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MLW: Underground Revolution by Blodyxe & Kanegan

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MLW Azteca




Episode #10 - "Caribbean Clash"


Taped for El Rey Network in Puerto Rico

Aired on Week 2, November 2021




"GIVE ME LOW KI… I'm afraid you're late, but keep that mood for next week, as you will be involved in a Death Match!


The following contest is a Deadly Trios match… That's what I want to see from 'The Japanese Buzzsaw'... and when it comes to Super Crazy... he will be... SACRIFICED TO THE GODS!!!


We forgot to honor the stipulation last week. Clean my other shoe, cowboy… TEXANO KNOCKS OUT CESAR DURAN! Duran, karma's a bitch… and so am I! The IWA title is just the beginning, I’m going after the Trios titles next…Nobody… ignores… MARTY THE MOTH!


Ivelisse and Matt Cross fight La Rebellion Amarilla to free Angelico… K-Dawg, that coffin is moving! I swear to God someone’s trapped inside! L.A. Park, we can take over the world together. This is a gift to your family…


Gringo Loco and the lucha dream team swarm the ring, fight off the rudos and save Angelico!"




Welcome to Azteca Underground, renegades! Cesar Duran is missing in action after being knocked the F out by Texano last week, but the show must go on. As always, your commentary team for the night consists of Famous B and Konnan.




Konnan: Never thought I'd say this, but you're smarter than you look, B.


Famous B: What do you mean, K-Dawg?


Konnan: Your boy Texano knocked Duran out, that's what I mean. Don't play dumb, that was the coolest thing you ever pulled off, bro!


Famous B: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about, Konnan. I had nothing to do with that shocking attack, it was all Tey-hano! He has a short fuse and sometimes he's uncontrollable!


Konnan: Yeah-yeah, I'll let you keep the facade, B. We all know that Duran owes you money, and you pulled a Godfather move on him.


Famous B: That's a damn lie! I am innocent and strongly condemn the actions of Mr. Blue Collar Brawler!



Announcers are interrupted by Los Parks who come out and play air guitars with their Azteca Underground Trios titles. One would think that the skeletons would be in a good mood, but they tear a few signs on their way to the ring, and the patriarch of the family is heard hurling some abuse to the fans in the front rows. 'The Chairman' shushes the crowd, and the subtitle helps gringos understand what Park is talking about.




"Silence, dogs! La Familia Real is in the house, and since 'El Jefe' is not here tonight, that makes me the main man in this building... heck, the whole Puerto Rico! The first order of business is to up the prices on hot dogs and popcorn! You smelly bastards should be on a diet anyway, haha!"


The kettle is calling the pot black, eh? Sons of Park laugh their bones out and someone unexpected stands up for the people of Puerto Rico. Salina de la Renta is here, wearing an expensive dress. She's looking amazing, as usual.




"Shut up, Park! You're not the chairman here, and nobody cares about you three idiots since I'm no longer managing you! This is my show now, and you wanna know why? Because I know Puerto Rico like the palm of my hand, I've grown up here with these people!"


Fans cheer for Salina, who enjoys some rare love from the fans. Renegades start chanting 'de la Renta' but Salina stops them with a raised hand...


"I've grown up in this hellhole with you pigs, and now that I'm a successful business woman, I only have to come back here to appreciate the beautiful sights, not this stinking dump!! If it was up to me, I would move this show to other arena in a heartbeat!"


She had them in the first part. Fans are booing Salina relentlessly, and Los Parks are laughing even harder now. But de la Renta didn't come out here to waste the time on the fans, she came out to challenge Los Parks to a title match. L.A. Park tells little Salina to bring out her goons, nobody is stronger than 'The Chairman' and his two virile, masculine sons! Salina smirks and says she called someone cooler than Los Parks... The Colons!





They are certainly popular around here! Carlito Colon, Eddie Colon and Orlando Colon come out, with Carlito taking a second to check out Salina walking away. He's still rocking his wild hair, but looks more muscular than ever. Of course, the apple is in his hand too. He takes a bite out of it and chews it looking at L.A. Park who dares him to try that sh*t with the baddest man in MLW. Carlito shrugs and spits in the mask of L.A. Park!!


The brawl breaks out between the families, and ref needs some time to get all six in order.




Azteca Underground Trios Championship Match






Colons vs. Los Parks ©


Not many MLW fans could have predicted Colons to show up, but it makes perfect sense given the location of Azteca Underground tapings.


Orlando and Eddie are doing all the hard work for their more popular sibling, who feels like a big deal when he eventually enters the ring. He shows off his muscles to the fattest skeleton in the house, and this is just what the fans want to see! Park and Carlito trade punches and kicks, with people clamoring to see the Backbreaker on 'The Chairman'! When you think about it, Carlito actually made the move cool.


"Wow, this guy is famous in Puerto Rico! I wonder if he needs an agent..." - ponders Famous B.


Carlito is working over the back of the veteran and teases the finish, but Hijo de L.A. Park interferes and hits him with the Parkinator! Rules fly out of the window, with every man jumping in the ring to deliver a signature move from their arsenal. The chaos of the match works in favor of the champs, who decide to introduce the chair into the mix. L.A. Park Jr is stopped by the ref, who takes his toy away, but pops has another one!


Blasts Eddie Colon with it! Double Dropkick cleans the house for Papa Park, who hits the Code Red on stunned Eddie to retain the gold.

Los Parks defeated Colons in 07:27 when L.A. Park defeated Eddie Colon by pinfall with a Code Red. Los Parks make defense number one of the Azteca Underground Trios title. [47/100]


Carlito had an in-ring performance of 69.

Orlando had an in-ring performance of 51.

Eddie had an in-ring performance of 49.

L.A Park Jr. had an in-ring performance of 20.

El Hijo de L.A. Park had an in-ring performance of 35.

L.A. Park had an in-ring performance of 50.


(+) Carlito shone in this match.

Parks grab the titles and leave the ringside area rather quickly. Colons check on Eddie, who might have suffered a concussion there. Not the best debut for Carlito and his siblings, but the fans loved seeing them challenging for the gold. Maybe they'll get another chance? Konnan says hell no, 5150 will be going after that gold next, and anyone who's against that can fight them next week.


Salina is not happy that Los Parks defended their gold, and she's lashing out on some poor backstage worker. Ivelisse comes around and says that de la Renta is not the boss here, she's not even an executive producer. Salina tells Ivelisse to shut her trap and mind her own business! 'La Sicaria' smiles and says that after beating Mechawolf tonight, she'll be in the line for the IWA Caribbean title, which her client is holding right now.


'La Bruja' scoffs at that remark and leaves, without waiting for Colons to come back.




In the other part of the building Mechawolf is fixing his armor in front of the mirror, before Bestia 666 emerges behind him. The reflection is all messed up for some reason. In a creepy serpent voice 'The Son of the Demon' reminds Mechawolf that they'll be fighting in his home at Blood and Thunder, and the demon will be watching them. Failure is not an option! Bestia wants Mechawolf to break that girl in half tonight, and prepare for much bigger things. La Rebellion Amarilla walks away, and we spot Arez hitting his head against the wall, mumbling something under his nose.




Singles Match




Mechawolf vs. Ivelisse


'The Hound of The Underworld' and 'La Sicaria' had a couple of matches against each other, but this is the first time they're fighting one on one.


Mechawolf is the favorite of the match, but Ivelisse does not respect the bookies or thinks about anything but winning here. She is extra motivated to prove that she was held back by Matt Cross and Angelico, her longtime trios partners. The bout starts well for the huntress, as she slaps the taste out of wolf's mouth and reverses his initial charges with a Headscissors Takedown. Mechawolf uses his power to catch Ivelisse in the air, elevate her in the Belly to Back position and

!! Snap Suplex - Wolf Fang Slam combo for two!


"Yo, I heard they had a bit of a fling back in the day..." - drops Konnan.


Well it looks like those times are long gone. Mechawolf drags Ivelisse by the hair and tries to throw her out of the ring, but she grabs the rope, remaining on the apron. She blocks the charge from Wolf with a Roundhouse Kick! Fans come alive as 'La Sicaria' hits a Final Flash DDT, one of Mechawolf's own moves! Tornado Kick connects too, and it gets her a near fall. Fans enjoy this match and cheer for Ivelisse, as she lights up the chest of Mechawolf with repeated kicks. Runs up for a Code Red, but Wolf knocks her down with a Thrust Kick!


Mechawolf howls and signals for the 450, but he's stopped by Ivelisse, who says she doesn't want to fight him anymore and is practically begging him to stop. Wolf's heart softens from the woman's touch, he loses his head... and the match too, after an Inside Cradle pin.

Ivelisse defeated Mechawolf in 10:07 by pinfall with an Inside Cradle. [41/100]


Mechawolf had an in-ring performance of 43.

Ivelisse had an in-ring performance of 37.

Ivelisse is pleased that her little trick got her this big result, and she leaves the scene fairly quickly, posing only when she’s on the ramp. Mechawolf is seething that he got played like that, and will probably roll this moment in his head for a few days. Backstage, Savio Vega is taping his trusty kendo stick, preparing for the match with Marty The Moth. He's frowning until he spots a familiar face in the locker room.


Savio smiles and stands up to greet his protege, The Amazing Red!




Savio: Mi broki! What takes you here, chacho? Haven't seen you in years!


Red: I'm good, just checking this place out. I got a call from Cesar Duran last week, but he's not here, so I thought I would come in and say hi.


Savio: Oh, mang, don't trust that guy! You know, he took my company from me and has tried to run me out of MLW. But you know me, what's some spanish suit-wearing mamabicho to the real Boricua, haha!


Red: Damn straight! Good luck against that Moth guy, he's nuts.


Savio: Ha! Tell me about it!


Red and Savio fist bump and hug each other, it's almost time for our semi-main event.




Singles Match




Marty The Moth vs. Savio Vega


Savio is fighting on his home soil, but will that be enough to take a win in this rematch?


Marty's mind games prove to be troublesome at the start, as he's pointing down to his 'package' and yelling something about having the symbol of life in his trunks. Oh-kay. Vega uses his kicks and no-nonsense brawling to shut him up a bit, but Marty is biting and clawing to get the message across to King Muertes. Why would Muertes want to know that information though? This Martinez guy has some serious issues.


He is distracted too. He flaps his 'wings’ and teases a Curb Stomp, but Vega avoids it and locks Moth in the Cobra Clutch! Marty hits Vega below the belt to escape, and spots someone waving at him in the crowd. Melissa Martinez is playing with her hair seductively, making Marty lose his marbles. He tells the ref to escort that woman out of the arena, but before he can finish his sentence, he eats a Carribean Kick from the fan favorite!


Savio Vega pins Marty The Moth for the one-two-three and celebrates the victory with his people.

Savio Vega defeated Marty The Moth in 5:03 by pinfall with a Caribbean Kick. [39/100]


Savio had an in-ring performance of 46.

Marty had an in-ring performance of 30.

Marty wakes up and looks for Melissa in the crowd, but she's gone as the wind. Martinez asks the ref where did she go, and gets nothing but a raised eyebrow from the official... To be fair to 'The Moth', he's right, she was there. Maybe he's not that crazy after all?


