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1 hour ago, piperrulz said:


She did not bring back a Shogun Warrior action figure. 😪

Well, even if it had existed then, that would've been too big at that size for Renée's coat pocket (unless she got a smaller version), but at least she got what she was looking for...  😁


Edited by Old School Fan
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On 10/19/2023 at 4:41 PM, piperrulz said:

Is this on life support or just taking a hiatus?


On 10/19/2023 at 4:52 PM, The Blonde Bomber said:

He's just on a Hall of Fame vacation!

Right now, I'm still working on my next entry, an AGWA TV taping post - I already have the first show from that taping in the can, but I still have the second show to do along with a couple of interviews (one involving Renée, the other having to do with her) to add in, but it's coming up shortly.  It's just been a little slower to get done because of trying to decide who to put together for the matches this time around.

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AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
October 27, 1970 - Anaheim, California
Attendance - 7,138


 Aired the weekend of October 31, 1970 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Samantha Sheridan and Addie Trent battled to a time-limit draw.

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Panama Franco defeated Jane Travis by pinfall following a kneedrop.

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Claire Lepage defeated Shae Driscoll by submission with the figure-four leglock.  As Lepage was getting her hand raised in victory post-match, Paula Steele ran in and attacked her; Renée Martel came running out from the locker room area to attempt the save for Claire, but once again, Steele saw her coming and pounced on Martel as she attempted to step through the ropes, pounding on Renée for a few moments until Martel got under and backdropped the larger Steele over the top rope to the floor.  As Martel went to check on Lepage, Steele pounded her fists on the edge of the ring and began berating Renée for again disrupting her attack on Lepage.

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Georgia Hase & Michèle Richard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Carol & Carolyn Kruise* (making their TV debuts) when Richard pinned Carol Kruise following a spinebuster slam.  Following the match, Dick Lane was joined for an interview with Paula Steele:



DICK LANE: Alright, joining me now at ringside is one of the members of the Queen's Court, Paula Steele.  Now, Paula...  (Lane is interrupted when Steele grabs at his microphone)

PAULA STEELE: Listen up, Lane, 'cause I'm only going to tell you this once - just shut up, stand there and hold the mic while I talk and don't interrupt me, got it?  (Turns to the camera as the fans boo Steele)  Renée Martel, listen up and hear me out 'cause I got something to tell you!  You really think you can wrestle?  You need to get into another line of work or take out some disability insurance 'cause you're gonna need it!  I'm sick and tired of seeing skinny and anemic broads like you who call yourselves athletes and I'm putting you on notice that you ain't gonna last much longer in this sport!  You didn't pay much attention to me when I first got here 'cause you were busy defending that WWWA title of yours while I was busting heads and racking up wins here.  Was my beating up on those puny broads enough to get your attention?  No!  Was winning my own title, the Interstate Tag Team title, enough to get your attention?  No!  It took going after your sidekick Claire Lepage to get your attention!  I wanted a shot at you, Martel, because you, Lepage and your type are all a bunch of weak, spindly-legged blonde beauty queens!  How many of you weigh as much as I do?  How many of you have the strength I have?  The answer to that's easy - none of you do!  I'm as good-looking as any of you and twice as strong and I can make examples of any of you any time I want to!  Martel, you need to quit tryin' to dodge me and find the guts to get in the ring and face me, but if you're scared of me, you need to call it quits and go try something easier like crocheting, sewing or cooking because, whether you have a title or not, I'm gonna catch up to you, and when I do, you better have your Blue Cross paid up!  Consider this your only warning, Martel, because your time's coming, whether you want it to or not!  (Steele lets go of the mic and walks off)

LANE:  Well, there you have it - Paula Steele, everyone.  We'll be right back after these messages!

Handicap match

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Earlene Brown defeated Casey Andrews & Janet Russ when Brown big-splashed and pinned Russ.

