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What is the best stable you've ever created?

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I'd have to say Dread Army in my current BCG save/diary, consisting of FEAR, Abomination, Monstrosity, Ragnarok and Atto Savage a.k.a. Flesheater. All of them graduates of the TITAN Factory using the TITAN mod. Pretty obvious, but the best thing about it is it inspired an entire game concept as an invading heel faction trained and led by a man who's been a legend in Japan and won titles in all the big companies, except BCG.
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The Skull and Bones Society is a mix between Raven's Flock and The Ministry of Darkness.


It has a lot of rotating members, but the clear leader ended up being, unsurprisingly, Adlous Black(fire).


It sort of plays vague to the supernatural elements of it, but the end goal of the stable is to "summon" Skull DeBones, who they believe will "save" the world. Of course their methods of summoning, and their idea of saving aren't exactly kind.


Eventually, I'll have them successfully summon them, DeBones will react poorly to the idea of the Society, Aldous Black will break off with some members, DeBones will lead the other members (not sure who'll be doing the wrestling part of the feud since DeBones is retired.)


I'm not sure which side will win, but it should be interesting if I even conclude the story.

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Admittedly it was 2016 but my favourite group I ever came up with was the Cabal. A faux-illuminati group initially led by Rogue, comprised of John Greed, Paul Huntingdon, Everest, Lassana Makutsi, Spencer Spade and Marc DuBois.


Rogue recruited all of them when they were at a low ebb or needed something except John Greed who was his second in command from the start. The whole gimmick was they were a mix of high society types, with a sprinkling of some occult elements, connected to a shadowy organisation that ran the whole wrestling world from the shadows. Introducing Primus Allen to the group later on, Greed used Allen as his personal attack dog, usurped power from Rogue and eventually captured the SWF world championship. Spencer Spade was also banished from the group and later returned as the conquering hero starting his main event push.

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A sentimental favourite would be the Brotherhood of St.01 from my first (sadly now deleted) CGC diary. Bobby Thomas, Art Reed, and Elmo Benson were all graduates/survivors of the famed House of Stone Class of 2001, and Edd Stone was the kid brother of the men who trained/tortured them. He would sneak them water during class, and distract his older brothers to let the trainees rest. Fast forward a decade or so, they each arrive in CGC and team up. Black Boots. Black Trunks. Black Hearts. Straight-laced technicians surrounded by goofy comedy acts and muscle men. Surrogate Stones in a land of DeColts.


Straight-laced, serious, and disciplined, Bobby Thomas was the leader, seeing the group as his chance to finally be the center of attention and make it as a main event threat. Art Reed was second-in-command, the tactician, supportive but all a little tired of his best friend's fervor. Elmo Benson was the wildcard, mostly following orders but cackling like a hyena the whole time. And Edd? Edd tried his hardest, but he is the exact opposite of straight-laced, serious, and disciplined. The focus of their stories was Bobby's desperation to finally become a top guy, and his frustration with Edd for the flips, the dives, the super kicks to lamps, the late night parties, the waking up in fountains, etc. Edd genuinely tried to help his friend achieve his goals, but he will always be a party animal at heart.


Eventually Bobby's frustration and paranoia got the better of him, turning on his friends in favor of reforming The Specialists with Nate Johnson. I wish I still had copies of the shows I wrote for these guys. I'm not even sure who they feuded with. I just remember the inner drama.




In my more recent game (CGC 1997) The Heist have been a favourite. Thomas Morgan & Ted Moore were a Pinky & The Brain-esque tag team with delusions of grandeur and a weekly desire to take over the world. In 1999 they joined forces with SWF graduate Colin Kennedy, who was working a Southern Conman gimmick. They became an Ocean's 11 inspired crew. Morgan was the brains, Moore was the muscle, and Con was the charm. Every few weeks they would come up with a plan to steal 'something', and then they would fail spectacularly. Titles. Prestigious matches. Enchanted Tomahawks. They were a delight to book. It was so easy coming up with reasons for them to fight anyone on the roster. Kennedy was a heck of a worker thanks to his time in SWF, and Moore & Morgan were comedy experts who had already maxed out their tag experience. And I never felt I had to push them. Just an exceptional lower card act, who could work with anyone, and always felt fun to use. A babyface turn seemed inevitable, but the lack of push did eventually backfire on me. Used as a stepping stone too many times, Morgan refused to sign a new contract in 2001, Kennedy walked out after a loss to rookie Nate Johnson a few months later, and Moore had little upside on his own and was let go. If only there was some kind of Heist I could pull in game to get them all back together...

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I wish I still had copies of the shows I wrote for these guys. I'm not even sure who they feuded with. I just remember the inner drama.



I think I remember their feud with Sqeaky Clean/ Paul Huntington for midcard belt, I don't remember which one was it.


Then the former nerd Chrisitan Price and then the usual DeColts. I remember Edd and Ricky teaming up together as well for a show, and they had a short one with Stevie/Zeus for Tag titles, I think.


The shows were pretty fun, I still remember reading them as a lurker.





