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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand (Continued)

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TNA Final Resolution 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles (c) vs. James Storm



Full Metal Mayhem

Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson



Kurt Angle vs. Doc Gallows



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA Tag Team Championships

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Eve Torres



Johnny Impact and Melina Perez vs. Samoa Joe and Mickie James



The Wolves vs. The BroMans



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TNA Final Resolution 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles (c) vs. James Storm



Full Metal Mayhem

Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson



Kurt Angle vs. Doc Gallows



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA Tag Team Championships

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Eve Torres



Johnny Impact and Melina Perez vs. Samoa Joe and Mickie James



The Wolves vs. The BroMans


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Week 3, December, 2013

Live from Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire

Attendance: 11.770 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


TNA X-Division Championship




Mike Tenay and Taz welcome everyone to the show and then the last TNA pay per view of 2013 kicks off with the X-Division Championship on the line as Chris Sabin defends against Jesse Sorensen. After a short feeling-out process, a timely distraction by Kevin Nash allows Sabin to take control of the match, and a frustrated Mike Tenay complains on commentary about Nash once again getting involved in Sorensen's matches. Sabin stays on offense as he continues to wear Sorensen down, and he attempts to put his challenger away with the Cradle Shock, but Sorensen avoids the move with a desperation DDT. Sorensen begins to build momentum with a standing dropkick, a running swinging neckbreaker and then a picture perfect diving crossbody from the top rope, but it only gets him a two count. Realizing that Sabin is in trouble, Kevin Nash climbs onto the apron, only to get taken out with a dropkick from Sorensen, who finally gets a measure of revenge on the big man. Sorensen hits a tornado DDT on Sabin, and then he quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and delivers his Lone Star Press finisher. The referee makes the three count and we've got a NEW X-Division Champion to kick off Final Resolution!


Jesse Sorensen defeated Chris Sabin at 10:47 by pinfall with a Lone Star Press. Jesse Sorensen wins the TNA X-Division Championship (69)




Mixed tag team action is up next as Samoa Joe and Mickie James take on Johnny Impact and Melina Perez. The women start the match, mainly because Impact doesn't want to start the match against Samoa Joe, and it is Mickie James who gets the upper hand in the early exchange, forcing Melina out of the ring to regroup with Impact. Back in the ring, Melina gains the advantage with a kick to the stomach and then she viciously takes Mickie down with a hairpull slam, earning herself a warning from the referee. Melina tries to stay on Mickie, but Mickie fires back with some forearm shots, a pair of clotheslines and a neckbreaker before making the tag to Samoa Joe. Johnny Impact has no choice but to face Joe, and Joe overpowers Impact and starts pummeling him in the corner with hard strikes and kicks. Joe then sends Impact chest-first into the turnbuckle, and he follows it up with a kick to the back of the head. Impact is dazed is Joe looks to lock in the Coquina Clutch, but a distraction from Melina gets Joe's attention just long enough for Impact to hit a low blow while the referee is dealing with Melina. Impact stays on Joe for the next several minutes, but then Joe reverses an irish whip and Impact goes hard into the corner, making contact with Melina in the process, which the referee counts as a tag. Melina and Mickie are in and, after a brief exchange of forearms in the middle of the ring, Mickie is able to get Melina into the Crossface. Melina is obviously in a lot of pain and Johnny Impact is about to enter the ring to break up the hold, but then he spots Samoa Joe entering the ring as well. Impact decides to back off, leaving Melina helplessly locked in the Crossface, and she has no choice but to tap out.


Samoa Joe and Mickie James defeated Johnny Impact and Melina Perez at 12:30 by submission when Mickie forced Melina to submit to the Crossface (61)


Mike Tenay blasts Johnny Impact on commentary after the match, saying that Impact just left his own girlfriend high and dry because he was afraid of Samoa Joe. Tenay calls Impact a coward before sending us backstage for a special announcement from TNA owner, Eric Bischoff.




We cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is seated behind his desk. With a smile on his face, Bischoff encourages everyone to tune into the final edition of TNA Impact of 2013 because he's got a major surprise lined up. Bischoff says that 2014 is going to be a huge year for TNA, and his surprise next week on Impact is going to be a huge reason for that success. (44)


TNA Knockouts Championship




The confident Champion starts this one off by getting in Eve Torres's face and trash talking her, before slapping her across the face. Eve isn't going to just take that, however, and she tackles Gail Kim to the ground for a series of punches. The women get back to their feet and it is Eve who strikes first with a pair of clotheslines and a Samoan Drop, but Gail halts the challenger's momentum by catching her with a jawbreaker and a sit-out facebuster. Gail hits a low dropkick to Eve's face, and then she applies the figure four leglock in the middle of the ring. Despite the pain, Eve is able to endure it long enough to make her way to the ropes, but Gail keeps the hold locked in until the last possible second before finally releasing it. Tenay praises Eve for enduring the figure four, but he wonders if the damage has been done even so. Gail continues to focus on Eve's legs, and she applies another figure four, this time around the ringpost, and she keeps it locked in until just before the referee's count gets to five. Then, as the referee admonishes Gail Kim in the ring, Lei D'Tapa hits a devastating plash on Eve outside the ring, crushing her against the ringpost, Gail then quickly gets Eve back in the ring and makes the cover, but somehow Eve is able to kick out before the three count. A frustrated Gail Kim argues the count with the referee, and then Eve starts fighting back with a few forearm shots, a vertical suplex and her so-called Bootysault, but it only gets her a two count. The match then comes to an end Eve goes to bounce herself off the ropes, only get get hit from behind by Lei D'Tapa, and Eve staggers right into the Eat Defeat from Gail Kim, who makes the cover to retain her title.


Gail Kim defeated Eve Torres at 9:43 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following interference from Lei D'Tapa. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (57)


The match is over and Gail Kim has successfully retained the Knockouts Championship once again. She doesn't look to be quite done yet, however, as she motions for Lei D'Tapa to get into the ring. It looks like Eve is in real trouble here, but then...




Madison Rayne's music suddenly hits and Madison makes her return to TNA as she runs down to the ring to chase Gail and Lei D'Tapa off. Madison Rayne is officially back in TNA and she just saved Eve Torres from a potential serious injury! (43)


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We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with "The Outlaw" James Storm, and Christy asks Storm about his World Title match later tonight. Storm says that taking matters into his own hands is the best thing he's done for himself in a long time. Storm asks Christy if she really thnks that he'd be getting a World Title shot tonight if he hadn't done what he did? If he hadn't taken matters into his own hands? Storm says that he's done playing by the rules, he's gonna do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it, and there ain't a damn thing anybody can do to stop him! (52)




This one starts early as Doc Gallows jumps Kurt Angle during his entrance, and Gallows beats Angle all the way down the entrance ramp and into the ring. Gallows continues to beat Angle around the ring, but Angle fires back with a qucik german suplex. Angle begins putting the boots to Gallows, before going for the Ankle Lock, but Gallows is able to kick Angle off. Gallows gets to his feet, Angle charges and Gallows drops Angle with a big boot. The match spills outside the ring where Gallows whips Angle back-first into the guard rail, and then chest-first into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Gallows goes for a Chokeslam, but Angle gets out of it and he takes Gallows down with not one, not two, but three german suplexes this time.




Brooke Tessmacher runs down to the ring, and she gets up on the apron just as Angle is about to go for the Ankle Lock again. Brooke and Angle exchange words, but when Gallows tries to nail Angle from behind with a running big boot, Angle moves out of the way and Gallows nearly hits Brooke instead, but she manages to jump off the apron just in time. Angle then quickly hits the Olympic Slam on Gallows and that is enough for the one, two, three.


Kurt Angle defeated Doc Gallows at 10:52 by pinfall with the Olympic Slam (68)




After the match, we cut backstage where Melina Perez is confronting Johnny Impact about why he didn't help her earlier. Impact tries to explain himself, but Melina tells him that they are through before walking off, leaving Impact looking upset as we cut back to ringside. (49)




The Perfect Tens make their way down to the ring, dressed in robes, for their Christmas Lingerie challenge. Once in the ring, Scarlett gets on the mic and says that they issued an open challenge for anyone to compete against them here tonight, but, unsurprisingly, no one has dared to show up because they knew they wouldn't stand a chance. Eva Marie says that The Perfect Tens are the hottest thing going in wrestling today, and the fact that no one showed up tonight to challenge them proves that everyone knows it. Eva Marie tells the sound crew to play the music, and it looks like Eva and Scarlett are about to get the challenge underway with just the two of them as they begin to tease taking their robes off, but then they change their minds just before disrobing, saying that the filthy, disgusting men in the audience doesn't deserve to see their Perfection.  As they leave the ring to boos from the crowd, Taz is distraught on commentary, saying that he had been looking forward to this all week long. (25)




Black Machismo's music hits next and Jay Lethal makes his way down to the ring for a promo.  Once in the ring, Black Machismo gets on the mic and says that he was sitting in the back, watching the show, and then he started to get that feeling, he started to feel that old madness creeping up on him, oh yeah! So, Black Machismo decided to listen to the madness and get down here to the ring to issue an open challenge for anyone to come down to the ring and fight him right now, OH YEAHHH! (55)




Matt Hardy comes out to accept Black Machismo's open challenge and the bonus match is officially on. Both men leave it all in the ring here as Tenay says on commentary that a win here for either man could easily be a stepping stone to bigger opportunities in the future. Lethal looks to have the match won as he climbs to the top rope for his Flying Elbow Drop, but Hardy moves out of the way at the last second. This proves to be the turning point in the match as Hardy hits a Side Effect, and then a Twist of Hate to put Lethal away and secure a victory for himself here at Final Resolution.


Matt Hardy defeated Black Machismo at 12.21 by pinfall with a Twist of Hate (66)


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Christy Hemme is backstage again, this time with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles. AJ says that James Storm can frame it any way he wants to, call it whatever he wants to, but at the end of the day, what he did were the acts of a coward. AJ says that Storm could have gone about things the right way, but he chose not to, he chose to take the easy way instead. Well, tonight James Storm is going to find out that the so called "easy way" isn't all that easy at all! AJ says that a few short weeks ago, he would have been honored to defend the World Championship against James Storm. But now? Now he just wants to kick his ass! (65)


TNA Tag Team Championships




Final Resolution continues with the Tag Team Championships on the line next as The Dirty Heels defend against Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. Chavo and Hernandez clean house early on, but Roode and Aries soon manage to take control of the match by isolating Chavo in their corner of the ring and going to work with frequent tags. Taz says that The Dirty Heels have come up with a perfect game plan as they continue to wear Chavo down but then, just as it seemed like all hope was lost, Chavo manages a flurry of offense before making the hot tag to Hernandez. Hernandez takes the fight to both Roode and Aries, using his strength to overpower the Tag Team Champions. Hernadez hits the Border Toss on Austin Aries, and then he tags in Chavo Guerrero, who climbs to the top rope. Chavo hits the Frog Splash on Aries, but as he does so, Bobby Roode clotheslines Hernandez out of the ring. Chavo covers Aries, but the veteran realizes too late that he has made a mistake as Roode, not Aries, is the legal man. Chavo gets to his feet, but it is too late as Roode hits the Pay Off on Chavo and covers him for the pinfall victory.


The Dirty Heels defeated Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at 9:59 by pinfall when Roode pinned Chavo with the Pay Off. The Dirty Heels retain the TNA Tag Team Championships (58)


Before the next match, we get a brief video package highlighting the the feud between Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson, showing the footage of both men beating the hell out of each other week after week on Impact. The video comes to an end with a voiceover saying that Bully and Anderson will settle their differences once and for all at Final Resolution. (57)


Full Metal Mayhem Match



Mr. Anderson's music starts playing but when Anderson doesn't show up, we cut backstage where the two men are already fighting. Bully bounces Anderson's head off a wooden table before grabbing a steel chair and blasting Anderson across the back with it. Anderson fights back by grabbing the lid of a nearby trash can, and the two men continue brawling through the backstage area until they finally make their way down the entrance ramp, still beating the hell out of each other as they do so. Bully whacks Anderson with a steel chair, busting him open in the process, and he hits a piledriver on Anderson outside the ring. The match finally gets into the ring with Bully Ray in firm control as he drops Anderson with a belly to back suplex, before leaving the ring again to look for more weapons. Bully throws a chair into the ring, then slides both a ladder and two tables into the ring as well, before getting back into the ring himself. Bully kicks Anderson a few times before setting a table up in the corner of the ring, but when Bully goes to irish whip Anderson into the table, Anderson reverses and it is Bully who ends up crashing through the table.

Anderson blasts Bully with multiple chair shots across the back, before putting the chair on the floor of the ring and hitting a DDT on Bully onto the steel chair. Bully is busted open as well now, and Anderson opens him up even more with a series of hard punches to the head. Anderson then tries to slam Bully onto a ladder, but Bully fights back and instead it's Anderson lands hard on the ladder from a Bully Ray sidewalk slam. Bully then picks up the ladder and proceeds to hit Anderson with it, and he then sets the ladder up in one of the corners of the ring. Bully irish whips Anderson into the ladder, but when he tries to follow up with a piledriver, Anderson counters with a backbody drop and now both men are down in the ring. Tenay calls it an all-out war as both men slowly get back to their feet. Bully Ray's got his chain and he is wrapping it around his right hand, but he turns around right into another hard chairshot from Anderson. Anderson then throws the chair down, grabs Bully and hits the Mic Check on Bully Ray onto the steel chair. And this finally, mercifully, is over as the referee counts the one, two, three.


Mr. Anderson defeated Bully Ray at 14:16 by pinfall with a Mic Check onto a steel chair (63)




Following that bloodbath of a match, Final Resolution continues with tag team action as The Wolves take on The BroMans. Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards are on their game tonight as they control the majority of this one, with The BroMans doing their best to keep up and fight back, but they are never able to maintain any kind of advantage for long. It's not quite a squash match, but close, and it comes to an end when Davey Richards hits the Creeping Death on Robbie E to secure an impressive victory for The Wolves.


The Wolves defeated The BroMans at 6:16 by pinfall when Davey Ricards pinned Robbie E with the Creeping Death (54)


It's almost main event time, but first we get another short hype video for Sting, informing us all that "The Icon" will be returning to TNA soon. (71)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




"The Outlaw" James Storm goes for the Last Call superkick immediately in this one, but AJ Styles moves out of the way. Storm tells AJ that he was "this close" and from there, it's on. A brief slugfest in the middle of the ring is won by Storm, who hits a knee to the gut before forcing AJ into the corner where Storm hits several more knee strikes. Storm hits a double underhook suplex, and then he applies a sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Styles gets to the ropes, but is taken down again by a Spear from Storm. The match goes outside the ring where Storm whips AJ into the guard rail, and when the referee admonishes Storm, "The Outlaw" tells him "where he can stick his damn rules.". Back in the ring, Styles fights back with a flurry of puches and kicks, a discus clothesline and finally a Pelé Kick to put himself firmly in control of the match. Styles hits a brainbuster and a Phenomenal Forearm, but when he goes to apply the Calf Killer, Storm quickly crawls to the ropes, which Tenay notes is a smart move seeing as nobody has ever been able to survive the Calf Killer once the moves has been locked in. AJ tries to press his advantage, but an enzuigiri from Storm catches the back of Styles's head perfectly and now both men are down in the ring.

Storm gets to his feet first and he delivers ten punches in the corner to AJ before putting him down with an elevated DDT, which gets him a two count. Storm goes for another sharpshooter, but AJ surprises him with a roll-up, but it only gets him a two count. Frustrated, James Storm ends up walking right into a DDT. Styles follows it up with a snap suplex, and then he climbs to the top rope and delivers a flying clothesline for another two count. Styles then sets up for the Styles Clash, but Storm gets out of it and drops AJ with a shortarm clothesline. Storm then sets up for the Last Call and, as AJ slowly gets back to his feet, Storm goes to hit his finisher. AJ ducks, and Storm ends up accidentally taking out the referee instead. Styles then kicks Storm in the stomach and hits the Styles Clash...but there is no referee to make the count.




