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WWE (2022) A New Era

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- Charlotte Flair requested to be released from her contract
- More news as we get it as its not clear if Charlotte has been released

- Jericho appeared on IMPACT Wrestling as part of the Forbidden Door

5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center, CT

You know what I'm after...
- Slap Slap Slap Pound Up Down Snap by The Death Set plays, the crowd don't really react until Becky Lynch appears with the WWE, WWE Universal and WWE RAW Women's Title
- She has new music and is on SMACKDOWN! 
- Becky says she's going to cut straight to chase, there's one reason she's here tonight and everyone has probably already guessed... she has a little challenge for Asuka
- WWE Smackdown Women's Champion Asuka's music plays and she meets Becky in the ring
- Becky says the short and sweet of it she wants the WWE Smackdown Women's title, she wants it all -- she wants to make history
- Asuka seems to be shielding her title
- Asuka asks Lynch if she wants this, pointing to her title
- Asuka says she'll give Becky a title shot, but why should she be the only one to be making history. Asuka says she wants to make history too. 
- If Becky Lynch wants the WWE Smackdown Women's title so badly, Asuka demands Becky puts all her other titles on the line for it
- Becky agrees saying she'll put all the titles on the line for a chance to become the first in WWE History to hold both the WWE and WWE Universal titles and both WWE RAW & SMACKDOWN Women's titles
- Asuka laughs and waves her finger as she corrects Becky -- no, no, no, I will make history
- Becky says that it's on, but she has some other contractual fights first; Roman Reigns on RAW this Monday and if she's still champion after that she has Bobby Lashley at Bragging Rights. Becky knows the pressure she's put herself under, but WHEN she makes it past Roman and Lashley... Becky Lynch vs Asuka for ALL THE TITLES is on

(rating: 100)

Io Shirari vs. Xia Li
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Io Shirai defeated Xia Li in 9:53 by pinfall with a German Suplex Hold.

(rating: 61)

Oh, I'm Ready
- Randy Orton is in the ring
- He's talking about Riddle's challenge from RAW
- Orton is ready for the fight cage, or whatever name Riddle wants to call it
- Submission or knockout suits Orton -- perhaps the RKO from Clash of Champions Riddle took knocked him a little silly
- Orton is keen to show he can tap people out, failing that maybe he could bring back the old punt kick one last time to finally wipe the goofy grin from Riddle's face
- But to prove a point Orton has arranged a submission to prove that being a professional wrestler means more than having a few MMA moves

(rating: 79)

Submission Match: Boa vs. Randy Orton
In a decent match, Randy Orton defeated Boa in a Submission match in 10:26 by submission.

- The announce team lifted the match and really put over the how professional wrestlers have superior cardio and a greater understanding of wearing down parts of the body

(rating: 64)

Meanwhile in women's locker room
- Carmella appraoches Lacey Evans
- Carmella says that Evans should team up with her to compete for the WWE Women's Tag Titles
- Despite Evans being a Southern Belle and Carmella being from Staten Island they have a lot in common
- They're both beautiful, powerful... and can't stand Bayley
- Evans corrects Carmella and says she can't stand Becky Lynch or Asuka those titles should be hers
- "Well whatever" we can hate them both... 

(rating: 60)

Carmella and Lacey Evans vs. Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez
In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Carmella and Lacey Evans defeated Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez in 13:30 when Carmella submitted Roxanne Perez with a Modified Headscissors.

- Announcing and colour commentary quality really lifted the match
- It explained how Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez are young up and coming stars from NXT
- As well as the history between Carmella and Bayley, as well as Lacey Evans' cancelled title shot against Asuka last year

(rating: 48)

After the break Bret Hart
- Bret Hart is in the ring
- He says he accepts Cody Rhodes' challenge for Bragging Rights; the General Manager of the losing brand must resign
- Bret Hart explains to the fans that each RAW v SD match up will be scored and the brand with the most points at the end of the night is the winner
- If any wrestlers from RAW or SD win a title at Bragging Rights extra points will be awarded
- Which brings him on to tonight's main event; #1 contenders match for the Tag Titles

(rating: 69)

WWE World Tag Team Titles announcement
- Bret Hart says tonight three-way tag match to be Smackdown's #1 contender against The Street Profits will occur
- He's thought long and hard about it and has finally settled on the three teams: AJ Styles & Rey Mysterio, Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens and MACE & Omos

(rating: 61)

Ezekiel vs. Theory
In a decent match, Ezekiel defeated Theory in 11:10 by submission with a Boston Crab.

- Commentary team recapped the ongoing issue between Ezekiel and Theory
- Theory believing Ezekiel is trying to brown nose his way to title shots

(rating: 57)

Smackdown is my home
- Lesnar makes his way to the ring
- Lesnar says he's back on Smackdown for good, this is the place that made him a superstar and this is home
- So Strowman... you know where to find me
- Lesnar tells Edge there's no more part-time, it might feel like part-time work when Lesnar is throwing people around for fun and pinning them in under five minutes, but this is it... this is Capital of Lesnar Country, this is... SUPLEX CITY

- Commentary team put over Lesnar's historic connection with Smackdown during the early years in 2002 with Paul Heyman
- How in 2 years Lesnar became a dominate force in the WWE and for Smackdown before winning the WWE Title

(rating: 70)

Butch vs. Cedric Alexander
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cedric Alexander defeated Butch in 12:37 by pinfall with a Kick to Kill.

This match was part of the 'Cruiserweight Title' tournament.

(rating: 57)

Cruiserweight Update
- Bret Hart is in the purpose built Smackdown General Manager's office at the WWE Wrestling Center
- He's giving an update about the WWE Cruiserweight league
- He explains, as a graphic shows, that Mustafa Ali, Angel Garza, Cedric Alexander and Ultimo Dragon are all on 6 points; 

(rating: 48)

Rudely interrupted
- Suddenly El Hijo del Fantasma can be heard
- He demands Bret Hart to stop disgracing himself talking about Cruiserweights and besmirching Angel Garza's great name by putting it alongside Luchador imposters like Ultimo Dragon
- Camera now shows El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza, ULtimo Ninja, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are in the GM's office
- Fantasma continues saying that he thought better of Bret Hart, he thought Bret Hart understood the true value of heritage
- Bret says he does, he's always admired LuchaLibre and was a big fan of...
- Angel Garza cuts him off saying nobody is interested, what people are interested in is seeing more REAL Lucha Libre stars
- Ultimo Ninja says he wouldn't expect an American to understand...
- "Wait guys, Bret's cool, he's Canadian... like us" Kevin Owens gestures to himself and Sami Zayn
- Angel Garza says North Americans all look a like and maybe they should think about wearing a mask to give them a real identity
- Kevin Owens looks at Sami Zayn, who seems to be pondering something
- Finally Kevin Owens says nah that'd never work
- El Hijo del Fantasma says that tonight he and Angel Garza should be put into the main event, so all of Mexico can see true luchadors in actions within the WWE and not rely on seeing the Americanised imposter Rey Mysterio tarnish what it means to be lucha libre
- YEAH! Owens and Zayn support
- Bret says that if they really want that Ultimo Ninja and Garza can have Owens and Zayn's spot in the main event
- wait wait wait... no no no let's not carried away here Owens pleads
- We're all Canadian here
- Bret finally concedes and says he'll make tonight's main event a 4-way match 

- Everyone really came across well during this apart from Ultimo Ninja

(rating: 64)

Smackdown #1 Contender's Match for the WWE World Tag Team Titles: MACE & Omos vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. AJ Styles & Rey Mysterio vs. Angel Garza & Ultimo Ninja
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn defeated MACE & Omos, AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio and Angel Garza and Ultimo Ninja in 15:07 when Sami Zayn pinned Rey Mysterio with a fast roll up, after a distraction from El Hijo del Fantasma.

In terms of in-ring work, Kevin Owens was head and shoulders above everyone else.

- AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio have really worked well as a team lately

(rating: 67)

Overall Rating: 65

- WOW What an opening for Smackdown, easily the best bit of WWE TV they've produced in years. 
- It was simple and effective
- Becky Lynch looked like a star and Asuka's facial expressions and interactions with the crowd were perfection
- Crowd really behind Orton, who is playing this kinda old man no shits given face role really well
- Sadly the last half hour didn't live up to the opening
- Smackdown clearly trailing behind RAW in terms of quality at the moment

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Really enjoying the layout and informative bits of info you give, alongside the results. Is it Who's mod your using, or another? I like that ratings are on the lower side in comparison to others, but I believe that's good as the mod isn't overpowered, more realistic, as well as a challenge. Well done on getting the 100 on the asuka / lynch segment! I really enjoy your style and looking forward to keep reading!

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8 hours ago, reigns said:

Really enjoying the layout and informative bits of info you give, alongside the results. Is it Who's mod your using, or another? I like that ratings are on the lower side in comparison to others, but I believe that's good as the mod isn't overpowered, more realistic, as well as a challenge. Well done on getting the 100 on the asuka / lynch segment! I really enjoy your style and looking forward to keep reading!

Thanks for the kind words and welcome to the forum! 

I'm using a heavily modified version of RWC July 2022. 

  • Tanked WWE's momentum
  • Set scandle for Vince McMahon
  • Lowered WWE's Popularity slightly
  • Adjusted overness for most of the WWE roster

I was surprised the Asuka/Lynch segment hit 100! Becky Lynch is on fire at the moment, so going to cash-in on that groundswell of support while I can. 

Edited by Chriswok
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- Gable Steveson has accepted an MMA fight. He will start his camp in two months. 
- NXT: Japan opened up with its first tour on Sunday

5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center, CT

Announcers: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee and Corey Graves

Bianca Belair vs. Mandy Rose
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Mandy Rose defeated Bianca Belair in 13:18 by pinfall following interference from Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jane.

- McAfee and Graves did a good job of explaining Mandy Rose's time in NXT where she had dominated as the NXT Women's Champion
- How Rose formed an alliance with Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jane to form Toxic Alliance
(rating: 57)

Toxic Attraction
- After the bell Mandy Rose, Gig Dolin and Jacy Jane continue to attack Belair
- Mandy Rose bad mouths the whole time and be heard shouting nobody is going to stand in her way to becoming the next WWE RAW Women's Champion

(rating: 52)

Toxic Attraction leaving
- Toxic Attraction leave the ring and a beaten Belair behind
- Mandy Rose grabs a microphone as they go
- Rose says that its time to show the world just how dangerous beauty can be
- Belair is standing now in the ring with the support of the ring ropes, selling the beat down... and still looking like a superstar

(rating: 50)

WWE Board of Directors
- Stephanie McMahon and Cody Rhodes are in the ring now
- Stephaine says after much consideration and discussion between the WWE Board of Directors, RAW General Manager Cody Rhodes and Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart a decision has been made regarding Edge, Finn Balor, Bruan Strowman, Paige, Tommaso Ciampo and Johnny Gargano the group that has become known as The Forgotten
- It has been agreed that Edge's "challenge" will be accepted under the conditions that if any of the Forgotten win they will become the #1 Contenders and must become sanctioned WWE wrestlers to one of the brands... if they lose they will be banned from all future WWE events and will be arrested on sight
- Cody says he would welcome any of The Forgotten onto RAW if they signed the contracts, having been injured recently he's been reminded of what it feels like not being able to do something you love... he knows the frustration
- Cody also knows how to channel that frustration in a positive way, improving physically and mentally on the road to recovery
- Cody pleads with Edge and The Forgotten to consider the offer from the WWE Board of Directors as an invitation to return to the WWE
- Cody gestures out to the fans and asks them if they want to see Edge and The Forgetten return for sanctioned matches?
- The crowd cheer

- Crowd got hotter during this one, really getting behind Cody Rhodes

(rating: 54)

The Street Profits vs. Commander Azeez & Ludwig of the Imperium
In a decent match, The Street Profits defeated Commander Azeez and Ludwig Kaiser in 13:23 when Angelo Dawkins pinned Ludwig Kaiser with a Powerbomb.

In terms of in-ring work, Montez Ford was head and shoulders above everyone else. Commander Azeez was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

(rating: 59)

WWE World Tag Team Gold Rush
- The Street Profits remain in the ring after their match
- Angelo Dawkins holds up his tag title as he says he feels the fever building each week as more and more teams gather to take away their WWE World Tag Team Titles
- Monetz Ford clinks his title against Dawkins' and agrees
- Ford says he didn't know if seeing a beauty and beast pairing in Robert Roode and Otis was a thing of wonder of a thing of nightmares, but eitherway its kinda sweet
- Ford goes on to say that he knows how important the Tag Team Titles, especially the World Tag Team Titles. They're THE best tag team not just in RAW or Smackdown but in all of the WWE
- Dawkins says it feels good and welcomes any and all comers... even #DIY...

- Dawkins and Ford come across as champions here, looking really good... Ford perhaps a little more out of the two
- Dawkins on the other hand is way better on the mic and interacting with the crowd
- Street Profits are a great tag team pairing

(rating: 54)

- Riddle is in the ring and he wishes to introduce his opponent tonight, a young man from NXT
- An unfamiliar face from NXT makes his way to the ring to a small reaction from those who recognise him
- Riddle asks him to introduce himself, brah
- I'm Von Wagner
- Riddle smiles and says that's sweet brah, you been on RAW before?
- Wagner shakes his head and says...

(rating: 51)

- ... Riddle sweeps Von Wagner's leg from under him and begins ground and pound
- Riddle demands the ref ring the bell

(rating: 56)

Riddle vs. Von Wagner
In an extremely short match, Riddle defeated Von Wagner in 2:44 by stoppage when Von Wagner could not continue.

- The performance of Riddle stoof out as being good
- The commentary team put over the henious act of Riddle's sneak attack

(rating: 47)

I used to think you were cool
- Riddle kicks Von Wagner out of the ring and takes a microphone
- Riddle says he hopes Orton was watching
- Riddle is deadly serious here
- Riddle asks Orton if he still thinks he's goofy
- Don't let the laid back attitude fool ya, brah, cos I can be a killer
- Riddle says he used to think Orton was cool, but now can see him for what he really is -- just another old man, fooling himself he's still got something worthwhile in the ring and for the fans

(rating: 73)

The Bloodline
- The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman) are in the ring now
- Heyman has a few things to say
- Heyman wonders how Becky Lynch is going to fullfill all those promises she's made to people, people like Bobby Lashley, Asuka and ALL THE WWE FANS, when she loses to Roman Reigns tonight
- That's an awful lot of people you've set up for disappointment
- Heyman says when Roman Reigns regains the WWE and WWE Universal titles, it will be Becky Lynch that will have to acknowledge HIM and put the titles back around his waist, but then Becky will have to acknowledge all the fans she has disappointed, acklnowledge Bobby Lashley won't be getting a title shot at Bragging Rights and that Becky Lynch or Asuka will be making history for ALL THE TITLES on Smackdown or any other show. EVER. 
- The crowd are booing
- YES BOO, says Heyman, BOO NOW and BOO FOREVER MORE, for Becky Lynch has failed you and has sold you short on the little path to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
- Roman takes the mic
- Roman says that in some ways he admires Becky Lynch and the way she won the titles, he was unprepared, but has learned from his mistake. There will be no mistakes tonight. 

- As always Heyman has the crowd in his hands
- Roman Reigns looks and is a star even without the titles, he holds himself well in the ring
- McAfee and Graves continue to work well putting over past story lines and pointing out the looks on the faces

(rating: 71)

... one more thing
- Jey Uso takes the mic from Roman Reigns
- Reigns looks annoyed
- Jey says GOLDBERG you want to fight The Usos, well lets fight The Usos
- Jimmy takes the mic and wishes Goldberg goodluck tonight

(rating: 69)

Rex Steiner Time!
- after the break Rex Steiner is in the ring
- He says its time for Gunther, he's beaten all the other members of Imperium and after last week he can't wait to start cracking into the one man left
- The Imperium are now at the top of the entrance way
- Ludwig Kaiser, the mouthpiece for The Imperium, says that's not quiet true... there's one member left... INTRODUCING EUROPEAN PERFECTION... GIOVANNI VINCI

- Rex Steiner suffering from a bout of classic Steiner-isms during his promo, at times being a little shouty

(rating: 52)

Rex Steiner vs. Giovanni Vinci
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Giovanni Vinci defeated Rex Steiner in 13:12 by pinfall after using a foreign object. During the match we also saw Ludwig Kaiser distract Steiner, and Commander Azeez also distract Steiner.

