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ROH 2010: With Glory Comes Honor

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<p><strong>Jimmy Rave</strong> vs. Erick Stevens</p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor Television Championship Title Match</p><p>

Davey Richards vs. <strong>Eddie Edwards</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kevin Steen & ???</strong> vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana</p><p>

Bonus Point: Finn Balor</p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Austin Aries © </strong>vs. Roderick Strong</p>

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<p>Jimmy Rave vs. <strong>Erick Stevens</strong></p><p>

<em>I'll go against the grain on this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor Television Championship Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Davey Richards </strong>vs. Eddie Edwards</p><p>

<em>RoH has never been the promotion of hotshotting, I don't see it starting here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kevin Steen & ???</strong> vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana</p><p>

Bonus Point: Who Will Be Kevin Steen's Partner? (they are not a member of the ROH roster)<em> A real long shot, but I'm going to go for </em><em><strong>Rhyno.</strong></em></p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Austin Aries ©</strong> vs. Roderick Strong</p><p>

<em>There's still legs in Tyler Black chasing Aries.</em></p>

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<p><strong>Jimmy Rave</strong> vs. Erick Stevens</p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor Television Championship Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Davey Richards</strong> vs. Eddie Edwards</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kevin Steen & ???</strong> vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana</p><p>

Bonus Point: Who Will Be Kevin Steen's Partner? (they are not a member of the ROH roster) <strong>Super Dragon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Title Match</p><p>

Austin Aries © vs. <strong>Roderick Strong</strong></p>

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Phoenix Rising

Attendance: 1405


The show kicks off with Prazak & Hogewood welcoming us all back for another night of exciting Ring of Honor action. They run down the card, emphasizing the two title defenses that will take place here tonight, as well as the Fight Without Honor with Kevin Steen's mystery tag partner!


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We are headed right into the ring to get it started, and Prince Nana is already waiting with a microphone in hand. He announces Jimmy Rave's entrance himself, introducing him as his crown jewel, and the man who will single handily bring The Embassy back to the forefront of Ring of Honor. He follows up by berating Erick Steven, claiming he was never good enough to represent Nana or his country, and adding that they are in a better spot now without him.


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Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana vs. Erick Stevens


Stevens comes out of the gate here like a house on fire, looking to put an end to this chapter of his career. Unfortunately for him, Prince Nana & Jimmy Rave have a different plan. After Rave goes down late in the match while clutching his knee, Prince Nana is able to sneak into the ring behind the back of ref Todd Sinclair and nail Stevens across the back of the head with a microphone. With his opponent now down on the mat, Stevens leg seems to no longer be ailing him, as he jumps to his feet and puts his opponent away. Of course in order to add insult to injury, it's his very own signature doctor bomb that ends Stevens night.


Winner by pinfall: Jimmy Rave


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Jim Cornette makes his way to the ring and as per usual, it's all business with Ring of Honor's executive producer. He thanks the fans for attending tonight, and promises another great night full of some of the best in-ring action you're ever going to find. Before we go much further though, he has to address The Temple. He calls out Jacobs in particular, saying he's been around the business long enough and has seen "acts" like this many times before. He makes it clear ROH will not condone the behavior they have demonstrated up to this point. He then informs everyone he has a special set of opponents for Jimmy Jacobs & Brodie Lee up next.


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The Temple (Brodie Lee & Jimmy Jacobs) vs. The Havana Pitbulls


There's a nice pop from the crowd for the returning Ricky Reyes, who is reunited with Rocky Romero. This is a team that held the ROH tag titles previously back in 2004, and Cornette feels this type of challenge would be exactly what The Temple need to receive his message. Unfortunately for all parties, Cornette appears to be wrong. The reunion tour gets off to a rough start, as Romero gets absolutely man handled by Brodie Lee before Jacobs enters the ring to inflict even more torture. Jacobs slowly tears Romero apart, even going so far as to bend his opponents fingers so far back it looks like they're ready to snap off. Romero does buy himself space eventually, and makes the hot tag to Reyes who comes in and momentarily seems to swing the momentum in his favor. That is, until Brodie Lee meets him with a nasty pump kick that just about ends the match at once. As Reyes finally rises to his feet, he gets hit with the discus lariat, and a power bomb for good measure. Romero is knocked off the ring apron and Jacobs tags himself in to end the match with the End Time.


