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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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(4) Mel O'Hallister (3-2, OVR 504) vs. (7) Brandy McDonald (2-3, OVR 498) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

HARDCORE MATCH: (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 490) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (3-2, OVR 482) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 489) vs. (5) Nuclear Templeton (2-3, OVR 494) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 2 - 0]

- Big fan of Gross but the numbers don't lie AND THEY SPELL DISASTER FOR THE REVEREND. (Side note, gonna go out on a limb and call a submission victory for the Jersery Jiu Jitsu master)

(1) The Mastodon (4-1, OVR 492) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-5, OVR 489) [First Career Meeting]


(1) Brian Blackfield (5-0, OVR 539) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-4, OVR 465) [First Career Meeting]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Billy Norris (1-4, OVR 481) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-3, OVR 489) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(3) Angela Wassermann (3-2, OVR 458) vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-2, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Blood River (4-1, OVR 492) vs. (8) Pulsar (1-4, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting]


(1) Christian Priest (4-1, OVR 538) vs. (4) Indigo Rose (3-2, OVR 462) [First Career Meeting]

- Danger match-up here for sure, hopefully Priest bullies his way through Rose.

(2) Lucas Molina (4-1, OVR 458) vs. (5) Diamond (2-3, OVR 467) [First Career Meeting]

- Diamond still struggles against technicians and Molina's up with the best of them. That said her win over Diego still comes to mind, tough one to call.

(6) Diego Rodriguez (2-3, OVR 482) vs. (7) Markus Clay (1-4, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (3) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 460) vs. (8) Erick Gibson (1-4, OVR 469) [First Career Meeting. Gibson is 1-0 lifetime in First Blood matches.]


(2) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 443) vs. (4) Monty Dhillon (3-2, OVR 498) [Career: Kichi Hida, 2 - 0]

- 3rd time's the charm for Monty, surely.....

(1) Lance Heartilly (5-0, OVR 424) vs. (3) Jun Onoo (3-2, OVR 463) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Devil's Delight (0-5, OVR 414) vs. (7) El Tornado (1-4, OVR 431) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Scott Stevens (2-3, OVR 409) vs. (6) Nocturne (2-3, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

- Too big & strong for Nocturne here


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Updated Tag Team Turmoil Roster

(as of time of this post, 10:52 am Eastern US, September 6)

Brandy McDonald and Diamond

Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly

Indigo Rose and Nocturne

Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight

Kichi Hida and Yoshii Nakamatsu 

Lucas Molina and Mel O'Hallister

And officially added…

Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens (this one ought to be interesting given Nuclear’s disdain for tag wrestling)

Christian Priest and Monty Dhillon (I guessed this at week four, given the background of the Wassermann picture. This is a sudden shift in the power dynamics and we may be looking at a team that’s going to go far.)

Reverend Johnny Gross and Brian Blackfield (I’ll have a prepared [in-character] comment for Gross after work and picking up the kitty from the vet, but this is clearly a retaliatory move as Gross decides to cast his lot with The Juggernaut.)


Edited to add: it feels…odd writing as Gross. Here I am, an avowed atheist, trying to channel my childhood trauma and summon my late grandparents’ old pastor into text. Certainly a challenge!

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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This week I'm grabbing an upset pick in each division because why not.



(4) Mel O'Hallister (3-2, OVR 504) vs. (7) Brandy McDonald (2-3, OVR 498) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

HARDCORE MATCH: (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 490) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (3-2, OVR 482) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(6) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 489) vs. (5) Nuclear Templeton (2-3, OVR 494) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 2 - 0]

(1) The Mastodon (4-1, OVR 492) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-5, OVR 489) [First Career Meeting] (my upset pick)


(1) Brian Blackfield (5-0, OVR 539) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-4, OVR 465) [First Career Meeting]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Billy Norris (1-4, OVR 481) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-3, OVR 489) [Career: Tied 2 - 2]

(3) Angela Wassermann (3-2, OVR 458) vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-2, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Blood River (4-1, OVR 492) vs. (8) Pulsar (1-4, OVR 456) [First Career Meeting] (my upset pick, believe it or not)


(1) Christian Priest (4-1, OVR 538) vs. (4) Indigo Rose (3-2, OVR 462) [First Career Meeting]

(2) Lucas Molina (4-1, OVR 458) vs. (5) Diamond (2-3, OVR 467) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Diego Rodriguez (2-3, OVR 482) vs. (7) Markus Clay (1-4, OVR 455) [First Career Meeting]

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (3) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 460) vs. (8) Erick Gibson (1-4, OVR 469) [First Career Meeting. Gibson is 1-0 lifetime in First Blood matches.] (I feel like picking either is an upset pick here, weirdly)


(2) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 443) vs. (4) Monty Dhillon (3-2, OVR 498) [Career: Kichi Hida, 2 - 0]

(1) Lance Heartilly (5-0, OVR 424) vs. (3) Jun Onoo (3-2, OVR 463) [First Career Meeting] (my upset pick)

(8) Devil's Delight (0-5, OVR 414) vs. (7) El Tornado (1-4, OVR 431) [First Career Meeting]

(5) Scott Stevens (2-3, OVR 409) vs. (6) Nocturne (2-3, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

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[FADE IN: CHURCH INTERIOR. Piped-in music plays softly in the background—some listeners will recognize the piece as Rescue the Perishing as played on an organ. About twenty rows of empty pews sit on either side of a center aisle, facing the altar and pulpit. At the cistern in the pulpit is REVEREND JOHNNY GROSS, garbed not in his usual ring attire but instead in his full pastor outfit: a pressed black shirt with the pastoral collar at the neck, dark gray slacks with a leather belt, and polished black dress shoes. GROSS waits for a heartbeat or two before addressing the camera directly.]


“Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.”  Leviticus, Chapter 26, Verse 1, from the King James version. 

You see, Christian Priest...your greed has betrayed you before the LORD thy God. You cast your name to extol the virtues of a man of the cloth, of being that which you are not, but instead use your pulpit to bully the weak into submission, and make the strong cow under your gaze. For a year, I believed our goals were one and the same, to spread the word of God unto the people with the medium of professional wrestling.

But, somewhere in that year, you changed. You let your ego get the better of you, projecting yourself as a martyr or choosing to cast judgment on those before you. You claim to be the founder of the First Church of Wrestling, but we never hear from the pastor you bring to your battles. No, the First Church of Wrestling seems content to bow before the feet and words of Maven Deltzer, and it is to that false idol that you prostrate yourself, shunning the LORD thy God as you do.

So, Christian Priest...I name you for what you are. You are a heretic. You are damned. You bow to a false idol. And if you choose to stray from the path that the LORD thy God has set before you...it falls to a faithful member of His flock to pull you back onto it. Which is why Brian Blackfield and I came to an agreement for this Tag Team Turmoil event. Because if you refuse to heed my words...I have someone at my side whom you have never physically bested to show you the error of your ways.

[ZOOM IN to a tight view of GROSS’s face as he continues to stare at the camera.]


Christian Priest...if that truly is your name...I advise you to make your peace before Tag Team Turmoil. Because you will soon know just how far the so-called First Church of Wrestling has fallen.

[SLOW FADE OUT, with the camera never moving from that spot.]

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The Gospel of Priest - Addressing Reverend Gross


Reverend Gross, I stand here with a question for you - Who are you to cast the first stone and damn me?


For over a year, we fought aside another. The good Pastor Richards convinced me that our faith would bind us and make us strong together. Admittedly he was right, for a while. As time went on, I grew stronger, greater - as you remained the same. What I didn't realise that this bond had blinded me. Too busy caught up with your failings, I had lost sight of my own success, unable see the forest from the trees. The longer we remained, the further I strayed from my destiny. But in this moment, a miracle - for now I see you clearly.

You are a wrestling priest; I am wrestling’s priest – we are not the same. You preach to your flock with cheap words, behind closed doors; I dictate to the masses, through the universal language of violence at centre stage! LISTEN to those souls out there – I AM EXALTED! The uncrowned Paragon of Pain! And you believe that I bow to anyone?!? I am undeniable! Standing as their champion to the sound of rapturous applause!


As for my new partner? Who better to stand beside me than Monty Dhillon? A mountain of a man I’ve fought. A man whom I consider my rival, my equal. Someone's who’s left me battered and bruised. A fellow survivor of the Delta Crucible. Whilst there’s no love lost between us – there is respect. As for what could The First Church have to offer for man like Monty? It’s simple, Immortality.

He is still stuck fighting in those depths, caught in the raging Delta riptide. We extended a hand, a way out of purgatory. For him to stand with The First Church as its Hammer and together conquer the Tag Team Turmoil! As its Champion, he could no longer be ignored, nor would he be forgotten.


But you? Turning Brian Blackfield? “The Juggernaut” himself. A reputation created, paved and maintained by corruption and honey coated lies? History will tell you, three times that man “bested” me but never once without controversy. That’s who you’ve turned to? Running with your tail between your legs – much like Blackfield has ran from me ever since. The world sees your true colours now, sheep in wolves clothing. There is no conspiracy, crooked officials nor the heavens will save you.


Reverend, our alliance existed because The First Church allowed it, no more. You have been condemned for your crimes; your penance will be severe, because I demand it. Martyrdom awaits at the Tag Team Turmoil. So bring your faith, bring your juggernaut and your false promises. See how well they holds up against the Hammer and the might of the First Church.

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As all PCs are accounted for in Tag Team Turmoil, I’ve gone ahead and filled out the rest of the field, and have started plotting out the brackets for the event. 

The current plan is, sometime between week six and seven, to have a brackets graphic finished (if my terrible paint/photoshop skills allow it), and a write up for each of the sixteen teams.

I’m settled on the top four seeds and their order in the list. The remaining 12 teams I’m still figuring out the order for the pairings. So something to look forward to after the show on Saturday.

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Yes, it's half past midnight on Saturday. I was up late finishing a Let's Play of Final Fantasy XVI on the second difficulty for the roommate. Figured why not leave a show for everyone to read when they wake up? 😉





fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (5) Scott Stevens (2-3, OVR 409)


(6) Nocturne (2-3, OVR 408) BEVGy0x.jpg

A competitive opening bout that was marred by the interference of one Cary Stevens, this was a nice matchup between two new wrestlers to The League this season.  Nocturne had an advantage until the aforementioned interference, and despite Cary Stevens being ejected from ringside, it seemed to throw her off her game and Stevens capitalized on it. A hammerlock powerbomb bounced Nocturne’s head off the mat, leaving her stunned enough for Stevens to get the three and move to an even record on the season.

Scott Stevens (3-3) def. Nocturne (2-4) via Pinfall (hammerlock powerbomb) in 8:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 3.90, XP + 387.42, minor damage to head

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.07, no notable damage



xJrKs53.jpg 54miFm6.jpg (8) Devil's Delight (0-5, OVR 414)


(7) El Tornado (1-4, OVR 431) LTFF6jR.jpg

Delight let this one slip from her grasp. She had the advantage for the most part throughout, even connecting with her Hellborne Rising a couple of times, but a few moves landing just the right way was enough for Tornado to pick up his second win of the season in a match that Delight really should have won. An early, if quick, Match of the Night contender.

El Tornado (2-4) def. Devil's Delight (0-6) via Pinfall (Arabian press) in 9:07.  Rating: ***

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR + 5.07, XP + 524.74, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR + 0.70, XP + 131.19, no notable damage



9q89H6M.jpg (1) Lance Heartilly (5-0, OVR 424)


(3) Jun Onoo (3-2, OVR 463) m6kdW7F.jpg

Heartilly seemed to be toying with Onoo this week. He let the big man get some hope spots in, but never let himself get into any real danger before a sequence of low blow, near fall, Heartilly Arm Breaker, single leg trip, Hellacious Leglock was enough to force the submission. Heartilly moves to 6-0, and many are now starting to put words to the thought: can he replicate Brian Blackfield’s feat?

Lance Heartilly (6-0) def. Jun Onoo (3-3) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 9:24.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.93, XP + 484.51, no notable damage

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.13, minor damage to head



6r4P9L8.jpg (3) Terrance Stevens (3-2, OVR 460)


(8) Erick Gibson (1-4, OVR 469) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

A Match of the Night contender, it can be safely said that Karen McClure was the sole reason Gibson stood a chance in this match.  Stevens sent the match to the outside about nine minutes deep, and McClure made her presence known mere seconds later by attacking Stevens from behind to stop a leaping elbow drop. Gibson got a little offense in, only to be stymied by Stevens and being sent through a table with a DDT. McClure would interfere again, preventing a Maple Leaf Meltdown, and this time it was Stevens who went through a table by way of a stump piledriver. Stevens would fight back yet again, actually hitting the superkick once, but when McClure interfered a third time to block a rear naked punch flurry, Stevens had had enough. He turned to deal with McClure, and Gibson shoved him face-first into the ring post. It landed just the right way to open Stevens up, and Gibson escapes week six with a win he would not have had if not for his personal assistant!

Erick Gibson (2-4) def. Terrance Stevens (3-3) via First Blood (ring post smash) in 12:17.  Rating: ***

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 5.54, XP + 484.28, moderate damage to head

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 1.7, XP + 151.34, minor damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (6) Diego Rodriguez (2-3, OVR 482)


(7) Markus Clay (1-4, OVR 455) N0Y594C.jpg

Rodriguez nearly let this one get away from him. He was trying for his Prelude to Dissonance before Clay had done any notable damage to him, but Rodriguez got sloppy as the seconds ticked away. This let Clay get back into it, including a three-minute stretch where Clay never lost the advantage. Eventually, though, one missed high-risk move too many spelled Clay’s doom, as a missed slingshot leg drop was turned into Diego’s patented stretch muffler for the submission victory.

