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The Road of Glory [Gold Class Wrestling, CVerse 2026-onwards]

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Show History



GCW Rich & Famous 2026


GCW Gold Standard



GCW Wrestling Gods


This is a save following under the rules set out in the Road to Glory challenge.

Originally created by Kamchatka and continued on GDS by Bad Collin. If

you'd like to undertake the challenge yourself, here is the thread link.


Special Thanks

- Bad Colin for carrying on the Road to Glory challenge in TEW 2020.

-Eisen Verse for being the GOAT diary maker and a constant source

of inspiration.

- Kamchatka for creating my favourite challenge for TEW.

- King Bison, Slipshirt, smw88, London and everyone else

in the The C-Verse Re/Render Project: Episode IV: A New Hope

thread for their excellent work.

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Show History



GCW Rich & Famous 2026


GCW Gold Standard



GCW Wrestling Gods


This is a save following under the rules set out in the Road to Glory challenge.

Originally created by Kamchatka and continued on GDS by Bad Collin. If

you'd like to undertake the challenge yourself, here is the thread link.


Special Thanks

- Bad Colin for carrying on the Road to Glory challenge in TEW 2020.

-Eisen Verse for being the GOAT diary maker and a constant source

of inspiration.

- Kamchatka for creating my favourite challenge for TEW.

- King Bison, Slipshirt, smw88, London and everyone else

in the The C-Verse Re/Render Project: Episode IV: A New Hope

thread for their excellent work.

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GCW Royal Heavyweight Championship

Xavi Ferrera [January 2026 -][2 Defences]


Regal Ronald Sampson (3) [september 2025 - January 2026][2 Defences]

Forrest Ratzloff (2) [June 2025 - September 2025][1 Defence]

Steve Frehley (2) [June 2025 - June 2025][0 Defences]

Deacon Darkhold [January 2025 - June 2025][4 Defences]

Steve Frehley [september 2024 - January 2025][2 Defences]

Forrest Ratzloff [July 2023 - September 2024][8 Defences]

Nate DeMarcus [November 2021 - July 2023][20 Defences]

Regal Ronald Sampson (2)[October 2020 - November 2021][8 Defences]

Ernest Youngman [september 2020 - October 2020 [2 Defences]

Regal Ronald Sampson [January 2020 - September 2020][9 Defences]






GCW Ladies Choice Championship

Charity Sweet [January 2026 -][2 Defences]


Modesty Pador [August 2025 - January 2026][6 Defences]

Queen Vice [June 2025 - August 2025][2 Defences]

Erin Grey (2) [september 2024 - June 2025][6 Defences]

Houston Handley (2) [April 2024 - September 2024][5 Defences]

Ellie de Grazia [November 2023 - April 2024][5 Defences]

VACATED due to Sabrina Wells leaving GCW

Sabrina Wells (2) [June 2023 - November 2023][4 Defences]

Erin Grey/The Woman in Black [July 2022 - June 2023][9 Defences]

Houston Handley [February 2021 - July 2022 [11 Defences]

Black Diamond (2) [October 2020 - February 2021][3 Defences]

Joy Ryder [June 2020 - October 2020][4 Defences]

Black Diamond [March 2020 - June 2020][7 Defences]

Sabrina Wells [January 2020 - March 2020][2 Defences]






GCW American Atlas Championship

Prime Time Jack Pryde [August 2025 -][11 Defences]


Cameron Vessey [May 2025 - August 2025][2 Defences]

Nate DeMarcus (2) [March 2024 - May 2025][13 Defences]

Penfold Perdition [January 2024 - March 2024][1 Defence]

Deacon Darkhold [september 2023 - January 2024][4 Defences]

Texas Hangman [April 2023 - September 2023][5 Defences]

Cip Conduit (2) [January 2023 - April 2023][3 Defences]

Sandman Winks [October 2022 - January 2023][6 Defences]

Cip Conduit [July 2022 - October 2022][5 Defences]

Regal Ronald Sampson [May 2022 - July 2022 [1 Defence]

