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SMASH: Will Bump For $$$

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Washington Avenue Armory, Albany, NY

4,300 SELL OUT



Dark match

Frankie Kazarian vs Nigel McGuinness


Kazarian beats McGuinness with a Flux Capacitor.


Rating: D


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Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Wednesday night. This is SMASH Wrestling and you’re watching Crash TV!


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Chris Hero (w/ Talia) vs Brian Kendrick


Joey: Two young competitors looking to make their mark in SMASH.


This is a fast-paced opener with both wrestlers eager to hit their big moves live on national television. Hero wears Kendrick down but the former Spanky fights back with a series of innovative manoeuvres culminating in a springboard Tornado DDT for a close two count. Several close falls follow for both wrestlers. Kendrick calls for the Sliced Bread #2 but Hero shifts position and rolls into the Hero’s Welcome cutter! Kendrick attempts to stand but walks right into the… Discuss Forearm!


Joey: The KO!


Heenan: Right in the mush.


Kendrick is out. The referee counts three.


Rating: D+


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Jerry Springer comes to the ring, positively glowing, telling everyone how much of a success the first SMASH PPV, Light The Fuse was. He extends his thanks to anyone and everyone who made it what it was, especially those that bought a ticket or watched at home.


Jerry: And I’m very happy to share some big news with you. We're going to have a tournament to crown the SMASH World Tag Team champions. And we’re starting it... tonight!


Before Jerry can explain further though he is interrupted by Dawn Marie, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak. Dawn Marie is pouting and demands that her boys get a match tonight. This brings out Shannon Moore, nursing a black eye roughly the same size as Palumbo’s boot print. Moore tells the Natural Born Thrillers that whatever match they’re planning on having he will see them there!


Rating: C-


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Randy Orton vs Paul London


This may be a clash of styles but the lines are drawn early. London aims to take to the air and Orton really wants to slap on a chinlock. London moves quickly and catches Orton more than once with a well-timed dropkick. Orton however makes his size advantage count and grounds London at every opportunity. Several heavy blows have London reeling and Orton in control but London scores with a desperate enziguri ringing Orton’s bell. The quicker, smaller London attempts an aerial move but Orton blocks it and hits a superplex for a close two count. London, staggering, appears on borrowed time. He hits a jawbreaker and follows it up with a Dropsault but here comes Orton with the RKO! And this one’s over.


Rating: C-


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Christy Hemme sees the SMASH General Manager Eric Bischoff outside Shawn Michael’s dressing room. Bischoff looks like he’s unsure whether he wants to go in. Christy hangs back and motions for the cameraman to follow. Bischoff takes a deep breath and enters the room to find Shawn relaxing with Justin Credible and Francine. He tells HBK he needs him in the main event tonight. Shawn is not impressed and Justin speaks out telling the GM they’re all having the night off. Bischoff does not look impressed.


Bischoff: You can shut up, Credible. Get your gear - you’ve got Little Spike Dudley in a Hardcore match!


Shawn looks ready to make a stand and tells Bischoff he won’t defend the title tonight. Bischoff smiles and tells him to relax, it’s just a 6 man tag.


Bischoff: Enjoy yourself, champ.


Rating: C


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Becky is backstage with the Motor City Machine Guns. She says that they can go far in this Tag Tournament. The Guns look calm but confident. They are interrupted by a huge piercing shriek and in screams Daffney with Insanity Project. MCMG tell them “We do our talking in the ring.”


Rating: D


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Mark Henry vs Jimmy Rave (w/Talia)


Rave looks Henry up and down and appears to be forfeiting the match. He turns and steps through the ring ropes telling Henry “Not today.” Henry turns to check with the ref and Rave attacks him from behind. Jimmy rains blows on Henry but it’s to little effect.


Joey: This is going to be like swatting flies.


Heenan: If the flies had boyband haircuts and wore fishnet tank tops.


Rave fails in his attempt at slamming the enormous Henry so decides to go for a bear hug. He almost manages to get his arms round before Henry applies his own monster bear hug and squeezes the life out of him. Henry hits a Belly to Belly Suplex and, for good measure, a giant splash. Rave is done.


