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AEW Rampage- September 3rd, 2021:

Attendance: 5,000 at NOW Arena (Hoffman Estates, Illinois)

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


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Cody Rhodes w/Arn Anderson vs Aaron Solow w/The Factory

Cody will be facing Malakai Black in a grudge match at All Out on Sunday, but first he'll get a tune-up match against Aaron Solow. This match is nothing more than a squash match that Cody almost completely dominates. Cody dominates most of the match, but Solow does get the upper hand near the end when QT Marshall trips up Cody. Solow goes to attempt a hurricanrana, but Cody reverses it into a powerbomb! Cody then hits Solow with the Cross Rhodes! Cody covers Solow and gets the three!

WINNER: Cody Rhodes







After the match is over, we cut backstage to The Young Bucks. Matt Jackson starts things off by saying that Sunday night will be the night of The Elite! Matt says that Kenny Omega is going to beat that geek Hangman Page and they'll beat two of the biggest geeks in AEW, The Dark Order! Nick Jackson says that they've dominated the tag division for so long that it's starting to get boring, so they'll promise this. If The Young Bucks can retain the AEW World Tag Team Championships at All Out, they'll issue an open challenge next week on Dynamite for any team to take a shot at them. Matt finishes by saying that no tag team in AEW, especially The Dark Order, can beat them because they are just too sweet!






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Hikaru Shida, Riho, & Tay Conti vs Leyla Hirsch, Serena Deeb, & The Bunny

This match is a preview of the women's Casino Battle Royale, which will feature 21 women (including all six women in this match) facing off in a battle royale for a guaranteed AEW Women's Championship match in the future. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Shida, Riho, & Conti. Conti and Deeb start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up. The tie-up between the current and former NWA Women's Champion ends with Deeb hitting Conti with an arm drag. Deeb throws Conti into her corner, hits her with a knife edge chop, and then tags out to Hirsch. Hirsch unloads a barrage of body blows onto Conti before sending her across the ring with a monkey flip. Shida tags herself in and hits Hirsch with a flying forearm smash. Shida picks up Hirsch and hits her with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Shida goes to attempt a German suplex, but Hirsch reverses it into an attempted one of her own. Shida lands on her feet and runs off the ropes, to which Hirsch reciprocates. The two then collide after they both attempt running crossbodies! The match comes to an end when Shida tags out to Riho and Hirsch tags out to The Bunny. The Bunny attempts a lariat, but Riho ducks it and hits her with an enzuigiri. Riho then hits The Bunny with a hurricanrana before going to the top rope and hitting her with the Diving Double Foot Stomp! Riho covers The Bunny and gets the three!

WINNERS: Hikaru Shida, Riho, & Tay Conti







After the match is over, we cut to Death Triangle backstage. PAC, in street clothes and a wrapped ankle, says that he can't compete tonight or at All Out thanks to his sprained ankle. PAC says he's pissed that he won't be able to get his hands on Andrade, but he's glad if anyone can, it's Penta and Fenix! Penta says something in Spanish and Abrahantes translates, saying Penta says Andrade won't know what hit him after he's done with him tonight! Fenix says that he & Penta will beat Andrade and his mystery partner at All Out and maybe they'll even accept The Young Bucks' open challenge next week on Dynamite. Penta finishes by saying Death Triangle has cero miedo going into All Out!






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Andrade El Idolo w/Chavo Guerrero vs Penta El Zero M w/Alex Abrahantes

Penta and Rey Fenix will be facing Andrade & a partner of his choosing Sunday night at All Out, but first Penta and Andrade square off one on one to main event Rampage. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Penta El Zero M. Penta starts the match off by flashing the cero miedo sign before Andrade slaps him in the face! An enraged Penta tries to go after Andrade, but he gets in-between the ropes, forcing referee Rick Knox to separate the two. Andrade then blasts Penta with a lariat before taunting the crowd. Andrade picks up Penta and attempts a suplex, but Penta reverses it into a northern lights suplex. Penta goes to the rope and hits Andrade with a diving crossbody. Penta grabs Andrade's arm and attempts to lock in an armbar, but Andrade pokes him in the eye. Andrade throws Penta into the corner and sneakily takes off the turnbuckle pad afterwards. Andrade attempts to throw Penta into the now-exposed turnbuckle, but Penta reverses it and sends Andrade flying into it instead! The match comes to an end when Penta goes to hit Andrade with the Fear Factor (Package Piledriver), but drops him when Chavo jumps up on the apron. Chavo starts yelling at Penta until Alex Abrahantes trips him up! Referee Rick Knox is distracted long enough for Andrade to hit Penta with a low blow! Andrade then hits Penta with El Idolo (Hammerlock DDT)! Andrade covers Penta and gets the three.

WINNER: Andrade El Idolo







After the match is over, Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry thank everyone for watching and hype up All Out one last time. Before they sign off...






















































































CM Punk appears with a battered Sting!


