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The Coalition [Multiplayer, C'Verse '05]

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions</span></strong></p><p>

NYCW Empire Championship: <strong>American Buffalo ©</strong> vs. Whistler</p><p>

Honest Frank vs. <strong>Steve Flash</strong></p><p>

<strong>Riley McManus</strong> & Valiant vs. New York Red & Dead Bolt</p><p>

<strong>Nevada Nuclea</strong>r vs. The New York Doll</p>

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<p>NYCW Empire Championship: <strong>American Buffalo</strong> © vs. Whistler</p><p>

<strong>Honest Frank</strong> vs. Steve Flash</p><p>

<strong>Riley McManus & Valiant </strong>vs. New York Red & Dead Bolt</p><p>

<strong>Nevada Nuclear</strong> vs. The New York Doll</p>

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NYCW Empire Wrestling: The Buff Buffalo

Saturday Week 3, January 2020

The Weston Gymnasium, Queens, New York - 197 Fans

Show Rating: 48


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In a fun opener designed to get Nevada Nuclear over, the "Atomic Superhero" won in just over eight minutes with a Powerbomb and elbow drop. Post match, he spit green mist into the air to a huge reaction from the New York crowd.

Winner: Nevada Nuclear

Rating: 24


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Emma Chase stormed to the ring with her new-look Chase Agency, declaring that they have finally cut the slack in the Agency, and it is now time to REALLY take over New York City Wrestling. She announced that the Can-Am Blondes would have their debut match next week, and after they win, they will be hot on the trail to tag team gold! She also put over 19 year old Sammy the Shark, calling him not only the future of NYCW, but the future of all things pro wresltling. And as for American Buffalo, he is the greatest champion to ever grace an NYCW ring, and yes that means he is better than The Stomper, better than Joey Minnesota, and ions better than his opponent tonight, Whistler!


Rating: 25

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This match existed purely to put over Riley and Valiant as two future megastars. They showed their skills by having Valiant be the one to get all the heat, and Riley got the hot tag and ran wild. Rinse and repeat for Riley being the one with the heat and Valiant getting the shine. Of course, Riley and Valiant picked up the win here.


Winner: Riley McManus & Valiant

Rating: 16


After the finish, Riley & Valiant were laid out by two big, beefy men. MASSIVE PROBLEM, Land Mass and The Big Problem chugged it to the ring and barreled over the victors. They each hit big splashes on the two up and comers and left them in a heap in the middle of the ring! What was that all about?



Rating: 18


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Honest Frank came to the ring with a microphone in hand. He berated the New York crowd, calling them talentless losers who are lucky they even get to look at a man like Honest Frank. Frank called himself Frankie Future, and said that the future is NOT in New York City Wrestling!!! That's right, Frank announced live in the middle of the ring that he was LEAVING New York (to the cheers of the crowd), and that his final action in New York would be to take out their most beloved hero, Steve Flash! Frank said he will destroy this territory on his way out.


Before more could be said, Steve Flash ran to the ring and began brawling with Honest Frank before the bell had even rung!


Rating: 17


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The two started off hot, with Flash getting the upper hand from the start. Frank fought back, taking his time to draw even more heat from the crowd as he constantly yelled that New York is a smelly dump, full of hobos, stuck in the glory days, etcetera etcetera. Steve Flash eventually made a comeback, working off the energy of the crowd, and won with his Flashbang (superkick) for the clean pinfall!


Winner: Steve Flash

Rating: 42


Steve Flash grabbed a microphone and told the New York crowd that they are the BEST fans in the world, and that he would not be leaving the Big Apple anytime soon! In fact, the Rip Chord Invitational is being held at the end of the month in Baltimore, and Steve Flash would be one of the NYCW representatives! He told the crowd he would bring their energy with him as he tries to become the first ever North American Wrestling Coalition Champion!


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Travis Century stood on the entranceway, blurting out random Bible verses as he shouted at fans. He told them that judgment day was coming, and they all better pray to the mighty Lord upstairs, because right now they will all be damned to hell for booing a man of faith like himself. He told the fans that they better come back next month without sin in their hearts, or he will have to have it forcefully removed from them…


Rating: 44

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Emma Chase led the Chase Agency to the ring ahead of the main event tonight. She shushed the booing crowd and demanded they respect their champion, American Buffalo, Speaking of champions, Emma said that she was officially announcing that American Buffalo would be a NYCW representative in the Rip Chord Invitational in Baltimore! She said that after he beats Whistler tonight, he will go into a training camp to ensure that he comes out of the Invitational as not only the NYCW Empire Champion, but also the NAWC North American Champion!


Rating: 42


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A battle of two big men here, only one of which was agile by any means. Buffalo threw Whistler around for most of the match as Whistler constantly dealt with underhanded tactics by the Chase Agency at ringside. Whistler made a comeback, and had a nearfall with a crossbody on the champion. Mr. America, who was at ringside to cheer on his fellow NYCW Tag Team Champion, decided enough was enough and grabbed a chair from ringside and chased off the Chase Agency, forcing them to the back and making it a level playing field in the ring. Unfortunately for the tag champions, the Empire champion was able to put away Whistler after fourteen minutes of good action.


