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UNDERWORLD WRESTLING - No Rules. Pure Wrestling.

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RAW Underground was a gigantic failure.

But that's fine. I have failed before. What matters is that I succeded a lot more than I failed in my life. What matters in failure is what you learn.


With RAW Underground, I learned a couple of things.

First, there is a real market for gritty, cinematic wrestling. The pandemic made every single promotion go nuts with cinematic wrestling, but with crowd coming back they revert to their old tried and tested template of a wrestling show. That's a mistake. Where're the creativity? Lucha Underground was big. Its producers understood the evolution of the business before anyone. But it was a little too early, like every stroke of genius. Now, in a post-pandemic wrestling world?... It would have been HUGE.

Second, I am like my father. I cannot delegate. I cannot let other people interfere with MY vision. That's why I was so disappointed with RAW Underground. It could have - should have - been big.

Third... WWE is a sinking ship. I mean, duh, right? I'm not the violinist on the Titanic, I won't go down with the ship. I won't be part of a Disney sell or a disastrous loss to AEW. I won't inherit one half - or one third? - of a complete mess when my father passes away. Good luck to Stephanie and Paul with that.


What I want is what I always wanted. My thing. My vision. My legacy. I won't disown my name nor my family, I'm still a McMahon... Shane McMahon.


So let's try this again.

Let's dig a little big deeper than Underground.

And what's deeper than the Underground?

The Underworld. Where damned beasts battle for salvation. Where it's fight or die. The land of broken dreams - and bones.

A land where there are no rules. Just wrestling.






BREAKING NEWS - Shane McMahon striked a deal with Charge! to air a wrestling show called "Underworld Wrestling". The deal is said to be for 12 1 hour episodes.


Shane McMahon held a short press conference to talk about this new promotion. He said it will focus on the gritty, grindhouse style wrestling akin to Lucha Underground. That Lucha Underground parentage goes deep, as Shane McMahon recruited the now deceased company's Executive Produceur and co-creator Chris DeJoseph as his right hand man.


On his relationship with his family and the WWE, Shane McMahon said: "we're fine. My father understands pride and ambition. He gave me his blessing. He also understood that my thing won't go against the WWE. Who knows, I can even help."


On the starting roster: "As far as the voices of the Underworld, I tried to mesh the old and the new. Tommy Dreamer will be our lead colour guy. He will bring his experience... And lust for violence to the audience. Next to him will be a veteran who has been quite a recent sensation, Suge D aka "Pineapple Pete". He will be sure to bring excitement and fun... And as far as in ring talent... You will know soon enough, but there are some surprises, I can promise.





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Shane McMahon, via his new promotion's website, announced the date of the first episode of Underworld Wrestling. Titled "Pilot", this episode will air on CHARGE!, the third saturday of october, at 10pm.


He also surprised everyone with a rather bland announcement. His "groundbreaking" wrestling TV show will host... A tournament.

But here's the twist, this tournament - 8 wrestlers in 2 blocks, with the 2 leaders of each block fighting for the win - will not be used to crown an inaugural champion. The winner of the Fists of Fury Tournament will be "granted a wish. Anything money can buy... Which means everything", as per Shane McMahon.


He also added that the spots are expensive in the Underworld. So the two men who finish last on each block will face each other... With the loser being fired.


He added that there would be "Open Fight Nights" where uncontracted workers will be able to showcase their talents - and maybe get a contract.







Block A

  • "Pro Wrestling Antichrist" Tim Donst
  • "The Innovator of Hybrid Wrestling" Davey Richards
  • "God of War" Odinson
  • "Most Hated" Michael Tarver


Block B

  • "Wrestling's Best Kept Secret" Buddy Matthews
  • "Public Animal #1" SHLAK
  • "The Belfast Beast" Big Damo
  • "Wrestling Genius" Daniel Makabe

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<p>Alright, so Suge D, who is a very talented technical wrestler and, more importantly, is still active, is in the booth. While...</p><p> </p><p>

