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Lucha Definitiva! A Cverse Dynasty

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Lucha Definitiva

Prologue I

Wednesday 18th August 2021 – approx 09:20am.


I’m jolted awake by a bit of turbulence. I’m tired. My legs and feet are numb and aching. It’s been over 9 and a half hours since the plane I’m on had taken off from Heathrow. That’s 9 and a half hours of bland food. 9 and a half hours of interrupted sleep, screaming children, and really bad in flight entertainment – and what for? Just an interview for a job that could finally kickstart my career in the world of television and wrestling? Another 10 more minutes passes before the plane finally lands. I’ve never been to Miami before. I actually prefer warm weather to weather that is cold, miserable, and wet. I like the beach, the sea, the amenities, and the tackiness that comes with it. Sure, places like Aberystwyth in Wales, or North Berwick in Scotland are a lot different to Miami, but I liked it.


Finally the doors off the plane open and it is the usual fight to get off the plane. I grab my small cabin case from the overhead compartment, and I sling my laptop bag over my shoulders. I’m sticky and sweaty. My short, cropped hair, that was neat and tidy is now scruffy. The stubble on my face, my beer breath, and my red eyes give off an impression that life has gone down the tubes somewhat. My once crisp white shirt is now creased. My navy blue trousers look distressed. I dare not look at my accompanying navy blue jacket. “Thanks” I mumble to the flight crew as a shuffle off the plane. The Miami heat hits me right between the eyes. It’s intense. My eyes adjust to the morning sunlight as I make my way down the flight steps and onto the runway. I walk behind other passengers as I turn my phone on. It’s now 9:32am. I make it through customs after a short delay, which was a more pleasant encounter than the one that happened in my mind. I’m only here for a couple of days, so I packed lightly. No need to collect any suitcases or bags from the carousel. I find the nearest bathroom and I wash my face, tidy my hair, and even spray a concoction of deodorant and cheap aftershave. I brush my teeth. I should have packed another suit or shirt, or something.

I get to the arrivals lounge of the airport. I see three burly Latino men standing together. One is holding a sign which I can’t make out, whilst the other two are standing besides him. They all seem uniformed. It’s not until I get closer that I see the text on the printed sign. It was my name, William Cohen. The three gentlemen then approach me like they already know it is me. They all then proceed to shake my sweaty hand.


“Senor Cohen?” asks the first gentlemen. “I’m Ricardo Fuentes Diaz, I’m the lawyer and accountant for Mr. Alejandro Rivera. Mr. Rivera has arranged for you to be staying at The Villa Casa Casuarina down on South Beach for the duration of your visit. I’m sure that you don’t have any issues with that?”


“No! No issues at all Mr Diaz. Isn’t that the former Versace Mansion?” I quizzed him. Ricardo seemed taken aback by my knowledge and started smiling.


“Indeed it is Mr. Cohen. Please don’t take offence. but I can see you’re a man of champagne taste, and beer money?”


I started chuckling at the comment. “None taken. I’d say more beer taste, and lemonade money.”


“Ah, I see. Well, I’m sure what was arranged with yourself over the phone, but Mr Rivera has mentioned that he will cover your expenses during your time here in Miami. Now, if you will follow me to the car. I’m sure we can stop off at a tailors along the way to get you a new suit. Mr. Rivera will be arriving at your suit around 4pm this afternoon. So when you get back, relax. Eat. Sleep.” replied Ricardo as he led me out of the airport and in to an immaculate deep red Bentley Flying Spur as we drive to the nearest tailors.

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Lucha Definitiva

Prologue II

Wednesday 18th August 2021 – 15:35pm.



I ended up picking out a wonderful fitted Charcoal suit from a luxury place in Down town. I’ve never been a man of luxury. I’m grateful in a way of my upbringing where supplies were scarce and if you wanted something, you’d have to graft for it. However, in preparation for this meeting with Alejandro Rivera, as much as I’m eternally grateful for his generosity, I wondered about who he is? What is his story? After all, I’ve only had a brief 15 minute conversation with him over the phone. So I thought, I’ll get ready now then in the time between now and the interview, I’ll do some research. I proceed to put on my suit, comb my hair and then I pour myself what would have been my 8th cup of coffee since getting here. I walk over to the living room in the suite, where the interview will be taking place. I open up my laptop, load up Google and then there was a knock on the door. I close the browser and I open the door to find a Bell Boy.


“Good afternoon Mr Cohen” he said with a wide, fake smile. “Sorry to intrude, but we tried ringing you on your cell phone. Just to inform that your guests have already arrived.”


I clock his name badge and I smile back. “Ahh Benjamin. That’s not a problem.”


“I’ll bring them up to you now. I’ll also bring menus and a drinks cart through. Is there anything else that you need me to bring?” Ben replied.


“No, you’re good Ben. Thanks mate.” and with that, Ben smiles and nods once again before turning on his heels. I’ve never been nervous about a job interview before, but here I am. I’m 31, and my stomach is churning and I feel flustered and panicked. I don’t know anything about this Alejandro Rivera, I don’t know anything about his ideas of a wrestling company. Why didn’t I ask him on the phone? My internal monologue is interrupted again by Ben the Bell Boy.


