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AWA All Star Wrestling Match Card


Mike Graham VS. Buck Zumhofe


Rick Martel VS. Bobby Duncum


Curt Hennig VS. Boris Breznikoff (Nikolai Volkoff for those not in the know)


Main Event

Hulk Hogan VS. Masa Saito


ALSO: Contract Signing Between Bockwinkel and Santana


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AWA All Star Wrestling Match Card


Mike Graham VS. Buck Zumhofe


Rick Martel VS. Bobby Duncum


Curt Hennig VS. Boris Breznikoff (Nikolai Volkoff for those not in the know)


Main Event

Hulk Hogan VS. Masa Saito


ALSO: Contract Signing Between Bockwinkel (I don't know how you win a contract signing, but he'll find a way) and Santana

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  • 2 weeks later...

AWA All Star Wrestling Match Card


Mike Graham VS. Buck Zumhofe


Rick Martel VS. Bobby Duncum


Curt Hennig VS. Boris Breznikoff


Main Event

Hulk Hogan VS. Masa Saito (DQ when Da Baron hits the ring and the beat down with Saito double teaming Hogan fails as Hulk eventually “hulks up”

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, let's see about the previous card...


I only first saw Bobby Heenan when he started managing in the WWF, so I didn't get to see his AWA work first-hand, but I think it's fair to see that "The Brain" (or "The Weasel", as he was being called by his adversaries as far back as his AWA days) is every bit as loud and obnoxious on-camera in the AWA (as seen in both his interviews accompanying Randy Savage and Nick Bockwinkel) as he would later be in the WWF. From a kayfabe perspective, Heenan also seemed to bring out the worst (as in, he made them far more vicious) in most of the clients he managed, which served to draw plenty of heel heat to both Heenan and to his Family back in the day. And as intense as Savage was in the ring and on-camera on his own as a heel, just imagine how he would've been had he actually had Heenan as a manager IRL - this is how I picture Savage being here in this diary, as you showed him in his interview where Heenan accompanied him. As for Savage's match against Buck Zumhofe, well... So much for "Rock 'n Roll".


Jerry Blackwell did what he did best in his heel days as he trounced Koko B. Ware in a squash match.


Interesting to have Jerry Lawler come into the AWA as a heel in this diary while he made appearances primarily as a face there IRL, but his interview with Jim Ross sounds just like classic heel-mode Lawler across the board. I also remember Steve Regal from his real-life heel run in the AWA as Jim Garvin's tag team partner and as the Light Heavyweight Champion, so seeing him go face in his match against "The King" is a bit of a twist.


Hulk Hogan's interview with Mean Gene, in two words - classic Hulkster.


Finally, Tito Santana vs. Bockwinkel's pick - Ken Patera was on a big run IRL as one-half of the Sheiks with Blackwell as the AWA World Tag Team Champions, but I'm guessing in this diary, Patera was still a part of the Heenan Family and helping out with Heenan's dirty work, so having him be the mystery challenger to Santana wouldn't be surprising. Bockwinkel's attempted interference in the match backfired on both him and Patera in a big way though, and led to Santana getting his title shot in an upset.


For the upcoming card, the segments I'm really looking forward to are the Hogan-Saito main event (will "Dr. D" David Schultz get involved in this match as he did IRL?) and the Bockwinkel-Santana contract signing (which I'm predicting will degenerate into a brawl thanks to Heenan's involvement).

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  • 6 months later...

Hello all, so, I owned the Bockwinkel account that originally wrote this diary. Sadly I lost access to the email associated with this account. So. Going forward I will be updating the diary with THIS account. In regards to why it took so long to uopdate? 

So. I never intended for this diary to be abandoned or forgotten. Life was getting crazy when we last left off. Changing jobs. Moving. Internet, as you can see with me doing my AEW one. I have some time again for diaries and I wanted to continue this one. Seeing as my AEW is more...surreal. This is more legit and grounded and set in real world. So...here we go. Returning to the AWA and hoping people will still be interested in reading it.




