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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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Mel O'Hallister

Brandy McDonald

The Mastodon

Reverend Johnny Gross


Brian Blackfield

Jean-Paul Ouilette

Angela Wassermann

Big Scott Weathers


Christian Priest

Diego Rodriguez

Lucas Molina

Indigo Rose


Monty Dhillon


Kichi Hida

El Tornado

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On 8/10/2023 at 7:34 AM, Croquemitaine said:




This is the one I wanted to call out. When Croquemitaine said he took some liberties with River and his “living the cultist” gimmick, I absolutely was floored by the full render. The headshot reminds me of Ermac from the Mortal Kombat remakes (so 9 and up), too, which was another plus.

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4ZAKk1I.jpg (5) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 433)


(6) Devil's Delight (0-2, OVR 415) 54miFm6.jpgxJrKs53.jpg

A bit of a slower opener to the show, this was competitive if not terribly exciting, with Delight managing to connect with Hellborne Rising once, but unable to follow that up any further. Hida would hit a trifecta of signatures, eventually hitting her spinning elbow that put Delight down for the count before seven minutes had elapsed in the contest.

Kichi Hida (2-1) def. Devil's Delight (0-3) via Pinfall (UFO Spin Elbow) in 6:46.  Rating: **

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 3.78, XP + 483.25, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR -0.07, XP + 120.81, no notable damage



LTFF6jR.jpg (8) El Tornado (0-2, OVR 428)


(3) Lance Heartilly (2-0, OVR 409) 2iWu9Xc.jpg

A decent, if not good, early card bout for week three, this one saw Heartilly get busted open 63 seconds into the contest. Tornado would worsen the laceration slightly, but not enough to be of any significant hindrance to Heartilly. Lance would fight back, eventually going low on Tornado and taking the opportunity that allowed him to exit the cage and remain undefeated on the season.

Lance Heartilly (3-0) def. El Tornado (0-3) via Cage Escape (begging off low blow) in 9:42.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.95, XP + 484.66, no notable damage

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR + 0.63, XP + 121.16, minor damage to head




m6kdW7F.jpg (4) Jun Onoo (1-1, OVR 456)


(6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 400) BEVGy0x.jpg

An early Match of the Night contender, this one featured Onoo using his power early to get out to a sizable advantage. When a press powerslam and an over the shoulder backbreaker drop failed to net him the pinfall, he stopped his assault for a moment to glare at the ref as if to say that the ref was to blame. That was the opening Nocturne was looking for, and in a sequence rather similar to her teacher, she managed to wear the big man down with holds, a chop block, and finally applied her grapevined ankle lock finisher on the much larger opponent. Onoo tapped after a few seconds of struggle, and Nocturne finally nets her first official League victory in her third attempt at it.

Nocturne (1-2) def. Jun Onoo (1-2) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 12:33.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 5.32, XP + 526.53, no notable damage

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR + 0.74, XP + 131.63, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (6) Indigo Rose (1-1, OVR 453)


(8) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 449) ginc2gw.jpg

This was a night Indigo Rose would like to forget. She never really got any sort of offense going, and Stevens needed only a spinning elbow blow to put Rose down just past the six-minute mark. This was a squash, plain and simple.

Terrance Stevens (1-2) def. Indigo Rose (1-2) via Pinfall (spinning elbow blow) in 6:20.  Rating: *

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 2.65, XP + 509.20, no notable damage

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR -0.81, XP + 127.30, moderate damage to head



OOiJTFx.jpg (7) Big Scott Weathers (0-2, OVR 459)


(7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 449) VfA2MW8.jpg

Someone would end up being the only winless wrestler in the Beta Division after this one. If you were to look after five minutes and take a guess, Pulsar seemed like the sure lock to remain winless, and with good reason. Weathers had Pulsar staggered almost from the opening bell. The luchador would pick and choose his spots to get back into things, and by a dozen minutes in it looked like he’d have the momentum instead. But a missed slingshot splash would doom Pulsar, as Weathers reasserted control and never relinquished it for the remainder of the bout. A Blackout ended things, and it’s Pulsar who drops to 0-3 in the Beta Division after a Match of the Night contender.

Big Scott Weathers (1-2) def. Pulsar (0-3) via Pinfall (Blackout) in 14:26.  Rating: ***

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR + 5.46, XP + 685.76, minor damage to head

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 0.76, XP + 171.44, moderate damage to ehad



vz0qqDp.jpg (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 491)


(2) Scott Stevens (2-0, OVR 408) fYy1oxq.jpgfTtB0pK.jpg

A short but highly entertaining match, this could have been in contention for Match of the Night if it had gone longer. Both men went at it from the opening bell, neither backing down an inch in the process. Stevens managed to connect with the Toxic Sting near the end of the match but Dhillon was too much on this night. The front-runner for promotion this season managed to bust Stevens open with a stump piledriver a shade before eight minutes into the contest to hand Stevens his first loss of the season.

Monty Dhillon (3-0) def. Scott Stevens (2-1) via First Blood (stump piledriver) in 7:45.  Rating: ***

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 5.19, XP + 524.03, no notable damage

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 1.59, XP + 131.01, minor damage to head



LG3TCXf.jpg (2) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 453)


(3) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 454) N0Y594C.jpg

Do not let the results fool you—Molina controlled the bulk of this match. Sure, Clay got some offense in, but nowhere near enough. A missed springboard legdrop led immediately into the Molina Bodylock, and the almost instant submission as Molina solidifies his grasp on a promotion spot in the early going.

Lucas Molina (3-0) def. Markus Clay (1-2) via Submission (Molina Bodylock) in 12:30.  Rating: *

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 2.90, XP + 512.33, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -0.88, XP + 128.08, minor damage to legs



E5dgVEm.jpgO63FjvG.jpg (7) Erick Gibson (0-2, OVR 465)


(5) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 479) G4sbiHU.jpg

A painfully average bout, this one went about six minutes longer than most would have liked, and both men paid for their stubbornness in not staying down for the count. Gibson had the first shot, but missed his only chance at the Terminable Offense. Rodriguez would hit the Prelude to Dissonance twice, but eschewed either of his finishers in favor of a full nelson legsweep to score the pinfall and finally put an end to the bout.

Diego Rodriguez (2-1) def. Erick Gibson (0-3) via Pinfall (full nelson legsweep) in 16:36.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.34, XP + 561.16, moderate damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.08, XP + 140.29, moderate damage to head



VZFWcYa.jpghAfQcot.jpg (3) Blood River (1-1, OVR 481)


(2) Angela Wassermann (2-0, OVR 456) aOXlwtV.jpg

For someone with a submission finisher against a wrestler not known at all for submissions, and being 2-0 lifetime against River, Wassermann had every advantage in this. And she still lost to a sloppy dragon sleeper from River. There’s simply no other way to put this: Wassermann choked away a sure win against River here.

Blood River (2-1) def. Angela Wassermann (2-1) via Submission (force submission) in 10:30.  Rating: *

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 2.82, XP + 578.01, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.86, XP + 144.50, minor damage to head



p54rf5F.jpg (7) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 472)


(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 484) IgD64Oj.jpg

A better match than the one previous, this was much closer in terms of competitiveness. Gross had an early lead, lost it to Mitchell, got it back later on, but could not get the former nose tackle primed for his submission finisher. In fact, his attempt to set up his finisher with a brainbuster went for naught as Mitchell slapped him on the chest as he went to lift her, and the impact loosened his grip enough that Mitchell immediately went to the ropes and delivered an All Out Blitz for the cover and the week three victory.

De'siree Mitchell (2-1) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 14:25.  Rating: **

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 4.22, XP + 730.38, minor damage to head

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.60, minor damage to head



AAdEYyr.jpgZThYhej.jpg (4) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 485)


(5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 481) giFlbJV.jpg

What many thought to be the actual Match of the Night turned out to be the top contender for the billing. This was a back-and-forth match, with Ouilette not backing down against the better all-around wrestler in Nakamatsu. Cecile Corinne even ran interference in this one, and that nearly led to Ouilette picking up the victory here except that he missed Le Petit Mort…twice. Off the second miss, Nakamatsu converted it into the rarely-seen Nakamatsu Driver to keep Ouilette down for three. It’s unclear why Maven Deltzer only rated this at three stars, though the author is beginning to have a sneaking suspicion as to why….

Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2) via Pinfall (Nakamatsu Driver) in 16:28.  Rating: ***

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 5.61, XP + 687.13, minor damage to head

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 0.78, XP + 137.43, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



FXyrc6C.jpg (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 481)


(2) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 479) NSa1kkC.jpg

Mastachas came in to the match as the clear leader in the Alpha Division after two weeks. He would leave it with a splitting headache and his first loss of the season.  The Mastodon ran wild in this one, busting Mastachas open and using the blood as a target, by and large. A Rampage finally put an end to the proceedings, as Mastodon shows that he’s not the afterthought some made him out to be last season.

The Mastodon (2-1) def. George Mastachas (2-1) via Last One Standing (Rampage) in 11:26.  Rating: **

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 4.05, XP + 728.23, no notable damage

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.06, moderate damage to head



gGexPKo.jpg (5) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 493)


(8) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 489) ha8RmaF.jpg

Simmons’ woes continue in the top flight. This was probably the closest he’s come to winning a match this season, but being interrupted four times running to hit the Working Man’s Dropkick is what did him in. After fending off Brandy rushing him twice and kicking her away on the third attempt, it was on the fourth that Simmons finally got thrown from the top rope…and immediately put into a bulldog choke for the tap out. Brandy moves to 2-1, and may again be proving to be an early contender for the League Championship.

Brandy McDonald (2-1) def. Daniel Simmons (0-3) via Submission (Hair of the Dog) in 18:15.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.43, XP + 733.14, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -0.08, XP + 183.29, minor damage to head



0rDaDU8.jpg (4) Diamond (1-1, OVR 463)


(1) Christian Priest (2-0, OVR 527) YICOeYe.jpgMZ2VDcB.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We go back to the Gamma Division next, as—

Frankie Garnett: Oh, brothers and sisters of the First Church of Wrestling, it is time for this week’s sermon to commence!

Bob Sinclair: …Frankie, what the hell?

Frankie Garnett: What? Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: …folks, I got nothing. Let’s just get to the match, as Christian Priest faces off against a League Original in Diamond for the first time!



(00:07) Diamond applied a Standing Arm Bar

(00:11) Diamond hit a Slap To Chest

(00:15) Diamond hit an Open Handed Slap

(00:18) Diamond hit a Jab Punch

(00:26) Priest avoided an Open Handed Chop.

(00:29) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(00:32) Priest hit a Punch

(00:39) Priest hit a Running Clothesline

(00:48) Priest picked up Diamond

(00:52) Priest hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:06) Priest applied a Cravate

(01:10) Priest hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:19) Diamond avoided an Open Handed Slap.

(01:22) Diamond hit a Forearm Blow

(01:22) Priest shrugged off the blow

(01:30) Diamond avoided an Eye Poke.

(01:44) Diamond applied a Side Headlock

(01:58) Diamond applied a Top Wrist Lock

(02:04) Priest got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(02:07) Diamond hit a Punch

(02:12) Priest broke a Standing Arm Bar

(02:17) Diamond blocked a Punch

(02:20) Priest hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(02:34) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(02:48) Priest applied a Cravate

(02:52) Priest hit an Eye Poke


Bob Sinclair: Diamond’s been a little cautious here, which is to be expected given the size disparity between her and Priest.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, stop and listen for a second. You hear how quiet in here it is?

Bob Sinclair: …yeah. Why?



(02:58) Priest hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

Frankie Garnett: Behold! The thunder shall come from the heavens above and smite mine enemies with a righteous fury!

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, I think you’re officially losing it.



(03:17) Priest applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(03:17) The referee gave Priest a stern warning

(03:23) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(03:27) Diamond hit a Legdrop

(03:33) Diamond picked up Priest from behind

(03:37) Diamond hit a Forearm To Back

(03:44) Diamond hit a Running Face Smash

(03:52) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(03:56) Priest hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:06) Diamond very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(04:20) Diamond applied a Cravate

(04:24) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(04:29) Priest shook the ropes to stop a Second Rope Dropkick

(04:34) Diamond kicked Priest away

(04:38) Priest shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Butt Press

(04:46) Priest threw Diamond off the top rope

(04:50) Priest hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(05:07) Priest hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(05:15) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(05:19) Diamond hit a Knee Drop

(05:26) Diamond hit a Half Senton

(05:33) Priest avoided a Seated Back Dropkick.

(05:37) Diamond countered a Strong Open Handed Chop with a Slap To Chest


Bob Sinclair: Not much to say when Diamond manages to hit a loud chop, huh?

Frankie Garnett: Beware of the false prophets, theirs is a kingdom of lies!

Bob Sinclair: …maybe I’m the one who needs a new job. Between Reverend Gross, Blood River and now Priest converting my broadcast partner…



(05:44) Diamond hit a Knee Plant

(05:54) Diamond hit a Discus Punch

(06:01) Diamond hit a Half Senton

(06:05) Diamond hit a Measured Knee Drop

(06:12) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(06:16) Priest hit a Knee Drop

(06:26) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(06:33) Priest avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(06:37) Priest hit an Eye Poke

(06:41) Diamond countered a Tithe of Pain with an Open Handed Slap

(06:51) Diamond hit a Discus Clothesline

(06:58) Diamond hit a Senton

(07:02) Diamond hit a Measured Knee Drop

(07:07) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(07:16) Diamond hit a Top Rope Fist Drop

(07:22) Priest avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(07:36) Priest applied a Front Facelock

(07:43) Diamond avoided a Forearm Blow.

(07:47) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(07:51) Priest shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Cross Body Press

(07:56) Diamond kicked Priest away

(08:02) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Top Rope Missile Dropkick.

(08:11) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Legdrop.

(08:18) Diamond hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(08:22) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(08:26) Priest stopped a Top Rope Diving Headbutt by rushing Diamond and pulling her down.

(08:40) Christian Priest sends Diamond to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!


Bob Sinclair: …now what? Why are some of these fans dancing in the aisles like it’s a southern Baptist sermon?

Frankie Garnett: For lo, the falcons shall dive from the heavens, but the chosen will remain standing, so sayeth the LORD!



(08:50) Priest picked up Diamond

(08:53) Priest hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(08:56) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(08:59) Priest hit a Jab Punch

(09:02) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(09:09) Priest hit a Strong Charging Forearm

(09:29) Priest almost got a count out

(09:33) Christian Priest is testing Diamond's faith with that chop!

