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PWG: The Very Best Professional Wrestling in the Universe

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  • Lovers & Friends (Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) vs. Mount Rushmore (Adam Cole, Kevin Steen, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)
  • Jay Briscoe vs. Johnny Guerrilla
  • Adam Page & Cliff Compton vs. TAG (Timothy Thatcher & Drew Gulak)
  • Rich Swann vs. Ricochet
  • Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong vs. Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero)
  • Colt Cabana vs. Orange Cassidy
  • ACH & Shane Strickland vs. Brian Cage & Jeff Cobb
  • AR Fox vs. Kyle O'Reilly
  • Candice LeRae & Team WillPower (Will Hobbs & Willie Mack) vs. Eddie Kingston, Sami Callihan & Jacob Fatu


  • PWG World Title: Adam Cole (c) vs. Kenny Omega
  • PWG World Tag Team Titles: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Best Friends
  • Johnny Guerrilla & Forever Hooligans vs. Eddie Edwards, Kyle O'Reilly & Roderick Strong
  • Jay Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen
  • Kota Ibushi vs. Ricochet
  • Team WillPower vs. TAG
  • Adam Page vs. Eddie Kingston
  • ACH, Candice LeRae, Colt Cabana, Orange Cassidy & Shane Strickland vs. AR Fox, Brian Cage, Jeff Cobb, Rich Swann & Sami Callihan

These cards are insane! Double stacked. Love the addition of Jacob Fatu, still early for him, but hope he sticks around.

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Recap of PWG’s All-Star Weekend 10

Shot Of The Weekend - PWG

POSTED BY: Jay Danielson

Sorry for the delay, everyone. It feels like months since our last Chaos Column, but it's only really been a few weeks. Let's get right to it: Here's our full rundown of everything that happened at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla's All-Star Weekend 10, which happened last Saturday and Sunday night at the Legion Hall in Reseda. In short, it was one of the most meaningful and exciting two nights of PWG that we've seen in quite some time.



1 — Candice LeRae and WillPower (Willie Mack & Will Hobbs) def. Eddie Kingston, Sami Callihan & Jacob Fatu via pinfall (11:20)

The crowd was intrigued by the debut of Jacob Fatu, a 20-year-old who comes from the famous Anoa'i wrestling family. Fatu is green, but he held his own in a match that featured a lot of offense from all six competitors. In the end, Candice got to notch her first PWG win since the summer with a Heartbreaker on the rookie.

2 — Kyle O'Reilly def. AR Fox via submission (12:52)

KOR kept his strong 2013 in PWG going with a nice win over Fox here. Fox did a good job of trying to overwhelm KOR with his speed and aerial ability, and it looked like he was gonna snatch a quick win. It took a while for KOR to get rolling again, but when he did, the Reseda crowd rallied him to the victory with the ARMageddon. 

3 — ACH & Shane Strickland def. Brian Cage & Jeff Cobb via pinfall (13:35)

ACH and Strickland are a really fun team of flyers. Cage and Cobb tried to batter their smaller opponents with some powerful tandem offense, but they weren't able to keep it going for long. ACH and Strickland strung together a chain of impressive aerial spots to seal the win.

4 — Orange Cassidy def. Colt Cabana via pinfall (9:27)

A classic comedy match that we haven't seen in quite some time at PWG. Cassidy spent most of the match doing as little as possible, while Cabana asked for help from people in the front row to get his opponent to wake up. Then Cabana took Cassidy's sunglasses, and it was over from there. Cassidy pulled off a surprisingly vicious series of moves, capped by an Air Raid Crash, to win. This dude is something else.

5 — Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero) def. Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong via pinfall (18:44)

Now for something completely different: This was a good tag team matchup between two very different combos, and the high spots defeated the technical savvy once again on this first night. Romero got a quick roll-up on Edwards to score the win, which created a lot of frustration for the other side.

(after intermission) 6 — Ricochet def. Rich Swann via pinfall (13:07)

The former tag team partners went all-the-way-out in this match, pulling off a relentless spree of aerial moves that got the crowd right back into the action after the intermission. Ricochet has been on a tear right now, splitting his time between PWG and NJPW. The year 2014 could be a massive one for him, as it just feels like he's ready to break out on a big stage.

7 — TAG (Drew Gulak & Timothy Thatcher) def. Adam Page & Cliff Compton via pinfall (15:49)

The crowd took quite a liking to Adam Page, who has been in a solid tag team in Ring of Honor out on the East Coast with Cliff Compton — who was formerly "Domino" in WWE. Page and Compton pack quite a punch, but Gulak and Thatcher seemed just one step ahead of them the entire match. Gulak got the win by pinning Compton, and the feeling was that the crowd would like to see both of these teams in DDT4 next month.

