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Monday, Week 3, November 1995

WCW Monday Nitro

Attendance: 9,799


This week's broadcast kicks off with the typical large pyro and firework display, followed by the introduction by Eric Bischoff. He gives us a brief recap of WCW Saturday Night where it was announced that Harlem Heat will defend the tag team titles against the Steiner Brothers at World War 3. He also discussed how Ric Flair and the 4 Horsemen taunted Ricky Steamboat and his ability to still "go" in the ring. This was of course followed up with Steve Austin making a shocking return to WCW last week and the revelation that he is the 4th member of the Horsemen. Bischoff tells everyone that Tony Schiavone is standing by backstage with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.



Tony: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, you made your surprise return to the world of wrestling at Halloween Havoc to take on the Horsemen, and it seems that you struck quite the nerve with the group, as they've relentlessly calling you out, even questioning if you're able to "go" in the ring any more.


That's right, Tony, they've been questioning my ability. You know, I think it's kind of funny that they're questioning if I can still go in the ring. I think I proved that at Halloween Havoc and I think I proved it again last week against Brian Pillman. I've been called many things in my long time in wrestling, Tony, and bad in the ring isn't one of them. I knew coming back to the wrestling ring was going to be a test for me. I knew it was going to be a challenge, but Tony, if I didn't believe in my abilities, if I didn't think I had "it" anymore, then I never would have come back. Well now Ric Flair wants to question that. I suppose if I'm going to come back to the ring, Tony, then I might as well prove to everyone right away that I have what it takes still. I should prove to Ric Flair that I can go the distance and Tony, I think Ric Flair is just a little bit concerned. Ric Flair is concerned that maybe he doesn't have it anymore, so he wants to project that on to me! So Ric Flair, for that, I issue you a challenge! I challenge you to a match at World War 3! But I don't just challenge you to any match, Ric Flair. I challenge you to a 60 minute match! I know back in the day you would have 60 minute matches every day, but looking back, I haven't seen you in one of those in a long time! You brag about being the 60 minute man??? Well how about YOU prove it at World War 3?!

Rating: 84


WCW TV Title:

Sabu vs Eddie Guerrero (c)

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Nitro head to the ring for the first match of the night, which happens to be a TV title defense by Eddie Guerrero. While Eddie heads to the ring, the announce team talk about how Lord Steven Regal called out Guerrero this past weekend on Saturday Night, claiming he would show Eddie how to win a match. The problem, they noted, was that it was against the Macho Man Randy Savage. So, Regal was not successful in that claim. The week prior, Regal had challenged Eddie to a match, which the new champion readily accepted. Now was Eddie's turn to show how to win a match, which he did in convincing form. Eddie picked up the win at 6:17 after hitting the Frog Splash.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 70




Following the match, we're brought to a pre-recorded promo with the Giant, who is standing in a dimly lit room surrounded by fog


The Immortal Hulk Hogan...He tried to put an end to me at Halloween Havoc, but failed. He failed miserably! Hulk Hogan, I'm still standing! You might have tried to put me down, but as the saying goes, you can't stop a monster. You can't stop a giant. Hulk Hogan, you might have gotten away at Halloween Havoc, but you won't get away at World War 3. The end is still near, and still coming for Hulkamania and the only thing you've done is prolong your own destruction! At World War 3, I'm going to get my hands on you, Hulk Hogan, and I'm going to finish you once and for all. And when I'm done doing that, I'm going to walk out of World War 3 the new World Heavyweight Champion!

Rating: 71



Scott Norton vs Disco Inferno

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Nitro comes back from commercial and the introductions of the next competitors is made. Disco seems to really be getting the crowd behind him, probably with a lot of help with a catchy entry theme. He began the match more focused on his dancing rather than his opponent, and in this case, that was a huge mistake. Norton basically steamrolled Disco and made him pay for his theatrics. Norton picked up the win at 6:04 after hitting a shoulder breaker.

Winner: Scott Norton

Rating: 47


Nitro continues to run along when after the match, cameras go once again backstage, but it isn't for an interview or a promo. There is once again a huge amount of chaos in the backstage area and once it can be sorted out, Harlem Heat is in the process of delivering a vicious backstage attack on the Steiner's. The Heat continue to deliver a beat-down and although the Steiner's manage to hold them off at first, they eventually come out on the losing end. Once Harlem Heat appear to be satisfied with their work, they walk off as officials rush in and check on the fallen Steiner Brothers.

Rating: 64




We stay backstage for another interview segment, once again with Tony Schiavone, who seems to be getting more of the share of interviewing responsibilities this week. His guest now is standing beside him, Lex Luger. Tony asks Lex about recent events, Halloween Havoc, Sting, and how the Horsemen, namely Brian Pillman, have set a target on his best friend.


Lex Luger: I've known Sting a long time, Tony. He and I have traveled up and down the roads, all across the United States and to other countries. He's been there for me at all times when I've needed him and he's been there for me even when I wasn't the greatest friend to him! If there's one thing the Stinger is, it's resilient! Now, I'm not sure what Brian Pillman's issue is with Sting, but he's nowhere near the champion that the Stinger is! I've got no problem standing up for my best friend and if Pillman wants to keep it up, he's going to find out he's barking up the wrong tree!

Rating: 64



The Shark vs Lex Luger

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Luger headed to the ring following his interview for this next match. Despite being a big guy, The Shark is quite capable in the ring and showed it here against the Total Package. Shark spent the majority of the match in control and went for his finisher, the Shark Attack, but Luger got out of the way. This allowed Luger to hit a flurry of offense, capping it off by impressively lifting Shark up for the Torture Rack, sealing the win at 7:04.

Winner: Lex Luger



The match ends and Nitro takes another commercial. When Nitro resumes, Mean Gene Okerlund is standing in the ring, not one to miss a Monday Nitro, and introduces his guest, the former heavyweight champion of the world, Hulk Hogan. American Made plays over the arena speakers and Hulk Hogan makes his way out to much fan fare. Once in the ring, Mean Gene gets down to his interview.


Gene: Hulk Hogan, you have created quite the stir in the last couple of weeks since being stripped of the world title. Many weren't pleased with your actions at Halloween Havoc and many more are displeased with your behavior afterwards, mainly how you've conducted yourself since being stripped of the World Title.

Hogan: Well ya know something Mean Gene, I've just laid the facts out all on the table, brother! They say that the truth often hurts, and I'm not going to ever shy away from telling the truth, man! If people have a problem with it, then that's just too bad, Mean Gene. I can't sit around and worry about making people happy! My main goal, brother, is getting my world title back and if I have to run through 59 other wrestlers at World War 3, brother, then that's what I'm gonna do!

Hulk Hogan, we just heard from the Giant earlier, and there's been several other wrestlers over the past couple of weeks claiming their win at the Pay Per View. Who do you think will be your toughest challenge in the battle royal??