Punk throws Sting in front of the commentary table and grabs a microphone. Punk calls out to Darby Allin (wherever he may be) that what he's about to do to Sting is going to happen to Darby Sunday night. Punk then grabs Sting, puts him on his shoulders, and hits him with the Go To Sleep through the commentary table! Punk stands tall over a downed Sting as Rampage comes to a close.






TV RATING: 1,341,879 Viewers on TNT (UP 47,884 From Last Week)





AEW Dark- September 7th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


Jade Cargill defeats KiLynn King after hitting her with the Jaded (Reverse Double Underhook Facebuster) in 4:57. (34)

Chaos Project defeat Bear Country after Luther hits Bear Bronson with a low blow in 4:53. (39)

The Varsity Blondes say they'll beat The Hybrid2 in tonight's main event! (43)

A video plays showing Hikaru Shida's dominant reign as AEW Women's Champion, she's in action next! (46)

Hikaru Shida defeats Penelope Ford after hitting her with the Katana (Spinning Knee Strike) in 10:03. (54)

The Men Of The Year cut a promo hyping themselves up. (48)

The Varsity Blondes defeat The Hybrid2 after Brian Pillman Jr. pins Angelico after he & Garrison hit Angelico with their finisher, the Varsity Experience (Dropkick/Powerbomb combo) in 14:59. (52)




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Plot twist: there's nothing wrong with PAC, it's just a storyline injury so you don't have to do the Andrade match yet. ;) I'm on to you Uncrewed you sneaky devil!


Heel CM Punk is great by the way, enjoying it a lot. He's at his best when he's bitter.


PAC Hogan ain't doing the job brother


Yeah I'm a big believer in the best gimmicks just being yourself turned up to 11 and I feel like this CM Punk run is essentially that. He's definitely been fun to write for so far!


Prediction Contest:

This Show:

1) Original_Broski- 9 Pts.

1) dukka- 9 Pts.

1) Unstable Joe- 8 Pts.

1) Jaysin- 7 Pts.

1) DHK1989- 6 Pts.

1) Mootinie- 6 Pts.



1) Original_Broski- 30 Pts.

2) DHK1989- 28 Pts.

3) Blodyxe- 27 Pts.

4) dukka- 24 Pts.

5) Mootinie- 18 Pts.

6) Hollywood- 14 Pts.

7) Jaysin- 12 Pts.

7) TheBigBad1013- 12 Pts.

9) LK_Lance- 11 Pts.

10) Unstable Joe- 8 Pts.

10) Gentleman Raven- 8 Pts.


Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments! All Out card up tomorrow!

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AEW All Out- September 5th, 2021

Prediction Key:


THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale


Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?:



THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



CM Punk vs Darby Allin



Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???:



FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa



Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black



MJF vs Chris Jericho



AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page


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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Rubo Soho

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho


THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party


CM Punk vs Darby Allin


Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Juventud Guerrera


FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black


MJF vs Chris Jericho


AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Big Swole

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho


THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party


CM Punk vs Darby Allin


Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Carístico/Místico


FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black


MJF vs Chris Jericho


AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Big Swole

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho


THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party


CM Punk vs Darby Allin


Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.


FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black


MJF vs Chris Jericho


AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner:*Anna Jay

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?:*Ruby Soho


THE BUY IN:*Christian Cage & Jurassic Express*vs Matt Hardy & Private Party

CM Punk*vs Darby Allin


Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs*Lucha Bros.

Who is ??? : RUSH


FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs*Dark Order


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker ©*vs Thunder Rosa


Cody Rhodes vs*Malakai Black


MJF*vs Chris Jericho


AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega ©*vs Hangman Page

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Deonna Purrazzo

Comments: Her and Britt have history, let's GOOOOO!


THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



CM Punk vs Darby Allin

Comments: If Punk wins, I will accuse you of being an old folks home like WCW. :D


Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Laredo Kid



FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa



Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black



MJF vs Chris Jericho



AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page


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CM Punk vs Darby Allin

Comments: If Punk wins, I will accuse you of being an old folks home like WCW. :D


Spoiler, Tony Khan handed the booking duties to Hulk Hogan for All Out, these cruiserweights are going to have to cruiser-wait brother! /s


The Buy-In will be up tomorrow, so this is a 24 Hour Prediction Warning!

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Ruby Soho

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho



THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



CM Punk vs Darby Allin



Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Rush



FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa



Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black



MJF vs Chris Jericho



AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page


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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Ruby Soho

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho



THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



CM Punk vs Darby Allin



Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is? Dragon Lee or RUSH, if RUSH isn't hurt in your save

Comments: Tough to call here...I'll assume Andrade's partner is a big star, so they'll get the win.


FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order

Comments: Doesn't seem lke DO's time; whoever beats the Bucks has to be either a big name to begin with or on a major, major hot streak IMO.