Jeff Jarrett then suddenly makes his way down to ringside as Mike Tenay says that we haven't seen Jarrett since Bound for Glory. Jarrett slides into the ring with his trusty guitar in hand, and he blasts Styles with it, smashing the guitar to pieces in the process. Jarrett then goes to revive the referee, and Storm capitalizes by hitting the Last Call on Styles. Storm then covers AJ the referee slowly makes the three count, with Mike Tenay pleading "not like this" the whole time.


James Storm defeated AJ Styles at 16:16 by pinfall with the Last Call following interference from Jeff Jarrett. James Storm wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (78)


And with a shot of the new World Champion holding the belt high in the air, Final Resolution comes to an end as Mike Tenay says on commentary that Jeff Jarrett just screwed AJ Styles out of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.



Final PPV Rating: 73

PPV Buy Rate: 0.16

Show increased popularity in 9 regions



Jay Bradley has quietly been released by TNA. Bradley had been working under a pay per appearance contract, but hadn't been used much and so the decision was made to cut him.


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Week 4, December, 2013

Live from Daniel P. Rose Center in Mount Pleasant, Michigan

Attendance: 4.612

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


Mike Tenay and Taz welcome everyone to the final edition of TNA Impact of 2013, and then they immediately transition into talking about James Storm winning the TNA World Heayweight Championship at Final Resolution thanks to interference from a returning Jeff Jarrett. Mike Tenay says that we will hear from the new World Champion later tonight, and we will also hear from Jeff Jarrett, and Tenay says that he, for one, cannot wait to hear Jarrett try to justify his actions. And, of course, Eric Bischoff's mystery announcement will also be revealed here tonight on Impact!




The new X-Division Champion is in action next as he teams with Black Machismo and Sonjay Dutt to take on the trio of Petey Williams, Christian York and Suicide. A lot of high-flying action is packed into a relatively short amount of time in this one, with all six men getting at least one or two big moves in. Jesse Sorensen hits the Lone Star Press on Christian York to win the match, and the new X-Division Champion continues his roll here at the end of 2013 with another solid victory.


Jesse Sorensen, Black Machismo and Sonjay Dutt defeated Petey Williams, Christian York and Suicide at 5:10 by pinfall when Sorensen pinned York with a Lone Star Press (46)




After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Chris Sabin is freaking out about losing the X-Division Championship at Final Resolution and now seeing Jesse Sorensen, the man who beat him, picking up another win. Kevin Nash tries to calm Sabin down, saying that everyone, even the greatest in the business, lose a match every now and then, but what matters is how Sabin responds to it. Nash says that Sabin needs to get his head straight and focus on getting the title back. Sabin says that maybe if Nash had done his job right, he'd still be champion. Nash acknowledges that things didn't exactly go as planned at Final Resolution, but he says that they need to put that behind them and move forward and focus on getting the title back. Sabin finally agrees, and he appears to calm down a bit as we cut away. (61)




Elsewhere in the back, Johnny Impact is trying to patch things up with Melina Perez after what happened at Final Resolution, but it looks like Melina isn't having any of it as she refuses to listen to him. Impact says that he'll do anything to make it up to her, but Melina says that she's got a match to get ready for, so she doesn't have time for this right now. Impact then vows that he'll be with Melina at ringside for her match, and he'll do everything he can to make sure that she wins. (50)




We go back to ringside next for some more in-ring action as Shelton Benjamin faces Doc Gallows. Gallows is extremely aggressive in this one, and Tenay and Taz speculate that Gallows is probably still upset after losing to Kurt Angle at Final Resolution. Benjamin is an experienced veteran, however, and he manages to use Gallows's aggression against him to gain control of the match. A running bit boot puts Gallows back in control, and a few moments later the match comes to an end as Gallows hits a Chokeslam and pins Benjamin for the one, two, three.


Doc Gallows defeated Shelton Benjamin at 8:07 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (58)


The match is over, but it doesn't look like Gallows is finished just yet as he grabs a couple of chairs at ringside. The referee tries to stop him, but Gallows just shoves him away. Gallows then proceeds to hit a vicious one man conchairto on Shelton Benjamin, potentially causing serious injury to Benjamin in the process.




Kurt Angle sprints out from the back and hits the ring, but Gallows bails out of the ring and escapes through the crowd. Angle then drops to his knees next to Benjamin and calls for a medic as it appears that Benjamin is seriously hurt here. (65)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with Madison Rayne, who made her return to TNA at Final Resolution, and she asks Madison how it feels to be back. Madison says that it's great to be back, and that's as far as she gets before...




Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa walk in to interrupt. Gail says that nobody cares about Madison being back, but if Madison wants her return to be long-term, she'd do best to stay out of Gail's business from now on. Madison "thanks" Gail for the warning, but says that she can make her own decisions and she can handle herself just fine. Besides, Madison can't very well stay out of Gail's business seeing as Madison wants to be the Knockouts Champion again, and Gail happens to be the current Champion. Gail tells Madison to keep dreaming, and Gail then walks off as Lei D'Tapa stares Madison down before following after the Knockouts Champion. (45)




Back at ringside, Jeff Jarrett's music hits and The Originals make their way down to the ring as Tenay and Taz again talk about Jarrett returning at Final Resolution to screw AJ Styles out of the World Championship. Once in the ring, Jarrett does the talking while J.B. holds the mic, and Jarrett says that after getting injured at Bound for Glory and sitting at home watching Impact, he began to realize something. Jarrett says that if it wasn't for him giving AJ Styles a chance back when he started TNA, AJ Styles would never have made it in the business. Jarrett says that AJ Styles owes him his entire career, yet as Jarrett sat at home watching, seemingly forgotten, AJ Styles was riding high and something about that didn't sit right with Jarrett. Jarrett says that he made AJ Styles what he is today, and now, he's going to break AJ Styles and take it all away from him, just like he took the World Title away from him at Final Resolution! Jarrett says that he created TNA and he'll be damned if he's going to let AJ Styles become the poster boy for TNA at Jarrett's expense. Jarrett says that The Originals made TNA what it is today, and they won't let anyone forget that. Jarrett says that AJ Styles forget where he came from, and now...Jarrett is going to take it all away from him! As The Originals leave the ring, Mike Tenay says on commentary that Jeff Jarrett is jealous of AJ Styles, plain and simple! (55)


Speaking of Mike Tenay, before the next match gets under way, we swing by the announce table where Tenay hypes up the fact that we will be hearing from "The Outlaw" James Storm later tonight, and he wonders what the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion will have to say. (53)




Mickie James takes on Melina Perez next and Melina argues with Johnny Impact all the way down the entrance ramp. Once the match gets under way, it is a back and forth affair for the first few minutes until Mickie James slowly starts to take control of the match. With Melina in trouble in the ring, Johnny Impact decides that this is his opportunity to get back in her good graces, so when the referee goes down momentarily from an errant kick, Impact slides into the ring and goes for a clothesline on Mickie, Mickie ducks, and Impact nearly hits Melina instead, but he manages to stop himself just short of connecting. The momentary distraction is enough to allow Mickie to hit the Mickie-DT on Melina, just as the referee gets back up and kicks Impact out of the ring, and this one is over.


Mickie James defeated Melina Perez at 5:43 by pinfall with a Mickie-DT (45)


The match is over and Johnny Impact just inadvertently cost Melina Perez the match. Realizing he just messed up, Impact tries to make it up to Melina as he looks to attack Mickie James...




But that's when Samoa Joe hits the ring to chase Impact off! Mike Tenay says on commentary that things just went from bad to worse for Johnny Impact! (47)




Tag team action is up next as Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez take on Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco. Chavo and Hernandez clean house early on, but Bischoff and Brisco manage to take control of the match thanks to some underhanded tactics and they begin to wear Chavo down. Chavo eventually makes the hot tag to Hernandez, who takes the fight to both opponents. Chavo joins in as well, and the match ends when Hernandez hits the Border Toss on Wes Brisco to secure the pinfall victory.


Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco at 6:35 by pinfall when Hernandez pinned Brisco with a Border Toss (44)




After the match, we cut to the back where Matt Hardy and Abyss are talking, and Matt is telling his "Monster" that it's time for Matt to set him free. Matt says that it's time for him to unleash his "Monster" on the world and it's time for their ways to part. Matt says that their partnership has been WONDERFUL but it's time for them both to go their seperate ways to find themselves in a new way. Matt tells Abyss to go forth and cause destruction because he knows that he can. As we cut elsewhere, Mike Tenay says that it looks like the strange alliance between Matt Hardy and Abyss has come to an end here tonight on Impact. (57)




We cut back to ringside where Eric Bischoff's music starts playing and Bischoff makes his way down to the ring for his huge surprise announcement that he teased at Final Resolution. Bischoff has a huge grin on his face as he gets on the mic and says that tonight is a great night. Bischoff says that the last six months, since he took over, have been great for TNA and 2014 is only going to be even better. Bischoff says that the man he is about to introduce is going to be a huge reason for that success, and Bischoff even guarantees that this man is going to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion before the end of 2014. Bischoff then tells everyone to welcome back to TNA...






Lashley makes his way out from the back and he joins Bischoff in the ring. Lashley keeps his words short and sweet here, saying that he's back and he's back for one reason only; to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion--and he'll destroy anyone who gets in his way! Lashley then drops the mic and he and Bischoff leave the ring, with Bischoff still grinning from ear to ear, as Tenay and Taz hype up the huge signing on commentary. (47)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with the TNA Tag Team Champions, The Dirty Heels, and she asks them about the rumor that The Wolves will be getting a Tag Team title shot in the near future. Bobby Roode says that they are the greatest tag team in the business today, so it doesn't really matter to them which team is getting a shot...they are going to fail just like every other team that steps up to challenge them. Austin Aries says that The Wolves haven't proven that they deserve a title shot, and if they do get one, then The Dirty Heels will prove WHY The Wolves DO NOT deserve a Tag Team title shot. (56)


TNA Television Championship




The TNA Television Title is on the line next as Mike Knox defends against Samoa Joe. It is a very physical match with two big men beating the hell out of each other, with plenty of shenanigans from The Menagerie mixed in as well. The finish of the match comes when it looks like we might be closing in on a new TV Champion as Samoa Joe is about to apply the Coquina Clutch on Knox, but then...




Johnny Impact suddenly hits the ring and he nails Joe with a steel chair, causing the match to end in disqualification.


Samoa Joe defeated Mike Knox at 6:26 by disqualification when Johnny Impact attacked Joe. Mike Knox retains the TNA Television Championship (58)


It's a hit and run by Johnny Impact, who immediately bails out of the ring and runs back up the ramp again, having screwed Samoa Joe out of his opportunity to become TV Champion here tonight.

We then swing by the announce table where Mike Tenay informs us that he has just received some exciting news for the first edition of Impact of 2014; Jeff Hardy will return to TNA next week on Impact! Tenay and Taz talk about what this could mean, as Tenay was clearly told Jeff Hardy, and not Willow, is returning next week, and Tenay urges everyone to tune in next week and find out for themselves! (64)




Mike Tenay reminds us that we will be hearing from James Storm later tonight, but our in-ring main event of the night sees Kurt Angle go one on one with Devon. This is a good back and forth match that quickly spills out of the ring for some ringside brawling, which Devon gets the better of. Back in the ring, Kurt Angle goes on the offense with a trio of german suplexes, a belly to back suplex and finally a superplex from the top rope. Angle then goes for the Ankle Lock, which Devon fights out of, only to instead fall victim to the Olympic Slam. Angle makes the cover and it's one, two, three.


Kurt Angle defeated Devon at 9:09 by pinfall with the Olympic Slam (70)


After the match, Kurt Angle gets on the mic and says that he wants Doc Gallows in the ring next week on Impact. But he doesn't want him in just any match, he wants to make sure that there's nowhere for Gallows to run, nowhere for Gallows to hide, because he wants to make Gallows pay for his actions and he wants to do that...in a Steel Cage match! Angle throws the mic down and heads back up the entrance ramp as Tenay and Taz hype up the Steel Cage match that apparently will take place next week on Impact! (78)




It is finally time to hear from the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion as "The Outlaw" James Storm makes his way down to the ring for his first promo as the new champ. The crowd boos loudly, but Storm tells them to shut up and show some damn respect because he's the new World Heavyweight Champion. Storm says that he did exactly what he said he was gonna do at Final Resolution, which is defeat AJ Styles and become the World Champion. And as for Jeff Jarrett's actions? Storm says that he didn't ask Jarrett to come down--he didn't need him to come down. But he sure as hell wasn't gonna let an opportunity like that pass him by. Storm says that he IS "The Outlaw", he IS the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it! Just then, Sting's music suddenly starts playing to a huge pop from the crowd and...




"The Icon" makes his way out from the back, and the crowd continues to cheer for the return of Sting as Mike Tenay excitedly exclaims on commentary that Sting is back! Sting joins James Storm in the ring and gets on the mic. Sting says that as disappointed as he was when Storm turned on AJ Styles, he was even more disappointed when Storm took advantage of Jeff Jarrett's help to screw AJ Styles out of the World Title. Sting says that, since AJ Styles isn't here tonight to confront Storm, he thought that he'd do it for him--because someone should stand up for what's right around here. Storm calls Sting an old man who doesn't have it anymore, but Sting says that it doesn't matter if he's twenty, it doesn't matter if he's a hundred years old...he knows right from wrong and he knows B.S. when he hears it! Sting says that Storm talks a good game, but he better be prepared to put his money where his mouth is, because next week, on the first show of the new year, it's gonna be SHOWTIME because Storm will defend the World Title in the main event against Sting! Storm can't believe what he just heard, and the final show of 2013 comes to an end with James Storm staring into Sting's eyes, realizing that he has to go one on one with "The Icon" to kick off the new year! (72)



Final Show Rating: 71

TV Rating: 2.01

Show increased popularity in 20 regions



Shelton Benjamin finished up with TNA as of this show. Benjamin, who had been working for both TNA and in Japan, had recently been offered an exclusive contract with TNA, but ultimately chose to sign an exclusive deal in Japan instead.

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With the final show of 2013 officially up, I wanted to touch on a couple of things.

First of all, a special thanks goes out to Satyr24 for being the only one to predict on Final Resolution. I'm currently cooking up a prize for you, so expect that in the next few days.

Second, obviously this diary seems to be struggling to find an audience, but I'm not ready to give up on it just yet as I'm having a lot of fun with this game and I do really want the diary to continue.  So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm open to suggestions on how to improve it.

And third, I'm excited for what 2014 is going to bring for TNA. Got some pretty cool things coming up, I think. 🙂

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Do not worry mate, I have been reading and following this from day 1. I love Impact more than any other company , in fact I only watch Impact and some GCW so this is right up my alley. Don't worry about the audience, if you are enjoying it, keep writing it, sooner or later, people will  drop comments. 

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Thanks for the replies everyone. They are much appreciated and they do add a little extra motivation for me to keep going!


On 6/16/2023 at 3:42 PM, Genox90 said:

Why did you release Shelley at the beginning?


I brought Shelley in for the specific purpose of working the feud with Sabin, so I didn't really have anything for him to do once that was done. It's certainly not at all impossible that he could make a return again down the road.

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I’ve just caught up with it all— I really like this diary! I have a soft spot for this era of TNA and the challenges it had— I think you’ve booked around it really well! 

Also, the women’s division is golden age level!

Gail, Melina, Mickie, Tara, Sarita, Brooke, Taryn, Madison, ODB, Eve… Velvet I guess… that’s pretty stacked!

Would be great to see Jazz return, maybe in a tag team with Jackie Moore. Also, would be great to see Daffney, Kong, Alyssa Flash, and OG Trinity, have their shine properly! I’m predicting a Beautiful People return as well to take on the Perfect Tens…

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 1, January, 2014

Live from Black River Coliseum in Poplar Bluff, Missouri

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


The show opens with Mike Tenay and Taz wishing everyone a Hapy New Year! They then transition into talking about tonight's show, with Tenay saying that TNA is kicking the new year off with a bang as "The Outlaw" James Storm will defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against "The Icon" Sting, Kurt Angle takes on Doc Gallows inside a Steel Cage and, if the rumors are to be believed, Jeff Hardy will appear live on Impact later tonight as well. The announcers are then interrupted as....




