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Baptized in Blood: A PSW Saga

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New Year Revolution

Live at The Bowery in Pittsburgh, PA

1,278 fans


The lights go up for PSW’s kick-off to 2020, New Year Revolution. The almost 1,300 fans fill up the Bowery in Pittsburgh. The familiar guitar riff that signals Ash Campbell’s arrival fills the air.




Ash Campbell walks to the ring and grabs a folding chair and microphone. He sets the chair up and sits down in it and begins to talk.


Ash, “My father died three years and four months ago. He died in his bungalow in Los Angeles and when he died, the whole wrestling world reached out. There was an outpouring of emotion. It was moving. It was beautiful. They told stories of his greatness. They talked about the wars he had waged with Johnny Martin and Eric Tyler and Chris Faulfield. They talked about the blood he had split and the revolution he had carried on his back.”


Ash pauses and everybody in the arena is silent.


Ash, “They talked about the tragedy of him passing. How he would be missed. They talked about his vision. They praised him. The epitaphs were incredibly moving. I loved my father. I still do. He was my hero. He is why I do what I do today. But I can’t lie. For the past three years and four months, I have felt off. I’ve felt like I was just going through the motions. I almost quit wrestling. I walked away from it. For nine months, I tried to occupy my mind with something else. With anything else. I tried to distract myself because I didn’t want to face the reality of this business without my father.”


There is some applause now but people continue to give Ash the space.


Ash, “Every time I drove up to the building, every time I walked into the locker room, I was walking into his temple. This was where he worshipped. This ring. This was his church and church is supposed to be a place of healing. A place where you go and get saved but he wasn’t saved here. He was cursed. He was cursed with the peculiar addiction that pro wrestling gives us. That inability to walk away. That inability to say no. And he couldn’t say no. My father’s struggles and demons aren’t news. Everyone knew about them. My father’s failings were public knowledge. Everything about him was public.”


Ash stands up from the folding chair and begins to pace while holding the microphone.


Ash, “He gave everything he had to this business. He gave his life to this business and what did it get him? It got him buried six feet deep and a bunch of people that barely knew him to say nice things about him. That and five dollars will get you a cup of coffee. And you know what is worst about it all? They call him a Hardcore Icon. A legend of blood and guts. He gave his body to you and he got nothing in return. NOTHING. He broke his body and he shoved pills and booze into his mouth and coke up his nose and died for nothing. So that he could be claled hardcore. All that blood that split out of him didn’t get him anything. What’s his legacy? That he wrapped himself up in barbed wire? That he himself on fire? That his body was a roadmap of scars that told stories of senseless brutality? He broke himself. He damn near crippled himself for you and in the end, it got him nowhere.”


Ash is furious as he speaks. His face read. Spit flying from his mouth.


Ash, “For three years and four months I’ve been trying to find the courage to say this. I hate you. I hate what you did to my family. I hate what you did to my father. I hate what I’ve left you do to me. The blood I have split here. The way I’ve basked in the way you call me hardcore. I’ve partaken in senseless violence for your approval but I am done. I am done seeking your approval. I am done trying to make you all love me or prove that I am worthy of my father’s name. No. From now on, I fight in this ring to take out every ounce of pain in my body. I fight to take hardcore away from you. To take your heroes away from you. I’m going to destroy each and every one of you like you destroyed my father. My Family.”


Ash throws the microphone down and the people begin to boo. He leaves the ring and walks to the back.


Segment Rating





begins to play over the sound system and the people stand up. After the Ash Campbell promo, they are craving a palette cleanse and they’re going to get one with the arrival of the PSW Tag Team Champions, Samoan Destruction, Inc.




The two big Samoans walk out and the crowd claps along to DJ Green Lantern’s beat. The Samoans are intense crowd favorites and they begin their trademark saunter towards the ring when suddenly there is a loud commotion and two men wearing bandanas over the lower part of their face jump the barricade and blindside both men.




B: Who the hell is that? Where the hell is security to stop those two?

N: I know who those two men are. That’s Gravedigga and Mobstar from Los Angeles, what the hell are they doing here? They don’t work here!

T: Well they are damn sure here to do some damage, look at them.




Gravedigga and Mobstar assault Samoan Destruction, Inc. It is violence and frenetic and fast. They hit stereo piledrivers on the floor and look like they want to get weapons before security is able to get to them and pull them away from the PSW Tag Team Champions before they can do more damage.


Segment Rating









In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Americana Jr and Devil May Care defeated Dead Bolt, Teddy Powell and Vendetta in 9:53 when Acid II pinned Dead Bolt with an Acid Rain Bomb. Americana Jr was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


[uMatch Rating[/u]







In a terrible match, Cerberus defeated Devil Dog in 9:36 by pinfall.


