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PWG 2013: About As Guerrilla As It Gets

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Adam Cole © vs. ACH

Young Bucks © vs. Kendrick/London

Davey Richards vs. Johnny Gargano

DojoBros vs. Busick/Thatcher

Chris Hero vs. Kevin Steen

AR Fox/Samuray del Sol vs. Unbreakable F'N Machines

Anthony Nese vs. TJ Perkins

Beaver Boys vs. Forever Hooligans vs. World's Toughest Cupcakes

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<style> .show {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px} .showinfo {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8.5px; font-weight: bold} .resultbackground {background: #cfcfcf; max-width: 650px; padding: 5px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: left} .quick {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px} .predictions {font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9.5px}</style>

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<span class="showinfo">All Star Weekend X - Night Two \\ Reseda, CA \\ 2013.12.21</span>


<div class="resultbackground"><span class="show">

1. Night Two of All Star Weekend and we're treated to a quick three-way tag team match in anticipation for DDT4. Going from a terrible start to three wins in a row, Forever Hooligans are starting to look like favorites for the tournament after
Rocky Romero
Candice LeRae
, who just challenged the Bucks back in October. The Beaver Boys were just happy to not be the ones to eat the pin tonight as
Alex Reynolds
John Silver
continued to impress. LeRae and
Willie Mack
, despite their inexperience as a team compared to the other two teams, are really starting to find their footing as a duo and one has to wonder where they'll be a year from now if they keep it up.


2. What a weekend for
Anthony Nese
, who entered without a PWG win under his belt, and leaves with two, including a huge one over
TJ Perkins
. Due to the uncertainty of his recovery time, the young veteran Perkins was forced to miss BOLA and looked to make up for it against Nese. A real fun match with Nese's agility and strength up against Perkins' speed and technical ability. Wasn't a long match and Nese would escape from a kneebar attempt by Perkins to go on and get the upset victory later on with his 450 Splash.


3. And it wasn't just Anthony Nese who had a great weekend as
AR Fox
finally found himself a win on the final show of the year. Only fitting that it's the tag team partner he started the year out with as well as a wrestler on the rise in
Samuray del Sol
. The Unbreakable F'N Machines put on a great showing last night, but it's obvious that
Michael Elgin
's hand injury, as minor as it may be, was bothering him. The heavily taped right hand of Elgin gave him some difficulty lifting up his opponents, but thankfully he had
Brian Cage
by his side to make up for it. But there was something special in the hot air for Fox and del Sol as the Foxcatcher on Elgin delivered an early Christmas present for Fox.


Chris Hero
was determined to get a bit of revenge and while it isn't the same as winning the PWG World Championship, beating
Kevin Steen
was just as good for Hero. A great match and despite having wrestled nearly 25 minutes the night before, Hero was in top shape for this one. You can say this about a lot of PWG matches, but this one truly could be a main event anywhere in the world. Steen looked to put an early end to his comeback tour for Hero, nearly doing so after his apron pop-up powerbomb. But with the crowd behind him and out for blood, Hero could not be stopped and tonight? He wasn't.


5. Back from intermission, the fans were treated with a sleeper hit of a match. The greatness of the DojoBros is well known, but for their first time teaming together,
Biff Busick
Timothy Thatcher
put on a clinic.
Eddie Edwards
was caught off guard early by Busick's recklessness, trying to avoid stiff European uppercuts from him. Even
Roderick Strong
was surprised by what Thatcher was bringing to the table, having only seen a glimpse of what he brought to the ring yesterday from the back. No upset tonight though as Edwards managed to keep Busick down long enough to force him to tap to the Achilles Lock.


6. The strikes of
Davey Richards
looked a bit crisper than usual against
Johnny Gargano
. Richards didn't want to be the next guy to fall to Gargano, but that's exactly what happened. Eerily similar to last night's affair, Gargano looked to be in danger all throughout the match, but when it mattered most, he showed up. The Tiger Driver of Richards couldn't keep Gargano down. Repeated Brainbusters couldn't keep Gargano down. The heart of Gargano could not be put down and it helped propel him to his second win to cap off a great weekend.