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black


MJF vs Chris Jericho



AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Ruby Soho

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho



THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party


CM Punk vs Darby Allin



Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Dragon Lee


FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage


AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa


Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black


MJF vs Chris Jericho


AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Tay Conti

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Ruby Soho



THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



CM Punk vs Darby Allin



Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Bandido



FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order

Comments: I prefer Lucha Bros or PnP gettin the straps. Or Jurassic Express


AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa



Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black



MJF vs Chris Jericho



AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page

Comments: Excited to say I have tickets to Rampage and Full Gear in MN, so I very well may see this happen live!!! :cool:

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THE BUY IN: Women's Casino Battle Royale

Winner: Tessa Blanchard

Who Will Be The Joker Entrant?: Tessa Blanchard

Comments: Everyone going Ruby, so going out of the box to try and win the points :)


THE BUY IN: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs Matt Hardy & Private Party



CM Punk vs Darby Allin



Andrade El Idolo & ??? vs Lucha Bros.

Who is ???: Dragon Lee



FTW Championship Match:

Ricky Starks © vs Brian Cage



AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Young Bucks © vs Dark Order



AEW Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa



Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black



MJF vs Chris Jericho



AEW World Championship Match:

Kenny Omega © vs Hangman Page


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Women's Casino Battle Royale:

The rules of the Casino Battle Royale are as follows: Five women start the match off and every three minutes, a group of five more women will enter. This will continue until 20 women have entered the match. That's when the entrant who drew the Joker Card enters. Eliminations occur when someone is thrown over the top rope and to the floor. The winner of this match will receive an AEW Women's Championship match in the future.




Emi Sakura, Julia Hart, KiLynn King, Nyla Rose, and Tay Conti


The match starts with Sakura, Hart, King, & Conti all ganging up to try to take Nyla Rose out, but it's unsuccessful. Nyla overpowers all four other women and focuses her attention on Julia Hart. Nyla grabs Hart by the throat and chucks her over the top rope, eliminating her in the process. Meanwhile, Conti and Sakura do battle in the corner, while Nyla next focuses her attention on KiLynn King. King tries valiantly to fight back, but Nyla grabs her and just ragdolls her over the top rope, eliminating her. Three minutes pass and we have our next set of entrants...





Hikaru Shida, Kamille, Penelope Ford, Red Velvet, & Zeda Zhang


Kamille, the former NWA Women's Champion, books it straight for Tay Conti, who beat her for the NWA Women's Championship two weeks ago. The two batter the living hell out of each other in the corner as Hikaru Shida goes after Nyla Rose. Zeda Zhang & Penelope Ford form a temporary alliance to go after Emi Sakura and it works, as she's eliminated. Red Velvet bides her time in the corner and eventually starts helping Shida in her quest to eliminate Nyla. Time's flying by here as we have our next set of entrants...





Abadon, Kris Statlander, Riho, Serena Deeb, & The Bunny


Abadon and The Bunny go after Red Velvet, while Riho starts teaming up with Shida to take out Nyla Rose. They struggle to get Rose over the top rope, but Kris Statlander comes up and dropkicks Nyla Rose out of the ring, eliminating her! Statlander continues her hot streak by eliminating both Penelope Ford and Zeda Zhang! Statlander's momentum is halted by Serena Deeb, who hits Statlander with a lariat. Meanwhile, Kamille and Conti continue to go after each other, with Riho and Shida brawling with Abadon and The Bunny as we get our final set of entrants before the Joker entry...





Jade Cargill, Gisele Shaw, Leyla Hirsch, Santana Garrett, & Yuka Sakazaki


Jade Cargill starts immediately taking out the competition, eliminating both Gisele Shaw and Yuka Sakazaki almost immediately! Cargill then grabs The Bunny, lifts her up, and military presses her out of the ring! Abadon and Shida brawl near the ropes and that allows Riho to sneak up behind both of them and toss them out! Shida glares at Riho, who looks concerned. Shida laughs a bit and shrugs her shoulders before leaving the ringside area. Leyla Hirsch, Serena Deeb, and Kamille all try to team up to take out Jade Cargill, but she easily overpowers them. Cargill then grabs Kamille and hoofs her over the top rope and to the floor. A debuting Santana Garrett attempts to eliminate Leyla Hirsch, but Deeb breaks it up and they throw Garrett out of the ring. However, Hirsch and Deeb are quickly eliminated by Cargill, who clothelines them both to the floor! We then get our final entrant, the individual who drew the Joker Card is...




















































































James comes out to a huge pop from the Chicagoland crowd and immediately goes after Cargill. James runs off the ropes and hits Cargill with a flying forearm smash, which sends her crashing over the top rope to the outside! A stunned Cargill starts thrashing the ringside area before going back in the ring, grabbing Mickie by the hair and throwing her over the top rope and to the floor. We're now down to our final four competitors: Tay Conti, Riho, Kris Statlander, and Red Velvet. Velvet tries going after Conti, but Conti grabs her and hits her with a belly to belly suplex. Conti celebrates a bit, but is quickly eliminated by Riho, who dumps her over the top rope! Kris Statlander then hits Riho with a dropkick, sending her over the top rope and to the floor! Statlander celebrates a bit, but Red Velvet charges towards her. A quick-thinking Statlander pulls the top rope down, sending Velvet flying over the top rope and to the floor! Kris Statlander has won the Casino Battle Royale!

