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Another hit. All the promos were great, Blackfriar in particular clicked for me more this show, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with Deacon in particular though. He's interesting lore wise being created pretty much solely to help Blackfriar shine. I think that should still be his purpose for you but it's not easy to do that whilst still building him up as a constant credible threat. 

I'm going to stop listening to Sluchinkski he just does't 'get' it... Although I suppose he's right that CZCW putting on great shows might be a big threat (at least everyone nows know where their beloved Masked Cats stand on the food chain!)

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Aldous  thinking him losing to someone who has already fought that night would be a surprise, you could even the fight with a pre match attack or something, but still I don't see this as his time to lose. 

Keenan  Long & non title means surely?


Frantic Ali

Mexican Hardcore Killers

Deadly Deadshot

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Aldous Blackfriar retains due to the opponent having two matches in one night, even if in the hardcore environment a "lucky" shot can mitigate it 

Mobstar will never lose 

Coulrophobia because they rule

Frantic Ali because he is good enough to only lose with some slight justification (in this case the 4-way tiring him)

Canadian Hardcore

Deadly Deadshot

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  • 2 months later...

Mad that Historian, myself and you return with diaries in the same week! 

I missed this the first time around, so it's good to see it's back, although I didn't know it had been anywhere! :D

As always with your work, everything you do makes me "wish I'd thought of that"... and also, in the same breathe, "wish I knew how to do that!"

One thing I really love about the presentation is that each competitor has their own font. (Now that I've written that, I know it sounds weird), but when wrestling was great, they all had their own logos/fonts etc when they came to the ring. It was a way of telling us about a part of their character without having to write a load of stuff. Melvin Otto is a great example of this - although his worker pic does a good job of that too! I just think you've done such a good job of that.

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6 hours ago, The Lloyd said:

Mad that Historian, myself and you return with diaries in the same week! 

I missed this the first time around, so it's good to see it's back, although I didn't know it had been anywhere! :D

As always with your work, everything you do makes me "wish I'd thought of that"... and also, in the same breathe, "wish I knew how to do that!"

One thing I really love about the presentation is that each competitor has their own font. (Now that I've written that, I know it sounds weird), but when wrestling was great, they all had their own logos/fonts etc when they came to the ring. It was a way of telling us about a part of their character without having to write a load of stuff. Melvin Otto is a great example of this - although his worker pic does a good job of that too! I just think you've done such a good job of that.

Ha! We all were on some similar wave length. I blame Wrestlemania for getting us all in the wrestling groove of sorts. That said, it's always great to see you back on here, as well. I've truly enjoyed your projects over the years (Booking & visuals).

Thanks for the nod on the fonts! I wanted to do a deep dive from a visual perspective (since I can't keep up with the writing depth & length from when I was younger). It's fun to create a vibe for each wrestler. As you said, I don't have to spend as much time writing about the persona they give off -- as the visuals help to do that for me.

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Mayhem 6 Predictions

Aldous Blackfriar def. Pablo Rodriguez

Kip Keenan def. Mobstar (c) - IPW Californian Championship

Frantic Ali def. Deacon Darkhold

The Night Terrors (c) def. Coulrophobia, Mexican Hardcore Killers & Canadian Hardcore

Jason Laine def. Hustle Muvva

Pinky & ??? def. Americana Jr. & Deadly Deadshot

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  • 2 weeks later...

With Invincibility X coming up next (the IPW's biggest show & 'season finale' yearly), I thought it would be a good time to review where some of our storylines are. As a small company, our product leans more toward in-ring action. That said, there are still some 'blood feuds' and scenarios taking place within the fold. 


Kip Keenan brings 'honor & respect' to IPW

Kip was once a forgotten wrestler in IPW years ago (2012 - 2015; no titles to show for). He now has returned with an axe to grind. The traditionalist wrestler sees IPW and 'hardcore wrestling' as beneath him. He feels it lacks the 'honor and respect' that the 'sport' calls for. With this in mind, he has returned to IPW to: A) educate the idiot IPW fans about what good wrestling is and B) prove that he truly is the better man (especially after being pushed aside during his previous stint). 

