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Week 4, December, 1995

Live from the Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, VA

Attendance: 11,234


Pre-Show match saw Ricky Steamboat defeat Paul Orndorff in which Steamboat had a great performance, hyping the crowd up for the main show.


- Nitro comes on the air and provides fans the usual greeting. A huge pyro display goes off while Eric Bischoff, along with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Mike Tenay welcome us all for tuning in. The arena is packed tonight with a rowdy crowd, ready for action as WCW heads into their biggest show of the year, Starrcade. Eric points out that this is the final Nitro before the big event and everyone is going to be on top form in preparation for the show. We're sent backstage where Lex Luger is warming up and stretching in the hallway before he's approached by an unexpected visitor. -




Dave Taylor interrupts Lex Luger's warm up, catching the Total Package off guard. Taylor, dressed in his finest Englishman's attire, tells Luger that he is an unpleasant beast of a man who should go stretch in the confines of his own locker room. Taylor is completely disgusted by the sight of Luger, who's in his ring gear and glistening with sweat. Luger tells him if he has a problem with it, they can settle it in the ring where he'll show him just how unpleasant he can be. Taylor, taken aback by the direct aggression, gasps and says he could be taught a few manners as well. Taylor accepts the challenge and suggests that since Luger seems to be all warmed up, they should have the match now. Luger happily agrees.

Rating: 68



Lex Luger vs David Taylor

Luger began the match doing a mini-pose down, further disgusting the Esquire but to the delight of the Norfolk crowd. The Total Package gave a stellar performance in this match and didn't have much of a problem with Taylor, though he did manage to get quite a few cheap shots in. The match was given a fairly good amount of time as it ended at 12:27 with a submission via the Torture Rack.

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 77




Following the match, we go again backstage to another confrontation - this time another extremely unexpected confrontation. Dean Malenko is walking in the backstage area when he is stopped by none other than Hulk Hogan. Malenko doesn't quite know what to make of it as Hogan tells him he gave a great performance against the Macho Man a couple weeks back and told him he has real promise. Hogan thinks he should put that performance up against the Hulkster right here tonight - In fact, he thinks they should have a match right now, seeing as how they're both in their gear and ready to go. Malenko, still very serious, thanks Hogan for the compliment but knows he has what it takes to go head to head with the top competitors in WCW. Malenko also tells Hogan he has no problem putting his skills on display against Hogan next. Malenko walks off leaving Hogan to contemplate. Bobby Heenan thinks this challenge was moreso for Hogan wanting to one-up the Macho Man.

Rating: 83



Dean Malenko vs Hulk Hogan

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Hulk Hogan provided the performance of the night and while Malenko put up a decent performance, he clearly was not as good as when he faced the Macho Man. The man of 1,000 holds was able to get a fair amount of offense in, but it was clear as day who was going to win this match. Hogan put Malenko away in 9:19 after hitting a Big Boot followed by the Leg Drop for the pin fall victory.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Rating: 73




Following a commercial break, half of the 4 Horsemen, Ric Flair and Brian Pillman, are backstage to cut a promo. They spent the time running down Sting and Randy Savage and how Sting would be lucky to make it to Starrcade. Flair plans on using this match as a warmup for Steamboat this Sunday and Pillman takes the opportunity to verbally tear apart Sting and Luger. All in all, a typical promo that you would expect from these two.

Rating: 98



Ric Flair & Brian Pillman vs Sting & Randy Savage

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All four men brought a tremendous energy to the match and while all did exceptionally well, Ric Flair provided the second best performance of the night.  Ric Flair did his best to avoid Savage whenever he was tagged in. Pillman and Flair took turns isolating Sting mid way through the match so he wasn't able to tag in the world champion. When Savage was finally able to get the hot tag, he cleaned house as the crowd roared in approval. The ending came at 14:15 when Sting hit a Stinger Splash on Flair, causing him to tumble out of the ring while Savage hit the Flying Elbow on Pillman for the win.

Winners: Sting and Randy Savage

Rating: 80


Final Show Rating: 85



- Nitro fades out while Sting and Savage celebrate their win. Eric Bischoff reminds everyone there's still time to purchase Starrcade, only on Pay Per View. Nitro draws to a close for 1995 to leave fans to wonder what's in store for Starrcade! -




There will be no Saturday Night review or Hotline Report prior to Starrcade. Looking back, there was no noteworthy news at the time other than Alex Wright getting an injury. He received Patellar Tendonitis and will feel the effects of that for 1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks.

It looks as I auto-booked Saturday Night, so I will not post those results.

I will post the Starrcade card below and following Starrcade, I will do an end of the year review!


WCW Starrcade 1995

WCW World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Macho Man Randy Savage (c)


Scott Norton vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan


20 Minute Time Limit

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair


Diamond Dallas Page vs Johnny B. Badd


Tag Team Titles:

The Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)


The Nasty Boys vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Eddie Guerrero (c)


Lex Luger & Sting vs Brian Pillman & Steve Austin

Perry Saturn vs Arn Anderson




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WCW World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Macho Man Randy Savage (c) (via DQ)


Scott Norton vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan


20 Minute Time Limit

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair


Diamond Dallas Page vs Johnny B. Badd


Tag Team Titles:

The Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)


The Nasty Boys vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Eddie Guerrero (c)


Lex Luger & Sting vs Brian Pillman & Steve Austin

Perry Saturn vs Arn Anderson

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Week 4, Sunday, December 1995

LIVE from the RFK Stadium - Washington, D.C.

Attendance: 51,819


WCW Starrcade

- We've finally made it here, STARRCADE! The long-awaited moment has finally arrived. The broadcast begins with a packed crowd in the RFK stadium and a huge pyro display goes off. Eric Bischoff, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, and Mike Tenay welcome us all to the biggest show of the year, Starrcade! Bischoff tells us that tensions have been running high ever since Halloween Havoc and the controversy surrounding the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Hulk Hogan has claimed to be the rightful champion after being stripped of the title under questionable means by the WCW Board of Directors. He has made numerous attempts to get a match with the current champion, Randy Savage, however, the tension between those two is at an all-time high. Savage feels that other competitors are more deserving of a title opportunity rather than Hulk Hogan, who he says has put a stranglehold on the championship scene. Hogan was infuriated even more after Savage accepted a title challenge from the Giant not long after the Macho Man denied a challenge from Hogan.


Mike Tenay runs us down the Tag Team and Television title happenings. Harlem Heat made it a mission to become the top WCW tag team and prove their worth by a long title reign. They seemed to be doing just that until the Steiner Brother's abruptly made a shocking return to WCW only to go right after the champions. Harlem Heat hope to prove their position within WCW tonight by defeating the Steiner's and successfully defending the titles. On the TV title side, Diamond Dallas Page was enjoying a successful run as champion and perhaps became a little too over confident, which cost him the title against Eddie Guerrero. Blue Blood Lord Steven Regal has been working to build up his momentum in recent weeks to challenge for the title. Regal, he points out, is no stranger to the championship, as he is a former 2-time TV champion and looks to use his experience to become a 3-time champion here tonight.


Eric Bischoff says talent has been arriving all day long and everyone seems to be on the top of their game tonight. He's not seen one person backstage who isn't 100% focused tonight and that Sting and "The Total Package" are backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund to kick off Starrcade with an interview. -




Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to WCW Starrcade!!! Joining me right now are two men who have had their hands full these past several weeks. Gentlemen, you have once again become targets of the 4 Horsemen and Sting, you sir, seem to run into them at every corner.


Sting: AHHH Gene!!! If there's one thing the Stinger can always count on, no matter what place I may be in my life, is that I can always count on the Horsemen to be a thorn in my side! As a matter of fact, Gene, if I didn't have the Horsemen to occupy my time, I....Oh, I don't know, maybe, just MAYBE, I could...Oh, maybe go after the world title or something....But NO! I have to have the Horsemen constantly be a problem. It doesn't matter which Horsemen it is, it doesn't matter who happens to be a part of their group at any given time, they always wanna go after the Stinger! Tonight it just happens to be Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. I've had my run ins enough with both of those guys and tonight they're gonna find out why you don't mess with the Stinger and the Total Package!