"Get Ready To Fly" suddenly starts playing throughout the arena, bringing AJ Styles out from the back. As AJ approaches the ring, Mike Tenay notes that AJ has reverted back to his old theme music rather than the "Evil Ways" theme he has been using previously, and he wonders if this perhaps signals a change in mentality for "The Lone Wolf" of TNA? Once in the ring, AJ gets on the mic and he says that everyone knows why he's out here. AJ says that nothing means more to him than the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and Jeff Jarrett stole that from him at Final Resolution. AJ says that he wants Jarrett to come out here and face him--right now!....




Jeff Jarrett doesn't come down to the ring, however, and instead the big screen comes to life and there is Jarrett, along with the rest of The Originals. Jarrett says that the only reason AJ ever became a champion is because Jarrett gave him an opportunity in TNA when nobody else would. Jarrett says that he isn't doing things AJ's way, AJ is going to have to do things Jarrett's way. Jarrett says that he made AJ Styles and now he is going to break him in front of the eyes of every single one of his adoring fans. Jarrett says that if AJ wants to face him in the ring, he's going to have to earn it. And Jarrett says that AJ can start earning it tonight, by facing Kazarian in the middle of the ring! (73)




We cut to the backstage area where "The Monster" Abyss is seen sitting in a dark corner, rocking back and forth as he repeats the words "he's coming" over and over again to himself. Mike Tenay and Taz speculate just what the heck that could be all about as we cut back to ringside for our opening match of the night. (45)


TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match



The first TNA match of 2014 sees Chris Sabin, Black Machismo and Kenny King battle it out with a shot at the X-Division Championship on the line.




The reigning X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, makes his way down to ringside for a closer look at the action as Lethal, King and Sabin put on an exciting X-Division match with plenty of high-flying moves. All three men are able to hit some big moves, and all three men get their moments to shine in this one, but, in the end, it's Chris Sabin who earns himself a shot at the X-Division Championship, hitting the Cradle Shock on Kenny King and covering him for the one, two, three while Kevin Nash makes sure that Lethal can't break up the pin.


Chris Sabin defeated Kenny King and Black Machismo at 10:03 by pinfall when Sabin pinned King with the Cradle Shock. Chris Sabin earns a shot at the TNA X-Division Championship at Genesis (66)


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After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with Kurt Angle, and she asks Kurt about his match later tonight against Doc Gallows. Kurt says that Gallows took things way too far when he injured Shelton Benjamin last week, and tonight he's going to pay for it. Kurt says that Gallows not only came after him, but he went after his friend too, and he did it like a coward with cheap attacks. Kurt says that tonight he's going to take Doc Gallows out, but unlike Gallows, he'll do it like a man, face to face in fair fight! Kurt says that Gallows tried to take him out to get people to take notice, well tonight people are going to take notice of Gallows...when he gets his ankle broken like a twig in the middle of the ring! (69)




Madison Rayne faces Melina Perez next and the match barely gets underway before...




Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa make their way down to ringside. This distracts Madison in the ring, allowing Melina to take advantage by attacking Madison from behind. Melina stays on the attack, trying to secure a big win for herself, but Madison fights back after Melina misses a corner clothesline, ultimately hitting the Rayne Check and picking up the win in her first match back.


Madison Rayne defeated Melina Perez at 5:04 by pinfall with the Rayne Check (30)


After the match, Madison and Gail exchange a few heated words before Gail and Lei D'Tapa head back up the entrance ramp and we cut to the backstage area.


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Christy Hemme is backstage again, this time with Doc Gallows, and she asks Gallows about his upcoming Steel Cage match against Kurt Angle. Gallows says that he did exactly what he said he was going to do last week; he made people take notice of him. Gallows says that he deserves respect, and anyone who doesn't show him the respect he deserves is going to end up like Shelton Benjamin did last week. As for Kurt Angle tonight, Gallows says that threatening to break his ankle was very a disrespectful thing for Angle to do, so tonight, Doc is going to beat some respect into Kurt Angle. And he vows that the Kurt Angle who crawls out of that steel cage later tonight will be very different from the man who walk in. Because the Kurt Angle who crawls back out...will be a humbled, beaten and broken shell of the man who walks in. And that man will not only respect Doc Gallows--he will FEAR him! (45)




Back at ringside, Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe marches down to the ring where he gets on the mic. Joe says that ever since Johnny Impact arrived in TNA, he's been nothing but an annoying little bug buzzing around Joe's head, and no matter how many times he swipes him away, he just keeps coming back. Joe says that he is officially sick and tired of the buzzing, so he wants to end things with Impact once and for all. Joe then challenges Johnny Impact to a match at Genesis, adding that Impact can choose whatever stipulation he wants...all Joe cares about is getting Impact in the ring and ending things between them once and for all!




Johnny Impact's music then hits and Impact walks out from the back and onto the stage. Impact says that there is nothing he would like more than to shut Joe's big mouth once and for all, so Impact accepts the challenge for a match at Genesis--but he WILL be picking the stipulation! Impact then drops the mic and disappears into the back again, as Tenay says on commentary that it appears that Samoa Joe and Johnny Impact will officially clash one more time at Genesis! (56)


Speaking of Mike Tenay, we swing by the announce table next where Tenay and Taz hype up the fact that they have just received confirmation that Jeff Hardy WILL indeed appear on Impact later tonight, live and in person. They speculate what Jeff will have to say, and they wonder if we have seen the last of Willow in TNA? (66)


Steel Cage Match



The Steel Cage match is up next and a wild brawl erupts as soon as the bell rings, with Angle and Gallows exchange punches in the middle of the ring. Gallows gets the better of the exchange, and he then throws Angle face-first into the steel. He does this four times, one on each of the four sides of the cage, before planting Angle with a big boot. Tenay is shocking at the complete domination from Gallows early on in this one, but Taz says that Gallows has always had a mean streak a mile long, and Kurt Angle might be in a lot of trouble here tonight. Gallows gets Angle back to his feet where he continues the attack with more punches, but a sudden burst of adrenaline from Angle allows him to grab Gallows and hit a belly to belly suplex. Angle gets to his feet and now it's Gallows's turn to taste the steel as Angle drives Gallows into the side of the cage both back and head-first, busting Gallows wide open in the process. Angle goes for the Olympic Slam, but Gallows counters with some hard elbow strikes. Gallows then kicks Angle, before proceeding to Powerbomb Angle into the side of the steel cage. Gallows covers, but somehow Angle is able to kick out just before the three count, much to Doc's frustration. Gallows both argues with, and threatens, the referee, before turning his attention back to Angle, but Angle catches Gallows by surprise with the Olympic Slam! Angle doesn't cover Gallows, however, as a dangerous look crosses his face. Angle then applies the most vicious looking Ankle Lock you'll ever see, and Mike Tenay reminds everyone of Kurt's words earlier; that he was going to break Doc Gallows's ankle. Gallows fights it for as long as he possibly can, but in the end he has no choice but to tap out.


Kurt Angle defeated Doc Gallows at 12:57 by submission with the Ankle Lock (80)


The bloody and brutal Steel Cage match is over, but Kurt Angle isn't letting go of the Ankle Lock just yet. Gallows screams in pain as Angle keeps applying the pressure, but then the referee finally convinces Angle to release the hold.


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After the match, we cut to the back where Christy Hemme is standing by with "The Icon" Sting and she asks Sting about his World Title match later tonight. Sting says that it's always a huge honor to fight for the World Championship, but it is even more of an honor to be doing it at this stage of his career. Sting says that what James Storm did to AJ Styles was wrong and he's not a man to just stand by and do nothing, so he did what felt right at the time. Sting notes that James Storm called him an old man last week, and he acknowledges that he may not be as young as he once was, but The Stinger can still go in the ring, which James Storm will find out later tonight because tonight...IT'S SHOWTIME!!! (76)


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Elsewhere in the back, Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash are seen chatting when The Perfect Tens walk by. Nash stops the women and offers his consulting services to them, guaranteeing that he can make them big time. Both Scarlett and Eva Marie look disgusted by the thought, with Eva Marie telling Nash that they are already big time and they don't need an old man like him drooling all over them. Scarlett says that they are Perfection and Nash is...well, not. As the women walk off, Nash turns to DDP and wonders if it was something he said as we cut back to ringside. (42)




Devon takes on Zema Ion next. It's a short match which Devon largely dominates, aside from a few brief flurries of offense from Zema. Devon hits the Saving Grace to put Ion away for a convincing victory.


Devon defeated Zema Ion at 2:53 by pinfall with the Saving Grace (42)




After the match, we cut backstage where the TNA Tag Team Champions, The Dirty Heels, are standing by. Roode and Aries cut a short and to-the-point promo in which they challenge The Wolves to show up on Impact next week to face them, if they have the guts. (59)


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Elsewhere in the back, Christy Hemme is back again and this time she is with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, James Storm, and she asks "The Outlaw" about his World Title defense later tonight against Sting. Storm says that Sting was a great competitor ten years ago, but he doesn't have what it takes to hang with "The Outlaw" anymore. Storm says that the only reason he accepted Sting's challenge is because who else can say that they defeated AJ Styles and Sting in the span of a couple of weeks? And when he beats Sting tonight, Storm says that he will have proven himself to be the best in the business...and all it took was for him to finally break free and grab one single opportunity for himself. Storm says that "The Outlaw" rules TNA now, and you don't have to like it, but you will have to accept it! (70)




Back in the ring, AJ Styles faces Kazarian next. The match largely serves as an opportunity for Tenay and Taz to talk about how Jeff Jarrett screwed AJ Styles over at Final Resolution, and how Jarrett is using the other members of The Originals as a shield against AJ. The match itself is a good one, with Kazarian holding his own for the first few minutes, but with AJ slowly but surely gaining control of the match as it progresses.




Daniels and Eric Young then suddenly run down the entrance ramp, and they slide into the ring and attack AJ Styles, bringing the match to an end as the referee calls for the disqualification.


AJ Styles defeated Kazarian at 7:54 by disqualification when Daniels and Eric Young got involved (77)


Daniels and Young try to stay on the attack as the match comes to an end, but AJ Styles fights back and pretty soon the ring fills up with referees, who break up the fighting.




Once the ring has cleared out, "Similar Creatures" starts playing, bringing, not Willow, but Jeff Hardy out from the back. Jeff makes his way down to the ring, where he gets on the mic. Jeff says that he's been here before, but he is once again out here to apologize to the fans and to ask for another chance, for one more shot. Jeff admits that he has made some pretty big mistakes in recent months, and he says that, while he allowed his brother to influence him, that's no excuse. Jeff says that he's responsible for his own actions and he's not running away from that. Jeff says that he will do everything he can to earn the forgiveness of the fans, and to earn one more shot from them.




Just then, Bully Ray's music hits and Bully walks out from the back and joins Jeff in the ring. Bully says that he and Jeff go way back, they have known each other for a long time, and for as long as he has known Jeff, he's always been a screw up. Bully says that he doesn't forgive Jeff, because Jeff will always be a screw up and nothing is ever going to change that. As the fans begin to boo, Bully says that he's sure the fans will forgive Jeff one more time--why? Because they are all screw-ups just like Jeff, and seeing Jeff on TV makes them feel better about themselves and their own miserable, pathetic lives. So, no. Bully doesn't forgive Jeff, and he doesn't give Jeff one more shot. And the fact that the fans do and will, it doesn't mean a damn thing. Because Bully knows that it is only a matter of time before Jeff screws up again, and then what? Bully says that the fans aren't the ones that Jeff should be worried about--he is. Bully says that Jeff has had it easy for far too long, but the free ride is now over and it's time for Jeff to face the consequences of his actions. Before leaving the ring again, Bully says that he is going to beat Jeff Hardy out of TNA for good! (86)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




It's main event time and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line as "The Outlaw" James Storm defends against "The Icon" Sting. Storm tries to get the early advantage by attacking Sting before the bell rings, but Sting is ready for him and a few seconds later "The Outlaw" finds himself outside the ring after getting clotheslined over the top rope. Back in the ring, Storm takes control of the match with a poke to the eye, a kick of the stomach and a DDT, Storm puts the boots to Sting, but when he goes to pull him back to his feet, Sting begins to fire up with a series of punches and kicks, and then he plants Storm with a one handed bulldog. Sting WOOOOOS the crowd before going for a Stinger Splash, but Storm moves out of the way and Sting hits the turnbuckles hard, and Storm kicks Sting right between his legs. Sting collapses to the floor, and the referee just about disqualifies Storm, but ultimately chooses not to as it would rob Sting of his World Title opportunity. Storm then confidently begins to set up for the Last Call superkick, just waiting for Sting to get back to his feet. As Sting slowly gets back to his feet and turns around, Storm goes for the Last Call, but Sting is able to avoid the kick, and he quickly grabs Storm from behind and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop! Sting makes the cover and the referee couns the one...two...three! WE HAVE A NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION TO KICK OFF 2014!!!!!


Sting defeated James Storm at 9:05 by pinfall with the Scorpion Deathdrop. Sting wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (71)


And with a shot of Sting raising the World Heavyweight Championship title belt high above his head in the middle of the ring, the first episode of TNA Impact of 2014 comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 76

TV Rating: 2.24

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Melina Perez has officially been released from TNA.

There seems to be some heat between Mr. Anderson and Jessie Godderz as of late. No one is really sure why, but it is obvious that the two men aren't exactly fond of each other.

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Week 2, January, 2014

Live from Canton Memorial Civic Center in Canton, Ohio

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Icon" Sting, making his way down to the ring to a great ovation from the crowd as Mike Tenay says on commentary that it is great to see Sting as the World Heavyweight Champion once again. Once in the ring, Sting gets on the mic and he thanks the audience for their support, and he says that he is extremely proud to once again represent TNA as the World Heavyweight Champion. That being said, Sting says that the way AJ Styles lost the title, the way he was screwed over by Jeff Jarrett, still doesn't sit right with Sting, and because of that, he doesn't feel as good about being champion as he should. Sting says that the only right thing to do, is to make sure that the first title shot goes to the guy who never should have lost the title in the first place, and that guy is AJ Styles. Sting then asks Styles to join him in the ring so that they can make the match official. After a few moments of waiting...(88)




AJ Styles's music hits and AJ makes his way out from the back and he joins Sting in the ring. AJ says that he has always respected Sting, as a man, as a wrestler, and as a champion, and Sting's offer only further proves how worthy Sting is of AJ's respect. However, AJ says that as much as being the TNA World Heavyweight Champion means to him, he has some unfinished business with Jeff Jarrett that he needs to deal with first. AJ says that he will be coming for the World Title eventually, but for now, knowing that Sting will carry the belt with the honor and respect it deserves, AJ is gonna hold off on challenging for the World Title until he has dealt with Jeff Jarrett. The two men shake hands, and AJ then leaves the ring while Sting looks to be having mixed emotions as he watches AJ Styles disappear into the back. Then, just as Sting is about to leave the ring...(91)




James Storm's music hits and "The Outlaw" makes his way out from the back and down to the ring where he comes face to face with the man who beat him for the title last week. Storm says that Sting has no business offering World Title shots to anybody, because "The Outlaw" is damn sure at the front of the line for that. Storm says that he may have underestimated Sting last week, underestimated how much the old man has left in the tank, but that sure as hell won't happen a second time. Storm says that Sting knows it, too. Sting knows that he got lucky last week, and he knows that his luck won't hold up in a second go-around. Then, just as Sting is about to respond to James Storm....MIIISSSTTTEEEEERRRR!!!! (80)




Mr. Anderson's music starts playing and Anderson makes his way out from the back and he joins Sting and Storm in the ring. Anderson asks Sting to think back to just before Bound for Glory, when Sting was looking for a fourth member for his Lethal Lockdown team. He asked Anderson, and Anderson agreed--on the promise that Sting would owe him a future favor. Well, Anderson has officially come calling for that favor Sting owes him; Anderson wants a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship! Anderson and Storm gets in each other's face and starts arguing about who is getting the title shot, but Sting then cuts through the noise by saying that they are both on and that, at Genesis, it's going to be SHOWTIME!!!! Sting drops the mic and leaves the ring, with Storm and Anderson still arguing in the ring, and Mike Tenay excitedly says on commentary that we have a huge triple threat main event set for Genesis for the World Heavyweight Championship! (80)




Following that rather lengthy opening segment, it's time for our first match of the night as Johnny Impact takes on Sonjay Dutt. It is a good match which Johnny Impact controls the majority of, but Sonjay does get enough offense in to look decent in this one as well. In the end, it's Johnny Impact who picks up a win here, hitting the Starship Pain on Sonjay and covering him for the one, two, three.