Winner: American Buffalo ©

Rating: 42


Emma Chase returned to the entranceway and announced that since American Buffalo pinned one-half of the NYCW Tag Team Champions, it only seemed right that he receives a title shot, right? As Mr. America helped Whistler to his feet, Whistler nodded to his partner as Mr. America grabbed a microphone and said that they accept! Emma Chase smiled and told them that she's so happy they're fighting champions, because next month, American Buffalo and Sammy The Shark are coming for the tag team gold!



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<table style="height: 29px; width: 590px;"><tbody><tr style="height: 15px;"><td style="width: 580px;"> </td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><table style="height: 29px; width: 590px;"><tbody><tr style="height: 15px;"><td style="width: 580px;"><table style="height: 101px; width: 820px; background-color: #0a003a;"><tbody><tr style="height: 134px;"><td style="width: 641px; background-color: #0a003a; height: 134px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;" colspan="3"><img src="

https://i.imgur.com/UVFX3pY.png?2" width="800" height="100" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 26px;"><td style="width: 50px; background-color: #0a003a; height: 229.817px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;" rowspan="6"> </td><td style="background-color: #0a003a; height: 26px;"><h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff;"><strong>Meet the entrants in the first ever Rip Chord Invitational</strong></span></h1></td><td style="width: 50px; background-color: #0a003a; height: 229.817px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;" rowspan="6"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 53.8167px;"><td style="background-color: #aa051e;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>The Mid Atlantic Wrestling Entrants </strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Mid Atlantic Wrestling is hosting the first annual Rip Chord Invitational Tournament. The legendary Rip Chord, the promoter of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, is lending his name to this prestigious tournament. The winner will receive a custom trophy, a cash bonus -- and will also become the FIRST EVER NAWC North American Champion. Let's meet the entrants from Mid Atlantic Wrestling.</span></p><p> </p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/mtp0SsZ.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Current Mid Atlantic Champion "Mean" Jean Cattley has been building quite the name for himself on the independent wrestling scene. The twenty-seven year old is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota and made his professional wrestling debut on March 30, 1996. He built a reputation from himself in the Great Lakes area as being a technically-minded competitor who harkened back to the days gone by. He has also been called the Mean Machine for his vicious nature in the ring. In December of 2005, Mean Jean Cattley won his first championship as a professional wrestler when he defeated Antonio del Vecchio to become Mid Atlantic Wrestling Champion. With his trademark <em>Mood Swing</em> and his collective group The Firm watching his back, Cattley could be at the top of the Mid Atlantic mountain for quite some time. The first entrant into the Rip Chord Invitiational Tournament, Mean Jean Cattley looks to add the North American Championship to his collection of title belts.<br /></span></p><p> <img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/nPdxrdj.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">"The Shooting Star" Erik Strong is a bright young talent who is known for his willingness to take to the sky. The twenty-year old has carved out a name for himself in his rookie year for being a capable wrestler with technical and aerial skills. His Strong Sault variation of the moonsault is one of the prettiest moves in all of pro wrestling. Erik Strong is the least experienced competitor in the tournament but could be the darkhorse to win the whole thing. With his youth, he's definitely got the energy to survive three matches in one night.</span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 53.8167px;"><td style="background-color: #aa051e;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>The New York City Wrestling Entrants</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/UlupHkI.jpg" /></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">American Buffalo, the reigning Empire Champion for NYCW is the most physically dominant competitor in the tournament. The three hundred thirty pound wrecking machine is in his third reign as Empire Champion and has carved out a name for himself as one of the most physically imposing wrestlers on the planet. With speed, power, and explosiveness, the Empire Champion might be the odds-on-favorite to win the tournament.</span></p><p> <img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/wQQ8TJP.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">"Remarkable" Steve Flash, the twenty-one year pro is the second representative from NYCW. The most experienced competitor in the tournament, Steve Flash has long been a staple in independent professional wrestling. He has had singles and tag success -- winning tag team championships in both NOTBPW and CGC but also three-times being the RPW Champion. He's been employed with NYCW since 2002 and while he's yet to taste NYCW Championship gold, his experience and skill make him a formidable opponent for anyone in the tournament.</span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 53.8167px;"><td style="background-color: #aa051e;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>The United States Pro Wrestling Entrants</strong></span></span></p><p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/PxVLj4n.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">"Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine, the twenty-two year old wrestler who has set the wrestling world on fire with his talent is the first entrant from USPW. A sensational young wrestler, Darryl is a former USPW National Champion -- holding that title for thirteen months -- the longest reign in the history of the championship. Darryl is looking to elevate his career to the next level by winning the first annual Rip Chord Invitational tournament and becoming the first NAWC North American Champion.</span></p><p> <img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/5j5K7s5.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Tom E. Hawk, the young Native American Brawler, is the second entrant from USPW. One of the bright young stars of USPW, Tom E. Hawk has yet to taste championship gold. He shocked the USPW audience by qualifying for this tournament, but the young man is full of fire and the scuttlebutt is that he could be a big, big star in the future and this could be his launching point.</span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 53.8167px;"><td style="background-color: #aa051e;"><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>The Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling Entrants</strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/WVSbbjU.jpg" /></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Snap Dragon isn’t very well known outside the Coastal Zone, but tape traders and internet savvy fans know what a breakout year he had in 2004. He continued to capitalize on that in 2005, adding the Coastal Zone Championship to his waist near the end of the year, and promising for a long reign. He is known for his <em>Dragon’s Breath</em> finisher, and formed a short-lived but well-remembeed team with Flying Jimmy Foxx known as Air Force 1 before flying solo and claiming the title. As 2006 begins, Snap Dragon is looking to claim the NAWC North American Championship to add to his collection, and has made it well known he’d like to compete in Japan and Mexico as well. A globe trotter at heart and a real talent in the ring, will it be long before Snap Dragon answers a higer calling?</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://i.imgur.com/7oplyyP.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The second entrant from CZCW is Remmy Skye. The enigmatic Skye has captured the hearts of the San Diego audience with his never-say-die attitude, his high risk offense, and his unique look. Skye's offensive style and willingness to put his body on the line make him a dangerous opponent for anyone in the tournament. While he has yet to taste championship gold, he could catapult himself to independent wrestling superstardom by becoming the first NAWC North American Champion.</span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; height: 30px; background-color: #0a003a; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">  m</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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Pro Wrestling returns to Stanley Hall in Baltimore, Maryland with the first-ever Rip Chord Invitational tournament. Sponsored by Mid Atlantic Wrestling and the North American Wrestling Coalition, the card promises to crown the innaugral North American Champion. Eight men representing four different companies are coming to Baltimore to compete for the North American Championship. Three of them are currently champions, the other five are highly touted professional wrestlers who look to lead independent professional wrestling in 2006. The bracket four the tournament is:




In addition to the seven tournament matches, MAW will present three tag team matches -- including the arrival of the Maryland Alliance, Brady Prince and Buck Graham. The former SCCW Tag Team Champions will be challenging Natural Storm for the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles.


You do not want to miss a moment of action. You can only see it live or on DVD and live is so much better. Join the best wrestling fans in all the world Friday, Week 4 of January to see the first ever Rip Chord Invitational Tournament and see who will walk away with the North American Championship!



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Friday, W4. January 2006


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NAWC North American Championship - Semi Final 1 Winner vs. Semi Final 2 Winner

MAW Tag Team Championship - The Maryland Alliance vs. Natural Storm ©

RCI Semi Final 2 - Steve Flash or Snap Dragon vs. Darryl Devine or Erik Strong

RCI Semi Final 1 - Mean Jean Cattley or Tom E. Hawk vs. American Buffalo or Remmy Skye

The Grapplers versus The Gods of Thunder

RCI Quarter Final - Steve Flash vs. Snap Dragon

RCI Quarter Final - Darryl Devine vs. Erik Strong

RCI Quarter Final - Remmy Skye vs. American Buffalo

RCI Quarter Final - Tom E. Hawk vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Remus Twins vs. The Ring Generals


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RIP Chord InvitationalI Predictions

NAWC North American Championship - Tom E. Hawk vs. Darryl Devine

MAW Tag Team Championship - The Maryland Alliance vs. Natural Storm ©

RCI Semi Final 2 - Snap Dragon vs. Darryl Devine

RCI Semi Final 1 - Tom E. Hawk vs. American Buffalo

The Grapplers versus The Gods of Thunder

RCI Quarter Final - Steve Flash vs. Snap Dragon

RCI Quarter Final - Darryl Devine vs. Erik Strong

RCI Quarter Final - Remmy Skye vs. American Buffalo

RCI Quarter Final - Tom E. Hawk vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Remus Twins vs. The Ring Generals

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NAWC North American Championship - Semi Final 1 Winner vs. Semi Final 2 Winner

MAW Tag Team Championship - The Maryland Alliance vs. Natural Storm ©

RCI Semi Final 2 - Steve Flash or Snap Dragon vs. Darryl Devine or Erik Strong

RCI Semi Final 1 - Mean Jean Cattley or Tom E. Hawk vs. American Buffalo or Remmy Skye

The Grapplers versus The Gods of Thunder

RCI Quarter Final - Steve Flash vs. Snap Dragon

RCI Quarter Final - Darryl Devine vs. Erik Strong

RCI Quarter Final - Remmy Skye vs. American Buffalo

RCI Quarter Final - Tom E. Hawk vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Remus Twins vs. The Ring Generals