Luger: Gene, the Stinger's exactly right! Ya know, I don't think I could have put it any better myself. The fact of the matter is, I came back to WCW not only because this is where the big boys play, not only because WCW has the greatest competition and the greatest athletes, but because I wanted to be there to back up my best friend! Now, the Stinger and I have had our fair share of differences, but when it comes down to it, we've always been there for each other! The Horsemen are the exact opposite! They use people for their own advantage, and the Stinger and I know all there is about that! They used us for all we were worth, and when they had enough, they kicked us to the curb like a piece of junk! I'll give out fair warning to Pillman and Austin right now, because I see a ton of potential in the two of them, Gene. Brian, Steve, the two of you better watch your backs because Flair and Arn Anderson will get rid of the two of you as soon as you're done being useful to them! But Gene, that's not my main goal tonight, to give warning...My goal tonight is to inflict as much pain and suffering on Pillman and Austin and to hear them beg and plead for mercy when I'm cranking their spine in the Torture Rack!


- Sting and Luger walk off, full of energy and slapping each other on the shoulders, leaving Gene to contemplate their message before kicking it back to Eric Bischoff at ringside. -

Rating: 91



Arn Anderson vs Perry Saturn

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Not much was known about this Perry Saturn guy but Mike Tenay spoke his praises, claiming he will be a top superstar in the years to come. It was clear in this match though, that now was not that time. Arn Anderson far surpassed him as far as performance in the ring went and the match ended at 7:56 after Anderson hit his patented Spinebuster on the younger Saturn.

Winner: Arn Anderson

Rating: 68





Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me right now is none other than the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, the Macho Man, Randy Savage!!! Mr. Savage, tonight you have a very daunting task ahead of you as you defend that world title against the largest athlete today, the unstoppable monster known as the Giant. You accepted a challenge from him after already turning down Hulk Hogan....The question I have to ask, Macho Man, is why on earth would you ever take a match against the Giant over anyone else?!?


You wanna ask why Mean Gene Okerlund?!?! Well the Macho Man'll give ya an answer! Ya see, Mean Gene, the Macho Man has to prove myself not only to all the WCW fans...The Macho Man has to prove myself NOT ONLY to all the wrestlers in the back, the Macho Man has to prove myself....TO MYSELF!!!


Ya see Gene, I became WCW champion after beating 58 other guys at the World War 3 battle royal. Some would say that's proving enough...But NOT THE MACHO MAN! Nope! I'm gonna cement my reign as champion by taking on the most difficult task there is, and what better way to do that than by taking on a 7'4" 500lbs Giant?!?! I got something to prove, Gene, and tonight's the night that the Macho Man does it!


Well, Macho Man, that's certainly one way to do it, but don't you think Hulk Hogan deserves a rematch for that very title, seeing as he was the last champion??


Gene, Hulk Hogan deserves nothing! What makes him the number one contender, just because he lost it? Hulk Hogan was the champion and now he is no longer! If Hulk Hogan wanted to keep this title, Gene, than he should've been a bit more in control of himself, if ya know what I mean! Hulk Hogan is gonna have to do just the same as everyone else and GET IN LINE, NOT JUMP THE LINE! DIG IT!


(After Savage walks off) - Randy Savage telling someone to be more in control of himself is quite the statement...Back to you, Eric.

Rating: 86



Lex Luger & Sting vs Brian Pillman & Steve Austin

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The crowd was extremely anxious for this match and all four competitors did a great job at using their charisma and ability to play to the crowd perfectly. While all competitors went after each other, the match was mostly split with Luger and Pillman pairing off and Sting and Austin. Although both teams were experienced in teaming with each other, the edge had to go with Pillman and Austin, who were former WCW tag team champions together as the Hollywood Blondes. That was ages and personalities ago, however, as the glitz and glamor has now been replaced with calculating viciousness and attitude. This was a fantastic match and was given plenty of time to tell a story in the ring. The ending came at 17:41 when Sting connected off the top rope with a Stinger Splash on Austin for the pin fall victory.

Winners: Sting & Lex Luger

Rating: 82



Television Title:

Lord Steven Regal vs Eddie Guerrero (c)

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The first title match of the night didn't disappoint. Both Regal and Guerrero showcased their in-ring talent in this match and both paired well with one another. Regal tried to keep the match on the mat as much as possible and Guerrero used his speed and high-flying ability to his advantage. The problem Regal had, though, was when he did keep it on the mat, Guerrero was mostly able to match it, resulting in this being quite the technical showcase. Eddie definitely had something to prove as he hoped to defend his title. In the end, though, it wasn't enough, not because Eddie couldn't keep up, but because Regal pulled a foreign object from his tights, blasting Eddie with what appeared to be brass knuckles. Eddie collapsed to the mat and Regal got the pin fall victory at 12:16 to become the new champion!

Winner and NEW TV Champion: Lord Steven Regal

Rating: 80



Nasty Boys vs Faces of Fear

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The WCW tag team division continues to impress with several capable teams. The announcers touch on the possibility of Sting and Lex Luger joining in on the competition along with Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. They think if that happens, the competition within the division could be at an all-time high. That would really signify the importance of whoever wins this match. The reality though, is this was just a wild brawl from beginning to end. Meng had the best performance out of everyone and subsequently ended up the victor after catching Jerry Sags in the Tongan Death Grip at 7:46.

Winners: Faces of Fear

Rating: 67




Following a short promotional break, cameras return to the backstage area where Ric Flair is standing in front of a dark backdrop. He's flanked by his stable; Brian Pillman to his right, Steve Austin to his left, and the Enforcer standing just behind Flair's left side.


Ricky the Dragon Steamboat....A man I thought was well and gone out of the picture! Lo and behold just a couple of months ago, you make a surprise return not only to WCW, but to the ring! Steamboat, the best thing you ever did for yourself was retire! You should've kept it that way pal, because after I'm through with you tonight, I'm going to remind you why you should've stayed retired! Tonight's a 20 minute time limit match. I'm going to make you suffer for 19 and a half minutes, Steamboat! You're too beat up, too broken down, too rusty to probably even make it that far! That's just a warmup for the Nature Boy!!! Maybe after tonight, Steamboat, you'll finally realize that you're not on the same level as Ric Flair! Hell, the Enforcer and I had our problems with you back in the 80's! Austin had problems with you in the early 90's, and it seems you're making your way back again! Steamboat!?!?! It's your funeral, pal!!! And the Horsemen are gonna make sure you're buried once and for all - FOR GOOD!


Rating: 92



Tag Team Titles:

Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)

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This was another match the crowd was extra hyped for, though something just seemed off in this bout. While Scott Steiner had the best performance out of the bunch, each worker seemed off and definitely did not live up to their ability. Sensuous Sherri was at ringside and got involved at every opportunity. After finally having enough of her antics, the referee directed Sherri to leave ringside and go backstage. The troubling part was while he was trying to send Sherri away, this allowed Booker T to blindside Rick Steiner with a tag team title belt. Stevie Ray went for the pin just as the referee was turning around. The pin was counted and the match ended at 11:44.

Winners: Harlem Heat

Rating: 77



Diamond Dallas Page vs Johnny B. Badd

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Johnny B. Badd was clearly in the Christmas spirit, as he came out to the ring in a Santa hat and carried a bag of toys. Diamond Dallas Page was in no mood for theatrics though and promptly took the bag and booted it into the crowd. That was about the main highlight of the match as DDP hit the Diamond Cutter at 8:48 to score the win. Tenay believes this is DDP's attempt to get back into the TV title picture.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page



20 Minute Time Limit:

Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat

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Ric Flair, by far, had the performance of the night. Following the show, there were many critics who described Flair's performance as a 95/100 and raved about how well he did. Steamboat was also no slouch in this match, proving he could still go nearly just in the same step as Flair. The pace of the match began extremely slow, to Flair's liking. He toyed with Steamboat non-stop and exited the ring any time it seemed like Steamboat was about to get an offense started. When he finally did get his hands on Flair, the crowd exploded. From then on, Steamboat was on the offense and Flair had no choice but to eventually beg for a timeout. That never came....Exactly. After back and forth action, just as Steamboat was getting another wind of offense, the bell abruptly rang. The referee waived the match off and the crowd rumbled their disapproval. To the excitement of the announcers, they proclaimed that Steamboat once again had gone the distance against Ric Flair. The bell ringing was due to the 20:00 time limit. Steamboat had a dejected look on his face while Flair's appeared more of relief.

