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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand (Continued)

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

"The Icon" Sting (c) vs. "The Outlaw" James Storm



Street Fight

Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy



Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Lashley



TNA Tag Team Championships

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James vs. Tara vs. Eve Torres vs. Madison Rayne vs. Brooke Tessmacher



Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe



TNA X-Division Championship

Jesse Sorensen (c) vs. Robbie E



Open Challenge

Mr. Anderson vs. ???

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Week 3, February, 2014

Live from Taco Bell Arena in Boise, Idaho

Attendance: 13.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


TNA Tag Team Championships




We kick things off at Against All Odds with the TNA Tag Team Championships on the line as The Dirty Heels defend against The Wolves. The Wolves are on their game early on in this one, gaining the upper hand in every exchange, ultimately forcing Roode and Aries to regroup and restrategize outside the ring. This works well for them, mostly because Bobby Roode distracts the referee, allowing Aries to stick a thumb in Eddie Edward's eye before hitting a low blow, putting the Champions firmly in control of the match. Edwards is isolated for several minutes, but an attack off the top rope goes badly for Aries as Edwards catches him and delivers a desperation overhead belly to belly suplex. Tags are made on both sides, but Davey Richards is absolutely fuming as he enters the ring, and he goes on a huge run of offense, fighting both Roode and Aries at the same time. Eddie Edwards rejoins the fight as well, but the damage he has taken during the match makes him easy pickings for Bobby Roode. While the referee is busy trying to get Roode and Edwards out of the ring, Austin Aries pulls a pair of brass knuckles out of his trunks and he blasts Richards with them. Aries then quickly gets rid of the evidence before making the cover and picking up the one, two, three.


The Dirty Heels defeated The Wolves at 12:21 by pinfall when Aries pinned Richards after using a pair of brass knuckles. The Dirty Heels retain the TNA Tag Team Championships (65)


As The Dirty Heels celebrate a successful title defense, Mike Tenay reminds everyone of the stipulation that The Wolves agreed to on Impact, which means that they now cannot get another shot at the Tag Team Championships as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions. Taz calls it a huge blow for The Wolves, but a major weight off the shoulders of Roode and Aries.


TNA X-Division Championship




We go straight from one title match to another as Jesse Sorensen defends the TNA X-Division Championship next against Robbie E. Robbie tries to jump Jesse as soon as the bell sounds, but Sorensen is more than ready for his challenger as he lands a perfect dropkick to stop Robbie E dead in his tracks. From here, it's a pretty straight-forward title defense for Sorensen, who is a step ahead of his opponent for most of this one. Robbie E does manage to get a two count off a backbreaker, but that is as close as he gets and Jesse Sorensen hits the Lone Star Press for the pinfall victory.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Robbie E at 6:50 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press. Jesse Sorensen retains the TNA X-Division Championship (51)




Velvet Sky's music hits and Velvet makes her way down to the ring wearing her street clothes. An emotional Velvet gets on the mic and says that these last weeks and months have made her really think about a lot of things, her career especially. And given that she can't seem to win a match anymore, her self-reflection has led her to the decision that she is here tonight to announce, and that decision...is that she is going to retire from professional wrestling. As Velvet begins to tear up in the ring...




The Perfect Tens's music suddenly starts playing, and Eva Marie and Scarlett Bordeaux make their way out from the back.  As they begin approaching the ring, they start mocking Velvet, calling her a loser and a crybaby. Once in the ring, Scarlett and Eva tell Velvet that she is pathetic, before straight-up laughing in her face about it. Velvet shoves them away, and that's when Scarlett and Eva Marie attack Velvet and start beating her down in the ring....(27)




As the beatdown continues in the ring, Angelina Love suddenly makes her return to TNA as she runs down to the ring to join forces with Velvet! Velvet starts fighting back as well, and together, Velvet and Angelina drive The Perfect Tens off. As Velvet and Angelina stand tall in the ring, Mike Tenay says on commentary that, for tonight at least, The Beautiful People are back together! (28)




AJ Styles finally gets his hands on the man who cost him the World Heavyweight Championship next as he goes one on one with Jeff Jarrett. Lots of mind games and stalling from Jeff Jarrett early on in this one, and Mike Tenay says that it looks like Jarrett would rather be anywhere else right now than in the ring with AJ Styles. Jarrett doesn't do anything without a plan, however, and he does manage to get AJ to chase him, which, in turn, allows Jarrett to gain the upper hand as he attacks AJ just as he slides back into the ring after Jarrett. Jarrett stays on the attack, not allowing AJ any time to recover whatsoever, and only after hitting a huge superplex from the top rope does Jarrett allow himself a little bit of time to taunt the crowd. Jarrett even pulls out the "Jarrett Strut", and then he clotheslines AJ over the top rope. They start brawling at ringside, but this proves to be a mistake for Jarrett as AJ Styles is able to reverse an irish whip in the steel steps, and instead it is Jarrett who gets up close and personal with the steps. AJ slams Jarrett's head into the steel steps, before sending him back-first into the guard rail. AJ then rolls Jarrett back into the ring, and he follows in after him by way of the Phenomenal Forearm.




With Jarrett in trouble, Eric Young makes his way down to ringside, and he pulls Jarrett's guitar out from under the ring.




Kazarian and Daniels run down as well and they distract both AJ Styles and the referee, allowing Eric Young to slide the guitar to Jarrett. Jarrett grabs the guitar and goes to hit AJ with it, but AJ blocks the attempt, kicks Jarrett in the gut and takes the guitar away from him. It looks like Jeff Jarrett is about to get a taste of his own medicine, but Eric Young, Daniels and Kazarian all enter the ring and attack AJ, forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.


AJ Styles defeated Jeff Jarrett at 14:46 by disqualification when other members of The Originals got involved (75)


Young, Daniels and Kazarian continue the attack even as the bell rings repeatedly, and then Daniels and Kazarian hold AJ up, allowing Jeff Jarrett to blast him with the guitar! AJ falls to the ground, seemingly out, and The Originals stand tall in the ring, as an irate Mike Tenay wonders how AJ Styles, or any one man, is supposed to fight four men at the same time? Taz says that people may not like it, but there is strength in numbers and right now, The Originals have the numbers. (67)




Against All Odds continues as Doc Gallows goes one on one with Samoa Joe. This is a wild brawl right from the get-go and Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Doc Gallows has vowed to beat both fear and respect into Samoa Joe tonight. The match reflects this attitude as Gallows and Joe beat the hell out of each other both in and out of the ring, with both men coming dangerously close to getting themselves disqualified on multiple occasions. The intense battle finally comes to an end when both men are, once again, beating the hell out of each other, and both men are also ignoring the referee's multiple warnings, which ultimately leads to the referee throwing the match out and neither man is responding to his warnings.


Doc Gallows and Samoa Joe battled to a draw at 11:25 when the referee threw the match out due to both men ignoring repeated warnings (66)


The match may officially be over, but the fighting just continues in the ring. More referees and security personnel rush down to the ring to finally separate Gallows and Joe, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that things obviously are far from settled between these two men.




We cut to the backstage area where Bully Ray stands alone, facing the camera. Bully says that tonight he is going to make good on his promise he made on Impact to put Jeff Hardy in the hospital. Bully says that tonight, he's taking the fans's idol, Jeff Hardy, and he is going to break him apart piece by piece in front of their very eyes! Bully ends the promo by saying that, after tonight, Jeff Hardy is going to go away again...only this time, he's going away for good! (68)


Street Fight



As Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring, he wraps his massive steel chain around his right hand, but Jeff Hardy counters that by launching himself over the top rope and diving onto Bully, which is how this one kicks off. Jeff rolls Bully into the ring and continues his offensive flurry, but a punch to the gut by that steel chain-wrapped right hand of Bully Ray instantly halts Hardy's momentum. Bully drops Hardy with a belly to back suplex, and then he wraps the chain around Hardy's throat, choking him with it. Taz says on commentary that Bully clearly wasn't joking about wanting to put Jeff Hardy in the hospital tonight. Bully grabs a steel chair at ringside, but it backfires on him as Hardy is able to kick the chair right into Bully's face. With Bully staggering around the ring, Hardy runs toward the turnbuckles and delivers the Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Hardy then goes for the Twist of Fate, but Bully pushes him off into the ropes, and then he quickly picks up the steel chair and blasts Hardy with it, busting "The Charismatic Enigma" wide open in the process. The sight of blood only seems to motivate Bully even more, and he gets into a mounted position and unleashes a barrage of punches, opening up that wound on Hardy's forehead even more. With Hardy in a bad way, Bully rolls out of the ring and pulls a table out from under the ring, and as Bully slides the table back into the ring, Mike Tenay says on commentary that Bully looks to have some bad intentions on his mind. Bully sets the table up in the middle of the ring, and then he turns back to Hardy...but he turns right into not one, not two, but THREE shots with the steel chair from a battered and bloody Jeff Hardy! Bully staggers backwards and ends up on the table, which Hardy takes full advantage of as he heads to the top rope as quickly as his broken body allows him to, and then he jumps off and hits the Swanton Bomb through the table on Bully Ray! Hardy just barely manages to get his arm across Bully's chest for the one...two...three!


Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray at 13:08 by pinfall with the Swanton Bomb through a table (72)


TNA Knockouts Championship




The TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, has her hands full next as she defends the Knockouts Championship against five other Knockouts; Mickie James, Tara, Madison Rayne, Eve Torres and Brooke Tessmacher. With all six Knockouts in the ring at the same time, this is a rather chaotic match with a lot of things happening at once both in and out of the ring. All six women get the moments to shine in this one, and all six women get at least one near-fall during the course of the match.




Throughout her reign as Knockouts Champion, Lei D'Tapa has been a difference maker for Gail Kim, and she looks to be one again tonigt because, as Mike Tenay points out, there are no disqualifications in a match like this because it is one fall to a finish. Eve Torres tries to head Lei D'Tapa off outside the ring, but she gets crushed back-first against the ringpost for her troubles. As Tara and Brooke Tessmacher joins forces to attack Mickie James outside the ring, Madison Rayne is left alone in the ring to come face to face with Lei D'Tapa. Madison readies herself for a fight, but then she is suddenly rolled up from behind by Gail Kim, who steals a victory here tonight, seemingly against all odds.


Gail Kim defeated Madison Rayne, Mickie James, Tara, Eve Torres and Brooke Tessmacher at 10:14 by pinfall when Gail pinned Madison with a surprise roll-up. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (51)


After the match, Gail Kim quickly grabs the Knockouts Championship title belt and retreats back up the ramp, while Mike Tenay complains on commentary about Lei D'Tapa once again helping Gail Kim retain the Knockouts Championship. Taz, on the other hand, says that Gail Kim had the odds stacked against her tonight, but she still found a way to get the job done. That's what Champions do.




Mr. Anderson makes his way down to the ring next for his open challenge. Anderson grabs the mic and asks who, if anybody, backstage has the guts to step up and face MMMMIIIIISSSSTTTEEEERRRRRRRRRR ANDERSON......ANDERERSON!!!! in the ring tonight? After a bit of a wait...




Raven's music suddenly starts playing and Raven, Abyss and Daffney emerge from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Raven says that it's interesting that Anderson uses the word "guts" because what does he, or anyone in TNA, even know about having guts? About having the guts to step into the ring and leave their blood, sweat and tears in the ring for a company that doesn't even appreciate it? Raven says that he, Abyss and Daffney have all suffered, and sacrificed, more for TNA than guys like Anderson could ever possibly understand. But Raven says that Anderson willl come a little closer to understanding the suffering part tonight, because "The Monster" Abyss accepts his challenge! (58)




With Raven and Daffney both walking around at ringside, Anderson needs to have eyes in the back of his neck in this one, while somehow still being able to deal with the challenge of "The Monster" Abyss in the ring. No small feat to accomplish, and Anderson finds himself on his heels for most of this one as a result. The tide turns when Anderson is able to avoid a corner clothesline from "The Monster" and now, finally, Anderson is able to fire up and build some much needed momentum. That is, of course, when Raven gets involved, which Mike Tenay speculates was only a matter of time, and this one ends in disqualification as Raven enters the ring and attacks Anderson from behind.


Mr. Anderson defeated Abyss at 6:01 by disqualification when Raven got involved (54)


Raven and Abyss continue the attack on Mr. Anderson after the match, beating him down while Daffney shouts--and occasionally screams--encouragement. Abyss puts Anderson through a table with the Black Hole Slam, and then Raven hits the Raven Effect on Anderson onto a steel chair! Raven, Abyss and Daffney stand tall in the ring as EMT's finally run down to check on Anderson, who Mike Tenay speculates could be seriously injured after that brutal assault. (46)




It's time for our semi-main event of the evening as Kurt Angle and Bobby Lashley squares off in a rematch from Genesis. Bobby Lashley has been on an absolute tear since losing to Angle at Genesis, destroying opponents with ease on Impact for the last several weeks. This one starts out much the same way, with Lashley dominating Angle for the first several minutes of the match--but unlike Lashley's matches on Impact, Kurt Angle is not so easily put away. Still, Angle struggles to get any kind of momentum going, as Lashley snuffs it out every time he tries. Angle's big break finally comes when he is able to escape The Dominator and go on a flurry of offense with multiple german suplexes, an overhead belly to belly suplex, and then Angle climbs to the top rope for a picture perfect moonsault, but all that only gets him a two count. Angle climbs to the top rope again, looking to score with a diving crossbody, but, impressively, Lashley catches Angle and drives him into the mat with a powerslam. Lashley follows that up with a high-impact full nelson slam, a tilt-a-whirl sideslam and finally a running powerslam, but this time it's Lashley who is frustrated as Angle kicks out at two and a half. A powerbomb, followed by a spear, gets Lashley another near-fall, and Lashley gets yet another near-fall off a military press slam. But, much like at Genesis, Lashley is seemingly unable to put Angle away, which causes Lashley no small amount of frustration.

Lashley sets up for The Dominator again, but Angle drops down, hooks Lashley's leg and applies the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring. Lashley screams with pain as he tries to claw his way to the ropes, and when he finally does get there, it's Angle's turn to feel frustration at not being able to put Lashley away. Perhaps growing a little bit desperate, Angle pulls Lashley to his feet and goes for the Olympic Slam, but Lashley counters it, grabs Angle, and hits The Dominator, driving Angle into the mat with great force. Lashley then crawls into the cover....








Angle manages to kick out at the last possible moment! Lashley can't believe his eyes, and he argues the count with the referee, but the referee remains adamant that it was only a two count. Lashley gets back to his feet and signals for the end, before pulling Angle back to his feet. Lashley hoists Angle up for another Dominator, but Angle is able to drop down and roll Lashley up form behind, and Lashley kicks out just a split-second too late.


Kurt Angle defeated Bobby Lashley at 15:33 by pinfall with a roll-up (81)


For the second pay per view in a row, Kurt Angle has managed to catch Lashley by surprise, and Lashley is absolutely livid in the ring as he argues the count with the referee while Angle slowly makes his way back up the ramp, looking worse for wear but having picked up a huge victory here tonight at Against All Odds.


Before the main event, we get a short video package highlighting the issues between Sting and James Storm. We see Sting beating James Storm on the first edition of Impact of 2014 to win the World Championship, and we see James Storm failing to regain the title at Genesis when Sting pinned Mr. Anderson in a three way match. Will "The Outlaw" regain the World Heavyweight Championship tonight? Or will "The Icon" continue his reign as TNA World Heavyweight Champion? (67)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




The Against All Odds 2014 main event is upon us as "The Icon" Sting defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against "The Outlaw" James Storm.  "The Outlaw" wants to kick things off with a test of strength, but of course he tries to cheapshot Sting, which Sting is more than ready for and "The Icon" strikes first as he sends Storm back into the corner. Storm gains the upper hand with a poke to the eye, and from here the challenger begins going to work on the lower back of the Champion, which Mike Tenay begrudgingly says is smart because if you take out your opponents back, you take away his ability to do pretty much anything. This works well for a while, but Sting eventually begins firing up with punches, kicks and a one-handed bulldog. A pair of Stinger Splashes follows, but Storm is able to move out of the way of the third one. Sting hits the turnbuckle chest-first, and when he stumbles back out of the corner, he walks right into a Last Call superkick from the challenger! Storm quickly crawls into the cover and....








Somehow, some way, Sting manages to get his shoulder off the mat before the three count. Storm can't believe it, but when he goes to pick Sting back up, Sting shoves Storm away and Storm accidentally ends up colliding with the referee. With the referee down, Storm leaves the ring and grabs a beer bottle from under the ring, before getting back into the ring and smashing the bottle over Sting's head! Storm then lines up another superkick, and when Sting slowly gets back to his feet....LAST CALL! Storm connects with another Last Call, and he crawls into the cover as quickly as he can, and as Mike Tenay pleads for Sting to kick out, and for a potential title change to not happen like this, the referee makes the count of one...two...three!