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NAWC North American Championship - Tom E. Hawk vs. Erik Strong

MAW Tag Team Championship - The Maryland Alliance vs. Natural Storm ©

RCI Semi Final 2 - Steve Flash vs. Erik Strong

RCI Semi Final 1 - Tom E. Hawk vs. Remmy Skye

The Grapplers versus The Gods of Thunder

RCI Quarter Final - Steve Flash vs. Snap Dragon

RCI Quarter Final - Darryl Devine vs. Erik Strong

RCI Quarter Final - Remmy Skye vs. American Buffalo

RCI Quarter Final - Tom E. Hawk vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Remus Twins vs. The Ring Generals

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NAWC North American Championship - American Buffalo vs. Darryl Devine

MAW Tag Team Championship - The Maryland Alliance vs. Natural Storm ©

RCI Semi Final 2 - Steve Flash vs. Darryl Devine

RCI Semi Final 1 - Mean Jean Cattley vs. American Buffalo

The Grapplers versus The Gods of Thunder

RCI Quarter Final - Steve Flash vs. Snap Dragon

RCI Quarter Final - Darryl Devine vs. Erik Strong

RCI Quarter Final - Remmy Skye vs. American Buffalo

RCI Quarter Final - Tom E. Hawk vs. Mean Jean Cattley

The Remus Twins vs. The Ring Generals

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Rip Chord Invitational I


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Friday, Week Four, January 2006

Live at Stanley Hall. Baltimore, MD, USA [Mid Atlantic Region]

In Attendance: 80 [increase of 1 Fan]

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Rip Chord [For the home video release no live commentary]




Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Referee: Bret Graveson




The Remus Twins versus The Ring Generals


The first ever Rip Chord Invitational started off with a tag team match designed to warm the crowd up. We had two young teams that were the polar opposites of one another in this contest. The young Remus Twins were the epitome of white meat babyfaces. Two good looking young brothers that could sell and generate sympathy while The Ring Generals, even though they were also young, seemed more grizzled and were definitely more physical. This was a very traditional tag team match and neither team did too much. The Ring Generals isolated Remmington for the bulk of the match and Roderick got the hot tag. Roderick cleaned house, tagged back in his brother -- and his brother got cut off and hit with the Wheelbarrow Bomb so that the Ring Generals could win their second straight match in MAW.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The Ring Generals defeated The Remus Twins in 9:38 when Dean Waldorf pinned Remmington Remus with a Wheelbarrow Bomb.


Match Rating





Rip Chord Invitational Quarter Finals

Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Referee: Bret Graveson


Tom E. Hawk versus “Mean” Jean Cattley


The first official Rip Chord Invitational Tournament match pit USPW’s Tom E. Hawk against the reigning Mid Atlantic Champion, “Mean” Jean Cattley. The young Hawk came out of the gate with a lot of fire. He was right and left hands, all open handed since MAW does enforce the no-closed fists rule. He hit several big chops and then hit the ropes. Coming off the ropes, he hit a running tomahawk chop on the Mid Atlantic Champion. He got a near fall and Cattley bailed to the outside of the ring. He called for a time out and Bret Graveson informed him that there were no timeouts in wrestling. Cattley took almost the entire count before he got back in the ring. Hawk came in for the attack and Cattley went right to the eyes and seized control. Cattley worked on keeping Hawk grounded. Cattley was clearly not afraid to take shortcuts -- he pulled Hawk’s hair, he pulled the tights, he positioned them outside of Bret Graveson’s eyesight so he could use several closed fists right to the face of Hawk. Cattley hit a neckbreaker and used a fistful of tights for added leverage to steal the victory and advance to the second round.


In a decent match, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Tom E. Hawk in 9:32 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. This match was part of the 'Rip Chord Invitational I' tournament.


Match Rating







A young black man comes out. He introduces himself, rather harshly, as the “East Side Assassin” Sayeed Ali. He promises that he’s the hardest man in the building and he just signed a contract with MAW. Next month, he’s going to make his in ring debut and all of MAW is being put on notice because he’s going to run through everybody in the back and prove that he’s the baddest dude in the building anytime he’s in the building.


