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Week 1, February 1996

LIVE from The Pit (Mid South)

Attendance: 13,952



Television Title:

Rey Misterio Jr vs Lord Steven Regal (c)


Nitro goes straight to the ring for the first match of the night where exciting high-flier Rey Misterio Jr tries to win the TV title from the BlueBlood Steven Regal. Mike Tenay goes through Misterio's Mexican history and how Rey is temporarily on loan from the CMLL promotion in Mexico. Both competitors performed extremely well in this opening match and dazzled the crowd. Regal successfully defended the title and the match ended at 9:31 with a Regal Stretch.

Winner: Lord Steven Regal

Rating: 64





Mean Gene is backstage with Harlem Heat for an interview. Gene says that Heat has a match coming up next against the Nasty Boys but first wanted to get a few words and thoughts about the Steiner Brothers. Booker T says the fight isn't over between them and the Steiner's and that they want their title rematch at SuperBrawl. Stevie Ray says that the Heat worked hard to establish themselves as the top team in WCW and if the Steiner's can swoop back into WCW and claim the top spot, they have another thing coming. The Steiner's can enjoy being champions for a couple more weeks, but after that, Harlem Heat reclaims their spot.

Rating: 74



Harlem Heat vs Nasty Boys

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Harlem Heat clearly had something to prove in this match and pulled no punches against the Nasty Boys. They controlled the entire match and showed great teamwork, easily putting the match away at 7:51 after a Harlem Hangover.

Winners: Harlem Heat

Rating: 58




Mean Gene is backstage again and calls in 4 Horsemen member and current WCW United States Champion, Brian Pillman.




Gene reminds Pillman that he faced Lex Luger at Clash of the Champions but refused to put the title on the line. Pillman ended up losing to Luger so could he possibly now think Luger is worth a title opportunity?


Pillman: Mean Gene Okerlund, just because Lex Luger managed to get lucky at Clash of the Champions doesn't mean that he's a worthy contender to my title! Now, before you go all crazy on me and accuse me of dodging a challenge....Heh, after all, I'm not Hulk Hogan, who's too afraid to face the Enforcer....I'm not too afraid to face Lex Luger again, that's how confident I am in my abilities. As a matter of fact, Mean Gene, I'm feeling in a generous mood, so you know what? I WILL put my US title on the line against Lex Luger, and you know what? I'll put it on the line at SuperBrawl! So after I beat Luger at SuperBrawl and successfully defend my title, Lex Luger will then have absolutely NO excuse or reason to EVER get another opportunity at my title again!

Rating: 77



WCW World Title:

Arn Anderson vs Randy Savage (c)

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The crowd were excited for this matchup and both wrestlers were perfect at keeping the hype going throughout the match. Savage was a ball of fire in this match and had Anderson reeling. Double A eventually took control after a couple of cheap shots to slow the champion down. After Anderson hit his signature Spinebuster he went for the pin, only for Savage to kick out at 2. Anderson signaled that he was going to finish things off and then hit his DDT, sure that this would get him the championship. Savage again managed to kick out at 2, much to the crowd's delight. Anderson was now frustrated and shielded himself from the referee as he proceeded to pull a foreign object from his tights. This turned out to be brass knuckles as he secured them on his fist. With the referee still oblivious, Anderson picks up Savage from the mat, but the Macho Man blocks the punch from Anderson and fires his own fist as the crowd erupts. Anderson tries another punch, only for Savage to block that and hit his own punch. With Anderson reeling, Savage runs off the ropes to hit an axehandle, but Anderson floors Savage with a punch with the brass knuckles. Savage drops and Anderson quickly puts the brass knucks back in his tights. The referee is now suspicious and asks Anderson if he did anything questionable, to which of course he shakes his head no. The crowd suddenly comes to life again and the cameras pan to the aisle...





Hulk Hogan is running to the ring and has a steel chair in hand. Anderson doesn't see Hogan coming to the ring as his attention is on the Macho Man. As Anderson is approaching to pin Savage, Hogan climbs in the ring and promptly bashes Anderson in the back with the chair. The referee sees this happen and immediately calls for the disqualification. Anderson rolls out of the ring and retreats toward the back as Hogan, steel chair still in hand, yells at the Enforcer as the referee declares Anderson the winner by DQ.

Winner by DQ: Arn Anderson

Rating: 80



Hogan continues to yell at Anderson from the ring and eventually Savage gets to his feet and see's Hogan standing in the ring with a chair in his hand. Savage, now furious, grabs Hogan and spins him around. The two men go nose to nose in argument as Nitro fades out to a close.

Rating: 80



Final Show Rating: 84

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22 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Little shocked the Nasty Boys vs Harlem Heat match scored so low. Great end of the show tho. 

Yeah, I'm guessing I used the "Wild Brawl" booking note which caused the low grade. Booker T had a pretty good performance and Stevie Ray's was solid. Thanks for the feedback!!


As another little side note, I haven't done any recaps of Saturday Night's because I had auto booked quite a few shows at this point. As a matter of fact, I didn't personally book Saturday Night again until after SuperBrawl. I also haven't done any Hotline reports because there hasn't been a whole lot of news in the world at the time. I will also keep doing ratings comparisons, but sadly the WWF don't really come close to me in the ratings for awhile despite both TNT and USA networks having the same coverage. I've only been doing the ratings from those two networks but maybe I'll see how the WWF's total rating looks compared to WCW.


I also made an error. The argument between Savage and Hogan to close out Nitro actually scored a 100 rating, not an 80.

Edited by Henderson
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Week 2, February 1996

LIVE from the Lawrence Joel Coliseum (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 14,600 (SELLOUT!)


- WCW Monday Nitro begins in this second week of February. After the usual pyro intro, Eric Bischoff, Dusty Rhodes, and Bobby Heenan welcome everyone to this week's Nitro. In recapping last week, Eric Bischoff notes that tension is running high between WCW World Heavyweight Champion Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. Bischoff says that last week, Hogan was simply trying to right a wrong and avoid Arn Anderson from wrongly becoming the new World Champion after hitting the Macho Man with brass knuckles. Bobby Heenan says that Savage is sick and tired of turning around and seeing Hulk Hogan standing there whenever he is trying to defend his title. He says Hogan doesn't even allow Savage to breathe during his own world title reign. Dusty Rhodes things that the two men will end up imploding before it's all said and done with. After the recap from last week, we go to our first match of the night! -



Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Misterio Jr.

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In what should have been a very exciting matchup, ended up falling quite flat to open the show. Despite both men having solid performances (78 and 74, respectively), something about the match just didn't click. The match ended at 10:19 after Eddie hit his Frog Splash. Afterwards, both men showed great sportsmanship and shook hands.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 63





Mean Gene is backstage for the first interview of the night. He's with the man who nearly became world champion last week, if not for an attack by Hulk Hogan. He tells Arn Anderson that he shouldn't have wanted to win the world title by cheating and that Hulk Hogan saved the Enforcer from tarnishing his legacy. Double A says that Hogan should mind his own business and if he really wanted a chance at getting the world title back, he should've let him win the match last week. He said the reason he interfered is because he's scared. He knows he stands a better chance at beating the Macho Man for the title than the Enforcer. Anderson says make no mistake, he's going to face Hulk Hogan at SuperBrawl and there's no way Hogan can weasel out of it.

Rating: 86




Next we get a backstage promo by Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. Steamboat says he's been spending time away preparing for the 60 minute match at SuperBrawl against Ric Flair. He says the two of them have been through many battles, including other 60 minute matches, but this will be the true test of his ability and he will ultimately come away with the victory. He says Flair is a worthy athlete but it's a shame he lets his ego and cockiness get in the way of his ability.

Rating: 81



Johnny B. Badd vs Paul Orndorff

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This match didn't really do much to get the crowd excited. Badd showed off all his skill and Orndorff showed that he's the grizzled veteran. The match also wasn't long as Orndorff got what's considered the surprise win at 7:42 with a piledriver.

Winner: Paul Orndorff

Rating: 66





The match barely ends before the Macho Man's music begins blaring through the speakers. Savage walks out with a purpose and heads toward the ring, even walking past Orndorff and Badd as they're making their way to the back. Savage climbs in the ring with the world title over his shoulder and skips his usual festivities before calling for a microphone.


