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Booking tip I have discovered

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I've been playing a 1993 mod as WWF. When booking TV shows, I've been booking a post-show battle royal (usually 10-20 man). This has helped ten-fold. It lets me see who is performing well. It helps give young guys experience. Also, an opportunity to book unused workers. Anybody got any tips along these lines. Is this a bad idea? It seems to be helping. What are some cons, if any?
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I've been playing a 1993 mod as WWF. When booking TV shows, I've been booking a post-show battle royal (usually 10-20 man). This has helped ten-fold. It lets me see who is performing well. It helps give young guys experience. Also, an opportunity to book unused workers. Anybody got any tips along these lines. Is this a bad idea? It seems to be helping. What are some cons, if any?
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I used to do that and it adds a loss and negative effect on your workers momentum.


If you read the handbook your lower workers can go a few A shows without being used before they will get upset and even your top guys can go one or two. So I do a mixture of multi man, tag and singles matches including borrowed and free agent guys to give wins to lower carders.

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Pre and post match time is also great for testing tag chemistry. I usually build my tag division by trying out all possible combinations of wrestlers on the pre show.


Oh indeed. My pre-shows in my training feds tend to be a tag match of either teams I've thrown together for chem testing, units I'm trying to get team experience or a combo of the two. Paired with interviews for both units. That way they get practice being on mic as well.



I've been playing a 1993 mod as WWF. When booking TV shows, I've been booking a post-show battle royal (usually 10-20 man). This has helped ten-fold. It lets me see who is performing well. It helps give young guys experience. Also, an opportunity to book unused workers. Anybody got any tips along these lines. Is this a bad idea? It seems to be helping. What are some cons, if any?


I've seen several posts in here over the years of people doing this. And while this isn't my usual pattern, I've held similar battle royals occasion. Might do more of it if I played large rosters. But I tend to be small feds so I don't often have that many leftovers.


I've also seen screenshots where the player has done the angle version of this. Having an announcer hype a full division of workers all at once. Remianen in particular seems to do this a lot in his female fed saves.


Also, if you've seen my Cappy Pack story mods, you'll find a story called War of Words. It's in the second pack IIRC. It's all about a worker getting doubted for his speaking ability rather than his wrestling. The culmination of the storyline is a debate segment which was designed to allow unused wrestlers to participate as questioners in addition to closing out the storyline. I've also used that debate angle on post-shows to aid with mic training.

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Oh indeed. My pre-shows in my training feds tend to be a tag match of either teams I've thrown together for chem testing, units I'm trying to get team experience or a combo of the two. Paired with interviews for both units. That way they get practice being on mic as well.





I've seen several posts in here over the years of people doing this. And while this isn't my usual pattern, I've held similar battle royals occasion. Might do more of it if I played large rosters. But I tend to be small feds so I don't often have that many leftovers.


I've also seen screenshots where the player has done the angle version of this. Having an announcer hype a full division of workers all at once. Remianen in particular seems to do this a lot in his female fed saves.


Also, if you've seen my Cappy Pack story mods, you'll find a story called War of Words. It's in the second pack IIRC. It's all about a worker getting doubted for his speaking ability rather than his wrestling. The culmination of the storyline is a debate segment which was designed to allow unused wrestlers to participate as questioners in addition to closing out the storyline. I've also used that debate angle on post-shows to aid with mic training.


Story mods? Are you referring to the storylines from a few versions ago? Where you have premade storylines and basically fill in the workers in the angles and matches

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  • 3 weeks later...
Story mods? Are you referring to the storylines from a few versions ago? Where you have premade storylines and basically fill in the workers in the angles and matches


Yes. And a lot of the stories that were most used from those times are still around. I don't know if you've seen the Story Browser utility or not but it contains a lot of the stories that were big where premade stories were a thing. The historical storylines from Death of The Territories, Sonfaro's then-contemporary real world stories. And even a couple of my own. It's a wonderful program and I can't recommend it enough. It's a godsend for people looking for a safety net to help them with how storylines have been handled since 2013.


And sorry it took so long to answer. April is often a whirlwind of activity for me. Been meaning to do it sooner. Just been too scattered

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Yes. And a lot of the stories that were most used from those times are still around. I don't know if you've seen the Story Browser utility or not but it contains a lot of the stories that were big where premade stories were a thing. The historical storylines from Death of The Territories, Sonfaro's then-contemporary real world stories. And even a couple of my own. It's a wonderful program and I can't recommend it enough. It's a godsend for people looking for a safety net to help them with how storylines have been handled since 2013.


And sorry it took so long to answer. April is often a whirlwind of activity for me. Been meaning to do it sooner. Just been too scattered


No worries. I did find that tool after a little research. Appreciate the response.

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