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Boxofwhisper's Box of Renders (C-Verse / Custom)

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Wow! I totally see the Tessa and Sonya resemblance (nose / chin), she looks fantastic:)


Like always, thanks for the feedback. I've found it helps if I try and pick a real person's general aesthetic and keep it in mind when I'm rendering.


Now that's an ass kicker!


Also, I feel like I am just following Sisma around the forum haha


I look forward to yours and Sisma's feedback every time. :D Ass kicker is a the perfect phrase to describe her.


Amazing Honey Badger, when you get the time I'd love to see your version of Marie Punnen so I can have the tag team as a matched set in the same style.


Thank you thank you! Of course! Marie was high on my list anyway!





I suppose I went with some Jade Cargill inspiration here. I picture Marie's frame being leaner than (The) Honey Badger's stout, muscular build. I made (The) Honey Badger's hair blue without thinking about how Marie's hair is also blue-ish in her render, so they're a pair of blue-haired destroyers. Really pleased with how beautifully her skin rendered.



Marie Punnen




fka Jessica Bunny, "Serena Star" is a likely past her prime indy worker who I sometimes forget about. I plan to give her and Goodlooks both matching renders. I played with the shape of her head a lot here to make her small and a little older looking, which I think I accomplished--to me, she looks like a veteran wrestler close to the end of her career, probably wrestling and hustling merchandise in high school gyms and at county fairs.



Serena Star

fka Jessica Bunny



Thoughts and comments always appreciated and considered. Enjoy all!


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They are both fantastic! :)


Marie fits perfectly with Honey Badger and Star looks exactly like what I imagine an older indy worker would look like! :D


I just copy/pasted my reply from the re-render thread :D Now, where's lavelleuk? :p

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They are both fantastic! :)


Marie fits perfectly with Honey Badger and Star looks exactly like what I imagine an older indy worker would look like! :D


I just copy/pasted my reply from the re-render thread :D Now, where's lavelleuk? :p


Haha, never far behind!


I'd never noticed Marie has blue hair either, again, she looks like a bad ass! I agree with the lean look, she's a lightweight kickboxer, so I imagine her being tall with long strong legs


Are they partners in default database then? In my mod I have Honey Badger partnered with Jessica Conroy in an odd-couple tag team...I've lost track of what I created and what's CVerse canon lol

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Haha, never far behind!


I'd never noticed Marie has blue hair either, again, she looks like a bad ass! I agree with the lean look, she's a lightweight kickboxer, so I imagine her being tall with long strong legs


Are they partners in default database then? In my mod I have Honey Badger partnered with Jessica Conroy in an odd-couple tag team...I've lost track of what I created and what's CVerse canon lol


Tag champions in QAW at the start, despite every team in the company being better. Not sure why Bossman stuck the belts on wrestlers so green that the audience doesn't really care about while two popular talented teams were in a big feud.

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Tag champions in QAW at the start, despite every team in the company being better. Not sure why Bossman stuck the belts on wrestlers so green that the audience doesn't really care about while two popular talented teams were in a big feud.


Bossman doesn't play by your rules

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Bossman doesn't play by anybody's rules. Glad you all liked Marie!


Since she was requested, I re-rendered Poison Ivy / Mariana Torres without the mask so she can be properly used in QAW. I'll eventually get around to doing the other luchadoras without masks too...


Also moved her closer to the camera and did a re-render with the mask.






Mariana Torres



Poison Ivy

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All right, just dropping one off today. I finished it a couple days ago and when she got mentioned in the main thread I decided today was the day.


I used this render:




and tried to age her about ten years. Precise age isn't easy to render but I think I achieved making both she and Serena Star not look like they're 18 year old models like most figures you use to render do.


What do you think, does she look too much like someone's mom, or a "Karen"? Maybe that could be her gimmick now that Goodlookin' Bunny is done. Kath-- "Karen Goodlooks".





Katherine Goodlooks



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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't been the best at keeping this page updated, but I've got a few minutes now, so here's everything I've posted on the main render board in the past month or so:





Tamara McFly is one of my favorite C-Verse characters ever. She's always a heavily featured star in my promotions and I wanted to do a render that captures her presently, in her early 40s. I kept her distinct black and white hair from previous renders and am so pleased with how good it looks here. Honestly, this is one of my favorite renders I've done and I'm really proud of it.



Tamara McFly




I've seen a lot of renders for Laura Catherine Huggins but not so many for (whom I've always imaged as her counterpart) Vita, so I think she was way past due for a good render. I wanted to keep her pretty, bubbly, but not too intimidating or tough looking as she's just a manager.







A few people requested Coco and I'm happy with the render but not sure it completely suits her. I think it may be a little plain looking for her default bio?



"California" Coco Malloy





Actually I did this render quite a while ago and simply forgot to post it. I can't think of any other Olivia Diamond originals and in my C-Verse, she's a workhorse in the USPW women's division. Kept her with red hair, wanted to make her look a little more mature but keep her quite pretty as it's mentioned in her bio (I think, too lazy to look now). I used a different skin for her that comes off a little different than most of my other renders.



