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[HYPE] Lethal Dose of Poison - June 2002 Mod

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Alpha Version 1.1:



Hi All,


I think I've reached a point that I can share some of this mod. I'm almost done with the base companies that I have with plans to add more. The biggest obstacle will be getting pictures and titles done.


I used LukkeArthur's 2008 mod as a base as I helped work on it and since it got scrapped I wanted to make use of the data. A few notes, there is currently 66 companies and 28 current ones, I hope to add many more soon but wanna get these 28 done first. There is 2,750+ workers with about 1,100 future debuts along with 900+ graduates set for training facilities which is the most I've seen from any mod and and most of that is just from the work we did on the 2008 mod.


You will see I also used TEW style for title reigns, let me know what you all think of this. I personally like it but can understand if some would like a different method. I am also using organic bios initially and hoping to go in and create bios for everyone slowly after initial release but that's a big project. Please let me know any initial feedback and I will try to keep you all updated as often as I can!

















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Alpha Version 1.1:



Hi All,


I think I've reached a point that I can share some of this mod. I'm almost done with the base companies that I have with plans to add more. The biggest obstacle will be getting pictures and titles done.


I used LukkeArthur's 2008 mod as a base as I helped work on it and since it got scrapped I wanted to make use of the data. A few notes, there is currently 66 companies and 28 current ones, I hope to add many more soon but wanna get these 28 done first. There is 2,750+ workers with about 1,100 future debuts along with 900+ graduates set for training facilities which is the most I've seen from any mod and and most of that is just from the work we did on the 2008 mod.


You will see I also used TEW style for title reigns, let me know what you all think of this. I personally like it but can understand if some would like a different method. I am also using organic bios initially and hoping to go in and create bios for everyone slowly after initial release but that's a big project. Please let me know any initial feedback and I will try to keep you all updated as often as I can!

















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Great time period for a mod! Best of luck with it, looking forwards to seeing the result :)


Thanks Basic! Miss seeing you around Discord! Hope you're doing well!


In TEW terms, OVW isn't in the Great Lakes region, it's in the Mid Atlantic since it's in Kentucky.


Thanks Jaysin! I'll have to get that updated. Might have to go back through the companies with the TEW maps cuz I forget they're a little wonky

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Thanks Jaysin! I'll have to get that updated. Might have to go back through the companies with the TEW maps cuz I forget they're a little wonky


No problemo! I have started and stopped on a 2002 mod more times than I can count. The idea of doing the brand split from near the beginning is just too hard to pass up.

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That plus booking NWA-TNA from the start? God, I hope this mod isn't OP as hell, I love this time period lol.


I am trying my hardest to not make anyone OP, especially with technical wrestlers. Below is Bryan Danielson, which I think is always a good one to show for this time period, he's just about to start breaking out at this time once ROH starts rolling, but he's still very young. I think everyone will get tweaked more, I've already done more tweaking to knock down people's stats. I'm hoping that in about a month I can have these current companies done and start looking at releasing an Alpha for people to test short term stuff.



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