Time Limit Draw!

Rating: 89



Scott Norton vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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Following the exhausting match there was a brief promotional video, this time hyping the next event for WCW; Clash of the Champions, coming in January 1996! Next is a match which mostly featured Scott Norton completely dominating Jim Duggan. Norton scored the pin fall win at 7:32 after hitting a Shoulder Breaker.

Winner: Scott Norton

Rating: 53




- The Giant appears backstage for a promo, giving the fans in a chance to catch their breath. He threatens the very well being of the Macho Man and promises he will do whatever it takes to become the world champion. He finishes by saying there's nothing and no one that can beat a Giant. -

Rating: 72





- Cameras switch once again to Mean Gene who is now standing with Hulk Hogan. You didn't think WCW would hold its biggest PPV of the year and not have Hogan on it, did you? -


Hulk Hogan, I'm sure that you're going to be paying very close attention to this next match, a match, I might add, that you requested to have you in it...Though you were turned down by the Macho Man Randy Savage....


Well ya know something, Mean Gene!?!?! There's nothing that chaps my hide more than the fact that the Macho Man tucked tail and decided to run away from the Hulkster, man! I've been a friend to the Macho Man for a long time, brother. I've given the Macho Man everything to the shirt off my back, dude, and you would think that the least he could do is provide Hulk Hogan with a fair and equal shot to regain my title belt, brother! He couldn't even do that! I had my title taken away from me on a bogus reason and was told it was by the WCW board of directors! Well let me tell ya Gene, that ever since I had my title STOLEN from me, I've not been given one opportunity to get it back! Well that just doesn't cut the mustard with Hulk Hogan! Oh you can bet without a doubt, Gene, that I'll be paying close attention to this match! It makes no difference to me who wins, whether it's the Macho Man or the Giant brother, because Hulk Hogan is through with asking nicely for a title match. Hulk Hogan is through with doing things the right way. I WILL get my belt back brother, whether I've gotta go through hell or high water to do it! Hulk Hogan is through with playing nice!

Rating: 99



WCW World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Randy Savage (c)

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It's finally time for the defining match. The questions will all be settled. Is the Giant the unstoppable force he claims to be, or will the Macho Man solidify his position as WCW Champion by defeating this monstrous task? The time for questions is over and all that's left is the two competitors to fight. Savage was using his quickness at every opportunity but it all seemed to be thwarted at every attempt by the Giant. Both men were about equal with each other when it came to performance in the match, which more so said something for the Giant. Savage was able to gain some success in quick top rope assaults, reeling the Giant. He tried it one too many times though as the Giant caught Savage on one final attempt. He caught Savage and then lifted him high into the air, crashing him down hard onto the mat with a Chokeslam! Everyone thought the match was now over, but rather than go for the pin, the Giant appeared that he wanted to go for the kill. He sent Savage out onto the floor where he picked him up in a bear hug before ramming Savage back first into the ring post. He did this two more times, each time ignoring direction and protests from the referee. Finally, with Savage on the floor and writhing in pain, the Giant lifted the floor mats, exposing the cold, hard, unforgiving concrete underneath. The Giant picked Savage up to his feet before grabbing his huge hand around Savage's throat. The referee warned the Giant not to chokeslam Savage onto the unprotected floor, but he did it anyway. Savage crashed down onto the floor with a sickening thud. The referee had no choice but to call for the bell  at 18:15 and intervene before any further damage could be done to the world champion. The Giant had a sinister grin on his face and seemed more than pleased with what he had done, despite failing to capture the world title. Savage lay on the floor as he's attended to by medical personnel as Starrcade fades off the air!

Winner by DQ: Randy Savage

Rating: 81



Overall Show Rating: 83





Stay tuned for the end of the year review and the card for the first Monday Nitro of 1996!

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Let me start off by saying Old School Fan, you sneaky little devil, calling out the Macho Man's DQ victory at Starrcade! It's almost like you were able to look into my save gave for the result, good call!!!!!


WCW Starrcade Buy Rate: 7.66



1995 End of the Year Awards:


Wrestler of the Year: Bret Hart

Tag Team of the Year: Owen Hart & Yokozuna

Young Wrestler of the Year: Sean Waltman

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jerry Lawler

Female Wrestler of the Year: Akira Hokuto

Independent Wrestler of the Year: Mick Foley

Company of the Year: WWF

Most Improved Company: No winner

Match of the Year: Diesel def. Razor Ramon in In Your House: October 1995 (cage match): 100 Rating

Card of the Year: WWF In Your House October 1995: Rating: 94

Manager of the Year: Billy Graham

Announcer of the Year: Jim Ross

Color Commentator of the Year: Dusty Rhodes

Referee of the Year: Charles Robinson


Top 10 Workers:

1. Bret Hart (97 Avg. Rating)

2. The Undertaker (95 Avg. Rating)

3. Shawn Michaels (92 Avg. Rating)

4. Scott Hall (89 Avg. Rating)

5. Sid Vicious (97 Avg. Rating)

6. Ultimate Warrior (88 Avg. Rating)

7. Diesel (92 Avg. Rating)

8. Mick Foley (81 Avg. Rating)

9. Sean Waltman (80 Avg. Rating)

10. Steve Williams (75 Avg. Rating)


As you can see, the numbers are quite skewed toward the WWF. Sting was the first wrestler on my roster to make the list at #28 with an average match rating of 77. He went 19-2 for the short year. 


Not much news to pass along other than WCW signed a broadcasting deal with TV Asahi to show events in Japan.



WCW Monday Nitro

January, Week 1 1995


Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair


Faces of Fear vs Steiner Brothers


Rey Misterio Jr. vs Earl Robert Eaton



I also want to thank everyone for their support in this! I know most of the time it isn't perfect and some things may not make much sense. In all honesty, it took me a long time to chug through 1995 and get into this save. Once I was able to get through most stuff and start branching out stories on my own, I think it really picked up steam, but I didn't want to deviate too drastically for the rest of 1995.


I will say there are a lot of things that happen in 1996, so hopefully it gets a lot more exciting. I'm especially looking forward to getting into 1997 because there is a MASSIVE bombshell to take place that no one could have predicted. I think you guys will find it particularly amusing. I will also be happy to start incorporating predictions into awards once we get to present day. Thank you again everyone, and I hope you're all enjoying it!

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 1, January 1996

LIVE from the Gainesville O-Dome, Gainesville, FL

Attendance: 12,000 (SELL OUT!)


- Monday Nitro kicks off for the first time in 1996! Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay welcome everyone to Nitro and the jam-packed sold out crowd is going nuts following the usual large firework intro. Bischoff asks Heenan and Tenay their predictions for 1996; Bobby Heenan thinks this year is going to belong to the Horsemen and reestablishing their dominance in the pro wrestling scene. Mike Tenay see's the Television title becoming more prominent along with a new champion. Eric Bischoff likes their thoughts and says that he thinks 1996 will bring a whole new direction to the world of professional wrestling and wonders when tension will boil over between the WCW Champion Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. Bischoff says this sold out crowd is ready for action and Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring and ready to get down to business! -



Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, it's safe to say we've kicked off 1996 on a huge wave of momentum! We are LIVE tonight from Gainesville, FL and I want to start the evening off by introducing two men who fought last night at Starrcade against a couple of relative thorns in their side by way of the 4 Horsemen. Please join me in welcoming, The Total Package Lex Luger and Sting!!!



Gentlemen, last night at Starrcade, you took on one half of the 4 Horsemen, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. Experience came away the victor in that match after a tremendous battle. Where do the two of you go forward from here, and is your feud with the 4 Horsemen over, once and for all???