James Storm defeated Sting at 11:44 by pinfall with a Last Call after hitting Sting with a beer bottle. James Storm wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (64)


And with that, Against All Odds comes to an end with a new World Heavyweight Champion crowned, and the final shot of the event is James Storm raising the World Title belt high above his head.



Final Show Rating: 67

PPV Buy rate: 0.16

Show increased popularity in 8 regions, but lost popularity in 10 regions

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On 9/14/2023 at 5:18 PM, James The Animator said:

It's been a while since I read this dynasty, and clearly I missed a couple big things! Against All Odds was a great show with some nice twists and turns. Daffney coming back into the fold is awesome, as is the vastly better treatment of James Storm compared to reality. I'll be keenly waiting for the next Impact.

Thanks man, glad to have you back!

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Week 4, February, 2014

Live from Four Seasons Arena in Great Falls, Montana

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




We kick things off this week with the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Outlaw" James Storm, making the way down to the ring. The new Champion gets on the mic and says that there can no longer be any doubt about who the real World Heavyweight Champion is. Storm says that he considers it only appropriate if the former Champion comes out here and congratulates him, so Storm wants Sting to make his way down to the ring and admit that "The Outlaw" is the better man, just like he said he was all along! Storm says that the show won't continue until Sting does so, and Storm doesn't care if he has to stand in the ring all night--he'll gladly do so, if that's what it takes, because he's the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and he can do as he damn well pleases! (74)




Storm doesn't have to wait all night, however, as Sting's music starts playing, and soon enough "The Icon" makes his way out from the back to a great ovation from the crowd. On commentary, Mike Tenay notes that James Storm has some nerve calling Sting out like this after he cheated to beat him at Against All Odds, but Taz asks if Tenay really expects "The Outlaw" to care about the rules? Sting and Storm come face to face in the ring, and then Sting gets on the mic. Sting says that, while Storm did walk out with the Championship at Against All Odds, he did NOT prove himself the better man, so Sting isn't going to give him credit for something that he hasn't earned. Sting says that as much as he would love a rematch with Storm, he knows that a certain someone else is due to get the next crack at the title. And Sting says that, when it's time for that match to take place, he's planning on being right there at ringside to make sure Storm doesn't screw Kurt Angle over the way the screwed Sting over! Sting then drops the mic and leaves the ring, and it's clear that James Storm is not happy with this announcement from "The Icon"! (76)


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We cut to the back where SoCal Val is standing by with Robbie E, who, Val informs us, is receiving another shot at the X-Division Championship later tonight. Robbie tells Val to put the drinks on ice because tonight is going to be an entirely different party than last time. Robbie tells everyone to forget about what happened at Against All Odds, because he vows to become the next TNA X-Division Champion before the night is over! (36)




The first in-ring action of the night comes in the form of a short, and rather ugly, tag team match as Raven and Abyss take on Rockstar Spud and Shark Boy. Aside from the occasional short-lived hope spots, this is largely a squash match that sees Raven and Abyss dominate, ultimately picking up the win as Raven hits the Raven Effect on Rockstar Spud to secure the pinfall.


Raven and Abyss defeated Rockstar Spud and Shark Boy at 4:13 by pinfall when Raven pinned Rockstar Spud with the Raven Effect (31)




After the match, we cut to the back where the TNA Tag Team Champions, The Dirty Heels, are celebrating the fact that The Wolves can never get another shot at the Tag Team Championships as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions. Roode and Aries put on an obnoxious display as they do their best to rub it in, which Mike Tenay considers to be in "poor taste", to say the least, especially when considering the way Roode and Aries won the match at Against All Odds. (62)




Elsewhere in the back, Rebel rushes into The Menagerie's locker room to tell Mike Knox about a crazy idea that Crazzy Steve had, and she is worried that he might act on it. Knox asks what it is, and Rebel whispers the answer to him. "Isn't that crazy?" Rebel asks, to which Knox replies "Yeah...but maybe just the right kind of crazy." Knox smiles as we cut elsewhere, and Tenay and Taz wonder what that exchange was all about. (32)


TNA X-Division Championship




In a rematch from Against All Odds, Robbie E gets another shot at Jesse Sorensen and the X-Division Championship next. It is another decent effort from Robbie, but much like at Against All Odds, it never truly feels like Jesse Sorensen is in danger of losing the Championship here. In the end, Sorensen puts Robbie E away with the Lone Star Press to secure the pinfall victory and continue his reign as X-Division Champion, in what was a decent match.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Robbie E at 7:56 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press. Jesse Sorensen retains the TNA X-Division Championship (51)




After the match, Johnny Impact's music starts playing, and Impact makes his way out from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp with a mic in his hand. Impact fake-applauds Sorensen for his title defense before saying that it's time for Sorensen to put the title on the line against someone who actually deserves a title shot...someone like...Johnny Impact! Johnny then drops the mic and motions that the belt will soon be around his waist, while Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like a challenge has been laid out for the X-Division Champion. (66)


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In the back, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love are talking when they are confronted by The Perfect Tens, who ask what Velvet is even doing here, since, didn't she retire? Velvet says that her friend convinced her to reconsider, which Scarlett mockingly says is "so sweet". The Perfect Tens then walk off, but not before telling Velvet and Angelina that The Perfect Tens are the hot new thing, while Velvet and Angelina are just pathetic old news. (30)




Jeff Hardy faces Petey Williams next in a match that is good while it lasts, but it doesn't get to reach its natural conclusion as...




Crazzy Steve suddenly hits the ring and carries out a hit and run attack on Hardy, and he laughs maniacally as he quickly makes his way back up the ramp, leaving Tenay and Taz to draw the obvious conclusion that this was what Mike Knox and Rebel were talking about earlier.


Jeff Hardy defeated Petey Williams at 2:39 by disqualification when Crazzy Steve attacked Hardy (71)




Once the ring has cleared out, Bully Ray's music starts playing and he and Devon make their way down to the ring together. Bully gets on the mic and tells the fans to shut the hell up and listen to him, because he's got something to say. Bully then announces that the greatest tag team in the history of wrestling is back together and they are coming for the TNA Tag Team Championships! Bully says that they don't give a damn about any of the other teams in TNA, the fact is that they deserve the next shot at the titles based on their past accomplishments alone. And if anyone's got a problem with that, then Bully and Devon would be more than happy to beat some sense into them! (67)


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In the back, The Originals are gathered in their locker room talking amongst themselves, when AJ Styles suddenly barges into the room and attacks Jeff Jarrett. Chaos ensues, and Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young are on AJ quickly, but then a bunch of referees and other TNA staff file into the room to break up the fighting. As AJ is dragged out of the locker room, Mike Tenay says on commentary that AJ Styles clearly isn't finished with Jeff Jarrett just yet. (60)




Doc Gallows faces Sonjay Dutt next and during the match, Tenay informs us that, as a result of what happened just moments ago, Eric Bischoff has booked a match between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels for later tonight. Gallows dominates this match, but Sonjay does get a good run of offense going, though he just can't seem to get the big man off his feet. In the end, Sonjay takes a Chokeslam for his troubles and it's a victory for Doc Gallows here tonight on Impact.


Doc Gallows defeated Sonjay Dutt at 5:56 by pinfall with the Chokeslam (59)




Samoa Joe runs down to the ring after the match, and he and Gallows pick up right where they left off at Against All Odds, brawling their way back up the ramp before eventually disappearing into the backstage area. (63)




We cut to the backstage area where Chris Sabin is standing alone, facing the camera. Sabin keeps it short and to the point, saying that tonight he is going to prove himself as the main eventer that he is destined to be by defeating Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring....one...two...three! (58)




AJ Styles faces Christopher Daniels next, and Mike Tenay informs us that not only did Eric Bischoff book this match, he also banned the rest of The Originals from ringside. Styles and Daniels put on a good back and forth match here, but the finish comes when Daniels misses the BME and AJ quickly capitalizes by locking Daniels in the Calf Killer, a submission hold that has yet to be broken, and tonight is not the night where that changes as Daniels is forced to tap out.


AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels at 9:44 by submission with the Calf Killer (79)


After the match, and before the main event, we get a quick recap of Sting announcing that he will be at ringside for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title match at Victory Road between James Storm and Kurt Angle (76)




This week's main event sees Kurt Angle take on Chris Sabin.




"The Outlaw" James Storm makes his way down to ringside to get a closer look at the man he will be facing at Victory Road, but he doesn't get involved in the match and instead just watches, though his mere presence at ringside is a distraction that Angle has to keep his eye on. This turns out to be a great match, and Chris Sabin proves that he can hold his own against one of the very best this business has ever seen in Kurt Angle. The match goes back and forth, but in the end it is Kurt Angle who picks up the win, putting Sabin away with the Olympic Slam for the one, two, three.


Kurt Angle defeated Chris Sabin at 12:13 by pinfall with the Olympic Slam (88)


And with that, Kurt Angle gets his arm raised in victory, while James Storm slowly makes his way back up the ramp as this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 79

TV Rating: 2.30

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 1, March, 2014

Live from Mid-American Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa

Attendance: 6.700 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




Mike Tenay and Taz welcome everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact, and then we immediately kick things off with the first in-ring action of the night as Johnny Impact takes on Sonjay Dutt. This is a fast-paced start to the show as Impact and Dutt go back and forth, putting on a solid match that sees Johnny Impact come out on top after hitting the Starship Pain for the one, two, three.


Johnny Impact defeated Sonjay Dutt at 5:58 by pinfall with the Starship Pain (69)




Once the ring has cleared out, Eric Bischoff's music hits and the owner of TNA makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Bischoff says that things have been pretty crazy in TNA as of late, with way too many people calling their own shots, but all of that ends tonight. Bischoff says that he is here tonight to set a few things straight; first of all, Bischoff confirms that Sting will indeed serve as the special enforcer for the main event at Victory Road between James Storm and Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Bischoff's second announcement is that tonight's main event will see James Storm and Jeff Jarrett team up to take on Kurt Angle and AJ Styles in a tag team match. Bischoff also announces that an Ultimate X match will take place at Victory Road for a shot at the X-Division Championship, and that a five way Knockouts match will take place later tonight for a shot at the Knockouts Championship. Lastly, Bischoff announces that, due to the way The Dirty Heels won the previous match, he has decided that The Wolves will be getting one more shot at the Tag Team Titles at Victory Road--in a Ladder Match! As Bischoff drops the mic and heads to the back again, Mike Tenay says on commentary that the owner of TNA just laid down the law with several huge announcements! (42)


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In the back, SoCal Val is doing some prep work for her next interview when she is approached by Christy Hemme, who is making her return to TV following her suspension. Christy is aggressive right off the bat, calling Val a bitch for stealing her job! Val defends herself by saying that she simply did what she was asked to do by management, but Christy says that Val wanted her job all along and now she finally saw her chance to get it. Val says that that's just not true, but Christy tells Val to watch herself because what goes around, comes around, and Christy won't let her get away with this! Christy then storms off and we cut back to ringside for some more in-ring action. (29)




Shark Boy has the unenviable task of going one on one with "The Monster" Abyss next, and it goes about as well as you would expect from him. Near-total domination by Abyss, with a few rare desperation attempts at offense from Shark Boy, and the Black Hole Slam puts the Shark away as Abyss picks up an easy victory on Impact.


Abyss defeated Shark Boy at 2:14 by pinfall with the Black Hole Slam (38)


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As Abyss heads back up the ramp with Raven and Daffney, we cut to the back where The Dirty Heels are in Eric Bischoff's office and they are asking Bischoff to reconsider his decision, saying that The Wolves agreed to the stipulation themselves, and they lost. Bischoff says that that's true, but The Wolves also probably weren't counting on Roode and Aries cheating to beat them. Bischoff says that the match will happen at Victory Road, and if Roode and Aries win again, then the stipulation stands and The Wolves will not be getting any more titles shots as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions. Roode and Aries aren't exactly thrilled at the prospect of facing The Wolves again, but it looks like they don't have much of a choice. (55)




Back at ringside, "Similar Creatures" starts playing and Jeff Hardy makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Jeff gets on the mic and he calls out Crazzy Steve, saying that since Steve wanted to come down during Jeff's match last week and attack him, Hardy thought he would give Steve a chance to face him tonight!




A few moments later, The Menagerie's music starts playing and the group make their way out from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Mike Knox tries to explain to Jeff that what happened last week was a mistake, and he says that it won't happen again. Crazzy Steve looks like he's ready for a fight, however, and Jeff again offers Steve a match, right here, right now. Steve takes off toward the ring before Knox can stop him, and it looks like the match is on! (39)




Jeff Hardy uses Crazzy Steve's own momentum against him as Steve charges right at Hardy, only for Hardy to blast Steve with a spin kick. The match settles down a bit and Crazzy Steve is able to hold his own decently well against Hardy, and Tenay and Taz both agree that there's more to Crazzy Steve than meets the eye. Still, Jeff Hardy proves to be too much of a challenge for Crazzy Steve at this point, and Hardy picks up the win after hitting the Swanton Bomb.


Jeff Hardy defeated Crazzy Steve at 5:35 by pinfall with the Swanton Bomb (56)


After the match, as Jeff Hardy celebrates in the ring, Mike Knox grabs a mic outside the ring and angrily tells Jeff Hardy that The Menagerie is a family, and when Jeff messes with one of them, he messes with all of them! Knox says that nobody messes with their family, so next week on Impact, Jeff Hardy will go one on one with The Freak! (59)


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We cut to the backstage area where The Beautiful People are seen entering their locker room only to find that their possessions are all over the place as the room as been completely turned upside down. The Perfect Tens then show up and have a look around, before telling Velvet an Angelina that they live like what they are; pigs!  Scarlett and Eva Marie then challenge Velvet and Angelina to face them in the ring next week, if they dare to show their ugly faces. As The Perfect Tens walk away, Velvet tells Angelina that The Perfect Tens are going down next week. (31)




Eric Young faces Rockstar Spud next, and it's a pretty straightforward victory for The Originals member, who puts Spud away with the Edge of Sanity for the one, two, three.


Eric Young defeated Rockstar Spud at 3:28 by pinfall with the Edge of Sanity (38)


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SoCal Val is backstage with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, James Storm, and she asks Storm his thoughts on tonight's main event, which Eric Bischoff announced earlier tonight. Storm says that he's the World Champion for a reason. He says that he's beaten AJ Styles, he's beaten Sting, and at Victory Road...he'll beat Kurt Angle as well. As for tonight, Kurt Angle will get a preview of Victory Road, because tonight's main event will end with Kurt's shoulders pinned to the mat by "The Outlaw" for the one...two...three! (49)




Elsewhere in the back, Mickie James is seen laid out on the floor and it looks like she won't be able to compete in the upcoming number one contender's match. As she is being attended to by medical personnel, Mike Tenay and Taz speculate as to who could be behind this attack? (45)




Back at ringside, Gail Kim's music hits and the TNA Knockouts Champion makes her way out from the back, flanked, as always, by Lei D'Tapa. Gail takes a seat at ringside as she apparently wants a closer look at the match that will determine who she will be facing at Victory Road, but Mike Tenay speculates if perhaps Gail Kim could have something to do with the attack on Mickie James? (56)


TNA Knockouts Championship Number One Contender's Match



Tara, Madison Rayne, Eve Torres and Brooke Tessmacher do battle next to determine who will challenge Gail Kim for the Knockouts Championship at Victory Road. There are no allies in this match and all four women leave it all in the ring, and all four women get their moments to shine during this one. Tara nearly gets the win after hitting the Widow's Peak on Madison Rayne, but the cover is broken up by Brooke Tessmacher. Tara gets her payback by throwing Brooke out of the ring, but then she walks right into a sidewalk slam from Eve Torres. Eve heads to the top rope and hits the Evesault on Tara, and Eve becomes the new number one contender to the Knockouts Championship.


Eve Torres defeated Tara, Madison Rayne and Brooke Tessmacher at 7:18 by pinfall when Eve pinned Tara with the Evesault (46)




Once the ring has cleared out, Team 3D make their way down to the ring for a promo. Bully says that everyone knows who the best tag team is around here, so it should be them getting the Tag Team title shot at Victory Road, not The Wolves. Bully says that, based on their past accomplishments alone, Team 3D should be the number one contenders by default as soon as they announced their return. Bully says that Roode and Aries may be holding the belts right now, but they belong to Bully and Devon and it's just a matter of time before they take back what's rightfully theirs.