Winner by submission: The Temple


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With the match now concluded, Jacobs takes the time to respond to Jim Cornette's earlier comments. He informs Cornette that The Temple is unlike anything anyone has ever faced, it does not matter how long Cornette has been around, or where he has been, he has not seen a reckoning like the one that is coming. An uneasy smile creeps across the face of Jacobs, before promising that redemption is on the way once "He" arrives.


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ROH Television Championship Match

Davey Richards © vs. Eddie Edwards


Before the match Shane Hagadorn, mic in hand, hints at the awkwardness of this face-off while insulting Cornette & ROH, saying they continue to disrespect The Hagadorn Corporation by conspiring to break them up. Hagadorn isn't the only one who thinks this could spell the end of The Wolves either, as everyone in attendance watches in anticipation to see just how chippy things will get between two of the most intense competitors on the Ring of Honor roster. That's not on the minds of Edwards or Richards though, as they fight a back and forth, friendly yet focused and hard hitting matchup. The finish comes after Edwards rolls his tag partner up, but Richards manages to force a break by grabbing Eddie's lose arm and wrenching it into the kimura.


Winner by submission AND STILL ROH Television Champion: Davey Richards

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Colt Cabana & El Generico make their way to the ring, awaiting their Fight Without Honor against Kevin Steen. Before Steen enters, Cabana takes the time to talk to the crowd about the man who he and his tag partner are looking to end their feud with tonight. He questions Steen's character, and says he can't wait to see the type of human being who would dare to associate themselves with someone who turns on his friends like Kevin has shown he will. Seemingly on command, Steen pops out from behind the curtain, with his tag partner trailing behind him.




Colt Cabana & El Generico vs. Kevin Steen & Rhino


The crowd in Philadelphia are excited to see the former ECW star Rhino, but his alliance with Kevin Steen quickly sours the return. Before either man can make it to ringside, Cabana and Generico charge up the ramp and things kick off from there. As the competitors brawl all along the outskirts of the arena, and then back towards the ring, chants of 'E-C-DUB' ring out in the crowd. The battle subsides long enough once back in the ring to allow for Bryce Remsburg to call for the bell. From there, Steen lays out Cabana, and a big powerbomb from Rhino causes Generico to roll outside for safety. A table is set up in the corner of the ring, and shortly after a Gore sends both Rhino & Cabana through it. Unfortunately for the ECW original, he's worse for wear after taking the impact head first, and the shrapnel from the table opens a big gash across his forehead. With Cabana out, Steen looks to capitalize, but it's not long before Generico comes off the rope and catches him with a big dropkick. Into the corner goes Steen, and the Yakuza Kick follows! But rather than a pin attempt, or the brainbuster you'd expect, another Yakuza Kick follows. And another... and another... Generico now looks winded and Steen is barely conscious. Generico appears to be lining up one final kick, but approaches his former partner first. He screams at Steen, demanding he finally explains his actions. Just as he appears to have given up on receiving an answer, Steen lifts his head from the corner, and spits right into his former best friend's face. The masked luchador, now seeing red, heads for the corner once more, one more kick will surely do it. As he charges in this time the rage results in a bit of a misstep, as Steen is able to duck the kick and land a low blow. He folds Generico up and package piledrives him down onto the canvas. He adds one more for good measure, before locking in the sharpshooter for the win.


Winner by submission: Kevin Steen & Rhino




As the match comes to an end, Rhino heads to the back, while Cabana and Generico still lay motionless. Steen rolls outside of the ring and re-enters shortly after with a steel chair in hand. The crowd reacts accordingly, with a chorus of boos as they anticipate the further damage set to come. To the shock of everyone in attendance, there is no further assault. Instead, Steen sets the chair up next to where Genrico lay, looking like nothing more than a corpse at this point, and begins to answer his question from earlier.


