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Week 4, May 1996

LIVE from the Carrier Dome - Tri State

Attendance: 50,000 (SELLOUT!)


- Everyone is pumped up tonight for WCW's main show of May - SLAMBOREE! After an intro video is played in glorious, cheesy 1990's quality, we're welcomed to the arena and the broadcast by Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes, and Bobby Heenan. All run down the events which lead up to tonight's show and all of the matches here tonight. Tony says we're not going to waste any time here as we're going to the ring for the Television title match! -



Television Title:

Scott Steiner vs Lord Steven Regal (c)

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Steiner was extremely excited for this match and couldn't wait to get his hands on Regal. Regal for the past few weeks has been making disparaging remarks toward Steiner, saying he's unworthy of a title match and is "below the barrel" for Regal to have to work with him. Steiner wanted to prove him otherwise but every time Regal started to get in the ring, Steiner would rush him causing Regal to bail once more. This game of cat and mouse continued for a little while before Steiner finally got his hands on him, much to the delight of the crowd. The bell rang and Steiner dominated early with power moves and suplexes. The men were given nearly 20 minutes to tell their story, and did it quite well. Scott Steiner, the announcers said, has not held a singles title since November of 1992 where he lost the WCW TV title and desperately wanted to get a new singles run started off right. Regal used every dirty trick known to man in his efforts to retain his title. In the end, Scott Steiner fulfilled his desire and at 18:45, he scored the pin fall victory after hitting a very impressive Steiner Screwdriver.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Rating: 79



Arn Anderson vs Lex Luger

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This match is, without question, a grudge match, maybe more so on the end of Arn Anderson at this point than Lex Luger. What started between Lex Luger and Ric Flair has worked its way through the Horsemen and ended up at the Enforcer. Arn Anderson desperately wants to teach Luger a lesson in not to mess with the group, and now Luger's attention seems to be elsewhere, much to the annoyance of the Enforcer. Luger starts off saying something inaudible to Anderson, who wants none of it. He promptly punches Luger and the match is on from there. They trade blows and advantage for some time before Luger catches Arn with a great looking Powerslam, nearly getting the pin fall victory. The momentum swings a short time later as Double A catches a Luger rebound off the ropes into his signature Spinebuster. He goes for the pin but Luger kicked out at the last second. The longer the match goes, the more apparent that this match will not feature any interference, which Heenan speculates is because all the Horsemen have very important matches tonight. Luger gains a second wind and begins hitting a series of clotheslines before hitting the Forearm. Luger signals it's time for the Torture Rack, bringing the crowd to their feet. As Luger approaches, Arn Anderson manages to hit his DDT out of nowhere! Anderson covers Luger and gets the pin at 14:36!

Winner: Arn Anderson

Rating: 79





- After a quick promotional break, cameras return to the backstage area where Tony Schiavone has gone for a quick interview. He brings in Scott "Flash" Norton who says he was paying very close attention to the TV title match. Norton says now that there's a new champion, he's going to need some new challengers. Scott Norton says that he wants a shot at the belt and will go through anyone he needs to get it. -

Rating: 56



Street Fight:

Nasty Boys vs Dungeon of Doom

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If Anderson vs Luger was a grudge match, this match was an all-out fight. The Dungeon of Doom, still on a mission to inflict as much pain as possible to the Nasty Boys for injuring fellow mate Meng, did just that through this all-out brawl. There was little organization to this match and absolutely no tagging involved. It was just all four men fighting at the same time while the referee tried to gain some type of control. There was a moment of just enough control to count a 3 after Big Bubba hit Jerry Sags with a trash can at 9:46.

Winners: Dungeon of Doom

Rating: 72




Hello, ladies and gentlemen! What a night it is shaping up to be already with a new Television champion and several matches down! At this time, allow me to introduce my guests....A couple of men we haven't seen for some time and two men who are more than ready to get back into the Tag title picture; Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back....






- Booker T and Stevie Ray step into the picture, along with Sensuous Sherri. The two actually get a pretty good reaction from the sold out crowd, as they haven't been seen in over two months. The duo get into position and Mean Gene gets down to the questions. -


Booker T, Stevie Ray, and the lovely Sensuous Sherri, welcome back to WCW! Booker T, it's been a couple of months since your injury. Do you have any lasting effects and do you look to get some bit of retribution for your injury?


See, Gene, it's like this! I'm back and I'm better than ever! Stevie Ray and Sensuous Sherri have been patiently waiting for me to get back to business, so first I gotta thank them for their patience.....But see, Gene, the time for patience is now over! You wanna know if Booker T and Stevie Ray want payback for my injury??? Harlem Heat are about one thing, and one thing only, Gene, and that's getting the world tag team titles back where they belong, and that's around our waist! So right now, we're gonna be keeping a close eye on the title match tonight, Gene. Faces of Fear or American Males, it don't matter because whoever wins tonight, is gonna have to deal with Harlem Heat! We're back, Gene, and we're ready, now can you dig that?!?

Rating: 70



The Bootyman vs Wrath

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There really wasn't much to this match as there was no buildup between the two. It mostly ended up being a massacre, more or less, as Wrath completely dominated the Bootyman. Wrath hit a Meltdown to the cheers from the crowd and scored the win at 7:20.

Winner: Wrath

Rating: 50



Strap Match:

Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat

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The grudge matches continue and while Austin has been claiming he's going to run Steamboat out of WCW, this match is not for Steamboat's career. Austin tried his best to avoid getting the leather strap secured around his wrist, but when the referee threatened to count him out, and at 9.5, he finally relented. Steamboat was second to get the strap tied on and as soon as the referee secured it, Austin attacked. After a quick flurry of blows, Austin made a rush to the corners, trying to end the match as fast as possible. So much for punishing Steamboat....The strategy didn't work though and as soon as Austin got to the 3rd corner, Steamboat pulled the strap, causing Austin to do a half flip backward. The Dragon was more straightforward when it came to the strap match, mostly playing fair and only using the leather strip to whip Austin every once and awhile. Austin was the complete opposite, using the leather to choke, drag, and whip Steamboat at every opportunity. Austin even tossed Steamboat over the top rope and choked him that way with the strap at one point. It was a competitive match that saw both men struggle with the stipulations at times. Steamboat could barely make it to the 3rd corner before being stopped in his tracks. Austin, at one point, had the strap between his legs, just to have Steamboat pull it to prevent him from getting to a corner. Austin ended up doing a front flip to the mat this time. As the battle went on, Austin caught Steamboat with a version of a short-arm clothesline, only using the strap instead of his arm. Ricky dropped to the mat, and Austin quickly wrapped the strap around his neck a few times. Austin dragged Steamboat to each corner, forcefully slapping the top turnbuckle. Austin was able to get to all 4 corners and slapped the final one at 16:56 for the decisive win.

Winner: Steve Austin

Rating: 82



Tag Team Titles:

Faces of Fear vs American Males (c)

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While the American Males have previously defended their titles, tonight was the true test of their championship reign. They were also aware of this, which saw both Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs enter this match with more focus and determination visible on their faces. The champions, as always, displayed solid teamwork and busted out several double-team moves on the Barbarian, who started this match. In typical fashion for Faces of Fear matches though, the Males offense went to an abrupt stop when they tried one too many double dropkicks. The Barbarian simply absorbed to punishment, only to mow down Bagwell and Riggs when they got to their feet. The writing was on the wall at that point in the match, though the Males did put up some defense and give it their all along the way. Jimmy Hart also made it a point to distract either American Male whenever he could. The Faces of Fear won the match to become new champions at 11:40 after Riggs took a Kick of Fear. What was probably the most surprising was that Meng had the performance of the match.