Johnny Impact defeated Sonjay Dutt at 5:59 by pinfall with the Starship Pain (74)




After the match, Samoa Joe appears at the top of the entrance ramp where he "counts down" with his fingers the weeks left until Genesis, when Impact will have to step into the ring with Joe one more time. Impact looks uneasy in the ring, but he reminds Joe that he gets to choose the stipulation, so the match is going to happen on his terms. (49)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash, and Christy asks Sabin about earning a shot at the X-Division Championship last week. Sabin says that it makes him sick to his stomach to see Jesse Sorensen parading around with Sabin's X-Division Championship. Sabin says that the title belongs to him, and that Jesse Sorensen isn't even worthy of lacing up Sabin's boots, much less holding the X-Division Championship. Sabin says that the charade comes to an end at Genesis, when he reclaims HIS TNA X-Division Championship and puts Jesse Sorensen in his place. (51)




Magnus faces "The Monster" Abyss next and during the match, Abyss makes more references to "him" and saying that "he's coming", leading to Tenay and Taz speculating as to who Abyss might be talking about. The match itself is decent, with Magnus trying his best to keep "The Monster" at bay despite the obvious size disadvantage, but Magnus ultimately ends up falling victim to the Black Hole Slam as Abyss picks up a victory here tonight on Impact.


Abyss defeated Magnus at 6:01 by pinfall with the Black Hole Slam (49)




After the match, we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is sitting behind his desk with the TNA Television Championship title belt laid out on the table in front of him. Bischoff announces that, as of tonight, he is officially retiring the Television Championship. Bischoff says that he isn't just going to take the title away from Mike Knox without giving him something in return, so, next week on Impact, Mike Knox will receive a match against Sting...for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. (41)




Eddie Edwards faces Jessie Godderz next in singles action, but both men are accompanied to the ring by their tag team partners. This is a pretty short match that sees Godderz take control early on thanks to interference from Robbie E, but it doesn't take long for Eddie Edwards to turn things around back in his favor. With Davey Richards keeping Robbie E at bay outside the ring, Edwards applies the Beast Choker on Jessie Godderz in the ring for the submission victory.


Eddie Edwards defeated Jessie Godderz at 3:26 by submission with the Beast Choker (42)




The Dirty Heels make their way out onto the stage after the match. Bobby Roode grabs a mic and says that he is surprised that The Wolves actually had the guts to show up tonight. Roode asks what exactly it is that makes The Wolves think that they deserve a shot at their titles? What makes them think they are even worthy of being in the same ring as the TNA Tag Team Champions? Roode says that he doesn't give a damn what The Wolves have accomplished elsewhere, because TNA is the big leagues and here? Here, The Wolves haven't done a single damned thing to impress him. Austin Aries tells The Wolves to run off with their tails between their legs, because while that might be embarrassing, it'll still save them the humiliation of being destroyed in the ring. The Champs then drop their mics and disappear into the back as Edwards and Richards stand in the ring with a determined look on their faces. (62)




We cut to the backstage area where Jeff Jarrett is with Eric Young, and Jarrett is telling EY that he picked him to face AJ Styles later tonight because it's high time that Eric Young gets a chance to prove just what he can do in the ring. Jeff says that he is proud to have Eric Young represent The Originals tonight, and he says that AJ Styles should have been with them, but he chose to be against them, and now he's paying the price, just like he'll pay the price later tonight at the hands of Eric Young. (52)




Knockouts tag team action is up next as the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, teams up with Tara to take on Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky, formerly known as The Beautiful People. It's a solid tag team match that sees Gail and Tara take control thanks to a distraction from Lei D'Tapa, and Gail and Tara then proceed to isolate Madison Rayne as they begin to wear her down. Despite Tara obviously still wanting another shot at the Knockouts Championship, she and Gail manage to work together quite well in this one. Madison does eventually manage to fight back and tag in Velvet, who comes in on fire as she takes the fight to both Gail and Tara, but another momentary distraction from Lei D'Tapa distracts Velvet just long enough for Gail Kim to be able to roll her up from behind to steal a pinfall victory.


Gail Kim and Tara defeated Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky at 6:47 by pinfall when Gail pinned Velvet with a roll-up following a distraction from Lei D'Tapa (55)


After the match, as Gail Kim, Lei D'Tapa and Tara make their way back up the ramp, Velvet Sky is clearly distraught in the ring after getting distracted and pinned, but Madison Rayne tries to cheer her up, even as Madison herself looks disappointed with the outcome of the match here tonight. (37)


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Mike Tenay then sends us to a pre-taped sitdown interview where Diamond Dallas Page talks to the new TNA X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen. Page asks Jesse about the horrific injury he suffered at Against All Odds 2012, and Jesse says that, for a while there, he wasn't sure if he would ever wrestle again. So to be able to not only come back from that, but to come back and become the TNA X-Division Champion is something that is truly special for Jesse, and something that he couldn't even have imagined just a year ago. DDP tells Jesse that hard work pays off, he knows that from personal experience and now Jesse does as well. Jesse says that being a champion in TNA is a dream come true for him, and he couldn't be happier than he is right now. (50)




TNA owner, Eric Bischoff, makes his way down to the ring next. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that while the triple threat match between Sting, James Storm and Mr. Anderson is officially set for Genesis, unless Sting loses the title next week to Mike Knox that is, a new number one contender needs to be crowned for after Genesis. Bischoff says that that is exactly what he is going to do right now, and then he proceeds to call out the man who will carry TNA to new heights in 2014, future World Heavyweight Champion; Bobby Lashley!




Dressed in a suit, Bobby Lashley makes his way out from the back to join Bischoff in the ring, but before Lashley can even say anything in response to Bischoff's words...




Kurt Angle's music suddenly hits and Angle makes his way down to the ring as well. Angle says that if Eric Bischoff is going to make Lashley the number one contender, how about he fights for it and earns it instead of just being handed the spot? Angle then challenges Lashley to a match at Genesis for a future World Heavyweight Championship title shot, and, against Eric Bischoff's advice, Lashley accepts the challenge. On commentary, Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that it's going to be Angle versus Lashley at Genesis with a World Title shot on the line! (70)




Jeff Hardy is back in action next as he battles Devon in a one on one matchup. It is a match that is good while it lasts, with Jeff getting all of his big moves in with the exception of the Twist of Fate or the Swanton Bomb, while Devon does a good job at times of turning the match into more of a brawl than anything else. But just as it looks like Jeff might be getting close to putting Devon away...




Bully Ray hits the ring and attacks Jeff, causing the match to end with a disqualification.


Jeff Hardy defeated Devon at 7:56 by disqualification when Bully Ray attacked Hardy (69)


The match is over, but Bully Ray and Devon continue their attack on Jeff even so. Devon grabs a table and sets it up in the ring, and Bully Ray then proceeds to hit the Bully Bomb on Jeff Hardy through the table! (65)

With Jeff Hardy completely motionless in the ring after getting put through a table, Bully Ray gets on the mic  and tells Jeff to go home and stay home because if he keeps coming back to TNA, then this will keep happening to him on a weekly basis. Bully then drops the mic and walks off as EMT's rush down to attend to Hardy. (79)




It's main event time as AJ Styles takes on The Originals's Eric Young. Styles is all over Young in the early parts of this one, but a thumb to the eye and then a low blow behind the referee's back allows Eric Young to take control of the match. Young shows his vicious and aggressive side here as he relentlessly stays on the attack, but a Pelé Kick from AJ nearly knocks Young out.




Daniels and Kazarian then run down to ringside, while Jeff Jarrett remains at the top of the entrance ramp, watching. As Daniels distracts the referee, Kazarian slides into the ring to help Eric Young, but Kazarian ends up falling victim to the Phenomenal Forearm. AJ then quickly hits the Styles Clash on Eric Young, and it's AJ who picks up the win, despite interference from The Originals.


AJ Styles defeated Eric Young at 9:31 by pinfall with the Styles Clash (77)


And with that, Impact comes to an end with AJ Styles pointing at Jeff Jarrett, and Jarrett shaking his head at the top of the entrance ramp, as the show fades out.



Final Show Rating: 82

TV Rating: 2.28

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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Week 3, January, 2014

Live from the Alltel Center in Mankato, Minnesota

Attendance: 5.280 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


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The show opens with a shot of the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Icon" Sting, arriving at the building earlier today when he is approached by Mr. Anderson. Anderson acknowledges that Sting lived up to his word by coming through on that favor for Anderson, and Sting replies by saying that he always keeps his promises. Sting says that Anderson came through for him at Bound for Glory, and now they're even. Sting then heads further into the building, and Anderson watches him leave, while Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that Sting will be in action later tonight, right here on Impact, defending the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Mike Knox. (78)




The first match of the night is a mixed six person tag team match as The Wolves team up with Madison Rayne to take on The BroMans and Lei D'Tapa. Lei attacks Madison Rayne before the bell even sounds, and it's clear right from the start that Lei D'Tapa has only one objective here tonight; to inflict as much damage to Madison Rayne before she challenges Gail Kim for the Knockouts Championship this Sunday at Genesis. That means that this match turns into more of a straight up tag team match between The Wolves and the BroMans, a match which The Wolves get the better of as Eddie Edwards picks up the win for his team by forcing Jessie Godderz to submit to the Beast Choker.


The Wolves and Madison Rayne defeated The BroMans and Lei D'Tapa at 5:46 by submission when Eddie Edwards forced Jessie Godderz to submit to the Beast Choker (52)




As The Wolves and Madison Rayne celebrate in the ring, we cut to somewhere in the back where Abyss is ranting and raving once again, saying that "he's coming" and that that "he" will make him do terrible things. On commentary, Mike Tenay and Taz again wonder who Abyss could be talking about? Who is coming?!? (55)




Back in the ring it's time for some Knockouts action as Brooke Tessmacher faces ODB. It is a short match that sees Brooke take control early on with some clever heel tactics, such as a few hair pulls and a thumb to the eye. ODB makes a spirited comeback, but it is short-lived and ODB ends up falling victim to the Tess-Shocker as Brooke Tessmacher picks up a decisive victory here on Impact.


Brooke Tessmacher defeated ODB at 2:39 by pinfall with the Tess-Shocker (34)




The TNA Tag Team Champions, The Dirty Heels, make their way down to the ring next. Roode and Aries proceed to cut a mocking promo on The Wolves, making fun of them for being little-leaguers trying to compete in the big leagues. Austin Aries says that The Wolves don't have what it takes to make it in a company like TNA, with guys like himself and Bobby Roode around, and Bobby Roode says that The Dirty Heels are going to prove just that, beyond the shadow of any doubt, this Sunday night at Genesis.




Just then, The Wolves suddenly charge down the entrance ramp and slide into the ring, chasing the Champions off and standing tall in the ring as Tenay and Taz hype the Tag Team title match this Sunday at Genesis, with Tenay wondering that, if Roode and Aries are indeed so confident, why did they run away from The Wolves just now? (47)


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After the match, we cut to the back where we see Diamond Dallas Page entering Sting's locker room, where "The Icon" is getting ready for his World Heavyweight Championship title defense later tonight. DDP says that he just wanted to wish Sting good luck in his match tonight, and Sting thanks Page, adding that he appreciates it, and the two legends shake hands as we cut back to ringside. (72)




Back in the ring, it's another short one as Samoa Joe is absolutely focused and on his game here tonight as he destroys Petey Williams, ultimately ending the match by forcing Petey to submit to the Coquina Clutch.


Samoa Joe defeated Petey Williams at 2:22 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (60)




After the match, Samoa Joe gets on the mic and says that it's time for Johnny Impact to decide what kind of match he wants to get his ass kicked in at Genesis, so Joe wants Impact to come here and make a decision. Impact makes his way out onto the stage, and he says that the stipulation he has chosen....is no stipulation at all! Impact says that, when he beats Joe at Genesis, he doesn't want Joe to have any excuses. Impact says that he wants to beat Joe in a straight up wrestling match, because he is going to prove once and for all that not only is he NOT afraid of Samoa Joe, but he is also going to prove that Johnny Impact is the better man. The audience starts chanting "Joe is gonna kill you" which Impact doesn't take too kindly to as he tells them to shut up, which of course only makes the chant grow louder. Joe then says that one thing is for sure; after Genesis, no one is gonna have any doubt left about who the better man really is! (59)


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We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with Velvet Sky, and Christy asks Velvet about her recent run of bad luck in the ring. Velvet says that she doesn't really know what's going on with her right now. She says that she's training as hard as she ever has, but she just can't seem to get the job done. A dejected looking Velvet then says that maybe she just doesn't have what it takes anymore, before shrugging slightly and walking off as we cut back to the ring. (38)




This Sunday night at Genesis, "The Outlaw" James Storm will get his rematch for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, but first Storm has to deal with Magnus here tonight on Impact. While the match largely exists to allow the announcers to talk about the World Title match at Genesis, Storm and Magnus put on a solid match here with Storm firmly in the driver's seat, and with Magnus putting up a fight any chance he gets. Still, the result of this one is never truly in doubt, and "The Outlaw" picks up the win as he blasts Magnus with the Last Call for the one, two, three.


James Storm defeated Magnus at 7:29 by pinfall with the Last Call (65)




After the match, we cut to the back where, for once, Gail Kim is standing alone in front of the camera--with no Lei D'Tapa at her back. Gail says that Madison Rayne may have survived tonight, but that doesn't really matter because the damage was clearly done by Lei D'Tapa. And this Sunday night, at Genesis, Madison's luck finally runs out when Gail finishes the job, and Madison becomes nothing more but yet another successful title defense for the greatest TNA Knockouts Champion in history! (56)




Back at ringside, AJ Styles's music hits and "The Phenomenal" one makes his way down to the ring for a promo. AJ keeps it short and simple, saying that he wants to face Jeff Jarrett this Sunday night at Genesis, and he wants Jarrett to come out and accept his challenge right here, right now. After a bit of a wait...




Jeff Jarrett's music hits and The Originals make their way out from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Jarrett says that he wants to make one thing absolutely clear to AJ Styles; he will face AJ when he's good and ready to do so, not whenever AJ wants him to. Jarrett says that AJ hasn't earned the right to step into the same ring with him, but if AJ really wants a match at Genesis, then Jeff will be more than happy to give him one...against Christopher Daniels in a 15 minute Ultimate Submission match! (65)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




The biggest match of Mike Knox's career is up next as he challenges "The Icon" Sting for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Tenay reminds everyone that Mike Knox was the final TNA Television Champion, and that Knox was granted this match by TNA owner, Eric Bischoff, when Bischoff decided to retire the Television Championship. The rest of The Menagerie accompanies Knox to the ring, and an attack by The Freak while Rebel has the referee distracted allows Knox to take control of the match early on. Knox works Sting over for a bit, with a little help from both The Freak and Crazzy Steve every now and then, but a missed corner splash ends up spelling doom for Knox as Sting begins firing back, with the crowd firmly behind him. Sting takes out both The Freak and Crazzy Steve as well, before putting Knox away with the Scorpion Death Drop to secure the pinfall victory and a successful title defense here on Impact.