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Gordon Solie

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another exciting edition of All Star Wrestling, brought to you by the PREMIERE wrestling organization in all of the United States! The American Wrestling Association! I am Gordon Solie joined by my colleagues tonight Jim Ross and "Mean" Gene Okerlund, firstly on behalf of the AWA I would like to thank The Rolling Stones and their representatives for allowing us to use their song "Satisfaction" as the NEW introduction to the show! It certainly punctuates the atmosphere currently building in the AWA doesn't it gentlemen?


Jim Ross

It certainly does Gordon and if you want a reason to be excited folks? I can't think of a better example than the contract signing between the AWA World Heavyweight Champion and his challenger Tito Santana! Gordon will have the honor of being the one to host that segment and I must say I am a little concerned for your sake Gordon, because if anything happens between those two-


Gordon Solie

I doubt either man will want to put the match at risk Jim, they're aware of the repercussions for both of them if things devolve into chaos! Besides, AWA President, Verne Gagne will be in ring for the occasion also! But you talk about excitement? Perhaps excitement isn't the right word to use but I for one am certainly interested to see how things develop for our young rising star Curt Hennig, who has had a target on his back and the man aiming at that target? Is one of our newest signings, The King of Memphis, Jerry Lawler! Lawler's harsh words certainly must be in the mind of Hennig and you have to wonder how it will affect this youngster who feels as if he has something to prove!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Gentlemen need we forget the Main Event this evening? Hulk Hogan will be squaring off against Masa Saito tonight but he will need to have eyes in the back of his head because at any time, from anywhere could come Baron Von Raschke to take a cheap shot in his attempts to put an end to Hulkamania!


Mike Graham VS. Buck Zumhofe

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Mike Graham opened in a dominating performance which surprisingly got the crowd a little heated up, perhaps because they had seen Graham getting knocked down over the past couple of weeks by Randy Savage and seeing him come out on top was a much needed victory that was well deserved on the part of the Light Heavyweight Champion.



After The Match



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Mike Graham's celebrations are cut short as one of the most recent signings, the fired up dynamo of energy, The Macho Man Randy Savage appears on stage with his manager, the weasel hated entire by the AWA fans. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Randy Savage

Mike Graham...unlike my esteemed manager, Mister Bobby "The Brain" Heenan...I just do not have it in me to applaud you...not even out of pity, I just can't muster the energy to even pretend to care FOR THAT ATROCIOUS PERFORMANCE YOU JUST DISPLAYED! You should be ashamed to call yourself a champion Mike, yeah....heck...YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED TO CALL YOURSELF A WRESTLER! And I'll tell you why Mike, yeah. I'll spell it out here for ya' REEEEAAAALLLL plain and simple, yeah...


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

So simple Mike, that it should even get through YOUR thick skull! So open your ears and listen carefully to a REAL athlete! You MIGHT just learn something if you do!


Randy Savage

I have toiled away Mike. I have struggled to make a name for myself in this business. Oh yeah, it's true. I stayed and worked for a wrestling company that wasn't even recognised as "official" by the other big league organisations in this industry. "Outlaw" is what they called me! ME?! For tryin' to get started! For tryin' to help and feed and support my family! For doing what I LOVE! FOR DOING WHAT'S IN MY BLOOD! WHAT'S IN MY VEINS! FOR PUTTING EVERYTHING I HAVE INTO THE SPORT OF WRESTLING! And meanwhile? What do I see? Yeah....in one of the most prominent wrestling companies in the country? I see you...in some ways quite like me Mike...a product of this business. You grew up in it...yeah! From a young age you knew what you were gonna' be! Because just like me Mike it's in your family, it's in your heritage. You live it, you breathe it, you smell it, you eat it! IT'S THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW! 


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

And instead of facing the challenges that this man faced Mike? Instead of the struggle to just get his foot in the door?