Winners: Faces of Fear

Rating: 72




- Back from another promotional add, Sting is in the backstage area. His appearance on the screen generates a loud cheer from the crowd. The screams quickly turn to loud boos though as Sting is swiftly attacked from behind...




Hall and Nash make Sting their next attack victim as they lay in the boots. Scott Hall is also armed with a baseball bat, and takes a few well-aimed shots at the downed Stinger. The Outsiders attention turns to something off camera, though, which causes their assault to stop. Hall gets in a couple more quick shots before both Hall and Nash run off. The reason for their distraction rushes into the picture shortly afterwards....





Diamond Dallas Page rushes into the picture and after making sure the Outsiders had run off, he bends down to check on the Stinger. After checking, DDP stands back up and yells out at Hall and Nash. The announcers reflect that this past week on Nitro, DDP saved Lex Luger from an attack and Sting and Luger had discussed whether they could trust DDP. Heenan says that they now seem to have their answer and all 3 now wonder if an alliance is on the horizon. The scene fades out as DDP goes back to checking on the Stinger. -

Rating: 87



World Title:

Ric Flair vs The Giant (c)

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Some were shocked that the world title match wasn't the main event of the night. Others countered that by saying the feud over the US title was better established, with this match only just getting signed 2 weeks ago. Both men had extremely solid performances in the ring, but the lack of a feud between the two seemed to have hurt the match. Ric Flair was determined to reclaim a title that was made for him, though he had a huge roadblock in the way. The Nature Boy started much the way his failed attack began on Nitro this week. Flair used a slurry of punches and chops but quickly found out that they were not having the desired effect. The Giant allowed Flair to continue the assault for a bit before finally having enough and planting a huge headbutt on the Nature Boy. This resulted in Flair hitting the mat hard and rolling end over end to the corner. He promptly exited the ring to try and regroup and come up with a new game plan. Unaccustomed to Flair, he was alone at ringside tonight. Not even Arn Anderson was there for guidance.


Flair got back in the ring and went for a new strategy, going after the legs and knees of the Giant. This seemed to have some effect and a Flair chop block sent the Giant to his knees. Flair smelled blood after this happened and continued chops until those quickly had no effect again. The Giant worked his way up to his feet and then took control of the match. Several high impact moves later and Flair was yelling out for mercy. The Giant sent Flair into the ropes and hit him with a big boot on rebound. This resulted in Flair doing his classic Flair Flop, dropping face down to the mat. The Giant is now smiling in a sinister way, all but having the match sealed. He leans down to pick up Flair but on the way up, Flair hits a low blow on the Giant! The referee completely missed seeing it, as he wasn't in position to catch it. The Giant doubles over and Flair slowly gets to his feet. He punches and kicks at the Giant, who is also trying to get up now. Flair bounces off the ropes and hits a chop block again. The Giant drops to one knee briefly but gets back up. Flair bounces off again with another chop block, again dropping the Giant to a knee. Flair, smelling blood, goes back for a 3rd time, but this time the Giant is back up and meets him with a gripping hand around his throat! The Giant hoists Flair up for the Chokeslam but in the process, Flair's feet connect with the referee. The result is both Flair and the referee hitting the mat. The Giant goes for the cover but there's no referee to count! The Giant tries to shake the referee to come to, but he's too groggy. The Giant gets back up and this time drops the strap on his singlet. He motions his hand high in the air for another chokeslam. He leans down to pick up the Nature Boy, but in the process, Flair decks the Giant. To the confusion of everyone, the Giant crashes hard down to the mat. Ric Flair, still not very mobile, hides something in his tights after the punch! Flair slaps the face of the referee a couple times to get him to come to and he covers the Giant. The referee counts extremely slow before his hand hits the mat on the 3rd time at 13:38, and we have a new World Champion!

Winner: Ric Flair

Rating: 80



- After the bell sounds, Ric Flair slowly gets to his feet and raises his arms. The referee is also slow to get up and he is given the world title by the time keeper. The referee presents the world title to Ric Flair, who holds the title high in the air and celebrates his victory. -

Rating: 70





- Mean Gene is backstage once again and ready for another interview segment in order to get things set up for the final match of the night. He brings in Brian Pillman who says that he plans on completing the string of Horsemen wins tonight and taking the US title. Pillman says the Horsemen claimed a few weeks back that they would be the unstoppable, dominant group in WCW once again, and tonight they complete that. -

Rating: 88



United States Title:

Ladder Match

Brian Pillman vs Eddie Guerrero (c)

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The best match was definitely saved for last as these two gave it their all for a show-stealing performance. The ladder was a perfect compliment for these two and the match featured all kinds of high flying moves mixed in with brutal attacks with the ladder. It was a complete back and forth encounter and just when it appeared one man had the advantage, the other would dash in, seemingly from nowhere, to swing the momentum. One highlight of the match saw Pillman toss Eddie out of the ring. After spending some time setting the ladder in position, Pillman began the climb. Upon getting to the top of the ladder and with the title just within reach, it appeared that Brian Pillman was all set to claim victory. Out of nowhere, Eddie had leapt in the air from springboarding off the top rope and landing perfect on the ladder to meet the Loose Cannon. A series of punches were exchanged which resulted in Pillman dropping hard to the mat. Eddie saw this as his chance to grab his title but the ladder positioning on his side wasn't quite as accessible. Eddie stretched and tried to grab the title, managing to get his fingertips on it but just resulted in the title swinging away from him. This took enough time to allow Pillman to get to his feet and push the ladder over, causing Eddie to get crotched on the top rope. Pillman knocked Guerrero out onto the floor, allowing him to grab the ladder and set it up again. The crowd all got to their feet as another subject was walking down the aisle toward the ring.....






The new world champion, minus his title belt, swiftly walked toward the ring and around the opposite side where Eddie Guerrero was. Guerrero was getting to his feet as fast as he could, seeing Brian Pillman ascending the ladder. Eddie made it halfway up onto the apron before Flair attacked him. After a low blow, Flair sent Guerrero into the corner post, knocking him out cold on the ground. This was about the time Brian Pillman got to the top of the ladder and unhooked the title, causing the bell to sound at 23:55. Pillman climbed down, clutching the title to his chest as Flair climbed in the ring to celebrate with the new champion. Slamboree's credits rolled as Ric Flair held up the arm of the new US champion as Pillman held the title up in his other arm.

Winner: Brian Pillman

Rating: 87



Final Show Rating: 86


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Week 1, June 1996

Nassau Coliseum - (Tri State)

Attendance: 15,777


- Nitro has a cold open this week, skipping the firework festivities and intro by the commentary team. Instead, the show opens to a limousine pulling into the backstage area and coming to a stop. After a few moments, the driver exits and swiftly walks to the back door to open it. The camera gets closer to the limo as the occupants begin to emerge -






- The Nature Boy is the first to emerge, all smiles and gives a quick "WWWOOO!" and puts the World Championship over his shoulder. Next to emerge laughing is the new United States Champion Brian Pillman as his title is strapped around his waist. The two new champions are followed by The Enforcer and Steve Austin, who are also sporting million dollar smiles. All 4 men high five and begin their trek through the backstage area, obviously heading somewhere with a purpose. 