AGWA Television Championship

Shirley Hardman (C) defeated Judy Sowinski (with Mae Young) by disqualification in the TV main event when Georgia Hase and Michèle Richard ran in and attacked Hardman as she had Sowinski pinned after performing a fallaway slam.  Post-match, the Queen's Court members, under Young's direction, went on the offensive with a three-on-one against ex-member Hardman, but Renée Martel and Claire Lepage ran in to even the sides for a moment - until the heels retook the advantage when Paula Steele ran in, grabbed Lepage and threw her through the ropes to the arena floor, then went on the attack against Martel to give the Queen's Court the four-on-two advantage until Earlene Brown stormed in, then Lepage came back in moments later to even the sides once again and enable Hardman and the other babyfaces to run Steele and the rest of the Queen's Court out of the ring.  Steele refused to go quietly, however, as she threw a folding chair into the ring toward Hardman, Brown, Martel and Lepage and made threats specifically toward Martel.

 Aired the weekend of November 7, 1970 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Lita Marez defeated Jen Scott by submission with the Boston crab.

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Patty Stevens (with Mae Young) powerslammed and pinned Texas Red.  Post-match, Dick Lane returned to ringside for an interview with Renée Martel:



DICK LANE:  I'm back at ringside, joined here by Renée Martel - and Renée, I hear you've got quite a bit to say about Paula Steele.

RENÉE MARTEL:  Thanks, Mr. Lane, I sure do.  Paula Steele's been running her mouth about me for the last little while, saying she's going to make an "example" of me when she gets me in the ring and saying that I've been "running" from her.  First of all, Steele, you said it yourself - I was busy defending my WWWA title before I went to Japan because I was booked to defend that title, so I couldn't deal with you right away.  Second, I don't run from any challenges and I don't turn any away either, and if you wanted to face me, all you had to do was ask instead of doing it the roundabout way by attacking me or my friends.

LANE:  She could have, but she went a different route by resorting to those attacks.

MARTEL:  That's right, Mr. Lane, and I'm not happy about it.  You wanted my attention, Steele, and when you attacked Claire Lepage, knowing full well that she's my friend and tag team partner, you got my attention alright.  You call me and other wrestlers "beauty queens" and you say we're too "fragile" or scared to go toe-to-toe against you without breaking like fine china.  Well, here's my answer, Steele - you better be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.  Consider your challenge accepted - you want that match with me tonight, you got it!  (The fans cheer in response to Renée's acceptance of Steele's challenge)  Go ahead and try to make an example of me, because if that's what it takes for me to shut you up and stop you running your mouth about me or other girls, then I'll take that bet!

LANE:  And there you go, folks - all Mildred Burke has to do is make it official, but it looks like we'll see Renée Martel vs. Paula Steele happening tonight.  We'll have more for you right after a word from our sponsors!


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In a non-title match, NWA United States Women's Tag Team Champions The Sisters of Love (with Tonette Kadrmas) defeated Liz Connor & Carrie Lloyd when Sister Serenity pinned Connor following a double-facebuster delivered by Serenity and Sister Lavender.

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Ann Calvello used a leg lariat to pin and defeat Irma Acevedo.  After the match, Calvello joined Dick Lane at ringside for an interview, where Calvello called out NWA North American Women's Champion Ashley Sinclair for constantly dodging her challenges for the title and getting herself either counted out or disqualified in order to save her belt against superior opponents, called Sinclair a disgrace to the title she now holds, then demanded a shot at her and her title.

NWA World Women's Lightweight Championship

France Gall (C) defeated Barbara O'Leary* via submission with a cross-armbar.  As Gall was being handed her title belt post-match, Tonette Kadrmas and Kim Blanchard ran in and launched a double-team attack on Gall and beat her down, then Blanchard grabbed the belt and she and Kadrmas ran off with it before Gall got back up and took off in pursuit of the Dynasty members.

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Renée Martel faced off against Paula Steele (with Mae Young) in the TV main event.  Steele took the early advantage in the match, capturing Martel in an excruciatingly painful headlock followed by an armbar, a double wristlock, another armbar, and a powerslam that violently shook the ring.  Steele next moved in with a bearhug that had Martel gasping for breath, and then moved to an aerial attack after she deposited Renée on the canvas with another thundering bodyslam before picking Martel up, whipping her to the ropes and reapplying the bearhug.  In what some ringside observers termed a desperation move to keep from submitting, Martel freed herself from the bearhug by slamming her forearms into Steele's head several times to force its release, but the 175-pound Steele quickly recovered and catapulted Martel through the ropes and out of the ring.  While Steele kept the referee distracted, Young got involved and attacked the winded Martel for a moment before tossing her back into the ring.