Wild Red Stallion [February 2022 - May 2022][3 Defences]

VACATED due to Nate DeMarcus winning the GCW Royal Heavyweight Championship

Nate DeMarcus [January 2021 - January 2022][10 Defences]

Martyr [August 2020 - January 2021][5 Defences]

Justice Jolson [June 2020 - August 2020][3 Defences]

Papa Swoll [May 2020 - June 2020][1 Defence]






GCW World Tag Team Championships

Aristocrat Anders & Beautiful Bobby Brown [september 2025 -][6 Defences]

Recent History

Wild Red Power & Wild Red Stallion [May 2025 - September 2025][4 Defences]

Forrest Ratzloff & Regal Ronald Sampson [February 2025 - May 2025][4 Defence]

Xavi Ferrera & Derrick Divo (2) [October 2024 - February 2025][3 Defences]

Prime Time Jack Pryde & Regal Ronald Sampson [september 2024 - October 2024][1 Defence]

Xavi Ferrera & Derrick Divo [August 2024 - September 2024][1 Defence]

Papa Swoll & Penfold Perdition (5) [June 2024 - August 2024][2 Defences]

Steven Parker & Prime Time Jack Pryde [February 2024 - June 2024][8 Defences]

Papa Swoll & Penfold Perdition (4) [January 2024 - February 2024 [0 Defences]

The Historian & The Destroyer[January 2024 - January 2024][0 Defences]




The High Stakes Match


Forrest Ratzloff (2) [2025]

Bryan Perez [2024]

Forrest Ratzloff [2023]



The Ruby Rumble Match


Xavi Ferrera [2025]

Steve Frehley [2024]

Charlie Corner [2023]

Austin Smooth [2022]

Papa Swoll [2021]

Ernest Youngman [2020]



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Gold Class Wrestling: Rich & Famous 2026

Attendance: 50,000 (sellout) at Kentuck Centenary Arena

Viewers: 2,527,466 on GCW Network

February 2026, Week 2



Commentary Team: "Callous" Chris Campbell & Emily McQueen


[Chris Campbell]

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is finally time to really get the new year going. As always Golden Hour in January waved goodbye to the stories of yesteryear and tonight, here at Gold Class Wrestling Rich & Famous, we enjoy the first real night of the new campaign! To my right is 35 year veteran, not looking a day over 36! Emily McQueen!"


[Emily McQueen]

"Alright Chris, I know you could go on for an hour about me and for 24 hours about yourself but tonight isn't about us sitting here at the booth but the men and women who continue to put it all on the line between those golden ropes that are in front of us. We have seven big time match ups here tonight and sitting at the top of the card for once is not the Royal Heavyweight Championship but a blood feud so heated that they need the biggest stage even above the main title! I'm talking of course about this feud between GCW American Atlas Champion Prime Time Jack Pryde and The Dark Destroyer, Steve Frehley."


[Chris Campbell]

"Yeah it's one of the very few carry overs from last year's GCW, Frehley and Prime Time have been at each other's necks since September! If you may recall, Frehley was furious of the controversial way he lost his second GCW Royal Heavyweight Championship and turned his back on GCW and the fans to truly embrace his darker side. He wanted to make an easy target out of the beloved Prime Time but Pryde has managed to somehow keep Frehley's hands off his championship! Both men are fueled now not by championship desire but by a burning fury and have agreed to settle it once and for all in a cage tonight!"


Angle Rating: 93



Singles Match

"Voice of Evil" Deacon Darkhold vs. "Double J" Jackson Jacques

Deacon Darkhold's influence over Dark Master has decreased in recent months and the other members are claiming that his connection to "The Master" has become thin at best. In order, to increase his influence back to what it once was, Darkhold has taken to the idea of indoctrinating others to join his group of monsters. His first target was new GCW rookie and developmental graduate Jackson Jacques, however vulnerable Jacques may be, he has a strong sense of justice and purity which has made the indoctrination very difficult for Darkhold. After weeks of extending hands and guiding Jacques, Deacon has lost his patience and recently assaulted the rookie. Tonight Deacon has taken the stance of "join us or be destroyed" but can the rookie pull out a major upset over the former GCW Royal Heavyweight Champion?