Los Parks are leaving the arena early cause the boss ain't around and nobody will punish them for cutting some corners. Sons are packing the bags in their car while papa is warming up the vehicle, when all of a sudden 5150 jump the juniors from behind!




Lots of strong language here, both in Spanish and English. Gangsters run into the building laughing and 'The Chairman' yells at his kids for being attacked like a couple of jabronis!! He's angry at them more than the thugs, but tells them to get in the freaking car. Back to the ringside...




Famous B: Big news just in, people! Next week we're going to have a number one contendership match for Azteca Underground Trios titles! Looks like it will be a gauntlet, all Trios teams are welcome. Will 5150 be there?


Konnan: Oh, you already know. Not only will we be there, we'll win the whole thing!


Famous B: We'll see about that, man, maybe I'll call some guys and enter Infamous Inc. But it's almost time for the main event! Apolo is clashing with King Muertes in a Death match, and lemme be honest, brother... I don't like Apolo's chances here!


Konnan: Who asked? 5150 fam is in the building, and we don't care how scary Muertes is. Have you seen how Low-Ki and Salina bailed last week? Shit's emabarrasing! You won't see that from my guys, bro.


Famous B: Well, I can't blame them. I would do the same thing in their place! Have you seen what happened to Super Crazy last week? My dude just disappeared in the darkness! I don't wanna go out like dat.


Konnan: If you're afraid to die, you're afraid to live. Me and mi gente, we don't care about Muertes. We'll be running the show soon enough, and we're coming for ALL the gold... and there ain't a thing somebody can do about it. Melissa, do your thing...




"The following lucha is a Death Match! There are no count outs, no disqualifications - anything goes! Introducing first, from beyond the grave...




'The Man of 1000 Deaths' comes out to a roaring reaction. He's bigger than life, and quite possibly tougher than death too! King spits blood on the skull and growls into the camera. Certainly an intimidating visual.


"...and his opponent... from Ponce, Puerto Rico... le llaman el león... APOOOOLOOO!!"


Apolo comes out with the whole gang following his lead. Danny Rivera and Slice Boogie pump the guy up, while Julius Smokes mocks Muertes by shaking the camera and barking in it. Apolo daps Konnan and jumps into the ring to wrestle with death. RING THE BELL!




Death Match




King Muertes vs. Apolo


Apolo uses his briefcase to strike Muertes in the head, and the punches rain down on 'The Man of 1000 Deaths'!


'The Lion of Puerto Rico' did not forget about the loss that he suffered in one of his first matches here, this is his best chance for revenge. 5150 members throw all kinds of weapons into the ring, so Muertes eats a few chair shots and kendo stick strikes. Apolo is about to hit Muertes in the head with a trash can, but gets Speared instead! King mounts his rival and chokes him with both hands! Corner Lariats and a Snap Powerslam on the chair awakened King's appetite for destruction, who threatened 5150 guys standing on the outside and the cameraman for being too close.


Apolo attempts a Kendo Stick Russian Leg Sweep, but gets elbowed in the kisser. Muertes with another Spear, but this time he misses, hits the ring post and falls down to the outside, where Boogie and Rivera stomp him together. Even Julius Smokes gets in on the fun and hits Muertes with a slapjack! King is thrown back into the ring, Apolo teases an Uranage... Muertes hits back and catches him with a Flatliner on the trash can lid, busting the man open! King bites Apolo's forehead and locks him in the Sharpshooter, enjoying the opponent's agony.


Boogie jumps into the ring to break it up, but gets hit with a straight right to the face! Rivera jumps in next and gets slammed with a Twisting Chokeslam! Muertes breaks out a rare Suicide Dive to push the barking Smokes into Konnan! Apolo is wiping blood from his face, and Muertes comes back with a hammer in his hand! King steps up to Apolo and signals the end.


"Oh Lord, have mercy! Apolo is about to take a hammering!" - yells Famous B.


Muertes strikes Apolo in the head without hesitation!! The ref immediately stops the match, and the crowd gasps before turning dead silent.

King Muertes defeated Apolo in 7:13 via knockout after a hammer shot. [44/100]


Muertes had an in-ring performance of 56.

Apolo had an in-ring performance of 25.

Muertes stands there as if to ask if the renegades are not entertained, and leaves the ring with all 5150 guys jumping in to check on their guy.


It is not looking good for Apolo, who does not respond to the slaps to the face or the yells of his brothers. Konnan commands for someone to call an ambulance, and after a few minutes of waiting the car is here. K-Dawg grabs Apolo's briefcase with the money and off into the night they go.


Good night everybody...




Final Show Rating



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MLW Control Center




5150 Loses Apolo!

The last episode of Azteca Underground had a scary ending - King Muertes hit Apolo in the head with a hammer to win the Death match and send a clear message to the IWA Caribbean champion Low Ki. 'The Man of 1000 Deaths' has ended Apolo's MLW career is one swift move and feels no remorse for his actions. This incident could be the starting point of the rivalry between Konnan's 5150 gang and the group of Cesar Duran loyalists - Los Parks and King Muertes. Azteca Underground Trios champions were attacked by Slice Boogie and Danny Rivera on the parking lot just before the execution of Apolo happened... Perhaps La Familia Real and King Muertes are already working together??




Carlito Shines In His MLW Debut


Another big news item from the latest Azteca Underground show concerns the 'Caribbean Cool' Carlito Colon. The former WWE superstar made a surprise appearance, challenging Los Parks for the Trios titles along with his siblings Orlando and Eddie Colons. Although Carlito's debut wasn't 'golden', he looked great and got a lot of love from the Puerto Rican people in attendance. MLW fans took it to Twitter, asking Cesar Duran to sign Carlito to a long-term deal, but his status in the company is uncertain, as the former Intercontinental champion aligned himself with Salina de la Renta. Even if it was a 'one night only' type of deal, 'El Jefe' might feel vindictive and block Carlito from making more MLW appearances in the future.



Savio Vega Thinks About Retirement


The pride of Puerto Rico, the hard-nosed veteran and all around good guy Savio Vega has informed MLW about his plans to retire in the near future. Savio has a long list of injuries, and claimed that pro wrestling is the young man's game, and that his 57 year old body cannot keep up with a rigorous schedule. Vega promised to work hard until his contract expires and hang his boots on the nail, preferably next to the IWA Caribbean title currently possessed by Low Ki and Salina de la Renta. Rumors are flowing that Cesar Duran is planning a special match for Blood and Thunder involving "The Man They Call TNT"! Stay tuned for more updates and don't miss the upcoming MLW Fusion show!


Prediction Contest




1) Hollywood - 5/10




2) CGN91 - 5/10




3) The Lloyd - 2/4


MLW Fusion #145 Card


1) Big Damo vs. Parrow


2) Willow Nightingale vs. Holidead


3) 'Filthy' Tom Lawlor vs. Ross Von Erich



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1) Big Damo vs. Parrow

He was on AEW this week, and lost to Spears! I think he could be good here though.


2) Willow Nightingale vs. Holidead


3) 'Filthy' Tom Lawlor vs. Ross Von Erich


Man I love Carlito! Such a 'what could have been' performer to me!! Even in the recent Royal Rumble appearance, he could have done more/been around longer. I think he's a GREAT fit for this diary! Might be because I'm a huge fan of his, but it does feel right to me :D

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He was on AEW this week, and lost to Spears! I think he could be good here though.


I just caught that match, what a weird decision to book Damo as an enhancement talent. Also found out that Spears calls himself "The Chairman"... L.A. Park wouldn't like that :p


Man I love Carlito! Such a 'what could have been' performer to me!! Even in the recent Royal Rumble appearance, he could have done more/been around longer. I think he's a GREAT fit for this diary! Might be because I'm a huge fan of his, but it does feel right to me


Glad that you liked the idea of brining him in! I thought that he was a good fit too, and he looks better than ever physically. Eddie and Orlando are pretty good guys for the tag division too, so they'll get some spotlight ;)


Who will Salina bring to fight Los Parks? Noooo idea... If it's trios, maybe I'll go American Wolves and Hammerstone??


Interesting shout, but I can say now that Eddie Edwards won't be featured in this diary. Also Davey and Hammer will be involved in a big angle on Fusion. :cool:

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MLW Fusion



Episode #145


Taped for Vice TV in South East

Aired on Week 2, November 2021




Welcome to another edition of MLW Fusion! We've got an intriguing main event for you tonight - Tom Lawlor will be in action against Ross Von Erich!


Earlier in the evening Alexander Hammerstone runs down into Von Erichs backstage, and he's very happy to see that Marshall doesn't need any crutches. The tag team champions are smiling, but you can sense that they might have some bad news to share. Team Filthy interrupts the friendly chat and asks if the titles will be vacated soon, cause they want to get those damn belts! Hammer smirks and asks if Lawlor's New Japan dates are up, cause he remembers Tom saying he doesn't need MLW. Lawlor answers that his status in New Japan shouldn't concern him!


He came back to enter himself into the Opera Cup, win the whole damn thing once again and beat Hammerstone for the title at Superfight! Alex says that's great, but a lot of capable guys will be in the tournament too, so Lawlor would have to be at his best to retain the trophy.




"Don't worry about me, Hammer, worry about your friend right here! I'm taking on Ross in tonight's main event, and you can bet he will be hobbling just like his brother after I put him in the Ankle Lock, hahaha!"


Lawlor, Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku walk away, and Ross promises to kick Tom's sorry ass and shut him up for good.



MLW World Heavyweight champion, Alexander Hammerstone is heading to the ring to address the MLW fans!


He’s ripped to the gills, and the title surely looks nice on ‘The Muscle Mountain’! Alex is rocking a jacket, and looks like he could compete tonight, but right now he just wants to address the fans. They chant loudly for the champ, but eventually quiet down.




"First of all, I’d like to thank those who have stepped up for MLW in a War Chamber match against CONTRA! My boy Richard Holliday, ‘The Judge’ EJ Nduka, Ross Von Erich, and of course, ‘The American Wolf’ Davey Richards. We have fought shoulder to shoulder and finally hammered CONTRA into submission! Josef Samael may say that his army is stronger than ever, but we all know he’s trying to save his ugly face… MLW won, jack!"


Hammerstone’s speech is interrupted by the arrival of Big Damo! ‘The Irish Beast’ has made himself very clear when he attacked The Dynasty a few weeks ago - he wants the main prize, and he won’t be waiting in line for his shot!




"Hammerstone, quit yer rambling! Nobody is here to listen to your speeches, this lot wants to see a fight! Save their and mine time - put that shiny belt of yours on the line against Big Damo, tonight!"


He’s half right, people really want to see Hammerstone fight. But do they want to see him wrestle Big Damo for the title? This question gets a good reaction. Alex nods and asks what do people think about Alexander Hammerstone going up against ACH? Another good reaction. What about WARHORSE? Good response… Get the point? Damo says those guys are smaller than Hammersone, why doesn’t he choose a real challenge?


"Funny you should say this Damo… how about Alexander Hammerstone going one on one against ‘The Samoan Werewolf’ Jacob Fatu, people?"