Just then, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez's music hits and the duo make their way out from the back and down to the ring to confront Team 3D. Chavo says that Bully and Devon can't just skip to the front of the line, no matter their past accomplishments, and they don't get to just demand a title shot. Chavo says that if Bully and Devon want a title shot, they'll have to go through him and Hernandez first. Bully says that Chavo should know better than to make this challlenge, but since he obviously doesn't, he and Devon would be more than happy remind Chavo at Victory Road! It looks like we have another match set for Victory Road! (54)


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In the back, Kurt Angle approaches AJ Styles. Kurt says that it will be an honor to team with AJ tonight, and AJ says that, between the two of them, they've got quite a few enemies, so it's good that they can have each other's backs tonight. Angle agrees, and the two men shake hands as we cut back to ringside. (82)




Chris Sabin put up one heck of a fight against Kurt Angle last week on Impact, and tonight, Sabin's got another big challenge in front of him as he faces Samoa Joe. It's a back and forth match early on, but then...




Doc Gallows makes his way down to ringside, and his presence distracts Joe long enough for Chris Sabin to capitalize and take control of the match. Joe begins to fight back, but the referee accidentally gets knocked down in the process. This is when Gallows enters the ring and goes to hit a big boot on Joe, but Joe moves out of the way and Gallows nails Sabin instead. Joe then clotheslines Gallows out of the ring, and the referee gets back to his feet again just as Joe applies the Coquina Clutch on Sabin, who is forced to submit.


Samoa Joe defeated Chris Sabin at 8:31 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (70)


After the match, Joe stares at Gallows and invites him into the ring for a fight, but Gallows chooses instead to head back up the ramp as Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Gallows isn't interested in a fair fight.


Before the main event, we get a brief hype video for the Victory Road main event between James Storm and Kurt Angle, with special focus on the announcement that we got from Eric Bischoff earlier tonight that "The Icon" Sting will serve as the Special Ringside Enforcer for the match. (78)




It's time for the main event next and we've got a big one this week as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Outlaw" James Storm teams with Jeff Jarrett to take on Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. This match is the very definition of back and forth as neither side is able to maintain control for any real length of time. The frequent cheating and "rule bending" from Storm and Jarrett eventually causes the match to break down completely as all four men are in the ring, with Storm and Angle fighting, and Jarrett and AJ. The referee tries, unsuccessfully, to restore order, and AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett eventually end up fighting outside the ring.




Bobby Lashley suddenly appears at ringside and he blasts Kurt Angle with a steel chair, which the referee misses because he is distracted by AJ and Jarrett fighting. Unfortunately for Angle and Jarrett, the referee turns his attention back to the ring just as Storm rolls Angle up from behind, and "The Outlaw" does exactly what he promised to do earlier; he pins Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring, albeit with a huge assist from Bobby Lashley.


James Storm and Jeff Jarrett defeated Kurt Angle and AJ Styles at 16:14 by pinfall when Storm pinned Angle with a roll-up following interference from Bobby Lashley (72)


And with that, Impact comes to an end as Kurt Angle and AJ Styles regroup in the ring, fully realizing what just happened, while James Storm and Jeff Jarrett retreat back up the ramp, having just picked up a huge victory!



Final Show Rating: 73

TV Rating: 2.09

Show increased popularity in 16 regions

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  • 3 weeks later...


Week 2, March, 2014

Live from Bison Sports Arena in Fargo, North Dakota

Attendance: 6.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




As Mike Tenay and Taz welcome everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact, Kurt Angle's music suddenly starts playing and Angle makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Once in the ring, Angle gets on the mic and says that even though he has a TNA World Heavyweight Championship title match contract signing later tonight, he's out here right now because he wants a tune up match before Victory Road this Sunday. So, Angle issues an open challenge to anyone in the back to come out and face him in a match right now! (100)




Petey Williams comes out to accept Angle's open challenge and the first match of the night is underway. Tenay and Taz mostly use this match as an opportunity to hype up the World Title match at Victory Road between James Storm and Kurt Angle, but Angle and Petey put on a good match here and Angle looks more than ready for "The Outlaw" this Sunday night as he ultimately picks up the victory by forcing Petey to submit to the Ankle Lock.


Kurt Angle defeated Petey Williams at 6:28 by submission with the Ankle Lock (80)




After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing in front of the camera. Christy calls SoCal Val a backstabber and an opportunistic skank who couldn't wait to steal Christy's job at the first opportunity. Christy says that she's not about to just let that slide, and she promises to make Val regret her selfish actions. (35)




Back at ringside, "Hardcore Country" starts playing and Mickie James makes her way down to the ring, while Tenay and Taz recap the events of last week where Mickie James was attacked backstage by an unknown attacker. Mickie gets on the mic and says that she doesn't know who attacked her last week, because she was attacked from behind, but she's got a pretty good idea of who could be behind it. Mickie says that even if she is wrong about who is behind it, the attack meant that she couldn't participate in the number one contender's match that took place last week, and that doesn't sit right with her. Mickie says that she will find out who attacked her, and if she finds out that Gail Kim had anything to do with it...




Before Mickie can continue, Gail Kim's music hits and the Knockouts Champion makes her way out from the back, alongside Lei D'Tapa. Standing at the top of the entrance ramp, Gail says that if she wanted to take Mickie out, she wouldn't need to resort to such cheap tactics to do it--she would simply beat her in the middle of the ring, just as she did last time they faced each other. Gail suggests that maybe Mickie should reconsider who she calls her friends, because who has benefitted the most from Mickie not being in the match last week? Gail says that nobody has benefited more from that attack than Eve Torres, so if Mickie wants to start pointing the finger at anyone, maybe she should start there. Gail and Lei D'Tapa then disappear into the backstage area again, leaving Mickie with a lot to think about as we cut to somewhere in the back. (60)




In the back, Samoa Joe cuts a short, intense promo telling Doc Gallows that he'll be waiting for him in the parking lot if he's looking for a fight. Joe says that he is sick and tired of them getting pulled apart before they can settle things between them, so, if Gallows has the guts, then he'll come fight Joe in the parking lot TONIGHT! (66)




Back in the ring, Raven and Abyss take on Shark Boy and Zema Ion in tag team action. This is largely a squash match as Zema and Shark Boy prove no real match for the two veterans, and it's all over when Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Shark Boy for an empthatic victory.


Raven and Abyss defeated Shark Boy and Zema Ion at 3:26 by pinfall when Abyss pinned Shark Boy with the Black Hole Slam (35)


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SoCal Val is backstage with Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards--The Wolves, and she asks them about their final opportunity at the Tag Team Titles this Sunday at Victory Road. Edwards says that they are very grateful to Eric Bischoff for granting them another shot, and they are not planning on wasting this unexpected opportunity. Davey says that Roode and Aries may have gotten the better of them a couple of times, but this time it's going to be different because this time the Champions can't take the easy way out--this time, they've gotta earn it if they want to defeat The Wolves, and Davey doesn't think that Roode and Aries have what it takes to do that. (37)




Jeff Hardy is in action next as he takes on The Freak, who is accompanied to the ring by the rest of The Menagerie. This was never going to be a fair fight for Hardy, who constantly has to deal with interference in the form of Crazzy Steve's antics at ringside, or timely distractions from Rebel. Still, Hardy is able to take The Freak off his feet with the Whispe In The Wind, but when Jeff calls for the Twist of Fate, that's when Mike Knox enters the ring and blasts Hardy from behind, causing this one to end in disqualification.


Jeff Hardy defeated The Freak at 3:49 by disqualification when Mike Knox attacked Hardy (55)


After the match, Mike Knox tells Hardy that he will take care of him once and for all at Victory Road, and as The Menagerie leave the ring and head back up the entrance ramp, we cut to the backstage area where...


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Eve Torres is seen approaching Mickie James, and Eve promises that she didn't have anything to do with the attack last week. Mickie says that she knows she didn't, and that she isn't buying what Gail Kim is trying to sell her. Mickie tells Eve to focus on her match at Victory Road and not worry about anything else, because Mickie wants Eve to beat Gail and take the Knockouts Championship from her. As Eve turns and walks away, the question still remains; who attacked Mickie James? (40)


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Back at ringside, The Beautiful People's music starts playing and Velvet and Angelina make their way down to the ring for their scheduled match against The Perfect Tens. The Perfect Tens make their way out next, but instead of heading down to the ring, they remain at the top of the entrance ramp where they grab a mic. Scarlett says that it's cute that Velvet and Angelina actually think that The Perfect Tens would lower themselves to be in the same ring as them because, clearly, that's not happening. Eva Marie says that they did arrange for a little surprise for Velvet and Angelina, however, and she tells them to enjoy. Velvet and Angelina look on in confusion in the ring, but then a nasty green goo suddenly drops from the ceiling and onto The Beautiful People, covering them in it--much to the delight of The Perfect Tens, who laugh as they disappear into the back, leaving Velvet and Angelina humiliated in the ring. (30)


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We cut to the back where SoCal Val is standing by again, this time with The Dirty Heels. Bobby Roode says that they tried to make Eric Bischoff see reason, but since Bischoff insists on this match taking place, then they'll just have to kick The Wolves' asses again for a third time. Austin Aries says that The Wolves are getting desperate, and they are now having to rely on technicalities because they failed to get the job done--twice! Aries says that third time won't be the charm for The Wolves, and that Victory Road will be the end of the road for them. (56)




Tag team action is up next as The BroMans take on Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez.




During the match, Team 3D make their way down to ringside for a closer look at the action, but despite patrolling menacingly around the ring, they never actually get directly involved in the match, which surprises Mike Tenay on commentary. As a result, we get a decent back and forth tag team bout between these two teams, which comes to an end when Chavo Guerrero hits the Frog Splash on Jessie Godderz for the pinfall victory.


Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated The BroMans at 6:10 by pinfall when Chavo pinned Godderz with a Frog Splash (49)


After the match, Chavo and Hernandez challenge Team 3D to step into the ring, but Bully and Devon shake their heads, telling Chavo and Hernandez that they will take care of them this Sunday instead, and as Bully and Devon head back up the ramp, we cut elsewhere.


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In the back, the TNA X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, is walking through the backstage area when he is approached by Johnny Impact. Impact tells Sorensen to shine that X-Division Championship up for him, because once he becomes the number one contender at Victory Road, he'll be coming for it and he wants it to look nice and shiny on him. Kenny King then walks in, and he tells Impact that HE will be the one coming for the title, not Impact, so Kenny is the one Sorensen should shine the title up for. Then, "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal shows up, and Lethal says that he thinks both Impact and King are getting ahead of themselves. Lethal says that he is the cream of the crop, and he reminds both Impact and King that the cream always rises to the top, ooooh yeah! (53)


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Elsewhere in the back, Eve Torres confronts Gail Kim, telling her that she doesn't appreciate Gail spreading rumors about her. Lei D'Tapa steps in menacingly, and Gail tells Eve that they both know Eve was behind the attack on Mickie, so why lie about it? Gail says that Eve should be less worried about Mickie and more worried about herself, but Eve says that Gail is the one who should be worried, because Eve is now more motivated than ever to beat her and take the Knockouts Championship from her! Eve then walks off and we cut back to ringside. (53)




Kazarian takes on Sonjay Dutt next in a rare singles match for Kazarian, who is still accompanied by his tag team partner, Christopher Daniels. It's a solid back and forth match that sees Daniels helping his partner out whenever possible, and despite putting up a good fight, Sonjay Dutt is eventually defeated as Kazarian hits the Flux Capacitor to pick up a victory for The Originals member.


Kazarian defeated Sonjay Dutt at 6:55 by pinfall with the Flux Capacitor (64)


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We cut to the parking lot outside where Doc Gallows has apparently accepted Samoa Joe's earlier challenge as the two are beating the hell out of each other once again. Unfortunately, security arrives even here as well to break it up, but Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Joe and Gallows will get to settle their differences this Sunday night at Victory Road! (63)




The final match of the night is a one on one matchup between AJ Styles and Eric Young in a continuation of the rivalry between AJ and The Originals. This is a good match that sees AJ take control early on, but...




Jeff Jarrett then makes his way down to ringside, and his arrival distracts AJ long enough for Young to take advantage and seize control of the match. With the help of timely distractions, and a spot of interference, from Jarrett, Young is able to maintain control of the match for several minutes, but Styles eventually behins mounting his comeback, and just when it looks like AJ is closing in on the victory...Jeff Jarrett enters the ring and blasts AJ with his trademark guitar, bringing the match to an end as the referee calls for the disqualification.


AJ Styles defeated Eric Young at 10:03 by disqualification when Jeff Jarrett attacked Styles (81)


AJ Styles may be the winner of the match, but it is Jeff Jarrett who stands tall in the ring as the crowd shower him with boos, and Mike Tenay wonders if AJ will be able to get back to one hundred percent in time for Victory Road?


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It's time for the World Heavyweight Championship contract signing. The TNA World Heavyweight Champion, James Storm, is in the ring along with the challenger, Kurt Angle, and the man who will serve as the special ringside enforcer for the match, "The Icon" Sting, who is also overseeing the contract signing tonight. Storm and Angle exchange promos before signing the contract, both of them promising victory this Sunday, but when Kurt turns to leave after signing the contract, James Storm grabs a steel chair and goes to hit Angle with it, only to have Sting swat the chair away with his trademark baseball bat. Impact comes to an end with Storm, Angle and Sting all exchanging looks in the ring as Mike Tenay urges everyone to tune into Victory Road this Sunday night only on pay per view! (81)



Final Show Rating: 87

TV Rating: 2.44

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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  • 2 weeks later...


TNA: Victory Road 2014 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Sting Is The Special Ringside Enforcer

James Storm (c) vs. Kurt Angle



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Tag Team Championship - Last Chance Ladder Match (if The Wolves lose, they'll get no more title shots as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Eve Torres



TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match - Ultimate X Match

Jay Lethal vs. Johnny Impact vs. Kenny King



No Disqualification Match

Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe



Jeff Hardy vs. Mike Knox



Team 3D vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



The Beautiful People vs. The Perfect Tens


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TNA: Victory Road 2014 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Sting Is The Special Ringside Enforcer

James Storm (c) vs. Kurt Angle



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Tag Team Championship - Last Chance Ladder Match (if The Wolves lose, they'll get no more title shots as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Eve Torres



TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match - Ultimate X Match

Jay Lethal vs. Johnny Impact vs. Kenny King



No Disqualification Match

Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe



Jeff Hardy vs. Mike Knox



Team 3D vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



The Beautiful People vs. The Perfect Tens


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Sting Is The Special Ringside Enforcer

James Storm (c) vs. Kurt Angle



AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Tag Team Championship - Last Chance Ladder Match (if The Wolves lose, they'll get no more title shots as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Eve Torres



TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match - Ultimate X Match

Jay Lethal vs. Johnny Impact vs. Kenny King



No Disqualification Match

Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe



Jeff Hardy vs. Mike Knox



Team 3D vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



The Beautiful People vs. The Perfect Tens


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Sting Is The Special Ringside Enforcer

James Storm (c) vs. Kurt Angle


AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett


TNA Tag Team Championship - Last Chance Ladder Match (if The Wolves lose, they'll get no more title shots as long as The Dirty Heels are the Champions

The Dirty Heels (c) vs. The Wolves


TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Eve Torres


TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match - Ultimate X Match

Jay Lethal vs. Johnny Impact vs. Kenny King


No Disqualification Match

Doc Gallows vs. Samoa Joe


Jeff Hardy vs. Mike Knox


Team 3D vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez


The Beautiful People vs. The Perfect Tens

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Week 2, March, 2014

Live from Alerus Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota

Attendance: 15.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




Victory Road 2014 kicks off with some tag team action as Team 3D reunite to take on Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. Mike Tenay speculates that the winners of this match could very well be next in line to challenge for the TNA Tag Team Championships, so the stakes are high in this opening match. A low blow from Devon while Bully Ray has the referee distracted puts Team 3D firmly in control of the match, and Chavo is isolated for the next several minutes as Bully and Devon wear him down, but ultimately fail to put him away. Hernandez gets the hot tag and he takes the fight to both Bully and Devon, and Chavo eventually joins in as well as the referee completely loses control of the match. So much so, in fact, that when Bully Ray hits the Bully Bomb on Chavo in the ring, while Devon and Hernandez brawl on the outside, the referee counts to three when Bully covers Chavo, despite Chavo not being the legal man in the match.


Team 3D defeated Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at 12:30 by pinfall when Bully pinned Chavo with the Bully Bomb (49)


Confusion reigns supreme after the match as Hernandez tries to explain to the referee that he was the legal man, but Bully and Devon quickly make their way up the ramp, not waiting around for the referee to possibly realize his mistake and change his mind.