Sting defeated Mike Knox at 7:38 by pinfall with the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (58)




After the match, James Storm appears at the top of the entrance ramp, but he chooses to remain there rather than head down to the ring. A staredown then ensues between two of the three men who will battle for the World Championship this Sunday night at Genesis, while Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that the third man in that match, Mr. Anderson, will be in action later tonight as well. (76)


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Eric Bischoff, Bobby Lashley and Kurt Angle all make their way down to the ring next for an official contract signing for a Number One Contender's match at Genesis between Lashley and Angle. Bischoff clearly isn't happy that Lashley accepted Kurt Angle's challenge last week, but Lashley remains determined here tonight and he immediately signs the contract. Angle signs the contract as well, and then the two men go face to face in the middle of the ring in an intense staredown, but, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, it doesn't come to blows here as Bischoff signs the contract as well to make the match official; Kurt Angle and Bobby Lashley will face each other this Sunday night at Genesis with a future shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on the line! (62)




The TNA X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, is in action next as he takes on Christian York in a non-title match.




The match has only just gotten underway before Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash make their way down to ringside. The match itself is nothing too special, but Christian York does get a few nice moves in before he, perhaps somewhat predictably, falls victim to the Lone Star Press as the X-Division Champion picks up another victory here on Impact.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Christian York at 4:02 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (44)


After the match, Chris Sabin tries to sneak up on Jesse Sorensen while Jesse is focused on Nash, but Jesse realizes what is happening and he turns around just as Sabin is about to enter the ring, causing Sabin to immediately slide back out of the ring again. Sabin then tells Jesse that he'll deal with him on Sunday, and then Sabin and Nash make their way back up the ramp, with Sorensen watching them in the ring. (47)




Up next, Bully Ray and Devon make their way down to the ring to boos from the crowd. Bully gets on the mic and he brags about putting Jeff Hardy through a table last week, which gets a ton more of boos from the crowd. Bully says that the only reason the fans are booing him, the only reason they love Jeff Hardy so much, is because Jeff is every bit as much of a screw-up as they are. So they idolize him because he's as pathetic as they are. Bully says that Jeff isn't here tonight, and if he's smart, he'll never show his face in TNA again. But if he does, Bully will be there to put him through another table! And another! And another! And another, until Jeff Hardy finally gets the message through that thick skull of his!




Just then, "Similar Creatures" suddenly starts playing and Jeff Hardy makes his way out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd, as Mike Tenay says on commentary that, apparently, Jeff Hardy is here tonight after all! Jeff remains at the top of the entrance ramp, where he gets on the mic. Jeff says that it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than getting put through a table to run him out of TNA--Bully, of all people, should really know that by now. But if Bully wants to try again, how about he tries at Genesis when he faces Jeff in a Tables match? The crowd pops again, Bully says that he'll happily accept the chance to put Jeff through another table at Genesis, and we've got a huge match set for Sunday night! (76)




It is main event time as Mr. Anderson faces Matt Hardy. Mike Tenay points out on commentary that both Sting and James Storm picked up wins earlier tonight, so a loss for Anderson here could really hurt his momentum heading into the World Title match at Genesis. Taz agrees, but he also points out that Matt Hardy isn't exactly a slouch, so Anderson will need to be on his A-game here tonight. This is a solid TV main event, a back and forth match where both men have their periods of dominance. Still, in the end, it looks like Mr. Anderson is closing in on a victory as he manages to hit the Mic Check on Matt, but then...




"The Outlaw" James Storm suddenly hits the ring and blasts Anderson with the Last Call superkick, causing the match to end in disqualification.


Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Hardy at 11:04 by disqualification when James Storm attacked Anderson (69)


And with that, it's "The Outlaw" James Storm who stands tall in the ring just a few short days before the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title match this Sunday night at Genesis!



Final Show Rating: 72

TV Rating: 2.05

Show increased popularity in 16 regions



Christy Hemme recently landed herself in some hot water as she was accused of bullying an underaged fan online.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Week 3, January, 2014

Live from Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, Missouri

Attendance: 10.600 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


TNA X-Division Championship




The first TNA pay per view of the new year kicks off with the X-Division Championship on the line as Jesse Sorensen faces the former X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, in a rematch from Final Resolution. Kevin Nash makes his presence at ringside known early on as he trips Sorensen up near the ropes, allowing Sabin to gain the advantage by attacking from behind. Sabin maintains the advantage for the next several minutes as he slowly wears the Champion down, but when Sabin sets up for the Cradle Shock, Jesse begins mounting his comeback. The pace of the match quickens as Jesse hits a series of various kicks, including a spinning heel kick and a dropkick, and a hurricanrana sends Sabin out of the ring and onto the floor. Jesse follows after with a plancha, but Nash shoves Sabin out of the way and Sorensen crashes hard to the floor. The referee warns Nash, but then turns his attention to Chris Sabin, who is slowly climbing  back into the ring. As this happens, Nash takes advantage by driving Sorensen back-first into the guard rail. This ends up being a big mistake as the referee ends up counting Sorensen out, hitting the ten count just as Sabin gets back to his feet in the ring.


Chris Sabin defeated Jesse Sorensen at 9:23 by countout. Jesse Sorensen retains the TNA X-Division Championship (66)


Realizing what just happened, Chris Sabin is absolutely furious and he starts shouting at Nash, blaming him for Sorensen not getting back in the ring in time. Nash has no patience for Sabin's accusations, however, and he walks off, visibly angry, and leaving Sabin still absolutely fuming in the ring. (56)


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SoCal Val is on interview duty tonight as she is filling in for Christy Hemme, and Val is backstage with The Dirty Heels. Val asks Roode and Aries about their Tag Team Title defense coming up next, and Roode says that they aren't worried in the slightest. Like they have been saying the past two weeks, The Wolves are little leaguers in a world of pros, pretending that they can hang with the best, but they can't and Roode and Aries are going to prove that tonight. Austin Aries says that The Wolves are in for a reality check of the worst kind, and that tonight, The Champs are going to embarrass The Wolves to the point that they will be called The Cubs after tonight. (49)


TNA Tag Team Championships




We move from one title match to another as The Dirty Heels defend the TNA Tag Team Championships next against The Wolves. Roode and Aries play mindgames with the Wolves early on, stalling at every opportunity in an attempt to make the challengers frustrated. It doesn't work, however, as The Wolves keep their calm and patiently wait for Roode and Aries to get into the ring. The match finally gets under way as Bobby Roode and Eddie Edwards lock up in the middle of the ring, with the bigger Roode gaining the upper hand as he forces Edwards into their corner. Roode gives a clean break, but then Austin Aries clobbers Edwards when Roode has the referee distracted. This sets the tone for the match as The Dirty Heels, rather appropriately, utilize classic cheating heel tactics to isolate Eddie Edwards and wear him down, making frequent tags in and out to keep themselves fresh. The crowd rallies behind the challengers, but every time Edwards begins firing up, he is put back down by Roode and Aries, still bending and outright breaking the rules to maintain control. The hot tag does finally come, however, and Davey Richards takes the fight to both Roode and Aries, eventually sending Bobby Roode out of the ring to focus on the legal man, Aries. The match does a complete one-eighty as it is now The Wolves who isolate Austin Aries on their side of the ring, and Mike Tenay notes on commentary that The Wolves have been teaming together for a long time before coming to TNA.

We eventually get a double down as Austin Aries hits a desperation jawbreaker on Davey Richards, and then a double clothesline leaves both men down in the middle of the ring. Both men make it to their respective corners for the tag, and Roode and Edwards meet in the middle of the ring where they begin exchanging punches. Eddie Edwards looks to score with a clothesline, but Roode ducks and Edwards bumps into the referee, who is momentarily knocked down. Roode takes advantage of the moment by hitting a low blow, and then he rolls Edwards up, putting his feet on the ropes for extra leverage, and the referee, oblivious to the cheating, counts the one, two, three.


The Dirty Heels defeated The Wolves at 16:16 by pinfall when Roode pinned Edwards with a roll-up with his feet on the ropes after hitting a low blow. The Dirty Heels retain the TNA Tag Team Championships (61)


After the match, as The Dirty Heels celebrate their victory in the ring, Mike Tenay puts The Wolves over on commentary, saying that even after all of their big talk, Roode and Aries needed to cheat to beat The Wolves here tonight at Genesis.




Velvet Sky makes her way down to the ring next, dressed in her wrestling gear. Velvet gets on the mic and says that she knows that she isn't booked to compete tonight, but she really wants to have a match here at Genesis and, hopefully, get back on track with a win. So, Velvet issues an open challenge to anyone in the back to face her. After a few moments of waiting, Tara's music starts playing as it appears that Tara is accepting the open challenge. (43)




As Velvet and Tara lock up in the ring, Tenay and Taz talk about Velvet's recent losing streak and how it is obviously getting to her. Velvet is all fired up early on in this one as she takes the fight to Tara with several forearm shots, a clothesline and a DDT. Velvet covers Tara, but Tara kicks out at two, much to Velvet's frustration. Velvet then begins to climb the turnbuckle, and Tenay says on commentary that Velvet's desperation to win a match is shining through in her actions. Unfortunately, Velvet misses the dive and it spells doom for her as Tara takes control of the match, eventually putting Velvet away with the Widow's Peak.


Tara defeated Velvet Sky at 5:19 by pinfall with the Widow's Peak (26)




After the match, we cut to the back where Mr. Anderson is standing alone in front of the camera. Anderson says that tonight, he'll step into the ring, beat both Sting and James Storm and once again become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Anderson says that he respects Sting for being a man of his word, but that doesn't mean that Anderson will go easy on Sting tonight. And as for James Storm, Anderson says that "The Outlaw" is going to realize that there is one rule that he cannot ignore, and that is rule of MIIIISSSSSTTTEEEEERRRR Anderson.....ANDERSON!!!! (78)


15 Minute Ultimate Submission Match



On Impact, AJ Styles challenged Jeff Jarrett to a match at Genesis, but ended up getting another member of The Originals, Christopher Daniels, instead. AJ is all business in this one as he knows that he has to go through Daniels to get to Jarrett, and that is exactly what AJ intends to do here tonight. Daniels is no slouch, however, and he knows AJ very well, which means that we get a lot of counter moves in this one as the match goes back and forth in the early stages. Then, suddenly, AJ nails Daniels with the Pelé Kick, and he locks in the Calf Killer--a move that no one has been able to escape or survive--and indeed Daniels is no different as he is forced to submit, putting AJ up 1-0.




This immediately brings the remaining members of The Originals out from the back, and Jarrett directs Kazarian and Eric Young to head down to the ring while he remains at the top of the entrance ramp. Kazarian and Young hit the ring and attack AJ Styles, and Mike Tenay points out that the referee can't disqualify Daniels since it is an Ultimate Submission match. He can, however, call for more referees to hit the ring and they eventually get Kazarian and Young out of the ring, but a lot of damage has clearly been done to AJ Styles. Daniels gets cocky as he taunts the fans before looking to hit the B.M.E., but he takes too long and AJ rolls out of the way and immediately applies the Calf Killer again, and he forces Daniels to submit to the move one more time, putting himself up 2-0. Then, as a final exclamation point, AJ hits the Styles Clash just as the time limit expires and the match comes to an end.


AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels at 15:00 by a submission score of 2-0 (73)


Hardcore Match



Genesis continues with what Mike Tenay calls a special bonus match as "The Monster" Abyss faces Magnus in a hardcore match. Abyss is obviously more at home in this kind of environment than Magnus is, and it shows as Abyss dishes out most of the damage in this one. The match spills out of the ring where Abyss uses every weapon he can get his hands on, including a steel chair, a trash can lid and the actual trash can, but Magnus fights back with some hard shots with a kendo stick. Throughout the match, Abyss continues to make references to "him" and "he's coming", just as he has been doing the past several weeks on Impact. The match comes to an end as Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Magnus and pins him for the one, two, three.


Abyss defeated Magnus at 7:29 by pinfall with the Black Hole Slam (51)


After the match, Abyss's music plays for a short time before it gets cut off and another familiar music starts playing instead......















It's Raven's music that is playing and Raven makes his way out from the back, accompanied by Daffney, and the two join Abyss in the ring where Raven gets on the mic. Raven says that he's back and that means a lot of trouble for a lot of people, and that a lot of people in TNA are in for a world of pain and torment at the hands of Raven and Abyss. Raven says that no one should consider themselves safe, and the only question they should be asking themselves is....Who's going to be their next target? "Quote the Raven...nevermore!" Raven and Daffney are back in TNA and they are allied with "The Monster" Abyss! (56)




We cut to the back and this time it's "The Outlaw" James Storm who is standing alone in front of the camera, ready to speak.  Storm says that tonight he is righting a wrong that never should have happened in the first place, but he's a man who learns from his mistakes and tonight he's gonna prove that nobody gets lucky twice in a row against "The Outlaw". Storm says that, come hell or high water, he's walking out of Genesis tonight as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion once again! (61)




This rivalry has been going on for months, ever since Johnny Impact first showed up in TNA, and tonight it's all coming to a head as Impact and Samoa Joe square off one more time. Impact starts the match off by running away from Joe, both in and out of the ring, but he eventually catches Joe with a low dropkick right to the face as Joe was sliding back into the ring. Impact stays on the attack, not allowing Joe any time to recover at all, and Taz praises Impact's strategy on commentary, saying that you need a sound strategy like that if you are going to beat Samoa Joe. Joe is able to fight back, however, and he absolutely squashes Impact twice--first with a high-impact corner clothesline and then again with a Samoan drop. Joe sets Impact up for the Muscle Buster, but Impact rakes Joe's eyes, shoves him away and delivers a missile dropkick that connects perfectly, but it only gets him a two count. Impact then quickly goes for the Starship Pain, but Joe rolls out of the way and Impact crashes and burns and now both men are down.

The referee gets to the count of eight before both men get back to their feet, and it is Johnny Impact who strikes first with a low drokick to Joe's knee, taking the leg out from under him. Impact starts working over Joe's leg, driving it into the ringpost and even applying a figure four leglock. Despite clearly being in a lot of pain, Joe refuses to submit and instead he fights his way to the ropes, but Impact keeps the hold locked in until just before the referee reaches the count of five. Impact hits a tornado DDT that gets him another two count, and then he goes back to work on the leg as Joe tries desperately to fight him off. Joe gets the upper hand, but his leg gives out from under him when he tries to lift Impact, and Impact zeroes in on the leg once again as Tenay notes that Impact is far more ruthless tonight than we have seen him before.

Johnny Impact then goes for the Starship Pain again, but misses it for a second time, and suddenly he finds himself locked in the Coquina Clutch. With Impact fighting desperately to get out of the hold, Joe just keeps applying the pressure and Impact is fading, slowly but surely. Unable to escape, and fading fast, Impact finally has no choice left but to tap out.


Samoa Joe defeated Johnny Impact at 16:23 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (73)


TNA Knockouts Championships




The TNA Knockouts Championship is on the line next as Gail Kim defends against Madison Rayne. Madison returned to TNA at Final Resolution and ever since she has had her sights set on Gail Kim and the Knockouts Championship. As always, Lei D'Tapa is at ringside for Gail's match and she proves an immediate distraction for Madison. Gail tries to take advantage, but Madison realizes what's happening and catches Gail with an inside cradle, and Gail only just barely manages to kick out before the three count. Clearly shocked at how close she came to losing her title just like that, an angry Gail goes on the attack and tosses Madison out of the ring. Gail then distracts the referee, allowing Lei D'Tapa to get some shots in on Madison as well before rolling Madison back into the ring. Gail maintains the advantage for the next several minutes, but Madison's comeback begins when she is able to reverse a hurricanrana attempt into a powerbomb. Madison fires up with some forearm shots, a vertical suplex and a bulldog, but Lei D'Tapa once again proves instrumental in Gail Kim's title reign as gets up on the apron to distract Madison. Still fired up, Madison charges at Lei and knocks her off the apron with a running elbow, but she then turns around right into the Eat Defeat from Gail, who covers and picks up another victory.


