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America at War [C'Verse, Multiplayer]

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="qeYGKnn.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qeYGKnn.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

Card for Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Scythe vs Mainstream Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Three Way Tag Match</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team vs The Pain Alliance</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Singles Match</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Masked Patriot vs The Crippler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong> Opening Match</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Brandon James vs Willy LaRoux</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Scythe def Mainstream Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Three Way Tag Match</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Supreme Dream Team def. Best of the Best & The Pain Alliance</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Singles Match</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

The Crippler def. Masked Patriot</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Opening Match</strong></p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Brandon James def Willy LaRoux</p><p>


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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

<strong>Scythe</strong> vs Mainstream Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

Three Way Tag Match</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Best of the Best vs <strong>Supreme Dream Team</strong> vs The Pain Alliance</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

<strong>Masked Patriot</strong> vs The Crippler</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

<strong>Brandon James</strong> vs Willy LaRoux</p>

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

<strong>Scythe</strong> vs Mainstream Hernandez</p><p> </p><p>

Three Way Tag Match</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Best of the Best vs <strong>Supreme Dream Team</strong> vs The Pain Alliance</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

Masked Patriot vs <strong>The Crippler</strong></p><p><strong>


Opening Match</p><p>

Time Limits are for nerds</p><p>

<strong>Brandon James</strong> vs Willy LaRoux</p>

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SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 4, Feb 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


The final episode of Supreme TV for February was shot in Tacoma, Washington in front of 7.292 fans. A total of 2.137.496 people watched it, which corresponds to a rating of 2.84, but Mr. Eisen recently brought up a valid point during a call with his sons in that C.A.N.N. only covers the American and Canadian market, so the ratings weren’t exactly comparable to begin with if TCW is also shown in Mexico. That was his indirect way of saying “why the hell don’t we air in Mexico” and I’m guessing Eric and Jerry will be taking steps to rectify this as soon as possible.



The show kicked off with Remo and Valiant going back and forth on the mic to hype up their title match. It all seemed pretty by-the-numbers, until Mikey Lau’s music hit. It was amazing to see the reaction this got, people like this guy and probably want to see him with the belt soon. Either way, Lau had a valid reason to want to be included in the title picture after beating some of SWF’s biggest names lately. Again, I thought this was going towards another 3 way match, but Remo surprised me when he played it smart and said he won’t put himself in such a precarious position like Rocky did when he lost the title.However, he was still willing to entertain the notion (and not look like a coward) so he counter-offered to put the #1 contendership up for grabs; next week, it’ll be the three of them and if Lau can get the win, he’ll be replacing Valiant as Remo’s opponent. No need to point out these guys are over and can go on the mic, I was happily surprised by the twists during this segment and appreciate how it moves a story forward while also setting up a big match for next week’s episode. Solid 84.



Willy LaRoux has been a thorn on James’ side since he debuted on the main roster. This was James looking for revenge while Willy tried to prove himself to the Rat Pack on camera and to his employers off of it. I was surprised they went all out on this one, but they probably wanted to make the best out of whatever little time they were given, which would also explain LaRoux’s willingness to be put through a table with the Big Money Move for the finish. Decent performance from the rookie and a much needed win for the veteran, 58 here.



LaRoux was a literal sacrificial lamb of course, because the rest of the Rat Pack showed up after the match to lay the beatdown on James. Not like their feud could end with him beating a rookie that just joined the group. Still, it got a better reaction than the match did, a 68.



We then got a Dominic DeSousa interview, with Eric Eisen doing the honors. DeSousa bragged about his accomplishments and how Joe Sexy has been helping him get to the next level. Nothing of much substance, but DDS is always entertaining so another 68 for his promo.



We then cut to another part of the backstage area, where Mainstream Hernandez was about to talk about his main event match tonight, before Crippler attacked him from behind. In case you’ve forgotten, Hernandez turned face at the PPV by messing with Crippler’s post match attack and things have been tense between them, but this was the first time they got physical. It seems this is building into a feud, for now the angle got a 60 from Mr. Eisen.



Hot off the attack, Crippler made his entrance as Masked Patriot was already in the ring. They tried to do a bit of storytelling here, both with Patriot delivering righteous vengeance after the backstage assault as well as by highlighting the differences in the two guys’ style as far as grappling is concerned. Patriot had the edge due to pure skill, while Crippler would hit sneaky blows to turn the tide and gain a dirty advantage. Gotta say this was more competitive than I expected and the ending was a blast, since Robbie Retro of all people made a shocking return. Seeing the first man on his growing list of people he’s sidelined return was enough to throw the Crippler off his game and the babyface hit him with the Patriot Slam for the pin. Wasn’t expecting Masked Patriot to go over in this match, but I’m good with how it happened and the 61 this match was rated.



We then got another Supreme Dream Team promo, Spade doing the talking with an arm around the waist of Dulce Moreno while Bekowski and Allen did their best trying to look menacing. Spade addressed the Pain Alliance and told them to be careful what they wish for, because as was revealed here, the match Eric Eisen hinted at last week when Laramee and Scott complained, would be up next, against Spade’s duo and Best of the Best simultaneously. Guess this was a way to give the Pain Alliance some TV time while trying to avoid another repetitive straight match between the other two feuding teams, pretty good all around at 62.



I was expecting this to be another case of the two heel teams working together against the babyfaces, then arguing about who’d make the pin, but they actually shook things up by making this an elimination match. Having each team really fight for themselves kept it exciting, with the Pain Alliance doing everything they could to turn this into a dirty ringside brawl, unless of course the opportunity presented itself for Big Smack Scott to flex inside the ring. It was actually Scott’s flexing that set him up for a quick roll up elimination courtesy of Angry Gilmore; opinions vary on whether this cleared the stage for the two feuding teams to do business or whether someone else should have been eliminated first to keep this fresh. Either way, the elimination happened and it marked the point where Best of the Best really started to make their slow comeback, with brakes for the heels to lay in some heat of course, but ultimately Morgan scoring the pin for the clean victory. Some of it was good, some could have been better, 67 overall.