“Mr. Cohen? You’re guests are here.” Ben proclaims, again with that big fake smile.


“Thanks Ben.” I straighten up, smiling as I await for them to come through. First to come in is our friend from earlier, Ricardo Fuentes Diaz who walks in with a smile.


“William! Good to see you again.” he greets as he shakes my hand.


“Hello Mr. Diaz.” I reply.


“Mr. Cohen, I would love to introduce to you, my boss, Mr. Alejandro Rivera.” beams Ricardo. The next couple of seconds feel like forever. I wonder how sharp he dresses? What he looks like? That illusion was shattered as a small, overweight man in a fluorescent pink Hawaiian shirt, beige slacks and brown loafers walks in flanked by the other two men from the airport. He takes off his Fedora, and comes in for a massive hug.


“Ahh, Mr. Cohen. What a pleasure to finally meet you!” he says in a Latino American accent. “How was the journey?”


“Mr. Rivera! The pleasure is all mine. The journey was fine thank you.” It wasn’t said my internal monologue. “I must admit, I’m very grateful for the suit, the room, and the generosity you’ve shown to me already!” I reply as we’re in the midst of a firm hand shake.


Rivera ushers Ben out of the door before slipping him a generous $100 bill. “Is it OK to call you William?”


“That’s absolutely fine Mr. Rivera.”


“Please, please. My name is Alejandro. Come on, lets sit and we can talk and order some food.” we proceed to the living room area once again, and the whisky is being cracked open by one of the goons and poured into glasses.


“Salud!” we all cheer before clinking our glasses together.


“So, let’s cut to the chase, William. I’m a man who has a lot of pull in this beautiful city. I’m well respected. I love the bright neon lights. I love the beautiful Miami sunset. It takes me back to being a kid where I would see similar sights on the TV with Miami Vice, and even wrestling. Mi madre also loved telenovellas back then and I was hooked in. The glitz. The glamour. The violence. The storytelling. That’s me, man. Yeah I watch wrestling now, but it’s not the same. I want all three entities and mix them up. I saw the stuff you sent in with your resume and I loved it.” Rivera starts clapping his hands with excitement and leans forward.


“I appreciate that, but Alejandro, our of all of the applicants, why me?” I asked. Rivera tilts his head for a second.


“My brother, it is very simple. Nobody wants to touch me, or work for me. I sent the advertisement out everywhere, I want the best of the best, and I believe that you’ve got what it takes holmes.” Rivera, a bit uneasy, takes a drink out of his glass. “I know together, that me and you, can make something fresh and exciting. Something different.”


“I agree, something different is what wrestling needs right now. Yeah sure, USPW is throwback to the times that you’ve mentioned, but it’s not thrilling enough. NOTBPW is great for in ring work, but there is no storylines or glitz. The same is in the UK right now too.” I reply as I get more excited by the idea of helping to build a wrestling company.


“See. I knew it. I knew you have got a mind for it. I know USPW has money, I’ve got money. I just don’t want to compete with them just yet.”


“Boss, William. If I may?” interrupts Ricardo. “We have money, but we need to be careful with how we invest it into the company. You know how bad things are at the moment Alejandro. We don’t want to give them something to get excited about.”


Alejandro turns to look at Ricardo. “No. You’re right. We don’t.”


“Who are they?” I ask, somewhat curious to find out about my future boss.


“Have you Googled me or read anything about me? Or do you even know who I am?” asks Alejandro as there is a slight shift in tone.


“Uhm, no I haven’t Mr. Rivera.” I reply panicked, yet courteous.


“Aha, good. Welcome to La Familia. Welcome to Lucha Definitiva.” With that, Alejandro pulls me in for another hug, and crystal glasses are clinked together.

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Lucha Definitiva

Prologue III

Wednesday 18th August 2021 – 19:00pm.


That was possibly the most bizarre yet interesting meeting or interview I’ve ever had. Sure, I’m pleased to have gotten the job, yet I’m even more intrigued about Alejandro. He is quite the character. There’s something about him that I just cannot put my finger on. When he asked me to see if I know about him is a very odd, strange flex – even though he was pleased with my answer. I had to find out. I thought I did quite well despite me not watching any wrestling in a few years, let alone keep up with anything. Surprisingly, Rivera didn’t pick up on it, or he was just desperate to get anybody in the door to make his dream a reality.


I was told that I need to sample the nightlife tonight. Of course, funded again by Alejandro. I was just too tired from the flight. Still, there was two envelopes on the table which my new boss had graciously left. One, which was already opened was stuffed full of money – which I got bored of counting after I reached $1500 – and the second, which was still sealed. I should really open it, but again, Rivera is just constantly on my mind despite only have just left his company. I’m infatuated. I need to know who he is. Again, I reach for my laptop. I open the browser and I start to type out Alejandro. I then pressed the space bar and already the search engine suggested his surname followed by “who is” and “Miami”. Then, my phone rang.