Savage: Hulk Hogan, every time I have a match and every time I try to defend my title, I always see your face! Last week, you again couldn't help yourself to get involved in the Macho Man's business! I'll tell ya right now Hogan, I'd rather have lost my title last week to Arn Anderson by cheating than to have you help me in any way, shape, or form!!!! I'm sick and tired up to my eyeballs of you, Hogan!!!! So what I'm gonna do right now is end this, once and for all!!! Hulk Hogan, you want this title back so bad?!??! Then get your ass out here right now and I'll put the title on the line!!! If I beat you, it's over between the two of us!!! You agree to never get involved in my business again!!! If you win, and that's a big IF, then you get what you've wanted all along - the title back. I'm not asking, Hogan, I'm TELLING you, get out here right now!!!!



WCW World Heavyweight Title:

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage (c)

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Everyone from the crowd, to the announcers, to Hulk Hogan himself is shocked at this impromptu matchup on Nitro, just a couple weeks away from SuperBrawl. Hogan comes out and gets in the ring. He's seen trying to talk to the Macho Man briefly, but Savage wants none of it. He slaps Hogan across the face and then pushes him. Hogan tears off his shirt as the referee calls for the bell and the crowd is beside themselves. The two men brawl in the ring and all around the ringside area and nearly break every rule there is along the way. This goes on for nearly the entire match and no one gains the upper hand for longer than a couple minutes at a time. As Hogan and Savage fight away inside the ring, the crowd all start to look toward the stage area and after a moment, the cameras switch to see why.






The Giant climbs in the ring and goes straight for both Hogan and Savage. As he grabs both men, the referee, unfortunately, has no choice but to call for the bell at 14:57, resulting in a no-contest due to interference.

Rating: 71



Nitro isn't quite over, however. The Giant grabs both Hogan and Savage around their necks as the bell rings. The Giant looks to hit a double chokeslam on both competitors, but Hogan and Savage actually begin to work together to fight back against the Giant. Some kicks to the Giant's midsection gets him to loosen his grip around their throats. Hogan and Savage briefly look at one another before running back and off the ropes, hitting a double clothesline on the Giant. He doesn't fall down though, he merely staggers backwards. Hogan and Savage again go off the ropes and rush toward the Giant, this time sending him over the top rope and to the floor where he lands on his feet. As the Giant retreats back up the aisle, Hogan attempts to celebrate with Savage, but the world champion wants none of it. Savage pushes Hogan off and says things aren't over between the two of them. Nitro fades off as Hogan and Savage again start to argue, but don't come to blows.

Rating: 95



Final Show Rating: 79

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On 12/2/2022 at 1:52 AM, Jaysin said:

Eddie and Rey had bad chemistry??

No, they actually have great chemistry, which makes it even more odd why that match fell flat. My guess is I made the match a high-flier match, but since I can't go back and read the road agent notes, I'm just left guessing why this match sucked. It also could have been due to their overness levels at the time.

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Week 3, February 1996

LIVE from the New Haven Coliseum (New England)

Attendance: 9,823


Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes welcome everyone to this week's edition of WCW Monday Nitro! The fireworks go off and fans in the arena are rabid and excited for action for this week's Nitro! Bischoff reminds everyone that we're less than two weeks away from WCW SuperBrawl and last week on Nitro, everyone was stunned with the Macho Man's impromptu challenge to Hulk Hogan, only for the Giant to come down and cause the match to be thrown out. Dusty says that the Giant interfered to get back some revenge on Hulk Hogan interfering in his opportunity to win the title. Heenan doesn't think the three can be contained, meanwhile, Arn Anderson is breathing down Hogan's neck for a match. Bischoff tells us that we're going backstage to kick things off on Nitro, as there seems to be an argument taking place!




Ricky Steamboat is just arriving to the arena just to be confronted by Ric Flair, who's flanked by Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, and Steve Austin. The 4 Horsemen all taunt Steamboat but mainly Ric Flair is jawing at him. Steamboat doesn't back down from the foursome and challenges Flair to come at him. Steamboat tells Flair that he knows he's nervous about their 60 minute match at SuperBrawl and is trying to lure Steamboat in for a 4-on-1 attack. Steamboat also tells Flair that he hopes he's been training, because The Dragon's in the best shape of his life. The Horsemen eventually work their way off as Steamboat continues into the backstage area.

Rating: 90



Diamond Dallas Page vs Brad Armstrong

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Nitro's opening match was just a basic, run of the mill, match which did little to get the crowd hyped or bored. DDP scored the pin fall win at 7:41 after a Diamond Cutter.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Rating: 64




The Macho Man is backstage to cut a promo. Savage says last week he gave Hogan a straight up opportunity to become World Champion and he couldn't beat the Macho Man. He says Hogan's done with getting opportunities and that Hogan now needs to stay out of his business. Savage goes on to say that he can't really blame the Giant for interfering because Hogan stuck his nose in both Savage and the Giant's business at every turn. Savage says he's a champion of integrity and will grant the Giant a title shot at SuperBrawl, not only because he's a stand-up champion, but also because he really, really wants to be the one to defeat the Giant once and for all!

Rating: 97



WCW Tag Team Titles:

Blue Bloods (Dave Taylor/Robert Eaton) vs Steiner Brother's (c)

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While this pairing of the Blue Bloods might not be taken too seriously, as the announcers note, they are two very capable workers and Eaton is a former tag team champion. Unfortunately for the Bloods, they were facing the Steiner's. Rick Steiner had the top performance of the match and the Steiner's put it away at 10:09 after a Steiner Bulldog.

Winners: Steiner Brother's

Rating: 67




Following a commercial break, no Monday Nitro is complete without a Mean Gene Okerlund interview. He welcomes everyone back to Monday Nitro and says in less than two weeks, WCW will hold SuperBrawl, and his guest right now just found out earlier tonight that he's getting another World Title opportunity. Mean Gene introduces his guest; The Giant.



Gene says that last week the Giant got involved in an unscheduled title match between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage and questioned why he would do that after complaining about Hulk Hogan's involvement in his own matches. Giant says that it was simply giving Hogan a taste of his own medicine. He also says that he can finish Hogan any time he wishes, and Hogan knows it. Giant says that is the last warning for Hogan before he puts him out for good. Onto the Macho Man, the Giant says that Savage's generosity is going to be his own demise because at SuperBrawl, not only is he going to maim and decimate Randy Savage, but he's going to take his title and become the new champion....And after the Giant wins the title, there isn't going to be one wrestler in WCW that can defeat him.

Rating: 85




The Giant leaves and Mean Gene tells everyone that WCW is going to take another quick break. When Nitro returns, Mean Gene is still standing in the ring and says he's got two more guests to welcome out here tonight for the official announcement of the TV title match for SuperBrawl. He welcomes first the challenger, Eddie Guerrero and once Eddie steps in the ring, he welcomes the Television Champion, Lord Steven Regal. With both competitors in the ring, Mean Gene hypes up the match, claiming Steven Regal to be the face of the TV title, being a 3-time champion and Eddie Guerrero, the fast rising star within WCW who looks to begin his own domination. Regal is completely disgusted by anything Eddie does or says and just drips overconfidence. Both men hype up why they're going to win the match at SuperBrawl, with Regal leaving it with a simple, "Because I'm better than you."

Rating: 75



Meng vs Lex Luger

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This match ended up being a hard-hitting match between two physical guys who neither backed down. Luger gave a fantastic performance and had the crowd on their feet the entire time. Meng proved to be a top competitor within the WCW echelon and dished out plenty of punishment on the Total Package. Luger was able to overcome Meng in the end, though, and put the match away at 9:42 with a Torture Rack.

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 79



Just as Luger is celebrating his victory and Nitro is prepared to go off the air, Eric Bischoff says there's activity going on backstage and they're going to get cameras back there hopefully in time before Nitro goes off the air....




