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EMLL Adventures In The Multiverse

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So I wanted to make a years worth of writeups before I gave this an attempt and I'm ready to posting what I've got so far. There isn't gonna be a big write up or fan fare about where we're at and what the roster is like. I think its just gonna be like you're getting into the shows for the first time and you are getting to know the characters as you watch along.

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EMLL Escaramuza del Multiverso

Pre Show Matches


Aprendiz Jr. over El Bandito Jr. 28

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Aprendiz Jr defeated El Bandido Jr in 8:10 by pinfall with The Whiplash.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing El Bandito Jr


Hombre Cebra over Noxious 29

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Hombre Cebra defeated Noxious in 7:50 by pinfall with a Zebra Crush.


Hombre Cebra and Noxious have great chemistry and it showed in their performance


Tarántula over Hellfire 21

In an abysmal pre-show match, Tarántula defeated Hellfire in 8:20 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


A pretty vocal crowd did seem particularly thrilled to see Noxious


Príncipe Trasgo over Calavera 19

In an abysmal pre-show match, Príncipe Trasgo defeated Calavera in 8:09 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Calavera


Trickster over Lobo Azul 28

In a terrible pre-show match, Trickster defeated Lobo Azul in 7:49 by submission with a Stretch Of The Truth after blatantly cheating.


A pretty vocal crowd did seem particularly thrilled to see Lobo Azul

Trickster got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed


Main Show


Hero Champion 59

Capitán Lucha addresses the crowd to open the show, entering the ring to a huge ovation. The hero of lucha announces that he will continue to reign as champion honorably and bravely. He promises that under his watchful eye that nothing shall come to harm the people of Mexico or the world. He stumbles a bit over his words here or there but for the most part the crowd would follow El Capitán to the pits of hell if he asked.


Capitán Lucha struggle with going off script


Anarquisto over La Bestia Morada 37

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Anarquisto defeated La Bestia Morada in 11:47 by submission with an Anarchist's Dream after blatantly cheating.


The story of the match is that La Bestia Morada cannot control his instinct. He is drawn to the ring of chaos and no matter how hard he tries to hold it together the ring has a stronger will than he does. Anarquisto may no longer be able to use the ring to control Bestia but he can use his former thralls thirst for its power as a distraction and using the ring as a weapon to blatantly hit Bestia upside the head setting him up for the finish.



A Way Home 43

The match is over and Bestia is helped from the ring, but the mysterious DeCipher has words for Anarquisto. He informs the current holder of the ring that it will only be in his possession precious few more moments. DeCipher needs the rings to find his way back home and he has entered himself in El Avatar del Caos battle royal. He promises to make EMLL's Anillo del Caos his first acquisition on his road home.


DeCipher struggled with going off script




Cíclope over Malefic 38

In a poor match, Cíclope defeated Malefic in 8:26 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


The match is a wild affair spilling out of the ring on numerous occasions with quite a few dangerous spots being thrown at the crowd in rapid succession. Hidden amongst the chaos is a subtle story of Cíclope trying to win as quickly as possible. He wants little to do with Malefic and when he has control he goes for quick pins before pulling back. Although Cíclope is the babyface in this match he finishes the match with a handful of tights and rolls out of the ring.



Little Lost Shadow 46

As Cíclope is composing himself and getting his hand raised the lights dim in the arena although don’t go completely out, leaving everything in shadow. An imposing figure followed by two others makes its way to the ring. One spot light comes on and Samael El Acusador stands front and center as Charron and Trickster help Malefic to his feet.


The terror of the dark universe address Cíclope calling him his little lost shadow. The giant luchador says that he has gathered most of the other lost souls in a group called Aumento de la Oscuridad and he wants the prophet and master forger to come home where he belongs. Malefic may not have been able to get the job done but next week Trickster will. And Cíclope will join him even if he has to be dragged kicking and screaming.



La Estrella over Hombre Poderoso 45

In a decent match, La Estrella defeated Hombre Poderoso in 9:32 by submission with a Superstar Lock.


La Estrella and Hombre Poderoso is a story of looks over power. Estrella spends a large portion of the match posing and playing up to the women in the crowd. Poderoso gets exceedingly frustrated by all the verbal jabs from Estrella who is as wily as he is handsome. Despite both men being heels La Estrella takes a clean win with a submission adding insult to injury as he poses with Poderoso tapping out.


La Estrella was off his game




Dueling Mirrors 55

As the match finishes Boriken Love Machine comes out with a woman under each arm. He address La Estrealla saying that if his poor excuse for a visage is what he considers the best looing thing in EMLL that he might need some glasses. As he speaks one of the women holds up a mirror so he can admire himself. Love Machine says that next week he’ll show the Hollywood sell out how the truly handsome win a match, and offer him a front row seat to the best, and most beautiful match he’s ever seen.


Boriken Love Machine worked the crowd well, using the freedom to improvise to his advantage



Cabeza de la Muerte over Delfín Maestro 44

In a decent match, Cabeza de la Muerte defeated Delfín Maestro in 11:54 by pinfall with a Powerbomb.


This match is a fairly even affair the story being that whenever Delfin is down de la Muerte tries to steal EMLL's Anillo de la Vida to no avail. The match set in the middle of the show is also a longer affair, really showcasing the work of two of EMLL’s top stars. Muerte shows us why he’s called the executioner with a huge Powerbomb finisher and once more tries to steal the ring from Delfin but the watery hero seems shocked to life very quickly after his loss and rolls out of the ring.



El Hijo Del Fantasma over Hijo Del Vigilante 40

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Hijo Del Fantasma defeated Hijo Del Vigilante in 8:12 by submission with an Ultimate Boston Crab.


This match is really just a showcase for Fantasma. Most of the match goes to him and he finishes Vigilante with him Ultimate Boston Crab. The announcers really sell the fact that once locked in every one taps to it.




Killing the Snake in the Grass 62

Guerrero Muerto is angry. He stands in the ring pushing Calavera around, as the young lcuhador cowers in terrors. Muerto blames Rey Serpiente for him not holding the title. He says that treachery in the Hellmouth is only rewarded with one thing, death. Serpiente can hide in the grass but Muerte will be the reaper who slices the snake in half.



Rey Serpiente over Escorpión 49

In a decent match, Rey Serpiente defeated Escorpión in 14:22 by pinfall with a Snake-Bite.


The semi-main event delivers even if the story is the guile of Serpiente and Escorpión’s inability to mount a proper offense against such trickery. This could have been a battle between an actual snake and scorpion, as Serpiente attacked with quick strikes before coiling back and what offense Escorpión did get amountedd to pummeling blows and chops.



Demon Savior 43

Before their match Rey Demonio has some words for both Capitán Lucha and the crowd. He says that while he was champion he did his best to protect this realm as he failed to protect his own. He admits to holding El Capitán in high regard, but he just doesn’t believe he will be ready for what is to come. He may be a demon but the fans cannot let his appearance stand between them and salvation. He needs El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL to stop what happened to his world from happening here


Rey Demonio did not do well without a script to follow



Capitán Lucha over Rey Demonio 58

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Capitán Lucha defeated Rey Demonio in 17:37 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Capitán Lucha makes defence number one of the Campeonato del Mundo EMLL title.


The main event is the story of two would be heroes trying to do what they think is best. Throughout the match both men break on three and back off any time someone is in the ropes. Rey Demonio shows some intense aggression at moments and gets angry more at his own failure than Capitán Lucha and that eventually leads to an opening for El Capitán to hit Mexican Death.


Overall 48

Edited by Apupunchauoptonline
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Avatar del Caos

Pre Show Matches


Screamer over Calavera 26

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Screamer defeated Calavera in 7:36 by pinfall with a Scream Theme.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Calavera

Calavera was really off his game


Hombre Cebra over Hellfire 28

In a terrible pre-show match, Hombre Cebra defeated Hellfire in 7:56 by pinfall with a Zebra Crush.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Hellfire


Malefic over Noxious 16

In an abysmal pre-show match, Malefic defeated Noxious in 8:26 by pinfall with a Maligner.


The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticable


El Bandito Jr. over Lobo Azul 17

In an abysmal pre-show match, El Bandido Jr defeated Lobo Azul in 7:45 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing El Bandito Jr

A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Lobo Azul

El Bandito Jr was really off his game

El Bandito Jr. and Lobo Azul don’t seem to click and it made for an awkward bout


Main Show


Tightening Coils 56

Rey Serpiente slithers out to the ring before the battle royal. He scoffs at the fodder competing for lesser rewards like mice looking for cheese in maze. He goes on to say he never betrayed Muerto because he was never on Muerto’s side. Rey Serpiente serves the snake goddess and that is the only being worthy of his respect. Tonight through the power of his goddess he will wrap his coils around Muerto and squeeze the unlife out of him.


Rey Serpiente worked the crowd well, using the freedom to improvise to his advantage



Battle Royal For EMLL's Anillo del Caos 41

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, DeCipher won a battle royal in 12:01. The other members of the 'final four' were Anarquisto, Cabeza de la Muerte and La Bestia Morada, with Anarquisto being the final elimination. Samael El Acusador got the most eliminations over the course of the match. DeCipher wins the EMLL's Anillo del Caos.