He talks about the memories they have shared over the years. He reminisces on their first ever wrestling matches together back in Montreal, and talks about how excited they both were when they were given the opportunity to come to ROH together. He tells Generico that he was more than a friend to him, he was like a brother, and that's what made this so hard. He takes a moment to collect himself as the silence from the crowd draws out. Steen grits his teeth before continuing his monologue. He claims it's Generico's own selfishness that has caused this to happen. He mentions that he has a young child at home and a wife who relies on him to provide for his family, and yet Generico expects him to be satisfied being the opening act at bingo halls, high school gyms, and dumps like the one they fought at here tonight. He accuses his former tag partner of holding him back for all these years, saying if it wasn't for all the time he wasted being too caught up trying to be a friend, he could be a world champ by now, making 7 figures for a real wrestling company. He finishes by promising to make up for those years he lost, by taking them from away Generico.


He stands up, drags the lifeless frame of Generico to his feet, and package piledrives him onto the open chair.


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As we head to the main event, a pre-taped interview with Roderick Strong is aired. Strong talks about the time he's spent with the company and how after all these years, he's done letting the world championship slip through his fingers. He speaks to the reputation he has as the guy who can never win the big one, and vows to end that tonight by finally hoisting the belt above his head.




Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship Title Match

Austin Aries © vs. Roderick Strong


There's no extra incentive needed for either men in the main event here tonight, and Strong in particular is laser focused. As Aries goes to grab the mic after the introductions, Strong is quick to interrupt before the champ can do what he does best and brag about himself endlessly. A stiff forearm to the face sends Aries and the microphone flying, and this one starts with a bang. Strong looks as good as he ever has in between the ropes, but Aries is cunning. Just when it looks like Strong has the momentum on his side to win it all, Aries rolls to the outside, and throws a chair into the ring. Todd Sinclair, stares in confusion, warning Aries of a potential disqualification. As Sinclair turns to send the chair back to ringside, and Roderick Strong watches to make sure it's dealt with, Aries rolls back into the ring and drives the title into the back of his opponents head. Sinclair turns around, and Aries stretches his arm across his opponent for the cover. Strong is out, and Aries grins as the refs hand comes down one final time... No! Strong just barely gets his shoulder up. The two fight on, with Strong taking a beating for a few minutes before he finally shakes the cobwebs out and turns the tables on Aries when the champ comes flying off the ropes looking for a leaping clothesline, which the challenger rolls under. Strong grabs Aries' legs, and pulls him to the ground, locking in the Strong Hold. Aries, nothing if not experienced, is quick to jerk his body forward and by the grace of his finger tips reaches the ropes for a break. Strong hits the rope as Aries climbs to his feet, Sick Kick connects! He lifts Aries to his feet, End of Heartache! but Aries flips over Strong's shoulder and lands on his feet, brainbuster from the champ... no! This time it's Strong landing on his feet. Another Sick Kick hits the mark, Death By Roderick lands and this time the End of Heartache hits the mark too! Strong covers... 1...2...3! NEW CHAMPION!


Winner by pinfall AND new Ring of Honor World Champion: Roderick Strong


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Aries rolls to the outside of the ring, and the new champ stands alone with his title belt in hand. Streamers begin to fill the ring while chants of "you deserve it! drown out the commentators. Strong takes it all in, loving every moment of it. Before heading for the back, he lifts the belt above his head one final time, showing everyone who has ever doubted him that he finally did what they said he couldn't, he won the big one.


Prediction Scores


DGenerationMC: 21pts

Mootinie: 15pts (great catch on Rhino, I thought about giving more of a hint because it was kind of out of left field)

Kijar: 11pts

GooverDan: 3pts

kanegan: 3pts

JaCeLo: 2pts


That draws a conclusion to the first run of predications, congrats DGen! I will PM you shortly.

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Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet #51


Rumored Match Card


Austin Aries vs. Jerry Lynn


Jimmy Rave vs. Jack Evans


Kenny Omega vs. Mark Briscoe


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on HDNet


Attendance: 309


We are kicking of this weeks show with our new Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion Roderick Strong in the ring, with his new title around his waist. He waits out the streamer shower before grabbing a microphone to address the crowd.