If you ask me, Mean Gene, the biggest competitor, the person I'm going to have to overcome the most, will me myself, brother! I'm not taking away from the other competitors, but when you get into a match with that many other opponents, it becomes a battle in your mind, Mean Gene! I'm going to have to not think about all the other wrestlers and focus on myself and what I need to do! Now, as far as-----


- Hogan is suddenly cut off by the sound of neighing horses followed by a slow guitar riff. Fans all know the music belongs to the 4 Horsemen, but they did not expect this man to walk out -



- Austin walks out onto the set, dripping with confidence. Rather than going to the ring, though, Austin stays atop the stage and begins to address Hogan in the ring - 


Austin: So let me get this straight....You couldn't cheat your way out of defending your title at Halloween Havoc against the Giant, ended up getting stripped of the title, and now you're crying and complaining that it's everyone else's fault??? The problem you have, Hogan, is that you've gone your entire career having people kiss your rear end. Every time you've gotten challenged by someone you're afraid of, you go back to the same old routine of wrestling all your old buddies! You ducked people your entire career! You ducked Rick Rude and Jake Roberts in the WWF, and you ducked me in WCW when you first came here! As a matter of fact, I got fired because of you and because you were afraid of me threatening your position!


Now hold it right here, Austin! The fact of the matter, brother, isn't that I ducked you or was afraid of you threatening my position, because you weren't even in my shadow, brother! Your problem is that you think you're someone bigger than what you are! So you just see your opportunity to come out here and go for the head honcho, brother! Well let me spoil the party for you right now, because you're not even on the same level as Hulk Hogan, dude!


I'm not on the same level because you make sure to keep your finger down on anyone better than you! I can run rings around you Hogan, and you can try as hard as you want, but eventually, you're not going to be able to hide from me forever, and at World War 3, you put a bullseye on your back, and Steve Austin's entering hunting season!

Rating: 78


Austin exits the stage and heads to the back. Cameras return to the ring where Hogan plays to the crowd a bit before exiting. The cameras stay on Mean Gene inside the ring as he faces the hard camera and gives some hype for World War 3 and the battle royal. Gene hypes the announced tag team title matchup with Harlem Heat taking on the Steiner's and also hypes up the TV title match with Eddie Guerrero defending the title against Lord Steven Regal. Gene sends Nitro to its last commercial break and says the main event will take place following the break.

Rating: 66



Hulk Hogan & Sting vs Arn Anderson & Ric Flair

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The crowd were on their feet for this star-studded main event. Hogan actually began the match against Arn Anderson. The Enforcer and Flair took turns, isolating Hogan from his corner. Sting ended up being the hot tag of the match and came in, cleaning house and taking charge with a burst of energy. Following a pair of Stinger Splashes to Anderson, Hulk Hogan hit a big boot on Flair, which caused him to fall out of the ring. Sting locked in the Scorpion Deathlock on Double A to secure the submission victory at 11:36.

Winners: Hulk Hogan & Sting

Rating: 75



Overall Show Grade: 77


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Hello everyone! I'm Mean Gene Okerlund bringing you this week's WCW Hotline Report! WCW is heading into the final week before the huge World War 3 Pay Per View where a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned! As such, you can bet Monday Nitro will be full of action, so don't miss out! Lets get to this past Monday Night's ratings battle!


WCW Monday Nitro: 2.98

WWF Raw: 1.61


As you can see, both shows were up this week, Nitro more significantly, and wrestling fans still prefer what WCW has to offer!


WCW has announced the contract signings of several talents, including young talent Lance Storm, Perry Saturn, and ring veteran Dave Taylor. There were some other recent signings, however, that seems more to coincide with the upcoming Pay Per View and these other talents are not expected to stick around. I'm told that Storm and Saturn will play a role in WCW, though it will not be immediate.


Rick Steiner is finishing up previous commitments in ECW and NJPW and should be done by the end of the month.


Diamond Dallas Page has agreed to a contract extension with WCW, so we will continue to see DDP in WCW for quite some time!


On the WWF side of things, Diesel defeated Psycho Sid at Survivor Series to retain the WWF Heavyweight title. Shawn Michaels defeated the British Bulldog to retain the Intercontinental title.


WCW Saturday Night saw quite a bit of action. Lord Steven Regal introduced "Squire" David Taylor to his Blue Blood group. The WCW Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat also issued an open challenge to any team this Monday night on Nitro! Here are the results from this weekend;


WCW Saturday Night

The Giant def. Randy Savage by DQ

The Faces of Fear def. The Nasty Boys

David Taylor def. Mr. JL

Diamond Dallas Page def. Brad Armstrong

American Males def. The James Boys

Steve Austin def. Johnny B. Badd


Here is the lineup for this week's Monday Nitro, remember, it's the final Nitro before the Pay Per View at the end of the week!


WCW Monday Nitro

Brian Pillman vs Ricky Steamboat


WCW Tag Team Titles:

??? vs Harlem Heat (c)


Brad Armstrong vs Dean Malenko


Johnny B. Badd vs Earl Robert Eaton



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WCW Monday Nitro

LIVE from the Desert Sun Stadium

Attendance: 9,824


Fan are excited for this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro! Eric Bischoff welcomes us and reminds us all that we are less than one week away from WCW World War 3 and the crowning of a new WCW World Heavyweight champion! Who could it be? Will it be the Giant? Randy Savage? Sting? Ric Flair? Will Hulk Hogan reclaim his title? Or will someone have a Cinderella night and become the new champion? The possibilities are endless! Bischoff also gives a brief recap from WCW Saturday Night this past weekend. He says just last week, Ricky Steamboat issued a challenge to Ric Flair for World War 3, and that challenge was to a 60 minute match. Bischoff signals for the production crew to replay the footage from Ric Flair's response this past weekend;


WCW Saturday Night Recap:


Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat wants a 60 minute match with Ric Flair?? With the Nature Boy?? Steamboat, pal, you haven't had a 60 minute match since the mid 80's. You wouldn't know what 60 minutes is today if it was staring you straight in the face, my man. I'll tell you what, Steamboat....I'll give you your match at World War 3, but I'm going to do you a favor. It's not going to be 60 minutes, because not only would you not be able to handle it, but because then I'm going to go into the battle royal and outlast every single other wrestler and win the WCW World Heavyweight title! So we're going to do this, Steamboat..We'll start you off small and then maybe build it up, ok? We'll have a 20 minute time limit match and see how you do, and 20 minutes will barely be enough time for the Nature Boy to break a sweat!




Johnny B. Badd vs Earl Robert Eaton

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Following the Saturday Night recap, WCW presents its first match of the night. Johnny B. Badd kept the crowd excited and Earl Robert Eaton was joined to the ring by Lord Steven Regal and newest member of the Blue Bloods, Esquire David Taylor, who was just introduced this past weekend on Saturday Night. Badd got the pin fall win at 7:18 after hitting a moonsault.

Winner: Johnny B. Badd

Rating: 54




Following the match, the Blue Bloods are in the ring and Regal has a microphone.