Rating: D-


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SMASH World Tag Team Championship Tournament

Round of 8


Insanity Project (w/Daffney) vs Motor City Machine Guns (w/Becky Bayless)


In the opening bout of the tournament both teams look to progress by any means necessary. The Guns take to Insanity Project with fast paced tandem offence that has Daffney screaming on the outside of the ring. Daffney is always screaming. MCMG look to make short work of a dazed Crowbar but Daffney grabs Chris Sabin’s foot and distracts him long enough for Crowbar to flatten him with a forearm shot from behind. The tide turns to Insanity Project’s favour as they work over Sabin. This continues until Sabin is able to evade a Mosh Pit attempt and make the tag to Alex Shelley. Shelley cleans house and Sabin joins him for stereo dives to the outside. Motor City Machine Guns take the win as Shelley hits Mosh with a Shellshock.


Rating: C-


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Don Callis is backstage with Christy. Brock Lesnar looks menacing beside him. Callis tells Christy that Brock has the night off tonight but he’ll be back in the ring next week. Christy asks him who against.


Callis: It doesn’t matter.


Rating: C


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Justin Credible (w/ Francine) vs Little Spike Dudley


The crowd in Albany, New York have been looking forward to this one ever since Eric Bischoff’s announcement and there may be more than a few ECW fans in attendance. Credible and Spike bring the hardcore and quickly break out the chairs and tables.


Joey: Justin Credible is beating Spike into the mat over and over but he just keep getting back up.


Heenan: Spike doesn’t have the brains to stay down.


Spike ducks chair shot and goes for the Acid Drop but Credible launches him out of the ring and through a table set up at ringside!


Joey: OH MY GOD!


Spike looks out but just manages to kick out as Credible rolls him back in the ring and attempts the pin. The carnage continues as the two brawl on the outside and Spike lands a Bulldog off the apron through another table. Credible is cut open and knows he is in a war. Back in the ring a That’s Incredible attempt is blocked and Spike hits the Acid Drop... but Francine is up on the apron distracting the ref. Spike remonstrates and turns into a low blow from Justin and a That’s Incredible onto a steel chair. The ref turns and counts three.


Rating: C


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Shawn Michaels, Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire (w/ Dawn Marie) vs Matt Hardy, D-Von Dudley and Shannon Moore


The Natural Born Thrillers work like a well-oiled machine. Shawn Michaels, the SMASH World champion, keeps his forays into the ring brief and tags out when it looks like the action might get heavy. Shannon Moore is quickly targeted and HBK is happy to be back in the ring if it means keeping away from Hardy and D-Von. The ref is struggling to keep all six men in line though and the match descends into a full on in ring brawl with Moore flying at Palumbo.


Joey: Shannon Moore with retribution on his mind!


Moore is quickly cut off from his partners though and NBT and Michaels take turns in beating the punk into the mat. Moore survives... and makes the tag to D-Von as the Dudley brother storms in and flattens all 3 opponents. The finish comes as HBK, not the legal man, drops Moore with a Sweet Chin Music behind the ref’s back. Moore is out. Palumbo casually bends down to peel him off the mat but Moore small packages him and the ref makes the three count!


Rating: B


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Joey: Moore has done it! Shannon Moore with the win!


Heenan: Palumbo snatches defeat from the jaws of victory.


Joey: That’s all we’ve got time for. Goodnight everybody, we’ll see you next week on Crash TV!


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Show Rating: C


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Another solid show to establish SMASH or should that be $MA$H?


Both the dark match and opener look like fun matches on paper and bode well for a future with a good working undercard (continuing the WCW or ECW vibes).

Hero picking up the win seems like the smart choice as I believe he has a bigger upside and Kaz/McGuiness was 50/50.


I'm glad to hear the early establishment of the tag tournament and belts plus the NBT interaction was well done - I'm interested to see where they go.


I'm not as down on Orton as some other readers appear to be and think his win was the right call - are London and Kendrick destined to team in the future (and could you imagine their matches with the MCMG?)


Henry getting another quick squash is building him well too. If Henry and Lesnar face off in the future will the ghost of Gorilla Monsoon appear to talk about immovable objects and irresistible forces.


MCMG progressing has me excited for the rest of the tournament and keen to fantasy book how the rest of the brackets might run.


The booking of Incredible and Spike was reminiscent of ECW and not just in the personnel. I'm not sure what kind of ceiling Spike has realistically but JI can certainly carry some of the load for you and I am intrigued by potential dynamic of Cliq lackey with HBK and him.