Strong thanks everyone for the reception, before launching into a speech regarding what this title represents and what it means to him. He apologizes to Tyler Black, admitting that the now that he has arrived at the top, he can see some of the mistakes that he made on the way a little clearer. He ensures that he will get his title match in due time, and while he has his eyes set on a very long reign, he knows there is quite a list of guys in the back right now raring to go and get their hands on the champ. He brings up one of those men in particular, and invites him to join him in the ring. He motions to the back and invites Jerry Lynn to join him.




Lynn makes his way out and steps up alongside Strong, where he shares a handshake with the champ. Strong tells Lynn he gave him one hell of a fight last weekend, and thinks it's only right that he gives the veteran the shot at the title that he's been asking for. And that should happen right here later tonight. The crowd cheer and Lynn nods receptively, but there's someone who takes exception to the proposal...




It's the former champ Austin Aries who steps out from behind the curtain, and makes his way to the ring for the first time without wearing the championship belt in over 9 months. Aries tells the new champ that his offer is ridiculous, and if anyone should be getting a title match here tonight it should be A Double himself, not some washed up has-been on the receiving end of yet another hand out. He asks Lynn if he can even remember when the last time he even won a match was, because he knows nobody in attendance can. Lynn steps up to Aries, and looks ready to throw down, until Jim Cornette makes his way out to offer a solution.




Cornette congratulates Strong on his title victory, but reminds him that there is one power that holding the belt doesn't give you, and that's booking your own matches. However, since Lynn and Aries are both in their gear, Cornette decides they might as well face off right now! Lynn nods his head, gladly accepting the opportunity to lay a beating on the former champ, but Aries wants no part of it. He shakes his head, and claims he won't step foot in a Ring of Honor ring again until he gets the rematch he's entitled to.


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Jerry Lynn vs. Austin Aries


Despite Aries' objection, the bell rings, and Lynn heads towards him ready to lock up. The former champ, true to his word, rolls out of the ring and flips Lynn off, heading back through the curtain and giving his opponent the count out win.


Winner by count out: Jerry Lynn


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Before the next match starts, Prince Nana makes his way out to the ring, with Jimmy Rave at his side. He shares a warning to anyone who dares to oppose The Embassy, proclaiming that dealing with Erick Stevens was just the beginning of their journey to the top of this promotion. He vows that anyone who crosses him or ends up on his bad side, will have to answer to the crowned jewel Jimmy Rave, and as we saw on the weekend, that's a showdown nobody should look forward to.




Jimmy Rave w/Prince Nana vs. Jack Evans w/PAC


PAC's presence at ringside seems to imply we will see more of him teaming with Jack Evans going forward. It should prove infinitely valuable in this singles match as well, when considering the role Prince Nana played in Rave's win over Erick Stevens last weekend. Evans high flying offensive repertoire assist him in gaining the upper hand early here, but Rave is quick to ground his opponent and limit his agility by focusing most of his attacks onto his opponent's legs. It looks like he has this match all but won until Erick Stevens comes down the aisle and heads right for Prince Nana with revenge on his mind. Rave takes his eyes off of Jack Evans to back his manager up, but this gives Evans the opening he needed. He quickly takes Rave to the mat with a springboard cutter before finishing him off with the 630 senton.


Winner by pinfall: Jack Evans


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With Rave down and out, Erick Stevens is left unopposed as he continues enacting his payback on Prince Nana. He eyes up the announcers table and looks ready to send his former manager crashing through it, until Ernesto Osiris comes sprinting in for the save.




Unfortunately for the courageous yet undersized Embassy member, Stevens spots him on his way, and catches him with a stiff forearm before lifting him up and delivering the blow that was intended for Nana. This does give the Ghanaian Prince enough time to scamper away, but Stevens point has been proven, he isn't finished with The Embassy just yet.