Luger: Gene, if there's one thing the Stinger and myself know, is that you can never predict what another man will do! Last night we had a battle with two guys who just love to stick their nose in your face and get under your skin! In fact, I don't know that there's anyone better here in WCW than Pillman and Austin! Add in that they're learning from two guys like Ric Flair and Arn Anderson and that amplifies it by quite a bit! Last night, there's no question that the better team won and the Stinger and myself have been doing this long enough to know when it's time to put up, or shut up, and last night was the time to let the 4 Horsemen know that they aren't the only big dogs here in WCW!


Sting: The Total Package is right, Gene! I've had so many battles with Ric Flair and the Horsemen that I'm not sure that battle will ever end! What I can tell you right now is that Steve Austin is pretty confident for a guy who just lost last night! I've heard a few rumors going around that Pillman and Austin might just be a more regular team and go after the tag team titles.....Well it just so happens that maybe, just maybe, the Total Package and the Stinger might be thinking about going after those titles too! One thing's for sure though, Gene, and that's wherever Brian Pillman and Steve Austin are, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are sure not far behind!


Gene: Lex Luger, if I could ask you both separately, what do you think is in store for you in 1996, now that you're fully back in the fold of WCW?


We all take a moment to reflect and think about new year's resolutions, Gene, and I'm no different. In the past few days when I've sat and thought about all the accomplishments in my career, the things I've done, the places I've traveled, and more importantly, the friend's I've made, it makes me extremely thankful! It makes me wonder if I've accomplished all there is to accomplish in professional wrestling. Well I'm only 37 years old, and while that might be getting up there for an athlete, I can tell you for sure that I'm in the best shape of my life, in the best company in the world, with the best friend anyone could ask for....Gene, I think 1996 is going to be a very very big year for me!


And what about you, Sting??


Gene, it's been a long time since the Stinger has had a look at the world title and I'm itching to get back to it...As for what's in store for 1996?? I guess we'll have to wait and find out!

Rating: 92



Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Earl Robert Eaton

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This was a surprisingly good opener between two guys who, you'd think, have clashing styles. The former "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton proved that he still is quite capable of putting on a solid match while the relatively unknown Rey Misterio dazzled the sold out crowd with his high flying moves and quickness. Misterio picked up his second win in WCW with his impressive springboard Hurricanrana into a pin at 7:54.

Winner: Rey Misterio Jr.

Rating: 77




Gene: Folks, welcome back to Monday Nitro (after commercial), we are right in the middle of the action just one day removed from WCW Starrcade and the night's only heating up! At this time, I'm going to introduce two individuals who fought in last night's main event! The man I'm introducing first, some say, should have the world title around his waist but last night he seemed more intent on destroying his opponent rather than winning a title - The Giant!



- The Giant walks out, slowly making his way to the ring and climbs in before stepping next to Mean Gene. There's little taunting or reaction on the Giant's end and he seems more focused to this confrontation. Gene introduces the World Champion next, to a loud roar from the crowd. -



Gene: Now, gentlemen, I don't think I need to remind you that I expect things to remain civil through the course of this interview. What I want to do is give the both of you an opportunity to address one another regarding last night's main event, and furthermore, I think you both owe it to the fans to explain why last night did not result in a definitive winner. Giant, since you were the cause of last night's disqualification, I'll start with you; You've made no secret about your desire to become world champion and last night you had a perfect opportunity to do so, but you instead took the chance to inflict more damage to Randy Savage. Why?


Giant: Haha. Why? You want to ask why, Gene? Do you ask a dog why it chews on a bone? Do you ask a spider why it traps its prey in a web? Why do any of us do the things we do, Gene? It's really simple. See, when you're as big as me, when you're as mean as me, when you're as strong as me, there's no time table for anything, Gene. I can become world champion at any time I want. It's not a matter of winning and being done, Gene. I proved last night that the Macho Man is on borrowed time, and I can choose whenever I want to defeat him for that belt. I'm merely enjoying the pursuit, Gene.


Gene: I'm not sure I understand the mentality, but I digress. Macho Man Randy Savage, your title reign has been marred by, as many believe, Hulk Hogan being front and center of all your actions. Last night you finally had an opportunity to prove your worthiness as world champion without Hulk Hogan's interference, but came up short...


Macho Man: I'm gonna cut you off right there Mean Gene....I'm still standing here, aren't I?!?! YEAH! The fact of the matter is, last night the Giant did everything he could to put the Macho Man away, but he couldn't get it done! NOPE! The Macho Man may be a bit bruised, but the Macho Man is still kickin! It doesn't matter what Hulk Hogan does, and it doesn't matter what the Giant does, because it ain't gonna be enough to keep me down! I'm not afraid of the Giant just like I'm not afraid of any other man on the planet! You wanna keep going after me, be my guest! As far as Hulk Hogan goes, I'm not in this ring to talk about Hulk Hogan! I'm here to talk about the man standing in front of me right now, and that's the Giant! I'll take on the Giant again any time, any place, and I ain't backing down!


Rating: 98



Faces of Fear vs Steiner Brothers

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This match featured two teams who seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum. The Faces of Fear continue to move up the ranks within the WCW tag team division, proving their dominance with a convincing win last night at Starrcade while the Steiners, newly returned to WCW, are trying to find their footing. While they've challenged the past couple of PPV's for the titles, they've come up short in beating Harlem Heat, though it's always been less-than-clean wins for the champions. In either case, the Steiner's had visibly had their morale drop as they struggle to claim the titles. This match was another hard-hitting affair and allowed the Steiners to find that footing they were so desperate to get. The Steiners picked up the much needed win at 7:31 after a Steiner Bulldog.

Winners: Steiner Brothers

Rating: 72




- DDP conducts a recorded promo where he spends time talking about how great he is and how he will once again re-claim the Television Title. -

Rating: 70




- Following a commercial break, chaos ensues in the backstage area, but not by people you would assume. Eddie Guerrero and Steven Regal are in the midst of a wild fight backstage, as Guerrero is still pretty upset with how he lost the TV title just 24 hours before to the Lordship. The fight is eventually broken up by officials but not before Eddie yells that things aren't over between the two. -

Rating: 70



Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan

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Hulk Hogan, surprising to many, had the performance of the night, being compared to a 89/100 rating. Flair wasn't too far behind, either and kept the crowd on the edge of their feet. Both men used their exceptional psychological skills to keep the fans engaged, even when there wasn't particularly anything exciting going on. It was a classic good guy vs bad guy match until Arn Anderson got involved. The Enforcer had been at ringside and was constantly distracting Hogan, but it was finally enough at 14:41. Hogan had the match won and was going for his Leg Drop when Anderson clubbed Hogan from behind, right in front of the referee. The bell rang in disqualification, though events were far from over...

Winner by Disqualification: Hulk Hogan

Rating: 81



- The bell rings but the Horsemen pay it no mind as they continue their attack on Hulk Hogan. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson work in unison as they continue to beat on the Hulkster. There can be some cheers heard in the Florida crowd, for the attack the Horsemen are conducting, but there's also a louder chorus of boo's. The two grab Hogan to his feet and send him to the ropes. On rebound, Arn Anderson catches Hogan with his patented Spinebuster. Hogan convulses on the mat like he's having a seizure before Flair grabs one of Hogan's legs and motions for the Figure Four. He locks Hogan in it, who is now screaming in agony as his leg's on the verge of breaking. Suddenly the crowd comes to life, screaming loudly as the attention turns to the stage. The cameras don't catch it until a subject slides into the ring -





- Ricky Steamboat slides into the ring and immediately goes after Arn Anderson, promptly sending him over the top rope with a clothesline. With having Hogan locked in the Figure Four, Flair was at a severe disadvantage. He tried desperately to unlock the hold, but Steamboat was too quick for him, grabbing Flair by the hair and getting him to his feet. Flair tried to throw a few punches, only to be dodged by Steamboat. He sent Flair into the rope and on rebound, caught Flair with one of his classic chops. Flair flopped like a fish out of the water before rolling under the bottom rope where he reconnected with Arn Anderson. The two retreated up the aisle while Steamboat helped Hulk Hogan to his feet and checked on him as Nitro fades to a close. -

Rating: 94



Final Show Rating: 88


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From a diary reader standpoint this is thrilling but I won't lie if I watched that Starrcade IRL I would have been pissed at the non-finishes :p 

Interested to see if there's a turn coming in this Hogan-Steamboat alliance.