(09:36) Diamond countered a Hammerlock Powerbomb with a Punch

(09:40) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(09:48) Diamond hit a Second Rope Dropkick

(10:01) Diamond hit a Running Senton

(10:10) Priest avoided a Seated Back Dropkick.

(10:24) Christian Priest sends Diamond to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!

(10:33) Priest picked up Diamond

(10:36) Diamond countered a Canonized with a Forearm Blow

(10:41) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(10:49) Diamond hit a Second Rope Dropkick

(10:55) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(11:00) Diamond broke a Martrydom

(11:07) Diamond hit a Women's DDT

(11:15) Priest got a rope break to stop a Florentine

(11:25) Diamond hit a Discus Clothesline

(11:29) Priest broke a Florentine

(11:33) Diamond blocked a Punch

(11:40) Diamond avoided a Running Forearm Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(11:44) Priest broke a 24 Karat Kiss

(11:54) Diamond is seeing the stars of Heaven after that Rite of Might!

(12:23) Diamond suffers Martrydom as Priest has the hold locked in tight!


Frankie Garnett: And lo, mine enemies shall be knelt beneath me, their backs broken and made to be humble as they acknowledge the chosen to be the one true champion of the LORD!

Bob Sinclair: For those of you who don’t speak religion, he’s saying that Diamond tapped out, and Priest wins his third match of the season. Folks, we’re just going to cut to commercial here while we get these fans wearing Priest’s merchandise out of the aisles and back into their seats for the remainder of the show, and maybe give Frankie some tranquilizers or something. We’ll be right back.

As the show goes to commercial, an ad appears for “the top selling shirt of The League: the Christian Priest First Church of Wrestling” shirt. Next to the link for the e-shop appears to be a slogan: “not your ordinary fly by night t-shirt company!”

Christian Priest (3-0) def. Diamond (1-2) via Submission (Martrydom) in 12:34.  Rating: ****

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 6.53, XP + 767.09, minor damage to head

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 1.55, XP + 278.02, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (10 [3 this season] for Christian Priest, 3 [1 this season] for Diamond)



e8cytyP.jpg (3) Mel O'Hallister (1-1, OVR 495)


(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 490) FqeSGy6.jpg

People who paid attention to the sportsbooks in Vegas thought the fix was in as, twenty minutes before this match was to start, three sizeable bets were made on Nuclear, who had been trending as the underdog in Vegas coming into this contest. He made O’Hallister pay for those thoughts of other people in the opening minutes, not giving Mel a chance to breathe. O;Hallister would fight back when he could, and where he was able to, and soon found himself with a prime opening. Nuclear had knocked O’Hallister to the ring apron, and moved in with a headbutt…only to come out worse on that exchange thanks to the “Samoan”-esque skull of O’Hallister. A spinning elbow blow immediately followed this, and Nuclear was stunned just long enough to remain down for three. O’Hallister pulls out yet another victory against the reigning League Champion, and has to be considered another favorite to win his first League Championship!

Mel O'Hallister (2-1) def. Nuclear Templeton (1-2) via Pinfall (spinning elbow blow) in 15:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 4.30, XP + 731.45, no notable damage

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR -0.08, XP + 182.86, moderate damage to head



ayWv1C3.jpg (6) Billy Norris (1-1, OVR 480)


(1) Brian Blackfield (2-0, OVR 525) Lp89uMT.jpg

Billy Norris was next in line to figure out a way to derail The Juggernaut. He damn near managed it, too. Norris kept Blackfield off-balance with his high-speed offense, but Blackfield got enough offense in to keep the match close. Norris could not land a Boomerang DDT, but did manage to hit the Down Under Disaster on the first try. We all know what that means. On the second move of the adrenaline rush, Blackfield landed a Scotland Destroyer…and Norris kicked out at 2.99. Blackfield was livid and nearly punched the official in frustration, but went back to the attack. A Tartan Effect also only netted two, but by then the adrenaline had faded. Norris attempted to mount a comeback but he’d taken too much punishment in a two-minute span. A second Destroyer finally put an end to the proceedings, and Blackfield escapes week three with his record still intact, in what truly felt like a main event bout!

Brian Blackfield (3-0) def. Billy Norris (1-2) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 17:57.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 5.72, XP + 688.13, moderate damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 0.79, XP + 172.03, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body






1.  The Mastodon:  2-1, ATV 11:45, (AMR 2.333), OVR 482.97

2.  Mel O'Hallister:  2-1, ATV 15:03, (AMR 2.000), OVR 498.88

3.  Brandy McDonald:  2-1, ATV 16:47, (AMR 2.000), OVR 497.76

4.  De'siree Mitchell:  2-1, ATV 16:48, (AMR 2.333), OVR 476.25

5.  George Mastachas:  2-1, ATV 17:35, (AMR 2.333), OVR 481.33

6.  Nuclear Templeton:  1-2, ATV 14:30, (AMR 2.000), OVR 489.69

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  1-2, ATV 16:35, (AMR 2.000), OVR 483.46

8.  Daniel Simmons:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.333), OVR 488.69



1.  Brian Blackfield:  3-0, ATV 12:42 (AMR 2.000), OVR 530.86

2.  Blood River:  2-1, ATV 10:20 (AMR 1.333), OVR 484.20

3.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-1, ATV 14:17 (AMR 2.000), OVR 486.59

4.  Angela Wassermann:  2-1, ATV 14:49 (AMR 2.333), OVR 455.33

5.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-2, ATV 11:06 (AMR 2.667), OVR 485.48

6.  Billy Norris:  1-2, ATV 13:18 (AMR 2.333), OVR 480.77

7.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-2, ATV 14:26 (AMR 2.667), OVR 464.84

8.  Pulsar:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.667), OVR 450.14



1.  Christian Priest:  3-0, ATV 11:52, (AMR 4.000), OVR 533.49

2.  Lucas Molina:  3-0, ATV 13:26, (AMR 1.667), OVR 455.41

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-1, ATV 15:09, (AMR 2.667), OVR 483.41

4.  Terrance Stevens:  1-2, ATV 6:20, (AMR 1.667), OVR 451.65

5.  Markus Clay:  1-2, ATV 7:04, (AMR 2.000), OVR 453.60

6.  Diamond:  1-2, ATV 12:21, (AMR 3.000), OVR 464.07

7.  Indigo Rose:  1-2, ATV 15:45, (AMR 1.667), OVR 451.87

8.  Erick Gibson:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.667), OVR 464.85



1.  Monty Dhillon:  3-0, ATV 7:04 (AMR 2.000), OVR 496.15

2.  Lance Heartilly:  3-0, ATV 11:41 (AMR 2.333), OVR 413.43

3.  Kichi Hida:  2-1, ATV 9:05 (AMR 2.333), OVR 436.46

4.  Scott Stevens:  2-1, ATV 10:10 (AMR 2.333), OVR 409.54

5.  Nocturne:  1-2, ATV 12:33 (AMR 2.333), OVR 405.18

6.  Jun Onoo:  1-2, ATV 9:21 (AMR 2.333), OVR 456.41

7.  Devil's Delight:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 414.56

8.  El Tornado:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.667), OVR 428.58



(Reminder: Once the second half begins, the “official” scores will have the two lowest weeks drop off to determine a season winner.)

1. Croquemitaine: 35 (this week: 11)

2. SeanMcG: 34 (this week: 11)

3. Eternal Phoenix: 33 (this week: 11)

4. Jman2k3: 11 (this week: 10)

5. ShadowedFlames: 30 (this week: 10)

6. Derek B:  20 (this week: N/A)




(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 481) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489) vs. (2) Mel O'Hallister (2-1, OVR 499) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

(4) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 476) vs. (6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 1]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 483) vs. (1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531) vs. (4) Angela Wassermann (2-1, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 487) vs. (2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484) [Career: Blood River, 2 - 0]

(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-2, OVR 465) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 450) vs. (6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 454) vs. (1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483) vs. (6) Diamond (1-2, OVR 464) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(4) Terrance Stevens (1-2, OVR 452) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-2, OVR 452) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 0. Rose is 0 - 1 in Hardcore matches.]


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496) vs. (2) Lance Heartilly (3-0, OVR 413) [First Career Meeting]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Devil's Delight (0-3, OVR 415) vs. (6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 436) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

TABLES MATCH: (8) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 429) vs. (5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405) [First Career Meeting. Tornado is 0 - 1 in Tables matches.]


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(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498)

(8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489)

(6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490)

(1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483)


(1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531)

(2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484)

(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485)

(6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481)


(1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483)

(2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465)


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496)

(6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456)

(4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410)

(5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405)

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(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 481)

(8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489) vs. (2) Mel O'Hallister (2-1, OVR 499)

(4) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 476) vs. (6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490)

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 483) vs. (1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483)


(1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531) vs. (4) Angela Wassermann (2-1, OVR 455)

(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 487) vs. (2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484)

(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-2, OVR 465)

(8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 450) vs. (6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481)


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 454) vs. (1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533)

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483) vs. (6) Diamond (1-2, OVR 464)

(4) Terrance Stevens (1-2, OVR 452) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455)

HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-2, OVR 452)


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496) vs. (2) Lance Heartilly (3-0, OVR 413)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Devil's Delight (0-3, OVR 415) vs. (6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456)

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 436) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410)

TABLES MATCH: (8) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 429) vs. (5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405)


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I’m going to be starting matches after my doctor’s appointment/guilt trip session this afternoon, so…

ALPHA: McDonald, Simmons, Nuclear, Gross. (If Simmons is ever going to break his losing streak, this is the week for it!)

BETA: Wassermann, River, Weathers, Pulsar. (I smell an upset in the main, the others are coin flips to me.)

GAMMA: Priest, Rodriguez, Molina, Gibson. (That last one is the only one I’m confident in. Priest and Molina only slightly less so.)

DELTA: Heartilly, Delight, Hida, Tornado. (I know…WTF? Hear me out. This is Lance’s biggest test. If he can put Dhillon down, he may pull a Blackfield and go 14-0 in the division. Delight has a submission finisher and Onoo was found last week to be susceptible to them. Hida’s got more OVR than Stevens and in the sprints that are Delta Division bouts every single point helps. Finally, Nocturne doesn’t have as many moves to go through a table. Tornado does, plus he’s got the OVR advantage.)

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(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 481) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489) vs. (2) Mel O'Hallister (2-1, OVR 499) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

(4) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 476) vs. (6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 1]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 483) vs. (1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531) vs. (4) Angela Wassermann (2-1, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 487) vs. (2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484) [Career: Blood River, 2 - 0]

(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-2, OVR 465) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 450) vs. (6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 454) vs. (1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483) vs. (6) Diamond (1-2, OVR 464) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(4) Terrance Stevens (1-2, OVR 452) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-2, OVR 452) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 0. Rose is 0 - 1 in Hardcore matches.]


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496) vs. (2) Lance Heartilly (3-0, OVR 413) [First Career Meeting]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Devil's Delight (0-3, OVR 415) vs. (6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 436) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

TABLES MATCH: (8) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 429) vs. (5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405) [First Career Meeting. Tornado is 0 - 1 in Tables matches.]

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Somewhere in the dark gym the punchbags are finally getting a rest, with the heavy bag as worked over as it can be and Nuclear's radioactive hands being rested on ice to avoid melting down completely.  Perhaps a change is necessary, perhaps some people are getting so used to being beaten down that they're toughening up instead of breaking down.  Nuclear's friends in the shadows have high expectations and it's time Nuclear lived up to those or.....




(3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 481) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489) vs. (2) Mel O'Hallister (2-1, OVR 499) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 0]

(4) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 476) vs. (6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 3 - 1]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 483) vs. (1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531) vs. (4) Angela Wassermann (2-1, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 487) vs. (2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484) [Career: Blood River, 2 - 0]

(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-2, OVR 465) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 450) vs. (6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 454) vs. (1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483) vs. (6) Diamond (1-2, OVR 464) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(4) Terrance Stevens (1-2, OVR 452) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-2, OVR 452) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 0. Rose is 0 - 1 in Hardcore matches.]


(1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496) vs. (2) Lance Heartilly (3-0, OVR 413) [First Career Meeting]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Devil's Delight (0-3, OVR 415) vs. (6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 436) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

TABLES MATCH: (8) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 429) vs. (5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405) [First Career Meeting. Tornado is 0 - 1 in Tables matches.]


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Thanks to Christian Priest hogging all the MOTN awards this season to date, I’m thinking of doing something…a little different for week four at the minimum.

Because these newer forums do not display a full quoted passage at once—it has the arrow to expand the window—I am thinking that this week, I will actually insert all sixteen matches into the card. No commentary save for the actual MOTN…yeah, likely another Priest match…but this way people can actually see their characters at work and can lambaste me for my choice of signature move commentary. I will still do summaries though in case that’s more to your mood, or just to see what liberties I take with the events that happened in the name of making a better story.

Depending on reception and how much of a pain in the appropriate body parts this turns out to be, it may extend further down the line.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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George Mastachas

Mel O'Hallister

Nuclear Templeton

The Mastodon


Brian Blackfield

Blood River

Jean-Paul Ouilette

Billy Norris




Lucas Molina

Erick Gibson


Monty Dhillon


Scott Stevens


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A video making the rounds on social media:




The video opens on Monty Dhillon looking sombre, sitting alone in a dark stairwell. His voice, when he finally begins to speak, is quiet and introspective...

I won't lie. Things didn't start well for me in The League. I didn't want to be in Delta Division. None of us did. It was the bottom. The basement. We were the designated curtain jerkers and bathroom breakers.

We didn't like it, no, but that didn't mean we couldn't do something about it. We weren't friends. Hell, some of us hated each other, but there was a mutual understanding...

We were going to MAKE people care about Delta Division.

Monty looks up, his voice gaining intensity...

And we did! We may not have put on the best matches, or the flashiest matches, but fans knew... if you watched a Delta Division match... you were gonna see a FIGHT! No holding back, no time-wasting, no mincing about. Just big moves and bigger hits! We were giants, or fought like giants... Monty briefly looks down at the image on his shirt... We put it all out there for the fans, and I think... I believe... they understood that. Representing Delta Division was a source of pride. We made it a home!

Monty looks back down, lowering his voice again...

But that was two seasons ago. People moved on, or out... new players came and went. Molina stopped by for a cup of coffee before moving on to better things. Anarchy did the same going the other way. Christian Priest... Monty pauses and shakes his head... my forever rival, ascended and left me behind.