Diego Rodriguez (3-3) def. Markus Clay (1-5) via Pinfall (Harmony of Dissonance) in 12:45.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.12, XP + 559.04, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.76, minor damage to head



LG3TCXf.jpg (2) Lucas Molina (4-1, OVR 458)


(5) Diamond (2-3, OVR 467) 0rDaDU8.jpg

The author noted back on Tuesday that he nearly took Diamond in an upset over Molina. He should have listened to his gut. This was a sub-six-minute squash that ended suddenly after a top rope senton, and Diamond suddenly makes the Gamma Division race that much more interesting as she deals Molina a stumbling blow in his quest for promotion!

Diamond (3-3) def. Lucas Molina (4-2) via Pinfall (top rope senton) in 5:20.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.61, XP + 508.70, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.79, XP + 127.17, no notable damage



4ZAKk1I.jpg (2) Kichi Hida (4-1, OVR 443)


(4) Monty Dhillon (3-2, OVR 498) vz0qqDp.jpg

Winner here moves into second place in the Delta Division heading into the end of the first half. Now, astute readers may recall that Hida won her last two matches in four minutes or less. This time she was on the receiving end of a sub-four-minute beatdown, as Dhillon simply powered through Hida and never let her get a chance to do a lot of damage. A backbreaker drop was enough for Dhillon to assume second place in the division by way of tie-breaker.

Monty Dhillon (4-2) def. Kichi Hida (4-2) via Pinfall (over shoulder backbreaker drop) in 3:53.  Rating: *

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 2.56, XP + 441.71, no notable damage

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR -0.78, XP + 110.43, no notable damage



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (2) Blood River (4-1, OVR 492)


(8) Pulsar (1-4, OVR 456) VfA2MW8.jpg

The main reason this didn’t fall into Match of the Night territory is because there was a span of about two minutes in the middle where neither man could hit a high-risk move, and dealt more damage to themselves than to each other. In River’s case, his tendency to risk himself for the same of harming his opponent was the main factor that led to Pulsar actually landing a Call of the Twelve. Pulsar crouched as if to leap, and River rolled out of the way, getting to his feet…but Pulsar had never jumped, and River found out a moment later as Pulsar landed a top rope clothesline that kept the cultist down for three. Pulsar notches an upset win!

Pulsar (2-4) def. Blood River (4-2) via Pinfall (top rope flying clothesline) in 13:05.  Rating: **

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 4.14, XP + 632.16, minor damage to head

Changes for Blood River:  OVR -0.07, XP + 158.04, minor damage to head and body



aOXlwtV.jpg (3) Angela Wassermann (3-2, OVR 458)


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (3-2, OVR 491) xHVnvxD.jpg

Wassermann knew coming in that she was the underdog here. Yoshii’s success in Gamma meant that she would be having a tough time of it. Though for most of the opening ten minutes you’d be hard-pressed to believe that as she controlled more than half of the offense. The problem, though, is that eventually she would leave herself open and Nakamatsu would take advantage. That’s exactly what happened, and in the span of two minutes Wassermann went from being on the cusp of victory to eating an Emperor’s fall and being pinned. The rematch for these two later this season should be rather interesting.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2) def. Angela Wassermann (3-3) via Pinfall (Emperor’s Fall) in 12:01.  Rating: **

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 4.08, XP + 631.50, minor damage to head

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.87, minor damage to head



ayWv1C3.jpg (6) Billy Norris (1-4, OVR 481)


(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-3, OVR 489) ZThYhej.jpg AAdEYyr.jpg

A rather controversial finish to this Match of the Night contender. It took a little over fifteen minutes before any poor attempts at submissions were made (right after Cecille Corine interfered twice in the match, actually), but it’s the final minute of the match that caused a lot of controversy in the League offices.  The referee assigned to the bout, Parker Nighthawk, was wiped out by a reversed Irish whip from Norris sent Ouilette crashing into him. With the referee still down, Norris landed a Boomerang DDT and then applied some poorly executed version of a bulldog choke.  Ouilette did, in fact, tap out after a few seconds, but the assigned official was still knocked out. That did not stop senior League official Jacob Smalls from coming out from backstage and calling for the bell himself, ruling Norris the winner by submission. By the time the assigned ref, Nighthawk, had finally come to he was being helped out of the ring by a couple of other referees and trainers, completely unaware of what happened while he was unconscious.

Billy Norris (2-4) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4) via Submission (forced submission) in 24:15.  Rating: ***

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 6.18, XP + 692.39, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 0.86, XP + 138.48, minor damage to body



NSa1kkC.jpg (1) The Mastodon (4-1, OVR 492)


(8) Daniel Simmons (0-5, OVR 489) zd1WDAc.jpg

Bob Sinclair: A tale of two seasons coming up here, as the Alpha Division leader faces the man in last place in the top flight.

Frankie Garnett: So this should be over in nine minutes tops. Got it.

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, have you ever been right on any of these snap analyses?

Frankie Garnett: No. Which means the day it happens is the day you know to play the lottery, Bob. I’ll finally have gotten lucky enough to get one right!

Bob Sinclair: …folks, let’s just go to the ring to get this one started.



(00:04) Mastodon hit a Japanese Binta

(00:08) Simmons slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(00:12) Simmons hit a Forearm To Back

(00:19) Simmons hit a Running Face Smash

(00:23) Simmons hit a Knee Drop

(00:37) Simmons applied an Arm Bar

(00:51) Simmons applied a Body Scissors

(01:05) Simmons applied an Arm Bar

(01:09) Simmons hit a Knee Drop

(01:16) Simmons picked up Mastodon from behind

(01:20) Simmons hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(01:25) Mastodon broke an Arm Wringer

(01:39) Mastodon applied a Front Facelock

(01:43) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(01:57) Mastodon applied a Front Facelock

(02:04) Mastodon hit a Running Clothesline

(02:08) Mastodon hit a Knee Drop

(02:18) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:25) Simmons hit a Knee Pull

(02:35) Simmons picked up Mastodon

(02:38) Simmons hit a Punch

(02:41) Simmons hit a Jab Punch

(02:44) Simmons hit a Punch

(02:47) Simmons hit a Jab Punch

(02:57) Mastodon got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(03:11) Simmons applied a Front Facelock

(03:14) Simmons hit a Kick To Gut

(03:24) Mastodon got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(03:38) Simmons applied a Side Headlock


Bob Sinclair: Simmons trying to wear down the larger Mastodon here. Bit early for that, maybe?

Frankie Garnett: Not if you’re smart about it, Bob. Every little bit helps, especially if you’re giving up about 90 pounds and a lot of power to your opponent.



(03:42) Simmons hit a Headbutt

(03:45) Simmons hit a Kick To Gut

(03:48) Simmons hit a Punch

(03:52) Mastodon broke a Front Facelock

(03:55) Mastodon hit a Punch

(03:59) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(04:04) Simmons blocked a Slap To Chest

(04:08) Mastodon hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:18) Simmons got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(04:32) Mastodon applied a Front Facelock

(04:36) Mastodon hit a Slap To Chest

(04:50) Mastodon applied a Side Headlock

(04:54) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(04:58) Mastodon hit a Kick To Thigh

(05:05) Mastodon hit a Running Clothesline

(05:10) Simmons broke a Rear Chinlock

(05:17) Simmons hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:27) Simmons picked up Mastodon from behind

(05:31) Simmons hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(05:40) Mastodon avoided a Forearm To Back.

(05:43) Mastodon hit a Punch

(05:47) Mastodon hit a Kick To Knee

(06:01) Mastodon applied a Side Headlock

(06:05) Mastodon hit an Open Handed Chop

(06:15) Simmons very easily avoided a Stomp.

(06:22) Simmons hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(06:26) Simmons hit an Elbow Drop

(06:34) The Mastodon moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(06:40) Simmons very easily avoided a Stomp.

(06:56) Simmons hit a Piledriver


Frankie Garnett: Bob. Did I just see—

Bob Sinclair: Yes, Frankie. Daniel Simmons just connected with a piledriver on The Mastodon.

Frankie Garnett: …well, I certainly didn’t have that on my bingo card for Week Six.



(07:01) Mastodon blocked a Rope-Assisted Running Butt Drop

(07:08) Simmons hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(07:13) Mastodon broke a Stomp To Groin

(07:20) Mastodon hit a Running Clothesline

(07:27) Mastodon hit a Knee Pull

(07:41) Mastodon applied an Arm Bar

(07:55) Mastodon applied a Knee Bar

(08:15) Mastodon applied a Rear Chinlock

(08:33) Mastodon hit a Slingshot To Corner

(08:40) Mastodon hit a Corner Elbow

(08:47) Mastodon hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(08:54) Mastodon hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(09:12) Mastodon hit a Corner Stomp Flurry

(09:29) Mastodon hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(09:39) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(09:46) Mastodon avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(09:56) Mastodon hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(10:03) Mastodon used a Power Taunt

(10:07) Mastodon hit a Measured Knee Drop

(10:13) Daniel Simmons very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(10:27) Simmons applied a Body Scissors

(10:40) Simmons hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(10:45) Mastodon rolled through an Arm Bar

(10:55) Mastodon hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(10:59) Mastodon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(11:16) Mastodon hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(11:25) Mastodon picked up Simmons

(11:30) Simmons slipped out of the back of a Cull the Weak


Frankie Garnett: And now we’re starting to get serious. Mastodon the first to go for one of his big moves, but Simmons was able to avoid it.

Bob Sinclair: It may come down to who’s the first to hit a big move, Frankie. It’s been surprisingly close so far.

Frankie Garnett: Especially when you consider Mastodon should have won this in a cake walk on paper…



(11:34) Mastodon broke a Backbreaker

(11:40) Simmons avoided a Strong Charging Forearm.

(11:47) Simmons hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(11:54) Simmons hit a Knee Pull

(12:08) Simmons applied a Body Scissors

(12:12) Simmons hit a Measured Knee Drop

(12:25) Simmons hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(12:34) The Mastodon moved out of the way from a Splash.

(12:46) Mastodon hit Mounted Elbow Smashes

(12:46) Simmons started to bleed

(12:57) Mastodon hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(12:57) Simmons began bleeding quite heavily

(13:02) Simmons stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Mastodon

(13:09) Simmons hit an Inverted Drop Toe Hold

(13:23) Simmons applied a Body Scissors

(13:27) Simmons hit a Stomp

(13:31) Mastodon broke a Rear Chinlock

(13:47) Mastodon hit a Shoulder Breaker

(13:51) Simmons blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(14:05) Mastodon hit Rear Crossface Blows

(14:05) Simmons began bleeding very heavily

(14:10) Simmons fought back against being picked up

(14:24) Simmons applied a Side Headlock

(14:38) Simmons applied an Arm Wringer

(14:45) Simmons hit a Single Leg Trip

(14:49) Simmons hit a Measured Knee Drop

(15:04) Simmons hit a Stomp Flurry

(15:17) Simmons hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(15:25) Simmons hit a Splash

(15:33) Simmons picked up Mastodon

(15:49) Simmons hit a Piledriver

(15:58) Simmons picked up Mastodon

(16:10) Simmons hit a Powerbomb


Bob Sinclair: HUGE powerbomb by Simmons, but he’s unable to go for a cover as the blood loss is starting to wear on him, Frankie!

Frankie Garnett: Ten minutes ago, I’d have told you there was no chance of Simmons winning, Bob. None. But he’s showing a lot of guts here tonight!



(16:23) Simmons used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(16:29) Mastodon countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Strong Open Handed Chop

(16:33) Mastodon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(16:46) Mastodon hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(16:50) Mastodon hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(16:54) Mastodon hit a Measured Knee Drop

(16:58) Simmons blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes

(17:02) Mastodon hit a Running Knee Drop

(17:06) Simmons fought back against being picked up

(17:13) Simmons hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(17:21) Simmons climbed the turnbuckles

(17:37) Simmons from the top rope...Working Man's Dropkick!  The Mastodon is down!

(17:43) Simmons picked up Mastodon

(17:47) Mastodon slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(17:57) Mastodon hit a Japanese Backdrop Suplex Pin

(18:01) Mastodon got a two count

(18:11) Simmons avoided a Rampage.

(18:11) The referee was accidentally knocked out by a stray shot from Mastodon


Frankie Garnett: MEDIC!

Bob Sinclair: That wasn’t a shot to the throat or upper chest like Mastodon was aiming for, that was right on the face! Mastodon may have just broken the neck of that poor official!



(18:21) Simmons hit a Samoan Drop

(18:25) Simmons hit a Measured Knee Drop

(18:51) Daniel Simmons seems to think this match is over; is it Quitting Time for The Mastodon?

(19:00) Simmons used a Face Rub Taunt

(19:26) Daniel Simmons seems to think this match is over; is it Quitting Time for The Mastodon?

(19:34) Simmons picked up Mastodon

(19:39) Mastodon broke a Blue Collar Driver

(19:51) Mastodon hit a Triple Forearm Blow

(20:08) Mastodon hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(20:12) Mastodon hit a Seated Kick

(20:26) Mastodon hit Rear Crossface Blows

(20:26) Simmons was bleeding everywhere

(20:30) Mastodon hit a Measured Knee Drop

(20:36) Mastodon picked up Simmons

(20:42) LARIATO!  The Mastodon just leveled Daniel Simmons with a Rampage!