WINNER: Kris Statlander






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Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs The Hardy Family Office (Matt Hardy & Private Party)

These six men have been feuding for a few months, with Matt Hardy taking exception of Christian Cage and Jungle Boy. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Cage & Jurassic Express. Luchasaurus and Marq Quen start the match off with Quen trying to take down the big man, but failing. Luchasaurus eventually grabs the smaller Quen and launches him into the corner. Luchasaurus hits Quen with a big chop before hitting him with a chokebomb. Luchasaurus tags out to Christian, who attempts to hit Quen with a knee drop, but Quen thumbs him in the eye. Quen tags out to Isiah Kassidy, who hits Christian with a missile dropkick. Quen throws Christian off the ropes and attempts a hurricanrana, but Christian reverses it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. The match comes to an end when Christian tags out to Jungle Boy and Kassidy tags out to Matt Hardy. Jungle Boy ducks a lariat from Hardy and hits him with an enzuigiri. Jungle Boy goes to lock in the Snare Trap, but Hardy grabs him and hits him with a bulldog. Hardy attempts the Twist of Fate, but Jungle Boy reverses it into a German suplex! Jungle Boy then locks in the Snare Trap, forcing Hardy to tap out!

WINNERS: Christian Cage & Jurassic Express







After the match is over and while the audience at home is watching the introductory hype package, AEW President Tony Khan appears on the ramp with a microphone. The crowd chants "TONY! TONY!" as Khan thanks them. Khan says the past few years have been a whirlwind for AEW and he's glad that they're back in front of a packed house here in Chicago! Khan says he hopes everyone enjoys tonight's show, because it'll leave a lot of people talking after it's over. Khan finishes the quick off-screen promo by saying that the best is yet to come for All Elite Wrestling!


To be continued...

(Main show up tomorrow!)

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AEW All Out- September 5th, 2021:

Attendance: 11,800 at NOW Arena (Hoffman Estates, Illinois)

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone


All Out kicks off with a video package recapping three of the biggest feuds in AEW currently going on...



CM Punk made his triumphant return to professional wrestling last month in his home town of Chicago and immediately challenged Darby Allin. Allin accepted, but what seemed like a mutual sense of respect quickly degraded into Punk beating the living hell out of Allin. Punk called Darby a knockoff version of himself and then beat the living hell out of Sting on Rampage before All Out. Who will walk out of Chicago on top in this grudge match?



These two have been feuding for months now, with Jericho recently getting the upper hand when his Inner Circle defeated MJF's Pinnacle at Double or Nothing in a Stadium Stampede match. MJF then challenged Jericho to complete five labors in order to face him one on one, and he succeeded, leading to this match tonight.



This feud dates back almost an entire year when Kenny split from Hangman after losing the AEW World Tag Team Championship. Since then, Kenny has won the AEW World Championship, while Hangman has racked up a ton of momentum in his quest to dethrone his former partner. This feud recently got taken up a notch when Kenny told Hangman that his newborn son would be calling him daddy instead of Hangman after he beats him tonight! Can Hangman Page overcome Kenny Omega's mind games and become the new AEW World Champion? Or will Kenny Omega cement his legacy as the greatest wrestler in AEW history?


Pyro explodes all around the arena as Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone welcome us to the show! They then run down the card for tonight before we get straight into our first bout.






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CM Punk vs Darby Allin

This match is a great match and the crowd is split 50/50 between CM Punk and Darby Allin. Allin starts the match off by lunging at Punk and unloading a barrage of punches on him. Punk eventually shoves him off and hits him with a running knee lift. Punk throws Allin into the corner, chops him, and hits him with a running high knee. Punk attempts a bulldog, but Allin reverses it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Allin throws Punk off the ropes and hits him with a hurricanrana. He then goes up to the top rope and attempts the Coffin Drop, but Punk rolls out of the way and hits him with a running high knee. Punk picks up Allin, slaps him across the face, and tells him he's nothing. That causes Allin to snap, punching the living hell out of Punk. Allin goes to the apron and attempts a diving missile dropkick, but Punk plucks him out of mid-air and hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Punk throws Allin out of the ring and the two begin brawling around the ringside area. Punk throws Allin into the barricade before jawing with some fans. Aliln sneaks back into the ring, runs off the ropes, and hits Punk with a suicide dive! Allin then goes to the top rope and hits Punk with a moonsault to the outside! The match comes to an end when Allin goes to the top rope and attempts the Coffin Drop. However, Punk gets his knees up at the last second! Darby's bicep landed right on Punk's knees, which may have done some damage. Punk then picks up Allin and hits him with the Go To Sleep! Punk covers Allin and gets the three!








After a quick word from our sponsors, we're on to our next match of the evening between the Lucha Bros. and Andrade El Idolo & his mystery partner. The Lucha Bros, flanked by Alex Abrahantes, make their way to the ring first, followed next by Andrade El Idolo & Chavo Guerrero. Andrade grabs a microphone and says he's been waiting a long time for this day. He's waited ever since he first stepped foot in AEW to unveil his partner for tonight, it's none other than his good friend...









































































































Rush comes out to a good pop from the Chicagoland crowd and shakes hands with Andrade & Chavo. Rush and Andrade make their way down to the ring and the bell rings to start the match!