*Squints* </p><p> </p><p>

Davey Richards and Shlak are wrestling... </p><p> </p><p>

Alright, well, I'm still interested, since I'm a fan of things like Bloodsport.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Original_Broski" data-cite="Original_Broski" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really intrigued by this idea, and I like the names for the roster so far.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you buddy!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Tim F'n Donst!!!<p> </p><p> Him vs Buddy would be amazing to see</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Tim Donst during his Raven-esque run in CHIKARA which started with him going nuts and trying to kill Hallowicked to becoming a kind of cult leader with Steve the Turtle, Jakob & Veronica might be one of my favourite character ark in wrestling. Like ever.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SonOfSharknado" data-cite="SonOfSharknado" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Alright, so Suge D, who is a very talented technical wrestler and, more importantly, is still active, is in the booth. While...<p> </p><p> *Squints* </p><p> </p><p> Davey Richards and Shlak are wrestling... </p><p> </p><p> Alright, well, I'm still interested, since I'm a fan of things like Bloodsport.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hey buddy, thanks for the support! Bloodsport is an heavy inspiration for this</p><p> </p><p> Not really aware of the problems around Davey (apart from him being a general dickhead but hey, like a LOT of wrestlers used in dyansty) and SHLAK? As for Sugar, my perception is that he slowed down in ring and is anyway transitioning into a CC role. Whatismore I love him as a commentator</p>
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Davey Richards is an indy wrestling legend.

A pioneer of hybrid MMA/Wrestling style, he's also known for his unbearable ego. While his former best friend and tag team partner Eddie Edwards is a multiple time world champion in the USA and Japan, Davey Richards retired from wrestling for numerous years.

Now back in the business, he spoke about being sick of people making a living off his hard work. "If I began wrestling five years later, I would be the best f***in' around. Oh now small intense wrestler are cool? Hybrid wrestling is the hot s**t? I CREATED that style! Where are my millions of dollars? Where's my fame?"

If he wins Fists of Fury, Davey Richards' wish to Shane McMahon is quite something: he wants McMahon to arrange for him to be induct into EVERY wrestling Hall of Fames - most notably WWE's - for his contribution to wrestling.




Shlak is... Something. A deathmatch beast, he's as crazy as he looks. He's covered in tattoos, his stomach declaring "DRUNK", missing his front teeth, jacked to the gills, he has bugged out crazy eyes, and he's a total lunatic.

Rumored to have been commited to an asylum for a year, he's now in the Underworld to unleash total chaos. "I don't know how to do a proper hammerlock. I can't do a backflip. But there is no one who fights like I do. I will KILL everyone in the Underworld... No God, only Shlak."

If he wins Fists of Fury, Shlak has asked Shane McMahon only one thing... A deathmatch with Tommy Dreamer. Asked as to why he would make his wish, he refused to answer.




To him, the mat is sacred.

Daniel Makabe might be indy's wrestling best kept secret. For years, he put Seattle Wrestling on his back. Having a groundbreaking trilogy with Timothy Thatcher should have put him on the map, but at 39, Daniel Makabe seem far from ever doing it big times. It doesn't really bothers him, as Daniel Makabe is not after the fame.

"Wrestling is sacred. It's an artform. What matters is the skill, not the cheers or the money."

If he wins Fists of Fury, his wish is quite interesting. Pissed at Shane McMahon's winning a WWE tournament to be crowned "Best in the World", his wish is to face Shane in a match. Why? To erase the title of "Best in the World" from Shane's resume, which he views as disrespectful to wrestling.




"Witness me!" Odinson is an anomaly. He's what 9 century's monks from England must have seen coming out of longships when vikings were unleashed on Europe. Proclaiming to be a reincarnated god of war, Odinson comes to the Underworld to fight and claims his spot in Valhalla.

If he wins Fists of Fury, his wish is... Quite straightfoward? "When I beat every one of them in the name of Tyr, I want my longship filled with gold and treasures from this land. I will then sail to Valhalla and feast with my father."




Tim Donst hates pro wrestling. Unconventionnal for a wrestler, right?

Donst has sacrificed everything for wrestling. He lost loved ones, never found love, and never made that much money. When he found out he had a kidney cancer, he hit rock bottom. After healing, Tim Donst's hate for pro wrestling grew even more when he realized he was incapable of doing anything else.