“Hello?” I ask impatiently wanting the call to end already.


“William, it’s Ricardo. Please, don’t search the internet about the boss.” he panicked.


“I...I wasn’t.” I stutter as I frantically close the browser and the lid, suspicious of who is watching me.


“It’s nothing personal William, it is just that the boss has a lot on his plate right now, and we’ve had issues before about staff and trust. When the time is right, we’ll let you know.” again, Ricardo said panicked – almost under baited breath.


“He’s not a Drug Barron isn’t he?” I jokingly ask followed by a chuckle.


Silence. It was only for a couple of seconds, but it felt like an eternity. It certainly was deafening. “Sorry Ricardo, nothing was meant by it. The drink mixed with lack of sleep, you know how it is.”


“Have you opened the envelopes yet?” he asked. I knew something was wrong already since he brushed off my apology.


“I’ve just opened the first one, which again I really must thank you all for. You’ve been very kind so far.” pushing my tail further between my legs.


“It’s not a problem. You’re our special guest. You’re our employee. Do right by us and we look after you.” Ricardo exclaimed. “Now, what about the second envelope?”


“I haven’t had chance…”


“Not saying that you need to do it now, but it does relate to the job in hand. Information about the company. Information about the roster. Information about the pilot episode…”


“The pilot what?”


“Haha, yes. Listen, get some sleep. I appreciate that you’ve had a long flight, and that today has been a whirlwind. Tomorrow, read through it and we’ll touch base. Welcome to Miami. Hasta mañana William.” and with that, Ricardo hangs up the phone.


Now, images of who Rivera might be are now swirling through my mind. I go to the bathroom, and pull out some paracetamol from my washbag. I go to the minibar, pull out a bottle of water and take the tablets. I then take the second, unopened envelope and take it to my bedroom. I lay on the bed, turn the television on and it’s a local Miami news programme. I open the envelope and there’s what appears to be a brochure – a welcome pack. It’s glossy. It’s got that new, fresh smell which I strangely enjoy. It’s upside down, and I turn it around and I see this.




I’m amazed about the story of Rivera. How can a guy who wants to make a change for the better in terms of kids education have enemies? He comes across as a generous and selfless man. I decided that I’d ring up Ricardo in the morning and apologise again at how I got all of this wrong. Anyway, I started reading through the brochure. The mission statement of Lucha Definitiva was similar to what he had said in the meeting. Lucha Definitiva is if Miami is a wrestling show. Colourful characters, beautifully lit scenery. Drama that you could only see in the telenovellas. Wrestling that you wished you saw in mainstream companies. I was enchanted by it already, and I’m not any further than the first page.


The second page had more about the pilot that Ricardo briefly mentioned. Rivera has paid a Local Access Television to film and air the first show. Rivera has also facilitated one of his smaller nightclubs to host the taping. The show itself will be called Lucha Definitiva. There are full page bios on the talent that he has signed. If I know one thing about him, Alejandro Rivera means business about this venture.


I end up falling asleep with the glare of the television lighting up the room.