Finally a good end to the show and with surprising finish. Of all the competitors I think Shannon would have been my last guess to pick up the win given the relative star power in the match. I'll be interested to find out if this was a one off feel good moment or if he is going to be positioned as some mind of Whipwreck / Spike esque underdog.

The NBT members don't seem to be able to catch a break early doors in SMASH too, so I am keeping my eye out there. I've a feeling that could turn around sooner rather than later with the tag tourney in mind but I look forward to finding out either way.

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Another solid show to establish SMASH or should that be $MA$H?


Both the dark match and opener look like fun matches on paper and bode well for a future with a good working undercard (continuing the WCW or ECW vibes).

Hero picking up the win seems like the smart choice as I believe he has a bigger upside and Kaz/McGuiness was 50/50.


I'm glad to hear the early establishment of the tag tournament and belts plus the NBT interaction was well done - I'm interested to see where they go.


I'm not as down on Orton as some other readers appear to be and think his win was the right call - are London and Kendrick destined to team in the future (and could you imagine their matches with the MCMG?)


Henry getting another quick squash is building him well too. If Henry and Lesnar face off in the future will the ghost of Gorilla Monsoon appear to talk about immovable objects and irresistible forces.


MCMG progressing has me excited for the rest of the tournament and keen to fantasy book how the rest of the brackets might run.


The booking of Incredible and Spike was reminiscent of ECW and not just in the personnel. I'm not sure what kind of ceiling Spike has realistically but JI can certainly carry some of the load for you and I am intrigued by potential dynamic of Cliq lackey with HBK and him.


Finally a good end to the show and with surprising finish. Of all the competitors I think Shannon would have been my last guess to pick up the win given the relative star power in the match. I'll be interested to find out if this was a one off feel good moment or if he is going to be positioned as some mind of Whipwreck / Spike esque underdog.

The NBT members don't seem to be able to catch a break early doors in SMASH too, so I am keeping my eye out there. I've a feeling that could turn around sooner rather than later with the tag tourney in mind but I look forward to finding out either way.


Thank you for another excellent review!


I know you're a fan of McGuinness but for whatever reason he hasn't caught on in this game yet. Hero, Rave and Nigel are forming a little stable with Talia and Hero seems to be the one that stands out best. It may change in time.


The tag tournament brackets are going up shortly so you will be able to see whether London and Kendrick are on there or not.


I've never liked Orton and backstage he's been a bit of a pain for me. Nothing major yet but I'm waiting for it. Michaels as well actually (he's formed a backstage clique with London and Kendrick which I think is quite funny).


You mentioned Henry and Lesnar before. You're going to want to check out the next show. :)


Any excuse to crowbar in an ECW homage I will take. I'm about 3 and a bit months into the game and there's quite a few coming up. Hope you enjoy them!

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Joey Styles here reporting for SMASH.com. Just a quick look at the World Tag Team Tournament announced by Jerry Springer last night on Crash TV. The teams are all here and we will see those matches in the coming weeks leading to the championship bout at Run Like Hell on February 28 at the Sun National Bank Arena in Trenton, New Jersey.


Get your tickets now!


<img src="
alt="Joey-Styles-100" border="0"> - Joey


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Since I see MCMG has already advanced to the semis, I'll make my predictions for the remaining quarterfinal matches:


Sean O'Haire/Chuck Palumbo vs. Nova/Frankie Kazarian

Dudley Boyz vs. Mark Jindrak/Johnny Stamboli

Kaz Hayashi/Jimmy Yang vs. Paul London/Brian Kendrick


Ooooh could be, could be.


Thanks for coming back man.

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Robarts Arena, Sarasota, FL

4,000 SELL OUT



Dark match

Brian Kendrick vs Jimmy Rave


Kendrick beats Rave with a Sliced Bread #2.


Rating: C-


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Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SMASH Wrestling’s Crash TV. I am your host Joey Styles alongside the legendary Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan and Bobby we are in for one hell of a night.


Heenan: I tell ya, this is a huge night for at least one man as Shannon Moore gets to go toe-to-toe with the Showstopper, the SMASH World champion Shawn Michaels.


Joey: Michaels vs Moore in a non-title match is our main event but first let’s head to ringside and to the SMASH General Manager Eric Bischoff.


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Eric Bischoff is in the ring and announces that there will be the second match of the SMASH World Tag Team Tournament when he is interrupted by Dawn Marie and the Natural Born Thrillers. Dawn is looking upset and demands Bischoff puts her boys in the tournament.