The Battle Royal is a mix of a lot of stories. Samael and his minions form an early block and the first person they beeline for is Cíclope. There also seems to be some tension between the denizens of the Dark Universe and Pyromaniac as well. Cabeza de la Muerte and Delfin Maestro naturally gravitate toward each other as do DeCipher, La Bestia Morada and Anarquisto. Samael looked very strong getting most of the eliminations even after Maelific and Charron were ousted. DeCipher and Anarquisto were face to face as the final two till the rebellious luchador was tossed unceremoniously over the top rope and stripped of his ring.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Charron

DeCipher got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed

A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Rey Soldado

Pyromaniac was really off his game


The Punishment For Success 39

DeCipher may have won the ring but the former owner and the beast addicted to its power showed him that the cost of winning is a beat down. DeCipher eventually stayed down and La Bestia Morada and his former tormentor stared each other down until they exited the ring.


Escorpión over Hombre Poderoso 41

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Escorpión defeated Hombre Cebra in 8:20 by pinfall with a Scorp Bomb.


This match was really just designed to give Escorpión a win in what amounted to a match being just a mess of high spots and big stunts. Still fairly evenly matched Poderoso didn’t look weak but he did lose.


Boriken Love Machine over Aprendiz Jr. 42

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Boriken Love Machine Jr defeated Aprendiz Jr in 9:45 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Boriken Love Machine was the center of the story of this match. Mid match he literally went move for move with La Estrella’s offence from the month before. There was a lot of posing and playing to the crowd and an eventual win although he had to cheat using the ropes for leverage whereas Estrella won clean last month.


Posing A Question 49

In a mirror to the end of his match, La Estrella comes out on the ramp to speak to Love Machine. Estrella congratulates Boriken on his win although he says the finish could have been ‘prettier.’ Estrealla goes on to say that he doesn’t see the appeal. Boriken needs to come out with women on his arm to prove his handsomeness but Estrella just needs himself. So the Hollywood luchador proposes that next month the two meet in a pose off.


La Estrella clearly enjoyed having the freedom to go off script and performed well


Capitán Lucha over Hijo Del Vigilante 51

In a decent match, Capitán Lucha defeated Hijo Del Vigilante in 11:37 by pinfall with a Mexican Death.


This match was strictly to put over Capitán Lucha. Lucha didn’t dominate the match but he still looked good in the ring and the commentary team sold the idea that El Capitán was a true hero worthy of the Campeonato del Mundo.


Drive By Prophecy 46

As Campeonato del Mundo is making his way up the ramp, waving to the fans and kissing babies Cíclope comes from the back before his match. He is jittery and talking to himself when he seems to bump into Lucha without seeing him. He starts spouting off nonsense about how he was supposed to collide with the hero and this is where he was supposed to be. He grabs the sides of El Capitán’s head and looks him dead in the eye and says, “something is coming” drawing out the IS to accentuate it. He then continues to walk toward the ring as if nothing happened.


Cíclope over Trickster 32

In a decent match, Cíclope defeated Trickster in 7:38 by disqualification.


The second member of the Dark Universe faction Aumento de la Oscuridad tries to take out Cíclope but to no avail. The story is Cíclope’s fight against not only a fellow denizen of the dark universe but of his very nature as a being of darkness. Although he does manage a win Cíclope takes a lot of damage as Trickster is disqualified for introducing and using a chair in the match.


Trickster got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed

The fans hated the ending to the match


Rey Demonio over El Hijo Del Fantasma 49

In a decent match, Rey Demonio defeated El Hijo Del Fantasma in 11:50 by submission with an Eternal Pain.


Rey Demonio puts on a great match with El Hijo Del Fantasma even if Fantasma has a few missteps here and there. The story of the match is two heroes fighting each other although both being influenced by the evil of their home dimensions. An illegal choke here, teasing a chair shot their by either man, but never getting to more than a four count, or actually using any foreign object. Eventually Demonio gets a victory of Fantasma by submission.


El Hijo Del Fantasma was off his game


Rants Of The Devil 49

With El Hijo Del Fantasma still on the ground, Rey Demonio kneels down beside him. He begins to mutter to the fallen hero, I just want to do what’s right he says, I just want to save them all. But I’m not sure if I can stop it without the title. I don’t think he can either. He gets up and shakes Fantasma’s limp hand and then exits the ring still muttering under his breath.


Guerrero Muerto over Rey Serpiente 66

In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Guerrero Muerto defeated Rey Serpiente in 17:24 by pinfall with a Graveyard Shift.


The main event was story of two men who hate each other, Guerrero Muerte fighting with the fury of the risen dead and Rey Serpiente brining a calculated style to the proceedings. This match was brutal as no man gave quarter and the crowd was on their feet more often than not. Although Serpiente slowed Muerto somewhat, the unstoppable tenacity of a being that’s seen over 1000 years was just too overwhelming for the serpent king and even his goddess couldn’t save him from a Graveyard Shit


What's Mine Is Mine 65

After taking the win Calavera brings his master a microphone. Muerto takes it and kicks his candy skull masked minion to the side. He pushes Serpiente out of the ring with his feet asking where his goddess was now. He then addresses the stage and says he is the only three time Campeonato del Mundo and that title and its power are rightfully his. Next month he comes for Capitán Lucha and their battle shall be the start of a war throughout time.


Guerreo Muerto improvised well throughout the segment


Overall 52

Edited by Apupunchauoptonline
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Guerras del Tiempo

Pre Show Matches


Hijo Del Vigilante over Malefic 34

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Hijo Del Vigilante defeated Malefic in 8:04 by pinfall with a Twisting Powerbomb.


Hijo Del Vigilante and Malefic have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match


Tarántula over Noxious 18

In an abysmal pre-show match, Tarántula defeated Noxious in 8:21 by pinfall with a Swinging DDT.


Príncipe Trasgo over Lobo Azul 21

In an abysmal pre-show match, Príncipe Trasgo defeated Lobo Azul in 7:37 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem thrilled with seeing Lobo Azul


Hombre Poderoso over Hellfire 27

In a terrible pre-show match, Hombre Poderoso defeated Hellfire in 8:30 by pinfall with a Running Samoan Drop.


Hombre Poderoso and Hellfire have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match


Aprendiz Jr. over El Bandito Jr. 28

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Aprendiz Jr defeated El Bandido Jr in 7:41 by pinfall with The Whiplash.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem thrilled with seeing El Bandido Jr

El Bandido Jr was really off his game

Main Show


The Demon Rings Twice 46

Rey Demonio opens the show. He says that he hasn’t given up the cause. The loss to Capitán Lucha is a minor setback and regardless of who wins tonight’s title match he will be challenging for El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL. He will win the title and defend this realm. If he needs to build an army like he had back on Stygia he will do whatever it takes. He will not see another realm fall.


DeCipher over Rey Soldado 37

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, DeCipher defeated Rey Soldado in 11:59 by pinfall with a Code Breaker.


This match sees DeCipher getting acclimated to his new power. The EMLL's Anillo del Caos seems to impart on him strength and speed but in spurts. His ring work seems more random and he strings together bizarre combinations of moves we haven’t seen from him before. The power of the ring gives him a solid win over Rey Soldado and even DeCipher seems surprised by some of the things he pulls off.


DeCipher got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed

A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem thrilled with seeing Rey Soldado


Calll Of The Wild 42

The match has barely ended and a purple blur hits the ring. La Bestia Morada heads straight for the hand with the ring on it and seemingly tries to bite off the finger. He alternates between pummeling away at DeCIpher and trying to pull himself off. On a few occasions he can be heard talking to himself in a back and forth about not wanting to do this, but needing the ring. One such distracted moment allows DeCipher to roll away and escape the wild man who sits in the ring for a moment sobbing.


Rey Serpiente over Calavera 38

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Rey Serpiente defeated Calavera in 8:27 by pinfall with a Snake-Bite.


Rey Serpiente absolutely dominates this match and the story is that he can take out Guerro Muerto’s minion and thus there is no protection for the undead warlord.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem thrilled with seeing Calavera

Calavera was really off his game



Snaking Passage Through Hell 53

After the match Serpiente motions for a mic. He addresses the back, specifically Rey Demonio. He says that if anyone deserves next it’s him. The Snake Goddess demands the power of El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL, and she will not be denied. Demonio may be from hell itself but the original devil was a snake and he will end the Demon Lord and rule all the realms as his goddess’s avatar. Next week he demands Rey Demonion face him and then they will see who challenges for the title and its power.


Rey Serpiente worked the crowd well, using the freedom to improvise to his advantage


El Hijo Del Fantasma over Screamer 39

In a poor match, El Hijo Del Fantasma defeated Screamer in 10:01 by submission with an Ultimate Boston Crab.


Not the best match on the card but surprisingly good from these two. The story here is just a win for Hijo Del Fantasma. Although he didn’t quite dominate the match he did receive much of the offense and a clean win. Once again the announcers sell the fact that no one has escaped the Ultimate Boston Crab since Fantasma's debut. Once the submission is locked in, everyone taps out.


Cíclope over Charron 38

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cíclope defeated Charron in 11:55 by pinfall with a High Fly Eye.


