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World Championship Wrestling - The Big Bang

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Booker T- don't see Booker T dropping the WCW Worlds title just after dropping the U.S Title, plus Booker gets some revenge on double J


Douglas retains- same as Booker T. Don't see Douglas dropping the title just after winning it. Dustin does make a good challenger for the U.S Title


Kanyon steals a win


Jindrak scores the upset and gets the win


Team Canada



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WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Douglas © vs. Dustin Rhodes

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon

Mark Jindrak vs. Sean O'Haire

WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Locker Room Leaders (Konnan & Hugh Morrus) vs. Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Helms © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman

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WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Booker T © vs. Jeff Jarrett -- Jeff Jarrett always wins

WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Douglas © vs. Dustin Rhodes

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon

Mark Jindrak vs. Sean O'Haire

WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Locker Room Leaders (Konnan & Hugh Morrus) vs. Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Helms © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman

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WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Douglas © vs. Dustin Rhodes

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon

Mark Jindrak vs. Sean O'Haire

WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Locker Room Leaders (Konnan & Hugh Morrus) vs. Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Helms © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman

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WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Douglas © vs. Dustin Rhodes

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon

Mark Jindrak vs. Sean O'Haire

WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Locker Room Leaders (Konnan & Hugh Morrus) vs. Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Helms © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman

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WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Douglas © vs. Dustin Rhodes

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kanyon

Mark Jindrak vs. Sean O'Haire

WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Locker Room Leaders (Konnan & Hugh Morrus) vs. Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Helms © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman

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Thank you all for the predictions! Show will be up either tonight or tomorrow.


WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: I'm calling a few upsets (at least IMO they would be). The first big PPV has to have some surprise results.

Big Bang will be a big bang!

WCW was always more of a heel territory, so I'm calling heels at the top with the belts.

WCW being so heel-heavy is part of the reason it failed. Having so much H E A T is not always good. The company should never be the heel!

BTW, good start so far, and waiting for more--hope Kanyon fares better, as he had a lot of potential IRL...

Thank you my friend! Kanyon is sort of the ultimate "what if" story to me because he could've and should've been a megastar.

what mod are you using for this?

It's a conversion of a 2001 mod for TEW2016 that I edited pretty heavily. Unfortunately due to board rules I cannot share publicly or privately.

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MAY 27TH, 2001

The feeling inside World Championship Wrestling heading into their first PPV of the new era was, simply put, indifference. Sure, it was exciting to even be alive, but the first month of TV was fairly average. That being said, most of the talent were still ready to put on a good show in order to save their jobs and show that they are still valuable, whether it be in WCW or out.

 For those backstage that were not excited for Big Bang, their feelings were changed once showtime came around. Despite all the preconceived notions heading into the pay-per-view, the show cannot be considered anything but a resounding success. The initial goal set by Eric Bischoff of 8,000 paid fans was met with ease as 8,500 showed up at the doors with tickets in hand. After 2,000 tickets were given out by WCW because they did not actually suspect that many people to pay, so the arena was officially full at 10,523 fans. WCW would, of course, advertise the PPV as sold out. Although the buyrate for the show was never revealed, reports have it at least 20% higher than WCW Greed, the last PPV of the Turner era. While cynics would claim that this was purely out of morbid curiosity for what WCW had become, the fact that the show even happened in the first place, let alone blew out the previous event's numbers, shows that "The New WCW" was here to stay.

 Fans in attendance received a dark match before the show went on the air, with Air Styles defeating Jason Jett decisively in eight minutes. Bischoff and the rest of the booking team, now officially unveiled as Arn Anderson, Tony Schiavone, Johnny Ace and Dusty Rhodes, were very high on Air Styles. One half of Air Raid alongside Air Paris, the 21 year old Gainesville native has been receiving huge reactions each time he has been on television. In a 2012 interview on Wrestling Observer Radio, Tony Schiavone would state, "It was clear from the first time that AJ stepped in front of a camera in the Fusient era that he had 'it.' He was smooth, charismatic and just flat out talented. We had him earmarked for success after the first Nitro in May 2001."