"I'm broken. Pro wrestling broke me. I don't know how to have a 9 to 5 job. I don't know how to communicate with normal people. I don't know how to properly behave in society. All I know is wrestling. Wrestling almost killed me... Now, I'm going to kill it."

If he wins Fists of Fury, Tim Donst wants Shane McMahon to shut down the Underworld, and to buy out every single wrestling promotions he can and shut them down. Especially "small indy wrestling like the companies that exploited me and stole my soul."




"The Belfast Beast" Big Damo (fka Killian Dain) is a sight to behold. At 322 lb, he can manhandle everybody inside a ring. But life hit him hard. After being fired from WWE, Damo's visa expired, and he was sent back to Ireland. There, while he waited to make it back to the States and his wife, Damo met an enigmatic figure who promised him everything he wanted. "I was at a crossroad, litterally. I lost confidence, I didn't know how I was gonna be able to look at myself in a mirror. How I was gonna be able to look at my wife... Then I met him. The man in a red suit... And he showed me what I could be. He showed me the way."

Surprisingly, Damo has chosen to keep his wish secret. We will only know what it is if he wins Fists of Fury.




You all know Michael Tarver... Or at least that's what he claims.

Formerly a member of NXT, then one of the members of Nexus, he could have been something. With a ciseled physique, and a background in amateur boxing, Tarver was determined to make it. But fate decided otherwise. He was fired, he was criticized... And elected "Most Hated Wrestler" of 2010.

Now living up to this nickname, Tarver is a spiteful, horrible human being.

If he wins Fists of Fury, what he wants might sounds funny... He wants Shane McMahon to book him in a boxing match with Floyd Mayweather! "I know I can knock him out. I can knock anyone out!... And a boxing match with Mayweather is how you get famous and rich, right?"




Buddy Matthews is wrestling's best kept secret.

The Australian grappler is fearless in and out of the ring. With a wrestling acumen what can be found maybe once in a generation, the former Buddy Murphy might be one of the best pound for pound wrestler in the world. Problem is, he could never catch a break.

From being put in an uninspiring tag team, to being brainwashed by a creepy cult leader, to being misused and underated, Buddy is not the worldwide star he should be.

"The Underworld is a fresh start. I will prove myself here with the toughest SOBs around."

If he wins Fists of Fury, Buddy wants a second chance: a WWE contract and a world title shot to prove himself.

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Saturday, Week 4 of October 2021






The show starts with a camera following Shane McMahon in the streets of a big city by night. Where are we? This can be New York, LA or Houston. The point is: you never know where an ultra secret fight club can be. Maybe it's next to you.


Shane McMahon walks a huge boulevard, then turns right on a street. He enters an empty launderette. Shane McMahon looks around, and makes sure he hasn't been followed. He then goes to a washing-machine, clicks a combination of buttons and... The whole facade of the machine opens!


The camera follows Shane O'Mac in a small tunnel, then down two dozens of steps. When the camera emerges, the atmosphere changes.


The room smalls sweat and alcohol. It's packed with shouting people. There might be 50 to 80 people, mostly men. They are all circling a ring and drinking beer.


Shane makes his way through the crowd who cheers on him, and steps in the ring that overhangs the room. As it's small, he doesn't need a microphone to be heard, just to shout: "IS THIS GOOD OR WHAT?"


Shane McMahon welcomes us to the Underworld. He says here, wrestlers fight til the end: submission or knockout only. No flash pin, no disqualification, everything is allowed!... Except 2 on 1. Here, we fight like men. He won't tolerate outside interference in matches.


The boss runs down the field for the Fists of Fury Tournament, and recaps the stakes: the winner will be granted a wish! "Ain't I great?"


With that being said, Shane says the Block A of Fists of Fury begins NOW. He then steps down in the crowd and goes straight to the bar on the side of the room. Next to the bar is a small table where Tommy Dreamer & Suge D watch the match and commentates for the TV audience. McMahon turns to the crowd: "Beer for everyone! This round's on the house!""