Hammerstone gets the loudest reaction yet, people want to see a rematch between two of MLW’s biggest stars. This angers Big Damo who says that these people are stupid, they shouldn’t decide who gets the shot, there’s no place for democracy in pro wrestling. Well, this is America, pal! And if you want to be ‘the guy’ you have to earn the respect of our fans. Just as Damo is about to yell something back at Hammerstone, Parrow comes out to challenge Big Damo to a singles match. Just like Big Damo, he has something to prove to the MLW fans.


Two beefy heavyweight men slapping each other’s meat, who says no? Parrow fancies his chances against the ‘big irish bear’, Damo is certainly ‘his type’! Hammerstone leaves the ring with a smile, and Damo is fuming. He threatens Parrow, promising to kick his arse in minutes...




Singles Match




Parrow vs. Big Damo


Parrow weighs 293 lbs, Damo weighs 321 lbs... 614 pounds of humanity is in the ring, if we don't count the referee. And you know what's crazier?


Hammerstone squats with that weight for a warm up! Both fighters are of similar height, and they are running the ropes to bash each other with shoulder blocks. There's a stalemate, and Big Damo doesn't have time for such nonsense, so he clobbers Parrow with an elbow to the jaw! He's an ugly brawler, this Big Damo. Shoulder blocks into the corner, a corner Avalanche - he's smothering a legit heavyweight! Mike Parrow does hold his ground and lariats the Irish lad out of the ring! Damo is angry, he pushes Parrow's head against the ropes and sends the big man to the ground with a gigantic Missile Dropkick. A war yell precedes a rough Running Senton, which gives Damo a two count! He's very annoyed.


Damo goes for a Vader Bomb, but Parrow lumbers to the corner and tries to hit a vicious Powerbomb... but eats some nasty mounted punches instead! Damo overwhelms Parrow with a Belfast Blitz and Baldo Bomb to wrap this fight up in just under eight minutes. Impressive!

Big Damo defeated Parrow in 7:52 by pinfall with a Baldo Bomb. [39/100]


Damo had an in-ring performance of 44.

Parrow had an in-ring performance of 38.

Big Damo boots Parrow out of his ring and yells that Hammerstone won't be able to hide from him forever. Perhaps Damo would get a title opportunity if Cesar Duran was here, but alas, the impatient Irishman would have to wait some more.


Alexander Hammerstone is backstage once again, and this time he is standing by Alicia Atout. She asks him about how it feels to be a world champion in a league as competitive as MLW? Hammer says he feels the pressure, but it motivates him to do better every night. He was impressed by Big Damo's performance out there, and he would be glad to defend his title when Cesar Duran comes back to his duties.


Alex and Alicia are now joined by Richard Holliday, who asks if they are talking about him? He goes on a tirade about how 'babyfaces' prevailed in the War Chamber, and how excited he is for the future without CONTRA. The trio is now joined by one of Cesar Duran's lackeys... he has a bunch of Rolexes in his hand, and offers them to The Dynasty! Holliday is all over them, clearly interested in the gifts.




Holliday: Hammer, these babies cost $35,000 each!


Hammerstone: No-no-no, Holliday. These are from Cesar Duran. This is bait!


Holliday: Why say that? Maybe he presents us with a marketing opportunity? They look so good... yeah, they might be fake, but come on!


Hammerstone: Holliday, it's a NO! But you can take this.


Alex gives Richard a piece of paper and leaves. Holliday smirks and tells Alicia that he has been granted entry into the 2021 Opera Cup! That piece of silverware will look great in his parent's house/his winter residence. And best of all? If he wins the tournament, MLW Superfight will have the most dynastic main event in the history of MLW... Alexander Hammerstone against 'The Most Marketable Man In Pro Wrestling' Richard Holliday! Alicia is not sure about Richard's chances and slightly offended Holliday goes after his bro before we get to see Stephen P. New!




"Major League Wrestling fans, my name is Stephen New and I'm so proud that my law office can bring to each and everyone of you MLW. I've been a professional wrestling fan since August 1981 - my entire life! If you or you loved one need legal services, contact me at newlawoffice.com or at 800.208.9169! So come on, and join us as we enjoy some great in-ring action!"


'The Interview Queen' Alicia Atout has Willow Nightingale and Sea Stars on standby and calls them over. All three are in a great mood, radiating positive vibes and having the time of their lives.




Alicia asks Willow about her upcoming match with Holidead, and the trio gets a bit uneasy.


"I can't lie, Alicia, I'm a bit scared of Holidead. She's so unpredictable, wild and creepy!! She walked into MLW straight out of some horror movie! And while she makes me feel uneasy, I won't hide from her wrapped in a blanket. The girls have offered to watch my back after what happened last week, which is so awesome! Wish me luck Alicia, love you, bye!!"


Delmi and Ashley hold the hands of 'The Babe With The Power' and make their entrance to the ring. Bubbles are flying and people are smiling until Holidead's music hits. She's in a perpetual foul mood, and she jumps Willow before the bell.




Singles Match




Holidead vs. Willow Nightingale


While Willow is a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, she can stand up for herself if the situation calls for it.


This is just the sort of situation we're talking about. Holidead uses lots of dirty tricks to gain the advantage, while yelling at the referee, but Willow hits back with a big Dropkick! She has lots of energy despite being clubbed and stomped at the start of the match, and floors Holidead to set up a huge Moonsault! Holidead springs to her feet and knocks Nightingale off the perch! Sea Stars check on their friend, the landing looked rough.


Holidead pushes the sisters away and grabs Willow by the hair to deliver a brutal DDT on the ramp! Ref gives Holidead a stern warning, and she throws her opponent back in the ring to deliver the finish - Darkness Falls!



Holidead defeated Willow Nightingale in 4:31 by pinfall with a Darkness Falls. [27/100]


Willow had an in-ring performance of 25.

Holidead had an in-ring performance of 27.

Willow couldn't withstand Holidead's vicious streak, it was a fairly quick match. Sea Stars help Willow to the back, they'll get that freak next time.


Interested in MLW merch? Then head over to Pro Wrestling Tees and grab yourself a T-shirt to represent the league and support your favorite wrestlers: Alex Hammerstone, Jacob Fatu, Davey Richards, Von Erichs, and many-many more! Choose what fits you!


After the ad block we get a recap of CONTRA's implosion. Jacob Fatu and Mads Krugger brawled all over the 2300 Arena following their loss to Team MLW. 'The Samoan Werewolf' and 'The Black Hand of CONTRA' never liked each other, and after the War Chamber result they had no reason to hide their real emotions. A week after the fiasco, Josef Samael made Fatu a scapegoat and ordered his strongest soldier to take the responsibility and admit that his lackluster performance cost the international cabal of violence a win inside the War Chamber! Today Jacob Fatu decided to answer Josef Samael, and get a lot of things off his chest. His intense speech was reinforced by highlights of his dominant title reign...






Jacob Fatu acts totally unafraid of CONTRA and their threats, and offers to set the deal straight next week on Fusion! This is going to be ugly! Another big match is set for next week's Fusion - Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver will take on Alex Kane and AR Fox! This will be the first time Reed and Fox will face off in the MLW ring. And now, let's go back to ringside, as Ross and Marshall Von Erichs have something to share.




The MLW World Tag Team champions get a warm reception from the fans, and cut straight to the chase. Marshall has suffered a severe ankle injury at War Chamber, and will be unable to wrestle for the foreseeable future. If Cesar Duran was here, he would probably strip them off their titles already, but they have a better idea. An idea that their father suggested when it was clear that Marshall won't make it to the Opera Cup in time.


"Cesar Duran, we would like to enforce the Freebird Rule and defend the tag team titles at the Opera Cup event! This will give Marshall enough time to recover, and ensure that the belts will stay in good hands! Not the likes of AR Fox and Alex Kane, 5150, or Team Filthy!"



Von Erichs are interrupted by Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku - Violence Is Forever! They come out to fight the boys and take those titles by force! The brawl starts, and the bad guys triumph when Tom Lawlor joins the beat down. Ku and Garrini hit Ross with a Total Elimination, while Lawlor locks poor Marshall in the Ankle Lock, making him scream in agony! This could aggravate the injury some more and medical personnel and security swarm the ring to stop this mess. With no commissioner around, Team Filthy can do whatever they want and go unpunished...


Ross shakes off the cobwebs and tells the ref that he is able to wrestle. Von Erichs never quit! Ring the bell!




Singles Match




’Filthy’ Tom Lawlor vs. Ross Von Erich


The war between Team Filthy and Von Erichs continues with the second ever singles match between Ross and Tom.


They have fought at MLW Fusion #98, and that time Ross got a DQ victory. Lawlor will try to get a different result tonight, and take his MLW career back on track after failing to beat Alex Hammerstone for the heavyweight title. Ross stands his ground and brawls with Tom, who eventually takes the match to the mats and wrestles in his preferred fashion. He stretches Ross and throws in a few dirty shots here and there to get his opponent frustrated. Tom is dominating in the parter and gets too cocky, talking to the camera about how easy this match is.


He turns around into the Dropkick, and the comeback is on! Ross shows his big fighting heart and looks to trap Lawlor in The Iron Claw, but Tom reverses it into the Cross Armbreaker which almost gets the job done. Ross grabs the bottom rope and Lawlor has to break the hold… Tom immediately slaps on the Ankle Lock, but Ross reverses the move with an Enzughiri that turns the ex-champion loopy!


Big Lariat knocks him silly, and Tom survives only because Garrini put his foot on the rope! Lawlor with a Chop Block, he talked about wanting to cripple Ross before the match, and it looks like he wants to deliver on his promise. Indian Death Lock is applied, and Ross has to crawl to the ropes again, losing vital energy. Lawlor stomps the leg of Ross like a madman and locks Von Erich in the Side Boston Crab!


Third time's the charm for Tom, he gets the victory after the referee stops the bout to save Ross from injury.

Tom Lawlor defeated Ross Von Erich in 14:11 by referee stoppage. [45/100]


Ross had an in-ring performance of 41.

Lawlor had an in-ring performance of 52.


(+) Tom and Ross have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match.



Kevin Ku and Dominic Garrini get in the ring to celebrate with the leader of 'Team Filthy', who asks for a microphone. Tom talks about how seriously he's training for the upcoming Opera Cup, and how he intends to keep the coveted trophy in his possession. Nobody stands a chance!


Lawlor drops the mic and the mixed martial artists look to beat Ross some more. Luckily for him, Richard Holliday, Alex Hammerstone and Davey Richards run off the hyenas and help Ross back to his feet. 'The American Wolf' picks up the mic and spills some mean beans...




"I'm sure that you remember this, Tom, but let me remind you of something. When you entered wrestling for the second time in 2017, I was your first opponent, and I beat you like a drum. Just when your career started, mine was put on pause, and I would lie if I said I wasn't jealous of your success. You became the MLW World Heavyweight champion and was the best in MLW. You have developed into a more well rounded fighter..."


Tom asks what does Richards mean by saying 'he was' the best in MLW? He still is!! Davey smirks and continues.


"I mean that you have improved as a pro wrestler... and I want to know if you are closer to my level, Tom! We've had a few scuffles this year, but I want a singles match with you to prove that I'm still the best technical wrestler in the world! Train your hardest, because I am also entering the Opera Cup, and I'm planning to win it to challenge this man at MLW Superfight!"