Once Martel was sent back into the ring, both women unleashed every weapon in their respective arsenals of moves and maneuvers.  Martel went to the top rope for a flying bodypress attempt, but Steele countered by turning Martel’s effort into a powerslam, which Renée barely managed to kick out of before the three-count.  Steele then climbed to the second turnbuckle to attempt a fistdrop, but Martel rolled out of the way and Steele ended up hitting the canvas, then Renée psyched herself up for a comeback and went after her larger foe with everything she had.  Martel whipped Steele into the turnbuckles, then climbed up on the middle rope and delivered 10 punches to her.  As Steele staggered to the middle of the ring, Martel rebounded off the ropes and delivered a flying forearm smash, then got Steele in position and applied the Alligator Clutch.

As Martel had Steele caught in the submission hold, however, Young gestured toward the back and Michèle Richard came running from the locker room area, charged into the ring and attacked Renée, leading the referee to call for the bell and disqualify Steele for outside interference.  Georgia Hase and Patty Stevens ran in moments later to join Richard for a three-on-one gang attack on Martel, but the odds got evened moments later when Claire Lepage, Earlene Brown and Shirley Hardman all ran in and sent the Queen's Court scrambling for cover at ringside to make the save for Renée, who got her right arm raised in victory as the fans cheered.

Post-taping dark match
NWA North American Women's Championship

Ann Casey's challenge of Ashley Sinclair (C) (with Tonette Kadrmas) went as expected when, after Casey staged a comeback and got the champion backpedaling after several minutes of Sinclair dominating the match with her usual cheating and help from Kadrmas, Sinclair bailed out to ringside, grabbed her title belt off the timekeeper's table and decided to call it a night as she attempted to head back to the locker room area to take a cheap countout loss to save her title reign (again) - but Ann Calvello, who emerged from behind the curtain separating the staging area from the arena, was having none of it as she confronted Sinclair and chased her back to the ring, where Casey caught Sinclair and pulled her back in, barely avoiding the countout.  But as Casey continued dominating the match, Sinclair pulled a foreign object out of her tights and used it to punch her challenger with and drop her to the mat; the referee caught Sinclair in the act and disqualified her (though, once again, she retained her title via the cheap out).  Calvello, who had remained at ringside in the meantime, ran in soon after the bell rang and chased Sinclair out, then helped Casey back to her feet before the two fan favorites began trading threats with Sinclair and Kadrmas as the heels retreated backstage.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Roller derby skaters IRL.

Edited by Old School Fan
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Meanwhile, back in Montreal nearly two weeks later (with one match from this event tying into upcoming plans I have)...

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All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
November 9, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec



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Len Shelley defeated Fidel Castillo (with Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman) by disqualification.

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Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated André Carpentier by pinfall after punching Carpentier with a foreign object (which Scicluna discreetly kept out of the referee's view).

Canadian Women's Tag Team Championship

Sabrina Lafleur & Rosalie Paiement, best known for competing as popular underdogs in ASW, scored a stunning upset as they defeated Miss X & Black Widow (C) to win the title when Lafleur got the pin on Black Widow after reversing a rollthrough and segueing into a bridge pin while Paiement ran in and dropkicked Miss X to keep her from interfering with the pin attempt, much to the delight of the fans.

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In a non-title match, ASW World Heavyweight Champion Danny Lynch defeated Eddie Auger by pinfall in just 29 seconds following a powerslam.

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Chin Lee, Sugi Sito & Tor Kamata defeated Paul LeDuc, Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito when Kamata pinned Brito.

Two Out of Three Falls

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Jos LeDuc battled Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (with Eddie Creatchman) to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified in the third fall for excessive brawling after scoring one fall each.


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It's bonus content time once again:

Remember this listing of the AGWA champions and roster from back in 1968?  We've now got an updated version with more championships and an expanded current roster (and as before, the image is clickable if you want to see it in better detail):



Edited by Old School Fan
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7 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

It's bonus content time once again:

Remember this listing of the AGWA champions and roster from back in 1968?  We've now got an updated version with more championships and an expanded current roster (and as before, the image is clickable if you want to see it in better detail):



It's too small to read as it is and when I expand it's size it gets blurry. Can you fix it?

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5 hours ago, sonny912 said:

It's too small to read as it is and when I expand it's size it gets blurry. Can you fix it?