Cameras pull up to the backstage area to see Hulk Hogan and Arn Anderson in an all-out fight. Anderson is mostly taking control over Hogan, who's doing his best to defend himself, but it's to no avail. Despite catching the two mid-fight, it's clear that Arn Anderson sneak attacked Hogan, as he's unable to really get an attack of his own going. Officials flood into view and try to break the two apart as Nitro fades off the air.

Rating: 99



Final Show Rating: 87

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Week 4, February 1996

LIVE from the Breslin Center (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 15,000 (SELLOUT!)


Nitro opens this week, not with the usual fireworks display and introduction of the announce booth, but rather Hulk Hogan is seen backstage tying his boots and doing some stretches.



As Hogan is warming up for the night, he's approached by someone, though not someone you would expect......





Hogan stands straight up to meet "Mr. Wonderful." After a few seconds, Orndorff lets his intention known;


Orndorff: Ya know, you may not have noticed, Hulk, but here lately, I've been on a roll, trying to re-establish myself in WCW and getting back to the top of the mountain...


Hogan: Yeah, brother, I've seen what you've been doing lately. What's that got to do with me?


Hulk, the two of us have quite the history, you know. I think, what better way to show I've still got what it takes than to face you, right here tonight, in a match? I took you to the limit way back when, and Hulk, I can do it again.


I'll tell ya, it took some guts to come straight to me, brother. You want a match tonight? You got one!



Rating: 89



Earl Robert Eaton vs Eddie Guerrero

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Nitro then proceeded to have their firework display and brief announcer introduction before going to the ring for the first match of the night. Bischoff says that we're now less than one week away from SuperBrawl and it's shaped up to be quiet the show. Eddie Guerrero looks to head into his TV title shot at SuperBrawl full of momentum and getting a win over a fellow Blue Blood. Guerrero managed to do just that as he put Eaton away at 8:22 after hitting a nice Frog Splash.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 70




Mean Gene welcomes the fans to this week's Monday Nitro. As usual, he's standing in the middle of the ring following a commercial break and introduces his guest here tonight; A man who's made no mistake about who he wants to face in the middle of this ring, a man who's gone to great lengths to get the attention of his desired opponent, and a member of the 4 Horsemen, The Enforcer Arn Anderson!




Double A gets in the ring and Mean Gene gets down to business. He says for weeks, he's been going after Hulk Hogan and for weeks, Hogan has been disregarding the Enforcer. Arn says that time for avoidance is over and that it is official; Hulk Hogan will face Arn Anderson at SuperBrawl this Sunday, and there's nothing he can do to get out of it. Arn says that he would have preferred this be for the title because there's nothing he'd have loved more than to pin Hogan's shoulders to the mat 1,2,3 and also take the World Title from him, but says that's going to have to be for another time. Arn says Hogan's got a date with destiny this Sunday night, and destiny is him losing.

Rating: 81



Sting vs Dean Malenko

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The crowd are always excited to see the Stinger and they were also happy to be treated to a competitive match, though it didn't last very long. Malenko showed promise, but did not have enough to beat the Stinger. Sting got the submission victory at 7:35 after a Scorpion Deathlock.

Winner: Sting

Rating: 73




Backstage, Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat are caught in a huge brawl. The two are fighting all around the backstage area and Ric Flair is particularly vicious tonight. After the two are eventually separated, Flair can be heard yelling "You're mine!!" over and over again before he's eventually dragged away by officials. Steamboat remains on camera, clearly furious at the Nature Boy's actions.

Rating: 80



Paul Orndorff vs Hulk Hogan

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Hulk Hogan had the performance of the night and though Mr. Wonderful tried his best, he was clearly a few steps behind the Hulkster, performance-wise. The match went on for quite a while, maybe too long which ended up exposing Orndorff a bit, but it was full of drawn out story between the two and highlighting their prior interactions. The highlight of the match saw Orndorff hit his Piledriver on the Hulkster, however, Hogan leapt right to his feet. Three punches and a big boot later, Orndorff crashed hard to the mat. Hogan then hit his Leg Drop for the victory at 14:36.

Winner: Hulk Hogan

Rating: 83




Nitro comes to a close this week after a video package is played, showing the feud and interactions between Savage and the Giant, leading all the way back before Halloween Havoc 1995. It all is expected to end this Sunday at SuperBrawl.....





Or will it???

Rating: 98



Final Show Rating: 88

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Hello everyone, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund here to bring you the WCW Hotline Report!! I've got all the latest news, rumors, and the official card for this Sunday's SuperBrawl PPV! I'll also be able to give you the card for Monday Nitro following SuperBrawl!


First, a major announcement; WCW has official signed a contract of a major wrestler. I'm not at liberty to give away the details, only that you will be seeing this superstar on WCW programming very soon. This is a major signing for WCW and that's the most I can reveal.


The WWF held their In Your House PPV which saw Diesel successfully defend the WWF title in a 3-way match against the Warrior and Owen Hart. Psycho Sid also defeated Razor Ramon in what was considered the match of the night and a 99/100. The rest of the show was considered to be "sub par."


Speaking of the Ultimate Warrior, it was reported that he picked up an injury in that main event. He's suffering from Patellar Tendonitis, and while that won't keep him out of the ring, it is expected to hinder his performance for about the next year and one month.


Sensuous Sherri Martel was on a radio show this past week and revealed that she and Rick Steiner are dating. This took quite a few people by surprise.


Jimmy Snuka and the Iron Sheik have both announced that they are retiring from in-ring competition in the next 3 months. Neither is currently employed by any company, so their announcements aren't expected to impact anything.


WCW has announced the release of The Renegade, Wayne Bruce (Buddy Lee Parker), Col. Robert Parker, and Pez Whatley.


WCW has also reported that Johnny B Badd has picked up a Grade III AC Joint Separation and will be out of in-ring action for the next month.



WCW SuperBrawl:

WCW World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Macho Man Randy Savage (c)


Disco Inferno vs Paul Orndorff


60 Minute Match:

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair


Hulk Hogan vs Arn Anderson


Television Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Lord Steven Regal (c)





Monday Nitro:


Eddie Guerrero vs Ricky Steamboat


Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Steiner Brothers (c)


Faces of Fear vs American Males



I'm told that the tag team titles had to be pushed to Monday Nitro as they didn't have enough time to put them on SuperBrawl. Stay tuned the rest of the week!!!

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Week 4, Sunday, February 1996

LIVE from the Milwaukee Stadium - Milwaukee, WI

Attendance: 53,000 (SELLOUT!)


There is a packed, raucous crowd here tonight in Milwaukee who are excited to see what WCW has in store for the evening! Being WCW's first official PPV since Starrcade 1995, it has given WCW plenty of time to build towards the first of a few main PPV events of the year for WCW. The announce booth is a bit different tonight, as Tony Schiavone since in place along with Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes. Tony welcomes everyone and says this is a huge night for WCW with some major matches on the card. They all speculate if the main event will finally end without the outside involvement of Hulk Hogan and if so, will the Macho Man be able to successfully defend his world title against the largest athlete in the world today? All look forward to finding out, but first we're going to go to the ring for the first match, and first title match of the evening!



Television Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Eddie Guerrero and Steven Regal have established themselves as two of the most prominent wrestlers within the "division" of the TV title. Eddie was a solid champion before being defeated by Regal back at Starrcade and since that time, Regal has proven his ability to hold and defend the title. Eddie wanted to regain the title and prove that Regal's win, by cheating, was a fluke. Both men did exceptionally well in the ring but once again, the end result turned up a little flat. It was a solid opener to get the crowd ready for the night, however. The match ended at 12:02 after Regal locked Eddie in the Regal Stretch. Guerrero fought as long as he could and after a few attempts to reach the ropes failed, he had no choice but to submit.