 WCW Big Bang officially kicked off with a three way match for the WCW Cruiserweight title. Billy Kidman would pin Chavo Guerrero Jr. to win the title after fifteen minutes. The champion heading into the contest, Shane Helms, was not involved in the finish, which would help build to a future match between him and Kidman. Kidman's performance was once again top-notch, with many claiming he was the highlight of the show.

 Sometimes starting off the show that hot may not always be for the best. Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Norman Smiley in the second match of the night. There was absolutely no build, and the match was not even advertised. The fans were quite confused when Norman Smiley was introduced, as he was not on any of the Nitros heading into the event, and it was unclear if he was even employed by WCW after the Fusient purchase. This hurt his return as the fans just did not know what was happening. Once Bam Bam made his entrance, it at least became clear that there was a match taking place. The match was simply a showcase for Bam Bam.

 In the finals of the four-team tournament for the vacant WCW World Tag Team Championships, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome defeated Konnan and Hugh Morrus to be crowned the new champions. Despite being the heels, Storm and Awesome were loudly cheered over Morrus, and to a lesser extent, Konnan. The match was good, with Lance Storm being the standout of the four men. Awesome pinned Morrus after a mighty powerbomb.

Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire fought next. Jindrak was not over to the crowd, thanks in part to how popular Sean O'Haire was becoming, but also because of how poor he was in the ring. WCW had high hopes for the 23 year old, but his weak performance on the PPV started to sour him to management. O'Haire was a solid in-ring talent, but he was not fit to carry a younger big man like Jindrak. O'Haire put him away after seven long minutes.

 In his first defense as WCW United States Champion, Shane Douglas defeated Dustin Rhodes. The match suffered because the two had not even been on screen together in the Nitros heading into the show, nor had either man mentioned the other at all. Dustin won the number one contender's match on the go-home show, but that was the only semblance of build. The match was fine, the men worked hard to try to make up for the complete lack of heat, but it wasn't enough to get the crowd invested.

 What did get the crowd invested however, was the debut of Rob Van Dam after the match. Bam Bam Bigelow joined Shane Douglas in a beatdown of Dustin Rhodes in the ring, but RVD appeared out of nowhere on the top rope, and gave Douglas a kick from the top. He then brawled with Bigelow and clotheslined over the top rope before giving Douglas a Van Terminator with a chair that Dustin had set up for him. The crowd gave RVD the largest pop of the night. The ECW mainstay was rumored to be heading to WWF alongside the other former ECW stars Tommy Dreamer and Sandman, but instead chose to sign with WCW. It was rumored, and later implied by RVD himself, that WWF would not let him indulge in his favorite form of medicine, whereas Eric Bischoff couldn't care less.

By far the most hyped match heading into Big Bang was between Kanyon and Diamond Dallas Page. The two were getting some of the loudest reactions on each show. DDP received a hero's welcome from the Athens crowd, with Kanyon receiving a mix of boos from those playing along, and cheers from those who recognized how great he was. It had the most heat of any match on the show, with Kanyon taking the majority of the match and DDP garnering tons of sympathy from the crowd. He almost had the match won and was setting up for the Diamond Cutter, but Kanyon reversed it into a Kanyon Cutter of his own, the perfect finish to the match. Kanyon even gave the "BANG!" hand gesture after landing the move before pinning DDP clean in the middle of the ring. Bischoff stated in a 2019 interview with Conrad Thompson that DDP offered to put Kanyon over as clean as possible at the "inaugural" PPV. It worked wonders, and Kanyon was now one of the top heels in the company. Kanyon added insult to injury post-match by grabbing a table from ringside and jumping off the top rope to give his opponent another Kanyon Cutter, this time through the table. He held his arms wide and soaked in the boos as the medical team attended to DDP.

The main event between Booker T and Jeff Jarrett for Booker's world title had a rough time at first following the bout between Kanyon and Diamond Dallas Page. However, as both men were great in-ring workers, they adapted to the lack of heat. While the match was originally going to have Jarrett dominate and give Booker a babyface comeback, they shifted gears and gave Booker most of the match in order to keep the crowd lively. In the end, the match turned out way better than it should have been. Prior to the show, WCW had taken criticism for presenting a PPV with the name "Big Bang" to symbolize a new beginning, only to give the fans a match that they had already seen eight times on television in 2000. This was a valid criticism, and one that Booker and Jarrett worked to overcome. Booker would retain the title in eighteen minutes, the perfect length of a main event between the two.