Bischoff: They’re in the tournament! I’ve got Palumbo and O’Haire facing Nova and Kazarian tonight. Don’t you guys read your emails?


Dawn: Um… no?


Bischoff looks incredibly frustrated but holds his tongue. He collects himself and is about to say something when D’Lo Brown’s music hits.


D’Lo: I can’t take any more of this. I thought this was supposed to be a wrestling show. Let’s see some damn wrestling!


D’Lo begins striding down the aisle and Bischoff turns to Dawn and smiles. Dawn points at Jindrak and Bischoff clicks his fingers at the timekeeper. The bell rings just as D’Lo slides into the ring and starts brawling with Jindrak.


Rating: C


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D’Lo Brown vs Mark Jindrak (w/ Dawn Marie)


This is a good slugfest. Jindrak taller, heavier and more athletic, D’Lo the experienced veteran. Despite taking an early advantage with a dropkick, Jindrak soon finds himself on the defence from a series of slick moves from Brown. D’Lo hits the Sky High for a near fall and calls for the Frog Splash. Dawn is up on the apron arguing with the referee as Palumbo knocks D’Lo off the top rope and sends him crashing down to the mat. Jindrak hits the Mark of Excellence…


Heenan: Dumb name.


… and this one is over.


Rating: D+


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Christy Hemme is backstage interviewing Shannon Moore with Matt Hardy behind him. Moore is facing the SMASH World champion Shawn Michaels tonight in a non-title match and Christy wants to know how he’s feeling. Moore is pumped up and states that after tonight he will be another rung up the ladder and that it’ll only be a matter of time before he takes Shawn’s belt. At that exact moment in walks HBK. He completely ignores Shannon and speaks directly to Matt.


HBK: Don’t worry Hardy Boy. I’ll have him back to you in one piece.


The cocky Michaels struts out with an enormous grin.


Rating: C


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Brock Lesnar (w/ Don Callis) vs Paul London


Lesnar wastes no time in attacking his smaller opponent and dominates throughout this short match. London attempts to fight back but is scooped up with ease and driven into the mat with a massive Spinebuster! Lesnar hits the F5 as Don Callis applauds at ringside. The ref counts three and this one’s in the books.


Joey: Brock Lesnar is unstoppable!


Rating: C-


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Lesnar steps through the ropes but then turns back. Callis is calling over to him but Brock has something on his mind. He scoops up the limp London again and hits another F5. London isn’t moving. Lesnar looks like he is considering another F5 but out comes Mark Henry to stand between Brock and London.


Joey: Did you hear that? Henry just said “Pick on someone your own size.”


Heenan: Is there anyone his size?


Joey: Mark Henry’s pretty big.


Lesnar laughs in Henry’s face and Callis manages to convince him to leave the ring. Henry waits with London while Lesnar leaves.


Rating: C-


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Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Jimmy Yang


This is a quick-paced encounter right from the off. Tajiri incorporating his martial arts kicks and Yang looking to keep some distance. Both men use some slick chain wrestling as well as high flying offence. Tajiri takes the win in around 10 minutes with a Brainbuster.


Rating: C


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ANGLE: Christy is backstage with Nova and Kazarian and asks them about their upcoming tournament match against NBT. They barely get a chance to answer before Palumbo, O’Haire and Dawn Marie interrupt. Dawn tells them to give up now and save themselves a beating. Nova and Kaz do not back down.


Kazarian: See you chumps out there.


Nova: Yeah. Smell ya later.


Rating: C-


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SMASH World Tag Team Championship Tournament

Round of 8


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire (w/ Dawn Marie) vs Nova and Kazarian


All four men go nose to nose and begin jaw-jacking in the centre of the ring. The ref attempts to establish the legal wrestlers but chaos erupts when fists start flying. Nova and Kaz gain an early advantage but Palumbo and O’Haire are just too big.


Heenan: Too big and too strong.


Palumbo drills Nova with the Big Boot as O’Haire knocks Kazarian off the apron. Palumbo drags a dazed Nova up by his hair and hits the Full Throttle! Nova is out. The ref makes it three.