While everyone's all up in arms about this Sunday's Pay Per View and the battle royal, let me fill you in on what my priority is....I'm going to take Eddie Guerrero and show him what a real wrestler is capable of, and then I'm going to stretch him from one end of the ring to the other, and then I'll take his TV title! After I'm finished with him to be come the new champion, I'm going to go into the battle royal and beat everyone else to not just be the Television champion, but then I'm going to be the World Heavyweight champion as well, and my two partners are going to ensure nothing but victory!

Rating: 61



Brad Armstrong vs Dean Malenko

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A pretty good technical match between two very capable workers, though it didn't get the crowd very excited. Dean Malenko showed off some pretty great skill in the ring and came away with the submission victory at 8:28 via a Texas Cloverleaf.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 68




After a commercial, we're backstage at the interview position where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with the American Males. There's not much to discuss in this interview, it was just an opportunity for the Males to hype their participation in the WW3 battle royal and also claim that they should be getting more title opportunities.

Rating: 53




Harlem Heat's music hits the speakers which brings the crowd to their feet. After making their entrance and going to the ring, the announcers hype events from WCW Saturday Night where the tag team champions issued an open title opportunity for any team in WCW. Eric Bischoff announces that there has indeed been a team that accepted the challenge, though it hasn't yet been revealed. Harlem Heat gets in the ring and the music fades out. Booker T has a microphone and say that they gave an open challenge and that Harlem Heat doesn't back down from a fight and aren't afraid of anyone. Booker says the time for mystery is over and their opponents now need to make an appearance.


There's no immediate response, auditory or visually, which starts to annoy Harlem Heat as they look to the stage. Sensational Sherri is heard yelling at some officials who are around ringside. Booker T says that whoever accepted the challenge must have had second thoughts, and that they don't have all day to stand around and wait.


Finally, music hits, which results in the crowd roaring with excitement and two figures emerge from the fog and lights at the entrance, which causes Harlem Heat inside the ring to collectively lose their minds. The music?






"A Man Called Sting........."


Sting and Lex Luger come out and high-five fans all down the aisle. They climb in the ring and walk straight up to the tag team champions as both teams take the opportunity to talk trash. The announce team say that it appears we now have a title match!


WCW Tag Team Titles:

Sting & Lex Luger vs Harlem Heat (c)

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Harlem Heat found themselves in quite the predicament in this one, which is their toughest test yet for the champions. Harlem Heat are also booked to defend the titles against the Steiner's at World War 3, should they make it out of this one. Sting and Lex Luger were clearly fired up in this one and ready to capture the tag team belts. It wasn't meant to be though, because after one flurry of offense from Sting, Harlem Heat retreated out to the floor to regroup. At the direction of Sensational Sherri, and to thunderous boos from the crowd, Harlem Heat saw it as a great opportunity to leave the match and were counted out at 7:47. Sting and Luger won the match, but Harlem Heat retained their titles.

Winners by count out: Sting & Lex Luger

Rating: 73




Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, what an exciting night! I'm sure Sting and Lex Luger would have much preferred to be leaving here tonight with the tag team titles, but perhaps another time! Joining me backstage right now is the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, a man who was stripped of the title at Halloween Havoc due to his actions and who will try to reclaim the title this Sunday, Hulk Hogan!


Hulk Hogan, in the last couple of weeks, you've gained the attention from the 4 Horsemen, most notably the Enforcer, Arn Anderson. Last week on Monday Nitro, Steve Austin also interrupted you, but this past weekend on WCW Saturday Night, the Enforcer called you out by name, saying that the Pay Per View would be all about winning the battle royal, but then he's coming for you, Hulk Hogan.


Well ya know something, Mean Gene?!?! I've spent an entire career chopping down every man to come face to face and challenge me, brother! I've taken down Giants, I've taken down kings, I've taken down millionaires, and I've taken down snakes! So if a couple'a yahoo's like Arn Anderson or Steve Austin wanna step up to the plate, brother, and challenge Hulkamania, then so be it! Ya know, the last few weeks has given me plenty of time to reflect, and it's made me realize that there indeed does need to be a change, brother. Hulk Hogan has gone through a type of genesis. Hulkamania will, in fact, never die, and though I may need to get more aggressive, Gene, there's one thing that will never change, and that's the training, saying your prayers, and taking your vitamins, brother! The fact of the matter is, Mean Gene, Hulk Hogan fears no man and if Steve Austin claims it's hunting season, and Arn Anderson wants a piece of me, then brother, I'll just take the fight right to him! So WHATCHA GONNA DO, ARN ANDERSON, STEVE AUSTIN, AND THE REST OF THE 4 HORSEMEN, WHEN HULK HOGAN BRINGS HELL STRAIGHT TO YOU!!!!!!

Rating: 99



Ricky Steamboat vs Brian Pillman

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This is billed as a return match from two weeks ago where Ricky Steamboat was brutally attacked by the Horsemen, resulting in a disqualification. While that match was for the United States title, this one is not. As such, you may be able to predict the outcome. Both competitors were given quite a long main event time and used it to their advantage. Steamboat was notably not as smooth in the ring as their first encounter, which could have been due to the match length. Pillman spent a large amount of time dodging attacks from Steamboat, who tried to continue a fast pace. Steamboat was able to pick up the surprising pin fall at 15:23 after hitting a flying cross body off the top rope.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 78



Final Show Grade: 81

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WCW Presents:

World War 3

Attendance: 46,000


We're welcomed to World War 3 by Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Mike Tenay. Cameras show a quick shot of the jam-packed arena before focusing on the three rings centered inside the arena. The announcers hype up the main event battle royal and say a new World Champion will be crowned here tonight, though with 60 competitors, it's impossible to predict who. Each man says who their favorite is; Eric Bischoff says Hulk Hogan's got to be the favorite, Bobby Heenan chooses The Giant, and Mike Tenay chooses Ric Flair. Bischoff says that the first matchup will be the Tag Team title match, but first, they're going to go backstage to Sting;



OOOhhhhhh Wow!!!! We're finally here, World War 3! A huge battle royal with everything from Giants, to Macho Men, to Nature Boys, to Enforcers! But there's one thing that beats out all of that, and that's a Stinger! People think Hulkamania's gotten a bit edgier so that's the favorite?!? Well the Stinger can just keep up with the best of em! Tonight, one way or another, there's going to be a new world champion, and it's going to be THE STINGER!

Rating: 69



WCW Tag Team Titles:

The Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)

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The first match on the Pay Per View is one everyone was hyped for. The Steiner Brother's make their in-ring return, and start right off with a tag team title shot. Eric Bischoff reminds everyone that those in matches tonight will be pulling double-duty, which is sure to impact their chances in the battle royal. Heenan seems to think it will be a perfect warm-up for the competitors to give them an advantage. Out of the 4, Scott Steiner had the best performance and it seemed that the other 3 performed well below their abilities. The end of the match saw Harlem Heat have just a bit more momentum. While Booker T and Scott Steiner were fighting on the floor, which grabbed the referee's attention, Sensuous Sherri got on the apron and clawed the eyes of Rick Steiner. This allowed Stevie Ray to get a roll-up, which the referee just happened to turn around in time to see, counting the pin fall win at 10:56.