Bob Sinclair: Not like this, surely? Mastodon into the cover…no official though, as—

Frankie Garnett: Wait, a second official has come out, Bob! One…two…thr—no! Two and three-quarters!

Bob Sinclair: Medics are getting the gurney set up for the fallen official, as a second has emerged from ringside to continue this match, and we roll on!

Frankie Garnett: But how much more can Simmons take, Bob?!



(20:53) Mastodon hit a Strong Charging Forearm

(21:11) Mastodon failed to get a count out

(21:27) Mastodon hit a Stump Piledriver

(21:33) Mastodon picked up Simmons

(21:41) Simmons broke a Strong Gut Buster by falling on top of Mastodon

(21:46) Simmons got a two count

(21:53) Simmons hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(21:57) Simmons hit a Running Knee Drop

(22:10) Simmons hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(22:14) Simmons hit a Running Knee Drop

(22:27) Simmons hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(22:42) Simmons hit a Stomp Flurry

(22:47) Mastodon slipped out the front of a Quitting Time

(22:53) LARIATO!  The Mastodon just leveled Daniel Simmons with a Rampage!


Bob Sinclair: THAT one connected, and Mastodon all but collapses into a cover…one, two, three! Mastodon wins an absolute war against Simmons, who took everything Mastodon could give, gave back enough of his own, and just caught an unlucky break!

Frankie Garnett: He’s still likely to drop back to the Beta Division, Bob, but tonight I think Simmons proved that he can hang with the men and women in the upper division. He may just need another season of prep work before he’s ready to make a comeback in the top flight!


The Mastodon (5-1) def. Daniel Simmons (0-6) via Pinfall (Rampage) in 22:58.  Rating: ****

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 7.47, XP + 1009.29, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 1.77, XP + 364.82, major damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (5 [1 this season] for The Mastodon, 2 [1 this season] for Daniel Simmons)



d7FEgH5.jpg (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-3, OVR 489)


(5) Nuclear Templeton (2-3, OVR 494) FqeSGy6.jpg

A must-win for both men here if they had any hopes of correcting their respective season paths. Unfortunately for Gross, he ran into an irate buzzsaw named Nuclear Templeton this week. In what just barely avoided being a squash, Templeton beat Gross from pillar to post over the span of twelve minutes, and a Radiation Leak finally, mercifully, put this match to rest as Templeton gets back to an even record on the season.

Nuclear Templeton (3-3) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 11:45.  Rating: *

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 2.87, XP + 667.76, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.87, XP + 166.94, minor damage to head



FXyrc6C.jpg (2) George Mastachas (4-1, OVR 490)


(3) De'siree Mitchell (3-2, OVR 482) p54rf5F.jpg

Do not let the match rating fool you—this one wasn’t in real contention after about seven minutes in. Mastachas got out to a huge advantage, hitting Olympus Rises before Mitchell really had a chance to get any offense in, and it didn’t get much better for her from there.  Sure, she got some shots in but nowhere near as impactful as those Mastachas delivered. In the end, if wouldn’t be any of Mastachas’ signatures that got the win, but a head drop suplex that did the trick.

George Mastachas (5-1) def. De'siree Mitchell (3-3) via Pinfall (dangerous head drop suplex) in 13:52.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.19, XP + 729.98, no notable damage

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.50, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (1) Christian Priest (4-1, OVR 538)


(4) Indigo Rose (3-2, OVR 462) 2X2r9qf.jpg

Another week, another Christian Priest four-star match. But this wasn’t Match of the Night simply due to the fact that it was six minutes shorter than Mastodon vs. Simmons. Rose fought from behind for the majority of the match, as she knew she’d have to given Priest’s overwhelming popularity in The League. But that never stopped her as she took what Priest could dish out and delivered in kind, though her size made it difficult for her to hit Blood From a Rose on the much larger Priest. She eventually would, though, but the Vite d’Indaco could not get locked in. She’d also counter Priest’s Iconoclasm into a near-fall, but in the end the size was too much. Rose was Canonized by the devastating right arm of Priest, and when the dust settled Priest maintained his lead in the Gamma Division, a match clear of Lucas Molina in second place.

Christian Priest (5-1) def. Indigo Rose (3-3) via Pinfall (Canonized) in 16:40.  Rating: ****

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 6.90, XP + 654.73, minor damage to head

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 1.64, XP + 163.68, moderate damage to head



Lp89uMT.jpg (1) Brian Blackfield (5-0, OVR 539)


(7) Big Scott Weathers (1-4, OVR 465) OOiJTFx.jpg

Big Scott Weathers was next up to test his might against The Juggernaut, and by and large he looked to be equal to the task. For a fair portion of the match he had control, actually keeping Blackfield on the defensive and wearing down the head and neck to set up Welcome to Dreamland, his sleeper hold finisher. Blackfield was having none of it, though, and stubbornly fought out of every attempt made. In desperation, and seeing that Blackfield was beginning to bleed rather decently, Weathers landed the Blackout in the hopes that the laceration would get to the point where the ref would stop the match.

The ref did not. Enter The Juggernaut, stage left. Two minutes later, exit The Juggernaut, stage left, after submitting his opponent with the Highland’s Wrath as the last of the adrenaline faded. Blackfield ekes out another one, putting him at six on the year, but the rumors in Vegas seem to think that Blackfield going perfect are 1000:1 odds at best, while Heartilly’s chances are a mere 200:1 instead…

Brian Blackfield (6-0) def. Big Scott Weathers (1-5) via Submission (Highland’s Wrath) in 22:39.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 6.06, XP + 691.31, major damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR + 0.84, XP + 172.83, moderate damage to head



wSRPoAi.jpg (4) Mel O'Hallister (3-2, OVR 504)


(7) Brandy McDonald (2-3, OVR 498) gGexPKo.jpg

Main event time, as the Season Eight League Champion faces the always-dangerous Mel O’Hallister. Except that O’Hallister didn’t really start to fight back until nearly eight minutes into the contest. By then McDonald had built too much of an advantage. Before she could even be put into Irish Clover territory, much less Dream territory, she managed to fight her way into landing Brandy with a Twist to deal another blow to one of the preseason favorites to win the League Championship!

Brandy McDonald (3-3) def. Mel O'Hallister (3-3) via Pinfall (Brandy With a Twist) in 13:36.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.17, XP + 729.79, no notable damage

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.45, minor damage to head






1.  The Mastodon:  5-1, ATV 15:50, (AMR 2.500), OVR 499.10

2.  George Mastachas:  5-1, ATV 17:00, (AMR 2.167), OVR 494.36

3.  Nuclear Templeton:  3-3, ATV 12:58, (AMR 1.833), OVR 496.60

4.  Brandy McDonald:  3-3, ATV 15:43, (AMR 2.000), OVR 501.77

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  3-3, ATV 18:14, (AMR 2.333), OVR 482.06

6.  Mel O'Hallister:  3-3, ATV 15:12, (AMR 2.167), OVR 503.91

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-4, ATV 15:22, (AMR 2.000), OVR 487.96

8.  Daniel Simmons:  0-6, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.667), OVR 491.13

  • Mastodon has head-to-head (H2H) against Mastachas
  • The four-way tie is broken as follows:
    • Because all four have yet to face each other at least once, overall ATV is taken into effect, which goes to Nuclear.
    • Brandy, De’siree, and Mel have all faced each other, so H2H against those people who are tied goes to McDonald (2-0).
    • Then it’s Mitchell with H2H over O’Hallister.



1.  Brian Blackfield:  6-0, ATV 14:41 (AMR 2.167), OVR 545.27

2.  Blood River:  4-2, ATV 9:49 (AMR 1.667), OVR 491.98

3.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  4-2, ATV 14:01 (AMR 2.000), OVR 494.88

4.  Angela Wassermann:  3-3, ATV 11:37 (AMR 2.000), OVR 457.80

5.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  2-4, ATV 11:31 (AMR 2.333), OVR 489.63

6.  Pulsar:  2-4, ATV 13:33 (AMR 2.500), OVR 459.64

7.  Billy Norris:  2-4, ATV 18:46 (AMR 2.500), OVR 487.63

8.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-5, ATV 14:26 (AMR 2.500), OVR 465.53

  • River has H2H over Nakamatsu
  • The tie at 2-4 is broken thusly:
    • Each of the three have faced each other, and share a 1-1 record against those they are tied with. At this, the ATV for only the matches between the three are compared. This goes to Ouilette (11:06) over Pulsar (14:00) and Norris (24:15).
    • The resulting tie has Pulsar via H2H.


1.  Christian Priest:  5-1, ATV 12:09, (AMR 3.500), OVR 545.34

2.  Lucas Molina:  4-2, ATV 14:20, (AMR 1.500), OVR 457.63

3.  Terrance Stevens:  3-3, ATV 9:12, (AMR 2.000), OVR 461.36

4.  Diamond:  3-3, ATV 9:47, (AMR 2.167), OVR 469.48

5.  Diego Rodriguez:  3-3, ATV 14:21, (AMR 2.000), OVR 485.72

6.  Indigo Rose:  3-3, ATV 15:41, (AMR 2.333), OVR 463.34

7.  Erick Gibson:  2-4, ATV 10:43, (AMR 2.500), OVR 474.23

8.  Markus Clay:  1-5, ATV 7:04, (AMR 2.333), OVR 455.00

  • Another big logjam. The 3-3 ranks are determined as follows:
    • All four have not wrestled against each other, so overall ATV is looked at, which goes to Stevens.
    • Diamond/Diego/Rose have not faced each other (Rose v Diego is next week), so overall ATV is consulted again, which goes to Diamond.
    • Since Rose and Diego have not faced each other yet (as just established), ATV is once more consulted, which goes to Rodriguez.



1.  Lance Heartilly:  6-0, ATV 11:36 (AMR 2.500), OVR 427.95

2.  Monty Dhillon:  4-2, ATV 6:16 (AMR 2.167), OVR 500.16

3.  Kichi Hida:  4-2, ATV 6:26 (AMR 1.833), OVR 441.85

4.  Scott Stevens:  3-3, ATV 9:45 (AMR 2.000), OVR 412.60

5.  Jun Onoo:  3-3, ATV 9:35 (AMR 2.000), OVR 463.06

6.  El Tornado:  2-4, ATV 7:03 (AMR 1.833), OVR 436.19

7.  Nocturne:  2-4, ATV 10:54 (AMR 2.000), OVR 408.24

8.  Devil's Delight:  0-6, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 414.33

  • All three ties here are determined by simple H2H.



(Reminder: Once the second half begins, the “official” scores will have the two lowest weeks drop off to determine a season winner.)

1. SeanMcG: 64 (this week: 10)

2. Croquemitaine: 60 (this week: 9)

2. ShadowedFlames: 60 (this week: 10)

4. Jman2k3: 56 (this week: 10)

5. Eternal Phoenix: 55 (this week: 9)

6. Derek B:  45 (this week: 12)




CAGE MATCH: (6) Mel O'Hallister (3-3, OVR 504) vs. (1) The Mastodon (5-1, OVR 499) [Career: Tied 1 – 1. Mastodon is 0 – 1 in Cage matches in The League.]

(3) Nuclear Templeton (3-3, OVR 497) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-3, OVR 502) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

(2) George Mastachas (5-1, OVR 494) vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4, OVR 488) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(5) De'siree Mitchell (3-3, OVR 482) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-6, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Brian Blackfield (6-0, OVR 545) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2, OVR 495) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 – 0. Both wrestlers are 1 – 0 in Last One Standing matches in The League.]

(2) Blood River (4-2, OVR 492) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4, OVR 490) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 2 - 0]

(8) Big Scott Weathers (1-5, OVR 466) vs. (7) Billy Norris (2-4, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Angela Wassermann (3-3, OVR 458) vs. (6) Pulsar (2-4, OVR 460) [First Career Meeting]


(2) Lucas Molina (4-2, OVR 458) vs. (1) Christian Priest (5-1, OVR 545) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (6) Indigo Rose (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 486) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-3, OVR 469) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (3-3, OVR 461) [First Career Meeting. Both wresters are 0 – 1 in Hardcore matches in The League.]

(8) Markus Clay (1-5, OVR 455) vs. (7) Erick Gibson (2-4, OVR 474) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Jun Onoo (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-2, OVR 442) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Devil's Delight (0-6, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 500) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-0, OVR 428) vs. (7) Nocturne (2-4, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Scott Stevens (3-3, OVR 413) vs. (6) El Tornado (2-4, OVR 436) [First Career Meeting]



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(Side note, gonna go out on a limb and call a submission victory for the Jersery Jiu Jitsu master)

Boy we called that one right, didn't have Nuclear developing into a submission wizard on the cards but here we are.


Other notes:

  • Alpha could come down to the Mastodon/Mastachas rematch in Week 9. Both look hard to stop at the moment
  • Justice for Simmons, where was the referee when he had those ankle locks on? 😛
  • Blackfield showing cracks in the armour? Don't think that Nakamatsu's the one to stop him this week but that second undefeated season is looking shakey.
  • Diamond continues to do Diamond things - reliably upsets in mismatches and drops matches she has no right dropping. Tipster's nightmare. Quick shoutout to Stevens also, classic spoiler beating 1st & 2nd but losing to 8th.
  • Monty seems to have shaken off his past two losses with a demolition of Hida. Average match time of 6:16 is unreal, consider he's somehow in-front of Hida and her three lots of 4min or less matches.
  • I've got Hida steamrolling Heartilly in Week 8 for those in the betting pool, don't think he'll escape the violence blitz twice.