Now Davey puts a finger on Hammerstone's title, which gets a fine reaction from the fans. Richards throws away the mic and jaw jacks with Alex for a few seconds, before shaking his hand and walking away. Holliday whispers something in the ear of his friend, and the show goes off air...


Good night everybody!


Final Show Rating




Post-Show Tag Team Match




The Dynasty defeated Violence Is Forever in 15:30 when Alexander Hammerstone pinned Kevin Ku with a Nightmare Pendulum. [42/100]


Hammerstone had an in-ring performance of 49.

Holliday had an in-ring performance of 43.

Ku had an in-ring performance of 34.

Garrini had an in-ring performance of 42.


(+) Holliday and Hammerstone had great chemistry teaming together.

Next Week on MLW [b][color="Red"]Fusion[/color][/b]: Jacob Fatu vs. CONTRA; AR Fox and Alex Kane vs. Jordan Oliver and Myron Reed; TJP, Alex Shelley, ACH and many more!

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Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico


Years of Experience: 37 Years


Finishing Move: Caribbean Kick






Savio Vega has spent the last 37 years in the wrestling business... most of our current wrestlers weren't even born when Savio started out!


Born and raised in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico, Vega got connected to the business by working as a security guard at Capitol Sports Promotions live shows. Right after graduating high school, Savio went to Florida to try out for WWF, and was accepted and sent back to Puerto Rico to gain some much needed ring time in a familiar scenery. Savio used his martial arts background to create a 'TNT' persona, which saw him win twelve titles! His stock was rising fast in brutal battles with hardcore mainstays like Abdullah the Butcher and Carlos Colon, and his impressive run and successful title reigns made Savio a wanted man in US.


WWF recalled TNT, and upon his arrival, Savio was given a 'Kwang' mask, encouraged to use the Asian mist and his martial arts moveset. This didn't get the intended reaction from the fans, but got Savio to work with top guys like Bret Hart, The Undertaker and Razor Ramon. After dropping the moniker, Savio returned to WWF television in street clothes, saving Razor Ramon from Jeff Jarrett and The Roadie. It was later established that Savio and Razor were childhood friends. Savio took the place of injured Razor Ramon in the 1995 King of the Ring tournament and went all the way to the finals.


Vega made his Wresltemania debut against Steve Austin. Despite losing on the grandest stage of them all, Savio was the one to hand Austin his first singles loss in the WWF, wrestling as The Caribbean Kid. Savio also beat Austin in a Caribbean Strap match to send Ted DiBiase packing, and he was the first man to take the Stone Cold Stunner! Steve Austin has nothing but good things to say about Savio, having wrestled Vega 47 times in his career.



After ending the rivalry with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Savio joined The Nation of Domination. Interestingly enough, this decision led Savio to have a few battles with another WWF megastar The Rock, back when he was going by the name Rocky Maivia. Rocky entered the feud as an undefeated prospect, and lost to Savio a few times. This didn't help Vega, as he got expelled from the NOD group by Faaroq. Savio went on to form his own stable composed of Puerto Rican wrestlers Miguel Perez Jr, Jesus Castillo Jr, and Jose Estrada Jr - Los Boricuas. The group was involved in lengthy Gang Wars with The Nation of Domination, and The Disciples of Apocalypse. The leaders of the three stables ended the rivalry in a triple threat match, which Vega won. Los Boricuas split soon after that match, and Savio would wrestle on WWF's B-shows before getting released in September 1999. He won no titles, but his run was still solid.


Upon returning to Puerto Rico, Savio Vega joined the International Wrestling Association. He wrestled as Savio Vega, though often ended feuds by wearing war paint in the final matches and changing his wrestling persona to "El Hombre Dinamita", a reference to his "TNT" gimmick, which the WWC had trademarked and did not allow him to use. When in IWA, Savio formed La Compania, consisting of Apolo and Ricky Banderas, two men featured on the latest episode of MLW Azteca. Savio was often depicted as the co-owner of IWA, though he had no real share in the company. As authoritarian general manager, he introduced the catchphrase "My way or the highway", with which he threatened to fire wrestlers, and occasionally did so.


Savio Vega dominated Puerto Rico for decades and became the forerunner of an inter-promotional angle between IWA and WWC, the first of its kind since both had co-existed. Overall, Savio Vega won 24 titles during his run in the business, one of them being the MLW Caribbean Heavyweight championship. Besides being a wrestler, Savio has worked as an agent for Total Nonstop Action and Ring Ka King. Savio is also a trainer, among his alumni are several outstanding wrestlers like Amazing Red and El Generico. Recently Savio Vega has decided to call it a day, and is now looking to ride away into the sunset.


Can the living legend end his career on the high and bring the IWA Caribbean title back home? We'll find out very soon...


Savio Vega Matchguide










Hometown: Villa Rica, Georgia, USA


Years of Experience: 4 Years


Finishing Moves: Ripcord Olympic Slam






Alex Kane is the mohawked master of the suplex and one of the brightest young stars in Major League Wrestling.


Kane has all the raw ingredients to be 'The Next Big Thing'. He was a blue chip two-sport athlete in college, competing in both wrestling and rugby before going pro. The collegiate wrestler began his career in 2018, training in Atlanta at the WWA4 school under AR Fox. For the first five months of his training Alex was a referee. That helped Kane improve his footwork, gain valuable experience and ring awareness, before making his big debut against his teacher.


Alex has worked hard and wrestled for ACTION Wrestling, Paradigm Pro Wrestling and several other independent promotions, before getting drafted second overall in the 2021 Open MLW Draft. Alex has signed exclusively with Major League Wrestling and made his MLW debut July 10th in Philadelphia at the 2300 Arena, taking the

, suplexing seven men in a row, including the 354 pound Calvin Tankman!



Alex Kane can be found splitting his time between his home in Atlanta and South Florida at King Mo’s fight camp, training with combat sports’ best fighters.


While with American Top Team, Alex developed an explosive fighting style and became a powerhouse in the gym, doing 500-pound deadlifts without using a belt for support. And how did Alex Kane get the nickname of 'The Suplex Assassin'? It's not tough to figure out if you watch a few of his matches! Thanks to his power, Kane is able to execute the Crash-Landing Release Suplex, a dozen versions of the Gutwrench Suplex, German Suplex, Exploder Suplex, Overhead and Side Belly-to-Belly, the Angle Slam, and the Dragon Suplex. This collection of moves allows Alex Kane to trap and toss adversaries with ease and dominance, snapping opponents and crushing their spines and necks into the canvas. He has proved to be a dangerous competitor and a smart warrior, recently aligning himself with AR Fox to capture the MLW National Openweight championship at War Chamber 2021, albeit in a sketchy way - literally stealing it.


Even though he’s not recognized as an official champion, Alex has the brawn and the brains to keep the title in his possession and build himself up to follow in the footsteps of the former National Openweight champion, Alexander Hammerstone... Sky's the limit for this young man!


Alex Kane Matchguide




One career is coming to an end, and another one is just getting started. Feel free to request the workers you want to read about in the next episode!

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MLW Azteca #11 Card




1) Colons w/Salina de la Renta vs. King Muertes, Savio Vega, Ivelisse

Colons are not dwelling on their loss to Los Parks, and are keen to fix the outcome of their debut in this opening contest. Carlito Colon will be motivated to impress Salina de la Renta, and work with 'La Sicaria' Ivelisse... but could he and his siblings handle the brutality brought by Savio Vega and King Muertes? The trio of strange bedfellows won their last matches and expressed their desire to challenge for the IWA Caribbean championship, currently held by Low Ki. Could Salina leave the line of contenders beaten and bruised?




2) Steve Pain vs. The Amazing Red

Steve Pain's momentum is in the gutter, and the last memorable thing he has done was cleaning Cesar Duran's boots. That happened right before 'El Jefe' got knocked out by Texano... 'The Underrated Superstar' is keen to impress the boss in this match and spoil the debut of the returning Amazing Red. Red hasn't met the boss yet, but he wouldn't mind picking up a victory over his lackey...


3) Trios Scramble Match




Team Havoc (Angelico, Matt Cross, Gringo Loco) vs. La Rebellion Amarilla (Arez, Bestia 666, Mechawolf) vs. Lucha Dream Team (Aramis, Laredo Kid, Samuray del Sol) vs. 5150 (Danny Rivera, Homicide, Slice Boogie) vs. Infamous Inc (???, ???, ???) w/Famous B

Azteca Underground has introduced the Trios titles only a few weeks ago, but we already have 5 units willing to challenge for them!


First we have Angelico and Matt Cross that were 'dumped' by Ivelisse. They quickly found a replacement, a man who has some serious beef with L.A. Park - Gringo Loco! 'The Base God' returned last week and rescued Angelico from suffocating in the coffin, flanked by the Lucha Dream Team. This is an unofficial team name for the brotherhood of Laredo Kid, Aramis, and Samuray del Sol. They have came up short in the tables match to win the titles, and promised to enter the scramble first, to prove that they are the best and deserve the rematch.


Then we have a dark cult, La Rebellion Amarilla. 'The Son of The Demon' Bestia 666 wanted to make some amends with L.A. Park and make a human sacrifice to really butter up 'The Chairman', but was rudely interrupted by the aformentioned trios teams. It is unclear if the yellow rebels will try to win the match or simply go after people L.A. Park despises. We also have 5150 thrown in the mix, the gang of hungry, blood-thirsty Konnan soldiers that have attacked the skeletons last week, and declared their intentions to win all the gold they can. 5150 has brought the ruckus to MLW and defeated Injsutice in the War Chamber, so they might be the favorites to win the match. But wait... there's more! Famous B will enter three men on behalf of Infamous Inc to make this match a real car crash.


And what about the match stipulation? The scramble match starts with two teams in the ring and every other unit entering every 5 minutes. The match has a 20 minute time limit, each time a team scores a pinfall or submission they become the interim number one contenders. A team that scores the final fall will be declared as the winners, and will go on to challenge Los Parks for the Trios titles at Blood and Thunder!


Prediction Contest




1) Hollywood - 7/13




2) CGN91 - 5/10




3) The Lloyd - 4/7


Prediction Key


Colons w/Salina de la Renta vs. King Muertes, Savio Vega, Ivelisse


Steve Pain vs. The Amazing Red


Team Havoc vs. La Rebellion Amarilla vs. Lucha Dream Team vs. 5150 vs. Infamous Inc. w/Famous B

Bonus Question, 1 point for each correct pick: Who will represent Infamous Inc?

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  • 2 weeks later...


MLW Azteca




Episode #11 - "Three-Ring Circus"


Taped for El Rey Network in Puerto Rico

Aired on Week 3, November 2021




"Nobody is stronger than 'The Chairman' and his two virile, masculine sons… Salina called someone cooler than Los Parks...


The Colons put up a great fight, but Los Parks retain! After I beat Mechawolf tonight, I'll be in the line for the IWA Caribbean title… The wolf's heart softens from the woman's touch, he loses his head and Ivelisse pins him… Mi broki! What takes you here, Red?.. I got a call from Cesar Duran last week, but he's not here… Melissa Martinez distracts Marty The Moth, Savio gets a W in front of his countrymen…


5150 jump L.A. Park’s sons in the parking lot, and run away… Next week we're going to have a number one contendership match for Azteca Underground Trios titles… The following lucha is a Death Match! There are no count outs, no disqualifications - anything goes… Oh Lord, have mercy! Apolo is about to take a hammering! Muertes strikes Apolo in the head without hesitation!!"