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Andrade El Idolo & Rush w/Chavo Guerrero vs Lucha Bros. w/Alex Abrahantes

Andrade has been feuding with the Lucha Bros. and PAC essentially since Andrade made his debut. This culminated when the Lucha Bros. said they'd never work with Andrade, leading to this tag match. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Penta and Fenix. Fenix and Rush start the match off with a nice lucha sequence, with Rush getting the upper hand with a spinning spinebuster. Rush throws Fenix off the ropes and attempts a lariat, but Fenix ducks it, does a handspring off the ropes, and hits Rush with a cutter! Fenix covers Rush, but only gets a two count. Fenix tags out to Penta, who attempts a running sitout powerbomb, but Rush reverses it into a hurricanrana. Rush tags out to Andrade, who hits Penta with a big missile dropkick. The match comes to an end when Andrade goes to attempt El Idolo on Penta, but Penta reverses it into a northern lights suplex! Penta goes to attempt the Fear Factor, but Andrade reverses it into an Alabama Slam! Andrade then picks up Penta and hits him with El Idolo! Rush holds back Fenix as referee Rick Knox counts the three.

WINNERS: Andrade El Idolo & Rush







FTW Championship Match:

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Ricky Starks © w/Taz vs Brian Cage

These two have been feuding for a few months now, all dating back to when Taz kicked Brian Cage out of Team Taz and helped Ricky Starks take the FTW Title from him. Now Cage looks to get it back! This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Cage. Starks starts the match off by attempting a lariat, but it barely phases Cage, who grabs Starks and throws him across the ring like a ragdoll! Cage picks up Starks and attempts the Drill Claw, but Taz trips him up. Referee Bryce Remsburg notices this and ejects Taz! Cage goes back to Starks, but Starks rakes his eyes and hits him with a big boot. Starks throws Cage off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop before hitting him with a knee drop. Starks attempts a powerslam, but Cage reverses it into one of his own. The match comes to an end when Cage attempts the Drill Claw, but Starks wiggles out of it and shoves Cage into Bryce Remsburg! Starks takes advantage of this and cracks Cage over the head with the FTW Title! Starks then covers Cage and gets the three.

WINNER: Ricky Starks







AEW World Tag Team Championship Match:

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The Young Bucks © vs The Dark Order

The Dark Order earned this match when they defeated The Good Brothers on Dynamite a few weeks ago. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Dark Order. Stu Grayson and Nick Jackson start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Jackson hits Grayson with an arm drag. Jackson goes to the top rope and hits Grayson with a diving elbow drop. Jackson puts Grayson in a kneeling position and attempts a superkick, but Grayson ducks it and hits Jackson with a dropkick to the back. Grayson tags out to Evil Uno, who blasts Jackson with a lariat. Uno runs off the ropes and attempts a senton, but Jackson rolls out of the way and tags out to his brother. Matt Jackson gets in the ring along with Nick and they hit Uno with a double superkick. Jackson goes for the cover, but Uno kicks out at two. Jackson goes to hit Uno with a superkick, but Uno dodges it and hits Jackson with a spinebuster. The match comes to an end when Uno tags out to Grayson and they attempt to hit the Fatality on Matt, but that's broken up by Nick, who crotches Grayson on the top turnbuckle and hits Uno with a superkick! Matt and Nick then hit Uno with a double superkick followed by the Meltzer Driver! Matt covers Uno and gets the three.

WINNERS: The Young Bucks






After that match is over, we cut to a video recapping the feud between Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa. The video starts by showing their historic lights out match, which main evented Dynamite back in March. Since then, Britt Baker has gone on to become AEW Women's Champion, while Thunder Rosa has quietly gained a good amount of momentum. Who will walk out the winner in round two? We're about to find out!







AEW Women's Championship Match:

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Britt Baker © vs Thunder Rosa

This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Rosa. Baker and Rosa start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Rosa hits Baker with a powerslam. Rosa throws Baker into the corner and hits her with a knife edge chop. Rosa attempts a running knee strike, but Baker dodges it and hits Rosa with a dropkick. Baker starts working Rosa's left arm, stomping the living hell out of it. Baker picks up Rosa and hits her with an arm drag before locking in an armbar. Rosa manages to reach the ropes and roll over the armbar into a pinfall attempt. However, Baker manages to kick out at two. Baker attempts a lariat, but Rosa ducks it and hits Baker with a big spin kick. Rosa throws Baker off the ropes and hits her with a back body drop. Baker rolls to the outside, but Rosa goes to the top rope and hits her with a flying splash! The match comes to an end when Rosa throws Baker back in the ring and attempts the Fire Thunder Driver, but Baker thumbs Rosa in the eyes! Baker then hits Rosa with a big DDT before locking in the Lockjaw! Rosa fights valiantly, but eventually passes out from the pain.