As for me, my favorite stable booked was for a draft company. A core stable of Tommy Cornell, Rich Money and Richard Eisen called Wrestling Commission. They had a revolving door of underlings, mercenaries and manipulated fools to do their dirty work.


The three came together, as a coalition, and wanted to kill Canadian wrestling once and for all by buying up all the canadian promotions. Draft fed had most of the Canadian workers in the game, including most of the DeColts and Stones. Promotion was started by DeColts and Stones coming together with a third mystery investor which turned to be Richard Eisen. Commission wanted to buy out my current fed as it would mean taking away promoter license from both families in one swoop, Decolts and Stones.


There was a lot of manipulation done by the commission so that the two families keep fighting each other, while Cornell kept the world title hostage after winning it fair and square in a tournament. Money provided finance for mercs and Eisen acted as the mentor and 'third shareholder' alongside George DeColt and Duane Stone to influence decisions.


They had Steve DeColt join them at the start for a while as he thought DeColts won't accept him after his betrayal, they had Edd for a while as he joined 4 months later and Eisen got him first due to an energy drink advertisement deal. Tommy brought in Bloodstone to specifically weaken Stone before the title defense. Tommy also brought in his Syndicate goons for a while, Adrian Garcia and Elite were in for a few months in exchange for Tag titles assurance.


It had all sort of ickiness associated with them and facing them was scary, especially with Tommy being more than good enough to retain his title without even being needing to cheat most of the time. When DeColt and Stones knew what's up, it was hard to reach the trio. Even if you deal with manipulations, road blocks, underlings and even if you reach them, Eisen was a master negotiator sowing seeds of doubt, Rich was a fantastic wrestler himself holding a secondary belt hostage and even if you reach Tommy, he was 'the' final boss and almost impossible to overcome.


Stable ended when families put their differences aside and finally got rid of them in a 5v5 match.

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A sentimental favourite would be the Brotherhood of St.01 from my first (sadly now deleted) CGC diary. Bobby Thomas, Art Reed, and Elmo Benson were all graduates/survivors of the famed House of Stone Class of 2001, and Edd Stone was the kid brother of the men who trained/tortured them. He would sneak them water during class, and distract his older brothers to let the trainees rest. Fast forward a decade or so, they each arrive in CGC and team up. Black Boots. Black Trunks. Black Hearts. Straight-laced technicians surrounded by goofy comedy acts and muscle men. Surrogate Stones in a land of DeColts.


Straight-laced, serious, and disciplined, Bobby Thomas was the leader, seeing the group as his chance to finally be the center of attention and make it as a main event threat. Art Reed was second-in-command, the tactician, supportive but all a little tired of his best friend's fervor. Elmo Benson was the wildcard, mostly following orders but cackling like a hyena the whole time. And Edd? Edd tried his hardest, but he is the exact opposite of straight-laced, serious, and disciplined. The focus of their stories was Bobby's desperation to finally become a top guy, and his frustration with Edd for the flips, the dives, the super kicks to lamps, the late night parties, the waking up in fountains, etc. Edd genuinely tried to help his friend achieve his goals, but he will always be a party animal at heart.


Eventually Bobby's frustration and paranoia got the better of him, turning on his friends in favor of reforming The Specialists with Nate Johnson. I wish I still had copies of the shows I wrote for these guys. I'm not even sure who they feuded with. I just remember the inner drama.


That's awesome. Also funny to me for Elmo to be "straight laced" when I've always 100% of the time booked him as a goofy comedy act (who can go admittedly)

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I had a take on "The Main Event Mafia" in a save I had from a 1997 mod. I made it all the way to 2000 and had Shawn Michaels start the mafia with DDP, Scott Hall, and Booker T. It was pretty fun to book. The idea was to get Booker to the main event level while getting Hall down the card due to his personal issues that made him a pain to keep employed.
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That's awesome. Also funny to me for Elmo to be "straight laced" when I've always 100% of the time booked him as a goofy comedy act (who can go admittedly)


There was a definite Right to Censor vibe to the group. Elmo and Edd were a lot like Val Venis and Godfather, casting off their fun-loving wackiness to get serious. Part of where the heat was. In my version, Elmo was more committed to the cause, fully embracing the change in moveset and wardrobe, while Edd struggled to chose between his friends and his love of flipz. But those roles could have easily been reversed. Edd being a full-on parody of his older brothers could have been fun.

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There was a definite Right to Censor vibe to the group. Elmo and Edd were a lot like Val Venis and Godfather, casting off their fun-loving wackiness to get serious. Part of where the heat was. In my version, Elmo was more committed to the cause, fully embracing the change in moveset and wardrobe, while Edd struggled to chose between his friends and his love of flipz. But those roles could have easily been reversed. Edd being a full-on parody of his older brothers could have been fun.


I like your angle that makes Edd seem sympathetic. He wants to be a "proper" Stone but he just can't help himself, he has to be true to who he is, and who he is is a guy who really likes partying and doing flips and what's wrong with that.


Always had a soft spot for the black sheep of the Stone clan

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