We're still in Puerto Rico, and hours before the show, Colons are sitting in El Jefe's office. Perhaps Carlito, Orlando and Eddie are looking to sign with the company to have another match with Los Parks? Carlito puts his feet on the desk, knocking over a plaque. He chews his red apple as Salina de la Renta enters the room and throws her designer purse on the table.




Carlito: This plaque says 'I'm kind of a big deal'… Dat's cool!


Salina: Nothing cool about it. Put your damn feet off my table, can’t you see my bag is here!?


Carlito: Oh hey, mamacita. But this is not your desk… this is Cesar Duran’s office.


Salina: And? Have you seen him lately? He is not around. Probably stayed at home again, that coward.


Carlito: Sooo… what's the plan, sexy? Are we getting our rematch with Los Parks? Maybe we enter the scramble for the gold?


Salina: You blew your title chance last week. But I have a lot of enemies here, and you can prove your worth by beating them up. Three names… King Muertes. Savio Vega. And that stupid betch Ivelisse!


Carlito: Oooh, Ivelisse? I'll take Ivelisse, mama. No problem there.


Carlito leans to kiss Salina's hand, but she takes it away and says she just had her nails polished. That's not cool…




Welcome back to Azteca Underground! We have a huge main event for you - a Scramble match between five of the finest Trios tag teams in MLW!




Famous B: K-Dawg, why the long face? Aren’t you excited for tonight's show??


Konnan: Bro, you better be watching your mouth right now, cause 5150 have lost one of our own a few days ago. Apolo, one of the OG members of our group, is no longer with us. Rest In Peace, my brother… We’re going to avenge your death, that’s a promise.


Famous B: Oh damn! I'm so sorry to hear that, Dawg. Apolo was a tough one, and he died a rich man… What happens with his money now?


Konnan: What do you mean, what happens with his money? His familia will inherit every single banknote, this is the right thing to do…


Famous B: Wait, he doesn't have a… oh. The money goes to his 'other' family? You and the boys?


Konnan: Damn right, B. We were very close, and we will take good care of this.


As Famous B scratches his head, Savio Vega comes out to address the home crowd. He beat that pest Marty The Moth last week, and now he wants to share something that was on his mind for a long time. Savio takes off his sunglasses, wipes off a manly tear and says that he will be retiring in a few short weeks, papi. He gave so much to this business, and he wants only one thing in return... one more match for the IWA Caribbean championship, so he could liberate the title and put it on the top shelf in his home. Fans chant 'T-N-T', they have all the love for Vega.




Ivelisse, on the other hand, doesn't share the sentiment. She interrupts Savio and says that Vega should have retired like twenty years ago, and that he's not getting a shot at that title before she does. Last week she beat Mechawolf fair and square, and in her book, that makes her a legit contender for Low Ki's title. Savio is appalled by the audacity of Ivelisse, but keeps his fists out of this argument. Also, they have company now, in 'The Man of 1000 Deaths'! King Muertes makes his way to the ring, and snatches the mic from Ivelisse. Low Ki belongs to him!


You don't want to anger the man that has sent Apolo to a better world... But Savio doesn't care, he fought Muertes before and he's still alive. The three-way argument is interrupted by Salina, who steps out of the makeshift office with a mic already in her hand.


"Stop this nonsense! None of you deserve a match against Low Ki, especially for the title. 'The Professional' could eliminate all of you at once, but giving a chance to everyone who opens their mouth wide enough would devalue the title. You're all not worthy!"


Salina got the attention of all three, and Colons sneak in from behind. Carlito hits a Backstabber on Muertes! A subtle message from Ms. de la Renta, who considers King a traitor. The scuffle is continuing until Muertes, Ivelisse and Vega are on the same page.


Salina pays the ref to officiate an impromptu trios match and once again walks away... Ring the bell!




Trios Match




Colons vs. Savio Vega, Ivelisse, King Muertes


An oddball trios team is nothing new to Azteca Underground, but rarely both units have so much popularity in Puerto Rico.


Savio starts the match with Orlando and floors him with a few martial arts kicks, rolling the years back! Eddie tags in to steal some of Savio's thunder and execute a Double Suplex on the legend. Two brothers take turns stomping the vet and hitting him with Hilo Splashes. Vega is launched into the ropes, so Ivelisse slaps him on the back and floors Eddie with Flying Headscissors. She's lighting up the chest of the tag team specialist with some kicks and almost knocks the guy's head off! He ducks it, rolls through, and tags in Carlito, who's very happy to tangle with 'La Sicaria'.


He flirts with her, but gets slapped so hard his hair whiplashes. Frustrated that he has been embarrassed by some chick, Carlito dropkicks her and yells about how slapping a handsome man like him is not cool! Springboard Moonsault is only good for two!




"This guy is cool, but is he famous enough to be MLW's biggest star?" - wonders Famous B.


The infamous manager is on the lookout for new clients, given his troublesome alliance with Texano, and he compliments Carlito on being in awesome shape. Carlito mocks Ivelisse some more, before she hits him with a Recoil Kick and tags out to King Muertes!! The most intimidating man in the ring grabs a fistful of Carlito's hair and takes him to school like only he can! Carlito asks for help from his siblings... One is knocked out with a straight right, the second one jumps in right into a Twisting Chokeslam! Carlito is left all alone now! Muertes hits him with a Dagger to the Heart - a Spear that would make Carlito spit out his apple on the canvas. King hits the Aztec seal on the mat, preparing to hit Carlito with a Flatliner...


But one creepy bastard gets his attention instead. Marty The Moth is standing on the stairs, massaging his... well, package. As disturbing as that sounds, Marty touches some wood in his pants and pulls out Duran's parcel intended for King Muertes. This mysterious prize must contain something very important, because Muertes forgets all about the Colons and starts chasing the moth like a rabid dog! Ivelisse can't believe her rotten luck with trio partners, so she screams for Muertes to come back. Savio Vega enters the ring to finish Carlito with a Caribbean Kick, but misses and falls prey to the Backstabber!! Orlando and Eddie block Ivelisse from breaking the fall.


Colons celebrate their first win in MLW and Ivelisse is having a temper tantrum.

Colons defeated Savio Vega, Ivelisse and King Muertes in 08:34 when Carlito defeated Savio Vega by pinfall with a Backstabber. [50/100]


Carlito had an in-ring performance of 66.

Orlando had an in-ring performance of 50.

Eddie had an in-ring performance of 52.

Muertes had an in-ring performance of 58.

Ivelisse had an in-ring performance of 38.

Savio Vega had an in-ring performance of 46.


(+) Carlito shone in this match.

Ivelisse is pissed that she had to compete in a trios match again, pissed that she had to tag with some selfish partners, and pissed that she lost through no fault of her own. Savio feels bad for taking the fall, his Caribbean Kick is not as sudden as it was back in the day…


'La Sicaria' gets in the face of Carlito, who obnoxiously chews an apple into her face. A bitchslap is blocked, but Ivelisse also ducks the spit! She holds her ground against Colons until Savio picks up his kendo stick and sends Colons running to the back!




We move away from the arena for a bit to see Texano chilling in the bar. He’s eyeing up a bartender, who obediently pours him some tequila. Their chatter is interrupted by two masked goons, who ask where they can find Texano. He's a wanted man after hitting Cesar Duran!


Texano downs his drink and says they're looking at Texano… but what are they gonna do about it!?



A messy bar brawl follows, with Texano easily dispatching two hired guns. They picked up a fight with ‘one mean Mexican’ and soon realized that they needed more people to stop the wild brawler. The bar is practically destroyed, but the girl doesn’t seem to mind… Texano gets a pager memo from Famous B, tips the lady and downs another drink in the extra macho fashion. Looks like he will be competing tonight!


Backstage King Muertes is looking for Marty 'The Moth'. 'The Man of 1000 Deaths' is not used to playing hide and seek with lunatics like Marty, so he gets angry fairly quickly. Moth pops his head into the door saying ‘Here’s Maaaaarttyyyy!’ and the chase is back on! Muertes goes after him around the corner… Low Ki is there, and he uses a piano wire to choke Muertes! It takes some time, and King almost shakes off the killer from his back, but eventually he’s subdued. Salina de la Renta is very pleased about it and orders Ki to take the King's mask!




'The Professional' follows the order and leaves Muertes maskless and unconscious in the dark corridor. Marty giggles and prances around, asking Salina if he was a good boy? De la Renta is repulsed by the creepy dude, but reminds him about Ivelisse and Savio, who are still walking.


"Yeeesss, m'lady!!" - whispers Marty, before running away.




We’re back to the ringside, where Zenshi gives an update to the injury he suffered at War Chamber at the hands of Marty ‘The Moth’... He has chronic shoulder pain, but it’s okay - at least he has inner peace, unlike Marty.


"There are two types of pain… pain that hurts you, and pain that changes you! Brothers and sisters, pain is inevitable, but suffering is not!"


Zenshi continues his speech, offering to help Marty and AR Fox, who have a lot of mental baggage behind them. But they don’t react to Zenshi’s pleas… Instead, Steve Pain interrupts the zen master and tells him to shut up!


"You said one smart thing. Pain IS inevitable… You’re not escaping me, chump!"


Steve tries to bully the guy who befriended his ex-tag team partner Gringo Loco, and puts him in the shoulder nerve hold. Zenshi cries in pain, will someone stop this? Yes! The Amazing Red steps out and tells Steve Pain to back off Zenshi.




Amazing Red: If you want to fight someone, fight me!


Steve Pain: Back off, kid. The boss ain’t around to make the match…


Amazing Red: I don’t need his permission to wrestle. I guess you really are his bitch, first cleaning his shoes, now hiding behind his name.


Pain lets Zenshi go and tells Red that he has a big mouth for such a small frame. Steve promises to snap Red in half here. Ring it!




Singles Match




The Amazing Red vs. Steve Pain


Amazing Red looks as good as ever, jumping and moving well, and keeping the bigger man Steve Pain on his toes.


The former X-Division champion shines in the earlier stages of the match, and shows off his athleticism with a few innovative moves. The Headscissor Takedown takes three full rotations before Pain slips out of the ring… Diving Atomico is caught, and Steve rams Red in the ring post!


Momentum is on the side of the mechanic, who methodically works over Red's body. Pain locks a Butterfly Deathlock on Red, but the underdog puts his feet on the bottom rope to survive. Steve Pain antagonizes the crowd a bit and goes for a Pop Up Powerbomb, but Red reverses it into a Hurricanrana for two! Red Star Press gives the fan favorite another near fall. He smells victory and goes for it with a high-risk maneuver… Infrared!


Third time's the charm, and Amazing Red wins in his Azteca debut!

The Amazing Red defeated Steve Pain in 5:12 by pinfall with an Infrared. [37/100]


Red had an in-ring performance of 40.

Steve had an in-ring performance of 29.

Zenshi joins The Amazing Red, raising his arm in the air! Red might not be signed to Azteca brand yet, but how could you not snap up a veteran like him? Steve rolls out of the ring and yells that they will regret this! Sure they will, but first 'El Jefe' has to return.