Angle Rating





Rip Chord Invitational Quarter Finals

Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Bret Graveson


Remmy Skye versus American Buffalo w/ Emma Chase


The second match in the Rip Chord Invitational was up next. CZCW’s enigmatic Remmy Skye was up against the reigning NYCW Empire Champion, American Buffalo. Buffalo was not only more experienced, but also had well over a hundred pounds on the highflying Skye. Buffalo came out of the gate running through Skye. Skye attempted to mount some offense, but American Buffalo just consistently overwhelmed him and was able to walk through all of it. Skye wasn’t really able to create a lot of distance between Buffalo and himself and the 330 pound Empire Champion tossed Skye through the air with a huge belly to belly suplex. Buffalo also hit a lawn dart on Skye that looked like it broke Skye’s neck. Skye managed to kick out before the three though and the crowd really started getting behind Skye -- because he was taking a heck of an ass kicking. Skye got back to his feet and Buffalo looked amused that Skye was still fighting. He launched himself and hit a big running knee lift that knocked Skye silly. Another near fall and this time both Buffalo and Emma Chase looked at Bret Graveson incredulously. Buffalo lifted Remmy Skye up and looked like he was going for The Stampede, but Skye slipped out the back. Buffalo turned around and got dropkicked -- and then another dropkick, and then a third! Buffalo still didn’t fall though and then Skye threw caution to the wind with a running crossbody that took both men to the floor of Stanley Hall. Emma Chase look positively beside herself as Remmy climbed back onto the apron and then onto the top rope. As Buffalo stood up, Skye took to the air and flipped forward for a senton into the much bigger man. This time, Buffalo took a full bump and both men laid on the floor for a double countout -- eliminating both men!


In a decent match, Remmy Skye drew with American Buffalo in 9:24 following a double count out. This match was part of the 'Rip Chord Invitational I' tournament.


Match Rating




Rip Chord Invitational Quarter Finals

Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Referee: Bret Graveson


“Mighty Fine” Darryl Devine versus “The Shooting Star” Erik Strong


The third match of the tournament was up next and pit two of the youngest up-and-coming stars in independent pro wrestling against one another. USPW’s Darryl Devine against MAW’s Erik Strong. The two young men are both fan favorites and this was a very clean match up. They went back and forth, exchanging holds. It was a good technical showcase between two good young talents. Darryl Devine really got to show why he’s a former (and longest reigning) USPW National Champion. Erik Strong did hit a beautiful missile dropkick that got a near fall and looked like he wanted to go for the Strong Sault, but Devine was able to cut him off on the top rope. He hit a big Avalanche Back Suplex that left both men down. They each made it to their feet before ten and the crowd was behind them and Darryl Devine hit the Devine Dream Drop to get the win and advance in the tournament.


In a decent match, Darryl Devine defeated Erik Strong in 11:01 by pinfall with a Devine Dream Drop. This match was part of the 'Rip Chord Invitational I' tournament.


Match Rating





Rip Chord Invitational Quarter Finals

Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Referee: Bret Graveson


“Remarkable” Steve Flash versus Snap Dragon


The final first round match pit the veteran Steve Flash against the reigning CZCW Champion -- Snap Dragon. The veteran Steve Flash looked to really be in his element here against Snap Dragon --- who also was bringing his best game. The two men put on a good, solid, old school wrestling match with Snap Dragon working consistently on Steve Flash’s neck. Everything he did came back to the neck and Steve Flash really sold it like his neck was in trouble. Snap Dragon hit a beautiful Blockbuster for a near fall, but when he went to the top rope and went for his Dragon’s Breath, Flash rolled out of the way. Flash was able to hit his Flash Bang to get the pin and advance in the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Steve Flash defeated Snap Dragon in 12:37 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. This match was part of the 'Rip Chord Invitational I' tournament.


Match Rating





Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Referee: Bret Graveson




The Grapplers versus The Gods of Thunder w/ Persephone


The Gods of Thunder completely controlled this contest with their smaller, more technically minded opponents. It was not a pretty match, at all. The Gods of Thunder are far from polished workers but they look good standing next to each other and have solid presence. The Grapplers could also have a bright upside, but tonight wasn’t their night when McManus at the Thunderclash and Atlas got the pin for his team.


In an extremely short match, The Gods Of Thunder defeated Riley McManus and Conner Threepwood in 5:07 when Atlas pinned Riley McManus with a Thunderclash.


Match Rating





Rip Chord Invitational Semi Finals

Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Referee: Jay Fair


“Mighty Fine” Darryl Devine versus “Remarkable” Steve Flash


The only semi final match of the night pit Darryl Devine against Steve Flash. In Darryl’s first match of the tournament, he defeated Erik Strong and in Steve Flash’s he defeated Snap Dragon. Coming into this match, Steve Flash looked to be worse shape. Devine came out from the opening bell and was in control of the match. Much like Snap Dragon, Devine focused on Flash’s neck. Devine hit a beautiful second-rope leg drop. Steve Flash was able to fight back to his feet and hit a series of moves on his come back that really got the crowd behind him. Flash hit his second Flash Bang of the night and secured himself a spot in the finals of the Invitational.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Steve Flash defeated Darryl Devine in 9:54 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. This match was part of the 'Rip Chord Invitational I' tournament.