Winners and STILL champions: Harlem Heat

Rating: 65




Following the match, we're sent once again backstage for another promo, this time with half of the 4 Horsemen, US Champion Brian Pillman and Steve Austin.


Pillman: Hahahaha....Steve, get this, Lex Luger didn't like that I was being mean to his best friend, Sting!!! He made it a point to stand up for his friend because I guess Sting can't talk for himself and is too afraid to deal with me! HaHa!

Austin: You've got Lex Luger sticking his nose where it don't belong, and I've got Ricky Steamboat back in my face where it don't belong! I had to deal with Steamboat a couple of years ago and the last thing I need is to deal with him again! I put him on the retirement shelf before, so I guess I'll have to do it again! Hell, we both have guys afraid of us. Sting's afraid of you, and Hulk Hogan's afraid of me!

Pillman: It just makes sense, Steve. After tonight, they won't have a choice because I'll say it right here, right now, one of us is going to win the battle royal, and since I'm already the US champion, maybe I'll just help to make sure you get your own gold belt tonight.....

Rating: 77





Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, it is World War 3, and I think that's the understatement of the year! We've heard already from so many wrestlers claiming that tonight is their night, and my next guest is sure to make the same claim! Joining me right now is the Macho Man, Randy Savage! You've had quite the path to get here, Mr. Savage. You helped Hulk Hogan with the Dungeon of Doom at Fall Brawl and War Games, last month you had your neck injured at the hands of the Giant, and then at Halloween Havoc, you were attacked by the 4 Horsemen, putting you out of commission. What's your strategy going into tonight?


My straaaategy....Uhhhh HUH! That's pretty funny Mean Gene because I'm not sure of annnnny strategy that can be effective in a 60 man battle royal split between 3 rings other than to just go in, take no prisoners, make no friends, and have no morals!! YEAH! There's one thing and only one thing that you can do, and that's attack everyone! The Macho Man's been in more battles than I can count, Mean Gene and when alllllll the smoke clears, when all the dust settles, the MACHO MAN is gonna be the man with the belt!


Rating: 87



WCW Television Title:

Lord Steve Regal vs Eddie Guerrero (c)

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This was a fun, competitive match where both workers meshed nicely. As for performance, the general consensus is that Eddie was slightly better than Regal, though that's not to say he was lacking. Regal's eccentric mannerisms were perfectly countered by Guerrero, that got the crowd laughing. The matchup itself was pretty even, though Eddie got a burst of momentum close to the end. The end came when Eddie signaled it was time for the Frog Splash. Eddie went to grab Regal, who was down on the mat. What Eddie didn't see was Regal going for something in his tights. When Eddie picked Regal up, he was met with a fist full of brass knuckles, right in front of the referee, resulting in a DQ win at 13:10.

Winner by DQ: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 77




Once again we're brought backstage where this time Booker T is cutting a promo, hyping his performance in the battle royal. He says he might be a tag team champion, but at the end of the night, he's going to be a double champion, because he's going to win the main event.

Rating: 67




Still backstage, one of the downfalls of a huge battle royal for the main event is all of the promo time necessary. This time, the Faces of Fear, with Jimmy Hart, hype up why they're the ones who have the best shot at winning tonight. Mostly it's Jimmy Hart talking while Meng and the Barbarian stare menacingly into the camera.

Rating: 65



20 Minute Time Limit:

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair

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Steamboat requested a 60 minute match against the Nature Boy to prove he still is able to go the distance. Ric Flair, in a more sarcastic way, gave Steamboat just 20 minutes. Flair spent the better parts of the beginning toying and taunting with Steamboat. Once he finally managed to get his hands on the Nature Boy, the crowd exploded. Flair did everything he could to beg off the Dragon, but was unsuccessful. Ric Flair, by far, had the performance of the night and really ate up his opportunity to play the bad guy. After back and forth battling and trading pin attempts, the bell sounded at 20:00 to declare a time limit draw, much to the disappointment to the fans as well as the competitors.

Winner: Time Limit Draw

Rating: 78




Backstage, Diamond Dallas Page hypes up his chances in the battle royal and claims to be the next Heavyweight Champion of the World!

Rating: 67





Tony Schiavone is backstage now with the Giant. In this short promo, the Giant says he's going to run over 59 other wrestlers and win the world title, and there's nothing anyone in WCW can do about it.

Rating: 66




Remaining backstage, cameras switch to Mean Gene Okerlund who has made his way to the door of the 4 Horsemen's locker room. Outside is Ric Flair, who is sweaty from his match that took place a short time before, but he doesn't appear out of breath. Flair says that he's not finished with Steamboat and he'll pick up right where they left off. He then says he's going to make sure it's the two of them remaining so it'll be even better winning the world title.

Rating: 79





WCW takes a short promotional break and when they return, cameras are still backstage, though it's not for a promo. Hulk Hogan is seen stretching and loosening up ahead of the battle royal, which Eric Bischoff tells everyone is coming up next. Hogan is immediately blindsided from behind and drops to the ground as the announcers exclaim their surprise.



The 4 Horsemen deliver a brutal attack that's reminiscent of the viciousness of the original Horsemen. They don't just beat Hogan, they flat out assault him. Pillman has ahold of a pipe that he uses and Austin has a chair. Flair and Pillman hold Hogan while Austin bashes him in the head with a chair. When Flair and Pillman again grab Hogan up, his head is now a crimson color as blood pours from his face. Arn Anderson delivers punches while Flair and Pillman hold him up. After a few more moments of a brutal attack, Austin rushes off as two men run in....



Flair, Anderson, and Pillman are shortly behind Austin as they flee the scene, quite pleased with their work. Sting and Luger check on the fallen Hulk Hogan and shortly afterwards, officials and EMT's rush in. The medics work to put Hogan on a stretcher and an ambulance is seen backing into the picture. Two other medics open up the doors and then work to get Hogan put on the stretcher. Sting and Luger assist with getting Hogan loaded into the ambulance as it rushes out of the arena. Eric Bischoff is beside himself, saying the Horsemen made sure that Hogan doesn't make it into the battle royal and that it appears now that there will only be 59 competitors. World War 3 takes one last promotional break, this time a generic promotion of Starrcade, coming up next month!