It doesn't take long to figure out where they're going, though, as the sound of galloping horses begin to fill the arena followed by a guitar riff, signaling the theme music of the 4 Horsemen. Lights flash on the stage as the Horsemen enter the arena, with Flair first to hold up the 4 fingers. All members take their turns holding up the symbol of excellence as they head toward the ring to kick off Nitro. Once all are in, Ric Flair is handed a microphone from the ring announcer and the music fades out. -


Myself and Double A made a challenge a few weeks ago to Brian Pillman and Steve Austin that the 4 Horsemen were to be the biggest force in WCW once again! They weren't the only ones within the Horsemen who needed to step up their game! The Enforcer and I also needed to get a kick in the ass! Well what you all witnessed last night at Slamboree was the Horsemen getting back to the top of our game!


It started off with Arn Anderson showing Lex Luger that business isn't finished with the Horsemen until we say so! Luger didn't want any part of the Horsemen so much that he isn't even here tonight!


Then after that, Steve Austin showed what kind of stone cold killer he is by finishing off Ricky Steamboat! He didn't need anyone's help, he didn't need any interference! He took care of that washed up has been that goes by the Dragon!!!


The Horsemen's night wasn't over there! Brian Pillman took on that punk....That's right, that PUNK! Eddie Guerrero in a ladder match and showed who the top premiere athlete is in WCW! Not only that, but he took back what was rightfully his and became the United States Champion once again! That was how we capped off the night, but if you think I'm going to get through an interview without talking about the Nature Boy, you're sadly mistaken!!


You're all now looking at the 14-time World's Heavyweight Champion! I told everyone that I was going to take the title from the Giant and that's exactly what I did! Everyone thought he was unstoppable and I proved that the dirtiest player in the game still has a few more tricks up my sleeve! I am, along with the rest of the Horseman, are on top of my game and we're not going anywhere anytime soon! You can forget about anyone else claiming to be running WCW because the Horsemen already claimed that spot, and we have the title's to prove it! All we have to do now is go after the TV and tag team titles! This....This right here is what real champions look like!


This is dominance! This is excellence! Finally, finally, we no longer have some guy who looks like Lurch walking around here as the World's Heavyweight Champion! If you picked up the dictionary and looked up "World Champion" you'd see a picture of the Nature Boy next to it! I am the epitome of what a World Champion should be! Custom made, from head to toe! Rolex watches, custom made shoes! I am a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealin, wheelin' dealin, SON OF A GUN!!! AND THIS WORLD TITLE IS GONNA BE MINE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! WCW, take notice right now! The Horsemen are here to stay!!!


Rating: 100



- Following the opening promo, a replay of the ending of the TV title match between Scott Steiner and Lord Steven Regal is shown, where Steiner wins the title. -

Rating: 68



- Nitro took a commercial break and returns to the announce booth. Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan, and Dusty Rhodes all welcome everyone as Tony says that Nitro has already gotten off to a crazy start, beginning with the 4 Horsemen, who have established themselves once again as the top group in WCW and appear to be firing on all cylinders, with all four men sweeping their matches last night at Slamboree. They've taken 2 of the 4 titles within WCW and look to capture them all. Tony says the night has already shaped up to be a wild one and we go to our first match of the night. -


Ricky Steamboat vs Lord Steven Regal

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Heenan said that with both men coming off tough losses last night, they're wanting to turn their fortune around with this match. The problem is, only one man can win and someone will be on a losing streak. Steven Regal came out and was in a rather foul mood after losing his TV title just 24 hours ago. Steamboat wasn't in too much of a bad mood but he was clearly trying to remain focused on this match, though you could tell by his expressions that he was upset with how the previous night had gone. Regal continued to try and use underhanded tactics to his advantage, but the veteran Dragon was able to hold off most of them. Regals losing woes continued as Steamboat was able to connect with his Flying Cross Body for the 3 count at 16:12.

Winner: Ricky Steamboat

Rating: 70





- Once again backstage, Eddie Guerrero is standing with Mean Gene Okerlund, who almost looks to be in as much a foul mood as Regal. Mean Gene gets down to his questions. -


Eddie Guerrero, you found me backstage and requested an interview. Last night, you lost the United States title in a ladder match to Brian Pillman of the 4 Horsemen, though he had some help in the process. I'm sure your requested interview has something to do with that...


You know, if you were a betting man, Mean Gene, you'd make a lot of money. You're absolutely right that it has to do with last night and the 4 Horsemen. Brian Pillman wouldn't be the US champion right now if he didn't have the help of Ric Flair in that match. I'm not going to waste a lot of time with what I want, Gene. Ric Flair, if you want to get involved in my matches so bad, well then tonight, I challenge you to a match! The Horsemen are on the top of their game???? Good! Because it's going to make it all that much better when I beat you!

Rating: 99



Hugh Morrus vs Diamond Dallas Page

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There wasn't much spectacular about this match and was pretty straightforward. Morrus had a brief moment when he got some offense in, but it was mostly DDP all match. The finish saw DDP hit his finish, which is growing every week in popularity, at 8:16. This time, DDP perched Morrus on the second rope and hit the Diamond Cutter from there for the pin. Following the bell, Tony Schiavone met DDP in the center of the ring for a post-match interview.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Rating: 65




DDP, you've been a pretty busy man in the last several weeks. First, you got the attention of newcomers Scott Hall and Kevin Nash and after denying their advances, you wound up being a victim of several brutal attacks at their hands. That's now seemingly turned into an alliance between you, Sting, and the Total Package Lex Luger after all of you have traded saving each other from attacks. What can you tell us about where your alliance stands??


Well first off, Tony, I'm in an alliance with nobody, ok? Scott Hall and Kevin Nash wouldn't take no for an answer and just couldn't accept that I like to be left alone. That ended up causing me a ton of pain, but I can deal with it, ok? Now, I don't have any kind of problem with Sting or Lex Luger, but I never asked for their help or for them to get involved with my business. I'm the kinda guy that likes to take care of my own problems. I'm thankful that Sting and Luger decided to help me out, and last night I had no problem helping out Sting when those cowards attacked him! As far as I'm concerned, I think that makes us even and we can move on to where we were all headed before. There's no alliance between me, Sting, and Luger, but there's also no hate for them on my end, either. I don't want to get caught up in the stuff going on between all those guys. I want to mind my own business, and do my own thing. I'm looking to get involved in some kind of title picture, Tony. Scotty Steiner just won the TV title, and he's gonna be looking at some new challengers. I think it's about time that DDP gets that TV title back around my waist!




- Unexpectedly, Dean Malenko's music hits and he walks out onto the stage with a microphone. He has the full attention of DDP and Tony Schiavone, who remain in the ring. After his music fades out, he explains the interruption. -


Ya know, Diamond Dallas Page, I'm not sure what makes you think you can just swoop in and claim a challenge to Scott Steiner and the TV title. I've been out here week in, week out, working hard to establish my place in WCW and I get no recognition or respect! I'm looking to change that and if I have to start with you to make an example, I will! So here's what I propose; I challenge you to a match at the Great American Bash. If you can beat me, then go after the TV title all you want....But if I beat you, then I'm the one that goes after the TV title!


