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WCW 2001: A Paradigm Shift

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dalton" data-cite="Dalton" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53884" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Let's hope this alternate reality version of Dos Caras Jr is a competent, sane individual! So far so good it seems...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fortunately, he is freelance, so he is free to go get headkicked by Cro Cop once the tour is over!</p>
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<p>Match 2 in Best of 5 Series</p><p>

Tables Match</p><p>

<strong>Booker T</strong> vs. Sting</p><p> </p><p>


Billy Kidman vs. <strong>Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Insiders</strong> vs. The Weeping [Abyss & RelliK]</p><p> </p><p>

Rock 'n Roll Express vs. <strong>Road Warriors</strong></p>

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All American Sports Mall,

St. Louis, Missouri…









The commentary welcomes the audience to another episode of Monday Night Nitro. They discuss the build towards Bash at the Beach, with the Pay Per View events now being moved to the end of the month rather than the second week. They all discuss the title change from last week, with a new WCW United States Champion being crowned in Dustin Rhodes, who wins it for the third time in his career. They also discuss the upcoming Main Event, a table match between Sting and Booker T who continue to battle it out and settle their differences. We also saw the return of the Road Warriors last week, who challenged The Rock ‘n Roll Express from WCW Wildside, and that tag team match will kick off the show.








Road Warriors vs. Rock ‘n Roll Express


Match Highlights:

~ Both teams were competing together in the WCW for the first time in a long time, and having faced off a lot in the past, they knew each other very well. Morton and Gibson struggled, however, to outpace the Road Warriors early on, as Hawk and Animal brutalised them with stiff shots and slams.

~ Morton got some momentum back for his team when he connected with a Diving Crossbody on Animal, who just managed to kick out.

~ Morton & Gibson both went for the Double Dropkick, sending Animal sprawling over the top rope, but Hawk came flying into Gibson with a Diving Shoulder Block, and nailed Morton with a Lariat to the back of the head.

~ Gibson ducked a Clothesline attempt from Animal, but ran straight into a Big Boot from Hawk, knocking Gibson straight into the arms of Animal who levelled him with a Belly to Back Suplex.


Match Finish:

Road Warriors defeated Rock ‘n Roll Express when Animal hit Gibson with a Powerbomb, isolating Mortin to be double teamed with the DOOMSDAY DEVICE.










We go backstage to Ric Flair and Goldberg once again in a heated discussion about their previous business arrangement. Flair looks red faced, but attempting to communicate with Goldberg in a calm manner. He doesn’t blame him for the title loss, but he needs to know where Goldberg stands, either he is with him or against him. Goldberg tells him anyone who wants this World Heavyweight Championship is against him, but Flair protests his innocence and states all he wants is to see him succeed and become as big a legend as himself. He already has people from around the world asking him to get Goldberg on their shows, fighting for their titles. He explained that Goldberg couldn’t achieve Worldwide legacy without him, so if he wanted what Flair was offering, he needed to give Rhodes some payback, and get him his United States title back. Goldberg considered the offer, and then shook the hand of Flair, who looked far too pleased with himself about the outcome.











Shane Helms © vs. Elix Skipper w/ Kid Romeo


Match Highlights:

~ Helms gets the better of the early grappling exchanges, eventually planting Skipper with a Single Legged Facebreaker to leave Skipper stumbling.

~ Skipper matrix drops to avoid an attempted Sugarsmack Super Kick from Helms, and levels him with a thumping Lariat.

~ Helms attempts a Suicide Dive to the outisde, but Skipper avoids it sending Helms crashing into the guardrail. As he recovers, Skipper hits a Hurricanrana from the apron.

~ With Helms sat on the top turnbuckle, Skipper goes for the New School tight rope into a Frankensteiner, but Helms catches him and hits a huge sitout Powerbomb from the top rope.


Match Finish:

Shane Helms defeated Elix Skipper by DQ when Kid Romeo interfered in the match after the Powerbomb, preventing the pinfall, but also continuing his assault..










Romeo continues to attack Helms, and is aided by Skipper once he has recovered, Skipper has the Cruiserweight Championship in hand looking to drive it into the skull of Helms. But Jamie Knoble, the current WCW Wildside Heavyweight Champion makes the save, Springboarding from the ropes to hit them both with a Double Clothesline. The Bullyweights scatter, whilst Knoble checks on his one time tag partner, Helms.










The Weeping [Abyss & RelliK] vs. The Insiders


Match Highlights:

~ Answering the challenge from The Insiders last week, The Weeping's newest ‘recruits’ wasted no time asserting dominance in the match, isolating DDP with a series of vicious moves.

~ Nash attempted a hot tag, but he was cut short by a gut busting Spear from RelliK, he and Abyss then hit a Double Spinebuster on Nash, prompting DDP to rejoin the fight.

~ After failing to get the pinfall, frustration began to grow with the masked monstrosities. Abyss attempted a Gorilla Press Slam on DDP but turned into a Big Boot from Nash, as DDP fell he turned into a DIAMOND CUTTER out of nowhere, but RelliK was quick to interrupt any pinfall attempt.

~ RelliK dropped both men with vicious Lariat’s, but when he went to the top rope for a Leg Drop, Nash met him with a vice grip to the throat and sent him crashing to the mat with a Chokeslam.


Match Finish:

The Insiders defeated The Weeping after Abyss attempting to get the victory with a BLACK HOLE SLAM on DDP, but Nash met him with another Big Boot before he could pin him and then hit the JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB on him before DDP draped his arm over for the laboured pinfall.