Rocky Golden then hit the ring to a thunderous ovation and everyone knew what this was going to be about. Rocky cut a promo about his title loss and how Scythe attacked him last week, putting the big man over as a huge threat before hyping himself up for their upcoming Pay Per View Clash. Rocky said that no longer having to worry about defending the title has cleared his mind and all his focus is now on beating Scythe, there was a lot of fire to it and fans loved every word that came out of his mouth, including a supremely excited Mr. Eisen who gave Golden’s promo a triumphant 95.



Hernandez started the match with a lot of fire, looking to put the pressure on the Dark Reaper but all it took was a crossbody getting caught and reversed into a fallaway slam for the tide to turn. This spot was executed smoothly and I realized as the match went on that these two are great together, perhaps they should get into a feud once done with Crippler and Golden respectively. Hernandez reversed Scythe’s signature lariat once or twice before he finally got hit with it, he got fans to say his catchphrase with him when he was on a roll, this was sports entertainment done right. Scythe got the clean win via chokeslam to build him up for his match with Rocky but I’m really hoping Hernandez gets a decent push after seeing here what he can do in this 65er.




Other than Rocky Golden’s promo and the opening stuff, the rest was pretty standard stuff. Not bad, but not stellar either. Gotta respect Matty Faith for taking his chances and trying to build up new stars, but you gotta wonder how much more he can drag this on when TCW are consistently putting out killer shows and he’s mostly defending the #2 spot instead of aiming to reclaim #1. For this week however, a 73 will do for the episode.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results

Scythe def. Mainstream Hernandez

Best of the Best def. Supreme Dream Team and The Pain Alliance

Masked Patriot def. The Crippler

Brandon James def. Willy LaRoux</div>


Prediction results

Herrbear - 3/4

DinoKea - 2/4

KyTeran - 2/4


Big win in the prediction game by Herrbear this week!

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Wednesday nights USPW American Wrestling comes to you live from the Canadian Air Centre in Toronto, Ontario. The first time this year that one of the big three has dared to venture north of the border.


The 'go-home' show before Red, White and Blue! is sure to be an interesting one especially with regards to the Women's title scene.
Sara Marie
suffered an injury last week and has withdrawn from her title match with
Jaime Quine
. Quine took to social media to gloat, profress her brilliance and elected to hold a 10 woman battle royal with the winner getting the title shot but she teased an extra surprise.


Toronto will play host to match number four in what could be the end to the Best-of-Five series involving the trios of
Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet
Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson


Roger Cage's
beatdown last week he found a willing duo in the form of
Greg Black
Andre Jones
to participate in six-man action against
Joss Thompson, Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum
. The match acts as a pre-cursor to the National title match on Saturday.


Eddie Howard
will not be in action after the brutal beatdown he suffered last week and so will be resting before his World Title match vs
Rich Money
on Saturday.
D.C Rayne & The Force
will be in action however against
Sterling Whitlock & Zeus
of The Business.


Finally we don't know the specifics about it but we do know that we'll be seeing
Big Bubba
Nicky Champion
in singles action though not against each other.
Rick Law
returned last week to a great reaction in closing the show and that made official the six-man tag at Red, White & Blue.


Don't miss this. We'll see you Wednesday!




Announced Prediction Card

Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet vs Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson



The Cold Warriors vs Cooper Christie & Jacob Jett



Roger Cage & Team Supreme vs Joss Thompson & The Undesirables



D.C Rayne & The Force vs Sterling Whitlock & Zeus



#1 Contenders Woman's Battle Royal

Faith McGee, Glorious Gloria, Jillian Jarvis, Juliette King, Killer Kass, Melody, Miss American Pie, Missy Masterson, Tiffany Jade & Wendy Anderson



If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7


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Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet vs Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson



The Cold Warriors vs Cooper Christie & Jacob Jett



Roger Cage & Team Supreme vs Joss Thompson & The Undesirables



D.C Rayne & The Force vs Sterling Whitlock & Zeus



#1 Contenders Woman's Battle Royal

Faith McGee, Glorious Gloria, Jillian Jarvis, Juliette King, Killer Kass, Melody, Miss American Pie, Missy Masterson, Tiffany Jade & Wendy Anderson


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Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet*vs Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson



The Cold Warriors*vs Cooper Christie & Jacob Jett



Roger Cage & Team Supreme*vs Joss Thompson & The Undesirables



D.C Rayne & The Force*vs Sterling Whitlock & Zeus



#1 Contenders Woman's Battle Royal

Faith McGee, Glorious Gloria, Jillian Jarvis, Juliette King, Killer Kass, Melody, Miss American Pie,*Missy Masterson, Tiffany Jade & Wendy Anderson


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #261930; margin:10px;background: #bb8be0; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 2ugKne1.jpg




Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. This week's American Wrestling is in the books and it's time for our look back, assessment and recap of the show. Let's get into it.




American Wrestling came to us from Toronto, Canada this week in front of a paying audience of 13,075. According to the latest figures from Reverie the show was down on last week and the lowest viewed of the month amassing 11,417,910.


Segment 1:

#1 Contender's Woman's Battle Royal

Faith McGee, Glorious Gloria, Jillian Jarvis, Juliette King, Killer Kass, Melody, Miss American Pie, Missy Masterson, Tiffany Jade & Wendy Anderson

The show opened this week with a 10 woman battle royale. The match was announced after last week's episode as Sara Marie picked up an injury forcing her withdrawal from her title shot. It was a strong 12-minute opener showcasing some of the underutilised talent of the division. Everyone got their stuff in and Killer Kass looked particularly dominant amassing five eliminations but it was former 4-time champion Melody who emerged victorious and will get a rematch with Quine for the title.



Segment 2:

Quine appeared from the back and cut an exceedingly arrogant promo touting her superiority as champion to everyone else. She congratulated Melody but called out Strong and Pariah. It was revealed that through the power of her social media following and her belief in her brilliance she offered to make it a four way on Saturday and that Sara Marie would get her shot after she retains. The other three agreed and it was made official. A tantalising segment that hooked in the audience and the match should deliver in spades with the four talents involved. A good start to the show.