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Lucha Definitiva</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> </span></strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Prologue IV - Introduction</span></span></strong></p><p> <em>Thursday 19th August 2021 - 8:50am</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> I must’ve needed that length of sleep last night. I don’t think I’ve been that tired in my life, which of course is an over-exaggeration. I must have pulled 10 all nighters at university whilst writing my dissertation. Still, I’m showered, I’m dressed, and I’m raring to start a new day. It’s another beautiful day, but I’m fed up of being stuck in this suite, so I’m going to take this brochure and head down town. Maybe get some breakfast, drink more coffee and even people watch. I’m not really a touristy type. I like to experience the culture. Besides, these people will soon be my audience – so I need to know what they like, what they don’t like – and I may end up temporarily living here. I make my way down to the lobby of the hotel and I walk up to the reception desk. Greeting me with a smile was a young Hispanic woman. Cropped brown hair, hotel uniform, and exotic eyes. </p><p> </p><p> “Good morning Mr. Cohen. How was your first night?” she asks with a wonderful smile that has taken me aback.</p><p> </p><p> “Erm yeah, it was great thank you! I was wondering, I’m going to take a taxi Downtown just to people watch, eat good food, and experience the Miami culture. Is there any recommendations?”</p><p> </p><p> “I’m glad it was great for you! In fact I do, I used to eat there a lot as a kid. El Gallito Coffee Shop in Little Havana. Not quite Downtown but it’s fantastic. Great food, great coffee. It’s located on SW 8th Avenue. I can get your taxi arranged if you like?” she beamed.</p><p> </p><p> “If you could, that would be fantastic!” I reply, scanning her body for a name tag. “Sorry, what is your name?”</p><p> </p><p> She removes the hair that covers her name badge. “Oh sorry! It’s Sofia.”</p><p> </p><p> “Sofia, thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.”</p><p> </p><p> She nods before using the phone, presumably to book my taxi.</p><p> </p><p> Some 20 minutes or so later, and I wonderful drive through Miami with a very informative Cuban driver, I arrive at my destination. My taxi driver also told me that El Gallito is a hidden secret. I gave him a generous tip and I walk through the door. It’s small, but just what I expected. Hell, it’s just what I wanted. The waitress shows me to a table near the window and I order a coffee and baleada mixta con carne, which I found out is an Honduran dish, with tortilla, refried beans, thick cream, a salty hard cheese, grounded meat, and scrambled eggs. The meal was wonderful, different to anything that I have ever tried. The staff were fantastic, constantly asking if I want more coffee – which I thought would have been rude to have turned down. I reach into my backpack, and pull out the Lucha Definitiva welcome pack.</p><p> </p><p> The waitress who was doing the coffee rounds, in her mid 40’s saw my brochure with Alejandro’s face all over it. She politely smiled and nodded before making her way over to the counter to speak with a man. I couldn’t make out the Spanish but from the corner of my eye, I saw them point at my brochure. The male shrugged before turning the television on in the corner. It was a Spanish speaking news bulletin, and the screen showed the following.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="iX1IC1F.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iX1IC1F.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The television quickly changed channel. I call the waitress over.</p><p> </p><p> “Hi, sorry to interrupt. I saw the news just and I couldn’t understand what it said. Can you translate it to me por favor?” I politely ask.</p><p> </p><p> “Si senor. It was that Mr. Rivera is continuing to do charitable things around the city. What do you say in English, good story for news?” she replied.</p><p> </p><p> I could sense the panic in her voice. “Thank you!” and she quickly scurried away from my table. I get past the Alejandro feature and I’m greeted with the Lucha Definitiva logo and a blurb.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="wLwAnJZ.jpg?2" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wLwAnJZ.jpg?2" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53628" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Lucha Definitiva is a wrestling company formed by great Miami businessman, Alejandro Rivera. Fed up of the current monotony of professional wrestling, Rivera wanted to create a product that was based on his three loves. Wrestling, telenovelas, and Miami. Alejandro Rivera believes that by creating such a product, he can offer an alternative to the decades old formula of wrestling by mixing high energy wrestling, dramatic soap opera like storylines and a bright, neon Miami backdrop. To create such vision, Rivera drafted in British television supremo – and wrestling fan, William Cohen to write and book the shows. Matches will take place at the Vice City nightclub in Downtown Miami. Lucha Definitiva will air it’s pilot episode on Local Access television in October 2021.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I chuckle to myself. “Supremo? Nobody in the UK wanted to touch me, let alone have me working on their shows.” Anyway, I flick the page over and I’m greeted with the roster. No backstory or biography, just photos and names.</p><p> </p><p> I finish reading the roster page, which also had the LD Title Belts designs and my phone rings. It’s Ricardo.</p><p> </p><p> “Hola William.”</p><p> </p><p> “Morning Ricardo. Listen, sorry about my joke yesterday.”</p><p> </p><p> “Hey man, it’s all good. I thought jokes were supposed to be funny like ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ ha. Anyway, have you read the roster page yet?” Ricardo enquires.</p><p> </p><p> “Good one! Yes, I’m just sat in a coffee shop in Little Havana. Why aren’t there any biographies or character notes?”</p><p> </p><p> “Because Billy, you’re creating them from scratch. You can have access to the roster, you can find out more about them. You can sculpt them into whatever you want. However, the boss wants a bit of a hand in creating the show.”</p><p> </p><p> “Is that why both yourself and Alejandro is included on the roster pages?”</p><p> </p><p> “Yes for Alejandro. Myself? I’ve got the good looks, and I’ve always wanted to act. Besides, I can wrestle a bit too.” he replied.</p><p> </p><p> “Good looks? Is that a joke or…”</p><p> </p><p> “No William, I’m serious.” another brief pause that felt like an eternity takes place. I go to apologise again and Ricardo gets in before me. “Yes William. That was a joke. See? Funny!”</p><p> </p><p> “Yeah, if you say so.”</p><p> </p><p> “Where are you anyway? I want to show you around the city, I’ve got to show you the venue, shooting locations, and then look at places for you to live for when we get your visa sorted.”</p><p> </p><p> “I’m at El Gallito…”</p><p> </p><p> “Little Havana? Great choice. I’ll be there soon. See you soon.”</p><p> </p><p> The phone call ends. I put the brochure away in my bag, settle the bill and tip before exiting the cafe and wait for Ricardo to pick me up.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:36px;">Lucha Definitiva</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Roster and Champions</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Roster</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="sGViUYn.jpg?2" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sGViUYn.jpg?2" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="j3zeTEX.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/j3zeTEX.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="KJEm59W.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KJEm59W.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="CPd3e9p.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/CPd3e9p.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<img alt="pfNuYD1.jpg?2" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pfNuYD1.jpg?2" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Teams</span></strong></span></p><p>