WINNER: Britt Baker






After that match is over, we cut to a hype video for the upcoming Malakai Black/Cody Rhodes match. The video recaps the feud between the two men. The feud started back in July, when Malakai Black debuted and beat the living hell out of Cody and Arn Anderson. Since then, Black has beaten Cody and two of his proteges (Lee Johnson & Brock Anderson), but Cody has been training hard to beat him in a rematch. Who will walk out of Chicago on top?






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Cody Rhodes w/Arn Anderson vs Malakai Black

This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Rhodes. Malakai starts the match off by immediately attempting the Ogentroost, but Cody ducks it! Cody then blasts Malakai with a lariat before hitting him with a neckbreaker. Malakai attempts to sweep Cody's legs, but Cody dodges it by jumping and hits Malakai with a spinning heel kick. Cody throws Malakai into the corner and attempts a knife edge chop, but Black rolls away, leaving Cody to chop the turnbuckle pad, definitely dealing a good amount of damage in the process. Malakai grabs Cody and hits him with a monkey flip. Malakai goes to attempt the Ogentroost again, but Cody ducks it again. However, Malakai was ready for this and he hits Cody with a jumping high knee. Malakai throws Cody into the corner, puts him up on the top turnbuckle, and hits him with a big superplex! Malakai tries to lock in a crossface, but Cody wiggles out of it and hits Black with a reverse DDT. The match comes to an end when Cody tries hitting Malakai with the Cross Rhodes, but Malakai spins out of it and hits Cody with the Ogentroost!!! Malakai puts his foot on Cody and gets the three.

WINNER: Malakai Black







After the match is over, Malakai vacates the ring as Cody Rhodes tries to recover in the corner. Cody eventually grabs a microphone and begins to talk about his past few months. Cody says that he's learned something from fighting Malakai Black, one is that he's one hell of a fighter, but he learned another more important thing. He learned from Malakai that the fans don't mean sh*t to him! A shocked crowd begins booing Cody as Cody launches into a rant. Cody says that he's carried AEW on his back from the beginning through a damn global pandemic and what's the thanks he gets? He says he's put his career on the line for the fans each and every night and for what? Just so some "smart fans" can go online and complain about Cody hogging the spotlight? Well, so be it, because Cody says that he deserves the spotlight and he's not taking no as an answer from anybody any more! Before Cody can continue, the lights go out...
































































































Danielson makes his way down to the ring to a huge pop from the Chicagoland crowd. He soaks it in a bit before Cody tells the crowd to shut the hell up and listen to him, because he's not done talking. But before Cody can continue, Danielson grabs the microphone from his hands, says he talks too much, and headbutts him! Danielson then goes to the corner and charges at Cody, hitting him with a flying running knee! Cody flees from the ring and Danielson celebrates with the fans as we get prepared for our next contest.






After that exciting debut, we cut to a video hyping up our semi-Main Event of the evening between MJF and Chris Jericho. The video recaps their history together, from their start as members of the Inner Circle to MJF turning on Jericho and founding The Pinnacle and finishing with MJF throwing Jericho off the Blood and Guts cage. The video then shows Jericho completing MJF's labors for a shot at him. Jericho has earned this match against MJF, but does he have enough left to take out MJF once and for all?






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MJF vs Chris Jericho

This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Jericho. Jericho starts the match off by hitting MJF with a Thesz press and unloading a barrage of punches onto him. Jericho then throws MJF into the corner and hits him with ten mounted punches. Jericho goes to attempt the Judas Effect, but MJF ducks it and kicks Jericho in the groin! Referee Aubrey Edwards must not have seen it as MJF goes to cover Jericho. Jericho kicks out at two as MJF begins arguing with Edwards. That allows Jericho to blast MJF with a lariat. Jericho then throws MJF out of the ring and the two begin brawling on the outside. MJF and Jericho brawl around the ringside area before MJF hits Jericho with a back body drop. He quickly enters the ring to break the count before hitting Jericho with a diving knee drop from the apron! MJF goes to grab a chair and charges at Jericho, but Jericho dodges it at the last second, leading MJF to accidentally collide with the ring post! Jericho throws MJF into the crowd barricade before lifting up the ringside padding. Jericho goes to attempt a back body drop on MJF, but MJF lands on his feet and hits Jericho with a suplex on the concrete! The match comes to an end when MJF throws Jericho back in the ring and tries locking in the Salt of the Earth. However, Jericho manages to wiggle out and hit MJF with the Judas Effect! Jericho covers MJF, but MJF somehow kicks out at two! Jericho goes to grab MJF, but MJF grabs his arm and locks in the Salt of the Earth! Jericho tries reaching for the ropes, but MJF wrenches back, potentially breaking Jericho's arm! Jericho immediately taps, giving the win to MJF!







After that hellacious match, we cut to a hype video for our main event of the evening between Kenny Omega and Hangman Page. The video recaps the beginning of their friendship in Japan, which eventually led Hangman to join The Elite. The video then shows Kenny and Hangman's AEW World Tag Team Championship reign, which eventually ended at the hands of FTR. They went their separate ways since then, with Kenny becoming AEW World Champion and getting a villainous side. While Hangman racked up big win after big win, eventually culminating in becoming number one contender to the AEW World Championship. Now these two friends-turned-enemies must face each other in the main event of the biggest PPV of the year, who will walk out as AEW World Champion?