Randy Savage

YOU GOT TO RIDE THE ROAD TO SUCCESS ON TRAINING WHEELS! Low effort...low struggle...low challenge...low skill. Yeah. You are a STAIN on your family's  name Mike. You my friend are what we call...Garbage! COMPLETE....AND UTTER...GARBAGE! And what do you get when you put garbage in Mike? You get garbage out yeah and that is what has become with the sorry and sad state of affairs with that belt that you carry around your waist! Do you understand that? You're carryin' a championship, yeah....that should MEAN somethin' Mike...that should be PRESTIGIOUS...and instead...you're jerkin' the curtain! You're openin' the show against NOBODIES...who's gonna' come here when they see that as an example of what a rising star could achieve in this company? A company without exciting competition? A company where a champion gets to take the easy way out? NOT IN A COMPANY I WORK MIKE! NOT GONNA' HAPPEN! Because I've toiled...and I've struggled...and I've been an outlaw long enough...I'm here to show the wrestlin' business who they were turnin' their nose up at....and you...you're just the first example I'm going to make in this business....of why they should have been takin' me seriously from the very start! 


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Hold on to your belt as tight as you can Mike! Because come the end of the month! You'll never be holding it again!







Bobby Duncum VS. Rick Martel
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Rick Martel and Bobby Duncum keep up the good momentum of the show with this back and forth encounter that saw Rick getting knocked down a few times by the brutishness of Duncum whenever Martel attempted to go for anything flashy. The opposing styles seemed to mesh well and led to an interesting battle, that eventually saw Martel manage to get in a diving clothesline which changed the tide of the match and turn the momentum in his favour, eventually picking up the win over Duncum with a flash pinfall.



Curt Hennig VS. Boris Breznikoff

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Curt struggles against the hard hits from The Soviet Hammer! But the young underdog has something to prove here tonight against the new thorn in his side and he does not intend to let Boris Breznikoff overpower him! With a mighty comeback Curt manages to overcome the odds against him and picks up the win with a hefty Hennig Plex that looked like it might not have happened due to the size difference





Daddy Can't Get You Out Of This One...



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Jerry "The King" Lawler

Wow Curt! Look at YOU! In the preliminary match before the Main Event?! I HATE to say it...but maybe...just maybe I was wrong Curt! Maybe you TRULY ARE...the rising star they claim you are around here? Then again...seeing you in this position? And I mean this with all due respect Curt...I can't help but wonder whose hands your father had to shake to make it happen? How many favours did he have to ask for? How many ears did he have to whisper in? Do you think he maybe had to resort to writing a cheque to someone? Not Larry?! No?! He couldn't have! He did something to get you where you are tonight though didn't he?! I'm sure of it!


Jerry "The King" Lawler

I'm sure of it Curt...because while even I have to admit that you have potential...that's all that it is. Potential. Something that, may, or may not happen. Not something that gets handed to you unopposed...you probably have been clueless this entire time haven't you? Thinking that you're standing here, right now, in this ring, where you are...because of hard work and dedication. Is that cluelessness? Or is it wilful, blind ignorance? Because you're scared? Because deep down you know...there's a shadow looming over you...cast over you like a black cloud and you have no idea whether or not you can escape from it, do you? No idea if you can get out from the cloud your father's shadow has cast over you...well I hate to be the bearer of bad news 


Curt Hennig



Curt Hennig

You've only been here THREE WEEKS...and you already sound like a broken record! Strutting in here with that smirk thinking you're spouting off something I've never heard before in my life? Do you know how many fools like you have stepped in from the sidelines? How many whispers I've heard in the locker rooms? Mutterings under someone's breath? About my dad? How he's the only reason I'm here? I've heard it since I started training. When I was in Verne Gagne's barn, doing work out routines that you couldn't even IMAGINE! I was hearing it then, from entitled loud mouths just like you! Do you know what it's like Jerry? Doing pull ups in an open barn in the middle of a Minneapolis winter? Lugging barrels around through the snow instead of lifting weights in the gym, or at home? Sprinting up hill with the rain pouring on your face? Do you have ANY IDEA what that man put me through? Do you have any idea why he even put me through it?!