<strong>La Familia</strong></p><p>

<img alt="6Wvqhta.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6Wvqhta.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="LGVOmMt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LGVOmMt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Vl2vOfo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Vl2vOfo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PgUi0MQ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PgUi0MQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="DG6mOAV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/DG6mOAV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="eXvokyR.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eXvokyR.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>Alejandro Rivera, Ricardo Fuentes Diaz, La Rosa Mortal, The Clippers (Jamal/Lemar/Crystal Wade)</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Garcia Brothers</strong></p><p>

<img alt="TzmiRUT.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TzmiRUT.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="wMLxJZu.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wMLxJZu.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>Davey and Eddie Garcia</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Bureau</strong></p><p>

<img alt="FQ4yGQG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/FQ4yGQG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="YFcLAoP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/YFcLAoP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<em>Frank Vernon and Melvin Harris</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Champions</span></strong></span></p><p>

<img alt="H667dLQ.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/H667dLQ.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Lucha Definitiva Miami Champion</strong></p><p>

<em>Vacant</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="lu71bw1.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lu71bw1.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Lucha Definitiva Women's Champion</strong></p><p>

<em>Vacant</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="wV1vMaF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wV1vMaF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Lucha Definitiva Tag Team Champions</strong></p><p>

<em>Vacant</em></p><p> </p><p>


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Anyone who make these roster members renders, much respect for you.


Thanks! I only picked up 3D Modelling for two weeks now. It's fun and sometimes frustrating.


I am remember a little Spanish I took years ago....interesting


Sadly my Spanish starts at Hola and ends at gracias and por favor. Google translate is my friend.

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Lucha Definitiva

Prologue V - Press Conference

Friday 20th August 2021 - 10:25am


Yesterday was an interesting day. Started with a nice little Honduran cafe down in Little Miami, and it ended with me being shown where I'll be living for the foreseeable. A nice, roomy apartment over looking South Beach down on Ocean Drive. Again, Mr. Rivera was generous enough to allow me to live here, I mean, the bathroom alone was bigger than my last flat. In fact, Rivera believes that if we have some success, then I could be onto bigger things in my career. I don't know if he was lying to me and being polite, or being honest. Either way, I cannot complain. Anyway, Ricardo is due to pick me up in 5 minutes from the new place. Maybe I could convince Alejandro to get some of that Honduran coffee in the apartment?


Anyway, it's another pleasant morning in Miami. Back home in the UK, our summer was very Jekyll and Hyde. It could be either beautiful weather, or it could be p**s down rain. Either way, people would moan - it's either too warm, or too wet. I'm just sat on my balcony people watching. I see Ricardo's car pull up and his horn sounds and I make my way to the car. I feel fresh, got a Lucha Definitiva jacket on, which partially covers a band t-shirt I'm wearing, and black jeans. I finally get into Ricardo's car.


"Hey Ricardo!" I greet him as I open the door.


"Buenos dias William. How did you settle in the new place?" he asks as he turns his radio down.


"Yeah, I had to pinch myself, but it went great thank you." I reply with a massive smile.


"Pinch yourself? Why?" Ricardo scoffs, probably not grasping the meaning.


"Figure of speech mate. Anyway, what's on the agenda today?"


"Today is your lucky day. Even luckier than yesterday. You my friend, are going to appear on television. Cool eh?"


"Bloody hell. If I would've known that, I'd have looked the part! What's happening?"


"We're going to Alejandro's house. We're having a press conference later on - and you'll finally get to meet the talent."


"The boss doesn't like to hang around, doesn't he?"


"Well, he doesn't. Besides, he's a popular man. There's not many in Miami who have the pull that Alejandro has."


"Ricardo, if I could ask. What is The Boss really like? I haven't searched anything about him, but I'm a curious fella." I ask as I gaze out of the window.


"Ahh. So, The Boss is a generous man. A charitable man. The poor love him, the rich and the powerful can't stand him because they like success stories that they've created - not ones that are self made. That's not a Miami problem. That's a world problem."


"I can believe that. I mean, he's been fantastic with me so far."


"It's like I said, if you do right by him, he'll show you the world and really look after you. If you don't then it's not good news."


"How so?" I ask.


"Listen, I like you. You're a good kid and I can tell that. Alejandro can too. But I shouldn't have said anything. He's a good, kind, and generous man."


Half hour later, we arrive at a massive hillside mansion that overlooks the city. It's massive. I've not seen anything like this. We pull up and a couple of Alejandro's men are awaiting us. Handshakes galore and they lead us around the back and there is two podiums, a few seats and a massive pool. The press are setting up, and the roster are just off to the right talking to one another. Soon, Alejandro comes out, in his usual pink Hawaiian shirt, beige chinos and brown loafers.


"Here he is! William my son. How is the new place?" he asks as he pulls me in for a massive hug.


"Mr. Rivera! It's wonderful thank you. Again, thank you for all you have done so far."


"I'm glad. Sorry that I called this on short notice. I felt like we need to strike whilst the iron is hot amigo. Essentially, I'll introduce us, talk about Lucha Definitiva, and as the main event, you announce the card you've came up with. Deal?"