After that video, Hangman Page's theme hits, but he's nowhere to be seen. We then cut to the video screen where we see Hangman entering the NOW Arena on a horse! Hangman rides the horse around the backstage area before disembarking and making his entrance. A huge amount of pyro goes off as Hangman walks down to the ring to a huge pop from the Chicago crowd. Hangman then poses in the ring as a bevy of streamers make their way to ring from the Chicago crowd. Hangman then sits down in the corner, awaiting the champion...

















Kenny Omega's entrance begins with him in a mock Jordan logo before his theme hits. Kenny makes his way down to the ring draped in all of his title belts, with the AEW World Championship front and center. Omega, flanked by Don Callis, makes his way down to the ring with a bevy of pyro going off behind him. Kenny then gets in the ring, does his pose, and a bunch of streamers come flying in from the Chicago crowd. The two men then stare each other down as Justin Roberts makes his ring introductions. He finishes, the bell rings, and we are underway in our main event of All Out!







AEW World Championship Match:

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Kenny Omega © w/Don Callis vs Hangman Page

This match is an amazing match and the crowd is solidly behind Hangman. Kenny starts the match by going up to Hangman and slapping him across the face! An enraged Hangman immediately headbutts him! Hangman starts unloading a barrage of punches onto Kenny, only being broken up by referee Earl Hebner's threat of a disqualification. Hangman picks up Kenny and attempts a powerslam, but Kenny wiggles out of it and hits Hangman with a neckbreaker. Kenny grabs Hangman and taunts him before hitting him with a spinning heel kick. Kenny throws Hangman off the ropes and attempts a spin kick, but Hangman ducks it and hits Omega with a big lariat. Hangman throws Kenny out of the ring and throws him into the steel steps. Hangman attempts a running knee smash on a downed Kenny, but Kenny rolls out of the way, leading Hangman to bang his knee off of the steps! Kenny immediately goes after Hangman's knee, stomping it a bunch of times on the outside. He then throws Hangman over the crowd barricade, grabs his leg, and starts wrenching it over the barricade! Kenny goes back in the ring to break the count, runs off the ropes, and attempts a suicide diver, but Hangman catches him and hits him with a belly to belly suplex on the ramp! Hangman throws Kenny back into the ring, but Don Callis grabs his legs. Hangman gets off the apron and hits Callis with a superkick! Hangman gets back on the apron, but Kenny runs at him and hits him with a big knee smash that sends him flying towards the barricade! The match comes to an end when Kenny grabs Hangman, throws him back in the ring, and attempts the V-Trigger. However, Hangman rolls out of the way, leading to Kenny inadvertently hitting Earl Hebner! Kenny shrugs it off, hits Hangman with a lariat, and throws him out of the ring. Kenny drags Hangman to the commentary table and tries to send Hangman through it with the One-Winged Angel. However, Hangman reverses it and suplexes Omega through the table! Eventually Hangman drags Kenny back to the ring and gets on the apron. He then hits Kenny with the Buckshot Lariat! He then covers Kenny...





















































































The Chicago crowd pops for the new champion as Hangman gets to his feet, gets given the AEW World Championship, and holds it high in the air. Pyro explodes all throughout the arena and Hangman continues to celebrate as All Out comes to a close.

WINNER: Hangman Page






PPV RATING: 0.86 (433,945 Buys)

Popularity: Increased in 23 Regions.

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When you wrote "the crowd is solidly behind Cody", I was about to call you out on obvious falsehoods. :p But then he turned! So it all makes sense. :)


Excited to see the era of Hangman and with MJF's victory and Punk's turn, he has two interesting challengers straight out the blocks.

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Good show I enjoyed the twists and turns and like the Hangman Page title win. I admit I was going to do a prediction on this show, but then saw a bunch of people picking Big Swole in the Battle Royal and so I didn’t. Glad to see that didn’t happen.


I’ve been skeptical of AEW because of all the “stuff” that has gone on, but they are at least getting some names now. I’m going to follow along going forward with this AEW story.

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Prediction Contest:

This Show:

1) BigJ- 10 Pts.

2) Hollywood- 9 Pts.

2) Original_Broski- 9 Pts.

4) DHK1989- 8 Pts.

4) DGenerationMC- 8 Pts.

4) Mootinie- 8 Pts.

4) joehelmer- 8 Pts.

4) Kijar- 8 Pts.

4) dukka- 8 Pts.

10) LK_Lance- 5 Pts.



Overall (FINAL TOTAL):

1) Original_Broski- 39 Pts.

2) DHK1989- 36 Pts.

3) dukka- 32 Pts.

4) Blodyxe- 27 Pts.

5) Mootinie- 26 Pts.

6) Hollywood- 23 Pts.

7) LK_Lance- 16 Pts.

8) Jaysin- 12 Pts.

8) TheBigBad1013- 12 Pts.

10) BigJ- 10 Pts.

11) DGenerationMC- 8 Pts.