Curt Hennig

I'LL TELL YOU WHY! It's because Verne Gagne only trains those he sees potential in. Verne Gagne only trains those he thinks could BE something in this business...Verne Gagne does not waste his time...he invests it, to make sure that the people that could one day become stars in this business? Don't end up like you...over confident...arrogant...entitled...thinking that because you got just enough talent to cruise along and enough knowledge to know how to get an easy win when you need it...that you don't really need to put that hard work in! I saw guys like you in that training Jerry? Talkin' big...you know how long they usually lasted in that cold barn in Minneapolis Jerry? One day...some of them couldn’t even manage that long. How long would you have lasted I wonder? Would you even have shown up if you knew the road you would have had ahead of you? 


Curt Hennig

All I want to do Jerry…is wrestle…it’s what I do best. I could have done anything I wanted to. Name a sport, chances are I not only tried it. I EXCELLED AT IT but none of them…NOT ONE OF THEM…held a candle to wrestling in my heart! That's the difference between me and you at the heart of it, isn't it? This is something I love. It's something I'm passionate about. It's something I've always wanted to do. You? You have some natural ability and a good head on your shoulders and you think because of that you're entitled to everything good this business can give you and damn anybody else for trying!


Curt Hennig

You come here and you make it personal with me from the moment you enter the door. Well consider this your opportunity Jerry, I’m challenging you to a match, at the end of the month show. I want to give you the opportunity to show everyone in that building who buys a ticket that you were right…and when that bell rings? I’m gonna’ prove you wrong. Like I’ve proven everyone just like you wrong. Time and time again!


Jerry "The King" Lawler

You want a match kid? You got it. It would be my pleasure, no...MY DUTY...to make it my PERSONAL responsibility to see to teaching you a painful lesson and what I have in store for you? This is something daddy won't be able to save you from!