Match Rating





Tag Team Match

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Referee: Jay Fair



The Maryland Alliance versus Natural Storm ©


The crowd was really excited for the Tag Team Title match. Natural Storm, who have quickly become two of the most popular wrestlers on the Mid Atlantic Wrestling roster, were putting their tag titles on the line against the former two-time SCCW Tag Team Champions, The Maryland Alliance. Prince and Graham carved out a reputation as being a good babyface team and Brady is a legit Maryland product (whereas Buck Graham is from Alabama). Both men were formerly blonde but have both shaved their heads. They made for great opponents for Natural Storm. It was a clean tag team match and Alliance had the experience to be credible opponents to the rising star duo. Prince and Graham isolated D.C. Rayne for the bulk of the match and Rayne was in full sell mode. Rayne is really able to generate a lot of sympathy and Eddie Howard was great on the apron trying to drum up support for his friend and partner. Rayne made the big hot tag and Howard came in with hands flying and shoulder tackles and body slams. Even though Prince and Graham were also babyfaces, the explosion when Howard came in the ring was surprising for a crowd that wasn’t past the century mark. Howard tagged back in Rayne just long enough for the two of them to hit Brady Prince with Storm Damage and get the win and notch their second tag title defence.


In a decent match, Natural Storm defeated The Maryland Alliance in 13:27 when D.C. Rayne pinned Brady Prince with a Storm Damage. Natural Storm make defence number two of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Refere: Jay Fair



“Remarkable” Steve Flash versus “Mean” Jean Cattley


The main event of the evening was the finals of the Rip Chord Invitational Tournament and would crown the first ever NAWC North American Champion. Both the trophy and the belt were showcased before the match. Steve Flash came to the ring selling his neck -- having been through two tough matches already tonight. Mean Jean Cattley, the MAW Champion, had a bye in the second round because American Buffalo and Remmy Skye went to a draw. These two had plenty of time to get into the match -- and right from the gate Cattley was on attack. Flash was the battered warrior coming in with the injured neck and Cattley was the technician who was going to break Flash’s neck. This was a real old school technical match. Cattley worked holds on Flash’s neck in between hitting neckbreakers. It wasn’t fancy, but it was good storytelling. It had the people invested. Flash’s comeback was full of fire and Mean Jean sold beautifully and then they went into a second set of heat! Flash made a second comeback that had even more fire. Cattley went for the Mood Swing but Flash spun out of it and hit the Flash Bang and we have a champion!


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Steve Flash defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 29:17 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash wins the NAWC North American title. Steve Flash wins the Rip Chord Invitational Challenge. This match was part of the 'Rip Chord Invitational I' tournament.


Match Rating







Steve Flash is handed the North American Championship. He raises it high above his head and then grabs the Rip Chord Invitational Trophy and holds that one up above his head as well. Steve Flash, the twenty-one year veteran, was the first ever North American Champion!


Angle Rating



Quick Pick Results:

The Ring Generals def The Remus Twins

RCI Quarter Final - Mean Jean Cattley def. Tom E. Hawk

RCI Quarter Final - Remmy Skye and American Buffalo DRAW

RCI Quarter Final Darryl Devine def. Erik Strong

RCI Quarter Final Steve Flash def. Snap Dragon

The Gods of Thunder def. Riley McManus & Conner Threepwood

RCI Semi Final Steve Flash def. Darryl Devine

RCI Semi Final Mean Jean receives BYE

MAW Tag Team TitlesNatural Storm def Maryland Alliance

Rip Chord Invitational Finals & NAWC North American Championship Steve Flash def. Mean Jean Cattley









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The first-ever Rip Chord Invitational is in the books, and Steve Flash has emerged as the inaugural North American Champion! Last month, we saw four men go to war for their shot at the title, and no one proved victorious in the end. This month, our champions are back on the defense, and CZCW is again looking to prove itself as the home of the most exciting indie wrestling action on the west coast!









































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Czcw Title Match: snap Dragon © Vs Frankie Perez

Xtreme Title Match: plague © Vs Remmy Skye Vs Jacob Jett

Tag Team Title Match: The Fly Boys © Vs the Ring Generals

champagne Lover vs Flying Jimmy Foxx

American Elemental Vs jeremiah Moose

fox Mask Vs Masked Cougar

citizen X vs Valiant

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Czcw Title Match: snap Dragon © Vs Frankie Perez

Xtreme Title Match: Plague © Vs remmy Skye Vs Jacob Jett

Tag Team Title Match: the Fly Boys © Vs The Ring Generals

champagne Lover Vs Flying Jimmy Foxx

american Elemental Vs Jeremiah Moose

fox Mask Vs Masked Cougar

Citizen X Vs valiant

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Czcw Title Match: snap Dragon © Vs Frankie Perez

Xtreme Title Match: plague © Vs Remmy Skye Vs Jacob Jett

Tag Team Title Match: The Fly Boys © Vs the Ring Generals

champagne Lover Vs Flying Jimmy Foxx

American Elemental Vs jeremiah Moose

fox Mask Vs Masked Cougar

Citizen X Vs valiant

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<p>Never been much of a CZCW fan, but that is one stacked card!</p><p> </p><p>

Czcw Title Match: Snap Dragon © Vs <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

Xtreme Title Match: <strong>Plague</strong> © Vs Remmy Skye Vs Jacob Jett</p><p>

Tag Team Title Match: <strong>The Fly Boys</strong> © Vs the Ring Generals</p><p>