Segment 3:

Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Charity Sweet & Casey Valentine vs Trent Shaffer, Raven Robinson & Kirk Jameson

Another repeat match-up for this feud this time it being a repeat of the match three and a half weeks ago. The match itself was as good as last time but I think I speak for the audience when I say we'll be glad to see these 6 avoid each other for a while after Red, White & Blue! Shaffer picked up the win for his side managing to put surprise everyone and put away Smith after the Heart Burn. This brings the series to 2-2.



Segment 4:

Smith, surprised and irked at the loss, grabbed a microphone and cut a fiery promo saying that this should've been done a while ago and they should finish this as they started it. Smith vs Shaffer at Red, White & Blue. A straight up fight with no interference allowed.

Shaffer retorted back with fiery barbs and both agreed to the fight on Saturday night. It was an exciting promo that seemed to add a last dash of fuel to the fire for this feud.



Segment 5:

The Cold Warriors vs Jacob Jett & Cooper Christie

A 'can the enemies get along' type of match here as champion and challenger teamed up against Karloff & Novak, not seen sine Stars, Stripes & Slams! The cooling off period for the veteran duo seemed to work as they looked good here as Jett & Christie, despite their talents, couldn't get the synergy going to work here. The match was solid but it was a very strange match-up and shows that Strong is clearly struggling to book the tag titles strongly right now. Cold Warriors pick up the win pinning Jett.



Segment 6:

The follow up to this consisted of the partners of each man joining them in the ring with an argument breaking out between the 4 of them as Christie & Trenneman looked to grab the gold and show their worth. Novak & Karloff chuckled watching on shouting that 'They'll be waiting!'. The segments were received well by the live audience but it's strange booking. Strong and co. need to have a good look at the division and figure out what they want to do with it as we move towards the quite rare babyface vs babyface title showdown.



Segment 7:

Roger Cage & Team Supreme vs Joss Thompson & The Undesirables

Six-man tag action followed and there was a lot of talent in the ring here that put on a solid TV match. Jones & Black look a fine pairing together and could add some rejuvenation to the tag division as could Newton & Callum once they start to catch on with the fans. The pairings were good, the match was good and the typical 'entertainment-esque' finish was good with Thompson ending things with what looks to be a particularly nasty looking running knee strike to AJ before Callum pinned Jones getting his win back from a while ago. This set up the National Title match on Saturday nicely.



Segment 8:

Newton scoops up Cage's National title amidst the chaos and placed it over the shoulder of Thompson as the heels walk away and trash talk. Thompson threw it back into the ring to Cage as he reassembled his team. A typical post-match angle but I'm excited about the title match and it could be a show stealer as Thompson seems to bring out the best in everyone.



Segment 9:

D.C Rayne & The Force vs Sterling Whitlock & Zeus

Howard joined Rayne & Force ringside but was dressed casually and in no shape to perform tonight. Money was ringside supporting his support in The Business. It was a wild brawl of a match that is clearly designed to cover up any signs of decline in The Force which we all know are there. Good fun with Whitlock heeling it up and rolling up The Force for the 3-count. A match that felt like it was here just for being here but it was good.



Segment 10:

A heavy post-match beatdown was on order for The Business who weren't satisifed with sneaking a win. Howard felt goaded and took the bait looking to come to the aid of his friends but Jack Jackson blindsided him before Money began using the world title like a whip and began slamming it into Howards already injured shoulder. It's clear that the ripped heavyweight of Howard seems to have something about him that creative like and they've done a fine job of making it seem like he could be a threat to Money thus Money's insistence on doing heavy damage to him before a singles affair but he has some way to go and I'm not convinced that Howard is ready to be in a World Title match yet.



Segment 11:

Following this we had the newly named group Succession consisting of Frehley, Bubba & Blake in the ring. Great promo from Frehley putting over the history he has with Champion who joined them in the ring with Law & Wolf. A duelling promo with simmering tension throughout that the crowd ate up but, though it's early days, it's clear that Bubba & Blake have a long way to go before they can be perceived as close to these four. Before the 3v3 match both teams wish to display what some members can do. Frehley hypes up Bubba and welcomes down a random opponent for him for his in-ring debut.



Segment 12:

Big Bubba vs Grandmaster Phunk

Grandmaster Phunk made his first appearance of the year looking suitably 'fly' (is that what the kids say?) but ready for business. He seemed unfazed by the sheer size and mass of Bubba. He regretted that. 1 minute and 33 seconds after the bell first rang to start the match it rang again to end it. Bubba looked simply monstrous and ragdolled Phunk around the ring like he weighed no more than a dried leaf. I can't give the match any higher than the rating it got. For as entertaining as it is to see a monster at work it was very short and he's one of many in the company.



Segment 13:

A fun little post-match segment with the heels looking incredibly smug with themselves as Blake wiped the brow of Bubba with a towel. The faces did a great job of looking equally impressed and concerned raising a few chuckles from the live audience. The good guys then discussed between themselves who would go next but it was elected that Champion would perform as Wolf claimed he'll wait til Saturday and Law kept rubbing his jaw. Mr USPW stepped into the ring as the heels stepped out.



Segment 14:

Nicky Champion vs Anthony Trask

You'd be forgiven for being a little confused here as I was firmly under the impression that the discussion was for who would step in and face Bubba so there was a bit of what felt like a bait and switch here but thankfully the match we got instead delivered. This was Champions 3rd match in 3 weeks as he claims he's fighting off ring rust (Really?!) and the 24 year old Traskmaster performed admirably with his stock only being raised by being in the ring with the Icon. A 12 minute main event that everyone just let play out with the expected conclusion coming as a result of the Hawkeye Hammer.



Segment 15:

As soon as the match ends there was, unsurprisingly, a post-match attack from the bad guys. Blake snuck in and low-blowed Champion, Wolf made a charge but was sent propelling and tumbling out of the ring by Bubba and Law was met with a crushing big boot to the previously broken jaw by Frehley. Three men standing and three men laying and an audience clearly hyped for what will be a very interesting six-man tag at Red, White & Blue! as the show ends.