Rating: C


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Hardy vs Crowbar (w/ Daffney)


Hardy and Crowbar are well matched and fight hard. Crowbar hits an early close fall with a running knee strike and neckbreaker combo and Hardy returns fire with a Side Effect. Hardy takes control after a plancha and hits another near fall from a second rope leg drop. The two continue to brawl as Daffney screams at ringside and Matt appears to lose focus, turning to her as she climbs up onto the apron. Crowbar takes advantage and hits an Inverted DDT for a very close call. Hardy hangs on and Crowbar attempts a Northern Lights suplex only for Matt to block it and hit the Twist of Fate for the three count.


Rating: C+


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Shawn Michaels vs Shannon Moore


Moore tears at HBK with forearm shots right from the bell.


Joey: Shawn Michaels was not prepared to make this a championship bout. He would not put the title on the line against Shannon Moore.


Heenan: And that’s his right. He shouldn’t have to fight idiots like Moore. What’s Moore done to deserve this fight? This is the biggest fight of his career!


And Moore looks like he knows it. He is hitting Michaels with everything he’s got. The tide turns though as Moore misses a dive to the outside and HBK put the boots in. Shawn slows the match down and works over Moore.


Joey: Michaels the veteran knows how to stay on top.


Heenan: He’s the Showstopper. He’s an icon. He deserves to be on top.


Michaels wears Moore down but Shannon fights back and hits a terrific Moonsault for a two count. This frustrates Michaels who hits Moore with a low blow behind the ref’s back.


Heenan: Folded up like an accordion.


And Shannon kicks out! HBK is angrily remonstrating with the ref, accusing Tim White of a slow count. Moore flies at Michaels… and Michaels pulls the ref in front of him! Shannon stops just in time before he connects with the ref… and Shawn nails Moore with the Sweet Chin Music! A reluctant count from the ref reaches three. This one is over.


Rating: B


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Matt Hardy is back out and he is standing in the ring arguing with Shawn Michaels. Michaels snatches his World Championship from the referee and is practically shoving it in Hardy’s face. Hardy tells him that he’s coming for his belt. Shawn sneers at him and leaves the ring, flipping off a booing fan as he does.


Rating: B-


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Joey: A valiant effort from Shannon Moore but not enough to defeat the World champion. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us. We’ll see you next time on Crash TV. For myself, Joey Styles, and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, goodnight everybody!


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Show Rating: C+


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Valley Ice Garden, Bozeman, MO




Dark match

Nigel McGuinness vs Jimmy Jacobs


McGuinness beats Jacobs with a Tower of London.


Rating: D-


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Joey: Hello everyone, this is Crash TV!


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Mosh (w/ Daffney) vs Frankie Kazarian


This is a strange match but Mosh is a strange fellow. The former Headbanger’s offence is sloppy and erratic but Kazarian is in trouble after some wild haymakers. Frankie returns fire with a leg lariat and the pair continue to brawl much to the delight of the fans. Mosh goes up top and wins this one with a Mosh Pit.


Rating: C


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


Bischoff opens and announces that there’ll be two Tag Team Tournament matches tonight as well as a Main Event between… and Matt Hardy’s music hits.


Matt: Eric Bischoff, you’ve been running from me all week. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter who you put in front of me - I’m ready.


Bischoff assures Matt that as General Manager of SMASH he is always looking to make himself available to talent. This brings out Jerry Springer.


Jerry: Eric, you told me you were excited about giving Matt this opportunity, I can’t believe you forgot to tell him. Matt get yourself ready, tonight it’s you and Sean O’Haire in the main event, 1 on 1.


Rating: C+


<div style="font-weight:normal;border-top:1px solid rgb(250, 25, 5);"></div>


SMASH World Tag Team Championship Tournament

Round of 8


Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Joey: The first of two tournament match ups tonight and these two teams clearly know what’s at stake.


This is a fast-paced match up and Kendrick takes advantage early with some slick chain wrestling with Jimmy Yang. Hayashi and London get the opportunity to follow suit and London scores big with a Dropsault. Both teams fight to hit their signature moves and Kendrick comes closest after a Somersault Corkscrew Plancha. Kendrick goes up top calling for a Frog Splash but Yang moves and hits a Corkscrew Moonsault for the pin.


Rating: C


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Christy Hemme interviews Mark Henry backstage on his confrontation with Brock Lesnar. Out of nowhere Lesnar runs at Henry and knocks him into a wall. Lesnar beats Henry down under the instruction of the cackling Don Callis.


