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'Warlike' Quinn Schwartz

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[i]This is a rookie to legend dynasty. I decided since every other dynasty I've done I've picked up in the middle, I might as well try to start this one from the beginning. Quinn was my second WS1 rookie to legend character, the one who actually met his goal (recently, and currently, actually). So, with WS2, the attempt is to duplicate that feat. To simulate the lack of English skills, I intend to try to not use the letter 'S' in any of my in-character speech, except as needed to refer to other characters or numbers (everyone learns numbers first). As I improve in the language, this will change.[/i] My name given to me, Quinn Schwartz. I am quite large, being over seven feet tall, and weighing nearly 400 pound. I grew up in Berlin, where I would find other people who had recorded event of the top job in the world. I would take recording, and watch at home. Totally, my goal in life to be top in world. Or, more directly, I want to take home the World Title. But not of any promotion, no, I want the top. I want SWF! I train myself, nobody look at me and think 'He could fight.' I born in 1985, being 21 year old. Now, I embark on mighty voyage, to become the top in the world. Where will it begin? Will I win? You be required to follow my career to find out. 'Warlike' Quinn Schwartz is a Giant European Wrestler based in Europe. He has strong heel tendencies, and is looked at as having quite a high potential. He has picked up basic english, but only from watching numerous SWF tapes while growing up in Berlin. He is, however, fluent in German. He typically sports a brightly colored mohawk to the ring. [b]Primary Goal:[/b] To become SWF World Champion [b]Secondary Goal:[/b] To match my WreSpi1 career (96% over USA, 100% over Japan, as bumped up by those in other areas)... [center] --Beginning Stats-- Brawling: C- Power: D Strong Style: F Hardcore: D MMA: F Mat Wrestling: F Chain Wrestling: F Submissions: F Aerial: F Flashiness: F Microphone: E Charisma: E Acting: E Looks: E Star Quality: C- Basics: E Psychology: F Safety: F Consistency: F Selling: F Athleticism: F Toughness: D Stamina: F Business: F Booking: F Respect: F Intensity: D Stiffness: D Resilience: A* Menace: E Refereeing: F Spirit: F [/center]
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[B][CENTER][SIZE="3"]June, 2006[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [I]Monday, Week 1[/I] The month of June, and I look for work. Thinking of my goal, I call SWF. But knowing that they may not want me, I look in other promotion too. To begin, I look near home, calling promotion in Europe and England. Then, with the thought that it home of the business, I call promotion in Japan. [I]Tuesday, Week 1[/I] I heard back from everyone I called today. SWF, to my unhappiness, told me that I could not work for them. Too, many other promotion tell me no. But, three company tell me good to work, and I agree to 12-month verbal contract with each, 21CW, ROF, and WEXXV. Now I know where I can work, I look at my upcoming booking. My work with 21CW arrive next, and I fly to England. [I]Monday, Week 2[/I] Tonight for the 21CW show. I got a call from their booker, and he told me that I'm booked tonight. Anyway, I go in and hang out behind the curtain. Bunch of people around. I try to talk to Brilliant White, but he not care. Ok bunch of match, but nothing with me. Next up, I go to Japan. [I]Saturday, Week 2[/I] WEXXV called, and they have put me in a match tonight. Taheiji Kanoe and Big Cat Brandon will be fighting me, Kinji Akamatsu, and Tank Bradley in a handicap match, for a total money of $1000. Happy to accept, I walk to the arena. I try to talk to people who are hanging out, but they all ignore me. Unhappy with fact, but I go out to fight anyway. [QUOTE] [b]Kinji Akamatsu, Tank Bradley, and Quinn Schwartz -vs- Taheiji Kanoe and Big Cat Brandon[/b] Kinji and Taheiji started things out in the ring, and Kanoe started out with the early initiative, taking advantage after a few traded punches. Once he got some momentum, he let his opponent tag out, bringing in Tank Bradley. Tank rushed his opponent, and was taken down quickly. Kanoe landed a mounted punch flurry, picked up Tank, and went for a DDT, which Bradley blocked. Punch Flurry of his own, followed by a DDT. An attempt at a backbreaker is reversed, and Kanoe lands the Tiger Driver. He holds on for the easy 3. Total Match Time: 9:00. Rating: F [/QUOTE] Well, that no fun. Tank not tag to me, and I never got in the ring. But then, neither did Brandon. My record now 0-1, and I only win $200. Unhappy, I return to England for ROF. [I]Saturday, Week 3[/I] I heard from ROF today morning. They tell me that I am not booked tonight. I go, but apparently I'm clear, and nobody even noticed me. [i]Sunday, Week 4[/i] Early month not go well. I not make much money, and I not get booked. Need to go place that will make me fight.