Winner: Steven Regal

Rating: 63



Hulk Hogan vs Arn Anderson

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The Enforcer has been trying for weeks to get Hogan inside the ring for a one-on-one matchup and accusing him of being a coward. Once he finally got him in the ring though, Double A seemed to do everything he could to avoid locking up with Hogan. Anderson tried multiple stall tactics before the Hulkster finally had enough and chased him around the ringside area. Anderson slid back in the ring and caught Hogan as he tried to get inside. The attack was on from here and Hogan tried repeatedly to shove off the attack from the Enforcer. Hogan once again put in an incredible performance and played to the crowd brilliantly. By the time he was making his comeback, the crowd was ready for it. With Anderson reeling, Hogan bounced off the ropes, looking to hit his often-unused in the US Axe Bomber, only for Anderson to catch Hogan with his signature Spinebuster! Hogan spent some time twitching following the move and Anderson signaled that was it as he went for the pin. The referee counted 1, 2......But Hogan kicked out with authority and began Hulking up!!! Anderson tried some punches, though they had no effect. After blocking the last one, Hogan fired off rounds of his own fists, pushing Anderson back to the ropes. Hogan whipped Anderson across the ring and on the return, hit Double A with a huge Big Boot! Hogan motioned for the end, cupping his ear to the raging crowd. He ran to the ropes, bounced off, and leapt high in the air, hitting his Leg Drop on Anderson! Hogan goes for the pin and the referee gets down to count. The referee gets to two but Hogan abruptly gets up from the pin and to his feet. This confuses everyone but we all soon see why as the camera pans to see Steve Austin on the outside, having words with Hogan. Hogan now has his full attention on Austin, who remains outside the ring but now climbs on the apron to continue his confrontation with Hogan. What the referee is missing is Anderson retrieving what appear to be brass knuckles from his tights. Anderson begins to roll on the mat as Hogan, now starting to turn his attention back to Double A, turns away from Austin. Hogan leans down to bring Anderson back to his feet. As Hogan is bringing Anderson up, Austin now has the referee distracted and Anderson blasts Hogan with the knuckles. They fall from his fist as Hogan drops to the mat. Anderson makes the pin and Austin motions for the referee to turn back to the ring for the pin. The referee drops and begins the count, but this time it's the referee who stops counting at 2! Anderson has a look of confusion on his face as the referee starts to scold him, pointing to the brass knuckles on the mat and questioning him. Anderson does his best, worst act of being innocent and then the referee calls for the bell, disqualifying Anderson at 12:30! With Anderson and Austin enraged, Anderson drops the referee with a DDT before they walk off.

Winner by DQ: Hulk Hogan

Rating: 77




Back at the interview position, Mean Gene is standing by with Ric Flair, who is clearly in the zone tonight. Gene does the introduction and questions if Flair is prepared for tonight's 60 minute match against Ricky Steamboat.


Mean Gene Okerlund, let me tell you pal, there is no one else on this earth who is more prepared for a 60 minute match than the Nature Boy Ric Flair! I eat, sleep, and breathe professional wrestling! I've traveled up and down every road there is in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, you name it!!!! I've wrestled 350 days a year for the last 20 years!!! I can have a better wrestling match in my sleep than most people wish they could have once in their career, so don't you stand there and have the audacity to ask Ric Flair if he's ready for a match, pal! You get that?!?!? Now to ask me that is an insult of itself, but to ask if I'm ready for a match against Ricky the Dragon Steamboat tips the scales, pal! Steamboat retired before because of a hurt back...A hurt back??? Are you kidding me?!?! Steamboat, try having a full wrestling career and never stopping with a broken back!!!!! That was me, pal! I broke my back in an airplane back when everyone was saying the Nature Boy was wrestling's next big star!!! My career hadn't even taken off yet! Then I got hurt in a plane crash and the questioned if the Nature Boy would ever walk again, much less wrestle! I've wrestled for the last 20 years with that injury and Steamboat wants to cry about a little injury???? THAT, pal, is why I'll forever be better than you and why after tonight, I'm gonna be the one still standing after 60 minutes and you're going to be wishing you never came back in the first place!!!!!


Rating: 81




After a short promotional break, we return to a Sting promo where he discusses the 60 minute match between Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat. Sting says he's known both guys for a long time and is very familiar with both for very different reasons. Sting's familiar with Flair as an adversary and he's familiar with Steamboat as a friend and teammate. Sting says he knows what both are capable of in the ring and neither man seems to have an "off" switch. Sting doesn't know what's in store for the match or who will come out winning but says that both men will have one heck of a performance and will leave all the fans feeling like they got their money's worth, not leaving anything out on the table.

Rating: 87



60 Minute Match:

Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair

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This match, in large part, was viewed as the unofficial main event. Ever since Steamboat's surprise return at Halloween Havoc, Ric Flair has been like a man possessed with proving he's more capable in the ring. After a prior challenges left no declared winner, Steamboat gave one final challenge to a 60 minute match. Ric Flair gave the performance of the night and while Steamboat gave a solid performance, he was noticeably down a few steps from his prior matches, though the time length probably had something to do with that. Both men did extremely well playing up the story throughout the match and giving a master class lesson on how professional wrestling should be done. The crowd was in the palm of their hand during the entire 60 minute match. Steamboat was the first to pick up a pin fall win after catching Flair by surprise with one of his beautiful arm drags. Flair was able to even up the score after shocking everyone and hitting a double axe handle off the top rope, a move he's only managed to connect with one time, which won him a world title. The two stayed even at one pinfall a piece for the remainder of the match. At the end, with both men drenched in sweat and clearly on their last leg, Flair managed to lock Steamboat in the Figure Four after rolling through a top rope flying cross body from Steamboat. Steamboat stayed locked in the hold for several minutes as the time counted down. With 10 seconds remaining, and after Flair had used the ropes for extra leverage several times, Steamboat refused to give up. The countdown reached 5 and Steamboat was still holding out. The clock reached two seconds and Steamboat was unable to take the pain any longer and submitted! Flair simply collapsed back on the mat and raised his arms as the referee disconnected the hold. Steamboat rolled to his side in obvious pain and Flair managed to get to a knee while the referee raised his arm for the official victory.

Winner: Ric Flair

Rating: 84




Hulk Hogan is backstage for a promo next. He says that there's been a lot of bad blood lately between he and the Macho Man but tonight he wants to wipe the slate clean. He knows how important the world title is to Savage and he wants to give him the opportunity to defend his title tonight against the Giant without any other distractions. Hogan says facing the Giant itself is enough of a worry and, as God as his witness, he's going to not get involved in tonight's match. He finishes by saying the Macho Man is his friend, and he intends to keep it that way. Tomorrow night on Nitro, he's going to work at rebuilding that friendship, but tonight, he's going to leave Savage to focus on his match.

Rating: 82



Paul Orndorff vs Disco Inferno

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Kind of an odd spot to put this matchup, but I suppose WCW figured they needed something in between the 60 minute match and the main event to cool the crowd back down. This definitely did the trick because despite Orndorff and Disco recently being featured, they did nothing to excite the crowd. Orndorff got the win at 7:44 after hitting his Piledriver, thus effectively calming the crowd.

Winner: Paul Orndorff

Rating: 53



World Heavyweight Title:

The Giant vs Randy Savage (c)

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The match starts off with Savage approaching the Giant in the middle of the ring. After a few words between both men, Savage abruptly slaps the Giant across his face, though Savage has to fully extend his arm to even reach the Giant. This sets off a storm of fury few have ever seen from the Giant as he goes in for the kill. The Giant remains in control for a good portion of the match before Savage is able to hit a few strikes to the legs. Heenan likens it to chopping a tree down as Savage repeatedly attacks the legs of the Giant. After back and forth action and both competitors doing a great job of telling a story in the ring, Savage attempts to bodyslam the Giant, which doesn't go well. Savage nearly got a pin counted against him as the Giant crashed on top of him, but Savage was able to kick out and roll off to the floor. As Savage collected himself on the outside, Jimmy Hart was getting the attention of the referee to allow the Giant to do some extra damage. This backfired though, because as the Giant reached over the top rope to grab the Macho Man, Savage cracked the Giant in the head with a chair. The Giant fell straight back and crashed hard to the mat while Hart frantically tried to get the referee to turn to see Savage's use of the chair. It didn't work though and Savage then quickly climbed up to the top rope for the Elbow Drop. Jimmy Hart now climbed inside the ring to try and stop Savage from jumping off. Savage pointed at Jimmy Hart and was yelling for him to get out of the ring while the referee attempted to do the same. Hart eventually retreated out to the apron while the Macho Man remained perched on the top rope, still distracted by Jimmy Hart. The crowd now began to come to life as someone was approaching the ring.......