Rated: 55




Contract Signing
We fade in from commercials, to the sight of Gordon Solie stood in the center of the ring, AWA branded microphone in hand, a black table in the ring with an assortment of papers and stationary upon it. The fans chant for two reasons, one they get to see Solie for this segment, the Dean of Wrestling himself, a beloved figure in all of the sport who commanded respect anywhere he went. Second, it was the signing of the contract that would make the Main Event of the AWA January Spectacular, The AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match between Nick Bockwinkel, and Tito Santana!
Gordon Solie
Ladies and gentlemen, this evening the AWA is proud to present to you the official signing of the AWA World Heavyweight Championship match. Without further ado, if you would all please join me in standing to welcome our AWA President, he is a wrestling veteran and co founder of the AWA...ladies and Gentlemen...MISTER VERNE GAGNE!
"America The Beautiful" - Ray Charles
As Verne comes out he is treated with such love and adulation that being in the arena would be the only true way to experience. Walking down in his black suit, was a man that most people in this audience would have grown up watching, perhaps with friends, perhaps with family, but there was a time when Verne Gagne WAS the AWA and now, here he was, for a signing between Tito Santana...and easily the man who many would call his greatest rival. As he enters the ring he is applauded by Solie, who hands him a microphone so that he can speak to his audience.
AWA President
Verne Gagne
Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls. When the AWA was founded, the World Heavyweight Championship was created along with it. Since its creation in 1960, the championship has come to represent the best the caliber of wrestling athletes the AWA has to offer to the sport of professional wrestling. This belt has been around the waists and shoulders of men such as Pat O'Connor, The Crusher, Mad Dog Vachon, Dick The Bruiser...and I was fortunate enough to hold the title a couple times myself...
Verne lets out a soft chuckle as the fans cheer and applaud. Verne also had the distinct accomplishment of retiring while champion before the belt changed hands. Perhaps to a more modern audience, he is a symbol of the past, but to this Minneapolis crowd...he's still their hero.
AWA President
Verne Gagne
Now that title lays in the hands of Nick Bockwinkel...a man whom...despite our differences, I must admit, has done extremely well at continuing the legacy of that belt and what it has come to represent. He has carried the responsibility of champion to the highest of his capabilities and that, is what we come to expect in this company and in this sport. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, please put aside your differences with the man and join me in welcoming our AWA World Heavyweight Champion. Nick Bockwinkel
"Ode to Joy" - Beethoven
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There's only one man FULL ENOUGH of himself to have the music that plays him to the ring be "Ode to Joy", of course it is none other than Nick Bockwinkel, joined, unfortunately AS ALWAYS by his WEASEL manager Bobby Heenan. It's ahrd to admit, but Bockwinkel KNOWS how to present himself like a champion, coming out in a tan three piece suit and tinted shades, the championship belt held over his shoulder. He milks the magnificence of Beethoven's symphony as he can as he walks down the ramp, occasionally stopping to check the title and making sure it is spotless, at one point turning towards Heenan when they get to the middle of the ramp. Heenan in response? whips a handkerchief out of his pocket and polishes the belt up for the champion before the two continue. When Bockwinkel finally gets in the ring and the music fades out over the PA, there's an awkward moment of silence as he stares across at the man who, once upon a time was a great rival of his. There seems to be no bad feelings on the surface however as he is the one to initiate the handshake with AWA President, Verne Gagne.
AWA President
 Verne Gagne
A champion can only be judged however, by those he defends his championship belt against, and tonight Mr. Bockwinkel will come face to face with the man he is set to defend his title against. Tito Santana! Tito has risen through as a shining star in the AWA locker room, but more importantly, in the eyes of these fans. He has, in some ways become, a man of the people and he is a worthy challenger for the belt! Folks...please put your hands together for your challenger...Tito Santana!
"Sultans of Swing" - Dire Straits
Tito comes out all business himself, coming out in his wrestling trunks, unlike the suit that Bockwinkel is wearing. It causes Bockwinkel and Heenan to share a chuckle with each other but that is overshadowed by the loving response Tito receives. Signs with his name on them, girls trying to reach over the barricade just to get their hands on him, and maybe, if they are lucky, potentially a kiss! Unfortunately for those ladies that doesn't happen, but a few guys get high fives and kids get thumbs up along the way as Tito rolls into the ring to finally face down the man who has been evading him so far.
Gordon Solie
Now gentlemen, I know there are tensions between the both of you here this evening, but before we get started, Mr. Gagne would like to state something here for the both of you tonight.