We briefly cut to the back where Christy Hemme is seen entering Eric Bischoff's office and closing the door behind her, leaving Tenay and Taz to speculate as to what Christy might have to talk to the owner of TNA about. We get no answers tonight, however, as we cut back to ringside for our next match of the night. (32)




More tag team action is up next as The Beautiful People take on The Perfect Tens in what has quickly become a rather personal rivalry. There is a lot of stalling early on from The Perfect Tens, which gives Mike Tenay time to talk about how The Perfect Tens humiliated The Beautiful People on Impact by covering them in green goo in the middle of the ring. The match never truly gets under way, however, as every time they lock up, Velvet and Angelina get the better of Scarlett and Eva Marie, leading to Scarlett and Eva taking a timeout outside the ring. The Perfect Tens eventually decide that it's just not worth the hassle, and they turn and walk back up the ramp, intentionally getting themselves counted out in the process.


The Beautiful People defeated The Perfect Tens at 3:21 by count-out when The Perfect Tens walked away from the match (31)


Velvet and Angelina are officially victorious at Victory Road, but neither of them look particularly happy with the outcome as they leave the ring and make their way back up the ramp, and Mike Tenay speculates on commentary that The Beautiful People aren't going to let The Perfect Tens off the hook that easily, and that the issues between them are far from settled.


TNA Knockouts Championship




The first of three title matches tonight is up next as Gail Kim defends the Knockouts Championship against Eve Torres. Tenay and Taz note that Gail Kim has held the Knockouts Championship for nine months at this point, winning it back in June of 2013, but the Champion is on the ropes early on in this one as Eve lays into her with forearm shots, a swinging neckbreaker and a leg drop for a two count, and she quickly follows that up with a bridging vertical suplex for another two count. Gail rolls out of the ring for a breather, but Eve stays on the attack with a baseball slide, only to then find herself face to face with Lei D'Tapa outside the ring. It doesn't come to blows, but the distraction allows Gail to take advantage by attacking Eve from behind to take control of the match. Back in the ring, Gail hits a jawbreaker and a tornado DDT, but Eve counters a hurricanrana attempt into a powerbomb and now both women are down in the middle of the ring. Eve gets to her feet first, only to be confronted by Lei D'Tapa, who has climbed onto the apron. Eve charges at Lei and knocks her off the apron, only to turn around and walk right into the Eat Defeat from Gail Kim, who makes the cover and picks up the pinfall victory for another successful title defense, once again with an assist from Lei D'Tapa.


Gail Kim defeated Eve Torres at 9:29 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following a distraction from Lei D'Tapa. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (60)


TNA Tag Team Championships - Last Chance Ladder Match




We go straight from one title match to another as The Dirty Heels defend the TNA Tag Team Championships against The Wolves in a ladder match, a match that The Wolves must win or else they won't be able to receive another Tag Team Title shot as long as Roode and Aries are the Champions. The action is all over the place right from the get-go in this one, and the crowd doesn't have to wait long at all for the first ladder to be brought into the ring as The Wolves almost immediately go for a ladder, which they then use as a weapon to take down both Roode and Aries. They are premature in going for the title belts, however, and The Dirty Heels make them pay dearly for that as they knock the ladder over, sending both Edwards and Richards crashing to the mat. A shot with the ladder from Bobby Roode to the face of Eddie Edwards busts Edwards open, but Davey Richards is able to narrowly avoid suffering the same fate as he ducks under the ladder and nails Roode with an enzuigiri to the back of the head. Richards then applies a cross armbreaker to Austin Aries while a bloodied Eddie Edwards sets up a ladder and begins to climb. Bobby Roode is able to cut Edwards off, however, and then he forces Richards to release the armbreaker on Aries by straight up kicking him in the face. Roode hits a spinebuster on Davey Richards, and Aries follows that up with a brainbuster. Then, as Aries puts the boots to Eddie Edwards to keep him down, Bobby Roode climbs the ladder and retrieves the Tag Team Championship title belts, securing the victory for The Dirty Heels.


The Dirty Heels defeated The Wolves at 12:47 when Bobby Roode retrieved the Tag Team title belts. The Dirty Heels retain the TNA Tag Team Championships and The Wolves can no longer challenge for the Tag Team titles as long as The Dirty Heels remain the Champions (63)


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As The Dirty Heels celebrate their huge win in the ring, we cut to the back where SoCal Val is standing by with "The Icon" Sting, and she asks Sting about his role in the main event tonight as the Special Enforcer. Sting says that he's going to be out there tonight to ensure that no one gets screwed over in the main event, and to make sure that whoever walks out of Victory Road with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship does so because they earned it. Sting says that he may not like James Storm, but he vows that he'll do his job to the best of his ability, and he gives James Storm, and the world, his word that he won't be playing favorites because he won't compromise his integrity just because he doesn't particularly like Storm. (78)




Jeff Hardy continues his battle against The Menagerie next as he takes on the leader of the group, Mike Knox, in singles action. It doesn't take long for the rest of The Menagerie to make their presence at ringside known as Crazzy Steve distracts Hardy, allowing Mike Knox to take control of the match. Knox uses his size and strength to his advantage as he crushes Hardy in the corner with multiple high-impact corner clotheslines, and when Knox has the referee distracted, Crazzy Steve chokes Hardy in the corner as well. Hardy tries to fight out of the corner, but Knox stops him with some clubbing blows and then he tosses Hardy out of the ring. Then, as Knox distracts the referee again, both Crazzy Steve and The Freak attack Hardy at ringside, and even Rebel gets in on the action as she slaps Jeff across the face before The Freak rolls Hardy back into the ring. Knox covers, but Hardy kicks out after two. Knox then goes to whip Hardy into the corner again, but Jeff is able to counter with the Whisper in the Wind. The crowd rallies behind Jeff as he hits a sitout jawbreaker and a double leg drop to Knox's midsection, and a mule kick puts Knox in perfect position for the Swanton Bomb. Hardy climbs to the top rope, but Rebel yanks at Hardy's leg and crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Knox then climbs the turnbuckle as well, looking for a superplex, but Hardy is able to fight him off, eventually knocking him off the ropes, and Hardy immediately follows up with a Swanton Bomb for the one, two, three!


Jeff Hardy defeated Mike Knox at 9:50 by pinfall with the Swanton Bomb (72)


After the match, Hardy immediately leaves the ring and makes his way back up the ramp before The Menagerie can attack him again.


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We then cut to the backstage area where SoCal Val is with the TNA X-DIvision Champion, Jesse Sorensen, and she asks Jesse his thoughts on the upcoming Ultimate X number one contender's match. Jesse says that he'll be watching the match closely, but that, in the end, he would be honored to defend the X-Division Championship against either one of the three men competing tonight. Jesse says that, whoever wins tonight, they can count on him being ready to defend the Championship any time, any place. (39)


TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Ultimate X match



Johnny Impact immediately tries to go for the X while Kenny King and Black Machismo battle each other, but both men catch on to what Impact is trying to do, and they both make him pay by first yanking him down and then teaming up, for a moment, to both put the boots to Impact. The alliance ends as quickly as it began, however, as Kenny King blasts Lethal from behind while Taz says that you gotta look out for yourself in a match like this, that is, if you want to actually win. From here, it's all out war between these three men as all three put their bodies on the line in an attempt to secure a shot at the X-Division Championship. All three men come close on at least one occasion, but each time someone gets close, one of the other two is there to stop them. Kenny King hits The Coronation on Black Machismo, seemingly taking Lethal out of the equation, but then Johnny Impact swoops in with a low blow to King before tossing him out of the ring. Impact then wastes no time in climbing the turnbuckle and navigating the wires, grabbing the X for himself and, in doing so, also securing a shot at the X-Division Championship for himself as well.


Johnny Impact defeated Kenny King and Jay Lethal at 11;12 when Impact claimed the X for himself. Johnny Impact earns a shot at the TNA X-Division Championship (73)




Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young all accompany Jeff Jarrett down to ringside for his match against AJ Styles, and Jarrett seems to be extremely confident as a result of that as he tells AJ that he is done after tonight. AJ is up agains the odds here and he decides to strike first as he not only attacks Jarrett, but the rest of The Originals as well. It goes well for a little while, but eventually the numbers game catches up to AJ and Jeff Jarrett takes control of the match, with near-constant interference and distractions from the rest of The Originals to help him maintain control. This ultimately ends up backfiring, however, as the referee catches Daniels interfering against Styles and, instead of calling for the disqualification, the referee sends Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young to the back, effectively banning them from ringside for the rest of the match! Jeff Jarrett is absolutely livid about this, and he argues with the referee about it, but the referee stands by his call and other referees arrive at ringside to escort Daniels, Kazarian and Young to the back. This means that we now finally get AJ Styles and Jeff Jarrett one on one, and Mike Tenay says that a fair fight against AJ Styles is about the last thing that Jeff Jarrett wanted here tonight. Jarrett even tries to walk out on the match, but Styles won't let him as he runs after Jarrett and brings him back down to the ring.

Back in the ring, Jarrett now tries to get himself disqualified as he blatantly hits a low blow on AJ, in full view of the referee, but once again the referee refuses to disqualify Jarrett, much to Jarrett's growing frustration as he once again argues with the referee. Getting desperate, Jarrett then leaves the ring and pulls his trusty guitar out from under the ring. He holds the guitar high in the air, getting nothing but boos from the crowd in return, and Jarrett then re-enters the ring with guitar in hand. The referee tries to take the guitar from Jarrett, and it looks like Jarrett is about to hit the referee with the guitar, but then AJ Styles suddenly snatches the guitar from Jarrett and throws it out of the ring. Jarrett tries to beg off, but AJ isn't having any of it as he unleashes a flurry of strikes before taking Jarrett off his feet with a Pelé Kick. AJ then hits the Phenomenal Forearm, and then he applies the Calf Killer and Jeff Jarrett frantically taps out. It's a clear and decisive victory for AJ Styles at Victory Road!


AJ Styles defeated Jeff Jarrett at 15:17 by submission with the Calf Killer (79)


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In the back, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Outlaw" James Storm approaches "The Icon" Sting. Storm warns Sting that he better stay true to his words later tonight, or there will be hell to pay. Sting says that he'll do the right thing--not because of any threats made by Storm, but because he doesn't believe in cheating or screwing people over. Storm says that he doesn't give a damn about Sting's reasons, so long as he stays out of Storm's way. Sting says that he'll stay out of Storm's way...unless Storm gives him a reason to get IN his way. A staredown ensues between the two men, and then Storm turns and walks off and we cut back to ringside. (77)


No Disqualification Match



Victory Road continues as Doc Gallows takes on Samoa Joe in a no disqualification match. These two have been brawling all over the arenas  in recent weeks, but tonight there must be a clear winner. These two pick up right where they left off on Impact as the match begins with both men beating the hell out of each other in the middle of the ring, and with neither man giving in or backing down. The match spills out of the ring where Gallows takes control by hitting Joe across the back with a steel chair multiple times, before ramming Joe's head into the ring apron. Gallows then goes to whip Joe into the steel steps, but a reversal from Joe means that Gallows eats the stairs instead, crashing into them with a loud thud. Now it's Joe's turn to use a steel chair on Gallows, blasting him twice across the back before the action goes back inside the ring. Gallows catches Joe with a big boot, but when he tries to follow it up with a Chokeslam, Joe counters with a single arm DDT for the double down. Both men get back to their feet and start slugging it out in the middle of the ring again, and the match comes to an end with the impressive sight of Samoa Joe hitting the Muscle Buster on Doc Gallows and covering him for the one, two, three and the victory in an intense and hard-fought match.


Samoa Joe defeated Doc Gallows at 10:23 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster (75)




We are now just a few short moments away from the main event, but first we cut backstage where tonight's challenger for the World Heavyweight Champinship, Kurt Angle, cuts a brief promo. Kurt says that it has been way too long since he has held the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, but that all changes tonight. Kurt says that NOTHING is going to stop him from walking out of Victory Road as the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion! (78)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Sting is The Special Ringside Enforcer





Storm and Angle come face to face in the ring, with Storm telling Angle that he's the World Champion, and Angle telling Storm that he will be the new World Champion by the end of the night. A few more words are exchanged before Storm nails Angle with a right handed punch, Angle responds in kind, and the main event of Victory Road is officially under way! Kurt Angle scores the first big move of the match, hitting an impressive overhead belly to belly suplex on the Champion. Storm tries to fire back with a Last Call superkick, but Angle ducks the kick and drives Storm into the mat with a german suplex. Angle then goes for the Ankle Lock, but Storm desperately crawls to the ropes before Angle can lock it in. Storm then rolls out of the ring for a breather, where he comes face to face with "The Icon" Sting, but Sting remains true to his word as he doesn't lay a finger on Storm, but instead backs off and gives the Champion room. Kurt Angle has no intention of giving the Champion room to breathe, however, and he goes on the attack again outside the ring, but Storm is able to whip Angle back-first into the guard rail before sliding back into the ring.

Back in the ring, Storm pounces on Angle as soon as Angle re-enters the ring, and just like that "The Outlaw" is in firm control of the match. Storm hits an elevated DDT and a double underhook suplex, and then he locks Angle in the sharpshooter in the middle of the ring, yelling at Sting outside the ring to take notes on how it's done, obviously referring to Sting's Scorpion Deathdrop, but "The Icon" ignores the taunts. Angle fights through the pain and he eventually makes his way to the ropes, but Storm keeps the hold locked in until the last possible split second before the five count before he finally releases it. The referee admonishes Storm, but Storm doesn't seem to care and the damage has definitely been done to Angle here. Storm then sets up for the Last Call, Angle slowly gets back to his feet, but then Angle collapses again and Storm accidentally hits the referee instead. With the referee down, Storm leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair at ringside, but Sting is right there, baseball bat in hand, to confront "The Outlaw".




Bobby Lashley then makes his way down to ringside, just as Sting convinces Storm to put down the chair. Lashley enters the ring and hits The Dominator on Angle, and then Sting enters the ring and confronts Lashley. Words are exchanged and Sting seemingly convinces Lashley to leave the ring, but when Sting goes to wake the referee up again, Lashley attacks "The Icon" from behind with a steel chair. Lashley then drags Sting out of the ring, just as James Storm smashes a beer bottle over Kurt Angle's head. Storm then hits the Last Call just as the referee comes to again, and Storm covers Angle for the one, two, three.


James Storm defeated Kurt Angle at 16:05 by pinfall with the Last Call following interference from Bobby Lashley. James Storm retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (87)


And with that, James Storm stands tall at the end of Victory Road, still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, albeit with a huge assist from Bobby Lashley, as the show comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 82

PPV Buy Rate: 0.19

Show increased popularity in 9 regions

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 3, March, 2014

Live from Farris Center in Conway, Arkansas

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The show opens with Mike Tenay and Taz welcoming everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact. Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that we are going to see all of the fallout from Victory Road tonight, and speaking of which, Kurt Angle's music then starts playing and Angle makes his way down to the ring, looking intense. Angle gets on the mic and says that he wants to settle things between himself and Bobby Lashley and he wants to do it TONIGHT! Angle says that he is sick and tired of Lashley getting involved in his business, just like he did when he cost him his shot at the World Championship at Victory Road. Angle says that he wants Lashley one on one in the ring tonight, and he won't take no for an answer! Angle drops the mic and heads to the back as Tenay and Taz speculate that we could have a huge main event in store for tonight. (99)


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In the back, SoCal Val is preparing for an interview when Christy Hemme shows up. Christy informs Val that she had a little talk with Eric Bischoff at Victory Road, and he agreed to book a match between Val and Christy, with the spot of backstage interviewer on the line. Val says that she isn't a wrestler and that she just wants to do her job, but Christy tells her that if she's too scared to face her in the ring, which Christy suspected all along, then they can both pick a wrestler to represent them in a match. Christy tells Val that the choice is hers, but either way, "I'm getting my job back, bitch!" As Christy walks off, Val looks distressed at the situation she now finds herself in. (26)




The first match of the night is a tag team match as Mike Knox and Crazzy Steve of The Menagerie take on Rockstar Spud and Shark Boy, While not a complete squash match, it is pretty close to one as The Menagerie control the majority of the match, eventually picking up the win after Mike Knox hits the Sitout Spinebuster on Shark Boy to secure the pinfall.


The Menagerie defeated Shark Boy and Rockstar Spud at 4:46 by pinfall when Knox pinned Shark Boy with the Sitout Spinebuster (38)


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As The Menagerie celebrate their victory in the ring, we cut to the backstage area where Madison Rayne and Mickie James are talking. Madison asks Mickie if she is any closer to finding out who attacked her, and Mickie says that she doesn't know who it was yet, but that she isn't going to give up until she finds out who it was, no matter what it takes. (42)


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We then cut to elsewhere in the back where SoCal Val is with Bobby Lashley, and she asks Lashley about Kurt Angle's challenge earlier and what Lashley's response is to that challenge. Lashley says that he has no problem facing Kurt Angle in the ring, and if Kurt wants to do it tonight, then Lashley's got no problem with that either. Lashley says that Kurt Angle's luck against him is going to run out tonight, and that, after tonight, Kurt Angle will think twice before ever challenging Lashley again. As we cut back to ringside, Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Angle versus Lashley is officially set for later tonight! (53)




Back in the ring, Johnny Impact takes on Zema Ion in singles action. This is another pretty short match, which Tenay and Taz use to mostly talk about the fact that Johnny Impact will face Jesse Sorensen for the X-Division Championship at Lockdown. Still, this is a decent match that sees Impact on top for most of it, with a few rare moments of hope for Ion. But, in the end, it is Johnny Impact who picks up the win, hitting the Starship Pain for the one, two, three.