Rating: 85



World War 3 Battle Royal:

With a match involving so many competitors, it was quite difficult at most times to keep an eye on the action. All participants started at the same time, splitting each ring 20, 20, and 19, one less in the 3rd ring due to Horsemen intervention. Many guys, such as Perry Saturn, Renegade, and Steve Armstrong, didn't last long at all. Ric Flair continued to be the best competitor of the match, though he was a few steps slower than earlier. The match time itself was 44:56 and the final four competitors was Sting, Randy Savage, The Giant, and Ric Flair. Surprisingly, Sting, Savage, and Flair worked together to eliminate the Giant, triple clotheslining him over the top rope to the floor, although the Giant landed on his feet. Following that elimination, it was an all-out brawl. Savage and Sting showed some teamwork against Flair, but neither shied away from fighting the other. Flair tried sneaking behind the two men while they were fighting, but both men caught Flair. After dealing some damage, both Sting and Savage took a few steps back as Flair was backed up against the ropes. Both men rush toward Flair, looking to eliminate him the same way the Giant was eliminated. At the last second, Flair ducks, resulting in Sting getting flipped over the top rope and to the floor! Sting is now eliminated and two men remain; Ric Flair and Randy Savage. The fight continues, both men drained of energy from being the final two, in addition to Flair having a long match earlier in the night. Neither man wants to lighten up on the other due to the stakes being so high. After Flair cornered Savage and delivered a flurry of punches, he whipped Savage to the opposite corner, but Savage countered! Flair gets sent into the corner, but ends up doing his Flair flip over the turnbuckle. Flair quickly manages to land on his feet and rushes to climb back through the ropes, but Savage uses a burst of quickness to beat him, hitting him with a huge clothesline that send's Flair to the concrete floor outside the ring! The match is over and the Macho Man just outlasted 59 other competitors to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion!!

Winner and NEW WCW World Champion: The Macho Man Randy Savage

Rating: 77



Final Show Grade: 79

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Monday, Week 1, December 1995

WCW Monday Nitro

LIVE from the Jacksonville Memorial Coliseum - Jacksonville, FL

Attendance: 9,732


- Excitement is in the air as WCW Monday Nitro kicks off  the month of December! Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Mike Tenay welcome us for joining in and Bischoff tells everyone that there has been a whole lot of action within WCW, none more important than a brand new WCW World Heavyweight Champion was crowned last night at World War 3! Bischoff says that we're definitely going to hear from the new champion here tonight, and that man is The Macho Man Randy Savage! Heenan says that Savage had to overcome 58 other men last night in order to be champion, so he's no slouch.....But he also says that Hulk Hogan was not one of those men, so he's more than likely going to have to answer to Hogan, who's sure to claim to be the rightful, undefeated champion. Mike Tenay agrees and gives everyone at home a brief rundown of why there were 59 competitors and not the 60, saying that the Horsemen severely beat down Hulk Hogan prior to the battle royal, ensuring he was out of competition. Bischoff lets fans know that Randy Savage is in the building and will be heard from, but first, WCW is going straight to the ring with the first match of the night! -



Arn Anderson/Ric Flair vs American Males

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Arn Anderson and Ric Flair were in peak form tonight, blasting the American Males with everything they had, and keeping the crowd on fire throughout. Flair was perfect with his mannerisms and hitting every cheap shot possible as soon as the referee turned his back. Arn Anderson was methodical in his picking apart the younger competitors. The match ended at 10:27 after Arn Anderson hit his patented Spinebuster on Marcus Bagwell for the pin fall win.

Winners: Arn Anderson/Ric Flair

Rating: 67




Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, it may be the month of December, but WCW is on fire tonight as we're in Jacksonville, Florida! If you'll all allow me at this time, to introduce to you the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion, a man who had to go through 58 other competitors last night at World War 3 to become the new champion, and what a war it indeed was, I give you, The Macho Man Randy Savage!!!!!!!



- Savage makes his way out to the stage with the big gold belt fastened around his waist. Tonight, the Macho Man is wearing matching gold attire to accentuate the world title. Savage is another who appears to be in fine form tonight, full of energy as he motions out to the crowd, who respond with resounding cheers back. Savage walks to the ring where he climbs in and takes his place next to Mean Gene. -


It was indeed a long night last night, Mr. Savage, though it was probably much longer than you, having to go through 58 other wrestlers last night at World War 3. You've maintained that the world championship was your goal upon coming here to WCW and now that you've accomplished that, do you consider your work to be finished???


Mean Gene Okerlund, the Macho Man's work has only just begun!!!! Ya see, even though I had to go through 58 other wrestlers lasts night at World War 3, it wasn't like the Macho Man had to take on 58 wrestlers in a gauntlet!!! The Macho Man didn't throw 58 other guys over the top rope and to the outside! But lemme tell ya right now, Mean Gene, that if the Macho Man HAD to do that in order to become WCW World champion, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'D DO! I've wanted this title more than anything in the world! Mean Gene Okerlund, you've known me a very long time, my friend, and you know that there's nothing the Macho Man loves more than being able to wrestle in this ring! So to answer your question, NO! The Macho Man's work isn't finished by 10,000 miles, and the Macho Man's not going to back down from any thing, or any one!


That's probably a good thing you say that, Randy Savage, because I can think of at least two names who might take exception to that world title being around your waist and two men who go by the names of The Giant and Hulk Hogan!


Check it out Gene, the Macho Man isn't afraid of a fight and the Macho Man can hang with the very best! Hulk Hogan or the Giant know where to find me because I ain't afraid! Hulk Hogan may have been attacked before the match last night, but you know what Gene, if the Horsemen had attacked me before the match, I wouldn't let anything keep me from having the opportunity to win this title! YEAH! I would have crawled on my hands and knees if that's what I had to do! In either case, I'm not gonna duck any challenge or any fight, so if someone wants a piece of the Madness, then take a number and get in line!!



Rating: 85


- The Macho Man's music hits as the interview is wrapped up. The new champion climbs to the middle rope in the corner to get the crowd fired up. Mean Gene says Nitro will be back after a quick commercial break. -



Welcome back, everyone to WCW Monday Nitro!!! I think we've got time for one more interview before our next matchup, so at this time, I'd like to welcome two men who are no strangers to WCW, though they just recently returned. Last night they had an opportunity to once again win the WCW tag team titles, though fell short....Please join me in welcoming........The Steiner Brothers!




- The Steiner's make their way out to great fanfare and high five the fans on the way down to the ring. They step inside and Mean Gene gets down to business. -


Rick and Scott Steiner, you have just returned to WCW and been thrown right into the mix of the tag team division. Last night, you both took on reigning tag team champions Harlem Heat and came up just a bit short, though it was due to some...Questionable actions.


Scott Steiner: Gene, there wasn't anything questionable last night, it was flat out blatant! The fact of the matter is, you'd be looking at NEW tag team champions here tonight if it weren't for Sensuous Sherri getting involved and nearly gouging my brother's eyes out! We had em beat, Gene, and everyone saw it! So I'm gonna call it out right now! We've got Starrcade coming up in a few weeks and the Steiner Brother's deserve another shot at the belts! So if Harlem Heat's got any guts, they'll accept another match, but this time we're gonna want a stipulation added, Gene. We want Sensuous Sherri banned from ringside, and if Harlem Heat's as good as they say they are, they'll be able to beat the Steiner Brothers without help from a woman!!!!