Jeff Jarrett and Mark Jindrak made their way out to the ring next, to a chorus of boos. Before they got in the ring, however, Jarrett began his pre match ritual of jawing off at Lawler, who intervened last week in their post match attack on Pat Tanaka. Lawler stood up from the booth telling Jarrett that he will face him any time, any where, but as he did Jindrak blindsided him with the MARK OF EXCELLENCE punch, and Lawler collapsed in a heap, unconscious. The rest of the commentary team shielded him from further attack, as a smirking Jarrett told them to get back to calling their match.










Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak vs. KroniK


Match Highlights:

~ Adams & Jindrak had a technical brawl to really step the match up to the next gear, both blocking and countering punches, but it was Adams that landed the first clear blow, which prompted Jindrak to resort to a standing dropkick to even the score.

~ Clark hit Jindrak with a barrage of Suplexes, culminating with a thumping Pumphandle Slam, but as he got back to his feet, Jarrett charged in with a Running DDT.

~ Jarrett squirmed as Clark locked him in a Full Nelson Choke, but Jarrett snuck in a back heel low blow and hit Clark with a Snap Suplex, before locking in a Figure-Four Leg Lock that required Adam to break up.

~ KroniK hit Jarrett with the DOUBLE CHOKESLAM, but Steve Corino & Robert Roode had appeared at ringside and dragged Jarrett from the ring.


Match Finish:

Jarrett & Jindrak defeated KroniK when Jindrak hitting a flying Crossbody to both members of KroniK on the outside who were distracted with the Team Canada members, Jarrett then further distracted the referee whilst Jindrak followed up the crossbody with an ACOUSTIC EQUALISER on Adams before Corino rolled him back in the ring for Jarrett to get the easy pinfall.










Ahmed Johnson w/ Midajah vs. Danny Faquir


Match Highlights:

~ Johnson kept Midajah in his eyeline at all times, even telling her to get away from the ring whilst choking Faquir with his foot.

~ Johnson showcased his amazing strength and agility with several high impact manoeuvres, the highlight being a huge Biel Throw that sent Faquir from one corner to the other. The commentators noted how he had lost a lot of weight since we had last seen him in the WCW.


Match Finish:

Ahmed Johnson defeated Danny Faquir when Johnson nailed a groggy Faquir with the PEARL RIVER PLUNGE to put an end to the beating.










BIG POPPA PUMP wasted no time in getting through the curtains as his music hit, he charged to the ring and got straight in the face of Johnson. He told him, surprisingly, that this wasn’t his fight, that he could still walk away. But BIG POPPA PUMP doesn’t have the time to allow you a decision, so walk away now, or its on. Johnson huffed and puffed but eventually backed down and rolled out of the ring, but instead of walking away from Midajah, he hopped her onto his shoulder and backed up the ramp. He didn’t want the fight today, but he wasn’t going anywhere soon.











Rob Van Dam vs. Billy Kidman


Match Highlights:

~ The two men shook hands before the match and started off gingerly, but the pace soon picked up after RVD landed flush with a Spinning Heel Kick. The two countered each other's fast paced attacks, hitting hip tosses, and snap mares, until RVD caught Kidman with a big Monkey Flip that sent the former Tag Team Champion flying over the top rope.

~ After the fight fell outside, Kidman caught an attempted Jumping Sidekick from RVD and spun him around and straight into a BK Bomb on the ringside mats.

~ The match continued to be an even bout between the two men, RVD hitting several handspring moves that got the crowd cheering, and Kidman took several big risks with a Springboard Hurricanrana and a Top Rope Bulldog. Lance Storm also made his way out to the top of the ramp during the match, but after watching for a minute or so, he shook his head and retreated to the backstage area.

~ Kidman had RVD out after hitting the Kid Krusher, so he hopped to the top rope for the SHOOTING STAR PRESS, but RVD rolled out of the way. Van Dam, quick as a flash hopped up to the top rope himself, diving off with the FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH, but Kidman got his knees up.


Match Finish:

Rob Van Dam defeated Billy Kidman when RVD hit Kidman with the Rolling Thunder, popped up to the top rope with a Split-Legged Moonsault, and again, so quick to the get to the top rope and this time connect with the FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH.










We cut backstage to the locker room of Sean O’Haire, the former Natural Born Thriller is interrupted by his former tag team partner, Chuck Palumbo. He instantly gets his hackles up but Palumbo assures him he isn’t here to fight. He knows Douglas has got in his head, and whilst he doesn’t think he can forgive him for the amount of shit he has done since he turned his back on him, he felt it was right to talk to him man to man before things escalate any further. He finishes by telling Sean he isn’t done with Shane, he wants himi in a proper match, to finally settle who is the better man. Sean laughs this off, he criticises Chuck for focusing on Douglas, instead of him. Douglas chose him because after years of being in the wrestling business he knows a killer when he sees one, and he knows a star in the making, and he also knew that you, Chuck, were holding us back. He didn’t get in Sean’s head, Chuck did, and that is why it took so long for him to realise how much dead wood he was. O’Haire finished by telling Chuck this wouldn’t be over until he grew the balls necessary to step in the ring with him, not Shane. Chuck tried his best to remain calm, reminding Sean that he should know him well enough to know that he isn’t afraid to face him, and that this all just sounds like Douglas planting an idea in your head so you can fight me instead of him. Both men face off, whilst the camera fades out, the commentary team wonder how this will all unfold.