This match with the third member of Aumento de la Oscuridad sees the story of Cíclope hit a brutal opponent. The tale of the match is that Charron isn’t here to win, he’s here to hurt Cíclope and he does just that. The assault against the one eye’d luchador is almost painful to watch, and on more than one occasion Charron pulls Cíclope up from what would have been a three count to do more damage. The muscle for Aumento de la Oscuridad ignores the win one too many times which gives Cíclope and opening to hit a High Fly Eye out of nowhere and take a hard fought win, if it can be called that.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem thrilled with seeing Charron


Darkness Falls 36

The lights dim again as is customary when Samael El Acusador comes to the ring. Cloaked in shadows and followed by two hood figures he stands tall in the center of the ring when one light shines on him. Cíclope has managed to roll out of the ring and Charron eyes him menacingly. Trickster and Malefic remove their hoods and eight eyes watch the prophet. Samael tells Cíclope that he didn’t win the match, he told Charron not to take a victory. He says that from here he can feel the injuries his guardian has inflicted and he is saving the win for himself in two weeks time.  The EMLL ring will once again shift into the Dark Universe for two days and on day one he and Cíclope will have a face to face confrontation.


Cabeza de la Muerte over Pyromaniac 46

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cabeza de la Muerte defeated Pyromaniac in 8:12 by pinfall with a Powerbomb.


The story of the match is that Murete is furiosat losing out on his chance for the EMLL's Anillo del Caos and he tries to use Pyromanic as a punching bag. The thing is that the man from the fiery realm of The Inferno isn’t that easily beaten. Both men are strong one is full of the fire and the other is full of hate and they beat the holy hell out of each other. It all comes down to who loses a step first and that was Pyromaniac who throws one wild punch to many and ends up in position for Muerte’s Powerbomb which the executioner for the Kingdom of Blood hits with perfection.


No Blood For The Blood God 41

Pyromaiac lays in the ring the powerbomb from Cabeza having thrown him for a loop. The Executioner of the Kingdom of Blood looks ready to sacrifice another soul. Before he can lay another hand on Pyromaniac Delfin Maestro hits the ring throwing strikes at Muerte to back him off. Although fire and water don’t mix the man from the ocean earth dimension saves the man from the Inferno. Delfin and Cabeza eye each other as Muerte retreats slowly from ringside to the back.


La Estrella and Boriken Love Machine pose off 51

La Estrella and Boriken Love Machine meet in the ring. Love Machine is flanked by his beautiful women while Estrella is photographed all the way to the ring by the paparazzi. The two have a few harsh words for each other before El Bandito himself rises from the announce desk to judge the pose off. Each man is allowed three poses but they only get through two each before the tempers flare and they start throwing hands. Bandito calls for a ref and says if they want to fight then this is a match.


La Estrella over Boriken Love Machine 45

In a decent match, La Estrella defeated Boriken Love Machine Jr in 13:44 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


Much like the pose off this match is fairly evenly spilt both in terms of offense and crowd reaction. The story very much is that both men are capable fighters in the same league. The back and forth keeps going until a frustrated La Estrella grabs Boriken’s mirror. When the Puerto Rican heartthrob grabs it from Estrella referee Benito Garcia tries to take the foreign object for Love Machine and misses a low blow from Estrella when he goes to put it back in the corner. The Hollywood Luchador locks in the Superstar Lock on the obviously pained Boriken and forces him to tap out.


Capitán Lucha over Guerrero Muerto 66

In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Capitán Lucha defeated Guerrero Muerto in 18:20 by pinfall with a Mexican Death following interference from Rey Serpiente. Capitán Lucha makes defence number two of the Campeonato del Mundo EMLL title.


The show ended with brilliant main event that saw Capitán Lucha fight from behind for a quite a bit. The story being Guerror Muerto’s undead nature made him impervious to a lot of Lucha’s offense. El Capitán found his footing here and there but was often cut off by a distraction from Muerto’s minion Calavera. It looked like Guerrero was going to win having hit the Graveyard Shift, but Rey Serpiente came out and attacked Calavera on the outside. The distraction was enough for Capitán Lucha to come to his senses and hit the Mexican Death and secure a win and retain his title.


Overall 49

Edited by Apupunchauoptonline
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Mortal Kombat

Pre Show Matches


Hijo Del Vigilante over Hellfire 30

In a terrible pre-show match, Hijo Del Vigilante defeated Hellfire in 7:47 by pinfall with a Twisting Powerbomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing Hellfire


Screamer over Noxious 26

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Screamer defeated Noxious in 7:49 by pinfall with a Scream Theme.


Noxious seemed off his game


Pyromaniac over Calavera 28

In a terrible pre-show match, Pyromaniac defeated Calavera in 8:08 by pinfall with a Burning Powerbomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing Calavera


Hombre Poderoso over Lobo Azul 31

In a terrible pre-show match, Hombre Poderoso defeated Lobo Azul in 7:50 by pinfall with a Running Samoan Drop.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing Lobo Azul


Escorpión over El Bandito Jr. 34

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Escorpión defeated El Bandido Jr in 7:31 by pinfall with a Scorp Bomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing El Bandito Jr.

Main Show


Don't Send An Undead to Do A Snakes Job 55

Serpiente walks to the ring with a swagger. The king of all that slithers takes a bow before the crowd as if he just put on a great Broadway performance. He announce to them that soon he will be the Campeonato del Mundo EMLL. He mockingly says that Guerrero Muerto obviously wasn’t up to the job and that you should never send the lowly undead to do what the avatar of a god should do. He promises to beat the lost little demon boy tonight and then crush the would be hero.


Rey Serpiente clearly enjoyed the freedom to go off-script and performed well


Delfín Maestro over Cabeza de la Muerte 45

In a decent match, Delfín Maestro defeated Cabeza de la Muerte in 11:51 by pinfall with a Dolphinisher.


Muerte gets a second shot at Delfin. The two ring holders battle it out once again like men possessed. The story of the match is that Delfin Maestro has learned from his previous battle with the executioner. Moves that worked last time are easily countered this time. Muerte isn’t at a complete loss as on a few occasions it seems as though he is guided into just the right spot, possibly a power of EMLL's Anillo del Destino, but winning was not his destiny. The Dolphinisher ends the bouth and gives a clean win to Delfin Maestro.


El Hijo Del Fantasma over Príncipe Trasgo 38

In a poor match, El Hijo Del Fantasma defeated Príncipe Trasgo in 8:02 by submission with an Ultimate Boston Crab.


This match is another showcase for the skill of Fantasma. He doesn’t dominate but his abilities are obviously on display. The goblin prince is a wily competitor and he’s shown it with numerous wins on the preshow, but he just couldn’t quite put away Fantasma and yet another one falls to the Ultimate Boston Crab.


The Horrible Truth 52

For the first time a long time after his match El HijoDel Fantasma picks up a mic. He says that he spoke with Cíclope and he feels it too. He says that Capitán Lucha has to be wary. His family has spent generation guarding the passage way to the Hellmouth he knows what it feels like when something is trying to punch through the spaces between world. He can’t say what is coming but he knows its out there and he wants Capitán Lucha to know that he will be there for him when it happens.


Ring A Ding Ding 37

Anarquisto makes his entrance for his match but stops to grab a mic. He claims his loss of the ring is just a temporary setback. That only he knows what true chaos is. Anarchy is the ultimate form of chaos in the world and with the ring he was able to promote as the true form of living. If he has to fight his way through every person in the multiverse he will retrieve that which he was born to possess.


Anarquisto improvised well through the segment


Anarquisto over Aprendiz Jr. 43

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Anarquisto defeated Aprendiz Jr in 9:35 by submission with an Anarchist's Dream.


Anarquisto proves his ability in a winning effort against Aprendiz Jr. Although he gets much of the offense Aprendiz proves hard to put away time and again much to the frustration of the king of chaos. Eventually though he manages to lock the pink masked luchador in the Anarchist’s Dream and forces the second generation star to submit.


La Bestia Morada over DeCipher 49

In a decent match, La Bestia Morada defeated DeCipher in 12:06 by pinfall with a Beast Bomb.


The beast seeks to get the ring that calls him relentlessly and DeCipher looks to keep that which he has so recently required. A far more fast paced technical battle with some brutal striking here and there then your usual high flying lucha battle and both men give no quarter. The ultimate winner is La Bestia Morada after hitting the Beast Bomb.


DeCipher got a lot of static from a crowd who clearly weren’t impressed


No Skipping The Line 40

After the match Bestia goes for the ring but Anarquisto runs out from the back and attacks the purple animal before he can get it. The two brawl around the ring forgetting about DeCipher who eventually rolls out and limps off. When Anarquisto and La Bestia Morada finally realize they DeCipher is gone they back off from each other. Anarquisto pokes Bestia in the chest  and tells him that the doesn’t get to skip the line.


Samael El Acusador over Hombre Cebra 37

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Samael El Acusador defeated Hombre Cebra in 8:25 by pinfall with a Poison Of God.