(rating: 47)

Ripley talks about Flair
- Rhea Ripley is backstage and looks very pleased with herself
- Ripley says that she is the #1 contender for the WWE RAW Women's title
- As Charlotte Flair, out of frustration of the inability to submit Rhea Ripley, has took her fancy robes and decided to sit at home like the spoilt brat she always has been

(rating: 70)

The Power of Positivity
- Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston appraoch R-Truth in the lockerroom
- They saw what happened last week when Truth was attacked by Uhaa Nation and then berated by Otunga
- Woods says he remembers how Truth looked after him when he first broke onto the RAW roster
- Kofi tells Truth to keep going and be the person he wants to be rather than the person others tell him to be
- Woods says if Truth ever needs a friend they're here for him and reminds Truth of all the fun and laughter he's brought to the WWE fans over the years
- Truth gives Woods and Kofi a hug and thanks them
- Truth says that he knows he is and what he wants to do and thats make people laugh
- He's just not that angry young man anymore

(rating: 52)

Medusa Complex
- Two young NXT wrestlers are in the ring
- They want to introduce themselves
- We're the Medusa Complex, Charli Evans and Emilia McKenzie
- We're here to take what we deserve and if we don't get it, we know just how to kick up a fuss until we do

(rating: 25)

Big Swole & Dana Brooke vs. Medusa Complex
In a terrible match, Big Swole and Dana Brooke defeated Medusa Complex in 8:54 when Big Swole pinned Emilia McKenzie with a Blue Thunder Bomb.

- For a random pairing Big Swole and Dana Brooke showed excellent chemistry teaming together
- Emilia McKenzie and Charli Evans, a team from the indie circuit, have experience together too
- Colour commentary did a good job of explaining who the wrestlers were, putting over the degenerate nature of Charli Evans and the millenial concerns of Emilia McKenzie
- This was very much a let the crowd breath match as we head into the final hour, but will serve as a good experience for the young wrestlers involved

(rating: 41)

- MVP is backstage wearing a nice suit
- He has been watching Otunga and Titus over the last few weeks trying to build a stable
- Well MVP is a man of action and has already hand picked two of the best young wrestlers from NXT
- He introduces the new APEX of Professional Wrestling
- ODYSSEY JONES a mass of power and brutality; and Damon Kemp, a techinal man mounting
- MVP knows how to build champions and wishes Otunga and Titus the best of luck. They WILL need it

- MVP as a manager is going to do wonders
- He still carries himself as a real star and is great on the mic

(rating: 44)

Bill Goldberg vs. Jimmy Uso
In an extremely short match, Bill Goldberg defeated Jimmy Uso in 5:15 by pinfall with a Jackhammer.

(rating: 43)

I want the winner
- Sheamus is in the ring now
- After man handling Bobby Lashley last week there's only one thing certain
- He should be the #1 contender to face Becky Lynch at Bragging Rights
- Lashley comes out
- Lashley seems to have recovered from Clash of Champions
- Lashley says Sheamus didn't defeat him, injuries from a steal cage and a referee stoppage
- If Sheamus can wait a week, Lashley will happily face him again and if Sheamus wins... sure you can take my spot at Bragging Rights
- Sheamus disagrees saying nah fella, I've already beat ya
- Lashley is disappointed, he didn't think Sheamus was the kind of person to back out of fight
- Sheamus asks if its a fight Lashley wants, a fight he'll get. How about next week me and you in a last man standing match? Or you worried I'll knock you on your arse again?
- Lashley acepts

(rating: 78)

Roman Reigns vs. Becky Lynch
In an exceptional match, Becky Lynch defeated Roman Reigns in 28:40 by submission with a Dis-arm-her after interference from Asuka. Becky Lynch makes defence number one of the WWE title. Becky Lynch makes defence number one of the WWE Universal title.

- Becky used her speed and agility against Roman's mass and might
- The never backdown nature of Becky Lynch continues to gain a groundswell of support from the crowd
- At times the match lost a bit of pace and direction 
- Asuka's interference blindsighted the referee and Roman and even Becky, as Asuka appeared from seemingly nowhere to hit Roman Reigns in the back of the head with her WWE Smackdown Women's Title
- This gave Becky the opening to hit her submission move

(rating: 77)

- After the match Becky stands in the ring holding her titles while looking at Roman Reigns
- Reigns looks pissed and it almost looks like he's going to attack Becky Lynch
- The rest of the Bloodline are in the ring now and are surrounding Becky Lynch
- Jimmy Uso looks pissed and steps in to attack
- Roman Reigns stops him
- Roman says that wasn't part of the deal
- Stephanie McMahon comes down to the ring with the Big Gold belt and beings to hand it over to Becky Lynch
- Roman grabs it from Stephanie and begins to look at the belt
- He stands behind Becky Lynch who is still standing holding her titles high
-... Roman puts the Big Gold Title around Becky's waist
- He leaves without saying anything
- The Bloodline follow, Jimmy Uso seems to be shouting his disproval at Roman
- Becky remains in the ring alone, holding up the WWE, WWE Universal, WWE RAW Women's title with the symbolic WWE Undisputed Title around her waist

(rating: 79)

Overall Rating: 74

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  • 2 weeks later...

5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center

Bret Hart Apologises
- The show opens with Bret Hart in the ring
- He wants to apologies to Cody Rhodes for another Smackdown wrestler getting involed in a RAW show
- Hart says Asuka had no right being on RAW and as a consequence Asuka will have to defend her WWE Smackdown Women's Title tonight against Carmella
- Paul Heyman makes his way down to the ring
- He's not happy
- He wants answers from Asuka tonight and Heyman is demanding that Bret Hart FIRE Asuka for her interference during Roman Reign's rematch against Becky Lynch

(rating: 71)

Aja Kong & Piper Niven vs. Nikki Cross & Io Shirai
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Nikki Cross and Io Shirai defeated Aja Kong & Niven in 12:41 when Io Shirai pinned Piper Niven with a German Suplex Hold.

In terms of in-ring work, Io Shirai was head and shoulders above everyone else. Aja Kong was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

- commentary team continued to talk about the WWE Women World Tag Titles up for grabs
- The history between Niven and Cross was mentioned, not only their battles in WWE recently but also in the UK where they learned their trade
- Commentary team tried to talk up Aja Kong's legacy in Japan but her age was really showing during the match

(rating: 54)

Ziggler wants Gold
- Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring
- He's been watching Ezekiel and Theory fight each other for Nakamura's attention
- Ziggler says he doesn't have to fight for attention -- just look at him
- Ziggler says his music plays and he gets people's attention, which is why he should be the IC champ
- Not some greasy, lathergic weirdo 
- Nakamura's music plays as walks to the ring
- He walks around Ziggler, as if inspecting him
- Nakamura finally stops, sweeps his hands through his hair and looks to flick the grease ala Dolph Ziggler..!
- IT WAS A PSYCH OUT! Nakamura stops before the flick and Ziggler flinches
- Nakamura laughs

(rating: 57)

Ultimo Dragon vs. Theory
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Theory defeated Ultimo Dragon in 8:11 by pinfall with The Unproven Cutter following interference from El Hijo del Fantasma.

This match was part of the 'Cruiserweight Title' tournament.

(rating: 48)

A Stain
- Theory walks away laughing at Ultimo Dragon losing
- El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza and Ultimo Ninja continue their attack
- Angel and Ultimo Ninja prop Ultimo Dragon up
- El Hijo del Fantasma demands everyone to witness the unmasking of a stain on lucha libre
- It looks like he's going to remove Ultimo Dragon's mask!

(rating: 44)

... the removal..!
- but no! Rey Mysterio slides in for the save before the mask can be removed
- El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza and Ultimo Ninja bail
- Ultimo Dragon readjusts his mask and thanks Rey Mysterio
- Ultimo Dragon says the only stain on lucha libre are those who live off their parent's deeds and don't forge their own legacy
- El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza and Ultimo Dragon are furious -- they're all blood relations to famous luchadors! 

(rating: 51)

- Brock Lesnar is in the lockerroom sharing his workout routine with a younger wrestler
- Lesnar looks up and sees Strowman standing over them
- Lesnar stands up and the pair stare down
- No words are said, the young wrestler Lesnar was talking to tries to get between them but is thrown aside before WWE officials manage to break up the staredown

(rating: 68)

Back in the Ring
- Mustafa Ali and Mansoor are in the ring
- They have something to say about America
- For weeks they've listened to Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn talk bad about America
- Ali says he's proud of his heritage, but he's also proud to be an American
- They're tired of listening to Owens and Zayn spit on the country that has given so much to

(rating: 62)

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. Mustafa Ali & Mansoor
In a good match, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn defeated Mustafa Ali and Mansoor in 13:12 when Kevin Owens pinned Mustafa Ali with a Pop-Up Powerbomb.

Mansoor was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

(rating: 66)

Match Announcement
- Bret Hart is in the Smackdown GM office
- Next week is the final Smackdown before WWE Bragging Rights, and Bret wants to make sure his team is ready
- He's going to book a 3v3 Smackdown v The Forgotten, if The Forgotten no show then they forfiet the WWE contracts waiting for them after Bragging Rights
- Finn Balor, Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano will face Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio

(rating: 61)

WWE Smackdown Women's Title: Carmella vs. Asuka
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Asuka defeated Carmella in 12:40 by DQ after interference from The Bloodline

(rating: 63)

Roman confronts Asuka
- The Bloodline have surrounded the ring as Roman Reigns enters and stands over Asuka
- There is no where for Asuka to go
- Paul Heyman says its time for Asuka to explain herself
- Asuka points to the WWE Smackdown Women's title and says she wants to make history and to do that... Becky Lynch has to be champion!
- Jey and Jimmy Uso rush into the ring to begin their attack on Asuka!
- But Roman Reigns stops them

(rating: 89)

A Challenge!
- Jimmy Uso has had enough, he's shouting and pushing Roman Reigns..!
- Jimmy Uso says he's lost all respect in Roman Reigns
- It's time for a change at the head of the table
- Roman glares at Jimmy and then demands a referee
- If Jimmy wants to challenge for the head of the table he better be prepared for the consequences

(rating: 83)

Roman Reigns vs. Jimmy Uso
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Roman Reigns defeated Jimmy Uso in 18:03 by submission with a Guillotine Choke.

(rating: 72)

The Bloodline
- After the match Roman Reigns demands Jey Uso roll Jimmy Uso out of the ring
- Jey hesitates but eventually rolls his brother out of the ring
- Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Paul Heyman stand in the ring, watching Jimmy Uso walk away with his tail tucked between his legs

(rating: 86)

Overall Rating: 67

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Erik vs. Seth Rollins
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Seth Rollins defeated Erik in 13:07 by pinfall with a Curb Stomp.

- Michael Cole and Pat McAfee have really clicked as a commentary team
- McAfee was delighted the show was kicking off with Seth Rollins

(rating: 64)

- The ring has been transformed for Logancast
- Logan Paul introduces his special guest... CODY RHODES!
- Cody and Logan talk about Cody's team as General Manager of RAW
- Cody says it has been difficult, he realises now just how precious every moment IN the ring is
- Cody talks about the RAW v Smackdown v The Forgotten match at WWE Bragging rights
- He announces his RAW Team: Bill Goldberg, Bianca Belair, Seth Rollins and... if he accepts... Logan Paul
- Logan Paul looks delighted, but wonders... he has doubts that RAW can win with Seth Rollins in the team
- Logan says that Rollins seems to be spending more time on his clothes set than his move sets lately
- Logan knows a thing a too about fashion and... Seth Rollins isn't it
- Seth Rollins' music plays
- Everyone is standing up inside the ring now
- Rollins displays his fashion and says even after a fight he's still looking better than ever
- Logan Paul scoffs at Rollins beating a Viking Cosplayer
- Cody tries to calm the pair down, saying they need to work together for one night to help RAW beat Smackdown
- Rollins says maybe he'll just lie down so Cody gets fired
- Logan laughs and thanks Rollins for admitting he's naturally born to lose
- Rollins and Logan Paul go face-to-face

(rating: 65)

Chatshow Segments never end well...
- Logancast set is trashed as Rollins and Logan Paul brawl 
- Eventually WWE officials break it up

(rating: 60)

Talking on the phone
- The camera catches David Otunga talking on the phone
- Otunga covers the camera with his hand and walks away

(rating: 17)

Odyssey Jones vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
In a terrible match, Odyssey Jones defeated Scotty 2 Hotty in 3:05 by pinfall with a Falling Powerslam.

- Commentary team are delighted to see Scotty 2 Hotty
- They congratulate Scotty on a great career and mention that he's on a retirement tour
- In truth his match bombed
- Scotty 2 Hotty has been away too long and has litle name value
- Odyssey Jones is too new and fresh
- Crowd didn't care at all

(rating: 13)

- After the match MVP climbs into the ring with Damon Kemp
- MVP talks about his new venture... APEX
- He says he's taken established stars to the top with Hurt Business, now its time to prove he's the greatest manager in professional wrestling by taking rookies to the top... TO THE APEX... of the business
- MVP talks about Odyssey Jones... 6 foot 5 inches of explosive power, a man that NXT were afraid to book as he'd destory their roster
- Next is Damon Kemp... 6ft of Freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling champion
- While Otunga and Titus have been playing their little games, MVP has been out and recruited two of the best prospects in NXT
- With all their business affairs taken care of there's only one thing for Apex to focus on and that's complete and utter dominiation of the WWE for the next decade

(rating: 42)

It's a New Day
- Kofi and Xavier are backstage playing video games with R-Truth
- R-Truth doesn't seem interested
- Truth is still thinking about what Apollo and Otunga said
- Xavier says to forget about that, those guys just running their mouths off
- Kofi says everyone knows who the real Truth is
- Truth still doesn't seem sure and wonders if he knows who the real Truth is anymore
- Xavier says why doesn't Truth join him and Kofi for a 3-Man Tag match tonight?
- Kofi agrees and says a few NXT hopefuls had asked for someone to fight against, it would be a great chance for R-Truth to go out there and have fun

(rating: 54)

R-Truth & The New Day vs. Dave Mastiff, Gibson and Drew Gulak
In a decent match, Dave Mastiff, Gibson and Drew Gulak defeated R-Truth and The New Day in 11:23 when Dave Mastiff pinned R-Truth with a Cannonball after a distraction from David Otunga.

- David Otunga grabbed R-Truth's leg as he bounced off the ropes for his spinning axe kick
- Truth turned to see who it was and that was enough for Dave Mastiff...
- Otunga left laughing on his way back up the ramp

(rating: 58)

Backstage with Bobby Lashley
- Lashley is having a sit down interview
- He talks about The Last Man Standing match against Sheamus tonight
- Lashley says he's the greatest pure wrestler in the WWE today, but when it comes to an all out fight... that might suit Sheamus
- But Lashley knows there's no one with the drive and determination to win that he has, when he sets his goals he achieves
- Lashley says that Becky Lynch should take this week to prepare for their match at WWE Bragging Rights as Sheamus' attacks over the last few weeks have lit a fire within

(rating: 79)

The Imperium
- The Imperium (Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, Azeez and Giovanni Vinci) are in the ring
- Ludwig reminds everyone that there is nothing more sacred to the Imperium than the ring, than the fight
- Regretfully even The Imperium can forget their creed at times
- When that bell rings it is a battle, but a battle with respect and honour, not deciet and trickery
- Ludwig says that the attacks by members of The Imperium during Rex Steiner's matches are out of character and they wish to apologise

(rating: 48)

Imperium Apologise
- Gunther takes the microphone from Ludwig and says he hopes Rex Steiner accepts this apology
- Gunther than turns and hits a furious burning lariat on Azeez
- Gunther takes his belt off and starts to whip Azeez
- Ludwig says that each lashing is an apology owed to Rex Steiner for The Imperium breaking their own creed
- Do you accept, Rex? 
- Do you accept?
- We have failed you. We have failed ourselves. We are the greatest wrestlers in all of Europe. We do not need to cheat
- Gunther pushes Azeez out of the ring with the sole of his boot
- Gunther says that from this moment on the real for...

(rating: 56)

- Steiner's music plays interrupting Gunther
- Steiner is bombing it down to the ring
- The Imperium scatter and are now surrounding the ring
- Steiner has the mic and says he's ready to kick their asses all the way back to Europe
- He doesn't care about some stupid creed
- Just as it looks like The Imperium are all going to enter the ring, Guther orders them back
- Eventually he sends Ludwig into the ring
- Guther says to prove their honesty The Imperium will stand at ringside and will not interfere if Rex fights Ludwig now


Rex Steiner vs. Ludwig Kaiser
In a decent match, Rex Steiner defeated Ludwig Kaiser in 13:05 by submission with a Steiner Recliner.

