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NWL Pick 'em for March 2022 - Week 2

on NWL.com




NWL Pick 'em for March 2022 - Week 2


Chicago Wolfpack(-1.5) @ Miami Bite(+1.5)

Texas Sandstorm(-1.5) @ Los Angeles Wrestling Club(+1.5)

New York Knights(+1.5) @ Washington War Eagles(-1.5)





Prediction note: Okay, so I am bringing a new prediction game to this dynasty to coincide with the sports format of the NWL. As you can see from the Pick' em above, the teams have a (-1.5) or (+1.5) next to their name. Those unfamiliar to spreads in sports betting, spreads are a way to even odds between teams. Instead of predicting the outright winner of a match, you will be predicting a team's ability to win or lose by a certain amount. (-1.5) means the team must win by more than (1.5) falls and (+1.5) means a team must lose by no more than (1.5) falls. For example, if the Chicago Wolfpack beats the New York Knights 4-2 then betting on Chicago Wolfpack(-1.5) would win. Contrarily, if the Chicago Wolfpack wins 5-4 then Chicago Wolfpack(-1.5) would lose. On the other side of the example, if the New York Knights lose 4-2 then betting on New York Knights(+1.5) would lose. If the New York Knights lose 5-4 then New York Knights(+1.5) would win. If the underdog (+1.5) wins the game, then that bet would win no matter the score.


I will be keeping track of everyone's picks as the season goes on. Everyone who makes a bet would be given 120 credits to "bet" for the season, each "bet" being for one credit. You are able to abstain from betting on any game you want if you are not confident in the outcome. With that being said, everyone participating must make at least 60 separate bets to be eligible for the competition. The winner of the competition will get to pick the host city (among a list of 10) of one of the expansion teams that will be coming in the future.


I know this is more complicated than the usual pick-a-wrestler predictions so if you have any questions go ahead and reply with any queries. Thanks!

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National Wrestling League



NWL Tuesday Night Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 2, March 2022

Live from Knight Concert Hall

Miami, Florida

Attendance: 616/TV Viewers: 107,844




Miami Bite (1-0-0) vs. Chicago Wolfpack (1-0-0)


Tonight's Lineup Card


Matt Clement vs. Chris Hero

Junior dos Santos vs. Davey Boy Jr.

Johnny Gargano vs. Claudio Castagnoli






Matt Clement vs. Chris Hero

  • Two veterans working every angle and every advantage would be the name of the game in this one. Both Clement and Hero know what they are doing, but one man has more skill.
  • Clement did have control of this match for some time, keeping Hero occupied with some great dropkicks and suplexes. Things wouldn't stay that way, as Hero hit one of the hardest elbows you'll see.
  • Hero then bought his time, knowing that he could kill some clock in enemy territory and still get the win. Hero impresses with his logic, but it was his skill that killed in this one. Hero nailed Matt with a Hero's Welcome for a pinfall before the clock hit zero. (1-0)

Match Result: Chris Hero def. Matt Clement (1-0)

Meltzer Rating: IYH3CoM.png (56)










Renee Paquette is standing backstage with the coach of the Wolfpack, Kevin Nash.


Renee Paquette

Kevin, there is a big match coming up here in moments between your own Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Junior dos Santos. You have to admit, dos Santos is imposing, what strategy will Davey Boy use in this tough match?


Kevin Nash

Junior dos Santos is not a man to mess around with, everyone knows that, but Davey Boy is no slouch. Davey Boy has the experience advantage in spades and I know he will use that to get the upper-hand. This is going to be two big boys slugging it out and I'm excited.


Renee Paquette

Is getting into a slugging match with someone who is as prolific in mixed martial arts a good idea?


Kevin Nash

Renee, you are someone who has done their research. You know who Davey Boy is and what he is capable of, but maybe the people at home do not. Davey Boy is a grappling champion, he is legit. I drafted this team to be answers, answers to anyone we will face. Davey Boy is our answer to Junior dos Santos. Thank you.


Renee Paquette

It should be an explosive second match of the evening when we return as Davey Boy Smith Jr. takes on Junior dos Santos.






Junior dos Santos vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

  • Kevin Nash wasn't kidding around in his interview, it was obvious that Davey Boy was a credible adversary for dos Santos. Neither men were gaining or give a single inch.
  • Midway through the match both men wanted to try and get a fall before their gas tanks were empty. Davey Boy went for throws and dos Santos went for strikes, but they were blocked.
  • At the end of the match, both men didn't have much left, but Davey Boy had a little more. He attempted to nail some big strikes, but Junior shrugged them off. Out of nowhere, Davey Boy nailed a spear, but could not get to the cover in time.