The highlights of the show outweighed the lowlights, which was a testament to the booking team. Four hours of build was clearly a struggle to overcome, along with the sheer amount of lost talent from two months prior. WCW Big Bang was a success, and showed that the company was not a "shell of a shell" as Vince McMahon had claimed. It was a long way from the 3.8 ratings Nitro would regularly obtain four years prior, but it had national television and still maintained a loyal fanbase. Established stars, new stars, and the outstanding debut of Rob Van Dam gave the fans something to cheer for.



0. Air Styles def. Jason Jett
1. WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Billy Kidman def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Shane Helms © (NEW CHAMPION)
2. Bam Bam Bigelow def. Norman Smiley
3. WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) def. Locker Room Leaders (Konnan & Hugh Morrus)
4. Sean O'Haire def. Mark Jindrak
5. WCW UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Douglas © def. Dustin Rhodes (1st defense)
6. Kanyon def. Diamond Dallas Page
7. WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Booker T © def. Jeff Jarrett (1st defense)

Edited by Dalton
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WCW Big Bang 2001 Prediction Results



BigJ: 6/6

smw88: 5/6

DGenerationMC: 5/6

Woodsmeister: 5/6

DHK1989: 5/6

GooverDan: 5/6

ThatYoung450: 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx: 4/6

LordByron: 4/6

horseman4lyfe: 4/6

Historian: 3/6

falling_star: 2/6

Old School Fan: 2/6

Hollywood: 2/6

Helginho: 2/6


Thank you all!!! Congrats to BigJ for being the only one to successfully predict the entire show! The plan is to run a prediction contest every six in-game months, with the first being seven months so we can end it at the end of 2001.

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Chapter Two: June 2001 - Mr. Wednesday Night


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The pessimism backstage was replaced by optimism following WCW Big Bang on May 27th. After a month of fairly average and forgettable Nitros to kick off "The New WCW" era, Big Bang overdelivered. Critical reviews for the show were mostly positive, with the match quality and pushes of new stars being the most lauded. The debut of Rob Van Dam was also well received, and gave WCW their first big signing in quite some time. He was rumored to be headed to the World Wrestling Federation, but his personal medicinal habits got in the way allowing him to sign with World Championship Wrestling at fairly comparable compensation.


WWF's miss on Rob Van Dam didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. They still had a number of former ECW talents on the roster now, and were in the middle of a period of unprecedented success. WWF Judgment Day drew 63,000 in Virginia with the main event being Stone Cold Steve Austin defeating Kane in a cage match to retain the WWF title. Quite frankly, they didn't really care about WCW at this point.


Two of the men who chose WWF over WCW during the lull period in April were Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner. Bagwell thought heading to Vince's company would be the big break he had been waiting for, but it turns out the grass isn't always greener. He started his career 1-6 and lost decisively to Raven on the Judgment Day pre-show. Vince is said to have had major buyer's remorse. Scott Steiner on the other hand is having a great run after debuting. He started 10-0 before suffering his first loss in a tag team match in which the Undertaker was his partner. He is currently considered the number six talent in the company, and the number three heel behind Triple H and Kurt Angle.


Back in WCW, Eric Bischoff was taking full advantage of the critical and moderate financial success of Big Bang. The day after the show while it was still fresh in the news, he contacted New Japan Pro Wrestling to reestablish the working relationship that had fizzled out over the last year. Owner Antonio Inoki and head booker Riki Choshu were happy to restore the partnership as they did not have an American partner. WCW would take talent on excursion, while Japan would periodically help bolster the WCW roster by sending some talent, especially in the cruiserweight division. Bischoff also had a similar arrangement with AAA in Mexico, as the companies agreed to establish a talent trading agreement. With how well-received the cruiserweight division was once again, Bischoff was eager to bring in more talent.


The final business deal made was with NWA Wildside. The company had served as WCW's developmental territory, but the arrangement was broken off during the sale to Fusient. Bischoff contacted Bill Behrens, owner of NWA: Wildside, to see if Behrens would again accept workers whenever WCW wished to start signing development talent again. Behrens accepted, so WCW had a place to send prospective talent.


