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[C-Verse] Which companies are the absolute worst?

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12 hours ago, Temes1066 said:

I have always mildly disliked CZCW, but I really hate them in the Alternate 2018 Cornell-verse Mod.

CZCW has always been my favorite, but I've never played the Alternate 2018 mod. What's up with them in that mod that causes you to really hate them?

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I know i've replied here before but i wanna share the other company i hate. United States Pro Wrestling is also a company i hate because they poach talent meanwhile they can literally re-open the defunct USPW Training Camp or open a new one, and USPW's rise was also one of the major factors of DAVE's demise. I really love DAVE and USPW being one of the major factors of the company's demise instantly makes USPW a big ass PASS for me.

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On 10/18/2022 at 7:44 PM, Matt_Black said:

Mark Carnie argues that 21CW shouldn't legally exist, and, amazingly, the government goes for it.

but then the government's decision is overturned 6 weeks later when the Prime Minister resigns, meaning 21CW gets a big come back show after a month and a half of being dark.

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On 10/19/2022 at 8:48 PM, ink625 said:

What's up with them in that mod that causes you to really hate them?


It has essentially become a hang-out for Art Reed and his old friends, who are popular and useful but you can't get your hands on any of them because they are 'loyal' to CZCW.

Edited by Temes1066
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On 10/18/2022 at 10:34 AM, Teh_Showtime said:

I think a sensible scenario is that the National School of Wrestling and a bunch of it’s grads breakaway from 21CW just leaving them with an old card and few options for the future. 

The talent they have stashed there could kickstart the entire continent and bolster a few abroad promotions as well.

The 21CW competitor is the AEW story, if you want an AEW story. 

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Narratively: SNP. They have some great workers with massive potential so scoop them up if playing in UK or Europe but how does Carnie keep getting away with the fraud and sexual assault?

Gameplay-wise: CWA. They are a fine promotion but they are the biggest offender when stealing talent, despite the USPW reportedly being that one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not a fan of QAW as I cannot really imagine what the hell it's supposed to be. AAA used to be the "small WWE". I rarely played it but it's a clear vision. 

Other than that I believe all companies have their place. I liked NOTB, PGHW and CZCW and all games were fulfilling. 

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On 11/4/2022 at 5:34 PM, Blackman said:

I'm not a fan of QAW as I cannot really imagine what the hell it's supposed to be. AAA used to be the "small WWE". I rarely played it but it's a clear vision.

In 2020? Small AEW. Lots of flippy stuff? Check. Focus on tag teams and stables? Check. Has faces and heels but doesn't enforce it? Check.

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On 8/24/2022 at 3:06 PM, azzak said:

For me those companies are interesting though - from a storytelling perspective they offer a narrative; will the scumbag owner get his comeuppance by seeing his beloved creation flounder and go bust? Will the egotistical booker accept he's over the hill and introduce new stars or will he let the ship sink all for the sake of pride? I guess if these companies were real, of course you'd hate them, but just from a gameplay viewpoint they create exciting mini narratives in every save even if you're not playing as them.

I thought of another one; BHOTWG. They sign up so many talents at the start of every save and decimate the smaller Japanese companies all to bloat their roster with workers they under utilise... 

Same with USPW. I've toyed with creating a CVerse balance mod for the game -- that's a problem in a lot of mods though, not just the C-Verse. NJPW (and AJPW) did the same thing in my 1985 game. 


(Lost the email associated with my account, so I can't log into KnowYourEnemy right now)

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On 11/4/2022 at 9:34 PM, Blackman said:

I'm not a fan of QAW as I cannot really imagine what the hell it's supposed to be. AAA used to be the "small WWE". I rarely played it but it's a clear vision.

I once played a multiplayer game where willr0ck's 4L was established in Mexico and TCW introduced a women's division. Between the two, QAW was decimated within a few months, thus kind of proving your point about, well, their point or lack thereof.

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51 minutes ago, Mecha Kaji said:

I once played a multiplayer game where willr0ck's 4L was established in Mexico and TCW introduced a women's division. Between the two, QAW was decimated within a few months, thus kind of proving your point about, well, their point or lack thereof.

I assume one of you controlled TCW? In WMMA they actually can create women's divisions, but I somehow doubt it's a feature in TEW unless "assisted" by the player.

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There's two companies I dislike. USPW and CWA. 


I hate USPW cause their climb to the top was kinda bull. Use Sam Strong's influence to get to National then get money and buy everyone. That's so boring. At least they used to be a challenge to play with, now, they're just boring. 