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Kenny Omega vs. Mark Briscoe


Our main event tonight is between two men coming off of very different weekends from one another. For Mark Briscoe, he's coming off of a very convincing tag team title defense that saw himself and brother Jay dispatch of The All Night Express in a steel cage match. Meanwhile his opponent Kenny Omega was less than pleased with his outing, which ended with his shoulder on the mat for a quick 3 after a roll up from rival Jay Lethal. It's clear from the jump that for Omega this is all about redemption and he is on top of Briscoe from the jump. As the match goes on, Omega grows more and more frustrated by the tag champ's resiliency, and that frustration is taken out on his opponent. Mark fights back as best as he can, but eventually he's vulnerable enough for Omega to hoist him up on his shoulders and deliver the One Winged Angel for the win.


Winner by pinfall: Kenny Omega


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After having his hand raised in victory, Omega turns back to Briscoe, and as a self righteous smirk comes across his face, he goes back on the attack. He lands a clean V-Trigger, and looks like he's going to deliver a second, but Jay Briscoe is quick to come to his brother's aid.




Omega rolls under the ropes and heads for safety, while mouthing it'll be you next! to the eldest Briscoe brother on his way. Mark is attended to in the ring while Prazak puts over the reality that this confrontation looks like it’s far from over!



Prediction Scores


DGenerationMC: 2pts

JaCeLo3: 1pt

kanegan: 1pt

Kijar: 1pt


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I don't mind Jack winning, he is a great trash talking spot monkey. Just happy we were mostly all on the Rave train. Poor guy has had a bad go of it in life and its great to see him get utilized in a diary here like this. Also feel like they should've used Omega like this. I guess we have hindsight on our hands. :p


Is Aries pissed?? Haha

I'm happy for workhorse Roddy, this is when he first won me over in person at an ROH show IRL.

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Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet #52


Rumored Match Card


Austin Aries vs. El Generico


Brodie Lee vs. Necro Butcher


Kenny Omega & The Kings of Wrestling vs. Jay Lethal & The Briscoes

Bonus: Who scores the pinfall? Who takes the pin?










I don't mind Jack winning, he is a great trash talking spot monkey. Just happy we were mostly all on the Rave train. Poor guy has had a bad go of it in life and its great to see him get utilized in a diary here like this. Also feel like they should've used Omega like this. I guess we have hindsight on our hands. :p


Is Aries pissed?? Haha

I'm happy for workhorse Roddy, this is when he first won me over in person at an ROH show IRL.


One of the biggest issues I have with booking atm is 1 hour a week is nowhere near enough time to showcase all of the talent at my disposal. Like you say, hindsight is 20/20 but there are some guys (Rave, Stevens, Omega, Dutt, King... alongside a bunch more) who I would've loved to see pushed a little harder at the time, hopefully I can do them justice here :D


As for Roddy, to me he is and always will be Mr. Ring of Honor. There's been far bigger and more impactful stars come through, but his work ethic to me is what the company is all about. For all the short comings he had in other aspects that prevented him for being picked up by the big boys, he made up for it every week by working his ass off between the ropes. I was really bummed out over how they handled his reign IRL, because it just felt like "well, Tyler Black is leaving us we have to find someone to stick the belt on."

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Gotta agree on Roddy. That's what won me over, he is just an absolute maniac in there. Like Malenko or Lance Storm before him.


Austin Aries vs. El Generico

Aries job tour


Brodie Lee vs. Necro Butcher

Great scrap

Kenny Omega & The Kings of Wrestling vs. Jay Lethal & The Briscoes

Bonus: Who scores the pinfall? Who takes the pin? Hero pins Mark

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on HDNet


Attendance: 397




Austin Aries greets us in the center of the ring to kick off this week's show, and he's already set off to remind everyone that he will not be participating in his match tonight. He adds that he has been informed by his legal representatives that because of the Connecticut wannabe in the back counting his protests as losses, it could have an effect on Aries' bottom dollar earned with Ring of Honor. So for that reason, his match will still take place here tonight... but he has decided rather than fight himself, he will graciously bestow the opportunity over to his protégé Kenny King!


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El Generico vs. Kenny King w/ Austin Aries


Generico is bruised and bandaged from damage done by Kevin Steen last weekend. For the early parts of the match he struggles to keep up with King, who strikes fast and strong, while working over his opponents body to further aggravate the injuries previously sustained. Despite King's solid work early, Generico makes his way back into the match and picks up the win with the Brainbustah!!!!