CAGE MATCH: (6) Mel O'Hallister (3-3, OVR 504) vs. (1) The Mastodon (5-1, OVR 499) [Career: Tied 1 – 1. Mastodon is 0 – 1 in Cage matches in The League.]

(3) Nuclear Templeton (3-3, OVR 497) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-3, OVR 502) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

- Brandy's just got the Champ's number, outside of last season's heroics

(2) George Mastachas (5-1, OVR 494) vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4, OVR 488) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(5) De'siree Mitchell (3-3, OVR 482) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-6, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Brian Blackfield (6-0, OVR 545) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2, OVR 495) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 – 0. Both wrestlers are 1 – 0 in Last One Standing matches in The League.]

(2) Blood River (4-2, OVR 492) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4, OVR 490) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 2 - 0]

(8) Big Scott Weathers (1-5, OVR 466) vs. (7) Billy Norris (2-4, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Angela Wassermann (3-3, OVR 458) vs. (6) Pulsar (2-4, OVR 460) [First Career Meeting]


(2) Lucas Molina (4-2, OVR 458) vs. (1) Christian Priest (5-1, OVR 545) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

- Big time match, big match stakes. Priest has looked vulnerable to Molina in the two previous matches, could go either way but I'll back Priest's striking and strength to get it done.

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (6) Indigo Rose (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 486) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-3, OVR 469) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (3-3, OVR 461) [First Career Meeting. Both wresters are 0 – 1 in Hardcore matches in The League.]

- 50/50 matchup, I'll stick with Diamond because picking Steven's form is somehow harder.

(8) Markus Clay (1-5, OVR 455) vs. (7) Erick Gibson (2-4, OVR 474) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Jun Onoo (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-2, OVR 442) [First Career Meeting]

- Danger here for Hida, I'm actually picking the upset. Onoo's built for Delta were his stamina issues aren't as awful with the quicker matches. Fear he's too big and strong for Hida.

(8) Devil's Delight (0-6, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 500) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

- 8 minute Blockade Lock. All aboard the Dhillon Express to GAMMA.

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-0, OVR 428) vs. (7) Nocturne (2-4, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Scott Stevens (3-3, OVR 413) vs. (6) El Tornado (2-4, OVR 436) [First Career Meeting]

- It's a weird Division for Scott Stevens where he's considerable bigger than most of the wrestlers here, but the two he's not just dwarf him in size and strength. Regardless, should be too much for Tornado here and rejoins the logjam for 3rd-4th.


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CAGE MATCH: (6) Mel O'Hallister (3-3, OVR 504) vs. (1) The Mastodon (5-1, OVR 499)

(3) Nuclear Templeton (3-3, OVR 497) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-3, OVR 502)

(2) George Mastachas (5-1, OVR 494) vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4, OVR 488)

(5) De'siree Mitchell (3-3, OVR 482) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-6, OVR 491)


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Brian Blackfield (6-0, OVR 545) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2, OVR 495)

(2) Blood River (4-2, OVR 492) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4, OVR 490)

(8) Big Scott Weathers (1-5, OVR 466) vs. (7) Billy Norris (2-4, OVR 488)

(4) Angela Wassermann (3-3, OVR 458) vs. (6) Pulsar (2-4, OVR 460)


(2) Lucas Molina (4-2, OVR 458) vs. (1) Christian Priest (5-1, OVR 545)

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (6) Indigo Rose (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 486)

- sleeper pick for MOTN

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-3, OVR 469) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (3-3, OVR 461)

(8) Markus Clay (1-5, OVR 455) vs. (7) Erick Gibson (2-4, OVR 474)


(5) Jun Onoo (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-2, OVR 442)

(8) Devil's Delight (0-6, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 500)

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-0, OVR 428) vs. (7) Nocturne (2-4, OVR 408)

(4) Scott Stevens (3-3, OVR 413) vs. (6) El Tornado (2-4, OVR 436)


Random Thoughts

- There are three legit main events this week: O'Hallister/Mastodon, Templeton/McDonald, and Molina/Priest. These matches are really going to set the tone for the second half of the season.

- O'Hallister, Templeton, and McDonald need to show if they're in or out of the picture. Mastodon will prove he's for real or not*. Molina and Priest are going to determine if Gamma is a one or two-horse race this season.

* Mastachas will have to wait for weeks' 8 and 9 to do the same. Although a loss to Gross would prove the negative.

- Delta Division has a bit of a "Rocket Tag" feel. Anyone who can grab and hold momentum for a strong offensive run can score an absurdly quick win. This favours Dhillon, Hida, and maybe Onoo**. On the other hand, someone like Heartilly who can slow things down and disrupt that offensive momentum is also at an advantage.

** Stevens probably needs a season's worth of experience to join that group.

- I was looking at the League Records the other day and noticed that most of the longest matches are from Delta Division in Season 8. Given that most of those were not 3*/4* classics, I think I see why changes were implemented for Season 9.  😜 


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1 hour ago, Croquemitaine said:

I was looking at the League Records the other day and noticed that most of the longest matches are from Delta Division in Season 8. Given that most of those were not 3*/4* classics, I think I see why changes were implemented for Season 9.  😜

I will neither confirm nor deny that accusation.... 😉

1 hour ago, Croquemitaine said:

There are three legit main events this week: O'Hallister/Mastodon, Templeton/McDonald, and Molina/Priest. These matches are really going to set the tone for the second half of the season.

As it presently stands, the main event is slated to be Blackfield/Nakamatsu in the Last One Standing bout.  O'Hallister/Mastodon is the semi-main, Molina/Priest is right before that, and Templeton/McDonald is before the Gamma Division bout.  I reserve the right to change the order if Maven Deltzer decrees it so.

First round of updates is in, running matches tomorrow since mental power is running on almost empty.  Good time to make predictions!

ALPHA: O'Hallister, Brandy, Gross, Mitchell

BETA: Blackfield, River, Weathers, Wassermann

GAMMA: We, the viewers Molina, Rose, Diamond, Gibson

DELTA: Hida, Dhillon, Nocturne, Stevens.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Give it up, Shadowed, stop pushing Nocturne already!" I'm going off the lone Omega Division bout they had against each other in which Nocturne had her finisher on first, but Heartilly didn't tap. I think lightning's striking twice here, and Nocturne pulls off the week seven upset to the chagrin of the bettors in the First Church of Wrestling.

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The Mastodon

Nuclear Templeton

George Mastachas

De'siree Mitchell


Brian Blackfield

Blood River

Big Scott Weathers

Angela Wassermann


Christian Priest

Indigo Rose


Erick Gibson


Jun Onoo

Monty Dhillon

Lance Heartilly

Scott Stevens

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CAGE MATCH: (6) Mel O'Hallister (3-3, OVR 504) vs. (1) The Mastodon (5-1, OVR 499) [Career: Tied 1 – 1. Mastodon is 0 – 1 in Cage matches in The League.]

. . This is functionally Mel's season on the line in this match. A Mastodon win has him at 6-1 while Mel would be 3-4. Game over, considering their forms thus far. So I'm gonna bet on Mel making a stand.

(3) Nuclear Templeton (3-3, OVR 497) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-3, OVR 502) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

. . Same deal, only it applies to both of them. Yeah, either could go on a run. But so far it hasn't seem likely. They're both fighting for their chance at the belt in this match. Brandy's got the better record. Nuke pulled it out last time, but he's failed three times before then.

(2) George Mastachas (5-1, OVR 494) vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4, OVR 488) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

. . Gross's nightmare continues, as nobody seems capable of stopping Mastachas but The Mastodon.

(5) De'siree Mitchell (3-3, OVR 482) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-6, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]

. . I don't have the most respect for De'siree and Danny's got to win eventually, right? This is arguably the easiest match he's had so far, on paper.



LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Brian Blackfield (6-0, OVR 545) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2, OVR 495) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 – 0. Both wrestlers are 1 – 0 in Last One Standing matches in The League.]

. . Poor Yoshii. Well, 4-3 isn't a bad way to go into the break.

(2) Blood River (4-2, OVR 492) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4, OVR 490) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 2 - 0]

. . This is Jean-Paul's season on the line in this match. He's not coming back from 2-5, not with at least two above him at 5-2 and 4-3. (Blackfield goes without saying) He'd look like relegation fodder. He's got a good record against the erratic at best Blood River. So I think he'll respond here.

(8) Big Scott Weathers (1-5, OVR 466) vs. (7) Billy Norris (2-4, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting]

. .  Scotty sucks. That's it. That's the tweet.

(4) Angela Wassermann (3-3, OVR 458) vs. (6) Pulsar (2-4, OVR 460) [First Career Meeting]

. . I lied. Pulsar also sucks.



(2) Lucas Molina (4-2, OVR 458) vs. (1) Christian Priest (5-1, OVR 545) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

. . Yes, I'm a homer. Bias galore. But also Molina beat him the first time, and took him past 21 minutes in Delta of all divisions the second time before losing. He can do it.

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (6) Indigo Rose (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 486) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

. . Whew. Narrow one. Diego's better, but not by nearly as much as I thought.

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-3, OVR 469) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (3-3, OVR 461) [First Career Meeting. Both wresters are 0 – 1 in Hardcore matches in The League.]

. . At this stage it's kind of a coin flip. Though I'll bet on the erratic track record of diamond rather than the awful one of Stevens.

(8) Markus Clay (1-5, OVR 455) vs. (7) Erick Gibson (2-4, OVR 474) [First Career Meeting]

. . Clay sucks. That is also the whole tweet.


(5) Jun Onoo (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-2, OVR 442) [First Career Meeting]

. . Yes, again. I'm a homer. Biased af. But also Kichi's faster than he is good at striking or grappling. She has a pretty firm advantage statistically. Though it's possible that she'll finally use that adrenaline rush I gave her. 😅

(8) Devil's Delight (0-6, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 500) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

. . Unfortunately, Delight is the fourth one to just suck. It's a shame because I think she're pretty neat, conceptually and her render is rad.

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-0, OVR 428) vs. (7) Nocturne (2-4, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

. . This one's not entirely based on logic. Nocture's season is on the line here. 2-5 is not conducive to avoiding relegation, even with Tornado and Delight behind her. A win here solves that problem, and as the boss man said she showed she was capable of it down in Omega. Will it happen? Well, I doubt it. But I want to believe.

(4) Scott Stevens (3-3, OVR 413) vs. (6) El Tornado (2-4, OVR 436) [First Career Meeting]

. . We've reached the fifth and final (this time) installment of X Just Sucks. Hi, Tornado. Get piledriven, loser. Next season Stevens should be a force to be reckoned with, especially with whoever the top two turn out to be promoted out. Oddly enough, I think he's in the position Kichi was last season. Probable clear number 4 in the rankings, maybe number 3 if things shake out his way. But promotion is still out of his reach this season.


As a side note, I've been keeping up with my records, uh, keeping as far as wins and losses goes. So there'll be another report from me after this week's matches and before Tag Team Turmoil. Or maybe after? What do you think, boss?

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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Either/or with regard to timing is fine with me. I still need to finish the TTT preview post and actually get started on my graphical failure, but that can hopefully be multitasked with running the bulk of the matches tonight.

My plan is to do my prediction update after TTT, and then by the time the third quarter would come I’m in division clinch scenario mode and that’s a different beast altogether.


EDIT TO ADD: By the by, EP, you forgot to bold your Scott Stevens pick above.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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CAGE MATCH: (6) Mel O'Hallister (3-3, OVR 504) vs. (1) The Mastodon (5-1, OVR 499) [Career: Tied 1 – 1. Mastodon is 0 – 1 in Cage matches in The League.]

(3) Nuclear Templeton (3-3, OVR 497) vs. (4) Brandy McDonald (3-3, OVR 502) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 3 - 1]

(2) George Mastachas (5-1, OVR 494) vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4, OVR 488) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

(5) De'siree Mitchell (3-3, OVR 482) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-6, OVR 491) [First Career Meeting]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) Brian Blackfield (6-0, OVR 545) vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2, OVR 495) [Career: Brian Blackfield, 2 – 0. Both wrestlers are 1 – 0 in Last One Standing matches in The League.]

(2) Blood River (4-2, OVR 492) vs. (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4, OVR 490) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 2 - 0]

(8) Big Scott Weathers (1-5, OVR 466) vs. (7) Billy Norris (2-4, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Angela Wassermann (3-3, OVR 458) vs. (6) Pulsar (2-4, OVR 460) [First Career Meeting]


(2) Lucas Molina (4-2, OVR 458) vs. (1) Christian Priest (5-1, OVR 545) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (6) Indigo Rose (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 486) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

HARDCORE MATCH: (4) Diamond (3-3, OVR 469) vs. (3) Terrance Stevens (3-3, OVR 461) [First Career Meeting. Both wresters are 0 – 1 in Hardcore matches in The League.]