So now it's Season Ten, and I look around and realize... I'm the only one left! There's no one else here from the days when Delta Division meant something. And I realize... it's not a home. It was never a home. It's more like... a freakin' bus station! Everyone coming and going. No one sticking around.

Except me.

I'm stuck here. Trapped. Going nowhere. Like some poor sap selling cigarettes and lottery tickets at a dirty kiosk next to the toilets.

Monty stands up, his voice rising and his intensity escalating...

I can't take it anymore. I have to get out of here.

I NEED to get out of here.

Monty walks forward, the camera backing up...

Delta Division? Hah! I don't even know who you people are. I just know one thing... you're standing between me and the way out.

So understand this, punks. This season... I'm not just coming for you...

Monty points straight at the camera as he shouts his final line...




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*We fade into the big canvas tent that houses Carnival of Violence. It’s a chaotic place. Fights between people obscured in shadow are off to each side and in the background. It’s recognizable as sparring/training…if one was a violent psychopath, anyway. But in the center ring, as always, is our Ringmaster. Kichi Hida. She speaks in Japanese, so the following is subtitled.*


Good grief. Everyone’s so grumpy here in Delta division. Monty’s right. It’s lonely. Just me, him, and Armbar-chan from Season 9. But…that’s no reason to be so grumpy, everyone. We’ve got lots of new friends to fight. Lots of new people to hit and hit us back.


*She giggles excitedly. It’s almost cute. Except for, you know, the psychosis infecting it. Then her mood turns on a dime. She’s quite displeased about something, and start pacing back and forth.*


I don’t like it. Everyone’s so boring. What’s a Nocturne? Texas-san? Sad Angry Jun-chan? A Tornado? Scary, scary. Boring, boring, boring. You want to go to Gamma? You want to be League champion? You are boring. I want you to show me your best violence. But none of you want to do that. So, I’ll stand in your way. If everyone in Delta wants to be boring, maybe I’ll go to Gamma instead and leave you all here.


*Yes, this is one displeased Ringmaster, but then she stops pacing and smiles. Her eyes give it away behind her bandana. She’s had a lovely idea.*


Yes yes! Kichi Hida-san, gate guard, reporting for duty! You boring people have no choice. You want a promotion at work? No more salaryman? Hello, manager-san? You come to Kichi’s gate. If you impress her, maybe she will let you past. Be careful! If you fail too much, she’ll kill you. Rest in peace, Anarchy-boy.


*Somebody off camera speaker to her. It is not subtitled from Japanese. She claps her hands vigorously. Once. Twice. Thrice.*


Okay! I have to go now. Things to do, people to see, cute girls’ noses to break. Barbed wire won’t wrap itself around their necks. This is your Ringmaster, signing off. See you tomorrow, Texas-san. And Monty…see you in September. Maybe I hit you so hard you won’t forget me this time, eh?


*Kichi’s psychotic laughter seems to fill the whole tent, and we fade out.*


(Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions of Kichi Hida are in no way representative of my own. She's a crazy chica, and I'm, uh, neither of those things. So you know.)

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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LTFF6jR.jpg (8) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 429)


(5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405) BEVGy0x.jpg

The show kicked off with the first of three consecutive single-star rated matches. Tornado would waste absolutely no time as he sets the mark for the fastest “gimmick” bout in League history with a sub-five-minute squash of Nocturne that ended with a DDT through a partially set-up table.

El Tornado (1-3) def. Nocturne (1-3) via Table Break (DDT) in 4:59.  Rating: *

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR + 2.60, XP + 442.19, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -0.79, XP + 110.55, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) El Tornado hit a Running Clothesline

(00:12) Nocturne fought back against being picked up from behind

(00:16) El Tornado broke an Arm Wringer Smash

(00:20) El Tornado hit a Kick To Knee

(00:24) El Tornado hit a Headbutt

(00:28) El Tornado hit a Stomp

(00:37) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Slingshot Splash.

(00:45) El Tornado very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(00:49) El Tornado hit a Measured Knee Drop

(00:53) El Tornado hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(01:00) El Tornado hit a Senton

(01:09) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Slingshot Senton Bomb.

(01:17) El Tornado very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(01:21) El Tornado hit a Running Knee Drop

(01:29) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(01:33) Nocturne hit a Fist Drop

(01:43) El Tornado very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(01:53) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(01:58) El Tornado fought back against being picked up from behind

(02:06) El Tornado hit a Flying Rana

(02:21) El Tornado hit a Stomp Flurry

(02:38) El Tornado hit a Quebrada

(02:48) Nocturne moved out of the way from a Slingshot Guillotina.

(02:54) El Tornado very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(03:01) El Tornado hit a Seated Dropkick

(03:20) El Tornado hit a Springboard Guillotina

(03:29) El Tornado hit a Springboard Senton Bomb

(03:38) El Tornado left the ring

(03:48) El Tornado slid a table into the ring

(03:57) El Tornado got back into the ring

(04:01) El Tornado leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(04:05) Nocturne shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Butt Drop

(04:09) El Tornado kicked Nocturne away

(04:13) Nocturne shook the ropes to stop a Second Rope Flying Rana

(04:19) Nocturne threw El Tornado off the top rope

(04:28) Nocturne hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(04:35) Nocturne hit a Knee Pull

(04:39) Nocturne hit a Fist Drop

(04:45) El Tornado very easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(04:52) El Tornado picked up Nocturne

(04:59) El Tornado hit a DDT




4ZAKk1I.jpg (3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 436)


(4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410) fYy1oxq.jpgfTtB0pK.jpg

So how would our next two wrestlers fare after that quick of a bout? Well…Hida basically said “hold my sake and watch this.” The result was a three-and-a-half-minute beatdown of Scott Stevens that may well hold the League record for fastest single match for a very, very long time.

Kichi Hida (3-1) def. Scott Stevens (2-2) via Pinfall (UFO Spin Elbow) in 3:33.  Rating: *

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 2.54, XP + 441.56, no notable damage

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -0.77, XP + 110.39, no notable damage



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Hida hit a Kick To Gut

(00:07) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(00:10) Hida hit a Punch

(00:14) Hida hit a Face Rake

(00:17) Hida hit a Punch

(00:17) S. Stevens shrugged off the blow

(00:27) Hida avoided a Handshake Kick To Gut.

(00:31) Hida hit a Face Rake

(00:35) Hida hit an Eye Poke

(00:44) Hida hit a Punch Flurry

(00:50) Hida hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(00:55) S. Stevens broke a Women's DDT

(01:09) S. Stevens applied a Side Headlock

(01:16) S. Stevens hit a Running Clothesline

(01:23) Kichi Hida very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(01:30) Hida used a Face Rub Taunt

(01:49) Hida applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(01:49) The referee gave Hida a stern warning

(01:57) Hida hit a Stomp To Groin

(02:04) Hida used a Face Rub Taunt

(02:08) Hida hit a Running Knee Drop

(02:14) Hida picked up S. Stevens

(02:18) S. Stevens blocked a Women's DDT

(02:28) Hida hit a Discus Punch

(02:35) Hida hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(02:39) S. Stevens broke a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(02:43) Hida blocked a Side Headlock

(02:49) Hida easily avoided a Begging Off Sucker Punch.

(02:56) Hida hit a Running Knee Lift

(03:06) Hida hit a Discus Punch

(03:10) Hida hit a Running Knee Drop

(03:19) Hida picked up S. Stevens

(03:29) Scott Stevens gets taken for a ride of pain on Hida's UFO Spin Elbow!

(03:33) *** Hida got a three count on S. Stevens




xJrKs53.jpg54miFm6.jpg (7) Devil's Delight (0-3, OVR 415)


(6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456) m6kdW7F.jpg

So we already know thanks to the opening of the first match that this one didn’t go over well either. But was it at least a respectable length? Yes…if you count eleven minutes of just barely above squash territory respectable. The size and popularity difference were far too much for Delight to overcome, as Onoo utilized his Lasting Agony bearhug to finally force the submission.

Jun Onoo (2-2) def. Devil's Delight (0-4) via Submission (Lasting Agony) in 11:02.  Rating: *

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR + 2.84, XP + 444.85, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR -0.86, XP + 111.21, minor damage to head and body

There is no match transcript here because the author apparently thought he copied it over and then deleted it from his list without confirming. But you didn't miss much, trust me on this.


E5dgVEm.jpgO63FjvG.jpg (8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465)


(7) Indigo Rose (1-2, OVR 452) 2X2r9qf.jpg

The good news about this match is that it was received better than the first three matches were. The bad news is that average still beats out squashes and dull bouts. A competitive matchup at least, this had the benefit of going back and forth, with signatures hit by both competitors, and blood being spilled by both wrestlers. In the end though, Rose would hit her variated DDT one time too many, and Karen McClure’s shouts at ringside went in vain as Gibson remains winless on the season, putting himself in a hole in the Gamma Division at the end of the first quarter of the season.

Indigo Rose (2-2) def. Erick Gibson (0-4) via Pinfall (Blood From a Rose) in 16:01.  Rating: **

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 4.31, XP + 560.84, minor damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.08, XP + 140.21, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) Rose hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:17) Gibson avoided a Stomp.

(00:20) Gibson hit a Jab Punch

(00:24) Gibson hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:31) Gibson hit a Running Clothesline

(00:45) Gibson applied a Choke Hold

(00:49) Gibson hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(01:03) Gibson applied a Knee Bar

(01:16) Gibson hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(01:20) Rose blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(01:24) Gibson hit a Running Knee Drop

(01:38) Gibson applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(02:00) Gibson hit a Running Forearm Blow

(02:04) Rose fought back against being picked up from behind

(02:08) Gibson blocked a Front Facelock

(02:13) Gibson blocked a Side Headlock

(02:19) Gibson hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(02:29) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(02:33) Rose hit a Knee Drop

(02:40) Rose hit a Knee Pull

(02:54) Rose applied an Arm Bar

(02:58) Rose hit a Knee Drop

(03:12) Rose applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(03:22) Erick Gibson very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(03:37) Gibson hit a Stomp Flurry

(03:42) Rose blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(03:46) Gibson hit a Measured Knee Drop

(03:50) Gibson hit a Seated Back Kick

(03:54) Rose blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(04:07) Gibson hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(04:12) Rose blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(04:16) Gibson hit a Measured Knee Drop

(04:23) Gibson picked up Rose from behind

(04:33) Erick Gibson looks to mete out some discipline here, as he calls Rose to a Probationary Hearing!

(04:37) Rose slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows

(04:51) Rose applied an Arm Wringer

(05:05) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock

(05:12) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(05:26) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock

(05:33) Rose hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:47) Rose applied an Arm Bar

(06:07) Rose applied a Boston Crab

(06:26) Rose hit a Knee Plant

(06:33) Rose hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:38) Gibson slipped out the front of a Single Leg Boston Crab

(06:48) Rose countered a Roundhouse Punch with a Judo Sweep

(06:53) Gibson broke a Knee Pull

(06:58) Rose blocked a DDT

(07:08) Rose countered a Roundhouse Punch with a Judo Sweep

(07:12) Gibson blocked a Boston Crab

(07:26) Rose applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(07:48) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:53) Gibson broke a Screw Legwhip

(07:59) Gibson hit a Spinning Back Fist

(08:04) Rose blocked a Camel Clutch

(08:08) Rose blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(08:15) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(08:22) Rose hit a Women's DDT

(08:26) Rose hit a Running Knee Drop

(08:30) Rose hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(08:35) Gibson escaped an Indian Deathlock

(08:40) Gibson broke a Knee Plant

(08:43) Gibson hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(08:46) Gibson hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(09:00) Gibson applied a Side Headlock

(09:06) Gibson hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(09:13) Rose countered a Running Knee Lift with a Single Leg Trip

(09:18) Gibson broke a Camel Clutch

(09:22) Rose countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Slap To Chest

(09:48) Rose applied a Rolling Single Leg Lock

(10:15) Rose hit a Stump Piledriver

(10:19) Gibson broke an European Figure Four Leglock

(10:26) Gibson hit a Running Clothesline

(10:40) Gibson applied a Knee Bar

(10:54) Gibson applied an Arm Bar

(10:59) Rose broke a Boston Crab

(11:09) Rose hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(11:14) Gibson blocked a Boston Crab

(11:24) Rose picked up Gibson

(11:31) Indigo Rose grabs hold of Gibson...and there's the Blood From a Rose DDT!

(11:36) Rose got a two count

(11:48) Rose hit a Vertical Body Press

(11:57) Rose picked up Gibson

(12:04) Indigo Rose grabs hold of Gibson...and there's the Blood From a Rose DDT!

(12:09) Rose got a two count

(12:25) Rose hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(12:30) Gibson broke a Vite d'Indaco

(12:34) Rose blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(12:38) Gibson hit an Eye Poke

(12:45) Gibson hit a Running Clothesline

(13:05) Gibson applied a Rear Chinlock

(13:09) Rose escaped a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(13:13) Gibson hit an Eye Poke

(13:16) Gibson hit a Forearm Blow

(13:23) Gibson hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(13:37) Gibson applied an Arm Bar

(14:03) Gibson applied a Surfboard Bow And Arrow

(14:25) Gibson hit a DDT

(14:25) Rose started to bleed

(14:29) Gibson hit a Running Knee Drop

(14:29) Rose began bleeding quite heavily

(14:48) Gibson applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(15:03) Rose countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Bell Clap

(15:20) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate

(15:43) Rose hit a Vertical Body Press

(15:49) Rose picked up Gibson

(15:56) Indigo Rose grabs hold of Gibson...and there's the Blood From a Rose DDT!

(16:01) *** Rose got a three count on Gibson




ginc2gw.jpg (4) Terrance Stevens (1-2, OVR 452)


(2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455) LG3TCXf.jpg

The author is kind of surprised this didn’t end up as a Match of the Night contender. It was just as competitive as the previous match, and a bit closer as both men got to attempt a finisher at least once. The difference is that Molina couldn’t get Stevens tied up properly for a submission. Stevens just needed to get lucky once with his foot in the right place, and one Maple Leaf Meltdown later, Terrance Stevens had pulled off the first minor upset of the evening.