Edited by Dawn
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On 11/17/2022 at 9:18 AM, Dawn said:

From a diary reader standpoint this is thrilling but I won't lie if I watched that Starrcade IRL I would have been pissed at the non-finishes :p 

Interested to see if there's a turn coming in this Hogan-Steamboat alliance.

I can't deviate too far away from classic WCW!


My 1996 WCW is full of twists and turns, stay tuned!

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WCW Monday Nitro

Week 2, Monday, January 1996

LIVE from the Gainesville O-Dome

Attendance: 12,000 (SELLOUT!)


 - Monday Nitro kicks off in its usual form; full of pyrotechnics and a raging sold-out crowd, here once again at the O-Dome in Gainesville, FL. Eric Bischoff says there's a ton to catch fans up to what's taken place over the weekend on WCW Saturday Night! The Steiner Brother's said in an interview that Harlem Heat can't win against them without cheating, so they challenged the tag team champions to a street fight. Brad Armstrong took exception to Lord Steven Regal cheating to win the TV title, so he challenged him to a title match at Clash of the Champions, coming up in just under two weeks. Ric Flair challenged Ricky Steamboat to a cage match at Clash of the Champions, and, possibly the biggest news of all, Hulk Hogan stated that right here tonight on Nitro, for the first time ever, he will team with Ricky Steamboat to take on Ric Flair and Arn Anderson! There is a huge lineup on Nitro tonight, unlike over at the WORST Wrestling Federation where Diesel beat Bam Bam Bigelow in the main event, Shawn Michaels beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Ahmed Johnson, and the 1,2,3 Kid to retain the IC title, Razor Ramon & Bret Hart beat the Warrior & Psycho Sid, yadda, yadda, yadda. You're going to miss nothing on Raw, so stay right here on Nitro where they're going to go backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund, who's standing by with Ric Flair and Arn Anderson! -




Gene: Gentlemen, over the weekend on WCW Saturday Night, Hulk Hogan stated that right here, TONIGHT on Nitro, you two will take on the first-ever team of Hulk Hogan and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat! Mr. Flair, there's been a ton of tension between you and Ricky Steamboat, as of late and Arn Anderson, you have been targeting Hulk Hogan lately as well. Tonight, the both of you get your supposed wish and get them both in the ring tonight!


Flair: Mean Gene! It's laid out in real simple terms so that even Ricky Steamboat can understand it! I don't like him! He's been a pain in my ass for years now and just when I thought I was done with him, he comes back around! Everyone's seen me wrestle rings around Steamboat, first at World War 3, then at Starrcade. Time limit be damned, everyone knows I was the better competitor in those matches! So we're done with time limits and we're gonna go into a cage! Me and Steamboat! Two men enter - one man exits! It's that simple, pal! Once and for all, I'm gonna be through with you and I'll prove that I'm the better man! After Clash of the Champions Steamboat, you'll have no excuse to ever step foot in the ring with the Nature Boy again! Up until then, it's all just softening you up and getting you just the way I want you at Clash! Tonight, you think teaming with Hogan is going to help you?!?! Myself and Arn Anderson know how to deal with Hogan and besides, Hogan's too afraid to go one on one against the Enforcer, isn't that right Arn?!?


Anderson: That's unquestionably without a doubt, Nature Boy! Ya see, I knew that simply coming out to the ring, or conducting an interview and challenging Hulk Hogan wasn't going to cut it! I knew that Hulk Hogan wouldn't bother responding, because Hulk Hogan's nothing but a coward. Hulk Hogan, you think by ignoring me that I'll go away? You couldn't be more mistaken. I knew exactly how to get under your skin, and last week, myself and the Nature Boy proved it. Tonight, Hulk Hogan, is just a sneak peak at how myself and the Horsemen plan on making your life a living hell!


Rating: 82



Paul Orndorff & Hugh Morrus vs American Males

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This was a completely random team thrown together, but Paul Orndorff shocked everyone when he had the best performance in the match. The old guy proved that he could still show the younger talent a thing or two. During the match, the commentary booth also mentioned that over the weekend on Saturday Night, the Faces of Fear will take on the American Males at Clash of the Champions. The Males won the match by pin at 7:46.

Winners: American Males

Rating: 60




TV Title Match:

Johnny B. Badd vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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While Regal's performance stood out as good, Johnny B. Badd's, despite always getting a great reaction from the crowd, left much to be desired as far as in-ring work. Regal put this one away at 10:12 after making Badd submit to the Regal Stretch.

Winner: Steven Regal

Rating: 66





- Following a commercial break, cameras return to Nitro in the backstage area. Randy Savage and the Giant are engaged in a wild brawl and Savage is using a multitude of weapons, really anything within grasp, to use against the Giant, who's doing his best to knock them aside. Savage is heard yelling, but nothing can be deciphered in what he's saying. Officials are able to separate the two men and Savage then turns, making a direct path toward the stage and arena entrance. -

Rating: 89




Savage's music immediately hits the speakers and the crowd get on their feet as the Macho Man storms out through the stage and walks down the short ramp to the aisle. He skips his usual stage taunt and there are no fireworks going off behind him this time. The announcers say it's clear that Savage is a determined man at the moment and climbs right in the ring before demanding a microphone.


Savage: I've had it up to ~here~ with two men who go by the name of Hulk Hogan and the Giant!! I'm sick and tired of Hulk Hogan wanting to interject himself into my world title reign and I'm sick and tired of the Giant getting opportunity after opportunity to defeat the Macho Man! Ever since winning the title, I've tried to make my title reign about ONE man....The Macho Man! Yet, Hulk Hogan has somehow, like always, turned it around to be about himself. YEAH! Let's get one thing straight, Hulk Hogan isn't the WCW World Heavyweight Champion! I AM! As for the Giant, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not afraid of the Giant and I'm out to prove once and for all that I can beat the Giant, and I'm out to prove that I don't need or want anyone's help, especially you, Hulk Hogan!!! So Giant, I challenge you to a match at Clash of the Champions for the World Heavyweight Title!



Rating: 82



Hulk Hogan & Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair & Arn Anderson

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This match definitely had the crowd buzzing and critics gave both Hogan and Flair the same performance rating, comparing it to a 90/100. Flair spent a majority of the match trying to dodge Steamboat, though he would turn into Hogan, whom he equally wanted to stay away from. Arn Anderson, true to his word in the interview, wasted little time taking the fight to Hogan. The match was never really organized and saw Anderson/Hogan and Flair/Steamboat pairing off through most of it. The finish came at 12:58 when Brian Pillman and Steve Austin hit the ring. They attempted to hit Hogan behind the referee's back, only for the Immortal one to duck out of the way. They ended up clubbing Arn Anderson instead. Hogan then proceeded to hit the Leg Drop for the win, though things didn't end there.

Winners: Hulk Hogan & Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 89



- An instant after the bell rings, and no time to even celebrate their win, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin blindside Hogan. Steamboat tries to get in the ring to help, but the numbers are too much when Flair and Anderson cut him off. It's 4 on two and both Steamboat and Hogan are taking a beating when the crowd suddenly jumps to life and attention turns toward the stage. Cameras catch up with the fans and center on the aisle to see two men running out at a full sprint;



Sting and the Total Package slide in the ring, which promptly causes the quick exit of the 4 Horsemen. The stable regroups at the aisle way as they stare into the ring as Sting and Luger are helping Steamboat and Hogan to their feet. Despite being run off, the Horsemen appear to be happy with the destruction they've left in the ring as Nitro fades out. -

Rating: 91



Final Show Rating: 88

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Hello again everyone, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund here to bring you the WCW Hotline Report! First, ratings from this Monday's shows!