(rating: 60)

The Truth is...
- David Otunga is still having a little chuckle to himself when the cameras catch him in the manager's changing room
- Otunga looks at the camera and says the truth is R-Truth is finished and he'll never win again

(rating: 29)

Twisted Sisters
- Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan are in the ring
- Alexa is back to her darker, twisted looking self
- Liv Morgan looks like the corpse bride
- Alexa is happy that she can be her true self again, happy to look and act how she wants and not some tinkerbell image pushed upon her
- Liv smiles and says that's the freedom and power that Bray Wyatt gives to people, he allows you to be free, to be the person you want to be
- Liv says that being part of the family is an empowering feeling
- Alexa says that while it has been empowering for them, they know the pain Bray Wyatt is going through, as he continues to rebuild himself, continues to search for the parts of him he has last over the years
- They want to repay Bray in any way they can and believe the WWE Women's World Tag Titles could be part of the solution

(rating: 73)

Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan vs. Emilia McKenzie and Charli Evans
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan defeated Emilia McKenzie and Charli Evans in 13:25 when Liv Morgan pinned Emilia McKenzie.

In terms of in-ring work, Alexa Bliss was head and shoulders above everyone else.

- The match was slow paced and aimed at giving the crowd some rest
- Emilia McKenzie and Charli Evans work well as a tag team, they've worked as The Medusa Effect on the indie scene for a number of years

(rating: 45)

Toxic Attraction
- As Alexa and Liv celebrate Toxic Attraction's music plays
- Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jaybe confidentaly make their way to the ring
- Mandy Rose looks at Alexa and Liv with contempt
- Mandy asks if Alexa and Liv are really happy... looking like that
- Gigi says they look like rejects from The Craft
- Jacy agrees and says they should watch better movies anyway... like Clueless
- Mandy says she preferred it when Alexa and Liv looked like wannabe hers, but can understand why they gave up since it was always going to be a failed attempt at perfection

- This segment could have been so much better if Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne hadn't blown their speaking parts, they really struggled without a script

(rating: 50)

Toxic Attack-tion
- Toxic Attraction attack Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan! 
- Mandy is laughing and says its time to take out the freaks
- Just when it looks like Toxic Attraction are going to seriously hurt Alexa and Liv...
- Toxic Attraction leave the ring and quickly exit up the ramp

(rating: 52)

Bianca Remembers
- Bianca helps Alexa and Liv to their feet
- She says she hasn't forgotten what happened last week between her and Toxic Attraction
- Bianca has had to put up with bullies all her life and there's one thing that's never changed... they always try to out number the victim
- Well there's 3 women in the ring now and 3 cowards backing up in the ramp... do you still want to fight?!

(rating: 53)

Interview with Sheamus
- Sheamus is backstage for his sit-down interview
- He's poured himself a pint
- Sheamus says that Bobby Lashley has taken this Last Man Standing match tonight too lately
- He's split his focus between the past, present and future
- He's still thinking about losing to Roman Reigns, fighting me tonight and fighting Becky Lynch on Saturday
- Sheamus says that the only thing Lashley is gonna remember after tonight is feeling sorry for himself for ever accepting the fight in the first place
- Sheamus says he should be the #1 contender as he's not afraid to give anyone a good rumble... even Becky Lynch
- He knows Lynch, he's wrestled around the world with her, trained wtih her, he knows she's another one of the lads at heart and that's why he'll beat her at WWE Bragging Rights
- Everyone else will go softly softly on the wee lass, but she's tougher and meaner than most of the fellas in the locker room
- Sheamus says once Lashley is sat down for 10 tonight, he's got a big leather boot ready with Lynch's name on it

(rating: 70)

- The lights go off in the areana and when they come back on Bray Wyatt is sat in the ring on an old familiar rocking chair
- He says to dim the lights as his mind is swirling, there's something in there looking for answers but they can't see the fireflys that lead the way home
- The lights go off and a single spot light remains on Wyatt
- That's better
- Bray says he's been watching, while the empire has been falling
- Without even getting involved you're starting to lose your way, Roman. But, I hope... I hope you never fall down the rabbit hole like I have. When you strip a person of their identity it leave nothing behind, not even bones. I wouldn't wish that upon you, even if you carried it on me
- For you see... you've shown me something, Roman, you've shown me that family is important... The Bloodline... and while yours seems to be becoming a little weaker... mine is growing a little stronger. 
- Already Lily and Abigail have returned, two lost parts of me from life times ago, I think
- Maybe soon my family will grow again... and won't that be fun
- But Roman, I do wonder... I do wonder... did you miss me? 

(rating: 78)

Last Man Standing Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Sheamus
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Bobby Lashley defeated Sheamus in a Last Man Standing match in 28:28 when Sheamus could not beat a ten count after a Spear.

- In a 30 minute rumble that went around the arean and through the crowd Lashley finally came out on top
- Lashley suffered a broken nose but that perhaps only added to the drama
- Sheamus continued to become frustrated at Lashley's refusal to stay down

(rating: 64)

Final Rating: 70

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5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center, CT

Brock Lesnar vs. Jigsaw
In a decent match, Brock Lesnar defeated Jigsaw in 7:17 by pinfall with a F-5.

- Smackdown kicks off with Brock Lesnar's music
- Jigsaw, former CHIKARA and TNA wrestler, is already in the ring after the off-screen jobber's entrance

(rating: 68)

Power Moves
- Brock is celebrating in the ring when Braun Strowman of The Forgotten appears from the crowd
- Strowman slowly enters the ring
- Lesnar and Strowman stare down each other, waiting for the other to blink first... they're due to fight at WWE Bragging Rights
- Strowman picks up Jigsaw... AND LARIAT!!!! Strowman destroys Jigsaw
- Lesnar walks over, helps Jigsaw up and pats him down a little... LARIAT!!!! Lesnar hits an even bigger lariat
- Strowman hits a powerbomb on Jigsaw
- Lesnar tries to one up with a powerbomb of his own
- Its a back-and-forth show of power on poor Jigsaw by Lesnar and Strowman
- Eventually the WWE officials, trainers and EMTs stop the competition and attend Jigsaw

- Crowd were loving it, cheering each move and chanting 'one more time'
- Both Lesnar and Strowman came away looking good here
- Jigsaw underperformed with some goofy looking selling

(rating: 59)

Beasts Brawl
- Without Jigsaw to distract them Lesnar and Strowman start to brawl in the ring!
- The refs scatter out of the ring before they finally regroup to try and seperate the brawl behemoths apart

(rating: 70)

Ricochet vs. Reggie
In a decent match, Ricochet defeated Reggie in 7:40 by pinfall with a 630° Splash.

This match was part of the 'Cruiserweight Title' tournament.

- A wonderful high spots focused match between two of the best high flyers in the WWE
- Ricochet is now 3 wins out of 3, while Reggie is 0 for 3. 

(rating: 65)

Thank you, Smackdown
- The screech of a guitar... its Bret Hart!
- The Smackdown General Manager makes his way to the ring
- He wants to take this time to thank the Smackdown roster and fans for an enjoyable couple of months
- Bret doesn't know what will happen at Bragging Rights, he has faith in his team, but if they lose and he has to quit as General Manager he just wants to make sure everybody knows he's grateful
- There's a few 'Goldberg' chants, which Bret acknowledges
- Haha yeah maybe not everybody

(rating: 70)

Chad Gable vs. Angel Garza
In a decent match, Angel Garza defeated Chad Gable in 8:57 by pinfall with a Wing Clipper.

This match was part of the 'Cruiserweight Title' tournament.

- Someone must had told these guys to go out there and steal the show
- They wrestled with pace and conviciton with a great blend of technical wrestling and luchalibre
- This puts Chad Gable at 0:3 and Angle Garza at 3:0

(rating: 66)

Asuka Time
- Asuka is in the ring after the break
- She has something to say to Roman Reigns and Becky Lynch
- History is fleeting and often forgotten, but no one will forget when The Empress becomes the first person in WWE history to beat Becky Lynch to become the ultimate WWE Champion

(rating: 82)

Paige has other ideas
- Paige is on a balcony within the crowd
- A spotlight has picked her out
- Hey Oscar... OSCAH
- The only history you'll be making is as footnote in the WWE Annual as the person that lost the WWE Smackdown Women's title to ME at Bragging Rights
- Asuka laughs and points at Paige
- Asuka asks Paige if she wants this, pointing at the WWE Smackdown Women's title
- Is that OK with your doctor? 

(rating: 72)

#1 Contender's Match (IC): Mansoor vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Theory vs. Ezekiel
In a decent match, Mansoor defeated Dolph Ziggler, Theory and Ezekiel in 16:43 when Mansoor pinned Ezekiel with a roll up.

- The commentary team recapped the events between Ziggler, Theory and Ezekiel thinking they're the best to face off against Shinsuke Nakamura
- They also mentioned that Mansoor had been handpicked by Nakamura for tonight's match as he had been training with Shinsuke lately and impressed
- The story of the match was between Ziggler, Theory and Ezekiel focusing on each other, distracting, and breaking up pinfalls between the three
- Mansoor managed a few pot shots and stayed fresh
- Fresh enough to steal a roll up pin on Ezekiel after Ziggler and Theory brawled out of the ring!

(rating: 57)

The Bloodline
- The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey Uso and Paul Heyman) are sitting backstage somewhere
- Deadly silence
- Jey Uso goes to talk several times but is stopped by Heyman without a word
- Eventually Roman speaks
- You understand why I did what I did
- Jey Uso nods
- Roman says Jimmy dared challenge the tribal chief, a challenge on his leadership is a fight
- Roman says Jimmy is lucky he was family or he wouldn't have been able to walk again
- Jey Uso nods
- Heyman speaks up
- My Tribal Chief what are your wishes? How can I serve you in regaining the titles that are rightfully yours?
- Roman shakes his head
- Nah, this is something I have to do. This is family. 
- Roman stands up and leaves Jey Uso and Paul Heyman sitting

- Roman Reigns was fantastic and looked intense throughout

(rating: 84)

More Forgotten?
- Edge is somewhere backstage with the rest of The Forgotten
- He's talking about his team at WWE Bragging Rights to face the RAW and Smackdown team
- Edge says there's still two people missing, but #DIY are in the tag title match; Braun is fighting Brock; and Paige is now in the WWE Smackdown Women's title match... so who could it be?
- Edge smiles broadly
- That's the problem... you've already forgotten about them. Wrestlers you once cheered, nothing but a fleeting after thought in your fickle minds
- I'M GLAD Stephanie McMahon is going to throw WWE Contracts at us, it means we can't be held liable for injuring anyone in that ring once they're signed
- If we lose and we're banned from the WWE? What do we care... WE'RE ALREADY FORGOTTEN! ALREADY REMOVED FROM THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MINDS
- Hell maybe we'll just have to get even more creative to get your attention again
- Bragging Rights will belong to The Forgotten... and soon so will all you hold dear

(rating: 71)

I'm Happy too
- Drew McIntyre's music plays
- He's in the ring looking at Edge on the Titantron
- Edge, if you could wrestle as well as you talk shit, you'd have been the greatest champion the WWE had ever seen
- But you know what, lad, I'm glad you'll get a WWE contract, too. I'm glad I'll be able to knock your block off every week
- You think you missed wrestling before, well I can think of a few others you can begin to miss when Angela starts swinging...
- Edge shouts back at McIntyre
- Oh whats wrong? Did I upset you bringing up sad times in your life? Did I make you think about SOMEONE ELSE for a change? 
- You're just like all these 'fans', thinking about yourself
- I'll show you at Bragging Rights what out of mind looks like

(rating: 67)

AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio & Drew McIntyre vs. The Forgotten (Finn Balor, Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa)
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, AJ Styles, Drew McIntyre and Rey Mysterio defeated The Forgotten (Finn Bálor, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) in 19:32 when Drew McIntyre pinned Tommaso Ciampa with a Claymore Kick.

In terms of in-ring work, Finn Bálor was head and shoulders above everyone else.

- This match had it all, speed, high spots, technical back and forth and raw power

(rating: 74)

Mass Brawl
- As soon as the match finishes people seem to flood the ring from all corners
- El Hijo del Fantasma and Angel Garza run down the entrance ramp and start attack Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles
- Edge appears from the crowd and starts attacking Drew McIntyre with the help of Finn Balor

(rating: 66)

Overall Rating: 71

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- Seth Rollins has bulked up
- Jimmy Uso has left the WWE
- It would seems that Jey Uso has had his contract extended at some point
- Malakai Black won the PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2022
- Reports suggest Paul Heyman continues to work the lockerroom against AJ Styles with Nigel McGuinness and Tyson Kid both upset with Styles
- Charlotte Flair has quietly been removed from the WWE socials and active roster page

- NXT: Japan crowned its first champions this week at the NXT: J No Way to Escape 2022 Supershow
- Yuka Sakazaki defeated Act Yasukawa to become the NXT: J Queen fo the Ring
- Yuka Sakazaki left AEW to return home to Kanto, Japan with NXT: Japan
- Christopher Daniels defeated Funaki and Kikutaro to become the NXT: J Intercontinental champion
- Christopher Daniels also left his role at AEW to join NXT: Japan

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WWE Bragging Rights Card

WWE Undisputed Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Becky Lynch (c)
RAW v SD v The Forgotten:  Logan Paul, Bill Goldberg, Seth Rollins v Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio  v Edge, Finn Balor, ?
WWE Smackdown Women's Title: Paige vs. Carmella vs. Bayley vs. Asuka (c)
WWE World Tag Titles: #DIY v Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn v Street Profits (c)
WWE IC Title: Mansoor vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (c)
Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
Fight Pit Match: Riddle vs Randy Orton

WWE Bragging Rights was originally set up as a RAW vs Smackdown event, but over the last few months has evolved into personal grudges across the brands, as well as an end to Edge's Forgotten interrupting shows. 

WWE Undisputed Title - Bobby Lashley vs. Becky Lynch (c)
It took Lashley two months of trying to finally get his title shot against Roman Reigns, having won the Money in the Bank and a number one contender's shot on RAW. However, his challenges were often ruined by The Bloodline's protection of Roman Reigns, which led to a Cage Match between the pair at Clash of Champions. The match ended in a draw after Bobby Lashley speared himself and Roman Reigns through the side of the cage. 

Lashley cashed in his MITB briefcase to restart the match, but halfway through another MITB winner Becky Lynch appeared cashing in HER MITB briefcase. The referee unsure what to do allowed it and Lynch picked up the win to gain both the WWE Title and the WWE Universal Title to alongside the WWE RAW Women's Title she had won earlier in the night. Lynch faced Roman Reigns on RAW two weeks later, picking up a win after Asuka interferred and distracted Reigns from winning. Lynch had promised Asuka a title shot for ALL THE TITLES after her fights with Reigns and Lashley. 

RAW v SD v The Forgotten - Team RAW (Logan Paul, Bill Goldberg, Seth Rollins) v Team Smackdown (Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio)  v The Forgotten (Edge, Finn Balor, ?)
When Vince McMahon left the WWE in July a new WWE Board of Directors was formed, a board that wanted to renew a focus on a Brand v Brand battle. Part of that was hiring two new General Managers; Cody Rhodes was appointed RAW General Manager, while Bret Hart was appointed Smackdown General Manager. Both GMs promised to deliver something different and be the best show in the WWE. A new event, WWE Bragging Rights, was introduced into the calendar where RAW and Smackdown wrestlers would fight each other to secure bragging rights for their brand. 

However, a disgruntled Edge returned, angry and bitter at being forgotten and booed by the WWE fans over the last decade or so due to injury. There were others also bitter at the WWE fans and their fickle nature - Finn Balor, Braun Strowman, Paige, Johnny Gargano and Ciampa. Wrestlers that had either suffered long term injuries or had been released by the WWE. Together they became known as The Forgotten. The main target of the ire was Drew McIntyre -- the Chosen One -- as someone who had came back to WWE with open arms. Drew resented the claim, saying he had to work hard after being released to regain his confidence and love for wrestling until the WWE asked HIM to return. 

Eventually, Stephanie McMahon decided to offer WWE contracts to The Forgotten under one condition... they agreed to compete at WWE Bragging Rights against the RAW and Smackdown teams. Meanwhile, both RAW and Smackdown GMs have agreed to step down from their roles if their team doesn't win. If The Forgotten win, both GMs could end up stepping down and Edge could become the #1 Contender for the WWE Title, while Finn Balor could become #1 Contender for the WWE Universal title. 

WWE Smackdown Women's Title - Paige vs. Carmella vs. Bayley vs. Asuka (c)
The Smackdown Women's title remains the only top WWE title not around Becky Lynch's waist, however she already has her sights on it. Lynch challenged Asuka to a title match, Asuka agreed under one condition -- ALL THE TITLES WERE ON THE LINE. If Asuka can come through this 4-Way match the winner, she could be in line to face Becky Lynch in one of the most important matches in WWE history. First Asuka must face Bayley and Carmella, who have been feuding ever since Bayley's return.

Carmella is furious that Bayley has seemingly ghosted while injured and upon her return. Bayley however is keen to make up for lost time and regain a Women's Title. Then there's Paige, a member of The Forgotten, who has returned from a long term career ending injury. Could she win her first match since returning to the ring to claim the WWE Smackdown Women's Title?