As May turned into June, morale was high in the WCW locker room. One the biggest stories coming out of the prior month was the push of Kanyon. He defeated Diamond Dallas Page clean instantly became a top heel in the company. Because of this new perception, Bischoff decided to put him in a program with Booker T for the WCW World title. Whether this was premature or not is a discussion for another day, but with Kanyon having all the heat in the world and Booker T being the top babyface, it seemed like good business. On the June 6th edition of WCW Nitro, Kanyon officially challenged Booker T to a title match for The Great American Bash on June 30th. Booker T accepted, and so there was three weeks' worth of build for the match. The match nearly didn’t happen due to a botch by Sean O'Haire on the June 13th Nitro during a tag match which saw Kanyon and Mark Jindrak defeat Booker T and Sean O'Haire in the main event. O'Haire went for a routine elbow drop to Kanyon's back, but misjudged and the point of his elbow landed directly on the back of Kanyon's neck. It was clear immediately that Kanyon was hurt, and an audible resulted in Jindrak hitting O'Haire with a chair to cause a disqualification. With five minutes left of TV time, Booker T called another audible by running wild on the heels and cutting a promo about being the champion through The New WCW while Kanyon was checked on. Bischoff, and Kanyon to an extent, were very upset with O'Haire but after the initial reactions things settled down quickly. In the end, Kanyon was okay but did not do anything physical for the rest of the month. Instead, he got to work on his promo skills by standing toe to toe with the champion on the June 20th and 27th episodes. Overall, the two men were able to keep the fans invested heading into their title match at the PPV.


The debut of Rob Van Dam made headlines across most wrestling sites. At the PPV, he saved Dustin Rhodes from a beatdown by WCW US Champion Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow after Douglas defeated Rhodes to retain the title thanks to interference from the big man. The company wasted no time getting RVD on Nitro, and on the June 6th show RVD and Rhodes defeated Douglas and Bigelow in the main event. RVD got the pin on Douglas and was granted a match for the US title at the Great American Bash. Bigelow and Rhodes had a match on the June 20th Nitro that went to a double count out as the men brawled around the ringside area and through parts of the crowd. A rematch was booked at the pay-per-view between the two as a result. RVD also beat Disco Inferno clean on the go-home Nitro and thwarted a Shane Douglas sneak attack to stand tall.


Diamond Dallas Page and Jeff Jarrett both suffered losses at Big Bang. They entered a program after Jarrett defeated Johnny the Bull and said that he was the face of WCW and what happened at Big Bang was a fluke. DDP came out and said that he also lost, but he wasn't making excuses. Kanyon was simply the better man in their match, and Jarrett should also admit that Booker T is twice the champion that he ever was. Naturally, a feud followed with each man gaining the upper hand once a piece in the build up to the pay per view.


Sean O'Haire defeated Mark Jindrak clean at the pay per view, but the feud continued on into June. It isn't known what the plans were for the men prior to that tag team match that saw Kanyon get injured, but the audibled chair shot that Jindrak gave O'Haire meant that their feud had to continue. WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes booked a Last Man Standing match between them at the PPV. O'Haire was continuing to receive stronger reactions from the crowd and Bischoff wished to move him up to be a top babyface alongside Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page. But with RVD now in the company and getting some of the loudest pops each week, O'Haire would have to continue his momentum. On the other hand, Jindrak was still not at the level management wanted him to be at. His performances were still subpar, and the crowd was souring on him quickly. It wasn't good heel heat, rather go away heat. And with him being in the main event scene, especially in that doomed tag match, it was glaringly obvious he was two steps behind the rest.