[The Match]

Deacon Darkhold is gradually further enforcing his enormous will over Jacques. The kid takes a massive beating and finds himself being ragdolled all over the ring. He refuses to stay down though and fights back but just before he can instigate any major shift of momentum he gets cut off by the sinister Darkhold. The Voice of Evil can only keep the rookie down for a two count and after a chokeslam only garners a 2.5, some familiar faces make their way down to ringside, the rest of Dark Master that is. However, instead of looking to attack Jacques, they merely stand around the ring, making sure that the match stays inside and that if their leader is going to win, he will do it with dominance.


Their presence causes a small distraction upon Darkhold and it's that small window that Jacques pounces on! German suplex! Lariat! Big corner splash! Just as it looks like Double J might have him, Darkhold no sells the splash and hits a lariat of his own that turns Jackson inside out. Looking furious that this mere pup could think to get one up on him, Darkhold quickly finishes the rookie off with a second and third chokeslam back to back for the three. He leaves the kid laid out on the mat and walks to the back, Dark Master follow, satisfied with their speaker's performance in the match and content with his leadership, for now.


Deacon Darkhold defeats Jackson Jacques

Match Rating: 70

Match Time: 5:42

Deacon Darkhold had an in-ring performance of 72

Jackson Jacques had an in-ring performance of 35



Tag Team Match

Black Diamond & Modesty Pador vs. Houston Handley & Joy Ryder

Black Diamond vs. Joy Ryder was a key feud to the growth of Gold Class Wrestling's Women's Division all the way back in 2020 however both ladies eventually left for (at the time) greener pastures in other companies. Finally, in 2026, the feud has re-ignited with both rejoining GCW with the hatred still there. Speaking of hatred, Modesty Pador despises Houston Handley for the belief that the latter cost her the GCW Ladies Championship in a triple threat match with Charity Sweet in which Handley broke an almost certain pinfall Pador had on Sweet not once but twice! So both Black Diamond and Modesty Pador have sworn enemies, looks like the only sensible thing to do is to team up to ensure that they come out on top over the suppossed goody-two-shoes Houston Handley and Joy Ryder.


[The Match]

All four of these ladies are very talented but it's the spite of Diamond and Pador that seems to be coming out on top as they execute several devastating duo moves on Ryder which causes Handley to have to exercise her expertise in breaking up pinfalls once more, only causing more hatred from Pador. Ryder finally makes the hot tag to Handley who runs wild with the best display of connecting moves in the match. Hurricanrana to Diamond, drop kick to Pador on the apron, Diamond recovers and tries to go for a lariat to stop Handley's momentum but the Punk Rock Princess counters with an arm capture neckbreaker before scaling and landing a top rope crossbody for a very close two. Modesty tries to get into the ring to get at Handley but it all descends into madness as Ryder intervenes.


Joy Ryder and Modesty Pador's brawl spills to the outside which catches the attention of the referee. Handley goes to finish off Diamond with her brainbuster but the latter blatantly cheats out of view of the ref with an eye rake and then pulling Handley by her hair and slamming her into the top turnbuckle by the back of her head. Diamond screams for the referee's attention as she scales to the top rope and lands a perfect Diamond Dust on a dazed Handley. Ryder has finally become wise to what's going on in the ring but it's too late to stop it and Pador grasps her feet to make sure she can't break the pin.