In the meantime, teams are preparing for the main event backstage. The Lucha Dream Team agrees that entering first is a great way to showcase their talent to the people of Puerto Rico! Gringo Loco joins forces with Angelico and Matt Cross, Bestia 666 scolds Mechawolf for showing signs of weakness last week, and 5150 dedicate this match to Apolo. The gangsters bump into Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis, and ask where they’re going? Mexicools say that they're taking part in the scramble too, and their relationship with Konnan won't play a role in this match.


They are going to tag with a man who was screwed by Cesar Duran, and after winning, they’ll battle Los Parks!! 5150 start laughing.




Juventud Guerrera: Fuuuck youuu… The Juice is on the Loose!! We're gonna be famous!


Julius Smokes: Did your monkey asssses sign up with that fool Famous B? Brrap-brrap, you gonna get got!


And now it's time! The first team to enter the Scramble is The Lucha Dream Team - Laredo Kid, Aramis and Samuray del Sol! They do not mind opening this match at all, they want to wrestle as much as possible. After the introduction from Melissa Santos, Famous B jumps into the ring to 'take it from here'...




"Thank you, baby girl! You are improving, but if you need more tips, you gotta call 423-GET-FAME!


My line can be busy, but you gotta try before Famous B will reply. Now then... introducing the team that will win this Scramble match and go on to challenge for Azteca Underground Trios titles! Khm-khm, the man that does not know how to behave around management, a guy that has more brawn than brain, the dude that kicks too much a$$... He's the former AAA Mega Champion... my man, your man, our man... TEY-HANOOOOOO!


But wait... there's more!!


Infamous Inc is always looking for hard working people that want to become famous. I gotcha, homies! Introducing the freshly signed lucha libre stars... Formerly known as The Mexicools... Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis! Give it up to the true lucha dream team!!"




Trios Scramble Match




Samuray Del Sol, Aramis and Laredo Kid vs. Texano, Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis


The team of technicos has faced and beaten the stable formerly known as The Mexicools not that long ago. Samuray del Sol defeated Super Crazy with a Phoenix-Plex then, but how will the match play out this time, with Texano replacing Super Crazy, the man who was sacrificed to the Gods?


To put it shortly - he does well, throwing luchadors around and showing why he was the youngest AAA Mega champion at one point. He's extra motivated to win this match and go on to face Los Parks, who don't hide the fact they are in cahoots with 'El Jefe'. Aramis, Laredo and del Sol also want a piece of the skeletons, as they came up short in the table match to decide the inaugural champs. Samuray was the last man out, so he is all fired up, trying to fix the errors of the past. He's the de facto leader of the team, even though he won't admit to it.


The lucha opener starts hot, with a classical 'Tower of Doom' spot teasing the first intermediate contenders. Texano was the one to powerbomb all the luchadores, and tried to pin all three of them, but the masked men were there to break it up each time. A Triple Dropkick sends Texano out of sight, and that's when Famous B springs out of his chair to give his clients some pointers.


The loudmouth wants his guys to put the luchadors through the table, so he sets one up. He causes enough distraction to help Mexicools retake the advantage and set up a Psycho Senton to the outside, with Samuray being tied to the table with a bull rope! Unexpectedly, Aramis launches Laredo Kid to the top rope, and there he grabs Psicosis by the waist... LAREDO FLY!Laredo saves his friend and gets the pin on Psicosis in one fluent motion! While Infamous Inc were caught here, they're not eliminated from the match.

Aramis, Laredo Kid and Samuray Del Sol pin Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, and Texano!

We've also reached the 5 minute mark, which means that the third trio is about to join the contest! The team of...




Angelico, Matt Cross and Gringo Loco


No Ivelisse? No problem! Gringo has helped save Angelico's life, so it comes as no surprise that Mr. Loco was welcomed into this team with open arms. The fresh team save Samuray from being put through a table, and fight off Texano and Juventud. They're holding the rudos up for some aerial attacks, and boy do we see some amazing jumps from out of the ring! Aramis nails a Tope Suicida, Laredo busts out a Tope Con Hilo, and del Sol caps it off with a Springboard Tornillo! 'The Base God' Gringo Loco was kind enough to soften the landing for all three... he was acting hurt when he jumped back into the ring, and young Aramis took the bait. His breathtaking Crossbody was reversed into a sly pinning maneuver!

Gringo Loco, Matt Cross, and Angelico pin Aramis, Laredo Kid and Samuray Del Sol!

Gringo busts out a dance on the outside, happy that his trick was executed so perfectly. Aramis did not expect that, but this only motivates him to pull off a death-defying Hurricanrana to the outside! He makes Gringo roll on the floor, before getting rudely interrupted by Psicosis and Juventud.




They pick up a dizzy Gringo and hit him with a barrage of tag team moves. Juvi Driver sets up a Psycho Leg Drop from Psicosis, who covers rusty Gringo Loco and gets the three! Now Famous B is dancing, but the night is still young and we have half the match ahead of us!

Texano, Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis pin Gringo Loco, Matt Cross, and Angelico!

Each team scored and conceded a fall, and now the clock tells us it's time for La Rebellion Aramilla to jump in...




Bestia 666, Mechawolf and Arez


Famous B calls a 'time out', so rudos go straight after Angelico and Matt Cross, who are waiting for them in the ring. It's a 3-on-2 situation, but Angelico and Matt are ducking and rolling out of the way. RVD rollover leads to a fancy Syuri Knee to the face of Mechawolf, and Matt Cross strikes Arez with a Bicycle Kick! They're not as lucky with Bestia, who slithers out of the way and lets Texano run over the fan favorites.


'The Blue Collar Brawler' goes berserk, and gets dropkicked out of the ring by Bestia. He sneakily tries a cover on Cross, but he kicks out! Rebellion Amarilla are back to their feet, stomping Matt and dumping people to the outside. Bestia commands for Matt's execution, and Arez hits him with a Double Foot Stomp to the back! Mechawolf goes on the top turnbuckle and hits a 450 Splash to pin Cross for three!

Bestia 666, Mechawolf, Arez pin Angelico, Gringo Loco, Matt Cross!

A second later Angelico wipes him out with a Busaiku Knee, and pins Mechawolf back!

Angelico, Gringo Loco, Matt Cross pin Bestia 666, Mechawolf, Arez!

Bestia is irate, he has to do everything by himself! You don't want to anger 'The Son of the Demon', he has a twisted mind. Famous B yells at his clients to do something useful and retake the match, but Juventud flips him off and goes up top. Not a smart decision, since Arez hits Juvi in the head and Bestia picks 'The Juicy One' for La Valagueza - one of the most devastating moves in all of lucha libre! Bestia covers Guerrera staring into the camera, and promising Los Parks to wipe the entire field, one mortal at a time! Two pinfalls by Rebellion Amarilla, can they make it count?

Bestia 666, Mechawolf, Arez pin Texano, Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis!



Bestia stares the lucha dream team down, trying to strike fear in the technicos. Del Sol and Laredo fly around Bestia, while Aramis gets entangled with long-time rival Arez. They've had a bunch of exciting matches here in MLW, and this one is no exception! Aramis fixes his mistake from earlier in the match and catches 'The King of Strange Style' with a Hurricanrana! Los Parks won't be happy with this performance...

Aramis, Laredo Kid and Samuray Del Sol pin Bestia 666, Mechawolf and Arez!

It's the second time the lucha stars score a fall, but they still have to defend their victory in the scramble! Cross, Angelico, Bestia and Mechawolf are too busy with each other, we're 15 minutes deep into the match and it is time for the final trio to make their grand entrance... 5150!




Slice Boogie, Danny Rivera and Homicide


Konnan's dogs of war are followed by Dr. Julius Smokes, who's pushing a cartwheel full of weapons. Since nobody said anything about disqualifications, the gang members go on a rampage, taking everyone in their sight out with chairs! The freshest team wrecks everyone and boasts that they're tougher, smarter and hungrier than all other teams combined! 5150 look to beat up Juventud and Psicosis, but Konnan points at Aramis. The guy who refused to join them! He fights valiantly and succeeds at first, ducking all the weapons thrown at him.


Unfortunately he doesn't see a West Brooklyn Lariat from Homicide! 5150 set up a table and put Aramis on it, trying to get this contest all wrapped up. But here comes Samuray del Sol, catching Homicide with his finishing move! Laredo makes his play too, forcing Boogie and Rivera to roll out of the ring... All hell breaks loose! Trios teams start jumping out of the ring, trying to one up each other! Bodies are flying in and out, and Aramis is running up for his signature Tope Suicida... Slice Boogie catches Aramis with a chair mid-flight!! Scary chairshot aside, Aramis is thrown back into the ring, where Rivera and Homicide are cooking up something nasty... Gringo Killa - Double Foot Stomp combo!!


'The Radioactive Papi' pins the youngster and Konnan is smiling, as his unit steals the victory and runs down the clock to become the number one contenders for Azteca Underground Trios championships. 5150 will challenge Los Parks at Blood and Thunder!

5150 (Danny Rivera, Homicide, Slice Boogie) win the Trios Scramble Match. [46/100]



The gang is stomping on the losers, and K-Dawg climbs the ring to cut a promo on Los Parks. Konnan references how Los Parks called him a bald snake a few weeks ago, and that shіt won't fly with him... that parking lot attack from last week also wasn't spontaneuous.


"Parks, you wanna talk trash, but you don't wanna fight us... You bony bitcharoos will answer for your words at Blood and Thunder, where my dawgs will pick you apart, bone by bone, and win those damn Trios belts... ORALE!!"


5150 continue to talk trash in the camera until 'The March of The Dead Things' hits the arena. L.A. Park and his sons are here, and they run to the ring, swinging chairs!! Homicide and L.A. Park are in their natural element - pure chaos!




Two units engage in a wild brawl, but we don't get to see its conclusion, as we run out of time... Good night everybody!


Final Show Rating



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Pulp Fusion #3



5150 is celebrating their victory in a Trios Scramble match. They raise their glasses for Apolo, dedicating this W to one of their lost warriors. There's no minute of silence, they are yelling and swearing like they always do. It looks like the gang's brawl with Los Parks was broken up, as they want to go back again and teach those skeletons a lesson! Or maybe they are just acting tough?





Rivera: MI GENTEEE!! You looking at the next Azteca Underground Trios champs, cause nobody can mess with 5150! You dealin' with 'The Radioactive Papi', 'The Notorious 187' Homicide and the big man, Slice F'N Boogie!! And those straps would look good on these waists, papi!!


Boogie: Los Parks think they run this joint?? Get the F**K outta here! We beat four other teams out there, and we did it without handouts from that sly b!tch Cesar Duran!! Nobody can deny us! It's about time we get this title shot, and just like Rivera said, this gold is coming to 5150!!


Homicide: Ayo, let me cut this real quick. I've been in this company when it first started, and I carried it on my back, dawg! Now that I'm back, the squad is picking up some heat and we getting paid handsomely... Apolo might no longer be with us, but the streets will remember the man! Muertes, Los Parks, it's eye for an eye here, we're only getting started, ya heard me?? LAX is back, baby!