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[SIZE="3"][B][CENTER]July 2006[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] I've been a wrestler for one month now, and have only had one match, and I didn't even get in ring for it. If I am going to become SWF Champion, I need to get more popular, mainly in America. I look for work there, calling MAW, CZCW, NYCW, and USPW. USPW tell me they're not wanting me. But other three offer me job, until I tell them I have three job already. I call up ROF to quit, and they tell me I need 7 day notice. 21CW tell me same thing. I quit anyway, but the American job not take me yet. I am forced to decline their offer. After I officially leave 21CW and ROF, I call MAW back. They tell me they not wanting to talk to me again yet. I unhappy now, with only one job left. [I]Monday, Week 4[/I] WEXXV with booking tonight. They not call me with detail, but I go anyway. I find I not booked. I take food, and go home. [I]Tuesday, Week 4[/I] I take time in gym today after WEXXV make me unhappy, and think I improved in Power. [color="green"]Power +1%, increasing rating to C-.[/color] [i]Sunday, Week 4[/i] July go out with whimper. No more fight, and my record not change from 0-0-1. Running out of money. Need more job.
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[SIZE="3"][B][CENTER]August 2006[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] I look for more work near America, looking at Canada now. 4C tell me they will hire me. I agree to eight month contract for them. [I]Sunday, Week 3[/I] WEXXV tonight. Again, they don't make me have match. Again, nobody talk to me. It lonely in Japan. [I]Monday, Week 4[/I] 4C called today morning, and tell me that I fighting Too Hot tonight, with a total money of $350. I tell them I'll be there. I get there, and try to talk to Too Hot, but he ignore me. I tell him that we fight tonight, and he move arm up and walk away. I decide to beat him in the ring. [QUOTE] [b]Quinn Schwartz -vs- Too Hot[/b] Too Hot starts out with the early offense, stringing together a few quick strikes followed by a clothesline that the giant just absorbs. Quinn hits a painful looking backbreaker, and then drops an elbow on Too Hot. Hot looks like he's almost out of it already, and we're barely a minute through. Quinn grabs for the legs, though, and Too Hot is able to scramble away. It doesn't take the giant long to recover, but the speed of Too Hot is too much for him, and they end up trading blows for some time. After a second rope dropkick, Too Hot seems to have the match well in hand, but as he goes for a move to finish it, he's nailed by a low blow from Quinn. The referee takes the giant aside and sternly warns him, then lets the competitors go at it again. The reprimand was long enough that Too Hot regained his composure, and he hits a couple of quick moves, then tries to whip the big man into the corner. Quinn easily reverses, and goes for a boot scrape, but Hot just slips underneath it. By the time Quinn turns around, Hot has climbed the opposite turnbuckle, and he flies out with a flying body press. He holds on..1....2...Quinn kicks out! As the giant gets up, Too Hot lets loose with a Super Kick, but the giant is able to dodge out of the way, somehow. Quinn tries to slow the match down, sticking with the brutal-looking strikes, and using a hammerlock to his advantage. Hot seems to have been playing possum though, for when Quinn tries to pick him up after a backbreaker, he manages to get back on the offense, and nail a dropkick that rocks the big man to the ground. We're passing the six minute mark, and Schwartz pushes his opponent off him as he astands. He tries to slow the action down again, but after Schwartz once again misses a fist drop, telegraphing it beyond belief, Too Hot starts picking up momentum once again. Second Rope Dropkick sends Quinn to the ground. Too Hot measures him, and hits a leg lariat as he stands. Once again, though, Schwartz fights off the much smaller man as we reach the 9:00 mark. He hits a DDT, pretty good action for a big man, and this time he grabs the legs. Giant Swing! Too Hot is down and out on the ground, but not completely, because he's able to move out of the way of a ground roundhouse kick, and go for a Super Kick of his own. Quinn sidesteps, and puts Too Hot in a Powerbomb position, but Too Hot is able to squirm out of it. Another leg lariat attempt, which Schwartz dodges, Animalistic Spear! Quinn covers...1..2...3! Quinn Schwartz wins his debut match in 4C, getting a pinfall in 10:20. C rated match. [/QUOTE] I am happy now. I win my premiere match in Canada, and I hear that few people know who I am now. Even more happy though, I made $280 from that match. Looking forward to next month. [i]Sunday, Week 4[/i] I not happy with WEXXV. Three month later, and I've only had one match. I hope they book me next month. I only give them until the American promotion talk to me again, then I quit.