Black Diamond & Modesty Pador defeat Houston Handley & Joy Ryder

Match Rating: 82

Match Time: 11:37

Black Diamond had an in-ring performance of 71

Houston Handley had an in-ring performance of 78

Joy Ryder had an in-ring performance of 73

Modesty Pador had an in-ring performance of 75





GCW World Tag Team Championship Match | Hardcore Tag Team Match

Aristocrat Anders & Beautiful Bobby Brown © vs. Bryan Perez & Charlie Corner vs. Wild Red Power & Wild Red Stallion

The Meeting of the Minds, Aristocrat Anders and Beautfiul Bobby Brown are two associates who have decided to bring refinement to the GCW tag team division and as champions they have been inflicting that desire rather painfully on everyone else, they have stayed strong and unified in the face of many challengers of which there are 2 challengers tonight. On one hand is the odd couple of Bryan Perez and Charlie Corner, two long time friends that are now questioning that very friendship, Perez has long since abandoned his pure ways he had when he first entered GCW and Corner does not approve of his recent tactics. However, on the look out for gold, they agreed to join forces. On the other hand is two friends almost certain to stick together forever. Wild Red Power, formerly Max Power has formed a very touching friendship with Wild Red Stallion and has been accepted as a guest into Stallion's Cherokee culture and allowed to don the ceremonial and traditional headwear of Stallion's people. They're legitmately best friends and they're trying to prove they can use that friendship to dominate the GCW Tag team division.


[The Match]

Even though the champions talked plenty of smack about being ready for this match, they're clearly out of their element in this unorganized chaos of a hardcore tag match. Anders and Brown find themselves bumping all over the place and Corner and Perez fair little better as they keep accidentally getting in each other's way which results in a few arguments. It's Stallion and Power that take initial control, including taking Corner out of the situation for a while about 5 minutes in when Stallion hits his Bison Stampede Pumphandle Powerslam off some steel steps and through the announcers table! Corner is completely out of it on the outside and seeing the dire situation, Anders and Brown try and get Perez to cooperate with them for a second. He does! Perez is helping to inflict the beat down and shift the tide against Stallion and Power.


The power (pun intended) of the duo is too much for even three men though, Stallion nearly kills Anders with a biel toss over the top rope, causing the Aristocrat to flail wildly as he bounces all the way to the ground. Brown and Perez can hardly contend with the rampaging men in front of them and it's not long before Perez is sent packing to the outside too. They have Brown where they want him, powerslam and a big splash! The referee goes for the count but Perez drags the referee by the foot under the bottom rope and bumps him!? He's saved the match but he's angered Stallion and Power. That's not all though because guess who was coming to just in time to see that low play by Perez? That's right Corner finally recovered to see his friend assault an official. Corner drags himself over to Perez and engages in a shouting match, the two are interrupted by Stallion and Power who force them back into the ring but they cleverly use their anger with each other to fight back!


Corner Cutter to Stallion and he's out of the ring! Duck a lariat from Power, superkick from Perez and a second Corner Cutter to get rid of the second Wild Red. Charlie Corner sizes up a coming to Beautiful Bobby Brown for what would be a third and final Corner Cutter! Perez cuts down his own team mate with a superkick! What the hell! Bryan Perez leaves the ring to a chorus of boos as Anders reappears with two chairs, with no one to help Corner he is on the recieving end of a conchairto and a double cover. The referee climbs back into the ring and makes a laboured three count.


Aristocrat Anders & Beautiful Bobby Brown © defeat Bryan Perez & Charlie Corner vs. Wild Red Power & Wild Red Stallion

Match Rating: 78

Match Time: 13:10

Aristocrat Anders had an in-ring performance of 70

Beautiful Bobby Brown had an in-ring performance of 78

Bryan Perez had an in-ring performance of 65

Charlie Corner had an in-ring performance of 70

Wild Red Power had an in-ring performance of 68

Wild Red Stallion had an in-ring performance of 66





GCW Ladies Choice Championship Match

Charity Sweet © vs. Felicia Luck

A very peculiar feud here. Charity Sweet has recently become GCW Ladies Choice champion with a very special victory over both Modesty Pador and Houston Handley and with a big win like that over two of Gold Class Wrestling's biggest female stars, you would think she would want to continue that momentum with another big victory over a big star, Erin Grey, former two time champion presented herself as a viable option for an opponent but Sweet chose Grey's number two, her protege, Felicia Luck instead. This infuriated Erin Grey and confounded Felicia Luck and much of the GCW fans. It seems that Sweet sees a significant amount of potential and Luck and wants to shine that diamond in the rough in the ring with the title on the line. So if Sweet is correct, then surely she is in significant danger but if she's wrong then she doesn't come across as a fighting champion for choosing an opponent blatantly lower than herself. One can only wonder what will happen here.