After the commercial break, we find Dustin Rhodes backstage with Bischoff, he is handing him the United States Championship, telling him his job is done, and it was time for him to hold up his side of the bargain. Bischoff, however, reminded Dustin that he said he could START with that, but as it stands, the WCW’s medical team were on his side, Dusty was better served not competing. Dustin felt it should be his fathers decision on when to retire, and he deserves it to be a celebration, not a quiet shunt into a corner due to the arrogance of his son. Bischoff shrugged this off and told Dustin that it wasn’t always a fairytale ending, Dustin went to reply but found himself hit from the side like he’d been struck by a train. Goldberg flew into him with an hellacious SPEAR that saw him crash through a partition wall. Goldberg stood over him with a menacing glare, snatching up the discarded United States title belt, whilst Bischoff slowly backed away from the destruction.











Sting vs. Booker T


Match Highlights:

~ The intentions here were clear early on from both men, they were out to get this match finished in the quickest way possible, and without getting injured. Both men set up tables at ringside in between brawling and slamming their opponent into the guardrails and stairs. At one point, Sting had Booker laid out on a table and teased hitting a big Splash from the top rope, but Booker rolled off before Sting had the chance to dive.

~ Sting continued to create opportunities, setting up another table propped up the corner, hoping to hit Booker with a Stinger Splash through it, but Booker countered with a quick as lightning Harlem SideKick as Sting charged at him.

~ Booker hit several high flying moves, with a Slingshot Flying Forearm and a Missile DropKick from the top rope, all risky moves with tables everywhere, but they all paid off.

~ Booker went for another high risk Diving Crossbody, but Sting caught him and showcased impressive strength by lifting him into a Gorilla Press, he edged toward the nearest table, but Booker nailed him with several vicious knees to the side of the head until he was dropped. Thankfully avoiding any tables.

~ Sting wrestled with Booker on the top rope, with a table set up beneath them in the ring, he was attempting to position Booker for a Piledriver from the second rope, but Booker somehow fought out of it, throwing Sting over his shoulder, and unfortunately for him, over the table.

~ Booker went for a Book End on the table in the ring, but Sting countered it into a SCORPION DEATH DROP, but it was close to the ropes, and Booker managed to roll from the ring.


Match Finish:

Booker T defeated Sting when both men battled on the ringside apron, a table set up just below them, both men attempted to knock their opponents hand free of the ropes to see them fall through it. Eventually, Booker T took the riskier option of letting go of the ropes and initiating a brawl, the risk paid off as he unbalanced Sting enough to hit him with the BOOK END through the table to even the series.











BOOKER T defeated STING to draw the best of five series at 1:1


ROB VAN DAM defeated BILLY KIDMAN to advance in the TV Title Tournament








SHANE HELMS defeated ELIX SKIPPER to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship





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Allen Arena, Tennessee.




Rock ‘n Roll Express defeated Team Canada [Corino & Roode]


Sid Vicious endorses the Bam Bam Bigelow School of Wrestling, where the big men fly and the smaller men brawl, but no matter your size, you know how to BAM BAM the BAM BAM way.


Alex Wright defeated Lenny Lane


The Maritato Family defeated Barry Horowitz, Steve Armstrong, Tony Anthony & Brian Knobbs


Johnny Swinger confronts Jason Jett backstage, calling him a coward for not facing him again, though Jett acts bemused at the whole situation.


Disco Inferno defeated Lodi


The Weeping [Abyss & RelliK] defeated Pat Tanaka & Lash LeRoux



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~ Tully Blanchard announces the WCW Pan-Pacific International Trophy will be awarded during the tour of Japan, and will be an accolade worthy of the company's greatest warriors.

~ Miller & Friends presser is interrupted by an irate Vader, who states Sanders and the rest of the New Born Thrillers had informed him of their belief that he was a washed up, has-been, who shouldn’t be represented in the tour. Security had to intervene to prevent a brawl.

~ Blanchard confirms that Monty Brown has been offered the chance, by Johnny Ace, to earn himself a full time WCW contract during the tour. All that is required of him is to earn a singles victory over the Japanese talent of his choosing.

~ Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger are looking forward to re-finding the spark that made them a successful tag team in the first place, bonding in a great country like Japan, and beating up men half their size was always going to be an enjoyable experience for them.

~ Wally Yamaguchi introduces himself and Minoru Suzuki, alongside the Road Warriors, who all have an issue with the press and hype built around Ricky Steamboat and the Jung Dragons. Suzuki issues the challenge, that they will prove they don’t deserve to be here, by any means necessary.

~ Mike Sanders states his New Born Thrillers are better than any Young Lion, or any washed up Old Lion that Japan has to offer, he says they’ll walk through any opposition they come across.

~ Tully Blanchard introduces Terry Funk, informing the press that several other veterans will be joining the tour alongside some of the younger talent, he informs them that Funk and the other veterans will also be working alongside the other staff backstage to ensure everything goes as planned. He also introduces the broadcasting team for the tour, who commentate on televised highlight packages of the tours and the supershows: Scott Hudson, Dutch Mantell & Larry Zbyszko.