AWA President
Verne Gagne
Thank you Gordon. Gentlemen? I want to make one thing clear to the both of you. Perhaps in other wrestling organizations, events such as this? Descend into violence and chaos. However, as long as I have anything to say about it? This company will remain a legitimate and respectable presentation of the sport of professional wrestling and you two shall respect the rules of this being a natural occasion here tonight. You will both get your opportunity to showcase your in ring skills come the AWA Spectacular at the end of the month. Tonight? This is a contract signing, so you will both get an opportunity to say your piece. You will sign the contract...and then...like it or not...you will both shake hands. Am I clear?
Tito hesitates for a moment. He is reluctant to answer. The insults from Bockwinkel over the previous weeks still circling his mind.
Tito Santana
Yes sir...
Verne Gagne
And you, Bockwinkel
Nick Bockwinkel
Crystal clear Mr. President.
Bockwinkel flashes his pearly whites with a cheshire cat smile, his demeanor with Gagne was strange considering the history the two had with each other, but perhaps, now, since Verne was holding a position of power over Bockwinkel, our AWA Champion was just very good at playing a part he currently deems necessary to play whilst in Verne's presence...
Verne Gagne
I will remain present to ensure everything is above board with the signing, Mister Solie, if you would please continue as planned.
Gordon Solie
With pleasure Mister Gagne! Gentlemen! It's going to go like this. Bockwinkel? You are the champion so you will go first. You will say your piece, you will sign the contract. Mister Gagne will inspect the document to ensure it has been signed properly, then Mr. Santana will do the same, each of you will remain silent when the other speaks and after both men have signed, Mr. Gagne will sign the contract as the authorizing official and I will sign as a witness, thus making the match official, upon which, both of you will shake hands, and then, promptly leave the ring and head backstage! With the standards set, Mister Bockwinkel...the floor is yours.
Nick Bockwinkel
Firstly Mister Solie...I would like to personally thank you for agreeing to be here this evening. It is certainly enriching to know that this company respects the requests of their champion to have a proper sportscaster in the ring whenever I am involved in a situation such as this. Without your presence here, the quality of this show's broadcasting team would decline...so tremendously why I? I don't think I could ever agree to an interview from the two imbeciles you are unfortunate enough to call your colleagues...
Gordon Solie
Now Nick, I must stand up in def-
Nick Bockwinkel
I believe that silence is required when I speak Mr. Solie?
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
You wouldn't want to put Tito's championship opportunity at jeopardy would you Solie?!
Nick Bockwinkel
Now Bobby, we must accept that it is Mister Solie's job to defend his work colleagues. It is respectable. I on the other hand, have no such restrictions upon me. Which leads me to you Mister Santana...
Bockwinkel slowly removes his tinted shades, putting them in his jacket pcket so he can look Santana directly in the eyes...
Nick Bockwinkel
Now...there are some dissenting voices out there that say...I've been too harsh with you Mister Santana. That I have not given you the credit you have worked so feverously to deserve and to that I must admit...that could be a possibility...but I must emphasize...a possibility Mr Santana...not a certainty. You see...when you are dealing with thick headed, dim witted, low intelligence humanoids as often as I unfortunately do in my current position Mr. Santana, it leads to a sad decline in the lexicon you use on a regular basis. Do you understand? You might think when you hear me speak on a regular basis that "By GOD he is a genius!" to which, I must say, I am flattered. However, the sad reality is that even I must limit the true capabilities of my superior locution. Why you ask? Well...have you seen the sad example of filth we call an audience?
The audience showers the champion with boos, they really didn't like that one. Not that it bothered Nick, he always flashed the slightest hint of a smirk hearing their reactions to him. He enjoyed getting under their skin, knowing that they could do absolutely nothing to even attempt to prove he was wrong. It was, in his case , the truth. He was better than all of them...and they knew it.
Nick Bockwinkel
Look at them Tito...dumb, limited, potentially inbred humanoids...it isn't entirely their fault that their education has been so dire I will admit. The fact that there are just so many of them is an extremely concerning indicator to me that the public education system is beyond broken if the majority of Americans turn out like the pathetic examples in the audience here tonight! What's the phraseology Tito? If you can't beat them...join them...isn't it? Well why on earth would I want to join that cess pit of filth? Because they're the majority? Because they're the ones putting money towards my ludicrous pay as World Heavyweight champion? I will not submit to joining them Tito. No sir. I was very much intent on BEATING them...and beat them I have in every aspect of the word! Name a category Tito! Strength, Athleticism, Speed, Dexterity, Elocution, I am, BETTER THAN THEM....and they know it! Because I remind them of it Tito. Every opportunity I get to do so. Why? Because I want to make it clear to everybody Tito...everybody watching at home, everybody who pays for a ticket, every other wrestler in that locker room, every other wrestler across the country and most importantly of all Tito? Every other wrestling company...in the world. I want to make it clear to all of them Tito...EXACTLY what a champion truly IS!