Olivia Diamond



I'll post about the other three later. Hope you're enjoying them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the older women looking older, I can feel better about seeing them in the game now. I usually do revive BSC, but under pretense similar to WWE relaunching ECW or Tony relaunching ROH.


Some millionaire scumbag puts the crew back together, realizes some people need repackged from their old self, brings a few more on board... and when it all collapses again, who if anyone, will make the big league?

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  • 1 month later...

All right--it's been a while.


I haven't posted many C-Verse re-renders lately, primarily because I've been making tons of renders for lavelleuk's Alternate CornellVerse 2022 Mod. He's put so much work into it and it's probably the most detailed database I've ever seen. If you haven't, you should definitely give it a go!


And if you're a fan of women's wrestling or my renders, you're definitely in for a treat. I haven't done an actual count, but I'm guessing this mod contains close to 100 original renders for the Alt C-Verse database, including an entire women's promotion that has all original renders.


Here's a little preview:





As the new CEO of Australia's Luxe Bikini Company, Rowan Astor founded Luxe Wrestling as a major part of the re-direction of the swimwear company he inherited from his mother. With a roster made up of models, influencers, and some actual wrestlers, the company boasts a modern, fresh perspective for an eye candy wrestling show. Every week, Luxe's long-held 'Luxe Studios' venue in Gold Coast is transformed into the fictional, underwater city of Aquarius Bay for the filming of Tuesday Night Luxe, their weekly TV program that's becoming a growing attraction in the region. Well-written and highly produced, Luxe has brought a unique version of women's wrestling to Oceania. Rumour has it though, that tension is thick amongst the roster both professionally and personally and it is leading to a toxic backstage environment.




And aside from Luxe Wrestling, here are a few favorites from the many renders I did for the mod:






Leah Kelly



Crimson Clare



So give it a download! I'm happy to hear any feedback, and if anyone starts a Luxe diary/journal/dynasty on here (I would die), I am happy to give you any renders that you need for the project!

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I highly recommend checking out Luxe, I said to box it feels like the alternative CVerse’s version of babes of sin city, just leaning more towards comedy than pornography lol


I believe it started off with me mentioning to box that I was planning a women’s sex appeal promotion in Australia, but eventually it became this underwater fantasy world full of unique characters and renders and detailed backstories that box came up with. He took the whole thing to a level I hadn’t even considered, and it is one of my favourite additions to the data.

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Wow you're on a roll! Exciting times with L0ndon also cranking out the rerenders. Ill be sure to give them all a home in my Peoples folder but still need to play through C-verse 1997. Just can't pull the switch and start the game. 😅


Like all creative additions to data but this one isn't for me at all.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while since I've posted on this thread, but I hope to get it going again.

Check out the first page--I'm in the process of adding all of the renders and re-renders I've done for mods recently (which is an embarrassing amount, lol) and there are still a few more coming!

Just leaving one here for you today. She's one of my favorite people in the whole C-Verse and I hope I've done her some justice. 



Danielle Sweetheart

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I'm way attached to the willr0ck Danielle Sweetheart render, but that one is really excellent. I definitely need to find a use for it in one of my games. A lot of excellent stuff on the front page as well. I think the Ally Jorgen one is what I've been looking for in a Simony Sentinel render. Jessie Pulver and Ocean Zhao were other favorites. Keep up the great work!

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On 9/20/2022 at 12:02 AM, Ekstasis said:

I'm way attached to the willr0ck Danielle Sweetheart render, but that one is really excellent. I definitely need to find a use for it in one of my games. A lot of excellent stuff on the front page as well. I think the Ally Jorgen one is what I've been looking for in a Simony Sentinel render. Jessie Pulver and Ocean Zhao were other favorites. Keep up the great work!

Thank you! I think the render I had been using for Danielle was J Silver's, which this render was heavily inspired from. But I'm kind of particular and like my renders to be in the same style, so I gave her a go on my own. I'm glad you like the others too--I really, really like the Ocean Zhao one too--if you check out lavelleuk's 2022 mod (which is superb all around), her character is just as bad ass as the render is. 

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In case you may have missed them on the main render thread, I've re-done several of my old renders now that I've accumulated a *quite* large library of rendering materials. 


Queen Amazon


Estrella Blanca


Pinky Perez


Velvet Suarez


Poison Ivy


Mystery Pink


Maribel Mercado


Teresa Perez


Juana Huracán / Juana Hurricane

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Elsa Calvo


Catalina Vazquez


Skye Hermosa


"A Game" Antonia Andres

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Honey Badger

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22 hours ago, Ekstasis said:

Teresa Perez is so good (hoping for a Houston Handley cause i put their team back together....)

and Skye Hermosa. unfortunately she broke her neck in my game and retired but i made her a ref.

I've been saying I was going to do Houston forever, so the time has finally come...