DAY #1



Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Akira Taue & Vader defeated Miller & Friends

Terry Funk defeated El Samurai

Mitsuhara Misawa defeated 2 Cold Scorpio

Jung Dragons defeated The Great Sasuke & Yoshihiro Tajiri, and The New Born Thrillers [sanders & Cena]

Road Warriors defeated Dick Togo & Minoru Fujita

Yuji Nagata defeated Monty Brown

Totally Buff defeated Kodo Fuyuki & Shuji Kondo




DAY #2



Masahiro Chono defeated Dos Caras Jr

Miller & Friends defeated Abdullah The Butcher, Terry Funk & Minoru Suzuki

Tiger Mask defeated 2 Cold Scorpio

The New Born Thrillers defeated CIMA, Genki Horiguchi, Masato Yoshino & Minoru Fujita

Road Warriors defeated A-74 Force

Jung Dragons defeated Taiyo Kea & Kodo Fuyuki

Jinsei Shinzaki & Dragon Kid defeated Monty Brown & Richard Slinger, and Shinya Makabe & Shuji Kondo




DAY #3



Vader defeated Kaz Hayashi

Keiji Mutoh, Shinjiro Otani & Tiger Mask defeated Taiyo Kea, Terry Funk & Mike Sanders

2 Cold Scorpio defeated Yang

Totally Buff & The Kentucky Bend Outlaws defeated Dick Togo, Genki Horiguchi, & A-74 Force

Ernest Miller defeated Hayabusa, Naomichi Marufuji & Ken Anderson

Satoshi Kojima defeated Monty Brown

Road Warriors defeated Magnum TOKYO & Milano Collection AT




DAY #4



2 Cold Scorpio defeated Hayabusa

Minoru Suzuki & Road Warriors defeated Dos Caras Jr, Hideki Hosaka & Dragon Kid

Jung Dragons defeated Mr Gannosuke & Kodo Fuyuki

Jun Akiyama defeated Monty Brown

Taiyo Kea & Yoshihiro Takayama defeated A-74 Force

Tiger Mask, Richard Slinger, and Miller & Friends defeated The New Born Thrillers

Totally Buff defeated Gran Naniwa & Genki Horiguchi







Jung Dragons defeated Road Warriors

Terry Funk defeated Buff Bagwell

Miller & Friends defeated Susumu Mochizuki, Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino

Sabu defeated Hayabusa

Kenta Kobashi & Tiger Mask defeated Taiyo Kea & Dave Taylor

A-74 Force defeated Ray Gordy & Shuji Kondo

The Total Package defeated Yuki Ishikawa

Minoru Suzuki defeated Monty Brown

The New Born Thrillers defeated Gran Naniwa, Hideki Hosaka, Mohammed Yone, Minoru Fujita, & Daisuke Sekimoto

2 Cold Scorpio defeated Dos Caras Jr





~ The A-74 Force introduce themselves, Glacier & Ice Train, are both former members of the WCW roster and have been wrestling in Japan and around the world since they departed the company. The opportunity arose to participate in the tour and they decided to unite their skill sets and become a force to be reckoned with. However, they admitted they are still finding their feet as partners.

~ Monty Brown discusses the level of opponents he has faced and how much pride he has from the performance he put out. When questioned on his partying and antics outside of the ring during the tour affecting his in ring chances, Monty shrugs it off, explaining that he is only here once and that every man he has faced so far, came close to getting the pounce and earning him that contract.

~ Sanders and The New Born Thrillers discuss Miller & Friends, scoffing at the idea that they needed to be on the tour, and how they had nothing to gain from it. They were the old generation and Sanders boys were the new generation, over the next few shows, they were aiming to prove just that. Sanders again brought up the idea of Young Lions and Old Lions, explaining that Miller, Morrus & Smiley were more like Wildebeest.

~ Buff Bagwell attended his conference in Road Warrior attire, explaining his desire to align himself and Luger with them, and become a force in the Heavyweight division. He felt, united, they could conquer anyone. Luger, however, was more focused on who his next opponent was with the WCW Pan-Pacific International Trophy in his crosshairs.

~ Jung Dragons and Ricky Steamboat celebrate the victory over the Road Warriors and thank them for the hard fought match. They still have a lot to achieve and have high hopes for the rest of the tour, regardless of the continued attention of Wally Yamaguchi and Minoru Suzuki. Kaz states they have proven themselves worthy enough, but if Minoru wants to test him himself, he is more than up for the challenge.

~ 2 Cold Scorpio informs the press of his new contract with WCW, stating he will continue with the company after the completion of the tour and is looking forward to testing himself in the big leagues once again. Proclaims he will get a few more wins on the tour before leaving, and that the Pan-Pacific International Trophy would be a fine parting gift.



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Predictions leaderboard after Nitro:


DHK1989 7/12

KyTeran 7/12

Dalton 2/12

Lord_Byron 2/12

Old_School_Fan 1/12




WCW Presents, from the Allen Arena in Nashville, Tennessee...




Card is subject to change.



Chuck Palumbo vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr


Bryan Clark vs. Lance Storm


Brian Adams vs. Steve Corino


BIG POPPA PUMP vs. Sean O'Haire


PLUS, The Weeping will be in action, Booker T will announce the stipulation for the next match against Sting, and much, much more!


Tune in to Monday Night Nitro, ONLY on FX!





Question for readers. I'm always looking to tweak how I present results and such, and one of the more time consuming aspects of writing the shows is the match highlights, researching movesets and styles and so forth. I do enjoy it, but I want to gauge whether people read them or not, or are mostly focusing on the match results and segments, etc. I have the below options in mind, if you don't mind stating which you'd prefer:


A) Post the match result and rating for weekly shows, with written segments. PPV's and other special events to have match highlights.


B) Save match highlights for significant matches only, whether they fall on weekly shows or PPV's.


C) Keep match highlights as is.


D) Any other suggestions.