When you click on the image, the first thing you should see is the smaller version of it on a black rectangle, then you click on that again, which will open a new tab that has the image, then click it again to expand it.  I just updated the link a moment ago so it goes straight to the image and it works fine for me and shows clearly when I expand it; see if it'll work for you now.

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1 hour ago, Old School Fan said:

When you click on the image, the first thing you should see is the smaller version of it on a black rectangle, then you click on that again, which will open a new tab that has the image, then click it again to expand it.  I just updated the link a moment ago so it goes straight to the image and it works fine for me and shows clearly when I expand it; see if it'll work for you now.

Got it, thanks. 

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AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
November 10, 1970 - Anaheim, California
Attendance - 7,360


Aired the weekend of November 14, 1970 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Vicki Steppe* (making her AGWA debut) defeated Jackie Long by submission with an elevated hammerlock.

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Sylvia Hackney defeated Yolanda Ruiz by pinfall following a dropkick.

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Jan Vallow defeated Sandra Hale by pinfall following a bodyslam and legdrop.

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Beverly "The Hammer" Shade (in her first AGWA appearance) defeated Samantha Sheridan by pinfall after using a top rope axhandle to floor Sheridan.

AGWA Interstate Championship

Mary Jane Mull (C) used a German suplex to pin and defeat Jane O'Brien.

NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship

Sally Vega & Lita Marez defeated The Sisters of Love (C) (with Tonette Kadrmas) by disqualification in the TV main event when, as Marez had Sister Serenity trapped in a Boston crab, the Sisters' Dynasty stablemate Kim Blanchard ran in and delivered an axhandle blow to Marez from behind (the Sisters retained their title due to the DQ).  As Blanchard attacked Marez while Sister Lavender brawled with Vega, France Gall, whose NWA World Women's Lightweight title belt Blanchard had stolen last week, ran out to the ring and helped Vega and Marez chase the Dynasty off.

Aired the weekend of November 21, 1970 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Carmen Thompson defeated Jessie Willard by pinfall following a dropkick off the second turnbuckle.

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Michèle Richard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Margo Vincent by pinfall following a spinebuster slam.

Following the match, Dick Lane was joined at ringside for an interview with AGWA owner Mildred Burke, who announced that to settle the issue between Renée Martel and Paula Steele, an eight-woman, best-of-five falls match pitting Martel, Claire Lepage, Earlene Brown and Judy Arnold against Steele, Georgia Hase, Diane Syverson and Patty Stevens would take place as the TV main event tonight.  Burke also announced that the NWA Board of Directors, who were getting fed up with Ashley Sinclair constantly getting herself disqualified or counted out to save her NWA North American Women's title, ordered Sinclair to face top contender Ann Calvello for the belt at an upcoming event in Montreal, Quebec later in the month, then she announced regarding Kim Blanchard's theft of the NWA World Women's Lightweight title belt from its rightful holder France Gall, that if Blanchard did not return the title belt by the time of a planned match between the two at the same Montreal event, she would be fined $100 per day for each day she continued to illegally hold on to the belt.  Burke's announcement regarding the two Dynasty members brought out an irate Sinclair and Blanchard, accompanied by Tonette Kadrmas, who told Burke that it made no difference about Blanchard keeping possession of Gall's title belt because Blanchard, Kadrmas continued, would eventually defeat Gall to capture the title and become the new champion; Sinclair then got vocal about being forced to defend her North American title against Calvello, claiming that Calvello had done nothing to earn a shot at the belt and did not deserve it, but Burke pointed out that Calvello had consistently been winning her matches since her return to AGWA action in May and the NWA Board had determined that she had earned the title shot against Sinclair, who would have to defend the title in Montreal or else be stripped of the title if she refused to face Calvello there.  Sinclair was chagrined about the news, but proclaimed that it didn't matter because she would defeat that "old fossil" Calvello and walk away still the champion after the match.

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Kim Blanchard (with Tonette Kadrmas), still in illegal possession of France Gall's NWA World Women's Lightweight title belt, defeated Linda Terrell by pinfall with a schoolgirl rollup.  When Kadrmas came into the ring and handed the title belt to Blanchard to hold up as the fans booed, Gall came charging out to the ring, sending the Dynasty members running out in an attempt to escape back to the locker room area with the belt - but they were cut off when Sally Vega and Lita Marez appeared in the aisle and confronted the heel duo; caught between Vega and Marez at one end and Gall at the other, Blanchard and Kadrmas chose another escape route by cutting through the crowd and fleeing into the stands, with Gall, Vega and Marez in pursuit.