I panic. I didn't know about coming up with the first card, or the second, or third. "That's not a problem!"


"Good man, get ready, it's show time."


We take our positions behind our podiums. Ricardo is to the left of us. This is mental. We get counted in.




"Ladies and gentleman! Thank you very much for coming this morning. Usually, I don't call press conferences unless it's big news, but this is bigger than usual. For those who don't know, I am Alejandro Rivera - I'm a businessman. I'm a man of the people. That's why the people like me and the powerful don't!" Alejandro laughs whilst Ricardo gives a quick shake of the head. "Right besides me, is William Cohen. I'll get Billy to introduce himself shortly. Today, I would like to announce something that means the world to me. You could say it was my first love outside of my dear mother. Today, I proudly announce to you, and to the world the start of a brand new wrestling company!"


At this point, a few journalists who thought they was getting a massive scoop tut and shake their heads. "Ladies and gentleman, since I was a little boy I loved three things. I loved wrestling. I loved telenovelas that my mother religiously watched, and I loved the bright neon lights of Miami - the greatest city in the world. So, why don't I create a fusion of all three - and I did. My new wrestling company is Lucha Definitiva! It'll contain great wrestling. Great telenovela style drama, and the bright neon lights of Miami. We will be making our television debut on Public Access Select TV on Thursday 7th October. William here, is the lead writer. The head booker if you will. He's got great pedigree, he's a big deal in the UK - a big up and comer in the television world. Ladies and gentlemen, to announce the card for our debut, I give to you, William Cohen."


"Thank you very much Alejandro. Good morning everything, hope you're well. I'm not one for speaking, so without further ado, here is our debut card for Lucha Definitiva. Our first ever match sees the fantastic luchador, Fuego del Infierno take on British heavyweight, Hank Nasty!" Both men proceed to step in front of the podiums and square up to one another. The press are loving this, and so are the wrestlers it seems.


"Our second match, will see La Rosa Mortal take on young Daisy Harper!" Daisy Harper walks in front of the press, smiles and waves. As she walks past La Rosa Mortal, Rosa slaps her from behind! A massive pull apart brawl takes place which sees a member of the press get knocked into the pool. Alejandro's henchman rush other and help the journalist up before taking him into the mansion to dry off.


"Oh wow. Ladies and gentlemen, I wasn't expecting that - I do apologise. Our first ever main event sees Big Isaak take on Dirk Phoenix." Dirk Phoenix proceeds to leap and bound around the patio.


"Sadly, Isaak isn't here at this time in moment, but I'm looking forward to the card and I can't wait to show the world of professional wrestling what we have got!" Alejandro interrupts. "Any questions?"


A member of press raises his hand, Alejandro is full of smiles but I can see Ricardo isn't smiling.


"Hello Mr. Rivera. Many of us here thought that the press conference would have been a response to the fact that the police are interesting in your dealings. Can you comment?"


"Sadly, I can't. It's the first I've heard of it and of course I deny any allegations. Sadly it's not the first time, and it won't be the last. My attorney Ricardo here will answer any questions relating to that. Thank you all very much for attending, and help yourself to the free brunch and drinks."



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Lucha Definitiva Episode 1: - The Pilot

Thursday 7th October 2021

Vice City Nightclub, Miami

Commentators: Jim Freebush and Joanna Rodriguez


The show opens with a roving helicopter shot of current day Miami. The golden sandy beaches, the crystal clear blue sea, the wonderful array of buildings, palm trees and an array of people. A quick cut to an empty Vice City night club in Miami. The camera pans around and we see Alejandro Rivera, flanked by Ricardo Fuentes Diaz to his left. Diaz walks over to the bar, picks up two glasses and fills them with champagne. He then brings the glasses over to Rivera and they both smile, toast, and drink.


Alejandro Rivera: "Ahh. Champagne. How wonderful Ricardo? Tonight, this dancefloor will turn into an warzone. Tonight, this dancefloor will see battle commence. Like yourselves, I'm fed up of the same old boring sports entertainment that you see on your televisions, on your computers, on your tablets, and anywhere else where you watch wrestling. That's why tonight, I'm going to bring to you something that you will never have seen before. Tonight, you will see wrestling, you will see soap opera that will rival the greatest telenovelas. Tonight you will see Miami in full living colour. Tonight, you will see Lucha Definitiva! Vamos!

We then cut to the Vice City Nightclub in Miami, and the crowd are going wild. We pan to the ring, and we see our commentators Jim Freebush and Joanna Rodriguez standing in the ring!




Jim Freebush: "Ladies and Gentleman, the time has finally arrived! It's is Lucha Definitiva! Good evening, I'm Jim Freebush and I'm joined by one of the best Women's wrestlers around, it is Joanna Rodriguez! Joanna, welcome. What a show we have tonight!"