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All in all a solid go-home show for USPW that was probably slightly down on the efforts in previous weeks thus the 79 rating. The star power exists and they're continuing to willingly try and build new stars as well and quickly as they can but the storylines, though engaging enough, aren't truly gripping me and the National title and Women's title pictures are more interesting than the World's and Tag Teams. On paper it looks like the event should deliver in spades on Saturday but again it's what they do after Saturday that I'm keen to find out.


Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7




Prediction Card

Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet vs Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson

The Cold Warriors vs Cooper Christie & Jacob Jett

Roger Cage & Team Supreme vs Joss Thompson & The Undesirables

D.C Rayne & The Force vs Sterling Whitlock & Zeus

#1 Contenders Woman's Battle Royal

Faith McGee, Glorious Gloria, Jillian Jarvis, Juliette King, Killer Kass, Melody, Miss American Pie, Missy Masterson, Tiffany Jade & Wendy Anderson


Non-Prediction Matches

Big Bubba vs Grandmaster Phunk

Nicky Champion vs Anthony Trask



Prediction Score Card:

DinoKea - 3/5

Herrbear 1/5


Slightly harder to predict this week but thanks you both for engaging, predicting and commenting. Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated by old and new readers alike. Thanks for reading.

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Card for Predictions


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Unleashed Awesomeness vs ZWB & West Coast Connection


Tag Team Grudge Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Mission vs Southern Comfort


Singles Showcase Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Charger Siaki vs A veteran from the state of Indiana


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Domination vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB & West Coast Connection def. Unleashed Awesomeness


Tag Team Grudge Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Mission def. Southern Comfort


Singles Showcase Match

Time Limits are for nerds

A veteran from the state of Indiana (Threepwood?) def. Charger Siaki


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Lenny Brown & Steven Parker def. The Domination

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">

SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 4, Feb 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


Uprising wrapped up the month of February with a show in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 7.995 paying fans were let into the building, with NetStream reporting 3.952.535 viewers watching it online.



Going into the show, we knew it would be headlined by Unleashed Awesomeness versus ZWB and West Coast Connection so that’s how things began. BJ O’Neil led RBB and The Awesomeness to the ring for a promo. Not much going on besides building hype for the match, although Hawaiian Crush and the tag team titles were brought up with The Awesomeness still gunning for gold. Always entertaining to see these guys talk, a 77 to start the show off strong.





We then had our first match of the night, Lenny Brown and Steven Parker against The Domination, established guys who recently teamed up against regular tag team trying to establish themselves. Some decent wrestling, though the faces had to do most of the heavy lifting on the entertainment front and a win for the good guys after Parker hit the Future Shock on Chill. 52 ain't bad for this one, Brown and Parker had to carry their opponents but facing lower card guys made them look great in comparison.



The real storytelling happened after the match, when a furious Kristen Pearce got on the mic to say she doesn't manage losers, before resigning as The Domination's manager. I've said in the past how this was probably hinted at and how she deserves to be around better talent. Domination sure need a manager but that doesn't mean they should drag her down, because she sure as hell hasn't managed to elevate them so far. Mr. Eisen gave this angle a 47, which I think is fair.



Next up was another segment between natural teammates who somehow can't get along, Atom Smasher and Rogue. This was the usual arguing, done with more comedy and less intensity in mind, which I have to say was pretty refreshing. Rogue somehow managed to convince Smasher to team up again and try to make this work out, which I guess furthers their storyline. If this is built on lies and manipulation, it's not a question of if but when they'll implode. For now, they came off their segment with a hearty 84.



Emma Chase interviewed Xavi Ferrera next, a chance for the Puerto Rican star to brag and talk down ZWB as a "has been". I'd say odds are in favour of him interfering in the main event, though his promo got a decent enough reaction as fans warm up to him to yield a 61 from Mr. Eisen.



Charger Siaki continued his path of destruction, his latest victim being Harry Allen. I get that he's popular enough to put on TV and talented enough to carry Siaki, but the irony of having another former TCW star squashed just wasn't lost on me. Still, Allen managed to get a 45 match out of Siaki before taking the pin.



Duane Fry had Robbie Wright backstage for an interview next, the King of Charisma acting like he never lost last week's match just because Jungle Lord pinned Justin Sensitive instead of himself. Seeing him play the oblivious self absorbed heel was more entertaining than I expected and Fry really elevated this to another level, so 78 is what Mr. Eisen gave it.



We then went via "live satellite link" to an -obviously pretaped- vignette of Ana Garcia trying to follow Ekuma and Weatherfield as they visited Adams in the hospital in order to get an update on his status. Instead of the usual "reporter trying to get the scoop" gig, we had the Hawaiians welcoming her in (nice character showcase, by the way) and Adams actually cutting a short promo about feeling better and returning soon. 63 for this one.



I had a feeling this match would be reserved for a pay per view, but perhaps it's first contact and we're getting the feud-ender in a PPV, or maybe they're building towards a singles Dillon-Ranger match. Either way, this was heavy on the storytelling given the history between the two teams and the fact it was the first one after The Mission turned heel. They're also the #1 contenders for the tag titles so of course they got the win, although Faith cheated to get it, thus keeping the door open for a potential rematch. Mr. Eisen wasn't thrilled and gave this a 65.



Des Davids then showed up, who hasn't been seen since his match at Nothing to Lose. The SWF North American champion cut a promo on Steven Parker, saying he should stick to tag team wrestling alongside Lenny Brown; they seem to be doing well for themselves and he's beaten them both when they stepped up to challenge him. His barbs elicited some loud reactions from the fans, solid 88 for Des' promo.





A trios match then for the usual TV main event chaos, which I hoped would be contained and not end up as a no contest due to the ref losing control. Unleashed Awesomeness got the match started strong with their usual mix of flashy moves, charisma and shenanigans, before Slick and Fro were able to ground and pound them. James Prudence then showed up to taunt and distract them, throwing Fro off his game and allowing the heels to regain control, with RBB literally throwing Fro off, from the top rope and through the announcers' desk. This was fast paced and frantic all the way to the end, but it seems that Slick got caught up in the moment and thought he was back in Cali, because he hit Stardust with a nasty backbreaker that saw him twist a bit sideways before impact, to the point where I'm told he cracked a rib or two. My prediction of Xavi Ferrera interfering did not come true, which was probably for the best, though ZWB's team still took the loss after Slick got hit with the Cannonball Run. Given how the West Coast Connection are still relatively unknown to the wider SWF audience, it's great this match was rated as a 64.