The Match

It seems that Charity Sweet's perception might of been off as she dominates the first minutes of the match, running rings around Luck whilst Erin Grey stands at ring side tutting and feeling the need to add her own running commentary of "I would have" or "She should have" whenever Felicia is caught by the champion. Though something odd happens as the match gets longer. Felicia Luck goes from being dominated to fighting evenly and the women exchange some nice sequences. Sweet is clearly one step ahead at all times but it is only one step and Felicia nearly matches exact pace once or twice. She even counters an o'connor roll into her sleeper but Sweet manage roll backwards before the legs can be grapevined for a two count and hold break.


At the ten minute mark Luck's well...luck, seemingly runs out and Sweet lays on a heavy combo of strikes that rock the challenger. The champion sets the challenger up! Cherry Bomb (Dudebuster) from Charity Sweet and Luck only manages to roll the shoulder up at 2.9999, the end seems imminent right now and even Grey is now fully on Luck's side, screaming advice and motivation at her, the audience joins in too from being 100% on the side of the champion to asking Felicia Luck to fight back. Luck powers up with a scream and tries to strike back but she doesn't have half the technique Sweet does even if the fire is there. Spinning roundhouse kick to the head of Luck, aka The Sweet Tooth and this one is all over at a solid three count.


Charity Sweet © defeats Felicia Luck

Match Rating: 78

Match Time: 12:04

Charity Sweet had an in-ring performance of 82

Felicia Luck had an in-ring performance of 63



An Angle With: Charity Sweet, Erin Grey & Felicia Luck


Commentary Team: "Callous" Chris Campbell & Emily McQueen


Felicia Luck is on her knees after a crushing defeat but although she may not have captured the Gold Class Wrestling Ladies Championship. She may have proven both her doubters wrong and Charity Sweet's belief in her as a worthy opponent right. Erin Grey enters the ring with eyes bolted on Luck who can only down at her leader's feet. However when she looks up finally, she is greated not by a fist but by a hand, from both Erin Grey and the GCW Ladies Champion Charity Sweet! She seems conflicted internally and it feels like an age might have passed before she makes her choice and takes the hand that guided her to this point in her own hand. She chooses Erin Grey which garners boos from the crowd and a slight frown from the champion.


[Chris Campbell]

"Good girl! I thought she was going to be stupid for a second there and choose Charity Sweet"


Emily McQueen

"Stupid? Why would she be stupid for that? She made her choice tonight and that's the important thing, SHE MADE THE CHOICE. Although I would have preferred her to take Sweet's hand, I'm glad she decided for herself and she fought well tonight"


[Chris Campbell]

"Eh, I'll give her a B- on the performance."


Emily McQueen

"I'll give you an A grade Chris!"


[Chris Campbell]

"Wow..thanks Emily, that mea-"


Emily McQueen

"Grade A A**hole obviously"


[Chris Campbell]



Angle Rating: 89



Singles Match

"The Masterclass" Cameron Vessey vs. "Simply Superior" Regal Ronald Sampson

Good Money have long been the dominant stable in Gold Class Wrestling and they got there through business acumen and ruthless tactics. However, perhaps beating half your stable to near death when removing them from the stable might be a bit too harsh. Such things as kindness don't come to Regal Ronald Sampson though and he made that more obvious than ever when he, Ratzloff and Cornell Jr kicked Vessey, King and Parker to the curb over "performance issues" the night after GCW Golden Hour 2026. King and Parker have found themselves on the injury list due to the ruthless assault so it's up to Cameron Vessey to get vengeance. Lucky for him, he's A: The best technical wrestler on the GCW roster and B: It's been decreed that if Parker and King can't be at ringside than neither can Cornell Jr and Ratzloff. Though he's still the underdog against the most successful man in Gold Class Wrestling history and a loss here would justify RRS' evil once more.