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[b][center][size=3]September 2006[/size][/center][/b] [i]Thursday, Week 2[/i] After checking with both WEXXV and 4C, I find that I remain at bottom of company worker in each, but people in Canada like me better than people in Japan. No matter, though, for WEXXV put me in match today. I am told it be hardcore rule, meaning fall count anywhere and I can cheat if needed. I like that. I go in, and look up my opponent. Tatsukichi Shichirobei, a name I can no pronounce, be in DAVE not too long ago, but left before fight. He lightweight, and he like to brawl. And I like him helmet. Match winning be $1000 total. [QUOTE] [b]Quinn Schwartz -vs- Tatsukichi Shichirobei[/b] [i]Hardcore Match[/i] First couple minutes full of back and forth counters and avoidance, with a few light hits landed on either side. As the three minute mark is passed, Quinn drives Schichirobei into the corner, nailing the corner book choke, but an attempt at a spear is countered by a low blow. Tat hits some mounted punches, again and again, and Quinn looks out of it. Quinn manages to fight to his feet, and whips Tatsukichi into the corner, and this time I hit the spear. Both men look all but out on their feet. Quinn nails the Mad Man Clothesline to take both men out of the ring, and Tatsukichi is in trouble. Shichirobei grabs a chair, and nails Quinn with it over the head, then tries to choke him out. Quinn escapes, but victory is fleeting as he gets hit with another chair shot. Tatsukichi covers, and gets the three count. The final bell rings at 6:00 into the match, which garners an E rating. [/QUOTE] I'm not happy with that performance, winning only $200. Money be money, but I not happy. [i]Monday, Week 4[/i] I arrived at 4C event tonight, to find that I not booked. No matter, I hang out behind curtain, chatting to other worker. I find man who call him Nomad, and talk to him for a bit. He ok, but not really. I go home, unhappy with no match.
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[b][center][size=3]October 2006[/size][/center][/b] [i]Thursday, Week 1[/i] I am told that WEXXV put me in handicap match again, 2 on 1. I team with Kinji again, like in June, and I am fighting Tatsukichi again. Typical of WEXXV, money winning from fight be $1000. [QUOTE] [b]Quinn Schwartz and Kinji Akamatsu -vs- Tatsukichi Shichirobei[/b] Kinji starts out for the bigger side, but Tatsukichi starts out on the offensive. At least for about thirty seconds. Then, the two trade the offensive for quite some time before Tatsukichi gets Kinji down, and lays down a series of mounted punches and headbutts to the groin. When Kinji does manage to slip out of a series of punches, he launches himself at the corner and tags Quinn in. Tat doesn't even blink at the giant and goes on the attack again. Shichirobei knows he has to use everything in his arsenal against the huge man, and pulls out an eye gouge. Quinn looks blinded while Tat hits a twisting neckbreaker that looks like it really hurts. The crowd is really into the match, chanting for Tatsukichi. That seems to spurn Quinn, though, who fights off Tat and whips him into the corner. Quinn tosses Tat out of the ring, tries to catch his breath and looks over to tag Kinji back in, but apparently decides better of it as Kinji still looks winded. Shichirobei returns to the ring, but as he comes in, Quinn with Gutwrench Powerbomb, and immediately makes the cover. Tat kicks out just before the two, but Quinn is on a roll now. Discus clothesline, and the Giant Swing. Quinn picks him up and with a kick to the gut, he tries for the Schwartz Bomb, but Tat counters with a punch, then whips Quinn into the corner. Quinn manages to hold off the frenzied attack of Tat, then gets his opponent in the corner. Tat slips out, tries for the Mandible Claw! Quinn gets away from it, and tries for the Implant DDT! Tat gets away, DDT is blocked. Tat stops a powerbomb with another punch. Quinn realizes he's not getting anywhere and tags in Kinji. Shichirobei takes control quickly, but when he goes for another Low Blow, Kinji counters it. Kinji with a whip, Mandible Claw! Out of nowhere Shichirobei locks in the Mandible Claw, and Akamatsu is writhing. Quinn shouts encouragement, and Kinji makes it to the ropes. Tatsukichi looks stunned, but tries for it again, and Kinji takes control. Tatsukichi whipped to the ropes OH MY! Shichirobei uses brass knuckles to lay out his opponent! The referee sees it though, and calls for the disqualification, giving Quinn and Kinji the victory in 11:30. The match gets a C+ rating. [/QUOTE] Well, I like the $800, but I not like the fact that I only win by unqualification. [i]Monday, Week 4[/i] 4C not book me again. I go anyway, and talk to Darryl Devine while I watch the event. We don't get along much.