AGWA Shooting Star Championship

Marie Vagnone (C) defeated Irma Acevedo by pinfall following a belly-to-belly suplex.  Soon after the match in a ringside interview with Dick Lane, Ann Calvello made an appearance and expressed her pleasure at getting her chance to face Ashley Sinclair for the NWA North American Women's title in Montreal, pointing out that this would be the end of the line for Sinclair as she intended to defeat the arrogant young star to capture the championship and restore honor to the belt that had been eroded due to Sinclair's actions as a "closet champion".

Three Out of Five Falls

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Judy Arnold, Renée Martel, Claire Lepage & Earlene Brown defeated Georgia Hase, Diane Syverson, Paula Steele & Patty Stevens (with Mae Young), three falls to two, in the TV main event (highlights of which were shown due to time constraints).

⦁    First fall - Steele pinned Martel following a powerslam.
⦁    Second fall - Lepage pinned Syverson with a cross-bodyblock.
⦁    Third fall - Hase pinned Lepage following a knee lift.
⦁    Fourth fall - Brown pinned Stevens following a big splash while Brown's teammates ran in to keep the Queen's Court from interfering with the pin.
⦁    Fifth fall - After Young was ejected from the match and sent back to the locker room area by the referee when she was caught tripping Arnold off the ropes, Martel avenged her earlier loss of the first fall when she managed to overcome Steele's size and strength advantage with her technical skills in a comeback rally and soon caught Steele in the Alligator Clutch while Renée's teammates brawled around ringside with the Queen's Court; with Young backstage and no help coming from her teammates, Steele was left with no choice but to submit to the hold, giving Renée and her team the win.  As Martel got her hand raised in victory by the referee, however, Michèle Richard ran in and attacked Renée from behind, knocking her archrival down to the mat and continuing to attack her for a few moments while Richard's Queen's Court stablemates continued brawling with Arnold, Lepage and Brown until Brown broke away from the ringside brawl and came in, followed moments later by Arnold and Lepage, to chase Richard out for the save for Renée.

Post-taping dark match
NWA North American Women's Championship

Shirley Hardman became the latest contender to challenge Ashley Sinclair (C) (with Tonette Kadrmas) for the title - and Sinclair continued her disgraceful conduct as champion when, after Hardman went on the comeback trail and got her opponent on the run, she was tossed over the top rope by Sinclair, who saved her title once again when she was disqualified for the illegal move.  Even though she lost due to the DQ, Sinclair, upon getting her title belt from Kadrmas when she entered the ring, raised the belt over her head and bragged about retaining her title to the booing fans when the Dynasty members saw Ann Calvello come running toward the ring and they cleared out.  After Calvello helped Hardman to her feet and they got back in the ring, Hardman got the arena microphone and gave the retreating Sinclair a verbal thrashing, daring her to come back to the ring, then Calvello got the mic and told Sinclair she would see her in Montreal.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Roller derby skater IRL.

Edited by Old School Fan
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American Wrestling Association @ Winnipeg Civic Auditorium
November 13, 1970 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
Attendance - 4,600



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Moose Morowski defeated Wilf Caron by pinfall following a powerslam.

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Bobby "The Brain" Heenan defeated Bob Tuck by pinfall.

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Paul Diamond & Billy Red Cloud defeated Strong Kobayashi & The Big K by disqualification when Kobayashi threw salt in Diamond's eyes.

Canadian Women's Championship

Renée Martel defeated Michèle Richard (C) by disqualification when Richard threw Martel over the top rope (Richard retains her title due to the DQ).

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Blackjack Lanza (with Bobby Heenan) defeated Édouard Carpentier when Heenan's interference enabled Lanza to get the pinfall on Carpentier, who got his revenge soon after when he dropkicked Lanza out of the ring and sent Heenan scurrying for safety at ringside.


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15 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Never heard of a 3/5 falls match before. Interesting concept.

I've heard about such matches being used IRL for tag team matches involving six or more wrestlers, though such matches involving the use of more falls than the standard 2/3 tend to be rare (oh, and thanks for nominating that match for this month's DOTM 😎 ).