Nick Bockwinkel
See fools like you Tito, they want to be liked, they want to be popular, they want to be the cult of personality...they want to be like the heroes they read about as children or watch in old western films on television! They want to live out their fantasies! Well that right there, is why people like you will never reach their true potential Tito...because that is all your conceited idea of appeasing to these people truly is...a fantasy. I'm about to do something I hope doesn't boost your ego too much Tito...I say you're a good athlete...I say you're a damn good athlete and if you think for a single second that I'm coming in underestimating you? You're wrong...I know exactly what I'm stepping in the ring with. Because I've SEEN hundreds of wrestlers just like you boy...all that potential and no key to unlock it! Perhaps in some other company, things would be different. Perhaps the day I finally hang up my boots, things will be different, but until that day comes Tito? As long as there is room for Nick Bockwinkel in the American Wrestling Association...I will continue to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Why? Because when you look at me, you look at the reality of what being a champion truly requires! It requires you to work harder than everybody else, it requires you to train harder than everybody else, it requires you to study harder than everybody else...and most importantly of all...and this is the part where you should lean in and listen. It requires you not to care what these people think...what these people want...what these people desire. A champion? Does what they need to do...for their company...for their sport...and most importantly of all Tito...for the championship itself.
Nick takes the belt off of his shoulders and hold it out for all to see, specifically, for Tito to see. The most prized accomplishment in the AWA, The World Heavyweight Championship. The symbol of absolute excellence within the company, and with a champion like Nick Bockwinkel, it could be argued one of the most prized possessions in all of wrestling.
Nick Bockwinkel
Do you know what this belt means Tito? Truly? It means I am the best wrestler in this company...and I would argue...the best wrestler in the world. Being the best wrestler in the world means...no time to concern yourselves with the meager opinions of these so called fans of this sport. It means ensuring that you are the absolute best in every field, every aspect, every minute detail you can possibly fathom...and simply put Tito? That is a burden, that, simply put Tito...you are not prepared to carry upon your shoulders. To the untrained mind it sounds like boasting, but I simply present to you the reality of the situation. Shall I tell you what will happen come the time of our match? I know...because time and time again, the story has been the same. The only thing that changes are the faces and the names. There you are...a young up and comer, the crowd behind you, rooting for you, clasping their hands together and praying to their...fictional man in the sky for you...you will walk in hearing them chant your name...and come the end of it all? Do you know what you'll hear?
Bockwinkel leans in and lifts the mic right against his lips to emphasize his point.
Nick Bockwinkel
Silence...as you look up and see the inevitable...me...standing over you...your superior...your better...your...champion
Bockwinkel hands the championship over to Heenan to hold while he leans over the table and signs the contract. The crowd are riled up with anger hearing the outright disrespect from the champion. As Verne looks over the contract once it is signed, Heenan hands the championship belt back to Bockwinkel, who slowly places his tinted glasses back on his brow, smirking as he nudges them over the bridge of his nose.
Gordon Solie
Well...Tito...now is your opportunity to res-
Before Gordon can finish, Tito snatches the mic, his whole body tense with rage and frustration
Tito Santana
You think you are so unique don't you? I have had to listen to pampered, elitist rich boys like you all my life! You are all the same you know that?! Strutting around in your three piece suits, your flashy watches and diamond rings, taking any and every opportunity you have to showcase just how GOOD you have it! And boy oh boy do you all love to BRAG about just how hard you worked to get it all? When the truth of the matter is? It was thanks to mommy and daddy's money, buying your way to private schools, prestigious colleges, making sure your foot is in every door it can find a gap in so you can slip on through while people like me have to do the REAL work? Everything just comes so easily to you doesn't it? Because it's been MADE easy! Because you know nothing else except the taste of that silver spoon that's been in your mouth all these god damn years!
Tito Santana