Rating: C-


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Motor City Machine Guns (w/ Becky Bayless) and Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Resident Ego (w/ Talia) and Randy Orton


This is a good match to showcase some of SMASH’s undercard talent. The fans are cheering for Shelley, Sabin and Tajiri and booing Hero, Rave and Orton. The booing intensifies as Orton manages to slap a chinlock on Shelley, grounding him and slowing the pace of the match wayyyy down. Shelley fires back and tags in Sabin for some tandem offence and brings Tajiri in as all six men brawl in the ring. Hero hits the Hero’s Welcome, Rave hits the Styles Clash and Sabin hits the Cradle Shock. All near falls. Talia and Becky are arguing and the referee attempts to separate them. With the ref distracted Orton appears to have evil intentions… and Tajiri sprays green mist in his face! The ref turns and makes the three count!


Rating: C-


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SMASH World Tag Team Championship Tournament

Round of 8


D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Mark Jindrak (w/Dawn Marie) and Johnny Stamboli


Joey Styles makes note on commentary that this may be an unofficial audition for Stamboli to rejoin the Natural Born Thrillers.


Joey: We know Johnny Stamboli was with these guys back in WCW but so far no association in SMASH.


Heenan: This is a big night for him. Who wouldn’t want to have Dawn Marie managing them?


It is a big night but not the best of starts for The Bull as D-Von and Spike send him flying round the ring. Spike becomes isolated after his crossbody is caught and turned into a huge slam. Jindrak and Stamboli work over Spike and the runt has to make more than one desperate kickout. Spike finally makes the tag to big brother D-Von and elder Dudley cleans house. He puts Stamboli away with a Saving Grace. D-Von and Spike advance!


Heenan: Well, so much for that try-out.


Rating: C-


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Justin Credible (w/ Francine) vs Billy Kidman


Stylistically this is a bit of a strange match up but Credible shows there’s more to him than a hardcore brawler and Kidman perhaps wasn’t expecting this. The two trade holds, slaps and chops and then take it up a gear as Billy pulls out some slick technical wrestling.


Heenan: Where’s he been hiding that move?


Credible dominates but Kidman responds with a palm strike and an enziguri. Billy hits the Shooting Star Press but Francine is on the apron arguing with the referee. Justin uses the distraction and hits Kidman with the Singapore cane and the That’s Incredible for the win.


Rating: C+


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Dawn Marie is talking in her dressing room with the Natural Born Thrillers. Christy approaches quietly doing an exaggerated tip-toe motion but Dawn spots her and slams the door in her face.


Rating: C-


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Matt Hardy vs Sean O’Haire (w/Dawn Marie)


The bell sounds and Hardy and O’Haire trade punches in the centre of the ring.


Joey: Both men came looking for a fight and found one!


This is an energetic brawl. O’Haire is chiselled muscle but has shown he is also adept at flying. Hardy still appears to have the edge in the opening exchanges though. Hardy comes close with a Side Effect and O’Haire responds with a Pump Kick.


Joey: O’Haire with the Seanton Bomb! Matt kicks out at two!


Heenan: Barely.


Hardy fights back to a vertical base… and hits the Twist Of Fate. He doesn’t get chance to cover though as Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak hit the ring and beat Hardy down. The referee calls for bell for the disqualification.


Rating: C+


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Palumbo, Jindrak and O’Haire continue their assault on Hardy…


Joey: And here comes Shannon Moore!


It’s a three on two battle and Hardy and Moore are fading. Out comes the SMASH World champion Shawn Michaels. He struts to the ring and blasts Moore with the Sweet Chin Music. Then one for Hardy. The Heartbreak Kid is looking very pleased with himself as he high fives the Natural Born Thrillers and winks into the camera.


Rating: B-


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Joey: This was a damn mugging! NBT had no intention of any match, this was just so Shawn Michaels could make a point to Matt Hardy.


Heenan: Do you think he got it?


Joey: If I know Matt, he won’t take this lying down. Thanks for joining us everybody. Make sure to tune in next week on Crash TV!


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Show Rating: C


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Athletics Center O’Rena, Rochester, MI

4,005 SELL OUT



Dark match

Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs Resident Ego


London pins Hero after a London’s Calling.


Rating: C-


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Joey: Hello everyone, this is SMASH Wrestling and you’re watching Crash TV!


