the aisle!




Generico seems to have snapped, as for the first time we see him lay into Steen without any hesitation. A flurry of jabs leaves Steen dizzy, and Cabana is able to free himself and drop to ringside safely. Generico isn't finished just yet though, as he heads to the opposite corner, before charging at his former tag partner and delivering a massive Yakuza Kick! The impact is so strong it sends Steen off the top rope, and he crashes through the same table that he set up himself!


As Steen lay motionless on the ground, Cabana grabs a mic from ringside. He challenges Steen to find a tag team partner for tomorrow, because it will be Colt Cabana & El Generico vs. Kevin Steen, in a fight with no honor!


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Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Steel Cage Match



The Briscoes © vs. The All Night Express


As we head into the action in this one, Prazak reminds us that this is not a traditional "escape to win" cage match. The match here tonight must end via pinfall or submission, the cage is purely to keep Austin Aries at bay. It doesn't stop the world champion from coming down to ringside though, as A Double finds time in his busy schedule to join the commentary desk. While King and Titus come into this one ready for battle, and Aries does a great job of putting that over in the type of way only he can, it just seems that the Briscoes are too far in their element here. Mark is as innovative as ever, showing many new ways to hurt a foe, while putting his own body on the line as well. We even see him go as far as placing Kenny King between the rope and the cage, before charging at him and attempting a suicide dive which just results in a hard hitting spear that almost detaches the south side of the cage. With all four men beaten and bloody, the match comes to an end with an exciting spot, as Mark Briscoe heads to the top of the cage, and crashes down on top of Rhett Titus with the Froggy Bow.


Winner by pinfall and still ROH World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoes


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As we head into our main event of the evening, we see clips from two separate pre-taped interviews with Roderick Strong and Jerry Lynn. Both men discuss the match ahead, their opponent, and what the title means to them. Strong goes out of his way to mention the difficulty that accompanies preparing for weeks for a three way match, only to find out at the last minute things were changing. He confidently states he'll be sure to give Tyler Black a title shot after he lifts the world title tomorrow.




ROH World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match

Roderick Strong vs. Jerry Lynn


The announce team does a great team of playing up the angle of youngster versus veteran, while also acknowledging that despite Strong's youth, he does have nearly 10 years of pro wrestling experience. The match begins with a long feeling out process, before the tempo slowly begins elevating. It becomes evident that Roderick is trying to win this by wrestling at a pace Lynn just can't keep up with. Unfortunately for Roderick, Lynn is as crafty as they come, and while Strong looks to have his opponent on the ropes, an eventual miscue leads to the opening Lynn needs to land a cradle piledriver. A tired, slow moving Lynn crawls into the cover, and Todd Sinclair starts the count. With what feels like less than a millisecond remaining, Strong just barely lifts his shoulder from the canvas. With both men down in the ring, we see movement up the aisle...


It's Tyler Black! He's making his way to the ring... but he can barely walk. Jim Cornette and the security team attempt to convince him to turn around, but it's of not use. He's joining the match! Or so he thinks. From the audience, emerges Jimmy Jacobs and Brodie Lee, who charge at Black, beating the already broken and bruised youngster to a pulp. Lee lifts Black over his head, as Jacobs sets up a guard rail against the ring. Black is sent spine first into the steel, in one of the sickest spots you'll ever see. Hogewood admits to feeling sick to his stomach at the sight of the steel bending from the impact. Prazak reluctantly continues, stating like them or not, The Temple are here to make their presence known. And they certainly have done just that.


As the action at ringside comes to an end, in the ring Strong and Lynn are finally back to their feet. They trade stiff forearms, a battle that Strong eventually wins out on. As Lynn collapses to the mat, Strong jumps on his back, immediately looking to lock in the Strong Hold. He wrenches for minutes on end, but despite Lynn being unable to reach the ropes, he also refuses to give up. In a split second decision, Strong releases the hold, and bounces off the rope, as Lynn pushes himself up by his hands, Strong's foot comes collides with the veteran's skull, Sick Kick! Strong hoists him up, Death by Roderick! He lifts him up again, End of Heartache! what a combination! Strong into the cover...1...2...3! Roderick Strong will face Austin Aries tomorrow night for the ROH World Championship!


Winner by pinfall: Roderick Strong


As Strong gathers himself and stands on his feet in the ring, Jerry Lynn is still motionless on the canvas. Strong heads over to his opponent, and extends his hand, helping lift him to his feet. The pair share a handshake, and Lynn taps him on the shoulder, before mouthing 'give him hell.' The crowd cheers as Lynn heads to the back. Roderick Strong isn't alone in the ring for long though, as Austin Aries peaks his head through the curtain and makes his way to the ring.




As Aries enters the ring, Strong raises his hands, expecting a fight. Aries however, simply lifts his title belt high above his head, and stands face to face with his opponent for tomorrow. The show ends with a preview of our main event for tomorrow evening.


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Prediction Scores


DGenerationMC: 17pts

Mootinie: 13pts

Kijar: 7pts

GooverDan: 3pts




Hoping the changes to the format has helped the presentation a bit, feedback is welcome :)


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Looking forward to the next show, the main event should be fire! Format looks great, I must say I had no issues with the previous one but it works.


Thanks! It wasn't the main event I originally had in mind, but all things considered I'm pleased with how it went haha. There was something about the previous format that made it a little hard on the eyes to me. Maybe it's just because I was comparing it to yours and some of the other great looking ones on here from people much smarter with the format commands than myself :p

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Ring of Honor Wrestling Presents

Phoenix Rising


Confirmed Match Card


Jimmy Rave vs. Erick Stevens


Ring of Honor Television Championship Title Match

Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards


Kevin Steen & ??? vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana

Bonus Point: Who Will Be Kevin Steen's Partner? (they are not a member of the ROH roster)


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Title Match

Austin Aries © vs. Roderick Strong






I am happy with either of the formats. Great shows so far. Sorry haven't predicted here but will make sure to do it going forward.


Thanks! Glad to have you on board. :)

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Jimmy Rave vs. Erick Stevens


Ring of Honor Television Championship Title Match

Davey Richards vs. Eddie Edwards


Kevin Steen & ??? vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana

Bonus Point: Who Will Be Kevin Steen's Partner? (they are not a member of the ROH roster) CM Punk


Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Title Match

Austin Aries © vs. Roderick Strong

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