Hulk Hogan walks out and pauses briefly on the stage before reconsidering and approaching the ring. Heenan says Hogan just can't help but stay out of the spotlight for too long. Hogan gets to ringside and doesn't get in, though it didn't take Savage long to notice Hogan. Hogan pulls Jimmy Hart off the apron and then begins chasing him around the outside of the ring and up the aisle. Savage watches them from the top rope as they run off behind him. The Giant has now made it to his feet and is standing in the middle of the ring. Savage turns his attention back toward the Giant and see's him standing. Savage leaps from the top rope, but the Giant catches him like nothing out of the air. The Giant hoists Savage high in the air before sending him down to the mat with a Choke Slam. He goes for the pin and the referee counts the three, ending the match at 15:57 and winning the WCW World Title!

Winner and NEW Champion: The Giant

Rating: 82



The bell rings and Hulk Hogan, who's now halfway up the aisle, turns to see the Giant hoisting the world title in the air. Hogan looks in disbelief as he is shocked to see the Giant has won the championship. He makes his way into the ring where he crashes the Giant's celebration. He walks up to the Giant and the two are on the verge of coming to blows as the credits for SuperBrawl 6 begin to roll and the show fades out.

Rating: 98




Final Show Rating: 83


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Week 1, March 1996

LIVE from the Breslin Center - Great Lakes

Attendance: 12,821


Monday Nitro kicks off this week with its usual display of fireworks and crowd shots before going to the announce desk for the introductions. Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes welcome everyone, as usual and Bischoff says there's a whole lot of events going on in WCW and we're just 24 hours removed from SuperBrawl 6 and we have a brand new world heavyweight champion - The Giant! Bobby Heenan says that he doesn't think there's one person in WCW who can beat the Giant for the title and that it was definitely a controversial win. Hulk Hogan pledged earlier in the night that he wouldn't get involved in the main event, but that's exactly what he did because he can't stand anyone other than himself having the title. Heenan says that the Macho Man's loss of the title is because of Hogan. Bischoff says that he's sure the Macho Man is going to have something to say about it tonight and it's anyone's guess when he'll show up, but one thing is for sure, he won't be a happy man. Bischoff also mentions that tonight the tag team titles will be on the line as the Steiner's defend the belts against Harlem Heat. This was a match that was supposed to be on SuperBrawl, but due to time constraints, it will be featured here tonight on Nitro but first we're going to the first match of the night!



Faces of Fear vs American Males

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There aren't many things better in life than the American Males theme song but two of them are Meng and the Barbarian. Meng was the shining star of this match and while Bagwell and Riggs attempted some really great team work, the Barbarian and Meng straight up shut it down. The Faces of Fear made quick work of this one, with Meng getting the Tongan Death Grip on Riggs at 6:52 for the submission victory.

Winners: Faces of Fear

Rating: 41




Steve Austin is backstage for a promo next. During this promo he focuses on Ricky Steamboat. Austin says that now that things between Steamboat and Flair seem to be over, Austin might just pick up where he left off with Steamboat, and that's running him out of WCW for good. Austin says that a Dragon is nothing but a fictional character but a rattlesnake is a very real animal that you always have to look out for, something that blends in with its surroundings and just when you feel safe, it sneaks out of nowhere to strike.

Rating: 78



WCW Tag Team Titles:

Harlem Heat vs Steiner Brothers (c)

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Two well-known teams who are very familiar with each other go head to head in this physical matchup. Despite Harlem Heat continuing to use some underhanded tactics, it's clear that respect had formed between these two teams. Harlem Heat was at the top of the division and desperately wanted competition, which they felt they didn't have. The Steiner's returned to WCW and provided that competition that Harlem Heat were begging for. The match ended at 10:04 after the Steiner's hit the Steiner bulldog and scored the pin.

Winners: Steiner Brothers

Rating: 74




Brian Pillman is solo backstage and cuts a promo on Eddie Guerrero. Pillman makes fun of Eddie for losing to Steven Regal and says he should be so embarrassed that he should go back to Mexico and wrestle with a mask. He goes on to say that Guerrero should be ashamed to even show his face anywhere in the USA and Guerrero can only dream of being a champion like himself.

Rating: 84





Following a commercial break, Mean Gene is standing in the center of the ring, prepared for his weekly interview segment. Mean Gene introduces his guest, a man who became the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion just 24 hours ago - The Giant!





The Giant walks out with the world title strapped around his waist. The Giant is such a massive person, the world title looks tiny around his waist. He climbs in the ring and walks to Mean Gene who begins his questions, saying there is a ton of controversy surrounding his title win. The Giant doesn't see it as a controversy as he beat the Macho Man in the center of the ring 1,2,3. Mean Gene reminds the Giant that Hulk Hogan promised not to get involved in the match, but plainly did, which cost the Macho Man the title. The Giant doesn't care what Hulk Hogan says or does because he's beating him before, and he'll beat him again. As for the Macho Man, he thinks Hogan is his problem more than anything else. The Giant isn't concerned about Hulk Hogan, the Macho Man, or anyone else who might feel the need to come after him just because he's champion. The Giant says he's just that - a Giant, and there isn't one man who can defeat him.


With that said, lights flash on the stage and "A Man Called Sting" begins to play over the speakers. This brings the crowd to their feet with loud cheers as the Stinger walks out.




Sting walks to the ring and walks right up to the Giant and Mean Gene. The Stinger has a few words off the microphone to the Giant, who responds back with his own words. Mean Gene holds up his free hand and tells both men that he doesn't want to get in the middle of any potential altercation. Sting says that it's too bad that the Giant fears no man because when a man feels no fear, he knows no boundaries. Sting says the simple fact is that the Giant has something that the Stinger wants. The Giant holds something that's evaded the Stinger for far too long and that Sting's had to play second fiddle to certain other superstars in the back and give them the spotlight. Sting says he's a very giving person, but his generosity is about up. Sting tells the Giant that if he is compiling a list of challengers, he better make sure the Stinger's name is at the top of the list, because the Stinger's coming for the world title.

Rating: 88



Ricky Steamboat vs Eddie Guerrero

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As both men headed to the ring, Eric Bischoff told everyone watching at home that Eddie Guerrero specifically asked the WCW Board of Directors for this match and also went straight to Ricky Steamboat to ask for a match. It was promptly accepted by both as the men shook hands before the bell rang. Dusty Rhodes commented that it's nice for a change to have two wrestlers show respect to each other and have interest in a competitive matchup. Bischoff says that Guerrero was wanting to showcase his skill and prove his worth of being a top WCW athlete while Steamboat is looking for a much needed win following last night's loss to Ric Flair. Heenan also speculates that Steamboat still has to be exhausted from his match with Flair the night before and that just 24 hours later, his body has to be feeling the effects. This all may have been true and this match went for 17:05, which had to cause further exhaustion for Steamboat. Eddie Guerrero picked up the shocking win after hitting a Frog Splash. After the bell, Guerrero helped Steamboat to his feet where they embraced again.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 61




Nitro returns from a commercial break to the announce desk. Eric Bischoff begins wrapping the evening up and telling fans to tune into this weekend's WCW Saturday Night, where more wrestling stars will be seen, including Diamond Dallas Page, Scott Steiner, and Booker T. While he's speaking, a rumbling and then cheers begin to emerge from the crowd. The cameras pan to the stage and aisle for those at home to see why.....







The Macho Man is walking out with a purpose, by himself and to no music. Savage even has his own microphone in his hand as he steps into the ring. Eric Bischoff says that he guesses Nitro isn't over just yet and everyone is wondering what the Macho Man has to say about last night's events. Heenan says it's obvious we're not going to have to wait any longer as the Macho Man gets started.



Let's get one thing straight right now - Last night was nothin' but a bunch of CRAP! Hulk Hogan, you are nothin' but a low-life, scum sucking SON OF A BITCH!