Rating: 77



Stevie Ray vs Lex Luger

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This was a good match between big men, as in powerful men. Both used their strength to their advantage in this match. As Stevie Ray and Sherri made their way to ringside, Stevie said into the camera that Harlem Heat were all for beating the Steiner's again at Starrcade. The announcers speculated if this was good enough to call the match official. Luger gave a great performance in this match and had the crowd solidly behind him. Sherri made it a point to not get involved at all in this match, though doubtful it would have done any good. The match came to an end at 8:26 as Luger lifted Stevie Ray into the Torture Rack and secured the submission victory!

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 67




- We're taken from the match to a promo next as the screen fades in to a very familiar place. Just when everyone thought the Dungeon of Doom was finished, The Taskmaster is seated on this throne of stones in the Dungeon's........Dungeon. -


The Macho Man Randy Savage is the new World's Heavyweight Champion???? I suppose that's better than Hulk Hogan being the world's champion, eh??? Maybe by just a hair, but the Macho Man is so closely aligned with Hogan that they might as well be the same person! The Dungeon of Doom started with the goal of ending Hulkamania. That goal transitioned into not only ending Hulkamania, but getting Hogan to accept the dark side as his true path....To welcome, to embrace the darkness! To join the Dungeon of Doom and go on his path of true righteousness!!!! By completely accepting the dark, he would then realize his true potential! I know that deep down, as much as he fights against it, Hulk Hogan wants to take that carrot that dangles in front of his face! My work with Hulk Hogan isn't done.....But what Randy Savage winning last night has revealed to me.....Heh.....Is something similar. Randy Savage, much like Hulk Hogan, I know you want to accept the darkness! I can see that animal within you just begging to be released! Sometimes the only way to get one to open their eyes to the light is through violence, and Randy Savage, your date with violence is this weekend....WCW Saturday Night.....I challenge you, Macho Man! Put that title on the line this weekend, and allow yourself to be consumed by darkness!!!!

Rating: 73






- Mean Gene is earning his month's pay just in this first Nitro of December. He's backstage standing by with Hulk Hogan, who looks none too pleased. -


Hulk Hogan, last night you were going to have just the same opportunity to claim the WCW World Heavyweight title that 59 other men had, though the 4 Horsemen made sure you weren't going to be involved in the battle royal. With all the recent events of the last several weeks, I'm sure you have a lot on your mind!


That's quite the understatement, Mean Gene!!! If you ask me, brother, the deck's been stacked against Hulk Hogan worse than any joint in Las Vegas, brother! Ever since Fall Brawl, I had to deal with the Dungeon of Doom, brother! I had to look over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't getting jumped by that pack of hyena's! I was threatened every week by the Taskmaster and finally I had enough! I had to dig down and become something I didn't want to be, Mean Gene! I had to become that in order to do the things I had to do! Well WCW decided that at Halloween Havoc, that was too much! That was too violent!! Despite the Giant delivering brutal attacks on myself and the Macho Man, nearly paralyzing me from the neck down, I came back and took on the Giant, brother! They said what I did was unacceptable and stripped me of the world title! Well where was the punishment for what the Giant, what the Dungeon of Doom did to Hulk Hogan, brother??? I'll tell ya, there was none! But they strip Hulk Hogan of the title and then put it up for grabs at World War 3.....I knew I was going to get that title back, brother! I was heading into that match with an unmatched determination! Everyone knew it, especially the Horsemen, so they made sure to take me out of the equation! Where's the punishment for that, Gene?!?! It seems like everyone around here not named Hulk Hogan can run around and do as they please with no consequence! Well if the 4 Horsemen, if Arn Anderson want to bark up that tree, brother, then they need to look out for the giant dog that lurks just around the corner, ready to sink it's teeth into them! And as far as the Macho Man goes, brother, he might be the WCW World Champion as it currently stands, but one thing he's going to have to come to grips with real fast is that NO ONE has beaten me for that title!

Rating: 92



Ricky Steamboat vs Dean Malenko

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This match provided great in-ring action as well as maintained the excitement for the crowd. Both men were very skilled at putting on a wrestling clinic and both were fairly evenly matched. Ricky Steamboat made it look like he barely had lost a step in the ring, giving a very good performance. The ending of the match came at 11:42 when Ricky Steamboat hit his beautiful flying cross body off the top rope to get the pin fall win.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 74



Final Show Grade: 79


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WCW Hotline Report



Hello everyone, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund bringing you the WCW Hotline Report! It's been a bit since the last report, so we have some news to go over! We'll start with ratings for the Monday shows, two weeks ago and this past Monday Night!


Week 4 November 1995

WCW Monday Nitro: 3.03

WWF Raw: 1.60


Week 1 December 1995

WCW Monday Nitro: 2.96

WWF Raw: 1.56


World War 3 Buyrate: 5.89


There was quite a bit of action this weekend on WCW Saturday Night! As you all saw on Nitro, Kevin Sullivan challenged new WCW champion Macho Man Randy Savage to a match. Earlier in the evening, there was a confrontation between Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan where Hogan stated that Randy Savage owed him a title shot...To which Savage replied he owed the former champion nothing and he had to earn a title opportunity like everyone else.


In addition, the 4 Horsemen spent quite a bit of time taunting Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat and Steve Austin challenged him to a match this week on Monday Nitro. Here are the complete results from this weekend's Saturday Night!


WCW Saturday Night:

Randy Savage def. Kevin Sullivan


Brian Pillman/Steve Austin def. Johnny B. Badd/Jim Duggan

Hugh Morrus def. Mr. JL

Blue Bloods def. Eddie Guerrero/Alex Wright

Sting def. The Shark

Brad Armstrong def. Big Bubba Rogers


Following the main event, the Giant again attacked the Macho Man, so it would appear things are not over between them.


Here is the lineup for this week's WCW Monday Nitro!


Week 2, December, 1995

WCW Monday Nitro:

Main Event:

WCW World Heavyweight Title:

Dean Malenko vs Randy Savage (c)


Sting & Lex Luger vs Faces of Fear


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

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Week 2, December 1995

LIVE from the Gainesvill O-Dome - Gainesville, FL

Attendance: 10,658


- WCW opens this week to the normal display of crowd shots and pyro. The college town is going crazy this week as Eric Bischoff along with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Mike Tenay welcome us all for joining in to Nitro this week. Bischoff gives a brief Saturday Night recap from over the weekend where Hulk Hogan believes he's owed a title match and the new world champion Randy Savage was brutally attacked at the end of the show by the Giant. Bischoff reminds everyone that tensions are running at an all-time high following World War 3 and everyone seems to be heading to a crash course. The crowd, who have calmed down a bit since the opening, comes alive once more when music begins to play in the arena. Bischoff stops mid sentence to look in the direction of the entranceway as the 4 Horsemen all emerge, not short of confidence tonight. They walk down the ramp and pause briefly as Arn Anderson motions to someone off view. A short time later, Mean Gene Okerlund hesitantly walks up as the Enforcer points for Gene to go to the ring with them. The announcers say that it's clear the Horsemen have something to say tonight, and waste no time kicking off Nitro. -



Well, Arn Anderson, you and the 4 Horsemen clearly have something to discuss tonight, so what is it you want to say??