Joanna Rodriguez: "Thank you very much Jim. We have a main event of Big Isaak vs. Dirk Phoenix! Also, we have womens competition of young Texan girl, Daisy Harper take on the Mexican, La Rosa Mortal. But first, we have Hank Nasty take on the young luchador, Fuego del Infierno."


Jim Freebush: "Joanna, the crowd are excited, I'm excited, and you're excited. But before we go to our first match, we have a message from Hank Nasty!"




We're in a dingy little strip joint. Neon lights flicker, spotlights adorn the strip poles and and a solitary figure comes out from the shadows of the bar with a martini glass in hand. His luscious blond mullet, thick dirty blond sideburns, and a dirty handlebar moustache. He takes a sip of his drink.


Hank Nasty: "Hi, I'm Hank Nasty. You probably know me from Dirty Schlong Does Dirty Deeds, The Farmhand and The Cowboy, or from your mothers bedroom. I'm not here to play games. I'm here to kick ass and to then make love. I'm the man who your deadbeat father wants to be, and who your dirty mother wants to be with. Fuego Del Infierno, you'll be stepping into the ring with me. You may be the biggest tadpole in the little Mexican pond, but I'm the biggest shark with the even bigger dong - and I'm going to kick your ass and take your woman!"



Fuegeo del Infierno vs. Hank Nasty

During the match, Erik Alexis comes in an attacks Fuegeo del Infierno whilst the referee is distracted. Infierno gets back into the ring, but walks into The Dirty Driver for the loss at 4:31.

Winner by pinfall via distraction: Hank Nasty


After the match, Erik Alexis carries on beating down Fuego Del Infierno before hitting him with the PK Kick right into the face. The crowd boos as Erik Alexis stands over the body of the fallen Fuego del Infierno, Alexis grabs a microphone.


Erik Alexis: "Oh shut up. I'm an exceptional sports star and this is how you respect me? The worst day of my life was when I signed for Miami - so screw you. How dare I not be the first wrestler to have a match in Lucha Definitiva, yet little Fuego del Infierno gets to jump about and do cartwheels? This makes me sick. Fuego, you're going to rue the day that you ever met me."







We find ourselves in the parking lot earlier today, a yellow camper van pulls up and it's The Garcia Brothers - Eddie and Davey. They both get out of their car and grab their bags from the back of the van.


Davey Garcia: "I was tellin you bruh, that wave yesterday down on North Beach was gnarly. You should've seen it!"


Eddie Garcia: "Well I hoped you kept on your board instead of wipin' out like you usually do."


All of the sudden, they get to the door and they're stopped by two men in identical black suits, both wearing earpieces.


Agent 1: "Gentleman, I'm Agent Frank Vernon, and this is Agent Melvin Harries."


Both men pull out their FBI badges.


Melvin Harris: "Ahh, Agent Vernon - a couple of radical surfers I see? I hope you haven't got anything on you that you shouldn't have boys? We all know how you'd like to get the Big Smoke."


Frank Vernon: "Yeah, you're more bothered about chasing dragons and chasing waves, than getting real jobs. Good job we haven't got warrants because we'd love to search you and get you off these streets."


Eddie Garcia: "Well sir, next week we'll issue you our own warrants. Warrants to kick your damned ass in that ring."


The Garcia's brush past The Bureau laughing as The Bureau dust themselves off.




We're backstage with Daisy Harper who is standing with interviewer Clare South.


Clare South: "Daisy, at the press conference La Rosa Mortal took it upon herself to slap you in your face. What are your thoughts heading into the match with her?"


Daisy Harper: "Well Clare, that slap has left quite the sour taste in my mouth. This is my first time outside of South Texas, and all of the sudden some witch slaps me? Well my daddy raised me to take no crap from anyone. Rosa, I've taken down bigger men from you in bars. I've wrestled cattle larger than you. I've came to Miami to prove myself that I should be here. I've came to Miami to prove that I can be the best wrestler in the world. Witchcraft or not, I'm going to pin your ass in the middle of that ring, 1...2...3."




La Rosa Mortal vs. Daisy Harper

Solid back and forth action, where La Rosa Mortal hits Daisy Harper with The Kiss of Death at 7:32

Winner by pinfall: La Rosa Mortal


We cut to a darkened room, where a flicker of sunlight beams from the window that is covered by blinds. The light lights up a small strip of a rugged, rough, and bearded face. The blinds open even more and its nonother than Jack Griffith. Griffith winces from the direct sunlight - as if he hasn't seen it for days.


Jack Griffith: "Redemption. A process of buying back or earning back something that you've given up. Redemption. I shouldn't be here. I should have been somewhere up north - surrounded by the glitz and the glamour. I was better than this. I was better than who I am now. I should have been there holding championships. Instead, I found myself searching for myself at the bottom of the bottle. Redemption."


Jack Griffith stands up and stretches his creaking body. He looks a lot older than we're used to seeing him.