Winner by pinfall: El Generico


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Before heading to commercial we're shown a pre-taped promo from Erick Stevens where he addresses his controversial loss to Jimmy Rave at Phoenix Rising, and his attack on Prince Nana last week.




Stevens calls out Rave for needing to rely on his manager rather than fighting him one on one like a man, but also admits he's responsible for his own loss considering he took his eyes off of Nana long enough to allow him to get involved. He says while he may have been beaten, and taking the loss did hurt his pride a little, this thing is far from over in his mind. In fact, he's not willing to let this go until Nana himself faces him in the middle of the ring. He ends his promo by warning Nana that he can only hide behind his 'bodyguard' for so long.


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Brodie Lee w/The Temple vs. Necro Butcher


This is a big chance for revenge on the end of Necro Butcher, who was brutally assaulted in his last run in with The Temple when he faced off against Jimmy Jacobs. Tonight it's the big bruiser Brodie Lee standing across from him though, and he finds himself with an entirely different challenge. The outcome, however, is very similar to last time around. Brodie Lee throws his opponent around, displaying a wide variety of hard hitting moves that while far from new or innovative, still leave Butcher lying in a heap. As everyone has to come to expect from him, Necro Butcher kicks out of nearly everything Lee hits him with, but he just can't mount enough offense on his side to turn the tables. Brodie Lee eventually keeps him down long enough for the three count when he follows up the discuss lariat with a big powerbomb.


Winner by pinfall: Brodie Lee


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Kenny Omega & The Kings of Wrestling vs. Jay Lethal & The Briscoes


While this may be a great opportunity for Hero & Castagnoli to earn another title match against the tag champs, the real story of this contest is Kenny Omega versus three men who he has landed on the wrong side of. Lethal and Omega have some unresolved heat after a post-match attack saw Lethal on the receiving end of the One-Winged Angel. Meanwhile Mark & Jay's issues stem from last week where Omega looked to cap off his victory with some 'insult to injury' by hitting the younger Briscoe brother with his signature move, until Jay came in for the save. The bad blood is displayed early on when Mark and Jay both charge towards Omega on the apron and tumble to ringside still laying into him with a heavy flurry of overhand strikes. Things break down even further from here, as Jay Lethal soars over the top rope into the group of five men now standing near the aisleway. The match continues and order is restored, but at every opening Jay Briscoe is looking to get his hands onto Kenny. Once Kenny finally tags in, Jay reaches in and slaps the back of his brother to make himself legal, which results in Omega tagging out to Chris Hero and heading for the outside. Determined as ever, Jay cuts off his escape, and lands a J-Driller onto the floor! Hero follows behind, and as Briscoe stands back on his feet he's blind sided by a rolling elbow. Jay is sent back into the ring and nailed with another big elbow and then a piledriver before Hero covers him for the win.


Winner by pinfall: Kenny Omega & The Kings of Wrestling


DGenerationMC: 5pts

Kijar: 5pts

Mootinie: 3pts

JaCeLo3: 1pt

kanegan: 1pt

Kijar: 1pt


Bit of a short one today, roster and title updates are coming in the next post as we have just hit April!

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w/some photo updating


In Ring Talent














Misc. Staff



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The Aries Three




The Embassy




The Hagadorn Corporation




The Temple



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Championship History


ROH World Heavyweight Championship






Roderick Strong - 15 Days+

Austin Aries (2) - 274 Days

Jerry Lynn - 71 Days

Nigel McGuiness - 545 Days

Takeshi Morishima - 231 Days

Homicide - 56 Days

Bryan Danielson - 462 Days

James Gibson - 36 Days

CM Punk - 55 Days

Austin Aries - 174 Days

Samoa Joe - 645 Days

Xavier - 182 Days

Low Ki - 56 Days


ROH World Tag Team Championship






The Briscoes (6) (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) - 104 Days+