8 — Jay Briscoe def. Johnny Guerrilla via pinfall (19:49)

Guerrilla came out before the match and called out Jay Briscoe, saying he wasn't worthy to carry a world title in any company and that beating him would take him one step closer to the top of PWG. Briscoe charged the ring and started stomping out Guerrilla, who had to roll out of harm's way and hide behind some fans in the front row to stop the onslaught. Both guys went and forth for nearly 20 minutes, but Briscoe kept kicking out of Guerrilla's pins. Briscoe then caught Guerrilla with a Jay Driller to win a phenomenal semi-main event.

Main Event — Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) and Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) def. Mount Rushmore (Adam Cole, Kevin Steen & The Young Bucks) via pinfall (21:13)

Good grief. This was a non-stop spot fest, as expected, between eight men who have incredible timing with each another. The Bucks were at their heel-ish best. Steen was on a war path. Cole was, well, Cole. Omega & Ibushi took turns one-upping each other with incredible moves. And Best Friends had the crowd behind them the whole way with their tandem offense. This match went all over the Legion Hall, including a spot where Steen accidentally put Cole through a table in the corner while trying to go after Omega. Cole never quite recovered from that one, and he later found himself on the wrong end of a Strong Zero from the Best Friends. "Lovers and Friends" got the win, which meant the double main event of Night 2 was set! The faces then sent the crowd home happy with a show-ending promo.



1 — AR Fox, Brian Cage, Jeff Cobb, Rich Swann & Sami Callihan def. ACH, Candice LeRae, Colt Cabana, Orange Cassidy & Shane Strickland via submission (14:47)

After the faces had most of the success on Night 1, the heels took the opener on Night 2. The story of this match was that the likes of Cage, Cobb and Callihan were fed up with the goofiness from the other side, and they made it very clear early. The match ended with Callihan punishing Cabana with a Stretch Muffler for the tap-out victory.

2 — Adam Page def. Eddie Kingston via pinfall (12:48)

Oh, man, these dudes were HITTING. Page and Kingston tried to knock each other's heads off throughout the match, which only made the SoCal crowd love these East Coast newcomers even more. Page was able to duck under Kingston's spinning back fist and turn it into a rather brutal-looking lariat, giving the one called "Hangman" his first PWG victory.

3 — Team WillPower (Will Hobbs & Willie Mack) def. TAG (Drew Gulak & Timothy Thatcher) via pinfall (14:31)

Not sure the crowd expected to see WillPower go over here, but they went nuts for it when it happened. Hobbs has really started to come into his own in a PWG ring, and he was able to score the win by flattening Gulak with a Frog Splash as Mack speared Thatcher on the outside. Not the highest-quality match of the night by any means, yet it was a fun one.

4 — Ricochet def. Kota Ibushi via pinfall (16:11) 

Look, the double main event on Sunday night was spectacular. But this was the Match of the Night, for my money. In a battle that would have fit right at home in a Best of the Super Juniors final in Japan, Ricochet and Ibushi tore the house down. Ibushi is a transcendent talent, combining speed and power at a remarkable level. And Ricochet is, well, arguably the best high-flyer on the scene right now. Ricochet needed not one, but two 630 sentons to put away Ibushi. Buy the DVD just for this match alone, I'm serious.

5 — Kevin Steen def. Jay Briscoe via pinfall (19:54)

Kevin Steen is pissed. He's pissed about not being a champion. He's pissed about losing the eight-man main event from Saturday night. He's pissed about virtually everything. He came down to the ring and demanded that Jay Briscoe get out there, and the two bashed each other for nearly 20 minutes. There were tables. There were chairs. There was a fire extinguisher, too. Steen went nuts and dropped Briscoe with a Steenalizer to end it, and he vowed that the violence was only getting started. Sheesh.

(after intermission) 6 — Johnny Guerrilla & Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero) def. Kyle O'Reilly, Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong via pinfall (20:06)

A lot of good work from all six men in this match, but the story here was another showdown between Guerrilla and KOR — picking up where they left off from the Battle of Los Angeles. Guerrilla looked like he hadn't forgotten that loss in the least, and he really went to work on wearing down the BOLA winner. Guerrilla even tagged himself in, to the dismay of Koslov and Romero, to finish off KOR with a Starship Pain. That rivalry doesn't look like it's over.

7 — The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) via pinfall to retain the PWG World Tag Team titles (23:17)

You could really tell that the crowd were ready to see a title change here, as the "f--k the Young Bucks" chants came early and often. Chuck and Trent did their best to carry over their momentum from Night 1, pulling off some tag team offense that The Bucks were stunned at seeing. But a pair of low blows when referee Rick Knox wasn't looking turned the tide in the match, and the Brothers Jackson hit a More Bang For Your Buck to retain the belts in a chorus of boos.

Main Event — Kenny Omega def. Adam Cole via pinfall to win the PWG World title (38:01)

If Cole would have won this match, I'm pretty sure that the Legion Hall in Reseda would have been burned to the ground. The champion tried every trick in the book to keep Omega off of his game, and there were a number of run-ins from the previously victorious members of Mount Rushmore that had to be fought off by a host of PWG fan favorites. This match was a marathon, yet it never felt like it overstayed its welcome. At the very end, with Ibushi at ringside, Omega no-sold a low-blow attempt from Cole and immediately blasted him with a V-Trigger. That led to a One-Winged Angel, and Omega got the cover to become a two-time PWG World champion — joining the likes of Frankie Kazarian, Human Tornado, Bryan Danielson, El Generico and Kevin Steen.