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #6f524b; margin:10px;background: #ece1de; max-width:35%; ";">





Age: 34

Height: 6 ft 4 in

Weight: 129kg

Billed from: Tulsa, Oklahoma





Bio: The dominate, former NFL player, Bill Goldberg is in the prime of his career within WCW and was quick to mark out a new path for himself when he aligned himself with Ric Flair, and turned his back on the fans and his colleagues to take the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from Booker T at BIG BANG. Recent events have seen him distance himself from that partnership with Flair, after successfully defending the title on numerous occasions.


WCW Accolades:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion (x3)

WCW World Tag Team Champion (x1 w/ Bret Hart)

WCW United States Champion (x2)


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #6f524b; margin:10px;background: #ece1de; max-width:35%; ";">





Age: 38

Height: 6 ft 1 in

Weight: 130kg

Billed from: Detroit, Michigan



Finisher: GENETIC FREAK DRIVER (formerly known as the Steiner Screwdriver)


Bio: The wrestler formerly known as Scott Steiner is at the very top of his game, but it did not come without consequences. Scott and his brother ruled the tag team division for a long time, but Scott has been considered a mega star in his own right for several years now. He was the lynchpin to the Magnificent Seven, however, when he was forced to turn on his brother and other members, he was ultimately betrayed by Ric Flair at BIG BANG. He then went on to have a war with his own brother, Rick, with their wrestling name on the line, Scott was ultimately cheated out of the match by his valet Midajah, but after his rebrand, he got his revenge against Rick at Great American Bash. Now BIG POPPA PUMP has all those who wronged him in his crosshairs.


WCW Accolades:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion (x1)

WCW World Tag Team Champion (x6 w/ Rick Steiner)

WCW United States Champion (x2)

WCW Television Champion (x2)


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Age: 51

Height: 5 ft 11in

Weight: 110kg

Billed from: Charlotte, North Carolina





Bio: The legendary Ric Flair is heading toward the twilight of his career in the industry, but he is determined to leave an impact on the new-born WCW. He turned on the Magnificent Seven stable from the early stages of WCW’s return, instead aligning himself with Goldberg and aiding him in securing the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The relationship between the two has become rocky recently, with question marks over Goldberg’s need for Flair now he has the title.


WCW Accolades:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion (x7)

WCW United States Champion (x2)

WCW International Heavyweight Championship (x2)



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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #054977; margin:10px;background: #dcdcdc; max-width:70%; ";">


Allen Arena,

Nashville, Tennessee…









The commentary welcomes everyone to another episode of the long running, Monday Night Nitro. They recapped events from last week, hyping RVD’s win against Billy Kidman and his advancement to the final of the TV Title Tournament, as well as Booker T levelling the best of five series against Sting. They don’t have a match scheduled tonight, but the commentators confirm that the next two stipulations will be chosen by the competitors themselves, and Booker T will be announcing his stipulation for their third match next week tonight First though, we will see who will face Rob Van Dam in the TV Title Tournament Final…









Chavo Guerrero Jr vs. Chuck Palumbo


Match Highlights:

~ Chuck asserted his strength advantage early on, overpowering Chavo after his attempted chain wrestling failed to gain him any authority in the bout. Chuck showed off his strength with a Gorilla Press Slam, before dropping Chavo into a Gutbuster.

~ Chavo looks to have lifted Chuck into a Brainbuster, but Chuck powers himself back down and lifts Chavo into a Stalling Vertical Suplex, crashing him into the mat after several seconds.

~ Chavo begins getting reckless with his attacks, going for riskier moves from the top rope, a big Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Takedown paid off as he looked to follow it up with an Elbow Drop from the top rope, but Chuck avoided it.

~ Chavo again went for high risk, a Diving Crossbody, but Chuck was waiting and countered with a vicious Snap Scoop Powerslam.


Match Finish:

Chavo Guerrero Jr defeated Chuck Palumbo when Sean O’Haire charged to the ringside area, the referee tried to get him to leave but as he remonstrated with Sean, Douglas slid a chair to Chavo who didn’t think twice before drilling it into the face of Palumbo. He hit a Death Valley Driver on to the chair for good measure, before kicking it out of the ring as he went for, and got the pinfall.










Jerry Lawler and the rest of the commentary discuss the previous match, and the involvement of Palumbo’s former allies. Before Lawler could add his insight, Jarrett and Jindrak came down to the ring without a proper entrance. Lawler wondered what they wanted and attempted to meet them face to face, Jarrett told Lawler that he should be focusing on bigger accomplishments than beating up a retired wrestler, but there is just something about Lawler that makes him want to delay any ambition for the gratification he feels when he beats him down. Lawler tells Jarrett he isn’t retired, and challenges him to a one on one match, Jarrett laughs the idea off but soon both men were brawling after Lawler threw a punch. Jindrak was quick to put his foot in, but he wasn’t the only one…




...as Billy Kidman flies out of nowhere into Jindrak with a Hurricanrana, before assisting Lawler in fighting them both off. Kidman’s appearance seems to surprise everyone with Jarrett audibly asking an audience member “Where the BLEEP did he come from?!”.










Steve Corino vs. Brian Adams


Match Highlights:

~ Corino and Adam settled into a show of strength early on, with Corino determined to get the big man off of his feet, and after a barrage of chops and running Lariats, it was Leaping Leg Lariat that finally saw Adams buckle.

~ Adams blocks a Superkick attempt, catching the leg and lifting Corino into a powerful Gorilla Press slam.