<strong>Champagne Lover</strong> Vs Flying Jimmy Foxx</p><p>

<strong>American Elemental</strong> Vs Jeremiah Moose</p><p>

<strong>Fox Mask</strong> Vs Masked Cougar</p><p>

<strong>Citizen X</strong> Vs Valiant</p>

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<p>Czcw Title Match: Snap Dragon © Vs <strong>frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

Xtreme Title Match: <strong>plague ©</strong> Vs Remmy Skye Vs Jacob Jett</p><p>

Tag Team Title Match: <strong>the Fly Boys ©</strong> Vs The Ring Generals</p><p>

<strong>champagne Lover</strong> Vs Flying Jimmy Foxx</p><p>

American Elemental Vs <strong>jeremiah Moose</strong></p><p>

<strong>fox Mask</strong> Vs Masked Cougar</p><p>

Citizen X Vs <strong>valiant</strong></p>

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #1ecce3; margin:10px;background: #798a7e; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">










American Elemental is making his CZCW debut here, but it would be hard to tell that from the immense crowd reaction he gets upon making his entrance; the crowd even throw red, white, and blue streamers for him once he’s in the ring. Jeremiah Moose tries his best to play spoiler, but this match is clearly designed as a showcase for American Elemental to get his big spots and talent over with the local crowd. The Inferno Splash takes home the win in just shy of ten minutes for the masked man.







Valiant comes out to cut a promo about the newly formed North American Wrestling Coalition, saying that he wants to find success all over the country. He says there is a North American Tag Team Title tournament coming up, and he may have already found a partner-- but before he can say much else, Citizen X comes out to the ring to cut him off.


Citizen X says he isn’t looking for success, he’s just looking to spread anarchy all across the country and he plans to start by turning CZCW into a California wildfire. He already beat Valiant once before, but tonight he’s going to put a stop to the good looking youngster’s cross-country venture before he leaves the state.




This match starts out much the same as their last encounter, with Valiant coming out hot and Citizen X playing spoiler to all of the youngster’s signature spots. Unlike last time, however, Valiant is able to overcome the onslaught and slips out of an E-Wave, turning the tides and putting Citizen X away with a Patriot Missile.











The Fly Boys are here for their second CZCW Tag Team title defense since picking the titles up from The Gilbert Brothers back in December. The Ring Generals are the hot new team on the block, competing in every territory of the NAWC and racking up wins all over the country. The ensuing match is an exciting mix of high flying from The Fly Boys, and a technical display from The Ring Generals that tries to ground the champs. Jimmy P finds himself worked over for a good portion of the match, with a focus on his right knee from the challengers; when he finally gets a hot tag out to Donnie J, he lays on the apron for a long stretch trying to recover, even unable to answer his cue to enter the ring for some double team offense.


The Ring Generals almost have it won with a Wheelbarrow Bomb on Donnie J, but a finally recovered Jimmy P makes the save at the last possible second. The double team offense finally commences, taking Dean Waldorf out of the equation and leading to a finish with Jimmy P hitting Marv Statler with Surf’s Up so his team can retain.









Masked Cougar is a Japanese import from World Level Wrestling who works the dangerous, high flying style popular with CZCW fans, while Fox Mask is known as “The King of the Coastal Zone” among CZCW loyalists. This is something of an internet dream match, with rumors of Fox Mask competing for WLW rampant on message boards and in dirt sheets for more than a year now. They start off with some lucha parity spots, coming to several stalemates before Masked Cougar gets the upper hand and shows off some of his innovative offense. The pair work a match heavy on top rope moves and high spots, keeping a pace that is almost dizzying for the crowd-- so fast, in fact, that they lose them in a few spots. It all comes together at the finish, though, as Masked Cougar falls victim to a Fox Hunter to lose his first American match.










After his impressive showing against Jeremiah Moose last month, the Canadian Jacob Jett was added into the CZCW Xtreme title picture with this triple threat ladder match. The ladders come into play immediately this time, each competitor breaking for the outside to grab a ladder as the bell rings. Plague and Skye make for the same ladder while Jett grabs one from the other side of the ring undeterred; Jett slides back in and sets up his ladder while Plague and Skye brawl on the outside. But, rather than go for the belt, Jett ascends the ladder and flies to the outside with a dazzling senton onto the other competitors! The crowd roars their approval as the competitors take a moment to recover, a sluggish three-way brawl breaking out ringside as they trade punches and kicks while fully getting to their feet.