WWE World Tag Titles - #DIY vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. The Street Profits (c)
A 3-way tag team battle for the World Tag Titles. #DIY were added after Edge agreed all of The Forgotten would compete at Bragging Rights if WWE contracts were offered. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn won a number one contender's match on Smackdown, where the pair defeated AJ Styles & Rey Mysterio. In recent months Sami and Owens have been loud about their dislike for America, which has gained them a lot of enemes in the locker room, but also some friends in Legado del Fantasma (El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza and Ultimo Ninja) who have taken an exception to the Americanised Luchadors like Rey Mysterio and Ultimo Dragon within the WWE.

WWE IC Title - Mansoor vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (c)
A late addition to WWE Bragging Rights. Mansoor won the 4-way #1 Contenders match on Friday's Smackdown, defeating Ezekiel, Theory and Dolph Ziggler who have all been competing for Nakamura's attention and a title shot. Mansoor was handpicked for the #1 contender's match on Smackdown after training with Shinsuke and impressing him. Few would have thought the young high flyer from Saudi Arabia would have won, will people think that again tonight?

Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
Lesnar has been a target of The Forgotten since day one, with Edge putting Lesnar out of action of a number of weeks with brutal chair shots to the ankles. Edge wanted to remove all the part-time wrestlers coasting along from the WWE, believing their were benefitting from all the years he ground his body to the bone. Just as Lesnar returned and looked to get his hands on Edge... a new member of The Forgotten appeared... Braun Strowman. Lesnar and Strowman have clashed whenever they've crossed paths. 

This is going to be a battle of two big meat slappers. 

Fight Pit Match - Riddle vs Randy Orton
Ever since the WWE Draft in July Randy Orton and Riddle have been at each other's throats. Riddle believes Orton broke the bro code, by ditching the tag team to seek the WWE Title. At Summerslam Riddle cost Orton the ladder match against Lashey for the Money in the Bank contract. Since then Orton has been stalking and attacking Riddle on RAW, much to the dismay of both Cody Rhodes and Bret Hart. Unable to control Orton, Bret worked with Cody to set up a match between Riddle and Orton, which Orton won. This prompted Riddle to start to attack Orton and now the pair will fight again, but this time in a Fight Pit. 

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WWE Bragging Rights
25,000 @ Tropicana Field, FL

- The Rock is here at Bragging Rights!!
- Finally... THE ROCK... HAS COME BACK... 
- ... nah, nah, wait a minute, wait a minute... The Rock ain't gonna lie to The Millions and Millions
- We're in Florida, The Rocks home state, and Poppa H - that's what all you kids call him now, right? Poppa H. 
- Crazy to think that this guy is in charge now, the same guy that used to go around telling everyone to suck his little sledgehammer
- Haha The Rock jokes, you know I love you
- The Rock isn't back, just a visit to say hello. The Rock is a movie star now, and a parent, and The Rock is old... yeah The Rock knows he still looks great
- Anyway The Rock thought he'd stop by, have a little fun, and congratulate Becky Lynch on beat The Rock's little cousin Roman Reigns

(rating: 71)

Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Brock Lesnar drew with Braun Strowman in 10:17 following a double count out.

- This was a wild brawl of powerful meat. Nothing more and nothing less. 
- Several times the fight spilled outside of the ring and the final brawl ended up going through the crowd for a count-out
- Paige worked well with Braun

(rating: 75)

- The cameras are following The Rock backstage as he meets and greets people
- The Rock suddenly stops as he comes face-to-face with Roman Reigns with Paul Heyman and Jey Uso 
- No words are spoken
- Then The Rock smiles, pats Roman on the back and carries on

(rating: 74)

Fight Pit: Riddle vs. Randy Orton
In an exceptional match, Riddle defeated Randy Orton in a Fight Pit match in 15:17 when Randy Orton was knocked out. During the match we also had Windham distract Orton.

- Orton went for the KO several times but Riddle was about to block or dodge
- Riddle went for the submission but Orton was able to power out of it
- Things were fairly even until a flickering of the lights and a firefly symbol that burned away to reveal Randy Orton's name appeared on the Titantron
- That distraction was enough for Riddle to hit a Shining Wizard

(rating: 74)

- After a small video package for the next WWE Event WWE Survivor Series we're backstage
- Riddle is returning to the locker room
- Theory and Logan Paul are talking to each other, they both see Riddle
- Brah
- Brah
- Braaaah

(rating: 72)

WWE IC Title: Mansoor vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (c)
In a decent match, Mansoor defeated Shinsuke Nakamura in 20:14 by pinfall with a quick roll up. Mansoor wins the WWE Intercontinental title.

- A little bit of storytelling in this one as Nakamura came closer and closer to the win
- Mansoor was able to kickout or ropebreak each and every time
- Eventually the usually calm Nakamura became frustrated and Mansoor was able to steal the win with a quick roll up

(rating: 59)

- Nakamura remains in the ring and hands over the IC title
- Mansoor and Nakamura shakehands before Shinsuke leaves the ring

(rating: 58)

Florida sucks
- Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens make their entrance as Bulls on Parade plays
- They wonder what that smell is
- Well, Kev, Florida is famous for being America's colon
- This segment kinda fell flat, perhaps the America sucks angle has ran its course

(rating: 42)

3-Way for the WWE World Tag Title: #DIY vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn vs. The Street Profits (c)
In a good match, #DIY defeated Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn and The Street Profits in 16:40 when Johnny Gargano pinned Angelo Dawkins with a Hurts Donut. #DIY win the WWE World Tag Team titles.

- This one wasn't as explosive as some might have expected
- It felt very much like a midcard cooler match
- Still some good spots with 3 very good tag teams

(rating: 63)

Video Package
- Recap of Carmella and Bayley's fued
- Recap of Paige's return
- Recap of Asuka's need to keep hold of the WWE Smackdown Women's title so she can face Becky Lynch for ALL THE GOLD

(rating: 60)

Lynch talks about Lashley
- A pre-recorded interview plays showing Becky Lynch sitting down talking about fight with Bobby Lashley
- Lynch says that Lashley is one of the hardest working wrestlers in the business
- But she knows he'll under estimate her, just as most people have done throughout her career
- Nobody expected Lynch to cash-in her MITB briefcase to win the WWE and WWE Universal titles
- Make no mistakes, she's going to leave WWE Bragging Rights with the titles

(rating: 71)

WWE Smackdown Women's Title: Paige vs. Carmella vs. Bayley vs. Asuka (c)
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Asuka defeated Carmella, Bayley and Paige in 17:17 when Asuka pinned Carmella with a Spin Kick. Asuka makes defence number one of the WWE SmackDown Women's title.

- Asuka and Bayley clearly the two best in the ring
- Paige's prolonged absence really shared as she was really off her game

(rating: 67)

Lashley talks about Lynch
- A pre-recorded interview plays showing Bobby Lashley sitting down talking about his fight with Becky Lynch
- Lashley's nose is set after it was broken by Sheamus on RAW
- Lashley says he has mixed feelings about fighting a woman, perhaps Sheamus was right
- But the end of the day this is business and this is for the WWE and WWE Universal titles
- There's a reason he's the almighty and that has the power to overcome
- While it won't be pretty he promises to make it a short and swift fight at WWE Bragging Rights

(rating: 74)

How could you forget...
- Edge is in the ring with Finn Balor
- Edge says he promised another forgotten soul to be their partner tonight
- How could you forget about one of the most dominate, twisted forces in NXT
- Time is a cruel mistress
- Karrion Kross and Scarlet make their entrance from the crowd!
- Karrion Kross says the sands of fate can sometimes trickle in strange ways
- He's here to erase the memories of pain 

(rating: 67)

Logan Paul, Bill Goldberg & Seth Rollins (Team RAW) vs. Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles & Rey Mysterio (Team Smackdown) vs. Edge, Finn Balor & Karrion Kross (The Forgotten)
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Logan Paul, Bill Goldberg and Seth Rollins defeated Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio and Edge, Finn Bálor and Karrion Kross in 18:37; the order of elimination was Edge, Finn Bálor and Karrion Kross first, and then Drew McIntyre, AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio.

Karrion Kross was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

- Paige and Scarlett did some great work ringside 
- Karrion Kross struggled and didn't really look on the same level as everyone else
- Bill Goldberg was managed well and was used in small bursts with long rests
- Rey Msterio sadly seemed off his game with a few blown spots

(rating: 71)

Main Event Hype Video

(rating: 71)

WWE and WWE Universal Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Becky Lynch (c)
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Becky Lynch defeated Bobby Lashley in 24:55 by pinfall with a Pumphandle Slam. Becky Lynch makes defence number two of the WWE title. Becky Lynch makes defence number two of the WWE Universal title. Becky Lynch makes defence number one of the WWE Undisputed.

- Lashley came out of the blocks strong and fast, looking to end it quickly
- Lynch however was able to survive the onslaught and drag the match longer than Lashley had expected
- Lynch used her superior cardio to her advantage
- The one time it looked like Lashley was about to gain a pinfall, Asuka appeared and distracted the referee and Bobby Lashley by sliding her WWE Smackdown Women's title into the ring and underneath the ref's hand as it was counting the pinfall
- The match went outside the ring for a while, where Bobby Lashley speared Becky Lynch through the timekeeper barriers
- The ref begane a 10 count, which Lashley interrupted
- Sadly, outside of the spot moments the parts in between just didn't work
- A mix of Lashley's broken nose and a terrible chemistry between Lashley and Lynch really threw the entire performance off

(rating: 55)

- Becky Lynch remains in the ring celebrating with the WWE, WWE Universal and WWE RAW Women's Title
- Roman Reigns' music plays as he begins to make his way down to the ring with Jey Uso, he's loaded up in the Superman Punch!
- THE ROCK quickly runs in from behind and spins Jey Uso around hitting The Rock Bottom!
- The Rock and Roman brawl
- Becky Lynch watches on from in the ring

(rating: 70)

Overall Rating: 63

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5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center, CT

Team RAW Celebrate
- Show opens in the RAW General Manager's office
- Cody Rhodes, Bill Goldberg, Logan Paul and Seth Rollins are celebrating RAW's victory at WWE Bragging Rights
- Cody says he never doubted his guys, he knew they'd be able to work together and prove RAW is the best brand
- They crack some tins together
- Seth Rollins crashes his can into Logan Paul's a little too hard, causing some splash back
- Seth apologises, Oh, I'm sorry, did I get some beer on your designer tracksuit. Oh well, at least its nothing too expensive
- Logan Paul is wearing his own label. 

(rating: 80)

Logan Paul was wrong...
- Logan laughs it off and says he was wrong about losing with Seth in the team
- He says they won despite Seth being in the team
- Goldberg and Logan Paul laugh
- Seth is fuming, oh you think that's funny, Logan Paul? Mr. Youtuber. Chuckle chuckle chuckle. You've been in this business two minutes, if it wasn't for me doing all the heavy lifting for father time over there and you, we'd have lost
- Cody tries to calm them down
- Logan Paul asks then why is he so good, if he's only been here two minutes
- Oh you think you're good, seth asks, how come you can never beat me

(rating: 67)

Lashley calls out Sheamus
- Bobby Lashley's music plays
- Sheamus... did you really think I'd forget you broke my nose last week? Let's do this again
- Sheamus' music plays
- Big fella, I thought you'd never ask

(rating: 74)

Bobby Lashley vs. Sheamus
In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Bobby Lashley defeated Sheamus in 15:14 by stoppage when Sheamus was injured and could not continue.

- Both wrestlers went all out and really played it to each other's strengths
- In the end a furious Bobby Lashley picked up a win after a number of brutal forearms to Sheamus' face caused the ref to stop it

(rating: 82)

- The Viking Experience, Ivar and Erik are talking
- I sense it upon the winds of time, a calling, a beacon, a herald from Odin himself 
- Yes, brother, I sense it, too -- a raid. Gold to be pillaged and return to Midgar
- Titus O'Neil is sitting in the background looking a little confused. He finally approaches them
- I couldn't help you two talk about seeking out gold
- Erik and Ivar turn to Titus
- We are Vikings, we live to seek out glory and loot
- We will not st...
- Titus stops them and asks
- Have you ever thought about the United States title...

(rating: 46)

General Manager's Office
- Cody Rhodes is still in the RAW GM's office
- Gable Steveson and Apollo Crews enter
- Ah gentlemen, good to see you. I saw the news that you're going to be in an MMA fight soon, Gable
- Gable nods
- Yeah, I'm that damn good
- Cody nods
- Sure, sure, but that means you'll be away for a bit and won't be able to defend the WWE US Title for a while
- Apollo says he'll defend it in Gable's absence
- Cody doesn't look too sure
- Cody says he'll think about that, but for now, Gable will defend it every week until Gable leaves for his camp... you know, to build up some credit in case he can't defend it every 30 days while he's away
- Cody says he had some real nice Vikings in here just before asking about gold... 

(rating: 52)

WWE US Title: Ivar vs. Gable Steveson (c)
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Gable Steveson defeated Ivar in 13:01 by pinfall. Gable Steveson makes defence number eight of the WWE United States title.

- Gable Steveson was really off his game
- ... IVAR can wrestle!

(rating: 52)

The Truth is still sad
- The New Day and R-Truth are hanging out backstage
- Woods says that last week was a tough loss
- Kofi says that this week, they'll be on the look out for Otunga
- The Truth gives a deflated 'yay'
- Woods tries to cheer him up
- C'mon Truth, we believe in you, get out there and give them some King moves from Tekken or something
- Truth says Tekken? Tekken? Man. You clownin' me? Do I look like I wear a Tiger Mask? 

(rating: 65)

I'm not a Bully
- Toxic Attraction are in the ring
- Mandy Rose says Bianca's words last week really upset her, she can't imagine what kind of spiteful person would go out of their way and call someone a bully like that on national TV
- Gigi and Jacy react disgusted
- Mandy says that there are some sick people in this business, sick precious people ready to tear down those they're envious of

(rating: 56)

Apollo Crews vs. R-Truth
In a decent match, Apollo Crews defeated R-Truth in 12:31 by pinfall with a Standing Moonsault after a distraction from David Otunga.

- The New Day came to the ring with R-Truth
- R-Truth reluctantly put on a Tiger mask as he walked down to the ring
- BE LIKE KING The New Day Shouted
- The New Day chased Otunga away from ring side, but the chase distracted Truth

(rating: 60)

The Fortunate Ones video
- a short video plays hyping the arrival of 'The Fortunate Ones'
- It appears that Saurav and Rinku have been teamed up with a new gimmick
- Gone is the really badly dated Indian stereotype
- Instead they're just themselves
- The video has a voice over from the pair explaining their background as a TV star in India and as the first Indian to play AA Baseball in America
- They recognise that their fame and fortune has been a blessing
- They'll be coming to RAW soon to try and prove their can be WWE wrestlers too

(rating: 37)

Queen Zelina
- Queen Zelina is in the ring
- She is ready to get that WWE RAW Women's Title and isn't afraid of anyone
- Raquel Rodriquez, a powerhose of a woman, comes to the ring

(rating: 52)

Queen Zelina vs. Raquel Rodriguez
In a decent match, Raquel Rodriguez defeated Queen Zelina in 8:30 by pinfall with a Chingona Bomb.

(rating: 61)

The Imperium
- After the break The Imperium are in the ring
- Ludwig says it is time for another showcase of superior European wrestling
- Tonight Giovanni will wrestle against a young hopeful from NXT
- Gunther stands silently and imposing
- Rex Steiner's music plays as he walks around the ring and sits at the annouce table

(rating: 52)

Giovanni Vinci vs Traevon Jordan
In a terrible match, Giovanni Vinci defeated Traevon Jordan in 8:18 by pinfall with a Frog Splash.

- Rex Steiner was on commentary talking about The Imperium, European Wrestling and American Wrestling
- Giovanni Vinci and Traevon Jordan didn't seem to click and made for an awkward bout
- This match was pretty dull and easily the toilet break match of the night

(rating: 42)

Steiner is tired of The Imperium
- After the match Rex Steiner leaves the announce table and grabs a mic
- Ludwig holds up hand
- Gunther stands unphased, starring at Rex Steiner
- Ludwig says my my my so shouty, so unreserved. Very much like American Wrestling, such a spec...
- Gunther takes the microphone
- If we fight, it will be a contest of ability and skill. One I do not think you are ready for. Pure wrestling. 
- Gunther gives the signal for The Imperium to leave

(rating: 48)

Special Smackdown Announcement
- A video plays for this week's Smackdown
- It will be a special Smackdown in honor of Bret Hart, live from Calgari, Alberta

(rating: 57)

Liv Morgan, Alexa Bliss & Bianca Belair vs. Toxic Attraction (Mandy Rose, Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin)
In a decent match, Toxic Attraction (Jacy Jayne, Gigi Dolin and Mandy Rose) defeated Liv Morgan, Alexa Bliss and Bianca Belair in 9:59 when Mandy Rose submitted Liv Morgan after blatantly cheating.