(8) Markus Clay (1-5, OVR 455) vs. (7) Erick Gibson (2-4, OVR 474) [First Career Meeting]


(5) Jun Onoo (3-3, OVR 463) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (4-2, OVR 442) [First Career Meeting]

(8) Devil's Delight (0-6, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 500) [Career: Monty Dhillon, 2 - 0]

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-0, OVR 428) vs. (7) Nocturne (2-4, OVR 408) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Scott Stevens (3-3, OVR 413) vs. (6) El Tornado (2-4, OVR 436) [First Career Meeting]



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Tag Team Turmoil: Bracket Breakdown

THE #1 SEEDS: Brandy McDonald and Diamond

TTT Record: 7-1. Season Eight champions, Season Nine runners-up. Won 27 falls, conceded 21.

Currently the blueprint for tag team wrestling in The League, McDonald and Diamond have returned for a third go at it. Winning a classic against Priest and Gross to win the event in Season Eight, they advanced to the finals in Season Nine but ran into an Irish buzzsaw and a luchadora. Diamond has also found success in the deep past of The League, winning a TTT event back in Season Four and reaching the finals in Season Two (the debut of TTT). With only half of the defending champions on the roster for Season Ten, these femme fatales are the odds-on favorite to win their second Tag Team Turmoil crown.


THE #2 SEEDS: Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross

TTT Record: (Blackfield) 0-2. Won 2 falls, conceded 4. (Gross) 4-2, Season Eight runner-up. Won 14 falls, conceded 10.

The 2 and 3 seeds could be interchanged freely, they are that close. Gross and Blackfield get the nod solely on percentage points—combined, these two have won 16 falls but conceded 14 during the last two seasons; the number three seeds are 15 and 14, respectively. A schism between the Season Eight runners-up has led to them finding separate partners. Gross has elected to take the hellfire and damnation route, casting his lot with The Juggernaut for Season Ten’s events. While Blackfield does not have the best of success in this event in the past, perhaps teaming with someone who has been to the finals before may prove to be the difference…?


THE #3 SEEDS: Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest

TTT Record: (Dhillon) 0-2. Won 1 fall, conceded 4. (Priest) 4-2, Season Eight runner-up. Won 14 falls, conceded 10.

The schism mentioned above finds the other half of the pairing going back to his roots, choosing the warrior’s respect route.  Priest made the finals in Season Eight from the Delta Division, which surprised many at the time. He looks for lightning to strike twice as he teams with his former archrival-turned-wary ally, Monty Dhillon, who is looking to plow his own way out of Delta, and may be seeing this event as the catapult needed to make it happen. Each season, a Delta Division representative has been in the final match of the tournament, will Dhillon keep that streak going for a third season?


THE #4 SEEDS: Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister

TTT Record: (Molina) 0-1. Won 1 fall, conceded 2. (O’Hallister) 4-1, Season Nine champion. Won 18 falls, conceded 10.

The last of the top seeds goes to the only remaining Turmoil champion on the current roster. Many saw Season Nine’s event as the coming out party for O’Hallister, who teamed with the currently-injured Sterling Silver to stun McDonald and Diamond in the finals, winning with a five-fall difference. This season, with Silver on the injured list, O’Hallister accepted the request of the technical master Lucas Molina to join forces. Molina has some figuratively large boots to fill, replacing a championship-winning partner; will the newly-promoted Gamma Division star have what it takes to reach the promised land in Season Ten?


THE #5 SEEDS: Markus Clay and El Tornado

TTT Record: (Clay) 3-2. Won 7 falls, conceded 7. (Tornado) 3-2. Won 6 falls, conceded 6.

A couple of aerial artists secure the number five seed. Clay reached the semifinals in Season Eight, while Tornado managed it in Season Nine. While it’s generally considered a risky move to have two wrestlers with similar styles teaming up, both men seem willing to give it a shot and concede the power advantage to their opponents, knowing that they can run circles around the competition.


THE #6 SEEDS: The Mastodon and Erick Gibson

TTT Record: (Mastodon) 4-2. Won 8 falls, conceded 7. (Gibson) 0-2. Won 2 falls, conceded 4.

While the rumors suggest that Gibson bribed his way into an upper-half seed, the fact remains that it is solely on the back of The Mastodon that this pairing finds itself as the #6 seed. Mastodon has reached the semifinals in each of the previous two seasons, and now looks to pull the luckless Gibson to the same point…kicking and screaming, if he must.


THE #7 SEEDS: Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens

TTT Record: (Nuclear) 2-2. Won 5 falls, conceded 6. (Stevens) First appearance in TTT.

Much like the #6 seed, it’s solely on Nuclear’s record that these two land in the upper half. Nuclear has expressed his distaste for tag wresting, despite having success in the original format of The League as a former TTT champion in Season Five. One of the opponents he beat in the finals? Scott Stevens, who had deep runs in Seasons Five and Six of TTT and looks to replicate that here in his debut season under the new format of The League. Fun fact: Season Six of TTT was run under a “Lethal Lottery” format where the pairings were re-drawn every round. The pair that lost in the finals by a 2-1 margin? Templeton and Stevens. They could be dark horses in this season’s edition.


THE #8 SEEDS: Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida

TTT Record: (Nakamatsu) 1-2. Won 3 falls, conceded 4. (Hida) 1-1. Won 3 falls, conceded 2.

Returning for a second shot at TTT gold, this pair of Japanese wrestlers looks to improve on their Season Nine performance. Nakamatsu was quick to agree to team with Hida again after his Season Eight outing ended in two straight falls. Hida holds the unofficial TTT record for match time, as the opening round match in Season Nine saw her earn two falls in under five minutes. With the roll she’s been on, will Nakamatsu be content to let the hot hand…or feet…ride this time around?


THE #9 SEEDS: Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez

TTT Record: (Simmons) 2-2. Won 4 falls, conceded 6. (Rodriguez) 1-2. Won 4 falls, conceded 4.

The working man’s champion finds himself in a team with one of the Gamma Division’s technical masterminds. This could be a dark horse in the tournament, as Rodriguez’s methodical grappling style is a contrast to the striking attack of Simmons. They’ve gotten a rough draw in the brackets in the 8-9 matchup but if they can get on the same page and quickly, they could be a force to be reckoned with.


THE #10 SEEDS: Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight

TTT Record: (Wassermann) 2-2. Won 5 falls, conceded 5. (Delight) 0-1. Won 1 fall, conceded 2.

Carried to a ten seed basically on the back of former MMA champion Angela Wassermann, this pairing looks to cause some damage to the arms of their opposition given that both finishers are arm-based submissions. Delight, a former tag specialist, has struggled in singles competition but looks to make waves with the right partner in her corner.


THE #11 SEEDS: De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar

TTT Record: (Mitchell) 1-2. Won 4 falls, conceded 4. (Pulsar) 1-2. Won 3 falls, conceded 4.

A staple of tag team wrestling—a powerhouse and a high-flier—this pairing looks odd given that Mitchell is not the traditional powerhouse type for a team. Still, her explosiveness to land an All Out Blitz goes well with the multiple sudden ways Pulsar can win a match off the ropes. With a little luck, they could be a threat to nearly any team in the tournament.


THE #12 SEEDS: Indigo Rose and Nocturne

TTT Record: (Rose) 1-2. Won 4 falls, conceded 5. (Nocturne) First appearance in TTT.

Rose has not done well in past TTT events—out in the opening round in Season Eight, out in the quarterfinals in Nine—so for Season Ten she elected to go outside the box and bring in a rookie for her partner. Nocturne, the pride of The Aerie School of Professional Wrestling, has not fared too well in her debut season but has shown some flashes of brilliance at times. Can a technical mastermind in Rose nurture the growing technical talent in Nocturne into a winning combination?


THE #13 SEEDS: Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly

TTT Record: (T. Stevens) 1-2. Won 2 falls, conceded 5. (Heartilly) First appearance in TTT.

At the time of this preview being released, the betting lines in Atlantic City heavily favor these two imploding and turning on each other in the opening round of the tournament (1:8 odds, compared with 3:1 for them not fighting each other and 12:1 on winning their opening match). Heartilly, a technical Canadian wrestler best known for not training at the House of Stone, thinks Stevens is an affront to the heritage of Canadian wrestling. Stevens thinks Heartilly is a little too straight-laced and needs to mellow out, if he can be serious for a moment. They have a tough draw in one-half of the defending TTT champions, but if they can stun The League and win their first match, who knows how far they can go?


THE #14 SEEDS: Big Scott Weathers and Jean-Paul Ouilette

TTT Record: (Weathers) 2-2, Season Nine semifinalist. Won 4 falls, conceded 5. (Ouilette) 0-2. Won 1 fall, conceded 4.

Weathers’ success last season with Jimmy Anarchy wasn’t good enough to get him any better of a seed to offset the poor showings of Ouilette in the past. Weathers is a brawler, Ouilette is more a showman than a brawler, but neither man has met a hold they actually bothered to learn to use. Can they do the unthinkable and escape the first round of this season’s tournament?


THE #15 SEEDS: Billy Norris and Blood River

TTT Record: (Norris) 0-2. Won 1 fall, conceded 4. (River) 1-2. Won 3 falls, conceded 5.

While it could be argued that they should get a slightly better seed, having only one combined round win versus four round losses nets a particularly bad seed. This dual-cruiserweight combination will be fighting uphill the entire time, but River has been punching above his weight in Beta Division this season. Could that momentum continue in Tag Team Turmoil?


THE #16 SEEDS: George Mastachas and Jun Onoo

TTT Record: (Mastachas) 0-2. Won 1 fall, conceded 4. (Onoo) 0-2. Won 0 falls, conceded 4.

Going strictly by the numbers in the tag division, it’s clear why these two are the worst seed in the tournament bracket. However, Mastachas has been on a tear this season, finding himself in contention for the League Championship as the halfway point approaches. Onoo has been fighting for survival in the Delta Division, where his stamina issues are not as much of a hindrance. Can these two powerhouses find a way to do the unthinkable and knock off the top seed in the opening round?




(I did warn y'all that graphics are not my strong point!)

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So, uh. I decided to give all the teams names. I don't claim that they're all good. Or funny to anyone but me. But uh...here you go?


Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)


Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)


Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)


Sky High (Markus Clay and El Tornado)


Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)


Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)


Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)


Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)


ARM. BAR. (Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight)


Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)


Team Friendship (Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly)


Four Fists No Waiting (Big Scott Weathers and Jean-Paul Ouilette)


Billy And The Cult (Billy Norris and Blood River)


Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)

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On 9/13/2023 at 9:33 PM, Eternal Phoenix said:

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)

Sky High (Markus Clay and El Tornado)

Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)

Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)

Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)

Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)

These are my favourites, for various reasons.


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fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (4) Scott Stevens (3-3, OVR 413)


(6) El Tornado (2-4, OVR 436) LTFF6jR.jpg

The opening match was a Match of the Night contender, and Stevens is surely kicking himself for letting this one slip away. He had Tornado in position for his piledriver, but was unable to convert. Tornado fought back, utilizing his speed and toughing out a low blow from Stevens in the process, but eventually went up top and hit his sky twister press to earn the pinfall and end the first half of the season on a more positive note.

El Tornado (3-4) def. Scott Stevens (3-4) via Pinfall (Tornado Splash) in 7:38.  Rating: ***

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR + 4.96, XP + 523.97, no notable damage

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 0.69, XP + 130.99, no notable damage



9q89H6M.jpg (1) Lance Heartilly (6-0, OVR 428)


(7) Nocturne (2-4, OVR 408) BEVGy0x.jpg

Another Match of the Night contender, this could have been decided by the eight-minute mark, except that Nocturne refused to let the figure four be applied to her. She suffered through a Heartilly Arm Breaker to lure the Canadian into attempting a stump piledriver, only to slip out to his back and deliver a chop block.  From there, she managed to get the grapevine ankle lock applied, and this time her continual yanking on the ankle of Heartilly got her the tap out she was denied in Omega Division, giving her a huge upset win as the first half comes to a close.

Nocturne (3-4) def. Lance Heartilly (6-1) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 15:15.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 5.52, XP + 527.93, minor damage to head

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 0.77, XP + 131.98, minor damage to head



xJrKs53.jpg 54miFm6.jpg (8) Devil's Delight (0-6, OVR 414)


(2) Monty Dhillon (4-2, OVR 500) vz0qqDp.jpg

Delight managed to get some offense in over the opening three minutes, but once Dhillon started to get on a roll this one was over fast. A sub-six minute Blockade Lock put an end to the proceedings, as Dhillon does what’s expected of him to move to within one match of the division lead thanks to the upset by Nocturne.

Monty Dhillon (5-2) def. Devil's Delight (0-7) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 5:17.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.70, XP + 482.54, no notable damage

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR -0.07, XP + 120.63, no notable damage



m6kdW7F.jpg (5) Jun Onoo (3-3, OVR 463)


(3) Kichi Hida (4-2, OVR 442) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

This would have been another sub-four-minute match if not for the ref missing Onoo’s foot under the ropes following a UFO Spin Elbow. It took a second elbow, plus Eternal Violence and a death glare at the ref, for it to stick and Hida moves on with a sub-seven minute victory instead as Delta Division action closes for the first half.

Kichi Hida (5-2) def. Jun Onoo (3-4) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 6:18.  Rating: *

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 2.65, XP + 442.77, no notable damage

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR -0.81, XP + 110.69, moderate damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (8) Markus Clay (1-5, OVR 455)


(7) Erick Gibson (2-4, OVR 474) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

There’s no two ways about this one: Karen McClure was the primary reason that Gibson won this match. She pushed Clay off the top rope to stop a Johannesburg Express, and two moves later Gibson hit the Terminable Offense to steal a win. Clay has a legitimate grievance here, but nothing to show for it as Gibson walks away with the underhanded victory in this Match of the Night contender.

