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Things that happen in every save?

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There's a few things I've noticed that seem to happen every time I play a save in a particular database. There's three things in particular that I can point to.


1. In a 2004 RW database, within the first few turns, WWE will always hire April Hunter and Rickey Shane Page. Considering that I don't think either of them ever worked for WWE in real life, this is surprising.


2. In default C-Verse, Yukiko Matsumura will always show up at least once in the news for using social media to do positive things. Considering how frequently this happens, she must be the nicest person in the C-Verse.


3. In default C-Verse, La Estrella always shows up at least once in the news for saying disparaging things about female wrestlers and getting called out on it.


Does anyone else have any recurring elements in their saves?

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There's a few things I've noticed that seem to happen every time I play a save in a particular database. There's three things in particular that I can point to.


1. In a 2004 RW database, within the first few turns, WWE will always hire April Hunter and Rickey Shane Page. Considering that I don't think either of them ever worked for WWE in real life, this is surprising.


2. In default C-Verse, Yukiko Matsumura will always show up at least once in the news for using social media to do positive things. Considering how frequently this happens, she must be the nicest person in the C-Verse.


3. In default C-Verse, La Estrella always shows up at least once in the news for saying disparaging things about female wrestlers and getting called out on it.


Does anyone else have any recurring elements in their saves?

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