Johnny Impact defeated Zema Ion at 4:24 by pinfall with the Starship Pain (56)




After the match, Johnny Impact gets on the mic and calls out Jesse Sorensen. The TNA X-Division Champion joins Impact in the ring, and Johnny asks whether Jesse, after seeing Impact's impressive performance just now, would rather just hand the X-Division Championship over to him right now and save himself the embarrassment? Jesse says that after everything he went through to get where he is today, there's no way in hell that he will ever just hand the title over. Jesse says that he is not taking anything away from Impact, and he acknowledges that Impact is going to be a challenge, but if Impact wants the X-Division Championship...he's going to have to TAKE IT from Jesse! (48)




We get a pre-recorded video from The Perfect Tens next, who appear to be relaxing in biknis on a beach somewhere warm. Scarlett looks at the camera and says that, no, despite what people have been saying, they did not run away from the so-called "Beautiful People" at Victory Road, they simply just didn't want to touch them for fear of contracting one of the most likely many diseases they are carrying around. Eva Marie says that, while it was fun humiliating Velvet and Angelina, The Perfect Tens really deserve better than having to deal with the likes of them, which is why they decided to treat themselves to a nice little vacation. Eva says that they will be back next week, and when they return, they expect to be given what they deserve. They then wave goodbye to the camera and the video fades to black. (19)




The tag team match between Team 3D and Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at Victory Road ended in controversy when Bully Ray ended up pinning Chavo when Chavo was not the legal man in the match. Tonight, Hernandez and Bully Ray goes one on one in an attempt to settle things once and for all. It is an intense, back and forth brawl, and it doesn't take long for both Devon and Chavo Guerrero to get involved in the match as well. Devon and Chavo eventually fight their way back up the ramp, and back in the ring, Bully Ray hits the Bully Bomb on Hernandez to pick up the victory here tonight on Impact in what was a decent match.


Bully Ray defeated Hernandez at 8:14 by pinfall with the Bully Bomb (56)


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In the back, Kurt Angle is getting ready for his match later tonight when he is approached by "The Icon" Sting. Sting says that he wants to apologize to Kurt about what happened at Victory Road. Sting says that he vowed to make sure that no one interfered in the match, and he failed to do so. Kurt says that Sting did everything he could, and that he doesn't blame Sting for what happened--he blames Bobby Lashley. Kurt says that Lashley will get what's coming to him tonight, and as far as Kurt is concerned, he and Sting are good. Kurt and Sting shake hands and then we cut back to ringside, (83)




Jeff Jarrett's music starts playing and The Originals make their way down to the ring next. Once in the ring, Jeff Jarrett gets on the mic, which JB holds for him, but before he can say anything, the crowd begins chanting "you tapped out" at him, which clearly infuriates Jarrett. Jarrett tells the crowd to shut up, and he says that what happened at Victory Road doesn't mean a damn thing, and that all that matters is what will happen at Lockdown. Jarrett says that if AJ Styles thinks that Jarrett is done with him, he's sadly mistaken. Jarrett tells AJ to come out here right now, because he has a challenge for him and he wants to issue that challenge face to face. (53)




A few moments later, AJ Styles's music hits and Styles makes his way out from the back, but he wisely remains at the top of the entrance ramp rather than joining The Originals in the ring. Jarrett says that he guesses that this will do, if AJ is too much of a coward to look him in the eyes in the middle of the ring. Jarrett says that what he wants is to get rid of AJ Styles once and for all, and he wants to do it at Lockdown. Jarrett then issues his challenge: The Originals versus AJ Styles and a team of his choosing in a Lethal Lockdown match! AJ says that if that's what it'll take to finish this once and for all, then he accepts the challenge! We have a huge match set for Lockdown! (69)




In the back, Gail Kim stands in front of the camera, flanked as always by Lei D'Tapa. Gail proclaims herself to be the greatest Knockouts Champion in history, and to prove it, starting next week, she's going to issue an open challenge for anyone to step into the ring and face her in a match. And, if anyone actually manages to beat her, then she'll put the Knockouts Championship on the line against that person the following week. Gail says that she's the best womens wrestler in the world today, and she's going to prove it by beating any and all comers, week after week until there are no more challengers left. (56)




A somewhat random six man tag team match is up next as Doc Gallows, Matt Hardy and Chris Sabin take on The Wolves and Sonjay Dutt. It is another decent match on a night that has been full of them so far, and it is a match that goes back and forth throughout, with all six men getting a chance to shine at some point in the match. In the end, Doc Gallows picks up the win for his team, hitting a Chokeslam on Sonjay Dutt for the one, two, three.


Doc Gallows, Matt Hardy and Chris Sabin defeated The Wolves and Sonjay Dutt at 9:02 by pinfall when Gallows pinned Dutt with a Chokeslam (57)




After the match, we briefly cut to the backstage area where The Beautiful People are watching a recording of what The Perfect Tens said about them earlier, and, judging by their reactions, they clearly aren't too happy about what Scarlett and Eva Marie had to say about them. (35)




Back at ringside, "The Outlaw" James Storm makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Storm brags about beating AJ Styles, Sting and Kurt Angle in the last few months, and he says that by doing so, he has proven himself to be the greatest TNA World Heavyweight Champion of all time. Storm says that, as impressive as that truly is, the scary thing is that he is only just getting started, and nobody is going to be able to slow him down!




Just then, Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Storm asks what the hell Joe is doing out here, and Joe informs Storm that Eric Bischoff has named him the new number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, meaning that Joe will be the one to not only slow Storm down, but to defeat him, at Lockdown! Storm says that he has beaten far better men than Joe before, so he'll have no trouble beating Joe at Lockdown. That being said, Storm is the one who backs down and leaves the ring, and as he makes his way back up the ramp, Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that we'll see James Storm versus Samoa Joe at Lockdown for the World Heavyweight Championship! (74)




It's main event time and what a main event it is as Kurt Angle goes one on one with the man who cost him the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Victory Road, Bobby Lashley. Angle makes it clear right from the get-go that he is here for a fight tonight as he charges at Lashley and starts pummeling him, but Lashley overpowers Angle to gain the upper hand early on. The next couple of minutes belong to Lashley, but Angle finally gets a break when he is able to get his feet up when Lashley charges at him with a corner clothesline, and then Angle starts fighting back with a flurry of various but equally impressive looking suplexes. The match spills out of the ring as well where Angle remains in control, but only until Lashley reverses an irish whip and sends Angle crashing back-first into the guard rail. Lashley then hits a devastating spinebuster on Angle on the floor outside the ring, but when he covers Angle after rolling him back into the ring, Angle manages to kick out after two. Lashley calls for the end as he signals for the Dominator, but Angle suddenly drops to his knees and starts grabbing at Lashley's ankle, and suddenly Lashley finds himself locked in the Ankle Lock. Lashley almost taps out, but in the end he manages to make it to the ropes to get the break. Angle then goes for the Angle Slam, but Lashley counters it into an Angle Slam of his own, which gives him a two count, as Tenay and Taz talk about how Kurt Angle might have felt if Lashley had beaten him with his own move. Lashley starts imposing his will on Angle, throwing him all over the ring, with Angle struggling to defend himself. Then, just as things look hopeless for Angle, he manages a desperation release german suplex out of nowhere and now both men are down. Both men get back to their feet and Angle goes for the kill one more time with the Angle Slam, but Lashley fights out of it and then he plants Angle with the Dominator in the middle of the ring. Lashley makes the cover and the referee counts the one...two...three. Bobby Lashley defeats Kurt Angle in the main event of Impact, in what was a great match!


Bobby Lashley defeated Kurt Angle at 15:37 by pinfall with the Dominator (86)


And with that impressive victory, Bobby Lashley stands tall in the middle of the ring as this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 86

TV Rating: 2.42

Show increased popularity in 26 regions




This show marks the end of Kurt Angle's run in TNA Wrestling. With Angle's contract set to expire soon, a short bidding war took place between TNA and WWE, but it quickly became obvious that WWE was willing and able to offer Angle a lot more money than TNA was able to, and Angle opted to sign with WWE.

Holly Blossom has been released by TNA. Holly still had about a year left on her contract, but with TNA having absolutely no plans for her, the company decided to release her now.

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7 hours ago, TheBigBad1013 said:


Week 3, March, 2014

Live from Farris Center in Conway, Arkansas

Attendance: 5.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The show opens with Mike Tenay and Taz welcoming everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact. Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that we are going to see all of the fallout from Victory Road tonight, and speaking of which, Kurt Angle's music then starts playing and Angle makes his way down to the ring, looking intense. Angle gets on the mic and says that he wants to settle things between himself and Bobby Lashley and he wants to do it TONIGHT! Angle says that he is sick and tired of Lashley getting involved in his business, just like he did when he cost him his shot at the World Championship at Victory Road. Angle says that he wants Lashley one on one in the ring tonight, and he won't take no for an answer! Angle drops the mic and heads to the back as Tenay and Taz speculate that we could have a huge main event in store for tonight. (99)


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In the back, SoCal Val is preparing for an interview when Christy Hemme shows up. Christy informs Val that she had a little talk with Eric Bischoff at Victory Road, and he agreed to book a match between Val and Christy, with the spot of backstage interviewer on the line. Val says that she isn't a wrestler and that she just wants to do her job, but Christy tells her that if she's too scared to face her in the ring, which Christy suspected all along, then they can both pick a wrestler to represent them in a match. Christy tells Val that the choice is hers, but either way, "I'm getting my job back, bitch!" As Christy walks off, Val looks distressed at the situation she now finds herself in. (26)




The first match of the night is a tag team match as Mike Knox and Crazzy Steve of The Menagerie take on Rockstar Spud and Shark Boy, While not a complete squash match, it is pretty close to one as The Menagerie control the majority of the match, eventually picking up the win after Mike Knox hits the Sitout Spinebuster on Shark Boy to secure the pinfall.


The Menagerie defeated Shark Boy and Rockstar Spud at 4:46 by pinfall when Knox pinned Shark Boy with the Sitout Spinebuster (38)


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As The Menagerie celebrate their victory in the ring, we cut to the backstage area where Madison Rayne and Mickie James are talking. Madison asks Mickie if she is any closer to finding out who attacked her, and Mickie says that she doesn't know who it was yet, but that she isn't going to give up until she finds out who it was, no matter what it takes. (42)


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We then cut to elsewhere in the back where SoCal Val is with Bobby Lashley, and she asks Lashley about Kurt Angle's challenge earlier and what Lashley's response is to that challenge. Lashley says that he has no problem facing Kurt Angle in the ring, and if Kurt wants to do it tonight, then Lashley's got no problem with that either. Lashley says that Kurt Angle's luck against him is going to run out tonight, and that, after tonight, Kurt Angle will think twice before ever challenging Lashley again. As we cut back to ringside, Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Angle versus Lashley is officially set for later tonight! (53)




Back in the ring, Johnny Impact takes on Zema Ion in singles action. This is another pretty short match, which Tenay and Taz use to mostly talk about the fact that Johnny Impact will face Jesse Sorensen for the X-Division Championship at Lockdown. Still, this is a decent match that sees Impact on top for most of it, with a few rare moments of hope for Ion. But, in the end, it is Johnny Impact who picks up the win, hitting the Starship Pain for the one, two, three.


Johnny Impact defeated Zema Ion at 4:24 by pinfall with the Starship Pain (56)




After the match, Johnny Impact gets on the mic and calls out Jesse Sorensen. The TNA X-Division Champion joins Impact in the ring, and Johnny asks whether Jesse, after seeing Impact's impressive performance just now, would rather just hand the X-Division Championship over to him right now and save himself the embarrassment? Jesse says that after everything he went through to get where he is today, there's no way in hell that he will ever just hand the title over. Jesse says that he is not taking anything away from Impact, and he acknowledges that Impact is going to be a challenge, but if Impact wants the X-Division Championship...he's going to have to TAKE IT from Jesse! (48)




We get a pre-recorded video from The Perfect Tens next, who appear to be relaxing in biknis on a beach somewhere warm. Scarlett looks at the camera and says that, no, despite what people have been saying, they did not run away from the so-called "Beautiful People" at Victory Road, they simply just didn't want to touch them for fear of contracting one of the most likely many diseases they are carrying around. Eva Marie says that, while it was fun humiliating Velvet and Angelina, The Perfect Tens really deserve better than having to deal with the likes of them, which is why they decided to treat themselves to a nice little vacation. Eva says that they will be back next week, and when they return, they expect to be given what they deserve. They then wave goodbye to the camera and the video fades to black. (19)




The tag team match between Team 3D and Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at Victory Road ended in controversy when Bully Ray ended up pinning Chavo when Chavo was not the legal man in the match. Tonight, Hernandez and Bully Ray goes one on one in an attempt to settle things once and for all. It is an intense, back and forth brawl, and it doesn't take long for both Devon and Chavo Guerrero to get involved in the match as well. Devon and Chavo eventually fight their way back up the ramp, and back in the ring, Bully Ray hits the Bully Bomb on Hernandez to pick up the victory here tonight on Impact in what was a decent match.


Bully Ray defeated Hernandez at 8:14 by pinfall with the Bully Bomb (56)


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In the back, Kurt Angle is getting ready for his match later tonight when he is approached by "The Icon" Sting. Sting says that he wants to apologize to Kurt about what happened at Victory Road. Sting says that he vowed to make sure that no one interfered in the match, and he failed to do so. Kurt says that Sting did everything he could, and that he doesn't blame Sting for what happened--he blames Bobby Lashley. Kurt says that Lashley will get what's coming to him tonight, and as far as Kurt is concerned, he and Sting are good. Kurt and Sting shake hands and then we cut back to ringside, (83)




Jeff Jarrett's music starts playing and The Originals make their way down to the ring next. Once in the ring, Jeff Jarrett gets on the mic, which JB holds for him, but before he can say anything, the crowd begins chanting "you tapped out" at him, which clearly infuriates Jarrett. Jarrett tells the crowd to shut up, and he says that what happened at Victory Road doesn't mean a damn thing, and that all that matters is what will happen at Lockdown. Jarrett says that if AJ Styles thinks that Jarrett is done with him, he's sadly mistaken. Jarrett tells AJ to come out here right now, because he has a challenge for him and he wants to issue that challenge face to face. (53)




A few moments later, AJ Styles's music hits and Styles makes his way out from the back, but he wisely remains at the top of the entrance ramp rather than joining The Originals in the ring. Jarrett says that he guesses that this will do, if AJ is too much of a coward to look him in the eyes in the middle of the ring. Jarrett says that what he wants is to get rid of AJ Styles once and for all, and he wants to do it at Lockdown. Jarrett then issues his challenge: The Originals versus AJ Styles and a team of his choosing in a Lethal Lockdown match! AJ says that if that's what it'll take to finish this once and for all, then he accepts the challenge! We have a huge match set for Lockdown! (69)




In the back, Gail Kim stands in front of the camera, flanked as always by Lei D'Tapa. Gail proclaims herself to be the greatest Knockouts Champion in history, and to prove it, starting next week, she's going to issue an open challenge for anyone to step into the ring and face her in a match. And, if anyone actually manages to beat her, then she'll put the Knockouts Championship on the line against that person the following week. Gail says that she's the best womens wrestler in the world today, and she's going to prove it by beating any and all comers, week after week until there are no more challengers left. (56)




A somewhat random six man tag team match is up next as Doc Gallows, Matt Hardy and Chris Sabin take on The Wolves and Sonjay Dutt. It is another decent match on a night that has been full of them so far, and it is a match that goes back and forth throughout, with all six men getting a chance to shine at some point in the match. In the end, Doc Gallows picks up the win for his team, hitting a Chokeslam on Sonjay Dutt for the one, two, three.


Doc Gallows, Matt Hardy and Chris Sabin defeated The Wolves and Sonjay Dutt at 9:02 by pinfall when Gallows pinned Dutt with a Chokeslam (57)




After the match, we briefly cut to the backstage area where The Beautiful People are watching a recording of what The Perfect Tens said about them earlier, and, judging by their reactions, they clearly aren't too happy about what Scarlett and Eva Marie had to say about them. (35)




Back at ringside, "The Outlaw" James Storm makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Storm brags about beating AJ Styles, Sting and Kurt Angle in the last few months, and he says that by doing so, he has proven himself to be the greatest TNA World Heavyweight Champion of all time. Storm says that, as impressive as that truly is, the scary thing is that he is only just getting started, and nobody is going to be able to slow him down!