11) joehelmer- 8 Pts.

11) Kijar- 8 Pts.

11) Unstable Joe- 8 Pts.

11) Gentleman Raven- 8 Pts.


Congratulations to Original_Broski on winning this PPV cycle's prediction contest! Your prize will be in your inbox shortly.


So yeah this is how the prediction contests will work. They'll last from the first Dynamite following a PPV to the next PPV. So, the next prediction contest will last from this upcoming Dynamite all the way to Full Gear.


Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments/kind words on All Out! It was a blast to write and I hope y'all enjoyed it! Got a Wrestling Observer Newsletter coming out tonight and the post-All Out Dynamite/Rampage cards up tomorrow!

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter- September 6th, 2021:

By: Dave Meltzer



AEW held their All Out event last night and it was probably one of the best shows they've ever put on. It was really good pretty much from start to finish, though there were a few blemishes. Here's how I rated the matches:


PRE-SHOW: Women's Casino Battle Royale- **

PRE SHOW: Christian & Jurrasic Express defeat Hardy Family Office- ***

CM Punk defeats Darby Allin- ****3/4

Andrade El Idolo & Rush defeat Lucha Bros.- ****

Ricky Starks defeats Brian Cage- **

The Young Bucks defeat The Dark Order to retain the AEW Tag Champs- ***3/4

Britt Baker defeats Thunder Rosa to retain the AEW Women's Champ- ****

Malakai Black defeats Cody Rhodes- ***

MJF defeats Chris Jericho- *****

Hangman Page defeats Kenny Omega to win the AEW World Championship- *****3/4


Overall: ****


Notes: Mickie James debuted in the Casino Battle Royale, I don't think she's here for the long term, just a quick stint to put some of the younger talent over. Darby Allin got injured during the CM Punk match, I'll talk about that more later. Rush is set to stay with AEW for a while, though he will still work with ROH and shows in Mexico. I am hearing some chatter that Team Taz is looking to expand, with some top free agents being evaluated by the AEW scouts. Britt and Thunder Rosa are now 1-1 in their feud, a blowoff match is tentatively scheduled to either take place at Full Gear in November or main event an episode of Dynamite or Rampage around the same time. The Cody heel turn and Bryan Danielson debut came about at the last minute as there were still some offers from WWE for Danielson to come back. Jericho is expected to take a few months off now to go tour with Fozzy now that everything's reopened. The decision to take the AEW World Title off of Kenny was met with mixed reactions in the creative room, but Tony Khan personally vouched for Hangman and Kenny's friends with Hangman, so he was fine with putting him off. Overall, a really great show. PPV numbers were amazing, nearly 400,000 people bought it, nearly double the last AEW PPV (Double or Nothing back in May).



The biggest piece of non-American wrestling news this week came from Japan. New Japan Pro Wrestling and CMLL officially terminated their working agreement. Their partnership, which had lasted since 2008, came to an end mostly because of CMLL. CMLL owner Chavo Lutteroth has adopted a very isolationist attitude recently, also cutting off their relationship with ROH at the same time they did so with NJPW. This now might open the door for NJPW to work more with AAA, as they have a mutual relationship through AEW.



As mentioned earlier, Darby Allin tore his bicep in his match with CM Punk at All Out. The injury occurred late in the match as Darby Allin was attempting the Coffin Drop. Allin landed awkwardly on Punk's knees, leading to his bicep being torn. He'll be out for at least 4-6 months. This injury led to a bit of a creative shakeup, as Allin was penciled in to continue his feud with Punk after All Out, but obviously plans changed.



In social media drama news, Seth Rollins was in a bit of hot water this week when he posted a picture of himself on Instagram with the caption that said "only people who are in this good of shape can be good in the ring." That led to some backlash, the loudest being from Chris Hero of all people. Hero, a larger wrestler, fired back at Rollins, saying "his fat a** can kick the sh*t out of Rollins any day of the week." Rollins quickly deleted the Instagram post and later said that post was in kayfabe.



Two major wrestling couples went through divorces this past week. Miro and CJ Perry (fka Lana) divorced this week along with Matt Hardy and Reby Sky. Both men have been given as much time off as they need from AEW in order to cope with their divorces.



I talked about Rush earlier, he's expected to stick with AEW for the long-term. He signed a contract about a week before All Out, but it was non-exclusive, so he can continue to work for ROH and various promotions in Mexico. That might get turned into a bigger money contract depending on how he does, but he definitely impressed in his first AEW match against Penta and Fenix.



Tommaso Ciampa is expected to make his main roster debut this week. The main roster has been kind of struggling a bit recently and the debut of a new hot face like Ciampa could be the spark they need. AEW Dynamite has been nipping at Monday Night RAW's heels recently in the ratings, so he might go to RAW.



Finally this week, I have been hearing some rumblings that AEW is looking to introduce Six Man Tag Team Championships soon. They do have a lot of trios and stables, so it would make sense. Don't expect them to start for a while though, as prototype belts haven't even been made yet.


That's all for this week's edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Join me next week for more coverage of news from around the wrestling world.

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