Match Rating





The crowd erupts when

plays throughout The Bowery and the PSW Champion, Nelson Callum walks out. He has the PSW title wrapped around his waist, his hair is slicked back and he just looks, for lack of a better word, cool.




The champion makes his way to the ring as people reach out to slap at his arms and shoulders. He slides into the ring and unstraps the PSW Championship. He sets it on the turnbuckle and takes the microphone.


Callum, “For the past nine months, every time I’ve stepped foot in The Bowery, I’ve had a target on my back. It started when Ernest Youngman decided he wanted this title. He did everything he could to take it from me too. He lied, he cheated, he got his buddies in The Steel Circle to jump me. Ernest succeeded for a little while. He needed all his buddies to help him and he needed all of them to keep me from getting my title back but I did. Because that’s what I do. I fight through whatever you put in front of me. Monsters. Great wrestlers. You can jump me. Beat me up. You can make me bleed. Whatever you have to do to try to stop me but at the end of the day, I’m still standing and I’m still the PSW Champion.”


Nelson pauses and lets the crowd react.


Callum, “And now tonight I’ve got Logan Wolfsbaine. He’s a big son of a bitch and he’s a big son of a bitch that I’ve had to fight before but tonight I fight him for the PSW Championship. Tonight we step into that ring and I’m going to make him bleed. I’m going to hurt him. I’m going to drop him on his head and I’m going to beat him until he can’t take any more and I’m going to leave here as the PSW Champion. Logan, you better bring Jake and Jackpot. You better bring Ernest. You better bring chairs and tables and chains and barbed wire and baseball bats. You better bring everything you have tonight, because you and your boys have needed all of those things so far and I’m still the PSW Champion, so what do you think you’re going to do without them?”


Nelson drops the microphone and picks the championship back up and exits.


Segment Rating








In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Sayeed Ali defeated Jebediah in 12:36 by pinfall with a G.B.H. Driver. Sayeed Ali makes defence number one of the PSW National title.


Match Rating









In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Mad & Ironic defeated Blood Soldiers in 11:23 when "Mad" Mongo Flash pinned Deathwish with a Mongo Smash.


Match Rating







In a poor match, Cowboy Buck Winchester defeated Xavier Reckless in 8:24 by pinfall with a Neckbreaker.


Match Rating







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Madman Boone defeated Antix in 9:51 by pinfall with a Boone And Bust.


Match Rating







N: What a big win for the legendary Madman Boone. Each and every month Boone proves that he still has fight in him.

B: He’s got to be the toughest veteran on the roster. I’ve been in wars with Madman Boone that took years off my career and he’s still going.

T: Same here. I don’t know how he does it. He must have made a deal with the devil or something.

N: Wait, what the hell is this? What is Ash Campbell doing out here?




Madman Boone stands in the center of the ring. He is redfaced and sweaty from his win over Antix. Ash Campbell slides in the ring in front of him. Ash considers Madman. The history between them. The years they have known each other – and then he kicks him right in the groin. Madman grabs at his crotch and Ash drops him with a DDT.




N: Come on, that’s on called for! Madman Boone is a legend who just wrestled a hard fought match against Antix and Ash Campbell took a cheap shot. He should be disgusted.

T: No he shouldn’t. He’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to be doing, making a statement.

N: But not like this Eric, this is uncalled for.

B: Wait, who is that coming out of the crowd?

N: I think that’s… Yes it is. That’s Chip Martin and Original Sinner and Marco Gonzalez. Three great second generation wrestlers whose fathers all worked either here or DAVE. Thank God they are here to help Madman.

B: I don’t think they’re here to help..




Chip, Sinner, and Marco are not there to help Madman Boone. Instead, they join in putting the boots to Madman. Marco and Chip go under the ring and pull out a table while Ash orders Original Sinner onto the second rope. They lift Madman Bonne up and Sinner stands on the second rope and holds Boone high into the air and leaps off the second rope for a massive Sitout Powerbomb through the table. The four men stand above the broken legend and then exit.


Segment Rating








In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Nelson Callum defeated Logan Wolfsbaine in 23:05 by submission with a Honey Trap. Nelson Callum makes defence number two of the PSW Championship title.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating



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[Monday, December 2, 2019]




“Really, Alex? Are you sure?”


Alex Braun looked across the table at Mitch Naess. The breakfast crowd at DeLuca’s was thinning out as people rushed to make it to work on time.


“I’m sure, Mitch,” Alex nodded before taking a forkful of hashbrowns into his mouth and chasing the fried potatoes down with a swallow of orange juice.


“You’re really putting me in a bad spot,” Mitch complained while ignoring his stack of pancakes.