~ Adams goes for a Powerbomb, but Corino begins raining in elbow strikes as he is elevated, and sends Adams stumbling into a corner. Once there Corino delivers the ten bells punches, but only gets to nine before Adams launches him from the corner with a One-Handed Spinebuster.

~ Corino drops Adams to one knee after a Running Chop Block, and follows up with a Superkick to the back of the head and then a big Lariat, but the big man still kicks out.


Match Finish:

Brian Adams defeated Steve Corino when Corino went to the top rope for the first time in the match, and Adams caught him with a Chokeslam, which he followed up with the TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER for the win.










We go backstage where Johnny Ace is in discussion with Booker T about the best of five series. He congratulates him on the effort put forth so far, but says he needs to step proceedings up a bit if he wants to defeat an opponent like Sting. Booker sarcastically thanks Ace for his advice but tells him he doesn’t require it. As they had discussed, the stipulation for next week will be a Ladder match, and Booker explains the only reason he is talking to Ace about this is because he wanted to give Sting the opportunity to get a warm up. Ace says that’s fine, he didn’t have a match lined up tonight, but he’d need an opponent, Booker was quick to reply and that he had it sorted, at the courtesy of his friend Rob Van Dam, another man entered the shot on cue…












As the commentators announce that our main event will be Sting vs Sabu we go backstage to find Palumbo wandering the backstage area demanding Douglas and O’Haire show their faces. However, instead of them he ran into four other men…




The Maritato Family, at Maritato’s orders were quick to jump Palumbo, putting the boots to him whilst Maritato watches on smiling.










The Weeping [Vampiro & Mortis] vs. Rock ‘n Roll Express


Match Highlights:

~ Mortis and Vampiro dominate for a large portion of the match, but Gibson makes a hot tag and begins to hit big moves on The Weeping, a dropkick on Mortis, a big Crossbody on Vampiro.

~ Gibson and Morton hit double Planchas to the outside, but Vampiro catches Gibson and hits a huge Powerbomb onto the ring apron.

~ Mortis slips a tackle from Morton in the corner and is quick to lock him in a Top Rope Boston Crab whilst Morton is trapped between buckles.

~ As the Rock ‘n Roll Express build some momentum back, they hit the DOUBLE DROPKICK on Vampiro, but Mortis hits a Slingshot Double Lariat as they turn to face him.


Match Finish:

The Weeping defeated Rock ‘n Roll Express when they hit simultaneous finishers from the top rope, the NAIL IN THE COFFIN on Morton and the BRIBE FOR THE FERRYMAN on Gibson. Vampiro got the cover on the Morton for the win.










The Insiders make their entrance to a big cheer from the audience, the current World Tag Team champions take to the microphone and once again challenge The Weeping. Ever since they reformed and decided that they would be fighting champions, they have wanted the best there is to take them on, and right now they think they’re looking at the biggest threat the WCW tag team division has seen in a long time. And since they weren’t asking for a match, or actively pursuing a competitive fight…




Whilst The Insiders attempt to goad The Weeping into accepting the challenge, the new recruits of Vampiro’s blindside the champions on the stage. RelliK wipes out Nash with a big Spear, before Abyss drops DDP into the metal flooring with a massive BLACK HOLE SLAM.










We go backstage again after the commercial break to find current WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms, and current WCW Wildside Heavyweight Champion, Jamie Knoble in the office of Mike Graham. Which is just Eric Bischoff’s office when he isn’t there. Both men want The Bullyweights, they teamed together at the Great American Bash, but they didn’t lose that match, somebody else did. Skipper and Romeo have done nothing but get in their business since that match, it was only fair they had to defend their titles, like Noble & Helms had to. Graham agreed and made the match official for next week, with the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships on the line.










Lance Storm vs. Bryan Clark


Match Highlights:

~ Storm initially out paces Clark with his offence and evasive manoeuvres, but Clark begins to show off his own athleticism, and after they hit Drop Kicks on one another, Clark hits a big Diving Clothesline from the top rope after his.

~ Clark hits a series of suplexes, a Snap Vertical Suplex followed by a Belly to Back Suplex, but Storm hooks his leg on an attempted German Suplex and counters it with a Bulldog.

~ Storm goes for a Slingshot Crossbody, but Clark cuts him short with a nasty Pump Kick to his midsection.

~ Storm hits a Superkick that has Clark wobbling, he goes to hit another but Clark catches the kick, spins Storm around and then eats a picture perfect Jumping Roundhouse Kick to the face.


Match Finish:

Lance Storm defeated Bryan Clark when Storm slid between the feet of an attempted Clothesline, tripped Clark and locked in a Boston Crab, before dragging Clark into the centre and locking in the CANADIAN MAPLE LEAF that forced the submission.










Robert Roode & Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacey Keibler vs. Rob Van Dam & Bam Bam Bigelow


Match Highlights:

~ Keibler did her best at ringside to disrupt RVD and Bam Bam, with the latter getting most of her attention after all the recent battles between him and Stasiak. RVD laughs her off when she squared up to him at ringside, distracting him long enough for Roode to get them both with a Suicide Dive.

~ RVD hit the Rolling Thunder on Roode but as he popped back to his feet Stasiak nailed him with a Bridging Fisherman Suplex. Bam Bam interrupted the bridge with a Diving Headbutt from the top rope.

~ Roode signalled for a DDT on Bam Bam but the big man powered him into his corner before RVD monkey flipped him across the ring.

~ With both teams brawling outside, Bam Bam seized Keibler and teased hitting her with the Greetings from Asbury Park, but Stasiak interrupted with a Divining Double Axe Handle from the apron.