In terms of in-ring work, Bianca Belair was head and shoulders above everyone else. Jacy Jayne was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

(rating: 57)

The Bloodline
- The Bloodline are in their private room
- Roman Reigns says its time to show the world just how deep the blood runs
- He introduces two new members of the Bloodline; Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu
- Heyman praises the Tribal Chief's wisdom 
- Jey Uso says great, great
- Roman shoots him a look
- Roman says Solo and Jacob are going to be the new tag team going forward, the Samoan Hit Squad of the Bloodline to take over where Jey and Jimmy failed
- Jey looks like he's trying to keep his mouth shut
- Heyman asks what of the other member? 
- Roman says now isn't the time, but soon enough the Bloodline will be ready to conquer again... on all fronts

(rating: 71)

Logan Paul vs. Seth Rollins
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Seth Rollins defeated Logan Paul in 19:44 by count out.

- It looked as though Logan Paul was heeling it up a little during the match

(rating: 69)

- Seth Rollins mocks and gloats over Logan Paul's defeat as he makes his way back up the entrance way

(rating: 42)

I don't need a man
- Slap slap slap Pound Up Down Snap by The Deathset plays as Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring
- She pushes Seth Rollins out of the way as she passes him on the ramp
- Lynch looks furious
- Becky Lynch says she doesn't need anyone's help in or out of the ring
- She's the WWE Undisputed Champion
- It doesn't matter if you're The Rock or not, she doesn't need a man 'saving her'
- She says if Roman Reigns wanted to get in the ring with her again, she'd deal with him there and then... again

(rating: 87)

I'm no man
- Rhea Ripley's music plays
- Rhea stands at the top of the entrance way smiling
- She says she's no man, she's the destroyer of men, she's the one that sent the daughter of THE MAN packing her bags to go back home
- Rhea wants a title shot, she's tired of waiting
- Becky holds up the WWE RAW Women's Title and asks if Rhea wants this
- Rhea nods and licks her lips

(rating: 80)

Final Rating: 76

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WWE Smackdown: Bret Hart Appreciation Night
3,482 @ Stampede Corral

Bret Hart Appreciation
- Show cold opens with a tribute video to Bret Hart's career
- The classic 'Hero by Chad Kroeger' music is used as footage of Bret Hart's journey from Stampede Wrestling all the way through to WWE, WCW and back to WWE is shown
- Key moments include his victory over Yokozuna, his feud with Owen Hart, The Montreal Screwjob, Goldberg's kick to the head, Bret and HBK shaking hands and Bret's return to the WWE as Smackdown General Manager

(Rating: 73)

Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Drew McIntyre defeated Finn Bálor in 18:29 by pinfall with a Claymore Kick.

(rating: 61)

Bret Hart
- SCREEEEEEECH The Hitman's music plays
- Huge reaction
- Bret says that he's enjoyed his time in the WWE, as he's been able to work with wrestlers like Drew McIntyre and Finn Balor, two of his favourites
- He says its good to be back where it all started... The Stampede Corral that his Father Stu made famous all those years ago
- While tonight might be about Bret, Bret wants to make sure he thanks the right people and ties up some loose ends before he goes
- He's going to take this time to announce his retirement from professional wrestling on his terms, and not at the boot of Bill Goldberg
- So tonight The WWE Cruiserweight title will be decided as the top 5 contenders face off in a ladder match

(rating: 70)

I said I wouldn't do this...
- Bret asks Natalya to come down
- Bret says he said he wouldn't do this, but knows he owes Jim more than one, so... tonight Natalya will get a title shot against Asuka
- Natalya hugs Bret
- Bret says this ones for Jim, make him proud
(rating: 66)

... and just one more thing
- Bret goes on to talk about the last time he had to retire
- Some of the crowd start to chant Goldberg
- Yeah that's the one
- Bret says that sometimes people get ahead in life without being very good at things because they have the look
- But while what he's about to do is going to be one of the most dangerous things he's done in his life he has to do
- Bret calls out Goldberg
- Goldberg's music plays as he makes his way to the ring
- Bret Hart and Goldberg are in the ring, standing only a few meteres apart
- Goldberg looks pissed
- Bret says Goldberg made a name for himself by going on an amazing undefeated streak, dropping people on their heads and what not, but still an amazing achievement
- Goldberg snorts and shouts that's right
- Bret wonders if Goldberg could ever do that again, as well... one of the last things I did as a General Manager was talk to the WWE Board of Directors and I made a change to your contract
- Goldberg steps towards Bret
- Bret says that if Goldberg is ever defeated in a WWE ring, he'll be fired, forced to quit, forced to retire from the WWE
- Goldberg is right in Bret Hart's face
- Bret says it won't be a question of Who's NEXT? It'll be I'M NEXT as every young up and coming WWE wrestler out there will look to put the old grizzled Goldberg out to pasture and make name for himself
- It looks like Goldberg is going to attack Bret Hart..!

(rating: 73)

Goldberg attac...
- Just as Goldberg is about to attack Bret Hart, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens slide into the ring
- The attack Goldberg!!
- Kevin Owens puts Goldberg into a Sharpshooter!
- Bret Hart takes a step back
- The crowd are for Bret
- Bret Hart waves to the crowd as he leaves
- and gives one last pose at the entrance way
- Thank you Bret rings out across the crowd

(rating: 70)

Asuka Explains All
- Asuka is in the ring after the break
- SHe isn't happy she has to face Natalya tonight
- Asuka says she has worked hard to make sure she is the WWE Smackdown Women's Champion and Becky Lynch remains the WWE Undisputed Champion until Survivor Series
- Asuka wants to be the Empress of Wrestling and to do that Becky must remain champion, she will attack anyone who is facing Becky Lynch, just like she attacked Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns
- Soon the whole of the wrestling world will kneel to The Empress of Wrestling... ASUKA

(rating: 80)

WWE Smackdown Women's Title: Natalya vs. Asuka (c)
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Natalya defeated Asuka in 15:25 when Asuka intentionally got counted out.

- The story of this match was Natalya pushing Asuka to the edge a few times
- Some near pinfalls for Natlaya and a prolonged Sharpshooter which Asuka struggled to get a rope break from
- Eventually Asuka crawled out of the ring, grabbed her title and left through the crowd for the count out

(rating: 60)

It isn't over
- Brock Lesnar's music plays!
- Lesnar is calling out Strowman
- Strowman makes his way to the ring with Paige
- Lesnar says it isn't over between them
- Lesnar is smiling
- It isn't often he gets to fight people as big as him, rarely does he get to fight people bigger... he enjoyed it... he wants more
- Strowman laughs and smiles too
- Strowman says if Lesnar wants more he's going to get more now that Strowman has a WWE contract
- Lesnar is cracking his knuckles
- Strowman says... but not tonight... not here, this place is too small for a man of my size... 
- Lesnar laughs and nods
- Lesnar says Survivor Series... we rumble through the streets of Suplex City... I JUST WANT TO FIGHT

(rating: 77)

WWE Cruiserweight Title: Angel Garza vs. Mustafa Ali vs. Ricochet vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Cedric Alexander
In a decent match, Angel Garza defeated Mustafa Ali, Ricochet, Ultimo Dragon and Cedric Alexander in a Ladder match in 15:14 when Angel Garza retrieved the item. During the match we also had El Hijo del Fantasma distract Ultimo Dragon. Angel Garza wins the WWE Cruiserweight title. 

Ultimo Dragon was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

- Ricochet was easily the best in the ring with several high spots
- His hot new move the Spacewalk Flip still looks amazing
- Just when it looked like Ultimo Dragon had found a time to climb the ladder, El Hijo del Fantasma distracted him
- Angel Garza took the moment for himself to grab the title

(rating: 69)

Round 2
- Shinsuke Nakamura approaches Mansoor in the locker room
- Nakamura says Mansoor did well at Bragging Rights but can he beat Nakamura again? He doesn't think so
- Mansoor says OK, let's give it another go, I owe you more than that

(rating: 53)

WWE IC Title: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Mansoor (c)
In a decent match, Shinsuke Nakamura drew with Mansoor in 20:00 when the time limit expired.

- A slow burner of a match which Nakamura really controlled and directed
- Nakamura easily carried this one and made Mansoor look great
- The time limit expired just as Nakamura hit Mansoor with the Kinshasa

(rating: 70)

It wasn't me...
- I HEAR VOICES... Randy Orton is making his way to the ring
- He demands Bray Wyatt, The Fiend whatever the hell his name is to come out here right now
- For the first time we hear 'The Man Who Sold The World' by David Bowie play... it's Wyatt!
- Randy Orton is pacing around as Bray stands in the ring
- Randy asks Bray to give him one good reason why he shouldn't RKO him right here, right now
- Bray says he doesn't understand
- Randy says that little flashing firefly logo at Bragging Rights cost him the match
- Bray looks sad and says he's sorry
- Randy says YOU'RE SORRY?! You call me out with your cryptic message on the screen... and you're sorry?!
- Bray slumps down against the ringpost
- Randy, I am sorry, I have no idea what is happening. I don't think it was me that did that message, look at me... I'm not The Fiend
- Bray Wyatt looks more like the Bray Wyatt of old
- Randy says enough with the games
- Bray looks scared now but not of Randy Orton
- Randy, it wasn't me, I know it wasn't me... 

(rating: 84)

... it was him!
- the lights go out
- When they come back on Bray Wyatt is pointing at something standing behind Randy Orton
- Bray shouts out IT WAS HIM!
- The Fiend complete with burned, melted mask, is standing behind Randy Orton
- As Orton turns to face The Fiend BOOM Sister Abigail from The Fiend
- Bray continues to say he's sorry
- Alexa Bliss looks delighted at what's going on
- The Fiend continues to attack Randy Orton
- Bray pleads with Randy Orton
- You've got to believe this isn't me, Randy. Of all the people I thought would understand, it would be you
- "I hear voices in my head" your music has said for a decade now... I thought you'd understand the most
- This isn't me, Randy. That's the Fiend and I'm... I don't know who I am... I only know who he is as he keeps talking to me
- I thought it was a voice, but now I know he's reality, I AM SORRY RANDY... I AM SORRY!

(rating: 70)

Overall Rating: 70

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November 2022

- The initial feeling backstage is that everyone is disappionted with WWE Bragging Rights
- WWE have been on a roll recently with their main events, so it was disappointing to see just how poor Bobby Lashley and Becky Lynch went down
- No one is being blamed for the poor reception of WWE Bragging Rights, with one source saying HHH said it was just one of those things
- Booker T taken Roxanne Perez under his wing in recent months
- Bret Hart has official retired from wrestling, WWE tried to extend his contract but Bret wanted to retire in peace
- His send off on Smackdown on was genuine
- Glenn Gilbertti has also retired, but no one cares as everyone thought Glenn Gilbertti had retired decades ago anyway

- Becky Lynch was the WWE's top merchandise seller, followed by; Randy Orton, Logan Paul, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, John Cena, The Rock, Asuka and Rey Mysterio
- The Top 5 Hottest Wrestlers in WWE right now are; Becky Lynch, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Rex Steiner and Bobby Lashley

- Adam Cole and Britt Baker are engaged

- CMLL released a paraody video mocking AAA, which crashed and burned. 

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4,997@WWE Wrestling Centre, CT

Rhea and Becky
- Show opens to Rhea Ripley's music
- The imposing Ripley gives a slightly deranged smile at the camera before snapping her teeth at it
- Rhea says its been a week since she challenged Becky and hasn't heard a thing from her since
- Rhea wonders if Becky is worried about her The Man moniquer being destroyed by the man eater Rhea Ripley
- Becky Lynch's music (Slap Slap Slap Pound Up Down Snap) plays
- She says as much as she admires Rhea Ripley, she's already promised Asuka a title shot
- Becky says Rhea still needs to prove herself amongst the likes of Bianca Belair and Alexa Bliss as a true contender
- Rhea says Becky doesn't fear any man but is scared of Rhea Ripley
- Becky slaps her titles and asks if she looks scared -- PROVE YOURSELF

- Becky Lynch came away looking like a real star
- Michael Cole and Corey Graves seemed pretty weak unable to keep up or add to what was happening in the ring

(rating: 97)

WWE World Tag Team: The Street Profits vs. #DIY
In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, #DIY defeated The Street Profits in 17:54 when Tommaso Ciampa pinned Angelo Dawkins with a Meeting in the Middle. #DIY make defence number one of the WWE World Tag Team titles.

(rating: 63)

The Forgotten
- Cody Rhodes and Stephanie McMahon are in the ring
- Stephanie McMahon congratules Cody on his RAW team winning WWE Bragging Rights and explains that earlier today she finalised contracts with Edge, Finn Balor, Braun Strowman, #DIY and Paige formally known as The Forgotten
- The only remaining thing to do was the assign them to a WWE Brand, as Cody was the winning he gets first pick
- Cody looks very pleased and thanks Stephanie and the WWE Board of Directors
- Stephanie reminds Cody that as #DIY are current WWE World Tag Team champions they have Champions' rights to appear on either show
- Cody says...
- The Forgotten's music (Alter Bridge's The Other Side) plays and they make their way to the ring
- Edge says no way, no way are you going to just raffle us off like cattle to whatever brand you please
- We played your game to earn those contracts, to be legitmised within the WWE again
- Just look at the power in the ring right now, I'm a former WWE Champion, Braun Strowman is a former WWE Champion and currently the Carribean Champion, Finn Balor... former WWE Champion... #DIY are your CURRENT WWE World Tag Team champions and Paige is a former WWE Women's Champion. 
- Cody holds up his hands and says he knows that, he sees the talent in the ring
- Braun Strowman says that the WWE isn't the only place in town for someone to make money anymore there's a whole new world of wrestling out there
- Stephanie gives Cody a glance
- Finn Balor says he was in the inaugral WWE Universal champion and then what... nothing... shoved to the wayside once Vince McMahon grew tired of him, he's wasted his best years in the WWE due to injuries and no chances -- if he knew signing that WWE contract this morning would mean a return to the old ways of being shuffled around from show-to-show to fill a void he would have want back to New Japan
- Paige wonders if Cody and Stephanie have forgotten that this used to be HER HOUSE, she sees Becky and Asuka running around with titles
- Edge holds up his fist and everyone quiets down
- Edge says he has a better idea... Smackdown doesn't have a General Manager at the moment... why not let Edge run the show, why not allow The Forgotten all go to Smackdown together
- Stephanie McMahon laughs and says that's not a decision she can make, it would have be taken to the WWE Board of Directors, no one person holds power in the WWE anymore
- Cody looks around reluctantly
- Edge says well who is the General Manager? Because I can tell you now, we're going to show up on Smackdown on Thursday to find out and if its someone I don't think is worthy of the position, I'm going to take them out there and then
- Stephanie reminds Edge he has a WWE contract
- Edge reminds Stephanie they all survived without before and he's sure they could survive without one again
- Stephanie McMahon wonders
- So Edge, you want to be able to pick where you go? You want to be General Manager of Smackdown? Looks like we're at a bit of a stalement right here. Give me a week to speak to the WWE Board of Directors and I'll update you next week here on RAW
- Braun Strowman steps forward and says he'll go to Smackdown, as he's not backing down from Brock Lesnar's challenges
- The rest of The Forgotten look at him
- Stephanie asks if anyone else would like to speak for themselves
- ... finally Paige says she'll go to RAW
- Edge snaps
- FINE! FINE! FINE! You all want to chase your own selfish goals, then be my guest... The Forgotten is no more, do you own thing, but don't come asking me for help when you need it again.
- Edge leaves the ring
- #DIY shrug and leave next
- Paige signs a RAW contract
- Braun Strowman signs a Smackdown contract
- Finn Balor remains in the ring looking at both the RAW and Smackdown contract... finally he leaves without signing one

(rating: 74)

Tag Team Match Tonight
- Cody gathers up the contracts
- Logan Paul's music plays
- The rest of the former members of The Forgotten have left the ring now
- Paul makes his way to the ring and shakes Cody's hand
- Paul says Mr. GM, I want -- no I need -- another shot at Seth Rollins, I know I can beat him
- Cody says that Logan has learned so much in such a short amount of time since joining the WWE
- Logan Paul says that's just who he is, anything he puts his mind to he can achieve
- Cody nods, look I'm no fan of Seth Rollins, his cocky obnoxious face is just the way it is... but sure, if you can get a tag team partner tonight, you've got a match
- Seth Rollins' music plays
- Seth says HE KNEW Cody would use his position against him eventually
- You hate it, don't you, Cody. You hate that I'm out here wrestling, while you're stuck in a horrible suit, making sure the pens work hahaha
- YOU HATE THAT I'M SETH FREAKING ROLLINS and you're just toady rhodes
- Logan Paul mocks Seth the Weeb
- Seth says he's not a weeb, I don't even know what that is, you stupid kids and your internets
- You want a tag match tonight, I already know who to pick

(rating: 74)

After the Break
- Logan Paul is backstage in the locker room
- He's asking Bobby Lashley if he'll team with him tonight
- Lashley looks at Logan Paul
- You want the almight Bobby Lashley to team with you, kid? 
- Lashley seems to be weighing Logan Paul up again
- Logan Paul says its against Set...
- Lashley interrupts, yeah I know who its against, you think I don't know what goes on around here. Kid you've got so much to learn still. Tell you what... you stick with me and you learn more in a week than you have in the last 6 months
- Logan and Lashley clasp hands

- Logan Paul has dropped hints over the last few weeks of a heel turn, maybe overly so as its getting a little boring and confusing

(rating: 83)

Big Swole & Dana vs. Hate Crew
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Hate Crew defeated Big Swole & Dana in 9:50 when Sonya Deville submitted Dana Brooke with a Modified Gogoplata.