Hulk Hogan, words can't even describe the level that I hate you! I HATE YOU, HULK HOGAN!!! Last night, you made sure to promise to everyone that you weren't gonna get involved in my match! Well Hogan, last night you just proved to everyone in the entire world that you're nothin' but a LIAR!!! You've done nothing but involve yourself and stick your nose in my business during my entire title reign! You just couldn't help but be jealous that someone else had the top spot over you! You've ALWAYS been jealous of me, Hogan! Hogan, the only advice I could possibly give you right now is to not even show your face at any point in the near future whenever I'm around, because if you do, you're nothin' but a dead man, Hogan! You've ruined my title reign, you've ruined my career, and you've ruined my LIFE, Hogan!!! I can promise you this....I WILL get revenge on you if it's the last breath I take and you can forget about EVER getting close to that World Title again! If you think you can just swoop in now and go after the Giant and the World Title, you're even dumber than I thought you were! I'm gonna end you, Hogan, and I don't care if it's next week on Nitro or if it's gonna be at Uncensored! One way or another, your ass is mine, and you're gonna wish you never stuck your nose where it didn't belong!


Rating: 100



Final Show Rating: 75

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Week 2, March 1996

LIVE from the Pit (Mid South)

Attendance: 17,069





Nitro opens with fireworks and their usual crowd display and while Eric Bischoff and crew start to hype up the night, things start off quickly as "The Man Called Sting" blares immediately from the speakers. This causes the huge crowd in the Pit tonight to cheer even louder as Sting comes out on the stage to kick-start Nitro this week. Bischoff speculates that with Randy Savage seemingly occupied with Hulk Hogan, the Stinger may be next up for a title opportunity against new champion the Giant. Sting climbs in the ring and says that he's finished playing games and messing around and that it's time he has the world title back around his waist. Sting says he's never been about championships or accolades in his career but it's been awhile since WCW's had a champion actually LOOK like a champion. Sting says Randy Savage tried his best but kept getting side tracked, Hulk Hogan spent too much time fighting in a dungeon, and the Giant had to have a lot of help to win the title. Sting says he doesn't need anyone's help to win a title and will prove that by beating the Giant cleanly for the belt, anytime, any place.

Rating: 92



Harlem Heat vs Nasty Boys

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With the crowd extremely fired up after starting the show with Sting, this next matchup hoped to have some hard-hitting action between two physical teams. What transpired wasn't exactly that. Booker T stood out, far and away, the best performer of the match. Many expected Harlem Heat to run away with this match, but that didn't happen, though there could have been a change of plans. During a period of fighting between Booker and Jerry Sags, there was an awkward spot where Sags was attempting to slam Booker. Booker didn't appear ready for this and tried to brace his fall, landing awkwardly on his arm. Shortly after this took place, Sags rolled Booker up for a surprising win at 7:19.

Winners: Nasty Boys




Eddie Guerrero vs Big Bubba Rogers

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Last week, Eddie was able to get a surprise victory over Ricky Steamboat, this week, there was no reason to believe he wouldn't score a win over Bubba. Eddie was easily able to defeat him at 6:48 following a Frog Splash.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero



Steven Regal is backstage for a promo where he discusses Brad Armstrong. He says that while Armstrong is off on Saturday Night and Main Event, on the "little shows," he says, Regal is on prime time Monday Nitro and monthly Pay Per Views. Armstrong has raised a huge fuss about a resurgence in his career and fighting through the competition on those shows, but Regal says he would've had to actually had a career first in order to have any kind of resurgence.

Rating: 77




Following a commercial break, Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring for his weekly interview. Gene says there's a ton of questions that need answers to and he's going to go directly to the source for those answers because his guest is none other than Hulk Hogan!





Hulk comes out to less-than enthusiastic cheers with even some boo's mixed in, but Hogan gives off the impression that it was nothing but cheers and admiration. Hogan taunts and cups his ear to the crowd and walks to the ring with all smiles. Hogan steps in the ring and assumes his position as Mean Gene gets started.


Gene: There's been an awful lot of animosity, Hulk Hogan, between you and the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Randy Savage for weeks, if not month's now...As a matter of fact, it seems like the two of you haven't been on the same page with each other since World War 3 and Randy Savage, just last week, expressed his utmost dislike for you and vowed revenge on, as he claims, ruining his world title reign.



Hulk: Well ya know somethin' Mean Gene?!?!? It's not so much that me and the Macho Man haven't been on the same page, brother, it's that the Macho Man has a problem with Hulk Hogan! I've done everything I possibly could to be there for the Macho Man, be a good friend, and watch his back, jack! Any time there was some interference going down in the Macho Man's matches, I stepped in and tried to help him from getting beat down, brother! If you look back, all I was trying to do was help out the Macho Man! I didn't want to hurt his reign as champion, I didn't want him to lose the belt by questionable means, my intentions, Mean Gene, were strictly to help! It's not my fault that the Macho Man couldn't handle business on his own, so if the Macho Man wants to be upset with how his career, how his title reign, and even how his life has gone, then he should be upset with nobody but himself, brother!


Now, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage explicitly stated several times he didn't want your help and wanted you to stay out of his business! You also vowed at SuperBrawl to not get involved in his title match, yet you ended up coming out anyway -


Mean Gene, I vowed to not get involved in the title match and that's exactly what happened! I didn't get involved in the match! I saw Jimmy Hart getting involved and trying to help the Giant cheat to win the title, and I ran that little weasel off! I didn't get involved in the match, I didn't get involved with the Macho Man, and I didn't get involved with the Giant! Now, I get that the Macho Man is upset about losing the title, but ya know what Mean Gene, I'm just as upset about how I lost the title! No one pinned me for it, so the way I see it, brother, is I'm still the uncrowned champion! I'm not out here blaming the WCW board of directors, I'm not blaming the Macho Man, I'm not blaming the Giant or Kevin Sullivan and the Dungeon of Doom. I realize it's up to me to get the title back, just like the Macho Man needs to come to the realization that it's up to himself to get it back, dude! So if the Macho Man has a problem with Hulk Hogan, then as a man, he's gonna have to come to me, brother, and sort it out!

Rating: 86



Horsemen (Anderson, Flair, Austin) vs Ricky Steamboat, Lex Luger, & Sting

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The crowd were excited for this sort of return match from Halloween Havoc 1995, just trading Austin for Brian Pillman. The Horsemen were looking for a different outcome this time around but Sting, Luger, and Steamboat were on fire, hitting the Horsemen with everything they had and had them all reeling. This eventually slowed down and the match was drawn out like a story. The match finished at 16:39 after Steamboat caught Flair with his high cross body off the top rope for the pin.

Winners: Steamboat, Luger, Sting

Rating: 80




After the match finishes, the Horsemen are the first to depart while Steamboat, Luger, and Sting celebrate their victory in the ring. Bischoff reminds everyone to tune in next week when Nitro is live in Philadelphia and that it's going to be a huge show. Steamboat, Luger, and Sting are making their way up the aisle and Steamboat and Luger disappear behind the stage. Sting is the last one before he's attacked out of nowhere.....





The Giant runs off from the side of the screen, off the stage area to blindside the Stinger. Sting drops and never had a chance at defending himself. The Giant goes on the attack, kicking and stomping on the Stinger. Giant drags Sting to his feet by grabbing him around the throat and proceeds to drag him up the ramp to the stage. With his hand firmly grasped around the Stinger's throat, the Giant is now looking for the perfect spot to plant Sting with a chokeslam. After finding a worthy spot, he lifts Sting high in the air and drops him on the WCW lettered platform. The Giant roars afterwards and looks down at Sting, who lays motionless on the steel before he exits to the backstage area. The camera focuses on Sting who lays on the stage as Nitro fades to a close.

Rating: 99



Final Show Rating: 86

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Exclusive WCW Hotline report!!


Suspicious came true from this past week's Monday Nitro in the match between Harlem Heat and the Nasty Boys. During the match, Booker T suffered a Smith's Fracture of his right wrist following an errant move by Jerry Sags. In a follow-up appointment, the break was confirmed and Booker T is expected to be out of action for more than two months. This is a huge blow to Harlem Heat, who was set to face the Steiner Brother's at Uncensored for the titles.


The Nasty Boys continued to have a particularly bad week as the Steiner's addressed the Nasty Boys this weekend at Saturday Night, stating they have no love for Harlem Heat but it was wrong of the Nasty Boys to injure Booker T and subsequently put him out of action.