You want a match??? You're on!!! But Dean, it ain't gonna be you winning. At the Great American Bash, you're gonna feel the BANG!!!!

Rating: 68



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- Nitro again goes to the backstage area where the Faces of Fear are engaged in a wild brawl with Harlem Heat. Jimmy Hart is running around all crazy, trying to direct his team into an advantage, but it's no use. All four men swing their arms and fists, striking anything they possibly can as a few loose items near them also get tossed. Officials rush in to separate the groups as Nitro fades to a commercial. -

Rating: 59



Harlem Heat vs Arn Anderson & Steve Austin

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After break, Harlem Heat takes on Arn Anderson and Steve Austin. This is Harlem Heat's first match back in action since the injury of Booker T and they look to start off on the right foot. The Horsemen look to continue their momentum after last night was their night. Anderson and Austin were relentless in their attacks on Harlem Heat and actually held control for a large portion of the match. Dusty Rhodes attributed this to the fight they just had with the Faces of Fear, which he's sure softened them up. Bobby Heenan also thought being out of action for the last two months contributed. Either way, this wasn't good news for Harlem Heat, who were trying to make claim to the #1 contendership to the tag team titles. Steve Austin got the pin fall win over Booker T at 16:06, but what also helped was the fact that he had his feet on the ropes.

Winners: Arn Anderson & Steve Austin

Rating: 67





- Back from another quick commercial break and Ric Flair is backstage with Mean Gene. Gene asks what Flair's response is to the challenge tonight by Eddie Guerrero. Flair laughs and begins his response. -


I said it earlier, and I'll say it again, Gene. Eddie Guerrero is nothing but a little punk who wants to gain some fame and notoriety by taking on the World's Champion. Well guess what?! The Nature Boy isn't afraid of some little pissant like Guerrero! If he wants to be taught a lesson by the Nature Boy, then I'll be happy to give him one, but Gene, he's not high enough in the pecking order to receive a title shot! As a matter of fact, I'm going to use this match as a display for world class wrestling ability and to let Guerrero know just how far down the food chain he really is!

Rating: 92



TV Title:

John Tenta vs Scott Steiner (c)

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Fresh off of capturing the TV title, Steiner is already given a massive challenge in the form of John Tenta. The announcers let everyone know that Tenta has done a good job of securing some wins as of late, and thus was rewarded with a shot at the TV title. Scott Steiner was determined to prove he's worthy of holding the title though, which made for a pretty decent match. Due to Tenta's size, Steiner was unable to use most of his usual power moves, though he did wow the crowd when he hit a huge exploder suplex on the big man, which generated a two count. Steiner was able to get the win at 7:31 though after a Frankensteiner.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Rating: 74




- The crowd get on their feet as "A Man Called Sting" blares from the speakers and out walks the Stinger. He heads to the ring with a purpose and microphone in hand. Once in the ring, Sting motions for the music to cut off, which it does. -


Most of the time, I would say that I'm a patient man, but sometimes the Stinger loses that patience.....Well tonight just happens to be one of those nights that the Stinger's all out of patience! Why's that!?!? Because I'm sick and tired of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash sneaking up behind people and attacking them!


Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, last night at Slamboree, the two of you once again decided to attack me. Well thanks to Diamond Dallas Page, he ran you two cowards off! Oh, and by the way, I heard what you had to say earlier, DDP, and no worries, Ok? I know what it's like when you have your mind focused on one thing, only to be taken away and dragged toward something else. I had my focus on recapturing the world title, but Hall and Nash just couldn't help themselves! DDP, you go after the TV title, the US title, whatever title you want to; There's no hard feelings from the Stinger. While I can't speak for the Total Package, I'd say you don't have to worry about him being too upset, either. So Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, I might be out here all by myself, but I'm calling you both out, right here, right now, because I'll tell ya what, if you want to have a fight face to face with the Stinger, things are gonna turn out a whole lot different!




- It takes a few moments, but eventually, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall slowly make their way out onto the stage. They work their way to the aisle and stop about halfway to the ring, mocking Sting who stands, unamused, in the ring. -


Nash: Gee, Sting....There's nothing I'd love more than to take you on right here tonight in that ring, but the funny thing is, I don't have my gear!! Scott, do you have your gear???


Hall: Nope, they said it's on backorder or something....


Oh man!!! Whelp, Sting.....Sorry about it. I guess we're gonna have to do that little match thing some other time....


- Hall and Nash laugh as they turn and walk back up the ramp and disappear backstage. The crowd boo heavily as Sting's just left standing in the ring. -

Rating: 100



Eddie Guerrero vs Ric Flair

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Despite this match not being a title match, the crowd were very vocal. Ric Flair spent the opening of the match toying with Guerrero, avoiding a lockup only to do his classic Nature Boy strut. Once the two locked up, Eddie caught the world champion off guard, hitting a nice hip toss on the Nature Boy. This caused Flair to be livid as he sat on the mat, glaring at Eddie and burning holes through him. Flair burst up from the mat and tried to hit an assault on Eddie with chops and punches, only to get shoved off and floored again with a dropkick. Flair was livid again, bailing out to the floor where he pulled at the ring apron and yelled out. Arn Anderson, who accompanied Flair to ringside, tried to console the Nature Boy and attempted to call a timeout, to no avail. Once back in the ring, Flair was able to slow things down to his pace after hitting a violent finger poke into Guerrero's eye. From there, the match was methodical, with Flair going for the knee of Guerrero and distracting the referee so Arn Anderson could hit a few cheap shots. Eddie was able to swing momentum back to his favor where he hit several impressive moves and showed the Nature Boy that he can keep up with him. After hitting a suplex, back drop, and a stiff clothesline, Eddie signaled for the Frog Splash. Anderson tried to interfere, but Eddie kicked him off and leapt off the top for his finishing move. The distraction proved just enough though, as Flair was able to roll out of the way. Flair got to his feet and let out a "WWOOOO!" before grabbing Eddie's leg. Flair twisted around for the Figure Four, but when he went for the other leg, Eddie caught him off guard with a quick roll-up. To the shock of everyone, at 23:58, and to an insane crowd, Eddie Guerrero defeated the world champion!

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 75



Final Show Rating: 74

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund back with the WCW Hotline Report!


It's been a huge week for WCW coming off of Slamboree and every WCW changed hands at that event!


There isn't much news to begin the month of June other than the disappointing report that Lex Luger showed up to Monday Nitro in no condition to perform. I've been told that Lex Luger was fined and sent home for the night.


As you all saw at Slamboree and the following night on Nitro, Booker T has now returned from his injury and is cleared to wrestle.


Many were shocked to see Eddie Guerrero beat the Nature Boy Ric Flair on Nitro, especially after just winning the world title the night before. Apparently Ric Flair had met with Eric Bischoff prior to Nitro and offered to lose to Guerrero.


Ric Flair covered this up on this weekend's WCW Saturday Night broadcast where in an interview proclaimed that despite the loss, he and the Horsemen are still riding high!