Gail Kim defeated Madison Rayne at 8:15 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following a distraction from Lei D'Tapa. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (62)


Tables Match



Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy do battle next in a Tables Match and no time is wasted in this one whatsoever as Bully attacks Hardy during his entrance and both men fight all around the ring and even into the crowd. Bully eventually getst he match back into the ring and it's all high-impact offense from Bully, who almost seems to be enjoying the pain he is inflicting upon Jeff. Bully then grabs a steel chair at ringside and sets it up in the corner, but when he goes to irish whip Hardy into it, Jeff is able to reverse it and instead it's Bully Ray who crashes head-first into the steel chair. Having finally gotten the opening he needed, Hardy goes on the attack as he hits a belly to back suplex and the Whisper in the Wind, and then he starts climbing to the top rope, looking for the Swanton Bomb...




But Devon runs down and shoves Hardy off the top rope. Devon then enters the ring and begins attacking Jeff as Bully Ray is still recovering, which Mike Tenay is outraged by as he says that this wasn't supposed to be a handicap match. Things look bleak for Jeff as Devon hits the "What's up" diving headbutt, and then Bully leaves the ring to grab a table. As he does, Jeff starts fighting back in the ring against Devon, and before Bully can get back in the ring, Jeff manages to drop Devon with the Twist of Fate, but he is immediately pummeled by Bully before he can get back to his feet. Bully then sets up a table and he looks to powerbomb Jeff through it, but Jeff fights back with some punches and when he's back on his feet, he grabs a steel chair and he absolutely blasts Bully with it. Bully ends up on the table, Jeff climbs to the top rope and....SWANTON BOMB!!!!!! In true Jeff Hardy fashion, Jeff just sacrificed his own body to put Bully through the table and win the match.


Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray at 12:59 by putting Bully Ray a table (71)




After that brutal match, we cut backstage as it is time to hear from the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Icon" Sting, who is standing alone in front of the camera. Sting says that he heard what both Anderson and James Storm said earlier. Sting says that he respects Mr. Anderson and that he wouldn't want him to take it easy on The Stinger. Sting says that he, unfortunately, doesn't have the same respect for James Storm, but he knows that Storm has come prepared tonight. Well, Sting hopes that both Anderson and Storm are ready because tonight...it's gonna be SHOWTIME!!! (76)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Match


It's all Bobby Lashley early on in this one as, no matter what Kurt Angle tries, he just can't seem to get out of the gate, and Taz sees this as ample evidence of the fact that Bobby Lashley should have just been granted the number one contendership, just as Eric Bischoff initially wanted to. Mike Tenay, however, points out that Kurt Angle is one of the greatest to ever step inside a wrestling ring, and counting Angle out at this point would be foolish. As the match continues, the story remains the same; Lashley dominates, Angle tries to fight back, but Lashley regains control shortly after. A full nelson slam, a powerslam and an impressive stalling vertical suplex puts Lashley firmly in control again--however, despite his dominance, Lashley still isn't able to put Angle away, which is quickly becoming a source of growing frustration for Lashley.

Kurt Angle is finally able to gain some traction in this one as he hits Lashley with a series of german suplexes, which he follows up with a top rope moonsault, but it only keeps Lashley down for a two count. Angle tries to press his advantage, but a pumphandle slam puts Lashley squarely in control of the match once again. The match spills out of the ring where Lashley continues his dominance, whipping Angle into the guard rail and the steel steps, before looking to deliver a devastating powerbomb on the floor. Angle manages to reverse the powerbomb, however, and instead he backdrops Lashley onto the floor, buying himself a little bit of time in the process. Angle rolls back into the ring and he uses the ropes to claw his way back to his feet. Lashley enters the ring as well, Angle charges at Lashley, but Lashley explodes with a Spear out of nowhere!

Lashley seems to be unstoppable, and he knows it at this point as he openly mocks the fans, as well as Kurt Angle, who is desperately trying to get back to his feet again. Angle looks completely out of it, but he is playing possum as he quickly goes behind Lashley, looking for the Olympic Slam, but Lashley blocks it and nails Angle with a stiff elbow. Lashley then hits a Jackhammer and he taunts the crowd when he gets back to his feet, signalling that this one is over. A cocky Lashley then goes to pull Angle back to his feet, but Angle catches Lashley off-guard with a surprise roll-up and Lashley kicks out a split-second too late, meaning that Kurt Angle just stole this one!


Kurt Angle defeated Bobby Lashley at 17:33 by pinfall with a surprise roll-up (80)


After the match, Kurt Angle quickly rolls out of the ring and makes his way back up the ramp, while Bobby Lashley is in utter disbelief in the ring over what just happened, and he argues with the referee about the count. Tenay says on commentary that Lashley looked incredibly impressive here tonight, but Kurt Angle found a way to get the job done and now Angle has secured a future World Heavyweight Champioship title shot for himself.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




It's main event time as "The Icon" Sting defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against "The Outlaw" James Storm and Mr. Anderson. There are no allies in this one and that is evident from the get-go as all three men battle it out in the middle of the ring. As a result of that, neither man is able to maintain any kind of advantage for very long early on, and momentum shifts back and forth between all three men. Sting looks to be building some momentum with punches and kicks in the corner on James Storm, but then Mr. Anderson takes control for a little bit as he attacks Sting from behind. Anderson works over Sting for a little bit, only to be blindsided by James Storm, who then takes control. A big moment in the match comes when Sting has Anderson hooked for the Scorpion Deathdrop, but before he can hit it, James Storm blasts Sting with the Last Call superkick, which sends Sting all the way out of the ring and leaving Storm and Anderson to fight it out in the ring. The two men go back and forth, and both men earn a near-fall on the other, but neither man is able to put the other away.

After being absent for a few minutes, Sting then returns to the ring and he fires up with punches and kicks to both Storm and Anderson, eventually positioning both men in opposite corners in the ring. Sting then runs back and forth between both corners, hitting Stinger Splash after Stinger Splash, much to the delight of the crowd, but then Mr. Anderson is able to move out of the ring and Sting hits chest-first into the turnbuckle. Anderson charges across the ring and clotheslines James Storm out oft he ring, and then Anderson looks to finish the job by hitting a Mic Check on Sting....but Sting counters the Mic Check into a Scorpion Deathdrop and....one....two....three!!!


Sting defeated Mr. Anderson and James Storm at 14:21 by pinfall when Sting pinned Mr. Anderson with a Scorpion Deathdrop. Sting retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (71)


And with that, TNA Genesis 2014 comes to an end with "The Icon" Sting standing tall in the ring, STILL the TNA World Heavywieght Champion as the show fades to black.



Final Show Rating: 73

PPV Buyrate: 0.17

Show increased popularity in 9 regions



I hope the show reads okay. I haven't been feeling great these last few weeks, but I really wanted to get the show done and posted so I went ahead and wrote it anyway. Hope it's still enjoyable.

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Week 4, January, 2014

Live from Viaero Event Center in Kearney, Nebraska

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The post-Genesis edition of TNA Impact kicks off with Kurt Angle making his way down to the ring as Tenay and Taz talk about Angle earning himself a future World Heavyweight Championship title shot at Genesis by defeating Bobby Lashley. Once in the ring, Angle gets on the mic and says that he has to give credit to Bobby Lashley; Lashley put up a hell of a fight at Genesis and Kurt only just managed to get the better of him. Kurt then talks about his respect for Sting and how he is looking forward to stepping into the ring with him one more time at Against All Odds. Kurt says that he and Sting have had some great matches in the past, and he--and that's as far as Angle gets before he is interrupted as...(100)




"The Outlaw" James Storm's music starts playing, bringing Storm out from the back to boos from the crowd. Storm joins Angle in the ring, and he says that he wants to point one thing out to Kurt before Kurt gets ahead of himself. And that one thing is that Storm wasn't pinned at Genesis, he wasn't made to submit, and the only reason he isn't the World Champion right now is because Mr. Anderson forced his way into the match, only to lose and cost Storm his shot at the title. Storm says that he doesn't give a damn if Angle is the number one contender--he's not getting a shot at the title before "The Outlaw" gets the one on one rematch that he rightfully deserves! (82)




Eric Bischoff's music then starts playing, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like the Boss has something to say about this as Bischoff makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Bischoff says that, as much as he hates to admit it, both Kurt Angle and James Storm make good points, and they both have a valid argument for being next in line to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. So the way Bischoff sees it, the only fair way to decide who gets a shot at the World Championship first...is a Beat The Clock challenge. Bischoff says that both Angle and Storm will have a match next week on Impact, and if both men win their matches, then whoever wins their match in the shortest amount of time will get the title shot at Against All Odds. And if both men lose their match next week, then they will both forfeit their title shots and Bischoff will select a replacement! Bischoff then drops the mic and leaves the ring, and Tenay and Taz hype up the huge annoucement from the Boss, calling it "a heck of a way to kick off Impact!" (69)




We then cut to the back where Kevin Nash is seen arriving at the building by himself, and Mike Tenay and Taz talk about what happened at Genesis between Nash and Sabin, and they wonder if Nash arriving alone tonight means that Nash is done managing Chris Sabin? (64)




Our first match of the night sees Jeff Jarrett taking on "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal in one on one action. Unfortunately, when going against The Originals, it's never actually just one on one and that is true in this one as well as Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young all accompany Jarrett to ringside, and the trio get involved any chance they get. Despite a valiant effort by Lethal, the odds are just too stacked against him here and Jeff Jarrett picks up the victory, hitting the Stroke to secure the pinfall.


Jeff Jarrett defeated Jay Lethal at 7:37 by pinfall with The Stroke following interference from the rest of The Originals (60)




AJ Styles makes his way out onto the stage after the match. Styles says that he has beaten Kazarian, he's beaten Eric Young and he's beaten Christopher Daniels...and now, finally, he wants Jeff Jarrett to step into the ring and face him. Jarrett once again tells AJ that he's doing things on his own terms, not AJ's. However, Jarrett says that since he's feeling generous tonight, he'll offer AJ Styles an opportunity to earn the privilege of sharing a ring with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett then tells AJ to get himself a tag team partner for tonight's main event, if he can even find one, and if he and his partner can beat Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young in a handicap match tonight...then Jarrett will face AJ at Against All Odds. AJ agrees without hesitation, and it looks like we have our main event set for tonight! (73)


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SoCal Val is backstage with Bully Ray and she attempts to interview Bully about his loss to Jeff Hardy at Genesis, but Bully cuts her off before she gets the chance to ask him about it. Bully tells Val to keep her pretty little mouth shut because he doesn't have the time or the patience to deal with interns. Bully then looks into the camera and says that if Jeff Hardy thinks Bully is done with him, he's wrong. Bully says that it's only a matter of time before Jeff screws up again, and a fluke win at Genesis isn't going to change the fact that Jeff Hardy is a screw-up at heart and he always will be. Bully tells Jeff to enjoy the cheers from the crowd while he can, and to savor them, because everyone will forget all about Jeff Hardy after Bully puts him in the hospital! And that's exactly what Bully is going to do the next time he sees Jeff! (79)




Jesse Sorensen faces Petey Williams next in X-Division action, though Mike Tenay makes it clear on commentary that this is a non-title match. It is a decent back and forth match that allows the young X-Division Champion to shine, but Petey still gets enough offense in for this to not be a complete squash match. The outcome of the match is never truly in doubt, however, as Jesse Sorensen puts Petey away with the Lone Star Press for a solid, clean win here on Impact.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Petey Williams at 5:20 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (46)




Raven, Abyss and Daffney are in a darkened room somewhere backstage. Raven says that now that he has returned to TNA, it's time for he, Abyss and Daffney to start taking care of business. Raven says that it's people like them who bled and suffered to put TNA on the map and make the company what it is today, and if it hadn't been for them, then none of these young punks would be here today. Raven says that these people are profiting off of their suffering, and what do they get in return? They get treated like garbage! Like outcasts! Raven says that now it's time for some of these young guys to bleed and suffer the way that he, Abyss and Daffney have..."Quote the Raven...nevermore!" (45)




The TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, makes her way down to the ring next, flanked as always by Lei D'Tapa. Gail gets on the mic and declares herself the greatest Knockouts Champion of all time, saying that she has taken on all challengers since becoming Champion again, and she has beaten every single one of them. Gail says that there is no one left to challenge her, no one she hasn't already soundly beaten, and that--




And that's when Mickie James, Madison Rayne and Eve Torres all make their way out from the back and down to the ring. Madison Rayne says that Gail may have beaten her at Genesis, but she couldn't do it without the help of Lei D'Tapa, which was also the case for Mickie James and Eve Torres.




Tara makes her way down to the ring as well, and she, too, has lost to Gail Kim thanks to interference from Lei D'Tapa. Mickie James says that if Gail wants to prove she's the best, then put the title on the line one more time, against all of them, and with no Lei D'Tapa around to help her out!




Things arent looking too good for Gail Kim, but then Eric Bischoff's music suddenly hits and Bischoff makes his way down to the ring. Bischoff says that he has heard enough and he's going to settle things right now; Bischoff then announces a Knockouts Championship title match for Against All Odds; Gail Kim will defend the title against Madison Rayne, Mickie James, Eve Torres, Tara and Velvet Sky--in other words, against every single woman she has screwed over since becoming Champion. Gail is furious at this, and Tenay and Taz say on commentary that Gail's title reign is going to be in serious jeopardy at Against All Odds! (54)


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In the back, Doc Gallows is seen terrorizing and intimidating various stagehands, and generally being a jerk to them, telling them to show him some respect or else he'll beat it into them.  Just then, Samoa Joe happens to show up and he gets in Gallows's face. Joe says that if Gallows is looking for a fight, he just found one. The two men stare each other down, and Joe tells Gallows to "beat some respect into him". But Gallows eventually backs down and walks off, leaving Joe to stare angrily after him as we cut elsewhere. (43)




Bobby Lashley faces Magnus next, and Mike Tenay and Taz talk about how dominant Lashley looked at Genesis, but also how he still ended up coming up short against Kurt Angle. The loss is clearly still bothering Lashley as he absolutely destroys Magnus in the ring, taking his frustrations out on poor Magnus. The Dominator puts Magnus away in what was a completely one-sided match.


Bobby Lashley defeated Magnus at 3:08 by pinfall with The Dominator (52)


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We cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Velvet Sky is talking to Bischoff about the Knockouts title match at Against All Odds, with Velvet telling Bischoff that, as much as she appreciates the opportunity, she doesn't think she's really ready for it given her recent lack of success. Bischoff says that the match stands as is, but then...




Brooke Tessmacher walks in, saying that she'd be more than happy to take Velvet's place in the title match, if Velvet is too scared to compete. Brooke says that she deserves a shot more than Velvet does anyway, and Bischoff decides to book a match between Velvet and Brooke for next week, with the winner of that match earning the sixth and final spot in the Knockouts Championship title match at Against All Odds. (39)


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Elsewhere in the back, we see Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash in the middle of a heated argument, with Nash telling Sabin that he's done with him, and Sabin saying that Nash is done PERIOD because nobody wants to hire a manager who can't do his job! Nash then walks off and it looks like this alliance is well and truly done. (59)




The Wolves take on The BroMans in tag team action next and the match only just barely gets started before...




The TNA Tag Team Champions, The Dirty Heels, make their way down to ringside for a closer look at the action, leading to Tenay and Taz talking about The Dirty Heels defeating The Wolves at Genesis, though not cleanly. Surprisingly, the Champions do not get involved in this one and instead just watch as The Wolves and the BroMans clash in a solid enough tag team match. The finish comes when Jessie Godderz taps out to the Beast Choker, giving The Wolves a solid win here on Impact.


The Wolves defeated The BroMans at 6:24 by submission when Eddie Edwards forced Jessie Godderz to submit to the Beast Choker (54)


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After the match, we cut to the back where SoCal Val is standing by with Mr. Anderson, and she asks Anderson about his loss at Genesis. Anderson admits that Genesis didn't exactly go as he had planned, but he's not letting that deter him. Anderson says that he won't rest until he hears the words; winner and new World Heavyweight Champion...MIIISSSTTEEEEERRRRR ANDERSON.....ANDERSON!!!!....again. (52)




A big TV match is up next as Samoa Joe faces off against Bully Ray. This is, as one would expect, a hard-hitting battle between two men who are just beating the hell out of each other both in and out of the ring. It is also a match that doesn't get a clean ending, unfortunately, as...