Heenan: People actually watch this?


Joey: We are mere days away from our second pay-per-view, Run Like Hell, where we will crown the first ever SMASH World Tag champions! There will be two semi final matches tonight as well as a non-title match between ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels and Matt Hardy. The main event three days later at Run Like Hell will be a rematch with the title on the line!


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Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Crowbar (w/ Daffney)


Joey reminds fans how Tajiri used his green mist last week spraying it in the face of Randy Orton to secure victory. The Brain is less than impressed.


Heenan: Should have been an instant disqualification!


Joey: The referee can only call what he can see.


Heenan: Then get more referees!


Tajiri takes Crowbar out with a handspring back elbow off the ropes and follows it up with a front dropkick. Crowbar is reeling… but Daffney is up on the apron. The ref’s back is turned and Randy Orton slides into the ring and hits Tajiri with the RKO! Crowbar makes the cover as the ref turns back. One, two, three!


Joey: You still want more refs, Bobby?


Rating: C


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Christy is interviewing Billy Kidman regarding his match last week with Justin Credible. Kidman is recounting how Credible struck him with the Singapore cane when he is interrupted by Francine. She strokes Kidman’s arm and tells him that they don’t have to be enemies. It’s all a ploy though as Credible attacks Kidman from behind with the cane and leaves him bloodied!


Rating: C-


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SMASH World Tag Team Championship Tournament

Semi Final


D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang


This match quickly becomes a riot as D-Von tears into Hayashi and Yang. Spike gets some offence in as well before being separated from his brother and beaten down by his opponents. Hayashi scores big with a Dragon Suplex but can only gain a two count from it. Yang and Hayashi continue to work over Spike before the Dudley runt evades a clothesline and tags in big brother D-Von. D-Von hammers both Hayashi and Yang and nails Hayashi with the Saving Grace. He tags Spike back in who lands the Double Foot Stomp from the tope rope for the win.


Rating: C


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Brock Lesnar (w/ Don Callis) vs D’Lo Brown


Lesnar really is enormous. And deceptively agile. Under the almost constant praise from Don Callis at ringside Lesnar charges at Brown and keeps on him with strikes and power moves. Lesnar hits a huge Spinebuster for a close fall. D’Lo rallies though and catches his foe with a leg lariat before following up with his trademark leg drop. Lesnar shakes it off though and hits a Powerbomb and then the F5 for the victory.


Rating: C


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Joey: Mark Henry is here!


Henry hits the ring and takes Lesnar down with a tackle and punches. Refs and agents separate the two. Henry is shouting that he wants Lesnar at the Run For Your Life. Lesnar’s lip is cut and he smiles a bloody smile at Henry. This one looks to be on!


Rating: C-


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Backstage Mike Tenay is here! He is speaking with Nova and Frankie Kazarian as they talk about the upcoming PPV. In walk Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave, Nigel McGuinness and Talia Madison collectively known as Club Ego. Talia says that she needs a match for her boys at the PPV. Nova and Kazarian look to ponder this for a moment.


Nova: Ok if we bring a friend?


Rating: D-


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SMASH World Tag Team Championship Tournament

Semi Final


Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire (w/ Dawn Marie) vs Motor City Machine Guns (w/ Becky Bayless)


It’s the second semi final and both teams look ready. Natural Born Thrillers with the obvious size advantage but the Guns bring a quickness and tag team cohesion few others can compare with. MCMG start fast and hit a series of moves on Palumbo but are denied the three. The momentum turns as O’Haire tags in and works over Sabin and lands a big Powerslam for a two. Sabin battles back and Shelley lands a Shining Wizard for another close fall. Sabin looks to finish this but Palumbo runs through him with a Big Boot and lands the Full Throttle for the win.


Rating: C+


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Mike Tenay is interviewing Eric Bischoff in his office -


Bischoff: Who are you and how did you get in here?


- when a bandaged Billy Kidman barges in and demands Justin Credible at Run Like Hell. Bischoff makes a face and points over Kidman’s shoulder. Kidman turns and sees Credible coming at him with another cane shot. Kidman kicks Bischoff’s desk and slides the General Manager down it like an old Western saloon… into the oncoming Credible! Kidman repeats his demand of wanting to face Credible at the PPV.


Bischoff: I’ll give you your damn match! Billy Kidman versus Justin Credible… but it’s going to be a No Disqualification Street Fight!