Later the same night, the Faces of Fear took on the Nasty Boys in a particularly tough match. Problems continued when Meng picked up an injury in that match after a botched move by Brian Knobbs. It's reported that Meng sustained a torn Meniscus and while that won't keep him out of action, that will impact his performance in the ring. Doctors estimate it will effect Meng for over the next year.


The Nasty Boys have gotten a ton of animosity backstage as a result of their careless behavior in the ring lately. Some have also speculated that this is intentional from the Nasty Boys, as they have increasingly seen their profiles on Monday Nitro diminish, favoring Harlem Heat and the Faces of Fear instead.


At this time, it is not clear on how WCW plans on approaching the tag team division heading into Uncensored. The rumor going around is that an unofficial type of tournament may take place at Uncensored involving several teams to determine a number one contender to the Steiner Brothers.


Also on Saturday Night this weekend:


Steve Austin plans to run Ricky Steamboat out of WCW after he beats him at Uncensored, officially declaring a match between the two.


Brian Pillman and Ric Flair confronted Eddie Guerrero and told him to find a partner for this week's Nitro.


Arn Anderson put a target on Lex Luger and stated he's coming for him.


The Macho Man said he's going to be uncontrollable at Uncensored and wants Hulk Hogan in a match.


In other news;


WCW has officially signed an exclusive contract with Mike Barton, better known as Bart Gunn of the Smoking Gunn's tag team in the WWF. I'm told that WCW briefly attempted to also sign his partner Billy Gunn, however, the WWF locked him to a contract and WCW did not want to outbid. I've heard that the plans for Barton are to establish himself as a solid mid-card worker to build up the division and create more challengers for the Television title. 

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Week 3, March 1996

LIVE from The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA

Attendance: 16,837


Monday Nitro kicks off this week on fire, literally, as fire explodes from the ring posts. The fans in Philadelphia this week are rabid as Tony Schiavone sits at the broadcast booth this week, along with Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes. A short clip is played from earlier in the day where Brian Pillman viciously attacked Eddie Guerrero as he was arriving to the arena. Schiavone tells everyone that a tag team match between Brian Pillman and Ric Flair versus Eddie Guerrero and a partner of his choosing was supposed to take place, however, Eddie has not been cleared to compete tonight. As the announcers discuss the change in plans, the crowd is given another reason to go crazy, as for the second week in a row, Nitro kicks off with the Stinger as "A Man Called Sting" begins blaring from the speakers.




Well, well, well......Here we are tonight on Monday Nitro!!! I saw earlier that Brian Pillman is up to his same old tricks and sneak attacked Eddie Guerrero....Pillman, you may consider yourself to be a lucky guy because now you don't have a match scheduled for tonight and you thought that the Stinger's all tied up currently with the Giant, but you're even luckier!!! You know why??? Because even though I might be occupied by the Giant, the Stinger doesn't have anything going on tonight! So because the Stinger's evening is free...And because Brian Pillman's evening is now free....And because it's Monday Nitro and the Stinger's never gotten a rematch for that US title, how about the two of us have a good old fashioned one-on-one match tonight?!?!? Brian Pillman, I'm calling you out, RIGHT NOW!





A few moments go by and everyone begins to hear the sound of running horses. The music of the 4 Horsemen begin to play and Pillman casually walks out onto the stage where he stops, the US title strapped securely around his waist. He has a microphone and has Sting's undivided attention.



Stinger, I know you're a confused and troubled man, and you have a hard time understanding things, but I'll do my best to break it down for you in relatively simple terms....I'm not sure why you made it a point to come out here tonight and call me out in front of all these people....See Stinger, I thought things were finished between the two of us when I beat you for this coveted title, but I guess I was wrong.


What I'm also not sure about is why you think you're deserving of a title shot when you can't even handle yourself against the Giant. What meaningful match have you even won on your own recently, Sting? The fact of the matter is, I'm the United States champion and the power is in my hands, not yours. I'll grant you a match tonight, Stinger....BUT! It isn't going to be for the US title. That's something you're going to have to earn....

Rating: 85




Disco Inferno vs Arn Anderson

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With the crowd firmly fired up, Arn Anderson continued it going. While the crowd were certainly entertained by Disco Inferno, Arn Anderson was in quite the mood. He broke down Disco with cold calculation, hitting his signature Spinebuster followed by a DDT for the win at 7:22.

Winner: Arn Anderson

Rating: 72



Brad Armstrong vs Dave Taylor

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The crowd wasn't particularly excited for this match but the announce crew did their best to not only hype up the talents of Dave Taylor and the Blue Bloods, but also of the streak and performance that Brad Armstrong has been on lately. Armstrong has been trying his best to challenge for the TV title and finds himself in the rest of the Blue Bloods crosshairs. This sounds much more exciting than it is in reality though, but something very peculiar begins to happen during this match, causing the attention to turn away from those in the ring and to something in the audience. A small rumble begins to get louder and louder as someone is walking through the audience and subsequently jumps over the railing....




Tony Schiavone: Hol....Hold on fans..



Something is.....Something is taking place...













Wait a minute, we need security out here...



The crowd is suddenly full of people pointing in the ring and growing excited as this person has now caused both competitors in the ring to come to an abrupt stop. He demands a microphone from ringside and climbs the steps to the ring, getting in, which then causes both men to exit, clearly resulting in a no contest.

Winner: No contest

Rating: 61








You people.....You know who I am. But you don't.....Know why......I'm here....


I look around, and I see all the same people who just can't accept their time is over...I see the Macho Man....I see the Nature Boy....I see a bunch of characters and worst of all, that Ken-doll lookalike....That weather man wanna be who's sure to show his face at some point...Well when he does, I've got a challenge for him, for the Macho Man, and anyone else in.....DUBYA SEE DUBYA.


You wanna go to war??? You want a war????



You're gonna get one.



Rating: 100






Following that unexpected interruption, WCW took a commercial break. When Nitro returned, things continue to heat up as Eric Bischoff is in the ring with a microphone. He says he's going to completely ignore what occurred prior to the break and security personnel are now in the process of arresting and removing any and all unauthorized subjects from the ringside/backstage area. Bischoff says there are more important matters at hand and right now he's bringing out Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man Randy Savage.


Both men come out separately, Savage first and then Hogan. The Macho Man is ready to go to blows straight away with Hogan, but Bischoff holds an arm out to separate the two. Bischoff says now is not the time for fighting as they're here to officially sign a contract to meet at Uncensored for a match. Bischoff says that the animosity is to high to contain the two merely to a ring, however, and that the rules and specifications for Uncensored are just that, unsanctioned and ruthless. As such, the two men will meet in a cage match were the victory can only be scored by pinfall, submission, or the other competitor is unable to continue. Both men play it up quite well just before they sign their name on the contract and while the two don't come to blows, the Macho Man wastes no time getting in Hogan's face after he signs his name. Tensions are clearly running at an all-time high as officials flood the ring to keep the two separated.

Rating: 100



Sting vs Brian Pillman

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This was an extremely exciting match and the fact it was non-title didn't deter the Stinger from giving it his all. Brian Pillman also nearly put in an equal performance and the crowd was loving every bit from these two. It's no surprise that with it being non-title, Sting picked up the victory following a top rope Stinger Splash (flying cross body) for the win at 15:55.

Winner: Sting

Rating: 81












While Sting is perched on the second rope celebrating his victory, the World Heavyweight Champion Giant rushes into the ring. Sting is clueless as to the entry as the Giant walks up behind him. With Sting's back to him, the Giant grabs Sting by the throat, who's already on the second rope. Sting never had a chance as he crashes hard to the mat following a Chokeslam. The Giant roars and holds up the world title high in the air as he stands over Sting's body. The announcers proclaim that this is now two weeks in a row where the Giant has left Sting beaten and there's no answer for this Giant. Nitro fades to a close as everyone wonders what will happen next week!