Gene, as you know, I'm usually a man of few words, I always have been. I've felt in order for a man to show his worth, and to prove his point, is to back it up with his actions rather than his words. Ya see, any old man can come out here and blow a lot of hot air out of his mouth but then not have any way to back it up with his fists.....I've never been that way. I made it very clear a few weeks ago that I was coming for Hulk Hogan. It's not because I'm envious of him, it isn't even really because I don't like him. It's got more to do with the fact that for the last year and a half, Hulk Hogan has run around WCW like he owns the place. He thinks a red carpet should be rolled out for him wherever he goes. Hulk Hogan, you and I are two very different people. While I've never been fortunate enough to win the world title, you seem to always have a shot at it.....And then when you do have that title, you only decide to work with all your buddies. Well it seems I missed my opportunity to beat you for the title, but I can still beat you in the ring. Hulk Hogan, you've managed to dodge me long enough, but I'm not going to let you dodge me any longer. Oh, and one more thing....See, I'm not the only Horsemen who's put a target on your back, I just happen to be the first one after you....

Rating: 72



Before you wrap up your little interview, Gene Okerlund, I've got a few things that I wanna address too! I said over the weekend on Saturday Night that I'd face Ricky Steamboat right here tonight on Nitro..Steamboat has been worried about Ric Flair for the last couple of weeks, but he better be focused here tonight because we're no strangers to each other. I had to deal with Steamboat years ago and kicked him out of WCW, and if that's what I have to do again, I've got no problem with it! He wanted to stick his nose in the Horsemen's business back at Halloween Havoc, and he's been nothing but a pain in our back sides ever since! Well Steamboat better hope I don't end his career again right here tonight, and that's all I've got to say about it!

Rating: 80



Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat

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This was a fantastic matchup that had the crowd going, especially after the opening promo's by the Horsemen. Steamboat was again fantastic in the ring and held nothing back. There was a ton of back and forth action and Austin used every cheap tactic in the book. The end of the match came at 11:58 when Steamboat caught Austin a surprise roll-up for the pin fall victory, which had Austin livid following the count.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 78




- Diamond Dallas Page gives a promo backstage where he talks about Eddie Guerrero and the Television title. DDP thinks he deserves another shot at reclaiming the TV title and accuses Eddie of cheating to win. -

Rating: 69



Sting/Lex Luger vs The Faces of Fear

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It wasn't the most technical match ever but it was a physical one. Sting and Lex Luger showed great teamwork and were thought to have equal ring performance. The crowd were on their feet and Sting and Luger no doubt proved to be two of the top favored wrestlers in WCW. The match was over at 9:37 after Sting lept high off the top rope and connected with the Barbarian with a cross body, also known as a Stinger Splash off the top rope, gaining the pin fall victory.

Winners: Sting/Lex Luger

Rating: 69



WCW World Title:

Dean Malenko vs Randy Savage (c)

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What seems on paper to be an odd matchup is quickly forgotten once people realized how close their two styles are. Eric Bischoff announced that this match was a direct request of Randy Savage, as he has claimed he wants to have a wide variety of new opponents to challenge for the World Title during his reign. Dean Malenko made the most of his opportunity and performed quite well in the ring against the World Champion. Heenan questioned if this performance would result in more opportunities for the man of 1,000 holds. The end of the match came at 12:05 when Savage hit the Flying Elbow from the top rope to retain his title.

Winner: Randy Savage

Rating: 80




- The bell barely rings and Savage just gets back to his feet to raise his arm before the Giant hits the ring and clubs Savage down to the mat from behind. The Giant appears like he is stalking prey as he hovers over the World Champion, salivating at his next attack. The Giant brings Savage to his feet but is caught off guard when Savage begins a lightning speed attack of his own, rocking the Giant backwards. Savage hits a running clothesline, again reeling the Giant. Savage looks out to the crowd who roar their encouragement. With their support, Savage runs and bounces off the ropes again, connecting with another huge clothesline that rocks the Giant again, but can't bring him down. Savage again looks out to the crowd who, this time, roar back even louder. With the extra added encouragement, Savage runs again, bouncing off the ropes to try for one more clothesline, with the hopes that this time it will bring the Giant crashing down on the mat. Savage rebounds off the ropes but is stopped dead in his tracks as the Giant reaches his giant hand out and grasps the throat of the World Champion. The Giant shakes his head no and mouths to Savage that he doesn't have enough. The Giant gets prepared to lift The Macho Man high into the air for a chokeslam. As he hoists him high up in the air.....




Hulk Hogan hit the ring with a steel chair in hand. He swings the chair and hits it against the Giant's back, causing him to drop the Macho Man. Hogan uses the chair a couple more times on the back of the Giant as he just turns toward Hogan, not feeling the effects at all of the chair. The Giant just shakes his head as he begins to approach the Hulkster. The Giant rears back to swing a fist but Hogan ducks it. As the Giant turns, Hogan cracks the steel chair over the head of the Giant, which causes him to spill outside to the floor, though he lands on his feet. The Giant, who is now joined in the aisle by the Taskmaster, backs his way up the aisle to the stage as they taunt Hogan. -

Rating: 82



- As Hogan's attention is on the Giant and Taskmaster, the Macho Man, who is now on his feet, approaches Hogan from behind and grabs him, spinning him around. Hogan drops the chair and looks at Savage in shock. The Macho Man is clearly not pleased with the Hulkster's intervention and Hogan can't understand why Savage has a problem with it. The two men argue back and forth and nearly get nose to nose as Nitro fades off the air. -

Rating: 82


Overall Show Grade: 80

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Hello everyone and welcome to the WCW Hotline Report! I'm Mean Gene Okerlund here to give you all the latest news, but first things first, this week's Monday night ratings!


WCW Monday Nitro: 3.42

WWF Raw: 158


WCW had a huge increase in their viewership this week which gives exciting news as they head into their biggest show of the year, Starrcade.


WCW and CMLL in Mexico have recently had a very friendly attitude toward each other and WCW has also loaned Rey Misterio Jr, one of their top stars. It is unknown how long Misterio is expected to be around, but you will be seeing him on WCW programming. In return, I'm told that Eddie Guerrero has been traded and will make a few appearances for CMLL.


Cactus Jack has signed an exclusive written contract with NJPW.


Sonny Onoo's contract with WCW has expired.


Here is this weekend's WCW Saturday Night results!


WCW Saturday Night

Sting def. Booker T

Faces of Fear def. Nasty Boys

Dean Malenko def. Johnny B. Badd

Arn Anderson def. Scott Steiner

Diamond Dallas Page def. The Renegade

Rey Misterio Jr. def. Sabu


There were also quite a few confrontations at Saturday Night. Television Champion Eddie Guerrero and Lord Steven Regal had a confrontation that confirmed they will face each other for the title at Starrcade.