Erick Gibson (3-4) def. Markus Clay (1-6) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 12:56.  Rating: ***

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 5.35, XP + 484.59, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 0.74, XP + 151.43, moderate damage to head



aOXlwtV.jpg (4) Angela Wassermann (3-3, OVR 458)


(6) Pulsar (2-4, OVR 460) VfA2MW8.jpg

The author will admit to missing the end of this one live, thanks to looking outside at an accident at the traffic light just up the street. Wassermann controlled this one and walked away victorious with a different arm-based submission that wasn’t her usual cross arm breaker. Pulsar managed to put up enough of a fight to prevent this from being a squash, but only barely.

Angela Wassermann (4-3) def. Pulsar (2-5) via Submission (arm triangle) in 7:43.  Rating: **

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 3.84, XP + 628.82, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.20, no notable damage



0rDaDU8.jpg (4) Diamond (3-3, OVR 469)


(3) Terrance Stevens (3-3, OVR 461) 6r4P9L8.jpg

Pretty much an average standard match but without illegal moves. Stevens jumped to an early advantage and Diamond simply could not fight back enough from a deficit. Her biggest attempt was at a Jawjacker, but when that missed it got turned into a lung blower and then immediately into a Maple Leaf Meltdown, and it is Terrance Stevens who ends the season on the better side of .500.

Terrance Stevens (4-3) def. Diamond (3-4) via Pinfall (Maple Leaf Meltdown) in 9:50.  Rating: **

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 3.96, XP + 557.43, minor damage to head

Changes for Diamond:  OVR -0.07, XP + 139.36, minor damage to head



OOiJTFx.jpg (8) Big Scott Weathers (1-5, OVR 466)


(7) Billy Norris (2-4, OVR 488) ayWv1C3.jpg

A perfectly average match until its sudden end, which came after Norris spiked Weathers on the top of his head with a Boomerang DDT. The three count was academic, and the show stopped for a few minutes while medical personnel assisted Weathers to the locker room as a precautionary measure. He would later be diagnosed with a slight neck sprain but would be ruled good to go for Tag Team Turmoil otherwise.

Billy Norris (3-4) def. Big Scott Weathers (1-6) via Pinfall (Boomerang DDT) in 9:55.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.96, XP + 630.19, no notable damage

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.55, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (6) Indigo Rose (3-3, OVR 463)


(5) Diego Rodriguez (3-3, OVR 486) G4sbiHU.jpg

Two of the best technical wrestlers in The League, facing off in a European Rules match that requires two falls to win. Surely this was a recipe for a classic, right?

How about we let our announcers take over for this one and prove Croquemitaine was right in guessing this as the MOTN, eh?

Bob Sinclair: Now here’s a match I’ve been waiting all week for, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: …wait a sec, Bob. I’m confused.

Bob Sinclair: About?

Frankie Garnett: Well…don’t we normally run European Rules matches simultaneously with other bouts because these can take an hour or so?

Bob Sinclair: Normally, yes. You’re correct.

Frankie Garnett: So why isn’t this one?

Bob Sinclair: Popular demand of the audience in attendance this week, and because the big boss is a fan of technical wrestling and wanted to see two experts of the craft go at it.

Before Frankie can make a comment on that, the camera shifts slightly to the right, to show Will Prydor, owner of The League and former League Champion in his own right, sitting in the front row right behind the station used for the official timekeeper. Next to him, still garbed in her ring gear, is Nocturne from the Delta Division. The two are having a quiet conversation as they focus their gazes on the squared circle.

Frankie Garnett: …you weren’t kidding. And I see Nocturne’s still being the teacher’s pet.

Bob Sinclair: There will be time to unpack all of that later. Right now, both wrestlers have made it inside…a nice handshake before the bell…and round one of this European Rules match is underway!




(00:07) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(00:11) Rodriguez slipped out the front of a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:25) Rodriguez applied a Cravate

(00:39) Rodriguez applied a Side Headlock

(00:46) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(00:50) Rose broke a Knee Bar

(01:04) Rose applied a Side Headlock

(01:09) Rodriguez blocked a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:14) Rodriguez blocked a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(01:21) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(01:31) Rose avoided a Stomp.

(01:38) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(01:41) Rose hit a Bell Clap

(01:47) Rodriguez easily avoided a Kick To Gut.

(01:54) Rose very easily avoided a Punch.

(02:10) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(02:24) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock Takedown

(02:44) Rose applied a Rear Chinlock

(02:58) Rose applied a Knee Bar

(03:05) Rose hit a Knee Pull

(03:20) Rose hit a Stomp Flurry

(03:30) Diego Rodriguez very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(03:34) Rodriguez hit a Fist Drop

(03:48) Rodriguez applied a Knee Bar

(04:02) Rodriguez applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(04:22) Rodriguez applied a Rear Chinlock

(04:32) Rose got a rope break to stop a Horizontal Bow And Arrow Lock

(04:48) Rodriguez hit a Piledriver

(04:52) Rose blocked a Raised Bow And Arrow Lock

(04:57) Rose blocked a Surfboard Bow And Arrow

(05:00) Rose hit a Knee Plant

(05:00) The round ended


Bob Sinclair: Opening round had nothing major to show for it, just a feeling out process between these two.

Frankie Garnett: You’d think they’d be rather familiar with each other given that this is their third time wrestling each other.

Bob Sinclair: True. But these European Rules bouts are different, Frankie. That rest every five minutes makes it a longer, more grueling bout to work through.






(05:14) Rose applied a Front Facelock

(05:28) Rose applied a Side Headlock

(05:33) Rodriguez broke a Front Facelock

(05:36) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(05:43) Rodriguez hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:47) Rodriguez hit a Stomp

(05:51) Rodriguez hit an Elbow Drop

(05:55) Rodriguez hit a Fist Drop

(06:09) Rodriguez applied an Arm Bar

(06:13) Rodriguez hit a Stomp

(06:22) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(06:26) Rose hit a Knee Drop

(06:31) Rodriguez broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(06:45) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(06:52) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(06:57) Rose blocked a Body Scissors

(07:11) Rodriguez applied a Knee Bar

(07:25) Rodriguez applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(07:43) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(07:48) Rose broke a Knee Plant

(08:02) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock

(08:18) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(08:22) Rodriguez blocked a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock Roll

(08:36) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock Takedown

(08:41) Rodriguez broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(08:51) Rodriguez hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(08:58) Rodriguez hit a Knee Pull

(09:07) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(09:11) Rose hit a Fist Drop

(09:25) Rose applied a Body Scissors

(09:45) Rose applied a Boston Crab

(10:00) Rose got a near submission


Bob Sinclair: Still far too early for the crab to get an actual submission, but Rose seems to have a slight advantage going into the third round.

Frankie Garnett: If she does, it’s minimal at best, Bob. Rodriguez looked to be ramping up the offense himself in the second half of the round. I wouldn’t go giving anyone an advantage just yet.






(10:07) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(10:10) Rose hit a Kick To Gut

(10:24) Rose applied a Side Headlock

(10:31) Rose hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(10:45) Rose applied an Arm Bar

(10:49) Rose hit a Knee Drop

(10:53) Rose hit a Fist Drop

(10:57) Rose hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(11:01) Rose hit a Knee Drop

(11:05) Rose hit an Elbow Drop

(11:18) Rose hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(11:33) Rose hit a Stomp Flurry

(11:37) Rodriguez blocked a Single Leg Grapevine

(11:51) Rose applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(12:09) Rose hit a Slap To Chest

(12:23) Rose applied a Cravate

(12:40) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate

(12:57) Rodriguez broke a Standing Arm Bar

(13:11) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(13:18) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(13:22) Rodriguez hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(13:36) Rodriguez applied an Arm Bar

(13:43) Rose got a rope break to stop a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(13:57) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(14:00) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(14:14) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(14:18) Rose rolled through a Spinning Arm Breaker

(14:34) Rose hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(14:38) Rodriguez blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(14:45) Rodriguez easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(14:48) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(14:55) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(14:59) Rodriguez hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(15:00) Rodriguez hit a Stomp Flurry


Bob Sinclair: The referee had to physically break that flurry of stomps from Rodrigues, and Rose looks a little stunned as she finally makes it back to her corner.

Frankie Garnett: Good, I’d like to see a little more aggression from Diego. Anything to get an advantage in a match that runs this long!






(15:03) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(15:06) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(15:20) Rodriguez applied a Cravate

(15:34) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(15:48) Rodriguez applied a Cravate

(15:51) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(15:56) Rose blocked a Jab Punch

(16:04) Rose got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(16:18) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(16:22) Rodriguez hit an Open Handed Chop

(16:30) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(16:50) Rose applied a Rear Chinlock

(16:58) Diego Rodriguez moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(17:05) Rodriguez hit a Knee Pull

(17:09) Rodriguez hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(17:13) Rodriguez hit a Measured Knee Drop

(17:21) Indigo Rose moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(17:25) Rodriguez blocked a Rear Chinlock

(17:31) Diego Rodriguez moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(17:36) Rose broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(17:50) Rose applied a Cravate

(17:54) Rodriguez stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Rose

(17:57) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(18:01) Rose blocked a Knee Plant

(18:06) Rose broke a Swinging Neckbreaker

(18:11) Rodriguez broke a Cravate

(18:28) Rodriguez applied a Kneeling Cravate

(18:45) Rose blocked a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(18:55) Rodriguez hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(19:02) Indigo Rose easily moved out of the way from a Splash.

(19:10) Rodriguez very easily avoided a Stomp.

(19:17) Rodriguez hit a Knee Plant

(19:31) Rodriguez applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(19:53) Rodriguez hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(19:57) Rodriguez hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(20:00) Rodriguez applied a Surfboard Bow And Arrow


Bob Sinclair: Again Rodriguez keeps up the attack after the bell, and I’m starting to hear a smattering of boos from this crowd here at The Aerie.

Frankie Garnett: Now why are you booing him? He’s winning!

Bob Sinclair: Because it’s not very sporting, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: That just sounds like something losers would say!






(20:07) Rose countered a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with a Side Headlock Takedown

(20:13) Rodriguez avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(20:20) Rose countered a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown with a Knee Plant

(20:34) Rose applied a Side Headlock

(20:39) Rodriguez blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(20:46) Rose hit a Knee Plant

(20:53) Rose hit a Single Leg Trip

(21:06) Rose hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(21:13) Diego Rodriguez moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(21:39) Rodriguez applied a Horizontal Bow And Arrow Lock

(22:01) Rodriguez hit a STO

(22:15) Rodriguez applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(22:35) Rodriguez hit a DDT

(22:42) Rodriguez picked up Rose

(22:47) Rose slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(22:54) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(22:59) Rodriguez blocked a Women's DDT

(23:15) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(23:19) Rodriguez slipped out of the back of a Top Wrist Lock

(23:26) Rodriguez hit a Chop Block

(23:35) Rodriguez picked up Rose

(23:39) Rose blocked a Prelude to Dissonance

(23:55) The sounds of dissonance seem to be gathering...Diego Rodriguez hits the Prelude to Dissonance on Rose!

(23:59) Rose broke a Harmony of Dissonance

(24:13) Rose applied an Arm Wringer

(24:27) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock

(24:31) Rodriguez blocked a Cravate

(24:48) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate

(25:00) Rose got a near submission


Bob Sinclair: You see there, Rose immediately dropped the hold as soon as the bell rang. That’s what Rodriguez failed to do at the end of the two previous rounds, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: He’s still winning, Bob, so what does that matter?






(25:24) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate

(25:41) Rodriguez blocked a Cravate

(25:48) Rose hit a Single Leg Trip

(25:52) Rose hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(26:12) Rose applied a Boston Crab

(26:38) Rose applied a Cravate

(26:42) Rose hit a Slap To Chest

(26:46) Rodriguez blocked a Knee Plant

(26:51) Rodriguez blocked a Women's DDT

(26:56) Rose broke a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(26:59) Rose hit a Punch

(27:04) Rodriguez broke a Women's DDT

(27:08) Rose blocked a DDT

(27:11) Rose countered a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with a Punch

(27:18) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(27:22) Rose hit a Slap To Chest

(27:29) Rose hit a Single Leg Trip

(27:34) Rodriguez broke a Boston Crab

(27:42) Rose got a rope break to stop a Cravate

(27:46) Rose blocked a Front Facelock

(28:00) Rodriguez applied a Side Headlock

(28:16) Rodriguez hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(28:23) Rose got a rope break to stop a Single Leg Grapevine

(28:28) Rose slipped out of the back of a Single Arm DDT

(28:42) Rose applied a Top Wrist Lock

(28:47) Rodriguez blocked a Vertical Body Press

(28:50) Rose hit a Punch

(28:57) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(29:11) Rose applied a Front Facelock

(29:23) Rose hit a Vertical Body Press

(29:38) Rose hit a Stomp Flurry

(29:44) Rodriguez got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(29:47) Rose hit a Punch

(30:00) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate


Bob Sinclair: Rose barely got the hold on when the bell sounded, and again she immediately drops the hold. After the last two rounds, she seems to be making a comeback as she’s frustrated Rodriguez with her various holds.

Frankie Garnett: Remember as well that Rodriguez’s submissions focus on the legs, with the stretch muffler and the grapevine heel hook. Rose’s inverted STF covers legs and head, so every additional moment of those cravats and headlocks are softening Rodriguez up.