Rating: C


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Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy


Joey: These two will meet again days from now at SMASH’s second pay-per-view event Run like Hell.


Heenan: Michaels told me he requested this match because he wants to beat Hardy’s brains in and then beat him again at the PPV.


Joey: Ok, Bobby.


Hardy flies at Michaels but HBK looks less eager to engage. It’s a slow start with Michaels happy to ground the younger Hardy and make him fight from underneath. A few quick spots show that Michaels can turn on the pace when he needs to and he matches Matt step for step before taking him down again. Hardy rallies with fists, elbows and a legdrop from the second rope for a close fall. Michaels ducks the oncoming clothesline and hits the Sweet Chin Music knocking Hardy through the ropes and to the outside. HBK struts in the ring with a cocky smirk on his face.


Heenan: We are seeing Shawn Michaels in his prime. He can end this match any time he feels like. This man is the greatest wrestler in the world today.


Joey: Michaels is full of confidence but Hardy is trying to regroup on the outside. The champ may regret taking it easy here.


Hardy staggers back into the ring to beat the count and… Twist of Fate! Michaels is down, but Hardy is unable to capitalise. An arm is wearily dragged over the champ but Michaels kicks out at two. They stagger to their feet and there’s a collision between both men and the ref.


Joey: Referee down… and here comes Justin Credible!


Heenan: I’ve always liked this guy.


Credible taunts Hardy and swings the Singapore cane… but Hardy ducks and Credible strikes Michaels by mistake! The ref comes to and makes the count – one… two… three!


Rating: B


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Heenan: Hardy may have won the battle but Michaels and Credible are going to give him a lesson in warfare.


Joey: Matt Hardy is in trouble here as HBK and Credible look to gang up on him… but out comes Shannon Moore to even the odds!


It’s short lived however as Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo hit the ring to restore the advantage.


Joey: And here’s Spike and D-Von!


There is a massive brawl inside and outside the ring. Joey Styles shouts over the carnage in an attempt to close the show and Little Spike Dudley is powerbombed off the stage and through a table by Palumbo and O’Haire.


Joey: OH MY GOD!


Rating: C+


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Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all we’ve got time for. Do not miss Run Like Hell this Saturday!


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Show Rating: C+


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Pteroid" data-cite="Pteroid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53713" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>God I love this, it tickles the early wrestling fan part of my brain with this roster of guys I loved in 04 or heard about in the WCW eyewitness book I was always getting from the school library.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you, man. It's a good time for me. Just past the point where I stopped caring about wrestling so it's almost like 'How would I have done it differently?'</p><p> </p><p> Thanks for tuning in.</p>
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SMASH World Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy


SMASH World Tag Tournament Final

D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire



Justin Credible vs Billy Kidman


Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry


Randy Orton vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Motor City Machine Guns vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Nova, Frankie Kazarian and ??? vs Club Ego (Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave and Nigel McGuinness)




Predictions welcome



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SMASH World Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy


SMASH World Tag Tournament Final

D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire



Justin Credible vs Billy Kidman


Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry


Randy Orton vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Motor City Machine Guns vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Nova, Frankie Kazarian and ??? vs Club Ego (Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave and Nigel McGuinness)

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Desperate bump to see if anyone else would like to make a prediction before the upcoming event.



SMASH World Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy


SMASH World Tag Tournament Final

D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire



Justin Credible vs Billy Kidman


Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry


Randy Orton vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Motor City Machine Guns vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Nova, Frankie Kazarian and ??? vs Club Ego (Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave and Nigel McGuinness)

Mystery partner:

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SMASH World Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy


SMASH World Tag Tournament Final

D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire



Justin Credible vs Billy Kidman


Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry


Randy Orton vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Motor City Machine Guns vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Nova, Frankie Kazarian and ??? vs Club Ego (Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave and Nigel McGuinness)

Mystery partner: Daniels

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SMASH World Championship

Shawn Michaels vs Matt Hardy


SMASH World Tag Tournament Final

D-Von Dudley and Little Spike Dudley vs Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire



Justin Credible vs Billy Kidman


Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry

Draw, inconclusive finish


Randy Orton vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Motor City Machine Guns vs Paul London and Brian Kendrick


Nova, Frankie Kazarian and ??? vs Club Ego (Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave and Nigel McGuinness)

Mystery partner: Stevie Richards

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