The story of the match is a win for the leader of Aumento de la Oscuridad. Samael completely dominates Hombre Cebra and drags out the match by pulling him from the three count on numerous occasions. This is obviously a message for Cíclope who will face Samael at the first night of the convergence with the Dark Universe. Samael hits the Poison Of God a few times but it wasn’t until the fifth occasion that he finally pins Cebra for the win.


Homefield Advantage 33

After his win the lights go dim and the shadows crawl across the arena and three hooded figures come down to the ring. Samael El Acusador stands in the sole spotlight surrounded by Charron, Trickster, and MAelific. He says that Aumento de la Oscuridad has chosen their moment and during the convergence he will have the home field advantage. And in the darkness Cíclope will succumb to the darkness within and come home to the shadows where he belongs.


Boriken Love Machine over La Estrella 47

In a decent match, Boriken Love Machine Jr defeated La Estrella in 14:09 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


Boriken Love Machine versus La Estrella II isn’t just a match that came into being from nothing, both man have ahd a chance to train to prepare, and it shows. Whereas the story of the first match was a story of spontaneity this match is two men who hate each other with an actual plan to kill each other. Gone is the wild brawling and we see more hold counter hold, technical wrestling. But with all the smooth moves of both competitors Boriken Love Machine feels the need to end La Estrella with a pair of brass knuckles hidden in his tights while the ref isn’t looking and then hits the Love Gun to add insult to injury.


Rey Demonio over Rey Serpiente 59

In a good match, Rey Demonio defeated Rey Serpiente in 17:52 by submission with an Eternal Pain.


The main event is the story of two men fighting to get a shot at the most powerful item in the multiverse. Demonio and Erpiente have very different reasons for want the Campeonato del Mundo EMLL but they both put their all into the battle for the chance. Serpiente gains the upperhnad for a bit but Demonio will not be held down and fights back to a near finish. Rey Serpiente hits the demon lord with a chair on the outside without the referee’s knowledge and seems to have the win well in hand, but he spend too much time jawing back at the crowd who have been heckling him the whole match. Demonion seizes the opportunity and he locks in Eternal Pain and forces the rink of snakes to tap out.


Demonio will do the most with his 2nd chance 50


The show not only ends on a high note with fan favorite Rey Demonio’s big win but the redeemed demon also takes the mic to talk to the crowd. He thanks them for their support and promises to make the most of his second chance ad regaining EL Campeonato del Mundo EMLL. He says his only concern is protecting the people of this realm and he holds no ill will toward Capitán Lucha and actually holds the hero of earth prime in high regard. But he promises to do what it takes to make sure he’s in a place to stand against what is coming, and it is coming.

Overall 51




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Ok no matter what I do I always end up having to reformat it after the I post it. So now I just add the pictures post and then edit to add formatting. So if you see a messed up post at first, it'll be formatted soon after.

Also I am going away for the weekend a new post will not be till monday if you've been following a long and would like to take a stab at gueesing the winners of the next event here you are

EMLL El Universo Oscuro (The first in a two night event where the venue gets dragged into the Dark Universe for matches during a conjunction of worlds)

Dark Match

El Bandito Jr. vs Hijo Del Vigilante
Charron vs Noxious
Hellfire vs Screamer
Hombre Poderoso vs Lobo Azul
Tarántula vs Trickster

Main Show

Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador
Anarquisto vs La Bestia Morada
Aprendiz Jr. vs Cabeza de la Muerte
DeCipher vs El Hijo Del Fantasma
Boriken Love Machine vs Hombre Cebra
Escorpión vs Rey Demonio
Guerrero Muerto vs Rey Serpiente

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El Universo Oscuro

Pre-Show Matches


Hijo Del Vigilante over El Bandito Jr. 33

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Hijo Del Vigilante defeated El Bandido Jr in 8:12 by pinfall with a Twisting Powerbomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing El Bandito Jr.


Charron over Noxious 23

In a pre-show bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, Charron defeated Noxious in 8:07 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing Charron


Screamer over Hellfire 29

In a terrible pre-show match, Screamer defeated Hellfire in 8:02 by pinfall with a Scream Theme.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing Hellfire


Hombre Poderoso over Lobo Azul 28

In a terrible pre-show match, Hombre Poderoso defeated Lobo Azul in 7:48 by pinfall with a Running Samoan Drop.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled seeing Lobo Azul


Trickster over Tarántula 30

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Trickster defeated Tarántula in 7:31 by submission with a Stretch Of The Truth.


Trickster got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed

Main Show


You God(dess) Is Dead, And No One Cares 58

The ominous music of Guerrero opens the show and the lord of the undead makes his way to the ring with his minion Calavera groveling behind him. When Muerto takes the mic he speaks in a deep booming, but monotone voice. He claims that in the grand scheme of things he will always be better than Rey Serpiente because the king of snakes follows a god and Muerte himself is a god. And unlike Serpiente’s god he is quite alive while he assures the crowd that the snake goddess is most assuredly dead and no one cares.


Samael El Acusador over Cíclope 42

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Samael El Acusador defeated Cíclope in 11:40 by pinfall with a Poison Of God following interference from Charron.


Months in the making the final inevitable confrontation between Cíclope and Samael El Acusador open the first night of the convergence into the Dark Universe. The story of the match is the one eyed wonder fighting for his life while the bringer of darkness slowly and methodically tries to take him apart. Cíclope proves adapt at keeping clear of Samael’s most powerful attacks. The prophet seems to know where attacks are coming for, the convergence to his home realm lending him power. But what he doesn’t see is the eventual interference from Charron that allows Samael to set Cíclope in the Poison of God for the win.



Into Darkness 38

After the win the lights go down leaving the ring shrouded in shadow. Samael, surrounded by all his minions speaks directly to Cíclope. He says that the little lost shadow will be taken home where he belongs to serve the darkness once more. He reminds the one eyed prophet that the only reason he has his powers is because of the darkness.

Suddenly all the lights come on and not just on but magnified. As the members of Aumento de la Oscuridad shield their eyes the silhouette of a man comes to the ring and grabs the fallen body of Cíclope. Once the lights go back to normal Pyromaniac is standing at the top of the ramp with Cíclope over his shoulders. Samael growls as realizes what happens and Pyromaniac just walks to the back.


Anarquisto draws La Bestia Morada 31

In a decent match, Anarquisto drew with La Bestia Morada in 8:28 following a double count out.


The two men both chasing EMLL's Anillo del Caos meet in a one on one battle after the confrontation last month. One of the men wants to ring to continue his path of anarchy and the other has been corrupted and needs the ring with every ounce of his being. They two men beat the everliving hell out of each other. The match rolls in and out of the ring many times over the course of the action but at one point the two men are so intent on beating the crap out of each other that they just ignore the ref and are both counted out, although they don’t care as they continue to battle until they are separated by staff.


The fans hated the ending to the match


Cabeza de la Muerte over Aprendiz Jr. 42

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cabeza de la Muerte defeated Aprendiz Jr in 9:37 by pinfall with a Powerbomb.


A showcase for the power of Cabeza de la Muerte. Although Aprendiz Jr. is not a push over by any means and even though Muerte takes a majority of the offense actually putting away the pink masked luchador is harder than it looks. The amount of damage that Aprendiz takes eventually catches up to him and he can’t fight off a final Powerbomb from Cabeza and gets himself pinned.


A Watery Rescue 39

After the match Cabeza sets up Aprendiz with his neck on the rope hanging there limply. Muerte begins to talk about the power of the Kingdom of Blood and the wave of death that shall wash over the prime dimension. He says that the power of the Kingdom of Blood comes from just that blood. And so Aprendiz will be a sacrifice so that he might win the rings and begin the ritual.

As Cabeza begins to ascend the ropes Delfin Maestro rushes from the back and slides into the ring pulling Aprendiz Jr. off of the ropes. The watery superhero stands tall and stares down Cabeza who takes a few moments but eventually he comes off the ropes and leaves the ringside area, before Delfin assists Aprendiz to the back.


El Hijo Del Fantasma over DeCipher 40

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Hijo Del Fantasma defeated DeCipher in 11:47 by submission with an Ultimate Boston Crab after interference from Anarquisto.


Although EMLL's Anillo del Caos cannot be won outside of the battle royal once a year, defeating the holder of a ring is prestigious in and of itself. El Hijo Del Fantasma and DeCipher are two of the best high speed technicians on the EMLL roster and the show that with the mid show, show stopper. I most matches there are a few near falls in this match we see multiple near tap outs. The difference being that Fantasma find a way to move his body and escape while DeCIpher breaks most of his by making rope breaks. Eventually Fantasma cinches in the Ultimate Boston Crap and no one has escaped from it but even cinched deep DeCipher manages to inch toward the ropes. It looks like thinking man’s wrestler is gonna be the first to escape but Anarquito comes and pulls the bottom rope away. Not being able to inch any more DeCipher taps out.


DeCipher got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed


You Got Your Anarchy In My Chaos 32

As the match ends and Fantasma has his hand raised, Anarquisto gets into the ring and pushes the guardian of the hellmouth out of the way. He starts yelling yhat jjust because he can’t win EMLL's Anillo del Caos it doesn’t mean it can’t belong to him. He cleared a match tomorrow at the end of the convergence and win he beats DeCipher he will end him so he can literally pry the ring off his cold dead hand.