Terrance Stevens (2-2) def. Lucas Molina (3-1) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 13:11.  Rating: **

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 4.15, XP + 559.28, minor damage to head

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.82, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) T. Stevens hit a Comedy Tickle

(00:21) T. Stevens applied an Arm Wringer

(00:25) T. Stevens hit a Slap To Chest

(00:32) T. Stevens hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:36) T. Stevens hit a Stomp

(00:40) T. Stevens hit a Legdrop

(01:00) T. Stevens applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:06) T. Stevens picked up Molina from behind

(01:13) Molina avoided a Forearm To Back.

(01:27) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(01:37) T. Stevens got a rope break to stop a Hammerlock

(01:42) T. Stevens rolled through a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(01:45) T. Stevens hit a Kick To Gut

(01:55) Molina avoided a Punch.

(01:59) T. Stevens blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(02:04) T. Stevens broke a Snap Mare Takedown

(02:18) T. Stevens applied a Front Facelock

(02:22) T. Stevens hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:26) Terrance Stevens standing above his opponent...and shows off for a bit before dropping a Canuckle Shuffle!

(02:33) T. Stevens hit a Half Senton

(02:37) T. Stevens hit a Seated Back Kick

(02:52) T. Stevens hit a Stomp Flurry

(02:56) Terrance Stevens standing above his opponent...and shows off for a bit before dropping a Canuckle Shuffle!

(03:09) T. Stevens hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(03:17) T. Stevens hit a Splash

(03:21) Molina blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(03:28) Lucas Molina moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(03:35) Molina hit a Knee Pull

(03:49) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(04:03) Molina applied a Knee Bar

(04:12) Molina hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(04:17) T. Stevens blocked a Legdrop To Arm

(04:31) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(04:45) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(04:49) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:53) T. Stevens blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(05:03) Molina hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(05:23) Molina applied a Boston Crab

(05:46) Molina hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(06:00) Molina applied a Knee Bar

(06:14) Molina applied a Body Scissors

(06:19) T. Stevens rolled through a Boston Crab

(06:25) T. Stevens hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(06:35) T. Stevens hit a Seated Face Plant

(06:46) T. Stevens hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(06:53) T. Stevens hit a Half Senton

(07:01) T. Stevens picked up Molina from behind

(07:11) T. Stevens hit a Lung Blower

(07:16) Molina blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(07:30) T. Stevens hit Rear Crossface Blows

(07:40) T. Stevens picked up Molina

(07:47) Molina countered a Mafia Kick with a Single Leg Trip

(07:54) T. Stevens got a rope break to stop a Body Scissors

(08:08) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(08:22) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock

(08:29) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(08:36) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:43) Molina picked up T. Stevens

(08:47) T. Stevens slipped out the front of a Puerto Rican Legsweep

(08:51) Molina broke a Stump Piledriver

(09:01) Molina hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(09:05) T. Stevens slipped out the front of a Single Leg Grapevine

(09:12) Molina avoided a Roundhouse Body Punch.

(09:16) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(09:21) T. Stevens slipped out the front of an Inverted Atomic Drop

(09:31) Molina countered a Spear with a Fireman's Carry Takedown

(09:38) Molina picked up T. Stevens

(09:48) And Terrance Stevens gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(10:02) Molina applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(10:21) T. Stevens blocked a DDT

(10:28) Molina hit a Knee Plant

(10:33) T. Stevens broke a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(10:38) Molina slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(10:43) T. Stevens broke a DDT

(10:47) Molina slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock Takedown

(11:07) Molina applied a Sleeper Hold

(11:22) T. Stevens blocked a Diving Reverse DDT

(11:27) T. Stevens blocked a Diving Reverse DDT

(11:34) Molina got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(11:41) T. Stevens hit a Mafia Kick

(11:49) T. Stevens hit a Splash

(11:53) Molina fought back against being picked up

(12:00) Molina hit a DDT

(12:04) T. Stevens broke a Stump Puller

(12:18) T. Stevens applied a Front Facelock

(12:22) Molina broke a DDT

(12:32) Terrance Stevens just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(12:36) T. Stevens rolled through a Molina Bodylock

(12:50) T. Stevens applied a Side Headlock

(13:00) T. Stevens hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(13:06) Molina looking a bit dazed...and Terrance Stevens connects soundly with a Maple Leaf Meltdown!

(13:11) *** T. Stevens got a three count on Molina




vz0qqDp.jpg (1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496)


(2) Lance Heartilly (3-0, OVR 413) 9q89H6M.jpg

I know, I know. The author makes a quip about Christian Priest getting another MOTN, and WS3 responds by saying “And I took that personally.” But enough from me, let’s go to ringside and our usual commentary crew…

Bob Sinclair: Control of the Delta Division is at stake here as Monty Dhillon faces off against one of the hottest newcomers to the Delta Division in Lance Heartilly.

Frankie Garnett: I’ve seen footage of Heartilly during the Omega Division tryouts, I think he’s got Monty’s number tonight!

Bob Sinclair: If he does, Frankie, it’ll go down as a major upset. Dhillon’s been a contender to promote every season so far, and he’s the oddsmakers’ favorite to do it this time. Heartilly won the Omega Division competition via tiebreaker, but has shown to be just as effective in The League proper. We’ll see who moves to 4-0 in the division soon enough as the bell sounds, and this one is underway!



(00:14) Heartilly applied a Front Facelock

(00:19) Dhillon blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(00:22) Dhillon countered a Bell Clap with a Punch

(00:30) Heartilly avoided a Begging Off Eye Poke.

(00:35) Dhillon blocked a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:39) Heartilly hit an Eye Poke

(00:53) Heartilly applied a Side Headlock

(01:07) Heartilly applied a Front Facelock

(01:11) Heartilly hit an Eye Poke

(01:25) Heartilly hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(01:39) Heartilly applied a Front Facelock

(01:44) Dhillon blocked a Slap To Chest

(01:48) Heartilly hit an Eye Poke

(01:48) The referee warned Heartilly

(01:52) Heartilly hit a Slap To Chest

(01:57) Dhillon broke a Front Facelock

(02:01) Dhillon hit an Eye Poke

(02:05) Dhillon hit a Slap To Chest

(02:08) Dhillon hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(02:12) Dhillon hit an Open Handed Slap

(02:16) Dhillon hit a Slap To Chest

(02:20) Heartilly slipped out the front of the Trapping Headbutts

(02:36) Heartilly applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(02:40) Dhillon blocked a Spinning Arm Breaker

(02:45) Dhillon broke a Running Bulldog

(03:01) Dhillon hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(03:11) Dhillon picked up Heartilly

(03:15) Heartilly countered a Hammer Mill with a Slap To Chest


Bob Sinclair: Heartilly represents a culture and method of wrestling that the Stones made famous in Canada. Some of the best technical wrestlers have come out of the House of Stone, though Lance himself never claimed to train there.

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, I asked him about that, actually.

Bob Sinclair: Wait, Frankie doing actual work or even acting like a rational human being?!

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, yeah, I know. Back on the subject, Heartilly mentioned that training in the House of Stone was never on his agenda. He wanted to go through another trainer, and become someone who could rival the best to emerge from the House of Stone. Suffice it to say that he may have done just that.



(03:18) Heartilly hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(03:26) Dhillon very easily avoided a Face Rake.

(03:42) Dhillon hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(03:46) Dhillon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(03:50) Dhillon hit a Measured Knee Drop

(03:55) Heartilly blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(03:59) Dhillon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:08) Dhillon picked up Heartilly

(04:12) Heartilly slipped out of the back of a Western Brainbuster Suplex

(04:19) Heartilly hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(04:23) Heartilly hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:27) Heartilly hit a Measured Knee Drop

(04:32) Dhillon broke a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(04:37) Heartilly slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(04:53) Heartilly applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(05:00) Heartilly applied a Standing Arm Bar

(05:05) Dhillon broke a Spinning Arm Breaker

(05:21) Dhillon hit a Strong Gut Buster

(05:26) Heartilly fought back against being picked up

(05:33) Heartilly hit a Knee Plant

(05:49) Heartilly hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(05:56) Monty Dhillon moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(06:06) Heartilly avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(06:20) Heartilly applied a Side Headlock

(06:29) Dhillon easily avoided a Slap To Chest.

(06:45) Dhillon hit an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Rush

(06:54) Dhillon picked up Heartilly

(06:58) Heartilly blocked an Empire Bomb

(07:03) Heartilly broke a Blockade Lock

(07:07) Dhillon blocked a Knee Plant

(07:23) Heartilly hit a Spinning Arm Breaker


Bob Sinclair: The peril of these Delta Division matches is that they can end in a hurry, and Dhillon nearly caught Heartilly napping twice on that exchange.

Frankie Garnett: That’s what Lance wants you to think, Bob. I see it in his eyes, he’s trying to work Dhillon into the right spot at the right time.



(07:28) Dhillon broke a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(07:33) Heartilly blocked a DDT

(07:37) Heartilly slipped out the front of a Strong Gut Buster

(07:44) Heartilly hit a Knee Plant

(07:50) Heartilly hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(07:50) The referee gave Heartilly a serious telling off

(07:54) Heartilly hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:58) Heartilly hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(08:05) Heartilly used a Slit Throat Motion

(08:11) Heartilly picked up Dhillon

(08:31) Heartilly gets his Arm Breaker cinched in tight on Dhillon here, will it be enough for the submission?

(08:44) Heartilly got a near submission

(08:49) Dhillon broke an Implant DDT

(09:02) Monty Dhillon gives Heartilly a shock to the system with that Livewire Lariat!

(09:10) Lance Heartilly very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(09:14) Dhillon slipped out the front of a Single Leg Boston Crab

(09:30) Dhillon hit a Vertical Suplex

(09:42) It's the Hammer Press! Dhillon is really laying those elbows into Heartilly's face!

(09:49) Dhillon picked up Heartilly

(09:54) Heartilly blocked an Empire Bomb

(10:04) Dhillon hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(10:12) Lance Heartilly very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(10:21) Heartilly picked up Dhillon

(10:28) Heartilly hit a DDT

(10:54) Lance Heartilly gets the Hellacious Leglock on Monty Dhillon! Is the tap out imminent?


Frankie Garnett: Called it! This one’s going to be over, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: Dhillon has the size advantage, but Heartilly got it locked in dead center of the ring. Dhillon’s trying to turn the hold over…only for Heartilly to continue rolling with it and keep the pressure on! Dhillon’s still a couple of feet from the ropes, and there’s the tap out, he had no choice!

Frankie Garnett: Now we see why Heartilly won the Omega Division, Bob. Makes me wonder why the other person to come up from there hasn’t done as well.

Bob Sinclair: That’s a discussion for another night, Frankie. We’ll be back after a short break with some Beta Division action!


Lance Heartilly (4-0) def. Monty Dhillon (3-1) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 11:07.  Rating: ****

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 6.40, XP + 666.23, minor damage to head

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 1.52, XP + 241.56, no notable damage

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1 this season] for Lance Heartilly, 1 [1 this season] for Monty Dhillon)



VfA2MW8.jpg (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 450)


(6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481) ayWv1C3.jpg

It’s not too often the Match of the Night is followed by a contender for it, but that’s what happened here. This one featured a lot of action in the corners and turnbuckles, and pop-up arm drags blocked on several occasions before Pulsar managed to hit one of the more rarely-seen moves in The League: his spider superplex he dubs the Call of the Twelve. He went airborne immediately after that, and landed the Zodiac Implosion for the pinfall and another minor upset on the evening.

Pulsar (1-3) def. Billy Norris (1-3) via Pinfall (Zodiac Implosion) in 14:00.  Rating: ***

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 5.43, XP + 685.46, minor damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 0.75, XP + 171.37, minor damage to head and body



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Pulsar hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:08) Pulsar hit an Elbow Drop

(00:14) Pulsar picked up Norris

(00:17) Pulsar hit a Puñetazo

(00:24) Pulsar hit a Legsweep Kick

(00:33) Billy Norris moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(00:40) Norris hit a Knee Pull

(00:44) Norris hit a Stomp

(00:54) Pulsar easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(01:03) Pulsar hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop

(01:08) Norris fought back against being picked up

(01:15) Norris applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:18) Norris hit a Punch

(01:22) Pulsar countered an Open Handed Chop with a Knife Edge Chop

(01:26) Pulsar hit a Fist Drop

(01:35) Billy Norris moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(01:39) Norris hit a Knee Drop

(01:59) Norris applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:09) Pulsar moved out of the way from a Legdrop.

(02:17) Pulsar picked up Norris

(02:20) Pulsar hit a Forearm Blow

(02:24) Norris countered an Open Handed Chop with a Slap To Chest

(02:40) Norris applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(02:47) Norris applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:51) Pulsar blocked a Jab Punch

(02:54) Norris hit a Jab Punch

(02:58) Pulsar blocked an Open Handed Slap

(03:02) Norris hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:09) Norris hit a Running Clothesline

(03:22) Norris hit a Running Senton

(03:29) Norris hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(03:36) Pulsar countered a Knee Pull with a Legsweep Kick

(03:45) Billy Norris moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(03:55) Pulsar easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(04:02) Pulsar hit a Senton

(04:12) Billy Norris moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(04:19) Pulsar countered a Stomp To Groin with a Legsweep Kick

(04:23) Pulsar hit an Elbow Drop

(04:30) Pulsar hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(04:39) Billy Norris moved out of the way from a Quebrada.

(04:52) Norris hit a Running Half Senton

(04:59) Pulsar countered a Senton with a Legsweep Kick

(05:06) Pulsar hit a Seated Dropkick

(05:23) Pulsar hit a Quebrada

(05:30) Pulsar hit a Knee Pull

(05:37) Pulsar used a Lucha Senton Pin

(05:41) Pulsar got a two count

(05:53) Pulsar hit a Lucha Spinning DDT

(06:03) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(06:07) Norris stopped a Picture Perfect Moonsault by rushing Pulsar

(06:11) Norris climbed down off the top rope

(06:15) Pulsar slipped out the front of a Pop-Up Top Rope Arm Drag

(06:22) Pulsar used a Top Rope Predator's Taunt

(06:26) Norris shook the ropes to stop a Second Rope Flying Rana

(06:30) Pulsar slipped out the front of a Pop-Up Top Rope Arm Drag

(06:37) Pulsar used a Top Rope Predator's Taunt

(06:41) Norris stopped a Top Rope Leg Lariat by rushing Pulsar

(06:45) Norris climbed down off the top rope

(06:49) Pulsar slipped out the front of a Pop-Up Top Rope Arm Drag

(06:53) Norris blocked a Call of the Twelve

(06:58) Norris slipped out the front of a Call of the Twelve

(07:03) Norris climbed down off the top rope

(07:18) Norris used a Pop-Up Top Rope Arm Drag

(07:25) Norris hit a Half Senton

(07:43) Norris hit a Rolling Splash

(07:50) Norris hit a Half Senton

(07:54) Pulsar fought back as Norris tried to climb the turnbuckles

(08:01) Norris very easily avoided a Forearm Blow.