While I usually try to stay somewhat on the same page with the OG render, I never bought Houston as that cute cowgirl with pigtails and the cowboy hat. She's an a$$ kickin' hoss. So this is what I came up with (my cowboy hat just wasn't cooperating with her head or the lighting today, so I did the virtual equivalent of getting angry and stomping on it. I'll try again, eventually.)



Houston Handley

and if you hate it or just need more cowgirls in your life, here are two other cowgirls (the second one was definitely inspired by Houston's original render) and a saloon girl, along with Calamity Jane and Reba Montana from lavelleuk's mod, and Susie Van Zant from my Thunderverse project. If I ever get around to it, I'd love to make an all women southern wrasslin' promotion. 

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Calamity Jane


Reba Montana


Susie Van Zant

Edited by boxofwhispers
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On 9/22/2022 at 9:39 AM, Ekstasis said:

Teresa Perez is so good (hoping for a Houston Handley cause i put their team back together....)

and Skye Hermosa. unfortunately she broke her neck in my game and retired but i made her a ref.

I've been saying I was going to do Houston forever, so the time has finally come...

While I usually try to stay somewhat on the same page with the OG render, I never bought Houston as that cute girl with pigtails and the cowboy hat. She's an a$$ kickin' hoss. So this is what I came up with (my cowboy hat just wasn't cooperating with her head or the lighting today, so I did the virtual equivalent of getting angry and stomping on it. If I ever get a different one, maybe I'll try again)


Houston Handley

and if you hate it or just need more cowgirls in your life, here are two other cowgirls (one was definitely inspired by Houston's original render) and a saloon girl along with Calamity Jane and Reba Montana from lavelleuk's mod. If I ever get around to it, I'd love to make an all women southern wrasslin' promotion. 

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Calamity Jane


Reba Montana

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There are a lot of good renders for Foxxy Larue out there, but I had a specific request for her months ago and (embarrassingly) I am just getting around to it. So here she is, with and without sunglasses. I think it's appropriate that she looks a bit under the influence, as she's no stranger to getting in trouble for soft drugs in my saves. 😂

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Foxxy Larue

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Box, I love the work you've been doing with the female renders. With you revisiting some of the longer tenured ladies in the CVerse I just wanted to throw out a request for Dharma Gregg. She's one of my all time favorites that hasn't been touched in awhile. Plus I'm coming up on the end of a long photo project and can't decide what pictures to use for her.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking forward the unmasked renders of some of the ladies.

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1 hour ago, ironfist said:

Box, I love the work you've been doing with the female renders. With you revisiting some of the longer tenured ladies in the CVerse I just wanted to throw out a request for Dharma Gregg. She's one of my all time favorites that hasn't been touched in awhile. Plus I'm coming up on the end of a long photo project and can't decide what pictures to use for her.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking forward the unmasked renders of some of the ladies.

That's a great shout, her and Elizabeth Cartier for me are two of the more prominent women who have been around for many years who I don't believe have been updated

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On 9/27/2022 at 10:11 AM, lavelleuk said:

That's a great shout, her and Elizabeth Cartier for me are two of the more prominent women who have been around for many years who I don't believe have been updated

On 9/27/2022 at 9:05 AM, ironfist said:

Box, I love the work you've been doing with the female renders. With you revisiting some of the longer tenured ladies in the CVerse I just wanted to throw out a request for Dharma Gregg. She's one of my all time favorites that hasn't been touched in awhile. Plus I'm coming up on the end of a long photo project and can't decide what pictures to use for her.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Looking forward the unmasked renders of some of the ladies.

Elizabeth Cartier and Dharma Gregg noted! I have done very few non-wrestlers, but many of their renders really stick out now as they've never been redone, so I'll add them to my list.

Also, I promise some unmasked luchadoras in my next update!

Here are a few of my most recent updates from the main render thread for anyone who may have missed them or cares, and also for my personal sake of organization:


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Lady Liberty / Stormette

I re-rendered Lady Liberty to give her a better skin tone than I had access to before, and Stormette was a request (Lady Liberty's former alias). For anyone not replacing them as main renders, even though they're the same model (though I tried to age Lady Liberty a bit), I think they look different enough to make an odd couple tag team. 


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Miss Mexico circa C-Verse '97 and today as a QAW road agent.

I've started another project (tentatively called the Then, Now, Forever Project) to re-think some of the veteran C-Verse workers both in their prime and today, first being Miss Mexico. I tried to do a masked version with the Mexican flag on a mask, but I couldn't get it to center. I'll try again in the future. For this project, Joanne Rodriguez and Tamara McFly are in the pipeline, any others you'd like to see?



Pamela Rojo

Another request. This render took me a LONG time, I just couldn't get it right--which is a bit weird, because she's not really one of my favorite C-Verse characters, so normally I wouldn't care. But for some reason I did--and I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out. Sometimes I notice some of my renders looking too much alike, but I think this one looks distinctly different. 


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Delilah & Bella Page

And for anyone who's read this far, here are two extra bonus renders that I use for characters in my personal database. Maybe someday I'll release a mod with them in it, but use them however you'd like in the meantime.



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