The cruiserweight division was in an interesting spot after Big Bang. Billy Kidman was the new champion, having defeated champion Shane Helms and Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a three way match at the PPV. The main criticism of the division during the first month of TV post-reboot was that it was just good matches, which can only go so far. While that was mostly still the case in June, the matches continued to get better and some fresh faces made things more compelling. With the unexpected success of Big Bang, Bischoff decided to invest some of that extra cash into new cruiserweights. For the first time, Hayabusa made his way to World Championship Wrestling. It was his first time in the United States since ECW Heat Wave 1998, in which he teamed with Jinsei Shinzaki in a losing effort against Rob Van Dam and Sabu in an ECW World Tag Team Championship match. On the June 6th Nitro, Hayabusa made his surprise debut in an unannounced cruiserweight tag team match, teaming with champion Kidman against Jason Jett and the returning Blitzkrieg. After defeating Jett and Blitzkrieg, Hayabusa shook Kidman's hand and handed him the title, indicating that he was interested in becoming champion. Hayabusa was a huge hit with the Georgia crowd, and Bischoff is said to have immediately signed him to a long-term deal immediately after the match. Blitzkrieg, a former WCW cruiserweight during the height of the company, was also impressive and was signed to an open contract by Bischoff, allowing him to continue his "shoot" job as a computer technician. The last addition to the division was Julio Dinero, a 29 year old indie regular based in the Mid-Atlantic region. It's not known exactly how or why Dinero was the one to get the spot, however he was good enough to stay on as a lower-card talent.


Kidman's reign started off hot, and the champ had three wins on Nitro in June alone. A week after winning the tag team match alongside Hayabusa, he successfully defended the title against Air Styles in one of the best matches of The New WCW. Coming in at over fifteen minutes, the crowd responded mightily to the young Styles, and Kidman adapted by playing the heel during the match. Both men received a standing ovation after the bell. Before Kidman could celebrate much, former champion Shane Helms came to the ring and challenged Kidman to a match on the following Nitro because he had lost the title in a three way match. Kidman accepted, and on the following Nitro the two would actually main event the show, a first for the division in the new era. Kidman retained in a fantastic contest. Again however, he couldn't celebrate for long as Chavo Guerrero Jr. appeared and laid him out, ending Nitro by posing with the title.


While the cruiserweight division was improving, the tag team division remained stagnant. Team Canada were the new WCW World Tag Team Champions after beating the Locker Room Leaders at Big Bang to win the titles vacated after Chuck Palumbo left for WWF during the off-air period. The problem was, those two teams are the only viable heavyweight tag teams. With the retirement of the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team titles, teams such as Air Raid and Jung Dragons could compete for the belts, but it was still a shallow division. There were no matches between tag teams on the first two Nitros in June, only singles performers teaming for whatever storyline reason. The tag champs were absent from these shows as well. On the June 20th episode, Konnan, one half of the Locker Room Leaders tag team, defeated tag champion Mike Awesome to give his team a rematch for the gold. Instead of this match happening at the Great American Bash PPV, it happened on the go-home show, with Team Canada retaining the titles over their rivals. Why this match did not take place on the big show is unknown, especially as the entire PPV card were one on one matchups. Having the tag title match on the go-home show only hurts the division as a whole, instead of promoting it as it so desperately needed.


For the first time since the Fusient purchase, Vampiro made an appearance on WCW programming. Well… sort of. He did not appear live, but instead in a pre-recorded promo video from a very dark alley. He leaned heavily into the sinister side of the character, speaking on demons and his allies in the "Otherworld." In a nutshell, it didn't really make sense what he was saying, but it was clearly part of a larger character arc. With the man behind the character still on the sidelines because of a concussion, he was still a few months from an in-ring return.


The feeling backstage heading into The Great American Bash was much better than before Big Bang. Both talent and management now understood that the company was not teetering on the brink of death anymore. They found their niche, started building new stars while reestablishing the talent from old. Talent like Kanyon and Sean O'Haire were gaining more and more buzz as each Nitro passed by, giving Bischoff and crew some building blocks for the future.




1. Billy Kidman & Hayabusa def. Blitzkrieg & Jason Jett

2. Jeff Jarrett def. Johnny the Bull

3. Rob Van Dam & Dustin Rhodes def. Shane Douglas & Bam Bam Bigelow



0. Hayabusa def. Julio Dinero

1. WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Billy Kidman © def. Air Styles (1st defense)

2. Shane Helms def. Elix Skipper

3. Kanyon & Mark Jindrak def. Booker T & Sean O'Haire



0. Hayabusa def. Blitzkrieg

1. Bam Bam Bigelow drew with Dustin Rhodes

2. Konnan def. Mike Awesome

3. WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Billy Kidman © def. Shane Helms (2nd defense)



0. Hayabusa def. Air Paris

1. Jamie Noble def. Julio Dinero, Yang

2. Rob Van Dam def. Disco Inferno

3. WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Team Canada © def. Locker Room Leaders (1st defense)




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