Boriken Love Machine over Hombre Cebra 49

In a decent match, Boriken Love Machine Jr defeated Hombre Cebra in 8:14 by pinfall with a Love Gun.


Boriken Love Machine takes a clean in decisive win against the only man in EMLL who doesn’t realize he’s surrounded by otherworldly beings. Hombre Cebra puts up a valiant effort but doesn’t stand a chance as he falls cleanly to the Love Gun for the pin.


Rey Demonio over Escorpión 43

In a decent match, Rey Demonio defeated Escorpión in 13:47 by submission with an Eternal Pain.


The semi-main starts with a handshake between two well-known tecnicos. The match itself doesn’t have much of a larger story but the internal tale is respect from two amazing competitors. The fight back and forth is open with neither man getting any obvious upperhand, although we do see a few missteps from the Demon King. Both men are well rounded and we see a mix of brawling, technical work, and high flying. Demonio gets the win with his opponent tapping out to Eternal Pain.


Rey Demonio was really off his game


A Hero’s Praise 55

As the match ends Capitán Lucha comes to the ring and he raises Rey Demonio’s hand. He takes a mic and he asks the crowd to give a big round of applause for the winner. He heaps a ton of praise on Demonio saying that he is one of the best competitors that he’s ever seen. He says that if anyone can beat him for this title it could definitely be him. Demonio nods his head and seems to respect what Capitán Lucha says. But the current Campeonato del Mundo EMLL holder says that he is the protector of the prime realm and that he can defend against whatever Demonio and others think is coming. So after tomorrow he will walk out with the title and continue to be the defender of the multiverse.


Capitán Lucha improvised well throughout the segment

Rey Demonio was very poor when trying to improvise dialogue


Rey Serpiente over Guerrero Muerto 58

In a good match, Rey Serpiente defeated Guerrero Muerto in 17:38 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


I rematch between the two most hated villains in EMLL and after their first meeting it seems that they have learned a lot about each other. The battle shows why these are probably to of the best workers in the company. Although the crowd doesn’t really want either competitor to win they do love the ultra-violence the match provides. Serpiente gets a flash pin with a roll up and using Muerte’s tights to keep him in place.


UnDeadly Venom 53

After the win Serpeinte coils his body around Muerte. The undead lord struggles against his captor but the snake king hangs on long enough to bite Muerte right on the shoulder. Rey Serpiente gets thrown off but Guerrero Muerte takes one step before falling to his knees. Serpiente sees that the damage is done and slithers his way to the back.


Rey Serpiente improvised well throughout the segment

Guerrero Muerto was very poor when trying to improvise dialogue

Overall Rating: 49

Edited by Irish Wolf
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Next Month: Regreso del Universo Oscuro


La Bestia Morada vs Guerrero Muerto

Muerto failed to get another shot at el Campeonato del Mundo EMLL and looks he may have been poisoned by Rey Serpiente. La Bestia Morada has been abused by not just the EMLL's Anillo del Caos itself but by its last two holders. The tortured animal is lashing out and looking to head to a title shot for el Campeonato del Mundo EMLL to hopefully ease the desire for chaos.


Charron vs Pyromaniac

After his interface in rescuing Cíclope, Samael has tasked Charron with taking Pyromaniac out. Will picking a fight with the denizens of the dark universe have been a mistake for the man from The Inferno.


La Estrella vs Rey Soldado

After a loss to Boriken Love Machine putting the two stars at one win a piece a distraught La Estrella is forced to face the Time Corp Soldier Rey Soldado but is his heart really in it.


Anarquisto vs DeCiphe

The first meeting between Anarquisto and DeCipher since the latter won the ring in the battle royal. For DeCipher a win will prove he is chaos, for Anarquisto this is just revenge pure and simple.


Delfin Maestro vs Trickster

The Dark Universe has been trying to prove its power during the convergence. Trickster takes on one of EMLLs top heroes and holder of EMLL's Anillo de la Vida. If a ring holder can be defeated it will be a feather in Aumento de la Oscuridad's cap.


Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador

Samael has been collecting the strays from the Dark Universe who exist on the prime dimension and have had his eyes on the prophet of his realm. But even after losing last night Cíclope managed to escape with the aid of Pyromaniac. Tonight Samael goes round two with his quarry in hopes of bringing him into the folds of darkness.


Capitán Lucha vs Rey Demonio

Rey Demonio got his last shot El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL in January at Escaramuza del Multiverso. Since then he's done battle with some of the toughest competitors in EMLL to claws his way back up to the top. All of this because he believes he needs the title to defend against a coming doom. But Capitán Lucha believes he can handle things just as well and on the last day of the coversion one will come out with el Campeonato del Mundo EMLL.

Regreso del Universo Oscuro

La Bestia Morada vs Guerrero Muerto

Charron vs Pyromaniac

La Estrella vs Rey Soldado

Anarquisto vs DeCipher

Delfin Maestro vs Trickster

Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador

Capitán Lucha vs Rey Demonio

for El Campeonato del Mundo

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La Bestia Morada vs Guerrero Muerto

Charron vs Pyromaniac

La Estrella vs Rey Soldado

Anarquisto vs DeCipher

Delfin Maestro vs Trickster

Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador

Capitán Lucha vs Rey Demonio

for El Campeonato del Mundo


This dynasty is quite fascinating, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

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Regreso del Universo Oscuro



Hijo Del Vigilante over Lobo Azul 32

In a terrible pre-show match, Hijo Del Vigilante defeated Lobo Azul in 7:45 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Lobo Azul


Aprendiz Jr. over Hellfire 28

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Aprendiz Jr defeated Hellfire in 8:22 by pinfall with The Whiplash.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Hellfire

Hellfire was really off his game



Hombre Cebra over Calavera 28

In a terrible pre-show match, Hombre Cebra defeated Calavera in 7:59 by pinfall with a Zebra Crush.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Calavera

Hombre Cebra and Calavera don’t seem to click and it made for an awkward bout


Screamer over Noxious 26

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Screamer defeated Noxious in 8:20 by pinfall with a Scream Theme.





Escorpión over El Bandito Jr. 34

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Escorpión defeated El Bandido Jr in 7:50 by pinfall with a Scorp Bomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing El Bandido Jr

Main Show


Dead Can Dance 60

Guerrero Muerto comes out for his match with his shoulder wrapped up and an obvious hitch in his step. He doesn’t wait to be announced and he backs down the ring announcer taking his microphone. Hey calls out Rey Serpiente who doesn’t come but Muerto still has words from him. He says that undead can heal from anything, that Serpiente may have put some kind of poison in his veins but he still has more power than Serpiente can ever imagine. He promises that someday somehow he’ll pull out Serpiente’s fangs and shove them down his throat.


Guerrero Muerto over La Bestia Morada 50

In a decent match, Guerrero Muerto defeated La Bestia Morada in 11:48 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


The story of the match is Muerto being poisoned. La Bestia Morada is no one to be trifled with and but Muerto has beaten beings as good or better than him before. The undead lord has the match almost won on multiple occasions but whatever is flowing through his veins slows him down. When it becomes obvious that he can’t win on his own Muerte hits a low blow unseen by the ref as he is slowly crawling up Bestia’s body to stand. A quick if slop Graveyard Shift later and the match is over.


Charron over Pyromaniac 27

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Charron defeated Pyromaniac in 7:48 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


This match is a battle between two bruisers. Between strikes and slams the two men do quite a bit of jaw-jacking and its obvious there is some history between the Dark Universe and The Inferno. Pyromaniac tries his damnedest but being in the Dark Universe itself seems to drain the light of the flame from his body over time. Eventually Charron puts him down the guardian of the Dark Universe has to resort to a handful of tights to  keep the pin even from a weakened Pyromaniac


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Charron

Charron and Pyromaniac don’t seem to click and it made for an awkward bout


No Light At The End Of The Tunnel 36

All of the other members of of Aumento de la Oscuridad join Charron in the ring, Samael says that even the light of The Inferno is not enough to push back the darkness. Cíclope may think that he is coming to the light at the end of the tunnel as the conjunction with the Dark Universe fades, but he his followers just put that light out. Samael promises to crush what little light there is inside Cíclope once and for all.


La Estrella over Rey Soldado 43

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, La Estrella defeated Rey Soldado in 9:44 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Not a complete squash but the point of this match was merely to give La Estrella a win.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled with seeing Rey Soldado


One More Look In The Mirror 47

After his win La Estrella takes a mic. He doesn’t quite call out Boriken Love Machine but he does address him. He says he has taken a hard look in the mirror and the fact that the two sit tied with one win a piece solves nothing, and La Estrella does not enjoy unresolved issues. He lets Boriken and the fans know that he has already secured a match next month La Ecuación Paradoja and this will decide once and for all who is the fairest.


DeCipher over Anarquisto 45

In a decent match, DeCipher defeated Anarquisto in 12:23 by pinfall with a Code Breaker.


After losing EMLL's Anillo del Caos four months ago this is the first singles match Anarquisto has had with its new wielder. As the match plays out Anarquisto shows anger at the man who took away what he deems rightfully his. This anger causes him to make mistakes here and there. With his new found power DeCipher seems to revel in the chaos caused by his opponents frustration. Even more frustrating the whole thing ends with a clean win when DeCipher hits the Code Breaker for the pin. Anarquisto throws a temper tantrum as DeCipher’s hand is raised.