For what Uprising is supposed to be, this was a great episode at 74 that's bound to rope some former SWF back into the fold. They seem to be coping well after the loss of big names like Valiant and Lau, which in turn gives younger guys on the rise more TV time to make their name.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results

Unleashed Awesomeness def. ZWB & West Coast Connection

The Mission def. Southern Comfort

Charger Siaki def. A veteran from the state of Indiana (Harry Allen)

Lenny Brown & Steven Parker def. The Domination</div>

Prediction results

DinoKea - 2/4

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USPW Red, White & Blue! Preview


LIVE! from The Nebraska Bowl in the Mid West comes the second special event of the new decade from the biggest company in North America and the world.


An expected sell out capacity of 50,000 are estimated to be in attendance at the event and you can be there too from the comfort of your own home, bar or theatre courtesy of the Reverie Network. Red, White & Blue! is sure to be another great evening of star spangled awesome action and so let's take a quick run down and recap of the card and how we got here.




The Undesirables vs Team Supreme

These four individuals chose their sides in the battle between Joss Thompson & Roger Cage. The recently debuted Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum named themselves The Undesirables as a reference to their long waiting time and seemingly unlikely rise to a major company and have sided with Thompson after both recently coming up short in their title matches vs Roger Cage. Jones & Black are veterans of the game and were recruited as support by Cage. Two new teams with a point to prove!




'Smooth' Roger Cage © vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson (National Title Match)

Cage has been National champion for a few days shy of four months and his popularity has only grown as a result with 6 successful defences under his belt. Thompson defeated Enygma at the start of the month and turned his attentions to the champion after claiming that nobody is on his level and he wants the gold here not because he wants it but to prove he can because he's just that good. Thompson and co. won the six-man tag a few nights ago and come into this one with the momentum.



Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Trent Shaffer

This is the culmination of a feud that started a few months ago between these two and has involved a number of different talents through it's duration. This particular match will be number 5 in the best of 5 series between these two and their associates and they decided that this could only end the way it started. Sweet, Valentine, Robinson & Jameson are all banned from ringside for the match.



Flight & Might © vs The Texas Express (Tag Team Titles)

Jett & Moor have been tag champions for almost 4 months now and haven't appeared to look troubled in that time. The Texas Express have been slowly building themselves up over the past 18 months and after defeating The Cold Warriors last month now have their first ever shot at the gold. Victory for the Texans would make them the youngest tag team champions in USPW history. Victory for Flight & Might would cement their place as the undisputed best tag team in the company right now.



Succession (Frehley, Bubba & Blake) vs Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law

The 'fight forever' war between 'The Dark Destroyer' and 'Hawkeye' has gained some fresh legs with new additions to each mans backing (as if either man needs it). Frehley has recruited the recently debuted talents of the massive and intimidating Big Bubba and Tavon Blake to aid his cause in destroying the good guys of USPW while Champion has long time associate Running Wolf and the enforcer Rick Law on his side. Frehley has defeated all 3 of these men at somepoint in singles action recently (Law and Wolf both within the last 4 weeks) and broke Law's jaw in the process. Champion has recently returned from being shelved by Frehley and will continue to look for revenge and redemption!



Rich Money © vs Eddie Howard (World Title Match)

Eddie Howard is undefeated this year and worked his way through the previous incarnation of The Business before starting to work through the 'new look' version and has clearly intimidated Money in the process as the rich snob has done all he can to avoid Howard and stop the progress of the powerhouse heavyweight. A recent altercation with one of Money's protégé's in Jack Jackson resulted in Howard taking a lot of shoulder damage via a steel chair and belt whips and he comes into this one hindered but hungry. Could the 'tag guy' use his momentum to win his first World Title or will Money extend his 7 month stint with the gold?



Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody (Women's Title)

It was an unusual journey to get this point but here we are. Sara Marie was the original challenger to Quine's title but withdrew due to injury and the four-time champion Melody won a 10 woman battle royal to replace Sara Marie as challenger. Pariah has been on a hot streak like nobody else and is arguably the hottest commodity in the company and naturally drew the ire of the 7-time champion and the wrestling royalty that is Alicia Strong. These two were set for a major clash when Quine, continuing to find a way to prove her dominance and appease her social media following, offered to involve Strong & Pariah in the title match and make it a 4-way to prove she can still come out on top against the 'best'. The two most successful champions in company history, the 'white hot' Lone Wolf and the current champion vying for the gold make this a must see main event.



And that is the official line-up for Red, White & Blue! Who knows what will happen on the night and if these are the only matches we'll see but it is sure to be a fantastic night of action in the Mid West and what better time to tell a friend to start watching USPW than with a line-up looking like this? We'll see you Saturday night!

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Prediction Card:


The Undesirables vs Team Supreme



National Title

'Smooth' Roger Cage © vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson



Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Trent Shaffer



Tag Team Titles

Flight & Might © vs The Texas Express



Succession (Frehley, Blake & Bubba) vs Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law



World Title

Rich Money © vs Eddie Howard



Women's Title

Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody



How many titles will change hands?


Which match will take MOTN honours?


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The Undesirables vs Team Supreme



National Title

'Smooth' Roger Cage © vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson



Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Trent Shaffer



Tag Team Titles

Flight & Might © vs The Texas Express



Succession (Frehley, Blake & Bubba) vs Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law



World Title

Rich Money © vs Eddie Howard



Women's Title

Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody

Comments: Protect Alicia!


How many titles will change hands? Three!


Which match will take MOTN honours? Six Man Tag!