[The Match]

Bell rings and Regal Ronald Sampson immediately scarpers to the outside to a massive chorus of boos. Classic work from the scummiest scumbag to be in a Gold Class Wrestling ring. Though whilst RRS is working the crowd, he does not see Vessey making a very uncharacteristic dive over the ropes to flatten Sampson. It seems that the technician is abandoning his character and his cool to get his hands on the man who turned his back on him. Sampson has fists rained down on his skull and it's not long before he's bleeding.


Back in the ring, Sampson gets on his hands and knees to plead with Vessey before going for the cheap eye poke but it's Vessey who is the wiser as he catches RRS' hand in mid-air! He know all of Sampson's tricks and he's letting Simply Superior know about it! Vessey is controlling the pace of the match and it seems for every one move that RRS lands, The Masterclass retaliates with two! Spinebuster from Sampson! Superplex with follow up sharpshooter from Vessey! Regal manages to make the rope break just about and retaliates with a pump kick when he gets to his feet, Vessey fakes RRS out with a punch and then plants him with the DDT! The match goes on and it seems Cameron Vessey has the better of his former stable leader.


However, there is an issue and Vessey knows it well. RRS may be as slimy as a cockroach but he's that means he's as resilient as one too. Vessey can't put down RRS with anything permanent and his frustrations come out with a 20 punch count in the corner that the referee eventually drags Vessey away from for a word. As Cameron goes to re-engage with Sampson who counters with a tights grab and throw throat first into the exposed turnbuckle??? When did that get exposed? Vessey is spluttering from the damage and RRS instantly locks in the Million Dollar Dream which is followed with a grapvine as Vessey is brought to the mat. The crowd are screaming at a fading Vessey. Get up! Get to the ropes! Do something! But he's going, he can only flail trapped inside the Million Dollar Dream. Vessey is going...going...




Regal Ronald Sampson defeats Cameron Vessey

Match Rating: 84

Match Time: 15:18

Cameron Vessey had an in-ring performance of 79

Regal Ronald Sampson had an in-ring performance of 81





GCW Royal Heavyweight Championship Match

Xavi Ferrera © vs. Matty Faith

Matty Faith was slightly overshadowed in his signing, by the simultaneous arrival of Tommy Cornell Jr. Whilst Faith was the bigger current star, no one could doubt the future ahead of Cornell and so Faith challenged Cornell Jr at GCW Golden Hour to prove who was the better current second generation wrestler. Matty Faith came out on top and his climb has been apparent ever since as tonight he steps forward as the first challenger to Xavi Ferrera's reign as Royal Heavyweight Champion. Ferrera ain't about to let this be a sweet victory for Faith though, he fought tooth and nail to win the Ruby Rumble and then vanquish RRS at Golden Hour so who the heck does this kid think he is to come and try and be the top champion of GCW? Second Generation Wrestler? Xavi Ferrera is a current generation wrestler! He is now and he is in and he is the reigning, defending GCW Royal Heavyweight Champion!


[The Match]

The two men square up and as the bell rings, they are already off to the races. Both men are young, fast and full of violent vigor. Faith almost decapitates Ferrera with a leaping forearm which is followed with a german suplex, Ferrera no sells and retaliates with a german suplex of his own and Faith finds he cannot negate damage the same way and the momentum changes. Big enziguri and fisherman buster from the champion! Dragon suplex and uranage! Matty Faith is being overwhelmed but he is the son of the legendary Christian Faith and everyone, Xavi Ferrera included, best remember the fire that runs in his blood. Ferrera is caught slacking for a second and huge out of the corner spear evens things up.


The fans are buzzing at this neckbreaking pace that they excuse the fact somewhat that Faith seems to forget the importance of psychology. There is a huge exchange of signature moves and it looks like it's going to come down to who hits their finisher first. Faith could theoretically hit the Faith Eternal (Razor's Edge) in the ring at any time but his youthful hubris gets the best of him and he takes the time to set it up from the top rope. Giving Ferrera ample time to reverse into a falling frankensteiner, following by scaling the adjacent corner for his finishing All Star Frog Splash!