Just then, Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Storm asks what the hell Joe is doing out here, and Joe informs Storm that Eric Bischoff has named him the new number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, meaning that Joe will be the one to not only slow Storm down, but to defeat him, at Lockdown! Storm says that he has beaten far better men than Joe before, so he'll have no trouble beating Joe at Lockdown. That being said, Storm is the one who backs down and leaves the ring, and as he makes his way back up the ramp, Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that we'll see James Storm versus Samoa Joe at Lockdown for the World Heavyweight Championship! (74)




It's main event time and what a main event it is as Kurt Angle goes one on one with the man who cost him the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Victory Road, Bobby Lashley. Angle makes it clear right from the get-go that he is here for a fight tonight as he charges at Lashley and starts pummeling him, but Lashley overpowers Angle to gain the upper hand early on. The next couple of minutes belong to Lashley, but Angle finally gets a break when he is able to get his feet up when Lashley charges at him with a corner clothesline, and then Angle starts fighting back with a flurry of various but equally impressive looking suplexes. The match spills out of the ring as well where Angle remains in control, but only until Lashley reverses an irish whip and sends Angle crashing back-first into the guard rail. Lashley then hits a devastating spinebuster on Angle on the floor outside the ring, but when he covers Angle after rolling him back into the ring, Angle manages to kick out after two. Lashley calls for the end as he signals for the Dominator, but Angle suddenly drops to his knees and starts grabbing at Lashley's ankle, and suddenly Lashley finds himself locked in the Ankle Lock. Lashley almost taps out, but in the end he manages to make it to the ropes to get the break. Angle then goes for the Angle Slam, but Lashley counters it into an Angle Slam of his own, which gives him a two count, as Tenay and Taz talk about how Kurt Angle might have felt if Lashley had beaten him with his own move. Lashley starts imposing his will on Angle, throwing him all over the ring, with Angle struggling to defend himself. Then, just as things look hopeless for Angle, he manages a desperation release german suplex out of nowhere and now both men are down. Both men get back to their feet and Angle goes for the kill one more time with the Angle Slam, but Lashley fights out of it and then he plants Angle with the Dominator in the middle of the ring. Lashley makes the cover and the referee counts the one...two...three. Bobby Lashley defeats Kurt Angle in the main event of Impact, in what was a great match!


Bobby Lashley defeated Kurt Angle at 15:37 by pinfall with the Dominator (86)


And with that impressive victory, Bobby Lashley stands tall in the middle of the ring as this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 86

TV Rating: 2.42

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Good show, sucks that you lost Angle though. So who exactly's on your shortlist to hire soon? Cause Jarrett's global force wrestling was supposed to by found this in game year 2014 but sense he's still part of Impact now maybe you sign up some guys like pj black, seiya sanada, bestia 666, kushida, Kevin Kross, the bollywood Boyz, Christina Von eerie, lei'd tapa, jigsaw, Sanjay dutt, Kongo kong, Reno scum,  Chris mordetzky, Brian Myers, Joey Ryan, Kenny King, Scorpio sky, Shelton Benjamin, tjp, Andrew Everett, the bullet club Karl Anderson, doc and amber Gallows, killer elite squad Lance archer and Davey Boy Smith Jr, Trevor Lee, Katarina leigh and Laura James.

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On 11/21/2023 at 12:04 AM, sonny912 said:

Good show, sucks that you lost Angle though. So who exactly's on your shortlist to hire soon? Cause Jarrett's global force wrestling was supposed to by found this in game year 2014 but sense he's still part of Impact now maybe you sign up some guys like pj black, seiya sanada, bestia 666, kushida, Kevin Kross, the bollywood Boyz, Christina Von eerie, lei'd tapa, jigsaw, Sanjay dutt, Kongo kong, Reno scum,  Chris mordetzky, Brian Myers, Joey Ryan, Kenny King, Scorpio sky, Shelton Benjamin, tjp, Andrew Everett, the bullet club Karl Anderson, doc and amber Gallows, killer elite squad Lance archer and Davey Boy Smith Jr, Trevor Lee, Katarina leigh and Laura James.

Losing Angle definitely forces me to make some pretty significant changes to my plans for the rest of the year, so it's definitely a blow.

As for your question, aside from the few that are already on my roster, there are probably a few people on that list who could end up in TNA at some point, but I'm not actively looking to sign anyone right now. The financial situation is still pretty shaky, though I am slowly making progress on that front as well.

Thanks for the comment!

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Week 4, March, 2014

Live from Alex G. Spanos Center in Stockton, California

Attendance: 6.150 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact opens with Bobby Roode making his way down to the ring, carrying both of the TNA Tag Team Championship title belts on his shoulders, and with Austin Aries nowhere in sight. Roode gets on the mic and announces that, unfortunately, his tag team partner, Austin Aries, has suffered an injury and won't be able to compete for a while. Roode says that a lesser man might choose to vacate the titles, but that's not what he's going to do. Roode says that even though he is good enough to defend the titles on his own, the fact of the matter is that the only right thing to do is for TNA management to not book any Tag Team Championship title matches until Austin Aries returns from his injury. Before Roode can continue making his point, he is interrupted as the music of TNA's owner, Eric Bischoff, starts playing. (81)




Eric Bischoff makes his way down to the ring and grabs a mic of his own. Bischoff says that he simply cannot go for possibly months without having the TNA Tag Team Championships defended. So, if Austin Aries is unable to compete, then Bischoff has no choice but to strip Roode and Aries of the Tag Team Championships. Roode starts to object, but Bischoff says that he sympathizes with Roode's situation, so what he'll do is that he will strip him of the Tag Team Titles, but he will give him a match later tonight against Samoa Joe--and if Roode wins that match, he'll be added to the World Heavyweight Championship title match at Lockdown! Bischoff collects the Tag Team titles from Roode, which Roode reluctantly allows him to do, and we have a huge main event set for later tonight! (54)




We cut to the parking lot area where a car screeches to a halt. The door opens and out steps none other than Mr. Anderson, who Mike Tenay quickly points out that we haven't seen in TNA since Against All Odds when he was viciously attacked by Raven and Abyss. Anderson stomps towards the entrance to the building as Mike Tenay continues to hype up the return of Anderson on commentary, saying that Anderson looks like a man who is determined to get some payback here tonight. (64)




Our first in-ring action of the night comes in the form of a match between two of the most experienced Knockouts on the TNA roster as Tara and Mickie James square off. It is a solid back and forth match that suddenly takes a turn for the strange and curious as a mysterious video starts playing on the big screen with flashing lights, a slew of bright colors, and the sound of a little girl giggling. Mickie is distracted by the video, and Tenay and Taz wonder if this could somehow be related to the attack on Mickie James. Tara looks to take advantage of her distracted opponent by catching her with a surprise roll-up, but Mickie just barely manages to kick out before the three count. That is as close as Tara gets in this one as Mickie fights back and eventually picks up the win with the Mickie-DT.


Mickie James defeated Tara at 5:57 by pinfall with the Mickie-DT (51)


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Backstage, in Eric Bischoff's office, SoCal Val is pleading with Bischoff to do something about Christy Hemme and the match she wants, saying that she's not a wrestler and that she just wants to do her job. BIschoff says that if there's one thing he has learned from his time in the business, it's that controversy creates cash--especially if you put it front and center. Bischoff says that Val can either wrestle herself, she can pick someone to wrestle for her, or she can quit TNA. Those are her three options. A disheartened Val leaves Bischoff's office as we cut elsewhere. (35)




Back at ringside, Mr. Anderson's music hits and Anderson makes his way down to the ring, grabbing a steel chair along the way. Anderson then gets on the mic and says that there is only one thing that he wants right now and that is for Raven and Abyss to get out here right now because they've got some business between them that they need to settle! (69)




After a few moments of waiting, Anderson gets what he wants as Raven's music starts playing and he, Abyss and Daffney all make their way out onto the stage. Anderson says that, in case they didn't get it, he didn't want them on the stage--he wants them IN THE RING! But Raven says that when a man gets his ass kicked the way Anderson did, he's supposed to learn something from it. Raven says that Anderson got exactly what he deserved, and if he doesn't like that, then he needs to look at himself in the mirror because he has only got himself to blame. Quote the Raven...nevermore! Raven, Abyss and Daffney then return to the back, and Anderson leaves the ring and runs back up the entrance ramp, steel chair still in hand, presumably giving chase. (61)


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SoCal Val is backstage with Bobby Lashley, and she asks Lashley about his win against Kurt Angle last week. Lashley says that beating Kurt Angle last week was just the beginning, and that he is only just getting started doing what he came to TNA to do--which is dominate! Lashley says that he beat Kurt Angle so bad last week, we might never see his face in TNA again. Just then...




"The Icon" Sting walks in and comes face to face with Lashley. Sting says that Lashley should be careful about running his mouth around here, especially after what he did at Victory Road. Lashley says that Sting is the one who should be careful, because if he isn't, then what he did to him at Victory Road will be nothing compared to what Lashley will do to Sting next time. Lashley then walks off, and Sting stares after him as we cut back to ringside for more in-ring action. (75)




The X-Division Champion is in action next as he faces Christian York in a non-title match.




Johnny Impact makes his way down to ringside for a closer look at this one, and he sees Sorensen make relatively light work of York, eventually putting him away with the Lone Star Press for the one, two, three.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Christian York at 4:51 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (41)


Despite the strong performance from the X-Division Champion, Johnny Impact doesn't look overly impressed with Sorensen as he makes his way back up the ramp, and he even tells the camera that Sorensen will have to do a lot better than that to stand a chance against Impact.




We cut to the back where Jeff Jarrett stands in front of the camera--alone, for once--and he proceeds to cut a promo on AJ Styles. Jarrett says that he has already got the perfect team for Lethal Lockdown--The Originals, the people whose very blood, sweat and tears built this company from the ground up. Jarrett says that it doesn't even matter who AJ gets on his team, because when it's all said and done, Lockdown is where it will all end for AJ Styles in TNA. Jarrett vows that, after Lockdown, AJ Styles will never be the same again. (59)




We then cut back to ringside where Gail Kim's music starts playing and she and Lei D'Tapa make their way down to the ring. Gail grabs a mic and says that she is a woman of her word, so she's out here tonight to officially kick off her Open Challenge. Gail says that the challenge goes out to all women everywhere, be it in the TNA locker room, any other locker room or even in the crowd. Any woman who is delusional to think that she can beat Gail is more than welcome to step up. A few moments pass and then Madison Rayne's music hits, as it looks like Madison is the first one to accept Gail Kim's open challenge. (68)




As the match gets underway, Mike Tenay reminds everyone that this is a non-title match, and that, if Madison beats Gail here tonight, she'll earn a title shot next week. This is a solid match that sees Gail Kim control the majority of the action, in no small part due to Lei D'Tapa getting involved whenever Gail gets in trouble, but Madison Rayne shows great fighting spirit here as she keeps fighting back, despite the odds being against her. In the end, Madison comes up short, once again due to Lei D'Tapa's interference, as a timely distraction allows Gail to catch Madison with the Eat Defeat for the pinfall victory.


Gail Kim defeated Madison Rayne at 8:12 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following a distraction from Lei D'Tapa (63)


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After the match, we cut to the back where Christy Hemme confronts SoCal Val again, bragging that she's already got her man all picked out because she knows that Val is too much of a coward to face her in the ring.




The Perfect Tens show up and decide to pile on with the insults against Val as well, because why the hell not, but then...




The Beautiful People come to the aid of Val, and the chaos ends with Velvet and Angelina chasing off The Perfect Tens and Christy Hemme. (28)




Doc Gallows faces Zema Ion next and things do not go well for Zema in this one. Aside from a few short-lived hope spots, this one is all Doc Gallows as he punishes Zema both in and out of the ring, before finally, mercifully, deciding to put Zema away with the Chokeslam for a dominant victory here on Impact.


Doc Gallows defeated Zema Ion at 3:20 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (55)


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In the back, Team 3D show up in Eric Bischoff's office and Bully Ray says that if the TNA Tag Team Championships are vacated, then Bischoff is looking at the new Champions. Bischoff says that he is not taking anything away from Bully and Devon's success as a tag team, but if they want the Tag Team Titles, they are going to have to earn them. Bischoff says that right now, he's leaning towards a tournament to crown new Tag Team Champions, and that Team 3D would be more than welcome to enter it. Bully and Devon don't seem too thrilled about this, but Bully vows that not only will they enter the tournament, they'll win the tournament--with ease! (61)




The first of two huge main events for tonight's Impact is up next as Bad Influence takes on AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy, and Mike Tenay informs everyone that he has just been told that Jeff Hardy is apparently AJ Styles's first pick for his Lethal Lockdown team. This is a good match, as one would expect from these four men, and it is also given plenty of time, clocking in at a little over sixteen minutes. After a back and forth opening, it's AJ and Hardy who manage to gain the first real advantage of the match, and for a brief moment it looks like this one could be over early, but then...




Eric Young makes his way down to the ring, and his presence, and his actions, immediately swing the match back in favor of Daniels and Kazarian, who spend the next several minutes isolating Jeff Hardy and wearing him down. The hot tag is eventually made, and then all hell breaks down as all four men go at it. Hardy hits a dive to the outside that takes out both Kazarian and Eric Young, which gives Styles the perfect opportunity to hit the Styles Clash on Daniels in the ring and pick up the pinfall victory.


AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy defeated Bad Influence at 16:12 by pinfall when Styles pinned Daniels with the Styles Clash (78)


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In the back, Bobby Roode is seen making his final preparations for his big opportunity, which is coming up next, when "The Outlaw" James Storm shows up. Roode asks if Storm is there to wish his former tag team partner good luck, but Storm says that he's here to make sure that Roode won't need luck. Storm says that if Roode does a good job of taking care of Samoa Joe tonght, then it'll just be the two of them for the World Title at Lockdown and Samoa Joe can go to hell. "Works for me" Roode says, and it looks like the deck may be stacked against Samoa Joe tonight. (76)




Bobby Roode versus Samoa Joe is our main event of the night and things get physical immediately as neither man back down from the fight. It is Joe who gains the upper hand, but a quick thumb to the eye allows Roode to take control of the match in the early goings. Roode fights with the intensity and urgency of a man who knows that he has to win, but Samoa Joe is the number one contender for a reason and he is not so easily defeated. The match continues to go back and forth, but the turning point of the match comes when the referee is accidentally knocked down by an errant shot from Samoa Joe.




"The Outlaw" James Storm then makes his way down to ringside, and he slides into the ring just as Bobby Roode hits a DDT on Samoa Joe. Mike Tenay says that Joe is now facing a two on one situation but then, out of nowhere, James Storm nails Bobby Roode with the Last Call superkick. Both announcers and fans are in shock as Storm revives the referee before rolling back out of the ring again, just as Samoa Joe makes his way back to his feet. Joe has no idea what just happened, but Roode is down and Joe takes advantage by hitting the Muscle Buster and covering Roode for the one, two, three.


Samoa Joe defeated Bobby Roode at 13:26 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster following interference from James Storm (75)


Bobby Roode will not be added to the main event of Lockdown, and Samoa Joe has his arm raised in victory, but he is obviously still wary of how his victory came about. And with that, another edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 76

TV Rating: 2.36

Show increased popularity in 24 regions

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 1, April, 2014

Live from Maples Pavilion in Stanford, California

Attendance: 7.392 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




As the show goes on the air, Mike Tenay welcomes everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact, and that's about as far as he gets before James Storm's music interrupts him and "The Outlaw" makes his way out from the back and down to the ring to nothing but boos from the crowd. The TNA World Heavyweight Champion gets on the mic and says that everyone was so shocked last week when he kicked Bobby Roode square in the face, but Storm says that people shouldn't be surprised at all because he has said all along that he plays by his own rules now and no one else's. Storm says that his partnership with Bobby Roode ended a long time ago, so why in the hell should he care about him now? Storm says that he'll do anything and everything it takes to make sure the World Heavyweight Championship stays right where it is--with him! And as far as Storm is concerned, Bobby Roode was a damn fool for trusting him last week and he paid the price for it! Just then, Storm is interrupted as Bobby Roode's music starts playing and...(86)




Bobby Roode makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Roode says that he isn't going to stand here and whine and complain about James Storm's underhanded tactics last week, because the truth is that Roode would have done the exact same thing if given the opportunity. That being said, it doesn't mean that Roode is just going to let what happened slide--in fact, James Storm just made himself the kind of enemy he DOES NOT want to have. Then, just as Roode gets in Storm's face and it looks like things are about to get heated...(73)




Samoa Joe's music starts playing and the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship marches out from the back and down to the ring. Joe first gets in Bobby Roode's face and tells him that he already beat him last week, so what the hell is he still doing hanging around here? Joe then turns to James Storm, and he tells him that he should be far more worried about Joe than Bobby Roode, because it's Joe who is going to be taking the TNA World Heavyweight Championship away from him at Lockdown! Storm says that he isn't worried about Joe, and he isn't worried about Bobby Roode either, and both of them need to either shut the hell up, or put their money where their mouth is! Storm then drops the mic and leaves the ring, and he walks back up the ramp, leaving Joe and Roode standing face to face in the ring as Tenay and Taz talk about the complicated situation we currently have when it comes to the World Title picture. (71)


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We then cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Mr. Anderson is demanding a match with Raven and Abyss at Lockdown. Bischoff says that Anderson would need to find himself a tag team partner, but Anderson says that, in case Bischoff hasn't noticed, Anderson isn't exactly a popular guy around here. But Anderson says that it doesn't matter, because he is more than happy to face both of them in a handicap match. Bischoff agrees--but ONLY if Anderson doesn't get involved in Raven and Abyss's match later tonight. Anderson agrees to that, and it looks like we've got another match set for Lockdown. (53)




Our first match of the night is a short one--and a painful one for Zema Ion--as Bobby Lashley absolutely dominates and destroys Zema in short order, eventually putting him away with the Dominator for an easy victory.