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The Undesirables vs Team Supreme



National Title

'Smooth' Roger Cage © vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson



Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Trent Shaffer



Tag Team Titles

Flight & Might © vs The Texas Express



Succession (Frehley, Blake & Bubba) vs Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law



World Title

Rich Money © vs Eddie Howard



Women's Title

Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody



How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will take MOTN honours? World title

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The Undesirables vs Team Supreme



National Title

'Smooth' Roger Cage © vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson



Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Trent Shaffer



Tag Team Titles

Flight & Might © vs The Texas Express



Succession (Frehley, Blake & Bubba) vs Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law



World Title

Rich Money © vs Eddie Howard



Women's Title

Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody



How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will take MOTN honours? Succession vs Champion, Wolf & Law

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The Undesirables def. Team Supreme

Comments: Young stats defeat veterans...


National Title

'Smooth' Roger Cage © def. 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson

Comments: ...and keeps the scoring even when Cage wins


Trent Shaffer def. Bulldozer Brandon Smith



Tag Team Titles

Flight & Might © def. The Texas Express



Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law def. Succession (Frehley, Blake & Bubba)



World Title

Rich Money © def. Eddie Howard



Women's Title

Alicia Strong def. Jaime Quine ©, Pariah & Melody



How many titles will change hands? 1


Which match will take MOTN honours?

Succession vs. Champion, Wolf & Law

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rwGfv1Z.jpg<div style="padding: 10px; border: 20px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">USPW Red, White and Blue!


Saturday, Week 4 February 2020

The Nebraska Bowl, Mid West

Attendance: 50,000

Reverie Rating: 13,669,926

Show Rating: 86




Brock Cornish - Belle Bryden - Emily McQueen


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Natural Storm's theme plays and Eddie Howard walks to the ring with his shoulder and chest bandaged up but with purpose and determination in his eyes. He takes a microphone from the timekeepers table and doesn't wait for the crowd to settle before speaking.


"Rich Money! I'm not playing games with you. For 8 weeks I've kicked you and minions asses. You got 1 night where you got lucky on me. 1 night out of 54 where you got the better of me because Jack beat me with a chair but that's all you've got. I'm not waiting a second longer to get what I've got coming to me and that's that World Title. So I'm standing here. I'm ready and your paid help can't help you now. Bring your money bags ass on out here!"

Rating: 86


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>




USPW World Championship

Rich Money © [vs] Eddie Howard


Rich Money entered to a chorus of boos and jeers as he casually strolled to the ring with Whitlock & Jackson by his side. He whispers something to them before they both head to the back and the ref rings the bell. Howard instantly slingshots himself forward with great acceleration for a spear but Money rolls out the way as Howards momentum carries him in the turnbuckle post and he instantly clutches his shoulder in pain. The excitement and determination of the challenger overcoming his better judgement. Money brings him to the outside and spends time working him over. Stiff elbows to the shoulder, a couple of throws into the barricade and the ringpost and a general beatdown ensues but Money keeps rolling in and out of the ring to interrupt the ref's 10 count.

Eventually he rolls Howard into the ring who looks in rough shape. Money picks him up and goes to suplex but Howard reverses into one of his own and suddenly springs into life. The master of the tag team comeback 'hot tag' can fire up just as well solo and Money is stunned. Howard hoists Money up after a flurry of offence but can only manage a 2.5 count. Howard goes for a running clothesline in the corner but Money pulls the ref into the way and he goes down.




Atlas, whom we haven't seen since turning on Jumbo Jackson, makes his way down to the ring and puts a hurt on Howard. D.C Rayne & The Force both run down to help but are met with big boots before Atlas slams Howard to the mat with a Kronus Bomb. He rouses the ref as Money climbs the turnbuckle and hits his Dollars From Heaven on Howard to secure the 3 count and him still being champion.


Winner: Rich Money (Rich Money makes defence number 9 of the USPW World Title)

Rating: 73


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



Atlas - Rich Money


Atlas helps Money out of the ring as Rich clutches on to his world title tightly whilst trash talking and taunting Howard and the fans as a chorus of boos rain down upon them both.


Rating: 81


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



The Undesirables [vs] Team Supreme


This match cooled the crowd after the hot opener but the fans were still into it despite being unfamiliar with half of the competitors. This was the first time that both 'teams' had ever officially been in tag team action with their respective partners and the early goings were a feeling out process but very quickly it became clear that both teams have chemistry within their duos as the action flowed and some clever tag team offense was called for. Newton & Callum had the upper hand for good parts of it with a series of sneaky, heelish antics. A hot tag to Jones from Black allowed for the babyface comeback but it was swiftly shut down and, perhaps to the surprise of many, this one came to an end when he locked Jones into his Honey Trap submission and forced the tap out.


Winners: The Undesirables

Rating: 59


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>




Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Casey Valentine - Charity Sweet - Trent Shaffer - Kirk Jameson - Raven Robinson


A video package plays to the audience recapping the details of the months long saga that initially started off with Smith and Shaffer, pulled in a cast of other characters and led us to where we are now. The final match in a best-of-5 series where all others are banned from ringside for the duration of the match.


Rating: 80


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



Bulldozer Brandon Smith [vs] Trent Shaffer


Shaffer and Smith instantly began trading blows the instant the bell rang. There was no collar and elbow tie-up here. Both men came here with a point to prove with Shaffer winning the last contest in December but this one intending to be decisive. 13 minutes of action flew by as they threw caution to the wind and appeared to take a win at all costs approach. Shaffer utilised any and all dirty tactics he had in his in arsenal as he tried to keep Smith at bay with his aerial offense but he attempted one move too many and Smith captured Shaffer and put him away with the Tombstone Piledriver.


Winner: Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Rating: 78

<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Charity Sweet - Trent Shaffer - Raven Robinson


Sweet joins Smith in the ring and celebrates with him as Robinson follows her, consoles Shaffer and then commences to striking at Sweet before Smith pushes her away. Smith grabs a mic:

"Hey, hey, we've got good times rolling here and you want to keep this up? Your team lost Raven. Your man lost. But I can't let you just hit my friend here and not let her hit back. So let's go right now. Sweet vs Robinson one more time!"