Match Result: Junior dos Santos draws with Davey Boy Smith Jr. (0-0)

Meltzer Rating: IYH3CoM.png (59)










Captain of the Miami Bite, Johnny Gargano is now backstage with Renee Paquette.


Renee Paquette

Johnny, we just witnessed Junior dos Santos get exhausted in his match with Davey Boy Smith Jr. Do you think that has anything to do with the Bite only having a day off after Sunday's win?


Johnny Gargano

Yeah, I think that is the what my teammate just ran into there, but that is something we are going to have to deal with all season. We are only a week into the season, but you can tell it is going to be a long haul. We are going to have to separate ourselves from the other teams and sometimes that is going to depend on our endurance.


Renee Paquette

With everything you said, are you in any way feeling the effects of your match Sunday? If so, do you think it will change the way you approach your match next with Claudio Castagnoli?


Johnny Gargano

I've always had a motor, and sure I am still a little sore after than match with Hennigan, but it has never stopped me before. Claudio is never a guy you will have the advantage in conditioning, but I put my tenacity up against anyone in the NWL. No bumps, no bruises will stop me from going out there and making my opponent's life hard. Tonight, Claudio is in for not a wrestling match, but a fight.


Renee Paquette

Thank you, Johnny! Next we have a big third match as the Bite are down one fall and Claudio Castagnoli the man in the way of a win.






Johnny Gargano vs. Claudio Castagnoli

  • Gargano came out hot, hitting elbows and leg kicks that had Castagnoli with his back against the wall and reeling, but Claudio was game to fight back.
  • After ripping a few European uppercuts of his own, Claudio got this match back to even. Both of these men hit some big moves, Claudio swinging Gargano out of the ring being of note.
  • Gargano hit one of the prettiest roll-through thrust kicks that you will ever see, and this put him in the driver seat. He was looking for the GargaNo Escape, but Claudio powered him out and hit a big boot. Claudio went for the Gotch Neutralizer, but Johnny tried to fight it off. Claudio had enough, threw an axe handle to Johnny's spine and hit the move to get the fall at the end. (2-0)

Match Result: Claudio Castagnoli def. Johnny Gargano (1-0)

Meltzer Rating: SKco2DH.png (75)








Game Result: Chicago Wolfpack def. Miami Bite (2-0)

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (68)

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National Wrestling League



NWL Thursday Night Wrestling

Thursday, Week 2, March 2022

Live from the Florentine Gardens

Los Angeles, California

Attendance: 628/TV Viewers: 104,454




Los Angeles WC (0-1-0) vs. Texas Sandstorm (0-1-0)


Tonight's Lineup Card


Máscara Dorada vs. Albert Hardie Jr.

Samuray del Sol vs. Ethan Carter III

John Hennigan vs. Cody Rhodes






Máscara Dorada vs. Albert Hardie Jr.

  • It was proven early that Hardie Jr. has the tools to be a force in the future, but the all-around skill of Dorada was too much for Albert to handle.
  • Máscara proceeded to put on a showcase for almost the whole match. The tides were fully in his control when he landed a picture perfect Spanish Fly on Hardie Jr. for a fall. (1-0)
  • No foot was let off the pedal for the rest of the match, with Dorada running and rolling all over the ring. Albert Hardie Jr. being distracted with the constant movement, Máscara turned a headscissors into a crossface to get a submission fall. (2-0)

Match Result: Máscara Dorada def. Albert Hardie Jr. (2-0)

Meltzer Rating: IYH3CoM.png (58)










Backstage is Renee Paquette standing alongside a more frustrated looking Ethan Carter III than we last saw him. You can tell his last match was weighing on him.


Renee Paquette

EC3, last week you found yourself with a draw after your match with Timothy Thatcher. Do you believe in any way that you should have taken your competition more seriously?


Ethan Carter III

Oh yeah, Renee, EC3 should be taking my competition more seriously...not! EC3 is the face of the National Wrestling League and until someone gets on EC3's level, EC3 doesn't have to take them seriously. Thatcher got lucky or if you looked at the replays, cheated. That's not on EC3, that's on someone that had to rig it just to get a tie. That's not EC3, EC3 is a winner, and EC3 will show that tonight.


Renee Paquette

Then the Texas Sandstorm fans should expect you to change your gameplan to get a better result out of your match against Samuray del Sol?


Ethan Carter III

No one is in charge of what EC3 does except EC3. You think the people paying to see EC3 have a say in EC3's matches? They need to just sit back, relax, and watch EC3 do what EC3 does best. That is win!