(08:06) Pulsar broke a DDT

(08:13) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(08:22) Billy Norris moved out of the way from a Top Rope Missile Dropkick.

(08:27) Pulsar fought back against being picked up

(08:34) Pulsar hit a Running Clothesline

(08:40) Billy Norris moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(08:44) Pulsar fought back as Norris tried to climb the turnbuckles

(08:53) Norris very easily avoided a Kick To Knee.

(08:57) Pulsar slipped out the front of a Boomerang DDT

(09:00) Pulsar hit a Puñetazo

(09:06) Pulsar hit a Dropkick To Corner

(09:19) Pulsar hit a Leaping Avalanche

(09:25) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(09:41) Pulsar hit a Moonsault Press

(09:46) Norris stopped a Springboard Senton Bomb by rushing Pulsar

(10:00) Billy Norris looks like he's going for...wait, no--floatover into a DDT!  Norris hits the Boomerang DDT!

(10:00) The referee was out of position to count the pinfall

(10:05) Norris got a one count

(10:09) Norris hit a Thrust Kick

(10:13) Norris hit a Thrust Kick To Corner

(10:25) Pulsar countered a Corner Running Senton with a Vertical Body Press

(10:35) Billy Norris easily moved out of the way from an Arabian Press.

(10:43) Pulsar moved out of the way from a Springboard Splash.

(10:50) Pulsar used an Arabian Press

(10:55) Pulsar got a two count

(11:05) Pulsar climbed the turnbuckles

(11:21) Pulsar hit a Top Rope Missile Dropkick

(11:26) Norris fought back as Pulsar tried to climb the turnbuckles

(11:33) Norris hit a DDT

(11:39) Pulsar avoids a Down Under Disaster!   That was close, mate!

(11:43) Pulsar got a two count

(11:47) Norris fought back as Pulsar tried to climb the turnbuckles

(11:54) Norris hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(12:01) Norris hit a Senton

(12:09) Pulsar avoids a Down Under Disaster!   That was close, mate!

(12:15) Pulsar hit a Dropkick To Knee

(12:23) Pulsar picked up Norris

(12:35) Pulsar hit a Lucha Spinning DDT

(12:40) Norris stopped a Springboard Senton Bomb by rushing Pulsar

(12:47) Norris hit a Knee Plant

(12:51) Norris hit a Thrust Kick To Corner

(13:15) Norris hit a Tree Of Woe Dropkick

(13:20) Norris leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(13:26) Norris waited for Pulsar to stand

(13:30) Pulsar stopped a Top Rope Cross Body Press by rushing Norris

(13:43) Pulsar hits a superplex...but hangs on to the ropes with his feet, pulling himself back to the top rope!  The Call of the Twelve has been answered!

(13:55) Pulsar from the top...and there's his vaunted shooting star senton, the Zodiac Implosion!

(14:00) *** Pulsar got a three count on Norris




G4sbiHU.jpg (3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483)


(6) Diamond (1-2, OVR 464) 0rDaDU8.jpg

A rather dull bout in which the ending was the most notable part of the whole thing. It’s hard to call this a minor upset given that these two each had two victories against the other, but when the non-technical wrestler earns a submission victory over a technical wizard, and it’s not a sloppy hold or desperation attempt, it’s worth noting. That’s what Diamond managed, as her sharpshooter hold was enough to force the tap out, and she evens her record on the season.

Diamond (2-2) def. Diego Rodriguez (2-2) via Submission (Florentine) in 11:39.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.87, XP + 511.89, no notable damage

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR -0.87, XP + 127.97, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(00:10) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(00:24) Rodriguez applied a Body Scissors

(00:28) Rodriguez hit a Stomp

(00:32) Rodriguez hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:46) Rodriguez applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(00:56) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(01:00) Rodriguez fought back against being picked up from behind

(01:04) Rodriguez hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:07) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(01:10) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(01:19) Diamond very easily avoided a Punch.

(01:22) Diamond hit a Punch

(01:36) Diamond applied a Front Facelock

(01:41) Rodriguez rolled through a Cravate

(01:51) Rodriguez hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(01:57) Diamond very easily avoided a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown.

(02:11) Diamond applied a Cravate

(02:18) Diamond applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:21) Diamond hit a Forearm Blow

(02:24) Diamond hit a Jab Punch

(02:31) Diamond applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:45) Diamond applied a Front Facelock

(02:51) Rodriguez got a rope break to stop a Standing Arm Bar

(02:55) Diamond hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:00) Rodriguez blocked a Punch

(03:10) Rodriguez got a rope break to stop a Standing Arm Bar

(03:14) Diamond hit a Slap To Chest

(03:17) Diamond hit a Jab Punch

(03:27) Diamond hit a Discus Punch

(03:34) Diamond hit a Senton

(03:47) Diamond hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(03:56) Diego Rodriguez moved out of the way from a Senton.

(04:06) Diamond very easily avoided a Stomp.

(04:13) Diamond hit a Women's DDT

(04:17) Diamond hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:30) Diamond hit a Running Senton

(04:37) Diamond hit a Senton

(04:50) Diamond hit a Running Senton

(04:54) Diamond hit a Measured Knee Drop

(05:01) Diamond hit a Senton

(05:08) Diamond hit a Half Senton

(05:15) Diamond used a Slit Throat Motion

(05:29) Diamond used a Get Up Taunt

(05:33) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(05:38) Rodriguez shook the ropes to stop a Top Rope Cross Body Press

(05:43) Diamond kicked Rodriguez away

(05:59) Diamond hit a Top Rope Missile Dropkick

(06:04) Rodriguez stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Diamond

(06:18) Rodriguez applied a Side Headlock

(06:25) Rodriguez hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:35) Diamond got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(06:42) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(06:56) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(06:59) Rodriguez hit a Jab Punch

(07:02) Rodriguez hit a Kick To Gut

(07:06) Diamond blocked a Jab Punch

(07:13) Rodriguez hit a Single Leg Trip

(07:21) Diamond very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(07:28) Diamond hit a Running Forearm Blow

(07:35) Diamond hit a Seated Back Dropkick

(07:39) Rodriguez stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Diamond

(07:46) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:49) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(07:56) Rodriguez hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:00) Rodriguez hit a Stomp

(08:14) Rodriguez applied a Knee Bar

(08:18) Diamond broke a Boston Crab

(08:25) Diamond hit a Running Forearm Blow

(08:30) Diamond leapt up to the top turnbuckle

(08:39) Diamond hit a Top Rope Butt Drop

(08:44) Diamond got a one count

(08:48) Rodriguez countered a Flying Forearm with a Knife Edge Chop

(08:51) Rodriguez hit a Jab Punch

(09:05) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(09:12) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(09:17) Diamond blocked a Knee Plant

(09:21) Diamond blocked a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(09:25) Rodriguez broke a Seated Face Plant

(09:30) Diamond blocked a Piledriver

(09:46) Rodriguez hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(09:53) Rodriguez hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(09:57) Diamond rolled through a Boston Crab

(10:07) Diamond hit a Springboard Clothesline

(10:20) Diamond hit a Running Half Senton

(10:30) Diamond picked up Rodriguez

(10:35) Rodriguez broke a 24 Karat Kiss

(10:38) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(10:48) Rodriguez hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(10:58) Diamond very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(11:24) Diamond has Rodriguez wrapped up in the Florentine!

(11:39) *** Diamond submitted Rodriguez




AAdEYyr.jpgZThYhej.jpg (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485)


(7) Big Scott Weathers (1-2, OVR 465) OOiJTFx.jpg

A step above the previous match, but only just, this one was competitive but not very exciting. Sustained stretches of offense on either side eventually led to Ouilette finding the momentum at the right time, and connecting with his fist drop to put Weathers down for three. A much needed win for Ouilette as he looks to remain in the hunt for at least the number two spot in the Beta Division.

Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-2) def. Big Scott Weathers (1-3) via Pinfall (Le Petit Mort) in 11:55.  Rating: **

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 4.08, XP + 631.44, no notable damage

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.86, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) Ouilette hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:08) Weathers blocked a Punch

(00:16) Ouilette applied a Hammerlock

(00:26) Weathers avoided a Forearm To Back.

(00:33) Ouilette avoided a Forearm Blow.

(00:38) Weathers slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(00:48) Weathers hit an Atomic Drop

(01:04) Weathers hit an Arm Wringer Smash

(01:08) Weathers hit a Slap To Chest

(01:11) Weathers hit a Forearm Blow

(01:25) Weathers applied a Side Headlock

(01:32) Ouilette countered an Open Handed Chop with a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:46) Ouilette applied an Arm Bar

(02:00) Ouilette applied a Body Scissors

(02:04) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:18) Ouilette applied a Body Scissors

(02:22) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop

(02:26) Ouilette hit a Fist Drop

(02:33) Ouilette hit a Knee Pull

(02:37) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:44) Ouilette hit a Knee Pull

(02:58) Ouilette applied a Body Scissors

(03:03) Weathers blocked a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(03:17) Ouilette applied an Arm Bar

(03:21) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop

(03:26) Weathers blocked a Rear Chinlock

(03:30) Ouilette hit a Stomp

(03:45) Ouilette hit a Stomp Flurry

(03:58) Ouilette hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(04:09) Ouilette hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(04:17) Weathers easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(04:20) Weathers hit a Forearm Blow

(04:23) Weathers hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(04:26) Weathers hit a Forearm Blow

(04:29) Weathers hit a Jab Punch

(04:32) Weathers hit a Forearm Blow

(04:35) Weathers hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(04:38) Weathers hit a Jab Punch

(04:42) Weathers hit an Eye Poke

(04:42) The referee warned Weathers

(04:45) Weathers hit a Punch

(04:49) Weathers hit a Slap To Chest

(05:03) Weathers applied a Side Headlock

(05:08) Ouilette stopped a Short Arm Knee Lift by rushing Weathers

(05:24) Ouilette hit a Piledriver

(05:35) Ouilette hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(05:50) Ouilette hit a Stomp Flurry

(05:57) Ouilette hit a Legdrop To Groin

(05:57) The referee warned Ouilette

(06:12) Ouilette hit a Stomp Flurry

(06:16) Weathers broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(06:20) Weathers hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(06:34) Weathers applied a Front Facelock

(06:37) Weathers hit a Punch

(06:41) Weathers hit a Slap To Chest

(06:45) Weathers hit an Eye Poke

(06:52) Weathers hit a Running Forearm Blow

(07:02) Jean-Paul Ouilette moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(07:22) Ouilette applied a Boston Crab

(07:41) Ouilette hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(07:41) The referee gave Ouilette a serious telling off

(07:52) Ouilette hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(08:12) Ouilette applied a Single Leg Boston Crab

(08:42) Ouilette hit a Piledriver

(08:46) Weathers blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(08:51) Weathers blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(08:58) Weathers hit a Running Clothesline

(09:07) Ouilette got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(09:21) Weathers applied a Front Facelock

(09:24) Weathers hit a Punch

(09:28) Weathers hit a Face Rake

(09:33) Ouilette broke a Front Facelock

(09:40) Ouilette hit a Running Forearm Blow

(10:00) Ouilette applied a Camel Clutch

(10:12) Ouilette got a near submission

(10:16) Weathers slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(10:20) Ouilette blocked an Arm Wringer

(10:24) Weathers hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(10:31) Weathers hit a Rear Amateur Takedown

(10:46) Weathers hit a Stomp Flurry

(10:56) Jean-Paul Ouilette easily moved out of the way from a Splash.

(11:06) Ouilette picked up Weathers

(11:22) Ouilette hit a Stump Piledriver

(11:50) Look at Jean-Paul Ouilette show off, as he bounces off the ropes twice before landing Le Petit Mort!

(11:55) *** Ouilette got a three count on Weathers




IgD64Oj.jpg (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 483)


(1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483) NSa1kkC.jpg

Mastodon had to fight from behind for a bit in this match, and against Gross that spells extra trouble for him due to the fact that the Right Reverend utilizes a dragon sleeper for a finisher, something Mastodon can’t adrenaline his way out of. At least once, Gross thought he had the hold locked in but failed to account for Mastodon’s longer legs breaking the plane of the ropes. In the end, Gross’ inability to apply the finisher in the right setting would be his downfall, as Mastodon fought his way back and landed a Rampage to move to 3-1 and maintain a share of the best record in the top flight.

The Mastodon (3-1) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-3) via Pinfall (Rampage) in 14:14.  Rating: **

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 4.21, XP + 730.25, minor damage to head

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.56, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:14) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(00:18) Mastodon blocked a Slap To Chest

(00:21) Rev. Gross hit a Jab Punch

(00:25) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(00:25) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(00:28) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm Blow

(00:42) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(00:46) Mastodon stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Rev. Gross

(00:50) Mastodon hit a Japanese Binta

(00:53) Mastodon hit a Punch

(00:57) Mastodon hit a Slap To Chest

(01:11) Mastodon applied a Side Headlock

(01:15) Rev. Gross blocked a Front Facelock

(01:23) Rev. Gross avoided a Japanese Binta.

(01:30) Rev. Gross hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:50) Rev. Gross applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:55) Mastodon broke a Knee Bar

(02:02) Rev. Gross avoided a Punch.

(02:05) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(02:09) Rev. Gross hit a Slap To Chest

(02:16) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:24) Mastodon avoided a Forearm Blow.

(02:28) Mastodon hit a Kick To Thigh

(02:32) Mastodon hit a Japanese Binta

(02:35) Mastodon hit a Kick To Gut

(02:40) Rev. Gross blocked a Slap To Chest

(02:43) Mastodon hit a Forearm Blow

(02:47) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(02:51) Rev. Gross blocked a Slap To Chest

(02:57) Rev. Gross avoided a Punch.