Xavi Ferrera © defeats Matty Faith

Match Rating: 81

Match Time: 13:58

Matty Faith had an in-ring performance of 78

Xavi Ferrera had an in-ring performance of 82



An Angle With: Gino Montero & Xavi Ferrera


Commentary Team: "Callous" Chris Campbell & Emily McQueen


Xavi Ferrera retains against Matty Faith in a good match but it isn't the champion's music that hits. Instead "GINO MONTERO" flashes on the titantron to a rapture of cheers from the crowd as a recovering Ferrera slowly realizes who exactly is about to come out. Yes, the King of Kings is here, one of the biggest stars in the world and it looks like Xavi Ferrera's issues might have jumped from one second generation star to the next as the son of the legendary Luis Montero who has arguarbly surpassed his father by this point walks out to the stage in his best suit in his first official appearance of Gold Class Wrestling. The fans were wondering when exactly he was going to first show his face and it looks like he wants to go face to face with the best GCW has to offer from the get go.


Gino saunters down to the ring, the championship hasn't even been handed to Ferrera yet so Montero feels it neccessary to take the title from the referee and "generously" hand it to the champion himself who cautiously takes it. They stare down for about half a minute and the fans are bouncing off the walls in this arena before Xavi Ferrera slowly lifts the GCW Royal Heavyweight Championship above his head. The intentions of both men have been made clear and Gino Montero leaves, satisfied. Not before placing his arm around Matty Faith who is limping to the back however...


[Chris Campbell]

"Well signing with GCW it's clear that Mr Montero has a good eye for business and with his arm around Faith it's clear he has a good eye for talent too"


[Emily McQueen]

"We all know what's coming next."


Angle Rating: 100





GCW American Atlas Championship Match | Steel Cage Match

Prime Time Jack Pryde © vs. "The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley

Steve Frehley has had many thorns in his side since the day he walked in GCW. As the first real big signing the company made, he dedicated himself to becoming the companies biggest and brightest star. It's being a road filled with equal amounts of gold and agony and it seems that the straw that broke the camel's back was a popularity poll that declared him the SECOND most popular star in Gold Class Wrestling behind Prime Time Jack Pryde! A man who wasn't even the main heavyweight champion! Frehley's vendetta started there but Prime Time didn't win that no.1 spot through pure charisma alone. This is his first singles championship and he fought tooth and nail for it. Like hell is going to let a sore loser come in and take what's rightfully his, what he's elevated to the next level. The two most popular wrestlers in Gold Class Wrestling clash inside a steel cage where they agreed that victory cannot be achieved by anything other than pinfall or submission. Will it being the rising superstar Prime Time Jack Pryde or the ever present super veteran Steve Frehley walking out with the GCW American Atlas Championship?


[The Match]

The cage descends down as the two men stare holes through one another. This is going to be a bloodbath. The bell sounds and it's a hail of fists from both. Lariat from Frehley. Dropkick from Pryde. Butterfly Suplex from Pryde. Backdrop from Frehley. DDT from Pryde. Big Boot from Frehley. Huge belly to belly from Frehley but Pryde gets up and hits a jumping clothesline. Both of these men are going for the big stuff from the get go and the crowd are eating it up. Frehley eventually takes control with multiple belly to belly suplexes into each side of the cage, cutting up Prime Time's back. He then reverses his position and does a combo of german suplexes. He's brought to his knees but Prime Time shouts defiantly.


The match continues and there are several big bumps. Both men are bleeding by the 15 minute mark and Prime Time has just caught Frehley with a missile dropkick and looks to go for his Snapshot finish (Blade Runner) but Frehley picks up his opponent and charges both men through the cage as a wall collapses on the commentary table side. The match is almost called off as multiple referees attend to the men but they force off the help and crawl back into the ring and the now three sided cage. Frehley wants the Dark Destroyer (Jackknife Powerbomb) but Prime Time slips out...SNAPSHOT out of nowhere! Prime Time covers but somehow Frehley kicks out. Prime Time picks up Frehley again and from out of the blue, Steve Frehley grabs Prime Time and forces him down and then up for a quick Dark Destroyer but he's too exhaused to make the cover.