1. Fists of Fury Block A - Tim Donst (0-0) vs. Odinson (0-0)


Wrestlers are forced to make their way through the crowd who circles the ring. As Odinson basks in the screams for the rabid fans, Donst gets in their face and insult them for being wrestling fans. He barely makes it to the ring, having been insulted and push around by the crowd, but never backed down from them and insulted them twice as much.


The bell rings, and Odinson makes a bee line towards Donst. The monstruous Odinson uses his strength to overpower Tim Donst, who answers with technical wrestling. Donst puts Odinson in an headlock as often as he can, getting booed by the fans. "You don't like a headlock huh? That's because wrestling SUCKS!"


Facing the immovable force of Odinson, Donst is soon overwhelmed. He makes it out of the ring where the crowd insults him more. Donst gets into an argument with a drunken fan and grabs his bottle of beer from his hands. He rolls back into the ring... And smashes Odinson's in the head! The glass explodes, Odinson's forehead cracks... But he stays up! Odinson screams in joy, licking his blood, as the crowd erupts. He pounds on Donst and grabs him by his leather jacket's collar. Odinson finishes him with a series of brutal headbuts, not letting him go until he's unconscious and declared KO by the ref.








The man formerly known as Killian Dain is in a dark room. He's sitting on a wooden chair, and before him is a rusty table with an empty glass of water on it.


Big Damo looks at the camera. He says he was a man lost. He lost his job, he lost his self-esteem, he lost his work visa, and he almost lost his wife. She's a champion now, but what is he? He vowed to not go home until he became someone... But where to start? He felt ashamed of himself, he hit rock bottom... That's when he met the man in a red suit.


He talked to him. He didn't showed him the way, but gave him the tools to find it himself. Damo comes to the Underworld to crush everyone. To regain trust in himself. Because he's a fighter. He's a beast. And to find himself he needs to act as one. Next week, Shlak DIES.




2. Fists of Fury Block A - Davey Richards (0-0) vs. Michael Tarver (0-0)


Davey Richards walks straight through the crowd without even aknowledging the people screaming. Tarver, on his way to the ring, gets into an argument with the scrawniest man in the room and tries to belittle him.


As the match begins, Tarver gets cocky and taunts Richards, who's all business. It's all kicks vs. punches for the beginning of the match. Tarver, a former amateur boxer, tries to sink his 1-2 combo on Richards' face, but the American Wolf dodges most of the hits. He answers back with grueling leg kicks, destroying Tarver's calves.


The match is a straight up fight, and Tarver gets in a lucky uppercut that sends Richards down. As Tarver lifts his hands, he screams to the ref "HE'S OUT! HE'S OUT!" But Richards gets back up with the ropes and runs towards Tarver... Big yakuza kick! From then, it's all Richards as the former ROH World Champion comes at Tarver with a flurry of elbows and kicks. He finishes it with a kneebar for the submission win.








"Man what a show, right?" Shane McMahon made his way back to the ring. He wants to end this episode with one more match, so he calls two men to the ring. The two colossus make their way through the crowd, pushing away people on their way.






It's the former Authors of Pain, Rezar & Akam aka Gzim Selmani and Sunny Dhinsa! The two huge men step into the ring and ask Shane McMahon who's there opponent for Open Fight Night. Shane says there's a mistake... He didn't make them come here to fight another team... but to fight each other! The winner will secure a contract with the Underworld - AND a 100.000$ bonus! The loser... Well we'll never see him again!




3. Open Fight Night - Gzim Selmani vs. Sunny Dhinsa


There a slight moment of hesitation when the bell rings as the two friends look at each others... Then run straight into one another! It's a complete shock, and Dhinsa gets send away by a brutal kick. The two former partners go all out and it's a total slugfest.


Dhinsa is an olympic level judo practitioner, so he uses a judo throw to get the fight to the ground. As he starts to ground and pound Selmani with heavy 12-6 elbows, Selmani grabs his wrist... He tries an armbar! Selmani is an MMA fighter with a 6-2 records, he can hold on on the ground! But as he tries the armbar from under, Dhinsa gets up, lifts him up and powerbombs him!