(03:04) Rev. Gross hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(03:11) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(03:25) Rev. Gross applied a Choke Hold

(03:25) The referee gave Rev. Gross a stern warning

(03:32) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Arm

(03:36) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp

(03:40) Rev. Gross hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:54) Rev. Gross applied a Body Scissors

(04:04) Mastodon got a rope break to stop a Surfboard

(04:09) Mastodon blocked a Jab Punch

(04:13) Rev. Gross hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:17) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(04:21) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(04:35) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(04:38) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(04:42) Rev. Gross hit a Slap To Chest

(04:48) Rev. Gross hit a Strong Knife Edge Chop

(05:04) Rev. Gross hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(05:11) Rev. Gross used a Face Rub Taunt

(05:19) Mastodon avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(05:26) Mastodon hit a Running Clothesline

(05:30) Mastodon hit a Knee Drop

(05:48) Mastodon hit a Slingshot To Corner

(06:06) Mastodon hit Corner Repeated Shoulder Rams

(06:10) Mastodon hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(06:24) Mastodon applied an Arm Bar

(06:28) Rev. Gross blocked a Knee Pull

(06:31) Mastodon hit a Forearm Blow

(06:35) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(06:39) Mastodon hit a Japanese Binta

(06:43) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(06:47) Mastodon hit a Slap To Chest

(06:51) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(06:55) Mastodon hit a Slap To Chest

(07:09) Mastodon applied a Side Headlock

(07:19) Mastodon hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(07:25) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(07:29) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(07:32) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:46) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(07:50) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(07:57) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Plant

(08:04) Rev. Gross hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(08:23) Rev. Gross applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(08:23) The referee gave Rev. Gross a stern warning

(08:30) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(08:34) Mastodon broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(08:38) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(08:42) Rev. Gross blocked a Japanese Binta

(08:52) Mastodon hit a Short Arm Clothesline

(08:59) Reverend Johnny Gross easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(09:04) Mastodon blocked a Stomp To Groin

(09:15) Rev. Gross hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(09:24) Mastodon avoided a Kneeling Kick Rush.

(09:28) Mastodon hit an Open Handed Chop

(09:43) Mastodon hit a Stomp Flurry

(09:51) Mastodon hit a Splash

(09:56) Rev. Gross blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(10:01) Rev. Gross broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(10:07) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(10:07) The referee furiously berated Rev. Gross

(10:11) Mastodon blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(10:15) Rev. Gross hit a Seated Back Kick

(10:35) Rev. Gross applied a Boston Crab

(10:53) Mastodon blocked a Knee Plant

(10:56) Mastodon countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Punch

(11:00) Mastodon hit a Slap To Chest

(11:04) Rev. Gross blocked a Short Arm Clothesline

(11:08) Rev. Gross countered a Roundhouse Punch with a Slap To Chest

(11:13) Mastodon blocked a DDT

(11:23) Rev. Gross hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(11:33) Rev. Gross hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(11:44) Rev. Gross hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(11:51) Mastodon got a rope break to stop a Come to Jesus

(11:57) Mastodon avoided a Roundhouse Body Punch.

(12:01) Mastodon hit a Japanese Binta

(12:04) Mastodon hit a Forearm Blow

(12:07) Mastodon hit a Punch

(12:10) Mastodon hit a Forearm Blow

(12:22) Mastodon hit a Biel Throw

(12:28) Reverend Johnny Gross very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(12:32) Mastodon broke a Come to Jesus

(12:48) Mastodon hit a Standing Spinebuster

(13:00) Mastodon hit Mounted Elbow Smashes

(13:11) Mastodon hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(13:25) Mastodon hit Rear Crossface Blows

(13:39) Mastodon used a Get Up Taunt

(13:55) Mastodon hit a Gut Buster

(14:03) Mastodon picked up Rev. Gross

(14:09) LARIATO!  The Mastodon just leveled Reverend Johnny Gross with a Rampage!

(14:14) *** Mastodon got a three count on Rev. Gross




p54rf5F.jpg (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 476)


(6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490) FqeSGy6.jpg

Despite the rating, this match was not as close as one might be led to believe. Nuclear had the advantage throughout, utilizing his strength and striking to keep Mitchell at bay, and did not let off the gas in the final ninety seconds of the match, denying Mitchell a chance to get any offense in before he notched his twentieth career win, and eleventh via submission. Yes, the man who likes to hit things until they don’t move has more wins by submission than he does by pinfall (7). You can’t make this stuff up!

Nuclear Templeton (2-2) def. De'siree Mitchell (2-2) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 12:39.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.12, XP + 729.11, no notable damage

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.28, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) Mitchell hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:11) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(00:18) Mitchell hit a Knee Pull

(00:25) Nuclear avoided a Stomp.

(00:28) Nuclear hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(00:42) Nuclear hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(00:46) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:54) Nuclear picked up Mitchell

(00:58) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(01:01) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(01:09) Mitchell avoided a Throat Thrust after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(01:13) Nuclear countered a Hammerlock with a Face Rake

(01:13) The referee warned Nuclear

(01:16) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(01:20) Nuclear hit a Knife Edge Chop

(01:24) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(01:38) Mitchell applied an Arm Wringer

(01:45) Mitchell hit a Double Leg Trip

(01:51) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(02:11) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:15) Nuclear hit an Elbow Drop

(02:35) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:39) Nuclear hit a Fist Drop

(02:44) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(02:48) Nuclear blocked a Double Leg Trip

(02:55) Mitchell hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(02:59) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(03:04) Nuclear broke a Legdrop To Arm

(03:18) Nuclear hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(03:21) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(03:25) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(03:29) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(03:33) Nuclear hit an European Uppercut

(03:40) Nuclear hit a Knee Pull

(03:44) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(04:04) Nuclear applied a Rear Chinlock

(04:10) Nuclear picked up Mitchell

(04:13) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(04:19) Mitchell avoided a Throat Thrust.

(04:27) Mitchell applied a Hammerlock

(04:32) Nuclear blocked an Arm Wringer

(04:37) Nuclear slipped out of the back of a Top Wrist Lock

(04:41) Nuclear hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(04:49) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Blow

(04:53) Nuclear hit a Stomp

(05:07) Nuclear applied a Choke Hold

(05:07) The referee gave Nuclear a stern warning

(05:24) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(05:28) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(05:35) Mitchell got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock

(05:42) Nuclear hit a Running Forearm Blow

(05:46) Mitchell broke a Stomp To Groin

(05:54) Mitchell applied a Hammerlock

(06:01) Mitchell hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(06:15) Mitchell applied a Body Scissors

(06:19) Mitchell hit a Fist Drop

(06:23) Mitchell hit a Knee Drop

(06:33) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock

(06:40) Mitchell hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(06:54) Mitchell applied a Body Scissors

(06:58) Mitchell hit a Stomp

(07:02) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(07:08) Nuclear Templeton easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(07:18) Nuclear hit a Headbutt To Groin

(07:18) The referee gave Nuclear a stern warning

(07:22) Nuclear hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(07:39) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(07:49) Nuclear picked up Mitchell

(07:53) Mitchell countered a Power Surge with a Kick To Knee

(08:00) Mitchell hit a Double Leg Trip

(08:14) Mitchell applied an Arm Bar

(08:18) Nuclear broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(08:23) Mitchell broke a Tactical Nuke

(08:28) Nuclear blocked an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(08:33) Nuclear blocked a Top Wrist Lock

(08:38) Mitchell blocked a Press Powerslam

(08:42) Mitchell countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Japanese Binta

(08:56) Mitchell applied an Arm Wringer

(09:03) Mitchell hit a Running Knee Lift

(09:10) Nuclear avoided a Triple Forearm Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(09:26) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(09:30) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(09:35) Nuclear broke an Inverted Atomic Drop

(09:38) Mitchell countered a Power Surge with a Forearm Blow

(09:45) Mitchell hit a Knee Plant

(09:52) Mitchell hit a Running Knee Lift

(10:04) Mitchell hit a Forearm Flurry

(10:09) Nuclear broke a Women's DDT

(10:16) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(10:23) Nuclear hit a Corner Elbow

(10:41) Nuclear hit Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

(10:46) Mitchell blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(10:53) Mitchell avoided a Strong Forearm Strike Flurry.

(10:57) Nuclear broke a Piledriver

(11:09) Nuclear hit a Standing Hot Shot

(11:16) Nuclear picked up Mitchell

(11:32) Nuclear hit a Gut Buster

(11:40) Nuclear picked up Mitchell

(11:56) Nuclear hit a Press Powerslam

(12:01) Nuclear got a two count

(12:27) De'siree Mitchell is caught in a Radiation Leak!

(12:39) *** Nuclear submitted Mitchell




xHVnvxD.jpg (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 487)


(2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484) hAfQcot.jpgVZFWcYa.jpg

Ever since changing his ring gear and entrance, River has not been bested. Nakamatsu gave him a tough test of it this week, but the cultist somehow managed to find a way through the Japanese prodigy’s offense. A sudden springboard senton was enough to keep Nakamatsu down for three, but only just as Yoshii kicked out a split second too late.

Blood River (3-1) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 9:25.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 3.93, XP + 629.88, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.47, no notable damage



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:08) Blood River applied a Hammerlock

(00:15) Blood River hit a Legsweep Kick

(00:29) Blood River applied a Choke Hold

(00:29) The referee gave Blood River a stern warning

(00:33) Blood River hit a Fist Drop

(00:37) Blood River hit a Legdrop

(00:41) Blood River hit a Stomp

(00:51) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(00:57) Blood River very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(01:03) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(01:10) Nakamatsu picked up Blood River

(01:17) Nakamatsu applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:21) Nakamatsu hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:25) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Binta

(01:30) Blood River broke a Side Headlock

(01:33) Blood River hit a Jab Punch

(01:37) Blood River hit a Kick To Thigh

(01:41) Blood River hit a Slap To Chest

(01:50) Nakamatsu avoided a Forearm Blow.

(01:57) Nakamatsu hit a Running Clothesline

(02:06) Nakamatsu picked up Blood River

(02:09) Nakamatsu hit a Punch

(02:12) Nakamatsu hit a Forearm Blow

(02:16) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Thigh

(02:19) Blood River countered an Open Handed Chop with a Punch

(02:33) Blood River applied a Front Facelock

(02:41) Blood River applied a Hammerlock

(02:48) Blood River hit a Hair Pull Takedown

(02:48) The referee warned Blood River

(02:54) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(03:04) Blood River very easily moved out of the way from a Rope-Assisted Knee Drop.

(03:14) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Legdrop.

(03:23) Blood River very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(03:27) Blood River hit an Elbow Drop

(03:40) Blood River hit a Running Half Senton

(03:50) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(03:57) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Pull

(04:05) Nakamatsu picked up Blood River

(04:09) Nakamatsu hit a Japanese Binta

(04:23) Nakamatsu applied a Front Facelock

(04:28) Blood River blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(04:31) Nakamatsu hit a Forearm Blow

(04:35) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Knee

(04:42) Nakamatsu applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:46) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Knee

(04:49) Nakamatsu hit a Kick To Gut

(04:56) The Acolyte tripped Nakamatsu to prevent a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(04:56) The referee sent The Acolyte back to the locker room

(05:03) Blood River hit a Senton

(05:20) Blood River hit a Slingshot Senton Bomb

(05:24) Nakamatsu blocked a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(05:43) Blood River applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(05:43) The referee gave Blood River a stern warning

(05:56) Blood River hit a Running Senton

(06:00) Blood River hit a Measured Knee Drop

(06:08) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Running Half Senton.

(06:15) Blood River countered an Elbow Drop with a Legsweep Kick

(06:24) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Diving Ground Headbutt.

(06:28) Nakamatsu hit a Knee Drop

(06:38) Blood River moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(06:57) Blood River applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(06:57) The referee angrily told off Blood River

(07:05) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Running Senton.

(07:12) Nakamatsu picked up Blood River

(07:16) Blood River broke a Swinging Neckbreaker

(07:20) Nakamatsu blocked a Thrust Kick

(07:28) Nakamatsu avoided a Thrust Kick.

(07:33) Blood River broke a Swinging Neckbreaker

(07:50) Blood River hit a Springboard Dropkick

(07:54) Blood River hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(08:00) Yoshii Nakamatsu moved out of the way from a Slingshot Legdrop.

(08:04) Nakamatsu hit an Elbow Drop

(08:09) Blood River fought back against being picked up

(08:13) Nakamatsu countered a Low Blow with a Japanese Binta

(08:17) Blood River blocked a Thrust Kick To Corner

(08:27) Nakamatsu hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(08:34) Nakamatsu picked up Blood River from behind

(08:43) Blood River avoided a Chop Block.

(08:47) Nakamatsu blocked a Rana Pinfall

(08:56) Nakamatsu countered a Rana Pinfall with a Punch Flurry

(09:01) Blood River broke a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(09:11) Blood River hit a Springboard Clothesline

(09:20) Blood River hit a Springboard Senton Bomb

(09:25) *** Blood River got a three count on Nakamatsu




N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 454)


(1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533) YICOeYe.jpgMZ2VDcB.jpg

A Match of the Night contender—yeah, Priest didn’t claim MOTN this week but Maven Deltzer still worships at the First Church of Wrestling, prove the author wrong—Clay had the advantage for most of the opening three minutes…and then things went downhill from there. Priest would utilize his size advantage to wear down Clay over the next six minutes and change. A missed slingshot moonsault sealed Clay’s fate, as Priest immediately locked in Martrydom until Clay passed out from the pain. He wasn’t beating a ten count after that.

Christian Priest (4-0) def. Markus Clay (1-3) via Last One Standing (Martyrdom) in 8:29.  Rating: ***

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 5.02, XP + 603.07, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 0.70, XP + 150.77, minor damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:03) Priest hit a Forearm Blow

(00:07) Clay slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(00:10) Clay hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(00:14) Clay hit an Eye Poke

(00:17) Clay hit a Forearm Blow

(00:21) Clay hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:24) Priest wasn't fazed by a Jab Punch

(00:31) Clay hit a Legsweep Kick

(00:40) Christian Priest moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(00:44) Priest hit an Elbow Drop

(00:51) Priest picked up Clay

(00:54) Priest hit a Punch

(00:57) Priest hit a Kick To Gut

(01:05) Clay avoided an Open Handed Chop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(01:08) Clay hit a Forearm Blow

(01:12) Priest countered a Face Rake with an Open Handed Slap

(01:16) Clay countered an Open Handed Chop with an Open Handed Chop

(01:23) Clay hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:27) Clay hit a Knee Drop

(01:31) Clay hit a Running Knee Drop

(01:38) Clay used a Face Rub Taunt

(01:43) Priest blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(01:50) Clay hit a Running Forearm Blow

(01:57) Clay used a Face Rub Taunt

(02:07) Clay hit a Headbutt To Groin

(02:11) Clay hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(02:24) Clay hit a Running Half Senton

(02:31) Clay hit a Senton

(02:35) Clay hit a Running Knee Drop

(02:42) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(02:46) Priest hit a Fist Drop

(02:56) Clay very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash.