WCW Monday Nitro: 3.62

WWF Raw: 1.83



WCW are considered to have "risen" in size and are compared to be a "Big" company now. This obviously is viewed as WCW heading in the right direction!


Eddie Guerrero has finished up his loan dates to CMLL and will now return to WCW full-time.


Referee's Charles Robinson and Mark Curtis had their current contract deals re-organized. They are now on exclusive written contracts.


It's a quick turn-around this week for WCW as they head into Clash of the Champions this weekend. While Clash isn't a typical PPV event, it is treated that way for all intents and purposes for the month of January, as they cool off and re-direct from Starrcade, traditionally.




WCW Clash of the Champions

WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

The Giant vs Randy Savage (c)


Cage Match:

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair


Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman


WCW Television Title:

Brad Armstrong vs Lord Steven Regal (c)


Faces of Fear vs American Males


Steve Austin vs Sting


WCW Tag Team Titles - Street Fight:

Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)



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WCW World Heavyweight Championship:

The Giant vs Randy Savage (c) (unlike last time out, The Giant will overwhelm Savage and take the title)


Cage Match:

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair


Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman


WCW Television Title:

Brad Armstrong vs Lord Steven Regal (c)


Faces of Fear vs American Males


Steve Austin vs Sting


WCW Tag Team Titles - Street Fight:

Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)

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Sunday, Week 2, January 1996

WCW Presents;

Clash of the Champions


- Clash of the Champions kicks off as a wild crowd of 52,000 is shown here in the South East. The announcers don't announce where their location is, so we can only guess that it's some sort of generic location. Eric Bischoff reads off the card for the night and is shocked how packed this show is, considering we're just a couple weeks off from Starrcade. The announcers also fill the time saying they question how things will play out between now and SuperBrawl, considering there will be quite a bit of time between the shows. Bischoff says he's sure things will continue to heat up during the winter months and right now, Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with none other than former world heavyweight champion, Hulk Hogan! -



Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, we are here at Clash of the Champions and standing by with me is a man who certainly will be paying attention to tonight's main event as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Macho Man Randy Savage defends the title against the Giant! Hulk Hogan, you have made it a point to get involved in anything the Macho Man has been doing ever since he won that title at World War 3 as you feel like you are the rightful champion due to the fact you've not been beaten for it. Despite this, don't you think you're being a bit unfair to the Macho Man's title reign, as he tries to establish himself as champion?


Hogan: Well let me tell ya something, Mean Gene! The first thing you've got to realize, brother, is that Hulk Hogan is the rightful WCW World Heavyweight Champion! I had that title stripped from me by some phantom group known as the "WCW Board of Directors." Well let me ask you, Mean Gene, just where the heck is this "Board of Directors?!" Why haven't they ever come face to face with Hulk Hogan and told me exactly why they "voted" to strip Hulk Hogan of the championship?!? Why did they let the Giant and the Dungeon of Doom run rampant on WCW, in particular on me, yet I defend myself at Halloween Havoc and get stripped of the title?!? If you ask me, Mean Gene, there's a conspiracy against Hulk Hogan, brother! There's a conspiracy because everyone knows they can't beat me for that title, so they have to go about their backhanded tactics to get that belt off of Hulk Hogan! You ask ME if I'm being unfair to the Macho Man?!?! Well Mean Gene, if anyone's being treated unfairly, it's me, brother! I'm yet to get an opportunity to get my belt back, even though I've asked repeatedly for one! To answer your question, no. I don't feel the least bit guilty for involving myself in the Macho Man's title reign. You know why, Mean Gene??? Because if the Macho Man really wanted to establish himself as the champion, brother, he would face me in a one-on-one match for that title! He could name the time, he could name the place, and he could name the stipulation, brother, and let me tell you this; If he came out of the match the winner, if he came out of that match the better man, IF he came out of that match with his hand raised, then I'd be the first one to congratulate him and shake his hand, dude! You can put all your money on the table, Mean Gene, that the Hulkster and all the little Hulkamaniacs will be paying close attention to tonight's main event! And to, up the ante a bit more, whoever comes out of tonight's match as the winner, you can bet that Hulk Hogan will be coming after them!

Rating: 96



WCW Tag Team Titles:

Street Fight

Steiner Brothers vs Harlem Heat (c)

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The crowd were extremely hyped up for this match and Rick Steiner actually surprised critics by having the best performance in the match. Sensuous Sherri didn't accompany the champions to this match, as the conditions were a street fight, and what a fight it was. Both teams battled all over the ringside area though much of it was contained in the ring. The story of the match was that both prior times the Steiner's attempted to win the titles, Harlem Heat used underhanded tactics. Now that the match was a street fight, it evened the odds to prevent a cheating victory, as both teams could use whatever was at their disposal. One would think this would benefit the Steiner's. The end proved true, as the ending came at 13:30. After total chaos and bodies crashing all around the ringside area, Booker T was caught with a Steiner Bulldog. Stevie Ray had been beaten down too badly on the outside in order to recover in time to break up a pin fall. The Steiner's had finally accomplished their goal.

Winners and NEW Champions: Steiner Brothers

Rating: 77




Steve Austin vs Sting

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Clash went right into it's next match of the night, this one a fierce grudge match between two men who are pretty familiar with each other. They have gotten entangled with each other once again following Steve Austin's return to WCW by way of Ric Flair's never-ending feud with Sting. Austin had no trouble keeping up with Sting's performance in the ring and was just a step behind in speed. One thing to Austin's advantage, though, was his ability to use every dirty tactic he could whenever the referee wasn't paying attention. This wasn't enough to beat the Stinger though, but it did make for a very competitive match. Sting won in 13:14 after a submission by way of the Scorpion Deathlock.

Winner: Sting

Rating: 80





- After a short promotional video hyping SuperBrawl, Hulk Hogan is seen backstage watching a monitor. Suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere, Hogan is bashed from behind with a steel chair. The camera zooms out to see who the attacker is....


The Enforcer uses the chair a couple more times on the downed Hulkster and after he's satisfied with that, he tosses the chair aside. Anderson then starts laying the boots into Hogan, who remains down on the cold concrete. After he's finished, he taunts Hogan, telling him that he might refuse to face Anderson in a match, but sooner or later, he won't have a choice. Anderson walks off while Hogan remains on the ground. -

Rating: 99



American Males vs Faces of Fear

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Few things could be better than the American Males theme song and one of those are the tandem dropkicks performed by Scotty Riggs and Marcus Bagwell. There were plenty of those on display in this match, though they didn't have their desired effect on two men so high on the manly meter as Meng and the Barbarian. These two teams were vying for the #1 contendership to the tag team titles and have been working for weeks to establish the spot. The American Males, while giving a great effort, weren't able to overcome the brutality of the Faces of Fear. The match ended at 7:42 after the Barbarian connected with the Boot of Fear on Riggs, scoring the win.

Winners: Faces of Fear

Rating: 66




- Diamond Dallas Page conducts a backstage promo where he talks about Eddie Guerrero. DDP says Eddie was such a terrible TV Champion and now that he's lost the title, DDP has to try and go after Regal. DDP also says he knows Eddie was afraid to face him, but he didn't have to go the length he did by losing to Regal. -

Rating: 80




WCW Television Title:

Brad Armstrong vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Many may have gone into this match counting Armstrong out as being competitive, but showed a lot of people that he's possibly a main contender to Steven Regal and the TV title. The announcers mention how Armstrong has been racking up wins on Saturday Night and proclaiming that he's coming after the TV title, no matter who the champion is. Regal may have also overlooked Armstrong as he was caught off guard several times in this match. The match ended at 11:43 when Regal was fortunate enough to catch Armstrong in a dropkick attempt. Regal wasted no time locking in the Regal Stretch for the submission victory.

Winner: Steven Regal

Rating: 79





Larry Zbyszko is backstage in the interview area, standing by with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. Zbyszko asks Steamboat if he's prepared for his match tonight against Flair, this time a cage match after the previous two matches went to a time limit draw. Steamboat says he's ready and focused and will give it everything he's got tonight. He said while he isn't happy with the time limit finishes, he's proven that he can go the distance just as well as Flair can, and tonight he's excited to finally have a clear winner once and for all.