Funnily enough, I actually like CWA's roster, name, graphics, all that, but the reason I hate them is because I adored CGC. They were fun finding ways to screw with the DeColts, building future DeColt villians. The Elite, Christian Price, Zeus, Trent Schaffer, Stevie Grayson, Gargantuan. So many characters I really, really love that bounced off of the DeColts and each other so well. Then Alex happened and for some reason NOTBPW said "Sure, let's merge with our competitors EVEN THOUGH WE ARE ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING THEM". Sigh. It makes no sense why The Stones thought a merge would be good, CGC was as good as dead anyway. I think they should have done the same thing in that Alex was squeezed out, Steve came back as owner and Jack as booker and NOTBPW v CGC could continue.


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12 hours ago, Blackman said:

I assume one of you controlled TCW? In WMMA they actually can create women's divisions, but I somehow doubt it's a feature in TEW unless "assisted" by the player.

Yes I was in control, while my good lady was in control of 4L, but neither of us planned to concurrently raid QAW, it was the most logical in terms of free talent and business.

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On 10/7/2022 at 9:37 AM, Makhai said:

You mean that only smushing two underperforming companies together in Canada, not even attempting to make that make sense financially, and ignoring basically everything else for a decade even as half of it turns 40, leaves your game world stale? You don't say. 

What's wrong with Beast Bantem being a rookie monster  for 14 years?  Hard to update bios for 2649 workers though.  Trim it down to half the size or less and it becomes much more dynamic.  I know others would prefer even more workers, though.   Considering the game has some pretty hardcore fans, maybe let a few select fans update the ignored bios/feds in the C Verse.  

On 10/14/2022 at 11:16 AM, AboardTheArk said:

I hate 21CW. I hate how it essentially makes it impossible to grow a british scene, I hate that it took Koller from VWA, I hate that it's SWF UK but with the young guys being even more bland and terrible, and I hate that RAW did the SWF but with cultural differences trope so, so much better. Honestly, 21CW has no reason to exist but also no way it could ever go under or need to change.

It could just cease to exist.  It's a fictional verse.  Roger Cage, Grandmaster Phunk and others have had their ages reduced from edition to edition.  if it's a hinderance, just send it into the mirror universe with John Gordon.  


Anyway, I think the worst fed is CWA.  It probably won't be so bad if/when a lot of the roster is phased out and replaced with fresh faces but it seems forced given the pre existing histories of the feds.  

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So I'm very new to this, only discovering TEW2020 about a month ago. I bought the game after trying the demo for a week or two and I've started a new Fed in the Cverse based in North America called Blackjack Wrestling, basically started with zero everything trying to go insignificant to relevant thing. I'm currently just getting to the end of year two and I've a wrestleworld deal and am currently happily small but growing month on month, slowly but surely.

Gotta say, out of all the companies I most dislike at the moment it's got to be CZCW. What is the point of them? They are really irrelevant in my save, simply existing at the moment. Their roster is poor, their events always under perform and all they seem to do is borrow wrestlers from other more successful COTT promotions. What niche are they filling?

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The worst? The company I always create, hire mostly the same guys and then realize I don't have a coherent story to tell so I start again.

This time around I have limited my roster, and am holding myself to only monthly events until I have a good core of young talents. This same company may yet appear on the "best companies" thread. 🙃

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/15/2022 at 1:58 PM, Po Red5 said:

So I'm very new to this, only discovering TEW2020 about a month ago. I bought the game after trying the demo for a week or two and I've started a new Fed in the Cverse based in North America called Blackjack Wrestling, basically started with zero everything trying to go insignificant to relevant thing. I'm currently just getting to the end of year two and I've a wrestleworld deal and am currently happily small but growing month on month, slowly but surely.

Gotta say, out of all the companies I most dislike at the moment it's got to be CZCW. What is the point of them? They are really irrelevant in my save, simply existing at the moment. Their roster is poor, their events always under perform and all they seem to do is borrow wrestlers from other more successful COTT promotions. What niche are they filling?

They are like the  TNA / Impact of the C-Verse. There was a time when everyone thought they would be the next. Every great worker from the early 00's era went through there. At this point they are just a west coast indy for little high flyers to work at.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/4/2023 at 1:15 PM, d12345 said:

They are like the  TNA / Impact of the C-Verse. There was a time when everyone thought they would be the next. Every great worker from the early 00's era went through there. At this point they are just a west coast indy for little high flyers to work at.

Just because they're Canadian I consider ACPW to be the true TNA of the C-Verse, even though (somehow) stars like Mimic and Jamie Atherton still haven't been picked up, Mainstream Hernandez and Diablo Duvak are both successful and not very old so still have time to be big stars in their respective companies. 

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