“I’m not trying to, Mitch. I’m just burnt out,” Alex explained as he continued to eat his hashbrowns, “I’ve been booking for you since you opened up shop in ‘07. Twelve and a half years, Mitch. I’m spent. My booking hasn’t been very good recently. I just need a break.”


Mitch sighed. He ran his hand through his greying hair. He didn’t want to hear this, “Come on Alex, I don’t have anyone else.”


Alex laughed, “Don’t feed me that line, Mitch. You’re not Phil and I don’t drink kool-aid. There are plenty of guys out there who can book. Eric can book if you want. Hell, call Marv down in Baltimore.”


It was Mitch’s turn to laugh, “Marv? You kidding me. He couldn’t book our style.”


Alex shrugged his shoulders, “That’s probably true. There are a lot of guys who’d love the chance to book. Give one of them a shot.”


Mitch took a forkful of pancakes into his mouth as he thought, “Yeah. There’s got to be someone. I’m sure I can get someone.”


“You can, and I’ll still do commentary and I’ll finish out the month – but coming 2020 you’re going to need someone else.”



[Tuesday, December 17, 2019]




Mitch Naess pushed back from his desk and closed his eyes. He had been staring at his screen for entirely too long. His eyes were tired. He exhaled and checked his phone. People were asking him what he planned to do. Who was going to replace Alex? He had made some phone calls to different people to ask them if they were interested in the job. He’d asked his mentor if he wanted to come back to booking but Phil had said no. He had tried to pull Citizen X from GSw to no avail. Eric had also turned him down because he didn’t want to close the door on a run in CWA or TCW if they came calling for his services.


Mitch dropped his phone back on his desk, “What the hell are you going to do?” He asked himself. He was running out of time. Alex’s last show at the helm was this weekend and then he needed to have someone else in place. Someone who could push the vision of PSW as a modern hardcore hybrid. A place where there could be violence but also great wrestling. He needed someone who understood what PSW was trying to become and who could make PSW a legitimate player in the national conversation.


“Hey Mitch,” A voice called from the door to his office.




Mitch looked up and Ash Campbell stood there.


“Hey Ash,” Mitch said while leaning back in his chair, “What are you doing here?”


“You got time to talk?”


“Yeah,” Mitch nodded, “I’ve got some time.”


“So Alex is turning in the book this weekend,” Ash said as he came into Mitch’s small office at the PSW headquarters – which was really just a converted convenience store that Mitch had purchased so he didn’t have to work from home and so that he had a place to store the merchandise and do the post production on the shows and so that he had a place to go – he would go crazy if he sat at home all day.


Mitch stood up from behind his desk and went to the mini-fridge he kept in the corner. He pulled it open and pulled out a Barq’s Root Beer. A lot of people were A&W guys and Mitch appreciated A&W but there was something about Barq’s that he liked, “You thirsty?”


“Sure, I’ll take a root beer.”


Mitch handed the can to Ash before grabbing another one for himself. He popped the tab and took a long drink from his can before wiping his mouth on the back of his arm, “Yeah, this is Alex’s last show.”


“You got anyone lined up to take the book?” Ash asked while opening his own can and taking a drink.


“Not yet,” Mitch shook his head. He had known Ash most of his life. He had met Ash when he was nine years old and his dad had started working for DAVE. That was twenty three years ago almost. Now he had employed Ash since ‘07, another thirteen years. A lifetime of experiences between the two. Mitch had always looked at himself as Ash’s big brother. They were only twelve years apart in age.


“Give me the book,” Ash looked Mitch dead in the eye. Mitch took a step back.




“Give me the book,” Ash repeated.


Mitch took another drink from his Barq’s, mostly so that he could allow himself an opportunity to collect his thoughts, “You want the book?”


“That’s right.”


“But you’ve never booked before.”


“I know,” Ash said with a shrug before taking another drink from his own root beer.


“And you’re a talent.”


“So was Alex before he stopped wrestling. So was my dad in DAVE.”




Ash held up his hand, “Look, Mitch, you need a booker. I want to book. I know the vision you have for PSW. I know what you want it to be. I’ll get us there if you give me the book. If you don’t think I can, if you don’t have faith in me, that’s fine, but then consider this my notice.”


Mitch ran his fingers through his hair. He found himself doing that a lot these days. “So, I either give you the book or you quit?” What was it with these Campbells that they weren’t afraid to hold people up? John had done the same thing to Richard and come close to quitting on Phil several times.


“Basically,” Ash said. He was confident. Mitch could appreciate that. He was his father’s son, after all.


“Alright,” Mitch relented, “I’ll give you a shot.”


Ash smiled and finished his root beer. He tossed it in the trash, “You won’t regret it.”


Mitch laughed but didn’t respond. He hoped he wouldn’t.