(03:02) Clay hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(03:06) Priest countered a Discus Clothesline with a Slap To Chest

(03:10) Priest hit a Slap To Chest

(03:14) Christian Priest is testing Markus Clay's faith with that chop!

(03:27) Priest hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(03:35) Clay very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(03:42) Priest countered a Running Knee Lift with a Clothesline

(03:46) Clay fought back against being picked up

(03:50) Priest broke a Seated Face Plant

(04:00) Priest hit a Samoan Drop

(04:07) Clay countered a Legdrop To Groin with a Legsweep Kick

(04:11) Priest stopped a Springboard Senton Bomb by rushing Clay

(04:18) Priest hit a Running Forearm Blow

(04:22) Priest hit a Running Knee Drop

(04:37) Priest hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:54) Priest hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(04:58) Priest hit a Measured Knee Drop

(05:05) Priest used a Slit Throat Motion

(05:10) Clay stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Priest

(05:13) Clay hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(05:16) Priest countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Bell Clap

(05:23) Priest hit a DDT

(05:33) Priest picked up Clay

(05:37) Clay countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Slap To Chest

(05:44) Clay hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(05:48) Clay hit a Stomp

(05:54) Priest avoided a Running Seated Dropkick.

(06:08) Christian Priest sends Markus Clay to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!

(06:14) Priest picked up Clay

(06:19) Clay slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(06:25) Clay hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(06:32) Clay hit a Running Seated Dropkick

(06:38) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(06:48) Priest picked up Clay

(06:51) Clay countered a Low Blow with a Punch

(06:56) Priest fought back as Clay tried to climb the turnbuckles

(07:10) Christian Priest sends Markus Clay to the mat with a definitive Iconoclasm!

(07:20) Priest picked up Clay

(07:24) Clay slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(07:28) Priest countered a Swinging Rope Blast with a Kick To Knee

(07:31) Clay countered a Double Underhook Powerbomb with a Punch

(07:31) Priest wasn't fazed by it though

(07:38) Clay hit a Legsweep Kick

(07:42) Clay hit a Fist Drop

(07:49) Christian Priest moved out of the way from a Slingshot Moonsault.

(08:18) Markus Clay suffers Martrydom as Priest has the hold locked in tight!

(08:29) *** Clay failed to beat a ten count




ha8RmaF.jpg (8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489)


(2) Mel O'Hallister (2-1, OVR 499) wSRPoAi.jpg

This was Simmons’ best chance to break the skid he was experiencing since promoting to the top flight. After all, he was undefeated against O’Hallister in two attempts. O’Hallister promptly decided “that wont work for me, brother” and proceeded to hammer Simmons over the following minutes. There was about a two-minute span that Simmons controlled completely, otherwise it was the Irishman who asserted his will and connected with his reverse DDT to claim a share of the Alpha Division lead going into week five.

Mel O'Hallister (3-1) def. Daniel Simmons (0-4) via Pinfall (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 15:30.  Rating: **

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 4.28, XP + 731.16, no notable damage

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR -0.08, XP + 182.79, moderate damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:04) O'Hallister hit a Face Rake

(00:11) O'Hallister applied a Standing Arm Bar

(00:25) O'Hallister applied a Front Facelock

(00:32) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:36) Simmons blocked a Choke Hold

(00:43) O'Hallister hit a Knee Pull

(00:47) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(01:01) O'Hallister applied a Choke Hold

(01:01) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning

(01:15) O'Hallister applied an Arm Bar

(01:21) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(01:24) O'Hallister hit a Forearm Blow

(01:28) O'Hallister hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:42) O'Hallister applied a Cravate

(01:52) Simmons avoided a Jab Punch.

(01:57) O'Hallister slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:00) O'Hallister hit a Punch

(02:07) O'Hallister hit a Running Clothesline

(02:27) O'Hallister applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:31) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:39) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(02:46) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop an Arm Bar

(02:53) Simmons hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:58) O'Hallister broke an Arm Bar

(03:12) O'Hallister applied a Cravate

(03:16) Simmons blocked a Front Facelock

(03:23) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(03:27) O'Hallister hit a Knee Drop

(03:47) O'Hallister applied a Rear Chinlock

(04:01) O'Hallister applied a Body Scissors

(04:05) Simmons broke a Knee Pull

(04:19) Simmons applied a Front Facelock

(04:22) Simmons hit a Bell Clap

(04:25) Simmons hit a Punch

(04:33) O'Hallister avoided a Kick To Gut.

(04:37) O'Hallister hit a Slap To Chest

(04:46) Simmons avoided a Jab Punch.

(04:50) O'Hallister slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(04:54) O'Hallister hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(05:01) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:21) O'Hallister applied a Rear Chinlock

(05:25) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop

(05:44) O'Hallister applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(05:44) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning

(05:51) O'Hallister used a Face Rub Taunt

(05:59) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(06:05) O'Hallister hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(06:09) O'Hallister hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(06:14) Simmons blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(06:33) O'Hallister applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(06:33) The referee angrily told off O'Hallister

(06:37) O'Hallister hit a Seated Back Kick

(06:42) Simmons blocked a Stomp To Groin

(06:46) O'Hallister hit a Measured Knee Drop

(06:50) O'Hallister hit a Seated Kick

(06:57) O'Hallister used a Face Rub Taunt

(07:04) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(07:11) Simmons hit a Knee Pull

(07:15) O'Hallister fought back against being picked up

(07:25) O'Hallister hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(07:29) O'Hallister hit a Seated Back Kick

(07:34) Simmons stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing O'Hallister

(07:37) Simmons hit a Forearm Blow

(07:51) Simmons applied a Side Headlock

(07:54) Simmons hit a Bell Clap

(08:08) Simmons applied a Side Headlock

(08:12) O'Hallister blocked a Slap To Chest

(08:16) Simmons hit a Slap To Chest

(08:19) Simmons hit a Forearm Blow

(08:26) Simmons hit a Running Clothesline

(08:33) Simmons picked up O'Hallister

(08:36) Simmons hit a Punch

(08:41) O'Hallister blocked a Single Leg Trip

(08:55) Simmons applied a Front Facelock

(08:58) Simmons hit a Forearm Blow

(09:01) Simmons hit a Bell Clap

(09:08) Simmons hit a Single Leg Trip

(09:12) Simmons hit a Stomp

(09:17) O'Hallister blocked a Knee Pull

(09:24) Simmons hit a Knee Pull

(09:28) Simmons hit a Fist Drop

(09:35) Simmons hit a Knee Pull

(09:39) Simmons hit a Knee Drop

(09:43) Simmons hit a Stomp

(09:47) Simmons hit an Elbow Drop

(10:01) Simmons applied an Arm Bar

(10:06) O'Hallister broke a Knee Pull

(10:09) O'Hallister hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(10:23) O'Hallister applied a Front Facelock

(10:29) O'Hallister hit a Spinning Back Fist

(10:34) Simmons broke a Knee Plant

(10:38) O'Hallister blocked a Punch

(10:43) O'Hallister blocked a Jab Punch

(10:46) Simmons countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Throat Thrust

(10:56) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(11:07) O'Hallister hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(11:11) O'Hallister hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(11:18) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Single Leg Boston Crab

(11:21) Simmons countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Forearm Blow

(11:26) O'Hallister slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock Takedown

(11:46) O'Hallister applied a Sleeper Hold

(12:04) Simmons broke a Reverse DDT Neckbreaker

(12:11) Simmons hit a Running Clothesline

(12:16) O'Hallister fought back against being picked up

(12:22) O'Hallister hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(12:28) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(12:32) Simmons hit a Knee Drop

(12:38) O'Hallister avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(12:41) Simmons countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Forearm Blow

(12:51) Simmons hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(13:04) Simmons hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(13:11) Simmons hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(13:19) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(13:25) Simmons hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(13:31) Simmons hit a Roundhouse Punch

(13:39) Simmons hit a Stomp To Groin

(13:48) O'Hallister avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(14:02) O'Hallister applied a Side Headlock

(14:09) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(14:23) O'Hallister applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(14:27) O'Hallister hit a Stomp

(14:36) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(14:46) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(14:53) O'Hallister hit a Legdrop To Groin

(14:53) The referee warned O'Hallister

(15:05) O'Hallister hit a Kneeling Kick Rush

(15:12) O'Hallister picked up Simmons from behind

(15:16) Simmons blocked a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(15:26) Mel O'Hallister grabs Simmons by the head...and a quick move to the mat later, Simmons experiences the Dream of the Emerald Isle!

(15:30) *** O'Hallister got a three count on Simmons




gGexPKo.jpg (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498)


(5) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 481) FXyrc6C.jpg

Winner here would join Mastodon and O’Hallister at 3-1 atop the Alpha Division to close the first quarter of the season. From the opening bell, McDonald looked to be off her game, and it showed as Mastachas took an early advantage and never really relinquished it throughout. Sure, McDonald got some offense in but on this night, the former League Champion was severely outclassed. It wouldn’t even take a finisher to put her away, just an explosion suplex as Mastachas moves to 3-1 and stakes an early claim for claiming the championship.

George Mastachas (3-1) def. Brandy McDonald (2-2) via Pinfall (explosion suplex) in 15:33.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.28, XP + 731.20, no notable damage

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR -0.08, XP + 182.80, moderate damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:07) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:21) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(00:29) McDonald picked up Mastachas

(00:32) McDonald hit a Punch

(00:46) McDonald applied a Side Headlock

(00:50) McDonald hit a Kick To Knee

(00:57) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:01) McDonald hit a Fist Drop

(01:05) McDonald hit a Legdrop

(01:13) McDonald picked up Mastachas

(01:16) McDonald hit a Jab Punch

(01:21) Mastachas blocked a Single Leg Trip

(01:35) McDonald applied a Side Headlock

(01:42) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:46) McDonald hit a Fist Drop

(02:06) McDonald applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:10) Mastachas broke a Knee Pull

(02:13) Mastachas hit a Jab Punch

(02:16) Mastachas hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(02:20) McDonald rolled through a Cravate

(02:23) McDonald hit a Jab Punch

(02:26) McDonald hit a Punch

(02:30) McDonald hit a Kick To Knee

(02:33) McDonald hit a Kick To Gut

(02:47) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(02:54) McDonald hit a Running Clothesline

(02:58) Mastachas broke a Rear Chinlock

(03:01) Mastachas hit a Punch

(03:15) Mastachas applied a Cravate

(03:18) Mastachas hit a Forearm Blow

(03:21) Mastachas hit a Punch

(03:25) Mastachas hit an Eye Poke

(03:29) McDonald broke a Front Facelock

(03:36) McDonald hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(03:40) McDonald hit a Stomp

(03:47) McDonald picked up Mastachas

(03:54) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(03:58) McDonald hit a Knee Drop

(04:12) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(04:22) Mastachas avoided a Stomp.

(04:25) Mastachas hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(04:29) McDonald blocked a Jab Punch

(04:43) Mastachas applied a Cravate

(04:48) McDonald blocked a Jab Punch

(04:57) McDonald avoided an Eye Poke.

(05:01) Mastachas broke an Arm Wringer

(05:04) Mastachas hit a Jab Punch

(05:18) Mastachas applied a Front Facelock

(05:22) Mastachas hit an Eye Poke

(05:31) Mastachas hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(05:34) McDonald countered an Open Handed Chop with a Punch

(05:48) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(06:02) McDonald applied an Arm Wringer

(06:12) McDonald hit a Seated Face Plant

(06:16) McDonald hit a Running Knee Drop

(06:22) Mastachas avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(06:36) Mastachas applied a Cravate

(06:43) McDonald got a rope break to stop a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(06:50) Mastachas hit a Running Clothesline

(06:54) Mastachas hit a Fist Drop

(07:08) Mastachas applied a Body Scissors

(07:12) Mastachas hit a Stomp

(07:32) Mastachas applied a Rear Chinlock

(07:36) McDonald blocked a Double Axe Handle Smash

(07:40) Mastachas hit a Fist Drop

(07:44) Mastachas hit a Stomp

(07:50) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(07:58) George Mastachas moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(08:05) Mastachas hit a Knee Pull

(08:13) Mastachas hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(08:20) Mastachas hit a Knee Pull

(08:34) Mastachas applied a Choke Hold

(08:34) The referee gave Mastachas a stern warning

(08:38) McDonald blocked a Stomp To Groin

(08:48) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Splash.

(08:55) George Mastachas moved out of the way from a Half Senton.

(09:04) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(09:08) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(09:13) Mastachas broke a Knee Pull

(09:23) Mastachas hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(09:27) Mastachas hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(09:33) McDonald very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(09:40) McDonald hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(09:50) George Mastachas moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(10:09) Mastachas applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(10:09) The referee gave Mastachas a stern warning

(10:17) Mastachas hit a Splash

(10:26) McDonald very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(10:33) McDonald hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(10:41) Mastachas avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(10:51) McDonald broke a Vertical Suplex by falling on top of Mastachas

(10:55) McDonald got a one count

(11:02) McDonald hit a Drop Toe Hold

(11:09) McDonald hit a Knee Pull

(11:13) McDonald hit a Seated Back Kick

(11:20) George Mastachas moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(11:30) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(11:34) McDonald hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(11:38) Mastachas broke a Stomp To Groin

(11:48) Mastachas hit a Short Arm Clothesline

(12:12) Mastachas hit a Rope-Assisted Running Butt Drop

(12:31) Mastachas applied a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(12:31) The referee angrily told off Mastachas

(12:35) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(12:45) Mastachas avoided a Drop Toe Hold.

(13:01) Mastachas hit a Stump Piledriver

(13:09) Mastachas picked up McDonald

(13:26) Mastachas hit a Running Samoan Drop

(13:31) Mastachas got a one count

(13:47) Mastachas hit an Explosion Suplex

(13:51) Mastachas got a one count

(14:00) McDonald coming back off the ropes...and Olympus Rises as George Mastachas hits the jumping shoulder block!