Bobby Lashley defeated Zema Ion at 2:12 by pinfall with the Dominator (60)


After the match, Lashley gets on the mic and says that nothing and no one can stand in his way, and if anyone's got a problem with that--anyone like maybe STING--then Lashley just has one question; what are you gonna do about it? Lashley then drops the mic and heads to the back as Tenay and Taz put Lashley over on commentary, talking about his dominant victory here tonight as well as his victory against Kurt Angle two weeks ago. (66)


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Christy Hemme makes her way down to the ring next. She gets on the mic and calls out SoCal Val, saying that it's time for Val to make a decision. Val reluctantly makes her way down to the ring, only for Christy to inform her that, actually, she got so sick of waiting for Val to make a decision, so Christy made one for her. Christy then introduces the man who will represent her in the match at Lockdown, and after a few moments of waiting...(33)




Doc Gallows's music hits and Gallows makes his way out from the back as, apparently, he is Christy Hemme's choice. Val looks both horrified and terrified as Gallows enters the ring, but Christy is all smiles as she mocks Val. Gallows gets on the mic and tells Val that if there is one thing he can't stand to see, it's disrespect. And the disrespect that Val showed Christy by stealing her job...well, it doesn't sit quite right with Gallows at all. Val tries to explain, but Gallows grabs her by the neck, teasing a Chokeslam, but instead he just holds her in place, while Christy gets in Val's face and tells her that she'll get what's coming to her before slapping her across the face. Gallows then shoves Val to the mat, and as he and Christy leave the ring, Tenay and Taz on commentary are furious at the actions of Gallows and Christy here tonight. (35)


A short, basic hype video plays for "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy. As the video ends, Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that Hardy will be in action later tonight as he teams with AJ Styles and "The Icon" Sting to take on The Originals in six man tag team action. (67)




We get some more in-ring action next as Raven and Abyss take on Shark Boy and Rockstar Spud. It is a little bit longer, and a little bit more competitive than the first match, but it is still Raven and Abyss who control the vast majority of the action in this one, and they pick up a relatively easy victory as Raven hits the Raven Effect DDT on Rockstar Spud to secure the pinfall.


Raven and Abyss defeated Rockstar Spud and Shark Boy at 5:18 by pinfall when Raven pinned Spud with the Raven Effect (35)




As soon as the bell rings, Mr. Anderson charges down the entrance ramp with a steel chair in hand. He slides into the ring and takes a wild swing at Raven, who narrowly avoids the chair and then quickly bails out of the ring, along with Daffney. Abyss is not so lucky, however, and Anderson blasts Abyss across the back with the chair before "The Monster" can leave the ring. Anderson lays into Abyss several more times before Raven and Daffney finally drag Abyss out of the ring. As the trio retreat back up the ramp, Mike Tenay says on commentary that Anderson seems to be a lot more vicious than we have ever seen him before. (56)


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In the back, Mickie James, Eve Torres and Madison Rayne are talking when a courier delivers a note to Mickie. Mickie opens it and reads the note out loud, which simply says that all will be revealed next week. On commentary, Mike Tenay says that it looks like Mickie, and everyone else, will finally get some answers next week on Impact. (49)




Gail Kim's Open Challenge continues next, and this week it is Angelina Love who accepts the challenge, meaning that if Angelina can beat Gail Kim here tonight, she'll get a shot at the Knockouts Championship next week on Impact. This is a solid back and forth match that eventually sees Lei D'Tapa get involved, as she always does, but this time Velvet Sky is there to help even the odds.




Unfortunately, The Perfect Tens make their way down to ringside, and as Scarlett distracts the referee, Eva Marie gets up on the apron and sprays some hairspray directly into Angelina's face. Gail Kim then takes advantage by hitting the Eat Defeat on a temporarily blinded Angelina Love, and Gail covers Angelina for the one, two, three.


Gail Kim defeated Angelina Love at 6:40 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following interference from The Perfect Tens (56)


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As The Perfect Tens mock Angelina and Velvet while making their way back up the entrance ramp, we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Bobby Roode is asking the boss for another chance after what happened last week. Bischoff says that he'll think about it and get back to Roode once he has made a decision. (57)




Elsewhere in the back, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and Sting are all gathered and talking amongst themselves, and it is revealed that Sting is not only AJ and Hardy's partner in the main event tonight, he's also a part of AJ's Lethal Lockdown team at Lockdown. As the three men continue to talk amongst themselves, Mike Tenay says on commentary that AJ Styles is putting one heck of a team together! (82)




X-Division tag team action is up next as the X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, teams up with Sonjay Dutt to take on the number one contender to the X-Division Championship, Johnny Impact, and Chris Sabin. This is the best match of the night so far, and it is a back and forth affair where all four men get their moments to shine. The match does eventually break down, with all four men going at it, and the finish comes when Jesse Sorensen goes for the Lone Star Press, but it is a rare miss for Sorensen as Johnny Impact manages to move out of the way in the nick of time. Sorensen crashes and burns, and Impact immediately rolls Sorensen up for the one, two, three. Johnny Impact has pinned the X-Division Champion here tonight on TNA Impact!


Johnny Impact and Chris Sabin defeated Jesse Sorensen and Sonjay Dutt at 8:08 by pinfall when Impact pinned Sorensen with a roll-up (66)


It is a big victory for Johnny Impact here tonight, and as he celebrates in the ring, we cut to another hype video, this time for "The Icon" Sting. Not much else to say about this one. (67)




For the second time tonight, "The Outlaw" James Storm makes his way down to the ring, and both Tenay and Taz are wondering why Storm is coming down to the ring again as he is not scheduled for a match tonight. Storm says that there is nothing for Eric Bischoff to think about because Joe beat Roode last week and that's that. Bobby Roode doesn't deserve a second chance, and if Bischoff gives him one anyway, then "The Outlaw" will do what he has to do to make sure that Roode doesn't make it to Lockdown. Before Storm can say anymore...




Samoa Joe marches down to the ring, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Joe has heard enough talk from James Storm for tonight. As Joe enters the ring, Storm goes for the Last Call superkick, but Joe avoids it and tries to lock in the Coquina Clutch, which Storm, in turn, fights out of it before it is locked in. Storm then bails out of the ring and retreats back up the ramp, while Joe tells him that he was THIS close to locking in the Clutch. (69)




This week's main event is a six man tag team match as AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and Sting take on The Originals, who are represented tonight by Bad Influence and Eric Young. This is a good match, well worthy of the main event spot, and after a hot start with AJ, Hardy and Sting clearing the ring of The Originals, it is Daniels, Kazarian and Young who gain the upper hand by using underhanded tactics to isolate Jeff Hardy. Hardy takes a beating, but he endures the punishment and eventually makes the hot tag to AJ Styles.




And that is when Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to ringside. AJ continues cleaning house, but Jarrett's appearance at ringside distracts AJ just long enough for Kazarian to blast Styles with an enzuigiri to the back of the head. Now it is AJ's turn to get isolated for a few minutes, and when he finally makes the hot tag to "The Icon" Sting, all hell breaks loose in the ring. All six men are going at it, and in the midst of the chaos and confusion, Sting ends up alone in the ring with Eric Young, and Young gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock, and Young is forced to tap out.


AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and Sting defeated The Originals at 15:25 by submission when Sting forced Young to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock (79)


AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and Sting stand tall in the ring, while Jeff Jarrett is absolutely livid about his team losing another match. And with that, another edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 79

TV Rating: 2.38

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Following Kurt Angle's departure from TNA, the company got some very good news this week as both James Storm and Samoa Joe have signed brand new multi-year contract extentions with the company, while Sting has also signed another one year contract, keeping "The Icon" exactly where he belongs.

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Di you think you can sign awesome kong to the roster or is she already on it and you just haven't used her in a while? Also you thinking of signing up ec3, Mike Bennet and Maria kanellis too? The later 2 were also apart of roh's kingdom stable, could you sign those guy as well? You'd have guys like Matt taven, Roderick strong and Adam cole(BAY-BAY).

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On 12/15/2023 at 12:15 AM, sonny912 said:

Di you think you can sign awesome kong to the roster or is she already on it and you just haven't used her in a while? Also you thinking of signing up ec3, Mike Bennet and Maria kanellis too? The later 2 were also apart of roh's kingdom stable, could you sign those guy as well? You'd have guys like Matt taven, Roderick strong and Adam cole(BAY-BAY).

Or instead, you can hire whoever you want for your game

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to give a quick update. I know things have been moving rather slowly lately, but things should be picking up early in the new year and shows should be posted more regularly then. I've got a lot of things planned, and I'm pretty excited about most of them as it stands right now.

Also, thank you to everyone who follows this little diary. I'm having a ton of fun with it, and it's nice to know that at least a few other people are enjoying it.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Week 2, April, 2014

Live from Paso Robles Event Center in Paso Robles, California

Attendance: 7.109

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with the three current members of AJ Styles's Lethal Lockdown team, AJ himself along with Jeff Hardy and Sting, already standing in the ring. AJ gets on the mic and says that we are getting closer and closer to Lockdown, and so far he is pretty damn happy with his team for Lethal Lockdown. However, AJ acknowledges that he is obviously still missing one final member, and--and that's as far as he gets before Jeff Jarrett's music starts playing, interrupting AJ. (85)




Jarrett makes his way out from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp, alongside the other members of The Originals, Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young. Jarrett says that it's telling that AJ Styles is struggling to fill out his team, while Jarrett has to pick and choose between everyone who wants to be on his team. The comment seems to confuse the other members of The Originals, but Jarrett continues by announcing that he's got a little surprise--no, a BIG surprise--for AJ Styles here tonight. Jarrett says that after last week, he was approached by someone who wanted to be on his team, and this was someone he simply couldn't say no to. Jarrett then introduces the newest member of his Lethal Lockdown team and out walks...(82)




None other than Bobby Lashley, revealing himself to be the new member of Jarrett's team. Tenay and Taz are stunned on commentary as Lashley grabs the mic and says that he is going to destroy each and every single member of AJ's team at Lockdown. But Lashley also says that he's saving a very special beating for Sting! A man of few words, Lashley then drops the mic and Jeff Jarrett is absolutely overjoyed with his reveal, but the other three member of The Originals seem to be less than thrilled by the addition of Lashley, because right now there are five guys and only four spots on the team for Lockdown. (73)


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We then cut to the backstage area where SoCal Val in with Johnny Impact, who brags about pinning Jesse Sorensen in their tag team match last week. Impact says that he always knew that he could beat Sorensen, and now Sorensen knows it too. Impact says that he WILL become the new X-Division Champion at Lockdown, because he'll do exactly what he did last week; he'll pin Sorensen in the middle of the ring, one, two, three! (52)




Speaking of the X-Division Champion, he is in action in our opening match as he teams with Sonjay Dutt to take on Petey Williams and Christian York. It is a solid back and forth match which ultimately sees Sorensen and Dutt come out on top when Sorensen hits the Lone Star Press on Christian York for the pinfall victory, bouncing back nicely from his loss last week.


Jesse Sorensen and Sonjay Dutt defeated Christian York and Petey Williams at 6:34 by pinfall when Sorensen pinned York with the Lone Star Press (58)




After the match, we cut to somewhere in the back where Raven, Abyss and Daffney are standing in a darkened room. Abyss says that his back is still burning from the chair shots he received last week, shot after shot after shot raining down upon him. Abyss says that Anderson made a big mistake last week because amidst that brutal beating, and the suffering Anderson inflicted upon Abyss, he reawakened "The Monster" within and the torment that Anderson brought upon Abyss, will come back upon Anderson three times over. Raven then says that they accept Anderson's challenge for a handicap match at Lockdown, but only if it's a Raven's Rules match! (49)




We then cut to Eric Bischoff's office where the owner of TNA is sitting at his desk, looking at the camera. Bischoff announces that a match will take place at Lockdown to crown new TNA Tag Team Champions, and that Bischoff himself will choose which teams will be in the match. (46)




Six man tag team action is up next as The Menagerie take on the trio of Rockstar Spud, Shark Boy and Zema Ion. While not entirely a squash match, the outcome of this one is never truly in doubt as The Menagerie control of the majority of the action, eventually picking up the win as Crazzy Steve hits a Middle Rope Tornado DDT on Rockstar Spud to secure the pinfall victory.


The Menagerie defeated Rockstar Spud, Shark Boy and Zema Ion at 5:13 by pinfall when Crazzy Steve pinned Rockstar Spud with a Middle Rope Tornado DDT (34)


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After the match, we cut back to Eric Bischoff's office where Bobby Roode walks in. Roode wants to know what Bischoff has decided regarding Lockdown, and Bischoff says that he has decided that Roode will not be added to the match at Lockdown. HOWEVER, Bischoff says that, regardless of who wins at Lockdown, Bobby Roode will be first in line for a title shot against whomever the Champion may be. Roode seems content with this decision, and he leaves the office as we cut back to ringside. (59)




Gail Kim continues her Open Challenge next and this week the challenge is answered by ODB. ODB is on fire early on as she takes the fight to Gail Kim, but, as we have seen so many times before, a timely distraction from Lei D'Tapa allows the Knockouts Champion to take control of the match. ODB doesn't go down without a fight, but, in the end, it's another victory for Gail Kim as she puts ODB away with the Eat Defeat.


Gail Kim defeated ODB at 5:27 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat (43)




In the back, Eric Young confronts Jeff Jarrett, asking if Jarrett is planning to take him off the Lockdown team. Jarrett says that nothing is more important to him than beating AJ Styles at Lockdown, and he can't be the only heavy hitter on the team, which is why he brought Lashley in. Jarrett then says that Young can represent Jarrett's team in the match later tonight, and if he wins, then he'll get his spot on the team and Jarrett will remove someone else from the team instead. As Young walks off to prepare for the match later tonight, Jarrett tells Daniels and Kazarian that no one is to interfere in the match tonight, and Kazarian and Daniels are eager to agree, obviously not wanting Young to win because it would mean that one of them would lose their spot on the team. (49)




Back at ringside, "Hardcore Country" starts playing and Mickie James makes her way down to the ring. Mickie gets on the mic and says that the note last week said that all would be revealed tonight and, well, here she is, so she wants whoever was behind the attack to come out to the ring right now and face her. After a bit of a wait, a new music starts playing and after a few more seconds...




Taryn Terrell makes her way out from the back, much to the confusion of everyone, both fans and announcers. Taryn gets in the ring, and she admits that she is the one who attacked Mickie James. Mickie asks why, and Taryn says that she did it because he was sooooo sick and tired of seeing perfect little Mickie get chance after chance handed to her, while Taryn got absolutely nothing. Taryn says that everyone thinks Mickie is so perfect, so pure, so beautiful, so good...it makes her sick to her stomach just to think about it. Before leaving, Taryn vows to turn Mickie's perfect little life into a living hell. And as Taryn makes her way back up the ramp, Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Taryn Terrell has gone completely off the deep end. (46)


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We cut to the back where AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy and Sting are gathered when Bully Ray suddenly shows up. Things immediately get tense, and Bully says that he knows nobody here likes or trusts him, and he doesn't like or trust any of them either. But Bully says that AJ needs a fourth man on his team, and Bully thinks he should be that man. AJ asks how any of them are ever supposed to trust Bully after everything he's done, and Bully tells them that they don't have to trust him, they can put their trust in his greed, his desire to be the best. Bully says that he wants the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back, and winning Lethal Lockdown would be a huge step in the right direction. Sting says that trusting someone's greed is just a bad idea, and Jeff says that there is no way he is teaming with Bully after the war they just went through. AJ also says no, but Bully vows to convince them all to change their minds before Lockdown. (78)




Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez take on Chris Sabin and Matt Hardy next in tag team action. It is a decent match that no doubt would have been a lot better if there had been a reason for the match to happen, but even so, these four men put on a solid enough back and forth match that really could have gone either way, but ultimately it is Sabin and Matt Hardy who pick up a victory here, coming when Chris Sabin surprises Chavo with a roll-up and a handful of tights to steal the win.