Doc Gallows makes his way down to the ring. Bully Ray goes to grab his steel chain, and as the referee is distracted dealing with that, Gallows enters the ring and drills Joe with a running boot. Joe stumbles backwards, right into a Bully Bomb, and Bully covers Joe for the one, two, three.


Bully Ray defeated Samoa Joe at 7:32 by pinfall with a Bully Bomb following interference from Doc Gallows (60)


The match is over and Mike Tenay is furious on commentary that Doc Gallows just screwed Samoa Joe over, but Taz thinks that maybe Joe should mind his own business insted of getting into Doc's like he did earlier. Then stuff like this wouldn't happen. Before Bully and Gallows can do any more damage, however...




"Similar Creatures" starts playing and Jeff Hardy runs down to the ring to chase off Bully and Gallows. Bully and Gallows retreat back up the ramp, and Jeff checks on Samoa Joe as Mike Tenay wonders why Bully Ray is running away when he said he would put Jeff Hardy in the hospital the next time he saw him? (79)




It's main event time and AJ Styles makes his way down to the ring as Tenay and Taz speculate as to who AJ might have chosen for his partner. AJ gets on the mic and says that choosing a partner was easy for him, because the guy he picked came right up to him and offered...and this is the kind of guy whose help you just don't turn down. AJ drops the mic and looks toward the entrance ramp....




Sting's music then starts playing and "The Icon" makes his way out from the back to a huge ovation from the crowd, as AJ's tag team partner here tonight is none other than the TNA World Heavyweight Champion! (83)




Sting and AJ clean house early on, taking on all three opponents at the same time and sending them all out of the ring one after another. As the duo stands tall in the ring...




Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to ringside to help his fellow Originals regroup. The match settles down then, and The Originals use their numbers advantage to take control and isolate AJ, with Jeff Jarrett getting a few shots in as well behind the referee's back. AJ eventually fights back and makes the hot tag to Sting, and "The Icon" starts cleaning house once again, but he is cut off as a distraction from Jeff Jarrett allows Eric Young to hit a low blow on Sting from behind. Now it is Sting who is isolated, but he, too, eventually manages to fight back and make the tag to AJ, and then the match breaks down completely with all five men battling it out. Sting sends both members of Bad Influence out of the ring, and then he hits a plancha onto both of them AND Jeff Jarrett as well, taking all three men out. Back in the ring, AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash on Eric Young and this one is over! Jeff Jarrett will now have to face AJ Styles at Against All Odds!


AJ Styles and Sting defeated Eric Young, Daniels and Kazarian at 11:25 by pinfall when AJ Styles pinned Eric Young with the Styles Clash (74)


And with that, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end with AJ Styles and Sting standing tall in the ring.



Final Show Rating: 82

TV Rating: 2.29

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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Week 1, February, 2014

Live from Bison Sports Arena in Fargo, North Dakota

Attendance: 5.211

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The show kicks off with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Icon" Sting making his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay and Taz on commentary welcome everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact. Once in the ring, Sting gets on the mic and he talks about the Beat The Clock challenge matches that will take place later tonight, saying that right now, he doesn't know if he will be facing Kurt Angle or James Storm at Against All Odds, but that we'll all find out later tonight. Sting says that he has the greatest of respect for Kurt Angle, and that he would be honored to step into the ring once again with Kurt at Against All Odds. As for James Storm...Sting says that he used to have a lot of respect for Storm as well, but that all changed at Final Resolution. Sting says that Storm showed his true colors at Final Resolution, that he finally let the world see what kind of man he really is on the inside. And the kind of man that James Storm is...well, it's the kind of man that Sting has no respect for. But as much as his opinion of James Storm has changed recently, one thing that hasn't changed is that Sting still respects what James Storm can do in the ring. It's just a shame that he decided to take the road he did. Sting then wraps up his promo by saying that ,whether it's Kurt Angle or James Storm, one thing is for sure...at Against All Odds...IT'S SHOWTIME!!!! (85)


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We cut to the backstage area next where SoCal Val is with Chris Sabin. Val notes that Kevin Nash isn't by Sabin's side tonight, and she asks Sabin what's going on with him and Nash? Sabin says that he and Nash are done and he's moving on without him. Sabin says that he had everything planned out; he was going to hold the X-Division Championship until Destination X, where he would cash in Option C to then become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Sabin says that joining up with Kevin Nash was the biggest mistake he's ever made, because it ruined his entire plan. Sabin ends the interview by vowing to win back the X-Division Championship before Destination X so he can get his plan back on track. (40)




Our first in-ring action of the night comes in the form of a six man tag team match as Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels and Eric Young of The Originals take on Chavo Guerrero, Hernandez and Sonjay Dutt. Chavo gets isolated early on in this one, and Kazarian's presence at ringside makes this almost into more of a handicap match as he frequently gets involved throughout the match. The hot tag to Hernandez changes the momentum of the match completely as Hernandez starts throwing both Daniels and Eric Young around, while Jeff Jarrett stays at a safe distance. Sonjay Dutt gets tagged in and then the match breaks down completely. This works out well for The Originals, who has the man advantage with Kazarian at ringside, and amidst the fighting and confusion, Jeff Jarrett hits The Stroke on Sonjay and pins him for the one, two, three while Chavo and Hernandez are distracted outside the ring.


The Originals defeated Chavo Guerrero, Hernandez and Sonjay Dutt at 8:21 by pinfall when Jeff Jarrett pinned Sonjay Dutt with The Stroke (59)




AJ Styles makes his way out from the back after the match with a mic in his hand. Standing at the top of the entrance ramp, AJ says that he and Sting beat The Originals last week, so it's time for Jarrett to make good on his promise and agree to face Styles in a match at Against All Odds--and before Jarrett tries to weasel his way out of it again, AJ says that he has already gotten Eric Bischoff to sign off on the match! Jarrett initially seems unhappy about this, but then he says that he wants AJ Styles to understand one thing; Jarrett is in no way, shape or form afraid of stepping into the ring with AJ. Jarrett says that he was main eventing when AJ Styles was a nobody jobber in WCW--and even before that. So if AJ wants a match at Against All Odds, he's got it! But one thing AJ needs to realize is that Jarrett is the King of the Mountain for a reason, and that reason is that he's the very best. AJ may be good, but Jarrett is great and great always beat good. Jarrett and Styles stare each other down from afar, as Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like the match is officially on for Against All Odds! (68)




We cut to somewhere in the back where Raven, Abyss and Daffney are gathered in a dark room again. Raven says that when he looks at TNA today, it makes him sick to his stomach to see what the company has turned into. Raven says that the company is full of arrogant young pricks who doesn't show an ounce of appreciation for those who bled and suffered to put the company on the map. Raven says that right now, their first victim is walking around out there in complete ignorance. That person doesn't yet know their fate, but they do. And at Against All Odds...they will strike...Daffney then tells all the so-called "Knockouts" that they shouldn't consider themselves safe either...because no one is safe. Daffney then starts laughing and Raven ends the promo with his usual "Quote the Raven...nevermore!". (48)




The X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, faces Suicide next in a non-title match. This is a fairly standard X-Division match with some solid high-flying from both men in what is a fast-paced match in general. Suicide looks good for a little bit, but in the end, it's Jesse Sorensen who picks up another victory on Impact, putting Suicide away with the Lone Star Press.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Suicide at 4:37 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (48)




After the match, as Jesse Sorensen is celebrating in the ring, Robbie E suddenly hits the ring, seemingly out of nowhere, and he launches an attack on Jesse Sorensen with a clothesline from behind. Robbie puts the boots to Jesse before quickly bailing out of the ring and heading back up the ramp, celebrating his attack, which Taz calls a hit and run, all the way to the back. (33)


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In the back, The Wolves cut a promo, challenging The Dirty Heels to another match at Against All Odds. The Wolves say that Roode and Aries had to cheat to beat them at Genesis, and they want another shot! Just then, Roode and Aries walk in and Roode asks why they should care what The Wolves want? Roode says that The Wolves had their shot and they blew it--time to accept defeat and move on. The four men come face to face, but they don't come to blows as the Champions eventually back off and leave before it comes to that. (51)




Magnus faces Devon next and Devon gets the upper hand early on by attacking Magnus before the bell rings. Devon maintains the advantage for a bit, but he gets too cocky and wastes too much time, allowing Magnus to fire back. Magnus tries to pick up the pace, but a low blow behind the referee's back puts Devon back in control. Devon hits the Saving Grace and it's another loss for Magnus on Impact.


Devon defeated Magnus at 5:46 by pinfall with the Saving Grace (55)


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In the back, "The Outlaw" James Storm is seen getting ready for his match later tonight when he is approached by Mr. Anderson. The two men come face to face, and Anderson then sarcastically tells Storm to calm down, and that he only came by to wish Storm good luck in his Beat the Clock challenge tonight. Storm says that the only reason he's in this situation in the first place is because Anderson got his ass pinned at Genesis. Anderson says that it's funny because Storm is the one getting his ass pinned tonight and then he can forget all about becoming the TNA World Heavyweight Champion! Anderson then walks off, and Storm turns his attention back to his preparations as Tenay and Taz hype up the Beat The Clock challenge matches later tonight. (68)


Winner Gets The Final Spot In The Knockouts Championship Title Match At Against All Odds



Velvet Sky and Brooke Tessmacher do battle next with the sixth and final spot in the TNA Knockouts Championship title match at Against All Odds on the line. Velvet seems hesitant and unsure of herself early on in this one, and Mike Tenay speculates that Velvet might be doubting herself because of her recent losing streak. Brooke controls the majority of this one, taking full advantage of Velvet's shaken confidence. As the match progresses, Brooke gets more and more verbal in her abuse of Velvet, which finally sees Velvet get fired up and she begins taking the fight to Brooke with several forearm shots, a swinging neckbreaker and a tornado DDT. Just as it appears that Velvet has gotten her confidence back, she is caught by surprise with an inside cradle, and Brooke grabs the ropes for added leverage as she pins Velvet for the victory.


Brooke Tessmacher defeated Velvet Sky at 5:21 with an Inside Cradle while holding the ropes for leverage. Brooke Tessmacher earns the final spot in the Knockouts Championship title match at Against All Odds (22)


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As Velvet Sky looks absolutely heartbroken in the ring after suffering another loss, we cut to the back where SoCal Val is with the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, and she asks Gail about having to face five other Knockouts at Against All Odds. Gail says that she has already beaten all of these women, so she isn't worried about being able to do that again. What she is worried about, however, is potentially losing the Knockouts Championship without even being involved in the decision. Gail says that this match is blatantly unfair to her as the Champion, and the only reason it's happening is because she has been too dominant. Gail says that it won't work, however, and she'll find a way to win at Against All Odds because she refuses to lose her title because of someone elses incompetence. (45)


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Elsewhere in the back, Samoa Joe and Doc Gallows are brawling as a bunch of referees and officials try to separate them. Both men get some pretty good shots in on one another, and it seems that both men are perfectly willing to fight right here, right now, but they are eventually separated. Both men continue yelling at each other as we cut back to ringside for some more in-ring action. (57)


Beat The Clock Challenge



The first of two Beat The Clock Challenge matches takes place next as "The Outlaw" James Storm takes on "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. Storm tries to go for the knockout shot immediately with the Last Call superkick, but Lethal avoids it and "Black Machismo" uses Storm's own eagerness against him to take control of the match. Storm fights back, but he keeps going for the pin too early, and every time Lethal kicks out, Storm becomes more and more frustrated which, in turn, causes him to make mistakes. Storm does finally manage to win the match when Lethal goes up top for a double axehandle smash, but Storm catches him on the way down with the Last Call for the one, two, three.


James Storm defeated Jay Lethal at 7:37 by pinfall with the Last Call (64)




Once the ring has cleared out, Bully Ray's music hits and Bully makes his way down to the ring to boos from the crowd. Bully tells the crowd to shut the hell up, and he then calls out Jeff Hardy.




Hardy's music then hits and Jeff makes his way down to the ring to nothing but cheers from the crowd, much to Bully's disgust. Bully tells Jeff that he hates everything about him. He hates how the fans love and support him no matter how many times he screws up. He hates that Jeff keeps coming back to TNA, and he hates that TNA keeps letting him come back after every single screw up. Bully says that he vowed to put Jeff in the hospital last week, and he meant it. Bully then challenges Jeff to a Street Fight at Aganst All Odds--adding the warning that if Jeff accepts and shows up, Bully WILL put Jeff in the hospital. And this time? This time Jeff won't be coming back again! Jeff says that he may screw up at times, but at least he's not an asshole like Bully! This gets a great reaction from the crowd, and Jeff then accepts Bully's challenge, vowing that he will shut Bully up once and for all at Against All Odds. (74)


Beat The Clock Challenge



Angle goes for several roll-ups immediately after the bell rings, but Johnny Impact is able to kick out of each of them, and then Impact bails out of the ring for a breather. Angle doesn't have time for that though, so he chases after Impact and this cat and mouse game eventually allows Impact to take control as he attacks Kurt when he slides into the ring after him. Impact maintains control for a few minutes, but then Angle starts fighting back with a series of german suplexes, a belly to back suplex and a belly to belly overhead suplex. Angle gets fired up, the straps come down and it looks like Angle is about to put Impact away...




But then Bobby Lashley yanks the referee out of the ring, before getting into the ring and attacking Kurt Angle. As Mike Tenay complains that Lashley has no business being out here, Lashley hits a full nelson slam on Angle, and then the Dominator! Lashley then places Impact on top of Angle, before going to revive the referee. The referee slowly makes the count...but Angle kicks out before the three! Lashley can't believe it, but Mike Tenay then announces on commentary that we have passed the 7:37 mark, which means that, thanks to Bobby Lashley, Kurt Angle can no longer beat the time set by James Storm. Satisfied with his work, Lashley leaves and the match continues for a few more minutes, going back and forth before Kurt Angle manages to pick up the victory, hitting the Olympic Slam and pinning Impact for the one, two, three.


Kurt Angle defeated Johnny Impact at 13:28 by pinfall with the Olympic Slam. (76)


Bobby Lashley just cost Kurt Angle a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, meaning that James Storm will challenge Sting for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds. And with that, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 77

TV Rating: 2.25

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Austin Aries and Christy Hemme have both recently signed contract extensions, while Samuel Shaw and Simon Diamond have left TNA due to their contracts expiring. Rumor has it that TNA had intended to extend Diamond's contract, but it slipped through the cracks and by the time management became aware of it, it was too late.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Week 2, February, 2014

Live from Kearney H&S Center in Kearney, Nebraska

Attendance: 5.154

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The show opens with Kurt Angle already in the ring, pacing back and forth with a mic in his hand. Angle says that if it wasn't for Bobby Lashley getting involved in his match last week, he would be the one heading to Against All Odds to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. But because of Lashley, now it's James Storm who gets the title shot first. Angle says that, as much as that pisses him off, it does leave his dance card wide open for Against All Odds. And since Bobby Lashley was so eager to get involved in his match last week, how about Lashley steps into the ring with Kurt at Against All Odds? Angle says that it was no problem for Lashley to come down to the ring last week, so he wants him to come down to the ring again tonight to accept his challenge! (91)




A few moments later, Bobby Lashley's music hits and Lashley makes his way out from the back, dressed in a suit. Remaining at the top of the ramp, Lashley says that Kurt knows damn well that Lashley was the better man at Genesis, but Kurt got a lucky win. So the way Lashley sees it, that doesn't qualify Kurt for a World Title match, and that is exactly why he made sure that he didn't get one at Against All Odds. As for Kurt's challenge, Lashley accepts! Lashley says that he will dominate just like he did at Genesis, and this time there will be no lucky win for Angle. Lashley drops the mic and Mike Tenay says on commentary that we have a huge rematch from Genesis set for Against All Odds! (75)


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We cut to the back where Velvet Sky is looking down and out after losing her spot in the Knockouts Championship title match at Against All Odds last week. Suddenly, The Perfect Tens show up and start harassing Velvet, mocking her for losing last week and for being a loser in general. They mock cry at Velvet before walking away, and Mike Tenay calls it a classless act by The Perfect Tens. (24)




The first in-ring action of the night comes in the form of an X-Division matchup as Kenny King takes on "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. It is a solid match between two men who could easily be next in line for an X-Division Championship title shot, and a win here would be a huge step in that direction for either man. In the end, after a back and forth match, it is Jay Lethal who picks up a big win here tonight, hitting the big Diving Elbow Drop from the top rope to put King away.