- Big Swole was really off her game
- Big Swole and Dana Brooke make a good tag team

(rating: 56)

The Fortunate Ones
- Rinku and Saurav look swarve in their custom suits
- They're touring the WWE HQ in CT meeting and greeting staff
- Rinku is signing a few baseballs
- Saurav talks about his time as a TV star
- Video ends with them both laughing about not having a Bollywood gimmick and being made to dance to the ring

(rating: 37)

J-Pop Joshi Entertainment
- The most crazy, up beat, sickening J-Pop music plays
- The screen is covered in cutesy icons and drawings
- Maki Itoh makes an entrance singing her own J-Pop theme dressed as a Japanese Schoolgirl
- The crowd are strangely loving this
- It is very catchy and totally in Japanese

(rating: 63)

Maki Itoh vs. Alpha Female
In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Maki Itoh defeated Alpha Female in 7:31 by pinfall with a Flying Big Head.

- Alpha Female and Maki Itoh just don't click AT ALL and it showed in their performance
- As planned, this match brough the fans back down a little
- The entrance easily the highlight of the match
- Fans still loving the whole J-Pop Joshi gimmick of Maki Itoh though

(rating: 33)

- Seth Rollins interrupts Sheamus, just as Sheamus is about to take a nice long drink
- Seth asks Sheamus if he wants to fight tonight, Logan Paul just asked Bobby Lashley
- Sheamus laughs and says of course fella

(rating: 68)

Otunga Enterprise
- David Otunga is in the ring
- Tonight he's ready to reveal to the WWE true winners and the future
- David Otunga introduces Babatunde, formally known as Commander Azeez, and Boa
- Otunga says that Otunga Enterprise is going utilise the true strength within these young stars of the future
- R-Truth had his chance, but failed to recognise it, Babatunde and Boa
- Babatunde stands imposing, while Boa seems to have a good fighting look about him
- R-Truth's music plays!
- You clownin' me?! Otunga, all you've done is run your mouth, mocked and interferred. You think you know what's inside of me? What you talking about? You some sort of microscope eye man. 
- Otunga says why doesn't Truth get into the ring with Babatunde and find out what the future is

(rating: 45)

Babatunde vs. R-Truth
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Babatunde defeated R-Truth in 8:13 by pinfall with a Spear.

- R-Truth seemed off his game
- David Otunga was great at ring side, constantly mocking R-Truth and feigning interferrence
- David Otunga and Babatunde are a good pairing, they play off each other well

(rating: 48)

Vikings Don't Quit
- Erik and Ivar, the Viking Experience, two wrestlers that believe they are Vikings are chanting something drink from Sheamus' stash
- HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! HO!

(rating: 55)

Rex Steiner vs. Jinder Mahal
In a decent match, Rex Steiner defeated Jinder Mahal in 9:14 by submission with a Steiner Recliner.

- This is Jindar Mahal's first appearance since his suspension for steroids

(rating: 55)

Steiner wants The Imperium
- After the match Steiner grabs a microphone
- The Imperium's music plays and they remain at the top of the entrance way
- Ludwig speaks
- Herr Steiner, we heard what you said last week, but we are The Imperium, we do not bend to the will of other people so easily
- We are as strong minded out of the ring, just as we are strong technically in the ring
- You keep saying you want Gunther, you want The Imperium -- which is it, Herr Steiner? 

(rating: 61)

The Imperium
- Herr Steiner, Herr Steiner, please... please... I hear you, you have a microphone, there is no need to shout
- If it is The Imperium you want then I must warn you... there is but one of you, and look eins, zwei, drei of us... do you really want to go 1v3? 
- Gunther finally speaks
- I am not scared, Rex. I have standards, which usually mean I do not lower myself to engage in conversation with those beneath me. I will fight you. I will break you. The people will hate me, but I will not care. That is the way of the ring. The way of combat. The superior always overcomes.
- Ludwig speaks
- Find yourself some friends, Herr Steiner and we will meet you at Survivor Series; the best of Europe against... Rex Steiner and Friends

(rating: 56)

R-Truth Can't Win
- Backstage R-Truth is zoned out. Alone. 
- Kofi and Xavier are talking to each other and looking concerned
- Maybe talking about Little Jimmy?
- I don't know, Xavier, that was a while ago
- Yeah but he loved that kid
- Xavier says he knows, as he pulls out Trombone and plays 'What's Up'

- Kofi and Xaiver struggled when going off-script
- I think this was mainly due to them almost corpsing each other

(rating: 48)

WWE United States Title: Erik vs. Gable Steveson
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Gable Steveson defeated Erik in 9:49 by pinfall. Gable Steveson makes defence number nine of the WWE United States title.

(rating: 59)

The Bloodline
- The Bloodline (Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu with Paul Heyman) are lounging backstage
- Jey Uso says this is dumb, we should be doing something all we've done is sit about of weeks
- Roman asks if Jey wants to follow in his brother's shameful footsteps
- Jey quiets down
- Roman says that The Bloodline grows stronger every day, next week Solo and Jacob will make their debut in the tag division to reclaim the titles Jey and Jimmy so carelessly lost
- Roman believes that was the start of where things went wrong and should have corrected it long before Becky Lynch won the titles from him
- Paul Heyman agrees with the wisdom 
- The next thing I should have done is great rid of you
- Roman looks at Jey Uso, Jey points to himself
- Heyman says I agree my Tribal Chief
- No, not you, Jey. YOU!
- Roman is looking beyond Jey Uso at Paul Heyman
- You're just another white man clinging on to the coat-tails of success, leeching the blood from a family proud of their heritage. I've learned a lot from you and your wicked mind. Enough to know you've been cashing in on our blood and sweat from the very start. 
- Solo and Jacob flank Heyman
- Roman raises a hand
- Let him go, like the dog he is
- Heyman leaves
- Roman says that he's finally found the missing piece of the Bloodline, someone who can take down Becky Lynch and any future WWE Women's Champion to ensure ALL the titles come home to The Bloodline
- Ava Raines walks into the room and clasps hands with the rest of The Bloodline
- Roman looks proud and says it's time

- Dramatic changes for The Bloodline and perhaps too much, too soon as Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu and Ava Raines don't appear on the same level as Roman Reigns and Jey Uso

(rating: 62)

Bobby Lashley & Logan Paul vs. Seth Rollins & Sheamus
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Seth Rollins and Sheamus defeated Bobby Lashley and Logan Paul in 20:14 when Seth Rollins pinned Bobby Lashley by using underhanded tactics.

- Seth Rollins and Sheamus don't work well as a team, their timing is all over the place
- Fans are starting to get bored of Paul Logan's hints of a heel turn

(rating: 59)

Mocking Win
- Sheamus and Seth Rollins mock Lashley and Paul Logan with fake tears as their laugh their way back up the entrance ramp

(rating: 71)

Overall Rating: 74

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November Week 2

- WWE continued to have success with strong RAWs, mainly carried by Becky Lynch who is quickly becoming a superstar
- Von Wagner has become the NXT North American champion, defeating Wes Lee
- Bobby Lashley is open to the idea of working in Japan and Mexico if his WWE contract isn't renewed
- The Coffey brothers seem to have left NXT UK
- WWE have begun to rotate their shows across the New England, the Tri-State area and the Great Lakes again after a month of hosting shows at the new WWE Wrestling Center in CT

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So, I've been catching up on WWE in real life and saw a few things... 


On 7/23/2022 at 7:00 PM, Chriswok said:

Beth Phoenix...

- Beth Phoenix is seen backstage, sighing

- She stops near some waste bins and casually throws the 24/7 title into them

- She instantly smiles look relieved

OK, so just noticed Nikki Cross did this recently. 😆


On 8/4/2022 at 10:02 PM, Chriswok said:

- McIntyre: You, more than anyone, should be able to tell that bawbag Edge just how hard I've worked to get back into the WWE. It killed me when they released me nearly a decade ago. I spent that time away improving my craft, wrestling anyone, anywhere. I went back home feeling like a failure, had my heed kicked by Sabu WAY TOO MANY TIMES, Grado's sweaty pants, brawls with Rampage Brown up and down the UK. I had to rebuild my entire career back on the indie scene across the US before TNA took a chance on me... and I still had to put up with Grado's sweaty pants.

- McIntyre: Edge is out there talking about being forgotten and his body being destroyed to bring the WWE to where it is today. Well not all injuries are physical ones, eh. So why don't you and your new friend step into the ring next week and I'll teach you a few things I learned in the decade I was out of the public eye, rebuilding myself physically and mentally.

There was a somewhat similar promo cut by Drew before Clash at the Castle too! 

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5,158 @ Resch Center

The Search for a New Smackdown GM
- Stephanie McMahon's music plays as she makes her way to the ring
- There's a few 'push Sami' signs in the crowd
- Stephanie says that tonight starts the search for Smackdown's new General Manager
- She thanks Bret Hart for everything he's started on Smackdown and hopes the new General Manager can achieve great things at Smackdown
- Stephanie names a few people who have already applied for the role; Titus O'Neil, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Nigel McGuinness and Edge...
- Edge's music (The Other Side by Alter Bridge) plays
- He makes his way to the ring with Finn Balor
- Edge says to forget about the application process and just to appoint him the General Manager tonight
- Stephanie says that's now how the WWE do things anymore and that the WWE Board of...
- Edge says he's the last hero of the Attitude Era in the WWE, in case people didn't know... and if they did know the fans damn well don't show the appreciation that they should
- Stephanie says that the fans will be the ones to decide who the new Smackdown General Manager is from all those who have expressed an interest
- Edge says there's no one left in this business who can still do it in the ring with as much experience and knowledge of professional wrestling then him, so what the hell would the fans know about running Smackdown
- Stephanie smiles as the fans chant 'asshole'
- Edge says his point has been proven

(rating: 71)

The True Luchadors
- El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza and Ultimo Ninja make their way to the ring
- Angel Garza holds the WWE Cruiserweight title high above his head
- Fantasma says it is time for the WWE to bask in the presence of the true luchadors
- Garza says as the WWE Cruiserweight champion he has restored a small part of credibility back to the WWE across Mexico
- Ultimo Ninja believes that soon people will thankfully forget the shameful memory of Rey Mysterio
- He's not even from MEXICO! 
- Fantasma says it is a disgrace that an American born wrestler would ever try and claim themselves to be the greatest luchador in history
- Garza says tonight he will wrestle another Ameerican who has stole a living wearing a mask, cashing in on the Luchador traditions of Mexico without any honor or respect
- Fantasma says to show the true meaning of Lucha Libre the title will be on the line in a Lucha Libre rules match

- Fantasma, Garza and Ninja all struggled in this promo, leaving long gaps between their lines
- They clearly can't work without a script

(rating: 43)

WWE Cruiserweight title: Shark Boy vs. Angel Garza (c)
In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Angel Garza defeated Shark Boy in 9:28 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Wing Clipper. Angel Garza makes defence number one of the WWE Cruiserweight title.

- Sadly Shark Boy just can't go anymore, or has spent too long NOT wrestling. He was poor. 
- Angel Garza on the other hand was fantastic

(rating: 52)

- After the match El Hijo del Fantasma and Ultimo Ninja join Angel Garza in the ring
- The Trio start to beat down Shark Boy and look to be attempting to demask him!
- Shark Boy is putting up a brave fight, but his mask i...
- El Hijo del Fantasma, Ultimo Ninja and Angel Garza scatter

(rating: 43)

Natalya & Tamina
- After the break we return with Natalya and Tamina in the ring
- Natalya says her Uncle Bret Hart will be forever missed but the WWE Women's Tag Team titles are waiting
- Tamina looks bored waiting around and simply demands whoever it they're wrestling to hurry up and get down here, so they can beat them and move one step closer to getting the titles
- Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez make their entrance

- Natalya stunk the place up on the mic, droning on about the Hart family and her inheriant right to have a title
- Thankfully Tamina must have recognised it was getting boring and interrupted
- The crowd were cooled by it all

(rating: 34)

Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez vs. Natalya & Tamina
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Natalya & Tamina defeated Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez in 13:05 when Natalya submitted Roxanne Perez with a Sharpshooter.

Natalya carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

- While Natalya stunk on the mic and had to be recused by Tamina, Natalya redeemed herself in the ring (while Tamina stunk it up)
- Tamina was really off her game

(rating: 54)

Bayley checks-in on Asuka
- Backstage in the women's locker room we can see Bayley and Asuka
- Bayley asks Asuka how she's doing
- Asuka quickly grabs her WWE Smackdown Women's title
- Asuka says Bayley must think she's stuuuupid, Asuka knows what Bayley is after
- Bayley tells Asuka to calm down
- Asuka says only she will become The Empress of the WWE. No one, not even Bayley, can take away her right 
- Bayley says to relax
- Asuka laughs, that's just what you want me to do, to relax so you can steal this and try to become The Empress instead
- Asuka hits Bayley with the WWE Women's Smackdown title

Lesnar and Strowman
- Backstage in the men's locker room, Lesnar approaches Strowman
- Lesnar says he heard what Strowman said on RAW
- Lesnar smiles and nods his head
- Strowman stands up, smiles and nods his head
- Strowman says that Lesnar is the biggest, baddest, meanest sonofabitch in wrestling, so it's only right Strowman makes a statement by knocking his head clean off
- Lesnar laughs and taps his chin

(rating: 77)

Carmella Time
- Carmella is in the ring
- She's very pleased with herself, after all why wouldn't you be when you're Carmella
- Carmella says at the hottest and most athletic Diva on Smackdown there's not much to compete against
- Old, familiar music plays... ITS NAOMI!
- Naomi has returned! 
- Naomi says she's been gone for a while, but last she checked there weren't many wrestlers as athletic as she is
- Naomi tells Carmella to put up or shut up

(rating: 54)

Carmella vs. Naomi
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Carmella defeated Naomi in 7:58 by pinfall after using a foreign object.

- The story behind this match was a ring ruster Naomi slowly regaining her momentum as the match went on
- Carmella easily on top during the start, before Naomi took over towards the end
- As Carmella began to struggle to keep up with Naomi, Carmell eventually resorted to using a gold chain wrapped around her fist to attack Naomi and knock her down for the 3 count
- Sadly, Naomi was really off her game FOR REAL

(rating: 47)

Ever since Bragging Rights
- Drew McIntyre is in the ring
- He's not very happy
- McIntyre says that ever since WWE Bragging Rights he's spent the last week or so just stewing over the defeat
- He needs someone to fight, someone to compete against
- Anyone to help him clear his mind and regain focus on the main goal... the WWE Titles
- Kevin Owens' music plays
- Owens says he's never one to turn down a fight, but warns McIntyre that's just what it'll be... a fight... a rumble... a brawl...
- McIntyre gives him the old 'bring it on' 

(rating: 80)

Drew McIntyre vs. Kevin Owens
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Drew McIntyre defeated Kevin Owens in 15:22 by pinfall with a Claymore Kick.