Rating: 74


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



Charity Sweet [vs] Raven Robinson


This impromptu offering was immediately accepted and these two instantly began scrapping away with each other. They were well versed with what the other could do at this stage and traded strikes and holds as Smith & Shaffer cheered on from ringside. Raven won the previous 2 meetings but wasn't completely comfortable this time round with Sweet showing a fiery determination that we've not seen from her before. Raven looked to have it won as she locked in her Night Crawler submission but Sweet struggled free and quickly capitalised with two Sugar Smacks (Shining Wizards) to floor Robinson and secure the 3-count. The crowd erupted in cheers as Sweet had finally beaten Robinson one-on-one.


Winner: Charity Sweet

Rating: 67


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>


A promo package plays out hyping the debut of a 'God of Country' this coming Wednesday night on American Wrestling


Rating: 33


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>


Instantly following this we have a second promo hype package showing a packed stadium and a long haired shadow on stage. The camera zooms in to show the initials J.B as the figure strikes a power chord and the screen turns to black


Rating: 82


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



Jacob Jett - Julius Moor - Cooper Christie - Turk Trenneman


A brief hype package plays for the upcoming tag title match. The video features both teams sitting with Danny Jillefski and hyping up how much the tag team titles mean to them and what it would mean for victory.


Rating: 66


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



USPW Tag Team Championship

Flight & Might [vs] The Texas Express


A rare babyface vs babyface tag team match-up here for the tag team gold. The match was a fairly even affair in the early goings with The Texas Express extremely fired-up at the prospect of winning their first ever set of tag team titles in USPW. The match rolled on with Moor managing to keep the Express at bay utilising his size and strength and eventually the champions retained with a superplex from the top rope and Jett's Emergency Landing combination to get the pinfall on Christie and prove that the champs are definitively the best team in USPW.


Winners: Flight & Might (Flight & Might make defence number 5 of the tag titles)

Rating: 57


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



??? - Tyson Baine - T-Rex


Moments after the bell rings the arena descends into darkness before an eruption of fire and pyro lights up the arena in a blood red light as three individuals are now standing in the middle of the ring. Fans are familiar with Tyson Baine & T-Rex who have now returned to screens but not so familiar with the gothic figure accompanying them who gives a signal and the two behemoth monsters let loose and destroy anyone and anything in sight of them. The bodies of the tag competitors are laying crumpled in the ring and at ringside. The gothic figure clicks his fingers as the arena again descends into darkness before relighting a few moments later with the trio nowhere to be seen.


Rating: 66


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>



Roger Cage - Joss Thompson


National Champion Roger Cage is with Lionel Greenwood as he gives a promo hyping up his title match next and how, despite cheap beatdowns, he still stands as champion and will leave as champion. Thompson is with Jillefski and puts over Cage as a fine champion but himself a finer man and wrestler and people can no longer doubt him when he leaves as champion.


Rating: 86


<div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div>




National Title

Roger Cage © [vs] Joss Thompson


This match was just shy of 10 minutes of absolute all-out, steal the show action. Both men played to the crowd with equal measure with their off the charts charisma as the fans were really into this contest and ate up everything that both men were doing. The men traded shots to the cheering and jeering of the crowd and it looked like they could've gone another 10. Cage successfully hit his comeback spot and had Thompson up for his Rage Cage finish but as he propelled Joss forward the arrogant heel rolled forward and hooked Cage into a small package for a very tight 2 count. Cage kicked out with great force, rose to his feet but was instantly met with a Clean Cutter that planted the champ face first into the mat. Thompson, unsatisfied, raised Cage to his feet and then jumped off the middle rope to catch Cage with an aerial Clean Cutter and secure the 3-count. New Champion!


Winner: Joss Thompson (Thompson is the new National Champion

Rating: 78


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Succession (Frehley, Bubba & Blake) [vs] Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law


The babyface trio drank in the cheers and adulation of the crowd but, make no mistake, they weren't distracted as to the task at hand. Frehley had all their numbers over the last few months and had secured himself support in the form of Big Bubba & Tavon Blake. This would be a real battle and that it was. Bubba started things off for the heels and controlled the early going with his size as he worked over the good guys who struggled to get anything going. Once Blake was tagged in he showed off his abilities with some strong offence and strikes but it was Wolf who got the better of him. A hot-tag to Champion brought the audience to their feet and Mr USPW took control of the match but couldn't get it done. The finish came with Frehley and Law as the legal men. A ruckus got all 6 involved. Blake and Wolf were occupied brawling on the outside. Champion and Bubba were grappling away but Bubba snatched on a bear hug with a vice like grip that had Champion stuck. Law lined up Frehley for the Squad Car Slam but Frehley wriggled free and hoisted Law up for an emphatic Frehley's comet to put away Law for the 3-count as no one was free to intervene.


Winners: Succession (Frehley, Bubba & Blake)

Rating: 78


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Jaime Quine - Alicia Strong - Pariah - Melody


Following the drama that was the six-man tag match was a hype package building up the upcoming fatal 4 way main event for the Women's title. It recapped Quine's reign so far, Sara Marie's withdrawal through injury and the recent events that led to it going from a singles to a 4 way. The main event is next!

Rating: 76


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USPW Womens Championship

Jaime Quine © [vs] Alicia Strong [vs] Pariah [vs] Melody


Arguably the four most over talents in the women's division went at it here for the richest prize available to them in a fantastic main event. For moments the match appeared to take more of a tornado tag team format as Pariah and Melody seemed to join forces to take the fight to Quine and Strong as the fans lapped up everything on offer and appeared to throw the weight of their volume behind the lone wolf Pariah. After 14 minutes of action the crowd began to hit a fever pitch as a series of near falls for all talents threatened to end this one. The finish came when Strong was thrown to the floor by Pariah who then awaited in the corner of the ring as Melody and Quine went at it. Melody lined-up her Melody maker but was caught off guard by Quine's K.O Kick from out of nowhere that floored Melody who rolled to the outside. Quine was furious at that and the distraction gave Pariah all the opportunity she needed. She ran across the ring, passed Quine, jumped onto the top rope and propelled herself off catching the stunned Quine in a crushing Tornado DDT that brought the fans to their feet. Pariah crawled across to make the cover but as she did so Strong emerged from the outside, grabbed the legs of Pariah and yanked her from the ring to the floor. Strong swiftly crawled into the ring and covered Quine. Pariah rose to her feet as quickly as she could but couldn't get back in the ring in time as Strong stole the 3-count and was the new Woman's Champion to the frustration of Pariah and the fans.