"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal defeated Kenny King at 11:02 by pinfall with a Diving Elbow Drop (66)


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After the match, we cut to the back where SoCal Val is standing by with Doc Gallows, who proceeds to immediately take the mic from Val as he tells her to show him some damn respect. Doc then looks toward the camera and says that he is sick and tired of people disrespecting him in TNA. He says that Samoa Joe was lucky that officials protected him last week, because if they hadn't, then Joe would have gotten his ass kicked on live TV for the world to see. Doc says that if Joe is stupid enough to step up to him again, then he will be put in his place and he will learn the true meaning of not only respect, but fear! (50)


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Elsewhere in the back, Mickie James, Eve Torres and Madison Rayne are gathered, and Mickie is suggesting that the three of them have each other's backs until Against All Odds to make sure they get a fair match at the PPV. Both Eve and Madison agree and it looks like a new alliance has been formed, at least until Against All Odds. (47)




The X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, is in action next as he takes on Jessie Godderz, who is accompanied to the ring by his tag team partner, and the man who attacked Sorensen last week, Robbie E. The Champion is the underdog in this one as he constantly has to contend with Robbie E's interference while also battling Godderz. The interference ultimately backfires, however, as Godderz accidentally knocks Robbie E off the apron. This allows Jesse Sorensen to quickly hit a spinning heel kick, before going up top and hitting the Lone Star Press for the one, two, three.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Jessie Godderz at 5:13 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (34)




The Originals are gathered backstage, with Jeremy Borash holding the mic for Jeff Jarrett, who does all the talking. Jarrett says that AJ Styles is a fool, eagerly digging his own grave, and at Against All Odds, Jarrett will be more than happy to throw AJ in and put him away for good. Jarrett says that he wants AJ to remember one thing; when all is said and done, and when AJ is kissing his career goodbye, the only person he has to blame...is himself. Jarrett says that he helped launch AJ's career back in the early 2000's, and at Against All Odds, he'll be the one to end it! (60)




Before the next match, we see Raven, Abyss and Daffney sitting in the front row of the crowd, which makes Mike Tenay and Taz wonder what they are doing there and what the trio could possibly be up to? (45)




Hernandez and Devon square off next in a match between two men who don't really have a lot going on right now, though, as Mike Tenay points out, sometimes all it takes is one good win to get the ball rolling. It is a decent back and forth match that ultimately sees Devon picking up the win as he hits the Saving Grace to put Hernandez away.


Devon defeated Hernandez at 7:35 by pinfall with the Saving Grace (54)




We go straight to the next match after that as Bobby Lashley takes on Sonjay Dutt. This short match sees Lashley dominate from start to finish, and he puts Sonjay away with the Dominator for an emphatic win.


Bobby Lashley defeated Sonjay Dutt at 1:37 by pinfall with the Dominator (60)


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We cut to the backstage area where Gail Kim has gathered Tara and Brooke Tessmacher together for a talk. The Knockouts Champion suggests that the three of them agree to an alliance until Against All Odds, to counter the alliance made by Mickie, Eve and Madison earlier. Gail says that if the three of them team up, they can take out the other three women and it will come down to the three of them at Against All Odds. Both Tara and Brooke agree, and it looks like the battlelines have been drawn here tonight on Impact. (48)


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Back at ringside, Bully Ray's music hits and Bully makes his way out from the back. He heads towards the ring, but he doesn't get very far before he is jumped from behind by Jeff Hardy. The two men start brawling, eventually brawling their way back up the ramp and into the backstage area, where they are eventually pulled apart by security and officials. (74)




Impact continues as Johnny Impact takes on Magnus in singles action. As has generally been the case for Magnus, he puts up a decent fight here, but he ultimately comes up short as Johnny Impact hits the Starship Pain to put Magnus down for the three count in a good match.


Johnny Impact defeated Magnus at 7:40 by pinfall with the Starship Pain (71)


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After the match, we cut to the back where AJ Styles and Samoa Joe are, somewhat surprisingly, standing side by side facing the camera. AJ Styles says that he and Joe heard what Jeff Jarrett and Doc Gallows had to say earlier, so he and Joe got together and they came up with an idea. AJ says that he and Joe are issuing a challenge for a tag team match next week on Impact; AJ and Joe against any member of The Originals and Doc Gallows. Samoa Joe says that he is officially stepping up to Doc Gallows again, and he wants Gallows to accept the challenge and step into the ring next week! (63)




It is main event time and we've got a big one here tonight on Impact as "The Outlaw" James Storm takes on Mr. Anderson. Tenay points out that these two men have had their issues in the past, especially lately with Storm blaming Anderson for losing at Genesis. As such, fists are flying early on in this one, setting the tone for what is a very physical matchup between these two men. It is an even, back and forth match that comes to an end when the referee is accidentally knocked down by Mr. Anderson. "The Outlaw" then pulls one of his old tricks out of his bag as he nails Anderson with a beer bottle, before quickly hitting the Last Call and covering Anderson for the one, two, three.


James Storm defeated Mr. Anderson at 12:12 by pinfall with the Last Call after hitting Anderson with a beer bottle (70)




There isn't much time for Storm to celebrate his victory, however as "The Icon" Sting hits the ring immediately after the match, which causes Storm to leave the ring and escape back up the entrance ramp. And this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, pointing his baseball bat directly at a still-retreating James Storm. (78)



Final Show Rating: 78

TV Rating: 2.29

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Magnus's contract has officially expired and will not be renewed, meaning that Magnus is done with TNA as of this show.

Brooke Tessmacher recently signed a new deal with TNA, extending her stay with the company.

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Week 3,February, 2014

Live from Carlson Center in Fairbanks, Alaska

Attendance: 5.703 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with some X-Division action as Kenny King faces Zema Ion. This is a fast-paced opener that is pretty even early on, but as the match progresses, it becomes more and more apparent that Kenny King is a step ahead of his opponent. The finish comes when King hits the Coronation on Zema and covers him for the pinfall victory in a solid opening match.


Kenny King defeated Zema Ion at 5:52 by pinfall with the Coronation (61)


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After the match, we cut to the back where SoCal Val is with Bobby Roode and Austin Aries, the TNA Tag Team Champions. Val announces that The Wolves have officially challenged The Dirty Heels to a rematch at Against All Odds, and she asks Roode and Aries about their thoughts on that. Austin Aries says that they have already proven that they are better than The Wolves, but they have decided to accept the challenge on one condition; WHEN The Wolves lose again, they won't get any more title shots as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions. Bobby Roode tells The Wolves that it is real simple; either they accept the match under these conditions, or they admit that they know that they are inferior to The Dirty Heels and they can kiss any hope of a Tag Team title shot at Against All Odds goodbye! (50)




We cut to elsewhere in the back where The Perfect Tens are seen walking down a hallway. As they walk, they are trashing and laughing at Velvet Sky and mocking her for being a "total loser". (20)




Mike Knox takes on Shark Boy next in a match that is, for the most part, a squash match. Shark Boy does get a few hope spots in, but they are short-lived and they never really amount to much of anything. A Sitout Spinebuster wins Mike Knox the match, earning the leader of The Menagerie a decisive victory on Impact.


Mike Knox defeated Shark Boy at 3:53 by pinfall with a Sitout Spinebuster (40)


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As the rest of The Menagerie enter the ring to celebrate with Mike Knox, we cut to the back where Jeff Jarrett and Doc Gallows are talking, with Gallows demanding to know which member of The Originals is going to be his partner later tonight. Jarrett says that he wants to make one thing absolutely clear, The Originals respect Doc Gallows. And because they respect him, his partner tonight is going to be none other than...Christopher Daniels. Jarrett says that he would love to do it himself, but he wants to give Gallows a chance to shine tonight. And Christopher Daniels will be right there if he needs him, as an insurance policy. Gallows seems satisfied with this answer, and as he walks away, Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that Doc Gallows and Christopher Daniels will take on AJ Styles and Samoa Joe later tonight on Impact! (53)




Elsewhere in the back, Velvet Sky is seen entering Eric Bischoff's office and closing the door behind her, leaving Tenay and Taz to speculate what Velvet could be needing to speak to the Boss about. (34)




Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa make their way down to the ring as Mike Tenay informs us commentary that Gail is scheduled to compete next in a six Knockouts tag team match. However, Gail grabs a mic and announces that she will not be competing in the upcoming match after all, and that Lei D'Tapa will be taking her place instead! Tenay wonders if Gail can even do that, but Taz just calls it "the Champion's advantage". Either way, it seems to be official! (56)




It was supposed to be all six women fighting for the Knockouts Championship at Against All Odds facing off in a six Knockouts tag team match here, but instead it is only five of them as Gail Kim watches from ringside as Tara, Brooke Tessmacher and Lei D'Tapa take on Mickie James, Madison Rayne and Eve Torres. It is a decent match where all six women get their moments to shine, but the finish comes when Lei D'Tapa is choking Mickie James on the ropes, and she ignores the referee's five count, leaving the referee with no choice but to disqualify Lei.


Mickie James, Madison Rayne and Eve Torres defeated Tara, Brooke Tessmacher and Lei D'Tapa at 6:08 by disqualification when Lei D'Tapa was disqualified for choking Mickie James past the referee's five count (47)


All six women continue fighting after the match, but Gail Kim remains at a safe distance throughout, which Taz praises as being brilliant because Gail is keeping herself fresh and healthy for this Sunday night.




We cut to the back where The Wolves, Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards, are standing in front of the camera. Edwards says that The Wolves came to TNA to prove themselves against the very best in the business, and they have faith and confidence in their own ability to do just that. So, they are accepting the stipulation put forth by The Dirty Heels, and they WILL be challenging for the TNA Tag Team Championships this Sunday night at Against All Odds! (51)


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Elsewhere in the back, Bully Ray approaches James Storm and the two men come face to face as Mike Tenay notes that these men will be tag team partners later tonight, as they are set to take on the team of Sting and Jeff Hardy. Bully threatens Storm by saying that he better hold up his end of their team tonight and not mess things up, or else there will be hell to pay. Storm replies by telling Bully "right back at you", warning Bully that there will be hell to pay for him if he screws things up for Storm this close to the pay per view. Strangely, these mutual threats seem to help get the pair on the same page as they share a nod of respect and understanding of each other as we cut away. (76)




Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez face the makeshift team of Christian York and Suicide next. Hernandez proves to be the difference in this one as York and Suicide manage to hold their own against Chavo, but when the bigger Hernandez is tagged in, York and Suicide run out of luck. Hernandez goes on an impressive run of offense, ending it by hitting the Border Toss on Christian York and pinning him for the one, two, three in a decent match.


Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated Christian York and Suicide at 6:11 by pinfall when Hernandez pinned York with the Border Toss (51)


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SoCal Val is backstage with Robbie E, and she asks Robbie why he has been targeting Jesse Sorensen in recent weeks. Robbie says that it's time for him to shine like the star that he is, and he's going to do that by beating Jesse Sorensen for the X-Division Championship at Against All Odds! And after he has done that, he's gonna party all night long! (36)




Back at ringside, Bobby Lashley's music hits and Lashley makes his way down to the ring for his match, but first he gets on the mic. Lashley tells Kurt Angle to pay close attention, because what's about to happen to Rockstar Spud is exactly what's going to happen to Angle this Sunday night at Against All Odds! Lashley says that he is going to do whatever he wants to do to Kurt on Sunday, and Kurt will be helpless to stop him! (65)




Bobby Lashley wastes absolutely no time in this one as he utterly destroys Rockstar Spud. The Dominator wins it for Lashley, who pins Spud with just a single boot on his chest.


Bobby Lashley defeated Rockstar Spud at 0:54 by pinfall with the Dominator (52)


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Kurt Angle runs down to the ring after the match and a wild brawl ensues between Angle and Lashley. After an initial flurry from Angle, it looks like Lashley is starting to get the upper hand, but that is when security hits the ring to separate the two men. On commentary, Mike Tenay wonders if Kurt Angle will be able to survive against Lashley one more time this Sunday at Against All Odds? (69)


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We cut to the backstage area where the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, is seen approaching Jeff Hardy, and he tells Jeff that he needs to know that he can trust him as his tag team partner tonight. Jeff admits that he has made his share of mistakes, and that he and Sting were enemies not that long ago, but Jeff swears that Sting can count on him tonight. Sting seems to accept Jeff's word and the two men shake hands as we cut back to ringside. (87)




The first of two huge tag team matches is up next as AJ Styles and Samoa Joe take on Christopher Daniels and Doc Gallows. It is a match that never quite settles down as it is always on the verge of breaking down, and that only gets worse when...




Eric Young and Kazarian make their way down to ringside. This also signals the beginning of the end, because it is only a matter of time before Young and Kazarian get involved in the match by openly attacking AJ Styles, causing this one to end in disqualification.


AJ Styles and Samoa Joe defeated Christopher Daniels and Doc Gallows at 9:25 by disqualification when Eric Young and Kazarian attacked AJ Styles (72)


A four on two beatdown ensues as Daniels, Kazarian, Young and Gallows put the boots to Styles and Joe. Security, as well as multiple referees, hit the ring to break it up, but Styles and Joe took a beating here tonight on Impact.




Once the ring has cleared out, Mr. Anderson's music hits and Anderson makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Anderson says that he meant it when he said that he wasn't going to rest until he had worked his way back into the World Title picture, and not even a bottle to the skull is going to change that. So, Anderson is out here to issue an open challenge to anyone who hears it, to show up this Sunday at Against All Odds and face him in the ring. (70)




It's main event time and we have a huge one here just a few short days away from Against All Odds as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, teams up with Jeff Hardy to take on "The Outlaw" James Storm and Bully Ray. It's a wild four man brawl early on, but Sting and Hardy manage to clear the ring and the crowd cheers while Storm and Bully regroup on the floor. The match settles down and Storm and Bully manage to isolate Jeff, and they spend the next several minutes wearing Hardy down. Jeff manages to endure the punishment, however, and the hot tag is made to Sting. The match then breaks down completely with all four men going at it. Hardy and Bully eventually end up outside the ring, still fighting, and that leaves us with Champion and Challenger in the ring, "The Icon" and "The Outlaw". Sting gets the better of the exchange, and James Storm soon finds himself in the Scorpion Deathlock. Realizing that he is too far from the ropes to reach them, Storm quickly taps out, and Taz says that it almost seemed like Storm, instead of fighting to try to get to the ropes, chose to submit so that he could live to fight another day--such at this Sunday night at Against All Odds.


Sting and Jeff Hardy defeated James Storm and Bully Ray at 13:17 by submission when Sting forced James Storm to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock (76)


And with that, it's "The Icon" Sting, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, who stands tall in the ring as we fade to black on the final edition of TNA Impact before Against All Odds!



Final Show Rating: 77

TV Rating: 2.32

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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TNA: Against All Odds 2014 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

"The Icon" Sting (c) vs. "The Outlaw" James Storm



Street Fight

Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy



Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley



TNA Tag Team Championships

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James vs. Tara vs. Eve Torres vs. Madison Rayne vs. Brooke Tessmacher



Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe



TNA X-Division Championship

Jesse Sorensen (c) vs. Robbie E



Open Challenge

Mr. Anderson vs. ???



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TNA: Against All Odds 2014 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

"The Icon" Sting (c) vs. "The Outlaw" James Storm



Street Fight

Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy



Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley



TNA Tag Team Championships

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James vs. Tara vs. Eve Torres vs. Madison Rayne vs. Brooke Tessmacher



Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe



TNA X-Division Championship

Jesse Sorensen (c) vs. Robbie E



Open Challenge

Mr. Anderson vs. ???

Comment: I'll saaay... Roderick Strong 

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