- Throughout the match Booker T and Cory Greaves argue over what they'd bring to Smackdown as General Managers
- This one really was a wild brawl, with both wrestlers slugging it out for 15 minutes

(rating: 63)

Best of 3 Falls
- Shinsuke Nakamura's music plays as he makes an appearance
- He has a request for WWE Intercontinental Champion Mansoor
- Mansoor comes down into the ring
- Nakamura says if it hadn't been for a time limit last week, he'd be the one standing there with the WWE IC title
- Mansoor nods and smiles, stumbles over his words a few times, but finally says it was close, but sometimes being the champion gives you the advantage
- Nakamura says maybe he shared too much with Mansoor, or maybe he didn't share enough knowledge with him
- Nakamura offers the ultimate lesson... next week... The Best of 3 Falls, no time limits, just pure wrestling
- Mansoor says he would be thrilled

- Nakamura came out of this looking excellent
- Mansoor was very underwhelming
- Nakamura played to the crowd well
- Mansoor was terrible, with no script to follow his dialogue was a mess

(rating: 62)

Randy Orton vs. Sami Zayn
In an exceptional match, Randy Orton defeated Sami Zayn in 18:29 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

- Orton shrugged off using the ropes for the win, crowd loved it
- Corey Graves says this is what he'd bring to Smackdown as GM, more excellent wrestling
- Randy Orton and Sami Zayn have great chemistry and it showed in their performances

(rating: 79)

Orton has a mic
- Orton says he's started to get a bit pissed off with Bray Wyatt's mind games
- The whole symbol thing at WWE Bragging Rights and then the dressing up game last week on Smackdown
- Orton says Bray has 10 seconds to show up like a man before he dedicates the rest of the year hunting him down like he did with Riddle
- Bray Wyatt's music (The Man Who Sold the World by David Bowie) plays, he sits at the entrance way on a familiar rocking chair
- Randy rolls his eyes
- Bray says there's something comforting about this chair, how it brings clarity to his thoughts, eases the tension between the memories fighting loudly for attention
- Bray asks last week was real, wasn't it? You saw him, right? The Fiend. 
- Randy shouts back that he damn well knows he saw him, as THE FIEND whoever it was, attacked him just as Bray told him too. Randy knows how Bray works
- Bray pleads, then tell me Randy, tell me how I work, tell me why this Fiend seeks me, speaks to me, begs me to do these horrible things
- Randy says enough with the bullshit
- Bray laughs sadly, if only it was, but its real, these people know more about me then I do, this Fiend, Lily, Abigail, poor, poor Harris, the man with the Briefcase, they all know more about me then I can remember. Even you, Randy, seem to know me better THAN ME. WHO AM I. Am I a man with a chair, a lamp? A man with many friends and followers? Or am I someone... something else... 
- Randy drops the microphone down and starts to run towards Bray Wyatt
- The lights go out
- When they come back on the only thing that remains in Bray Wyatt's place is the burned, melted mask of The Fiend
- A haunting laugh plays out around the arena
- Bray's voice can be heard saying that's what he wants me to do to your face, Randy
- Randy stands holding, looking at the mask closely

(rating: 81)

Overall Rating: 65

- Smackdown continues to struggle for quality
- If RAW was increasing the WWE's popularity, it's probably safe to say that Smackdown is decreasing it somewhat
- I wouldn't be surprised if the change of GM changed a focus away from what Bret Hart initially wanted with his WORLD wrestling approach
- A voting poll has opened on WWE.com for the new Smackdown General Manager
- The options are: Beth Phoenix, Booker T, Edge, Nigel McGuinness

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6,177 @ Santander Arena
November, week 3

Becky Speaks
- Slap Slap Slap Pound Up Down Snap by The Death Set plays as Becky Lynch opens up RAW
- She wants to talk about Rhea Ripley
- Becky says she's not afraid of any man or women in the WWE, but expects people to earn their title shots
- Becky wonders when Rhea will prove herself

(rating: 79)

This is how
- Rhea Ripley's music plays
- Becky isn't intimdated by Rhea's towering presence
- Rhea says she's spoken to Cody Rhodes and tonight she'll face Bianca Belair
- Rhea says she has no problem bending man or woman to her whims, she'll happily be called the woman eater as well as the man eater of the WWE
- Becky says do you really think you can beat me
- Rhea says she'll eat he... BIANCA BELAIR'S MUSIC PLAYS
- Bianca makes her way to the ring
- Bianca says Rhea has bitten off more than she can chew arranging this match
- Bianca might be small, but she's one of the strongest in the WWE
- Becky asks the WWE Crowd what they think; The Man Eater Rhea Ripley or the EST Bianca Belair? 
- Look, whoever wins tonight you can have a shot to see if you're good enough at beating ME, but first its Asuka at Survivor Series

(rating: 95)

Jinder Mahal vs. Bobby Lashley
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Bobby Lashley defeated Jinder Mahal in 12:40 by submission with The Hurt Lock.

- Shanky cost Jinder some serious momentum during the match
- Jinder stopped to berate Shanky, who seemed to laugh and shrug
- It looks like Shanky couldn't care less... has he turned face?

(rating: 76)

Jinder berates Shanky
- After the match Jinder continues to berate Shanky
- Jinder slaps, kicks and spits
- Jinder is shouting at Shanky, you're my servant, you will do as I say, when I say, you dare laugh at your master?! YOU ARE LESS THAN A DOG

(rating: 37)

Jinder... don't be so mean
- The Forgotten Ones make their debut on RAW as some Bollywood style trap music plays
- They're dressed smart in some very expensive suits at the top of the entrance way
- Rinku asks Jinder to not be so mad, he should be happy and proud of who he is
- Saurav says besides who has a man servant in 2022, what are you, man?
- Jinder looks furious
- Shanky looks pleased
- Rinku and Saurav make their way to the ring
- Let us introduce ourselves, we are The Fortunate Ones
- Jinder says what the hell
- Rinku tells Jinder that he's the reason they're here tonight
- You see, Jinder you're a hero in India, despite all this bad boy behaviour that would make your nani sad
- Saurav says that The Great Khali and Jinder Mahal are former WWE Champions... that is inspiring, that is why we are here
- Rinku laughs, OK, so you might be Canadian, but isn't that the beauty of our great country, we have exported our culture and brilliance across the globe
- But please, no more Bollywood dancers, no more turbans, I'm surprised they didn't make you come out here on a flying carpet
- Saurav laughs, that's Persian stereotype, Rinku
- Yes, but we all look the same to old white man
- Jinder asks who the hell they are
- Well I'm Rinku Singh, famous TV star in India, of course! I'm here in the WWE because of you!
- And I am Saurav Gurjar, first Indian to play in the MLB. I'm here in the WWE because of you!
- We are The Fortunate Ones who have had the way paved for us by your sacrifice over the years

- This was a disaster
- Total disaster

(rating: 28)

The Imperium are here
- The Imperium are standing in the ring
- Ludwig has the microphone
- Rex Steiner, you asked for The Imperium, well here we are -- do you have a partner, Herr Steiner? We are ready for you and your friends. It was a fight you wanted, yes?
- There's a delay
- Ludwig asks the crowd maybe their American hero realised the folly of going to war against Europe's superior wrestlers

(rating: 48)

Steiner Time
- Rex Steiner's music plays
- He makes his enterance... alone
- He runs down to the ring

(rating: 47)

Rex Steiner vs. Imperium (Giovanni Vinci, Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther)
In a decent match, Imperium (Giovanni Vinci, Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther) defeated Rex Steiner in a Handicap match in 15:19 when Gunther pinned Rex Steiner with a Powerbomb.

Gunther carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

- Steiner attempted valiantly to fight 1v3 but eventually was worn down by the numbers game
- Gunther only entered whenever it looked like Steiner was getting the better of Giovanni or Ludwig

(rating: 60)

- Toxic Attraction are watching clips from last week's RAW
- It looks like they've been rating various wrestlers on their appearance
- They're watching Maki Itoh's J-Pop entrance
- Mandy Rose isn't really pay attention, as she takes selfies
- Gigi wonders who does she think she is
- Jacy agrees, yeah what is that little winky peace sign thing
- Gigi and that schoolgirl outfit... please
- Jacy makes a vomit gesture
- Mandy tells them to turn it off, why don't you go and tell that little J-Pup to sit down and beg we don't notice her again

(rating: 50)

Hate Crew vs. Smells Like Team Spirit
In a poor match, Hate Crew defeated Smells Like Team Spirit in 9:57 when Sonya Deville submitted Aliyah with a Modified Gogoplata.

- Sonya Deville seemed off her game
- Despite that the crowd seemed to want her in the ring, and continued to show their groundswell of support for Sonya Deville
- She's had a lot of praise over the internet lately, touted as the next big thing

(rating: 51)

- Talking of groundswell of public support...
- Maki Itoh makes her entrance
- It is super sickening, sweet and cute as she sings and dances her way to the ring
- Cute cartoon drawings appear on the screen

(rating: 65)

Gigi Dolin vs. Maki Itoh
In a decent match, Maki Itoh defeated Gigi Dolin in 7:42 by pinfall with a Flying Big Head.

(rating: 54)

Somewhere backstage
- A dark room backlit by a scarlet red 
- Several robed figures seem to be standing in a semi circle
- One of them steps forwards and lowers their hood
- It's Aleister Black
- He says he has seen so much that worries him in the WWE, so many dangerous people with messages of corruption, heroes spreading false hope like modern prophets
- Black says that The Cardinal will help the fans of wrestling and protect the children watching on TV, they will cleanse the WWE
- For the Cardinal have spoken, and we've spoken to save your souls

(rating: 50)

- The Viking Raiders are in the locker room
- They're headbutting each other
- Erik says Odin has spoken, we must stay together like blood brothers in our search for the gold needed to bring forth the power cosmic

(rating: 51)

Cheer Up, Friend
- Xaiver Woods, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth is elsewhere backstage
- Woods has something wrapped up
- Kofi is encouraging him to approach Truth who is lounging about looking at his wrestling boots
- Woods says hey buddy, I've got something I think might cheer you up
- It took a while to find it... and clean it... but I'm sure it has good memories for you...
- Truth looks up to see...
- The WWE 24/7 title, it looks like its been through a trash compactor... it probably has
- Truth smiles fakely, OH BOY! WOULDYA look at that, a real boy belt just for me?! You CLOWNIN' ME?!
- Woods leaves it on the floor for him
- Truth says that was the beginning of his downfall, he should have known his time was up when that title became the only thing the WWE thought he was worthy of
- Kofi says, hey man, we're trying to help you we want to spread the power of...
- POSITIVITY?! Well, I'm R-Truth and I'm positive the Truth is I'm done. I'm over the hill. 
- Woods asks Truth to partner with him again tonight
- Truth sighs, but agrees

(rating: 64)

Samoan Hit Squad vs. R-Truth and Xavier Woods
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Samoan Hit Squad defeated R-Truth and Xavier Woods in 9:38 when Solo Sikoa pinned R-Truth with a Samoan Splash.

- David Otunga attempted to interfere but was intercepted by Kofi Kingston

(rating: 51)

We're Used to Jokers
- WWE US champion Gable Steveson and Apollo Crews are backstage
- They're laughing at R-Truth losing again
- Man, that guy is a joke... just as well we're used to jokers like him
- It should help deal with these 'Vikings'
- Gable says they're like rejects from the 1980s

(rating: 47)

Viking Raiders vs. Uhaa Nation
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Uhaa Nation defeated Viking Raiders in 15:29 when Gable Steveson submitted Erik.

(rating: 56)

Bringing DIVA back
- A video package plays hyping the debut of Nikkita Lyons
- It shows a very DIVA-esque wrestler

(rating: 21)

Goldberg Interview
- A pre-recorded sitdown interview with Goldberg
- Kelly Kincaid is asking Goldberg how he feels about Bret Hart's retirement
- Goldberg smirks and asks which one
- Kelly wonders if Goldberg is worried about the changes made to his contract
- Goldberg says he has no worries, there's no one in the WWE brave enough to come out and say they're next. It was a bitter moment from a bitter old man, nothing will come of it
- Then why haven't you wrestled since?
- Goldberg shoots Kelly Kincaid a look, I'm Goldberg, I wrestle when the moment is right, I'm the enforcer of RAW, I'm a big prize fighter draw. I'll wrestle when the time is right
- Are you scared of being defeated?
- I've lost before, it isn't something I like, it isn't something any fighter and winner likes. You should be asking if people are scared of becoming another number, another name chalked up in a winning streak

(rating: 55)

#1 Contender Match: Bianca Belair vs. Rhea Ripley
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Rhea Ripley defeated Bianca Belair in 19:39 by pinfall with a Riptide following interference from Mandy Rose.

(rating: 61)

- Bianca Belair is in the ring, she's screaming and seems upset that she's lost the match
- Mandy Rose is laughing and looking very proud of herself, you think YOU can be number one contender again?
- Mandy Rose is pointing to herself, I'll be number one contender before you, you had your chance

(rating: 70)

- Logan Paul's special guest is once again... SETH ROLLINS
- Logan asks Seth Rollins why does he wrestle
- Seth Rollins says its because he's good at it and enjoys it
- Logan laughs and says that he's been here two minutes and already he's as famous as Seth Rollins
- Seth says Logan has never beaten him
- Logan smiles and says Seth has had to cheat to win because that's how good he is
- Logan gestures out to the fans, look at all these people... they're here to see me, the internet is talks about me whenver I appear on RAW, my presence is increasing the WWE's profile every week... You, Seth Rollins, have to dress like some kind of Peacock to get attention -- I AM ATTENTION
- Seth Rollins is nodding his head
- Logan Paul says even Seth Rollins' wife is a bigger superstar than him, maybe she'd perfer a younger, more successful husband...
- Seth Rollins flips

(rating: 65)

- Logan Paul, Riddle and Theory attack Seth Rollins
- It's a good old fashioned double-turn!
- Logan Paul's turn kinda failed as people are fed up of him and naturally see him as a heel
- Seth Rollins however was getting cheered by the end of it

(rating: 61)

Overall Rating: 74

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WWE Smackdown
5,000 @ Ocean Center
November Week 3

Stephanie McMahon
- The show opens with Stephanie McMahon already in the ring
- She's here to talk about the Smackdown General Manager role
- The candidates are all invited to the ring; Beth Phoenix, Booker T, The Miz, Nigel McGuinness and Titus O'Neil
- Stephanie says that all of the WWE fans will want to know just what each General Manager believes they can bring to the Smackdown brand
- Booker T says he'll bring some swagger to the brand, but for real, there's one girl he knows isn't just the future but the present already on Smackdown that will get her time to shine - Roxanne Perez
- The Miz scoffs at Booker T, saying that what people want is WWE Superstars, people who transcend wrestling onto the silver screen... just like him and Maryse
- Nigel McGuinness says everyone will be expecting him to say he'll be pushing pure wrestlers, British wrestlers... well they're absolutely right, Bret Hart was on the right tracks and that's what I'd bring
- Titus O'Neil says he just wants to bring some good will and fun times to Smackdown
- Just as Beth Phoenix is about to speak...

(rating: 65)

Edge Interrupts
- He storms down to the ring as his music (The Other Side by Alter Bridge) plays
- Edge is furious, you're out here asking what all these has-beens and commentators will bring to Smackdown... and you're even asking my ex-wife, but you're not asking the one person who matters... ME
- I'm the last hero of the attitude era, I know what these idiots need, they need more wrestlers like me
- Beth says she can't speak for the fans but she he all she could take of Edge and it led to a divorce...
- Edge laughs it off, har har very funny Beth Phoenix... is that what you're going to bring Smackdown... jokes
- Stephanie tries to calm them down
- Edge says listen to the crowd booing, yeah just as I thought you have no idea what entertainment is anymore
- I look around this "WWE UNIVERSE" and you know what I see... people who forgot what wrestling was, people stuck suckling on the teat of "SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT" and bland wrestlers with no personalty and 1000 variations of the same move
- I would revitalise Smackdown that scares all of you, I've out lasted all my peers and I'll remain relevant even when this current croup of "SUPERSTARS" is done
- Edge throws the mic down and stomps on it

(rating: 61)

The Empress of Wrestling
- Just as the ring is clearing, Asuka's music plays
- She stands at the top of the entrance way with her WWE Smackdown Women's title proudly around her waist
- Asuka says Booker T's comments were very interesting
- You think Roxanne Perez is the "future and present" of the WWE? Maybe you're forgetting who the champion of smackdown is? 
- Maybe, Booker T, you're forgetting who the Empress of Wrestling is. When I take the titles from Becky Lynch at Survivor Series, I will be the first person in WWE history to whole all the major male and female titles at once
- People won't just bow to me, they will talk about me in the pages of history, they will worship me
- But you think Roxanne Perez is the present? I will judge that, just as I will judge all of you
- Roxanne Perez will not even last 10 minutes in the ring with me...
- Roxanne Perez' music plays, Asuka gives his a shooting looking as she appears from behind her
- Roxanne asks for the mic, but Asuka refuses, Roxanne makes her way to the ring instead
- Roxanne asks... was that an open challenge?
- Asuka laughs, please, you are not fit to clean my robes
- Roxanne looks around and simply goes 'bak bak' 
- Asuka looks furious, you dare call The Empress a Chicken!?

(rating: 70)

Roxanne Perez vs. Asuka 
In a decent match, Asuka defeated Roxanne Perez in 9:07 by pinfall with a fast roll up.