He employed Francis Long as his own personal referee. Whenever Francis is present, DQs are possible (even if it IS a hardcore environment) as the action is supposed to be more structured and traditional. When he's not employed to be the referee of one of his matches, Keenan is stuck wrestling within the INVINCIBLE RULES (do whatever is necessary to win). This allows Keenan to get a lot of heat as he bucks the hardcore vibe of IPW in this vein.

Along the way, Keenan has started to feud with Mobstar (a respected wrestler in the Cali scene) over the IPW Californian Championship. With the help of his newfound 'muscle' (Dreadnought), Keenan was able to cheat his way to victory (not very 'honorable nor respectful of him'); beating Mobstar for the Californian Championship in the process. 

We now head into Invincibility X with tension mounting over the recent title change.


Jason (Joffy) Laine is 'Supreme Destined'

Jason Laine (also known as Joffy Laine) has come to IPW as a stop-gap scenario. A good looking brawler with a great physique, the 'Hollywood-styled' man is simply waiting until the Eisen family comes calling. Ultimately, his goal is not wrestling success. He sees wrestling (and the SWF) as a way to get what he really wants: 1) Fame/Celebrity, 2) Money, 3) Movie opportunities. Not only do the fervid IPW fans hate him because he's pro-SWF but he also sees wrestling as just an avenue to something 'greater in his mind' (something that would make any die hard wrestling fan furious). 

Factor in that he's now created a faction of lackeys (Sweet Tabitha,  Ash Barnaby, Zach Rudge) and you've got a truly detestable figure.


Aldous Blackfriar has challengers from all directions (& the Deacon Darkhold problem)

Aldous Blackfriar is a beloved cult figure within IPW. The fans respond to his arrival by wearing hods and dropping their heads in homage (creating quite an eerie sight whenever in the arena). As the IPW Champion, those who are not paying homage to him are constantly looking to hunt him and his belt (i.e. Frantic Ali, Lug Phelan, etc.). He's been victorious thus far; however, he's always had this annoying gnat that's causing troubles... Deacon Darkhold.

Darkhold is not seen as a true threat to Aldous but rather an annoyance. He's always there -- always sticking his nose in Aldous' business. In a few cases, he's actually helped Aldous win the match but it's only to play mind games & keep his rival only for him. This creates another level of this story as you never know if Aldous will really EVER have a chance to truly compete without his prying hands and/or when will Darkhold (and the Dark Watch) finally bring an end to his devilish reign. 

Fast forward to Invincibility X and Aldous has a whole new level of a foe... Pablo Rodriguez.

The 'Good vs. Evil' storyline is an obvious one to tell. On top of that, Pablo symbolizes the 'outsiders' looking to come into IPW and challenge for the belt (other Californian wrestlers who are stepping into treacherous 'lands' in which to take on the GOD of INVINCIBILITY). 


Canadian Hardcore & Mexican Hardcore Killers (Blood Feud)

IPW is known for its rebellious hardcore vibe; so, it's necessary to have at least one blood feud all about violence -- right? This is that storyline. Nothing too profound here... Just two teams who like to beat the living hell out of each other. In this case, they've been warring for the IPW Tag Team Championships with Canadian Hardcore holding onto the straps. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of letting this fade off into the background, I have to let you know that my personal computer has an issue with the internal charging port. It’s either a couple hundred dollars to fix or buy a new computer. Don’t you love technology?

With that in mind, I think I will bring this project to an end. I would like to start fresh with my new computer and game.


My new computer won’t get here until the first week of June; so, you might not hear from you much until then. If I get some computer time here and there, I’ll probably work on the visuals for the next project.


Go back to supreme wrestling federation. Using more of a visual display of information than long, winded write ups. That said, I have a working title for this next project, called heroes, villains, and monsters. 

I really only ever go back to this company when I have a new story to tell and I feel like I have found that new story.

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