Konnan: Ok, boys, it's time to bounce... Puerto Rico be nice, but we coming to Mexico, the home of Los Parks! MLW, the ruckus is coming, and la familia will collect all the gold! We got the money, we got the b!tches, we got the power, one thing that is left for us to get is control. We're serious like a late period, bro... ARRIBA LA RAZA, TO LIVE AND DIE FOR THIS $HIT!





"So I’ve just checked my Twitter feed to see that I'm booked in a tag match with Reed. What the **ck, Duran? What part of 'I don’t want to team up with that guy' you don’t get!? It’s bullsh!t, man. On the other hand, I get to slap the shit outta Fox and Kane… You will see me pinning ‘The Suplex Assassin’ 1-2-3, and you will give me that ****ing MLW National Openweight title, dude. Because I’m the next breakout star!"






"Maan, Jordan is acting like a fool lately. Did he really want me to stay silent and allow Homicide to hit him with a fork in the eye? I don’t think so. So cuz, stop playing around and let's get the ball rolling. Bro, we’ve been riding together and we are tight, but if you keep this up… You gonna get burned, bro, no cap! Alex Kane, AR Fox… don't think 'The Young GOAT' is gonna allow this to affect him. Cause I need this dub ahead of my match with CRASH Lightweight champ Flamita. I’ve seen that dude in PWG, he can go and his moves are lit. But he ain't me, he is not ‘Hot Fire’!"





"Injustice are really cracking, man. Two boys that can’t deal with each other, let alone two MEN like us. AR Fox has been in the game for longer than both of you, and he taught me well. See this beauty on my shoulder? The title will stay here as long as I want, cause I’m the real fighting champion, and I am no lightweight. I ate that ‘Heavyweight Hustle’ up, so throwing around two kiddos is not a challenge for me. Reed, you idolize Ali, right? Well on Fusion, you’re gonna take a one-way trip from Louisville to Suplex City, and dem people will chant… BOMAYE, BOMAYE, BOMAYE!"






"Tajiri san, I have nothing but respect for your body of work. You are a living legend, and it will be an honor for me to share the same ring with you. I’ve been in the business for 20 years, I am no spring chicken, but I still consider myself a student of the game. I get goosebumps from thinking about this dream match! It will be the first time we will lock up, I’m looking forward to it, and… with all due respect, Tajiri san, I will beat you fair and square using nothing but my technical ability, no help needed. See you soon!"












"Oh Jacob… things could have been so easy. All you had to do is take responsibility for your actions and admit that your lack of leadership cost CONTRA the battle of the year! Because of your ego we have lost the progress we grinded for years!! Don’t bite more than you can chew, Jacob, and be careful what you wish for… because you might just get it!! MY SOLDIERS WILL BEAT YOU INTO SUBMISSION AND THEN YOU’LL HAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIL COOOOOOOONTRAAAAAAA!!!"






Holliday: Listen Hammer, I’ve heard the rumors about this big interpromotional title fight, right? Champ versus champ, CRASH vs. MLW… but maaan, I really think Cesar Duran is making a mistake taking that money match to Mexico. Marketing research shows that local consumerninos do not have the same paying capacity as our fellow country men. I can’t see them buying our dynastic merch, so the question is… why go there, bro?


Hammerstone: Holliday, this is not about the money. This is all about this championship. World championship! I want to take it everywhere, and compete against the cream of the crop guys. You know how much I love wrestling in USA, but there’s Hammerheads waiting for me in Mexico, bro. I will go and fight in the name of MLW, to prove that I'm the real world champ!


Holliday: Don’t know, Hammer, it still sounds like a baaaad idea. That guy you’re wrestling, what is he called? Bandido?? Is he some kind of a robber who will hold you at gunpoint? Just imagine selling your stuff at the merch table, and here comes some Mexican guy, robbing you in the light of the day! Besides, that arena they are running just screams ‘outlaw mudshow’. No rarified air there, I am sure!


Hammerstone: Richard, if you don’t want to come to Mexico, it’s your decision. But I’m coming there, and dude, I am excited!


Holliday: Ok, Alex, you’re a big boy. But just as a friend, I would not recommend you to go there. Also, I feel like participating in the prestigious Opera Cup fits my status better than entertaining the poor Mexican community. Ok, gotta go, man, my investing agent is calling…




MLW Fusion #146 Prediction Key


1) Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Alex Shelley


2) Jacob Fatu vs. Mystery CONTRA Member


3) Alex Kane & AR Fox vs. The Injustice (Jordan Oliver & Myron Reed)

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MLW Fusion



Episode #146


Taped for Vice TV in South East

Aired on Week 3, November 2021


Before the show we get footage of Alexander Hammerstone leaving the USA for Mexico. He’s driven to the airport by Richard Holliday, who attempts to talk Hammer out of this 'business trip'. Holliday smells trouble for the champion, and advises him not to go.




Hammerstone: Holliday, we’ve talked about it already. I’m going, end of story. Thanks for the ride though!


Holliday: Anytime champ. Give me a call when you land, or if you need anything.

Hammerstone: Got all my stuff right here, buddy. See you soon, don’t forget to hit the gym, bro.


They hug and Alex walks away with the bags full of protein powder. Holliday waves at him and then his phone rings…


"Yeah. Yes, he’s getting on the plane. Make sure to welcome him with open arms… Haha, exactly. Later, boss."


Holliday ends the call and spots a paparazzi hiding behind the bench. He runs after Emilio Sparks saying that stalking is a prohibited act in the laws of every state. The feed cuts off and we are ready to begin another episode of MLW Fusion!



After the signature of the show we get to hear from Rich Bocchini and Jared Saint-Laurent.


They hype up the show, talking about the main event bout between Injustice, AR Fox and Alex Kane. ‘The Suplex Assassin’ is walking around the arena with the gold he did not win officially, and Bochinni hopes that someone will put the cocky youngster in his place. Saint-Laurent defends the act of Kane, saying that he’s just a hungry young man that creates his own chances, nothing wrong with that. Bochinni strongly disagrees, but lights up talking about the upcoming dream match...


Alex Shelley against Yoshihiro Tajiri!




Alex is backstage with Alicia Atout, savoring moments before the opening contest…


Atout: Alex, we’re just moments away from your MLW Fusion debut! What is running through your mind right now?


Shelley: Absolutely nothing, and that’s howI know I’m doing it right. There’s distress and eustress, negative and positive, yin and yang. When you go out there and you’re not on autopilot, if you can’t just wrestle with your eyes closed - then you don’t belong in MLW, or in the same ring as Yoshihiro Tajiri. And I think that’s my music playing… Gotta go!


Atout: Good luck out there!



Shelley makes his entrance to his old ROH song, he’s pretty over with the fans. Some of them show the MCMG hand sign to the camera, even. Alex bows to the fans and awaits the arrival of ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’. Here he is, accompanied by his protege Bu Ku Dao! Tajiri gets on the top rope and spits out some water, and he’s over with the fans too. This will be a good match, no doubt about it.




Singles Match




Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Alex Shelley


Two experienced grapplers start this contest with a sign of respect. Shelley bows to Tajiri and tries to shake his hand, but ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ did not come here to play well with others, he kicks Shelley’s hand away. He is tangling with Alex in a tidy chain wrestling contest...


...and almost kicks his head off with a kick! Alex has a smirk on his face, he expected something like that, but he continues fighting Tajiri on the mat cleanly. Too much respect shown to the legend? Tajiri sends Alex in the ropes with a Snapmare Armdrag and tries to hit a Spinning Wheel Kick, but Shelley ducks and locks Tajiri in a Border City Stretch! The crafty veteran is biting to free himself, and tries a surprise roll up.


Only for two! Shelley is amused by this, while Tajiri is getting more serious.




The match is transitioning to more throws and kicks as we go further, and Tajiri is rolling back the years, lighting up Shelley with some stiff kicks. Alex endures the pain and catches Yoshihiro with a Superkick, and hits the legend with an Air Raid Crash! Not enough… Alex tries a Single Leg Boston Crab, putting a lot of pressure on Tajiri, who is cheered on by some fans and Bu Ku Dao. The protege jumps on the apron and distracts the ref, giving Tajiri a few valuable seconds of rest. Alex tells him to go away and sees Tajiri getting up.


Tajiri sprays the Green Mist, but Shelley ducks, and it is Bu Ku Dao who ends up with a painted face! Sliced Bread #2 connects, and Alex pins ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ for three! Good match from two of the best technical wrestlers on the MLW roster.

Alex Shelley defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri in 13:45 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread #2. [47/100]


Shelley had an in-ring performance of 58.

Tajiri had an in-ring performance of 27.


(-) Tajiri was off his game.

After the match, Shelley comes up to his opponent and once again tries to shake Tajiri’s hand.


This time he is lucky, and Tajiri accepts the handshake! The feel good moment is interrupted by TJP, who sarcastically claps to them and says that if this is your idea of a wrestling dream match, you’re a lost cause. When it comes to actual wrestling, there’s no one better in the world than TJ Perkins. Shelley scratches his head and says that TJ has his head in the clouds, and nobody here likes him one bit.


In Shelley’s humble opinion, Perkins is a douche.




"Like I care what you or these idiots feel about me! You wouldn’t recognize a star if it hit you in the face, Shelley…"


Alex and TJ trade verbal jabs until Perkins gives Shelley a cheap slap to the face! He immediately hides behind Bu Ku Dao and Tajiri, and jumps off from the ring. Shelley laughs to himself and picks up a mic.


"Well, TJ. If you think you are the best wrestler in the whole world, why don’t you meet me in the first round of the Opera Cup? Pure technical contest, you and me, what do you say!?"


Perkins shrugs and says it’s a done deal, and Shelley can consider himself eliminated!




We're then graced by a pre-taped promo from 'Filthy' Tom Lawlor. He's in the bed with the Opera Cup, being fanned by Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku. Both look like they would rather be dead, but Tom is just being his goofy self.




"Come on, boys, a bit more enthusiasm! Alright, listen. I'm the current Opera Cup holder, and that automatically makes me the best damn wrestler in MLW. Heck, the whole industry! I am entering this year's tournament not because I need to prove myself to anyone, but because I like to hurt people, like I hurt Ross Von Erich last week! Nothing brings me more joy than torturing fools who think they can take on me... Actually, I do enjoy this trophy. So fancy, so classy, so historic! You could say that someone like me has no business being around this cup, but guess what? Opposites attract! And I have about two more weeks with this beauty! Boys, I think we need some privacy. See you in the dojo, you can turn the lights off!"


Ku and Garrini look at each other and shrug shoulders, as Lawlor starts smooching the trophy in the dark. Let's hope he won't get 'Filthy' with it!



We get an all access, unvarnished look at Jacob Fatu. This is perhaps the first time Jacob opened up about his roots, his past, and showed his sensitive side to the MLW faithful after splitting from CONTRA. Fatu talked about how he got the case for robbery and decided to pursue wrestling after seeing The Usos fight The Hart Dynasty on TV... Although the ex-MLW world champion is a very interesting man, it’s time for another match.


Or should we say, a fight!? Jacob Fatu enters the ring in the new ring gear, dropping the CONTRA colors and going for some traditional Samoan motives. He’s in a foul mood, and swears off, even though the fans love him. He’s here to fight Samael’s men, the henchmen. Who is going to be thrown to ‘The Samoan Werewolf’!? It is going to be Ikuro Kwon - a cruiserweight from the fighting pits of Indonesia.