DeCipher got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed


Trickster over Delfin Maestro 41

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Trickster defeated Delfín Maestro in 7:58 by submission with a Stretch Of The Truth after a distraction from Cabeza de la Muerte.


Another by one of the members of Aumento de la Oscuridad punctuates the influence being in their home realm has over them when competing. Delphin Maestro fights uphill to get what offense he can. And although it doesn’t appear he needed any help Cabeza de la Muerte came to ringside distracting Delphin and giving Trickster the perfect opening to lock in a Stretch Of The Truth.


Trickster got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed


Don’t Cross The Blood Throne 48

Still on the outside of the ring Cabeza de la Muerte takes a muc and talks at the fallen Delfin Meastro. The executioner says that the one thing Delfin has to remember is that Cabeza isn’t in this for himself. He doesn’t hunt the rings for personal power. He doesn’t make sacrifices to further a personal agenda. No he is the hand of The Kingdom of Blood on the prime plane. And Delfin may have stood against him thus far but next time the full power of The Kingdom of Blood will be brought down and his head.


A Truth In The Dark 44

The screen over the entrance way shows the backstage area. Capitán Lucha appears to be waiting for someone and eventually El Hijo Del Fantasma comes by trailed by Cíclope. Lucha tells the one eyed mystic that he has been convinced and wishes to hear this prophecy. Cíclope thinks for a moment and then steps back, he shakes for a moment and then seems to straighten into a trance.

“From The Fires Of Hell He Walked. Brother of a demon, son of a devil, a plague upon the earth. When two become one, they will form this world in their image.”

Cíclope snaps out of his trance shaking the cobwebs from his mind. And excuses himself as he has a match.


Capitán Lucha came across well


Samael El Acusador over Cíclope 45

In a decent match, Samael El Acusador defeated Cíclope in 13:42 by pinfall with a Poison Of God following interference from Malefic.


In their second match in the confines of the Dark Universe Cíclope fights for his life. Unlike the other matches earlier in the evening with members of Aumento de la Oscuridad both Samael and Cíclope are denizens of the Dark Universe and they both draw power during the match. In particular Cíclope’s prophetic powers seem to be in overdrive as numerous times he manages to move just before Samael would try ad hit him with a move even if he was faced away from The Bringer of Darkness.


The match is a story of the leader of Aumento de la Oscuridad’s frustration and in the end even requires interference from Malefic while Charron and Trickster have the ref distracted. The distraction gives Samael the opportunity to hit Poison Of God and take the win. As the ref raises Samael’s hands the lights go out and when they come back on Cíclope is gone much to the confusion of Samael and his followers.


Rey Demonio over Capitán Lucha 61

In a good match, Rey Demonio defeated Capitán Lucha in 17:32 by count out. Capitán Lucha retains the Campeonato del Mundo EMLL title.


The two top tecnicos face off in a killer main event. Rey Demonio fights like a demon possessed and pulls no punches. Meanwhile Lucha seems distracted possibly from hearing the prophecy directly from Cíclope earlier in the evening. Throughout the match the two battle in and out of the ring throwing their bodies around with reckless abandon. A dive off the top rope by Rey Demonio wipes both men out. The ref begins his count and at nine only Demonio manages to crawl under the rope. Demonio doesn’t notice that Lucha hasn’t made it back into the ring and then the ten count comes, counting out the EMLL Campeonato del Mundo holder. Demonio is declared the winner but when the ref says but sill champion Capitán Lucha, Rey Demonio flips out.


One Hell Of A Tantrum 51

Demonio has snapped he is yelling at the sky, tearing at the turnbuckle covers. At one point he even grabs the ref. All he can keep saying over and over again is that he won, he won and the title should be his. He demands the match be restarted but the ref shakes his head and exits the thing. After a few minutes he finally makes his way out of the ring to the back mumbling to himself and kicking things as he passes them.

Overall Show 51

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La Ecuación Paradoja

Anarquisto vs Rey Serpiente

After losing his ring Anarquisto is looking to get in to El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL picture and a win over the former two time champ might get him there. While Rey Serpiente is looking for a win to get him back to his nemesis Guerrero Muerto.

Malefic vs Pyromaniac

Pyromaniac took a loss to the guardian of the dark universe, Charron but that was during the last day of the conjunction. Now the denizen of The Inferno gets another battle against their dimensions rival The Dark Universe in the form of Samael's assassin Malefic. Can he finally get a win over The Dark Universe now that the playing field is even.

Cabeza de la Muerte vs Delfín Maestro

Fighting for The Kingdom of Blood Cabeza de la Muerte faces Delfin Maestro for the third time and only one man can come out whole. Will Cabeza win or will he come up empty one more time and Delfin keep his head and his ring.

La Bestia Morada vs Rey Demonio

Winning and losing at the same time Rey Demonio came awy with a win but did not get El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL. The only man who knows more rage than Demonio is La Bestia Morada who was dominated and had his mind broken by EMLL's Anillo de Caos. Both men have lost every thing they desried, both men have been broken by this fact. But only one man can come out a winner in this match.

DeCipher vs El Hijo Del Fantasma

Fantsma is looking for more clout to get Capitán Lucha to believe him about Cíclope's prophecies and DeCipher is looking to get revenge for his loss to Fatasma at El Universo Oscuro. Fantsma is at 4 wins at 1 loss this year with his last win being over DeCipher and the enigmatic green masked DeCipher is at 3 wins at 2 losses, they both stand about even so either man could take a win.

Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador

Samael has beaten Cíclope twice but both times he has escaped capture. The leader of Aumento de la Oscuridad and bringer of darkness to the prime universe wants the prophet and creator of the rings and now has one more chance to do so.

Boriken Love Machine vs La Estrella

Love Machine and La Estrella have gone face to face twice and come out one a piece. Estrella called out BLM saying that he couldn't live with the idea that they were even, one must be better than the other. So now the two face off in a final match to determine Who's The Fairest.

La Ecuación Paradoja
Anarquisto vs Rey Serpiente
Malefic vs Pyromaniac
Cabeza de la Muerte vs Delfín Maestro
La Bestia Morada vs Rey Demonio
DeCipher vs El Hijo Del Fantasma
Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador
Boriken Love Machine vs La Estrella


Edited by Irish Wolf
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Anarquisto vs Rey Serpiente
Malefic vs Pyromaniac
Cabeza de la Muerte vs Delfín Maestro
La Bestia Morada vs Rey Demonio
DeCipher vs El Hijo Del Fantasma
Cíclope vs Samael El Acusador
Boriken Love Machine vs La Estrella


I don't know why, but I feel that Boriken Love Machine and La Estrella going to a draw could be very interesting and I got to go with my gut with that prediction.  The stories being told in EMLL are very interesting and I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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La Ecuación Paradoja

Pre Show


Hombre Cebra over Noxious 37

In a terrible pre-show match, Hombre Cebra defeated Noxious in 8:10 by pinfall with a Zebra Crush.


Hombre Cebra and Noxious have great chemistry and it showed in their performance


Príncipe Trasgo over Hellfire 26

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Príncipe Trasgo defeated Hellfire in 7:50 by pinfall with a Top Rope Knee Drop.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem to be particularly thrilled with seeing Hellfire


Tarántula over Lobo Azul 24

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Tarántula defeated Lobo Azul in 7:39 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem to be particularly thrilled with seeing Lobo Azul

Tarántula and Lobo Azul don’t seem to click and it made for an awkward bout


Rey Soldado over Calavera 24

In a terrible pre-show match, Rey Soldado defeated Calavera in 8:19 by pinfall with a Powerslam.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem to be particularly thrilled with seeing Rey Soldado

A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem to be particularly thrilled with seeing Calavera


Aprendiz Jr. over Screamer 35

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Aprendiz Jr defeated Screamer in 8:21 by pinfall with The Whiplash.


Aprendiz Jr. was really off his game

Main Show


Rey Serpiente over Anarquisto 50

In a decent match, Rey Serpiente defeated Anarquisto in 11:34 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


The show opened with a brilliant match, even if Rey Serpiente was having a bad day. The story of the match is two men who have been falling behind in their current quests and are looking to make a comeback. Both competitors fight like its their last battle on earth and it seems like neither man can get the upperhand. Eventually the ref gets knocked out by accident and Serpiente uses a chair to lay out Anarquisto and drags the ref over to make the count.


Rey Serpiente was really off his game


A Statement On Death 39

Rey Serpiente address the crowd. He tells them that his schemes have succeeded, that when last they met Guerrero Muerto fell to him because his goddess has given the power to effect even the undead. Serpiente says that Muerto may have escaped death once but he will not escape again. He knows that the venom is coursing through Muerto’s bloodless veins and next month the snake goddess proclaims the end of the Warrior Chief of the Hellmouth.


Pyromaniac over Malefic 30

In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Pyromaniac defeated Malefic in 8:03 by pinfall with a Burning Powerbomb.