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[b][center][size=3]November 2006[/size][/center][/b] [i]Tuesday, Week 1[/i] Up to now, I have won two match, and failed two match. 2-0-2 record. Not good, but not bad either. I do running while I wait for next event. [color="green"]Purchased 1% of Athleticism.[/color] [i]Wednesday, Week 2[/i] WEXXV book me in hardcore match again, fighting with Zeshin Makioka for $1000. I not know Zeshin, but I look him up. He tiny. And he just like to fly high. I no think he will be a problem. [QUOTE] [b]Quinn Scwhartz -vs- Zeshin Makiokia[/b] [i]Hardcore Match[/i] Zeshin gets the early advantage, but Quinn gets away from a slingshot senton bomb to take over. They lock it up for a bit, trading punches and grapples for a bit, but Zeshin manages to use his speed to break away. He goes back on the attack, with a corckscrew legdrop, and then a dropkick. He tries for a glittering magician knee, but Quinn gets away, finally gaining some momentum. He takes down Zeshin, hitting some mounted punches and a gorilla press. Quinn turns him over, trying for some rear punches, but Zeshin gets away, sprinting to the ropes for a rana. Twice. He tries for the glittering magician knee again...but Quinn with the low blow! Referee obviously doesn't like it, but there's no disqualifications in this match. Zeshin fights off the big man, though, when Quinn tries to pick him up. Sprints back to the ropes, and hits a flying body press. Holds on..1....2..Quinn kicks out. Zeshin nails a slingshot moonsault next, and again holds on. 1...2...another kick out. Zeshin hits another high risk move, and then a high knee. Zeshin in complete control over the giant, and he knows it. Quinn hits the ground, and Zeshin hits a ground roundhouse kick. He covers, and Quinn just looks demoralized. 1...2...3. 7:10 time at the final bell, for a C rated match. [/QUOTE] I all red in the face now. I thought I would beat Zeshin, but he completely controlled me from bell to bell. $200 nice, but not great. I go hide my face now. [i]Monday, Week 4[/i] 4C event today, like every month. I go in, having been booked by WEXXV, I not expect a booking from 4C. Imagine my amazement when I find not only I have a match, I have a title opportunity. $1000 money for the fight. I go in, and I'm happy. Tag Team Title on the line, I teaming up with Nomad to fight Mighty Fine, who made up of Darryl Devine and Jacob Jett. Devine middleweight. Good worker, lower midcard. Ok, I can handle him. Jett lightweight, but in the main event. I am amazed at that. I wonder if they put me in match for to give Mighty Fine a win. I intend to prove them wrong. [QUOTE] [b]Mighty Fine (c) -vs- Quinn Schwartz and Nomad[/b] [u]4C Tag Team Championship[/u] Nomad and Devine start out in the ring, with Devine on the offensive. Early going is normal, with both men trading blows a bit, feeling each other out. Devine manages to get the momentum about two minutes in, and before we break the three minute mark, he sets up Nomad for the Devine Dream Drop. Nomad wriggles his way out, and tries to tag in his partner, but finds that Devine has other ideas. Devine pulls Nomad down again, and tries for the Texas Deathlock. Again, Nomad fights his way out, and after a desperation dropkick manages to tag in Schwartz. Schwartz takes the fight to Devine quickly, but Devine dodges a fist drop and tags in Jett. That doesn't slow down the big man, who quickly takes the fight to the champion, but only for a short time. Jett fights back when Quinn tries to pikc him up, but the size of the giant is too much, and he's knocked back down. Jett rolls away, and climbs the ropes, but Schwartz is there, and tosses the lightweight to the mat. Schwartz moves in, and tries for a low blow, but Jett counters it into a grapevine. This doesn't last long, as Schwartz fights away. A series of moves and counter moves ensue, kick to the gut, sunset flip (1 count), hellfire kick dodged, implant DDT broken. Jett tags out to Devine. Schwartz tries to continue the offensive flurry, but Devine ducks a punch, and drills him with the Devine Dream Drop. 1...2...3! The champions retain in 11:40, but a poor-quality match only rates an F. [/QUOTE] I don't know what the man who wrote up the fight talking about. I overwhelmed Jett, who in the main event. F rated? Never. However, I proved that I need to be given more chance. We not win, but I'm happy with the performance. November end, and I fail twice. My record now 2-0-4, and I not happy with that. I think I coming up quick, though.
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