7. Yesterday's championship match between Adam Cole and Chris Hero seemed like a tough one to follow up, but The Young Bucks,
Brian Kendrick
, and
Paul London
threw their hats into the conversation. Falling shy of the PWG World Championship a couple months back, London was looking for the next best thing in the PWG World Tag Team Championships alongside his long time friend. While that would've been nice,
Nick Jackson
weren't going to let it happen. The four men tore the house down and a London Calling very nearly crowned new champions if Matt hadn't been there to save his brother. A pair of stereo superkicks to London and Kendrick led to More Bang For Your Buck on Kendrick to mark the 5th defense of the PWG World Tag Team Championships.


8. There was still one more opportunity for the fans to go home happy with
ready to take away the PWG World Championship from
Adam Cole
. A completely different wrestler compared to Chris Hero, but one still hungry for championship gold and wasn't going to be kept down easily. For the most part, this was a surprisingly clean match, outside of the usual dick moves by Cole here and there, but that's par for the course. And in the opening seconds, ACH nearly stole this one with a Brainbuster out of nowhere and tried for his 450 Splash immediately after, but Cole quickly rolled out of the ring to keep his championship reign alive for the moment.


When things looked really dire for Cole, that's when Mount Rushmore showed up, but ACH was ready for them with a tope suicida to take the three members out. He immediately went back into the ring to try and finish Cole off; the world champion fighting right back. Mount Rushmore tried to get back in, but
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Drake Younger
and others would pull them right back out of the ring. ACH had Cole ready once more for The Best 450 Splash ever, but Cole would get his knees up, superkick to ACH, and the Panama Sunrise! And ACH kicked out! Purely out of instinct though as the follow up Straight-jacket German Suplex from Cole would see him retain his championship.


A heartbreaker for ACH as the question regarding who can beat Adam Cole continues to grow. The fans still showed their love for him anyways as he closed the show with a promo to send them home happy and put a bow on the final show of 2013.

</span><span class="quick">Quick Results

<div style="margin-left: 1em;">1. Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero) def. The Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) and World's Toughest Cupcakes (Candice LeRae & Willie Mack) - Romero pins LeRae; Contract Killer [10:50]

2. Anthony Nese def. TJ Perkins - Nese pins Perkins; 450 Splash [12:27]

3. AR Fox & Samuray del Sol def. Unbreakable F'N Machines (Brian Cage & Michael Elgin) - Fox pins Elgin; Foxcatcher [17:01]

4. Chris Hero def. Kevin Steen - Hero pins Steen; Rolling Elbow [19:36]

5. DojoBros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong) def. Biff Busick & Timothy Thatcher - Edwards submits Busick; Achilles Lock [15:52]

6. Johnny Gargano def. Davey Richards - Gargano pins Richards; Hurts Donut [22:11]

7. PWG World Tag Team Championship Title Match: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) © def. Brian Kendrick & Paul London - Nick pins Kendrick; More Bang For Your Buck [20:27]

8. PWG World Championship Title Match: Adam Cole © def. ACH - Cole pins ACH; Straight-jacket German Suplex [22:49]</div></span></div>

<hr width=512px; size=1>


<span class="predictions">Overall Prediction Results

DGenerationMC: 38/53

falling_star: 36/46

kanegan: 35/53

Mootinie: 34/45

Dalton: 33/46

Blodyxe: 31/46

Hollywood: 28/45

CGN91: 23/30

scmurph01: 15/21

Uncrewed: 14/23

TheBigBad1013: 14/22

BennyBXB: 12/16

Historian: 11/14

Dwells2015: 9/14

Rampaaage: 9/14

BigJ: 5/8

legendaryhorseman: 4/7

GooverDan: 3/6

</span><hr width=512px; size=1>

whew, that took an embarrassingly long time to actually post. Appreciate everyone who has stuck with this so far and finishing out 2013! Probably one last news update and maybe some end of year recap if I can think up a clever enough format. Then a lil break again as I'll start getting to work writing up all of the 2014 shows!

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