Rating: 69




Lex Luger vs Brian Pillman

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There wasn't much hype or lead up given to this match ahead of time, which is probably why this match wasn't for the US Championship. There had been some leadup in the way of Sting/Luger and Pillman/Austin leaving some people to question why it wasn't a tag team match instead, but there had already been prior matches. Some also think this was done in order to clearly establish feuds between the competitors. Despite little buildup, the crowd was extremely hot for this match and both Luger and Pillman gave great performances. There were many who argued that this could have been the main event. Much like Austin in his match, Pillman used every dirty trick available to him, but as you can guess, since the US title wasn't on the line, Pillman did not come away with the win. The match ended at 11:39 after submission to the Torture Rack.

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 92




Cage Match:

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair

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Another match that the crowd was extremely hyped for was finally here. Both men made their fairly elaborate entrances. Steamboat, while not flashy, definitely had an aura about him during his entrance. Flair, as usual, played it up, full of fancy robes, fireworks, and strutting to the ring. Ric Flair, by far, had the performance of the night, being compared to a 95/100. Nearly perfect of a performance, many say. The cage door shut and the match was under way. Steamboat came out on fire, relentlessly attacking Flair. Flair did his best to try and get away from Steamboat, but being locked in a cage offered no retreat. Flair attempted to climb the cage a few times, only to be caught by Steamboat, resulting in the off-camera side (thankfully) getting a full view at the Nature Boy's hind parts. As the match went on, both men traded offense and both men used the cage to their advantage, showing the world how veteran wrestlers work in a cage. As the match passed the 20 minute mark, a first between the two of them during the course of their feud, both men's faces ended up in a crimson mask due to the brutal use of the steel cage. After multiple pin attempts by both men, it was clear that neither wanted to suffer defeat despite their exhausted state. Flair was able to hit a few chops to Steamboat, and while weak in his knees, still refused to fall to the mat. Flair gave a chop block to the back of Steamboat's knee which finally caused him to crumble to the mat. After barely making it back to his feet himself, Flair saw his opportunity, though brief and went to the corner, slowly climbing up to the top rope. Flair took a look up above to the high steel cage and slowly began his climb to escape the cage. Just as Flair's second foot left the top turnbuckle, Steamboat managed to catch Flair by the foot. Steamboat climbed up to the top rope as well and the men began trading punches. Both weary and hanging onto the cage to prevent their fall, Steamboat finally hooked Flair in position for a Superplex. The crowd all exclaimed as both men crashed hard to the mat, not moving. The referee began the mandatory 10 count and everyone held their breath. When the referee reached the count of 8, there still was no movement on the mat. It seemed for a brief moment that the referee paused at 9, not wanting to make the final count, but at 24:44, he had no choice. It was clear that neither man was getting up, and they didn't. The bell rang and the referee was forced to call this match another draw.

Winner: Draw

Rating: 91




- In a moment to seemingly give the fans a chance to catch their breath following an amazing match, a hype video is played highlighting the feud between the Macho Man and the Giant, dating all the way back to before Halloween Havoc. -

Rating: 86





Tony Schiavone is backstage with the Giant before the final match of the night. The Giant towers over Schiavone as he has to fully extend his arm to reach the microphone up to him. The Giant says he's ready and tonight isn't about anyone else except the Giant and the Macho Man and tonight, a Giant will finally claim his throne.

Rating: 75



WCW World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Randy Savage (c)

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Many could see this match as disappointing following the last two matches, but this was still a good match that had the crowd on their feet, even if they may have been a little burned out. If people thought this would be a quick match, they would turn out to be very wrong, just like if they were expecting a technical masterpiece. The Macho Man used his quickness to his advantage and the Giant used his size to his, to no one's surprise. Savage did attempt, and failed, to body slam the Giant during the match, and this was the moment of the downfall. As Savage lay on the mat clutching his back, the referee leaned over to check on him. The Giant thought this would be a good moment to run to the ropes, however, he toppled over them and crashed hard to the floor. This wasn't an accident though, as everyone saw why this happened. Hulk Hogan had made his way to the ring and had pulled down the top rope, causing the Giant to go over. Hogan then took the opportunity to grab a steel chair from ringside and bashed the Giant over the head with it. The referee was none-the wiser as Hogan then went around into the referee's view and motioned for him to pay attention to the Giant, who was laying on the floor outside the ring. The referee started the count, and reached the count of 10 at 16:08, declaring the Macho Man the winner by count out. Savage was also unaware of the interference, as he was just now starting to get to his feet as the referee raised his arm as the winner. Clash of the Champions fades out as Savage looks over with a look of suspicion to see Hogan on the outside of the ring.

Winner: Randy Savage

Rating: 84



Final Show Rating: 86






Monday Nitro Card:


Brian Pillman vs Hulk Hogan


Booker T vs Rick Steiner


Dave Taylor & Earl Robert Eaton vs American Males

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Week 3, Monday, January 1996

WCW Monday Nitro

LIVE from the Breslin Center - East Lansing, MI

Attendance: 14,450



After the usual Monday Nitro intro, Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and tonight, Dusty Rhodes, waste no time getting right down to business. Just 24 hours removed from Clash of the Champions and Bischoff tells everyone what a huge night it was. We have new WCW tag team champions by way of the Steiner Brothers, yet no definitive winner in the feuds between Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair, and the Giant and Randy Savage. Heenan makes note that between Steamboat and Flair, both men are taking the other to the limit and that was observed again last night at Clash of the Champions. Both men were too exhausted, bloodied, and broken to get to their feet before a 10 count. Bischoff mentions between the Giant and Savage, Hulk Hogan continues to make his presence known. There's going to be much to unravel here tonight, but first, Nitro is going straight to the ring for the first match!



Dave Taylor & Earl Robert Eaton vs American Males

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The tag team division within WCW continues to get stronger and both of these teams were wanting to put forth a solid effort to prove to be top contenders. The American Males perhaps had more to lose in this match, as they ended up losing in a tough effort last night at Clash. They were able to pick up the win at 7:12 after Riggs hit the Ameriplex on Taylor.

Winners: American Males

Rating: 58




Sabu is in the ring for the next match, but rather than hearing music, the crowd gets to their feet and look to the entry way. People begin to get active as they see who's walking toward the ring...






Bischoff remarks that Sabu is not scheduled to face the Giant; In fact, the Giant isn't even listed in a match here tonight, but judging by what happened last night, he's going to have plenty to say. The Giant walks right to the ring and climbs up before stepping over the top rope to enter. Without so much as a warning, the Giant grabs Sabu around the neck with his huge hand and lifts him high in the air before dropping him with a chokeslam. The referee tries to talk some reason into the Giant, but that was a huge mistake. The Giant promptly grabs the referee and drops him with a chokeslam as well. This results in more officials hitting the ring, and one by one, the Giant drops each with a chokeslam. Suddenly a slew of officials begin to get in the ring but it's just more carnage and more bodies laying around the ring. The Giant's completely enraged and as more officials come out, his anger multiplies. Suddenly cheers can be heard from the crowd and the fans at home soon see why..




Sting climbs in the ring and walks right up to the Giant, not hesitating a bit. The announce team question if this is brave of Sting or just plain dumb, but either way, the Stinger doesn't show any ounce of being intimidated by the Giant. The Giant doesn't attempt to attack Sting but Sting can be seen saying something to the Giant, who looks poised to attack at any moment. Sting takes a couple of steps back before looking toward the ringside area and calling for a microphone.



Sting: I've gotta tell ya, Giant....After what happened to you last night, I guess I'd be pretty upset too, but it doesn't prove a whole heck of a lot when you come out here and you want to beat up a bunch of officials and referees....So if you want to take your aggression out on someone here tonight, the Stinger's available, so why don't you...Even the playing field a little bit and face ME?!