The slugfest continues and neither man gets the upper hand, that's until Dhinsa tries a judo throw that backfires. Selmani grabs him by the waist and back bodyslams him STRAIGHT on his head! That was nasty! Dhinsa is almost done. He gets back up on instinct with help from the ropes. As the referee checks to see if he can continue, Selmani pushes him away and puts his former partner in a guillotine choke. Dhinsa taps out.




As Selmani wins a contract, Shane McMahon who's in the crowd next to the ring screams at him. "If you smashes his brain, I double your bonus!". Selmani hesitates, so McMahon screams louder: "Make it triple!"


Selmani has a pokerface... But goes to his friend who's getting up... And knees him in the head! He knees him thrice and let him fall down, totally unconscious. The Underworld is a brutal world, and money seems to prevail over friendship.






The screen goes to Buddy Matthews in his couch. He was watching the show live on CHARGE! We hear him mutters "so THIS is the Underworld... Well, guess it's my ticket back to WWE.". Matthews shuts down the TV and cracks his neck. He gets up from the couch... And we see it's not a traditional living room. Buddy Matthews is in a garage with hitting bags, weights and a mat for wrestling training! He's taking this seriously, and next week, he makes his debut against Daniel Makabe.


Quick Results:

1. Odinson def. Tim Donst by KO in Block A of Fists of Fury.

2. Davey Richards def. Michael Travers by submission in Block A of Fists of Fury.

3. Gzim Selmani def. Sunny Dhinsa by submission for an Underworld contract and a 10.000$ bonus.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blodyxe" data-cite="Blodyxe" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Amazing start! Will be following my man. Love how every character has something to fight for, brilliant stuff</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Thank you brother!</p><p> More often than not, I get the feeling that wrestlers just wrestle and go through the motions. It was important for me that each character had a reason to fight, ala <em>Tekken</em> tournament <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="download_82.jpg" data-src="https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/download_82.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:10px;"><strong>Underworld Wrestling! Is Shane McMahon's new project any good?</strong></span></p><p> <span style="font-size:10px;">Wrestling With Wregret review</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Monday, week 1 of November</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53525" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi everyone, Brian Zane here!<p> </p><p> We've talked a lot on this channel about the total failure that was RAW Underground. The one hour program in the middle of Monday Night RAW was presented as <strong>Shane McMahon</strong>'s fight club, and designed to put over Babatunda, aka General Aziz now. Overall, it lasts a few weeks, and was a total mess.</p><p> </p><p> Few weeks ago, McMahon announced the launching of his own wrestling company! Designed to right the wrongs of RAW Underground, the project dubbed <strong>Underworld Wrestling</strong> has the same vibe to it: an underground fight club! The first episode was last saturday on CHARGE!, and I was curious to take a look at this new project. With the assistance of Lucha Underground co-founder and producer <strong>Chris DeJoseph</strong>, this might get good!... Right ?</p><p> </p><p> First episode started with Shane McMahon entering the Underworld via a hidden tunnel inside a lavorette. Waho! What would happen if a nanny tried to wash her underpants in this washing machine? What if she got trapped in the Underworld?... Might be good if she was a stunt nanny! </p><p> </p><p> Shane enters this rugged fight club, and the atmosphere was top notch. There was no barricade between the ring and the small crowd, the light came from subdued neons, and there was a bar! The only thing missing was Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden. Although I do wonder about the safety of having a drunken crowd next to the ring with no barricade. Are they planted? Did they pay? Are they STUNT FANS?!... Whatever that is, it added to the atmosphere and the production values were great.</p><p> </p><p> Shane started with a quick pitch: this was the Underworld, no Rules, Pure Wrestling! Ok Shane, we get your point, but having the deathmatch machine Schlak in your roster does not scream pure wrestling. McMahon made it clear that there would be no pinfalls in the underground, and that's funny right, wrestling without pinfalls! In all seriousness, if that gets us out of the flash pinfall finish trope, that's a huge yes.