The American Wolves (Davey Richards (2) & Eddie Edwards) - 253 Days

El Generico & Kevin Steen - 203 Days

The Age of the Fall (2) (Jimmy Jacobs (4) & Tyler Black (2)) - 105 Days


The Briscoe Brothers (5) (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) - 28 Days

No Remorse Corps (Davey Richards & Rocky Romer (2)) - 77 Days

The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs (3) & Tyler Black) - 27 Days

The Briscoe Brothers (4) (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) - 275 Days

Naruki Doi & Shingo - 27 Days

The Briscoe Brothers (3) (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) - 7 Days

Christopher Daniels (2) & Matt Sydal - 91 Days

The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) - 70 Days

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong - 273 Days

Sal Rinauro & Tony Mamaluke - 77 Days

BJ Whitmer (4) & Jimmy Jacobs (2) - 70 Days

The Carnage Crew (HC Loc & Tony DeVito) - 14 Days

BJ Whitmer (3) & Jimmy Jacobs - 98 Days


BJ Whitmer & Dan Maff (2) - 42 Days

The Rottweilers (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero) - 196 Days

The Second City Saints (2) (CM Punk & Colt Cabana) - 84 Days

The Briscoe Brothers (2) (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) - <1 Day

The Prophecy (BJ Whitmer & Dan Maff) - <1 Day

The Second City Saints (CM Punk & Colt Cabana) - 21 Days

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) - 175 Days

Special K (Dixie & Izzy) - 16 Days

The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid) - 26 Days


AJ Styles & Amazing Red - 175 Days

The Prophecy (Christopher Daniels & Donovan Morgan) - 175 Days


ROH Television Championship






Davey Richards - 47 Days +



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Ring of Honor Wrestling on HDNet #53


Rumored Match Card


Kenny King vs. Jack Evans


Matt Taven vs. The Newest Member of the House of Truth

Bonus: Who will Truth Martini's new client be?


ROH World Tag Team Title Match

The Briscoes © vs. The Kings of Wrestling


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on HDNet


Attendance: 309


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As we are welcomed to this week's episode of ROH on HDNet, we're immediately thrown to a pre-taped promo from Prince Nana, and the crown jewel of The Embassy Jimmy Rave.




Prince Nana sets to addressing Erick Stevens actions towards him during recent weeks. He calls his former employee ungrateful and jealous, and informs him he has contacted the best Ghanaian lawyers money can hire to ensure he is properly punished for his actions. He moves on to responding to Stevens challenge, but before he can bother to decline, Jimmy Rave interjects. Rave proposes a deal is made, and a rematch takes place between himself and Stevens this weekend at The Big Bang. The stipulations, he says, will be very simple. If Erick Stevens can beat him in the middle of the ring, he can have his match with Nana. Rave's manager looks shocked, and starts to argue, but Rave continues speaking. He adds that if he wins, Erick Stevens has to tuck his tail between his legs and head out the door, because he will be leaving Ring of Honor for as long as The Embassy is here. Prince Nana is pleased after hearing the conclusion of Rave's offer, and laughs maniacally before telling Stevens they will see him this weekend.


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Kenny King vs. Jack Evans


Ahead of this match kicking off, Prazak mentions that these men are representing two of the three teams who will be competing in a tag team three way at The Big Bang with the winning team earning a title shot against the winner of tonight's main event. Both men are determined to build some momentum for their respective teams heading into this weekend's contest, and ultimately as impressive as Jack Evans in-ring gymnastics may be, it's Kenny King who walks out with the win after raising his knees as Evans attempted the 630 senton, and jumping to his feet afterwards to land the Coronation.


Winner by pinfall: Kenny King


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As we return from commercial, Jim Cornette is already in the ring, waiting to address the audience.