Jack Griffith: "I've never really been one for busy cities, beaches, the sea, the hustle and the bustle. Yet, I didn't think that I'd be one for the bottle but that's the nature of the beast. That's what happens when you're married to the road. I'm getting too old for all of this. Truth be told, my best years are way behind me. Would I be in better shape if I didn't touch the drink? Maybe. Who knows? But what I do know is this. I have it in me to go around the block this one last time. I'm coming for the Miami Championship. It's not for the fans, but this is for me. I want to prove to me that I can do this. I want to prove to me that I've always deserved this. I want to prove to me that I am capable. Redemption."





Backstage, Clare South is standing with Dirk Phoenix.


Clare South: "Ladies and gentleman, right besides me is one of the first Lucha Definitiva main event competitors, Dirk Phoenix. Dirk, you're a self acclaimed rockstar. What are you looking to bring to Lucha Definitiva?"


Dirk Phoenix: "Well babe, I'm a rock god. I'm a ladies man who can kick ass. I kick ass by jumping onto that top rope and hitting people with The Phoenix Splash. I'm the man with the looks, I kick ass and I'm down to f..."


Clare South: "I'm sure you are. Shortly, you'll be facing Big Isaak - whom wasn't at the press conference. What do you know about Isaak?"


Dirk Phoenix: "I know absolutely god damned nothing about Big Isaak. What I do know, that I'll be running rings around him and he'll be looking up at those lights once I've finished with him. I'm Dirk Phoenix baby."








The interview quickly cuts to a video and we're now in some dark back alley. It's dark, it's threatening, and it looks like a place where you don't want to be after dark. The camera zooms into a double door where we can see the words "Danger! Keep out!" spray painted. In walks Big Isaak, who is quite possibly more menacing that the alley we find ourselves.


Big Isaak: "I'm gonna cut the crap. I'm not a wrestler. I'm not one of the boys. I'm here for reason and one reason only. 10 years ago, Myself and my brother used to run with a group of people. These people are people who are very dangerous people. I figured that out the hard way. The main person who I ran with? Alejandro Rivera. Why wasn't I at the press conference? I wanted to be there, Alejandro Rivera banned me from the premises. Why? Here's the reason why.


10 years ago, Rivera was beginning to take over Miami. Me and my brother were the henchmen. We did the dirty work and we succeeded. Us, Rivera, Fuentes Diaz and the others were all on the up. The thing is, you don't get high from your own supply. You learnt that from an early age when running in gangs. Sadly, Rivera did get high from his own supply. Rivera got paranoid. Rivera thought that someone was planning to overthrow him. Rivera thought that those people was me and my brother. So, I hear you ask. What happened next? Rivera had my brother killed. Rivera then framed me for my brothers murder and I got sent down for ten years. So Rivera, this is your biggest night. I'm here to ruin it. Alejandro Rivera, La Familia, I'm coming for you but you won't see or hear me coming. I'm coming. Dirk Phoenix? You're a chump and I'm going to make an example out of you. Rivera, you'd best be watching."


Big Isaak vs. Dirk Phoenix

In a dominant performance, Big Isaak defeats Dirk Phoenix with a Ten Year Stretch at 12:20

Winner by Submission: Big Isaak


As Isaak is celebrating, we quickly cut to the office of Alejandro Rivera. Rivera is losing his mind at Big Isaak's promo. He's joined by Ricardo Fuentes Diaz, La Rosa Mortal, Jamal Wade, Lemar Wade, and Crystal Wade.


Alejandro Rivera: "What a lot of bull***t. Who does he think he is spouting these lies?"


There is a knock on the door, Jamal Wade opens it up, and it's Officer Dick Aleman.


Jamal Wade: "What the hell do you want, pig?"


Dick Aleman: "Now, now son. I wouldn't want to cuff you and your little family now on drug charges? Alejandro! El Serpentine! The Boss! I'm going to keep this sweet and short, but can you get these little hood rats out of the room? We need to speak man to man. Your little sidekick can stay though."


Alejandro Rivera: "Jamal, Lemar, Rosa, Crystal - if you may."


The four then proceed to leave as Jamal brushes past Wade.


Dick Aleman: "Good man Rivera. You said we would have this conversation, and I think today is the right time - right? I want to be the Miami Champion. I believe that for all of the stuff that I've done for you, you can at least owe me this little one favour right?"


Alejandro Rivera: "Come on Dick, you know I can't do that. I've got to be as legitimate as possible with this."


Dick Aleman: "What? Rivera using the word legitimate? That's a first. The thing is Alejandro, is that giving me the title would be in your best interests. I mean, you've got FBI agents outside harassing your talent. You wouldn't want them to be tipped off - wouldn't you?"


Alejandro Rivera: "Dick, I can't do it."


Dick Aleman: "Fine Rivera. I'll just walk out right now."


Alejandro Rivera: "Fine. Fine. But I have one condition. I need you to compete for it. I'll ensure that you'll leave the ring with that title."


Dick Aleman: "So you do have some common sense? Well, make it my worthwhile, and I'll ensure that you're looked after. I'll see you around Rivera."


And with that, Dick Aleman starts laughing as he exits the room, leaving the camera focus on a very worried Alejandro Rivera.


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