He possesses a unique style and has great knowledge on how to get the most out of his size. Fatu is not impressed with Kwon’s pre-match antics…




Singles Match




Jacob Fatu vs. Ikuro Kwon


There’s a huge size difference between these two fighters. Ikuro starts with a series of rapid fire strikes, but Jacob doesn’t even flinch. Fatu flattens Kwon like a pancake with a Pop-Up Samoan Drop, and hits him with a mean Samoan Splash! But he is not pinning the smaller man just yet, pulling his shoulder up from the mat! Jacob pulls Ikuro by the neck and puts him back down with a Samoan Spike!! Fatu yells into the camera, asking Josef Samael if this is a joke!? An emphatic Moonsault ends this massacre, dominant performance by Jacob Fatu.

Jacon Fatu defeated Ikuro Kwon in 02:15 by pinfall with a Moonsault. [46/100]


Fatu had an in-ring performance of 56.

Kwon had an in-ring performance of 28.


(+) Kwon and Fatu have great chemistry fighting each other.

Jacob asks for a mic and tells CONTRA to throw some more bitches on his plate! Daivari, Simon Gotch, Mads Krugger, who wants to fight?


Sentai Squad Soldiers hesitate to confront Fatu, even though Josef Samael yells at them. Fatu tells Samael to get his sorry ass up in his ring, and tell things he said about him to his face! Surprisingly, Josef is crazy enough to step up to the beast… Fatu grabs him by the neck!! But CONTRA soldiers run out and jump in, getting thrown and kicked around. Fatu fights off them like a lion fights off hyenas, all until Mads Krugger makes his way to the ring and slams Fatu with a Chokeslam! ‘The Black Hand of CONTRA’ asks Samael for a weapon, and gets a railroad spike in his hand.










Jacob is bleeding like a wounded animal. The rest of CONTRA smell the blood and start stomping him down, as Samael waves the black and yellow flag. Atlas security tries to instill the order here and help Fatu to the back, but the prideful Samoan swears them all off and tries to get a piece of Mads! About ten security guards are needed to hold Fatu back and instill some sort of order…


While the Atlas security members try to restrain a wild Samaon beast we get a quick video message from our MLW World Tag Team champions.




Ross and Marshall are one with nature, training under the watchful eye of their father Kevin Von Erich.




"Ok boys, have a little break. Last couple of weeks didn’t go in our favor, but we will work and train through them. Determination is the quality of the champions! Injuries, backstage attacks and politics won’t stop the Von Erichs!"


Marshall agrees with his dad, and says that he is rehabbing as hard as he can to get back into the action sooner. And he thinks it’s time to reveal their idea to the fans of MLW… an idea inspired by one of their family's biggest rivals - The Fabulous Freebirds!


"Real champions not only work hard, but they work smart and keep the titles in the mix. We don’t want to hold up the whole tag division, but we also don’t want to give up these belts without a fight. So how about this… Von Erichs enforce the Freebird rule to defend their titles at the Opera Cup pay-per-view! My brother Ross Von Erich will tag with… my father, Kevin Von Erich, to defend the MLW World Tag Team titles!"


Father will always do what’s best for his sons! Kevin ends the video by crashing a plank with a chop - he still got it!




Tag Team Match




AR Fox and Alex Kane vs. Injustice (Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver)


Alex Kane has no intention of ‘giving up’ the MLW National Openweight title to our senior official, preferring to keep it on his shoulder.


AR Fox is in the ring, watching Jordan and Myron argue over who should start the match. Reed lets his friend start, but Oliver does not start well, getting kicked with a Flying Enzughiri upon turning his attention to the opponent. Dazed Oliver gets into a Foxcatcher, but slips out at the last second! The match could be over before it even started…


This little hiccup motivated Jordan Oliver to show what he’s all about, trading blows and aerial attacks with ‘The Highest Flier In The Game’! Jordan hits Fox with a Springboard Stunner and teases his finisher, but Alex Kane pops the young lad from behind and tags in, leaving his strap to AR. Few suplexes to start the match, Kane is an athlete! He easily ragdolls Oliver, and teases Reed about tagging with a dumb white boy.


Alex talks some trash in between the suplexes, even suggesting that Myron joins him and Fox! Myron tags himself in...




Myron is mean mugging Kane, while Jordan is asking him what the hell is he doing?? Myron and Alex circle around the ring, and Oliver gets back in! Reed is irked. Jordan hits Kane with a Superkick and goes for Lost In The Sauce... Alex Kane catches him in mid-air and executes a perfect looking Bridging German! Reed has no option but to intervene and break the pin. Jordan doesn’t like that, and shoves his bro back to the corner.


He wants to play some ‘hero ball’, it seems. On the other side of the ring teamwork prevails, as Kane and Fox cut the ring in half and test the limits of Oliver’s endurance… Fox with a Springboard Cutter! Cover! One, two, Reed hits a No Cap Splash to break it up, but he catches Oliver more than Fox! Myron adjusts his vest, pulls Oliver into the corner and tags himself in! Kane is in too, his suplexes are snappy, but Reed makes a backflip to escape one of them. Matrix Kick to the temple, carbon copy of AR Fox! Speaking of Fox, he carefully touches Kane on the back as he rebounds from the rope, and waits for the moment to strike… Bicycle Kick to Myron’s face, he’s here for the taking! FOXCATCHER!!


Kane has the smarts to tackle Oliver and ensure a big victory for his team! The current MLW Middleweight champion eats the fall, unexpectedly!

AR Fox and Alex Kane defeated Injustice in 13:23 when AR Fox defeated Myron Reed by pinfall with a Foxcatcher. [43/100]


AR Fox had an in-ring performance of 47.

Kane had an in-ring performance of 37.

Reed had an in-ring performance of 44.

Oliver had an in-ring performance of 38.


(-) Oliver was off his game.


Injustice suffers yet another loss, and this makes Jordan Oliver tear some hair off his head. He is whining about Myron's act and Reed is taking none of it! Two friends are shoving each other, and the referee tries to calm them down. Well, Jordan crosses the line and flips Myron off!


While everyone is distracted by the drama between Injustice members, AR Fox nags an MLW Middleweight title and wanders off with Kane, who's holding the MLW Openweight title! They're about to steal another belt!! Fox says this strap belongs to him, cause he just beat the champ, but no, this was a tag match. Winners argue with the fans and plan to hit the road, but their exit is blocked by ACH and Calvin Tankman who start a brawl! 'The Heavyweight Hustle' pounces Fox off the stage and smacks Kane so hard his mouthguard goes flying!


Kane and Fox leave the scene without the titles, leaving them behind... The Middleweight championship goes straight to Reed via ACH, but the other strap stays with the super heavyweight. Calvin Tankman wants to say something...




"Cesar Duran, you said that if I beat that punk ass Alex Kane, this title is mine! But this is a cheap way to win it. I want a rematch with Kane and win this beauty the right way! Heavyweight Hustle against The Suplex Assassin for the MLW National Openweight title!!"


Fans cheer the suggestion and Calvin passes the title to the referee. Will this work out in Calvin's favor? Find out next week, good night everybody!


Final Show Rating




MLW Fusion Results: Alex Shelley def. Yoshihiro Tajiri; Jacob Fatu def. Ikuro Kwon; Alex Kane and AR Fox def. Injustice

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MLW Control Center




A-lex Express Is Heading To Mexico!


Current MLW World Heavyweight champion, Alexander Hammerstone, is heading south of the border for an interpromotional title defense set for Blood and Thunder. Judging from Hammer’s promos, he is looking forward to having a one-on-one match with Bandido, the reigning CRASH champion. If this match gets confirmed for the pay-per-view, we will likely see this huge match headline the event. Are you excited to see ‘The Muscle Mountain’ against ‘The Most Wanted’?


MLW [b][color="Red"]Azteca[/color][/b] Results: [b]Colons[/b] def. [b]Savio Vega[/b], [b]Ivelisse[/b] and [b]King Muertes[/b]; [b]The Amazing Red[/b] def. [b]Steve Pain[/b]; [b]5150[/b] won the Trios Scramble Match.




'The Symbol of Life' In The Pants of Marty 'The Moth'


The resident 'Creepy Bastard' is all about playing mind games with his victims, and lately, Marty has been involved in some twisted games with King Muertes. Only an insane person would antagonize ‘The Man of 1000 Deaths’, but ‘The Moth’ is no stranger to the danger, and will get closer to the fire that might kill him altogether. Marty helped Salina de la Renta perpetrate an ambush on King Muertes last week, resulting in King’s mask getting stolen. Muertes will be on the hunt this week, trying to get his possessions back where they belong. That concerns both his mask, and the mysterious amulet currently residing in close contact with Marty’s crown jewels. 'The Moth' will have a singles match this episode, and things will likely get ugly.


MLW [b][color="Red"]Fusion[/color][/b] Results: [b]Alex Shelley[/b] def. [b]Yoshihiro Tajiri[/b]; [b]Jacob Fatu[/b] def. [b]Ikuro Kwon[/b]; [b]Alex Kane[/b] and [b]AR Fox[/b] def. [b]Injustice[/b]




Demonic Flamita Scheduled For MLW Azteca Match


One of the first matches on the ‘Blood and Thunder’ card featured ‘Hot Fire’ Myron Reed, the MLW Middleweight champion, and Demonic Flamita, the cruiserweight champion of CRASH promotion. In the wake of this ‘dream match’ Flamita will showcase his skills in a mystery singles match on the next episode of MLW Azteca. Funny thing is, AR Fox has a pinfall victory over his protege, and would like to get a championship opportunity sooner rather than later...


Rumored MLW [b][color="Red"]Blood and Thunder[/color][/b] Card: [b]Myron Reed[/b] vs. [b]Demonic Flamita[/b]; [b]Los Parks[/b] vs. [b]5150[/b]; [b]Alexander Hammerstone[/b] vs. [b]Bandido[/b]




Bare Bones Brawl Between 5150 and Los Parks


A trios match that was brewing for a month will finally happen at Blood and Thunder. After winning the Scramble match on the last episode of Azteca, Homicide, Slice Boogie and Danny Rivera will get a title shot against L.A. Park and his virile, masculine sons. It will be their first meeting ever, and you can bet a tenner that fists will be flying at the go-home show before the big showdown. Konnan’s soldiers were running the asylum in Cesar Duran’s absence, but there’s rumors that ‘El Jefe’ will make an appearance this week to get some things straight and let Konnan and Salina know who's boss!




Prediction Contest




1) Hollywood - 7/13




2) CGN91 - 5/10




3) The Lloyd - 4/7


4) CactusHack - 2/3


Very pleased to see CactusHack here - everyone should go check out his WCW diary if they haven't already.


As for me, I've been distracted for quite some time and hope that consistent posting will resume shortly.


Also, feel free to leave any suggestions for this week's 'Fighter Spotlight'. Peace!

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, good to know you're well and still around. In theory, once the transfer/compiling is completed and assuming you and kanegan are added to the HTML group, the diary should appear in full (all the pages) and look like it did in the old forum. So you could wait, but I understand if you want to do a new thread for full control and changes in appearance.

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