(30:04) Rose hit a Slap To Chest

(30:11) Rose applied a Standing Arm Bar

(30:15) Rodriguez broke a Spinning Arm Breaker

(30:20) Rose slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(30:27) Rose hit a Women's DDT

(30:31) Rose hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(30:51) Rose applied a Boston Crab

(31:16) Rose applied a Front Facelock

(31:21) Rodriguez broke a Knee Plant

(31:28) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(31:35) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(31:39) Rodriguez hit a Stomp

(31:43) Rodriguez hit a Fist Drop

(31:47) Rodriguez hit a Knee Drop

(31:51) Rose broke a Rear Chinlock

(31:55) Rodriguez broke a Blood From a Rose

(32:04) Rodriguez hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(32:07) Rodriguez hit a Punch

(32:12) Rose rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(32:16) Rodriguez broke a Blood From a Rose

(32:21) Rose slipped out the front of a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(32:37) Rose hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(32:42) Rodriguez broke a Single Leg Boston Crab

(32:49) Rodriguez hit a Running Clothesline

(32:56) Indigo Rose very easily moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(33:00) Rose hit a Running Knee Drop

(33:10) Rose picked up Rodriguez

(33:14) Rodriguez broke a Blood From a Rose

(33:19) Rose blocked a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(33:26) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(33:31) Rose slipped out of the back of a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(33:35) Rodriguez blocked a Neckbreaker

(33:49) Rose applied an Arm Wringer

(33:52) Rose hit a Punch

(33:57) Rodriguez broke an Arm Wringer Takedown

(34:06) Rodriguez hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(34:20) Rodriguez applied a Front Facelock

(34:27) Rodriguez hit a DDT

(34:32) Rose slipped out of the back of a Harmony of Dissonance

(34:37) Rodriguez broke a Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

(34:41) Rose slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(34:48) Rose hit a Women's DDT

(34:56) Rose picked up Rodriguez

(35:00) Rodriguez blocked a Blood From a Rose


Frankie Garnett: It took seven rounds but Rodirguez is the first to try a finisher, yet Rose was ready for it, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: Now we see what all the previous jockeying for position and dominance over the last seven rounds does, Frankie. It’s not going to be long now before someone makes a mistake and loses a fall.






(35:05) Rodriguez rolled through a Spinning Arm Breaker

(35:09) Rose broke a STO

(35:13) Rodriguez broke a Spinning Arm Breaker

(35:17) Rose blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(35:22) Rose blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(35:29) Rose hit a Knee Plant

(35:33) Rodriguez slipped out of the back of a Spinning Arm Breaker

(35:38) Rose blocked a Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

(35:45) Rodriguez hit a Neckbreaker

(36:11) Rodriguez applied a Surfboard Bow And Arrow

(36:33) Rose avoided a Chop Block.

(36:37) Rodriguez broke a Side Headlock

(36:53) Rodriguez hit a Stump Piledriver

(36:53) Rose started to bleed

(37:00) Rodriguez picked up Rose from behind

(37:04) Rose slipped out of the back of a Full Nelson Legsweep

(37:14) Rose hit a Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

(37:23) Diego Rodriguez moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(37:31) Rose got a rope break to stop a Discordant Melody

(37:41) Rodriguez hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(37:45) Rose rolled through a Harmony of Dissonance

(37:52) Rose hit a Single Leg Trip

(38:00) Rodriguez got a rope break to stop a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(38:04) Rodriguez blocked a Blood From a Rose

(38:11) Rose hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(38:15) Rose hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(38:19) Rodriguez blocked a STF

(38:24) Rodriguez rolled through a Boston Crab

(38:29) Rose broke a STO

(38:34) Rodriguez blocked a Women's DDT

(38:38) Rose hit a Slap To Chest

(38:45) Rose hit a Knee Plant

(38:52) Rose hit a Women's DDT

(38:57) Rodriguez blocked a Single Leg Grapevine

(39:01) Rodriguez stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Rose

(39:08) Rose avoided a Forearm Blow.

(39:13) Rodriguez blocked a Blood From a Rose

(39:18) Rodriguez rolled through a Top Wrist Lock Takedown

(39:35) Rodriguez applied a Kneeling Cravate

(39:51) Rose slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(39:54) Rodriguez countered a Vertical Body Press with a Punch

(39:58) Rose broke a Prelude to Dissonance

(40:00) Rose hit a Spinning Arm Breaker


Frankie Garnett: Oh, look, she wanted to press the attack, Bob!

Bob Sinclair: But she did not. But it has to be getting into Rodriguez’s head, Frankie. Rose has controlled the ending of the last four or five rounds, and Diego has not been able to apply his finishers at all though he’s tried.

Frankie Garnett: You do it enough times, one will eventually stick. I think we’ll see it in the next round, actually.






(40:07) Rose hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(40:33) Rose applied a STF

(40:46) Rose got a near submission

(40:53) Indigo Rose grabs hold of Rodriguez...and there's the Blood From a Rose DDT!

(40:58) Rose got a one count

(41:15) Rose applied a Kneeling Cravate

(41:36) Rose hit a Women's DDT

(41:56) Rose applied a Single Leg Boston Crab

(42:12) Rodriguez blocked a Blood From a Rose

(42:16) Rose hit a Slap To Chest

(42:28) Rose hit a Vertical Body Press

(42:33) Rodriguez blocked a Vite d'Indaco

(42:40) Rose picked up Rodriguez

(42:45) Rodriguez broke a Blood From a Rose

(42:59) Rodriguez applied a Cravate

(43:02) Rodriguez hit a Forearm Blow

(43:09) Rodriguez applied a Standing Arm Bar

(43:19) Rodriguez hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(43:23) Rodriguez hit a Running Knee Drop

(43:30) Rodriguez hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(43:40) Indigo Rose very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(43:44) Rodriguez blocked a Vite d'Indaco

(44:10) Rose applied a Stump Puller

(44:22) Rose got a near submission

(44:26) Rodriguez broke a Vertical Body Press

(44:36) Rodriguez hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(44:40) Rose broke a Discordant Melody

(44:47) Rose hit a Women's DDT

(44:55) Rodriguez got a rope break to stop a Vite d'Indaco

(45:00) Rose hit a Vertical Body Press


Frankie Garnett: Bob, did you see that just now?

Bob Sinclair: I did, Frankie. Rose was a little ginger on that left leg heading back to her corner. Looked like when she landed from that press that her right ankle took the brunt of the impact.

Frankie Garnett: And if Rodriguez saw it you can be sure he’ll have his sights set on that right leg.






(45:07) Rodriguez hit a Knee Plant

(45:27) Rodriguez has Indigo Rose's voice crying out in a Discordant Melody!


Frankie Garnett: That was fast!

Bob Sinclair: Rodriguez with that heel hook on the right leg of Rose, and it’s center of the ring, too. Rose knows she’s not getting to the ropes, and taps almost immediately!

Frankie Garnett: At least he let the hold go quickly, Bob, since you were harping on that earlier.

Bob Sinclair: This time. Can Rose get back into this match with not even a minute gone into the tenth round?






(45:43) Rose blocked a Knee Plant

(45:48) Rose blocked a STO

(45:53) Rodriguez rolled through a Kneeling Cravate

(46:03) Rodriguez hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(46:23) Rodriguez has Indigo Rose's voice crying out in a Discordant Melody!



Bob Sinclair: Again with the heel hook! He’s got the hold in deep, Frankie!

Frankie Garnett: Rose is just inches away from the ropes, but she can’t pull her own weight as well as Rodriguez’s with her, and she has to tap!

Bob Sinclair: In quick, stunning fashion, Rodriguez nets two falls in the tenth round to end this one in a hurry!

Frankie Garnett: It was that impact at the end of the ninth, Bob. Had Rose landed differently, this may be a different story we’re telling.

Bob Sinclair: Indeed. But on this night, at least, Diego Rodriguez emerges as the victor in this European Rules contest!


Diego Rodriguez (4-3) def. Indigo Rose (3-4), two falls to none, in 46:34.  Rating: ****

Fall 1: Rodriguez, submission via Discordant Melody, 45:39

Fall 2: Rodriguez, submission via Discordant Melody, 46:34

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 9.59, XP + 788.99, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body, arms, and legs

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 2.27, XP + 283.50, major damage to head, minor damage to body and legs

This was the Match of the Night (3 [2 this season] for Diego Rodriguez, 2 [1 this season] for Indigo Rose)



p54rf5F.jpg (5) De'siree Mitchell (3-3, OVR 482)


(8) Daniel Simmons (0-6, OVR 491) zd1WDAc.jpg

Any match that followed that war under European Rules was going to have its hands full keeping the crowd entertained. These two didn’t even try for entertainment, they just went at each other wanting to win. It was Mitchell’s match for the taking, having Simmons dead to rights for an All Out Blitz, but Simmons managed to leapfrog the second attempt and Mitchell went face-first into the middle turnbuckle. That was the turning point for Simmons, who managed to string together just enough offense that his own variant of a standing ankle lock was enough to get the submission, and Simmons finally earns his first victory in the Alpha Division!

Daniel Simmons (1-6) def. De'siree Mitchell (3-4) via Submission (Quitting Time) in 16:46.  Rating: **

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 4.35, XP + 732.07, minor damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -0.08, XP + 183.02, minor damage to head



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (2) Blood River (4-2, OVR 492)


(5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-4, OVR 490) ZThYhej.jpg AAdEYyr.jpg

This just barely avoided the definition of a squash match, as River managed to get enough offense in to surprise Ouilette. But the Frenchman seems to have River’s number (with some assistance from his “dame du jour” at ringside on this night), as he moves to 3-0 against the cultist after a swinging neckbreaker put an end to the proceedings rather abruptly.

Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-4) def. Blood River (4-3) via Pinfall (Fleur de Lis) in 9:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 3.92, XP + 503.81, no notable damage

Changes for Blood River:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.44, no notable damage



FXyrc6C.jpg (2) George Mastachas (5-1, OVR 494)


(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-4, OVR 488) d7FEgH5.jpg

Gross came out this week like he had something to prove, taking the fight to the championship contender immediately. Mastachas is not where he is for being a pushover, though, and fought back as the minutes wore on. Twice Mastachas hit Olympus Rises, and twice the Right Reverend kicked out at one. After the second, Mastachas decided he was tired of playing around, and chained a head drop suplex into a dangerous head drop suplex, and that was enough to keep Gross down for three. Mastachas maintains his claim to at least a share of the Alpha Division lead as the first half comes to a close.

George Mastachas (6-1) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-5) via Pinfall (dangerous head drop suplex) in 14:25.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 4.22, XP + 730.38, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.60, minor damage to head and body



FqeSGy6.jpg (3) Nuclear Templeton (3-3, OVR 497)


(4) Brandy McDonald (3-3, OVR 502) gGexPKo.jpg

A Match of the Night contender, it was McDonald who started the arms race this time. This would prove to be a mistake as Nuclear appeared to take it personally, and over the following several minutes gave back as good as he got. When McDonald tried for an enzuigiri and missed, it gave Templeton the opening needed. A Tactical Nuke led into the Radiation Leak, as one does, and Templeton remains within hailing distance of the division lead and a successful defense of his League Championship. Fun fact: Nuclear now has thirteen wins in one-fall matches (Standard, Hardcore, Submission) via submission, tied for most in The League with Diego Rodriguez and Reverend Johnny Gross.

Nuclear Templeton (4-3) def. Brandy McDonald (3-4) via Submission (Radiation Leak) in 15:33.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 5.54, XP + 792.13, minor damage to head

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 0.77, XP + 198.03, minor damage to head



LG3TCXf.jpg (2) Lucas Molina (4-2, OVR 458)


(1) Christian Priest (5-1, OVR 545) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

Winner here would claim the Gamma Division lead at the halfway point of the season. While this match was close, it wasn’t to the normally lofty standards of the First Church of Wrestling. Molina was determined to break any momentum Priest could obtain and keep Priest from steamrolling into Tag Team Turmoil. While this was by and large successful, in no small part due to a number of Puerto Rican Legsweeps, Priest seemed to be energized by witnessing Gross lose earlier in the night. Molina managed to fend off three different finisher attempts from Priest before he got caught unaware with a shot below the belt. Priest went into the cover despite the referee’s admonishment, and the Gamma Division ends the first half on an underhanded victory for Christian Priest headed into Tag Team Turmoil.

Christian Priest (6-1) def. Lucas Molina (4-3) via Pinfall (begging off low blow) in 14:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 4.24, XP + 560.22, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR -0.07, XP + 140.06, minor damage to head and body



wSRPoAi.jpg (6) Mel O'Hallister (3-3, OVR 504)


(1) The Mastodon (5-1, OVR 499) NSa1kkC.jpg

Mastodon needed a win here to maintain his lead to start the second half. A late contender for Match of the Night, this had Mastodon all but dominating the opening half of the contest. A press powerslam nearly let him walk out of the cage door, only for O’Hallister to lunge for Mastodon’s ankles at the last moment to keep the big man inside. O;Hallister would get a little offense in, but that was stopped by Culling the Weak twice, and then a Rampage. And even then O’Hallister found a way to stop Mastodon from climbing over the cage! This seemed to anger Mastodon, who looked to take off O’Hallister’s head with a second Rampage. The lariat missed, and as Mastodon turned back towards O’Hallister the Irishman went low, using his fist to connect with the low blow instead of the crook of the arm like most heels attempt. Mastodon crumpled to the mat in pain, and O’Hallister, bad leg and all, managed to climb over the cage and hit the floor before Mastodon could recover, keeping his dreams of a League Championship alive for the time being!