- In a 10 minute time-limit match, Roxanne Perez took it to the wire
- In truth Asuka carried this match like a goddess and made Roxanne look great
- Booker T is cheering Roxanne on all throughout the match on commentary
- Booker T explains how he is Roxanne Perez' mentor

(rating: 62)

Show Yourself
- Randy Orton is searching around backstage for Bray Wyatt
- He's shouting down corridors and into locker rooms
- Eventually he makes his way to the ring
- You think I'm going to fall for that bullshit you pulled last week. Whatever games your playing I'm not buying, if you want to fight just say so and we'll get it on right now
- Randy waits
- The crowd are chanting for Bray
- Nothing happens
- Randy says Bray Wyatt is disappointing a lot of people, no moreso than him

(rating: 85)

Mustafa Ali vs. Ricochet vs. Reggie vs. Chad Gable
In a decent match, Mustafa Ali defeated Ricochet, Reggie and Chad Gable in 7:19 when Mustafa Ali pinned Reggie with a Reverse 450.

- Nigel McGuinness says this was his idea for a match
- Reggie was poor
- Ricochet was hot

(rating: 69)

- Legend del Fantasma make their way to the ring
- El Hijo del Fantasma says that tonight another American imposing on the Mexican tradition of Lucha Libre will be held to account
- No more shall the great people of Mexico have to witness their legacy on wrestling be tarnished by the culture thieves of the United States
- Tonight El Hijo del Fantasma will strip the mask from the face of someone who makes fun at lucha libre
- Angel Garza says as WWE Cruiserweight champion he is the benchmark for all future wrestlers, he carries the legacy of Hector Garza and all the Garza family within him
- Garza looks great as champion
- Ultimo Ninja looks very much third wheel
- El Hijo del Fantasma demands that 'BLANK' be sent out here for Lucha Libre Justice

(rating: 42)

Lucha Libre Rules: El Hijo del Fantasma vs. BLANK
In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, El Hijo del Fantasma defeated BLANK in 10:13 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a Bridging German Suplex.

(rating: 47)

And Now... the Unmasking
- As soon as the match ends the Trio enter the ring and begin ripping at BLANK's mask
- Rey Mysterio's music plays, disrupting the unmasking
- AS the trio in the ring turn to face the entrance way, BLANK makes his exit with mask intact
- Rey Mysterio and Ultimo Dragon are standing at the entrance way now
- Rey Mysterio says he finds it funny how El Hijo del Fantasma keeps talking about tradition... as Survivor Series is only two weeks away...
- El Hijo del Fantasma laughs, you've clearly taken too many falls on your head, there are 3 of us and 2 of you... are you challenging us to a Survivor Series match?
- Rey says no... he's challenging them to a classic Trios Lucha Libre match at Survivor Series
- El Hijo del Fantasma is amazed, REY MYSTERIO AND ULTIMO DRAGON want some Lucha Libre Justice?! hahaha you are loco. 
- Ultimo Dragon says that Lucha Libre is more than where you come from, it is what you add to it and how you spread its message
- SILENCE IMPOSTER! Angel Garza shouts. If you want your Trios, you better find your partner

(rating: 54)

- El Hijo del Fantasma's 'LUCHA LIBRE JUSTICE' saying seemed to catch on, as small pockets of the crowd began chanting it

Team Kick vs. Aja Kong & Niven
In a poor match, Team Kick defeated Aja Kong & Niven in 12:36 when Nixon Newell pinned Piper Niven with a Vulture Culture Destroyer.

Aja Kong was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

(rating: 49)

Omos Challenge
- Mace and Omos are backstage
- Mace is telling Omos that now is his time to step up
- Randy Orton is in a fight mood, go and get him
- Omos laughs deeply and says it'll be the biggest beating of Randy's life

(rating: 66)

Randy Orton vs. Omos
In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Omos defeated Randy Orton in 13:28 by pinfall with a Claw following interference from Bray Wyatt.

- Randy Orton seemed off his game
- Omos was really off his game
- The match finished with the lights flickering and Firefly imagery appearing around the areana, distracting Randy Orton

(rating: 60)

Bray Repents
- Man Who Sold The World by David Bowie as Bray Wyatt makes his way to the ring with his hands up 
- Bray slides into the ring and remains on his knees in the middle of the ring, his hands still up
- Randy Orton looks at him as he paces around
- Bray is shouting he's sorry
- Randy Orton grabs a microphone
- Randy shouts that it's time to stop these stupid games and fight
- Bray is shaking his head and apologising, again he's saying it's not him -- things have got out of hand, he's not sure what's happening anymore
- Randy shouts STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT 
- Bray pleads for forgiveness and asks Randy Orton to do what he sees fit, his mind is no longer his own
- Randy looks confused

(rating: 82)

Lights Out
- When the lights come back on The Fiend is in the ring standing between Randy Orton and the kneeling Bray Wyatt
- Randy Orton and The Fiend fight! 
- Is The Fiend protecting Bray Wyatt?? Who is it??
- Bray Wyatt gets to his knees as Randy Orton and The Fiend are fighting
- He grabs... THE FIEND!
- Bray and Randy Orton are fighting The Fiend!!
- Lights out
- WHen they come back on Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt remain in the ring
- Again the burned, melted mask of The Fiend is left behind

(rating: 64)

Overall Rating: 71

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5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center,  CT
November Week 4

- The show opens up to Stephanie McMahon's music
- The representative from the WWE Board of Directors is here tonight
- Stephanie: This week, as the search for the new Smackdown General Manager continues, the WWE Board of Directors have decide that both RAW and Smackdown will be SUPERSHOWS featuring wrestlers from both brands!
- Cody Rhodes' music plays
- Cody doesn't seem too happy
- Cody: This is a RAW show, I won at Bragging Rights, I had plans...
- Stephanie: Cody the WWE Board of Directors recognises that and you'll be rewarded with a nice bonus, however with the way things are they just want to... shake things up a little...
- Cody: Well you know what... I QUIT as General Manager. Let their be chaos and when I'm all healed, I tell you something... I'm going to be the worst nightmare you've ever had
- Cody is asking the crowd if that's what they want
- Crowd are cheering Cody on chanting AMERICAN NIGHTMARE
- Stephanie: Maybe we made a mistake in trusting you, Cody
- Cody: No, Stephanie McMahon... the only mistake you made was not trust me ENOUGH
- Cody strips his tie off, and throws his suit jacket into the middle of the ring before walking off

(rating: 81)

Main Event
- Stephanie remains in the ring and watches as Cody leaves
- She raises her hands and smirks, trying to play it off
- Stephanie: Tonight's main event will be a 4-way Tag Team match between Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan, Becky Lynch & Bianca Belair, Asuka & Rhea Ripley vs

(rating: 68)

Fiend or Not
- Randy Orton wants The Fiend
- The Fiend, Bray Wyatt, Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan all appear as David Bowie's 'Man Who Sold The World' plays

(rating: 69)

The Fiend vs. Randy Orton
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Randy Orton defeated The Fiend in 7:40 by disqualification.

- Randy Orton won via DQ after The Fiend attacked Orton with a steal chair
- Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan and Bray Wyatt accompanied The Fiend to ringside

(rating: 64)

I Am The One in Control
- The Fiend, Bray, Alexa and Liv are all in the ring now, standing around the prone Randy Orton
- The Fiend: Now look at me, the one you know is in control. The one that has never let you down, the one that has always protected you
- The Fiend: This creature tried to burn the memories of me from your mind, never forget that

(rating: 72)

GOLDBERG is backstage
- Goldberg has been found unconscious backstage!

(rating: 68)

The New Day have plans
- Kofi and Xavier are talking backstage
- They have plans to cheer up R-Truth
- First they're going to regain the WWE Tag Team titles
- And their going to show him what the power of positivity really means

(rating: 57)

Seeking the Truth
- R-Truth is sitting in a room backstage
- There's a calm looking man smiling at him, it's Joe Gacy
- Unknown voice: And then made me dress up like a cowboy... A JAPANESE COWBOY!
- Joe Gacy: Mr Yang, can I call you Jimmy? That must have been really upsetting for you, such a terrible gimmick
- Jimmy Yang: It was, they just saw me as a joke
- Gacy: That's why I'm here, to help those who have lost their way and never recovered. All it takes is one bad gimmick.
- Gacy: Mr. Truth, do you care to share today?
- Truth: Am just here to see what this is all about...
- Someone is walking past the door
- Gacy: What about your, sir? Have you been forced into a Tax Man gimmick?
- IRS: This isn't a gimmick, this is my life. You charging these people? Audit season is just around the corner...

(rating: 37)

WWE Tag Team Titles: The New Day vs. #DIY (c)
In a good match, #DIY defeated The New Day in 17:42 when Johnny Gargano pinned Xavier Woods by using underhanded tactics. #DIY make defence number two of the WWE World Tag Team titles.

(rating: 64)

I'll deal with her!
- The Toxic Attraction are sitting in their pampered up dressing up
- Gigi Dolin can't believe she lost to Maki Itoh last week
- Jacy Jayne says she'll deal with that big headed little twerp

(rating: 49)

- Rex Steiner has made his way to the ring
- He says he has partners for Survivor Series, ones that will prove how great American Wrestling really is

(rating: 63)

Nikkita Lyons Promo
- A video plays saying Nikkita Lyons is bringing Diva Back

(rating: 19)

Jacy Jayne vs. Maki Itoh
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Maki Itoh defeated Jacy Jayne in 7:47 by submission with an Ito Deluxe.

- A breather match

(rating: 51)

- MVP is with his newly formed team... APEX
- MVP reminds everyone that these young stars will rise to the top of the WWE in no-time thanks to his business and wrestling management skills
- MVP proclaims himself the modern day super agent of professional wrestling

(rating: 45)

The Cardinal
- Leather hooded figures are standing in the gantries of the arena... it's The Cardinal
- Aleister Black raises his arms as the lights focus on him
- Black: The WWE fans should begin their year of mourning, for it will not be long before their heroes are gone
- Black: Their corruption on the youthful minds has gone on too long, their hypocricy has tainted generations
- Black: That is why we are here; to purge those we deem bad from the world of professional wrestling
- Black: Each one of my Cardinals holds their own virtues, their own beliefs, but together we all share the same goal
- Black: The cleanse the WWE

(rating: 51)

Viking Raiders vs. Samoan Hit Squad
In a decent match, Samoan Hit Squad defeated Viking Raiders in 7:46 when Solo Sikoa pinned Ivar with a Savate Kick.

Solo Sikoa was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

(rating: 57)

Bring Your Girls
- Bianca Belair is backstage doing an interview
- She reminds everyone that Mandy Rose is nothing but a bully
- Bianca tells Mandy Rose to bring her girls to Survivor Series, as there's no shortage of friends that want to stand up against bullies like Mandy Rose

(rating: 60)

Odyssey Jones vs. Madcap Moss
In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Odyssey Jones defeated Madcap Moss in 9:36 by pinfall with a Diving Splash.

(rating: 40)

The Way of the Viking
- The Viking Raiders are backstage in the lockeroom
- They look defeated
- Erik: We are failing in our quest for gold
- Ivan: We are failing as Vikings. AS WARRIORS.
- Erik: We need prove our strength and worth

(rating: 44)

- Goldberg's music plays as he marches into the ring
- His head his bandaged from the attack earlier
- Bulls on Parade plays as Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens appear at the entrance way
- Owens: Oh what's the matter Big Bill? You fall and bump your head?
- Zayn: I've heard that professional wrestling can be a dangerous place, there's a lot of stiff competition out there
- Goldberg: Cut the crap, I know it was you two. IN THE RING NOW
- Owens: But if you lose, you're done...
- Zayn: No more Goldberg... Goldberg... Goldberg...

(rating: 71)

Sami Zayn vs. Goldberg
In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Bill Goldberg defeated Sami Zayn in 6:13 by DQ after Kevin Owens interefered.

- Commentators reminded everyone that if Goldberg lost he would be forced to retire from the WWE

(rating: 61)

- Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens attack Goldberg!
- They reopen his injury from earlier today

(rating: 68)

This isn't about winning
- Owens and Zayn leave the badly injured Goldberg in the ring
- Owens: This isn't about winning, Goldberg! This is about DESTROYING you!
- Zayn: The whole world knows what you did to Bret Hart, I can't let that go
- Owens: We're going to make sure you can NEVER wrestle again. ANYWHERE!
- Owens: Oh don't start cheering us now! You've been cheering for Goldberg ever since he returned to the WWE! You're all to blame for the people he's injured. ALL OF YOU!

(rating: 80)

Paul Logan
- Paul Logan is backstage in an executive looking suite
- Theory, Riddle and Damian Priest are with him
- He's doing some sort of live chat on youtube or something
- Logan: My new bros here, part of the crew now, so big shout out for them
- They're all laughing and partying about, making fun of Seth Rollins

(rating: 68)

Becky Lynch & Bianca Belair vs. Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan vs. Asuka & Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya & Tamina
In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Becky Lynch and Bianca Belair defeated Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan, Asuka and Rhea Ripley and Natalya & Tamina in 24:43 when Becky Lynch pinned Liv Morgan with a Pumphandle Slam.

Tamina was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

(rating: 66)

The Empress Attacks
- As Becky Lynch is celebrating, Becky Lynch attacks with the help of Rhea Ripley!
- Rhea keeps Bianca Belair from helping
- Asuka stands over Becky Lynch as she holds up all the titles
- The show ends with Asuka screaming she is the Empress

(rating: 81)

Overall Rating: 72

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WWE Smackdown
5,000 @ WWE Wrestling Center, CT
November, Week 4

- Smackdown starts with Stephanie McMahon reminding everyone that this week's RAW and Smackdowns are Supershows with all wrestlers
- The search for a new Smackdown General Manager continues... and the search for a new RAW General Manager has begun after Cody Rhodes quit on Monday

(rating: 69)

Rey Mysterio vs. Reggie
In a decent match, Rey Mysterio defeated Reggie in 10:27 by pinfall with a 619 into the West Coast Pop.

(rating: 66)

Trios at Survivor Series
- After the match Rey Mysterio grabs a microphone
- He says lets bring a Lucha Tradition to Survivor Series and challenges El Hijo del Fantasma, Angel Garza and Ultimo Ninja to a Lucha Libre Trios Rules match for the Cruiserweight Title

(rating: 47)

Naomi vs. Xia Li
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Naomi defeated Xia Li in 8:30 by pinfall with a Nightmare.

- Naomi continues to work the few months worth of ring rust from her system

(rating: 49)

Look who can still wrestle..!
- Carmella appears at the entrance way and mocks Naomi
- Carmella says Naomi is still looking sluggish and asks if she should get her some assistance
- Naomi is having none of it, she says she's as fit as she's ever been and twice as keen to slap the make up off Carmella's face

(rating: 53)

Let's Finish It
- Drew McIntyre is in the ring now
- He's calling out Edge
- Drew says it wasn't really settled between him and Edge, so let's finish it tonight
- Edge appears laughing, amazed that Drew would still want to go one-on-one with the last hero of the attitude era

(rating: 76)

MACE & Omos vs. Los Totalmente Traidores
In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, MACE & Omos defeated Los Totalmente Traidores in 8:27 when Omos pinned Murder Clown with a Claw.

- This was little more than a match to try and elevate Omos

(rating: 43)

The Modern Day Giant
- After the match MACE is keen to highlight Omos
- He calls Omos the Modern Day Giant, ready to rip the WWE from the foundations
- Mace highlights Omos' win over Randy Orton last week at the power that lies within

(rating: 71)

Ricochet vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Ikemen Jiro vs. Butch
In a decent match, Ricochet defeated Cedric Alexander, Ikemen Jiro and Butch in 10:21 when Ricochet pinned Ikemen Jiro with a 630° Splash.

Ricochet carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

(rating: 65)

So you're the future...
- Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez are backstage
- Some of the lockerroom are praising Perez for nearly lasting 10 minutes with Asuka last week
- Cora Jade doesn't look too pleased at the attention Roxanne Perez is receiving

(rating: 39)

WWE Women's Tag Team Titles: Team Kick vs. Hate Crew
In a decent match, Hate Crew defeated Team Kick in 13:22 when Sonya Deville pinned Nixon Newell. Hate Crew win the WWE Women's Tag Team titles. 

Shayna Baszler carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

- The Bloodline are backstage chatting about their plans for regaining the titles
- There's a knock on their day as Rikishi walks in
- Jey and Solo greet their Father
- Rikishi is here to ask about Jimmy returning to the fold and wonders why his brothers never came to ask if he was OK over the last few weeks
- Roman looks pissed as he stands up and stares down Rikishi
- He reminds Rikishi who the Head of the Table is
- Rikishi puts a hand on Roman to push him away
- The Bloodline look at Roman as he looks at Rikishi's hand on his chest
- Roman closes his eyes and sighs as he gives a nod
- Solo, Jacob and Ava attack Rikishi! 
- Jey Uso looks on, unsure what to do

(rating: 58 & 56)

Drew McIntyre vs. Edge
In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Drew McIntyre defeated Edge in 19:41 by pinfall with a Claymore Kick.

(rating: 68)

Overall Rating: 69

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