[saturday, January 24, 2020]




Ash stood in the center of the locker room and watched as the boys packed their bags to leave. His first show had been a success. At least according to him. He had gotten the big angle started with his change in direction and the debut of the people who were going to be with him. He got a couple other balls rolling. He was pleased.


“Good show,” Guy after guy said to him and he shook their hands. Madman Boone, the grizzeled veteran came up behind Ash and slapped him on the back of the neck.




“You keep booking shows like that, we’re going to be alright,” Boone laughed.


“Well I hope so,” Ash said while unscrewing his water. He took a long drink from it. He didn’t wrestle tonight but he hoped his promo to start the show and his attack of Boone would catch the internet’s attention. If he was going to finish the revolution that his father and Phil had started and Mitch badly wanted to see to fruition, he needed to capture people’s attention.


“You rehind me a lot of your dad,” Boone said cautiously.


“Thanks,” Ash shrugged.


“Minus the pills and coke and strippers,” Boone added.


“Who said anything about no strippers?” Ash laughed before taking another drink of his water.


Boone nodded his head, “Well, minus the pills and coke then.”


Ash fell silent and watched as Nelson and Logan and Ernest all left. He watched them go and looked at Boone.


“You think I can do this?”


Boone shrugged, “Hell if I know kid. No one knows until they try.”


Ash finished his water, “I guess there’s no turning back now.”


“There sure as hell ain’t, kid. So don’t f*ck this up. I need my wrestlin’ money.”


Madman Boone walked off to get his bag and left Ash standing there. Ash didn’t know whether Boone was kidding or not, but Ash knew one thing for certain, he did not want to f*ck this up.

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I appreciate some of the early comments. I've been looking for a new diary that I can sink my teeth into from a narrative aspect. I've been mulling this over for awhile. I don't know how frequently it will be updated -- I'm aiming for once a week or so after we settle into it. I want this to be a heavy-narrative diary and get back to my storytelling roots on here. Hopefully it will be worthwhile and you will enjoy it.


This is going to be a challenge for me. The product is not something I usually book but I felt I had to step out of my old school and southern comfort zones into something that was different and distinctive. You'll notice throughout this diary that I'm going to try to actively avoid hiring people that I have had a lot of use out of (Logan starts on the roster, sorry DarK_RaideR). I want to try and stay true to the product of PSW while crafting a somewhat compelling story.


If you choose to follow this, I appreciate it. Comments and feedback are always welcome.

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Highway to Hell

Friday, Week 3, February 2020

Live at The Bowery in Pittsburgh, PA


Main Event

Singles Match

PSW Rules

PSW Championship

"The Assassin" Ernest Youngman versus Nelson Callum ©


Grudge Match

Singles Match

PSW Rules

Madman Boone versus Ash Campbell


Singles Match

PSW Rules

"Cowboy" Buck Winchester versus Antix


Singles Match

PSW Rules

Acid II verus Xavier Reckless


Torndao Trios Match

Falls Count Anywhere In The Building

Americana Jr, Jebediah, & Xavi Ferrera versus The Legion of Blood


Tornado Trios Match

PSW Rules

Devil Dog, Dustin Deuce, Little Bill Lebowski versus The Dismantling (Chip Martin, Marcon Gonzalez, Original Sinner)


Tag Team Match

PSW Rules

Mad & Ironic versus Rich & Famous


Singles Match

PSW Rules

Brimstone versus Logan Wolfsbaine


Opening Match

Singles Match

PSW Rules

Dominic DeGraff versus Cerberus

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Main Event "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman

Grudge Match Ash Campbell

Singles Match "Cowboy" Buck Winchester

Singles Match Acid II

Torndao Trios Match The Legion of Blood

Tornado Trios Match The Dismantling (Chip Martin, Marcon Gonzalez, Original Sinner)

Tag Team Match Rich & Famous

Singles Match Logan Wolfsbaine

Opening Match Cerberus

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Main Event

Singles Match

PSW Rules

PSW Championship

"The Assassin" Ernest Youngman versus Nelson Callum ©

Grudge Match

Singles Match

PSW Rules

Madman Boone versus Ash Campbell


Singles Match

PSW Rules

"Cowboy" Buck Winchester versus Antix


Singles Match

PSW Rules

Acid II verus Xavier Reckless


Torndao Trios Match

Falls Count Anywhere In The Building

Americana Jr, Jebediah, & Xavi Ferrera versus The Legion of Blood


Tornado Trios Match

PSW Rules

Devil Dog, Dustin Deuce, Little Bill Lebowski versus The Dismantling (Chip Martin, Marcon Gonzalez, Original Sinner)


Tag Team Match

PSW Rules

Mad & Ironic versus Rich & Famous


Singles Match

PSW Rules

Brimstone versus Logan Wolfsbaine


Opening Match

Singles Match

PSW Rules

Dominic DeGraff versus Cerberus

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