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All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
November 16, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec



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Len Shelley & Luigi Macera defeated Claude Gosselin & Gerard Dugas when Macera pinned Dugas.

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Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Paul LeDuc by pinfall after making discreet use of a foreign object to knock out LeDuc.

Canadian Women's Championship

Michèle Richard (C) planted Sabrina Lafleur on the canvas with a spinebuster slam to get the title-retaining pinfall win.

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Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (with Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman) defeated André Carpentier & Koa Tiki* when Dubois pinned Carpentier following a heart punch.

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Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Miss X & Black Widow by disqualification when Michèle Richard ran in and attacked Martel as she had Black Widow trapped in the Alligator Clutch while Lepage brawled with X outside the ring; when Lepage saw what was happening, she ran in to attempt the save for Martel as she jumped on Richard's back, but Richard flipped Lepage off of her and nailed her with an elbow drop, then got up to grab Martel, whip her to the ropes and catch her with a spinebuster slam before Richard got back up and raised her arms above her head in a symbolic victory as the fans booed her**.

Two Out of Three Falls

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Chin Lee, Sugi Sito & Tor Kamata defeated Jacques & Johnny Rougeau & Gino Brito, two falls to one, when Kamata pinned Johnny Rougeau in the third fall following a karate kick.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Koa Tiki (real name Raymond Kamaka) was the real-life brother of Tor Kamata.

** This match (and its aftermath) marks the start of the home stretch toward the eventual big rematch between Renée Martel and Michèle Richard from when Richard won the Canadian Women's title from Martel in controversial fashion back on March 16.


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3 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

I like the new logo for All Star. Excited to see the next program you make, assume it will be for the Renee-Michele rematch. I am unsure if this was covered in the past and I forgot. But why did Michele change her name for Margot Bouchard? She made her name as Margot so was curious why the change was decided.

Michèle announced that decision (and explained about it) during a TV interview shortly after her father Ti-Blanc Richard retired from the ring at the January Montreal Forum supercard.  Hope that helps.  😎

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9 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

I've heard about such matches being used IRL for tag team matches involving six or more wrestlers, though such matches involving the use of more falls than the standard 2/3 tend to be rare (oh, and thanks for nominating that match for this month's DOTM 😎 ).

You're welcome. I honesly had never heard of it before. Good out-of-the-box creativity. It deserved a nom.

Where did you go on your HOF vacation?! Yellowknife! 😃

Thanks for nom'ing me as well. Really appreciate the Patera-Val storyline angle nom.

Nice to see some fans still have some old school standards about them!  😉

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9 hours ago, kinnikuniverse said:

Martel and Richard gonna have one heck of a blowoff match, for sure.


This TL inspired me to make my own women's wrestling alternate timeline, though i dunno if i should share it with the world and where would be the appropriate place for it...

You should, if you feel inspired to do it, why not share it? As for the appropriate place, you could just post it here, at bethebooker or alternatehistory.com.


So what's the focal point of this timeline of yours? Will be set in the 80's and your gonna try and turn glow into a genuine force in wrestling? Or will it be based somewhere aroundJapan and it's various promotions?

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14 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

You should, if you feel inspired to do it, why not share it? As for the appropriate place, you could just post it here, at bethebooker or alternatehistory.com.


So what's the focal point of this timeline of yours? Will be set in the 80's and your gonna try and turn glow into a genuine force in wrestling? Or will it be based somewhere aroundJapan and it's various promotions?

I don't wanna derail the thread with my stuff, but to keep it short, it's actually part of my alternate sports world, with the main PODs for wrestling being what if Vince and Moolah never existed, and the WWWA as a promotion still exists.

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19 hours ago, kinnikuniverse said:

Martel and Richard gonna have one heck of a blowoff match, for sure.

Stay tuned for the announcement...  😎

19 hours ago, kinnikuniverse said:

This TL inspired me to make my own women's wrestling alternate timeline, though i dunno if i should share it with the world and where would be the appropriate place for it...

Go for it, we'd sure be interested to see how it looks.

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The new edition of the All-Star Wrestling newsletter/arena program (sporting a new look in the header) is now out - and in it is the announcement of some big news (though not exactly a big secret due to some hints being dropped at the November 10 AGWA TV tapings)...

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


And on Page Two...


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