</p><p> </p><p> Action started with <strong>Odinson</strong> taking on <strong>Tim Donst</strong> in Block A of the Fists of Fury Tournament - a tournament that offers you the possibility to be granted a wish if you win it! Insert cosplay of Shane McMahon as Aladdin's genie right here! Odinson looked like a total beast, a real viking coming to life. He mauled Donst, no sold a glass bottle smashed into his face, and won in a brutal way. Donst looked good in defeat though, as his anti-wrestling character seems to be getting over huge. He had the best heat of the night.</p><p> </p><p> Up next was a vignette that reminisced of Lucha Underground with <strong>Big Damo</strong>, the former Killian Dain in WWE. He was just sitting in the dark and delivered a standard beast-manipulated promo. He talked about the "man in a red suit" showing him the way. I thought Damo was okay, but that was nothing to write home about. He said he will murder <strong>Shlak</strong> next week. That was fairly ok, but we expected more from the self proclaimed heir to Lucha Underground.</p><p> </p><p> Second match was pitting <strong>Michael Tarver</strong> against <strong>Davey Richards</strong>, who seems to be making amends for himself since his return in MLW and the indies - good for him. Imagine in 2010 someone told you Michael Tarver from NXT will fight ROH pillar Davey Richards inside an underground fight club headed by Shane McMahon - would you have believed it?! Tarver was clearly the heel here, antagonizing the crowd. He put up a good match but the performance of Richards was stellar and he won the match. If he wins the tournament, he wants to be inducted in EVERY wrestling Hall of Fame!... That's funny, and the character of Richards bring an ultra serious pissed off wrestling machine who wants to be aknowledge as a "founding father" of current day style of wrestling is really great.</p><p> </p><p> Then - oh boy - there was still 19 minutes of run time. Shane McMahon came to the ring an introduced Open Fight Night! A match where the winner wins a contract! Out came former Authors of Pain <strong>Akam & Rezar</strong> going by their real life names! They wanted a tag match to earn a sport, but Shane stopped them in their tracks: there are only singles match here! He pitted them against each other, with the loser leaving and the winner getting a contract and a 100.000$ cash bonus! - Now sometimes cash bonus in wrestling are a little prepostruous, I mean the Authors probably made millions of dollars in the WWE, what's 100k to them? But again, I rather have people fight for money than for nothing on monday night RAW.</p><p> </p><p> The two former partners fought, and <strong>Gzim Selmani</strong> - that's Rezar, won. On commentary, he was put over as a former MMA Fighter with a 6-2 record that's, I think, legit. Post match, McMahon offered him 300k if he beat the crap out of his - now former? - friend. Selmani obliged, and won a contract and an hefty cash bonus.</p><p> </p><p> Show ended with a short vignette from <strong>Buddy Matthews</strong>, the former Buddy Murphy! We might wonder how he fit in this roster with hosses and intense technical wrestlers, but I think he might be the star of the show. I hope we'll get him versus Davey Richards at one point. Matthews was watching the show, and stood up to resume training. Nothing spectacular, but it hyped his match versus <strong>Daniel Makabe</strong> next week.</p><p> </p><p> Overall, it was a solid show. The atmosphere was a huge thing, and although no match were spectacular, they all delivered. I think Big Damo's promo was a little bland, and Buddy's was just there. It served its points, but there was no "WAOW" effect. If I were to grade this show, i'll give it <strong>a solid C+</strong>, borderline B-. It was a solid pilot episode.</p><p> </p><p> So that was Underworld Wrestling episode one, the pilot!</p><p> Like this video if you enjoyed it, and tell me what you think in the comments. </p><p> And don't forget! Like what you like, don't be dick.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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Episode 2: Wrist Control ans Light Tubes



The Underworld returns this saturday on CHARGE! with another night of action!


Block B of the Fists of Fury Tournament will be under the spotlight with two matches! Two very different style, as in the first one, Buddy Matthews will face technical wizard Daniel Makabe whereas the second contest will oppose two beasts: Big Damo and Shlak!


Buddy Matthews is on a mission to prove his worth and earn another contract in the WWE - with a world title shot as a bonus! Daniel Makabe, one of the brightest - yet lesser known - independant wrestler in the world will get in his way, aiming to restore respect and honor into pro wrestling. Will underdog indy wrestling's best kept secret be able to submit "secret no more" Buddy Matthews? Or will one of the most popular men on the roster get his first win in the Underworld ?