Mel O'Hallister (4-3) def. The Mastodon (5-2) via Cage Escape (low blow) in 16:06.  Rating: ***

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 5.58, XP + 792.56, minor damage to head and body

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 1.53, XP + 198.14, minor damage to head



Lp89uMT.jpg (1) Brian Blackfield (6-0, OVR 545)


(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-2, OVR 495) xHVnvxD.jpg

Last season’s promotes from the Gamma Division faced off in the main event, held under Last One Standing rules. On paper, the advantage was clearly with The Juggernaut. In practice…pretty much the exact same held true. Nakamatsu did well to nearly put Blackfield in range of the DEVASTATION Knee, if not an actual finisher, but Blackfield was simply too much on this night. A forward Russian legsweep only netted eight on the count, but the Scotland Destroyer that followed it got the full ten, and Blackfield’s march towards perfection continues into the second half of the season….

Brian Blackfield (7-0) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-3) via LM Standing (Scotland Destroyer) in 11:03.  Rating: **

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 4.03, XP + 630.90, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.72, minor damage to head






1.  George Mastachas:  6-1, ATV 16:34, (AMR 2.143), OVR 498.58

2.  The Mastodon:  5-2, ATV 15:50, (AMR 2.571), OVR 500.63

3.  Mel O'Hallister:  4-3, ATV 15:26, (AMR 2.286), OVR 509.49

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  4-3, ATV 13:37, (AMR 2.000), OVR 502.14

5.  Brandy McDonald:  3-4, ATV 15:43, (AMR 2.143), OVR 502.54

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  3-4, ATV 18:14, (AMR 2.286), OVR 481.98

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-5, ATV 15:22, (AMR 2.000), OVR 487.89

8.  Daniel Simmons:  1-6, ATV 16:46, (AMR 2.571), OVR 495.48

  • Both ties are broken by simple head-to-head (H2H).



1.  Brian Blackfield:  7-0, ATV 14:09 (AMR 2.143), OVR 549.30

2.  Blood River:  4-3, ATV 9:49 (AMR 1.714), OVR 491.91

3.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  4-3, ATV 14:01 (AMR 2.000), OVR 494.81

4.  Angela Wassermann:  4-3, ATV 10:38 (AMR 2.000), OVR 461.64

5.  Billy Norris:  3-4, ATV 15:49 (AMR 2.429), OVR 491.59

6.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  3-4, ATV 10:45 (AMR 2.286), OVR 493.55

7.  Pulsar:  2-5, ATV 13:33 (AMR 2.429), OVR 459.57

8.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-6, ATV 14:26 (AMR 2.429), OVR 465.46

  • 4-3 records are broken via H2H (River’s beaten both, Nakamatsu’s beaten Wassermann).
  • 3-4 record broken by simple H2H.



1.  Christian Priest:  6-1, ATV 12:37, (AMR 3.286), OVR 549.58

2.  Terrance Stevens:  4-3, ATV 9:22, (AMR 2.000), OVR 465.32

3.  Lucas Molina:  4-3, ATV 14:20, (AMR 1.571), OVR 457.56

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  4-3, ATV 22:24, (AMR 2.286), OVR 495.31

5.  Indigo Rose:  3-4, ATV 15:41, (AMR 2.571), OVR 465.61

6.  Erick Gibson:  3-4, ATV 11:27, (AMR 2.571), OVR 479.58

7.  Diamond:  3-4, ATV 9:47, (AMR 2.143), OVR 469.41

8.  Markus Clay:  1-6, ATV 7:04, (AMR 2.429), OVR 455.74

  • 4-3: H2H does not break three-way tie as all members are 1-1 against the others.
    • Stevens has fastest ATV in his win, thus winning the first tiebreaker.
    • Molina has H2H over Rodriguez.
  • 3-4: All broken by H2H (Rose has beaten both, Gibson has beaten Diamond)



1.  Lance Heartilly:  6-1, ATV 11:36 (AMR 2.571), OVR 428.72

2.  Monty Dhillon:  5-2, ATV 6:05 (AMR 2.143), OVR 503.86

3.  Kichi Hida:  5-2, ATV 6:24 (AMR 1.714), OVR 444.50

4.  El Tornado:  3-4, ATV 7:15 (AMR 2.000), OVR 441.15

5.  Scott Stevens:  3-4, ATV 9:45 (AMR 2.143), OVR 413.29

6.  Nocturne:  3-4, ATV 12:21 (AMR 2.143), OVR 413.76

7.  Jun Onoo:  3-4, ATV 9:35 (AMR 1.857), OVR 462.25

8.  Devil's Delight:  0-7, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 414.26

  • 5-2 is broken by simple H2H.
  • 3-4: Tornado/Stevens are both 2-1 against the others tied at 3-4.
    • Splitting them off into their own tiebreaker shows Tornado beat Stevens, so Tornado takes the top spot off that.
    • The remainder is off H2H (Stevens beat Nocturne and Onoo, Nocturne beat Onoo)



(Reminder: The standings will now show “official” scores with the bottom two weeks dropped.)

1. Croquemitaine: 56 (this week: 12). Total score: 72 (drop weeks 4 [8] and 5 [8])

2. SeanMcG: 54 (this week: 6). Total score: 70 (drop weeks 4 [10] and 7 [6])

3. Eternal Phoenix: 54 (this week: 12). Total score: 67 (drop weeks 4 [5] and 5 [8])

4. ShadowedFlames: 53 (this week: 7). Total score: 72 (drop weeks 4 [7] and 7 [7])

5. Derek B:  51 (this week: 10). Total score: 55 (drop weeks 3 [0] and 5 [4])

6. Jman2k3: 49 (this week: 7). Total score: 63 (drop weeks 4 [7] and 7 [7])







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1 hour ago, ShadowedFlames said:

A perfectly average match until its sudden end, which came after Norris spiked Weathers on the top of his head with a Boomerang DDT. The three count was academic, and the show stopped for a few minutes while medical personnel assisted Weathers to the locker room as a precautionary measure. He would later be diagnosed with a slight neck sprain but would be ruled good to go for Tag Team Turmoil otherwise.


Speaking as a completely neutral third-party observer, I think Weathers should take the safe, cautious approach and sit out of Tag-Team Turmoil. I mean, you don't want to take chances with your neck, amirite?

My only concern is Weathers' long-term health, of course.  😇


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All right let’s have an unofficial pick off, eh? Winner gets nothing but bragging rights. Engage the bracketology side of your brain let’s go. Pick the winners from round to round. Let’s have some fun with it. I’ll do mine in the next post; this is just a format for y’all to use.


Match 1

Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)


Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)


Match 2

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Billy And The Cult (Billy Norris and Blood River)


Match 3

Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)


Four Fists No Waiting (Big Scott Weathers and Jean-Paul Ouilette)


Match 4

Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)


Team Friendship (Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly)


Match 5

Sky High (Markus Clay and El Tornado)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)


Match 6

Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)


Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)


Match 7

Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)


ARM. BAR. (Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight)


Match 8

Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)


Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)


Match 9

Winner of Match 1


Winner of Match 8


Match 10

Winner of Match 4


Winner of Match 5


Match 11

Winner of Match 2


Winner of Match 7


Match 12

Winner of Match 3


Winner of Match 6


Match 13

Winner of Match 9


Winner of Match 10


Match 14

Winner of Match 11


Winner of Match 12


Tag Team Turmoil Championship Match

Winner of Match 13


Winner of Match 14

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Match 1
Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)
Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)

It’s hard to bet against a team that’s done so well in the past, so let’s just not do that. Onoo is the weak link here, and I think he’ll be exploited for the win.

Match 2
Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)
Billy And The Cult (Billy Norris and Blood River)

Despite his performance in Alpha this season, Johnny Gross is frighteningly good at what he does. Blackfield’s dominance across two and a half seasons speaks for itself. Norris and River are erratic at best. They take an L here.

Match 3
Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)
Four Fists No Waiting (Big Scott Weathers and Jean-Paul Ouilette)

Dhillion and Priest are both large, dominant forces. Big Scotty is a jobber and Ouilette is not having the best season. Yeah, they’re going down.

Match 4
Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)
Team Friendship (Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly)

Stevens and Heartilly are actually capable of taking this. Heartilly is Molina 2.0, apparently, and Stevens has already beaten the Gamma division star this season. The difference here is an Irish Buzzsaw who stalks Alpha division despite being the smallest man there. So my guys have got this. Probably.

Match 5
Sky High (Markus Clay and El Tornado)
Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

Here we have the first high seed going down in my bracket. Clay and Tornado will be better than their regular season has shown with the ability to tag out and take a breather, but Rose and Nocturne are too good here.

Match 6
Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)
Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)

This seems to be more about Mastodon vs. De’siree than Gibson or Pulsar’s contributions. This is incorrect. The two Alpha division members are more or less a wash. De’siree’s beaten Mastodon in the first half, but the big fella is having the better season overall. So it actually comes down to who can perform better in a tag environment. Gibson, whose stamina issues will be eased? Or Pulsar, who will undoubtedly be better with the ability to tag in and out? Just for fun, I think I’ll take the upset. I could be wrong, though.

Match 7
Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)
ARM. BAR. (Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight)

Delight is a walking disaster Wasserman cannot compensate for while dealing the monstrous Nuke. Sorry, ladies. Bad match up for you.

Match 8
Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)
Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)

Am I a homer? Yes. But Yoshii’s beaten Diego in the past, and what Kichi did in the last tournament and over the first half of the season ought to speak for itself. I like Simmons and Diego, but they’re not ready for the buzzsaw that is Kichi Hida with Yoshii backing her up.

Match 9 
Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)
Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)

I want to believe in Yoshii and Kichi here, I really do. But the track record of Brandy and Diamond is undeniable. So it’s easily the hardest call of the second round. Basically a coin flip. So I’ll just be a homer and probably be wrong. Bah.

Match 10 
Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)
Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

It’s the same story as Molina and O’Hallister’s prelim match. Rose and Nocturne could technically beat Molina individually, but they’re no match for the Irish Buzzsaw.

Match 11 
Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)
Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)

A tough call here, but ultimately I gotta give it to the duo with a history of being absolute juggernauts. Keep an eye on Blackfield vs. Nuke. The former is promoting at the end of the season, so this’ll be a next season preview of Alpha division Blackfield.

Match 12 
Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)
Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)

Yeah, no. Dhillon and Priest are going to run them over. Especially Pulsar.

Match 13 
Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)
Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)

Yoshi and Kichi may have struggled past the legends of the tournament, but their run ends here. Molina’s had Kichi’s number last season, and there’s the Irish Buzzsaw to worry about besides.

Match 14 
Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)
Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)

Look guys, I just wanna see Dhillon and Priest win. Maybe it’ll happen. Maybe it won’t. But it’s my bracket, so whatever.

Tag Team Turmoil Championship Match
Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)
Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)

Total homer pick, as like hell either team is going to be here. Might as well have a little fun with it. Yeah?

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I will give this a go, since it's all in fun😃


Match 1

Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)


Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)

- This is Mastachas' year. Plus the tag-team format may hide some of Onoo's weaknesses. On the other side, both McDonald and Diamond have been inconsistent this season.


Match 2

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Billy And The Cult (Billy Norris and Blood River)

- Gross proved his dominance over all Beta Division opposition last season, and Blackfield is proving his this season.


Match 3

Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)


Four Fists No Waiting (Big Scott Weathers and Jean-Paul Ouilette)

- While I do think the First Church may have been seeded too high (Dhillon's never won a TTT match), I don't see them losing this match-up.


Match 4

Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)


Team Friendship (Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly)

- I can only repeat what Eternal Phoenix said. If Molina and Heartilly cancel each other out, then you have O'Hallister vs. Stevens. Have to go with O'Hallister.


Match 5

Sky High (Markus Clay and El Tornado)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

- I just can't put any confidence in Clay and Tornado.


Match 6

Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)


Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)

- Could go either way, but Gibson seems to be coming back into form, and Karen McClure has become a major difference-maker of late. The former may be a result of the latter.


Match 7

Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)


ARM. BAR. (Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight)

- The. Champ. Is. Here.


Match 8

Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)


Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)

- Am I underselling Simmons? Maybe.


Match 9

Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)


Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)

- I expect superior teamwork from the all-Japanese team.


Match 10

Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

- My bracket may be completely wrong, but I am confident that the winner of Match 4 will defeat the winner of Match 5.


Match 11

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)

- Someone has to lose this, and Stevens' ring-rust may be the x-factor.


Match 12

Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)


Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)

- The Mastodon can't stay in the ring forever.


Match 13

Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)


Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)

- Stretcher plus buzzsaw versus... stretcher plus buzzsaw. But O'Hallister is highest up the food chain.


Match 14

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)

- Homer Pick!!! I don't know what will actually happen, but I know I want to see Dhillon and Priest get some revenge on Blackfield. Preferably by referee stoppage for maximum schadenfreude.


Tag Team Turmoil Championship Match

Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)


Eternal Rivals (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)

- Not the result I want, but the result I expect if this match-up comes to pass. Dhillon, sadly, will be the weak link.


Interesting that Phoenix and I ended up with the same final match-up (and winner) without either of us feeling overly confident about it. I went match-by-match, and most of my picks were 51%-49%. Except Match 10. I stand by that.

So if Match 10 ends up being Sky High defeating Team Friendship... I'm just gonna go hide in a corner for a while.


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