Rating: 84



Final Show Rating: 87

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Week 4, March 1996

Orlando Arena - Orlando, FL

Attendance: 16,441




Even before the typical Monday Nitro intro, the broadcast begins just outside the main gate to the arena where Sting and the WCW Heavyweight Champion Giant are in the middle of a wild brawl. Officials flood into the scene as they attempt to separate the two, though it takes a significant amount of time. The two eventually are separated and Sting still has a few lingering words for the Giant.

Rating: 82





The arguments continue here on Nitro, this time the US Champion Brian Pillman and Eddie Guerrero are backstage. Rather than a physical fight, the two are lashing out back and forth at each other verbally. Eddie accuses Pillman of being too afraid to put his title on the line like a real champion. Pillman makes mention of Eddie running for the border and that he has the United States title, not the Mexican National title. Pillman taunts him some more before going off screen.

Rating: 85




Dean Malenko vs Lex Luger

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Nitro was finally able to get to its official opening and Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay welcome everyone to a crazy and hectic night. Bischoff apologized for last weeks interruption and stated that WCW lawyers are in the works at keeping intruders out of the arena in the future. This match didn't burn the house down, but it wasn't a lackluster effort, either. Dean Malenko held his own pretty well against the Total Package. The ending was about as predictable as possible though and Luger got the win at 7:47 following a Torture Rack.

Winner: Lex Luger

Rating: 72



Following the match, cameras return to the broadcast position to finish the intro for Nitro this week. Bischoff mentions some big events this past weekend on WCW Saturday Night where the Dungeon of Doom made an unexpected resurgence to call out the Nasty Boys for their reckless behavior; after putting Booker T on the shelf, the Nasty Boys injured Meng during a match. Big Bubba Rogers and the Taskmaster issued a warning. Steamboat vs Austin was also made official for this weekend's Uncensored. DDP also walked off an interview when asked about his connections to last week's intruder. There are also big things to happen here tonig-------








Bischoff trails off as last week's intruder makes yet another appearance tonight on Nitro. Bischoff stands up to face him but is slowly seated back down. He produces a microphone and after a few taunts, gets to his point of interrupting again.


You got something to say, little man???


I didn't think so....


I said last week that if you want a war, you're getting one! When will that be?? Where will that be?? You're gonna have to wait and find out. See, I do what I want.....WHEN I want, and there's nothing you can do about it, or your two other little jockeys. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen one wrestler yet who could do anything about it either....Ric Flair? The Macho Man? Hah...Please. It isn't just me, don't you worry little Ken doll. You know why??? Because next week, I got a BIG surprise for you!

Rating: 100




Scott Norton vs Mr. JL

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Nitro had taken a commercial break following the last segment and returns to Mr. JL already in the ring. Scott Norton follows and Nitro presents its next match. It wasn't really much of a match and was more of a 7 minute show of pure wrecking domination by Scott "Flash" Norton. He won at 7:05 with a Shoulder Breaker.

Winner: Scott Nortron

Rating: 44





Mean Gene has his weekly segment up next where he brings out Hulk Hogan and the Macho Man Randy Savage. Gene states that these two men will meet less than a week from now, this Sunday LIVE on Pay Per View at Uncensored. The once-friendship has now turned into a bitter feud that hopes to be put to a close this Sunday as they will meet in a steel cage. Hulk Hogan does his best at playing peacemaker, stating he's always tried to be there for the Macho Man and have his back. Just like brothers, they argue every once and a while, but that's no reason to throw years of friendship down the drain. The Macho Man see's things much differently. He says he's never been friends with Hogan and never liked him. He said Hogan's done nothing but ride on his coattails and any time Savage gets a bit of the spotlight, Hogan's always been sure to swoop in and take over. He says Hogan's always been jealous of the Macho Man and this Sunday, he's going to ruin Hulk Hogan just like Hogan ruined his life. Savage storms off leaving Hogan and Gene. Hulk Hogan appears to be devastated and says he hopes this Sunday that they can both enter the ring, get their aggression out, and leave it once and for all.

Rating: 100




Ricky Steamboat & The Steiner Brothers vs 4 Horsemen (Anderson, Flair, Austin)

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This 6-man match was a great segway to talk about this Sunday's matchups. Ricky Steamboat and Steve Austin have apparently rekindled their feud from a couple of years ago and Austin hopes to finally rid WCW of the Dragon. The Steiner Brother's did have challengers for this Sunday at Uncensored by way of Harlem Heat, however, an errant injury put Booker T out of commission. The announcers speculate that Ric Flair and Arn Anderson could step up as potential tag team challengers but for the fact that Arn Anderson takes on Lex Luger. This was a typical babyface vs heels matchup that mostly centered around the Ricky Steamboat/Steve Austin story. Arn got the pin fall victory in 16:57 after a distraction by Flair allowed Austin to hit Steamboat with a chair.

Winners: 4 Horsemen

Rating: 83



Final Show Rating: 87

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the WCW Hotline Report!!!


There's been a few signings and releases in the world of wrestling;


WCW has signed David "Fit" Finlay to a written contract. It is expected this signing is to attempt to bolster the mid-card and TV title divisions. The Disco Inferno has re-signed with WCW recently.


The WWF has signed Road Warrior Animal to an exclusive deal. Road Warrior Hawk is already employed there and it is expected they will reform their team and compete in the tag team division.


VK Wallstreet and Paul Orndorff are now gone from WCW. Their contracts had simply expired and they were not released. WCW did not have any interest in keeping either around, though there is some rumblings that Orndorff may find a job as a trainer at WCW's new developmental facility known as the WCW PowerPlant.

You may (or may not) have noticed that Johnny B. Badd has not been on television. Badd has actually not been with WCW since the beginning of March when his contract expired and WCW had no interest in signing a new deal.


Bob Backlund has left the WWF after his contract expired.


Scott Hall's unannounced appearance last week on Nitro was a shock to the entire wrestling world. He apparently was extremely frustrated with his lack of use in the WWF. As of now, I have not been told what the plans will be with him, or what they will refer to him as on TV.


WCW Uncensored is this weekend and promises to be a major show! Here is the card!




Cage Match:

Randy Savage vs Hulk Hogan


World Heavyweight Title:

Sting vs The Giant (c)


Wrath vs John Tenta

Arn Anderson vs Lex Luger


United States Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman


Texas Tornado Match:

Nasty Boys vs Dungeon of Doom (Big Bubba/Taskmaster)


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

American Males vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Dean Malenko vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Cage Match:

Randy Savage vs Hulk Hogan


World Heavyweight Title:

Sting vs The Giant (c)


Wrath vs John Tenta

Arn Anderson vs Lex Luger


United States Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman


Texas Tornado Match:

Nasty Boys vs Dungeon of Doom (Big Bubba/Taskmaster)


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

American Males vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Dean Malenko vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Cage Match:

Randy Savage vs Hulk Hogan


World Heavyweight Title:

Sting vs The Giant (c)


Wrath vs John Tenta

Arn Anderson vs Lex Luger


United States Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman


Texas Tornado Match:

Nasty Boys vs Dungeon of Doom (Big Bubba/Taskmaster)


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

American Males vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Dean Malenko vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Cage Match:

Randy Savage vs Hulk Hogan


World Heavyweight Title:

Sting vs The Giant (c)


Wrath vs John Tenta

Arn Anderson vs Lex Luger


United States Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman


Texas Tornado Match:

Nasty Boys vs Dungeon of Doom (Big Bubba/Taskmaster)


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

American Males vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Dean Malenko vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Cage Match:

Randy Savage vs Hulk Hogan


World Heavyweight Title:

Sting vs The Giant (c)


Wrath vs John Tenta

Arn Anderson vs Lex Luger


United States Title:

Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman


Texas Tornado Match:

Nasty Boys vs Dungeon of Doom (Big Bubba/Taskmaster)


Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin

American Males vs Faces of Fear


Television Title:

Dean Malenko vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Thank you guys so much for all the predictions! @TheBigBad1013, I can only hope my dynasty ends up as good as your old one was. Whenever I think of how one should be done, I always go back to yours.


Another off-hand note I meant to add on the Hotline report, I hope no one minds that I took a lot of Scott Hall's real promo and added it to his debut here. There are just some things too great in history to leave out and his real promo is unbeatable. It wasn't all verbatim, but a large amount was. I won't be doing that very often, either.

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