Sting and Lex Luger, who have been teaming in recent weeks and possibly making a run for the tag team titles, had a pull apart brawl with Horsemen members Brian Pillman and Steve Austin.


In big news of the evening, Hulk Hogan confronted WCW World Heavyweight champion Macho Man Randy Savage and demanded a title shot at Starrcade. The Macho Man refused and stated Hulk Hogan had his run in the spotlight and now it's his turn. This only infuriated Hulk Hogan even more later in the evening when The Giant along with the Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan challenged the Macho Man to a title match at Starrcade, which Randy Savage accepted. We can only imagine how this will play out on Monday Nitro and the weeks leading up to Starrcade.


There is no posted card for this week's Monday Nitro, unfortunately.

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Monday, Week 3, December 1995

LIVE from the Carolina Coliseum

Attendance: 10,382


- Nitro kicks off on the air tonight and the crowd is ready for action in North Carolina! Just two weeks away, we are, from Starrcade says Eric Bischoff, as he welcomes everyone for tuning in this week. The main event, we're told, is not determined just yet and that the events that took place over the weekend on WCW Saturday Night are sure to boil over to this week's Nitro. Music plays followed by a sinister laugh as the arena lights dim only to be replaced with green. Fog begins to roll from the stage as the largest man in wrestling, The Giant, walks out to the ring. After a moment, the music ends and the Giant has something to say. -



The Macho Man Randy Savage made the biggest mistake of his long career this past weekend on Saturday Night. For a few months now, I've made it my mission of taking the WCW heavyweight title and making it my own. I would've won at Halloween Havoc...Then I would've taken it at World War 3......But for the fact that people have to stoop to such low levels just to take me out of the scenario! I'm an unbeatable Giant and there's nothing anyone can do about it!!! Randy Savage, you accepted my challenge for Starrcade, and I'm going to make sure you regret it!

Rating: 74



Dean Malenko vs Rey Misterio Jr.

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The fans weren't quite sure what to think of this unknown masked wrestler by the name of Rey Misterio Jr. Mike Tenay informed all of those watching at home that he is a top competitor in the CMLL promotion out of Mexico. The announcers talk about the relationship between WCW and CMLL that is being formed and that we very well may be seeing many more Mexican wrestlers on WCW programming. The match ended at 10:06 after Rey Misterio hit an amazing looking springboard Hurricanrana into a pin, getting the shocking win over the established Malenko.

Rating: 48




Diamond Dallas Page conducts a backstage promo. In this video, DDP singles out Sting, calling him a spoiled wrestler who always has things handed to him. DDP doesn't directly challenge Sting to a match, but makes it crystal clear that he doesn't like him.

Rating: 64




Following a commercial break, cameras go to the backstage area where, as usual, it is pure chaos. Hulk Hogan and the WCW World Champion Macho Man Randy Savage are being held back by a slew of WCW officials. Both men are screaming and yelling at the other. Hogan is heard yelling at Savage for being afraid to face him in a match for the title. Savage yells that he's afraid of nothing and owes Hogan nothing and isn't a charity case for Hogan. Eric Bischoff reminds fans that this weekend on Saturday Night, Hogan challenged Savage to a title match at Starrcade, which Savage refused, only for later in the night to accept a challenge at Starrcade by the Giant. Heenan comments that Hogan is always involving himself in the Macho Man's business whenever the spotlight is off him and this is yet another example. The chaotic scene continues as cameras shift to another backstage confrontation....

Rating: 100



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Ric Flair is with Steve Austin backstage who are both antagonizing Ricky Steamboat. The three men all make a ton of comments before some spare officials are able to come in to separate them. Austin manages to get a few more words off, which pleases him immensely before they walk off, leaving Steamboat annoyed.

Rating: 84



Nasty Boys vs James Boys

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While the Armstrongs were fairly popular WCW mainstays, this match was nothing more than squash fodder for the Nasty Boys, who are still trying to establish themselves as the top contending teams in WCW. This was never going to be a barn burner and the crowd was mostly relieved that it was over at 7:12 after a pin fall by Jerry Sags.

Winners: Nasty Boys




Following a commercial break, Mean Gene Okerlund is standing at the bottom of the ramp and welcomes everyone back. Gene says he's going to go over the unofficial Starrcade card for everyone right now!



Main Event

WCW World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Macho Man Randy Savage (c)


20 Minute Time Limit:

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Title:

The Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)


WCW Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Eddie Guerrero (c)


Sting/Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman/Steve Austin


Mean Gene also says that due to the confrontation backstage earlier tonight, the WCW Board of Directors have made Hulk Hogan vs the Macho Man right here tonight, and that match will be taking place next! Gene also says he will have the complete Starrcade card exclusively on his WCW Hotline Report after next week's Nitro!



Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage

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The crowd were pumped for this unexpected main event for this week's Nitro. Hogan was introduced first and appeared to be a man on a mission. Randy Savage was introduced next and sprinted to the ring where he and Hogan promptly began a fight. The ring announcer barely was able to escape the ring before the brawl started. Both men spilled out of the ring where the fight continued, with both men using everything in their grasp to use as a weapon. The bell had sounded and the match official began, though neither competitor really cared. The referee followed both men as they made their way into the crowd and fought. They worked their way through the stands and up the steps and neither man really getting an advantage, just both fighting non stop. The announce team was not clear what the stipulations were of this match, whether it was a title match, no DQ, they didn't know. What they did know was that if this was a normal match, the referee was letting it go. The men slowly made their way back toward the ring, but continued to fight outside. At one point, the Macho Man grabbed the ring bell and attempted to use it as a weapon, only for the referee to grab it from him. This caused Savage to get right in the ref's face, however, the referee stood his ground and threatened Savage. This allowed Hogan to grab a chair which he used on the Macho Man, right in front of the referee. Despite the use, and still not knowing the stipulations, the match continued and the referee yelled for both men to get back in the ring. They ignored the requests and continued fighting. The referee tried to get in between the men and split them up to try and gain some type of order, only for him to be pushed off so the fight could continue. The referee tried this two more times, first being shoved off again. When he tried it a second time, he crashed hard to the concrete floor. It was evident that the referee was unable to gain control of the match and now after being shoved off by both men, he finally called for the bell at 15:14, disqualifying both men.

Double Disqualification

Rating: 74



Final Show Rating: 82

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Hello everyone, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund with this week's WCW Hotline Report! As always, here are this past Monday's ratings!


WCW Monday Nitro: 3.46

WWF Raw: 1.80


Nitro was up again this week in their rating, which is great news!


The WWF is heading into In Your House headlined by Diesel defending the WWF title against Yokozuna and Shawn Michaels defending the Intercontinental title against the British Bulldog.


There's not much news to report this week, so here's this week's Monday Nitro card, the final show before Starrcade!


Ric Flair & Brian Pillman vs Sting & Randy Savage


Hulk Hogan vs Dean Malenko


Lex Luger vs Dave Taylor


(Pre Show):

Paul Orndorff vs Ricky Steamboat



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