After brawling around the ring and vying for the upper hand, Skye slips into the ring and springs off the ropes with a tope suicida! Skye gets back into the ring and begins to climb the ladder, but Plague is right there to climb along with him and they trade blows at the top of the ladder. Plague eventually knocks Skye off, but is shock when Jett springboards off the ropes and onto the ladder in Skye’s place! More punching at the top of the ladder before Jett grabs Plague by the hair and drops off the ladder, using the top of it to aid his facebuster! Plague falls back and tumbles off the ladder, but before Jett can climb back up to grab the belt, Skye is there to stop him. The enigmatic Californian and the sensational Canadian work each other around the ladder for a bit before Plague recovers from his fall. The masked champion reenters the fray with the crowd favorite spinning ladder spot, taking his opponents out of the ring with a smack from the spinning ladder.


He sets the ladder back up and tries to climb, but his opponents work together to push the ladder over! Plague takes another huge fall, to the outside of the ring this time, leaving Jett and Skye to work in the ring without a ladder in the way this time. The pair trade lightning fast high flying offense while the third man recovers and eventually starts setting up tables around the ring; Jett finds himself laying on one of Plague’s tables at one point, but it is Remmy Skye who puts him through it with a Skye Diver. Plague pounces on Skye before he can even recover from the damage he’s done to himself with dive to the outside through a table… NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE!


Remmy Skye and Jacob Jett lying the debris around ringside, Plague pulls the ladder into the ring and climbs to retain his CZCW Xtreme title after a chaotic ladder match.






The music of Champagne Lover plays in the arena, the crowd immediately starting to boo as they know who and what is coming this time.The Mexican star is all smiles despite the jeering as he heads to the ring and cuts a promo on how the crowd must feel in the presence of a true superstar. He says he has demands if he’s going to keep appearing in the minor leagues, and the first of those demands is the chance for gold… the second demand is for a higher quality of opponent than the one found for him tonight. He expects Cliff Anderson to meet both of these demands in the very near future, or he’ll be spending his time on the beach instead of in the ring when he comes to California.




A glorified showcase for Champagne Lover, continuing to familiarize the crowd with his signature spots and style of offense. Also clearly designed to cool the crowd down after the car crash of a ladder match they had just seen. Champagne Breakfast finishes off Flying Jimmy Foxx in just over ten minutes.










The crowd is abuzz for this match, Snap Dragon working hard in his reign as champion to win the crowd’s approval despite his heel antics and Frankie Perez already a local favorite despite never holding gold for CZCW. This match is something of a clash of styles, Snap Dragon more of a straight-up high flyer while Frankie Perez is a more impactful, technical worker, but from the reception alone this looks like it could be match of the night. Dragon and Perez show off to begin with some technical wizardry, the masked champion keeping pace nicely with the more technically refined Perez. Frankie eventually gets the upper hand by delivering a stiff thrust kick to the back while he’s got Snap Dragon in a body bridge.


Perez then goes to work like a true technician, concentrating on the legs and knees of Snap Dragon in order to take away his aerial offense. He works leg locks, lays boots in on the knees, and snaps legs to the side. The toll it takes on the champion is apparent as he limps around the ring, even during his comeback attempts. He eventually does gain control, moving out of the way with Frankie goes for a big top rope elbow and trying to work through the pain in his legs to get the win. The match goes back-and-forth for a while, Snap Dragon’s legs almost always the reason he loses control of the match, before heading into the finish.


The final moments see Frankie Perez with the upper hand, ready to lock in P-Clutch-- he gets it, but they’re close to the ropes, Snap Dragon rolls through! Shoving Perez into the ropes, Snap Dragon hits a quick thrust kick to the gut, then comes off the ropes with an axe kick! He heads up top… DRAGON’S BREATH FOR THE WIN!









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Darryl Devine vs Shades McGinty



Puerto Rican Power vs PN Epstein



Bull Wrecker in action!




Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies vs The Tennessee Outlaws

USPW Tag Team Titles



In-ring debut of Des Davids!



T-Rex vs Timothy Smalls



Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood vs Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk



Quick Picks:

Darryl Devine vs Shades McGinty

Puerto Rican Power vs PN Epstein

Bull Wrecker vs ???

Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies vs Tennessee Outlaws (USPW Tag Titles)

Des Davids vs Ernest Riggs

T-Rex vs Timothy Smalls

Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood vs Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk


Comments and Feedback welcome

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Darryl Devine vs Shades McGinty

Puerto Rican Power vs PN Epstein

Bull Wrecker vs ???

Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies vs Tennessee Outlaws (USPW Tag Titles)

Des Davids vs Ernest Riggs

T-Rex vs Timothy Smalls

Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood vs Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk

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Darryl Devine def. Shades McGinty

Puerto Rican Power def. PN Epstein

Bull Wrecker def. ???

Savage Fury © def. The Hillbillies & Tennessee Outlaws (USPW Tag Titles)

Des Davids def Ernest Riggs

T-Rex def Timothy Smalls

Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood def Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk

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Darryl Devine vs Shades McGinty

Puerto Rican Power vs PN Epstein

Bull Wrecker vs ???

Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies vs Tennessee Outlaws (USPW Tag Titles)

Des Davids vs Ernest Riggs

T-Rex vs Timothy Smalls

Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood vs Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk

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