Winner: Alicia Strong (Strong is the new Woman's Champion)

Rating: 82


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Alicia Strong


The instant that referee Robbie Sanchez slaps the mat a third time and the bell rings Strong rolls from the ring, snatches the title from the timekeepers area and stumbles from ringside up the ramp holding her newly won title in the air as the fans let her know how they feel about her stolen victory. The show closes with Strong being joined by her cohorts King & Gloria as she raises her title aloft celebrating becoming an 8-time Woman's champion.

Rating: 87





Quick Results:


The Undesirables vs Team Supreme

National Title

'Smooth' Roger Cage © vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Trent Shaffer

Charity Sweet vs Raven Robinson

Tag Team Titles

Flight & Might © vs The Texas Express

Succession (Frehley, Blake & Bubba) vs Nicky Champion, Running Wolf & Rick Law

World Title

Rich Money © vs Eddie Howard

Women's Title

Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody


How many titles will change hands? 2

Which match will be MOTN? Jaime Quine vs Alicia Strong vs Pariah vs Melody



Dalton - 5/7 (0/2 Bonus)

DinoKea - 4/7 (0/2 Bonus)

Herrbear - 3/7 (0/2 Bonus)

smw88 - 2/7 (0/2 Bonus)


Thanks for the predictions friends and if you're reading along I thank you for your time. Feedback and comments on the show or dynasty as a whole for all 3 of us is appreciated.


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Oh I'm sure one day he will l. I just hope it won't come at the cost of burying other established talent hoping they might ask for a release...

Ouch :eek:


It's funny when you think of it though, our UCs are all at different stages. Historian just starting, Matty Faith floundering at the midcard and Alicia Strong already a main eventer. Only time will tell how this plays out...

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Total Championship Wrestling is back on Pay Per View with The War to Settle the Score. There are a lot of scores to be settled this Sunday, Week 4, February 2020. Who will walk out with the TCW World Championship? Will we see new World Tag Team Champions crowned? Who will be the first ever TCW World Women's Champion? It promises to be the best pro wrestling pay per view of the month so contact your cable or satellite provider and order it on USA Free Choice Today! Some tickets are still available if you are in the Dallas metropolitan area.




Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Chord versus "The Ace" Aaron Andrews ©


Tag Team Match

Forty-Five Minute Time Limit

TCW World Tag Team Titles

Devine Fortune versus The Behemoths ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Sammy Bach versus "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Triple Threat Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright versus Mighty Mo versus Wolf Hawkins


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Wild Ones versus The Elite


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Women's Championship Tournament Finals

Electric Dreamer versus Foxxy LaRue


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Edd Stone versus "Shocking" Matt Hocking


Opening Match

Twenty-Five Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal

TCW Television Title Shot On The Line

Entrants: Elmo Benson, Chris Flynn, Danny Fonzarelli, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Dean Daniels, Doc Hammond, Eddie Peak, Elliot Thomas, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Freddy Huggins, Human Arsenal, Jeremie Courtney, Joshua Taylor, Kip Keenan, Marc Speed, Mr. Lucha III, Nick Booth, One Man Army, Riley McManus, Roderick Remus, Tana the Mighty, The Architect, The Historian, Troy Tornado, Yuri Yoshihara

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Chord versus "The Ace" Aaron Andrews ©


Tag Team Match

Forty-Five Minute Time Limit

TCW World Tag Team Titles

Devine Fortune versus The Behemoths ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Sammy Bach versus "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Triple Threat Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright versus Mighty Mo versus Wolf Hawkins


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Wild Ones versus The Elite


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Women's Championship Tournament Finals

Electric Dreamer versus Foxxy LaRue


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Edd Stone versus "Shocking" Matt Hocking


Opening Match

Twenty-Five Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal

TCW Television Title Shot On The Line

Entrants: Elmo Benson, Chris Flynn, Danny Fonzarelli, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Dean Daniels, Doc Hammond, Eddie Peak, Elliot Thomas, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Freddy Huggins, Human Arsenal, Jeremie Courtney, Joshua Taylor, Kip Keenan, Marc Speed, Mr. Lucha III, Nick Booth, One Man Army, Riley McManus, Roderick Remus, Tana the Mighty, The Architect, The Historian, Troy Tornado, Yuri Yoshihara

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Chord versus "The Ace" Aaron Andrews ©


Tag Team Match

Forty-Five Minute Time Limit

TCW World Tag Team Titles

Devine Fortune versus The Behemoths ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Sammy Bach versus "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Triple Threat Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright versus Mighty Mo versus Wolf Hawkins


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Wild Ones versus The Elite


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Women's Championship Tournament Finals

Electric Dreamer versus Foxxy LaRue


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Edd Stone versus "Shocking" Matt Hocking


Opening Match

Twenty-Five Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal

TCW Television Title Shot On The Line

Entrants: Eddie Peak

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Heavyweight Championship

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews © def. Jay Chord


Tag Team Match

Forty-Five Minute Time Limit

TCW World Tag Team Titles

The Behemoths © def. Devine Fortune


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Sammy Bach def "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Triple Threat Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Wolf Hawkins def. T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Wild Ones def. The Elite


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

TCW World Women's Championship Tournament Finals

Foxxy LaRue def. Electric Dreamer


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"Shocking" Matt Hocking def. Edd Stone


Opening Match

Twenty-Five Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal

TCW Television Title Shot On The Line

Entrants: Elmo Benson, Chris Flynn, Danny Fonzarelli, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Dean Daniels, Doc Hammond, Eddie Peak, Elliot Thomas, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Freddy Huggins, Human Arsenal, Jeremie Courtney, Joshua Taylor, Kip Keenan, Marc Speed, Mr. Lucha III, Nick Booth, One Man Army, Riley McManus, Roderick Remus, Tana the Mighty, The Architect, The Historian, Troy Tornado, Yuri Yoshihara

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