In other news from Saturday Night, Sting continues his confrontations with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. Steven Regal accused Scott Steiner of cheating to win the TV title at Slamboree, and Steve Austin now appears to be taking a turn at going after Lex Luger. He said in an interview that there are no bigger concerns in WCW than the Horsemen, and saying anything else is a display of disrespect. Austin said he has no problem beating some respect into Luger. As for results;


Saturday Night

Steve Austin def. Scotty Riggs


Harlem Heat def. Mr. JL & Cobra


Mike Barton drew w/Scott Norton via double count-out

These two seem to have begun a "tough man" feud


Perry Saturn def. The Bootyman


Dean Malenko def. Brad Armstrong


Earl Robert Eaton def. Disco Inferno



Below is the lineup for next week's Nitro!



Week 2, June 1996


Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman


Big Bubba Rogers vs Sting


Fit Finlay vs Kevin Sullivan


Diamond Dallas Page vs Earl Robert Eaton


Dean Malenko vs Ricky Steamboat


I have just been informed of some breaking news; Apparently at a house show late this week, Steve Austin picked up an injury. He received an intervertebral sprain. Austin is expected to miss time from the ring, though it is not expected to be a significant amount, and should be back by the Great American Bash. 


I'm also told that there will be an added stipulation to the Guerrero/Pillman match on Nitro, though it will be revealed during the show!

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Week 2, June 1996

Myriad Convention Center - Mid South

Attendance: 14,905




- Nitro opens up this week once again in the backstage area. The Outsiders are in the process of viciously beating Lex Luger, who is already down and on the ground. Kevin Nash has a metal bar of some kind and Scott Hall has a baseball bat. The two wail away on Luger who's doing his best to cover up, but failing.




Sting rushes into the scene and has his own weapon with him - a steel chair. Sting swings it and connects with Kevin Nash before reloading and striking Scott Hall, who doesn't have enough time to turn his attention to the Stinger. Nash runs off and Sting gets one more shot in on Hall with the chair before he runs off also. Sting throws the chair down, in obvious frustration after the two run off screen and yells out "I've had it!" Medical personnel run into the scene as the picture fades out and Nitro goes into it's opening video. -

Rating: 96



Dean Malenko vs Ricky Steamboat

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During the entrances of the opening match, Tony, Bobby, and Mike Tenay discuss the opening events around the Outsiders and Sting and Lex Luger. Bobby says it's admirable for Sting to be the voice of WCW and defend itself from intruders, but the sneak attacks by Hall and Nash have proven to be too much. You can't fight a war fairly, he says. Dean Malenko began this match with a bit more dialed up aggression. Steamboat was visibly off a bit in the ring tonight and Malenko used this to his advantage. The match ended at 16:05 after Malenko locked in the Texas Cloverleaf for the submission victory.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 66




- Mean Gene is backstage and says that Summer indeed is heating up, and so is WCW as we head toward the Great American Bash. Gene says that one match was signed for that event over this weekend. On Main Event, Scott Steiner said he would put the title on the line against Lord Steven Regal to prove he can beat him again, and to shut him up about Steiner cheating. Gene brings in his guest at this time, the reigning United States Champion - Brian Pillman! -



Gene: Brian Pillman, tonight you go one on one with Eddie Guerrero, but it is apparently a non-title match. Why are you facing him here tonight and why is it not for the title you have over your shoulder???


Pillman: Oh, Mean Gene...It's so unfortunate that I have to stand here and try to explain the littlest of details to you just like all of the other common folk out in that arena and those watching at home...But I guess that's what I'm going to have to do. Eddie Guerrero, YOU are no champion, my friend. Last week, you may have gotten a fluke win over the World Heavyweight Champion, but it had nothing to do with your wrestling skill or ability. For THAT reason, you haven't earned a title match tonight....No....


What you're going to have to do, Eddie, is prove to me that you're worth another title opportunity! I don't want to waste my time in giving you a title match when you're completely undeserving of one! So Eddie, you're going to work for another title opportunity! Tonight, if....And that's a big IF, you can beat me, THEN I will grant you a title rematch at the Great American Bash. I wouldn't go mark it in your book as a done deal just yet, Eddie....Because if you haven't noticed, I've got a few other friends with me....HAHAHA!

Rating: 96




- Backstage, Jimmy Hart and Sensuous Sherri are arguing about which team is better. Obviously, Jimmy Hart says the Faces of Fear are superior because they are the tag team champions. Sherri says that Harlem Heat is the superior team and that's why the Faces of Fear couldn't win the titles when they were around. She says it's only a matter of time before Harlem Heat reclaim what's rightfully theirs. -

Rating: 67



Diamond Dallas Page vs Earl Robert Eaton

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The Diamond Doll accompanied DDP to the ring for this match, to the delight of the male fans in attendance. The match itself ended up being a fairly competitive match, with Eaton showing highlights of his former self. It wasn't enough in the end though, as DDP hit a crisscross Diamond Cutter for the win at 11:44.

Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Rating: 72



Fit Finlay vs Kevin Sullivan

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Both men are accustomed to hard hitting action, and that's exactly what they brought to this match. Nothing fancy in the way of a wrestling match, just stiff brutality. Kevin Sullivan won this at 8:14 with his double stomp.

Winner: Kevin Sullivan

Rating: 68




- Mean Gene is backstage after another commercial break, this time with the rest of the Horsemen. The World Heavyweight Champion is all smiles and happy tonight as Arn Anderson appears focused as always. -


Gene: Nature Boy, last week you challenged Eddie Guerrero to a match and fresh off of your world title victory, you did not have the ending that you expected, I'm sure...


Oh MEEAAANN GEEEEENEEEE! Last week is in the books! The past is the pasts, my friend! And tonight, WWOOOOOOO! We are LIIIIIVE and on fire! I'm the World's Heavyweight champion, and there's nothing some little pissant like Eddie Guerrero can do to change that! I'm World's Champion, and with Double A - the Enforcer, Steve Austin, and United States champion Brian Pillman by my side, brother, the Horsemen run the show! That, I can promise you, Mean Gene. It's only a matter of time before the Enforcer and Steve Austin get some gold of their own, my man!

Rating: 96



- Steve Austin steps into the picture but has a neck brace around his neck. Austin looks none too pleased as Gene starts asking him about it. -


Steve Austin, there have been reports going around that you picked up an injury late last week at a house show. Clearly, those reports are substantiated. What happened???


What happened is, you can SHUT UP! I ain't gotta explain nothing to you, ya little jerk, but I guess since you're standing here, and I'm standing here, I might as well address it! What happened was, Lex Luger was too afraid to take on Steve Austin himself, so he saw fit to pay some loser from Philadelphia to injure me in a match!


Now you can't possibly have any proof that Lex Lu--


Didn't I already tell you to shut up? This is your last warning before I decide to knock that mustache off your lip with my fist! I know for a fact Luger paid someone off because he can't take care of business on his own! Well think again, Lex Luger, because it's going to take more than just a little injury to keep me all over you like white on rice, son! I will be back sooner than later, and when I am, you're going to have to deal with Steve Austin and the 4 Horsemen one more time whether you like it or not!