Match Finish:

RVD & Bigelow defeated Roode & Stasiak after Bam Bam Bigelow levelled Roode with a Powerbomb and RVD hit the FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH for the win.










We cut backstage to see a darkened corner of the backstage area where Shane Douglas and James Maritato were having a hushed discussion. Maritato accepted an envelope from Douglas, who advised him there was an opportunity to earn more, but the payout would only come when Palumbo didn't walk away. Maritato laughs, advising Douglas that maybe facing the guy one on one would be the cheaper option, because they don’t go crippling guys for pennies. Douglas snapped at him, telling him he didn’t have time to focus on Palumbo, he needed the problem dealt with, without Sean having to be involved.










Sean O’Haire w/ Shane Douglas vs. BIG POPPA PUMP


Match Highlights:

~ Scott and Sean face off in a show of strength, with neither man gaining the upper hand until Douglas begins taunting Scott about Midajah, telling him to look out, Ahmed is coming. Scott bites and unhooks from Sean to grab Douglas’s hair and drag him to the apron, but O’Haire hits him with a Roundhouse Kick to the side of the head.

~ Scott powerslams O’Haire into the corner, ties up his legs, but when he charges in for a Shoulder Tackle, Sean sits up and Scott crashes into the ringpost. O’Haire followed up with a big Double Stomp to the lower back of Steiner from the top buckle.

~ O’Haire attempts a Slingshot Lariat but BIG POPPA PUMP shows off some incredible strength by catching the big man and hitting him with an Exploder Suplex.

~ Sean lays out Scott with a Fireman’s Carry DDT, after hitting a series of European Uppercuts, he signals for the Senton Bomb and climbs the buckles, but he takes too long and Big Poppa Pump meets him at the top rope to hit an impressive Fallaway Moonsault Slam.


Match Finish:

Sean O’Haire defeated BIG POPPA PUMP via countout after the fight went to the ringside area, Scott was brawling with Douglas when Ahmed Johnson charged into him, tackling him into a guardrail before Biel Throwing him over the rail and into a stack of quickly emptied seats. Scott was unable to get to his feet in time after the referee started paying attention and counted him out.










We cut backstage where we find Ric Flair walking into Dusty & Dustin Rhodes, Flair pokes at Dustin, asking him how it feels to be the man who retired his own father, and did it by failing in the ring against Jeff Jarrett of all people. Dustin was quick to remind Flair that he had only beaten Flair himself a couple of weeks ago, but he’d be more than happy to do it again, any time, any place. Flair ignored the jibe and instead honed in on Dusty, saying it was a shame he couldn’t do the same thing. Flair said he always wanted to retire Dusty himself, the old fashioned way, with a trip to the hospital. Dustin stepped between his father and Ric, before Dusty could reply, but both men were cut off when Goldberg flew into the scene and SPEARED Dusty. Dustin barely had a chance to react before Flair hit a low blow on him and pushed him into Goldberg who JACKHAMMERED him through a nearby table.











Sting vs. Sabu


Match Highlights:

~ The commentary team announced that both Booker T & Sting would compete in a Ladder Match next week, which will reveal the stipulation for their final match of the series, if it comes to it, a big advantage for whoever wins. A similar briefcase was swinging above the ring tonight. Sabu started the match as only Sabu could, throwing himself around the arena with reckless abandon, something that Sting struggled to keep up with early on.

~ The world travelling Sabu busted Sting open early when he hit an ARABIAN SKULLCRUSHER on to a Ladder, but Sting intercepted his attempts to climb the ladder and Sabu crashed to the outside of the ring.

~ Sting hit a series of big moves on Sabu to try and keep him grounded, but eventually resorted to using a ladder, when he propped one in each corner and hit Stinger Splashes on Sabu on each one. Again though, Sabu was up quick enough to intercept Sting’s attempts to ascend the ladder.

~ Sabu looked like he was on his way to victory after hitting Sting with an ARABIAN PILEDRIVER, but Sting tapped into that well of strength that he had within him and popped straight to his feet and hit Sabu with his own Kneeling Piledriver onto a Chair.


Match Finish:

Sting defeated Sabu with both men bleeding and looking exhausted, Sting brought his bat into the ring and planted Sabu with it when he went for a Springboard Crossbody. He then hit the SCORPION DEATH DROP on to a Ladder twice, before slowly climbing the ladder and claiming the briefcase.










A blood soaked Sting took to the microphone immediately after the match. He praised Sabu for bringing the fight he needed tonight, because now he knew just how deep he would have to go to beat Booker T next week. Sting told Booker that this rivalry of theirs, this issue had spiralled into something both of them could not have anticipated, but it has awoken something in him that he thought was long dead. He felt like a part of him had died when the old WCW had, and these last few weeks, he had been going through the motions, fighting the man put in front of him, fighting the man that pissed him off, but this, this was something different. He thanked Booker and Sabu for awakening this new motivation and desire within him, but closed of his promo by warning that Booker would rue the day he had done it.











STING defeated SABU








THE WEEPING [Vampiro & Mortis] defeated ROCK N’ ROLL EXPRESS




CHAVO GUERRERO JR defeated CHUCK PALUMBO to advance in the TV Title Tournament



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Forbes Arena, Georgia.




Jamie Knoble, Shane Helms & Los Pollos Hermanos defeated The Bullyweights, Bison Smith & Kwee Kwee


The HYW Express and Disco Inferno mock Kwee Kwee as he warms up for his main event return, asking Paisley what she is doing with the guy and how he still had a job with hair like that.