Big Damo appeared on the first episode, talking about "the man in a red suit", his apparent spiritual guide - and some people may ask "manipulator"?. He fights to regain self esteem and pride, and facing him is a man with no such thoughts. Deathmatch beast Schaf made it to the Underworld with one goal: facing colour commentator Tommy Dreamer in a deathmatch! If he wins this tournament, he will be granted his wish! With no disqualification in the Underworld, "No God, Only Shlak" seems to be a favourite in this contest. Does the the Belfast Beast have it in him to triumph? And will the "man in the red suit" be revealed?


Last week, Gzim Selmani earned a contract - and 300.000$ - by defeating and mauling his former partner and friend from the Authors of Pain. This week, the former 6-2 MMA fighter will again be in action. On the Underworld's website, it was announced that Selmani has been made "the gatekeeper of the Underworld", and every fighter wishing to earn a contract will have to face him. This week, Vietnamese martial artist and MLW wrestler Bu Ku Dao will step up to the challenge!

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Saturday, Week 1 of November 2021






Like last week, the show starts with a camera following Shane McMahon in the streets of a big city by night. Maybe this is New York? Wait, I we overhear some screaming in italien, are we in Europe? After all, you never know where an ultra secret fight club can be. Maybe it's at your doorstep.


Shane McMahon walks a huge boulevard, then turns right on a street. He enters a small pizzeria that's empty apart from the cook, a large tanned man. He nods at Shane, who goes straight to the cold room where fresh food is preserved. Shane opens the huge door, and the temperature goes down. He makes his way through some frozen food, empty boxes, salami, and there is an other, huge door. Shane opens its...


And the atmosphere changes. It feels like 100°F in this room packed with shouting, sweating - and mostly drunken - people. Shane gets an huge ovation as he goes through the crowd, high-fiving people, and makes it to the ring.


"BOYZ ARE WE GOOD OR WHAT?... Yeah yeah... I thought I told you that we don't ever talk about the Underworld, so why do I see new motherf***ers in here?!... Just kiddin', spread the word, the Underworld is the NEXT BIG THING!"


McMahon runs down the crowd, and introduces Gzim Selmani, who's wearing a white tank top and some military pants and boots. Shane says he likes Selmani, and made him The Gatekeeper to the Underworld, he's his cerberus! That means that on Open Fight Night, fighters who want a contract here will have to go through HIM! If they beat him, they're in. If they lose... Well, "just another victime". Whatismore, Gzim will earn a 50.000$ cash bonus every time he wins! So let's begin, introducing his next opponent...








1. Open Fight Night - Gzim Selmani (1-0) vs. Bu Ku Dao (0-0)


Standing at 5ft4, Bu Ku Dao is David to Gzim Selmani's Goliath. The Underworld resident cerberus is 6ft4 and 330lb. But it's not about the side of a dog in a fight, it's about the size of the fight in a dog!


Vietnamese fighter Bu Ku Dao is a world class martial artist, who does straight to his opponent with formidable palm strikes and kicks. He delivers a flurry of strike that he perfected in Vietnam, punching trees for weeks until they fell... But this doesn't affect Selmani! Not one to give up that easy, Bu Ku Dao runs to the ropes, and comes back at full speed towards his opponent...


... who catches him with a brutal pop up powerbomb!! The ring shakes, the crowd erupts, and Selmani goes on top of Bu Ku Dao. He starts to deliver some brutal elbows to Bu Ku Dao who can't get out from under his massive opponent. He's pinned to the ground like an insect, and gets busted open by Selmani's elbows. Bu Ku Dao finally passes out, and Selmani gets his win - and 50.000$ in cash.








Michael Tarver is punching an heavy bag in a boxing gym somewhere. He seems ultra focus and determined. He gets more and more intense, and... Punches THROUGH the bag!






Tarver mumbles. He says Davey Richards - who beat him last week - is a "b*tch". Tarver seems convinced he had him and should have won the match. He complains about Davey Richards kicking him and hurting him. "real men fight with their fists!... Kicking is for pussies...". Apparently, Tarver isn't over his loss in Block A of Fists of Fury Tournament. he'll have another chance next week, as he faces Odinson... Who's picture is on Tarver's wall, perhaps as some visualisation exercise.