The Giant doesn't take the microphone, he simply nods and exclaims that he'll take the match. Sting motions to one of the still-standing referees that we're having the match now, as the announcers proclaim we've got an impromptu match right now on Nitro!

Rating: 70



Sting vs The Giant

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Sting goes straight into his attack but the Giant shrugs it off. The attempted attack only lasted for a short while and afterwards, it was complete domination by the Giant. Sting ended up looking like a rag doll, much to the dismay of the crowd, but in awe of the Giant's domination. The Giant hit Sting with a chokeslam to pick up the impressive win at 7:39.

Winner: The Giant

Rating: 66





After a short break, Nitro returns to the backstage interview area where Mean Gene is with Eddie Guerrero. Gene goes over the recent feud between Guerrero and Diamond Dallas Page, lastly mentioning that DDP had some recent comments about Eddie and his inability to hang onto the TV title, making a reference that he lost it on purpose to avoid a DDP rematch. Eddie says if DDP likes to talk so much that he should back it up in the ring, challenging him next week to a match.

Rating: 71



Rick Steiner vs Booker T

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Both men came to the ring alone, which was a surprise to many. The announcers went over the brief history between these two teams and Heenan thinks Booker T has something to prove in this match here tonight after losing the titles last night. It was a hard hitting affair that's come to be expected between these teams and men and Rick Steiner again had a surprisingly good performance. It wasn't enough in the end though, as Booker T got the win at 8:22 with a Harlem Hangover.

Winner: Booker T

Rating: 74




After another short break, Mean Gene is standing in the center of the ring, which means only one thing. He introduces his guest, none other than the Nature Boy Ric Flair!



Only the Nature Boy doesn't come out alone, he's accompanied by the entire 4 Horsemen. They make their way to the ring where Double A holds open the ropes for the Nature Boy to step in. They surround themselves around Mean Gene as he gets down to the questions.


Gene: Well you've certainly brought the entire crew here with you tonight, Nature Boy. If I could---



Flair: Mean Gene, pal, normally Nature Boy is all about festivities, kissing the girls, partying all night and partying a little longer, and laughing and playing games....But tonight, I'm not in the mood for anything aside from getting down to business! Ricky Steamboat?!?! I've had enough of you, pal! I've had enough of you being just like a cockroach, you won't stay down! I've faced you twice in 20 minute time limits....That wasn't enough! I thought sure to God that putting the two of us inside a steel cage, where there's no way out, only one winner, would end it....It wasn't enough!! I'm sick and tired of everywhere I go, people ask me - "Nach, why can't you put that punk Steamboat down?!?" They ask - "Nature Boy, have you lost a step? You can't beat Steamboat."


Well hell with that!!!! Steamboat, on your best day, and clearly you've been giving it your best, you can't beat the Nature Boy!!! I've only been giving you a slim margin of hope and you couldn't put me away! I didn't want to give you any more time of day than I already had to, but I've had enough, Steamboat! You've left me no choice but to go with the last resort! Once and for all, there is no going back after this, Steamboat!!!! There will be a definitive winner, that you can bet your ass on! Steamboat, YOU and ME, at SuperBrawl, in a 60 minute match! We're gonna settle this once and for all, pal, and let me tell you, now you're going to be treading on Nature Boy territory, because nobody does 60 minutes like the Nature Boy, just ask your old lady!!!!!


So Steamboat, I'm not gonna be waiting around for an answer, pal....So I want you to come out here right now and accept my challenge!!!





It doesn't take long before Steamboat's music begins to play and out walks the Dragon. He stops at the top of the stage and doesn't continue toward the ring, one thing the announce team agrees on being a good idea. Steamboat has a microphone and his music fades off.



I'm not going to drag this out with a long speech, Ric Flair....If you want a 60 minute match at SuperBrawl, I'd be more than happy to beat you in it! Challenge accepted!

Rating: 97




Hulk Hogan vs Brian Pillman

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The Horsemen all stayed at ringside for this main event. Hogan, definitely outnumbered, but managed it well. He would routinely get distracted by each one of the Horsemen on the outside, allowing Pillman to get an attack in. The crowd was extremely hot during the match and repeatedly made chants of the Macho Man, though he never appeared. The announce team thought it was extremely suspicious that the Macho Man would be absent on the Nitro following Clash of the Champions and speculated the reasoning for it. As if there were any other outcome, Hogan overcame the distractions and interference and won the match at 11:36 with a Leg Drop. As Nitro closed, Eric Bischoff said he fully expects the Macho Man to have some sort of response to the Clash fallout.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Rating: 91



Final Show Rating: 90




Week 4, Monday January 1996

WCW Monday Nitro Card:


Sting vs Ric Flair


WCW Tag Team Titles:

Faces of Fear vs Steiner Brothers (c)


Eddie Guerrero vs Diamond Dallas Page

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Week 4, January 1996

LIVE from the Hilton Coliseum

Attendance: 12,685


- Nitro goes right into their usual kickoff for the show, pyro and crowd shots and proceeds to the announce booth. Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes welcome everyone to this week's Nitro broadcast. Bischoff informs everyone that the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Macho Man Randy Savage is here tonight and we will hear from the champion. He mentions that Savage was not in attendance last week after the fallout from Clash of the Champions, but he IS here tonight! They all speculate as to what Savage will have to say, but the consensus is that it will revolve around Hulk Hogan again getting involved in a title match of Savage's.  First things first though, and they are headed straight to the ring for the first match of the night! -



Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero

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This grudge match was set up last week when Eddie challenged DDP, as a result of a recent feud between the two. Though the feud began over the Television title, neither man in this matchup holds that title currently. They were given a fair amount of time for the opening match which ended at 11:18 when Guerrero pinned DDP following a Frog Splash.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 60





Mean Gene interviews Arn Anderson backstage. Anderson says that Hulk Hogan needs to pencil the Enforcer in for a match at SuperBrawl, because he's dodged him long enough, and it's time Double A gets his hands on him finally. Anderson says he knows Hogan doesn't have a set match yet and there's no way he can avoid a match any longer.

Rating: 72




The interview then transitions into an interview with the Giant. He says that Savage is feeling the pressure as champion and he can't handle it. Giant says there's unfinished business between him and Savage and that SuperBrawl will be a perfect time to finally settle it. Savage is yet to definitively defeat the Giant, and until he's able to do so, there are no other challengers.

Rating: 90



WCW Tag Team Titles:

Faces of Fear vs Steiner Brothers (c)

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This was a great hard-hitting match between two physical teams that didn't back down from the other. The Faces of Fear proved why they're worthy title contenders, but the Steiner's proved equally why they're the champions. It was a great showing from the Faces of Fear, but the Steiner's won the match at 7:52 following a Steiner Bulldog.

Winners: Steiner Brothers

Rating: 75




Following a commercial, the night is drawing to a close but it's not over quite yet. The Macho Man's music begins playing, which brings the crowd to their feet. Savage comes out with the world title around his shoulder and he makes his way to the ring. He taunts the crowd a good bit after climbing in and it's revealed he already has a microphone in hand. The music fades out and Savage addresses the crowd. He says he finally became the WCW World Champion and wanted to prove to not only the fans that he still had it, but prove to himself. He's wanted to have a world title reign to be proud of and finish his career off on a high note, but there's one person who keeps butting in where they don't belong, and that person is Hulk Hogan! Savage says that Hogan can't stand being out of the spot light and he's always been concerned that the Macho Man is better than him. Savage says this is the last warning he's giving Hogan to stay out of his business and focus on his own problems, like Arn Anderson. Savage finishes by saying Hogan can interfere in all his matches, but he knows Hogan will never be as good as he is.

Rating: 100



Sting vs Ric Flair

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This match had the crowd in the palm of their hand. Flair easily had the performance of the night and the two showcased all of the classic moves that have been constant whenever they battle. Despite the fans probably being able to call every spot, they remained engaged and excited throughout. This was a straight-up, no interference match between the competitors and ended at 15:49 after Flair submitted to the Scorpion Deathlock.

Winner: Sting

Rating: 74



Final Show Rating: 81

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