After his loss to Charron this match looks show Pyromaniac starting from the bottom to the Dark Universe’s totem pole by facing Samael’s lackey Malefic. Although not quite a squash without the added power of being in the Dark Universe Malefic fails to hold back the burning light that is the fire inside one of The Inferno’s most powerful denizens. The dark assassin felt to a Borning Powerbomb and a clean win for Pyromaniac.


The Fight For Life 42

The screen over the entrance way shows DeCipher standing backstage. He says that EMLL's Anillo del Caos is the first stepping stone on his way home. He announce that he is throwing in his hat for the four corners match for EMLL's Anillo de la Vida. As soon as he says that La Bestia Morada and Anarquisto both come running onto the screen and they attack DeCipher before turning on each other. The camera fades out to the wild brawl moving away down the hall.


Delfín Maestro over Cabeza de la Muerte 49

In a decent match, Delfín Maestro defeated Cabeza de la Muerte in 9:57 by pinfall with a Dolphinisher.


This is the rubber match between the two men who have had it out for months with a win a piece and both coming out losers for EMLL's Anillo del Caos. Cabeza has a hard time keeping his hands on Delfin, the high speed technician seems to keep the powerhouse off his feet for quite a bit of the match. But when the Executioner for the Kingdom of Blood get his hands on the superhero, he throws Delfin around like a rag doll. There were a few near falls for Cabeza but the can do spirit and the power of life keeps Delfin going. At the end of the match both men seem near exhaustion having gone balls to the wall the whole time, Delphin finds an opening and hits the Dolphinishers for a clean win over Muerte.


Life, The Universe, and Everything 39

After the match Delfin Maestro says that Cabeza has exhausted all of his chances and that in two month at La Batalla por el Anillo when he must defend his ring in the four corners match that Cabeza will not a part of that match. He says that he accepts the challenge of DeCipher as he already holds the third ring and that makes him a worthy competitor.


Rey Demonio over La Bestia Morada 51

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Rey Demonio defeated La Bestia Morada in 11:32 by submission with an Eternal Pain.


The mid show high point is the match between another two men who have been having a hard time lately. Both men are well known high speed technicians and even though there are some big top rope high spots in the match is mostly played out on the mat as the demon and the animal go hold for hold in spectacular fashion. After working the right arm for a while Rey Demonio locks in the Eternal Pain and forces La Bestia Morada to tap out.


Must Win Situations 55

Rey Demonio is happy about the win but paces the ring in frustration. He takes a mic and proclaims that this is his last chance. He’s been doing everything he can to regain the title and prepare for protecting the realm. He says that he has one more shot next month and if he doesn’t win Campeonato del Mundo EMLL he will have to face what’s coming with only his own power. One way or another he promises to fall before he lets what happened to his world happen here.


DeCipher over El Hijo Del Fantasma 55

In a decent match, DeCipher defeated El Hijo Del Fantasma in 8:27 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


After his declaration earlier in the evening DeCipher faces the young up and coming El Hijo Del Fantasma. The story of the match is DeCipher fighting through pain of his earlier attack. Fantasma isn’t one to give any quarter and so every time DeCipher loses a step due to the beating Anrquisto and La Bestia Morada put on him the guardian of the hellmouth takes advantage. The thing is DeCipher doesn’t want the blemish on his record so in a quick roll up he uses his feet on the ropes while the ref is down to steal the win and then quickly roll out of the ring.


DeCipher got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly weren’t impressed


Cíclope over Samael El Acusador 54

In a decent match, Cíclope defeated Samael El Acusador in 13:46 by pinfall with a High Fly Eye.


Although Samael has beaten Cíclope twice the one eyed prophet has escaped his clutches both times. This match tells the story of Bringer Of Darkness’ frustration. All members of Aumento de la Oscuridad are at ringside during the match and that makes things quite difficult Cíclope, as any time he gains an advantage one of them causes a distraction. It all seems to much for the Prophet and he eats a Poison Of God but when he’s about to be pinned the lights flare up blinding everyone for a moment. Cíclope hits a tornado DDT putting Samael on the floor and then comes off the top rope with the High Fly Eye for a clean win.



Up In Flames 33

As the match ends Samael is disoriented but he directs the rest of Aumento de la Oscuridad to attack Cíclope. Charron, Trickster, and Malefic make their attack but that assault is almost immediately thwarted as Pyromaniac and two others run out to the ring. Both of the other men have flame inspired gear and seem to follow Pyromaniacs lead. The fight of the three followers of darkness and then as Samael rises they surround him. Pyromaniac motions to Cíclope and tells Samael that he is free and if he tries to imprison him again, he’ll have to deal with La Llama Viva (The Living Flame). The three denizens of The Inferno leave the ring escorting Cíclope to the back.


Boriken Love Machine over La Estrella 60

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Boriken Love Machine Jr defeated La Estrella in 17:41 by pinfall with a Love Gun.


The final match in the battle between the ultimate lover and the Hollywood luchador ends the show. Both men put on the matches of their careers and really blow the crowd away. Throughout the match the men both try and attack the other’s face, ruining what both men consider their money makers. The smoothness of the match is breathtaking as Boriken and Estrella practically dance about the ring. The finale sees Love Machine and La Estrella move back and forth from having one another set up for the Love Gun or Hollywood Press. After six turnabout Boriken Love Machine actually hits the Love Gun and cleanly puts down La Estrella for the win.


A Reflection On WInning 50

Upon his victory two incredibly attractive women come into the ring and hand Boriken Love Machine a mirror to admire himself. The Puerto Rican powerhouse says that now that he has proven that he is the true face of EMLL, the man every woman wants and every man wants to be, he will begin to come in to his true destiny. Over the next few months he will prepare himself for the tournament and become the next holder of EMLL's Anillo del Destino.

Overall Show 53




Edited by Irish Wolf
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EMLL's next event seems one of the few non-singles matches as four competitors battle for El Anillo de la Vida. There will also be a title defense for the biggest prize in EMLL as August brings us La Batalla por el Anillo


Anarquisto vs DeCipher vs Delfín Maestro vs La Bestia Purpura


Anarquisto is a former holder of El Anillo de Caos, DeCipher is the current hold of said ring. Delfin Maestro holds the ring these for men will battle for. White La Bestia Morada has been used and abused by ring holders in the past. Only one man can leave the arena holding El Anillo de la Vida which ne will it be.


Charron vs Rey Soldado


The Dark Universe has been on a roll, but Rey Soldado has all of time to take from in his battles. Charron has proven a deadly competitors but Soldado is a man more his size and strength, and only one can get the three count.


Pyromaniac vs Samael El Acusador


The Inferno and The Dark Universe have been rival factions. One represents light and life the other darkness and despair. The two heads of their factions on the Prime Plane meet for the frrst time and only one can be the winner.


El Hijo Del Fantasma vs Hombre Poderoso


The guardian of he Hellmouth, he who keeps death from overwhelming the Prime Plane, faces off against the literal strongest man in the multiverse. Strength isn't everything but is it enough to beat back a centuries old gaurdian.


Hombre Cebra vs Trickster


The last normal man takes on the dark god of mischief from The Dark Universe. Trickster's boss had been shut down by Cíclope but Aumento de la Oscuridad looks to reassert itself. Can Trickster take on the only man who has no clue he's in a battle for the very soul of reality and win, or will Cebra's oblivious nature help him ignore Trickster's power.


Boriken Love Machine vs Rey Demonio


Boriken Love Machine came out on top of La Estrella showing he IS the fairest of them all. Rey Demonio has failed to gain El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL and is force to face a menace from his past. Both of these men have will, desire, and momentum going into this match but which one will leave the victor.


Cabeza de la Muerte vs Capitán Lucha


Cabeza has cashed in his guaranteed title shot from being the holder of El Anillo de Destino. The emissary of The Kingdom of Blood was not able to cut the ring off the finger of Delphin Maestro so he has move on to the biggest prize in the multiverse El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL. All he has to do is get through Capitán Lucha, but can he.


La Batalla por el Anillo

Anarquisto vs DeCipher vs Delfín Maestro vs La Bestia Purpura

For EMLL's Anillo de la Vida

Charron vs Rey Soldado

Pyromaniac vs Samael the Accuser

El Hijo Del Fantasma vs Hombre Poderoso

Hombre Cebra vs Trickster

Boriken Love Machine vs Rey Demonio

Cabeza de la Muerte vs Capitán Lucha

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La Batalla por el Anillo

Anarquisto vs DeCipher vs Delfín Maestro vs La Bestia Purpura

For EMLL's Anillo de la Vida

Charron vs Rey Soldado

Pyromaniac vs Samael the Accuser

El Hijo Del Fantasma vs Hombre Poderoso

Hombre Cebra vs Trickster

Boriken Love Machine vs Rey Demonio

Cabeza de la Muerte vs Capitán Lucha

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I'm catching up to what I have written so I'm gonna give shows probably two days before I post the,. I've got two more shows written and one more show run. And then its gonna be posting as played after that. Hopefully everyone is having fun. And I am open to any questions or comments about what's going on.

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Dammmit it looks like I posted the wrong shows as next one. Hellmouth is the next event, not La Batalla por el Anillo so athough I will not deleted the predictions for La Batalla por el Anillo but I won't post predictions for Hellmouth because I gave a way the ending to at least one match on the show in the predicitions for La Batalla por el Anillo.