Rating: 99



Big Bubba Rogers vs Sting

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Sting had no interest tonight in any games or giving Bubba any hope of some offense. Sting stepped into the ring with a fury, taking it straight to Rogers and hitting all of his signature moves and moving with lightning quick speed. Several chops and kicks doubled Rogers over, just for Sting to bounce off the ropes for a bulldog. After hitting a high leaping elbow, Sting brought Bubba to his feet where he hit a dropkick, sending him chest first into the corner. Sting rushed to the opposite corner and then rushed in to Rogers, hitting his Stinger Splash. Sting whipped him to the opposite corner where Sting then hit another Stinger Splash, causing Rogers to stagger out and drop to the mat. Sting then locked in his Scorpion Deathlock and it was over in dominating fashion at 7:50.

Winner: Sting

Rating: 77


- Following the match, Sting doesn't even celebrate and instead wants a microphone. One is given to him and he paces around the ring. -


Week after week, we play the same games. Week after week, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash do their little sneak attacks and me, Lex Luger, or Diamond Dallas Page rush in for the save. Week after week, I challenge Hall and Nash to face me like men! Face to face! But they're too big of cowards to do it! 


Ya know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, and over again and expecting different results.....Well I'm tired of doing the same thing over again and I'm tired of always reacting! Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.....I'm not asking any more...I'm TELLING you, get out here right now so I can tear the both of you apart, because I'm sick and tired of the little games you both are playing!



- Quite a bit of time goes by and there's no response. The camera focuses on the stage area where fog rolls, but no one emerges. Finally, after a few minutes, Hall and Nash finally emerge from the curtain, still without entrance music. They act like they're going to walk to the ring but stop short on the ramp and Scott Hall and Kevin Nash laugh in amusement. -



Hall: Oh, would you look at that, big Kev??? The Stinger's frustrated!


Nash: What's the matter, Sting??? We took out Luger, and now you have no other friends around??


Yeah, that's right! We took out Luger, Diamond Dallas Page has already turned you down....You're all on your own, Sting. You're on your own and you're calling out the two of us??? You can barely take us on when we jump you from behind. What makes you think you can take the two of us on at the same time and be successful??


That's right....STINGER! We're just too big, too talented, too sexy, and just too sweet for you to do anything to us....I almost feel bad for you.


Yeah, me too....But I'll tell you what, Sting. If you can pick up the pieces of Lex Luger and put him back together again by the Great American Bash, the two of us will show up and we'll sign a contract for a match.....But uh....After the beating we gave Luger earlier, you're gonna have a lot of work to do between now and then.

Rating: 100



Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman

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Brian Pillman began this match finding ways to avoid Eddie Guerrero, who was intent on winning this match and getting a title opportunity at the Great American Bash. Every time Eddie got close to getting his hands on Pillman, he would bail out to the floor and kill time. Arn Anderson and Ric Flair were at ringside, who also provided ample distraction and interference to help out Pillman. The deck definitely seemed stacked for Eddie Guerrero to overcome the odds, but he slowly worked his way through, first taking care of Pillman and one by one taking out Arn Anderson and then Ric Flair. Just when Eddie thought he had it, he went up to the top rope for his Frog Splash. Arn Anderson distracted the referee while Flair pushed Eddie off and caused him to hit hard on the mat. Pillman went for the cover but Eddie managed to kick out. Later on, Anderson had ahold of Eddie so Pillman could hit him. This was done right in front of the referee, who was warning Anderson but Anderson ignored it. Pillman rushed in to hit Eddie, but he ducked out of the way causing Pillman to hit Anderson instead. The Enforcer fell to the floor and Pillman was in shock long enough for Eddie to get a quick roll-up. Pillman was frantic to kick out and managed to do so at 2 1/2 and immediately got to his feet and started kicking and stomping Eddie. Guerrero was spent from trying to fight 3 people the entire match and Pillman now felt he had control of the match. Pillman hoisted Eddie onto the top rope and went up for a superplex. On the way down, Eddie was able to twist and land hard on Pillman. The referee counted the pin fall and at 20:19, it was all over.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Rating: 94


Overall show rating: 95

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Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Mean Gene Okerlund here with this week's WCW Hotline Report!


This past Monday on Raw, the 123 Kid defeated Owen Hart for the Intercontinental title.


This past Monday Nitro generated WCW's largest rating thus far for the Monday night show, scoring an impressive 4.54 compared to Raw's 1.99!


WCW has signed the following to exclusive contract's:

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Jacques Rougeau

Carl Oulette


Chavo is the nephew of Eddie Guerrero, who's said to be extremely happy at the signing of his nephew. Rougeau and Oulette are expected to be a team in WCW called the Amazing French Canadians, no, not the Quebecers.


Folks, I have major news involving a current WCW star, however, I am not at liberty to reveal the information regarding them at this time. Make sure to keep checking back in to the WCW Hotline Report's in the future. It is huge news and you don't want to miss out it being reported here first!


Legendary wrestler Lou Thesz has announced his plans to retire from the wrestling business in the next month. We wish him all the best in his retirement! Well earned!


Bruno Sammartino and Killer Kowalski have also retired from the wrestling business. This is a sad week where legendary names retired. Farewell, my friends.


The Ultimo Dragon has signed an exclusive contract with All Japan Pro Wrestling, which was crucial for them in their battle for the #1 company in Japan against New Japan. Dragon will be leaving Mexican promotion CMLL as soon as his obligations are filled.


There is some big news coming from this weekend's WCW Saturday Night. Sting came out on two different occasions and begged WCW for help against Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Sting said that he and Lex Luger can't do it alone. In his plea for help, he also specifically stated he wants the Macho Man to come back to help them. Sting said he will be expecting the Macho Man to appear this coming week on Monday Nitro for an answer! As you all know, the Macho Man lost a career match against Hulk Hogan over two months ago. We haven't seen or heard from the Macho Man since. Will he show up?


Harlem Heat have also challenged the tag team champions Faces of Fear to a Harlem Street Fight at the Great American Bash.


Here are the results from this weekend's Saturday Night:


Brian Pillman def. Brad Armstrong to retain the US title

Harlem Heat def. American Males

Faces of Fear def. Jim Duggan & The Bootyman to retain the Tag Team Titles

Hugh Morrus def. Disco Inferno

Arn Anderson def. Alex Porteau

Scott Steiner def. Wrath to retain the TV title


Here is the lineup for this week's Monday Nitro!


Week 3, June 1996


Lex Luger vs The Giant


John Tenta & Hugh Morrus vs Harlem Heat


TV Title:

Cobra vs Scott Steiner (c)


Big Bubba Rogers vs Perry Saturn


Dean Malenko vs Fit Finlay


Lance Storm vs Arn Anderson


Will the Macho Man show up to answer Sting's call for help? That's all this week!

Edited by Henderson
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Week 3, June 1996


Lex Luger vs The Giant


Tag Team Titles:

John Tenta & Hugh Morrus vs Harlem Heat


TV Title:

Cobra vs Scott Steiner (c)


Big Bubba Rogers vs Perry Saturn


Dean Malenko vs Fit Finlay


Lance Storm vs Arn Anderson


Did Harlem Heat win the titles? I'm confused lol

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Week 3, June 1996

LIVE from Freedom Hall - Louisville, KY

Attendance: 15,269




- After fireworks go off for the opener of this week's Nitro, "A Man Called Sting" blares over the speakers which results in the crowd rejuvenating their cheers. Sting walks out, focused and minus his usual taunts and happy aura and heads straight to the ring. He raises the microphone and starts speaking before the music even stops playing. -


This past weekend on Saturday Night, I made it perfectly clear that I need help from WCW in regards to taking care of our little....Infestation we've found ourselves in with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash!