As he always does, Cornette begins by thanking the fans in attendance and the viewers at home before revealing he has an announcement that he thinks everyone will enjoy... well except for maybe one person. He mentions that unfortunately Austin Aries wasn't able to make it here for tonight's show, but he knows he is watching at home and encourages him to turn the volume up and listen closely for this announcement. At The Big Bang this weekend, Austin Aries's wishes will be answered as he will be getting his world championship rematch with Roderick Strong! Cornette lets the crowd finish their applauses before he mentions that isn't all he has to say. Due to Jerry Lynn's victory over Austin Aries just a few weeks back right here on HDNet, he's making the title match a 3-way! And because it's only fair to Roderick Strong, it will be elimination rather than first fall, meaning the champion must be pinned or submitted to lose his title. Cornette signs off by telling the fans he hopes to see them this weekend in New York.


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Ahead of the next match, Truth Martini makes his way to the ring revealing he has a very special announcement regarding The House of Truth. He has a new client who he is excited beyond belief to introduce to everyone. He motions for the mystery man to make his way through the curtain, and out comes Sonjay Dutt!




Martini says as a former guru himself, Dutt knows a thing or two about self help. With the best manager in all of pro wrestling standing in his corner, and the wisdom of the Book of Truth at his disposal, he will be a champion here in Ring of Honor in no time. So sayeth the truth, so sayeth the house!


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Sonjay Dutt w/ Truth Martini vs. Matt Taven


Taven is a relative unknown working for Ring of Honor here tonight, and he is coming up against a rejuvenated and refocused Sonjay Dutt. With Martini in his corner, Dutt controls almost the entirety of the match, before Taven finally builds some momentum and sends his opponent to the ground outside with a drop kick near the ropes. As the ref looks over Dutt, Truth Martini slides into the ring and nearly knocks some teeth lose by cracking The Book of Truth across the back of Taven's head. Dutt quickly rolls back into the ring and lands the Hindu Press for the win.


Winner by pinfall: Sonjay Dutt


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Before we head to commercial an ad airs hyping this weekend's PPV event The Big Bang. Featuring Jay Briscoe vs. Kenny Omega, Jay Lethal vs. Kevin Steen In A TV Title #1 Contender's Match, Strong vs. Aries vs. Lynn in the ROH World Championship three way and much, much more!


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ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Briscoes © vs. The Kings of Wrestling


The Kings of Wrestling were awarded this title match after Chris Hero pinned Jay Briscoe during the 6-man tag main event here last week. With a failed attempt of recapturing the belt already on their resume at the 8th Anniversary Show the pressure on Hero & Castagnoli is at an all-time high here tonight. There is some great chemistry on display as these teams are very familiar with one another, and the big blows come out early. Mark Briscoe takes a big chunk of the damage, as he gets beat on by the challengers who do an excellent job of isolating him from his brother. Unfortunately for them, as Castagnoli charges in to deliver a european uppercut in the corner, Mark rolls out of the way, and as his opponent struggles to regain his footing, makes the tag. While Briscoe turns the tables initially, and lays into Castagnoli enough to net a few near falls, the moment Chris Hero tags in the complexion of the match shifts. He lands a huge big boot, and quickly proceeds to lock in the Hangman's Clutch. Jay, ever the battler, displays his resiliency by withstanding the hold for nearly a minute before eventually making it to the rope to break the submission. As the ref checks on Briscoe to ensure he can continue, Hero starts loading up his elbow pad, looking to finish it off with his signature strike, but the ref catches him in the act! As Todd Sinclair confronts him and forces him to remove the illegal arm wear, Jay Briscoe jumps to his feet, Hero is decked with a huge forearm from behind. Briscoe lifts him up for the Death Valley Driver while Mark knocks Castagnoli off the apron. The brothers connect with the Doomsday Device shortly after and Jay covers for the win.


Winner by pinfall: The Briscoes


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Hero and Castagnoli are livid at the outcome of the match, and demand that Todd Sinclair restart the contest. As Sinclair argues with Castagnoli, Hero is putting on the loaded elbow pad. To the shock of everyone watching, he proceeds to smash it into the back of the ref's head! Todd Sinclair lays face down on the mat as security rush in to drag the challengers out of the arena. An irate Jim Cornette screams at Shane Hagadorn that he doesn't want to ever see those two step foot in Ring of Honor again!






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DGenerationMC: 8pts

Kijar: 6pts

Mootinie: 5pts

kanegan: 3pts

JaCeLo3: 1pt

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