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Pre Show


Aprendiz Jr. over Screamer 40

In a poor pre-show match, Aprendiz Jr defeated Screamer in 8:23 by pinfall with The Whiplash.


Pájaro Del Fuego over Noxious 31

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Pájaro Del Fuego defeated Noxious in 8:15 by pinfall with a Fire Bomb XXL.


Amazing Fire Fly over Hellfire 43

In a pre-show bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Amazing Fire Fly defeated Hellfire in 7:44 by pinfall with a Sky High Fire Fly.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled to see Hellfire

Amazing Fire Fly benefitted from having a hot new move


Rey Soldado over Tarántula 28

In a terrible pre-show match, Rey Soldado defeated Tarántula in 8:02 by pinfall with a Powerslam.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled to see Rey Soldado


Hijo Del Vigilante over Lobo Azul 35

In a pre-show bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Hijo Del Vigilante defeated Lobo Azul in 7:48 by pinfall with a Twisting Powerbomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled to see Lobo Azul


Escorpión over Calavera 39

In a poor pre-show match, Escorpión defeated Calavera in 8:05 by pinfall with a Scorp Bomb.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled to see Calavera

Main Show


A Cornered Snake 47

Rey Serpiente opens the show with an impassioned speech about how his entire life has been in service to the snake goddess. He says that only in the servitude to a higher power can one truly understand power. He calls the power that Guerrero Muerto has fleeting and only in service to the self. He proclaims that win or lose tonight he is the one with true power and he will begin expanding the scope of his goddesses will on this plain and nothing will stop him.


Rey Serpiente clearly enjoyed having the freedom to go off-scripted and performed well


Cabeza de la Muerte over El Hijo Del Fantasma 47

In a decent match, Cabeza de la Muerte defeated El Hijo Del Fantasma in 11:35 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


The opening match is a barn burner that sees Cabeza del la Muerte take out all of his frustration on El Hijo Del Fantasma. On this the day the that The Hellmouth is at its strongest the guardian of its portals shows that he has some additional power. Fantasma doesn’t give Muerte an easy outlet for his anger. Although Cabeza is the larger man Fantasma is no stranger to a good brawl standing toe to toe with the executioner for The Kingdom of Blood. In the end Cabeza doesn’t see an opening for a clean win and resorts to using Anillo del Destino as a weapon to knock out Fantasma and steal the win.


Change of Priorities 48

After his win Cabeza take the mic and proclaims a change in priorities. If he cannot take the ring from Delfin he will go for a higher prize. The time is almost nigh before the battle for a new holder of EMLL's Anillo del Destino. And although he will be in the tournament himself he understands that the field of battle makes his win no small thing. So next month while others battle for EMLL's Anillo de la Vida he will be using the stipulation of his ring and cash in for his shot at El Campeonato del Mundo EMLL.


DeCipher over Príncipe Trasgo 44

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, DeCipher defeated Príncipe Trasgo in 8:20 by pinfall with a Code Breaker.


The story of the match is the continued rise of DeCipher. Principe Trasgo holds his own in what amounts to no more than a wild mess of high spots and crazy stunts. Even amidst the hot mess it can be seen that DeCipher and Principe can read each other well and the match looks a lot better than it has any right to be. But still DeCipher ends the match clean with a Code Breaker and pin.


DeCipher got a lot of static from a vocal crowd who clearly werne’t impressed

Principe Trasgo seemed off his game

DeCipher and Principe Trasgo have great chemistry and it showed in their performance


A Shiver Up The Spine 53

Rey Demonio appears on the screen over the entrance way and he is pacing back and forth furiously. Can you feel it he says. He shakes uncontrollably before continuing. He says that he feels it in the air something is here, something from Stygia, something that has come to bring devastation. He knows that others think he is crazy, or maybe even think he is the evil, but he is not and there is something here, he just doesn’t know what.


Delfin Maestro over Hombre Poderoso 39

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Delfín Maestro defeated Hombre Poderoso in 10:02 by pinfall with a Dolphinisher.


This match is a showcase for Delfin, not a squash but a bout to show he can stand up to the biggest brawler in the company. Although a decent match there were some spot where the was an obvious lack of cohesion between Delfin and Poderoso. Delfin still came across as the big hero with the win at the end but it was neither man’s best performance.


Delfin Maestro and Hombre Poderoso just didn’t click at all and it showed in their performance


La Bestia Morada draw Anarquisto 49

In a decent match, La Bestia Morada drew with Anarquisto in 11:39 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.


The only person La Bestia Morada and Anarquisto hate more than each other is DeCipher, but because he’s not in this match the two men take out their frustrations on each other. The story of this match is who will be able to take out their hated enemy and take his ring. The answer by the end of this match is no one.

The match eventually devolves into a brawl with both men throwing open fists at each other. The ref tries to separate the men and bring the match back to some sense of order but fails. When he sees no other recourse the ref calls for the bell with both men being DQ’d much to the disappointment of the crowd who wanted to see them fight to the death.


Anarquisto seemed off his game


Four Of A Kind 41

As the match ends DeCipher comes out to the top of the ramp laughing. The two men in the ring stop brawling and look over to the man who holds the object they want. DeCipher says that these two weak minded fools battle each other while he has moved on to other things and while they fight for scraps he fights for another one of the rings of power.

Anarquisto and La Bestia Morada look at each other and then point behind DeCipher. The man with no home looks behind him and there is Delfin Maestro. The hero with the ring has his own mic and he says that he’s been trying as hard as he could to think about who the other two competitors in the four way match could be. And then it dawned on him, two men have also been fighting for one ring so perhaps they could fight for this one. So he just came out here to let DeCipher know, Anarquisto and La Bestia Morada are the other two fighters for EMLL's Anillo de la Vida.


Delfin lets that revelation sit for a moment and then walks to the back soon followed by Anarquisto and La Bestia Morada who walk past the stunned DeCipher both patting him on the shoulder.


La Estrella over El Bandito Jr. 45

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, La Estrella defeated El Bandido Jr in 8:06 by pinfall with a Hollywood Press.


After his loss last month to Boriken Lovve Machine, La Estrella seems to be apathetic in this match. El Bandito Jr comes in all spit and vinegar trying to prove himself. Although his Bandito the younger gets the upper hand for a bit it seems mostly because La Estrella is uninterested in the match. When Estrella finally puts in any effort he hits the Hollywood Press and gets the pin, rolling out of the ring and walking off instead getting his hand raised.


A pretty vocal crowd didn’t seem particularly thrilled to see El Bandito Jr

La Estrella seemed off his game


Capitán Lucha over Rey Demonio 65

In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Capitán Lucha defeated Rey Demonio in 14:11 by pinfall with a Mexican Death. Capitán Lucha makes defense number one of the Campeonato del Mundo EMLL title.


The tension for this match can be cut with a knife. The fans don’t know who to cheer for as both men are favorites. There is a halfhearted handshake before both men start off and the start is lightning fast. Then do away with the customary lock up and go straight into throwing blows at each other trying to end the match as quickly as possible, but that was not in the cards.


The match goes back and forth over and over as each man gets a new wind to fight back near defeated and as the clock starts ticking away the pinfalls start coming. A one count here and a two count there as both men try to become the holder of the most powerful item in the multiverse. Even for a pitch battle neither man takes any short cuts, neither man tries to cheat. In the end Capitán Lucha finds an opening and hits Mexican Death and barely manages to roll over and get the pin.



Hell Hath No Fury 55

After the match is over with both men spent and before Capitán Lucha has his hand raised three men run from the back and they attack both the champion and challenger. The attack is swift and brutal with one man. The black and red mask makes him easily recognizable and anyone who has kept up with OLLIE knows two time Campeonato de Universal OLLIE hold Hijo Del Mephisto. The three men leave as swiftly as they came with Rey Demonio and Capitán Lucha left much the worse for wear and in need of assistance to leave the ring.


Hijo Del Mephisto came across well

Hellspawn 666 was very underwhelming


Guerrero Muerto over Rey Serpiente 69

In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Guerrero Muerto defeated Rey Serpiente in 18:29 by pinfall with a Graveyard Shift.


After the last match we go from two of the most loved men in EMLL to two of the most hated men in EMLL. The crowd boos both men when they come out but once the match starts they are on their feet and in awe of the abilities of both men.


The story here is not who is the best of the best but who is the worst of the worst. Every opportunity for an illegal choke, to get feet on the ropes, to use the tights is taken. Between both men every underhanded tactic in the book is used including interference by Geurrero Muerto’s minion Calavera. But in the end the win is clean and Muerto puts Serpiente down with a Graveyard Shift and a three count.


Meurte Claims The World 59

Muerto takes the win and looks down on Rey Serpiente and he asks one simple question, where is your goddess now. He looks to the entrance ramp and he tells the world that he has beaten the avatar of the deity and now he is coming for the world. And the first stepping stone to control of this pathetic realm is el Campeonato del Mundo EMLL. And if Capitán Lucha can so easily be take out by Stygian scum then removing the title from his hands should be an easy feat.

Overall Show 58

Edited by Irish Wolf
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