Chris Sabin and Matt Hardy defeated Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at 9:40 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Chavo with a roll-up while grabbing a handful of tights (51)




In the back, The Beaufitul People cut a promo with Angelina Love talking about The Perfect Tens costing her her match against Gail Kim last week, possibly costing her a shot at the Knockouts Championship as well. Angelina says that The Perfect Tens started this fight, but it's time for The Beautiful People to finish it. Velvet Sky then challenges The Perfect Tens to a tag team match at Lockdown, adding that The Beautiful People will have a makeover ready for them--the kind that hurts, and the kind that they will never forget! (32)


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Back at ringside, Christy Hemme makes her way down to the ring next and, strangely, she introduces SoCal Val. Things begin to make sense as Doc Gallows proceeds to lead Val down to the ring by force, with Val looking terrifed while Christy mocks her. Once in the ring, Christy says that Val must really be a bitch if no one is willing to stand up for her in their match at Lockdown. Christy says it's time for Val to get what she deserves, but then, just as it looks like Gallows might actually Chokeslam Val this time....




Jay Lethal's music hits and Black Machismo runs down to the ring for the save. Gallows and Christy bail, and Lethal gets on the mic and says that he'll be more than happy to stand up for Val at Lockdown, OH YEAHHH!!! Lethal tells Gallows and Christy that you don't mess with a lady like Val, and now, Black Machismo is going to make sure they pay the price at Lockdown! (46)




We cut to the backstage area where Mr. Anderson cuts a promo. Anderson says that if Raven and Abyss wants a fight, he's not exactly hard to find. Anderson says that he doesn't care whatever rules Raven and Abyss feel the need to add--whatever it takes for them to actually have the guts to show up! So, if they want Raven's Rules, then Raven's Rules it is. It's not gonna change the fact that Anderson is going to beat the hell out of them--it just might allow him to get a little bit more creatives in terms of how he goes about it! Anderson officially accepts the challenge and we have a Raven's Rules handicap match set for Lockdown! (63)




Samoa Joe faces Devon next and the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is locked in from the get-go in this one as Joe takes the fight to Devon, even following him outside the ring when Devon rolls out for a breather. A low blow behind the referee's back allows Devon to get some offense in of his own, but Joe eventually fights back and puts Devon in the Coquina Clutch, and it is an impressive submission victory for Samoa Joe here tonight on Impact.


Samoa Joe defeated Devon at 7:34 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (59)




After the match, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion makes his first appearance on Impact tonight as he walks out from the back and onto the stage. Storm asks if Joe is a betting man? Because Storm's got a little challenge for him. Storm suggests a tag team match next week on Impact--Joe and a partner of his choosing against "The Outlaw" and a partner of his choosing, with the winner getting to pick a stipulation for their match at Lockdown. Joe says that if it means that he gets his hands of Storm a little sooner, then he accepts the challenge! It looks like we'll have a huge tag team match next week on Impact! (67)




It's main event time next as "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy takes on Eric Young of The Originals, and Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Young must win this match tonight if he wants to be on Jeff Jarrett's Lethal Lockdown team at Lockdown. The importance of this match is clearly not lost on Eric Young, who comes out swinging for the fences, going for the pin at every opportunity but never getting closer than a two count. Momentum eventually swings as Jeff Hardy mounts his comeback, hitting a mule kick, a Whisper in the Wind and finally a Twist of Fate, before climbing to the top rope and hitting the Swanton Bomb for the pinfall victory in a good match.


Jeff Hardy defeated Eric Young at 10:10 by pinfall with the Swanton Bomb (78)


And with that, it looks like Eric Young will not be a part of Jeff Jarrett's Lethal Lockdown team as Jeff Hardy celebrates in the ring and another edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 77

TV Rating: 2.40

Show increased popularity in 25 regions

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  • 4 weeks later...


Week 3, April, 2014

Live from Davis Pavilion in Davis, California

Attendance: 6.937

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


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The show opens with a video from earlier today showing AJ Styles arriving at the building, when he is approached by Bully Ray. Bully again tries to convince AJ that he is being honest about his desire to be part of AJ's Lethal Lockdown team, but AJ says that he'd have to be a fool to ever trust anything Bully says. AJ then heads off into the building and we cut to the live feed, with Mike Tenay and Taz welcoming everyone to the final edition of TNA Impact before Lockdown this Sunday night. (84)




The first match of the night sees Doc Gallows taking on Sonjay Dutt in singles competition. Sonjay spends the majority of the match fighting from underneath with Gallows in control, but despite taking a beating, Sonjay keeps firing back at every opportunity. Still, in the end, Doc Gallows manages to put Sonjay away with a Chokeslam for the one, two, three in a decent opening match.


Doc Gallows defeated Sonjay Dutt at 5:22 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (57)


After the match, Christy Hemme climbs into the ring and gets on the mic, and she says that just like Doc Gallows dominated tonight, so will he dominate this Sunday at Lockdown and then that back-stabbing bitch SoCal Val will finally get what she deserves.




 Just then, Jay Lethal's music hits to cut Christy off and "Black Machismo" makes his way out from the back and onto the stage, alongside SoCal Val. Lethal says that he would advise Christy to watch her mouth because he's not about to let anyone talk about a Lady like SoCal Val that way. Lethal says that Val has decided to put her trust in him, and he's not about to let her down. And as for Doc Gallows, Lethal asks if Gallows is truly ready to go one on one with the madness this Sunday at Lockdown? Because once he steps into that ring, there will be no turning back and "Black Machismo" will do whatever it takes to get the job done, OHHH YEAHHHH!!! (46)


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We then cut to the back where Bully Ray is now talking to Jeff Hardy. Bully acknowledges that he and Jeff almost killed each other not that long ago, but Bully says that, despie that, he can look past their differences and focus on the bigger prize at Lockdown. But Jeff says that whatever game Bully is playing, it's not gonna work because Jeff isn't buying whatever Bully is selling. Jeff then walks off and as Bully is left standing alone, looking frustrated, Taz notes on commentary that Bully is now zero for two in his attempts to convince the members of Team AJ, and Mike Tenay adds that the final spot on Team AJ remains open, but if Bully Ray doesn't get it, then who does? (75)




Elsewhere in the back, Mickie James is seen searching for Taryn Terrell, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that he still can't quite believe that Taryn was the one who attacked Mickie. As Mickie's search continues, we cut back to ringside for some more in-ring action. (40)




The TNA X-Division Champion, Jesse Sorensen, is in action next as he takes on Petey Williams in a non-title match.




Johnny Impact makes his way out from the back to watch the match from the top of the entrance ramp, giving Tenay and Taz the perfect excuse to talk about the X-Division Championship title match taking place at Lockdown, with Sorensen defending against Impact this Sunday night. The action in the ring is solid, and in the end, it's Jesse Sorensen who picks up the win, hitting the Lone Star Press and covering Petey Williams for the pinfall victory.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Petey Williams at 5:49 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (58)


As Sorensen celebrates his win in the ring, Johnny Impact speaks directly to the camera and says that he'll be walking out with the X-Division Championship at Lockdown.


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In the back, Bully Ray is now with "The Icon" Sting, and Bully says that AJ and Jeff both respect Sting enough that, if Sting vouches for Bully, then they'll go along with it and they will have a full team. Sting asks why on Earth he would vouch for Bully after everything he has done to TNA? Bully says that it's true, Sting knows better than anyone what a selfish prick Bully is, and that's exactly what he is asking them to put their trust in. Bully says that he wants a World Title shot, and being on the winning side of Lethal Lockdown will be a huge step in the right direction. But, just like AJ and Jeff, Sting is reluctant to trust Bully and Bully seems visibly frustrated as Sting walks off and we cut back to ringside. (84)




The TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Outlaw" James Storm, makes his way out from the back and down to the ring next for a promo. Storm gets on the mic and says that Samoa Joe doesn't have to worry about finding a tag team partner for tonight, because Storm has changed his mind regarding the match, which, according to Storm, he has the power to do so as the World Champion. Storm also says that Eric Bischoff has already signed off on the match, so before Joe starts complaining--don't! Storm says that instead of a tag team match, Samoa Joe will face Matt Hardy one on one tonight, with "The Outlaw" at ringside. And if you don't like it...well, "The Outlaw" really doesn't give a damn! As Storm drops the mic and leaves the ring, Tenay and Taz talk about whether Storm has the power to actually do that or not, and Taz says that, apparently, he does because he just did it. (70)


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We then cut to the back where SoCal Val resumes her backstage interviewer duties as she is standing by with Mr. Anderson and she asks Anderson about his Raven's Rules Handicap match this Sunday at Lockdown. Anderson says that what goes around comes around, and Raven and Abyss took him out of action a couple of months ago, and now, at Lockdown, Anderson is going to return the favor. Val then asks Anderson about his match later tonight against Chris Sabin, and Anderson says that he'll take care of business tonight, and if Raven and Abyss want a piece of him before Lockdown, then he'll be ready for them! (68)




Tag team action is up next as Jeff Jarrett teams up with his "heavy hitter" for his Lethal Lockdown team, Bobby Lashley, to take on The Wolves. Taz has nothing but praise for Jeff Jarrett for his decision to add Lashley to his Lockdown team, and Mike Tenay agrees that Lashley could very well be a game-changer for Jarrett. This is a solid tag team match that gets a decent amount of time, and it is a back and forth match throughout.




The turning point of the match comes when Bad Influence, Kazarian and Daniels, make their way down to ringside, and their presence, and antics, proves too much for The Wolves to handle. A timely distraction allows Jarrett to hit a low blow on Davey Richards, and the Stroke puts Richards down for the three count, while Bobby Lashley takes of Eddie Edwards outside the ring.


Jeff Jarrett and Bobby Lashley defeated The Wolves at 10:11 by pinfall when Jarrett pinned Richards with The Stroke after hitting a low blow and following a distraction from Bad Influence (65)


After the match, with Team Jarrett all standing in the ring, Jarrett gets on the mic and calls out AJ Styles and his team, saying that if AJ wants a piece of him, he can come get it right now.




Despite being outnumbered, AJ Styles, Sting and Jeff Hardy make their way out from the back and, after talking a bit of strategy at the top of the entrance ramp, they enter the ring and a massive brawl erupts between the two sides. Jarrett, Lashley and Bad Influence use their man advantage to gain the upper hand in the brawl, but then, just when things begin to look really bad for team AJ...(67)




Bully Ray suddenly runs down to the ring, steel chair in hand. Team Jarrett bail out of the ring, but not before Bully smacks Kazarian across the back with the chair. Bully Ray just saved Team AJ from a serious beatdown, leaving Mike Tenay to wonder; could Bully actually be telling the truth about his intentions? (67)




We cut to the backstage area where The Perfect Tens are standing in front of the camera. Eva Marie says that, by the time they get through with them at Lockdown, the so-called "Beautiful People" will be even less beautiful than they already are. Scarlett vows that she and Eva Marie are going to give Velvet and Angelina a makeover at Lockdown--the kind that end up on lists over the most botched plastic surgeries ever! As we cut back to ringside, Mike Tenay reminds everyone on commentary that The Beautiful People will face The Perfect Tens this Sunday at Lockdown. (25)




Back at ringside, Gail Kim's music hits and she and Lei D'Tapa make their way down to the ring next. Once in the ring, Gail gets on the mic and says that it's once again time for her Open Challenge, so if anyone out there has the courage to step into the ring with the greatest Knockouts Champion in TNA history, now's the time to do it. A few moments pass and then the challenge is accepted by a young, unknown wrestler, who makes her way out...(60)




As the match gets under way, Mike Tenay informs us that the young woman's name is apparently Shotzi Blackheart, and Taz notes that Gail did issue the challenge to anyone, anywhere, so he gives props to Shotzi for stepping up to the plate. Gail doesn't seem too impressed, however, and that overconfidence almost costs her as Shotzi catches Gail with a roll-up for a near-fall. That was the wake-up call that Gail needed, and despite Shotzi continuing to put up a spirited fight, she ultimately falls victim to the Eat Defeat and the Knockouts Champion is victorious in her Open Challenge once again.


Gail Kim defeated Shotzi Blackheart at 4:12 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat (50)


Mike Tenay and Taz continue to put Shotzi's performance over after the match, saying that she has a bright future ahead of her.




In the back, a furious Jeff Jarrett confronts Eric Young, asking where the hell Young was earlier during the brawl?!? Young doesn't seem to have a good explanation for his absence, though Jarrett doesn't give him much of a chance to explain either as he berates Young, telling him to get his act together or else Jarrett will have to reconsider Eric's spot in The Originals. (55)




Elsewhere in the back, Samoa Joe cuts a short promo, saying that it seems like, for the past year, all he's had to deal with is people running away from him. Joe says that Storm may have weaseled his way out of facing him tonight, but at Lockdown, Storm will have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and he will have no choice but to stand and fight and take the beating that is coming his way! (68)




Impact continues with some more in-ring action next as Mr. Anderson faces Chris Sabin. It's a good match that sees Sabin take control early on after taking advantage of Anderson constantly having to watch his back in case Raven and Abyss launch an attack, and Sabin controls a good portion of the match until Anderson begins mounting his comeback following a desperation DDT. Anderson gets on a roll, but just as it looks like he is closing in on hitting the Mic Check...




That's when Raven and Abyss launch their attack, forcing the referee to signal for the disqualification.


Mr. Anderson defeated Chris Sabin at 8:16 by disqualification when Raven and Abyss attacked Anderson (69)


A short brawl ensues after the match, but multiple referees and members of security rush to the ring to separate the two sides. But, as Mike Tenay reminds us, this Sunday night at Lockdown, anything goes as it will be Raven's Rules.


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After the match, we cut to the back where AJ Styles, Sting, Jeff Hardy and Bully Ray are all gathered, and AJ says that, after talking it through, and against all of their better judgment, they have decided to accept Bully's offer and grant him the final spot on the team. But AJ also warns that if Bully does anything but play things by the book at Lockdown, he'll regret it. Bully says that they have made the right choice, and while doubt does still seem to linger, it looks like AJ's Lethal Lockdown team is now finalized! (85)




Back at ringside, it is main event time as Samoa Joe faces off against Matt Hardy. Joe is focused from the start and for a moment it looks like he's going to make quick work of Matt, but a poke to the eye gives Matt a chance to escape the ring and regroup on the floor. Joe gives chase, but he ends up going back-first into the guard rail before getting his head bounced off the steel steps, putting Hardy firmly in control of the match. Back in the ring, Hardy keeps the pressure on with a diving elbow from the middle rope, but then Joe turns an attempted Side Effect into a jumping DDT. Then, as Joe goes on offense...




James Storm makes his way down to ringside, and Mike Tenay immediately says that Storm isn't just out here to scout his challenger for this Sunday night at Lockdown--he's out here to do some damage. And sure enough, the first chance he gets, Storm distracts Joe, allowing Hardy to regain control of the match. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Joe pushes him off into the ropes and catches him with a Uranage. This brings Storm up onto the apron, but he quickly jumps back down when Joe goes after him. Joe then hits the Muscle Buster on Hardy for the one, two, three and the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship just picked up a big win mere days before challenging James Storm for the Championship at Lockdown!


Samoa Joe defeated Matt Hardy at 12:14 by pinfall with the Muscle Buster (77)


And with that, the final edition of TNA Impact before Lockdown 2014 comes to an end with a shot of Champion and Challenger, James Storm and Samoa Joe, staring at each othe from afar as Mike Tenay urges everyone to tune into Lockdown this Sunday night only on pay per view!



Final Show Rating: 79

TV Rating: 2.37

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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TNA Lockdown 2014 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

James Storm (c) vs. Samoa Joe



Lethal Lockdown

AJ Styles, Sting, Jeff Hardy and Bully Ray vs. Jeff Jarrett, Bobby Lashley, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian



TNA X-Division Championship

Jesse Sorensen (c) vs. Johnny Impact



Backstage Interviewer Job Is On The Line

Jay Lethal w/ SoCal Val vs. Doc Gallows w/ Christy Hemme



Raven's Rules Handicap Match

Raven and Abyss vs. Mr. Anderson



TNA Tag Team Championship

The BroMans vs. The Wolves vs. Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff vs. The Menagerie (Crazzy Steve and The Freak)



Taryn Terrell vs. Mickie James



The Perfect Tens vs. The Beautiful People


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