(14:00) The referee was out of position to count the pinfall

(14:04) Mastachas got a two count

(14:08) McDonald slipped out the front of a Dangerous Head Drop Suplex

(14:12) Mastachas blocked a Women's DDT

(14:19) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(14:33) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(14:37) McDonald hit a Fist Drop

(14:51) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(14:55) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(14:59) McDonald hit a Stomp

(15:07) McDonald picked up Mastachas

(15:12) Mastachas broke a Front Facelock

(15:28) Mastachas hit an Explosion Suplex

(15:33) *** Mastachas got a three count on McDonald




Lp89uMT.jpg (1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531)


(4) Angela Wassermann (2-1, OVR 455) aOXlwtV.jpg

Blackfield’s first true test in the Beta Division, against an MMA fighter with a submission finisher. For eight minutes, Wassermann controlled the bulk of the match, keeping Blackfield on the defensive. Alas, Blackfield is not The Juggernaut for no reason, and stormed back into the match by hitting a Tartan Effect as soon as he was capable of doing so. That rocked Wassermann, and it would only get worse from there for her. The eventual Scotland Destroyer would see Blackfield move to 4-0 on the season, 30-2 in his League Career, and end the show with folks questioning if he could actually replicate his Delta Division feat and go 14-0 in the Beta Division….

Brian Blackfield (4-0) def. Angela Wassermann (2-2) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 13:27.  Rating: **

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 4.16, XP + 632.39, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.07, XP + 158.10, moderate damage to head



(00:00) *** The match began

(00:14) Wassermann applied a Cravate

(00:21) Wassermann hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:35) Wassermann applied a Knee Bar

(00:41) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(00:55) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(01:02) Blackfield hit a Legdrop To Arm

(01:12) Angela Wassermann moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(01:16) Wassermann hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(01:30) Wassermann applied a Knee Bar

(01:34) Wassermann hit a Knee Drop

(01:38) Wassermann hit an Elbow Drop

(01:52) Wassermann applied a Knee Bar

(01:59) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(02:05) Wassermann got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(02:12) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:26) Blackfield applied a Side Headlock

(02:33) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(02:37) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(02:44) Blackfield hit a Legdrop To Arm

(02:48) Wassermann broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:51) Wassermann hit a Straight Left

(02:58) Wassermann hit a Running Clothesline

(03:02) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Single Leg Grapevine

(03:16) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(03:25) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(03:39) Blackfield applied a Side Headlock

(03:42) Blackfield hit a Jab Punch

(03:52) Blackfield hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(03:56) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Drop

(04:04) Blackfield hit a Stomp To Groin

(04:09) Wassermann blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(04:24) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:32) Blackfield hit a Stomp To Groin

(04:47) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:52) Wassermann broke a Stomp To Groin

(04:57) Blackfield broke an Arm Wringer

(05:04) Wassermann countered a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with a Clothesline

(05:19) Wassermann applied MMA Top Control

(05:26) Wassermann hit a Knee Pull

(05:41) Wassermann applied MMA Top Control

(06:01) Wassermann applied a Rear Chinlock

(06:05) Wassermann hit a Stomp

(06:09) Blackfield blocked the MMA Top Control Punches

(06:23) Wassermann applied an Arm Wringer

(06:33) Blackfield avoided a Scything Leg Kick.

(06:38) Wassermann blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(06:48) Blackfield hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(06:53) Wassermann blocked a Stomp To Groin

(07:07) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(07:12) Wassermann broke a Stomp To Groin

(07:19) Wassermann hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:39) Wassermann applied a Rear Chinlock

(07:43) Blackfield broke the MMA Top Control Punches

(07:47) Wassermann broke a Knee Plant

(07:54) Wassermann hit a Women's Face Plant

(07:58) Wassermann hit a Seated Back Kick

(08:03) Blackfield broke the MMA Top Control Punches

(08:13) Blackfield hit a Discus Clothesline

(08:19) Blackfield picked up Wassermann

(08:34) Brian Blackfield makes Angela Wassermann feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(08:38) Blackfield got a one count

(08:54) Blackfield hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(09:07) Blackfield used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(09:14) Blackfield hit a DDT

(09:28) Blackfield used a Get Up Taunt

(09:32) Wassermann broke a DDT

(09:36) Blackfield broke a Women's DDT

(09:40) Wassermann blocked a Single Arm DDT

(09:45) Wassermann broke a Single Arm DDT

(09:52) Wassermann hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(10:01) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Body Scissors

(10:08) Wassermann hit a Single Leg Trip

(10:24) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Jabs

(10:31) Wassermann hit a Knee Pull

(10:39) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(10:44) Blackfield blocked a Cravate

(10:58) Wassermann applied a Side Headlock

(11:04) Wassermann hit a Scything Leg Kick

(11:11) Wassermann hit a Running Forearm Blow

(11:15) Blackfield blocked a Mounted Punch Flurry

(11:23) Blackfield got a rope break to stop an Inverted Figure Four

(11:30) Wassermann hit a Women's Face Plant

(11:35) Blackfield blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(11:40) Blackfield rolled through a STF

(11:47) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(11:54) Blackfield hit a Single Arm DDT

(12:02) Blackfield picked up Wassermann

(12:06) Wassermann slipped out the front of a Scotland Destroyer

(12:13) Wassermann hit a Running Forearm Blow

(12:17) Blackfield broke a Heel Hook Leg Grapevine

(12:24) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Lift

(12:31) Blackfield picked up Wassermann

(12:47) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(12:55) Blackfield picked up Wassermann from behind

(13:04) Wassermann got a rope break to stop a Highland's Wrath

(13:22) Good Lord!  Angela Wassermann just got rocked by the Scotland Destroyer!

(13:27) *** Blackfield got a three count on Wassermann







1.  The Mastodon:  3-1, ATV 12:35, (AMR 2.250), OVR 487.18

2.  George Mastachas:  3-1, ATV 16:54, (AMR 2.250), OVR 485.61

3.  Mel O'Hallister:  3-1, ATV 15:12, (AMR 2.000), OVR 503.16

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  2-2, ATV 13:35, (AMR 2.000), OVR 493.81

5.  Brandy McDonald:  2-2, ATV 16:47, (AMR 2.000), OVR 497.68

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  2-2, ATV 16:48, (AMR 2.250), OVR 476.18

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  1-3, ATV 16:35, (AMR 2.000), OVR 483.39

8.  Daniel Simmons:  0-4, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.250), OVR 488.61



1.  Brian Blackfield:  4-0, ATV 12:53 (AMR 2.000), OVR 535.02

2.  Blood River:  3-1, ATV 10:02 (AMR 1.500), OVR 488.13

3.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  2-2, ATV 11:31 (AMR 2.500), OVR 489.56

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-2, ATV 14:17 (AMR 2.000), OVR 486.52

5.  Angela Wassermann:  2-2, ATV 14:49 (AMR 2.250), OVR 455.26

6.  Billy Norris:  1-3, ATV 13:18 (AMR 2.500), OVR 481.52

7.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-3, ATV 14:26 (AMR 2.500), OVR 464.77

8.  Pulsar:  1-3, ATV 14:00 (AMR 2.750), OVR 455.57



1.  Christian Priest:  4-0, ATV 11:01, (AMR 3.750), OVR 538.51

2.  Lucas Molina:  3-1, ATV 13:26, (AMR 1.750), OVR 455.34

3.  Terrance Stevens:  2-2, ATV 9:45, (AMR 1.750), OVR 455.80

4.  Diamond:  2-2, ATV 12:00, (AMR 2.500), OVR 466.94

5.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-2, ATV 15:09, (AMR 2.250), OVR 482.54

6.  Indigo Rose:  2-2, ATV 15:53, (AMR 1.750), OVR 456.18

7.  Markus Clay:  1-3, ATV 7:04, (AMR 2.250), OVR 454.30

8.  Erick Gibson:  0-4, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.500), OVR 464.77



1.  Lance Heartilly:  4-0, ATV 11:33 (AMR 2.750), OVR 419.83

2.  Monty Dhillon:  3-1, ATV 7:04 (AMR 2.500), OVR 497.67

3.  Kichi Hida:  3-1, ATV 7:14 (AMR 2.000), OVR 439.00

4.  Scott Stevens:  2-2, ATV 10:10 (AMR 2.000), OVR 408.77

5.  Jun Onoo:  2-2, ATV 10:11 (AMR 2.000), OVR 459.25

6.  El Tornado:  1-3, ATV 4:59 (AMR 1.500), OVR 431.18

7.  Nocturne:  1-3, ATV 12:33 (AMR 2.000), OVR 404.39

8.  Devil's Delight:  0-4, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.750), OVR 413.70



(Reminder: Once the second half begins, the “official” scores will have the two lowest weeks drop off to determine a season winner.)

1. SeanMcG: 44 (this week: 10)

2. Croquemitaine: 43 (this week: 😎

3. Eternal Phoenix: 38 (this week: 5)

3. Jman2k3: 38 (this week: 7)

5. ShadowedFlames: 37 (this week: 7)

6. Derek B:  29 (this week: 9)




(1) The Mastodon (3-1, OVR 487) vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (2-2, OVR 498) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (2-2, OVR 494) vs. (2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 486) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(3) Mel O'Hallister (3-1, OVR 503) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 476) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 2 - 0]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-3, OVR 483) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-4, OVR 489) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(8) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 456) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 535) [First Career Meeting]

HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Billy Norris (1-3, OVR 482) vs. (2) Blood River (3-1, OVR 488) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(7) Big Scott Weathers (1-3, OVR 465) vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 487) [First Career Meeting]

(3) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-2, OVR 490) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (2-2, OVR 455) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 3 - 1]


(3) Terrance Stevens (2-2, OVR 456) vs. (1) Christian Priest (4-0, OVR 539) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 483) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-1, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Erick Gibson (0-4, OVR 465) vs. (4) Diamond (2-2, OVR 467) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(6) Indigo Rose (2-2, OVR 456) vs. (7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 454) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]


(2) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 459) [First Career Meeting]

(6) El Tornado (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 439) [First Career Meeting]

(1) Lance Heartilly (4-0, OVR 420) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-2, OVR 409) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Nocturne (1-3, OVR 404) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (0-4, OVR 414) [First Career Meeting]




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1 hour ago, Croquemitaine said:

So it seems that loss was just too much for poor Monty to take. He's had a nervous breakdown... and emerged with a new personality!

So everyone, please say hello to The League's newest superstar:






Dear God yes, I'm kidding!

Confirmed, Dhillon will only lose six more matches in Delta…against Kichi, Nocturne, and Delight. For the others, well we all know he’ll win those.

Because the Mountie…always gets his man.




Edited by ShadowedFlames
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(1) The Mastodon (3-1, OVR 487)

(4) Nuclear Templeton (2-2, OVR 494)

De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 476)

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-3, OVR 483)


Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 535)

Blood River (3-1, OVR 488)

(7) Big Scott Weathers (1-3, OVR 465)

(3) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-2, OVR 490)


Christian Priest (4-0, OVR 539)

Lucas Molina (3-1, OVR 455)

Diamond (2-2, OVR 467)

Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 454)


(2) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 498)

Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 439)

Scott Stevens (2-2, OVR 409)

(7) Nocturne (1-3, OVR 404)

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1.  The Mastodon:  3-1, predicted 1-3.

2.  George Mastachas:  3-1, predicted 2-2.

3.  Mel O'Hallister:  3-1, predicted 3-1.

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  2-2, predicted 3-1.

5.  Brandy McDonald:  2-2, predicted 2-2.

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  2-2, predicted 1-3.

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  1-3, predicted 2-2.

8.  Daniel Simmons:  0-4, predicted 2-2.

I had the Alpha Division being a lot more competitive coming in to this season. While I only had two records correct at this point, I can only give myself partial credit for Brandy. She won matches I had her losing and vice versa. O'Hallister I had spot on though.

Biggest early surprise: Mastodon going 3-1 after a dismal Season Nine.



1.  Brian Blackfield:  4-0, predicted 3-1

2.  Blood River:  3-1, predicted 0-4

3.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  2-2, predicted 2-2

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-2, predicted 4-0

5.  Angela Wassermann:  2-2, predicted 3-1

6.  Billy Norris:  1-3, predicted 1-3

7.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-3, predicted 1-3

8.  Pulsar:  1-3, predicted 2-2

Ouilette was fully accurate, less so for Norris and Weathers. Blood River has seemed revitalized following a wardrobe change, given that I had him winless in my predictions as his aerial offense started to catch up to him here. And also for the record, I had predicted Blackfield's loss at this point to be to Wassermann in week four via submission but The Juggernaut decided otherwise...

Biggest early surprise: Blood River pushing for early promotion with a hot start.



1.  Christian Priest:  4-0, predicted 4-0.

2.  Lucas Molina:  3-1, predicted 2-2.

3.  Terrance Stevens:  2-2, predicted 3-1.

4.  Diamond:  2-2, predicted 2-2.

5.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-2, predicted 1-3.

6.  Indigo Rose:  2-2, predicted 2-2.

7.  Markus Clay:  1-3, predicted 0-4.

8.  Erick Gibson:  0-4, predicted 2-2.

I am not surprised by Priest's record. I don't think he's got a Blackfield run in him, not with Molina lurking, but undefeated through four weeks sounded about on par. Diamond was also picked exactly right, while partial credit is given for the Indigo Rose standings.

Biggest early surprise: Erick Gibson's struggles against anyone and everyone so far.



1.  Lance Heartilly:  4-0, predicted 3-1

2.  Monty Dhillon:  3-1, predicted 2-2.

3.  Kichi Hida:  3-1, predicted 1-3.

4.  Scott Stevens:  2-2, predicted 3-1.

5.  Jun Onoo:  2-2, predicted 2-2.

6.  El Tornado:  1-3, predicted 1-3.

7.  Nocturne:  1-3, predicted 2-2.

8.  Devil's Delight:  0-4, predicted 2-2.

So it turns out that I'm absolute garbage at predicting the Delta Division. Only two records I managed to get exactly right, and even then only one with perfect accuracy (Tornado). I had Monty struggling early with the new entrants, only to storm back in the second half, and I admit I was wildly optimistic on Delight; I had hoped she'd fare better by now.

Biggest early surprise: Nocturne. With the way she tore through the Omega Division, I figured she'd do better in the big leagues (so to speak). Alas, a win against Jun Onoo is her only highlight of the season so far.

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