The Maritato Family [Maritato, Mamaluke & Vito] defeated Greg Valentine, Tony Jones & Pat Tanaka


The Weeping [Abyss & RelliK] defeated Tyson Dux & Jeremy Lopez


Shannon Moore is shown backstage approaching Bam Bam Bigelow, he wants to join the academy, he has heard the endorsements, and he wants to better himself. Says he has been holding himself back, trying to conform to what he thinks people want, but he is not succeeding, and he is not happy. Bam Bam welcomes him aboard.


Air Styles defeated Tony DeVito


Jason Jett defeated Disco Inferno, and Johnny Swinger



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<div style="padding: 6px; border: 6px solid #2e4237; margin:6px;background: #</div>; max-width:20%; ";">

Predictions leaderboard after Nitro:


KyTeran 9/16

DHK1989 8/16

Dalton 2/16

Lord_Byron 2/16

Old_School_Fan 1/16




WCW Presents, from the Forbes Arena in Atlanta, Georgia...




Card is subject to change.



Booker T vs. Sting



Rob Van Dam vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr



Shane Helms & Jamie Knoble vs. The Bullyweights ©


Shannon Moore vs. Alex Wright vs. AIR Styles


PLUS, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion will be in action, as will the WCW World Tag Team Champions, also we will hear from Dustin Rhodes, BIG POPPA PUMP, and much, much more!


Tune in to Monday Night Nitro, ONLY on FX!




I have updated the first post in the thread with an index of the shows for anyone looking to catch up, as well as links to wrestler profiles (when they get posted up) and just generally updated it a little.

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Oh man, I wish I had the idea for every profile linking to him!


This made me laugh. You wanna learn about Sting, here's Big Poppa Pump! Oh who's this Billy Kidman guy, oh it's the Big Bad Booty Daddy! Fun fact, when I started making my Danhausen diary I almost went with Scott Steiner as the title character instead of Danhausen. Can't get enough of ole Scotty.

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This made me laugh. You wanna learn about Sting, here's Big Poppa Pump! Oh who's this Billy Kidman guy, oh it's the Big Bad Booty Daddy! Fun fact, when I started making my Danhausen diary I almost went with Scott Steiner as the title character instead of Danhausen. Can't get enough of ole Scotty.


Now I want to see Scott on Conan’s podcast! I don’t do him justice in the diary to be honest, definitely hard to capture a big character like that at times! You’ve done a great job with Danhausen though.

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Age: 35

Height: 6 ft 3 in

Weight: 116kg

Billed from: Harlem, New York



Finisher: BOOK END


Bio: Booker T started the new Era of WCW as the reigning WCW World Heavyweight & United States Champion, closing off the TNT era as a dominant champion in the WCW. However, that was all to change when he crossed paths with Ric Flair, who set out to take everything from him. Booker lost the World Title to Goldberg after the former enacted a clause for a Title Match after Booker T had just defeated Sting at BIG BANG and was also goaded into losing his US Title against Ric Flair, with assistance from Goldberg. He would try multiple times to recapture the World Title, but could not find a way to win, he also kept finding Sting to be the constant thorn in his side, preventing him from getting over the line. Their issues came to a full collision at Great American Bash, and both men settled on a best of five match series to put to bed their problems with one another, and earn another shot at Goldberg’s World Title.


WCW Accolades:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion (x5)

WCW World Tag Team Champion (x10 w/ Stevie Ray)

WCW United States Champion (x1)

WCW Television Champion (x6)


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #6f524b; margin:10px;background: #ece1de; max-width:35%; ";">





Age: 41

Height: 6 ft 2 in

Weight: 114kg

Billed from: Venice Beach, California





Bio: One of the most decorated stars the WCW has created is still going strong in his early forties, and he kicked off the new era of WCW by earning a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match against the then champion, Booker T. He would lose the match, but the events afterwards would see him involved in the World Title picture for weeks to come; acting as the special referee at Slamboree, before competing himself against Booker T & the reigning champion, Goldberg at Great American Bash. He found himself let down multiple times by Booker T and other colleagues, with no watching his back, Sting lashed out at Booker and eventually the two men began a heated battle that is currently being settled with a Best of Five series of matches.


WCW Accolades:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion (x6)

WCW World Tag Team Champion (x1 w/ Nash, x1 w/ Luger, x1 w/ The Giant)

WCW United States Champion (x2)

WCW International Heavyweight Champion (x2)

WCW King of Cable Tournament

WCW European Cup (x2)

WCW Battle Bowl


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #6f524b; margin:10px;background: #ece1de; max-width:35%; ";">





Age: 41

Height: 6 ft 11 in

Weight: 148kg

Billed from: Detroit, Michigan





Tag Team: The Insiders w/ DDP


Bio: Kevin Nash, alongside Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan created one of the most iconic groups in wrestling history and defined WCW for a long time. With that in the past, Nash is still at the top of his game and looking to cement himself in the reborn WCW as a force to be reckoned with. He and DDP were reunited as a team by new WCW CEO, Eric Bischoff, and were thrust into the World Tag Team Title picture, eventually dethroning The Natural Born Thrillers at Slamboree. After successfully defending against the unlikely challenge of Jung Dragons at Great American Bash, the group known as The Weeping have turned their attention toward Nash and his partner.


WCW Accolades:

WCW World Heavyweight Champion (x5)

WCW World Tag Team Champion (x6 w/ Hall, x3 w/ DDP, x1 w/ Sting)


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