Now I know the Total Package is with me every step of the way, but in case nobody noticed, he's been rocked around more times than I can count by those two Outsiders! If they could act like men for a change and decide to go for a fight face to face, I have no doubt that Lex Luger and I would have no problem shipping those two bullies back to where they came from!


So on Saturday Night, I made a plea! I made a plea to the Macho Man Randy Savage! Macho Man, I know you had your own set of issues awhile back, but you've had more than enough time to sit at home and find out that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be! There's not one other person I'd want by my side to help out me and Lex Luger than you, Macho Man! So I'm gonna go to the back, and I'm gonna be waiting for the Macho Man to show up tonight, because we need the Macho Man back! I need the Macho Man back! WCW NEEDS the Macho Man back!

Rating: 100



- Cameras go to the broadcast booth now where Tony, Mike, and Bobby hype up tonight's show. They remain split on whether the Macho Man will show up tonight with Bobby saying it's certain that he will, because the Macho Man never turns down anything when he's called out. Tony informs us that we're going backstage for an interview, this time with Brian Pillman. -



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCW Monday Nitro! With me is the reigning United States champion - Brian Pillman. Brian, you and Eddie Guerrero have developed quite the rivalry over the last few months, with the both of you going back and forth over that title you hold over your shoulder. The two of you are heading into the Great American Bash for yet another battle, which, I've just been told, will be a falls count anywhere match!


Well, Gene, it's quite simple. So simple, in fact, that a layman such as yourself should at least be able to comprehend....I've spent far too long and wasted far too much time on someone such as Eddie Guerrero. See, a man with such potential like myself should waste my talent on dealing with a guy like Eddie Guerrero. I'm a 5 star athlete. I'm a former professional football player. I'm the WCW United States champion. I'm a member of the most prestigious group in the history of professional wrestling - The 4 Horsemen! What is Eddie Guerrero??? A second generation wrestler out of Mexico? Eddie, I can promise you two things at the Great American Bash.....First, I'm going to defeat you and remain US Champion. And second; this will be the final battle between the two of us.

Rating: 96



Lance Storm vs Arn Anderson

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There were two things made very clear in this match. One, Arn Anderson was on top of his game this match, being brutal with his offense and giving one of his best performances to date. Two, Lance Storm showed all of the makings of a future star and did not go down quite so easily. While Anderson was calculated with his offense, Storm dished out his own high-impact and flying offense to catch the Enforcer off guard a few times. Double A hit his signature Spinebuster followed by his DDT for the finish at 10:26 for an impressive opening match.

Winner: Arn Anderson

Rating: 80



- DDP is shown in what appears to be a pre-taped promo. -


This past weekend on Saturday Night, Dean Malenko wanted to jump me from behind??? I guess he's getting some pointers from Hall and Nash, because he's too afraid to take the fight right to my face, like a man! Deanie boy, I never had a problem with you before, but you sure seem to have one with me. You wanted to challenge me to a match at the Great American Bash??? Fine, I ain't got a problem with it. What I do have a problem with is cowards like yourself and Hall and Nash! You're gonna find out at the Bash that you will FEEL THE BANG!!!

Rating: 86



Dean Malenko vs Fit Finlay

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DDP's promo was finishing during Malenko's entrance. The announcers spent some time talking about this abrupt feud out of nowhere and Mike Tenay thinks it stems over the Television title, a belt that Malenko and DDP have both claimed to want. Heenan seems to think Malenko's opponent should also be thrown in consideration because he's a tough as nails Irish lad. This was another very solid match on display for the Kentucky crowd. Malenko ended up scoring the submission win at 10:05 after locking in his Texas Cloverleaf.

Winner: Dean Malenko

Rating: 75





- After a break, Larry Zbyszko is backstage with Lord Steven Regal. Larry says that Regal is challenging Scott Steiner at the Great American Bash in an attempt to regain the Television title. Larry also says that Steiner has had some very vocal words for the Blue Blood. Regal sneers and couldn't care less, saying that he'll wipe the floor with him and that Steiner's wrestling ability pales in comparison to his own. Regal will take back the TV title at the Great American Bash, and shut up the "ignorant American" in the process. -

Rating: 68





There's no shortage of promo time tonight as cameras switch to another backstage area where Mean Gene is standing with the Tag Team Champions - The Faces of Fear, with their manager Jimmy Hart. The Mouth of the South speaks for the champions, saying they aren't the least bit intimidated by a Harlem Street Fight at the Great American Bash and that when they easily beat Harlem Heat, they're going to move on to more worthy challengers. Seeing that the Faces of Fear are the two toughest men in all of WCW, finding that competition will be hard pressed.

Rating: 74



Big Bubba Rogers vs Perry Saturn

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Perry Saturn matched up well with Big Bubba and, like Lance Storm, showed he could be a major player in the future for WCW. Bubba went into this match with something to prove though as he heads into the Great American Bash. Bubba hit the Bubba Slam at 7:29 for the win.

Winner: Big Bubba Rogers

Rating: 70



TV Title:

Cobra vs Scott Steiner (c)

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Of all the potential challengers to the TV title, this was a bit of an odd choice to award a title opportunity but hey, at least WCW is spreading the wealth around. Cobra, unfortunately, had zero success against Scott Steiner, who ended the match with his jaw-dropping Steiner Screwdriver at 8:26.

Winner: Scott Steiner

Rating: 65




- Following a commercial break, Nitro returns to Mean Gene standing in the ring. The frenzied crowd doesn't mind that there is yet another promo/interview tonight, as the Southern crowd is squarely WCW territory. The excitement grows even more as Mean Gene announces his guest, as the trumpets slowly fade their way in. -



The WCW World Heavyweight champion, Nature Boy Ric Flair. I see with you, as always, is your enforcer, Arn Anderson.


Mean.......WHOO!, Gene! As the Worlds Heavyweight champion, you have people running after you left and right! And for that reason, wherever the Nature Boy goes, he needs a big dog like Double A to go with him, ready to take a giant bite out of anyone who needs it!


There's been a lot of contemplation and a lot of rumor making its way around as far as who my challenger for the world title is gonna be at the Great American Bash! Will it be Lex Luger??? Will it be Diamond Dallas Page?? Will it be...Heh...Ricky Steamboat?? Not in your life, pal. Will it be Sting???


No. I won't be all of those, Mean Gene, and let me tell you why. First of all, not one of those names deserves a shot at the worlds heavyweight championship. For another reason, the Nature Boy Ric Flair has never avoided a challenge a day in my life, pal. I beat the Giant for this title back at Slamboree and there's been a lot of people saying I didn't deserve it! Well let me put all those critics to bed, right now Mean Gene. At the Great American Bash, it's already been signed, it's already official, the Nature Boy will defend this title against the Giant! And let me tell you another thing, the end result, stays the same! Ric Flair, remains heavyweight champion, and everyone knows who the rightful champion is, and it's the NAAAAAAAAAATURE BOYYYY!