All my life...I've heard I wasn't good enough by people like you...whether it was because of the money I didn't have...the way that I speak...where my family come from. All so eager to make me well aware just how inferior I am to THEM? Do you know what I did to them Bockwinkel? I proved them wrong! All of them! When they said a kid like me would struggle in school, I proved them wrong! When they said I would never make it to college! I proved them wrong! When they thought they could hold me down in sport I proved them wrong and when they said I'd never make it to the business? I proved them wrong and now I'm here standing in this ring, listening to another trumped up prep boy tell me it can't be done...well let me tell YOU something Bockwinkel...
Tito Santana
...I look forward to proving you wrong! You are so eager to disrespect these people, the people that help pay your cheques! The people that, if they didn't come here...you wouldn't even GET to be World Champion here, because there would be NO AWA and there would be NO Nick Bockwinkel! Now while there being no Nick Bockwinkel sounds promising, I for one am THANKFUL for this company AND it's fans for the opportunities it has provided me, for the bills it has helped me pay...and for the lifestyle that I live! They overlooked the differences between me and them, they threw their support behind me and I swear as long as there is breath in my body and blood in my veins, I WILL NEVER LET THEM DOWN!
Tito Santana
And you? You ungrateful waste of talent. You could represent something GOOD in this sport. You could represent something right...you talk about the realism of being a champion, but the truth is you just can't help but take the EASY way out and if you don't do it, than that slimy little WEASEL that you call a manager will do it for you!
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
Tito Santana
I DON'T THINK I'M FINISHED YET! SO STOP SQUEALING WEASEL! You act all high and mighty and you think with your impressive words and being well dressed, you can hide what's really underneath, but everyone can read you like a book Bockwinkel! You are nothing more than a frightened little...COWARD...a sheep...in wolf's clothing and come the AWA Spectacular? It will be my pleasure to expose who you really are once and for all!
Tito drops the mic and immediately turns to sign the contract, the atmosphere in the ring is tense, Bockwinkel's arrogant smug is merely a memory now and instead replaced with gritted teeth frustration and eyes masked by his tinted glasses. Once Santana is signed, Verne inspects the document, then signs it himself, followed by Gordon solie as the witness to the event.
Verne Gagne
Well gentlemen...it is official...shake hands.
Nick Bockwinkel
The tension is at it's heights as the two men step towards one another in the center of the ring, Bockwinkel's belt positioned right in front of Tito's face so he can get a long, hard, glance at the belt Bockwinkel plans to keep out of his reach. The fans at a fever pitch, hoping to see just the tiniest hint of what is to come at the January Spectacular. But, true to the word of Verne, that is not what happens here tonight. Slowly, Bockwinkel reaches out his hand, stoic, emotionless, his glance aimed square at Tito's eyes. Tito doesn't break his stare, his hand slowly reaches out to without looking down and when the two clasp hands, it is done so with an added oompf as they pull each other face to face, exchanging aggressive words with one another. It looks like someone might have to step in before Bockwinkel seperates and pushes away, immediately leaving the ring with Bobby and heading towards the back. Mumbling god knows what along the way...
Hulk Hogan VS. Masa Saito
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It was the match of the night as the rising popularity of Hulkamania was becoming slowly more apparent it seemed. Hogan managed to keep the attention of the fans despite the hard to follow segment previous and got all the Hulkamaniacs on their feet in support against the Japanese Brute, Masa Saito. The match ended in the way you might come to expect a Hogan match to end, with an Atomic leg drop being the final blow that got the pin around ten minutes into the match
After The Match
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Hogan gets PEARL HARBOR'D by Baron Von Raschke during his celebration. As Hogan climbed the turnbuckle to raise his arms, he instead got hit with a double axe handle to the back of the head that sent him tumbling down to the mat. Whilst Hogan was down, Raschke assists Saito up to his feet and the two double team the Hulkster, laying the boots into him! Raschke lets out a mighty, gurgling roar as Saito hoists Hogan up to his feet and....THE CLAW...THE CLAW! RASCHKE'S GOT THAT DESTRUCTIVE CLAW LOCKED ON TO HOGAN! The show fades to black with the image of the Hulkster writhing on the floor!
Final Rating:61
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AWA January Spectacular Match Card
Opening Match
AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship
Mike Graham VS. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
Grudge Match
Curt Hennig VS. Jerry Lawler

AWA World Tag Team Championships
The High Flyers Open Challenge
High Flyers set to defend their championship against any team willing to challenge them...
Grudge Match
Hulk Hogan VS. Baron Von Raschke
AWA World Heavyweight Championship
Nick Bockwinkel Vs. Tito Santana
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Edited by Neon_Peon
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