Renee Paquette

No lack of confidence coming from EC3 going into his match against Samuray del Sol and that is coming up next!






Samuray del Sol vs. Ethan Carter III

  • Samuray del Sol did not give EC3 a chance to disrespect him like he did to Thatcher last week, getting on him with a series of kicks and nailing a drop-toe-hold.
  • Samuray was on fire and the audience was eating it up. He was showcasing the offense that no one got to see last week. EC3 couldn't catch a break with the amount of lucha offense thrown his way.
  • Things were looking like a cakewalk for Samuray until EC3 untied a turnbuckle pad, gaining the attention of the official. EC3 took this opportunity to start to rip away at Samuray's mask. With Samuray busy getting his mask settled, EC3 nailed the One Percenter and got a fall. (2-1)

Match Result: Ethan Carter III def. Samuray del Sol (1-0)

Meltzer Rating: IYH3CoM.png (61)










Renee Paquette is joined by the Sandstorm's captain, Cody Rhodes. Unlike EC3's frustration, Cody's showed determination.


Renee Paquette

Certainly a disappointed result last week for you Cody. What might have you learned from that match and how might your mindset change going forward?


Cody Rhodes

It took my longer than I wanted to wrap my head around this new concept of wrestling, but I am now ready to go to work. I can't give my opponent an opportunity to gain momentum. I need to focus on the task at hand and not mess around with entertaining. Bottom line, nothing will get the Sandstorm fans behind you more than winning.


Renee Paquette

Well said, but it seems like with your experience that it might be harder to break out of old habits that easy. Have you been offered any advice on handling this style change?


Cody Rhodes

Yeah, Coach DiBiase had some words for me after my match last week. He is someone that had wrestled two different careers. He told me that character feeds skill in this sport. I believe I have found my character and tonight I get to showcase the change. Hopefully that pays off for us and we can make this comeback.


Renee Paquette

Thank you for the insight! That was Cody Rhodes, who will be facing John Hennigan in the final match of the evening with the Sandstorm down 2-1 against LA.






John Hennigan vs. Cody Rhodes

  • This match would have a theme, and that theme being two men that are desperate for a win. Would it come down to will or skill? We would find out sooner rather than later.
  • You could tell Hennigan was also looking to change his style up, implementing more high-risk moves. One top-rope legdrop hit, but then Cody caught on to the charade.
  • Hennigan made his way to the high-rent district once more with a couple minutes left on the clock. Cody must have known what was coming , because Hennigan came with an eblow, but missed. Cody picked him up and hit a Cross-Rhodes for a fall. As soon as Hennigan got up he was met with a Disaster kick to get Rhodes another. (3-2)

Match Result: Cody Rhodes def. John Hennigan (2-0)

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (68)








Game Result: Texas Sandstorm def. Los Angeles WC (3-2)

Meltzer Rating: IYH3CoM.png (64)

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National Wrestling League



NWL Sunday Night Wrestling

Sunday, Week 2, March 2022

Live from the Howard Theatre

Washington D.C.

Attendance: 602/TV Viewers: 109,876




Washington War Eagles (1-0-0) vs. New York Knights (0-1-0)


Tonight's Lineup Card


Biff Busick vs. Hideki Suzuki

Timothy Thatcher vs. "Swerve" Strickland

Adam Scherr vs. Joe Senoa






Biff Busick vs. Hideki Suzuki

  • Two technically sound wrestlers going at it and mixing in some very nice striking, too. Suzuki looked great, but Busick might have had the advantage in attitude.
  • Biff was ruthless, every shot had some English on it. Everyone thought we were going to see our first knockout fall when Busick hit a hellacious diving elbow to Suzuki's neck.
  • As the match came to a close, Suzuki tried to make a comeback by hitting a nice German suplex, but Biff found his fighting spirit. Busick hit a nice Roaring Elbow to gain a fall before the end of the match. (1-0)

Match Result: Biff Busick def. Hideki Suzukit (1-0)

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (65)










Renee Paquette is joined by the manager of the New York Knights, William Regal for the usual interview at intermission.


Renee Paquette

Hello, William, not the greatest start to the night. What does your team have to do to stay in it against a talented and physically strong team like the Washington War Eagles?


William Regal

It is quite simple, Renee, the guys need to stay in their game. Hideki put up a good fight, but he got into Biff's game too much. I fully expect Strickland and Joe to go out there and learn from that mistake. We have a bit of an uphill climb, but I think these guys can get it done.