Both men get to their feet slowly for what will be the last time and exchange punches, they go back and forth until Frehley can't continue and collapses onto Prime Time. Pryde picks his challenger up. Snapshot! The second time, it was a very tired one, will it be enough? He covers...


Prime Time Jack Pryde © defeats Steve Frehley

Match Rating: 93

Match Time: 18:42

Prime Time Jack Pryde had an in-ring performance of 91

Steve Frehley had an in-ring performance of 90


Overall Show Rating: 86


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wow, graphics are on point, good job! Also, the introduction is really good..

It's a yes for me, i'll be following


Well I’m a fan so far


I love the look of this. I'll be following along


This looks great, loving the graphical choices.


Thanks everyone. I paid £24,000 for 3 years of education in Graphic Design so I best use it right? I'll be having some predictions/a preview for the first GCW Gold Standard TV up soon but for now please enjoy the above introductory PPV.

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Gold Class Wrestling: Gold Standard

Week 3 February 2026 Video Preview



Video Preview Host: Remmington Remus


[Remmington Remus]

"After a hellacious and exciting Rich & Famous, it's time to keep the hype train going when tonight a whole new saga of Gold Class Wrestling begins!


- Black Diamond may have got the better over Joy Ryder last night when she and Modesty Pador defeated Ryder and Houston Handley but the dirt means by which she won has rubbed Joy Ryder the wrong way and the two have decided to settle it tonight with a thirty minute iron woman match as our main event! Both ladies are in a league of their own when it comes to stamina so this one will come down to who wants it more!


- Speaking of wanting more, Deacon Darkhold has decided to move on to bigger things or maybe I should say more evil things? He laid out a challenge for anyone "beacon of light" to come challenge his dark tidings tonight on Gold Standard and his message was swiftly answered by California Love Machine. The fan favourite hasn't got the best momentum right now so a big win over the Voice of Evil will surely set him back on the right track.


- We got three other exciting matches coming too! The Red Bloods, Wild Red Power and Wild Red Stallion will be facing down men even more physically dominant then themselves when they take on the haphazard team of Atom Smasher and Wu Samoa! We'll also have a youthful battle on our hands when Tommy Cornell Jr of Good Money will face Double-J! Jackson Jacques! Lastly but actually firstly on the show, the opening match will be the return of Nate DeMarcus and his open challenge, "The Great" Nate DeMarcus went 100-0 in his first two years with GCW largely due to this challenge and maybe he's looking to start a new record?


- What might be more exciting for GCW fans around the world than any match is that Gino Montero has declared he will be making a "tell all" address tonight when he speaks his first words to the Gold Class Wrestling audience! What will he be saying? Make sure you tune in tonight to hear that and see many exciting matches, every week on GCW Network!"




30 Minute Iron-Woman Match

Black Diamond vs. Joy Ryder


Singles Match

Deacon Darkhold vs. California Love Machine


Tag Team Match

Atom Smasher & Wu Samoa vs. Wild Red Power & Wild Red Stallion


Singles Match

Jackson Jacques vs. Tommy Cornell Jr


Nate DeMarcus Open Challenge

Nate DeMarcus vs. ???


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30 Minute Iron-Woman Match

Black Diamond vs. Joy Ryder


Singles Match

Deacon Darkhold vs. California Love Machine


Tag Team Match

Atom Smasher & Wu Samoa vs. Wild Red Power & Wild Red Stallion


Singles Match

Jackson Jacques vs. Tommy Cornell Jr


Nate DeMarcus Open Challenge

Nate DeMarcus vs. ???

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30 Minute Iron-Woman Match

Black Diamond vs. Joy Ryder


Singles Match

Deacon Darkhold vs. California Love Machine


Tag Team Match

Atom Smasher & Wu Samoa vs. Wild Red Power & Wild Red Stallion


Singles Match

Jackson Jacques vs. Tommy Cornell Jr


Nate DeMarcus Open Challenge

Nate DeMarcus vs. ???

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