2. Fists of Fury Block B - Daniel Makabe (0-0) vs. Buddy Matthews (0-0)


"Secret No More", Buddy Matthews and technical wizard Daniel Makabe start their match with an handshake.


What follows would make Minoru Suzuki and every Pancrase-UWFi founders proud. Matthews and Makabe get into a slick, rugged chain wrestling exchange. The 39 years old veteran Daniel Makabe targets his opponent's knee with palm strikes and elbows during the mat wrestling phase. Matthews gets a little overwhelmed and goes to the rope for a break... But there's no rope break in the Underworld!


The fight continues with the two men on their feet. Makabe is no slouch in striking, having proved himself against competitors like Timothy Thatcher and Walter. But he's a little bit smaller than the former Buddy Murphy, who overpowers him and hits him with a big suplex.


The match escalates and Makabe tries to go for a dragon screw, but Matthews hits him with an enzuiguri! Makabe stumbles, and Matthews hits him with a rainmaker! He still holds him by the wrist... And Makabe powers up holding on to the wrist, armbar!


It does really quick, Matthews fights to stay on his feet... And he grabs Daniel Makabe's foot! He twists it, twists it... and locks in an ankle lock! Makabe crawls, but Matthews gets the grapevine in! Makabe is a smart competitor, a veteran of this sport. He knows that if he doesn't submit, his ankle will break... So he taps out!




Post match, a limping Buddy Matthews helps Daniel Makabe to his feet and they shake hands.






Davey Richards is training, hitting an heavy bag. Next week, he'll face Tim Donst an try to advance to 2 points in Block A of the Fists of Fury Tournament. Richards wears an "American Wolf Dojo" t-shirt and is getting instruction from the person holding the bag. The alarm clock signaling the end of the training rings, and Richards takes a break. He tells the man holding the bag to be in his corner next week and represent American Wolf Dojo. The camera zooms out, and that guy is...




Bobby Fish! Former tag team champion all over the world, rival and training partner of Davey Richards! Fish grins and nods. "I'll be there".




3. Fists of Fury Block B - Shlak vs. Big Damo


If you're looking for madness, you came to the right place.


Big Damo is sitting in the corner of the ring. Shlak makes his entrance with a frigging LIGHT TUBE, waving it around like a mad man as he goes through the crowd of scared people. Shlak goes straight to the commentators' table and into Tommy Dreamer's face! Shlak's wish if he wins Fists of Fury is to have a deathmatch with Dreamer, for reasons unknown. Shlak insults Dreamer, then gets to the ring.


And then, it gets ugly. Damo and Shlak get into a slugfest, as Damo manages to take the light tube out of his opponent's hands. After few light tube teases and dodges, Damo hits Shlak with it! Blood flows, but Shlak gets stronger and stronger. What is more, the deathmatch machine came with a few surprises. He takes something out of his jeans shorts' pocket... A STAPLE GUN! His gets all crazy, with Shlak stappling the forehead of Damo.


The Belfast Beast uses his power to smash Shlak and send him out of the ring with a brutal powerbomb flat onto the concrete. They brawl into the crowd, blood flying all over the place. Shlack get his hands on a bar stool and he smashes it onto Damo's back!


Finally, Damo get a grip on Shlak, a huge bearhug, and he runs... Straight into, and THROUGH A WALL! The two men are down, and the ref is checking on them... Damo is still conscious, he rolls out... But Shlak is out! We got a winner!




He's covered in blood, he's been beaten, he has 3 staples in his forehead... But Big Damo is a winner! He motions to the camera and speaks to "the man in the red suit". "This is what you wanted! This is thanks to you!... You showed me the way!". Damo laughs like a maniac, and this is theend of our show.


Quick Results:

1. Gzim Selmani def. Bu Ku Dao by KO in open fight night.

2.Buddy Matthews def. Daniel Makabe by submission in Block B of Fists of Fury.

3. Big Damo def. Shlak by KO in Block B of Fists of Fury.

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