Rating: 92



John Tenta & Hugh Morrus vs Harlem Heat

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Harlem Heat picked up a crucial win over the former tag champions the American Males over the weekend on Saturday Night. They looked to continue their momentum as they get closer to the Great American Bash as they took on big men John Tenta and Hugh Morrus. They did just that, as they had little trouble in dealing with the behemoths. Stevie Ray got the win on Morrus after hitting the Heat Seeker at 8:01.

Winners: Harlem Heat

Rating: 69



Lex Luger vs The Giant

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As the night wound to a close, the announce team began to wonder if the Macho Man would actually show up here tonight on Nitro. Like clockwork, as the Giant was making his entrance, WCW went to a split screen showing the backstage area where a limo was pulling up. As the car came to a stop, the door opened and an individual emerged, which resulted in loud cheers throughout the arena...






The Macho Man has arrived! The crowd goes wild as Savage walks into the backstage area. The full screen now appears out in the arena where Lex Luger makes his entrance. The match gets underway and Tony tells everyone at home that Randy Savage is heading toward the arena and to stay tuned to Nitro. The match started off at a fast pace as the Giant rushed Luger. From here, the Giant spent a large portion of the match in control, beating Luger down and rarely giving him an opportunity to breathe. The Giant made one too many attempts at rushing Luger in the corner though, as Luger dove out of the way of the Giant, who was rushing in like a locomotive. This rocked the Giant, but with Luger still hurting, he wasn't able to capitalize as well as he should. Still, Luger rocked the Giant some more with running clotheslines before the Giant stopped Luger in his tracks as a result of gripping his huge hand around Luger's throat.


At that moment, the Macho Man's music hit the arena, causing everyone to jump to their feet in cheers. The Giant, still gripping Luger's throat, became distracted as he looked to the stage entrance. The music played, but Savage didn't emerge. This caused the Giant to let go of his grip on Luger and turn his full attention to the stage as he awaited the arrival of the Macho Man. On screen, you could see fans now changing their attention to the stage to somewhere off camera in the crowd. Cameras switched view after a few moments to catch the Macho Man walking through the crowd and toward the ring. The Giant was still unware of Savage coming through the crowd as he leapt the guardrail, now standing beside the ring and looking upward at the Giant. Savage walked around to the side of the stage where the Giant was looking. The two made eye contact and started saying things to each other, which wasn't audible on camera. Savage held out his arms and shook his head at the Giant, as if to say he wasn't getting involved. Luger was now starting to get to his feet, though rather slowly, and using the ropes to help him as he was at the opposite end of the ring from the Giant. Luger, now fully on his feet, started hitting his forearm to signal his forearm smash. Savage recognized this and began pointing for the Giant to turn around. As he began to turn, Luger started rushing forward and just as the Giant fully turned, Luger hit him between the eyes with his forearm, causing the Giant to spill over the top rope and hit hard on the ground. Savage merely took a few steps back to avoid contact, and just looked down at the Giant. The referee warned Savage to not get involved, who just stood again with his arms out like he was planning to avoid any interference. The referee began his count and the Giant couldn't get back in the ring in time. The bell sounded at 13:27, awarding Lex Luger the victory by countout.

Winner: The Giant

Rating: 69




- After the bell, the Giant shakily gets to his feet and works his way back up the aisle, disappearing backstage. The Macho Man gets in the ring where a spent Lex Luger begins to talk to him. After a few moments, Sting comes out once again to cheers from the crowd. Sting gets in the ring and again has a microphone where he begins to address the Macho Man. -


I knew that if I could just get your attention, Macho Man, that you wouldn't let me down and you would show up here tonight! That's the kind of man you are! You don't let your friends down! You're there when they need you! Well, Macho Man, you just got multiple cries that your friends need you. WCW needs you! These fans....NEED you, Randy Savage!!!! You may have noticed that for the past several weeks, I've been standing up to the two intruders we call the Outsiders! Lex Luger has stood up to the Outsiders! And for that, Lex most of all, has paid the price! He's been beat up every time he walks by a corner! He gets jumped with baseball bats, metal bars, chairs, you name it! Macho Man, we need your help, and we need you back in WCW where you belong!


- The crowd cheers loudly as Sting holds the microphone out for the Macho Man. Savage, reluctantly, takes the microphone. Before speaking, Savage says some things to Sting, which can't be heard to the crowd or those at home. Savage continues to slowly shake his head while talking, and looking on with sadness. -


Stinger.....There's not very many people in this crazy business we call professional wrestling who can say they have genuine friends.....


No matter what trials and tribulations the Macho Man has gone through, one thing has remained for certain! You've always been there for me and stood by my side. Lex Luger, I can't say I know you very well, but as of right now, you stand ok with the Macho Man! So Stinger, I'm gonna lay it out for you, and I'm gonna cut to the chase because I owe you at least that! You've wanted the Macho Man to come out here and address you and the battle you and Lex Luger are fighting! Well, you called me out, and now the Macho Man is standing here, in the flesh!


You're a stand-up guy, Sting! You're a man of your word! Well on that, the two of us are like identical twins because the Macho Man is also a man of my word! Stinger, there's nothing more I'd love in this world than to help you and Lex Luger out! You've humbled me more than you could ever know! Sting, I gave my word when I lost at Spring Stampede that I wouldn't step in this ring again to compete. You have no idea how much it hurts me that you're out here begging for my help, but I can't give it. If I could go back in time and change it, I would, Sting, but I can't. A friend is asking for help, holding his hand stretched out, and I can't help him. Sting, know that this is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and that there's no malice in any of it........



But I can't help you.


- To the stunned amazement of the crowd, and of Lex Luger and Sting, the Macho Man drops the microphone and exits the ring. Macho holds his head down and shakes it as he walks back up the aisle. The cameras focus on Sting and Luger, who remain standing in the ring dejected. Nitro fades out as the entire arena remains stunned. -

Rating: 100



Overall Show Rating: 82

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is the WCW Hotline Report!


Folks, there's not much for information this week. Last week, I eluded to major news involving a WCW superstar. I was not at liberty to reveal that information then, however, I am now able to announce that a major WCW star will be leaving the company.


I've received confirmation that a major WCW star has signed a lucrative exclusive contract with the World Wrestling Federation and that this superstar will be starting there at the beginning of July. I am able to announce this at this time, however, I am still not at liberty to say which WCW superstar this is. They will apparently be finishing their already booked dates before that information will be revealed.


Here is the card for this Monday's Nitro. We are one week away from the Great American Bash!


Week 4, June 1996

Monday Nitro


Lord Steven Regal vs Sting

Blue Bloods (Taylor & Eaton) vs Harlem Heat

Dean Malenko vs Marcus Bagwell

Jim Duggan vs Wrath


TV Title:

Big Bubba Rogers vs Scott Steiner (c)


Arn Anderson & Brian Pillman vs Eddie Guerrero & Ricky Steamboat

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Sting def. Lord Steven Regal

Harlem Heat def. Blue Bloods (Taylor & Eaton)

Dean Malenko def. Marcus Bagwell

Wrath def. Jim Duggan


TV Title:

Scott Steiner (c) def. Big Bubba Rogers


Arn Anderson & Brian Pillman def. Eddie Guerrero & Ricky Steamboat

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