Renee Paquette

You mentioned "Swerve", a man that was extremely impressive last week in a win over Chicago's Davey Boy Smith Jr. For someone who hasn't shined in a major wrestling company before, where do you think his potential will take him?


William Regal

To the top, Renee. Honestly, I truly believe that he is the future of the National Wrestling League. Not only does he have great charisma, he can handle his business in the ring. In my opinion, he was the steal of the draft. I am not only happy to watch him wrestle because he is on the Knights, he is one of the funnest guys going today.


Renee Paquette

Thank you for your time, Mr. Regal. Next up we have "Swerve" Strickland as he takes on Timothy Thatcher with the Knights down one against the War Eagles.






Timothy Thatcher vs. "Swerve" Strickland

  • "Swerve" might have been able to use his agility and athleticism to control Davey Boy last week, but that same strategy wouldn't seem as great against Thatcher.
  • Throughout the match Strickland would try to use some nice aerial and running moves, but Thatcher would latch on. Thatcher took Strickland to the ground as much as he could.
  • "Swerve" caught a break when he turned an Fujiwara attempt from Thatcher into a Buckle Bomb. With Thatcher shaken up, "Swerve" moved in for the kill at the end of the match. "Swerve" hits the Swerve Stomp to get the pinfall. (1-1)

Match Result: "Swerve" Strickland def. Timothy Thatcher (1-0)

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (70)










Joe Senoa is making his first appearance in a backstage interview with Renee Paquette. The Knights' captain looks like he is ready to run through a concrete wall.


Renee Paquette

Tough loss last week at the hands of Claudio Castagnoli. Are there any things you are looking to change going into this big match against Scherr?


Joe Senoa

I'm going to make him tap, Renee. I'm going to make everyone tap. Last week I ran out of time. That won't happen again, because I'll be on everyone's neck like a vampire ready to feed. I've heard Gargano say his move is going to be the most feared in the NWL, he's wrong. People will tremble at even the thought of the Coquina Clutch being locked in. Fans will leave the building once I cinch it in! Everyone in the NWL better keep their injured reserve clear, because Joe is going to be out there closing windpipes permanently! That's all from me, Renee, goodnight.


Renee Paquette

Lets see if Joe Senoa's words become more than threats as the thrilling conclusion to tonight's game is coming up with Joe taking on Adam Scherr at one-a-piece.






Adam Scherr vs. Joe Senoa

  • Joe wasn't kidding around, he looked for the Coquina Clutch immediately, problem is Scherr. is. big. Scherr moved the attempt to a Powerslam position and hit his finisher. (2-1)
  • Once Joe got back to his feet, he slapped some sense into himself as a punishment for getting too aggressive a second week in a row. Joe then was able to avoid a shoulder tackle to gain advantage.
  • Joe turned into a calculated man at this point, showing everyone the kind of beast he can be. He systematically broke the biggest guy in the league down until Scherr couldn't muster any offense. Time became a factor, but Senoa finally got the Coquina Clutch in on Scherr. History wouldn't repeat itself as Scherr tapped before time was up to send the game to OT. (2-2)

Match Result: Adam Scherr draws with Joe Senoa (1-1)

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (68)












Washington War Eagles vs. New York Knights

  • Joe was still riding the adrenaline from his heroic performance to send this game into overtime, starting the match against Busick. You could tell Joe was ready to do anything to win.
  • Busick took the brunt of a Senoa assault until Joe thought better and got in "Swerve" as Busick was singled-out in the enemy's corner. Eventually Busick got free and hit a tag with Thatcher.
  • Thatcher and "Swerve" settled some unfinished business from their match until "Swerve" got Suzuki in. Thatcher soon turned the tide, grounding Suzuki with a killer dropkick. Thatcher then pulled out a keen move, pretending to get Suzuki in the corner to tag, but then locking in an ankle lock. Scherr came in with a diving clothesline on both Joe and "Swerve" to secure the submission victory for the War Eagles.

Match Result: Washington War Eagles def. New York Knights

Match Time: 8:57

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (70)








Game Result: Washington War Eagles def. New York Knights (3-2)

Meltzer Rating: GFqQVEW.png (69)

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National Wrestling League


NWL Pick 'em for March 2022 - Week 3

on NWL.com




NWL Pick 'em for March 2022 - Week 3


Texas Sandstorm(+1.5) @ Chicago Wolfpack(-1.5)

New York Knights(-1.5) @ Miami Bite(+1.5)

Washington War Eagles(-1.5) @ Los Angeles Wrestling Club(+1.5)




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