An exhausted Omega got the microphone after the victory, sat in the middle of the ring and cut a promo about what it's been like returning to PWG and becoming a champion with Ibushi by his side. The show ended with an extended "You deserve it!" chant from the Reseda crowd.

All-Star Weekend was a better two-night event than BOLA was earlier this year, and it was the perfect way for PWG to cap a strong 2013. Excalibur mentioned during the show that, starting next month, PWG's events will be available to purchase and stream on YouTube which will drastically cut down the delay for fans who want to see shows ASAP instead of waiting for the DVDs to ship. The move should get some more eyeballs on the product, and the word is that won't be the only big change coming to PWG in 2014...

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Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: “DDT4 2014” in Reseda, CA

1/25/2014 @ 8:00 PM - midnight

Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 11.23.59 AM.jpg

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla’s "DDT4 2014"

Saturday, January 25, 2014

8:00 PM Bell Time 

American Legion Post #308 

7338 Canby Ave., Reseda, CA 91335

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla opens 2014 with its annual Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament, AKA "DDT4." Last year's champions, The Young Bucks, said they will not be in action this year — instead, they'll be on commentary with Excalibur all show long, as the winner of this year's DDT4 will be the new No. 1 contenders to their PWG World Tag Team titles. Surprises in this year's bracket include Ricky Reyes, who will reunite with Rocky Romero as The Havana Pitbulls after Alex Koslov suffered an ACL tear in Japan, along with the uneasy Mount Rushmore alliance between Adam Cole and Kevin Steen.

  • DDT4 Round 1: Adam Page & Cliff Compton vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta)
  • DDT4 Round 1: The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Havana Pitbulls (Rocky Romero & Ricky Reyes)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) vs. TAG (Drew Gulak & Timothy Thatcher)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Cole Steen Cole (Adam Cole & Kevin Steen) vs. Team WillPower (Will Hobbs & Willie Mack)
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Page/Compton or Best Friends vs. The Briscoes or The Havana Pitbulls
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Golden Lovers or TAG vs. Cole Steen Cole or Team WillPower
  • DDT4 Final: Semifinals Winner vs. Semifinals Winner
  • Ricochet vs. Uhaa Nation
  • Eddie Edwards vs. Johnny Guerrilla vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Roderick Strong
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  • DDT4 Round 1: Adam Page & Cliff Compton vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta)
  • DDT4 Round 1: The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Havana Pitbulls (Rocky Romero & Ricky Reyes)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) vs. TAG (Drew Gulak & Timothy Thatcher)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Cole Steen Cole (Adam Cole & Kevin Steen) vs. Team WillPower (Will Hobbs & Willie Mack)
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Page/Compton or Best Friends vs. The Briscoes or The Havana Pitbulls
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Golden Lovers or TAG vs. Cole Steen Cole or Team WillPower
  • DDT4 Final: Semifinals Winner vs. Semifinals Winner
  • Ricochet vs. Uhaa Nation
  • Eddie Edwards vs. Johnny Guerrilla vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Roderick Strong
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  • DDT4 Round 1: Adam Page & Cliff Compton vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta)
  • DDT4 Round 1: The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Havana Pitbulls (Rocky Romero & Ricky Reyes)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) vs. TAG (Drew Gulak & Timothy Thatcher)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Cole Steen Cole (Adam Cole & Kevin Steen) vs. Team WillPower (Will Hobbs & Willie Mack)
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Page/Compton or Best Friends vs. The Briscoes or The Havana Pitbulls
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Golden Lovers or TAG vs. Cole Steen Cole or Team WillPower
  • DDT4 Final: Briscoes vs. Cole Steen Cole
  • Ricochet vs. Uhaa Nation
  • Eddie Edwards vs. Johnny Guerrilla vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Roderick Strong
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  • DDT4 Round 1: Adam Page & Cliff Compton vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta)
  • DDT4 Round 1: The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Havana Pitbulls (Rocky Romero & Ricky Reyes)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Golden Lovers (Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi) vs. TAG (Drew Gulak & Timothy Thatcher)
  • DDT4 Round 1: Cole Steen Cole (Adam Cole & Kevin Steen) vs. Team WillPower (Will Hobbs & Willie Mack)
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Page/Compton or Best Friends vs. The Briscoes or The Havana Pitbulls
  • DDT4 Semifinals: Golden Lovers or TAG vs. Cole Steen Cole or Team WillPower
  • DDT4 Final: The Briscoes vs. Cole Steen Cole
  • Ricochet vs. Uhaa Nation
  • Eddie Edwards vs. Johnny Guerrilla vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Roderick Strong
Edited by Vandal
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